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Voca 21-25 Quiz

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I received the electricity Always tell the ______, Facing a challenging

______ for the month, and even if it's difficult or situation with bravery and
it was much higher than uncomfortable. determination is an act of
usual. a) truth ______.
a) cost b) humor a) courage
b) bill c) source b) fortune
c) gain d) master c) symbol
d) attack d) whole
In cooking, a ______ of
When you have a cold, a different ingredients The sun will ______ in the
persistent ______ can be creates a delicious flavor. east in the morning.
quite annoying. a) mixture a) period
a) sneeze b) humor b) shine
b) cough c) throw away c) look through
c) mention d) swing d) attack
d) ghost
Recycling helps to ______ A treaty is a formal
The photograph captured materials and reduce agreement between
a vivid and realistic waste. ______.
______ of a mountain a) reuse a) chief
landscape. b) discover b) nations
a) image c) accidental c) fantastic
b) national d) illegal d) race
c) imagine
d) care for Archimedes was able to Achieving a difficult task
______ the principle of may require a
Independence Day is a buoyancy while taking a considerable amount of
______ holiday that bath. ______.
celebrates a country's a) discover a) effort
freedom. b) shine b) adventure
a) national c) east c) contact
b) society d) bite d) double
c) fortune
d) unique When cleaning your room, When telling a joke, it's
separate items into important to have a good
Farmers plant ______ in categories: keep, donate, sense of ______.
the soil to grow new or ______. a) humor
plants. a) accident b) unique
a) seed b) stupid c) pose
b) junk c) throw away d) journey
c) diamond d) fever
d) attack
The earth rotates on its During the storm, the wind The comedian delivered a
______, causing day and was so strong that it could ______ performance that
night. ______ a tree. had the audience laughing
a) axis a) throw away throughout.
b) upper b) swing a) humorous
c) sudden c) blow away b) fantastic
d) swing d) bite c) tight
d) adventure
The ______ of a story A wise person considers
often provides a hint about the ______ consequences Each snowflake is ______
its theme. before making decisions. and has a unique pattern.
a) title a) potential a) stupid
b) attack b) ghost b) double
c) master c) vision c) unique
d) follow d) period d) fantastic

It is ______ to throw litter The detective decided to The team worked ______
on the ground; it can harm ______ the crime scene to accomplish their goal
the environment. for any clues. and achieve success.
a) illegal a) look through a) completely
b) society b) show up b) order
c) mention c) care for c) hard
d) tool d) equal d) race

The Statue of Liberty is a Some people prefer to live The king ruled over the
powerful ______ of in the ______ city, while entire ______ for many
freedom and democracy. others enjoy the calmness years.
a) symbol of the countryside. a) universe
b) fever a) chief b) death
c) period b) bustling c) effort
d) gain c) unique d) contact
d) master
I can't find my keys; they When the teacher asked a
could be ______ in the The ______ of a ship is question, nobody ______
living room. responsible for its overall the correct answer.
a) wrap operation. a) symbol
b) anywhere a) captain b) mentioned
c) look through b) swing c) fever
d) hug c) society d) period
d) attack
The author used adjectives The explorer embarked on The treasure hunter found
to ______ the beauty of an exciting ______ to a ______ chest buried in
the natural scenery. discover new lands. the sand.
a) contact a) adventure a) whole
b) mention b) hug b) unique
c) race c) attack c) chief
d) describe d) social d) global

