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Internet-Draft M.A. Sharabayko
Intended status: Standards Track Haivision Network Video, GmbH
Expires: 13 March 2021 J. Dube
JS. Kim
JW. Kim
SK Telecom Co., Ltd.
9 September 2020

The SRT Protocol



This document specifies Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) protocol.

SRT is a user-level protocol over User Datagram Protocol and provides
reliability and security optimized for low latency live video
streaming, as well as generic bulk data transfer. For this, SRT
introduces control packet extension, improved flow control, enhanced
congestion control and a mechanism for data encryption.

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the

provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering

Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute
working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-
Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months

and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 13 March 2021.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (c) 2020 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
document authors. All rights reserved.

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal

Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
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Internet-Draft SRT September 2020

Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights

and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components
extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text
as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1. Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2. Secure Reliable Transport Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Terms and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Packet Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1. Data Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2. Control Packets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.1. Handshake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.2. Key Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2.3. Keep-Alive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2.4. ACK (Acknowledgment) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.5. NAK (Loss Report) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2.6. Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2.7. ACKACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4. SRT Data Transmission and Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.1. Stream Multiplexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2. Data Transmission Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2.1. Message Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2.2. Live Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.2.3. Buffer Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.3. Handshake Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.3.1. Caller-Listener Handshake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.3.2. Rendezvous Handshake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.4. SRT Buffer Latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.5. Timestamp-Based Packet Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.5.1. Packet Delivery Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.6. Too-Late Packet Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.7. Drift Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.8. Acknowledgement and Lost Packet Handling . . . . . . . . 46
4.8.1. Packet Acknowledgement (ACKs, ACKACKs) . . . . . . . 46
4.8.2. Packet Retransmission (NAKs) . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.9. Bidirectional Transmission Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.10. Round-Trip Time Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.11. Congestion Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5. Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1.1. Encryption Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1.2. AES Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1.3. Stream Encrypting Key (SEK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1.4. Key Encrypting Key (KEK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

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5.1.5. Key Material Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

5.1.6. KM Refresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.2. Encryption Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.2.1. Generating the Stream Encrypting Key . . . . . . . . 54
5.2.2. Encrypting the Payload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.3. Decryption Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.3.1. Restoring the Stream Encrypting Key . . . . . . . . . 55
5.3.2. Decrypting the Payload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
6. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Appendix A. Packet Sequence List Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Appendix B. SRT Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
B.1. General Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
B.2. Standard Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
B.3. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Appendix C. Changelog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
C.1. Since Version 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

1. Introduction

1.1. Motivation

The demand for live video streaming has been increasing steadily for
many years. With the emergence of cloud technologies, many video
processing pipeline components have transitioned from on-premises
appliances to software running on cloud instances. While real-time
streaming over TCP-based protocols like RTMP [RTMP] is possible at
low bitrates and on a small scale, the exponential growth of the
streaming market has created a need for more powerful solutions.
To improve scalability on the delivery side, content delivery
networks (CDNs) at one point transitioned to segmentation-based
technologies like HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) [RFC8216] and DASH
(Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) [ISO23009]. This move
increased the end-to-end latency of live streaming to over 30
seconds, which makes it unattractive for many use cases. Over time,
the industry optimized these delivery methods, bringing the latency
down to 3 seconds.

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While the delivery side scaled up, improvements to video transcoding

became a necessity. Viewers watch video streams on a variety of
different devices, connected over different types of networks. Since
upload bandwidth from on-premises locations is often limited, video
transcoding moved to the cloud.

RTMP became the de facto standard for contribution over the public
Internet. But there are limitations for the payload to be
transmitted, since RTMP as a media specific protocol only supports
two audio channels and a restricted set of audio and video codecs,
lacking support for newer formats such as HEVC [H.265], VP9 [VP9], or
AV1 [AV1].

Since RTMP, HLS and DASH rely on TCP, these protocols can only
guarantee acceptable reliability over connections with low RTTs, and
can not use the bandwidth of network connections to their full extent
due to limitations imposed by congestion control. Notably, QUIC
[I-D.ietf-quic-transport] has been designed to address these problems
with HTTP-based delivery protocols in HTTP/3 [I-D.ietf-quic-http].
Like QUIC, SRT [SRTSRC] uses UDP instead of the TCP transport
protocol, but assures more reliable delivery using Automatic Repeat
Request (ARQ), packet acknowledgments, end-to-end latency management,

1.2. Secure Reliable Transport Protocol

Low latency video transmissions across reliable (usually local) IP

based networks typically take the form of MPEG-TS [ISO13818-1]
unicast or multicast streams using the UDP/RTP protocol, where any
packet loss can be mitigated by enabling forward error correction
(FEC). Achieving the same low latency between sites in different
cities, countries or even continents is more challenging. While it
is possible with satellite links or dedicated MPLS [RFC3031]
networks, these are expensive solutions. The use of public Internet
connectivity, while less expensive, imposes significant bandwidth
overhead to achieve the necessary level of packet loss recovery.
Introducing selective packet retransmission (reliable UDP) to recover
from packet loss removes those limitations.

Derived from the UDP-based Data Transfer (UDT) protocol [GHG04b], SRT
is a user-level protocol that retains most of the core concepts and
mechanisms while introducing several refinements and enhancements,
including control packet modifications, improved flow control for
handling live streaming, enhanced congestion control, and a mechanism
for encrypting packets.

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SRT is a transport protocol that enables the secure, reliable

transport of data across unpredictable networks, such as the
Internet. While any data type can be transferred via SRT, it is
ideal for low latency (sub-second) video streaming. SRT provides
improved bandwidth utilization compared to RTMP, allowing much higher
contribution bitrates over long distance connections.

As packets are streamed from source to destination, SRT detects and

adapts to the real-time network conditions between the two endpoints,
and helps compensate for jitter and bandwidth fluctuations due to
congestion over noisy networks. Its error recovery mechanism
minimizes the packet loss typical of Internet connections.

To achieve low latency streaming, SRT had to address timing issues.

The characteristics of a stream from a source network are completely
changed by transmission over the public Internet, which introduces
delays, jitter, and packet loss. This, in turn, leads to problems
with decoding, as the audio and video decoders do not receive packets
at the expected times. The use of large buffers helps, but latency
is increased. SRT includes a mechanism to keep a constant end-to-end
latency, thus recreating the signal characteristics on the receiver
side, and reducing the need for buffering.
Like TCP, SRT employs a listener/caller model. The data flow is bi-
directional and independent of the connection initiation - either the
sender or receiver can operate as listener or caller to initiate a
connection. The protocol provides an internal multiplexing
mechanism, allowing multiple SRT connections to share the same UDP
port, providing access control functionality to identify the caller
on the listener side.

Supporting forward error correction (FEC) and selective packet

retransmission (ARQ), SRT provides the flexibility to use either of
the two mechanisms or both combined, allowing for use cases ranging
from the lowest possible latency to the highest possible reliability.

SRT maintains the ability for fast file transfers introduced in UDT,
and adds support for AES encryption.

2. Terms and Definitions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
"MAY", and
"OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
capitals, as shown here.

SRT: The Secure Reliable Transport protocol described by this

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PRNG: Pseudo-Random Number Generator.

3. Packet Structure

SRT packets are transmitted as UDP payload [RFC0768]. Every UDP

packet carrying SRT traffic contains an SRT header immediately after
the UDP header (Figure 1).

0 1 2 3
| SrcPort | DstPort |
| Len | ChkSum |
| |
+ SRT Packet +
| |

Figure 1: SRT packet as UDP payload

SRT has two types of packets distinguished by the Packet Type Flag:
data packet and control packet.

The structure of the SRT packet is shown in Figure 2.

0 1 2 3
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- SRT Header +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|F| (Field meaning depends on the packet type) |
| (Field meaning depends on the packet type) |
| Timestamp |
| Destination Socket ID |
| |
+ Packet Contents |
| (depends on the packet type) +
| |

Figure 2: SRT packet structure

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F: 1 bit. Packet Type Flag. The control packet has this flag set to
"1". The data packet has this flag set to "0".

Timestamp: 32 bits. The timestamp of the packet, in microseconds.

The value is relative to the time the SRT connection was
established. Depending on the transmission mode (Section 4.2),
the field stores the packet send time or the packet origin time.
Destination Socket ID: 32 bits. A fixed-width field providing the
SRT socket ID to which a packet should be dispatched. The field
may have the special value "0" when the packet is a connection

3.1. Data Packets

The structure of the SRT data packet is shown in Figure 3.

0 1 2 3
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- SRT Header +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|0| Packet Sequence Number |
|P P|O|K K|R| Message Number |
| Timestamp |
| Destination Socket ID |
| |
+ Data +
| |

Figure 3: Data packet structure

Packet Sequence Number: 31 bits. The sequential number of the data


PP: 2 bits. Packet Position Flag. This field indicates the position
of the data packet in the message. The value "10b" (binary) means
the first packet of the message. "00b" indicates a packet in the
middle. "01b" designates the last packet. If a single data packet
forms the whole message, the value is "11b".

O: 1 bit. Order Flag. Indicates whether the message should be

delivered by the receiver in order (1) or not (0). Certain
restrictions apply depending on the data transmission mode used
(Section 4.2).

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KK: 2 bits. Key-based Encryption Flag. The flag bits indicate
whether or not data is encrypted. The value "00b" (binary) means
data is not encrypted. "01b" indicates that data is encrypted with
an even key, and "10b" is used for odd key encryption. Refer to
Section 5. The value "11b" is only used in control packets.

R: 1 bit. Retransmitted Packet Flag. This flag is clear when a

packet is transmitted the first time. The flag is set to "1" when
a packet is retransmitted.

Message Number: 26 bits. The sequential number of consecutive data

packets that form a message (see PP field).

Timestamp: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Destination Socket ID: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Data: variable length. The payload of the data packet. The length
of the data is the remaining length of the UDP packet.

3.2. Control Packets

An SRT control packet has the following structure.

0 1 2 3
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- SRT Header +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|1| Control Type | Subtype |
| Type-specific Information |
| Timestamp |
| Destination Socket ID |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- CIF -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| |
+ Control Information Field +
| |

Figure 4: Control packet structure

Control Type: 15 bits. Control Packet Type. The use of these bits
is determined by the control packet type definition. See Table 1.

Subtype: 16 bits. This field specifies an additional subtype for

specific packets. See Table 1.
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Type-specific Information: 32 bits. The use of this field depends on

the particular control packet type. Handshake packets do not use
this field.

Timestamp: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Destination Socket ID: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Control Information Field (CIF): variable length. The use of this

field is defined by the Control Type field of the control packet.

