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Azure Fondamentals Exam

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What type of documents does the Microsoft Service Trust Portal provide?

 Specific recommendations about your usage of Azure and ways you can improve

 Documentation on the individual Azure services and solutions

 A tool that helps you manage your compliance to various standards

 A list of standards that Microsoft follows, pen test results, security assessments,
white papers, faqs, and other documents that can be used to show Microsoft's
compliance efforts

What is Single Sign-On?

 The ability to log in once and use the existing userid and password to sign in other
applications, and not have to create/memorize a new one.

 When you sign into an application, it remembers who you are the next time you go

 When an application outsources (federates) it's identity service to a third-party


What is the benefit of economies of scale?

 The more you buy of something, the cheaper it is for you

 Big companies don't need to make a profit on the first product they sell you, because
they will on the second

 Big companies don't need to make a profit on every sale

 Prices of cloud servers and services are always going down. It'll be cheaper next year
than it is this year.

What is a DDoS attack?

 An attempt to guess a user's password through brute force methods

 An attempt to send SQL commands to the server in a way that it will execute them
against the database

 An attempt to read the contents of a web page from another website, thereby stealing
the user's private information
 A denial of service attack that sends so much traffic to a network that it cannot
respond fast enough; legitimate users become unable to use the service

True of false: Azure Powershell scripts and Command Line Interface (CLI) scripts are entirely
compatible with each other?



True or false: Azure Cloud Shell allows access to the CLI and Powershell consoles in the Azure



What does it mean if a service is in Public Preview mode?

 Anyone can use the service for any reason

 The service is generally available for use, and Microsoft will provide support for it

 Anyone can use the service but normal service level agreements do not apply

 You have to apply to get selected in order to use that service

What is the basic way of protecting an Azure Virtual Network subnet?

 Application Gateway with WAF

 Network Security Group

 Azure Firewall

 Azure DDos Standard protection

Which of the following services would NOT be considered Infrastructure as a Service?

 Virtual Network Interface Card (NIC)

 Virtual Network
 Virtual Machine

 Azure Functions App

What is the default amount of credits that you are given when you first create an Azure Free

 You can create 1 Linux VM, 1 Windows VM, and a number of other free services for the
first year.

 The default is US$200

 You are given $50 per month, for one year towards Azure services

 Azure does not give you any free credits when you create a free account

What happens if Azure does not meet its own Service Level Agreement guarantee (SLA)?
o A discount will be applied to the customer's Azure bill (as a service credit), which is a
compensation for an under-performing Azure product or service
o The resource that did not meet the SLA will be free for the remaining month and the
o It's not possible. Azure will always meet it's SLA?
o The service will be free that month
Which Azure AD licenses (select two) are made available through Azure?
o Office 365
o Azure Active Directory Free
o Basic
o Enterprise Tier 2
o Business Tier 1
Which of the following would be an example of an Internet of Things (IoT) device?
o A mobile application that is used to watch online video courses
o A refrigerator that monitors how much milk you have left and sends you a text
message when you are running low
o A video game, installed on Windows clients around the world, that keep user scores in
the cloud.
o A web application that people use to perform their banking tasks
What does it mean if a service is in General Availability (GA) mode?
o You have to apply to get selected in order to use that service
o The service is available for use by some, and Microsoft will provide support for it
o Anyone can use the service for any reason
o Anyone can use the service but it must not be for production use

Which of the following elements is considered part of the "perimeter" layer of security?
o Use a firewall
o Keep operating systems up to date with patches
o Separate servers into distinct subnets by role
o Locks on the data center doors

With Azure public cloud, anyone with a valid credit card can sign up and get services

What is the recommended way within Azure to store secrets such as private cryptographic keys?
o Azure Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
o Azure Key Vault
o In an Azure Storage account private blob container
o Within the application code

What benefit does a Content Delivery Network (CDN) provide its users?
o Allows you to keep temporarily session information on the web visitor such as their
login ID or their name
o For a small fee, Azure will take over management of your virtual machine, perform OS
updates and ensure it's running well
o Allows you to reduce the traffic coming into a web server for static, unchanging files
such as images, videos, and PDFs
o Allows you to store data that can be retrieved later in an extremely fast and
inexpensive manner

What are Resource Groups in Azure?

o A folder structure in Azure in which you organize resources like databases, virtual
machines, virtual networks, or almost any resource
o Within the Azure security model, users are organized into groups, and those groups are
granted permissions to resources
o Automatically assigned groups of resources that all have the same type (virtual
machine, app service, etc)
o Based on the tag assigned to a resource by the deployment script, it is assigned to a
What operating systems does Microsoft supply Azure Virtual Machine images for?
o Windows
o Windows, Linux and macOS
o Windows and Linux
o Linux
o macOS

True or false: Azure charges for bandwidth used "inbound" to Azure


Approximately how many regions does Azure have around the world?
o Was 54, now 60+
o 100
o 25
o 10
What is Azure's preferred Identity/authentication service?
o Azure Active Directory
o Live Connect
o Facebook Connect
o Network Security Group
What is the concept of Big Data?
o A set of Azure services that allow you to use execute code in the cloud but don’t
require (or even allow) you to manage the underlying server
o An extremely large set of data that you want to ingest and do analysis on; traditional
software like SQL Server cannot handle Big Data as efficiently as specialized products
o A form of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows systems to automatically learn and
improve from experience without being explicitly programmed
o A small sensor or a similar device that constantly sends its status and other data to the
What feature of a system makes it elastic?
o The ability of it to add and reduce capacity based on actual demand
o The ability of it to stay up (available) while updates are being made to the system
o The ability to heal itself after a crash
o The ability to withstand denial of service attacks

Which feature within Azure alerts you to service issues that happen in Azure itself, not
specifically related to your own resources?
o Azure Security Center
o Azure Monitor
o Azure Portal Dashboard True or False: Azure is a public cloud, and has no private cloud
o Azure Service Health
True or False: Azure is a public cloud, and has no private cloud offerings
Which of the following elements is considered part of the "network" layer of network security?

