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O Livro Negro de São Cipriano Das Almas - Fernando Rodrigues Lopes INGLES

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The Black Book

of Saint Cyprian of

Fernando R. Lopes
Editions: Cyprianus
Curitiba, 2019


1st Part
Life of Saint Cyprian

The following narrative was taken from a book entitled: “Vitæ Sanctorum
Omnium” Lives of all Saints. Therefore, it may contain personal expressions and
narratives of the scribe friars responsible for transcribing the original into the main
European languages of the time, with the aim of praising faith in the Catholic Church.

The story of the life of Saint Cyprian the Sorcerer is confused with another famous
Cyprian immortalized in the Catholic Church: the “African Bishop”. Despite the
historical difference that separates them, the legends combine and the two often
become one in popular culture. It is common to find facts and personal characteristics attributed
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one or the other mistakenly. In addition to the same names, the martyrs coexisted, but in different regions.
Cyprian, the sorcerer, is celebrated on October 2nd. He was a man who dedicated much of his life to the
study of Occult Sciences. After coming across a young woman named Justina with whom a good friend
of hers fell in love; converted to Catholicism. Martyred and canonized, his popularity exceeded the
Christian faith due to his grimoires, that is, compiled of magical rituals.

The trajectory of the Sorcerer and Saint of Antioch represents the link between God and the Devil,
between the pure and the sinful, between pride and humility. Saint Cyprian is more than a saint of the
Catholic Church, or a book of magic; It is a symbol of the duality of human faith. Son of pagan and very
rich parents, he was born in 250 AD in Antioch, a region located between Syria and Arabia, belonging to
the government of Phoenicia. Since childhood, Cipriano was induced to study witchcraft and occult
sciences such as alchemy, astrology, divination and various forms of magic. After a long time traveling
through Egypt, Greece and other countries improving his knowledge, at the age of thirty Cyprian arrived
in Babylon in order to learn about the occult culture of the Chaldeans. It was at this same time that he met
the witch from Évora, where he had the opportunity to exchange knowledge with her. The sorceress died
at an advanced age, but left her manuscripts to Cyprian, which were of great benefit. Thus, the sorcerer
dedicated himself hard, and soon became known, respected and feared wherever he went.

Cyprian learned the science of sacrifices offered to idols, so that no one knew the mysteries of idolatry
better than him. Cyprian made many trips to Babylon, to learn astrology, numerology, the mysteries and
secrets of the Chaldeans. In addition to spending time in those studies that he could have used in the
knowledge of other truths, Cyprian increased his malice and iniquity when he gave himself entirely to the
study of magic, in order to achieve, through this art, close relationships with demons, leading to at the
same time an unruly, libertine, scandalous and impure life. Although the fervent Christian, Eusebius, who
had been his study companion, criticized Cyprian's bad life, trying to pull him out of the deep abyss into
which he had fallen, he only despised the exhortations and censures of his former colleague, as he used
them. His wit was to ridicule the sacred mysteries and the virtuous teachers of the Christian faith, out of
hatred for which he even joined the barbarian persecutors to force Christians to renounce Christ.

In Antioch there lived a young girl named Justina, very beautiful, whom her father Edeso and mother
Cledônia educated with an emphasis on pagan superstitions. Justina was
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endowed with much virtue. But she began to awaken to a Christian life as soon as she heard the sermons
of Prailo, deacon of Antioch, abandoned the extravagances of pagan practices and embracing faith in
Christ, soon after managed to convert her own parents. Being baptized, Justina soon became one of the
most virtuous of her time, consecrating her life to the Divine Master, seeking all means to preserve this
virtue; To this end, he strictly observed modesty, devoting himself to prayers and retreat. Despite this, a
boy named Aglaide, as soon as he saw her, fell in love with her and asked Justina's parents to have her
as his wife, to which Edeso and Cledônia agreed. Despite all Aglaide's efforts and pleas, Justina did not
agree to get married. Aglaide then resorted to the arts of Cyprian, who, in effect, used the most effective
means of his diabolical science to assist Aglaide, who was his great friend. He offered the demons many
abominable sacrifices and they promised him the desired success, immediately covering the young girl
with terrible temptations and threatening her with terrible ghosts. Justina, however, strengthened by God's
grace, emerged victorious from all diabolical temptations. Cipriano, indignant, because he could not defeat
the girl, rebelled against his demon during a conjuration, and the demon was present and spoke to him:

“Perfidious one, I already see your weakness, for you cannot overcome a delicate maiden, you
who boast so much of your power and of carrying out prodigious operations, where are your

Cyprian, using cabalistic names, forced the demon to confess what type of defense Justina used to
stay out of the reach of his magic. The devil had no other way than to confess the truth, saying that the
God of Christians was the supreme Lord of heaven, earth and hell and that he (the devil) could do nothing
against the * sign of the cross with which he Justina continually armed herself. As soon as he appeared
to tempt her, he was forced to flee due to the power of the sign of the cross. The Sign of the Cross, which
the devil was referring to, is not the sign as we know it today.

It was a Kabbalistic sign that Justina had learned, as she had also been initiated into this mystical Path. At
the beginning of the era known as Christian, those initiated into Kabbalistic knowledge also did so.

* Kabbalistic sign of the cross. NT.

It is so powerful to do this by pronouncing the sacred names, that there is no demon capable of
resisting it, as it becomes a guard for the body and soul. Over time, the Catholic church omitted sacred
names, replacing them with titles: father, son, etc...
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According to the “Vitæ Sanctorum Omnium” Cyprian said to the devil: “For if
this is so, I will give myself to the service of the God of Justina, who is more
powerful than you. If the sign of the cross of Christians forces you to flee, I no
longer want to use your wonders, I renounce all your spells, trusting in the goodness of
God will admit me as his servant.”

Angry, the demon, for losing the one who had made so many conquests through
him, took over his body. However, he was soon forced to leave, by the sign of the
cross that Cipriano had just learned. As a result, Cyprian had to engage in vigorous
combat against the enemies of his soul; but Justina's God, whom Cyprian had
always invoked, helped him and made him victorious. His friend Eusébio contributed
greatly to this result, whom Cipriano immediately went to look for and said regretfully:

“My great friend, the happy day has come for me to recognize my mistakes
and I hope that your God, who I already confess to be the only and true one,
admits me among his lowest servants, for the greater triumph of his benign mercy.”

Eusébio was very pleased with this prodigious change. He affectionately hugged his friend,
congratulated him on his heroic resolution, encouraging him to always trust in the infallible truth of God,
who never abandons those who sincerely seek him. Thus fortified, Cyprian was able to bravely resist all
the devil's temptations. To do this he constantly made the sign of the cross, always having the sacred
name of God on his lips and in his heart. When the demons saw all their devices completely frustrated,
they strove to drive Cyprian to despair, saying to him:

“The God of Christians is undoubtedly the only true God, but he is a God
who punishes even the smallest crimes with extreme severity. The greatest
proof is ourselves, who for a single sin of pride were condemned to an extreme
punishment. Therefore, how would there be forgiveness for you, Cipriano?
Due to the gravity of your crimes, you already have a place prepared in the
deepest hell. Therefore, having no mercy to wait for, just take care to have fun,
satisfying all the passions of your life freely.”

In fact, this temptation cast great doubt on Cyprian's faith. His friend Eusebio,
aware of the crisis that disturbed Cyprian, encouraged and consoled him, offering
him the benign mercy with which God receives and generously forgives repentant
sinners, no matter how great their sins. Afterwards, the same Eusébio
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He took him to the assembly of the faithful, where people who wished to be instructed in the mysteries of
the Christian faith were admitted.

At the end of the religious service, those present were astonished that a presbyter like Eusebius would
introduce Cyprian to that sacred meeting. And the bishop who was presiding over it found it much more
strange, as he had not considered Cyprian's conversion to be sincere.
However, Cyprian dispelled all doubts, after distributing all his assets to the poor and joining the group of
catechumens. Being sufficiently instructed in Christian doctrine, Cyprian was baptized by the bishop,
together with Aglaide, Justina's lover, who, repentant of her madness, wanted to amend her life and follow
the true faith. Moved by these two examples of divine mercy, Justina cut her hair as a sign of the sacrifice
she was making to God of her virginity and shared

also with the poor the goods he possessed. Cyprian made great and wonderful progress in the ways of the
Lord; his life was a perennial exercise in the most rigorous penance. He was often seen prostrate on the
ground, his head covered in ash, begging all the faithful to beg him for divine mercy. And to further humble
yourself and eradicate your former pride. After much pleading, he obtained the job of sweeping the temple.
Cipriano lived in the company of the presbyter Eusébio, whom he venerated as if he were his spiritual
father. The divine Lord, in recognition of his good behavior and humility, granted him the grace to perform
miracles. His eloquence contributed to the conversion of many idolaters to the faith.

Using his famous writing Confession, in which he made public his crimes and excesses, he encouraged
the confidence not only of the faithful but also of sinners.
Therefore, the fame of the conquests that Cyprian made for the kingdom of Christ and his zeal reached the
ears of the emperor Diocletian, who was then in Nicomedia, informed of the miracles of Cyprian and the
holiness of Justina, he gave orders to the judge Eutolm, governor of Phenicia, to arrest them both. Taken
to the presence of the judge, Cyprian and Justina responded and confessed their faith in Christ with such
eloquence that it took little for them to convert that authority. However, so that they would not assume that
he favored Christians, the judge ordered Justina to be flogged with two ropes and Cyprian's flesh to be
torn open with an iron clip. This cruel torture caused horror among those present. Seeing the despot that
neither the promises, nor the threats, nor the terrible torture could weaken the constancy of the two, he
ordered each one to be thrown into a large kettle full of tar, lard and boiling wax. But the sudden serenity
that was seen in the faces and words of the martyrs indicated that they suffered nothing in that torment. It
was clear that even the fire beneath the boilers did not have the slightest heat. At this, a priest of idols,
named Athanasius, who for some time had been a disciple of Cyprian, thought that all those wonders were
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provoked by the spells of his former master, and wanting to gain a greater reputation among the people,
he invoked the demons, in his magical ceremonies, and threw himself into the same cauldron from which
Cyprian was taken. However, he soon died burned, with the flesh detached from the bones. This fact
caused great perplexity among those present and a riot almost broke out in the city in favor of Cyprian.
Intimidated, the judge decided to send the martyrs to Emperor Diocletian, informing him of everything that
had happened. Reading the letter from Emperor Diocletian, without further procedural formalities, he
ordered Cyprian and Justina to be beheaded. The sentence was carried out on September 26, on the
banks of the River Gallo, which runs through the city of Nicomédia.

When a good Christian named Theotisto arrived to speak in secret to Cyprian, he was also
condemned and beheaded. This man was a sailor who, coming from the coast of Tuscany, had landed
near Bithynia. His companions were also all Christians and, knowing what had happened, they came
during the night to collect the bodies of the three martyrs and took them to Rome, where they were hidden

in the house of a pious lady, until the time of Constantine the Great, when they were transferred to the
Basilica. of Saint John Lateran. Finally, Saint Gregory proposes the example of Cyprian, whose admirable
conversion will serve as a stimulus and comfort to sinners, no matter how burdened they are with
innumerable and heavy guilt, instilling in them confidence in divine mercy, by the virtue of his grace, can
to soften the hardest hearts, immediately reducing them to the exercise of sincere penance and then
taking them to a supreme degree of eternal glory.

About Rituals and Spells


One condition that the devil gave to Cyprian when they made a pact was that: Never, under any
circumstances, should salt be eaten. Salt disenchants all types of sorcery and witchcraft. No one will be
able to obtain any magical effect when it comes to demons, by ingesting salt or acidic things. Under the
sunlight, one cannot operate with the power of Darkness either. When the one who deals with the Power
of Darkness understands one of the meanings of: “Solve et Coagula” then he will be able to perform the
Magical Arts of Darkness without errors. Take a slug as an example, it is a thick plasma, when we throw
salt on it, it melts; so also she cannot walk in daylight. The magic and magical charms of demons do not
form in a saline or acidic atmosphere, but rather quickly coagulate into a
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alkaline and dark environment. He who meditates on this will be able to produce true
miracles with “black magic”, or “Left Hand Path”.

Another Recommendation!

It was taught by ancient initiatory schools that every group of people with religious
and ritualistic purposes generates an Egregore. The ancient wizards knew this, for
this reason they always mixed what Catholics considered sacred with the profane. But
wizards considered the Church a field of work for the occult.
very broad. Truly, the Catholic Church is a “vessel” rich in Egregore to work on every
type of witchcraft imaginable. For this reason, anything you can imagine using, both
prayers and the physical temple and images of saints, can be used for witchcraft work.

The Days and Hours astrologically favorable to magical operations must be
observed. The term “day” covers both periods, both the day itself and the night.

On the effects of Saint Cyprian's prayers

We hear a lot about unloading, but almost, or never, we hear about loading, or
giving charge to objects or people through the power of the Dissimilis Libellus (from
which certain wizards, touching this egregore, derive a unique power). Saint Cyprian
says in his Manuscript that any prayer you say, even a simple poem, becomes a most
powerful spell when it is loaded with the Charge of Evil. For example: Let's say that
before cursing someone, you carry the curse with the Charge of Evil; Before casting a
spell, it is charged with the Charge of Evil. Thus, everything the wizard thinks of doing
can be charged with the Charge of Evil.

Ecce Onus Malum Egregore:

“Nema olam a son arebil des, menoitatnet ni sacudni son te tucis. Artson
atibed sibon ettimid te eidoh sibon ad melaitnatsbusrepus murtson menap. Arret ni te ole
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ni tucis, aut satnulov taif; muut nemon tainevda. Muut nemon rutecifitcnas,
sileac ni se iuq retson retap.”

2nd Part

For those who will work with pagan Mysteries and the
Strength of its Egregore originating from the Catholic Church
Exorcisms and Ligatures through Ancient Prayers

Banishing ritual:

A banishment is usually carried out before a magical ritual begins. This operation
aims to clean the atmosphere and the ritual area (regardless of whether it is a room or
a magic circle) of all those elements that could interfere with the magical operation.
Banning consists of removing all negative aspects from a subsequent Workplace and
placing those elements that are pertinent to the operation into this reserved space.
Banishing rituals can also be performed as a purpose in themselves. This can be done
for several reasons: to clean a room or house, to eliminate unwanted negative energy
or simply to calm and balance the mind. Many magicians practice banishing rituals

Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram

The Ritual has as part of the procedure the vibration of divine names.
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1st. Touch your forehead and say Atah! (Atá) Creator.

2nd. Touch your chest and say Malkuth! (Malcut) The Kingdom.

3rd. Touch your right shoulder and say see-Gedulah! (see-Guedulá) the Power.

4th. Touching the left shoulder say see-Geburah! (see Gueburá) and Gloria.

5th. Clasping your hands on your chest say Hello, Amen! (forever and ever) Amen.

6th. Turning to the East , draw a pentagram (that of Earth) with the appropriate magical
weapon, (the Rod of Art is the most common, but in the absence of it the theurgist can use his own

Say vibrating: YAHUAH!

7th. Turning south, in the same way, but say Adonay!

8th. Turning West, in the same way, but say Ah-Hah-Yah!

9th. Turning to the North, in the same way, but say AGLA!

(Pronounce: Yahu-ah, Adonai, Ahaiah, Agla).

10th. Opening your arms in the shape of a cross say,

11th. In front of me Raphael;

12th. Behind me Gavriel;

13th. To my right, Michael.

14th. To my left, Uriel;

15th. For around me the Pentagrams blaze,

16th. And in the Middle Column shines the Six-rayed Star. Repeat (1st) to (5th), the Kabbalistic

The magical Tetragrammaton


This is why many people see when they fall asleep, when their eyes are closed, strange heads
and bizarre shapes that come to bed with a
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unprecedented speed and which disappear immediately to be replaced by others.

Elementals are also the cause of nightmares, visions and dreams. Above all, we will
notice that these beings are divided into four main sections, corresponding to the
four elements and the four letters of the sacred tetragrammaton: ÿÿÿÿ
Four elemental classes are called gnomes (earth), salamander (fire), sylph
(air) and undine (water). This division determines the use of various instruments,
Kabbalistic words, prayers and spells used in separate cases. We give you a series
of magical relationships that will give you the tips you need when practicing.

The Elementals

Exorcise the earth by spraying water, blowing fire, fragrances corresponding to

each day and praying gnomes. The magician's intervention in the elemental must
be based on the total domination of the will over the physical world. Therefore,
whoever feels dizzy cannot order gnomes, whoever is afraid of the storm will be
defeated by waves, salamanders mock those who fear fire, and sylphs mock those
who are afraid of thunder and hurricanes. Through the indicated prayer, changing
the rite of recitation according to the four main parts of the world and using
appropriate instruments, the elemental effect is achieved. However, you should
know that practice for this purpose must be done in the middle of the magic circle.
There you can feel safe from all the surprises of the astral powers. Meditation in the
dark, with the insulation of wool and the use of a sword, allows you to see the
elementals at once. As a complement, we give you three great spells:

The Sanctum

The place to carry out occult work must be a room suitable for this purpose.
Only the operator and his initiates should enter there. Never allow access to curious
people, or even another wizard, as this could contaminate the environment.
In this place, make a marble altar, place on it a closed triangular frame with a
spherical mirror in the center, large enough. Leave free space in front of the table.
Place two column-shaped candlesticks next to the triangle, arranged on the sides of
this same triangle. These candlesticks must be equipped with wax candles. There
must also be an incense burner, where incense will be burned according to the work
that will be carried out. Under this altar there must be a box, where the instruments
of the Art will be arranged. After the place is ready, exorcise the environment with
the following prayers.
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Exorcism against spirits

“In the name of Michael, ask Yahuah to hand you over, Chavayoth! In the name of
Gavriel let Adonyah command thee and leave thee, Bael! In the name of Raphael,
disappear before Elohim, Sachabiel! Through Samael Zeboad and in the name Elohim-
Gibor, leave Adramelek! Through Zachariel and Sachiel-Melech, hear Eirach, Samgabiel!
In the name of the divinity and humanity of Schaday and by the sign of the pentagram,
which I held in my right hand, in the name of Angel Anael, by the power of Adam and
Eve, who are Iothavah, leave Lilith; leave us alone.
Nahemov! Through Elohim Kadosh and the names of the jinn Cashiel, Schaltiel, Aphiel
and Zarahiel, by order of Orifiel, depart from us, Moloch! We will not give you children
to eat!”

Exorcise the air

“Spiritus Dei ferebátur super áquas, et inspirávit in faciem hóminis spiráculum

vitæ. Sit Michael dux Meus, et Sabtabiel sérvus Meus in luce et per lucem!”
“Fiat verbum halitus meu; et imperábo spiritibus áeris hujus, et refroenábo
equos solis voluntáte cordis meis, et cogitatóne mentis meae et nutu óculi déxtri!”

“Exorciso ígitur te, creatúra æris, Pentagrámmaton et in nomine

Tetragrámmaton, in quibus sunt volúntas firma et fides recta. Fiat saddle!”

Exorcising the elements

The water is exorcised by the laying on of hands, by breathing and by words, mixing the
consecrated salt with a little ash that remains in the perfume box. The aspersion is made with
branches of verbena, periwinkle, parsley, mint, valerian, ash and basil, connected by a thread
taken from the pillars of a child's bed, with a handle from an almond tree that has not yet
borne fruit, and on which you will engrave , with the magic tweezers, the characters of the
seven spirits.

The fire is exorcised by putting salt, incense, white resin, camphor and sulfur into it, and
pronouncing the three names of the fire geniuses three times: Michael, king of the sun and
lightning; Samael, king of volcanoes, and Anael, prince of astral light.

The earth is exorcised by sprinkling water, sulfur and fire, with the perfumes appropriate
for each day.
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The Four's house

It should be noted that the special kingdom of the gnomes is to the north, that of the
salamanders to the south, that of the sylphs to the east and that of the undines to the west.
They influence the four temperaments of man, that is, the gnomes on the melancholic, the
salamanders on the sanguine, the undines on the phlegmatic and the sylphs on the bilious.
Their signs are: the hieroglyphics of the bull for the gnomes, and we rule them with the
sword; from the lion to the salamanders, and We directed them with the forked rod or the
magic trident; from the eagle to the sylphs, and We sent them with the holy pentacles;
finally, from the aquarium to the undines, and we evoke them with the cup of libations.

The Kings

Their respective sovereigns are: Gob for the gnomes, Djîn for the salamanders,
Paralda for the sylphs and Nicksa for the undines.

When an elemental spirit comes to torment or hinder Magical Operations, it will be

necessary to conjure it through air, water, fire and earth, blowing, sprinkling, burning
perfumes and tracing the star of Solomon and the sacred pentagram on the ground. These
figures must be perfectly regular and made, either with charcoal from the consecrated fire,
or with a reed, dipped in paint of different colors, mixed with pulverized magnet. Then,
holding Solomon's pentacle in our hand and taking, each in turn, the Sword, the Wand and
the Cup, we will pronounce aloud the conjuration of the four in these terms:

Conjuration of the Four

“Caput mortuum, imperet tibi Dominus per vivum et devotum serpent! Cherub,
imperet tibi Dominus per Adam Yotchavah! Aquila errans, imperet tibi Dominus per
alas tauri. Serpens, imperet tibi dominus Tetragramaton Yahuah per Angelum et
leonem. Michael, Gavriel, Rafael, Anael, fluat udor per spiritum Elohim. Maneat land by
Adam Yotchavah. Fiat firmamentum per Yahuah-Sabaoth. Fiat judicium per ignem in
virtute Michael!”

“Angel of dead eyes, obey or dissipate with this holy water. ÿ Taurus
winged, work, or return to the earth, if you don't want me to hurt you with this sword. ÿ
Chained eagle, obey this sign ÿ or retreat before this breath ÿ! mobile snake
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drag yourself to my feet or you will be tormented by the sacred fire and evaporate with the perfumes
that I burn. May the water return to water, may the fire burn, may the air circulate, may the earth fall to
the earth, by the virtue of the pentagram that is the morning star and in the name of the tetragram that
is written in the center of the cross of light. Amen!"

You shall bless and consecrate separately the salt and the ashes of the perfumes

Blessing over the salt

“In this sale sit sapiéntia, et ómne corruptionióne servet mentes nostras et corpora nostra, per
Hochmael et in virtúte Ruach-Hochmael, recédant ab isto phantásmata hylae ut sit sal coeléstis, sal
térrae et térra salis, ut nutriétur bos tritúrans et áddat spei nostrae Volántis tauri cornua. Amen!”

Over the gray

“Revértátur cinis ad fóntem aquárium vivéntium, e fiat térra fructificans, et germinet árborem
vitae per tria nomina, quae sunt Netsah et Yesod, in principio et in fine, per Alpha et Omega qui sunt
in spiritu Azoth. Amen!”

Mixing water, salt and ash

“In sale sapientiae aeternae, et in water regeneration, et cinere germinante térram nova, ómnia
fíant per Elohim, Gabriel, Raphael et Uriel, in saecula et aeónas. Amen!”

Water exorcism
“Fiat firmamentum in medium aquárium et sepáret áquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut inférius,
et quae inférius sicut quae superius, ad perpetránda miracula rei uníus. Sol ejus pater est, luna
mater et ventus hanc gestávit in utero suo, ascéndit a terra ad coelum et rúrsus a coelo in terram
descéndit. Exorciso te, creatúra aquae, ut sis mihi spéculum Dei vivi in opéribus ejus, et fons vitae,
et ablútio peccatórum.
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The tools

The traditional tools of magic are: The Staff (Will); the Pentagram (Body); the Chalice (Heart) and
the Sword (Mind). For any magical practice to produce results, these four must be manufactured in
harmony. When the operator finds himself purified and cleansed of any fear or doubt, he must begin
making his magical tools.

How to craft the Sword of Art

It is necessary to make a sword on the day and hour of Mars during the period of the new moon and,
having finished making it, recite the following conjuration over it.

“I pray to you, oh instrument {say the name of the instrument}, by God the Father, the
Almighty, by the virtue of Paradise and the stars of heaven, by the virtues of the elements, of
stones and plants and of all animals. I pray to you by the virtue of the hail and the wind that you
receive these virtues and such power that we can achieve perfection in all things, without evil,
deceit or disappointment, in the name of God, the creator of the Sun of Angels. Amen!"

Then recite the seven penitential psalms followed by the following words:

“Dalmaley, Lameck, Cadat, Pancia, Velous, Merroé, Lamideck, Caldurech, Anereton, Mitraton,
you who are the purest angels, are now the guardians of these instruments, which will be
necessary for many things”.

Sprinkling exorcism
“In the name of immortal Adonyah, may I sprinkle you, (N...) and cleanse you from all deceit
and evil, so that you may be purer than snow. Amen!" Then he breathes the holy water over the
object, saying: “In the name of the Father ÿ the Son ÿ and the Spirit ÿ
Holy. Amen!"
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These sprays are necessary for each instrument and also the smoking that follows.
To fumigate, it is necessary to have a thurible or other container, in which new charcoal
must be placed and access with a fire that has been lit expressly for this purpose; and
when the coals are burning well, add the aromatic compounds, in order to perfume
everything that is necessary to be done in accordance with the Art, saying the following:

Invocation for fumigation

“Angels of God, be our help and may our work be completed.
Great Angels, ADONAI be present with us here, and grant (N) the necessary virtue
to receive strength and power, so that through them our work may be perfect. In
the name of the Father ÿ the Son ÿ and the Holy ÿ Spirit . Amen!"

Once the Sword of Art is made, you will use it to cut the Rod of Art and the Staff. The
staff must be made of elderwood, reed (liana) or rosewood, and the wand of hazel or
walnut; In all cases the wood must be virgin, that is, only one year old (growth). Both must
be cut from the tree in a single blow, on the day of Mercury, at the sun's rise. The
characters shown must also be engraved on them in the day and hour of Mercury.

Names engraved on the stick: AGLA ÿ ON ÿ YAHUAH

The Pentagram
The Star must be made in perfect steel in the day and hour of Mars, or drawn on a
marble plate with exorcised red paint. Once made, it will be stored upright and covered
with white linen. She has the power to control spirits through the magician's will.
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The Cup

The Cup must be made in gold on the day and hour of the Sun, in the absence of this element, it
can be made in solar wood, such as laurel or citrus wood. It must always remain full of pure water, as
it is a conductor between the worlds.

The Cloak

The Mor mantle must be made of white linen to contact forces known as light. For ordinary
operations, choose the colors according to each day of the week: Monday silver; red tuesday;
Wednesday a mix of colors; blue Thursday; green friday; Black Saturday and Yellow Sunday.

Astrological Days and Hours for Magical Operations

Types of Operation:

The powers of the Planets

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Works: Money, hope, enchantments; operations to obtain the support of powerful people or those in power;
against hostility and in favor of friendships in general.


Works: Travel, navigation, love and reconciliation, message. Visions in the water theft and invisibility (New


Works: War, military success, valiant deeds, destruction; disharmony murder, death, suffering, achieving
success in military matters.


Works: Eloquence, business, arts and sciences, predictions, discoveries of robberies, merchandise and
goods; operations involving deception.


Works: Honors and riches; friendships; Physical health; the desire of the heart.
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Works: Love, affection, travel, affection and carnal pleasures


Jobs: Saves from traps. Operations for good and evil linked to constructions; conjure
familiar spirits (of Saturn) to speak to someone about their sleep; properties, luck and failure
in business, fruits and vegetables obtaining knowledge; works of hate, death and disaster.

The powers of the Hours

1) Hours of Saturn; Mars and Moon: Conjure spirits; works of hatred and enmity.

2) Hours of Mercury: Games, games, pastime, discovery of thefts with the help of the

3) Hours of Mars: Conjure the souls of hell, mainly of soldiers killed on the battlefield.

4) Hours of Jupiter and the Sun: Works of invisibility, love and well-being. All unusual

The Moon in the Signs as a Key in Operations

The effects of the moon cannot be ignored in magical rituals
For the operations of love, friendship and invisibility, the Moon must be in one of
the signs of the Fire element: Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. The magician must be facing the
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Night Planetary Hours (Summer):

19:40 – 20:40 – 21:40 – 22:40 – 23:40 – 00:40 – 01:40 – 02:40 – 03:40 – 04:40 – 05:40

Cardinal points and their correspondences:

East, Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Archangel: Michael. Elemental: Salamander.

West, Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Archangel: Gavriel. Elemental: Undine.

South, Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Archangel: Raphael. Elemental: Sylphs.

North, Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Archangel: Uriel. Elemental: Gnomes.

Working with pagan mysteries and

Strength of its Egregore originating from the Catholic Church
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Important warning

In the case of prayers, they are ancient egregors, and are accessed through the house
of some elemental such as the palm of Saint Joseph, for example. Before saying any strong
prayer, ritual, or even a spell from this book, it is very important to clean the area with the
following incantation:

Enchantment to ward off evil forces and cleanse the place

Ah, goriadã, goriadã. Goniél, always put adnó exquezi afrél. Teriã, adnatã, sondiná
Liedna golia datiefél paliá. Af se ine defô pariélsemperlini will distance. Serveta ad
gonia gtauâma ête distilá. Keep that whining. This Kenya is always goriadã,

After this very strong enchantment, the dark spirits leave and the healer, or the sorcerer,
can now say the prayers with the palm of Saint Joseph in hand to open the way for the
egregore to install itself. Only the initiated know these secrets.

Ancient and Miraculous Prayers

Prayer addressed to the Savior of the world

Most loving Lord Jesus Christ, true God who from the bosom of the eternal Omnipotent
Father, you were sent into the world to absolve sins, redeem the afflicted, release those
imprisoned; have compassion on the truly repentant, console the oppressed and troubled,
deign to absolve and free me, Your creature, from the affliction and tribulation in which I find
myself. From God the Almighty Father you received the
mission of redeeming the human race with Your precious blood. Therefore, deign to order
that perfect harmony be established between me and my enemies, and that
May Your peace, Your grace and Your mercy shine upon me. Make all the hatred and fury
that my enemies have against me extinguish, so
how Esau lost all the aversion he had against his brother Jacob. Extend, Lord
Jesus Christ upon me Your creature, Your arm and Your grace, and deign to deliver me from
all who hate me, as You delivered Abraham from the hands of the
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Chaldeans and their son Isaac from the consummation of the sacrifice; to Joseph from the tyranny
of his brothers; to Noah of the universal flood, to Lot of the fire of Sodom; to Moses, to Aaron, Your
servants, and to the people of Israel, from the persecution of Pharaoh; to David from the slavery of
the giant Goliath; the Judith of the proud and impure Holofernes; to Daniel from the lions' den; to the
three young men Sidrach, Mishach and Abdenego, from the furnace; to Jonah from the belly of the
whale; the daughter of Canaanite, from the devil's persecution; to Adam, from the pains of hell; to
Peter of the waves of the sea; and to Paulo, from the suffering of prison.