The types of SRT control packets are shown in Table 1. The value
"0x7FFF" is reserved for a user-defined type.

| Packet Type | Control Type | Subtype | Section |
| HANDSHAKE | 0x0000 | 0x0 | Section 3.2.1 |
| KEEPALIVE | 0x0001 | 0x0 | Section 3.2.3 |
| ACK | 0x0002 | 0x0 | Section 3.2.4 |
| NAK (Loss Report) | 0x0003 | 0x0 | Section 3.2.5 |
| SHUTDOWN | 0x0005 | 0x0 | Section 3.2.6 |
| ACKACK | 0x0006 | 0x0 | Section 3.2.7 |
| User-Defined Type | 0x7FFF | - | N/A |

Table 1: SRT Control Packet Types

3.2.1. Handshake

Handshake control packets (Control Type = 0x0000) are used to

exchange peer configurations, to agree on connection parameters, and
to establish a connection.

The Control Information Field (CIF) of a handshake control packet is

shown in Figure 5.
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0 1 2 3
| Version |
| Encryption Field | Extension Field |
| Initial Packet Sequence Number |
| Maximum Transmission Unit Size |
| Maximum Flow Window Size |
| Handshake Type |
| SRT Socket ID |
| SYN Cookie |
| |
+ +
| |
+ Peer IP Address +
| |
+ +
| |
| Extension Type | Extension Length |
| |
+ Extension Contents +
| |

Figure 5: Handshake packet structure

Version: 32 bits. A base protocol version number. Currently used
values are 4 and 5. Values greater than 5 are reserved for future

Encryption Field: 16 bits. Block cipher family and key size. The
values of this field are described in Table 2. The default value
is AES-128.

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| Value | Cipher family and key size |
| 0 | No Encryption Advertised |
|2 | AES-128 |
|3 | AES-192 |
|4 | AES-256 |

Table 2: Handshake Encryption

Field Values

Extension Field: 16 bits. This field is message specific extension

related to Handshake Type field. The value MUST be set to 0
except for the following cases. (1) If the handshake control
packet is the INDUCTION message, this field is sent back by the
Listener. (2) In the case of a CONCLUSION message, this field
value should contain a combination of Extension Type values. For
more details, see Section 4.3.1.

| Bitmask | Flag |
| 0x00000001 | HSREQ |
| 0x00000002 | KMREQ |
| 0x00000004 | CONFIG |

Table 3: Handshake
Extension Flags

Initial Packet Sequence Number: 32 bits. The sequence number of the

very first data packet to be sent.

Maximum Transmission Unit Size: 32 bits. This value is typically set

to 1500, which is the default Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size
for Ethernet, but can be less.

Maximum Flow Window Size: 32 bits. The value of this field is the
maximum number of data packets allowed to be "in flight"

(i.e. the number of sent packets for which an ACK control packet
has not yet been received).

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Handshake Type: 32 bits. This field indicates the handshake packet

type. The possible values are described in Table 4. For more
details refer to Section 4.3.

| Value | Handshake type |
| 0x00000000 | WAVEHAND |
| 0x00000001 | INDUCTION |

Table 4: Handshake Type

SRT Socket ID: 32 bits. This field holds the ID of the source SRT
socket from which a handshake packet is issued.
SYN Cookie: 32 bits. Randomized value for processing a handshake.
The value of this field is specified by the handshake message
type. See Section 4.3.

Peer IP Address: 128 bits. IPv4 or IPv6 address of the packet's

sender. The value consists of four 32-bit fields. In the case of
IPv4 addresses, fields 2, 3 and 4 are filled with zeroes.

Extension Type: 16 bits. The value of this field is used to process

an integrated handshake. Each extension can have a pair of
request and response types.

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| Value | Extension Type | HS Extension Flag |

Table 5: Handshake Extension Type values

Extension Length: 16 bits. The length of the Extension Contents

field in four-byte blocks.

Extension Contents: variable length. The payload of the extension. Handshake Extension Message

In a Handshake Extension, the value of the Extension Field of the

handshake control packet is defined as 1 for a Handshake Extension
request (SRT_CMD_HSREQ in Table 5), and 2 for a Handshake Extension
response (SRT_CMD_HSRSP in Table 5).

The Extension Contents field of a Handshake Extension Message is

structured as follows:

0 1 2 3
| SRT Version |
| SRT Flags |
| Receiver TSBPD Delay | Sender TSBPD Delay |

Figure 6: Handshake Extension Message structure

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SRT Version: 32 bits. SRT library version MUST be formed as major *

0x10000 + minor * 0x100 + patch.

SRT Flags: 32 bits. SRT configuration flags (see Section

Receiver TSBPD Delay: 16 bits. Timestamp-Based Packet Delivery

(TSBPD) Delay of the receiver. Refer to Section 4.5.
Sender TSBPD Delay: 16 bits. TSBPD of the sender. Refer to
Section 4.5. Handshake Extension Message Flags

| Bitmask | Flag |
| 0x00000001 | TSBPDSND |
| 0x00000002 | TSBPDRCV |
| 0x00000004 | CRYPT |
| 0x00000008 | TLPKTDROP |
| 0x00000010 | PERIODICNAK |
| 0x00000020 | REXMITFLG |
| 0x00000040 | STREAM |
| 0x00000080 | PACKET_FILTER |

Table 6: Handshake
Extension Message Flags

* TSBPDSND flag defines if the TSBPD mechanism (Section 4.5) will be

used for sending.

* TSBPDRCV flag defines if the TSBPD mechanism (Section 4.5) will be

used for receiving.

* CRYPT flag MUST be set. It is a legacy flag that indicates the

party understands KK field of the SRT Packet (Figure 3).

* TLPKTDROP flag should be set if too-late packet drop mechanism

will be used during transmission. See Section 4.6.

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* PERIODICNAK flag set indicates the peer will send periodic NAK
packets. See Section 4.8.2.

* REXMITFLG flag MUST be set. It is a legacy flag that indicates

the peer understands the R field of the SRT DATA Packet
(Figure 3).

* STREAM flag identifies the transmission mode (Section 4.2) to be

used in the connection. If the flag is set the buffer mode
(Section 4.2.3) will be used. Otherwise, message mode
(Section 4.2.1) is to be used.

* PACKET_FILTER flag indicates if the peer supports packet filter. Key Material Extension Message

If an encrypted connection is being established, the Key Material

(KM) is first transmitted as a Handshake Extension message. This
extension is not supplied for unprotected connections. The purpose
of the extension is to let peers exchange and negotiate encryption-
related information to be used to encrypt and decrypt the payload of
the stream.

The extension can be supplied with the Handshake Extension Type field
set to either SRT_CMD_KMREQ or SRT_CMD_HSRSP (see Table 5 in
Section 3.2.1). For more details refer to Section 4.3.

The KM message is placed in the Extension Contents. See

Section 3.2.2 for the structure of the KM message. Stream ID Extension Message

The Stream ID handshake extension message can be used to identify the

stream content. The Stream ID value can be free-form, but there is
also a recommended convention that can be used to achieve

The Stream ID handshake extension message has SRT_CMD_SID extension

type (see Table 5. The extension contents are a sequence of UTF-8
characters. The maximum allowed size of the StreamID extension is
512 bytes.
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0 1 2 3
| |
| Stream ID |
| |

Figure 7: Stream ID Extension Message

The Extension Contents field holds a sequence of UTF-8 characters

(see Figure 7). The maximum allowed size of the StreamID extension
is 512 bytes. The actual size is determined by the Extension Length
field (Figure 5), which defines the length in four byte blocks. If
the actual payload is less than the declared length, the remaining
bytes are set to zeros.

The content is stored as 32-bit little endian words. Group Membership Extension

The Group Membership handshake extension is used to distinguish

single SRT connections and bonded SRT connections (group

0 1 2 3
| Group ID |
| Type | Flags | Weight |

Figure 8: Group Membership Extension Message

GroupID: 32 bits. The identifier of a group whose members include

the sender socket that is making a connection. The target socket
that should interpret it should belong to the corresponding group
on its side (or should create one, if it doesn't exist).

Type: 8 bits. Group type, as per SRT_GTYPE_ enumeration.

* 0: undefined group type,

* 1: broadcast group type,

* 2: main/backup group type

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* 3: balancing group type (reserved for future use)

* 4: multicast group type (reserved for future use)

Flags: 8 bits. Special flags mostly reserved for the future. See
Figure 9.

Weight: 16 bits. Special value with interpretation depending on the

Type field value.

* Not used with broadcast groups.

* Defines the link priority in backup groups.

* Not yet defined (reserved for future) for any other cases.

| (zero) |M|

Figure 9: Group Membership Extension Flags

M: 1 bit. When set, defines synchronization on message numbers,

otherwise transmission is synchronized on sequence numbers.

3.2.2. Key Material

The purpose of the Key Material Message is to let peers exchange

encryption-related information to be used to encrypt and decrypt the
payload of the stream.

This message can be supplied in two possible ways:

* as a Handshake Extension, see Section,

* in the Content Information Field of the User-Defined control

packet (described below).

When the Key Material is transmitted as a control packet, the Control

Type field of the SRT packet header is set to User-Defined Type (see
Table 1), the Subtype field of the header is set to SRT_CMD_KMREQ for
key-refresh request and SRT_CMD_KMRSP for key-refresh response
(Table 5). The KM Refresh mechanism is described in Section 5.1.6.

The structure of the Key Material message is illustrated in

Figure 10.

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0 1 2 3
|S| V | PT | Sign | Resv1 | KK|
| KEKI |
| Cipher | Auth | SE | Resv2 |
| Resv3 | SLen/4 | KLen/4 |
| Salt |
| |
+ Wrapped Key +
| |

Figure 10: Key Material Message structure

S: 1 bit, value = {0}. This is a fixed-width field that is reserved

for future usage.

Version (V): 3 bits, value = {1}. This is a fixed-width field that

indicates the SRT version:

* 1: initial version

Packet Type (PT): 4 bits, value = {2}. This is a fixed-width field

that indicates the Packet Type:
* 0: Reserved

* 1: Media Stream Message (MSmsg)

* 2: Keying Material Message (KMmsg)

* 7: Reserved to discriminate MPEG-TS packet (0x47=sync byte)

Sign: 16 bits, value = {0x2029}. This is a fixed-width field that

contains the signature 'HAI' encoded as a PnP Vendor ID ([PNPID])
(in big-endian order)

Resv1: 6 bits, value = {0}. This is a fixed-width field reserved for

flag extension or other usage.

Key-based Encryption (KK): 2 bits. This is a fixed-width field that

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indicates which SEKs (odd and/or even) are provided in the


* 00b: no SEK is provided (invalid extension format)

* 01b: even key is provided

* 10b: odd key is provided

* 11b: both even and odd keys are provided

Key Encryption Key Index (KEKI): 32 bits, value = {0}. This is a

fixed-width field for specifying the KEK index (big-endian order)
was used to wrap (and optionally authenticate) the SEK(s). The
value 0 is used to indicate the default key of the current stream.
Other values are reserved for the possible use of a key management
system in the future to retrieve a cryptographic context.