 Separate servers into distinct subnets by role

 Use a firewall

 Keep operating systems up to date with patches

 Locks on the data center doors

What does ARM an abbreviation for in Azure?

 Availability, Reliability, Maintainability

 Account Resource Manager

 Advanced RISC Machine

 Azure Resource Manager

What are the two features that Azure AD provides? Choose two.

 Application management

 Logic Apps

 Authentication

 Logs Analytics

 Azure DDoS Protection

 Functions

What two types of DDoS protection services does Azure provide? Select two.
 Advanced

 Premium

 Standard

 Basic

True or false: you can create your own policies if built-in Azure Policy is not sufficient to your



True or false: Azure Active Directory is a network gateway that load balances user logins using a
CDN (Content Delivery Network).



What types of resources are defined as "compute resources"?

 Only Virtual Machines

 All resources that are listed in the Azure Marketplace

 Resources that perform some type of task that requires CPU cycles to perform the

What Azure resource allows you to evenly split traffic coming in and direct it to several identical
virtual machines to do the work and respond to the request?

 Azure App Services

 Load Balancer or Application Gateway

 Azure Logic Apps

 Virtual Network

How does Multi-Factor Authentication make a system more secure?

 It doesn't make it more secure

 It is another password that a user has to memorize, making it more secure

 It allows the user to log in without a password because they have already previously
been validated using a browser coookie

 It requires the user to have access to an additional device for identity verification

Which of the following is something that Azure Cognitive Services API can currently do?

 Recognize faces in a picture

 Translate text from one language to another

 Create text from audio

 All of these! Azure can do it all!

 Speak text in an extremely realistic way

 Recognize text in an image

True or false: You cannot have more than one Azure subscription per company



Within the context of privacy and compliance, what does the acronym ISO stand for, in English?

 Instead of

 Intelligence and Security Office

 Information Systems Officer

 International Organization for Standardization

Why is Azure App Services considered Platform as a Service?

 Azure App Services is not PaaS. It is Software as a Service.

 You can decide on what type of virtual machine it runs - A-series, or D-series, or even

 You give Azure the code and the configuration, and you have no access to the
underlying hardware

 You are responsible for keeping the operating system up to date with the latest patches

Where do you go within the Azure Portal to find all of the third-party virtual machines and other

 Choose an image when creating a VM

 Bing

 Azure Marketplace

 Azure mobile app

For tax optimization, which type of expense is preferable?

 OpEx

 CapEx

True or False: Under the Infrastructure as a Service model, Azure is responsible for managing the
physical host, physical network, and physical datacenter.



Which tool within the Azure Portal will make specific recommendations based on your actual
usage for how you can improve your use of Azure?
 Azure Service Health

 Azure Advisor

 Azure Dashboard

 Azure Monitor

Which feature within Azure collects all of the logs from various resources into a central
dashboard, where you can run queries, view graphs, and create alerts on certain events?

 Storage Account or Event Hub

 Azure Portal Dashboard

 Azure Monitor

 Azure Security Center

What does it mean if a service is in Private Preview mode?

 The service is generally available for use, and Microsoft will provide support for it

 You have to apply to get selected in order to use that service

 Anyone can use the service for any reason

 Anyone can use the service but it must not be for production use

Why would someone prefer a Consumption-based pricing model as opposed to a Time-based

(Fixed) pricing model?

 It is always cheaper to pay for consumption than to pay by the hour

 You can easily predict the cost of the service into the future

 The pricing model is simpler and easier to understand

 You can save a lot of money if you don't use the resource often as opposed to having
it available for use 24/7

Which of the following scenarios would Azure Policy be a recommended method for

 Require a virtual machine to always update to the latest security patches

 Prevent certain Azure Virtual Machine instance types from being used in a resource

 Add an additional prompt when creating a resource without a specific tag to ask the
user if they are really sure they want to continue?

 Allow only one specific roles of users to have access to a resource group

What are Azure Availability Zones?

 Within each individual data center, certain racks of servers have been architected by
Azure to have higher uptime than the others. If you place your apps onto this rack, you'll
get higher uptime than if you let Azure do it.

 A folder structure in Azure in which you organize resources like databases, virtual
machines, virtual networks, or almost any resource

 A feature of Azure that allows you to manually specify into which data center your
virtual machines are placed, which allows you to achieve higher availability than any
other option.

 This is the same as a region

What Azure tool gives you the ability to manage multiple subscriptions into nested hierarchies?


 Management Groups

 Resource Groups

 Azure Active Directory

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