Most loving Lord Jesus Christ, son of the Living God, attend to me also, Your creature, and
come quickly to my aid through Your Incarnation,
by the cold and the heat, by the labors and afflictions in which I find myself; for the beatings you
suffered; for the spear that pierced your side, for the crown of thorns and for the nails with which
you were tortured; for the gall that you drank, and for the cruel death that
we all suffered.

I pray to You for all these things, and for Your descent into limbo, for Your glorious
Resurrection, for the frequent consolations You gave to Your disciples, for Your admirable
Ascension and for the coming of the Holy Spirit. For the tremendous day of
Judgment, as well as for all the benefits I have received from Your kindness.
You created me out of nothing. You redeemed me. You have strengthened me against the temptations of
demon and you promised me eternal life.

For all this, my Redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ, I humbly ask you to
now and always defend me from the evil adversary, from all dangers, so that after this life, I may
deserve to enjoy Your Divine bliss.
Presence. My God and my Lord, have mercy on me, Your miserable creature. O God of Abraham,
God of Isaac and God of Jacob, have mercy on me, Your creature and send Your Holy Archangel
Michael to my aid, who he gave me.
guard, protect, protect and defend me from my carnal and spiritual enemies, visible and invisible.
And you Michael Holy Archangel of God, defend me in the last
battle so that I will not perish on the day of judgment.

Archangel of Christ, Michael the Holy One, I beseech you by the grace you have deserved
and by Our Lord Jesus Christ, to free me from all evil and the last danger in the hour of
death. Michael, Gabriel and all the angels and archangels of God, help this miserable creature. I
humbly beseech you to lend me your assistance so that no enemy can harm me, whether on the
road or at home, in water or in fire, whether I am awake or asleep, speaking or silent, and so on.

in life as in death. Here is the cross of the Lord. Flee opponents and enemies. Who
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah wins. Save me, Savior of the World, help me! You who by Your
blood and Your cross redeemed me. Save me and defend me today and in
all my life. So be it.
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Daily prayer designed to pacify the spirit

This is a prayer that should be said every day. Get up early, perform your ablutions, eat
your meal and say aloud (if you are alone),
or silently (if someone is nearby) the following words:

“Today my life begins again. I am washed, rested and calm. I slept well,
I renewed my energy, I left the unpleasantness behind. I have new strength to fight the
difficulties that arise. I am full of optimism. I know that I will be able to solve the problems
that this day brings me, as all the other days have brought me. Imagination can do more
than complacency. I visualize myself winning
difficulties; I see myself smiling and happy despite the obstacles that I face.
appear. My enemies will be defeated; Those who wish me harm will see that evil will fall
upon them. Great is my personal magnetism; my psychic forces are immense; my energy
doesn't diminish with work, and the more I work, the more strength I find to continue. I owe
nothing to anyone, and therefore I fear no one. Everyone is my equal, and no one is better
than me. Everyone has their task and everyone must carry it out with enthusiasm and
competence. I am what I am. In what I do, I give my best. I hope others do this too. Each
one must be the king in their role. I will not be afraid today,

I won't even be nervous. My nerves belong to me: I dominate them, and I will do with them
what I wish. I will not be exalted, I will not be angry, I will not be afraid.”

Prayer to the Virgin of virgins

O Holy Mary, eternal Virgin of Virgins, mother of mercy, mother of grace,

hope and refuge of all those afflicted, by that sword of pain that pierced your most pure soul
when your only begotten Son Jesus Christ Our Lord
He suffered the torture of death on the cross, and for that filial love that made Him sympathize
with your maternal pain, and recommend you to His disciple Saint John, heir of the perfect
love He had for you; I beg you, Lady, to have compassion on me,
and may you give me medicine in sickness, in poverty, in consternation and in
any other affliction I encounter in this world. O powerful refuge of the suffering, benign
mother of mercy, liberator of the unhappy descendants of Eve, hear my pleas and see the
tears of suffering and pain that I shed.
I find myself oppressed because of my faults: I have no one to turn to except you, my most
pure Virgin Mary, mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and
requests a lawyer for the human race.
I beg you, therefore, for your mercies and paths, through which you led your Most Holy
Son; and for the glory that He had in the time of His covenant with
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human nature, when he took our mortal flesh for our salvation; for the agony that your Son had
in his heart, when he prayed to his Eternal Father on the Mount of
Oliveiras, for your faithful company you kept him throughout the journey of his Passion and
death; for betrayals, opprobriums, insults, false testimonies and barbaric
sentence given against him; for the hard ropes that bound him, cruel scourges with which they
whipped him and rigorous thorns with which they crowned him; by the tears and blood sweat he
shed; for the shame he felt when he found himself naked on Calvary; for the immeasurable
torment of his unrelieved thirst; by the spear wound that penetrated his side; by the thick nails
that pierced his
sacrosanct hands and feet; for the recommendation he made of his Most Holy Soul to his Eternal Father.

For the kind mercy he showed on the good thief; for the honor and glory of
his triumphant Resurrection; by the appearances which he made to you and to the disciples and
apostles in the space of forty days; by the glorious Ascension, in which in your sight and that of
the most faithful, he was taken to heaven; by the grace of the Holy Spirit which he poured out on
heart of the disciples, for the loving compassion and faithful solidarity that you showed him for
this world; for the ineffable joy of your wonderful Assumption, when
in the presence and company of your own Son, and of the entire Celestial Court, you were
elevated to the empyrean and surrounded there by eternal glory and delights; For all this, Lady,
and for everything else that you have been and done, I ask you to hear my prayers and grant
me and facilitate the supplication that I now make to you, with all humility and
devotion that is possible for me. And as I believe, know and confess that your Son,
sacrosanct attends to you and honors you in such a way that it does not deny you anything from when
you require, nor let your supplications be frustrated; I hope and trust, my beloved Lady, that I
will faithfully, promptly and effectively experience the desired help from your
maternal consolation, according to the sweetness of your merciful heart, all according to the
benign clemency of your Holy Son (Here we will say what grace
you want to obtain).

And not only for the happy dispatch of that special request for which I invoke the
your name and the powerful virtue of your august patronage; but also that you may deign to
inspire me with living faith, firm hope, ardent charity, intense love for God and my neighbor,
contrition, true, worthy and sufficient satisfaction, diligent
caution for the future, total contempt for the world, imitation of the pains of your Most Loving Son
when I have to suffer death; faithful fulfillment of my vows, constant perseverance in good works.
Continuous mortification of my love
own, true repentance of all my sins at the end of my
life; and to crown it all the glorious blessedness in the wonderful company
that in paradise I also wanted to have the souls of my parents, my brothers and my relatives, for
all centuries. Amen.
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Prayer to stop drinking and smoking

My Saint Augustine bishop, son of Saint Monica, you who had an agitated youth and converted to the
good path, come to my side and teach me to avoid evil and to desire good. Give me strength to give up
addiction, make me hate drinks and tobacco. I fervently want to leave these habits behind forever.

execrable things to drink and smoke, to make me a balanced and healthy creature.
Saint Augustine, protect me. It makes me despise these bottled filth and the smoke that comes out of
cigarettes, cigars and pipes, because this is the work of demons. Saint Augustine, help me, support me, help

To find lost or stolen things

Saint Anthony's response:

If you want miracles, turn to Saint Anthony. You will see the devil and infernal temptations flee.

The lost is recovered. The harsh prison is broken. And in place of the hurricane, the angry sea gives

All human evils moderate and disappear. Let those who say it
they saw it, and the Lusitanians say so.

The lost is recovered. The harsh prison is broken and at the height of the hurricane the angry sea gives

Through his intercession, pestilence, error and death flee. The weak becomes strong and the sick
becomes healthy.

The lost is recovered. The harsh prison is broken. And at the height of the hurricane, the angry sea
gives way.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!

Recover what was lost. The harsh prison is broken and at the height of the hurricane, the angry sea
gives way.

Blessed and praised be Saint Anthony, bright sun that in Lisbon, France and
Italy, gave birth to the most brilliant:
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O blessed Saint Anthony, who ascended Mount Sinai; your Holy Breviary
you lost it, in search of it you returned very sad and a voice from heaven you heard:

“Saint Anthony, go back, you will find your holy Breviary; upon him living Jesus
Christ, you will ask three things of him: the lost found, the forgotten remembered, and
the living kept.”

Pray for us, blessed Saint Anthony. So that we may be worthy of

Promises of Christ.

Prayer to Saint George

I will be dressed and armed, with the weapons of Saint George, the Great Loyal Warrior. So that my
enemies who have feet cannot reach me, who have hands do not catch me, who have eyes do not see
me and not even in thoughts can they harm me.

Firearms will not reach my body, knives and spears will break without action.
my body arrives, ropes and chains will break without my body touching.

Jesus Christ, protect and defend me with the power of your Holy and Divine Grace.
Virgin Mary of Nazareth, cover me with your Sacred and divine mantle, protecting me
in all my pains, afflictions and misfortunes.

And God with his Divine Mercy and great power, be my defender, against
the evil persecutions of my enemies who have a grudge against me.

Glorious Saint George, in the name of the Almighty, your shield and your powerful
spear extend around me, your strength with your greatness, from the power of my
carnal and spiritual enemies and all their bad influences, defend me.

And that under the feet of your faithful horse, which you always rode, to fight with
him in his battles, may my enemies remain humble and submissive to you, without
daring to have even one look that could harm me.

So be it with the power of God, of Christ and his phalanx and of the Divine Holy
Spirit. From now on, by your power, by your spear and shield, I will be free from any
pain, affliction or tears. Amen!
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Ancient prayer of repentance

O Jesus, merciful Lord, become me, your servant, and forgive me my guilt and my error, which I
made against you, me, a petty sinner. Return to me, forgive my sins, O most pious one, and do not
complain too much against me, but with
mercy, return to me.

Prayer to bless the feet

O power of the Father who resides in me, make the paths plain and make it easier for me to walk
along them with these feet. With divine love acting within me, nothing is difficult for me. O Father, do
all things through me, and so my life will be easy, calm, and free from
heavy responsibilities.

Ancient prayer to improve life

Shout: I want with great noise, that everyone responds to me, and already inside Paradise, each
Saint hears me, and for me it does so much that the good Jesus prays for his face to show me. It
goes screaming, my heart, with heated fervor and passes all
heaven and go before your lord, present yourself before this emperor, and he will make you rich, if
you know how to ask.

Prayer for recommending the soul to God

When my body is killed, every Christian, with prayer, give me his help, may my Lord Jesus my
soul be received, who is all my comfort, and may he bring me to good fruition and may the devil not
confuse me , nor can it subdue me.

Prayer to Santa Catarina for

a woman conquer a man's heart

Most beautiful Saint Catherine, grandmother who dominated the world with your presence alone.
fifty thousand men in the sanctuary of Father Abraham, give me your protection so that I can dominate
just one man, who is so-and-so (here the name of the desired man is said). Saint Catherine,
beautiful and pure, patron saint of young women; single women and eunuchs, soften the heart of so-
and-so (here the name of the desired man is said),
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so that he only thinks about me, desires me, and is not interested in another woman who
Don't be me. If he is eating, let him not eat; if you are drinking, don't drink; if he is sleeping, let
him not sleep until he comes to me and speaks to me.

Fulano (here the name of the desired man is said), by the power and charm of Santa
Catarina, I have subdued you here under my left foot; and he will never think of another woman
again while you are under my left foot (You must have written your name on a piece of paper
under your left foot and stepped on it hard when saying the prayer).

Prayer to São Miguel, for someone who is going to travel

Copy this prayer on Saint Michael's Day (September 29), before sunrise
of the Sun, and is carried on a scapular close to the body of the person who is going to travel:

“Saint Michael the Archangel, commander of the guard of Paradise, protect me from all
evils on this trip that I will make through these wild seas, and on all the others that I make on top
of the waters. Deliver me from the temptations of the devil and the attacks of
enemies. Through you, I ask that you not abandon me for a single moment on this trip and on
the others I may take. Saint Michael the Archangel, protect me, and ensure that I reach my
destination safe and sound. With your strength as guardian of Paradise, keep me from dangers,
free me from evils and put me on the right and safe path, so that there will be no missteps or
mistakes, no disasters or any difficulty in this
travel and in the others that I make over the waters.”

Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua

My dear Saint Anthony, who has performed so many miracles, help me get married. I have
worshiped you so much! I wish, now, that you support me and bring me
He who will be my husband before God and before men. I beg you, O Holy One
miraculous and benefactor, may you not forget me, and may you give me what I desire most. I
beg you, adorable Saint, to grant me this grace and that I may be led before the altar by the arm
of a strong, kind and intelligent gentleman. To you I entrust my desire, and in your hands I place
my hopes.
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Prayer of thirteen things to soften hearts

One is the holy house in Jerusalem, where Jesus Christ grew up.
There are two tablets on which Moses received the law that governs us.
There are three nails that nailed Christ to the Cross.
There are four Gospels: Saint John, Saint Matthew, Saint Mark and Saint Luke.
Five are the wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Six are the first seals that the Lamb opened in the Apocalypse.
There are seven letters that John, in Revelation, wrote to the seven churches in Asia.
Eight are the first epistles of Saint Paul.
Nine are the choirs of angels that dwell in heaven.
Ten are the commandments of the Law of God.
Eleven are the eleven thousand pure who are in the company of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Twelve are the apostles of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thirteen are the kings of hell who break and destroy everything. So in the strength of this Prayer, I
will burst and break your heart (so-and-so).

To undo the evil that we have

was posted by people we know

Aospe adaflam ut a erbo metiv es lam od sacrof sas eq. Olut hedop oan eq, lam od sacrof ad
anapmoc an sats ut eq oa levispo e onamu, mob est eq oliuq ef hanim lepa,
seôçnetint sabo sahnmi salp odige torp outse ue merop, Iam sereuq em eq eis. Oporc
eum o araap ctsezif eq edadlma (NN) it rebos iacera.

Prayer so as not to be nervous about being approved by a college

My Saint Thomas Aquinas, author of the Summa Theologiae and the Summa Contra
Gentiles, make me feel calm, peaceful and serene before the examining boards, and that I will not
forget what I studied. I prepared myself properly, I did what I could do. Now I ask you to help me
and not allow me to be dominated by nervousness. I ask you to keep in my head, at the appropriate
moments, everything that my eyes have read in books, that my ears have heard from the mouths
of teachers; make sure that I can repeat, without hesitation and without work, what I have studied,
and that I can answer, with precision and certainty, all the questions that the panel asks me. Saint
Thomas Aquinas, protect me. Saint Thomas Aquinas, support me in this difficulty. Saint Thomas

come to my help.
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Prayer to smoke a house

While the house is being smoked, the following prayer will be said: “I smoke my
house, in praise of God and the Blessed Sacrament, so that any evil that is inside can
leave through this door; In the name of the Holy Trinity, I order and command that all the
evils that are here, go to those who sent them. And by the immense power and strength
of the Holy Trinity, may all the happiness that human beings can have enter through the
door of this house. Adonyah Melech. Amen!"

Prayer to Blessed Catherine

Lady Blessed Catherine, you were the daughter of a queen, a queen of holiness, who
was queen of Spain. Here I come to ask for your protection and your help. And just as the
weapons of your enemies could do nothing against you, so the fire of their weapons will
be like pure, refreshing water to me, and the steel of their blades will bend and soften
before it enters my body. Defend me from my enemies, if I am sleeping, wake me up, for
the love of the Most High. With your power, Lady Blessed Catherine, my enemies may
have eyes, but they will not see me; the consecrated host will be my shield, which will
protect me against the blows of those who wish me harm. Lady Blessed Catarina, support
me. My Jesus, for the love of Your Holy Mother Mary and the Bread that You shared and
the mystery of the Cross, (pray five Our Fathers and five Hail Marys). Lady Blessed
Catherine: in memory of the sacred Death and Passion of my Lord Jesus Christ, in praise
of the Five Wounds that opened in him,
deliver me from my enemies. If I am sleeping, wake me up; if you are
working, alert me, if I am traveling, warn me, so that they do not reach me.

Prayer to free us from the lightning

As soon as it starts to thunder, put a white ribbon around the arm, neck or waist of the
image of Saint Barbara. Repeat this every hour for the duration of the storm. Rinse your
mouth three times, with three mouthwashes of water each time, and pray
following way:

“I pray to you, Virgin and Saint Barbara, that you do not allow these rays to reach me.
from the sky. Make them all pass away from this house and this place where I am,
and where are those who are dear to me. For your purity and goodness I beseech you, oh
Virgin and Saint, may you protect me until this storm ends. Amen."
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Prayer to Saint Benedict to close the body

May the precious cross of Our Lord be worth me, O Saint Benedict, and the precious
letters that contain power within them, be worthy of me. I (So-and-so), always
I will be free from fire, hay, putrid air, spells; from pests and poisonous animals, as I have
for my defense, Jesus Christ and you, O Saint Benedict. Noah's Ark shelters me in the
power of angels. With the key of Saint Peter I close my body, the three people of the Holy
Trinity accompany me. Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Amen. (UPNUAM).

Prayer to Saint Benedict to achieve a request

This Prayer is said four days in a row:

My glorious Saint Benedict, Guardian of Saint Francis. Give me luck

your heart for the five Wounds of Jesus Christ. (PNAMGP)

My glorious Saint Benedict, Guardian of Saint Francis. Hear my prayers for the
Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (PNAMGP)

My glorious Saint Benedict, Guardian of Saint Francis. For that hour that you
you went to the entrance to take alms to the poor and the friars asked you, Benedito,
What are you taking there? (PNAMGP)

And with all humility you replied: “They are flowers, gentlemen”. They became flowers
the alms. So do what I ask of you (A request is made) For the five wounds of N.
St. Jesus Christ. (PNAMGP)

My glorious Saint Benedict, Guardian of Saint Francis. For that time you were
in the folds of time, to the home of Jesus as a boy, to take him in your arms with all your
humility, reach me the grace of the Baby Jesus, to do what I ask (Do what I ask)
order). Through the five wounds of Jesus Christ. (PNAMGP)

On the third day, the following prayer must be prayed: My glorious Saint Benedict,
Guardian of Saint Francis, at that time when you placed the cauldron on the fire
fever without firewood, so do what I ask of you (The request is made) for the five wounds
of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (PNAMGP)

On the fourth day it is as follows: My glorious Saint Benedict, Guardian of Saint

Francisco, for that time when you lost the keys to the pantry and Jesus made you find
them, so help me find and reach the grace that I seek so much.
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Prayer of Santa Rita das Causas

Impossible to achieve the grace of a request

“My Saint Rita of the Impossible, lawyer, beloved wife of Our Lord Jesus Christ, you
were born on a Thursday, you were baptized on a Thursday, confirmed on a Thursday,
you suffered the rigors of your husband on a Thursday. fair, you received the wounds
of Our Lord Jesus Christ on a Thursday, for your merits, now answer my request: (here
the request is made; preferably on a Thursday). You showed on a Thursday that
you also ascended to Heaven having descended to Hell to take your husband's soul,
grant my request; and have compassion on me in similar affliction for the anguish that
you also had in your hearts. Help your devotees who trust in you and only your
protection answered with this supplication because you are in this prayer, my

lawyer, my hope and my consolation. Hear my pleas (becomes the

make the request) by your mercy and by the sacred wounds of Our Lord
Jesus Christ".

You start praying on a Thursday. There are people who pray every day, others
only on Thursdays. The second prayer of Saint Rita of the Impossible is the

† “My Saint Rita of Impossible causes, a lawyer, a dear wife, beloved of Our Lord
Jesus Christ. You who were born on a Thursday, were
baptized on a Thursday, you suffered the rigors of your husband on a Thursday,
you received the wounds of Jesus Christ on a Thursday, you waited in a
Thursday for your merits, grant my request (the request is made).
You also showed that on a Thursday you ascended to Heaven having descended to
Hell to take your husband's soul, answer my request (the same thing is done again
order). For your merits and for the wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen." † (Seven Hail Queen is prayed for the merits of the Wounds of Our
Lord Jesus Christ).

Prayer to obtain grace from Saint Rita

† “My Saint Rita of Impossible causes, on a Thursday you were born,

on this very day you were baptized, on this same day you were confirmed, on this same day you were
you were married, on this very day you were widowed; for the merits, for the wounds of
Our Lord Jesus Christ, just as nothing is impossible for You, so also allow
that nothing is impossible for me. Amen." †
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Prayer to bring the body closed

It must always be brought with the person

† “So-and-so, God ahead and peace in your guidance, I commend you to God and the Virgin Mary.
God give him the company of an angel, the same one he gave to the Virgin Mary when she went from
Bethlehem to Jerusalem, the body of Christ keep you, the blood of Christ save you, the
Peace of the Virgin Mary comfort you. Saint Bartholomew and the Holy Apostles
accompany and free him from all evil and danger, under the word of Our
May Lord Jesus Christ be protected every day and night, with the sword of Saint Peter
girded, with the blood of the side of Our Lord Jesus Christ bathed so that his body is not
arrested or insulted, nor his blood spilled. The good ones
see and the evil ones do not see you, nor come near you. God give you the
company that the Virgin Mary gave when she went from Bethlehem to Egypt. God you
keep it as well guarded as our Lord was kept in the womb of his Holy Mother Mary and
covered with Abraham's cloak. Amen! Remember, oh
pious Virgin Mary, who has never heard that all who have turned to You were abandoned
by You. Encouraged with confidence, I run and come to You, groaning under the weight of
my sins, I prostrate myself at Your feet, do not despise my supplications, O mother of the
heavenly Word that became flesh, but deign to hear the propitious
that I beseech you. Amen. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to
you. Saint Joseph, Saint Luiz de Gonzaga, Saint Rose, pray for us. †

Prayer for the soul of a known person

Lord my God, Creator and Redeemer of all men, grant to the soul of your servant so-
and-so (name) the remission of all his sins. Hear, Merciful Lord, the prayer that I humbly
address to you and obtain forgiveness for her soul so that she can sing your praises in
Heaven eternally.
Grant him, my Lord, the mansion of refreshment, the blessedness and the radiance of
your light. Eternal, Merciful and Just God, You who desire the salvation of all human
creatures, I beseech You for Your clemency towards Your servant so-and-so ( say his
name), taking him to Your heavenly home, so that
in it enjoy eternal happiness. Answer my prayer, Lord, show yourself
have compassion on the soul of your servant and grant him purification of his
sins may his soul be with you forever and ever. So be it.
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Prayer to Saint Anthony

† My glorious Saint Anthony, with your blessed strength, help me on this journey, so
that I can achieve (NN); with his silver cord, which he wears at his waist,
hold what I desire, until it comes into my hands, without harming my brothers. Even with
my needs, show me the way to follow, in God's will. If any snare stands in my way,
dismantle it. And the evil that is in him be destroyed by you, with the permission of the
Father, by your power and
merit, my glorious Saint Anthony. So be it. †

Prayer to Saint Jerome

† “O glorious Saint Jerome, in the sadness that surrounds us here, on earth, we

let us raise our thoughts to God through you who are in the glory of the Father.
you spent your life in the severe study of different books, you called people to the source
of true wisdom and like the eagle sparkles under the eternal Sun, you held in contempt the
evil in the world. We, children of this frivolous, fervent century, beg your
sponsorship. Guide us in the search for truth, take us to the true treasure of the soul, to
the light of heavenly things and elevate us in spirit to God. And finally, make it so that by
imitating you on earth we deserve to enjoy you in Heaven. Amen.” †

Prayer to Saint Mark and Saint Manso,

to slow down our enemies

† Saint Mark, mark me! Saint Manso, love you! Jesus Christ, soften your heart and
separate me from evil. May the Blood of Christ be between me and my enemies.
May my enemy not have wrath against me, just as Saint Mark and Saint Meek went to the mountain and
there were wild bulls on the mountain and made them gentle as lambs in chains and peaceful in the
dwellings of their houses, under my left foot, just as the words of São Marcos and São Manso are true,
say: son, ask what you want and you will be served, if in the house where I rest, if there is a mad dog, stay
out of the way, let nothing move against me, neither living nor dead and beating

door with my left hand I wish that the doors would be opened immediately.
Jesus Christ Our Lord, will descend from the Cross just as Pilate, Herod, Caiaphas,
were Christ's executioners and he consented to all these tyrannies; in the Horto he turned
around and saw himself surrounded by enemies, he said a loud chord, they all fell to the
ground until the Holy Prayer ended. Just like the words of Christ, Saint Mark and Saint Manso
softened the hearts of all men of evil spirits, wild animals and
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whatever is opposed to me, whether alive or dead, in soul or body, and of evil spirits, both
visible and invisible, I will not be persecuted by injustice nor
of my enemies who want to harm me both in body and in soul.
I will always live peacefully in my house; along the paths and places to travel,
No living being can hinder me, but everyone must help me with whatever I need.
Accompanied by this most holy prayer, I will make friends with everyone and they will love
me well, I will be annoyed by no one. So be it, amen! †

Prayer to Saint Catherine to obtain grace

in facing with courage the evils of existence

† O Eternal God, Just and Merciful Father, who from the height of Sinai gave Moses the
Your Law, and in the same place you miraculously placed the body of Saint Catherine,
Virgin and Martyr, carried by Your Holy Angels, grant me that through
intercession and merit of Your Saint, full of confidence in Your infinite Goodness and with
the protection of Saint Catherine, may we face the adversities and works with which Your
Justice will experience us in Your faith. Santa Catarina,
come to my aid and make me share in your ardent faith in Our Lord Jesus
Christ. So be it.

Response from Santa Barbara

against lightning and thunder

† Saint Barbara gentle, You are a follower of Our Lord. There are a thousand storms,
whenever and wherever. Because you loved Jesus, your father mistreated you, but by the
Power of the Cross he remained silent forever. The furies of nature, the lightning, winds,
thunder, You firmly dominate, giving peace to hearts. Saint Barbara, you are miraculous
and you have a lot of power, you can defend us well from the stormy rain. Santa Barbara,
blessed one, make the thunder stop.

Oremus: We pray to you, Lord, that through the intercession of the virgin Martyr Saint
Barbara, we may deserve the grace to be at peace in our home, living in the
observance of your Holy Law. So be it.
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Prayer to Saint Cyprian against witchcraft,

witchcraft, evil and diabolical practices

† Thus spoke the Lord God to King David: “Guard your tongue from evil and your lips
from lies. Turn away from evil and do good, seek peace and follow it. The eyes of the Lord
are upon the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cries.” So be it.
Blessed Saint Cyprian, grace and Our Lord Jesus Christ, touched the
your heart, moving you away from the road of perdition and leading you along the path of
practicing charity and virtue, which leads to eternal salvation. Illuminated by the Holy Spirit,
your profane science became divine. God's grace remained
with you, blessed Saint Cyprian, and thus, knowing the arts of the devil, you came to
possess the virtues that nullify the evils with which you defend the servants
God's. Trusting therefore, in your wisdom and kindness, I come to implore your
protection against any evil spells, witchcraft, invocations, nigromancia, that wizards or
witches, and diviners, men or women, anywhere, at any time of the day or night, may try
to cause harm to me, in my person, in my
relatives or my property.
Protect me, blessed Saint Cyprian, from the attacks of Satan, his agents, invisible or
visible. Watch my house, protect me and all my
family. Inspire me with good feelings and pure thoughts, distancing me from false friends
and unknown or known enemies. Blessed Saint Cyprian,
just as you have been granted mercy, so I sincerely ask you to
influence my heart so that I know God's will and do not move away from
his commandments. Intercede with Our Lord Jesus Christ so that I may deserve the
your protection, protecting me from harmful influences I can in peace honor and
love God who is in heaven. Saint Cyprian, watch over me, Saint Cyprian, defend me.
Saint Cyprian, pray for me. So be it.

Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

to get a special grace

† Holy Mary, Virgin Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I come to kneel before you,
repentant of my many sins, begging you to intercede, together with your Divine Son, for
the forgiveness of my great faults. Lady of
Sorrows, which had your pure heart pierced by seven swords, consolation of the
afflicted, protector of the weak and oppressed, come to my aid in this affliction.
Have mercy on me, Madam. Consider my suffering. Supplicant, I ask you for the grace
to (mention the request) through the blood of Our Most Beloved Jesus, shed on the cross
for our salvation. You who suffered for all creatures, see my suffering, Our Lady of
Sorrows, and bring me relief in this affliction.
Grant me the grace to (repeat the request). Come to my aid, oh my
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protective. to my aid, come Queen of Angels. In my defense, I helped Wife

God's. Our Lady of Sorrows, seven swords pierced your heart. Seven pains mortified
your body, virgin and saint. I ask you seven times, Our Lady of Sorrows, for the grace to
(mention the request). So be it. †

Prayer to Our Lady of Aparecida

Our Lady of Aparecida, whose miracles testified to your power, I kneel at your
feet, begging for your complacency towards me. I am a sinner, Lady, but I know that you
do not refuse to listen attentively to the prayers of sinners
repentant. Encouraged by the faith of a true Christian, I come to ask your forgiveness for
my sins, so that, thus forgiven, I ask you for the grace to (make the request).
Watch over me, Our Lady of Aparecida, so that with my faults I no longer offend
Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Clear my mind so I can
better serve you and obey the precepts of your Divine Son, Our Lord Jesus
Christ, our Divine Master.
Our Lady of Aparecida. Virgin Mother of God, Lady of the World, look with kindness
upon me, and from Your Most Loving Son obtain forgiveness for my
sins and special protection for me. Source of grace and truth, Our Lady of Aparecida,
turn your eyes to me and favor me with the fulfillment of the request I address to you:
(Repeat the request here ). Prudent Virgin, pray for me.
Queen of heaven, pray for us. Temple of Trindade, watch over me. So be it.

Prayer to Saint Joseph for peace in the family

† To you, Saint Joseph, who were chosen by God to be the husband of the Virgin
Maria, I beg your help in tribulations. Through the sacred bond of the family, you united
to the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God, and to Our Lady as to the Child God, you
dedicated your constant love, your fidelity, being the example of the true husband, and
of the dedicated father of the family for all past and future centuries. O
guardian of the Holy Family, be also our protector. Inspire my husband (say the
spouse's name), all the members of our family, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law,
grandchildren, respect for God, the practice of Christian virtues, friendship above all so
that our family, united and peaceful, can deserve the blessings of Our Lord Jesus
Glorious Saint Joseph, Spouse of Mary, be vigilant around us, interceding with the
Most High God so that we all live in peace, in observance of the
precepts of the Lord. Inspire in all of us reciprocal friendship, the feeling of duty,
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be loyal to one another and strengthen us in the love of Christ who

He was born, lived and suffered for the salvation of humanity, you are our example. To
protect the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus against the persecution of Herod, you guided and
you led your Holy Family to refuge in Egypt. So that all of mine
family, we can fulfill the commandments of God's law, protect us against the tricks of the
devil, against our enemies, against adversity, illness and
all evils, which are not permitted by God. Protect us, Chaste Spouse of the Virgin Mary,
so that we may live holy until God calls us to
eternal Bliss So be it.