* 0: Default stream associated key (stream/system default)

* 1..255: Reserved for manually indexed keys

Cipher: 8 bits, value = {0..2}. This is a fixed-width field for

specifying encryption cipher and mode:

* 0: None or KEKI indexed crypto context

* 2: AES-CTR [SP800-38A]

Authentication (Auth): 8 bits, value = {0}. This is a fixed-width

field for specifying a message authentication code algorithm:

* 0: None or KEKI indexed crypto context

Stream Encapsulation (SE): 8 bits, value = {2}. This is a fixed-

width field for describing the stream encapsulation:

* 0: Unspecified or KEKI indexed crypto context



Resv2: 8 bits, value = {0}. This is a fixed-width field reserved for

future use.

Resv3: 16 bits, value = {0}. This is a fixed-width field reserved

for future use.

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SLen/4: 8 bits, value = {4}. This is a fixed-width field for

specifying salt length SLen in bytes divided by 4. Can be zero if
no salt/IV present. The only valid length of salt defined is 128

KLen/4: 8 bits, value = {4,6,8}. This is a fixed-width field for

specifying SEK length in bytes divided by 4. Size of one key even
if two keys present. MUST match the key size specified in the
Encryption Field of the handshake packet Table 2.

Salt (SLen): SLen * 8 bits, value = { }. This is a variable-width

field that complements the keying material by specifying a salt

Wrap: (64 + n * KLen * 8) bits, value = { }. This is a variable-

width field for specifying Wrapped key(s), where n = (KK + 1)/2
and the size of the wrap field is ((n * KLen) + 8) bytes.

0 1 2 3
| |
+ Integrity Check Vector (ICV) +
| |
| xSEK |
| oSEK |

Figure 11: Unwrapped key structure

ICV: 64 bits. 64-bit Integrity Check Vector(AES key wrap integrity).

This field is used to detect if the keys were unwrapped properly.
If the KEK in hand is invalid, validation fails and unwrapped keys
are discarded.

xSEK: variable width. This field identifies an odd or even SEK. If

only one key is present, the bit set in the KK field tells which
SEK is provided. If both keys are present, then this field is
eSEK (even key) and it is followed by odd key oSEK. The length of
this field is calculated as KLen * 8.

oSEK: variable width. This field with the odd key is present only
when the message carries the two SEKs (identified by he KK field).

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3.2.3. Keep-Alive

Keep-alive control packets are sent after a certain timeout from the
last time any packet (Control or Data) was sent. The purpose of this
control packet is to notify the peer to keep the connection open when
no data exchange is taking place.

The default timeout for a keep-alive packet to be sent is 1 second.

An SRT keep-alive packet is formatted as follows:

0 1 2 3
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- SRT Header +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|1| Control Type | Reserved |
| Type-specific Information |
| Timestamp |
| Destination Socket ID |

Figure 12: Keep-Alive control packet

Packet Type: 1 bit, value = 1. The packet type value of a keep-alive

control packet is "1".

Control Type: 15 bits, value = KEEPALIVE{0x0001}. The control type

value of a keep-alive control packet is "1".

Reserved: 16 bits, value = 0. This is a fixed-width field reserved

for future use.

Type-specific Information. This field is reserved for future


Timestamp: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Destination Socket ID: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Keep-alive controls packet do not contain Control Information Field


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3.2.4. ACK (Acknowledgment)

Acknowledgment control packets are used to provide delivery status of
data packets. By acknowled reception of data packets up to the
acknowledged packet sequence number the receiver notifies the sender
that all prior packets were received or, in case of live transmission
mode (Section 4.2.2), preceeeding missing packets if any were dropped
as too late to be delivered.

ACK packets may also carry some additional information from the
receiver like RTT, bandwidth, receiving speed, etc. The CIF portion
of the ACK control packet is expanded as follows:

0 1 2 3
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- SRT Header +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|1| Control Type | Reserved |
| Acknowledgement Number |
| Timestamp |
| Destination Socket ID |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- CIF -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| Last Acknowledged Packet Sequence Number |
| RTT |
| RTT Variance |
| Available Buffer Size |
| Packets Receiving Rate |
| Estimated Link Capacity |
| Receiving Rate |

Figure 13: ACK control packet

Packet Type: 1 bit, value = 1. The packet type value of an ACK

control packet is "1".

Control Type: 15 bits, value = ACK{0x0002}. The control type value

of an ACK control packet is "2".

Reserved: 16 bits, value = 0. This is a fixed-width field reserved

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for future use.

Acknowledgement Number: 32 bits. This field contains the sequential

number of the full acknowledgment packet starting from 1.

Timestamp: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Destination Socket ID: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Last Acknowledged Packet Sequence Number: 32 bits. This field

contains the sequence number of the last data packet being
acknowledged plus one. In other words, if it the sequence number
of the first unacknowledged packet.

RTT: 32 bits. RTT value, in microseconds, estimated by the receiver

based on the previous ACK-ACKACK packet exchange.

RTT Variance: 32 bits. The variance of the RTT estimation, in


Available Buffer Size: 32 bits. Available size of the receiver's

buffer, in packets.

Packets Receiving Rate: 32 bits. The rate at which packets are being
received, in packets per second.

Estimated Link Capacity: 32 bits. Estimated bandwidth of the link,

in packets per second.

Receiving Rate: 32 bits. Estimated receiving rate, in bytes per


There are several types of ACK packets:

* A Full ACK control packet is sent every 10 ms and has all the
fields of Figure 13.

* A Lite ACK control packet includes only the Last Acknowledged

Packet Sequence Number field. The Type-specific Information field
should be set to 0.

* A Small ACK includes the fields up to and including the Available

Buffer Size field. The Type-specific Information field should be
set to 0.
The sender only acknowledges the receipt of Full ACK packets (see
ACKACK Section Section 3.2.7).

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The Lite ACK and Small ACK packets are used in cases when the
receiver should acknowledge received data packets more often than
every 10 ms. This is usually needed at high data rates. It is up to
the receiver to decide the condition and the type of ACK packet to
send (Lite or Small). The recommendation is to send a Lite ACK for
every 64 packets received.

3.2.5. NAK (Loss Report)

Negative acknowledgment (NAK) control packets are used to signal

failed data packet deliveries. The receiver notifies the sender
about lost data packets by sending a NAK packet that contains a list
of sequence numbers for those lost packets.

An SRT NAK packet is formatted as follows:

0 1 2 3
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- SRT Header +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|1| Control Type | Reserved |
| Type-specific Information |
| Timestamp |
| Destination Socket ID |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- CIF (Loss List) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|0| Lost packet sequence number |
|1| Range of lost packets from sequence number |
|0| Up to sequence number |
|0| Lost packet sequence number |

Figure 14: NAK control packet

Packet Type: 1 bit, value = 1. The packet type value of a NAK
control packet is "1".

Control Type: 15 bits, value = NAK{0x0003}. The control type value

of a NAK control packet is "3".

Reserved: 16 bits, value = 0. This is a fixed-width field reserved

for future use.

Type-specific Information: 32 bits. This field is reserved for

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future definition.

Timestamp: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Destination Socket ID: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Control Information Field (CIF). A single value or a range of lost

packets sequence numbers. See packet sequence number coding in
Appendix A.

3.2.6. Shutdown

Shutdown control packets are used to initiate the closing of an SRT


An SRT shutdown control packet is formatted as follows:

0 1 2 3
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- SRT Header +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|1| Control Type | Reserved |
| Type-specific Information |
| Timestamp |
| Destination Socket ID |

Figure 15: Shutdown control packet

Packet Type: 1 bit, value = 1. The packet type value of a shutdown
control packet is "1".

Control Type: 15 bits, value = SHUTDOWN{0x0005}. The control type

value of a shutdown control packet is "5".

Timestamp: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Destination Socket ID: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Type-specific Information. This field is reserved for future


Shutdown control packets do not contain Control Information Field


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3.2.7. ACKACK

ACKACK control packets are sent to acknowledge the reception of a

Full ACK, and are used in the calculation of RTT by the receiver.

An SRT ACKACK Control packet is formatted as follows:

0 1 2 3
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- SRT Header +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|1| Control Type | Reserved |
| Acknowledgement Number |
| Timestamp |
| Destination Socket ID |

Figure 16: ACKACK control packet

Packet Type: 1 bit, value = 1. The packet type value of an ACKACK

control packet is "1".
Control Type: 15 bits, value = ACKACK{0x0006}. The control type
value of an ACKACK control packet is "6".

Acknowledgement Number. This field contains the Acknowledgement

Number of the full ACK packet the reception of which is being
acknowledged by this ACKACK packet.

Timestamp: 32 bits. See Section 3.

Destination Socket ID: 32 bits. See Section 3.

ACKACK control packets do not contain Control Information Field


4. SRT Data Transmission and Control

This section describes key concepts related to the handling of

control and data packets during the transmission process.

After the handshake and exchange of capabilities is completed, packet

data can be sent and received over the established connection. To
fully utilize the features of low latency and error recovery provided
by SRT, the sender and receiver must handle control packets, timers,
and buffers for the connection as specified in this section.

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4.1. Stream Multiplexing

Multiple SRT sockets may share the same UDP socket so that the
packets received to this UDP socket will be correctly dispatched to
those SRT sockets they are currently destined.

During the handshake, the parties exchange their SRT Socket IDs.
These IDs are then used in the Destination Socket ID field of every
control and data packet (see Section 3).

4.2. Data Transmission Modes

SRT has been mainly created for Live Streaming and therefore its main
and default transmission mode is "live". SRT supports, however, the
modes that the original UDT library supported, that is, buffer and
message transmission.
4.2.1. Message Mode

When the STREAM flag of the handshake Extension Message

Section is set to 0, the protocol operates in Message mode,
characterized as follows:

* Every packet has its own Packet Sequence Number.

* One or several consecutive SRT Data packets can form a message.

* All the packets belonging to the same message have a similar

message number set in the Message Number field.

The first packet of a message has the first bit of the Packet
Position Flags (Section 3.1) set to 1. The last packet of the
message has the second bit of the Packet Position Flags set to 1.
Thus, a PP equal to "11b" indicates a packet that forms the whole
message. A PP equal to "00b" indicates a packet that belongs to the
inner part of the message.

The concept of the message in SRT comes from UDT ([GHG04b]). In this
mode a single sending instruction passes exactly one piece of data
that has boundaries (a message). This message may span across
multiple UDP packets (and multiple SRT data packets). The only size
limitation is that it shall fit as a whole in the buffers of the
sender and the receiver. Although internally all operations (e.g.
ACK, NAK) on data packets are performed independently, an application
must send and receive the whole message. Until the message is
complete (all packets are received) the application will not be
allowed to read it.

