Voca 21-25 Quiz
Voca 21-25 Quiz
Voca 21-25 Quiz
______ for the month, and even if it's difficult or situation with bravery and
it was much higher than uncomfortable. determination is an act of
usual. a) truth ______.
a) cost b) humor a) courage
b) bill c) source b) fortune
c) gain d) master c) symbol
d) attack d) whole
In cooking, a ______ of
When you have a cold, a different ingredients The sun will ______ in the
persistent ______ can be creates a delicious flavor. east in the morning.
quite annoying. a) mixture a) period
a) sneeze b) humor b) shine
b) cough c) throw away c) look through
c) mention d) swing d) attack
d) ghost
Recycling helps to ______ A treaty is a formal
The photograph captured materials and reduce agreement between
a vivid and realistic waste. ______.
______ of a mountain a) reuse a) chief
landscape. b) discover b) nations
a) image c) accidental c) fantastic
b) national d) illegal d) race
c) imagine
d) care for Archimedes was able to Achieving a difficult task
______ the principle of may require a
Independence Day is a buoyancy while taking a considerable amount of
______ holiday that bath. ______.
celebrates a country's a) discover a) effort
freedom. b) shine b) adventure
a) national c) east c) contact
b) society d) bite d) double
c) fortune
d) unique When cleaning your room, When telling a joke, it's
separate items into important to have a good
Farmers plant ______ in categories: keep, donate, sense of ______.
the soil to grow new or ______. a) humor
plants. a) accident b) unique
a) seed b) stupid c) pose
b) junk c) throw away d) journey
c) diamond d) fever
d) attack
The earth rotates on its During the storm, the wind The comedian delivered a
______, causing day and was so strong that it could ______ performance that
night. ______ a tree. had the audience laughing
a) axis a) throw away throughout.
b) upper b) swing a) humorous
c) sudden c) blow away b) fantastic
d) swing d) bite c) tight
d) adventure
The ______ of a story A wise person considers
often provides a hint about the ______ consequences Each snowflake is ______
its theme. before making decisions. and has a unique pattern.
a) title a) potential a) stupid
b) attack b) ghost b) double
c) master c) vision c) unique
d) follow d) period d) fantastic
It is ______ to throw litter The detective decided to The team worked ______
on the ground; it can harm ______ the crime scene to accomplish their goal
the environment. for any clues. and achieve success.
a) illegal a) look through a) completely
b) society b) show up b) order
c) mention c) care for c) hard
d) tool d) equal d) race
The Statue of Liberty is a Some people prefer to live The king ruled over the
powerful ______ of in the ______ city, while entire ______ for many
freedom and democracy. others enjoy the calmness years.
a) symbol of the countryside. a) universe
b) fever a) chief b) death
c) period b) bustling c) effort
d) gain c) unique d) contact
d) master
I can't find my keys; they When the teacher asked a
could be ______ in the The ______ of a ship is question, nobody ______
living room. responsible for its overall the correct answer.
a) wrap operation. a) symbol
b) anywhere a) captain b) mentioned
c) look through b) swing c) fever
d) hug c) society d) period
d) attack
The author used adjectives The explorer embarked on The treasure hunter found
to ______ the beauty of an exciting ______ to a ______ chest buried in
the natural scenery. discover new lands. the sand.
a) contact a) adventure a) whole
b) mention b) hug b) unique
c) race c) attack c) chief
d) describe d) social d) global