Prayer to Saint George against enemies, adversaries,

disaffected and to win a case in court

† Knight of Christ, valiant blessed Saint George, I come to kneel

before you, in an act of veneration for the virtues and unshakable faith in Our Lord
Jesus Christ. Just as you slaughtered and cut off the head of the dragon, so I believe,
blessed Saint George, that with the permission of the Eternal Judge and our Father,
Eternal God, you will come to defend me.
Wielding the spear and the gladius. You are the defender of the oppressed and those who
suffer injustices. You have never been and will never be defeated because your faith is
unbreakable, your strength irresistible and your shield is the Cross of Our Lord.
Lord Jesus Christ.
With God's permission, blessed Saint George, come to my aid and give me the
courage, under your patronage, to face my adversaries, who seek to lead me into mortal
sin and hate my enemies with my defeat. , disobeying the precept of Our Lord Jesus
Christ. You are my tireless defender and guardian, Glorious Saint George, a model that
we must all imitate in defending the faith in Jesus Christ. Saint George, defend me. So be
it. †

Prayer to Saint Sebastian

against wars and revolutions

† God sustains the terrestrial globe that will never be shaken. Praise be to Our Lord
Jesus Christ for whom the valiant Saint Sebastian suffered and died riddled with
arrows, tied to an orange tree. The Throne of God is safe and Saint Sebastian the
defends, just as it defends us from wars and revolutions.
The peace of God is his blessing, upon the peaceful believers of Our Lord Jesus
Christ. Martyr Saint Sebastian, free us from the destruction of war, defend us from
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evils of the revolution, remove from us disunity, discord, anarchy, the destruction of the homes and
possessions of the faithful Christians.
Soldiers of Christ, you are soldiers of peace and not of war, soldiers of life and not of
death. You never fainted in battle; you never gave in to the ardor of your faith in Our Lord
Jesus Christ. Riddled with the thorns of an orange tree, pierced by the arrows of your
tormentors, at the command of the cruel tyrant of Rome, you were honored by
God as the title of Patron Saint of Peace.
We therefore turn to You to free us all, me, my
family, to my countrymen, to all humanity, of the destruction of our homes and
our land. Bring us Glorious Martyr, peace. Saint Sebastian, watch over us, attend to us,
protect us. So be it.

Consolatory of the Glorious Martyr Saint George

The good man, the one who trusts in God, is safe from all danger. He who remains under
the assistance of the Most High will rest securely under the
protection of God and Heaven. He will say to the Lord: you are my defender and my refuge;
He is my God and I will wait on Him. Because He Himself will free me from the snare of
hunters and the harsh word. He will place me like a shadow under his
shoulders and you will wait, being covered with his wings. His truth will surround you
as a shield.
You will not fear anything that happens by night, nor the arrow that flies by day. Neither of
evils brewing in darkness; nor from the attacks of the midday demon. They will fall to
on your side a thousand, and on your right, ten thousand. But death will not approach you. Before you
You will contemplate and see, with your own eyes, the retribution that sinners face.
Because you said: Lord, you are my hope and because you chose for your
refuge, the Most High. Evil will not come to you and the scourge will not approach your
tent. Because he commanded His Angels to guard you for all my
They will take you in their hands so that you do not hurt your feet by giving
on some rock. You will walk over the asp and the basilisk and tread on the lion and the
Dragon. Because he waited on me and I freed him. I will be your protector, because he
knew my name. And you will cry to me and I will hear you. I am with him in the time of
tribulation, I will deliver him and cover him with glory. I will give you an extended life and I will
make you see the salvation that I have destined for you. So be it.

Prayer to consecrate a house to God

† Omnipotent, Merciful and Just Eternal Father, I heard the prayer of Your Son, Lord
Jesus Christ. God and true Man, be conducive to the supplication of a
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repentant sinner. Divine Holy Spirit, enlighten me with a ray of Your Eternal Wisdom.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, advocate of sinners, cast your gaze on me, on my family, on
this house. Saint Michael, prince of hosts
celestial bodies, with your sword, drive away demons, evil spirits,
malefactors from the premises of this house. My God, I humbly dedicate my residence
to You, begging Your blessing upon it so that, free from harmful influences, we may all,
myself, my wife (or husband), my children, everyone in my family, live in this space of
peace under Your protection; guarded by the Angels in the shadow of the cross of Our
Lord Jesus Christ, under the mantle of
Our Lady, Holy Mary. So be it.

Instructions: Then pray a Creed in God the Father, an Our Father and a Hail Mary,
with all windows and doors open. If the house is old or has been inhabited by other
tenants, pray the Guardian Angel prayer.

Prayer against evil spirits

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, hear my prayer. The Most Pure Spirit
of Jesus was, is and will be the winner of all my enemies and of all the adversaries of
those who love and believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ reigns, Jesus Christ reigns,
Jesus Christ rules forever and ever. So be it. If Satan
intend to dominate me through witchcraft and sorcery, Our Lord Jesus Christ
will defend me, preventing me from being dominated by diabolical snares. Sir
Jesus Christ, who in the womb of the Immaculate Conception You were incarnated and
became man, for the salvation of humanity, I humbly beseech You, Lord, for Your
protection against evil spirits, agents of Satan. By the Cross of our Lord, go
to your kingdom of darkness, evil spirits, who intend to enslave me to the enemy of the
human race. Go retro, Satan! Through the Cross of Our Lord Jesus
Christ. So be it.

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel, protector and defender of souls, defend us in this clash,
be our guard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. Instantly and humbly
we ask that God reigns over him; and you prince of the heavenly militia, with divine
power, precipitate, in Hell, Satan and the other evil spirits that roam the world, to the
perdition of souls. So be it.
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Prayer to Our Lady of Guia

to open paths and get good business guidance

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The heavenly Court, perpetually,
sing your praises, O Queen of Angels and Saints, merciful and merciful Sovereign. You are
the refuge of sinners and that is why I come, contritely, to ask you
your intercession with Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, forgiveness for my sins, the grace to
avoid evil ways, which lead to perdition. I beseech you,
Lady, your assistance in existence, your protection in my activities, your
support in my business, the favor of opening my eyes, my intelligence, so that I understand where my
salvation lies, what resources I must use, so as not to be unsuccessful.

Keep away from me the enemies, the dishonest, the men without faith and without charity.
Grant me a good disposition of soul and body, so that I can direct my
interests, so that I never refuse help to those who need bread and material or spiritual help.
Give me patience, perseverance, fearlessness, in the face of
obstacles. So be it. Immaculate Mother, pray for us. Kind Mother, pray for us.
Admirable Mother, pray for us.

Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord God Almighty, Creator of
Heaven and Earth, praise be given to You for all centuries. Like this
it is. Lord God, who, out of your immense goodness and infinite mercy, trusted
every human soul to each of the Angels of Your heavenly Court, I give you thanks for
this immeasurable grace. Thus, trusting in You and in my Holy Guardian Angel, the
I address him, begging him to watch over me in this passage of my soul, through exile from
Earth. My Holy Guardian Angel, model of purity and love for God,
be attentive to the request I make of you. God, my Creator, and SovereignLord to whom
you serve with inflamed love, I entrusted my soul and my soul to your care.
body, my soul, so that I do not offend God, my body, so that I
be healthy, capable of carrying out the tasks that divine wisdom assigned me, to fulfill my
mission on Earth. My Holy Guardian Angel, watch over me, open my eyes, give me prudence
in my paths through existence. Deliver me from physical and moral evils, from illnesses and
addictions, from bad company, from dangers, and in moments of distress, on dangerous
occasions, be my guide, my protector and my guard, against everything that causes me
physical or spiritual harm. . Deliver me from the attacks of invisible enemies, tempting spirits.
My Holy Guardian Angel, protect me.
So be it.
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Prayer to Our Lady of Exile

Admirable Virgin, full of firmness, peace and constancy that not even worldly people can
seduce, and neither promises nor threats can shake: You who
you were chosen to be the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ Divine Savior, O Our Lady of Exile,
obtain for me the grace to detach myself from the things of Earth, so that I have enough
strength to overcome obstacles and despise vanities in the world.
world, may I achieve, together with You, eternal bliss. So be it.

Prayer to the Archangel Saint Michael

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus, always renew Your
blessing upon us, grant us, through the intercession of Saint Michael, to be assisted,
particularly, during our existence, by this powerful protector, in our difficulties, in our sufferings,
in our trials. I and all those I recommend be helped by Saint Michael, on all difficult occasions
and at the time of death. We ask you through Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it. Saint Michael,
our powerful protector, help us Saint Michael, support me. Saint Michael, pray for

NB - In this prayer made in favor of a third person, their name must be mentioned, saying: “So
and so, I recommend to you, be helped...”

Prayer against obsessive spirits and invisible enemies

Lord my God, Eternal and Omnipotent Father, thanks be given to You. Contrite for my sins,
I pray for Your help and ask You to free me from the attacks of evil spirits, persecution, and
my enemies, whether visible or invisible.
Like King David, I cry: “Judge me, Lord, and separate my cause from that
of unfaithful people.” You are my Father and my Defender. Grant me the grace to receive Your
Light and deserve Your Protection.
By the Sacred Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it. (Pray 1 I believe in God the Father.)
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Pater Noster

Pater Noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. fiat voluntas
tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita
nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.

Holy Mary

Ave Maria, gratia plena Dominus tecum Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris
tui, Iesus Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Ora pro nobis peccatoribus Nunc et in hora mortis nostræ Amen.

Hail Regina

Hail, Regina, mater misericordiæ Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, hail. Ad te clamamus, exsules, filii
evæ. Ad te suspiramus, groans et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo, Advocata nostra, illos
tuos misericordes oculos ad nos convertes. Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc
exsilium ostende.
O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria. Pray pro nobis sancta Dei Genetrix. Ut digni efficiamur
promissionibus Christi. Amen.

Credo in Deum Patrem

“Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, factorem cæli et terræ: et in Jesum Christum, Fílium
ejus únicum, Dóminum nostrum: qui concéptus est de Spiritus Sancti. Natus ex Maria Vírgine, passus
sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus et sepultus: descendit ad inferos: tertia die resurrexit tertia die
ascendit ad cælos et sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis: unde veniet ut iudicet vivis et
Credo in Spiritum Sanctus, Sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam, sanctorum communionem, remissionem
peccatorum, et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam æternam, Amen!”

Save the queen

Hail Queen, Mother of Mercy, sweet life and our hope, hail. To you
we cry out, groaning and crying in this valley of tears, the degraded children of Eve.
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So, our lawyer, turn your merciful eyes to us and after this
exile, show us Jesus, Blessed Fruit of your womb. O clement, O pious, O sweet and ever Virgin
Mary, pray for us, Holy Mother of God, that we may be
worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.

Jaculatory of Saint Michael

Defend us in the fight, O Saint Michael the Archangel, let us not perish in the horrible
judgment! Recite a Pater-Noster, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be to the Father.

Miraculous Prayers,
or Egregores

Pray for sessions

Take some leaves of coirana, make a rosary with them, and pray like this: “Stay there,
sezões, until I come and get you.” You pray three times and the rosary is hung in a certain place,
and whoever had the sezões never again
must pass through there.

Invocation of the spirit of a person

who has done good throughout their life

Invocation to all celestial beings for the health, happiness, prosperity of

my peers. The spirit of..., (here we say the name the person had during the
life), mysterious being from the space that your mysterious conception takes to the divine ocean
your tribute of energy, I conjure you and invoke you to be propitious to me in my honorable
desires: luck, health, plans, projects, works and aspirations, and that the
let not the evil passions, intentions and superstitions of my enemies persecute me. Give me
guidance for good. So be it. In the name of God, Amen. (It is not necessary that
If the person says this prayer out loud, they just need to always carry it close to their body, as
close as possible, inside a scapular, or in an inside pocket of their clothes. If, in a case
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If it is special, it must be read, the bearer must do so on a Friday morning, and by the
light of a candle. The ancients recommended that this prayer should not be wet, so
the bearer will be careful to keep it inside a receptacle that does not allow sea water,
river water or rain water to pass through. However, the moisture from the wearer's
sweat does not harm).

Pray to free us from contagious diseases

Blessed Saint Sebastian and Saint Roque, intercede for us to our Lord Jesus
Christ, so that we may be free from every epidemic, from any contagious disease and
from every illness of the body and soul. Pray for us, blessed Saint Sebastian and
Saint Roque, so that we may be worthy of Christ's promises. Amen.


“Omnipotent and Sempiternal God, who through the merits of your saints Saint
Sebastian and Saint Roch freed men from contagious diseases, attend to the
our supplications that, now turning to you for a similar grace, we deserve, through
their intercession, to be free and saved from all danger of pestiferous contagion. By
our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."

Pray to cure toothache

As I was going along a path, I saw Saint Apolônia, sitting on a stone, Distraught
with pain, I asked her: “What hurts you, Saint Apolônia? Toothache, ma'am.
So, Apollonia, by the rising sun, by the setting moon, By our Lord Jesus Christ
Who put you in this suffering? So, Apollonia, let that toothache pass you by.” O
The patient takes three pebbles, says this prayer three times, and each time he says
the prayer he throws one of the pebbles behind him. Saint Apollonia was a virgin and
martyr of Alexandria, in Egypt (249 AD).

Pray for abnormal menstruation

São Marcos, Mateus is cutting grass in a dry field. Blood, retain it in yourself as
Jesus Christ retained Himself. Blood, retain in the vein, as Our Lord Jesus Christ
retained Himself at supper. Blood, has what is eternal, as Jesus Christ withheld
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in the mountain. Blood, retain what matters, as Our Lord Jesus Christ retained in
Time of death. Amen.

Pray to develop intelligence

Almighty God, Father of light, from whom all good things and all perfect gifts come to us, I
implore Your Eternal Wisdom, she who surrounds Your Throne, that everything
created and does, which leads and preserves everything. Deign to send me from heaven. Your
sanctuary, and from the throne of Your glory, so that it may be in me and work in me; that she
is the master of all the celestial and occult arts and possesses the science and
intelligence of all things, make it accompany me in all my works; that through your spirit I reach
true intelligence; this great work to be done here below, I begin it, pursue it and conclude it with
joy and glory; may he happily enjoy it forever.

Pray to cure windiness

God is the Sun; God is the Moon; God is clarity; God is the supreme truth. Just as these words are
right and true, come out of that (NN), in the name of God, windiness.

Pray against breast disease

Christ lived, Christ was killed, Christ was resurrected! Just as these words tell the truth,
grant the grace to heal the sick breast on the left (or right) side of (the name of the sick woman)
with all speed. Pray this prayer three times
followed and three Our Fathers are said in honor of the Holy Trinity.

Pray against cheerleading

What do I, Saint Frutuoso, do with the powers of God and the Virgin Mary? I sew trampled
flesh, dislocated nerve, sprained muscle, broken bone. Lord Saint Fruitful,
I pray and offer this support to Saint Frutuoso, with the powers of God and the Virgin Mary. So
be it.
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Pray against headache

God save you, Lord Saint Mark! Jesus is Son; Jesus is creator; Jesus is
redeemer. Just as Jesus Christ is Son, is creator and is redeemer, enter the church,
leave this pain. Pray for this headache. If it is Sun, look for the air, if it is serene,
look for the casualties; with a linen cloth wrap a jar of cold water; with the powers of the
Virgin Mary, free this head from the pain that agonizes it.

Pray to ask for summer time for

occasion of heavy rains and floods

Almighty God, our Savior, who punished the human race with the universal flood,
and saved your servant Noah and his entire family in the ark, do not punish us with
another similar scourge; close up the abysses of your waters; give it to the air
the serenity that comforts and rejoices, remember the promise you made to your servant
and his descendants, that you would no longer destroy the Earth with floods;
grant us the peace we need so that we may praise the Lord here on earth.
abundance of fruits with which your liberal hands present us; and so that, at the end of
our lives, saved from the flood and guilt that affects the world, we sing
your praises for all eternity.

Pray for rain

O God in whom we live, and for whom we sacrifice and exist, grant us
the grace of the rain benevolent, so that, helped with your blessed aids,
let us enjoy eternal goods with greater confidence. Be it all for the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pray to get in and out of the house safely

Without danger I entered, without danger I will leave. Just as Our Lord Jesus Christ
was saved on the day of His holy baptism under Noah's ark, so I close myself with the
key of the Lord Saint Peter; I lock myself away, Jesus of Nazareth and with a creed I
commend myself; Jesus, Mary and Joseph, my soul is yours. Amen.
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Pray to Our Lady of Mercy

Pious Mother Virgin of Mercy, I appeal to you through your most sweet bowels; listen to
this afflicted woman who calls you in despair, you who gave birth without pain; for the birth
of your glorious servant Saint Raimundo Nonato, whose birth was
miraculous, I beg you to favor me in this birth, and I promise to be your humble slave, to
better serve you and your son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pray to Saint Catherine

Catherine of Alexandria, patron saint of young and single women, keep my enemies
away from me, and make them feel nailed to the ground as Christ was nailed to the cross by
his executioners. And if any enemy wishes to do me any harm, plant him in the ground, and
let him take root like trees, and cannot go back or
forward. I don't want misfortune for anyone, but I ask you, beautiful saint,
you passed by the house of Abraham and that you dominate the four hundred brave men
like lions with your charm, may my enemies be confused and not make me
no harm.

Pray against those who want us harm

Confuse yourself, O you who wish me harm; get lost at the crossroads of evil; suffocate
yourself in the atmosphere of infernal abysses; and may the evil you wish me fall upon your
head and your body. God protects me and supports me, and that is why he will not let you,
oh so-and-so (here the name of the person against whom the prayer is directed), harm me
nor can you disturb the serene clarity of my happy days. You are petty, oh so-and-so (the
person's name is repeated here), and you are with the devil; I am magnanimous. You can't
do more than God. The harm you wish on me will revert to you. Bigger then
God, no one, Amen!

Pray for evil eye

With two they put you in, with three I'll take you out. With the words of Our Lord Jesus
Christ, with the Virgin Mary. Cursed eyes, excommunicated eyes, go to the
waves of the sacred sea. They put it in your eating, in your drinking, and in your look, in your
walk, in your life, in your hair, in your walk, in your work, with the shape
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divine with the strength of my heavenly father the evil look, I will remove with the seteciganas
of the waves of the sacred sea. Pray three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys, one Hail Queen, and
offer everything to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus in front, Father and Son,
Jesus accompany me with the Virgin Mary. More than God anyone.

Pray to bless fallen spine

Saint Peter made his house with four windows: two facing the sea, two facing the Earth.
This São Pedro thorn will rise. Amen!

Pray not to feel hate or anger

I love you with the love of Christ within; Love me, you with the love of Christ within, for in
reality we are one. There is no discord or fighting in the kingdom of God, and as I live in it, there
is only love in my heart for all of God's children. Love fills my heart, my mind, my business, and
heals all my sufferings.

Pray in a request to the souls in purgatory

At midnight on a Tuesday, stop in front of a church, knock three times with your knuckles on
the main door, and say in a clear but not too loud voice: “Souls in Purgatory! In the name of God
and the Holy Trinity, come with me!” Walk around the church three times, but be careful not to
look back. After the three turns, pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary in front of the main door and
leave. Do this nine Tuesdays in a row, and on the last one the souls will ask: “What do you want
us to do for you?” You will then ask for what you wish, but that does not harm anyone. You must
not show fear in any

moment of the ceremony, and you should also not look back, as is recommended

Pray against the perfidy of friends and associates

To avoid betrayal by those who claim to be your friends, you will pray to one of our priests
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at six o'clock in the morning; and on Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays I will pray, at six o'clock in the afternoon, a Hail Mary. If what you want is
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free yourself from the betrayal of your partners, pray three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys every
Sundays at six in the morning, at noon and at six in the afternoon.

Pray against theft

Copy this prayer and place it (along with Archangel Raphael's medal) in the place where the objects
you want to prevent from being stolen are located. The medal can be made of metal and purchased
from a jeweler, or it can be made from cardboard and cut out very round.
In this case, draw the letters exactly according to the model below:

Imparibus meritis pendent tria corpora ramis. Dymas et Gestas † in medio est
Divine Powers. Alta peti Dymas infelix infima Pregnancies: We are preserved
Summa Potestas: Hos versus nec furtus tips your losses.

Pray for peace in life

Have a hummingbird painted, or even drawn, and take the painter's work or
designer to be placed in the frame. Hang this picture on the wall of a chamber that is not very frequented.
Every night at ten o'clock, contemplate the painting for a few minutes. Be careful, however, to begin this
practice on a night when the sky
be starry and cloudless. Another practice recommended by the ancients is to contemplate a clock face
for five minutes daily, but
always at the same time. Follow the minute hand as it goes from one digit to another. During this
contemplation you should always have good thoughts.

Pray for the man to free himself

of a woman's spirit

It teaches the spiritist doctrine that the disembodied person is often unaware that they have
already left Earth, and therefore continues, for some time, to want to proceed as if they were still in
meat was. Because he doesn't know that he disincarnated, he insists on accompanying his relatives and
friends, in the persuasion that you can help them. They are not evil spirits, but they remain
deluded about their own situation. It can also happen that the disembodied person clings to a person,
because of affective feelings, and although they know that they can only bring harm to that person, they
do not want to move away from them. A man may, at times, notice the presence of the spirit of a certain
woman who loved him when incarnated, and who, precisely because she did not know that her condition
changed, insists on accompanying him. For
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To ward off this spirit, man must do this: wear the medal of Saint Joan
d'Arc (the medal must be attached to a chain around the neck); pray three Hail Marys
and three Hail Marys daily, offer them to Saint Joan of Arc, and ask the Saint to drive
away the spirit; throw some myrrh into the brazier, and stay near it until there is no
more smoke in the room. If, on the contrary, it is a woman who
If you find yourself pursued by the spirit of a man, the ceremony should be slightly
modified; Should a woman wear a Saint John the Baptist medal attached to a chain?
hanging around the neck; pray every day three Our Fathers dedicated to Saint John
Baptist, who must be asked to drive away the spirit of man; Add a little incense to the
brazier and stay close to it until all the smoke has come out.

Pray to make the spirits our friends

Take a seven-hundred-meter walk along a road, the straighter the better, and keep
your thoughts always focused on enemy spirits.
Stop suddenly, turn around, stand there for three minutes, and think that there you will
leave the enmity of the hostile spirits. Return the same way you came, and
throughout the journey, always think that the spirits no longer accompany you as
enemies, but as friends.

Pray for those who are going to travel

This prayer is copied by hand, which is kept on a scapular close to the body during

“My Saint Christopher, martyr of Syria, I come to humbly ask you to protect me on
this journey of mine, and on any other journey I make by land, sea and air.
Just as you carried the Baby Jesus on your powerful shoulders, and put him safe and
sound on the other side of the river, so I also ask you to protect and support me, and
free me from evils, and put me safe and sound in my destination port. . I beg you, Saint
Christopher, whose name means bearer of Christ, do not leave my side during this
journey, so that my body is not touched, hit, or stained, and so that I reach my
destination without wounds, without scratches, without burns of any kind. My Saint
Christopher, in your hands I place my body, so that I may transport it safely, with the
grace of God, as
you carried the Baby Jesus. Amen."
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Pray to get rid of the evil eye

Santa Ana had Maria; Mary had Jesus, son of the Virgin Mary, Manuel da Vera
Cruz, so-and-so (the name of the victim of the evil eye is mentioned here), if you had the
evil eye, why didn't you tell me? From your body I would take it. Looked, broken, look
excommunicated, move away from the body of so-and-so (the victim's name is mentioned here) to the
waves of the sacred sea. Go somewhere where you can't even hear the rooster crow.

Pray to soften the hearts of enemies

Just as I see the light of day, I see my Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, so big in
the sky, as I am small here in this valley of tears. And just as my Lord Jesus Christ walked
on the waves of the sea, I also want and desire that I can do the impossible, which is to
prevent my enemies from coming against me.
And those who come to me must forget the anger and hatred they have and let hatred be transformed
into indifference, and ill will into good will, through the Five Wounds of my Lord Jesus Christ.

So that you have no enemies

Every week take a boiled egg to the left bank of a river, brook, or stream; Keep looking
in the direction in which the waters flow. Spat three times into the water and throw the egg
into it. Say that the egg represents any enemies you may have. All this must be done at
night, at a time and on a day of the week that you choose and which must always be the
same for six consecutive weeks. If what you want is to turn your enemies into friends, you
must stay on the right bank of the river, brook or stream, and you must look in the opposite
direction to the direction of the waters. Tie a raw egg to a long piece of string, but in such a
way that it does not come loose, and
dip him in the water three times. Return home straight away, cook the egg and bury it, at
midnight, in the backyard, garden or vegetable garden. Say that you are burying all your
enmities. The next day, plant a vegetable seed in the place where
the egg was buried. For friendships to be firm, make a doll
wood, which must have the shape of a human being, but must not present anything that
indicates sex. Varnish the doll and put a lead weight on it so that it can stand upright. Every
night let him stay on the windowsill for thirteen minutes, and if there is a moon, let him
receive the moonlight for that entire time.
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Pray that evil spirits don't bother us

If you are persecuted by evil spirits, you must clear your head of all bad thoughts.
Don't think badly of anyone, don't speak ill of anyone, not even
your enemies. When you remember a dead person, say three Hail Marys. No
Show concern because it may be that the spirits are not really bad, or that they want to
ask for help. Ask what they want, and if they don't say, send them with good manners
and go back to where they came from. They will, because they can do nothing with the
living except if they allow themselves to be dominated by them. Pray an Our Father and
a Hail Mary and throw some incense into a brazier.

Pray for the spirit to grant forgiveness

If you are aware of an evil that you have done to someone who is now disembodied,
you can ask for their forgiveness and to do so, proceed as follows: Throw a little incense
and a little myrrh into the brazier, and at the same time keep your thoughts focused on
to the person from whom you wish to obtain forgiveness.
When the bottom of the incense and myrrh begins to fill the room, ask the person to
forgive you for your mistake. Speak in a clear voice, but not too loud, as if the person
was there by his side, still alive. Pray for forgiveness seven times in a row, and at the
end, add a little more incense and myrrh to the brazier.

Pray to avoid the perfidy of men

On a Sunday at four o'clock in the morning, copy an Our Father on a sheet of blue
paper. Enclose that prayer in a hollow medal that can be opened and closed, and bring it
always with you, hanging around your neck. If what you want is to avoid betrayal by a
certain man (husband or lover), and not just anyone, copy the Hail Mary on pink paper
(on a Thursday at noon); On Friday, at noon, copy the same prayer on blue paper. Fold
the two sheets and put them together in a scapular made of silver-colored cloth. This
scapular you must
wear it around your neck.

Pray against urine and kidney disease

Lord, by the special privilege granted to Blessed Libório against the evils of
calculus, stone and urine, make him (here the patient's name is pronounced) free
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of the illness (pronounce the name of the disease) from which he suffers. Glorious Saint Libório,
intercede for us. Amen. (The painful part is highlighted and 3 Our Fathers are prayed.)

Pray against kidney pain

Yashua bar David, Yashua bar David, Yashua bar David, you have suffered much on Earth
and on the Cross, have mercy on me. The wicked men of you greatly judged you, who did not
know how to recognize the Father in you, before your death, oh Redeemer! On Calvary
you were sacrificed; on the Cross you suffered the greatest tortures. You didn't complain about
anything. Why was there any doubt possible for you that all this sacrifice was intended to
redeem the children of your Father, who preferred to sacrifice you and thus redeem impenitent
sinners from their sins. Holy was your mission and holy was your
behavior, remaining silent in the face of the greatest and most iniquitous tortures. This is the
reason why you are blessed and throughout the centuries you have been enjoying the bliss,
which you will continue to enjoy throughout the centuries and centuries. So be it. Okay, I am,
therefore, that you will not forget the supplications that I am going to make to you here and that
come from a penitent who has been suffering a lot and who greatly desires a cure that only you
can come from. My suffering is immense as a result of the kidney pain that comes to me
tormenting, my Lord Jesus Christ. Nights and nights, days and days, I am attacked by these
pains that do not leave me, that do not abandon me for a single moment and grow in intensity
with each passing hour. Behold, I turn to you, certain that your throne will be able to help me,
although in this earthly world I will not be able to find
any relief for these ills, which increase from minute to minute. I sincerely ask you to help me.
And I do not doubt your prompt intervention, as
that, with this prayer, made with all sincerity and Your anointing, I now find myself much more relieved
and on the path to healing.

In nomini Patris † et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti † Amen!

Pray against bladder diseases

Blessed Saint Libório, I beg you to intervene with the Almighty so that this contrite devotee
of yours is not tormented by bladder ailments,
stones, sand, looseness or retention of urine. Lord God, you deigned to
grant to your blessed Saint Liborius the power to cure bladder ailments, we pray that through
the merits of your Saint, Your servant (NN), he may be free
of the torments that afflict him. Saint Libório curai. Saint Libório helped. Saint Liborius
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Pray for denial

With the powers of God and the Virgin Mary, Fruitful Lord, what do I
coso? Broken flesh, disjointed nerve, bruised flesh, severed bone.
Lord Saint Frutuoso, I pray this denial. I offer it to Saint Frutuoso, with the powers of
God and the Virgin Mary. Amen. “Frouxo” is a name given by the
people to delayed menstruation, to abnormal menstruation. Saint Mark Matthew cutting
bush in a dry field, blood has in you as Jesus Christ had in you. Warm blood in the vein like Our Lord
Jesus Christ had at supper, blood that is eternal like Jesus Christ had in the mountains. Blood matters to
those who care, as Our Lord Jesus Christ did at the time of Death.

Pray for healing from skin diseases

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Almighty God, who takes
pleasure in glorifying Your servants, I humbly ask You to help me in my affliction
through the intercession of Saint Antão Hermit, for whom I am imploring today.
Hear my prayer, Lord God, through the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.
Repeat three times: Saint Anthony, Hermit, who never lacks your help to those who
call upon you, pray for us. (Pray 1 Creed, 1 PN and 1 AM).

Pray to cure stomach pain

Cold water, don't hurt this belly, neither night, nor day, nor from the pin.
noon or ten o'clock this day passed here, Anap. Amen!

Pray to cure eye diseases

God, who gives us as friends and protectors Your blessed saints, whose
hearts are full of zeal and charity for us, I beseech You, grant us our healing
through the merits and prayers of Saint Clare, spiritual sister of the glorious Saint
Francis of Assisi, so that we may be able to give You thanks eternally.