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When the Order Flag of a Data packet is set to 1, this imposes a

sequential reading order on messages. An Order Flag set to 0 allows
an application to read messages that are already fully available,
before any preceding messages that may have some packets missing.

4.2.2. Live Mode

Live mode is a special type of message mode where only data packets
with their PP field set to "11b" are allowed.
Additionally Timestamp-Based Packet Delivery (TSBPD) (Section 4.5)
and Too-Late Packet Drop (Section 4.6) mechanisms are used in this

4.2.3. Buffer Mode

Buffer mode is negotiated during the Handshake by setting the STREAM

flag of the handshake Extension Message Flags to 1.

In this mode consecutive packets form one continuous stream that can
be read, with portions of any size.

4.3. Handshake Messages

SRT is a connection-oriented protocol. It embraces the concepts of

"connection" and "session". The UDP system protocol is used by SRT
for sending data and control packets.

An SRT connection is characterized by the fact that it is:

* first engaged by a handshake process;

* maintained as long as any packets are being exchanged in a timely


* considered closed when a party receives the appropriate close

command from its peer (connection closed by the foreign host), or
when it receives no packets at all for some predefined time
(connection broken on timeout).

SRT supports two connection configurations:

1. Caller-Listener, where one side waits for the other to initiate a


2. Rendezvous, where both sides attempt to initiate a connection

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The handshake is performed between two parties: "Initiator" and

* Initiator starts the extended SRT handshake process and sends
appropriate SRT extended handshake requests.

* Responder expects the SRT extended handshake requests to be sent

by the Initiator and sends SRT extended handshake responses back.

There are two basic types of SRT handshake extensions that are
exchanged in the handshake:

* Handshake Extension Message exchanges the basic SRT information;

* Key Material Exchange exchanges the wrapped stream encryption key

(used only if encryption is requested).

* Stream ID extension exchanges some stream-specific information

that can be used by the application to identify the incoming
stream connection.

The Initiator and Responder roles are assigned depending on the

connection mode.

For Caller-Listener connections: the Caller is the Initiator, the

Listener is the Responder. For Rendezvous connections: the Initiator
and Responder roles are assigned based on the initial data
interchange during the handshake.

The Handshake Type field in the Handshake Structure (see Figure 5)

indicates the handshake message type.

Caller-Listener handshake exchange has the following order of

Handshake Types:

1. Caller to Listener: INDUCTION

2. Listener to Caller: INDUCTION (reports cookie)

3. Caller to Listener: CONCLUSION (uses previously returned cookie)

4. Listener to Caller: CONCLUSION (confirms connection established)

Rendezvous handshake exchange has the following order of Handshake


1. After starting the connection: WAVEAHAND.

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2. After receiving the above message from the peer: CONCLUSION.

3. After receiving the above message from the peer: AGREEMENT.

When a connection process has failed before either party can send the
CONCLUSION handshake, the Handshake Type field will contain the
appropriate error value for the rejected connection. See the list of
error codes in Table 7.

| Code | Error | Description |

| 1000 | REJ_UNKNOWN | Unknown reason |
| 1001 | REJ_SYSTEM | System function error |
| 1002 | REJ_PEER | Rejected by peer |
| 1003 | REJ_RESOURCE | Resource allocation problem |
| 1004 | REJ_ROGUE | incorrect data in handshake |
| 1005 | REJ_BACKLOG | listener's backlog exceeded |
| 1006 | REJ_IPE | internal program error |
| 1007 | REJ_CLOSE | socket is closing |
| 1008 | REJ_VERSION | peer is older version than agent's min |
| 1009 | REJ_RDVCOOKIE | rendezvous cookie collision |
| 1010 | REJ_BADSECRET | wrong password |
| 1011 | REJ_UNSECURE | password required or unexpected |
| 1012 | REJ_MESSAGEAPI | Stream flag collision |
| 1013 | REJ_CONGESTION | incompatible congestion-controller type |
| 1014 | REJ_FILTER | incompatible packet filter |
| 1015 | REJ_GROUP | incompatible group |

Table 7: Handshake Rejection Reason Codes

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The specification of the cipher family and block size is decided by

the data Sender. When the transmission is bidirectional, this value
MUST be agreed upon at the outset because when both are set the
Responder wins. For Caller-Listener connections it is reasonable to
set this value on the Listener only. In the case of Rendezvous the
only reasonable approach is to decide upon the correct value from the
different sources and to set it on both parties (note that *AES-128*
is the default).

4.3.1. Caller-Listener Handshake

This section describes the handshaking process where a Listener is

waiting for an incoming Handshake request on a bound UDP port from a
Caller. The process has two phases: induction and conclusion. The Induction Phase

The INDUCTION phase serves only to set a cookie on the Listener so

that it doesn't allocate resources, thus mitigating a potential DoS
attack that might be perpetrated by flooding the Listener with
handshake commands.

The Caller begins by sending the INDUCTION handshake, which contains

the following (significant) fields:

* Version: MUST always be 4

* Encryption Field: 0

* Extension Field: 2

* Handshake Type: INDUCTION

* SRT Socket ID: SRT Socket ID of the Caller

* SYN Cookie: 0

The Destination Socket ID of the SRT packet header in this message is

0, which is interpreted as a connection request.

The handshake version number is set to 4 in this initial handshake.

This is due to the initial design of SRT that was to be compliant
with the UDT protocol ([GHG04b]) on which it is based.

The Listener responds with the following:

* Version: 5

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* Encryption Field: Advertised cipher family and block size.

* Extension Field: SRT magic code 0x4A17

* Handshake Type: INDUCTION

* SRT Socket ID: Socket ID of the Listener

* SYN Cookie: a cookie that is crafted based on host, port and

current time with 1 minute accuracy to avoid SYN flooding attack

At this point the Listener still does not know if the Caller is SRT
or UDT, and it responds with the same set of values regardless of
whether the Caller is SRT or UDT.

If the party is SRT, it does interpret the values in Version and

Extension Field. If it receives the value 5 in Version, it
understands that it comes from an SRT party, so it knows that it
should prepare the proper handshake messages phase. It also checks
the following:

* whether the Extension Flags contains the magic value 0x4A17;

otherwise the connection is rejected. This is a contingency for
the case where someone who, in an attempt to extend UDT
independently, increases the Version value to 5 and tries to test
it against SRT.
* whether the Encryption Flags contain a non-zero value, which is
interpreted as an advertised cipher family and block size.

A legacy UDT party completely ignores the values reported in Version

and Handshake Type. It is, however, interested in the SYN Cookie
value, as this must be passed to the next phase. It does interpret
these fields, but only in the "conclusion" message. The Conclusion Phase

Once the Caller gets the SYN cookie from the Listener, it sends the
CONCLUSION handshake to the Listener.

The following values are set by the compliant caller:

* Version: 5

* Handshake Type: CONCLUSION

* SRT Socket ID: Socket ID of the Caller

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* SYN Cookie: the cookie previously received in the induction phase

The Destination Socket ID in this message is the socket ID that was

previously received in the induction phase in the SRT Socket ID field
of the handshake structure.

* Encryption Flags: advertised cipher family and block size.

* Extension Flags: A set of flags that define the extensions

provided in the handshake.

The Listener responds with the same values shown above, without the
cookie (which is not needed here), as well as the extensions for HS
Version 5 (which will probably be exactly the same).

There is not any "negotiation" here. If the values passed in the

handshake are in any way not acceptable by the other side, the
connection will be rejected. The only case when the Listener can
have precedence over the Caller is the advertised Cipher Family and
Block Size (Table 2) in the Encryption Field of the Handshake.
The value for latency is always agreed to be the greater of those
reported by each party.

4.3.2. Rendezvous Handshake

The Rendezvous process uses a state machine. It is slightly

different from UDT Rendezvous handshake [GHG04b], although it is
still based on the same message request types.

Both parties start with WAVEAHAND and use the Version value of 5.
Legacy Version 4 clients do not look at the Version value, whereas
Version 5 clients can detect version 5. The parties only continue
with the Version 5 Rendezvous process when Version is set to 5 for
both. Otherwise the process continues exclusively according to
Version 4 rules [GHG04b].

With Version 5 Rendezvous, both parties create a cookie for a process

called the "cookie contest". This is necessary for the assignment of
Initiator and Responder roles. Each party generates a cookie value
(a 32-bit number) based on the host, port, and current time with 1
minute accuracy. This value is scrambled using an MD5 sum
calculation. The cookie values are then compared with one another.

Since it is impossible to have two sockets on the same machine bound

to the same NIC and port and operating independently, it is virtually
impossible that the parties will generate identical cookies.
However, this situation may occur if an application tries to "connect

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to itself" - that is, either connects to a local IP address, when the

socket is bound to INADDR_ANY, or to the same IP address to which the
socket was bound. If the cookies are identical (for any reason), the
connection will not be made until new, unique cookies are generated
(after a delay of up to one minute). In the case of an application
"connecting to itself", the cookies will always be identical, and so
the connection will never be established.

When one party's cookie value is greater than its peer's, it wins the
cookie contest and becomes Initiator (the other party becomes the

At this point there are two possible "handshake flows": serial and
parallel. Serial Handshake Flow

In the serial handshake flow, one party is always first, and the
other follows. That is, while both parties are repeatedly sending
WAVEAHAND messages, at some point one party - let's say Alice - will
find she has received a WAVEAHAND message before she can send her
next one, so she sends a CONCLUSION message in response. Meantime,
Bob (Alice's peer) has missed Alice's WAVEAHAND messages, so that
Alice's CONCLUSION is the first message Bob has received from her.

This process can be described easily as a series of exchanges between

the first and following parties (Alice and Bob, respectively):

1. Initially, both parties are in the waving state. Alice sends a

handshake message to Bob:

* Version: 5

* Type: Extension field: 0, Encryption field: advertised


* Handshake Type: WAVEAHAND

* SRT Socket ID: Alice's socket ID

* SYN Cookie: Created based on host/port and current time.

While Alice does not yet know if she is sending this message to a
Version 4 or Version 5 peer, the values from these fields would not
be interpreted by the Version 4 peer when the Handshake Type is

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1. Bob receives Alice's WAVEAHAND message, switches to the

"attention" state. Since Bob now knows Alice's cookie, he
performs a "cookie contest" (compares both cookie values). If
Bob's cookie is greater than Alice's, he will become the
Initiator. Otherwise, he will become the Responder.

The resolution of the Handshake Role (Initiator or Responder) is

essential for further processing.

Then Bob responds:

* Version: 5

* Extension field: appropriate flags if Initiator, otherwise 0

* Encryption field: advertised PBKEYLEN

* Handshake Type: CONCLUSION

If Bob is the Initiator and encryption is on, he will use either his
own cipher family and block size or the one received from Alice (if
she has advertised those values).