In a court of law, it is The chef carefully selected The scientist made a

important to ______ the high-quality ingredients to groundbreaking ______
truth. create a culinary ______. that revolutionized the field
a) gain a) masterpiece of physics.
b) imagine b) wrap a) discovery
c) period c) tool b) mention
d) testify d) diamond c) fever
d) pose
To achieve success, one The cat tried to ______ a
must be willing to put in mouse but missed by a It is important to ______
the necessary ______. whisker. waste and reuse whenever
a) effort a) attack possible.
b) symbol b) bite a) recycle
c) fever c) fit b) humor
d) code d) double c) death
d) period
The pirate ship sailed The athlete demonstrated
through rough ______ on incredible ______ by The comedian's ______
its way to hidden treasure. finishing the marathon jokes had the audience in
a) seas despite an injury. stitches.
b) show up a) humor a) humorous
c) pedal b) courage b) sudden
d) ceiling c) perseverance c) attack
d) swing d) fantastic
The teacher reminded the
students to ______ their The detective asked the The orchestra played a
homework on time. witness to ______ the ______ piece of music that
a) hand in events leading up to the moved the audience to
b) order crime. tears.
c) hang out with a) recall a) fantastic
d) show up b) show up b) ghost
c) race c) equal
d) society d) vision
The mechanic used a The skilled artist used The archaeologist went on
special ______ to fix the various colors to ______ a an ______ to uncover
broken car. vibrant and lively painting. ancient artifacts buried in
a) tool a) create the ruins.
b) unique b) fortune a) adventure
c) master c) race b) period
d) tight d) shine c) symbol
d) global
The soldier showed great The detective carefully
______ in the face of examined the crime scene The historical period
danger. to ______ any clues. known for a sequence of
a) courage a) look through rulers from the same
b) swing b) bite family or lineage is
c) attack c) gain referred to as a
d) imagine d) master ___________.

The CEO's ______ The brave firefighter a) adventure

decision led the company showed tremendous b) dynasty
to financial success. ______ by rescuing c) effort
a) final people from a burning d) swing
b) symbol building.
c) show up a) effort
d) mention b) sudden The teacher asked the
c) bravery students to ______ on
The magician performed d) swing time and get ready for the
an ______ trick that left quiz.
the audience amazed. The comedian's ______ a) show up
a) incredible jokes had everyone in the b) be covered with
b) race audience laughing c) throw away
c) humor uncontrollably. d) imagine
d) throw away a) humorous
b) tight The explorer's ______
The novelist spent years c) death journey led him to
crafting a ______ story d) ghost undiscovered lands and
that captivated readers. cultures.
a) unique The athlete had to ______ a) dangerous
b) adventure a strict training regimen to b) diamond
c) source prepare for the upcoming c) death
d) society competition. d) effort
a) discover
b) follow
c) throw away
d) attack
What is the term for a The author carefully The mountaineer faced a
translucent and often crafted each chapter ______ climb to reach the
spooky version of a without giving away too summit of the towering
deceased person? many hints to maintain the peak.
a) humorous ______ of the novel. a) race
b) ghost a) mystery b) global
c) society b) ghost c) challenging
d) swing c) symbol d) journey
d) journey
The scientist used a The architect designed a
powerful telescope to The coach encouraged the building with an ______
______ distant galaxies in team to ______ their best structure that stood out in
the night sky. in the upcoming the cityscape.
a) period competition. a) upper
b) imagine a) put in b) society
c) discover b) follow c) double
d) fit c) source d) source
d) care for
The environmentalist The inventor's ______
emphasized the need to idea revolutionized the
______ resources to The astronaut's ______ way people communicate.
protect the planet. training prepared him for a) unique
a) conserve the challenges of space b) attack
b) attack travel. c) show up
c) unique a) tough d) tight
d) humor b) double
c) mention The photographer
The actor's ______ d) fantastic captured the essence of
portrayal of a historical the moment with a ______
figure earned him critical The teacher instructed the shot.
acclaim. students to ______ the a) candid
a) tight instructions carefully b) humor
b) social before starting the c) ghost
c) perfect experiment. d) fantastic
d) sudden a) show up
b) bite The athlete's dedication
c) read through and ______ led to a
d) code remarkable improvement
in performance.
a) humor
b) courage
c) swing
d) determination
The explorer documented
his ______ in a journal,
detailing the challenges
and discoveries.
a) journey
b) master
c) swing
d) fever

The captain ordered the

crew to ______ the ship
with caution as they
entered turbulent waters.
a) hold on to
b) attack
c) swing
d) imagine

The student decided to

______ a new skill during
the summer break.
a) gain
b) hug
c) imagine
d) pick up

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