Saint Clare, protector of the sighted, pray for us. Santa Clara, protector
of the sighted, pray for us. Santa Clara, help us.
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Pray against paralysis and apoplexy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, through the trust we have in Your
Mercy, when we are afflicted, grant us the grace to always be fortified by Your divine protection
against all adversity. So be it.
My Lord Jesus Christ, Blessed André Avelino gave His soul to You
when at the altar, he celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. You received them in Your Glory
and granted them the privilege of interceding for those who suffer from apoplexy and suffer from
Humbly, we beg for acceptance of the intercession of Saint Andrew Avelino in
favor of (NN), we humbly pray to be cured of the attack of this disease that is
tormenting, through the merits of Saint André Avelino. Saint André Avelino, pray for so and so. To
the honor, glory and praise of the Most High, for ever and ever. In the name of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

Pray to cure neuralgia and toothache

Saint Apollonia, who for the love of Jesus you were martyred, say these words with me, making
the sign of the cross with me on the painful place: By my order,
stay away badly. If it is a worm or microbe, it will die. So be it. (Pray a Creed).

Pray to cure headaches

God, who wanted Saint Aspatius to dedicate himself entirely to everyone, for the salvation of
souls, pour into our hearts the sweetness of your grace, give our bodies relief from suffering, so
that we may not cease to bless you and you. praise for all eternity, in the company of Saint Aspácio,
whose intercession we implore. We ask you through Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it. Repeat three
times: Saint Aspácio, special patron against headaches, intercede for us.

(Pray 1 PN and AM).

Pray against erysipelas inflammation

Heavenly Father, through the merits of Saint Benedict, remove from me the evil that afflicts
me. The name of the blessed Saint Benedict is blessed, eternally. Saint Benedict will obtain everything
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of Your goodness and justice. Through your prayers, Saint Benedict, keep me away from
everything that offends you. Lord, God. Saint Benedict obtain for me the graces of Your Providence.

Pray against stomach pain

Lord of infinite mercy, pray for me. Lord of infinite mercy,

pray for us. Lord of infinite mercy, pray for this poor creature of yours.
poor creature is a sinner and may be paying part of the sins committed, but
Lord of infinite mercy, very repentant or repentant) is found (the name) and is ready to
redeem himself, spending the rest of his existence praising and
venerate your Holy Name, becoming one of your most loyal soldiers and
staunch propagator of the Faith. Lord of infinite mercy, make the pain that he (or she) feels
in the bowels disappear immediately, as quickly as the
water puts out the fire. Lord of infinite mercy, hear me Lord of infinite
mercy, once again spread your great kindness.
Lord of infinite mercy, Amen. (Pray 3 PN ev AM).

Pray against burns

São Cristóvão, São Pedro, São Miguel, São Joço, Santo Amaro, Santa Catarina,
Santa Adélia, Santa Ana, Santa Rita, all the Saints who populate the heavenly regions,
intercede with the Lord so that he may deign to alleviate the evils that the fire,
causing burns, makes this poor creature suffer. She is worthy of compassion
Lord, because you will know how to recognize the immeasurable power of the Creator of the
heavens, and of all the things that exist in them, I recommend thanks to you, praising and glorifying the
your Holy Name.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. (This prayer should be
prayed immediately after the burns occur).

Another prayer for fallen spinel

The Creed is prayed, making a cross, with the thumb on top of the spine.
Then the Our Father, Hail Mary, Hail Mary and the Blessed One are prayed, offering oneself
these prayers to the Holy Trinity, in praise of the three hours that Jesus expired in
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cross; so that Our Lady implores God and his divine Son for this cure, in the name
of Almighty God. So be it.

Pray against brokenness

Place your right hand over the sick person's heart and pronounce the following
miraculous words. Jesus, the name of Jesus help me wherever I put my hand,
give God your holy virtue. Christ lives, Christ reigns, Christ enlightens you, Christ defends you from all the
bad air and if this creature has some of these things like the sands of the sand he will not stop, because I
will take him by the head. Lady Santa Tereza, I will take you by the
band. Lady Santana, I'll shoot you from the front. São Vicente, I'll shoot you from behind. Saint Brás I take
from the bottom, and Our Lord throughout the world. Our Father, Hail Mary.

Pray against worms, yellowness, etc.

† God the Eternal Father, Guide, Lord of Angels. This disease is treacherous, but
Whoever puts trust in God does not fear the devil. This disease was born from the earth, it will return to
the earth, by the divine power of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian cure yellowness, Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian make me healthy.

This disease is treacherous, but whoever puts faith in God does not fear the devil, whoever believes
in Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian will soon be cured of yellowness. Like this
it is. (3 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary and 1 Creed. Sign of the Cross).

Pray against hernia or fractures

Jesus incarnated in the purest womb of the Virgin Mary and was born and dwelt among us; and to
teach us to have true faith, by his own virtue and with his grace he healed all the illnesses and diseases
of those who believed in him and sought him; and to free us from all evil he suffered passions and death,
and to free us by opening the doors of Paradise, he ascended glorious and triumphant to the heavens,
after having overcome all infernal furies. For just as these words are true, so it is also that you (the patient's
name is pronounced here) can be cured of the hernia (or fracture) that you suffer through virtue and in
honor of the three distinct Persons of the Most Holy
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Trinity, to whom I humbly ask for the grace to see yourself healed as quickly as Jesus from
his wounds.

Pray against trachoma

Saint Luzia, who in the eyes of men is the patron saint, do not abandon us a single one
time. We ask you, Santa Luzia, to support us whenever our vision
is in danger. And it is also to you, Saint Luzia, that we pray that we be free from any
bad eyesight, mainly from trachoma that so afflicts this poor and sinful creature who in this
world goes by the name of (here the patient's name must be pronounced). We are certain,
O sublime Saint Luzia, that your ears will receive this supplication and that you will know
how to support this poor son of God, whose sufferings are
get worse day by day. Therefore, O Saint Luzia, make (the name) heal as soon as possible.
possible and that soon, free from its evils, it will be able to bless and venerate your
Holy Name. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Pray3
PN and 3 AM).

Pray against tumors and rashes

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I command these tumors
malignant diseases disappear from the body of (patient's name) in the same way as
the devil disappears when he sees the most sacred cross. They must leave once and for all
and never return, for the peace of mind of this creature of God, who believes in God and
praises and glorifies His Holy Name at all hours of the day and at all hours of the night.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of hosts, full is the earth with his glory. So be it. Holy, Holy
is the Lord God of hosts. (This prayer must be prayed 9 consecutive days.)

Pray against ear diseases and deafness

Lord my Jesus Christ, you who deigned to free the deaf-mute of Decapolis from his
illnesses just by putting your fingers in his ears and saying to him “Be open”, grant me the
grace, that in your name and imitating your miracles and your virtues
I can cure (pronounce the patient's name here) ear disease (or deafness,
etc.). (Once this prayer is said, the Creed is prayed as a testimony of faith in the merits
of Jesus crucified).
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Pray against addictions

Lord Almighty and Merciful God, praise be given to You for all
centuries of centuries. So be it. My Lord, I beg You, with complete faith in Your
infinite mercy, be conducive to the intercession of Blessed Saint Vincent
Martyr in favor of Your son. Blessed Saint Vincent Martyr who, by
merits of the Most Holy Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, you have obtained the privilege of
steering away from the evil path those who give themselves over to vices, I ask you to launch your
kindly look at (so-and-so) commiserating with his physical and
morals. I beseech you, glorious Saint Vincent Martyr, intercede with the Most High to
May (so and so) abandon his addiction, get bored with it, forget about it and never again give in
to this evil, which kills the body and soul.

Another prayer against burns

† Blessed Martyr Saint Lawrence. You who, by order of the cruel mayor of
Rome, you were supplicated on a grill with burning coals, for the merit of the
Your merit, heal me from this burn. My Lord Jesus Christ, grant me the
grace of being cured of this burn, by the merits of your blessed Saint
Lorenzo. Just as the embers of contact with the body of the Martyr Saint
Loureço, this way the pain of this burn may be extinguished. Saint Lawrence, pray for me,
protect me, heal me. So be it. (Pray an Our Father).

Pray against fevers

† They went astray through the deserts, along lonely paths. They did not find the city to live
in. They cried out to the Lord in their distress and the Lord delivered them from their needs.
Glory to god in the highest. Praise be to the Lord, whom they served
the glorious Saints, Cosmas and Damian, brothers by blood and brothers by faith in Christ.
They walked through Syria, they walked through the Holy Land, they walked through
Arabia, they walked through Spain healing the sick, comforting the afflicted, serving God. Just
as you entered the house of the poor and the house of the rich, so enter my house, Saint
Cosmas and Saint Damian. Purify us from the impurities of this body and the sins of my soul,
extinguish the fire of this fever.
Come to my house Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian; the doors and windows are open.
Enter Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian. For you who have traveled all the paths, the roads are
short. Come to my house, Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian. From heaven where you live, in the
joy of eternal bliss, come down and with the permission of God Our Lord, bring me healing from
this illness, from this fever that consumes me.
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My Lord Jesus Christ, You who are infinite goodness, grant me the grace, through the
intercession of the Blessed Saints Cosmas and Saint Damian, to free me from this worm.
bad. Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, pray for me. So be it.

Instructions: Pray in front of the two images of the saints or an engraving in which
the two saints appear, with two lit candles.

Pray to fluidize the water

This prayer can be said by any well-intentioned person, just have the water in a clean
glass or white bottle and first pray an Our Father,
and then, placing your hands on top, say the following prayer with your thoughts clearly
elevated to God. By the power of God, by the power of Jesus Christ; by the power of the
Divine Holy Spirit; by the power of the Lord's messengers; by the power of the Virgin, Our
Lady of Guia, and through the Prayer that I address to you with faith, I hope and trust in the
infinite Divine Mercy so that this water becomes medicine for this patient who is a believer.
I ask with strength and faith, because, for God our Father, nothing is
impossible. So be it.

Pray to smoke house or person

Pray one Our Father and three Hail Marys, then finish with the following prayer:
I smoke this house or (myself), my paths and everywhere I go.
walk with this smoker. Just as Christ received myrrh as a gift and was smoked, so do I, to
free myself from all invisible and visible evil chains, and in this way, with the Grace of God
I will be free from all dangers in
name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So be it, Amen.

Pray to copper

Take a good quality knife with a black handle and pass it crosswise
on the affected part, saying the following: On behalf of the Holy Trinity, I (NN) cut the
poison of caterpillars, frogs, snakes, scorpions, and all animals of ill repute, to
that you do not grow or bend your tail with your head. Santa Iria had three daughters, one
As she was roasting, another was being sewn, and another was being cooked in water, Our Lady asked what she would do for her:
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let him spit and blow on it and it would heal. (tell the person to spit while you blow on them).
Hail Mary, Our Father.

Pray against cysts

During the waning moon, turn the cyst towards her and say three times in one breath:

“Everything that increases, increases, everything that decreases, decreases, Iquet.”

Another prayer against coppersmith

Take scissors, and a piece of charcoal, holding it with the tip of the scissors, and a glass
of water placed on the right side, pray, making a sign of the
cross on the affected area of the patient saying the following seven times in a row:
coppersmith, go away, I will cut off your head, body and feet. Repeat this prayer 7 times;
When you finish the prayer, pour the water with the charcoal into a stream. Repeat this
procedure for 7 consecutive days, without interruption.

Pray for those who are afraid at night

With the Blessing of God the Father I lie down, with the Blessing of God the Father I
rise. In the grace of God and the Holy Spirit. Our Lady, Virgin Mary, cover me with your
divibo cloak; and with the divine mantle covered I am, I will not be afraid or terrified.

Exorcisms and Ligatures through Ancient Prayers

Magical Virtues of Psalms and Prayers

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Sympathetic magic work for love affairs

Pour white lily oil into a crystal glass and recite Psalm 137 over it.
Finishing, pronounce the name of the angel Anael and the name of the loved one.
Then write the angel's name on a piece of cypress on the right arm.
Then look for a favorable moment to touch the right hand of the person you love and
love will be born in it. The operation will be most effective if done at sunrise on the
first Friday of the new moon.

Psalm to obtain faithful love

So that the person you love is faithful, take a small lock of your hair, burn it and
spread the ashes on the wood of the loved one's bed, after having passed it on the
wood of the bed praying Psalm 137.

Psalm to avoid premature birth

If the woman is in a state of pregnancy and fearing a premature birth, she must
have the first three verses of Psalm 1 written on a piece of virgin parchment ,
accompanied by the sacred name El Shadday written in a corner of the parchment
below the verses. She must write the following prayer :

“O El Shadday, free this woman (say the person’s full name) daughter of
(say the names of the parents) in the present and future of any premature birth.
Grant her a happy birth and bless the fruit of her womb with good health.
Amen Selah!”

The parchment, after being sewn into a silk cloth, must be placed around the neck
and remain in contact with the patient's flesh until the day the child is born.

Psalm against headache and lower back pain

The person suffering any of the pains mentioned above will read Psalm 3 with
their hand extended over a small amount of olive oil placed on a saucer, pronouncing
the sacred name Adonay and saying this prayer:
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“O Adonay, Lord of the world, be my physician and my Savior, heal me and

Free me from these pains because only in you do I find support and relief. Amen Selah!”

This is done by rubbing the oil on the pain areas.

Psalm against the persecution of enemies

In case of persecution or conspiracy, read Psalm 7 accompanied by the following prayer:

“O El Elion! Great strong and powerful God, soften the hearts of my enemies and
conspirators so that they do good to me and not evil. Amen Selah!”

Psalm to favor difficult birth

Write the five verses of Psalm 19 on clean, white paper and place on the patient's belly
with a handful of earth taken from a crossroads on the paper. Then read Psalm 19 in full
seven times in a row accompanied by the following prayer:

“O Lord of heaven and earth! Cast your merciful gaze on this patient (so-and-so) daughter of
(parents' name) who is between life and death, relieve her from suffering and protect her as well as
the fruit of her womb so that she can soon give birth. Give life and health to both by the sacred
power of the name He. Amen Selah!”

Psalm to have a revelation in dreams or vision

Purify yourself by fasting and bathing. Pray Psalm 23 accompanied by the sacred name
Yah seven times and then say the prayer below:

“Creator of the world! Although you are on high in your divine glory, incline your
ear to this humble creature to satisfy his desires. Hear my prayer, beloved father, and
make sure that by your will I obtain the revelation I desire.
(mention what you desire.) and may this be done by the power of the adorable name of Yah.
Amen Selah!”
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Psalm for being successful in a strange place

If you wish to be well received and without hostility in any strange place, read constantly on your way
with reverence for our Lord the 27th Psalm .

hearts will open to you.

Psalm against fever

If anyone in the family is suffering from a persistent fever, take pen paper and fresh ink, write Psalm
49 and the first verses of Psalm 50. Fold the paper, sew it as usual and hang it around the patient's neck
with a silk thread. .

Psalm for good luck in a new home

If you want to be happy when moving house, read Psalm 94 three times when you enter it,
pronouncing the sacred name Shaday at the end of each reading.

Psalm to be happy during a trip

To be happy when traveling and reach your desired destination in peace, read Psalm 64 seven times
with full devotion.

Psalm for not being hurt during a war or riot

If you have to go to the fighting field; constantly read Psalm 60

then pronouncing the sacred name Yahu at the end of each reading, trusting in the supreme power that
he had returned home in peace.

Psalm to renew a broken friendship

If an old friend is now your bitter enemy and you want to renew your friendship with him, go to an
open field, face south and read Psalm 85, seven times accompanied by the Name Yahu, at the end of
each reading, calling for your friend, it won't be long before he comes to meet you.
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Psalm to leave a city under siege

If you are in a city under siege and wish to leave without danger, read Psalm 130 in a
low and reverent voice in the direction of the four cardinal points. You will leave without the
sentries seeing; for a heavy sleep will fall upon them.

Psalm against a powerful enemy

First buy a new pot and fill it with sparkling wine. Mix a little mustard into the wine.
Read Psalm 109 over it for three consecutive days, keeping in mind the sacred name El.
Then throw the mixture at the enemy's door without letting a single drop of wine touch the
clothes during this work.

Psalm against persecution

Psalm 16. This psalm is good for illnesses of the body and soul. Suitable for those
who travel; If carried in writing, with its intelligence and character under the left armpit, it will
never come to harm. Say it nine times. Intelligence: Scemah.

To punish bad people

On a new moon Saturday morning, ten minutes before the Sun rises, cut
a hazelnut branch that is a year long, saying:

“I cut you, hazelnut rod, in the name of the one I want to be punished.”

Once this is done, place the branch under a rug under a table, saying:

In nomine Patris, ÿ et Filii, ÿ et Spiritus Sancti. ÿ Et instills Drock, ÿ

Mirroch, ÿ Esettaroth, ÿ Betu, ÿ Baroc, punish the insolent one who wants my harm,
doing your great justice, ÿ Eson, ÿ Elion, ÿ Esmaris.

When pronouncing these last names, strike the rug under the table under which the
stick was located. The person to whom you directed your wish will receive punishment from the
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which one is worthy. Don't forget that when you are cutting the hazel branch, you
are depriving someone of one of its limbs and you will need to say which one while
you are cutting it. When you want this harm to stop, you will need to turn to the same
tree, cut another branch, saying at the same time what you want.
barely finish. When once you have cut the stick, you want to punish another person,
say, holding it in your hands: “Eson, ÿ Elion, ÿ Esmaris, ÿ punish (NN).”

1st Exorcism
(After Cyprian converted to Christianity)
“I (NN), servant of God, whom I love with all my heart, body and soul, it
grieves me that I have not loved you since the day you gave me being.
However, You, oh Lord, deigned to welcome me. Today I enjoy the benefits
that I am receiving from you, so now, oh Most High, Lord of creatures, give me
strength and faith so that I can disconnect everything that has been connected.
In this way Your Name, Yahuah, will be exalted forever. Amen! You who live
and reign forever and ever. Amen! Oh Lord of hosts, Sabaoth, I am now your
servant! Oh strong and powerful God, who lives in the highest of the heavens,
where you reign, oh Sabaoth, strong and holy, praised be you forever! You
who have seen the wickedness of your servant Cyprian; and such wickedness
by which I was placed under the power of the devil, but I did not know your
Holy Name. I bound women, I bound the clouds in the sky, I bound the waters
of the sea so that fishermen could not sail nor catch fish for men's sustenance.
By my wickedness and wickedness I bound pregnant women so that they
could not give birth, and all these things I did in the name of the devil. Now oh
Most High, I invoke your Holy Name Yahuah, so that the witchcraft and sorcery
of the body and soul of this creature (NN) may be undone and disconnected.
For I call upon you, oh Almighty, to undo all the bindings and spells that may
be here. May Your blessings fall upon the face of the earth so that free from
any ligament that has been made, now in Your Holy Name it may be
disconnected oh Lord; be untied, in whatever way it was done; I turn it off and
undo it! Whatever type of sorcery they did to this creature (NN). In the Name
of the Most High, be free from evil and all evils or misdeeds, spells,
enchantments, superstitions and diabolical arts, just as the Lord destroyed
and annihilated everything in the flood. May His Name be glorified on Earth as
it is in the highest heavens! Just as the rock opened and released water from which the
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full of Grace, free this servant of yours (NN) from all harm, spells, ligaments, charms and
everything that is done by the devil or his servants. Just as four rivers came out of the earthly
paradise: Gehon, Pishon, Tigris and Euphrates, through which you sent waters to all, I beg you
my Lord and Messiah, O Christ, son of the Most High, that no spirit, enchantment and evil can do
anything against this servant of yours (NN), but all the things here mentioned, being righteous,
be obtained; being bad, let them be annulled! I invoke the seventy-two languages that are
distributed throughout the world and any of their contraries, be annihilated! The protection by the
Holy Angels of the Lord, be absolute over this servant of yours (NN) with all his house and things
that are in it, may the evils of this house and things that are in it be annihilated, may they all be
free from all evils and spells by the Sacred Name of the Son who was born in Jerusalem. For all
the Holy Angels and for all who serve before the Throne and in the presence of the Most High
Almighty Father, so that all evil may be undone. Amen!"

Anyone who carries this prayer with them, or has it read, will be protected from harm.

“By the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, be the accursed enemy cast out of this body, (or
house). I invoke the communion of the Holy Apostles, of Our Lord the Christ. By the prayers of
the saints. By the Most High and his Son. By Abraham's faith, by Mary's obedience when she
accepted the Angel's word. By the Law of Moses.
By the Saints and Angels and in the Name of the Most High Lord of Hosts, Sabaoth. Help me;
through the tears of Jeremiah. By the prayer of Zechariah. By the prophet Daniel. Through the
words of the Holy Evangelists. For the sermons that Christ and the apostles preached. By the
birth and death of Our Lord the Christ. By your holy baptism. By the voice that was heard from
the Eternal Father, saying: - This is my chosen and much loved son! For the virtues of the
Apostles. By the coming of the Holy Spirit who descended upon the disciples. Through the
praise of the angels to the Father who made all things and through his Son. By the Holy Spirit.
(NN), servant of the Most High, if any sorcery has been done to you, let everything be turned off!
Oh Lord! Everything that has been done: sorcery, enchantments, or sorcery, be undone. It is
through Your Holy Name Yahuah, oh Lord that I undo all evil. Amen!"

Exorcism for the sick

To know whether the illness is natural or supernatural, you must say this prayer:

“Præcipitur in Nomine Iashuah Christus, ut desinat nocere ægroto, statim cease delirium,
etilluo ordinate discurrat. Si cadat, ut mortuus, et sine mora surget
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ad præceptu. Exortistae factu in Nomine Iashuah Christus. Si in pondere assicitur,

ut a multis himinibus elevateet non aliqua parte corporis si dolor, vel tumor, et ad
signo Crucis, vel imposito præcepto in nomine Iashuah Christus, cessat. Si side
causa velit sibi morte inserte, se præcipite dure. Quando imaginationi, se præsentat
res in honestæ contra Imagines Iashuah Christus, et Sanctorum, et si eorem
tempore sentiant in capit, ut plumbum, ut aquam frigidam, vel ferrumignitem, et
hoc fugit ad signum Crucis vel incovato Nomine Iashuah Christus. Quando
Sacramenta, Reliquias, et res Sacros edit; when nulla precedent tribulation, despair,
be torn apart. Quando subito patenti lumen aufertur, et subito restitutur; when
daytime tempora nihil vidit, et nocturno bene vidit et sine fuce lugit epistolam: si
subito siat surdus, te postæ bene audiat, non solun materialia, sed spiritualia. Si
per septem, vel novem dies mihil, vel parum comelens fortis est, et pinguis, sicut
antea. Si loquitur de Mysteris ultra sua capacitatem, when nun custot de illius
sanctitite. Quando ventus vehemens discurrit per totum corpus ad mudum
formicarum; when elevatur corpus contra volutatem patientes, et non apparet a
quo leventur. Clamors, scissio vestium, arrotatines dentium, Quando potiens non
est stultus : vel Quando honorro natura debilis non potest teneri a multis.
When haber ligam tumidam, et nigram, Quando audiuntur rugitus leonum, balatus
ovium, latra tus canun, porcorum grumitus, et similium. Si vairepræter naturam
vident, et audiunt, si homines maximo odio perseuntur ; si praecipitis se exponunt,
se oculos horribiles habent, remanent, sensibus destituti. When corpu talibenedicti,
when ab Æclesia fugit, et aquam benedictan non consentit: when iratus se
ostendune contra Superdonentes Ministers Relics capiti (et occulte).
Quando Imagines Cristi, et virginis Mariæ nolunt inspicere sed conspuunt, Quando
Verba Sacra nolun, profere, vel si proferant, illa corrumpunt, et balbat sentier
student prefer. Cum superposita capiti Manu Sacra ad lactionem Evangeliorum
conturbatum ægrotus, cum plusquam solitum palpitaverit, sensus occupantum,
gattæs sudoris destuunt, anxietates sita; stridores usque ad
ÿ ÿ Cælum
ÿ mittit, sed
posernit, vel similia facit. Amen!"

If, after saying this prayer, the religious understands that it is a demon or a lost soul that
is mortifying the sick person, he must say the following Precept:

“I, as a creature of God made in his likeness and redeemed with his most holy
blood, give you a precept, demon or demons, so that your delusions cease, so that
this creature will never be tormented by you with your infernal furies. For the name
of the Lord is strong and mighty, by whom I quote and notify you that you are
absent from this place. I bind you eternally in the place that God Our Lord will
designate for you; because with the name of Jesus I trample you and
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I rebut and bother you even from my outside thoughts. The Lord be with me and
with all of us, absent and present, so that you, demon, can never torment the
Lord's creatures. Flee contrary parties, which overcame the lion of Judah and
the race of David. I bind you with the chains of Saint Peter and with the towel that
bears the holy face of Jesus Christ, so that you will never be able to torment the living.

It must be repeated many times, especially for pregnant women, so that there is no
vomiting caused by the strong attacks that the demons cause on this occasion.
Then the prayer of Saint Cyprian must be said, to undo all the quality of sorcery and
conjurations of demons, evil spirits or connections that men or women have made, or
to pray in a house that is suspected to be possessed by evil spirits or Finally, for
everything that concerns supernatural illnesses.

In this prayer it is often said: “I loose everything that is bound by evil.”

Exorcism to expel the demon from a sick person

If the prayers were said and pronounced as prescribed and if, after three days, the
patient is still possessed, it is, of course, “an open house”, which will soon have to be
closed in the following way:

Get a small steel key and give it the blessing as follows:

“The Lord cast upon you His most holy blessing and His most holy power
to give you effective virtue, so that every dwelling or door where Satan enters
through you may be closed, and the devil or his allies may never enter through
it, for Blessed be in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Holy water is poured into a cross over the key. The key must be placed on the patient's
chest, as if closing a door, saying the following words:

“The Almighty God, who from the bosom of the eternal Father came into the
world for the salvation of men, deign, therefore, Lord, to set a precept against
the devil or demons, so that they no longer have the power and audacity to enter
this abode . Let your door be closed, just as Peter closes the doors of heaven to
souls who want to enter there without first atoning for their sins.”

The religious man pretends that he is closing a door in the patient's chest:
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“Deign, Lord, to allow Peter to come from heaven to earth and close the house where
the damned demons want to enter when it seems good to them. For I, (the name of the
person saying the prayer), in your most holy name, make a precept that these evil spirits,
from today until the future, may no longer take up residence in the body of (name of the
patient), that this door will be closed to them. perpetually, just as the kingdom of pure
spirits is closed to it. Amen!"

Once this prayer is finished, the name of Satan is written on a piece of paper, the paper
is burned and the following words are pronounced:

“Disappear Satan, like road dust and chimney smoke!”

The most powerful conjuration of Saint Cyprian, carried out in a moment of deep
integration with the forces of the great Cosmos.

Exorcism for the sick at the time of death

This prayer is so effective, says Saint Cyprian, that no soul is lost
when it is said with devotion and is in Jesus Christ.

“Christ, my Redeemer, into your hands, Lord, I commend the soul of this servant,
so that you, Savior of the world, may take it to heaven in the company of angels. Christ
be with you to defend you! Christ be with your soul, so that he may pass away! Christ
be before you to guide you! Christ be in your presence to keep you! Christ reigns!
Christ dominates! Christ defend you from all evil! This is the Cross of the Divine
Redeemer, flee and stay away, enemy of the souls redeemed with the most precious
blood of Christ.
Christ son Mary, Mother of Grace, Mother of Mercy, defend me from the enemy and
protect me at this time. Do not forsake me Lady, pray for this servant of yours (name of
the patient) to your Beloved Son, so that with your intercession he may be free from the
danger of his enemies and their temptations. Christ, receive the soul of this servant of
yours (name of the sick person), look at him with eyes of compassion; open your arms,
support him, Lord, with your mercy, for he is the workmanship of your hands and the
soul is your image.
Christ, from you, my Lord, the remedy will also come to him; Do not deny him your
grace at this time, for I, (name of the religious) call you, oh Mighty God, so that you come
without delay to receive this soul into your most holy arms.
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Come to his aid, just as you came to the aid of Cyprian when he was in battle with Lucifer.

Christ! I believe, Lord, firmly in everything that Holy Scripture tells us to believe; strengthen
me and strengthen the soul of your servant (name of the sick person).
Come Christ, you are the true life of all souls. Deliver him Lord from the enemy, as sovereign
physician, cure all his illnesses; purify him, my Lord, with your precious blood, for prostrate at your
feet, I cry out for your mercy.

Christ, in your hands, Lord, I offer and place the spirit of your servant; for it is fair that he
should return unto you that which was formed of you, therefore be ye, for our soul, O righteous
judge, and save it from darkness.
Defend her, Lord, from all combats, so that she will eternally proclaim
in the heavens your infinite mercy.
Mercy, most sweet Shepherd; mercy, most kind Master; mercy and forgiveness for all your
children, for whom you suffered death on the cross. It is therefore fair that we be saved by your
precious shed blood. Amen!"

Saint Cyprian states that this prayer is of such virtue, that of all the sick people who read it, he took a
hair from his head and threw it into a glass of water, so that with this water he could wash the wounds of the
sick, whose illnesses were incurable. by medicine.

Against Spirits

“Leave, Christian soul, from this world, in the name of God. Almighty Father, who created
you; in the name of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit, who abundantly communicated to you.
Depart from this body or place in which you are, because God welcomes you into his Kingdom;
Jesus, hear my prayer and be my support, as you are the support of the saints, angels and
archangels; of thrones and dominations; of the cherubim and seraphim; of the prophets, the Holy
Apostles and the Evangelists; of the holy Martyrs, Confessors, Monks, Religious and Hermits; of
the Saints of God, who deigns to give you a resting place, and you may enjoy eternal peace in the
holy city of heavenly Zion, where you will praise him for all ages. Amen!"

At the end of this prayer, the Creed or the act of Contrition is prayed, after this, you will soon relieve
that poor soul that seeks peace. But be careful, if by chance the ghost you see is in the form of an
animal, it is certain that it is not a suffering soul but rather demons, and you must banish them and make
the Kabbalistic sign of the cross to it. Demons were angels and did not have human form, so they adopted
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animal shapes. Happy is the creature that is persecuted by the spirits, because it
is certain that this person is a good creature, that the spirits persecute him so that
he prays to the Lord for them, that he is worthy of being heard by the Creator. It is
for this reason that some people have the power to see ghosts and others do not.
There are also many spirits that do not adopt the form of a ghost, but appear in
their relatives' homes, making noise, dragging chairs, tables and other objects;
This causes a real catastrophe in the family, a catastrophe that could have been
avoided, if they were a little enlightened and prayed interceding for that soul
without light. Note these words well and consecrate them in your heart, it is the
only way we have to help our dead brothers who need our help in the form of
prayer, or even in a mass.

Evil Spirits

There are many spirits that surround us. Sometimes they are shy and don't dare
to bother us. Other times they penetrate our body causing very serious disorders.
There are people who go crazy when this happens. Some are taken by the devil
himself, who roughly mistreats them. To exorcise the evil spirits that invade creatures,
the following prayer is used:

“In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. By order of Almighty
God, leave this body that belongs to an honest and loyal human being and
return to the kingdom beyond. If you need anything from the world of the living,
let me know and I promise to pray for it.”