1. Alice receives Bob's CONCLUSION message. While at this point she

also performs the "cookie contest", the outcome will be the same.
She switches to the "fine" state, and sends:

* Version: 5

* Appropriate extension flags and encryption flags

* Handshake Type: CONCLUSION

Both parties always send extension flags at this point, which will
contain HSREQ if the message comes from an Initiator, or HSRSP if it
comes from a Responder. If the Initiator has received a previous
message from the Responder containing an advertised cipher family and
block size in the encryption flags field, it will be used as the key
length for key generation sent next in the KMREQ extension.

1. Bob receives Alice's CONCLUSION message, and then does one of the
following (depending on Bob's role):

* If Bob is the Initiator (Alice's message contains HSRSP), he:

- switches to the "connected" state

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- sends Alice a message with Handshake Type AGREEMENT, but
containing no SRT extensions (Extension Flags field should
be 0)

* If Bob is the Responder (Alice's message contains HSREQ), he:

- switches to "initiated" state

- sends Alice a message with Handshake Type CONCLUSION that

also contains extensions with HSRSP

o awaits a confirmation from Alice that she is also

connected (preferably by AGREEMENT message)

2. Alice receives the above message, enters into the "connected"

state, and then does one of the following (depending on Alice's

* If Alice is the Initiator (received CONCLUSION with HSRSP),

she sends Bob a message with Handshake Type = AGREEMENT.

* If Alice is the Responder, the received message has Handshake

Type AGREEMENT and in response she does nothing.

3. At this point, if Bob was Initiator, he is connected already. If

he was a Responder, he should receive the above AGREEMENT
message, after which he switches to the "connected" state. In
the case where the UDP packet with the agreement message gets
lost, Bob will still enter the "connected" state once he receives
anything else from Alice. If Bob is going to send, however, he
has to continue sending the same CONCLUSION until he gets the
confirmation from Alice. Parallel Handshake Flow

The chances of the parallel handshake flow are very low, but still it
may occur if the handshake messages with WAVEAHAND are sent and
received by both peers at precisely the same time.

The resulting flow is very much like Bob's behaviour in the serial
handshake flow, but for both parties. Alice and Bob will go through
the same state transitions:

Waving -> Attention -> Initiated -> Connected

In the Attention state they know each other's cookies, so they can
assign roles. In contrast to serial flows, which are mostly based on
request-response cycles, here everything happens completely
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asynchronously: the state switches upon reception of a particular

handshake message with appropriate contents (the Initiator MUST
attach the HSREQ extension, and Responder MUST attach the "HSRSP"

Here's how the parallel handshake flow works, based on roles:


1. Waving

* Receives WAVEAHAND message

* Switches to Attention


2. Attention

* Receives CONCLUSION message, which:

- contains no extensions:

o switches to Initiated, still sends CONCLUSION + HSREQ

- contains "HSRSP" extension:

o switches to Connected, sends AGREEMENT

3. Initiated

* Receives CONCLUSION message, which:

- Contains no extensions:


- contains "HSRSP" extension:

o switches to Connected, sends AGREEMENT

4. Connected
* May receive CONCLUSION and respond with AGREEMENT, but
normally by now it should already have received payload


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1. Waving

* Receives WAVEAHAND message

* Switches to Attention

* Sends CONCLUSION message (with no extensions)

2. Attention

* Receives CONCLUSION message with HSREQ. This message might

contain no extensions, in which case the party shall simply
send the empty CONCLUSION message, as before, and remain in
this state.

* Switches to Initiated and sends CONCLUSION message with HSRSP

3. Initiated

* Receives:

- CONCLUSION message with HSREQ

o responds with CONCLUSION with HSRSP and remains in this


- AGREEMENT message

o responds with AGREEMENT and switches to Connected

- Payload packet

o responds with AGREEMENT and switches to Connected

4. Connected
* Is not expecting to receive any handshake messages anymore.
The AGREEMENT message is always sent only once or per every
final CONCLUSION message.

Note that any of these packets may be missing, and the sending party
will never become aware. The missing packet problem is resolved this

1. If the Responder misses the CONCLUSION + HSREQ message, it simply

continues sending empty CONCLUSION messages. Only upon reception
of CONCLUSION + HSREQ does it respond with CONCLUSION + HSRSP.

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2. If the Initiator misses the CONCLUSION + HSRSP response from the

Responder, it continues sending CONCLUSION + HSREQ. The
Responder MUST always respond with CONCLUSION + HSRSP when the
Initiator sends CONCLUSION + HSREQ, even if it has already
received and interpreted it.

3. When the Initiator switches to the Connected state it responds

with a AGREEMENT message, which may be missed by the Responder.
Nonetheless, the Initiator may start sending data packets because
it considers itself connected - it does not know that the
Responder has not yet switched to the Connected state. Therefore
it is exceptionally allowed that when the Responder is in the
Initiated state and receives a data packet (or any control packet
that is normally sent only between connected parties) over this
connection, it may switch to the Connected state just as if it
had received a AGREEMENT message.

4. If the the Initiator has already switched to the Connected state

it will not bother the Responder with any more handshake
messages. But the Responder may be completely unaware of that
(having missed the AGREEMENT message from the Initiator).
Therefore it does not exit the connecting state, which means that
it continues sending CONCLUSION + HSRSP messages until it
receives any packet that will make it switch to the Connected
state (normally AGREEMENT). Only then does it exit the
connecting state and the application can start transmission.

4.4. SRT Buffer Latency

The SRT sender and receiver have buffers to store packets.

On the sender, latency is the time that SRT holds a packet to give it
a chance to be delivered successfully while maintaining the rate of
the sender at the receiver. If an acknowledgment (ACK) is missing or
late for more than the configured latency, the packet is dropped from
the sender buffer. A packet can be retransmitted as long as it
remains in the buffer for the duration of the latency window. On the
receiver, packets are delivered to an application from a buffer after
the latency interval has passed. This helps to recover from
potential packet losses. See Section 4.5, Section 4.6 for details.

Latency is a value, in milliseconds, that can cover the time to

transmit hundreds or even thousands of packets at high bitrate.
Latency can be thought of as a window that slides over time, during
which a number of activities take place, such as the reporting of
acknowledged packets (ACKs) (Section 4.8.1) and unacknowledged
packets (NAKs)(Section 4.8.2).

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Latency is configured through the exchange of capabilities during the

extended handshake process between initiator and responder. The
Handshake Extension Message (Section has TSBPD delay
information, in milliseconds, from the SRT receiver and sender. The
latency for a connection will be established as the maximum value of
latencies proposed by the initiator and responder.

4.5. Timestamp-Based Packet Delivery

The goal of the SRT Timestamp-Based Packet Delivery (TSBPD) mechanism

is to reproduce the output of the sending application (e.g., encoder)
at the input of the receiving application (e.g., decoder) in live
data transmission mode (see Section 4.2). It attempts to reproduce
the timing of packets committed by the sending application to the SRT
sender. This allows packets to be scheduled for delivery by the SRT
receiver, making them ready to be read by the receiving application
(see Figure 17).

The SRT receiver, using the timestamp of the SRT data packet header,
delivers packets to a receiving application with a fixed minimum
delay from the time the packet was scheduled for sending on the SRT
sender side. Basically, the sender timestamp in the received packet
is adjusted to the receiver's local time (compensating for the time
drift or different time zones) before releasing the packet to the
application. Packets can be withheld by the SRT receiver for a
configured receiver delay. A higher delay can accommodate a larger
uniform packet drop rate, or a larger packet burst drop. Packets
received after their "play time" are dropped if the Too-Late Packet
Drop feature is enabled (see Section 4.6).

The packet timestamp, in microseconds, is relative to the SRT

connection creation time. Packets are inserted based on the sequence
number in the header field. The origin time, in microseconds, of the
packet is already sampled when a packet is first submitted by the
application to the SRT sender unless explicitly provided. The TSBPD
feature uses this time to stamp the packet for first transmission and
any subsequent retransmission. This timestamp and the configured SRT
latency (Section 4.4) control the recovery buffer size and the
instant that packets are delivered at the destination (the
aforementioned "play time" which is decided by adding the timestamp
to the configured latency).

It is worth mentioning that the use of the packet sending time to

stamp the packets is inappropriate for the TSBPD feature, since a new
time (current sending time) is used for retransmitted packets,
putting them out of order when inserted at their proper place in the

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Figure 17 illustrates the key latency points during the packet

transmission with the TSBPD feature enabled.

| Sending | | |
| Delay | ~RTT/2 | SRT Latency |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
___ Scheduled Sent Received Scheduled
/ for sending | | for delivery
Packet | | | |
State | | | |
| | | |
| | | |

Figure 17: Key Latency Points during the Packet Transmission

The main packet states shown in Figure 17 are the following:

* "Scheduled for sending": the packet is committed by the sending

application, stamped and ready to be sent;

* "Sent": the packet is passed to the UDP socket and sent;

* "Received": the packet is received and read from the UDP socket;

* "Scheduled for delivery": the packet is scheduled for the delivery

and ready to be read by the receiving application.

It is worth noting that the round-trip time (RTT) of an SRT link may
vary in time. However the actual end-to-end latency on the link
becomes fixed and is approximately equal to (RTT_0/2 + SRT Latency)
once the SRT handshake exchange happens, where RTT_0 is the actual
value of the round-trip time during the SRT handshake exchange (the
value of the round-trip time once the SRT connection has been

The value of sending delay depends on the hardware performance.

Usually it is relatively small (several microseconds) in contrast to
RTT_0/2 and SRT latency which are measured in milliseconds.

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4.5.1. Packet Delivery Time

Packet delivery time is the moment, estimated by the receiver, when a

packet should be delivered to the upstream application. The
calculation of packet delivery time (PktTsbpdTime) is performed upon
receiving a data packet according to the following formula:

PktTsbpdTime = TsbpdTimeBase + PKT_TIMESTAMP + TsbpdDelay + Drift


* TsbpdTimeBase is the time base that reflects the time difference

between local clock of the receiver and the clock used by the
sender to timestamp packets being sent (see Section;

* PKT_TIMESTAMP is the data packet timestamp, in microseconds;

* TsbpdDelay is the receiver's buffer delay (or receiver's buffer

latency, or SRT Latency). This is the time, in milliseconds, that
SRT holds a packet from the moment it has been received till the
time it should be delivered to the upstream application;

* Drift is the time drift used to adjust the fluctuations between

sender and receiver clock, in microseconds.

SRT Latency (TsbpdDelay) should be a buffer time large enough to

cover the unexpectedly extended RTT time, and the time needed to
retransmit the lost packet. The value of minimum TsbpdDelay is
negotiated during the SRT handshake exchange and is equal to 120
milliseconds. The recommended value of TsbpdDelay is 3-4 times RTT.

It is worth noting that TsbpdDelay limits the number of packet

retransmissions to a certain extent making impossible to retransmit
packets endlessly. This is important for live data transmission. TSBPD Time Base Calculation

The initial value of TSBPD time base (TsbpdTimeBase) is calculated at

the moment of the second handshake request is received as follows:


where T_NOW is the current time according to the receiver clock;

HSREQ_TIMESTAMP is the handshake packet timestamp, in microseconds.

The value of TsbpdTimeBase is approximately equal to the initial one-

way delay of the link RTT_0/2, where RTT_0 is the actual value of the
round-trip time during the SRT handshake exchange.

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During the transmission process, the value of TSBPD time base may be
adjusted in two cases:

1. During the TSBPD wrapping period. The TSBPD wrapping period

happens every 01:11:35 hours. This time corresponds to the
maximum timestamp value of a packet (MAX_TIMESTAMP).
MAX_TIMESTAMP is equal to 0xFFFFFFFF, or the maximum value of
32-bit unsigned integer, in microseconds (Section 3). The TSBPD
wrapping period starts 30 seconds before reaching the maximum
timestamp value of a packet and ends once the packet with
timestamp within (30, 60) seconds interval is delivered (read
from the buffer). The updated value of TsbpdTimeBase will be
recalculated as follows:

TsbpdTimeBase = TsbpdTimeBase + MAX_TIMESTAMP + 1

2. By drift tracer. See Section 4.7 for details.

4.6. Too-Late Packet Drop

The Too-Late Packet Drop (TLPKTDROP) mechanism allows the sender to

drop packets that have no chance to be delivered in time, and allows
the receiver to skip missing packets that have not been delivered in
time. The timeout of dropping a packet is based on the TSBPD
mechanism (see Section 4.5).

In the SRT, when Too-Late Packet Drop is enabled, and a packet

timestamp is older than 125% of the SRT latency, it is considered too
late to be delivered and may be dropped by the sender. However, the
sender keeps packets for at least 1 second in case the SRT latency is
not enough for a large RTT (that is, if 125% of the SRT latency is
less than 1 second).

When enabled on the receiver, the receiver drops packets that have
not been delivered or retransmitted in time, and delivers the
subsequent packets to the application when it is their time to play.

In pseudo-code, the algorithm of reading from the receiver buffer is

the following:
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pos = 0; /* Current receiver buffer position */
i = 0; /* Position of the next available in the receiver buffer
packet relatively to the current buffer position pos */

while(True) {
// Get the position i of the next available packet
// in the receiver buffer
i = next_avail();
// Calculate packet delivery time PktTsbpdTime
// for the next available packet
PktTsbpdTime = delivery_time(i);

if T_NOW < PktTsbpdTime:


Drop packets which buffer position number is less than i;

Deliver packet with the buffer position i;

pos = i + 1;

where T_NOW is the current time according to the receiver clock.

The TLPKTDROP mechanism can be turned off to always ensure a clean

delivery. However, a lost packet can simply pause a delivery for
some longer, potentially undefined time, and cause even worse tearing
for the player. Setting higher SRT latency will help much more in
the case when TLPKTDROP causes packet drops too often.

4.7. Drift Management

When the sender enters "connected" status it tells the application

there is a socket interface that is transmitter-ready. At this point
the application can start sending data packets. It adds packets to
the SRT sender's buffer at a certain input rate, from which they are
transmitted to the receiver at scheduled times.
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A synchronized time is required to keep proper sender/receiver buffer

levels, taking into account the time zone and round-trip time (up to
2 seconds for satellite links). Considering addition/subtraction
round-off, and possibly unsynchronized system times, an agreed-upon
time base drifts by a few microseconds every minute. The drift may
accumulate over many days to a point where the sender or receiver
buffers will overflow or deplete, seriously affecting the quality of
the video. SRT has a time management mechanism to compensate for
this drift.

When a packet is received, SRT determines the difference between the

time it was expected and its timestamp. The timestamp is calculated
on the receiver side. The RTT tells the receiver how much time it
was supposed to take. SRT maintains a reference between the time at
the leading edge of the send buffer's latency window and the
corresponding time on the receiver (the present time). This allows
to convert packet timestamp to the local receiver time. Based on
this time, various events (packet delivery, etc.) can be scheduled.

The receiver samples time drift data and periodically calculates a

packet timestamp correction factor, which is applied to each data
packet received by adjusting the inter-packet interval. When a
packet is received it is not given right away to the application. As
time advances, the receiver knows the expected time for any missing
or dropped packet, and can use this information to fill any "holes"
in the receive queue with another packet (see Section 4.5).

It is worth noting that the period of sampling time drift data is

based on a number of packets rather than time duration to ensure
enough samples, independently of the media stream packet rate. The
effect of network jitter on the estimated time drift is attenuated by
using a large number of samples. The actual time drift being very
slow (affecting a stream only after many hours) does not require a
fast reaction.

The receiver uses local time to be able to schedule events -- to

determine, for example, if it is time to deliver a certain packet
right away. The timestamps in the packets themselves are just
references to the beginning of the session. When a packet is
received (with a timestamp from the sender), the receiver makes a
reference to the beginning of the session to recalculate its
timestamp. The start time is derived from the local time at the
moment that the session is connected. A packet timestamp equals
"now" minus "StartTime", where the latter is the point in time when
the socket was created.

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4.8. Acknowledgement and Lost Packet Handling

To enable the Automatic Repeat reQuest of data packet

retransmissions, a sender stores all sent data packets in its buffer.

The SRT receiver periodically sends acknowledgments (ACKs) for the

received data packets so that the SRT sender can remove the
acknowledged packets from its buffer (Section 4.8.1). Once the
acknowledged packets are removed, their retransmission is no longer
possible and presumably not needed.

Upon receiving the full acknowledgment (ACK) control packet, the SRT
sender should acknowledge its reception to the receiver by sending an
ACKACK control packet with the sequence number of the full ACK packet
being acknowledged.

The SRT receiver also sends NAK control packets to notify the sender
about the missing packets (Section 4.8.2). The sending of a NAK
packet can be triggered immediately after a gap in sequence numbers
of data packets is detected. In addition, a Periodic NAK report
mechanism can be used to send NAK reports periodically. The NAK
packet in that case will list all the packets that the receiver
considers being lost up to the moment the Periodic NAK report is

Upon reception of the NAK packet, the SRT sender prioritizes

retransmissions of lost packets over the regular data packets to be
transmitted for the first time.

The retransmission of the missing packet is repeated until the

receiver acknowledges its receipt, or if both peers agree to drop
this packet (see Section 4.6).

4.8.1. Packet Acknowledgement (ACKs, ACKACKs)

At certain intervals (see below), the SRT receiver sends an

acknowledgment (ACK) that causes the acknowledged packets to be
removed from the SRT sender's buffer.

An ACK control packet contains the sequence number of the packet

immediately following the latest in the list of received packets.
Where no packet loss has occurred up to the packet with sequence
number n, an ACK would include the sequence number (n + 1).

An ACK (from a receiver) will trigger the transmission of an ACKACK

(by the sender), with almost no delay. The time it takes for an ACK
to be sent and an ACKACK to be received is the RTT. The ACKACK tells
the receiver to stop sending the ACK position because the sender

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already knows it. Otherwise, ACKs (with outdated information) would

continue to be sent regularly. Similarly, if the sender does not
receive an ACK, it does not stop transmitting.

There are two conditions for sending an acknowledgment. A full ACK

is based on a timer of 10 milliseconds (the ACK period or
synchronization time interval SYN). For high bitrate transmissions,
a "light ACK" can be sent, which is an ACK for a sequence of packets.
In a 10 milliseconds interval, there are often so many packets being
sent and received that the ACK position on the sender does not
advance quickly enough. To mitigate this, after 64 packets (even if
the ACK period has not fully elapsed) the receiver sends a light ACK.
A light ACK is a shorter ACK (SRT header and one 32-bit field). It
does not trigger an ACKACK.

When a receiver encounters the situation where the next packet to be

played was not successfully received from the sender, it will "skip"
this packet (see Section 4.6) and send a fake ACK. To the sender,
this fake ACK is a real ACK, and so it just behaves as if the packet
had been received. This facilitates the synchronization between SRT
sender and receiver. The fact that a packet was skipped remains
unknown by the sender. Skipped packets are recorded in the
statistics on the SRT receiver.
4.8.2. Packet Retransmission (NAKs)

The SRT receiver sends NAK control packets to notify the sender about
the missing packets. The NAK packet sending can be triggered
immediately after a gap in sequence numbers of data packets is

Upon reception of the NAK packet, the SRT sender prioritizes

retransmissions of lost packets over the regular data packets to be
transmitted for the first time.

The SRT sender maintains a list of lost packets (loss list) that is
built from NAK reports. When scheduling packet transmission, it
looks to see if a packet in the loss list has priority and sends it
if so. Otherwise, it sends the next packet scheduled for the first
transmission list. Note that when a packet is transmitted, it stays
in the buffer in case it is not received by the SRT receiver.

NAK packets are processed to fill in the loss list. As the latency
window advances and packets are dropped from the sending queue, a
check is performed to see if any of the dropped or resent packets are
in the loss list, to determine if they can be removed from there as
well so that they are not retransmitted unnecessarily.

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There is a counter for the packets that are resent. If there is no

ACK for a packet, it will stay in the loss list and can be resent
more than once. Packets in the loss list are prioritized.

If packets in the loss list continue to block the send queue, at some
point this will cause the send queue to fill. When the send queue is
full, the sender will begin to drop packets without even sending them
the first time. An encoder (or other application) may continue to
provide packets, but there's no place for them, so they will end up
being thrown away.

This condition where packets are unsent does not happen often. There
is a maximum number of packets held in the send buffer based on the
configured latency. Older packets that have no chance to be
retransmitted and played in time are dropped, making room for newer
real-time packets produced by the sending application. See
Section 4.5, Section 4.6 for details.

In addition to the regular NAKs, the Periodic NAK report mechanism

can be used to send NAK reports periodically. The NAK packet in that
case will have all the packets that the receiver considers being lost
at the time of sending the Periodic NAK report.

SRT Periodic NAK reports are sent with a period of (RTT + 4 * RTTVar)
/ 2 (so called NAKInterval), with a 20 milliseconds floor, where RTT
and RTTVar are defined in section Section 4.10. A NAK control packet
contains a compressed list of the lost packets. Therefore, only lost
packets are retransmitted. By using NAKInterval for the NAK reports
period, it may happen that lost packets are retransmitted more than
once, but it helps maintain low latency in the case where NAK packets
are lost.

An ACKACK tells the receiver to stop sending the ACK position because
the sender already knows it. Otherwise, ACKs (with outdated
information) would continue to be sent regularly.