The spirit will leave the body and the sick person will no longer be bothered. If
the spirit needs something, it will say so and the man who promised will have to fulfill
his promise by ordering a mass to be said for the rest of that soul.


Brokenness is a kind of evil influence caused by the evil eye. There are people
who, out of envy or spite, harm us just by looking at us. These are influences that
radiate like electrical waves, born in a perverse mind and transmitted through the
gaze. Symptoms of breakage:

*Softening the body.

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*Feeling of fever.

*General malaise.


To heal the brokenness, which can also be avoided by the presence of a red
object. The following prayer is used, with the following practice:

Take a deep plate of water and drop a drop of olive oil into it, while the Hail Mary
is said three times.

“Ave Maria gratia plena, Dominus tecum! Benedicta tu et mulieribus,

benedictus fructus ventris Jesus. Sancta Maria Mater Dei, ora pro nobis
pecatoribus, nunc et in ora mortis nostris. Amen!”

If the break is strong, the oil drop will spread quickly. If not, it will be intact. The
person with the breakage is then asked to take three sips of water from the plate.
With what remains, three drops are dripped onto the patient's head. And with that the
brokenness will cease.

For the hours of agony

There are slow agonies that harm patients more than the disease itself. It is known
that the patient has no cure. And perhaps due to the amount of sins he carries within
his soul, he experiences a slow and terrible agony. They suffer day by day and cannot
die in peace. This is caused by the devil's actions that torment the sick, so that they
do not have the calm or peace to make a confession in peace and thus redeem their
sins. To prevent them from being lost in pain and despair, the following prayer is said
to Saint Joseph:

“Saint Joseph, Father of Jesus Christ, husband of Mary, make sure that the sins of this poor
patient are forgiven, and since he cannot be saved for this life, may he at least be saved for Eternal
Life. May your agony be brief and your rest be eternal. May the spirits that torment him be expelled
into the kingdom of darkness, so that this poor unfortunate man can make a good confession and
receive the last sacraments.”
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The Cross of Saint Bartholomew

In the great “Hagiology,” or “Vitæ Sanctorum Omnium,” you will find notes on the Life and Miracles
of Saint Bartholomew, teaching how to make the cross of these saints and also the correct way to use

Get a piece of cedar wood and cut three small pieces from it, one of which must be longer than the
others, so that they form the arms of a cross. Then the cedar pieces are covered with rosemary, rue and
celery, placing a small cypress apple on each arm, above and below the longest part. For three days the
cross must remain immersed in holy water, after which it is removed and, on the same day, at midnight,
the following prayer is said next to the cross:

“Cross of Saint Bartholomew, may the virtue of the water in which you stood, and the wood
from which you are formed, free me from the temptations of the spirit of evil and bring upon me
the grace enjoyed by the blessed.”

The cross can be carried inside a blessed black silk bag, or even attached to the body, tied to the
neck by a black silk cord. The person who brings it must do his best to hide it from everyone; and when
you suspect that someone has cast the “evil eye” on you, you must, when you go to bed, kiss the
cross three times and say the prayer above. When you get up, you must also kiss the cross three times
and then pray a Pater-Noster and a Hail Mary.

Prayer to Saint Cyprian to obtain something

“In the name of Cyprian and his seven mysterious keys! In the name of Satan and his seven
bargaining chips. In the name of Saint Cyprian and his dagger of spells.
In the name of Saint Cyprian and his sacred abode. In the name of the great oak of
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which was made the Holy Cross of Christ. In the name of seven holy churches. In
the name of seven pure souls in Jerusalem. I ask and I will be answered! I will be victorious!”

Then write this in a new tree:


Perform this invocation with a lit black candle and seven copper coins. This prayer must be recited
at Dead Time.

Exorcism against Witchcraft and Sorcery

In nomni Patri ÿ Filii ÿ et Spiritus Sancti. Amen!

“Saint Cyprian, who by divine grace converted you to the Faith of Our Lord
Jesus Christ. Ye who possessed the highest secrets of magic, I have now built a
refuge for myself against my enemies and their nefarious and evil deeds. For the
merit that you have achieved, before God, creator of heaven and earth, annul the
evil works, the fruit of hatred, the works that hardened hearts have done or will do
against me and my house. With the permission of the most high Lord God, answer
my prayer and come to my aid.
By the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!"

To curse someone
Buy a sisal rope and on a Saturday. Place said rope under the D'ara stone, where the
priest says mass. Leave it there so that three masses can be said on top without anyone
knowing what happened. Take the rope and immediately place it in a black linen bag.
Every time you want to cast a curse on someone, do the following: Cast the curse while
praying the Credo in Deum Patrem backwards in the person's name, tying seven blind
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Credo in Deum Patrem

“Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, factorem caeli et terrae: et in Jesum Christum, Fílium
ejus únicum, Dóminum nostrum: qui concéptus est de Spiritus Sancti. Natus ex María Vírgine,
passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus et sepultus: descendit ad inferos: tertia die
resurrexit tertia die ascendit ad caelos et sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis: unde veniet
ut iudicet vivis et defunctis.
Credo in Spiritum Sanctus, Sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam, sanctorum communionem,
remissionem peccatorum, et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam æternam, Amen!”

This spell is so strong that if you throw the rope into a grave, the person on whom the spell was cast
will certainly die. If left at a crossroads, the said person will never prosper in life. The reason for this is
because those entities that crawl
gain access to the body and life of the person mentioned. Therefore, when you want to tie someone up,
just name the person and say: “I arrest you and tie you to me”, etc., and tie the knots in the rope and
place it under the mattress.

To tame, tie and bring a person back

Nema olam a son arebil des,

menoitatnet ni sacudni son te tucis
artson atibed sibon ettimid te eidoh
sibon ad melaitnatsbusrepus
Murtson Menap. Arret ni te oleac ni tucis, aut
satnulov taif; muut nemon tainevda.
Muut nemon rutecifitcnas,
sileac ni se iuq retson retap.

Before praying the mysterious prayer of Saint Cyprian, draw on the outer part of a small new pot
filled with water, the sign of the little devil that Saint Cyprian used to perform binding spells. Place a frog
inside that from that day until the person's arrival will be called Morach, promising that, as soon as the
person returns, he will be freed. It is necessary to have some holes in the lid so that the frog can breathe.
This should be started on a Friday, 10 minutes before sunrise. Light a green candle and lemon balm
incense next to the pot. Pay close attention so that the frog doesn't die.
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“By the powers of Saint Cyprian and the three hidden forces that Saint Cyprian
watches over, (so-and-so) will now and immediately come after me (NN). You will come
rushing in, passionate, full of love and libido for me, you will come back to me and ask
for my forgiveness.

At this point, make your request, e.g.: “ask me in engagement, marriage,” etc…

“Saint Cyprian, make (NN) forget and leave forever anyone else who may be in your thoughts,
just love me. Saint Cyprian, keep anyone away from (NN) anyone except me, may he wish me at all
times, today and now, hoping to be by my side, may he/she be sure that I am the only person in his/
her life.

Saint Cyprian, make sure that (DN) he cannot live without me, that he cannot calm
down or rest, that he cannot be anywhere without always having my image in his
thoughts, and in his heart, at all times.

That when you go to bed, dream of me, that when you wake up, immediately think of me,
desire only me, and only want to be with me.

Saint Cyprian, may (DN) think of me in every moment of your life. May (DN) want to
hug me, kiss me, take care of me, protect me, love me every minute, every second, of
every day of your life. May you love me more every day and feel pleasure only with me.

Saint Cipriano make (NN) feel love, affection and desire for me, like you have
never felt for any other person and never will. May you take pleasure only with me,
may you desire only for me and may your body only belong to me, may you only have
peace and rest if you are with me.

I thank you Saint Cyprian for working in my favor and I will disclose your name in
exchange for taming (NN) and bringing you passionate, dedicated, faithful and full of
love and desire into my arms (NN). I ask you, my virtuous Saint Cyprian, so that (NN)
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Come back to me, to our courtship, our love and union, as soon as possible. I ask this from the
bottom of my heart, to the powers of the three hidden forces that Saint Cyprian watches over.

*Read this Exorcism for seven days straight.

(Most prayers for witches are loaded with prayers in reverse due to the Force of the Egregore that the Catholic Church
has). NT.

To close the body to enemies

“I am safe, I will be safe, I have entered safely, I will come out safe, safe and sound as our Lord
Jesus Christ entered the Jordan River with Saint John the Baptist. In the protection of São Cipriano
I enter, with the keys of São Pedro I lock myself. To Saint Cyprian I surrender myself, with the three
words of the creed God closes me from my enemies. God in front of me, the peace of God in my
guide, may God be my company, the divine Holy Spirit illuminate my paths, freeing me from all evil
and enemies that may oppose my path, may the seven forces of the creed close my body.

Saint Cyprian protect me. Amen!"

Exorcism of Open Hours

For noon:

“Oh Virgin of the holy heavens, Mother of our Lord and Redeemer, who among women holds
the palm. Bring joy to my soul that groans full of pain. And let words of pure love come to my lips.
In the name of God and the world and also of the beloved Son where the highest good exists, be
forever praised in this blessed hour. Amen!"

For 3pm, 6am and 9am:

“May the Holy Trinity accompany me throughout my life, always shelter me. Have mercy
on me; oh eternal Father help me! Oh son, blessing me! Oh Holy Spirit, your protection reaches
me! Honor and virtue be with me, never pride or envy! Instead of evil, let me do good! May the
Holy Trinity accompany me always. Amen!"
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For Midnight:

“Oh my guardian angel, in this hour of terror, free me from the evil visions of the terrifying
devil; God keep my soul on guard against the dangers of temptation! From me, set aside my dreams
and the oppressions of my heart. Oh my guardian angel, for me ask the Virgin Mother to preserve
me from dangers as long as I live. Amen!"

Against obsessive spirits

*Sign of the Kabbalistic Cross before all prayers in this book:

“Lord my God, Eternal and Omnipotent Father, thanks be to you.

Contrite for my sins, I pray for your help and ask you to free me from the attacks of evil spirits, from
the persecutions of my enemies, whether visible or invisible. Just like King David, I cry: Judge me,
Lord, and separate my cause from that of the unfaithful people. You are my Father and my defender,
grant me the grace to receive your light and to deserve your protection. By the sacred blood of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. So be it!"

Against breakage

*Cross sign

“God, answer my request, come to my help. Come help me.

Confused, let those who seek my soul be ashamed (make the sign of the Cross). Go back and let
those who wish me harm be put to shame. Let those who tell me: Well, well (make the sign of the
Cross) come back soon full of confusion. May those who seek you rejoice and be glad in you, and
those who love your salvation, always say: May the Lord be magnified (make the sign of the Cross).
You are my favorer and my liberator, Lord God, do not delay. Glory to the Father, the Son and the
Divine Holy Spirit. So be it!"

Against evil spirits

*Cross sign

“Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Filium Dei, exaudi orationem meam.

Purissima Spiritus Iesu Fuit, est et erit, omnis victorem omnium adversaries et
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impugnatores, et omnes qui credunt in Christum Jesum. Iesus Christus dominatur.

Iesus Christus dominatur. Iesus Christus regnat in saecula saeculorum. Amen!”

For the tormented souls

*Cross sign

“From the deep abyss in which I found myself, I cried out to You, Lord. Lord,
hear my voice. May your ears be attentive to my supplications. Lord, if You pay
attention to our iniquities, who can remain in Your presence? But You are merciful,
I will wait on You, Lord, trusting in Your law. My soul waited on the Lord, my soul
had confidence in His word.
So let all Israel hope in the Lord from dawn until night. For the Lord is merciful and
in Him we will find eternal redemption. He will forgive Israel all their iniquity. So be

To close the body to all evil

Before starting the prayer, whoever is going to pray it must first say a Creed in a low
tone. Then, hold a key in your right hand, if in case of illness, make the Sign of the
Kabbalistic Cross on the forehead of the person (or on yourself, if they are crying out for
you) for whom you are going to pray, another cross in your mouth, and finally, a cross on
the chest, the crosses must be made (traced) with the key.

“Lord God, Merciful, Omnipotent and Just Father, who sent Your Son, Our Lord Jesus
Christ, into the world for our salvation, answer our prayer, deigning to command the evil
spirit or spirits that torment this servant of Yours (say name person), get away from here,
get out of your body!
You gave Saint Peter the keys of the heavens and the earth, saying to him: What you bind
on earth will be bound in heaven, what you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

The officiant with the key in his right hand makes a sign on the person's chest – or on
your own – as if you were closing a door.

“In your name, Prince of Apostles, Blessed Saint Peter, the body of (say the person’s
name). Saint Peter closes the door of this soul so that demons do not penetrate it. Saint
Peter closes the door of this soul, so that it cannot
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enter the spirits of darkness. The infernal powers will not prevail over the law of God,
Saint Peter has closed, it is closing. From now on, the devil will no longer be able to
penetrate this body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen!"
*Cross sign

“Go retro Satan! In Nomini Yahua! (Pray a Creed, a Pater-Noster, and

a Salve-Regina).

These prayers must be said with a lit white candle. After the prayer write on a
parchment, two concentric circles and the following names of the demons within the
following form:

Bandage against spells

Make a cross made of rue, a bunch of cypresses (from nature) and a red carnation.
These two spells (the mallet and the nail) are placed on the horizontal arm of the cross.
It should be used behind the house door. This cross of Saint Cyprian is effective against
witchcraft, bad luck, the evil eye, envy, curses and evil in general. It should be used
behind the door of your home.


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*Wild cypress;

*1 red carnation.

Make a rue cross and add a bunch of cypresses. Then the rue cross is placed with the bunch of
cypresses together with the carnation on the horizontal arm of the cross. To have more effect, it should be
used behind the door of your home.
It works to protect against all types of witchcraft and the evil eye.

Prayer before going to work

*Cross sign

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!

“Lord, I beg you to bless the work I will undertake during this day, allowing me to benefit from
my efforts, fulfill my duty well and thus contribute to your glory. Amen!"

Prayer after leaving work

*Cross sign

“Lord, I thank you for having fulfilled my duty, in acquiring my daily bread. Bless me Lord, and
allow me, returning to my home, to enjoy rest in peace, after another day that you have granted me.
Be praised, Lord, for your mercy. Amen!"

Prayer for dawn

“Lord, in the silence of this day that dawns, I come to ask you for peace, wisdom, strength,
health and prosperity. I want to see the world with eyes full of love; be patient, understanding,
prudent. I want to see my brothers beyond appearances, as You Yourself see them, and thus see
nothing but the good in each one.
Close my ears to all slander. Keep my tongue from all evil. May my spirit be filled with only
blessings. May I be so kind and joyful, that everyone who comes to me will feel Your presence.
Clothe me with Your beauty, Lord, and may I reveal You to everyone during this day. Amen!"
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Prayer to Saint Expedito

(To succeed in difficult business)
*Cross sign

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men of good will. Saint Expedito, you
who through your merits have achieved eternal bliss, hear my prayer. Intercede with our Lord Jesus
Christ, so that the paths of this humble devotee of yours may be smoothed.

My Lord Jesus Christ, who shed your Holy Blood on the Cross for the salvation of sinners,
deign to attend to the intercession of your great Saint Expedite, in favor of this humble son of yours.
Be propitious, Lord, to the prayers of your glorious Saint Expedito. My Lord Jesus Christ, I listened
complacently to the words of Santo Expedito.

Valorous and pure servant of the Most High, Saint Expeditus, consider that, although this
devotee of yours is a sinner, he has not lost his faith, neither in the mercy of God, nor in your merits
before our Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, contrite and repentant of my sins, I come as a supplicant to ask
for your intercession on my behalf, obtaining from divine mercy and justice the grace to be answered
in my prayer: (make the request).

Saint Expedito, faithful to the Lord, pray for me. Saint Expedito, for your martyrdom, pray for
me. Saint Expedito, for your death, pray for me. Saint Expedite, glorious martyr, pray for me. Saint
Expedito, help of the sick, pray for me. Saint Expedito, support of travelers, pray for me. Saint
Expedito, patron saint of the afflicted, of those who find themselves in difficulties, of those who trust
in your merits, support me, protect me.

Saint Expedito, who never denied your help and protection to those who beg you with faith and
humility, be attentive to my prayers and, through the blood that our Lord Jesus Christ shed for the
salvation of sinners, deign to answer the prayer that humbly I address you. Amen!"
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True Prayer to Saint Mark and Saint Amantius for good and evil

(Before reciting the RPN)

Closing the body:

“I, a creature of the Lord, and redeemed with his Most Holy Blood, give myself body and soul
to the Lord under the protection of Saint Mark and Saint Amantius, as well as my guardian angel.
Be my companions at all times of my life, be my watchmen against assaults, torments and

Tying up:

Write the person's name on two pieces of paper, one will be placed inside a circle drawn on the door,
or table where they eat; the other under the left foot while the prayer is being said, from there it should not
be removed until the person returns.

“I (NN); I call an angel of darkness in the strength of Saint Mark and Saint Amantius, to help
me take possession of the spirit (name of the person) and his life, as I wish to bind him.”

With the thumb of your left hand, make the Sign of the Cross three times and with one
white handkerchief the following words are said:

“Christ suffered, suffered and died; So I ask Saint Mark and Saint Amantius to suffer and
suffer the greatest torments and tortures in this world (NN) that I want for myself.”

And taking a knife, you make four cuts inside the circle where the name of the knife is.
person, whether at the door or table.

“I call Saint Mark and Saint Amantius and an angel of darkness (Shamarrial), to force you to
obey.” Say the Creed backwards in order for the person to be knocked down, in a circle on the table where
the knife and the person's name should be! After finishing the creed, the person says: Saint Mark and Saint
Amâncio be with me at this hour in the name of God.

Then pray: 3 PN, 3 AM, and 3 CP, offered to Saint Mark and Saint Amâncio for the good or evil that
the person wishes to be done to them.

“(So and so) Saint Mark may mark you, Saint Amâncio may love you.
There is no priest, no bishop, no archbishop who can say mass without Pedra d'Ara and
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Evil does not rest, so (NN) you will not have peace or rest until you come to me.
You will come to me in love, you will not have peace, you will not be able to eat,
drink or sleep until you are by my side. So-and-so, I swear to you by the living
God, by the chalice from which Christ drank the Holy Supper, by the Consecrated
Host, by the twelve apostles, by the Prayer that Christ prayed in the Garden of
Olives and by the Holy Cross on which Jesus Christ died, that you will remain mild and m
Saint Mark and Saint Amâncio! Bring me (so-and-so) to my feet! First, so that it
looks the way I want it; second, so that you don't care about anyone else; third,
so that he may come to me and give me everything I desire.”

“With my two eyes I see you, with three: Saint Mark, Saint Amâncio and the
Evil Angel I bind you, with four ropes of Saint Anthony I tie you, with the five
Wounds of Our Lord, my heart breaks you. By the power of Saint Mark and
Saint Amâncio, I want you here (so-and-so) as quickly as possible, with a soft,
meek and humble heart towards me. Amen!"

Conjuration to destroy someone

“I (NN) conjure by the virtues of Albirach, Shichaal, Mordoch and Morloch

four cursed souls from hell to help me take revenge on my enemy (NN).
If one follows him on land, he will be killed at the crossroads. Another to follow
him through the air will be killed by plague, or lightning. If he comes close to
the water, there will be an infernal soul ready to drown him and if he approaches
the fire, he will also be destroyed, as they will not give him rest, day or night.
From now to the future, your life, your body and your destiny are in the hands of the dem

Exorcism against lightning and storm

“Christus Rex comes in pace. Et Deus homo factus est, et verbum caro factum est.
Christus est natus ex virgine. Christus autem per illa in pace. Christus mortuus est.
Christum Fuisse Sepultum. Christus Surrexit. Quam Christus ascendit in caelum.
Christus imperat. Impetus fulminis Christum a nobis. Nobiscum Christus. Amen!”

“I humble sinner conjure you in the name of God and the Holy Trinity and in
the name of the great Living God Adonay Elohim Yahu and Metatron to dissolve
like salt in water and retreat to the uninhabited jungles where you can do no
harm.” (The sign of the cross is made).
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You will have a metal tip or knife in your hand and by raising your arm you will make the
sign of cutting the cloud into four parts and continue:

“I conjure you again by the six words that God spoke to Moses: - Uriel Seraph
Yosama Ablatay Agla Caila – may your torment cease, I conjure you to dissolve by
Adonay Sabaoth Autem Sabaoth Super-Autem Sabaoth”.

(It is said the Pater-Noster until “temptation”). Lastly say:

Lagaroth ÿ Alphonidos ÿ Paatia ÿ Urath ÿ Candion ÿ Lamacron ÿ Yodon ÿ

Arpagon ÿ Atamath ÿ Lenyan ÿ Viniath ÿ Serabani ÿ

To take down someone's guardian angel

During the entire quarter of the waning Moon, counting from the 1st day; It is lit, upside
down, that is, by making a second wick and inside a glass filled with water and coarse salt to
the brim, a candle for the guardian angel of the person you want to reach.
It is lit at noon, saying: “This candle is for the guardian angel of (NN), just as I am turning
this candle from bottom to top; This way I am also becoming (NN)’s guardian angel.”
Then, when it is the last day of the said moon, wait for midnight to arrive and go to a
crossroads where there is no resident nearby; There, unload the waste accumulated during
the week: water, glasses, spermaceti, salt and bait. Throw everything away and ask the
demon that lives there to take care of you, including the person. Leave without looking back
and never pass that way again.

Exorcism against storm

Light a white candle and burn a Palm Sunday straw in it saying:

“El! Elementa ad Dominum, Angelus autem Domini morning, Domine, aurei Aurora,
Audi petitionem meam? Eripiant velut turbo rapiet griseo maestitiae nubibus Etiam in
aeri, quae super me cecidit victrice. Ut hoc luzinha Et hinc lucet, Dat solem in lumine
Illic, Omne animal refectione et per ejus lucis radios Gloria.
El! Elementa ad Dominum, Angelus autem Domini morning, Domine, aurei Aurora, audi
petitionem meam? A uento storms Excessus aqua pariter ferebantur: fulgure et
tempestate electrica ab hominibus urbibus suis et animalia.
El! Elementa ad Dominum, Angelus autem Morning Domini, Domine, aurei
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Aurora, Audi petitionem meam? Quae tempestas est, Unde non potest non nocere neminem. Amen!”

Powerful Prayer of the Black Goat

to bring back a person

“Niger caprae miracula quæ ascenderunt in montem (NN) adducite mihi quis manus mea
evanuit. (NN) Sicut gallus cantet, mugiti asino, rugiti hircus tinniant campanis. Sicut tu ambulabit
post me. Sicut Caiphas Satanas Pharabras et quod Magnum Infernus, quæ faciet omnia essere
gubernatus, facite ille (NN) veniet ad me quomodo agnum et claustro sub sinistram pede mea. (NN)
Pecunia nihil mihi deerit in manu, cum site nec me, nec te nos autem non in finem. Nec me, nec te
missus et gladium non veniet super nos. Inimicus meu non videbis me. Niger caprae mirabilis,
crease pugna cum potentia tua. (NN) Cum duo video te! Cum tria cloister you! Caiphas judica te!
Lucifer orders you! Baalzebuth hic vocat te!”

Perform this exorcism with a new dagger in your hand and in front of a lit black candle and the person's
name under the left foot, for seven consecutive days. Start this exorcism on a Friday, at Open Hours, as
these are the most favorable times.

Saint Cyprian's mysterious prayer to become invisible

Athal, Bathel, Nothe, Jhoram, Asey, Cleyungit, Gabellin, Semeney, Mencheno, Bal, Labenenten,
Nero, Meclap, Helateroy, Palcin, Timgimiel, Plegas, Peneme, Fruora, Heart, Ha, Ararna, Avira, Ayla,
Seye, Peremies, Seney, Levesso, Huay, Baruchalu, Acuth, Tural, Buchard, Caratim, per misericordiam
abibit ergo mortale perficiat qua hoc opus ut invisibiliter ire possim. O tu Pontation, Magister
invisbilitaris cum Magistris tuis, Tenem, Musach, Motagren, Bries vel Brys, Domedis, Ugemal,
Abdita, Patribisib, Tangadentet, Ciclap, Client, Z, Succentat, Colleig, Bereith et Plintia, Gastaril,
Oletel, conjuro te Pontation, et ipsos Ministers invisibilitatis per ilium qui contremere facit orben
per Coelum et terram, Cherubim et Seraphim et per ilium qui generare fecit in virgine et Deus est
cum homine, ut hoc experimentum perfectae perficiam, est in quaecumquae hora voluero, sim
invisibilis; Iterum conjuro te et tuos Ministers, pro Stabuches et Mechaerom, Esey, Enitgiga, Beilis,
Semonei, ut Statim venais cum dictis ministris tuis et perficias hoc opus sicut scitis, et hoc
experimentum me invisibilem facit, ut nemo me videat.

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Exorxism to become invisible

On a Thursday on the day and time of Jupiter, when it is a new moon and it is in the sign of
Sagittarius, go to a willow tree and find a crevice that cannot under any circumstances take in the sunlight,
not even the faintest light. , place three broad beans there saying:

“Scaboles, Habaron, Elohi, Elimigit, Gabeloy Semition, Metinolach, Labalitena,

Neromobel, Calemere, Daluti, Timaguel, Villaguel, Tevemis, Serie, Jerete, Baruchaba,
Athonavel, Baracaba, Guvarin”.

Leave it there for an entire new moon. After the period, pick up the beans with black silk gloves, but
without anyone seeing you. When you want to use the so-called broad beans, just take the willow sprig
from which the broad beans were taken and repeat the names already mentioned and place the broad
beans between the teeth, as the teeth communicate with the bone of the head, thus leaving the person

Warning to anyone who uses this secret!

If the operator ingests salt, or wants to use this virtue in daylight, he will not be successful in this
operation. You must also be wearing black clothing at the time.

*Planet Day is the name par excellence that it has been called in occult circles. This operation must be carried out at
night during the planet's astrological hour. NT.

End of part of the book of Prayers, Prayers and

Exorcimos and its Egregore that counterbalances
the diabolical recipes that follow
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Here begin the

Engrimanços de São Cipriano
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The use of demons in magical operations


Megarah is shaped like a winged dog. He can bring the loved one to the magician.
On a spring Friday, preferably at the time of Venus; other than during the waning or
new moon, in the morning, go to a skin healer and buy a virgin parchment without
haggling over the price and draw the sign of Megarah on it together with a pact*.
Demons only work upon payment in advance. Megarah can only live near water, so
you must constantly leave a bowl of water near its sign. He will only bring someone to
you if he feeds them every day for the space of a lunar cycle with candles, incense and
meat. It feeds on animal liver. So give him beef liver, which is what he likes most, in
small portions.
Light a lemon balm or verbena incense, accompanied by a green candle per day.
Ask him after a month for the person you want, and he will bring them.

* The aforementioned pact is not necessarily about the sale of the soul, but rather a mutual agreement. NT.

Conjuration to Megarah:

Meghorath ÿ Dagol ÿ Prumol ÿ Facolas ÿ Syrol ÿ Dambroth ÿ Sachiryas. Venite

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Cariodas is shaped like a lizard. He brings and brings discord to anyone.

Draw his sign on virgin parchment on the day and hour of Mars in the waning moon,
preferably with the blood of a viper to please the spirit. Just like the preceding spirit,
it needs to be satisfied before carrying out the work, otherwise it will not produce
any desired effect. It prefers fresh blood, but the operator can feed it with offal, such
as animal livers and kidneys. Do the following: On the day of the operation, draw his
sign as indicated above and write the names of the people to be separated, each
one at one end of the spirit sign, so that the names are back to back.

Asafoetida or sulfur is the incense to be burned in honor of the spirit, accompanied

by red candles. The lunar cycle must be respected, that is, during this period he
must receive payment in exchange for favors.

Conjuration to Cariodas:

Chariodas ÿ Hemoront ÿ Damemor ÿ Chaucinadras ÿ Fergoroth ÿ Drumerol ÿ

Vrazacol. Venite Chariodas!
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Gargaró has the shape of a man with lizard-like features. It can cause the death of people and
animals and even help necromancers in rituals involving corpses. On the day and hour of Saturn
write the sign of Gargaró on a lead plate. Fill a vase with earth from a grave and place the plaque on
said earth in the vase, then burn pine needles (whatever they are) during a lunar cycle, in honor of
the spirit. Every day for a month, light black candles and give him worms to eat along with incense
(pine). Ask for everything related to the dead and how to invoke them.

Gargaró Conjuration:

Gargaroth ÿ Messinas ÿ Targas ÿ Meyroth ÿ Furgas ÿ Shimeloth ÿ Angurias.

Venite Gargaroth!

* This spirit is the most dangerous on this list. If the necromancer begins to feel unwell, he must
destroy the spirit's sign immediately, throw the vase into a river of clean water along with the worms and
perform a banishing ritual in the name of the four archangels and take a salt bath from the top of the earth.
head to toe. If the spirit is not pleased with the sorcerer, he will become ill. If the banishment procedure is
not carried out, the person will only have a few days to live.
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Zarax is shaped like a frog. makes objects change places and magical enchantments.
On the day and hour of Mercury, draw the sign of Zarax on virgin parchment in the blood
of a toad, together with his eyes. This spirit, if required, will show a stone that is hidden
inside a frog, with this stone the sorcerer will work true miracles. When finding the stone,
without anyone else touching it under penalty of losing its virtue, it must be encased in a
gold ring and every seven days, rubbed with mercury (the metal), this must be done
between 11 and 2 a.m. The sorcerer must always carry a toad in his pocket if he wants
to communicate with the spirit. The offerings relating to this spirit are similar to those of
the others, except that every month, he requires a live frog as a sacrifice. Your candle
must be made of pure wax, your incense must be a mixture of celery and marjoram with
that milk that comes from the frog's back, this will produce a dull smoke, but pleases the

Conjuration to Zarax:

Zarax ÿ Abrek-el ÿ Mirael ÿ Soras ÿ Vurpas ÿ Sonas ÿ Porgas. Venite Zarax!

Zurias has the shape of a monster with three faces: one like an owl, one like a frog
and one like a snake. The magician must shave his hair and beard three days before the
conjuration and burn everything with salt. He will distract the sorcerer as much as
possible with a retinue of mocking spirits and try to take away anything personal to use against the
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Mage. It must be conjured on the day and hour of Jupiter. Its function is to help the wizard find treasures, or
win in games of chance.

Conjuration to Zurias:

Zurias ÿ Caboth ÿ Sargol ÿ Gomor ÿ Saramael ÿ Zamaoth ÿ Sarcuriel. Venite Zurias!

Norgó has the form of a very small old craftsman, and he really is a craftsman. He lives in a place called
Zarcuri, to the east. Therefore, it is in this direction that he must be conjured. When it is a new moon and the
sun enters the sign of Leo, the magician will go to a deserted place between eleven and three in the morning
and collect three pebbles that do not have contact with sunlight, three dry twigs and some straw. lavender.
In possession of a pine box previously built solely for this purpose, which is not even very large; and even
slightly too small, you will place these materials inside without touching them with your hands; He will use
some artifice and be successful. When the moon is full in the same month, he will return to the same place
with the box and take three steps in a circle as if he were going down, in the last step which must end in the
east he will rise in a position that imitates the place where the spirit lives*, that is, the right leg in front, the left
behind, body inclined and arms to the east; will place the box in front of you and say:

“Sirguth, distance the intruders! Ziroth, open the path between here and there! Norgoth the way
is clear!”
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Zameray ÿ Chaveroth ÿ Bermerath ÿ Sazarath ÿ Umegor ÿ Zamarax ÿ Calas.

Venite Norgoth!

Here are the signs that should be written on the box:

On the right face Ahead

On the left face Back


Norgoth has the power to cast spells of all types. The magician will know that he
has arrived, as a wind will blow in the place. Under no circumstances should the box
be opened after the operation is ready; must always be locked. The spirit likes
earthworms for food and lavender for incense, along with yellow candles.
Ask him to perform enchantments of any kind and he will do so, if properly fed for
an entire lunar cycle before making the requests.
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Saris is the lord of spells, sorceries and divinations. He will whisper in the magician's
ear whatever is desired, as long as it is related to his powers. He is in the form of a
serpent with several heads. It must be invoked on the day and hour of the moon.
Do the following, during a full moon night, take seven stones from a deserted place.
The magician must dig more than a foot, where the sunlight doesn't shine to find them.
On these stones, the magician must draw the initials of the spirit's names with the
blood of a viper. Keep these stones in a bag made of black silk and the spirit sign in
silver. Every time there is a full moon, the magician can use Saris stones. How to use
the stones: Make a circle with moonwood charcoal to please the spirit. Then, like
throwing dice, throw the stones onto the circle. In this way many things can be
guessed, for example: names and signs of other demons, who are lesser in power
than Saris.
Magical names and Kabbalistic signs, used in magic. Other information the spirit will
give through dreams and whispers. Like other spirits, Saris appreciates animal blood,
so in the absence of that, he should be given animal offal, such as kidneys and livers.
The incense must be lunar, the candles must also be lit every day in the first month.

Conjuration to Saris:

Saris ÿ Argos ÿ Tarmial ÿ Mefogor ÿ Chaumar ÿ Zorgas ÿ Sargorath. Venite Saris!


Dispensation of the Spirit.

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After having been attended to by the spirit, the magician can use a classic dismissal so that they can
return to their places of origin. You should fire him by saying:

Ite in pace ad loca vestra et pax sit inter vos redituri ad mecum vos invocavero, in nomine
Patris ÿ et Filii ÿ et Spiritus Sancti ÿ Amen!

Conjuration of the seven infernal spirits

The Infernal Spirits corresponding to the seven days of the week are the following:

Súrgat, Lucifer, Frimost, Astaroth, Silcharde, Bechard and Guland.

The first of which is evoked on Sundays; the second on Mondays; the third on Tuesdays, and so on.
Now you need to know the powers and faculties of each of them to evoke them according to your
convenience and needs.

Their names and powers:

Surgat (demon of riches). It has the power to disenchant hidden treasures.

Mark the places where there are mines of gold, silver and other precious metals.

Lucifer (demon of illnesses). It has the power to sicken and heal men and beasts. Teaches the properties
of healing and poisonous plants.

Frimost (demon of destruction). Teaches how to handle weapons; sows hatred, fear and ruin; makes
noise in houses; He is the father of revenge. The waters of the sea revolt; unleashes winds and storms;
causes hail and lightning to fall wherever it pleases, etc., etc.

Ashtarot (lucky demon). Indicates the ways to become rich; teaches the great secret to winning the lottery
and all games of chance; reveals how to make a fortune, succeed in business, etc.

Silchard (domain demon). It grants what evokes it a domineering power over other men; influence on the
souls of the powerful to obtain from them all sorts of benefits, jobs and benefits.

Bechard (love demon). Teach men and women the art of loving; the secrets to becoming irresistible in
love matters; the means to achieve love
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of a person; to unite lovers; to destroy marriages; teaches the art of composing filters, etc., etc.

Guland (demon of envy). It has the ability to bewitch, ruin people and make domestic animals and birds
sick and die. It insinuates the means of throwing bad luck and troubles of all kinds into a house. Teaches
the way to dominate fierce beasts, etc., etc.

Conjuration to Surgat
This conjuration takes place on Sunday, between eleven and twelve at night, under the light of the
moon, in a remote place, trying not to be seen or heard by anyone during the ceremony. Before beginning
the evocation, the chosen place must be swept and smoothed to make it easier to trace the circle. You will
take a rooster with gray wings and tail, completely black on the chest and below the belly, and with the
white-handled atme you will cut its throat, pronouncing at the same time the following words: “ Receive,
oh, Surgat, the blood of this victim that I sacrifice in your honor, Gomeret kailos oxo.” The rooster's
blood must be kept in a small pot, to which you will add a pinch of yellow aniline, shaking well with a green
sprig of wild walnut (Lomatia hirsuta).

Then you will wet the goose feather with the said blood and draw on a piece of virgin parchment the
Kabbalistic symbols in the following figure:

With the sword of Adonyah, you will draw three concentric circles on the ground: the first five spans in
diameter, the second six, and the third seven. On the first ring you must write with consecrated charcoal
the following words, separated by crosses: AGLA ÿ Adonyah ÿ On ÿ TETRAGRAMMATON ÿ and on the
second ring you will write, with the atame, the following: Venite Surgat! ÿ Venite ÿ Surgat! ÿ Venite
Surgat! And finally, in the center of the circle, with Adonyah's sword, you will draw the magical signs
corresponding to the Spirit. For better understanding, pay attention to the following figure:
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Between the words Agla and Adonyah, next to the small cross that separates them, you will place a
brazier of baked clay, with the known wood (hazelnut, laurel and pine), into which you will throw the perfumes
of the Sun, shortly after lighting the fire. Having arranged everything as said, you will place yourself in the
center of the cabalistic circle, facing the West, and wielding the sword of Adonay in your right hand and with
your left arm extended horizontally, you will perform, with a calm voice and serene spirit, the following
conjuration to the Surgat Spirit:

“I conjuro et confirmo super vos, Angelus fortis Dei et Sancti, in nomine Adonyah, Ahayah,
Ahayah, Ahayah, qui est ille, qui suit, est, érit, Ahayah, Abiayah, et in nomine Shaday, Cadosh,
Cadosh, Cadosh, alte redentis super Cherubini, et per nomen magnum ipsius; Dei fortis et potenti
exaltátique super omnes Coelos, Ahayah, Ahayah, Ahayah, Sarayah, plasmatoris, seculorum, qui
creávit Mundum, Coelum, Terraem, Mare et Omnia, qua in eis sun in primo die, et figillávit ea sancto
nomine suo Fa; et per nomina sanctórum, angelórum, qui dominántur in fourth army, et servent
córam potentíssimo Salamyah, ángelo magno et honorato, et per nomen stella, qua est Sol, et per
signum, et per inménsum nomen Dei vivi, et per nomina omnia predictiona, I conjure you Michael
ángelo magno, qui est prepositus diei dominica, et per nomen Adonyah, dei Israel, qui creávit
múndum, et quidquid infeo est, quo pro me labores, et adimpleas ómnem méam petitiónem yusta
méum velle et vótum méum, in negotio et causa mea. ÿ Amen!” ÿ

As soon as you have uttered the last word of the conjuration, the demon of riches will appear to you.
Then, without leaving the circle, you will say to the Spirit. Serenely and clearly:

“By Adonyah I command you to grant me this instant the power to discover the treasures that
are hidden beneath the earth and in other places, as well as the way to disenchant them if they are in
the custody of the jealous Gnomes.”
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The Spirit will take a gold ring from one finger of his left hand and will say to you: “Here, there you
have this talisman, with it you will achieve all your desires.” Be careful not to pick up the ring with
your hands. And showing him the tip of Adonay's sword, you will say to the Spirit: “Oxila Somux Oxo.”
Place the ring on the tip of this sword.” The Spirit will resist. Then the only thing you should do is say the
following words:

“By TETRAGRAMMATON Yahuah you will fulfill my commandment!”

As soon as you pronounce the sacred word, the Spirit will give you the ring in the indicated way and
disappear, leaving thick smoke behind it and you will hear an amazing noise that will make the Earth
shake. Then place the ring on the middle finger of your left hand and with it you will take the piece of
parchment and throw it on the stove to be consumed. Once this is done, the ring given by the Spirit will
have the virtue you desire.

Conjuration to Lucifer
This conjuration takes place on Monday, between eleven and twelve at night, under the light of the
stars. The chosen place must be an open field, and it is an essential condition to be sure that you cannot
be seen or heard by anyone during the evocation and its preparations. Along with the Grimoire, you will
take a piece of consecrated charcoal and draw two concentric circles on the ground: the first must be
about six palms in diameter and the second, seven palms. In the space between the two circles, you will
also write with consecrated charcoal the following words: In Nomine Sancte Trinitatis non intrat! ÿ. In
the center of the circle you will draw Lucifer's head and his signature. As shown in the figure below:

Outside, next to the cross, you will make a small fire made of baked clay in which you will have
prepared the fuel made up of the herbs that correspond to it. You will light it and throw the sacred perfumes
of Monday into it. Then you will make the sacrifice of the Black Rooster, as indicated in the previous
evocation, pronouncing the following
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words: “Receive, oh, Lucifer, the blood of this victim that I sacrifice in your honor.
Ingodum englabis promodum.” The Kabbalistic signs that must be drawn on the strip of
parchment are those indicated in the following figure:

Then place yourself in the center of the Kabbalistic circle and under the same conditions
exposed in the previous evocation. The conjuration you must make to Lucifer is the following:

“I conjuro et confirmo super vos, Angelis forte et boni, in nomine Adonyah, Adonyah,
Adonyah, Ahayah, Ahayah, Ahayah, Cadosh, Cadosh, Cadosh, Achim, Achim, Achim,
Elyahu, Elyahu, fortis Elyahu, qui appauit in mount Sinai , cum glorificatione Regis
Adonyah, Shaday, Sabaoth, Amatay, Yah, Yah, Yah.
Maranatah, Abim, Eliah, qui maria creavit, stagna et omnes aquas in secundo die, quasdam
super cœlos, et quasdam in terra. Sigillavit mare in alto nomine suo, et terminum, Quem
sibi posuit, non præteribit; et per nomina angelorum, qui dominantur in primo exercitu; qui
served Orphaniel angelo magno, pretioso et honorato; et per nomen stella, qua est in Luna
et per nomina prædicta super, te conjuro scilicet, Gabriel, qui est praepositus diei Lunæ
secundo, quod pro me labores et adimpleas omnem meam patitionem, just meum velle et
votum meum, in negotio et causa mea .” Amen!” ÿ

At the same moment the Demon of illnesses will appear to you. Then, without leaving the
circle, you will say to the Spirit: “By Athanatos I command you to grant me the power to heal
men and animals, as well as to know the magical and healing virtues of all plants”. The
Spirit will say: “You must give me a piece of virgin parchment on which you signed with the blood
of your veins”.
You must be very careful not to give in to their desires. Instead of giving him your signature, show
him the piece of virgin parchment with the Kabbalistic signs telling him: “There you have what I
need to grant my wishes”. Throw the parchment into the fire to consume it by saying the
following words: “Alixo Somus Oxo. By Yahuah you will obey me ipso facto!” The Spirit will
offer you a ring that you will pick up with the tip of Adonyah's sword, with said ring you will acquire
the desired power.

Conjuration to Frimost
This conjuration takes place on Tuesday, between eleven and twelve at night and under the
light of the moon, trying not to be seen during the operation. With the sword of Adonay you will draw
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two concentric circles on the ground: the inner one should be about six palms in diameter and the outer
one approximately one more palm. In the space between the two circles, you will engrave, using the magic
bandage, the following words: Obtempera Frimost! ÿ Get Frimost! ÿ Get Frimost!

Then, with the consecrated charcoal, you will draw in the center of the circle the Kabbalistic signs that
appear in that figure. The baked clay stove will place you on the outside of the circle, but very close to it.
The perfumes you must burn are those of Mars. You will sacrifice the rooster as explained in the previous
evocations, pronouncing the following words: “Receive, oh Frimost! The blood of this victim I sacrifice
in your honor. Gomer et kailos anglabis.” The Kabbalistic signs that you must draw on the strip of virgin
parchment are those indicated in the following figure:

Place yourself in the center of the circle and taking into account the same instructions as
In the previous evocation, you will recite the following conjuration to Frimost:

“I conjuro et confirmo super vos. Angeli forte et Sancti, per nomen Yah, Yah, Yah, Ahayah,
Ahayah, Ahayah, Yahuah; Yah, Yah, Yah, An, An, An, Ahayah, Ahayah, Ahayah, El, Elyahu, Elohim,
Elohim, Elohim, et per nomen ipsius alti Dei, qui fécit aquam aridam, apparere, et vocabit terram, et
produxit arbores et herbas et ea, ets igillavit super eam cum pretioso, honorato, metuendo, et
sancto nomine suo: et per nomen angelorum dominantium in quinta exercitu, qui servint Acimoy.

Angelo Magno, forti, potenti et honorato, et per nomen stella, quæ est Mars; per nomina prædicta
conjuro superte, Samael, angele magne; qui præpositus es diei martis: et per nomina Adonay Dei
vivi et veri, quod pro me labores et adimpleas omnem meam petitionem, juxta meum velle et votum
meum, in negotio et causa mea. Amen!” ÿ
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As soon as you finish reciting the conjuration above, Frimost will appear to you. And you,
without leaving the circle, will say to the demon of Destruction: “By Ischyros I order you to grant
me at this moment the power to sow hatred, fear and ruin, make noises in houses, stir up
the sea water, unleash the wind and storms, causing hail and lightning to fall wherever I
please.” The Spirit will give you a dark purple stone, saying: “Here, there you have the infernal
stone; You will do with it everything you asked of me." You must under no circumstances pick
up the stone with your hands; to pick it up, you will show the Spirit the strip of virgin parchment and
say: “Put it here.” The Spirit will resist. Then you will pronounce the following words: “Lixalo
Somus Oxo. By Tetragrammaton Yahuah fulfill my order.” He will give in instantly. Then you
will throw the stone and the strip of parchment together into the fire; but when the parchment is
completely consumed, you can take, without any fear, the devil's pebble, with which you will be
able to accomplish what you asked of him.

Conjuration of Astaroth

This conjuration takes place on Wednesdays, between eleven and twelve at night, under the
light of the moon, in a solitary place, where it can be performed without fear of being seen by anyone.
With the sword of Adonay, you will draw two concentric circles on the ground; the inner one must
be about 6 palms in diameter, and the outer one about seven. In the space between the two circles
you will engrave the following words with the magic bandage: Venite Astaroth! ÿ Venite Astaroth!
ÿ Venite Astaroth! Then with consecrated charcoal, you will draw in the center of the circle the
head of the spirit and the cabalistic signs that accompany it:

You will place the baked clay stove on the outside of the circle, but very close to it. The perfumes
you should burn are those of Mercury. You will sacrifice the rooster as indicated in the other
evocations, pronouncing the following words: “Receive, oh
Astaroth! The blood of this victim I sacrifice in your honor, Curkum kailos
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terog.” The Kabbalistic signs that must be traced on the piece of virgin parchment are those indicated in
the following figure:

Enter the circle and taking into account the indications made in previous evocations,
You will recite the following conjuration to Astaroth:

“I conjuro et confirmo super vos, angeli sancti et potentes in momine fortis, metuendissimi
et benedicti Adonay, Elohim, Shaday, Shaday, Ahayah, Ahayah, Ahayah, Asanyah, Asarayah; et
in nomine Adonyah, Dei Israel, qui creavit luminaria magna, ad distinctum die a nocte; et per
nomen omnium angelorum, deservientium in exercitu secundo coram terra Angelo majori, atque
forti et potenti; et per nomen stella, quæ est Mercurius, et per nomen sigili, quo sigillatur a Deo
fortissimo et honorato, per omnia praedicta super te Raphael, angele, magne conjuro, qui
præpositus die quartæ: et per nomen sanctum quod est scriptum in fronte Aaron, priestis altissimi
Creatoris; et per nomina angelorum, qui in gratiam Salvatoris confirmatisunt, et per nomen sedis
animalium habentium senas alas, quod pro me labores et adimpleas omnem meam petitionem,
juxta meum velle et votum meum, in negotio et causa mea. Amen!” ÿ

As soon as you finish saying the conjuration, Astaroth will appear to you. Then, without leaving the
circle, you will say to the Spirit: “By Sabaoth I order you to grant me the secret to winning all types
of games and the means to make me rich in a short time”. And the Spirit will say: “You must give
me a piece of virgin parchment, on which you must stamp your name and surname with your own
blood.” Without paying attention to his request, you will show the Spirit the strip of parchment you have
prepared and say to him: “See: there you have what is necessary for you to grant me what I ask of
you.” And throwing the strip into the fire you will say the following words: “Oxila Musso Oxo. Per

Tetragrammaton Yahuah. Obey me this instant.” Then Astaroth will give you a golden ring, which you
must pick up with the tip of the Sword of Adonyah, and with this lucky ring you will get what you want.

Conjuration to Silchard
This conjuration takes place on Thursday, between eleven and twelve at night in a secluded place
where it cannot be seen by anyone. In the same way as in the previous evocations you will begin by
tracing, with the Sword of Adonay, two concentric circles, of equal dimensions as the previous ones and
in the space between
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On them, you will engrave, with the magic bandage, the following words: Per Deum Sanctum! ÿ
Per Deum Sanctum! ÿ Per Deum Sanctum! In the center of the circle you must draw the corresponding
Kabbalistic signs, using consecrated charcoal:

The baked clay stove will be placed on the outside of the circle, but very close to it. The perfumes
you must burn are those of Jupiter. You will sacrifice the rooster, as in the previous evocations,
pronouncing the following words: “Carabax kailos anglabis. Receive, oh Silcharde! The blood of this
victim I sacrifice in your honor.”
The Kabbalistic signs that you must draw on the strip of virgin parchment are those that
can be seen in the following figure:

Enter the circle and taking the same precautions previously indicated,
You will recite the following conjuration to Silcharde:

“I conjuro et confirmo super vos, angeli sancti, per nomen Cadosh, Cadosh, Cadosh,
Ascherahayah, Ascherahayah, Ascherahayah, Hatim, Hatim, Yah, fortis firmator saeculorum,
Cantine, Yaym, Yanic, Anyah, Calbar, Sabbach, Betifay, Alnaym, et per nomen Adonyah, which
created pisces, reptilia, in aquis, and birds super faciem terræ, volantes versus coelos on the
fifth, et per nomina angelorum servantium in sixth exercise coram pastore Angelo sancto et
magno et potenti principe et per nomen stella quæ est Jupiter , et per nomen sigili sui, et per
nomen Adonyah, summi Dei omnium creatoris; et per nomen omnium stellarrum, et per vim et
virtutem carum, et per nomina prædicta, conjuro te, Sachiel Angele Magne, qui est praepositus
diei Jovis, et pro me labores et adimpleas omnem meam patitionem, juxta meum velle et votum
meum, in negotio et cuasa mea. Amen!” ÿ

The moment you finish the conjuration Silcharde will appear to you. Then, without leaving the circle,
you will say to the Spirit: “By Shaday I command you to grant me the power to dominate men and
women and obtain from them whatever I ask of them.” The Spirit will demand your signature drawn
with your own blood on a piece of
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virgin parchment. You, without making the slightest mistake, will show him the strip of virgin
parchment that you have prepared and say to him: “See, there you have what you need
to grant me what I ask of you.” Then throw the parchment on the stove saying the
following words: “Musso kailos Somux. Obey me immediately.” Silcharde will
communicate to you the secret to achieving your desires, about which you must keep the
most absolute silence, otherwise it will lose all its power.

Conjuration to Bechard
This conjuration takes place on Friday, under the same conditions as the previous ones.
With the sword of Adonay you will draw the two circles, of equal dimensions and in the
space between them, you will engrave with the magic atame the following words: Venite
Bechard! ÿ Venite Bechard! ÿ Venite Bechard! In the center of the circle you will draw
the corresponding Kabbalistic signs, using consecrated charcoal:

The stove must be placed outside the circle, but very close to it. The perfumes that must
be burned are those of Venus. You will sacrifice the rooster by pronouncing the following
words: “Sorebex kailos anglabis. Receive, oh Bechard, the blood of this victim that I
sacrifice in your honor.” The signs that you must draw on the strip of parchment are
those shown in the following figure:

Enter the circle with due precautions and recite the following conjuration to Bechard:

“I conjuro et confirmo super vos, strong angels, sancti potent attack in name,
On, Hayah, Hayah, Yah, Yah, Adonyah, Shaday, et in nomine Shaday qui creavit
quadrupedia et animalia reptilia, et homines in sixth die et Adæ dedit potestament
super omnia animalia; unde benedictum sit nomen creatoris in loco suo; et per
nomina Angelorum serventium in tertio exercitu, coram Agiel, Angelo magno,
principe forti until que potenti; et per nomen stella, quæ est Venus, et per sigillum ejus
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Quod quidem est sanctum, et per nomina prædicta super, conjuro te, Anael, qui es prepositus diei
sextæ, ut prome labores, et adimpleas omnem, in negotio et causa mea. Amen!” ÿ

Once the conjuration is complete, Bechard will appear to you. You must then say to the spirit: “By
Sother I order you to grant me the art of making yourself loved and everything that is related to
love”. The Spirit will demand your signature drawn in its own blood on a piece of virgin parchment. You will
show him the previously prepared parchment saying to him: “Do you see these signs? They are enough
for you to grant me what I ask.” Then throw the parchment into the fire, saying: “Musso kailo oxila,
obey me, this instant.” Bechard will give you a talismanic ring with which you will acquire what you asked
for. You will catch him with the tip of Adonyah's sword.

Conjuration to Guland
Like all conjurations, this must be carried out at night and under the conditions already mentioned. The
day to cast Guland is Saturday. With Adonay's sword, you will draw two concentric circles and in the space
between them you will write the following words: Post tergum Guland! ÿ Post tergum Guland! ÿ

Post tergum Guland! In the center of the circle you will draw with consecrated charcoal the corresponding
Kabbalistic signs:

The stove will place you on the outside of the circle, but very close to it. The perfumes that must be
burned are those of Saturn. You will make the sacrifice of the rooster, pronouncing the following words:
“Soberex kailos englabis. Receive, oh Guland, the blood of this victim that I sacrifice in your Honor.”
The signs on the parchment that you need for this evocation are those shown in the following figure:
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Enter the circle with due precautions and recite the following conjuration to Guland:

“I conjuro et confirmo super vos Caphriel, vel Cassiel, Machatori et Serakiel, angeli forte et
potentes, et per nomen Adonyah, Adonyah, Adonyah, Ahayah, Ahayah, Ahayah, Acim, Acim, Acim,
Cadosh, Cadosh, Cadosh, Ina vel Ima Ima, Shaday, Yah, Sar, Domini formaris sæculorum, qui in
septimo die quievit, et per illum qui in beneplacito suo filis Israel in hereditatem observandum dedit,
ut eum firmiter custodirent et sanctificarent ad habendam inde bonam in al sæculo remunerationem;
et per nomine Angelorum servientium in exercitu septimo, Bovel, Angelo magno et potenti principi,
et per nomen stella, quæ est Saturnus; et per Sanctum sigillium ejus, et per nomina predictionæ
super, conjuro te, Caphriel, qui praepositus es diei septimo, quæ est dies Sabbati, quod pro me
labores, et adimpleas omnem meam petitionem, juxta meum velle et votum meum, in negotio et
causa mea. Amen!” ÿ

Once the conjuration is complete, Guland, the demon of envy, will appear to you and address the
following words: “By the Great Yahuah I command you to grant me the terrible secrets that through
your wickedness you acquired.” The Spirit will demand a signature drawn with your own blood on a piece
of virgin parchment.
You will show him the strip of parchment saying: “Observe these signs carefully. They are enough for
you to grant me at this moment what I ask of you.” Throw the parchment into the fire saying: “Oxila
englabis promodum. Obey me this instant.” Guland will roar in anger when he sees you protected by
the magic circle, but he will have no choice but to serve you without causing you any harm.

Magical Secrets
The Devil's Prodigies

The pact with the devil

Get a hen that is completely black and separated from the others so that it doesn't get contaminated
by any rooster. Then, equipped with a hazel stick, go to where the paths cross and draw a circle around
yourself with that stick and, being inside it, with the same knife used to cut the hazel tree, cut the chicken's
neck saying:

Intima mea sic! Sic volo, divide et impero cum Lucifuge diabolus pactorum!…
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When the devil appears, make the pact as Cyprian did. Only leave the circle after
having been successful in the pact and having received the devil's dispensation. This
rod will be used to command the spirits later on.

Magic work to choose a future wife

Take three handfuls of earth in equal parts that come from: the first from an anthill,
the second from a crossroads and the third from a cemetery.
Recite the exorcism of the gnomes by placing your hands on the three handfuls. Then ask the girl you
love to choose one of the handfuls. If she chooses the one from the anthill, she will be a good wife and
hard worker. If you choose the one at the crossroads you will be fickle, if you choose the one at the
cemetery you will die before becoming a mother.

Sympathetic magic work to choose a husband

Spread a white towel outdoors, the ends pointing to the four cardinal points. The
young woman who wants to get married places a handful of consecrated grains in each
corner. Then recite the exorcism of the air. When birds come to eat the seeds, the
young woman will observe the point where the first one comes from. It is in this cardinal
point that your future husband lives.

To prevent birds from spoiling the sowing

You need to have the biggest frog you can find and you will close it inside a pot of
new soil with a bat. Achizech will be written inside the lid with raven's blood and this
pot will be buried in the sown field. You should not be afraid of birds approaching.
When the seeds begin to ripen, this pot must be dug up and thrown away from the field
onto any dunghill.

To go to the sorcerers' Sabbath

Boil the fat of an unbaptized child in a bronze vessel and add:

1 - Belladonna root,
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2 - Nightshade,

3 - Batblood herb,

4 - Sleeper,

5 - Perrexil,

6 - Tuia,

7 - Pentafolio,

8 - Achorus vulgaris,

9 - White poplar,

10 - Opium,

11 - Black henbane,

12 - Hellebore root.

Leave everything tightly covered on the heat in a bain-marie for two hours and strain
after removing it from the heat. On the night of Friday to Saturday, rub this ointment behind
the ears, down the neck along the carotid arteries, then on the armpits and in the greater
sympatico region to the left, also grease the hocks, the soles of the feet, the bleeding place
of the arms and fists. After this anointing say:

Emen-Hetan! Emen-Hetan! Emen-Hetan!

Master Leonardo will send a goat to take you to the Sabbat.

Against theft

Draw the following sign with a goose feather and a guard dog's blood
about what you want to protect. Then recite the following words about the object.
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“Imparibus meritis pendent tria corpora ramis Dymas es gestas ÿ in inedio is

divina Potestas alta peti Dymas infelix infima gestas nos te res nos nostras
conservant summa potestas hos versus tips ne te filto tua perditas.”

To get what you want

On a spring Thursday with the moon at its first quarter, pick lots of blue flowers and
squeeze until the juice comes out. Using charcoal from a wild persimmon tree , wet the tip
of the charcoal and write this sign on a virgin stick.

Recite this exorxim on the parchment

ÿ Valeam de Zaracÿ Adonay ÿ Principio ÿ et finis ÿ unio ÿ Sapientiæ ÿ

verum ÿ spero ÿ consolationem ÿ Ego fons ÿ quod medium ÿ Agios Agnus ÿ
colligationem ÿ calculi ÿ lapis angulare ÿ Benefactori ÿ Sponsae ÿ Parva Divinitatem
ÿ nigritude ÿ Gratia ÿ quod pax ÿ quod affectio ÿ quod Viribus ÿ
Unitatis ÿ Omnipotens ÿ Matthaeum ÿ Iohannes ÿ Marcus ÿ Lucas ÿ Hallelujah! ÿ
Hallelujah! ÿ Hallelujah! ÿ Amen!

To make a person fall

Go to a crossroads at midnight where there is no housing nearby.
Pick up a stone and call: Araroth! Norgoth! Ongurias! So say, I will pay the price. Draw
the Sign of Norgó on the stone and then take nine black bean seeds in your left hand and

“Araroth obscure the view! Norgoth be a stumbling block! Ongurias 1 reveals your

Leave the stone where the targeted person usually passes by. After the devils have
finished their mission, take three rats and cut off their heads at the crossroads so that the
blood spills onto the ground where the stone was removed.
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Another variant: Angurias. NT

To prevent animals from dying

When the moon is at its full moon in the sign Taurus, write the following on
virgin parchment: Ante Ante te super Ante te. Make a cock swallow for example;
recite the same words three times over the beak, then nail its head with a new
nail on the table, remove the nail and it will not die.

For all sorts of venomous animals

Buy a knife and on the day and hour of Mars and engrave this sign on the
right side:

Then left side:

Then say:
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“Ego affects creature, monstrum magnum; batrachian; Aráneam; Creatura

universæ genti: in laudem Sanctus Silvestre, Quomodo omnia reddam, et Dominum
nostrum, quid est verum Magister.”

Then place the knife where you want the animals not to get close.

Black magic work to become invincible

Have a knife and a leather bag made and engrave the following characters on them.
Lucifer's teres on the day and hour of the moon:

Right side

Left side

Go to a forest on a full moon night, on a Monday, taking a live lizard, tied so it doesn't
run away. Once there, do the conjuration to Lucifer as follows:

Lucifer ÿ Ouyar ÿ Chameron ÿ Aliseon ÿ Mandousin ÿ Premy ÿ Oriet ÿ

Naydrus ÿ Esmony ÿ Eparinesont ÿ Estiot ÿ Dumosson ÿ Danochar ÿ Casmiel ÿ
Hayras ÿ Fabelleronthon ÿ Sodirno ÿ Peatham ÿ Venite Lucifer. ÿ Amen!

Then, with the blank knife, cut the lizard's throat, killing it. After he is dead, remove
his eyes, take them home, and let them rest on a black handkerchief.
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silk, for seven weeks; After this time has passed, open the scarf, remove the lizard's eyes, put it in
a leather bag and hang it around your neck. All your requests for evil will always be answered, and
each time the person must hold it with their left hand, first invoking the name of Lucifer.