An ACK serves as a ping, with a corresponding ACKACK pong, to measure

RTT. The time it takes for an ACK to be sent and an ACKACK to be
received is the RTT. Each ACK has a number. A corresponding ACKACK
has that same number. The receiver keeps a list of all ACKs in a
queue to match them. Unlike a full ACK, which contains the current
RTT and several other values in the Control Information Field (CIF)
(Section 3.2.4), a light ACK just contains the sequence number. All
control messages are sent directly and processed upon reception, but
ACKACK processing time is negligible (the time this takes is included
in the round-trip time).

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4.9. Bidirectional Transmission Queues

Once an SRT connection is established, both peers can send data

packets simultaneously.

4.10. Round-Trip Time Estimation

Round-trip time (RTT) in SRT is estimated during the transmission of

data packets based on a difference in time between an ACK packet is
sent out and a corresponding ACKACK packet is received back by the
SRT receiver.

An ACK sent by the receiver triggers an ACKACK from the sender with
minimal processing delay. The ACKACK response is expected to arrive
at the receiver roughly one RTT after the corresponding ACK was sent.

The SRT receiver records the time when an ACK is sent out. The ACK
carries a unique sequence number (independent of the data packet
sequence number). The corresponding ACKACK also carries the same
sequence number. Upon receiving the ACKACK, SRT calculates the RTT
by comparing the difference between the ACKACK arrival time and the
ACK departure time. In the following formula, RTT is the current
value that the receiver maintains and rtt is the recent value that
was just calculated from an ACK/ACKACK pair:

RTT = RTT * 0.875 + rtt * 0.125

RTT variance RTTVar is obtained as follows:

RTTVar = RTTVar * 0.75 + abs(RTT - rtt) * 0.25

where abs() means an absolute value.

Both RTT and RTTVar are measured in microseconds. The initial value
of RTT is 100 milliseconds, RTTVar is 50 milliseconds.

The smoothed RTT calculated by the receiver as well as the RTT

variance RTTVar are sent with the next full acknowledgement packet
(see Section 3.2.4). Note that the first ACK in an SRT session might
contain an initial RTT value of 100 milliseconds, because the early
calculations may not be precise.

The sender always gets the RTT from the receiver. It does not have
an analog to the ACK/ACKACK mechanism, i.e. it can not send a message
that guarantees an immediate return without processing. Upon an ACK
reception, the SRT sender updates its own RTT and RTTVar values using
the same formulas as above, in which case rtt is the most recent
value it receives, i.e., carried by an incoming ACK.

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Note that an SRT socket can both send and receive data packets. RTT
and RTTVar are updated by the socket based on algorithms for the
sender (using ACK packets) and for the receiver (using ACK-ACKACK
pairs). When an SRT socket receives data, it updates its local RTT
and RTTVar, which can be used for its own sender as well.

4.11. Congestion Control

SRT provides certain mechanisms for the sender to get some feedback
from the receiving side through the ACK packets (Section 3.2.4).
Every 10 ms the sender receives the latest values of RTT and RTT
variance, Available Buffer Size, Packets Receiving Rate and Estimated
Link Capacity. Upon reception of the NAK packet (Section 3.2.5) the
sender can detect packet losses during the transmission. These
mechanisms provide a solid background for various congestion control

Given that SRT can operate in live and file transfer modes, there are
two groups of congestion control algorithms possible.

For live transmission mode (Section 4.2.2) the congestion control

algorithm does not need to control the sending pace of the data
packets, as the sending timing is provided by the live input.
Although certain limitations on the minimal inter-sending time of
consecutive packets can be applied in order to avoid congestion
during fluctuations of the source bitrate. Also it is allowed to
drop those packets that can not be delivered in time.

For file transfer, any known File Congestion Control algorithms like
CUBIC [RFC8312] and BBR [BBR] can apply, including the congestion
control mechanism proposed in UDT [GHG04b], [GuAnAO]. The UDT
congestion control relies on the available link capacity, packet loss
reports (NAK) and packet acknowledgements (ACKs). It then slows down
the output of packets as needed by adjusting the packet sending pace.
In periods of congestion, it can block the main stream and focus on
the lost packets.

5. Encryption

This section describes the encryption mechanism that protects the

payload of SRT streams. Based on standard cryptographic algorithms,
the mechanism allows an efficient stream cipher with a key
establishment method.

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5.1. Overview

SRT implements encryption using AES [AES] in counter mode (AES-CTR)

[SP800-38A] with a short-lived key to encrypt and decrypt the media
stream. The AES-CTR cipher is suitable for continuous stream
encryption that permits decryption from any point, without access to
start of the stream (random access), and for the same reason
tolerates packet loss. It also offers strong confidentiality when
the counter is managed properly.

5.1.1. Encryption Scope

SRT encrypts only the payload of SRT data packets (Section 3.1),
while the header is left unencrypted. The unencrypted header
contains the Packet Sequence Number field used to keep the
synchronization of the cipher counter between the encrypting sender
and the decrypting receiver. No constraints apply to the payload of
SRT data packets as no padding of the payload is required by counter
mode ciphers.

5.1.2. AES Counter

The counter for AES-CTR is the size of the cipher's block, i.e. 128
bits. It is derived from a 128-bit sequence consisting of

* a block counter in the least significant 16 bits, which counts the

blocks in a packet,

* a packet index - based on the packet sequence number in the SRT

header - in the next 32 bits,

* eighty zeroed bits.

The upper 112 bits of this sequence are XORed with an Initialization
Vector (IV) to produce a unique counter for each crypto block. The
IV is derived from the Salt provided in the Keying Material
(Section 3.2.2):

IV = MSB(112, Salt): Most significant 112 bits of the salt.

5.1.3. Stream Encrypting Key (SEK)

The key used for AES-CTR encryption is called the "Stream Encrypting
Key" (SEK). It is used for up to 2^25 packets with further rekeying.
The short-lived SEK is generated by the sender using a pseudo-random
number generator (PRNG), and transmitted within the stream, wrapped
with another longer-term key, the Key Encrypting Key (KEK), using a
known AES key wrap protocol.

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For connection-oriented transport such as SRT, there is no need to

periodically transmit the short-lived key since no additional party
can join a stream in progress. The keying material is transmitted
within the connection handshake packets, and for a short period when
rekeying occurs.

5.1.4. Key Encrypting Key (KEK)

The Key Encrypting Key (KEK) is derived from a secret (passphrase)

shared between the sender and the receiver. The KEK provides access
to the Stream Encrypting Key, which in turn provides access to the
protected payload of SRT data packets. The KEK has to be at least as
long as the SEK.

The KEK is generated by a password-based key generation function

(PBKDF2) [RFC2898], using the passphrase, a number of iterations
(2048), a keyed-hash (HMAC-SHA1) [RFC2104], and a key length value
(KLen). The PBKDF2 function hashes the passphrase to make a long
string, by repetition or padding. The number of iterations is based
on how much time can be given to the process without it becoming

5.1.5. Key Material Exchange

The KEK is used to generate a wrap [RFC3394] that is put in a key

material (KM) message by the initiator of a connection (i.e. caller
in caller-listener handshake and initiator in the rendezvous
handshake, see Section 4.3) to send to the responder (listener). The
KM message contains the key length, the salt (one of the arguments
provided to the PBKDF2 function), the protocol being used (e.g. AES-
256) and the AES counter (which will eventually change, see
Section 5.1.6).

On the other side, the responder attempts to decode the wrap to

obtain the Stream Encrypting Key. In the protocol for the wrap there
is a padding, which is a known template, so the responder knows from
the KM that it has the right KEK to decode the SEK. The SEK
(generated and transmitted by the initiator) is random, and cannot be
known in advance. The KEK formula is calculated on both sides, with
the difference that the responder gets the key length (KLen) from the
initiator via the key material (KM). It is the initiator who decides
on the configured length. The responder obtains it from the material
sent by the initiator.

The responder returns the same KM message to show that it has the
same information as the initiator, and that the encoded material will
be decrypted. If the responder does not return this status, this
means that it does not have the SEK. All incoming encrypted packets

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received by the responder will be lost (undecrypted). Even if they

are transmitted successfully, the receiver will be unable to decrypt
them, and so packets will be dropped. All data packets coming from
responder will be unencrypted.

5.1.6. KM Refresh

The short lived SEK is regenerated for cryptographic reasons when a

pre-determined number of packets has been encrypted. The KM refresh
period is determined by the implementation. The receiver knows which
SEK (odd or even) was used to encrypt the packet by means of the KK
field of the SRT Data Packet (Section 3.1).

There are two variables used to determine the KM Refresh timing:

* KM Refresh Period specifies the number of packets to be sent

before switching to the new SEK,

* KM Pre-Announcement Period specifies when a new key is announced

in a number of packets before key switchover. The same value is
used to determine when to decommission the old key after

The recommended KM Refresh Period is after 2^25 packets encrypted

with the same SEK are sent. The recommended KM Pre-Announcement
Period is 4000 packets (i.e. a new key is generated, wrapped, and
sent at 2^25 minus 4000 packets; the old key is decommissioned at
2^25 plus 4000 packets).

Even and odd keys are alternated during transmission the following
way. The packets with the earlier key #1 (let it be the odd key)
will continue to be sent. The receiver will receive the new key #2
(even), then decrypt and unwrap it. The receiver will reply to the
sender if it is able to understand. Once the sender gets to the
2^25th packet using the odd key (key #1), it will then start to send
packets with the even key (key #2), knowing that the receiver has
what it needs to decrypt them. This happens transparently, from one
packet to the next. At 2^25 plus 4000 packets the first key will be
decommissioned automatically.

Both keys live in parallel for two times the Pre-Announcement Period
(e.g. 4000 packets before the key switch, and 4000 packets after).
This is to allow for packet retransmission. It is possible for
packets with the older key to arrive at the receiver a bit late.
Each packet contains a description of which key it requires, so the
receiver will still have the ability to decrypt it.

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5.2. Encryption Process

5.2.1. Generating the Stream Encrypting Key

On the sending side SEK, Salt and KEK are generated the following

Salt = PRNG(128)
KEK = PBKDF2(passphrase, LSB(64,Salt), Iter, Klen)


* PBKDF2 is the PKCS#5 Password Based Key Derivation Function


* passphrase is the pre-shared passphrase,

* Salt is the field of the KM message,

* LSB(n, v) is the function taking n least significant bits of v,

* Iter=2048 defines the number of iterations for PBKDF2,

* KLen is the field of the KM message.

Wrap = AESkw(KEK, SEK)

where AESkw(KEK, SEK) is the key wrapping function [RFC3394].

5.2.2. Encrypting the Payload

The encryption of the payload of the SRT DATA packet is done with

EncryptedPayload = AES_CTR_Encrypt(SEK, IV, UnencryptedPayload)

where the Initialization Vector is derived as

IV = (MSB(112, Salt) << 2) XOR (PktSeqNo)

* PktSeqNo is the value of the Packet Sequence Number field of the

SRT data packet.

5.3. Decryption Process

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5.3.1. Restoring the Stream Encrypting Key

For the receiver to be able to decrypt the incoming stream it has to

know the stream encrypting key (SEK) used by the sender. The
receiver must know the passphrase used by the sender. The remaining
information can be extracted from the Keying Material message.

The Keying Material message contains the AES-wrapped [RFC3394] SEK

used by the encoder. The Key-Encryption Key (KEK) required to unwrap
the SEK is calculated as:

KEK = PBKDF2(passphrase, LSB(64,Salt), Iter, KLen)


* PBKDF2 is the PKCS#5 Password Based Key Derivation Function

* passphrase is the pre-shared passphrase,

* Salt is the field of the KM message,

* LSB(n, v) is the function taking n least significant bits of v,

* Iter=2048 defines the number of iterations for PBKDF2,

* KLen is the field of the KM message.

SEK = AESkuw(KEK, Wrap)

where AESkuw(KEK, Wrap) is the key unwrapping function.

5.3.2. Decrypting the Payload

The decryption of the payload of the SRT data packet is done with

DecryptedPayload = AES_CTR_Encrypt(SEK, IV, EncryptedPayload)

where the Initialization Vector is derived as

IV = (MSB(112, Salt) << 2) XOR (PktSeqNo)

* PktSeqNo is the value of the Packet Sequence Number field of the

SRT data packet.

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6. Security Considerations

SRT supports confidentiality of user data using stream ciphering

based on AES. Session keys for ciphering are delivered through
control packets during handshake, with the protection by Key
Encryption Key, which is generated by a sender and receiver with pre-
shared secret such as passphrase. As in UDT, careful uses of SYN
Cookies may help to deter denial of service attacks. Appropriate
security policy including key size, key refresh period, as well as
passphrase should be managed by security officers, which is out of
scope of the present document.

7. IANA Considerations

This document makes no requests of the IANA.


This specification is heavily based on the SRT Protocol Technical

Overview [SRTTO] written by Jean Dube and Steve Matthews.

In alphabetical order, the contributors to the pre-IETF SRT project

and specification at Haivision are: Marc Cymontkowski, Roman
Diouskine, Jean Dube, Mikolaj Malecki, Steve Matthews, Maria
Sharabayko, Maxim Sharabayko, Adam Yellen.

The contributors to this specification at SK Telecom are Jeongseok

Kim and Joonwoong Kim.

We cannot list all the contributors to the open-sourced

implementation of SRT on GitHub. But we appreciate the help,
contribution, integrations and feedback of the SRT and SRT Alliances


The basis of the SRT protocol and its implementation was the UDP-
based Data Transfer Protocol [GHG04b]. The authors thank Yunhong Gu
and Robert Grossman, the authors of the UDP-based Data Transfer
Protocol [GHG04b].

TODO acknowledge.


Normative References

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Internet-Draft SRT September 2020

[RFC0768] Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC 768,

DOI 10.17487/RFC0768, August 1980,
[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

Informative References

[AES] National Institute of Standards and Technology, "FIPS Pub

197: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", November 2001,

[AV1] Rivaz, P.d. and J. Haughton, "AV1 Bitstream & Decoding

Process Specification", September 2020,

[BBR] Cardwell, N., Cheng, Y., Gunn, C.S., Yeganeh, S.H., and V.
Jacobson, "BBR: Congestion-Based Congestion Control",
October 2016.

[GHG04b] Gu, Y., Hong, X., and R.L. Grossman, "Experiences in

Design and Implementation of a High Performance Transport
Protocol", DOI 10.1109/SC.2004.24, December 2004,

[GuAnAO] Gu, Y., Hong, X., and R.L. Grossman, "An Analysis of AIMD
Algorithm with Decreasing Increases", October 2004.

[H.265] International Telecommunications Union, "H.265 : High

efficiency video coding", ITU-T Recommendation H.265,

Bishop, M., "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 3
(HTTP/3)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
quic-http-29, 9 June 2020, <

Iyengar, J. and M. Thomson, "QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed
and Secure Transport", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
draft-ietf-quic-transport-29, 9 June 2020,

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Internet-Draft SRT September 2020

ISO, "Information technology -- Generic coding of moving
pictures and associated audio information: Systems", ISO/
IEC 13818-1, September 2020.

[ISO23009] ISO, "Information technology -- Dynamic adaptive streaming

over HTTP (DASH)", ISO/IEC 23009:2019, September 2020.



[RFC2104] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-

Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104,
DOI 10.17487/RFC2104, February 1997,

[RFC2898] Kaliski, B., "PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography

Specification Version 2.0", RFC 2898,
DOI 10.17487/RFC2898, September 2000,

[RFC3031] Rosen, E., Viswanathan, A., and R. Callon, "Multiprotocol

Label Switching Architecture", RFC 3031,
DOI 10.17487/RFC3031, January 2001,

[RFC3394] Schaad, J. and R. Housley, "Advanced Encryption Standard

(AES) Key Wrap Algorithm", RFC 3394, DOI 10.17487/RFC3394,
September 2002, <>.

[RFC4987] Eddy, W., "TCP SYN Flooding Attacks and Common

Mitigations", RFC 4987, DOI 10.17487/RFC4987, August 2007,

[RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC

2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
May 2017, <>.

[RFC8216] Pantos, R., Ed. and W. May, "HTTP Live Streaming",

RFC 8216, DOI 10.17487/RFC8216, August 2017,

[RFC8312] Rhee, I., Xu, L., Ha, S., Zimmermann, A., Eggert, L., and
R. Scheffenegger, "CUBIC for Fast Long-Distance Networks",
RFC 8312, DOI 10.17487/RFC8312, February 2018,
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[RTMP] "Real-Time Messaging Protocol", September 2020,


Dworkin, M., "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of
Operation", December 2001.

[SRTSRC] "SRT fully functional reference implementation", September

2020, <>.

[SRTTO] Dube, J. and S. Matthews, "SRT Protocol Technical

Overview", December 2019.

[VP9] WebM, "VP9 Video Codec", September 2020,


Appendix A. Packet Sequence List Coding

For any single packet sequence number, it uses the original sequence
number in the field. The first bit MUST start with "0".

0 1 2 3
|0| Sequence Number |

Figure 18: Single sequence numbers coding

For any consecutive packet sequence numbers that the difference

between the last and first is more than 1, only record the first (a)
and the the last (b) sequence numbers in the list field, and modify
the the first bit of a to "1".

0 1 2 3
|1| Sequence Number a (first) |
|0| Sequence Number b (last) |

Figure 19: Range of sequence numbers coding

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Appendix B. SRT Access Control

One type of information that can be interchanged when a connection is

being established in SRT is the Stream ID, which can be used in a
caller-listener connection layout. This is a string of maximum 512
characters set on the caller side. It can be retrieved at the
listener side on the newly accepted connection.

SRT listener can notify an upstream application about the connection

attempt when a HS conclusion arrives, exposing the contents of the
Stream ID extension message. Based on this information, the
application can accept or reject the connection, select the desired
data stream, or set an appropriate passphrase for the connection.

The Stream ID value can be used as free-form, but there is a

recommended convention so that all SRT users speak the same language.
The intent of the convention is to:

* promote readability and consistency among free-form names,

* interpret some typical data in the key-value style.

B.1. General Syntax

This recommended syntax starts with the characters known as an

executable specification in POSIX: #!.

The next two characters are:

: - this marks the YAML format, the only one currently used
The content format, which is either:
: - the comma-separated keys with no nesting
{ - like above, but nesting is allowed and must end with }

(Nesting means that you can have multiple level brace-enclosed parts

The form of the key-value pair is:


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B.2. Standard Keys

Beside the general syntax, there are several top-level keys treated
as standard keys. All single letter key definitions, including those
not listed in this section, are reserved for future use. Users can
additionally use custom key definitions with user_* or companyname_*
prefixes, where user and companyname are to be replaced with an
actual user or company name.

The existing key values MUST not be extended, and MUST not differ
from those described in this section.

The following keys are standard:

* u: User Name, or authorization name, that is expected to control

which password should be used for the connection. The application
should interpret it to distinguish which user should be used by
the listener party to set up the password.

* r: Resource Name identifies the name of the resource and

facilitates selection should the listener party be able to serve
multiple resources.

* h: Host Name identifies the hostname of the resource. For

example, to request a stream with the URI
querry.php?vid=366 the hostname field should have,
and the resource name can have videos/querry.php?vid=366 or simply
366. Note that this is still a key to be specified explicitly.
Support tools that apply simplifications and URI extraction are
expected to insert only the host portion of the URI here.

* s: Session ID is a temporary resource identifier negotiated with

the server, used just for verification. This is a one-shot
identifier, invalidated after the first use. The expected usage
is when details for the resource and authorization are negotiated
over a separate connection first, and then the session ID is used
here alone.

* t: Type specifies the purpose of the connection. Several standard

types are defined, but users may extend the use:

- stream (default, if not specified): for exchanging the user-

specified payload for an application-defined purpose,

- file: for transmitting a file, where r is the filename,

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- auth: for exchanging sensible data. The r value states its

purpose. No specific possible values for that are known so far

* m: Mode expected for this connection:

- request (default): the caller wants to receive the stream,

- publish: the caller wants to send the stream data,

- bidirectional: bidirectional data exchange is expected.

Note that "m" is not required in the case where Stream ID is not used
to distinguish authorization or resources, and the caller is expected
to send the data. This is only for cases where the listener can
handle various purposes of the connection and is therefore required
to know what the caller is attempting to do.
B.3. Examples

The example content of the StreamID is:


It specifies the username and the resource name of the stream to be

served to the caller.


This specifies that the file is expected to be transmitted from the

caller to the listener and its name is results.csv.

Appendix C. Changelog

C.1. Since Version 00

* Improved and extended the description of "Encryption" section,

* Improved and extended the description of "Round-Trip Time

Estimation" section,

* Extended the description of "Handshake" section with "Stream ID

Extension Message", "Group Membership Extension" subsections,

* Extended "Handshake Messages" section with the detailed

description of handshake procedure,

* Improved "Key Material" section description,

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* Changed packet structure formatting for "Packet Structure"


* Did minor additions to the "Acknowledgement and Lost Packet

Handling" section,

* Fixed broken links,

* Extended the list of references.

Authors' Addresses
Maxim Sharabayko
Haivision Network Video, GmbH


Maria Sharabayko
Haivision Network Video, GmbH


Jean Dube


Jeongseok Kim
SK Telecom Co., Ltd.


Joonwoong Kim
SK Telecom Co., Ltd.


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