Baal-Zebuth's guard dummies

Make two linen dolls and fill them with cotton, live insects and the blood of a
small animal. Then say:

“Unite us, unite them; marry us, marry them; free us and marry them to
Belzebuth. Amen!"

Place these guard dolls at the entrance to your workroom, and whisper
in his ears: “Anyone who comes here to hunt me must not leave alive.”

To discover treasures

Standing in the place where you suppose there is a treasure, say, tapping the ground three
times with your left heel and turning to the right:

“Sadies Satani Act fons toribus; come to me, Seradon, who will be called Sarietur.”

Do this three more times. If there is treasure in this place, you will know it because you will
hear something speaking in your ear.

To win at the game

Take gall from an ox and pour blood from a raven over the said gall, then place the contents
inside the skin of an eel and leave it under the influence of the stars for seven days. Then dry well
and use on the arm you play with.
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To win in every game

Write the following words on blank parchment:

ÿ Ibel ÿ Laber ÿ Chabel ÿ Habet ÿ Rabel.

Carry it in your pocket.

To stop a person from sleeping

Just put the eye of a lizard or swallow under your pillow.

So that a shooter does not hit the target

Take the shoelace from your left shoe and say:

“Morath! Morath! Morath!”

After tying three knots, say:

“Ergo me quaeristis fininti tandem, Roghel!”

To exorcise an animal when you

suspect evil caused by spirits

Pass your left hand over the animal's backbone saying in one voice:

“Haechel ÿ Miratuant ÿ Scbilque. In the name of the Almighty Yah, I conjure

you to abandon this animal, do not hesitate to obey and leave, if you stay here,
the curse of the Most High will fall upon you. Nomaoeckill ÿ Stinguel!”

To scare away the mice

Eleven roses and one jasmine are boiled on the day and hour of Saturn. Then with
this liquid is sprinkled around the house saying: “Spitium ÿ Salunis ÿ Sgavadinis!”
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Against illness and specks in the eyes

Take a stick and break it in half saying:

“Per Verum Deum Filius in Crucis ÿ Yochoth ÿ Vemu ÿ Deseth ÿ Dervrince


Against illness and wounds

Throw a stone into the water saying: “In nomni Yah, Yexe, echet, sanguis ab haec
formula, Val haec formulae”

To win in a game

Say: “I conjure thee (game) in the name of Assizer and of Rassize, that they come
to sweep and cleanse the names of Assia and Longrio.”

To stop a dog from barking

Remove the hat with both hands, continuing with the opening of the hat facing upwards.
the dog says three times, looking at the dog:

“Arcus barbari, divisum est cor, caudam suspendit, clavem Sanctus Petrus
claustrus bucca tua usque cras.”

Against headache

Take powdered black pepper, mix it with good spirits to make a kind of paste, forming a
bandage, which will be applied to the forehead, pronouncing the words three times:

Millant, Vah, Vitalot!

Then pray the Pater-Noster three times

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“Pater Noster quio est in ceali, santificetur nomen tuum adveniat regnun tuum fiat
volunctas tua sicut in caelo et in terra pane nostrae quotidianum harmobis hodie e dimite
debita nostrae sicut noi debitamus pecatoribus nostrae et ne nos inducas in tentazionen
sed liberta nos a malo. Amen!”

To see the spirits of the place you are in

Take the brain of a rooster, dust from a dead man's grave (that is, earth that touches the
coffin), walnut oil and virgin wax. Make a mixture of everything, wrap this mixture in a piece of
virgin parchment, on which these two words are written: Gomert Kailoeth, followed by the
characters present here:

Burn it all together and you will see prodigious and extraordinary things.

To see someone far away

Take a piece of paper, make a needle with it, look to the east, at the sun
spring, saying:

“I conjure you, Solar Spirit, from the great living God, that you make me see
to (NN).” Then it continues like this: “anima mea turbata est valde; sed tu Domine,

Repeat three times.

To make a person come to you

pronounce the following incantation:

“Firewood, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, consciousness of (NN), by fire,
by the heavens, by the earth, by the rainbow, by Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Feppé,
Feppé, Feppé, Elera, and in the name of all the demons.
Firewood, dominate, burn N.'s heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, consciousness, until she
comes to fulfill my desires and my aspirations. Go in thunder and in ashes, go in storm,
Santos, Quisor, Carracos,
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Arné, Tourne. May she not sleep, nor rest, nor do anything, nor eat, nor cross a river, ride a horse,
nor speak to any man, woman, or child until she comes to fulfill my desires and aspirations.”

To appear to be accompanied by several people

Take a handful of fine sand and conjure it as follows:

“Anachi Yahuah, Hoelersa, Azarbel, rets cara sapor aye pora cacotamo lopidon ardagal margas
poston eulia buget Kephar, solzeth Karne phaca ghedolos salesetata.”

This sand, thus conjured, must be placed in an ivory box, mixed with the skin of a tiger snake
(Notechis Scurtatus) reduced to powder. When you want to complete the operation, take a pinch of the
powder and throw it into the air, saying the conjuration once again. Then, as many people as grains of
sand will appear. The operation will be carried out on the day and time when the Sun is in the sign of Virgo.

Secret to having love

Remain chaste for three days before swallowing a nutmeg. On the fourth day, fasting, say to God:

“Io torum cultin, culturarum, bultin, bultotum. Come to me, my companion.”

It is necessary to swallow the nutmeg, while saying: “come to me, etc.” This done, when you go to
defecate, it should not be obstructed by nutmeg. This secret is good for your entire life, without being
forced to renew it. You should only say the last three words while breathing through your nose or while
hugging everyone you want to be loved by.

To make someone armed fail in an attempt to harm you

Take a clay pipe, new and adorned with brass. Fill it with powdered mandrake root. Then, you blow
through the tube pronouncing the following words over yourself: Abla, Got, Bata, Bata, Bleu.
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Against any type of fever

Dissolve one-half ounce of sulphate of iron, in a glass of water; write with this dissolution
on a piece of paper the size of an inch, the words: Agla, Garnaze, Eglatus, Egla.

Swallow the piece of paper for five days in a row as taught above. During these five
days the following preparations are made:

*Continuous fever: Before the attack, take one drachm of powdered gentian root.

*Fever Tuesday: Apply to the navel, the root of the tongue-canis.

*Quartan fever: At the beginning of the attack, take one drachma of myrrh in a glass
of white wine; repeat three times.

To not be hurt by knives and swords

Before leaving, the two words are written on a ribbon, of any color: Buoni Yacum.
Then say, “Buoni Yacum, I didn’t do this for you.” Attach this ribbon to your right wrist;
stand without fear, defend yourself, and your enemy's sword will not reach you.

To prevent someone from eating at the table

Place a needle under the table that was used to shroud a deceased person, and that
penetrated his flesh, then say, Coridal, Nardac, Degon. Then, place a piece of asafoetida
on a hot coal and leave the area.

To weaken a fire
The following is said, making the indicated signs of the cross:

Anania ÿ Anassia ÿ Emisael ÿ release us ÿ Dominate.

The exorcised straw and wet holy water are then thrown into the fire.
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To walk without getting tired

Write about three silk ribbons: Gaspard, Melchior, Balthazar. Tie one of these
ribbons above your right knee, without tightening it; the second above the left knee, and
the third around the kidneys. Before starting out (walking), swallow a small glass of
anise in broth or a glass of white wine, and rub your feet with rue crushed in olive oil.

So as not to be slandered and for no one to speak ill of you

On a Wednesday, as the sun sets over the horizon, he will take a piece of virgin
parchment and write on it with a new quill and celestial ink, the following words: “Agnus
Dei qtpm” Then he will break the quill and take a new one, and with golden ink he will
draw, under those words, the corresponding magical characters, and he will also break
this feather. For the size and shape of the characters in this work, see the figure below:

Once the sacred words have been written and the magical signs drawn, he will take
the parchment and submit it to the perfume of Mercury, then reciting the Wednesday
prayer. Once the said prayer is finished, place the strip of parchment between two
pieces of light blue silk, and carry it on top, hidden, between your clothes, and you can
be sure that nothing bad will come to you, nor will you be slandered.

For people with asthma

Grind 3 finely chopped onions and break 3 free-range chicken eggs where it says
before and on each of them: Forath, Gorath, Nihil plus me. Also put three tablespoons
of mascara oil in a glass of milk and beat well. Adults drink a glass, children drink half a
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The Names that carry spells with power

Many spells here are charged with power by these Names:

Opening: CHANENYAH, closing: CHAMAL

When lighting a candle in rituals for good

Dyah... God of the doors of light.

Nyah... God of the 50 gates of light.

Zyah... God of lightning.

When lighting a star, make your wish and say: Bacchur ÿ Dyah ÿ Nyah ÿ Zyah

Against an accident

Say: ÿ Ozyah ÿ Ozyah ÿ Ozyah

Before you set foot in a carriage

Say: Paita ÿ Aila ÿ Acada

In case of difficulties on the street

Say: ÿ Bethel ÿ Penel ÿ Adonyah

Glass cup spell

Take a glass in your left hand, dip the tip of your thumb in frog blood and make a cross in
the middle of the glass. Then bury the cup with the name of your enemy in a grave where a
young man has been buried less than a week saying:


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Against someone who makes our lives difficult

Buy a crystal glass with the name of the person to be cast, write that name seven times on a blank
parchment, place the parchment in the glass, place a lit black candle inside the glass next to the
parchment. Stand at the entrance door, facing the interior of the house and say Psalm 109 over the glass,
then say the name CHANENYAH to carry out this work. Throw the glass and its contents into the cemetery.

To allow you to see beyond what you think



To stop evil spirits

Sata ÿ Matta ÿ Drida. To send them to someone, they are left written backwards.

For a person to change places

Make sure you get a live fish from a fisherman, get a jar of sea water, then write the person's name
on a piece of paper which you make the fish swallow saying: “ Just as a fish swims from sea to sea. and
leaves, the same happens with (NN) he must leave, run away, leave the city like a madman”. At the end,
put the fish back into the sea...

To keep an enemy busy

Take a crab and write the person's name on its back, dip it in Palma Christi oil along with chili pepper
and say: “Say three Pater Noster and Three Hail Marys for Saint Expedite Left*. Then place the lamp in
the sea saying: In the name of Saint Expedito Esquerdo, go away! Release the animal as far as possible.

*It is said of evil saints that they are shadows of Catholic saints. Every Catholic saint has an evil correspondent, called
the Left of the saint, it is with them that one must work in black magic.
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Against weakness and tiredness

Take three heads of garlic, crush them, add powdered tobacco; formaldehyde, mix everything
and walk away saying:

“Et inducere me ad quattuor Arcangelos ÿ I pray ÿ onus ÿ in funds mea.

Shake the mixture and set it aside in a secret place.

For protection
Every morning recite: Vahos ÿ Anastros ÿ Noxio ÿ Bay ÿ Apem ÿ AGLA ÿ
Agios ÿ Ychiros ÿ Gloy

To feed a spirit and make it subservient

1. To begin, read Psalm 51, then murmur, “I thirst for your presence,” followed by Psalm 24.

2. The Ternary is lit and set in motion by reciting Psalm 119, verse 17 to 24. Genius (Gimel)

3. Incense and ternary fire are made (white candles for more homogeneity).
4. Psalm 121 is read and sung: “Be without alarms and without fear, God will take care of you...”

5. Read Psalm 6 and Sing: “Lord, I have nothing to offer you...”

6. Read Psalm 20 and Sing: “My body, my heart, my soul...”
7. Read Psalm 130 in 4 directions and sing: “Full of Peace, in the East and in the West...”
8. Sing to the North and South: Lord at Your Feet, here I am.
9. Make the sign of the cross on your forehead, mouth and heart and then read the Gospel according to St.
John verses 1-18.
10. Get to verse 14, after saying: And the Word was made pulpit, vocalize out loud at least 7
times: Yahshuah. And finally, make your request through Prayers, asking on your right knee
on the floor.
11. Sing: the Invocation to Saint John.
12. To close the Ritual, blow out the candles in the opposite direction.
13. To feed the Egregore, read Psalms 20, 23 and 133 daily, and sing: “I thirst for Your
Presence…” Burn incense of myrrh, bread, honey and wine. Lastly, name the servant spirit
and he will serve you.
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For fainting

If a person often faints, say three times next to their two ears:


For a seizure

You go to the person's left ear and say:


Before leaving home

Before leaving the house, say this very powerful name AGLA in front of the main exit door of the
house, you leave on the wrong foot. It will also protect you from opposing forces.

To make someone fall

Point the index finger of your left hand at the person and say the following words:

Agolpha ÿ Alfanos ÿ Aditum ÿ Alfcia ÿ Tomber

Against carriage accident

Placing the first foot on the carriage, say:

AGLA ÿ AGLAtis ÿ AGLAmus. Amen!

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Prayer against stopped carriage

Sanctus Matheus, Sanctus Marcus, Sanctus Johanes, Sanctus Lucas, Ego intraret
in domus Dei tamquam Jesus autem revertenti mihi in domum Simonis. Amen!

For those who walk at night

If you encounter an obstacle while walking at night, you should say this:

“Ego vobiscum ÿ Bethel ÿ Peniel ÿ Adonai”.

To chase away a demon

Draw a square around yourself and say:

ÿ Galat ÿ Gabant ÿ Gabora

Formula to stop the action of demons

Say 3 times, rubbing the heel of your left foot:

ÿ Picolas ÿ Santanas ÿ Epignetu.

To make the demons leave


ÿ Gaber ÿ Delinbere ÿ Amen!

To get rid of evil spirits

Take three steps back, cross your left foot with your right foot saying:

ÿ Epta ÿ Effema ÿ Benos

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When you notice a suspicious object

Write these names with your left hand while pronouncing them.
names. For each name, hit the object with a quince stick with an insulated handle:

Bessis ÿ Effasis ÿ Cassis

To get rid of an enemy

Seeing an enemy approaching, you must immediately say its name:

AKETI, AKETI, AKETI. Say it slowly three times and you will get rid of it.

To keep thieves away

Every night, before going to sleep, say: NIAH OH seven times in front of the
main entrance to your home. Whoever wants to enter will be overcome by violent pain.

To curry someone's favor

Mix honey with a little water and red rose petals. Draw a six-pointed star with this
mixture and in the center of the star these letters: ÿÿÿÿÿÿ. The cup will be placed to the
east of the initiate. Pray a Pater Noster, a Hail Mary and Credo in Deum Pater to charge
the ritual.

Recite when addressing someone

Inte Limba Ouvahar: say to yourself when going to meet someone.

To calm people who are angry

You must write the person's name four times and place it under a
place with fresh water. Under a damp stone, a jug of water or a canary.
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Against people about to attack you

Aleaquati Labore et manus coram Iesus Christi ut transiet mea.

To thwart guns aimed at you

Look at the gun and stroke your thumb and index finger saying:

Vito ÿ I gave

If someone invites you to work with them

You must give yourself protection. Take 3 stones in the name of:

ÿ Melchior ÿ Gaspar ÿ Balthazar

And don't say: CHANENYAH to carry out this work. Bring the stones with you, after finishing the
work, throw the stones; one forward, another to your right, and the last one, to your left saying: CHAMAL.
No harm will come to you.

To recover from blindness

Call on Nanael in your day and hour, for he restores sight to the blind.

Powerful names to chase any evil spirit

NEHAMYAH ÿ ELYAEL. Ask for the spirits to be arrested and for there to be peace.

To bring a person into your home

Take a sheet of parchment, write the person's name along with the following names:

Ana ÿ Cummit ÿ La Brie ÿ Lasse ÿ Oridanit ÿ Eplacium ÿ Ambroved

Say: “I urge you to bring (NN) to my home.” Finish by reciting Psalm 123.
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To get out safely

Say at the door 3 times: ACHIPA ÿ ACHIPA ÿ ACHIPA and leave.

To cover your body with protection

Before leaving say: ENRUM ÿ DISRUM ÿ DASRUM. I ask you to

protect them from all danger.

Against aggressors

Say: IMA ÿ DHEU ÿ IGLA*. Then press your hands.

*AGLA: Atah Gibor Le-olam Adonai

Adonay: Adonyah

Before greeting a person suspected of wrongdoing

Say it before shaking your hand: ALEQUATI ÿ LABORARE

May God's hand take precedence over mine.

When in great danger

Put yourself in learning order by drawing a square around your body, then say:

Bethel MW place yourself in front of me against any attack from my body.

Ozyah MW stand behind me against the enemy.

Oliab MW place yourself on my left against any physical attack.

Zerubbabel MW stand to the right against all attacks. To get out of the square

say: Adon everything is done!

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For protection when we sleep

I go to bed and sleep in peace in the name of Yahushua the Christ, who was
crucified in my place.

Then say: “Ibel ÿ Ebel ÿ Abel, (with his right foot over his left foot and arms
stretched out with both hands open) until John was crucified on the Cross.”

Achieving material goods through Archangel Uriel

Before invoking the archangels, write your wish on a piece of paper. Remember that the magic
circle must be drawn and the four elementals must be called in the name of each archangel.

Uriel is the Archangel of Earth. Archangel Uriel (Uryahu) is the guardian of the North and the Earth
element. He responds to requests relating to: peace, fertility, material monetary goods and the success of
a business.


- a bowl of salt
- a white candle
- honeysuckle or frankincense incense.

First, light the white candle and also the incense. Then take the bowl of salt with both hands, lift it
towards the sky, while remaining towards the north.
To say:

“I invoke the presence of Archangel Uriel, Guardian of the north and the earth element O mighty Uriel,
help me achieve what I desire. My request is fair and good, (read your request now). I beg you to grant me
my wish with all honors. So be it." Finally, burn the paper on which you wrote your wish and bury the ashes.

Reaching gifts with Archangel Raphael

Rafael Archangel of the air. Archangel Raphael (Raphayahu) is the guardian of the Orient (East)
and the Air element. He responds to requests for ease of communication,
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freedom, increased powers of clairvoyance or divination, travel and increased intellectual faculties.

- a purple candle
- lavender incense

First, stand facing east and take the incense between both hands, raising it to the
sky, and say:

“I invoke the presence of Archangel Raphael, Guardian of the East and the element of air. O mighty
Rafael, help me to obtain what I desire. My request is fair and good. (read your request) I beg you to
grant me my wish with all honors. So be it."

Finally, burn the paper on which you wrote your wish and throw the ashes outside,
so that they are carried by the wind.

Achieving defense and protection with Archangel Michael

Michael is the archangel of fire. Archangel Michael (Michayahu) is the guardian of the South and
the Fire element. It responds to demands relating to increasing the powers of defensive magic, or
physical strength, courage, will, as well as purification, protection and the removal of dark energies.


- a red candle: red

- dragon blood incense or incense

First, face south and light your candle. Then, take it with both hands and lift it to the sky. Then say:

“I invoke the presence of Archangel Michael, Guardian of the South and the element of fire. O
mighty Michael, guardian of the sacred flame, help me get what I want
(read your order).
I beg you to grant me my wish with all honors. So be it."

Finally, burn the paper on which you wrote your wish, then bury the ashes in the sand.
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Achieving love, serenity and peace with Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel Archangel of water. Archangel Gabriel (Gavryahu) is the guardian of the West
and the Water Element. It responds to demands relating to love, healing, serenity, peace,
reconciliation, compassion, increased psychic gifts, prophetic dreams and friendship.


- a blue candle
- a bowl of water
- rose incense: for love; of vanilla incense: for psychic donations; apple incense:
for friendship and peace; of cedar incense: for healing.

First, face west and pick up the bowl of water with both hands.
lift it to the sky and say:

“I invoke the presence of Archangel Gabriel, Guardian of the West and the Water
Element. O mighty Gabriel, help me get what I want. My request is fair and good. (read
your request) I beg you to grant me my wish with all honors. So be it."

Finally, burn the paper on which you wrote your wish. Then spread the ashes in a stream or
in the sea.

Summoning the three wizards

In the name of Yahuah the Father ÿ Yahushua the Son ÿ Huah Kadoshi the Holy
Spirit, and in the name of the seven sages who shaped Christian humanity: Hoi ÿ Son ÿ
Nel ÿ Lara ÿ Gaspard ÿ Nel ÿ Son and the great Lord Yahushua the Christ. In the name of
the three wise men of Egypt, may illness have no effect on me. In the name of the three
wise kings of Egypt, may ropes, torture and magic have no effect on me. In the name of
Yahushua the Christ I pass through enemies and they will tremble with fear. In the name of
Yahushua the Christ and the three wise men I pass by them and they will not harm me.
Amen Amen Amen.

For spiritual cleansing

Salt the corners, windows and entrances of your home. Pour sea salt into all four
corners of your rooms and let it sit for 48 hours. This will absorb the
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negative energy from the previous owners. After 48 hours, sweep up the salt and discard it.
For added protection, grind turmeric and mix with salt. In tradition, evil energies don't like the
smell of saffron, so they won't enter your home if you use it. Next, clean the doors and windows
of your home thoroughly using a mixture of 5 lemon juice, a cup of salt, and 1/4 cup of white
vinegar in a bucket of water (the mixture is strong, so wear gloves). Once the surfaces are dry,
pour sea salt over window edges and entryways to prevent negative energy from entering your

To enter a place without being seen

“Iesus Nazarenus dixit: Rex Judeus. Tribus mortuos vident sicco illic fenestram.”
- Primum est sine language.
- Secundum is sine pulmonem.
- Tertium cæcum et mutus est. Vivat Jesus! Vivat crucis!

Spells, Black Magic Rituals and

Sympathetic Magic

To hinder a person's carnal contentment

On a Tuesday, with the moon in its waning quarter, I collected the urine of the person whose
carnal contentment you wish to impede; and be careful that the liquid is not mixed with anything
else. Keep this urine, for thirteen consecutive days, in a bottle, together with good quality virgin
olive oil, in a proportion of fifty percent. On the respective nights, leave the bottle uncovered in the
open air.
to receive the satellite's negativity, but if it rains during this period, you will have to start all over
again. After thirteen days; Throw the mixture on a pile of manure in a hole, which you will have
prepared beforehand, as this work must be buried at night.

To make a person unhappy

Capture a male snake (if the person targeted is a man), or capture a female snake (if a
woman). Keep it in your possession, and at midnight on a Friday, with the moon in its last quarter,
give it the name of the person you have in mind. All
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nights, at midnight, tell her that everything she does will fail. Be careful that it does not run
away, and at the end of 40 days (during which you will give it little food), take it near a river
or stream, and at midnight throw it into the current. If she dies while a prisoner, bury her as
close to a tree as possible. This is a dangerous spell also for those who do it. So be careful.

To protect yourself from the Astral Fire

that destroys people's lives so much
People who wish to get rid of the damage caused by the Astral Fire; They must dip a red
handkerchief in virgin olive oil and leave it spread out on a table painted red for three nights
in a row. At the end of that time, throw the scarf into a stream or river. And do this on a
Thursday in July. You will soon get results improving your life for the better.

To harm someone's business

With the Moon in its last quarter and being dressed in black, drink a black hen's egg. Add
to this egg an object belonging to the person, or even the name of the person whose business
you wish to be harmed, wrap everything in a piece of black cloth which will also contain:
sulfur, asafoetida, fifteen grains of black beans and six stones taken from a ruin, or a place
that has not moved forward. Start the ritual at midnight on a Saturday, with the moon in its
last quarter, then go to a crossroads and leave the package there. Never go near there again.

To become invisible

Obtain a snake and make it die on a new moon Sunday. Burn the snake's head so that it
is reduced to charcoal, and while doing so, pronounce the following words:

“Magnificent Lucifer, emperor of the infernal abysses! From this snake I give you the soul,
so that you can make her my submissive slave every time I wish to remain invisible.”

I then reduced the charred head to powder, and placed this powder in a bag made of
black silk, which you should carry with you whenever you wish to become invisible. At
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The following Tuesday, take the snake's body to the bank of a stream or river, and at
midnight hold it with your left hand and circle it thirteen times over your head. Then throw
him into the stream.

Recipe for winning the lottery

On the night of Saint John the Baptist, at half past eleven at night, I broke two eggs
from a black hen onto a porcelain plate that had never been used before. Take the plate
with the eggs to a garden where the plate should be very close to the trunk of a rose
bush, then say:

“I conjure you, spirit who controls games of chance, to show me in these eggs the
number I should play to win the lottery! By the power of the great Adonay, by Elohim,
by Ariel, by Tetragramaton, by Aqua, Tagla, Mathon, Oarios, Almoazin, Arios, Membert,
Various Pithona, Mayods, Sulphæ, Gabots, Salamandræ, Tabots, Gingua, Yana,
Etitnamus, Zariatnatmix .”

Leave then, and return at four o'clock in the morning: in the clear there should be the
number on which you must play

Magic work to attract a person

Prepare a small size bottle so that it is easy to carry in your pocket.

Place the following inside:

1st. — Sal ammonia.

2nd. — Pedra d'ara.
3rd. - Rosemary.
4th. — Fennel.
5th. — Marble stone. 6th.
— Fern seed. 7th. — Mallow
seeds. 8th. — Mustard seeds.
9th. — Blood from the little finger.
10th. — Blood from the thumb (hand
and foot). 11th. — A strand of hair from the genital
part (of the person doing the spell). 12th. — Sperm if you're a man or menstrual blood
if you're a woman. 13th. — Shave toenails and fingernails.
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14th. — Scraping of a deceased bone; if it's from the skull, the better.
These ingredients should not exceed half the glass. Then say the words below, making a Kabbalistic
sign of the cross with your hands on the glass, as if you were blessing it:

“Sacred glass, which by my own hand you were prepared, my blood is trapped inside it
accommodated. Anyone who smells you will be enchanted by me: “Ignoratus tuum vos
assignaturum meum!”

After everything is ready, exactly as explained, carefully store the glass and use it to enchant
whoever you wish. And whoever gives him a sniff, he will become your slave and follow you wherever
you want.
This charm has power for both good and evil, it all depends on the thought of its bearer. If it is for
good, good happens; if it is for evil, evil happens.

Fava bean magic to become invisible

Do this experiment when it's a new moon and it's in a sign of the fire element like Leo or Sagittarius.
If it is under the sign of Leo, start the experiment on the day and time of the sun, that is, Sunday, in the
month of July to August. If you do it under the influence of Sagittarius, then start the experiment on the
day and time of Jupiter, which runs from November 22nd to December 21st. As soon as the magician
observes the arrival of the aforementioned months and the signs properly positioned, he will wait for the
arrival of the new moon and it is in one of the signs as previously mentioned. Kill a black cat and draw
the Sign of Morail on its forehead. Bury it in your yard, placing a bean in each hole in the body. After all
this is done, it must be covered with earth. Go water the cat every night, at the time of the chosen planet,
with some water from a source where there are no people nearby. Wait until the beans start to sprout.
When they are at that point, cut them at the foot without touching them with your bare hands, as if you do
so, the charm will be lost. Use silk gloves specially prepared for this purpose. Once cut, take the beans
home and put them one at a time in your mouth. When you realize that you are invisible, it is because the
bean you have just put in your mouth has the power of magic and it must be kept in a black silk bag. The
virtue of this experiment comes from the Morail spirit who was reluctant to reveal this secret. He will use
all means to frustrate the magician from obtaining this power. The magician must also remember that this
enchantment can only be
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used at night, as sunlight has the power to undo all spells and spells. When the day
begins to lighten, the enchantment will immediately be lost, as this magic is linked to

Explanation of the Virtue of broad beans

Broad beans, like beans, have the power to acquire or take the virtue of other
things, such as: plants; animals; minerals and objects in general. That's why it is widely
used in magic and spells. Every time the magician has the desire to acquire the virtue
of an animal, plant; person, or object, just leave the bean in contact with said thing for
more than a week and the virtue will belong to the bean.

Morail sign

Black Cat Bone Magic

On a Thursday, on the day and time of Jupiter, when it is a new moon and it is in
the sign of Sagittarius, boil a pot of water with white beans and willow wood and as
soon as the water is boiling, put a cat in it. black and let it cook until the bones are
removed from the meat. After all this is ready, strain all the bones through black linen
cloth, place yourself in front of a mirror; Then put one bone at a time in your mouth, it is
not necessary to put it all in, but just place it between your teeth, so that when you
disappear from the mirror, keep the bone you have between your teeth, because it is
the one that It has magic.
Remembering that the fingers have such virtues that if you touch things that have
acquired virtues in rituals, as soon as you touch that object, the charm will be lost,
because like the bean, the fingers take the virtue for themselves, soon losing it. right
away. For this reason, you must use a thick, black silk glove to avoid contaminating the bone.
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Sacrificial ritual with a black cat to generate an imp

Kill a black cat and after it is dead, take out its eyes, and put them inside a black
hen's egg, but remembering that each eye must be separate in each egg.
After carrying out this operation, I placed them in a pile of manure from mares in heat.
The reason for using dung is because it is the gateway between hell and this world. The
manure pit must be in a dark room where it never gets sunlight.

Litany to say during the ritual:

“O Great Lucifer, I give you these two eyes of a black cat, so that you, great
Lucifer, may be favorable to me in this operation that I carry out before you. O
great ruler of Hell, I ask you for the virtue of your power and magic, so that you
lay these eggs now. I give you these two eyes of a black cat, so that two family
members can come from them, to help me in life.”

Do it this way, after a month, one or two family members will come to you.
As soon as they are with you, place them without touching them with your hands, inside
an ivory box. If you don't get a wart spontaneously where they usually suck blood, then
drip blood onto them so they can feed.

Another way to get a little devil

Take a virgin parchment, then write the writing of your soul, at the
demon, with your own blood. You should say it this way:

“I, with the blood of my little finger, make a deed to Lucifer, emperor of hell,
so that he may do to me whatever I desire in this life; If I lack that, I will no longer
belong to you, so be it. Signed, So-and-so.”

After you had written this on the said parchment, take an egg from a black hen
preyed upon by a rooster of the same color. After everything was ready, open a small
hole in the egg, remove a small measure in the proportion of a bean seed and pour a
drop of blood from the little finger of your right hand into it, then wrap the egg in cotton
wool, and put him in a pile of manure. From this Ritual, a family member will come to
you. Pay attention to the signs on the body, as before the family member arrives, a
protuberance usually appears on the body where they feed. The familiar has no defined
form, after the sorcerer made the pact with
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hell, he will send any animal, it could be anything from a frog, any reptile, to a larger animal. There are
cases of strange objects appearing to the operator, as this class of spirits can lodge in both animals and
inanimate objects.

How to spawn an imp

On the first day of the moon in March, take a black hen's egg and say: Dragne!
Dragne! Dragne! And let an amount of egg white equal to the volume of a large bean drain. Put your
own sperm in place of this white, or if you are a woman, menstrual blood and close the opening of the
egg with virgin parchment moistened in hot water to conform to the curve of the egg. Go to a manure pit
and place said egg under manure. After a month, a little devil will be born, don't touch it with your hands
otherwise you will get sick and die. During the gestation period, buy a box where you will place it and
then feed it with lavender and worms. When the operator goes to verify the birth of the imp and he is
breaking the shell and leaving, tell him, I accept the pact. Pick up the creature with a stick and place it in
the aforementioned box ordered especially for it.

Another black cat magic

Create two male and female black cats, when they are grown and copulating, you must immediately
cut a piece of the cat's hair and another from the cat. Then mix these hairs and burn them with northern
rosemary, take its ash, pour it into a glass, with a little salt ammonia and cover the glass tightly, to keep
this spirit always very strong. After all this is ready, take the glass with your right hand and say the
following words:

“Ashes, with my own hands you were burned, with steel scissors you were cut from the cat
and the cat, anyone who smells you will be enchanted with me. Hic est virtus Dei, et Maria
Sanctissima. Quum Dei relinque essere Deus, est quid tutto haec erit defuit me.”

Once everything is done, the glass is left with the power of a spell, so that when you want someone
to befriend you, just uncork the bottle and, under any pretext, give them a sniff.
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Let's suppose that an individual wants a person, but cannot find a way to do so, to take said glass, in
this case, he begins to talk about any subject, in a way that alludes to some perfume. Once done, he takes
the bottle out of his pocket and says in all seriousness: “Do you want to see what a pleasant smell it

Now, as in general, people are very curious; They will immediately smell the contents of the bottle
and you can count on that person's love. In this way, you will be able to captivate everyone as you

Sacrificial ritual with a black cat for revenge

If a person wants to take revenge on an enemy, but does not want him to know about the revenge he
is plotting against him. Get revenge easily by doing the following:

Take a black cat, which does not have a single strand of white fur, tie its legs and front paws with
esparto rope (the kind used to make shoes). After this operation has been carried out, take him to a
crossroads during the night, and as soon as he arrives there, say the following:

“I (NN), on behalf of Almighty God, ask the devil to come here, under the penalty of superior
obedience and precepts. I ask you, Lucifer, to place an avenging demon in the body of that person
(say the name of the person) to whom I wish harm, and not to leave until I give the final word.”

(Here you say what you want him to do to the creature).

“O great Lucifer, emperor of all that is infernal, in your name, I arrest and tie (so-and-so), just
as I have trapped this cat: in order to do whatever I want with that person, I will offer you this black
cat as a sacrifice, I will bring you the cat here, when everything is ready.”


When the devil proposes to carry out what you asked of him, go to the place where you made the
request and say three times: “Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer, here you have what I promised you!” And
having said these words, sacrifice the cat.
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Ritual that is done with two dolls

On the day and hour of Venus (Friday, 15 minutes before sunrise, or working at night time), the
moon must be in its full moon and in signs of the fire element; Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Prepare a doll
and a doll, made with linen cloth and cover them with cotton. Once they are ready, you must bring them
together and hug each other. Then say these words:

“I arrest you and bind you, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
so that under this holy power, you may not eat, drink, or be anywhere in the world without being
in my company. (so and so), here I arrest and tie you, just as they arrested our Lord Jesus Christ
on the tree of the cross. And the rest that you will have while you do not turn to me is like that
which has the souls in the fire of Purgatory, continually suffering for the sins of this world and
like that which has the wind in the air, the waves in the sea always in continuous movement, the
tide rising and falling, the sun rising in the mountains and setting in the sea. This will be the rest
that I give you, while you turn to me, with all your heart, body, soul and life, under the holy penalty
of obedience and superior precepts, you remain trapped and tied to me as these two dolls are
tied together .”

These words must be repeated nine times at noon after praying the “open hours” prayer found in the
prayers part of this secular work.

Ritual that is done with a doll to harm a person

On the day and hour of Saturn (Saturday), with the moon in the new phase and in the sign of
Cancer, go to a cemetery and remove 5 nails from a coffin in which the operator knows that seven days
have not yet passed since the burial. Then, make a doll by baptizing it and giving it enough charge, then
fill it with cotton and insects sacrificed at that time, before closing the doll, pour blood from a small animal,
a mouse for example, that it is sacrificed at that moment. After said doll is ready, do it as follows; Nail the
five nails to it, in the indicated parts:

1st In the head, drill from one side to the other.

2nd On the chest, in the same way.

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3rd In the belly, pierce from one side to the other.

4th On the legs, pierce them from one side to the other.

5º On the feet, so that it pierces them from one side to the other.

“There is still one condition”: the said nails must be nailed accompanied by the
following invocations in the different places where they are stuck:

1st nail - So-and-so, I nail you and tie the skewer to your body, just like a skewer, I tie the nail
to your figure.

2nd nail - So and so, I swear to you under the power of Lucifer and
Guland that, from now on, you won't have even an hour of health.

3rd nail - So and so, I so and so, I swear to you, under the power of the magic demon
Guland, that from today to the future, you will not have a single hour of peace.

4th nail - So and so, I swear to you under the power of Guland, that
today for the future you will be possessed by this entire spell.

5th nail - So and so, I nail you and tie you from head to toe, by the power of Guland. This way
the enchanted creature can never have an hour of health again.

Tying ritual with a frog

Take a male frog (yellowish-green with a thin waist) if the person performing the ritual is a
woman, or a female frog (brindle and fat at the waist), if it is a male who is performing the operation.
Go immediately to a church and get enough water to carry out the baptism ceremony. Then dressed
appropriately, say: I baptize you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (NN). After a
month of treating said frog with food and fresh water as if you were treating yourself, on the day and
hour of Venus do the following:

“So-and-so! In the name of Sathial, I conjure your spirit in this toad so that from now on
you cannot eat or drink or sleep! You will not have a single day of rest until you seek me out!”

Afterwards, the animal must be placed in a pot with damp earth and well covered, so that the
animal remains in the absolute darkest possible so that the person can
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suffer the same suffering as the animal, feeling lost and wanting to meet you. When
the person you are interested in comes to you, throw the frog into a pond and say:
Sathial, be at peace!

Magic potion of animals

On the day and hour of Mercury, in the full moon (full moon) and it is in the sign of Virgo; Gather all
the filthy animals you can find, preferably frogs, spiders, rats, snakes, sardines, ants, flies, sardoniscas,
centipedes, scorpions, in short, everything else you can and want. Place them in a cauldron installed on a
trivet, pour in a pint and a half of olive oil, and light a fire underneath, so that the animals melt and turn
into oil, with the only condition being that they must be thrown alive into the cauldron. Then, pour the oil
into a covered bottle. When you need to use it, put it inside a lamp and light it in an area where under no
circumstances can there be any other light than that of the lamp. Notice! The contents should not be

The Power of the Viper's Head

Get a viper's head and, after it dries, put it on a stick; in an umbrella, or in a

piece of horn and bring it with you. Armed with this, you can achieve many things
(both for good and for evil). For example: do you want a company not to produce
good results? Say it like this:

"Viper! I call you to evil.” He wants it to go well. "Viper! For good I claim
your power.”

Do you want an enemy to ask you for mercy, just call the help of the viper and
whisper to him quietly and that person will appear immediately with gentle words
asking for forgiveness. Do you also need a favor from the person you are indisposed
towards? Say these words:

"Viper! Along paths without flaws, send me here to help me or

condemns him to suffer for the rest of his life.”

To be successful, everything must be done without anyone else knowing your secret. Otherwise
magic loses its virtue. This entire operation, with only darkness as a witness. Sunlight disenchants
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Ritual with frog to kill

Take a frog and during the waiting period until the day of the ritual, treat it as if it
were your own person, giving it food and drink normally. After a lunar cycle (the four
phases of the moon), the following is done: On the day and hour of Saturn, under the
new moon, armed with two black candles, take the said frog and baptize it as is done
in Church Roman Catholic Apostolic. Then, his eyes and mouth are sewn up so that he
can no longer see or eat or even drink. Be careful to leave him alive so that he suffers
until the moment of death, feeling pain, hunger, thirst and all the other types of suffering
that come with being sewn up. So the person for whom the ritual was performed will go
through the same suffering until they die. Put the
frog inside a clay pot as close as possible to where the person lives and hide it well.
But about this spell, says Saint Cyprano, the person to be bewitched must have done
a very great harm so that whoever performs the ritual is at risk of dying. This ritual is
not done for mere revenge, as it is one of the most dangerous in this book. The frog is
full of magic and has a connection with the devil, whoever deals with this ritual out of
fun or mere curiosity will be a victim of the spell itself.

Recipe to make yourself loved by men

The person must obtain from the man who chose a silver object that he has worn for
at least 24 hours, such as a pin, medal, coin, earring. With the silver in one hand, the
person will offer you in the other hand a cup of wine in which he has crumbled a small
ball the size of a grain of corn, with the following composition: an eel's head, a thimbleful
of hemp seeds, two laudanum drops. As soon as the man has drunk the cup of wine,
he must necessarily love the person who gave him the drink, or ordered him to give it.
Another recipe would be for the person to give the chosen man a cup of chocolate, to
which should be added: two pinches of ground cinnamon, five cloves of cloves, ten
grams of vanilla and a pinch of shaved nutmeg. Once ready, remove the cloves and
add two drops of cantharide tincture. To eat, it is advisable to serve pan-de-ló. Chocolate
can be replaced by coffee, in this case, the coffee must be prepared with anise, then
adding a drop of cantharide tincture. If the said person fears that the man will escape
her, and wishes to keep him in love for a long time, she will repeat the first medicine
every fifteen days and, in the intervals, inviting him to lunch or supper, she must give
him: At lunch , a frittata or omelette prepared in the
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as follows: Beat the eggs, but well beaten; then, throwing them from the top of the bare spine, they let
them run down its length, then trimming them at the bottom, where the spine ends. Then make the fry
and put it on the table, still hot. At dinner, crushing and chopping the meat for meatballs or dumplings,
pour in the beaten eggs and then, before putting the cakes on the fire, pass them, one by one, over your
sweaty body, chest, back and belly, making them hold them for a short period of time under the armpits.

Magic of the bunch of grapes and olive oil

This magic, as Saint Cyprian teaches, must be started by taking a bottle with a very wide bowl, with
virgin olive oil. Attach the neck of the bottle to the vine so that a bunch of grapes grows inside the bottle.

You must wait for the grapes to grow and ripen, and then cut the bunch and free the bottle from the vine.
These are the properties of this olive oil and bunch of grapes that remained inside the bottle: By turning
on a light with the oil (lamp), the groves of the environment where the bunch grew appear, including
birds, plants and people who were nearby when the bunch was cut. As soon as the light is turned off,
everything disappears. Olive oil has the power to heal any new or old wound by placing olive oil and linen
threads on top of it. With this oil, souls can be brought out of their rest and come and speak to those who
invoke them, at the door of the church at midnight. To do so, you must turn on a light with the oil and say:

“I, by the power of this light, command you to speak to me now to the souls who are in this place
and immediately appear to souls.

To see an absent person

You should drink some sea water. Water of nine waves, when the moon is in the first quarter.
Place water in a copper basin and call the person you want to see. This is done at midnight, with two
human tallow candles lit. Say the name of the person you want to see nine times and the following

“I conjure you (the person's name is pronounced here), so that you appear here, body and
soul, in this basin, by the power of the nine geniuses who endlessly sail in the waters of the
ocean. I pray, in the name of Adonys, to make thee visible in this water.”
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The person moves away from the basin where the water is, returning for five well-counted
minutes, and will see who they want.

Willow root spell

The fame of the willow root has spanned centuries and centuries, it was used by many
scholars, alchemists and famous sorcerers, but not all sorcerers and witches at the time had the
power of this root in their hands. This formula was discovered written on parchment, locked inside
a bronze safe in Montessart, Spain, in the golden age of the Moriscos.

When cutting the willow root, try to place it in a very dark place, as only then will you be able
to see the vapors, similar to those of sulfur, evolving in the air as if they were crackling flames.
Place your right hand over your heart and say the prayer:

“May the heart of (person's name) shed sparks of love for me, like the
that are now coming out of this root.”

Note: This root generally lasts six months with evaporations, while it is still green. That's why it's
always good to already have another one that will receive the virtue of drought and ritualization,
as soon as it finishes burning.

Ligation of the fetus

At midnight, on Saint John's night, place a towel under the fern leaves (Nephrolepis), where
a Star of Solomon should already be drawn, which should be exorcised with the sign of the
Kabbalistic cross, so that the demon does not may contaminate the design. Afterwards, the
person himself must enter into the risk; more people can enter the risk at the same time if they
wish; then, it must be drawn in advance at the precise width, so that all the people who will
participate in the ceremony can fit within it. The Litany of the Saints must be said out loud (by all
participants). Afterwards, the seed must be shared among everyone.

Each person should say these words over the fetus seed:

“Seed of the fetus, which on the night of Saint John you were harvested at midnight sharp.
You were obtained and you fell upon a Star of Solomon, so you will serve me for
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all the quality of charms; and so with God and in a divine point of Saint John, the
Father, and in a human point of Saint John, the Cousin, so every person by whom
you are touched will be enchanted with me. All of this will be fulfilled by the power of
the great Omnipotent God, because I, (mention his own name), quote and notify you
that you will not fail me in this through the shed blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and
the power and virtue of the Most Holy Mary be with me and with you. Amen!"

At the end of these words, a Credo-em-cross is said about the seed, that is, making
crosses with the right hand, fold the said seed. In this way, the seed is left with all the
power and virtue. You then pass by a font of holy water. After all this, you must place the
seed in a glass, leaving it well covered.

Regarding powers and charms, it must be said that:

*Every creature that obtains this seed, if it touches another person with loving intention, will
obtain that person's immediate love.

*Anyone who is touched with this seed with the intention of having disrupted their business
and enchanted their work, so that it does not go well, this will happen.

*Every person possessed by evil will be healed if they are touched with the seed by another
person with living faith in Jesus Christ.

*The seed has the power to cure any illness, if used by a person with great faith in Jesus

*The seed has the virtue of defending us from the enemy or his cunning.

*The seed has the hidden power to make a person you are in love with, or interested in,
respond. Proceed as follows: when talking to your loved one, throw three grains of the
fetus's seed over them and they will respond to your feelings. This wonderful seed contains
charms for everything its possessor wishes to achieve.
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Holly ritual

Holly is an ornamental tree or shrub of the genus Ilex. Holly is commonly used to adorn churches and
homes at Christmas time. And so it is associated with scenes of goodwill and joy. This ritual must be
performed on the night of Saint John (June 24th), and the knife to be used must be virgin and made of fine
steel. The holly has to be picked at midnight sharp. As you cut it, bless it: in the name of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit; then just take it to the sea and pass it through the seven waves. When bathing
it, you must say the creed seven times, and with your right hand, make crosses on top of the holly. When
performing any ritual at sea, don't forget to ask permission from the spirits that govern and inhabit the sea,
it's an environment full of them. Uses of Holly: Holly attracts fortune, and provides open paths for business
and happiness. It is a powerful talisman and is used for various purposes, including luck. Many traders
usually hang it at the entrance to their stores and every morning they say a prayer in praise of God and his
talisman: “God save you, holly, created by God”.

Four-leaf clover ritual

The four-leaf clover has the same magical priorities as the fern seed. To use your magic, proceed in
the same way as described for the fetus seed. Only the prayer changes, which is as follows:

“I, a creature of the Lord, redeemed with his Most Holy Blood, which Jesus Christ shed on the
Cross to free us from the furies of Satan, have a very strong faith in the uplifting powers of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. I order the devil to leave this place outside, and I arrest him and tie him in the
sea C ÿ O ÿ A ÿ L ÿ H ÿ D, not forever, but until I harvest this clover; and as soon as I
have gathered it I will untie you from your prison. All this through the power and virtue of Our Lord
Jesus Christ. Amen!"

If the demon appears at that moment when he is summoned, you must tell him to leave and only then
ask for what you want, and he will do everything he can to avoid being arrested.
At the end of all this well done, one must take possession of the clover, and do everything one wishes.
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Wine and olive oil to heal wounds

Used material:

- Five white cotton cloths (preferably virgin, or very clean);

- White wine; -
Olive oil.

How to make:

The pieces of cloth must be the same size as the wound (sores). In a crockery or agate bowl,
place the wine and a little water, this way the inflamed wound will not burn too much. Then anoint
the entire area of the wound with olive oil, but as it is a ritual, you must bless the area with the sign
of the Kabbalistic cross. Then, place the cloths already cut and dipped in white wine in the shape of
a cross. Several cloths are placed, as they become soaked with wine more quickly. This way, the
wound remains fresh for longer, and will not create any matter that could infect the area.

To guess using a sieve

Take a sieve, a pair of scissors on the arch that is wide open and then hold it with your fingers
(that is, one on each side, each with your finger). Then pray the creed on the cross over him, both
those who want to guess, saying afterwards: Sieve that sifts all the bread of Humanity, I ask you
Lord, for the three distinct persons of the Holy Trinity, that you do not lack the truth,

“Per Golath, Tharga, Maath, Vaaz, Panthon, Schion, Molion, per Shela, ispera
rigra, reditium nunc paratus fines!”

After having said these words, interrogate the sieve as follows:

“I want you to tell me if this is true, turn right! If not, turn left.”
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To guess using six rosemary sticks

Take six rosemary sticks and at night, when you go to bed, make strips of paper;
Wrap them in strips so that the ends of the paper come together, then fold them back so
that the stick is well wrapped; then say the following: Miraculous Saint Cyprian, I ask you,
for that hour in which you had the repentance that you made as soon as the devil handed
over to you the writing that he had given to him from your soul, for I ask you, my miraculous
Saint Cyprian, that you tell me whether I have to do this or that. The secret of this operation
is: if the sticks come out of the fold and move without breaking the paper, what was asked
is true; However, they must be left to remain until the following morning. The sticks must

be small.

Way to get women's love

On the day and hour of Venus with the moon being full and in the sign of Aries. The
person who wants to make himself loved by women, whatever they may be, needs to make
a snake swallow the heart of a black pigeon that was created just for this purpose.
Keep this snake trapped for fifteen days. At the end of this period, sacrifice the snake by
cutting the head and placing it on a brazier, taking care to only dry it and not toast it, while
adding 30 drops of laudanum to the said head when you realize that it has dried well. Then
reduce everything to powder and pour it into a new glass jar. As long as it keeps like this,
the owner of the bottle can be sure that it will be loved by as many women as he wants.

Mode of operation:

Rub your hands with a small portion saying the following words:

“Izeino Belzebuth! Sing-galen! Sechando-quigna! Own xime est! Goloth est!”

This magic is so strong to unite one creature with another, it is beyond admirable.

Hidden powers of the enchanted coin

A 50 cent coin, placed under the stone of Ara, for three days so that three masses can
be said on top without the priest knowing, (he can only know the
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depositor of the currency and no one else). After the operation, do as many tests as you
want, you can change anywhere, and when you get home you will find it in your pocket; The
charm is such that it would be better not to try it; only if it's a joke.
The most favorable months are: February, April, June, September and December. Whoever is carrying
out the operation, do not be afraid, see what you see and order what you think according to your ideas to
be done and when you finish with your eyes raised to the sky say the coin:

“Be at peace! Amen".

To preserve virile vigor

Early in the morning from Thursday to Friday, between 3 and 4 am, cut the trunk of a
very young palm tree, maximum one meter tall. Remove the core from the trunk, taking it
home, being careful not to break it and storing it in a safe place. In another early morning,
when it is high tide, go to the beach and dip the crumb in the sea water, three times until it is
very wet. Return with him home. Cut a piece and cook until it boils; Let the liquid cool, store
it in a tightly covered bottle and drink a glass from time to time. Cut a very small piece, place
it in a wool bag of any color, and hang it around your neck. Cut another piece, keeping it
under the mattress. The remaining piece should be saved to be cooked when the bottle is

How to guess using shells and beans

Take a very fine wire sieve. Seven shells are placed in it, the kind that look like a holy
water basin, and two bean seeds, one white, the other black.
Then the sieve is shaken seven times, from left to right. The position of the shells in relation
to the beans is then examined as follows:

4 to 7 shells, facing up, near the white beans:

Happiness, success, marriage, long life.

From 4 to 7 shells, upside down, close to the white beans:

Accident or illness, without great danger to life.

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4 to 7 shells, facing up, near the black beans:

Happiness mixed with annoyances.

4 to 7 shells, upside down, close to the black beans:

Difficulties in business.

Overturned shells forming a cross, near the white beans:

Close mourning.

Shells facing up, in the shape of a cross near the white beans:

Troubled happiness.

Four shells, facing up in a circle near the white beans:

Possible inheritance.

Four shells, facing up, in the shape of a circle near the black beans:

Inheritance and painful mourning.

Four overturned shells, with the black beans far from the white beans:

Travel accident.

Water vapor secret

Cut pieces of white, non-hard paper into the shape of cigarette papers. The name of a boy
or girl is written on each one, or words like yes, no, maybe, or phrases like it will take a while, it
won't take long, etc. Roll up the papers and place them in a sieve over a pan of boiling water.

If it is any query, it is not necessary to put the pieces of paper with the names written on it. The water vapor
will open a paper and the first one opened will have the answer. In the case of a query regarding the name
of the future husband or wife, a piece of paper with no name written on it must be placed on it. If this is the
one who opens up, the querent will not get married.
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Magic work with a black dog

When a dog is dead, take out its right eye without crushing it; then put it inside a little
box and carry it in your pocket, and when you pass a dog, take it out of your pocket, and
show it your eye that said dog will follow you wherever you go, even that the owner does
not want it. When you want the dog to leave, wave the box at him three times.

Another with a black dog

With a black dog, one can perform strong witchcraft: this is what Saint Cyprian asserts.
Cut off the eyelashes of a black dog, cut off the nails, cut off some of the hair on the tail,
combine these three things and burn them with northern rosemary.

After all of this has been reduced to ashes, collect them in a glass tightly covered with
a cork stopper, for a period of nine days, at the end of which the spell is ready.

How it should be applied:

Let's suppose that you are a person, man or woman, who wants to love another
creature, with good or bad meaning, and cannot achieve it for whatever reason.
Easily satisfies your intention.

Take the three objects already mentioned and mix a small portion with tobacco and
make a cigarette, which must be one of the strongest; When you are talking to the said
person, whom you want to bewitch, give him some smoke and you will see that that person
is immediately bewitched, this must be done three times, or five or seven or nine or more,
but the count must be always odd. We further declare that if you are a woman and cannot
perform the spell because you do not smoke, do it as follows:

Take any sign from the person you want to bewitch, and wrap the species we have
already talked about inside the sign, then use a green thread to wrap it around said sign,
saying the following words:

First, give the name of the person you are bewitching. (RPN)

“I arrest you and bind you with the chains of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, so that
you may not have peace or rest anywhere in the world, under the penalty of obedience
and superior precepts.”
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After these words, said nine times, the person is already bewitched; However,
if this spell that we have just taught you is not enough to obtain what you desire, do
not be surprised by this, nor should you lose faith because many things are not
done due to lack of very strong faith. You must know, readers, that witchcraft does
not enter many creatures, because of some prayer that they say every day when
going to bed and getting out of bed, treat as soon as possible to overthrow the
guardian angel.

Wool bag magic

At midnight sharp, you should go to the seaside and collect some of the finest
sand, put it inside a small bag made of wool. In this bag you should place a little olive
ash, a gram of myrrh and a silver coin. Once everything is ready, you should no
longer put your hands on this bag, so you should place it inside another one, made
of cotton. This is the talisman that has the "magic charm", whose strength lies in
words and thoughts. When you want a favor or any other similar thing, just hit an
object belonging to the person on whom the favor depends and they will do it. The
beats must be an odd number. This magic has a supernatural power much greater
than one imagines. If you touch a person or animal with the intention of killing, they
will soon become sick and cure it becomes difficult. When you want a favor from
someone, touch the person with the bag.

The Mysteries of Witchcraft

Extracted from Saracen manuscripts

In the year 1410, prior to excavations in the village of Penácova Portugal,

manuscripts were found there in a good state of conservation. These manuscripts
contained very curious recipes, which follow.

Spell to trap boyfriends

On a Tuesday, go into a store and ask for a tape measure at the height of the
person who is going to do the work, if female in pink, if male in blue, leaving the store
with the ribbon loose without being wrapped up, looking at the sky saying
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the following: “Video trium stellæ in cæli, quod Jesus, quattur. Et hoc tape super ligo femore meo,
per quid enim (NN) non manducare neque bibere, neque haber pacem in vita tua usque non negabit
me tibi, per dies odie, ita sit.”

Binding for men to be forced to

marry their lovers

Take 26 leaves of Santa Luzia herb and, after cooking in six deciliters of water, put them in a well-
corked white bottle, until there are some shreds at the bottom, and on the neck of the bottle say the
following :

“Oh Sancta Lutia quod sarai oculos nos ex nocte et die. Oh Sancta Lutia Domine, beati estis,
quia plus est, requiem in vobis.”

Then you take a seven of hearts from a deck of cards and place it on top of the bottle, saying:

“In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti! I beg you, just as this letter is safe, so I have held for
life (NN) who I love with all my heart.
heart, and I ask you, Madam, to make him take me to the Church of Christ Our Lord. Amen!"

By then praying a rosary to Our Lady, the woman can be sure that her lover will take her to the altar
and give her happiness compatible with her duties. You must keep the letter under the bottle until the
wedding day.

Stingray spell to bind loves

Any woman who wants a man to love her very much should buy a fish called “stingray” when she has
blood evacuations, because it is the only fish that suffers this discomfort. Then prepare this fish in a
cauldron and it must be cooked with plenty of paprika, saffron, and a drop of elderberry, with tangerine
juice, given to the man to eat, so that he never leaves his wife.
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Spell of the paumílha of the left foot

For the husband to be faithful to his wife or lover and to be angry with other women who drive him
crazy, simply take the insole of his left foot, burn it over a strong fire with sandalwood incense, rue and
barkless oak glands and lie down the ashes of all this in a green silk bag and put it on the bed mattress.
If it can be, it produces a great effect by introducing a portion of the same ash into any seam of the
individual's clothing, provided it is from the knee upwards. The woman will obtain a wonderful result by
placing a small pinch of this spell on her spine every Friday. In this way, he has been trapped all his life.

Spell with yellow wax candles

Whoever can obtain a portion of yellow wax from the candles that are lit next to the mortuary
arrangements, and melts them on a cypress wood fire, while the deceased is not buried, has a powerful
weapon to become loved by women. The man who possesses this talisman makes the woman obey him
in everything, and for this it is enough to light a wick with this wax, so that the lady of his thoughts sees
this light. This experience should not be done on bad days.

The Astral Force of wheat bread

Every man who is interested in a lady accepting his courtship and she attaches little or no importance
to him, waits for the opportunity to confess and that day, at dinner, takes a piece of wheat bread, which is
not burnt in the oven, and chews it. him with the thought of the desired woman saying:

“Deus ruminant vos autem omnipotens benedicat tibi, et dentibus Domine, liquefaciens
panem, et triticum. Azima non ab exercitu luro tibi Deus mend semper mihi peccata mea. Et
propter Filium tuum, quod semper Dominus permiserit (NN) amet in me.”

After this enchantment, you must call a black cat, which is not castrated, and let it lick the bread,
then proceed to place the aforementioned chewed bread in the pocket of the lady of your thoughts and
the result will be satisfactory. The person who makes this responsibility must not tell anyone, otherwise
they will starve for the rest of their lives.
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Infallible spell to make someone forget you

It is done in the following way:

Verbena, 2 g.

Pomegranate seeds, 30, g.

Thousand-men root, 20 g.

Mastruço, 15 grams.

Green banana peels, 1,100 g.

Cook all of this in sufficient water, in a new clay pot, until it is reduced to one deciliter. Then pour it
into a copper frying pan, melting on top:

Lamb marrow, 135 g.

Salt, 50 g.

Alcohol, 20 g.

Once the lard is ready, pour it over a period of eight days, a portion in the
food from the person who bothers, saying:

“Neque enim melior peius ruere ac ope Dei toto corde diligo, non alio spectare
mihi ut de amore nolitecedere, nec maledictum costs magica virtute”.

At the end of eight days, you should make an egg omelet with the rest of the mutton ointment
and feed it to a dog that has a black mark on its head.
As soon as he finishes eating, hit him with a horn that is burnt on both sides, making him
scream thirteen times. The dog is then released, and the key is thrown at him, saying these
words: “Quod (NN) fugite me ut semper”

Recipe to force your husband to be faithful

Take the marrow of a black dog's foot, one of those of the naked breed, and fill a wooden
needle with it. Then wrap the needle in a piece of red velvet, perfectly tight and sewn. Then,
unsewing the part of the mattress that is between the husband and wife, the needle is inserted,
but in such a way that it does not
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come and disturb you at night. This done, the woman must become very kind and
condescending towards her husband, agreeing in everything with his supreme will.
You will try to laugh when he happens to be sad, promising to help him if luck happens
to be against him, and you should also resign yourself if you suspect that he has a
lover, pretending until you don't know. At night, at bedtime and in the morning, when
getting out of bed, give the man a food or drink with plenty of cinnamon and cloves,
and other times, chocolate with a large portion of vanilla, cinnamon and cloves. She
will sleep completely naked, placing her body as close as possible to her husband, to
transmit heat and sweat to him. Every time he comes home, give him something and
he'll say you thought of him. The minimum could be a fruit or sweet that he likes, a
flower and, failing that, a hug accompanied by a kiss. If he has a bad temper, or if he is
rude and harsh, you should soften him up. If he is docile and inconstant, he must
always appear superior to him in all acts of life and in all feelings. This recipe has an
undeniable effect. Try it and you will find your time spent on this work well spent.

Spell for a man to leave

When a lady is bored with putting up with a man and wants to get rid of him without
scandal and even without exposing her revenge, all she has to do is do the following:
First of all, make her body sloppy, not combing her hair or washing, nor taking the
slightest carnal interest, when he challenges her to vulgar acts. As soon as possible,
place twelve ant eggs and two chillies inside a pierced pork onion and place it in a well-
caulked clay pot over the heat. The woman lies down, and as soon as the individual is
asleep, she will uncover the lid of the pot, and returning to the bed, she passes her
right arm across the man's chest, saying these words with her mind:

“In the name of Baalzebuth, the prince of hell, I adjure you, with the white
onion, with the chilli and the ant eggs, so that you stay far away from me. In
nomni Orgolas, Sarael, Garmerath.”

Write this on the front door with the initial of the person's name between the letters:

O s

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How to continue the previous work

The following night and another eleven days on end, he must repeat this practice and
sprinkle chilli powder on the side of the bed where the man usually lies, which causes
distress, which makes him fear the house and abandon it. .

Important prevention

Some men, sometimes suspicious of the itching they feel and the suffocation caused
by the smoke from the above preparation, tend to send their women to their side.
In this case, they must be prepared, taking the food with celery water and male ratchet
every day, which will prevent them from feeling the slightest discomfort.

Pregnant snakeskin spell

When São Cipriano returned from a Christmas party, and was unable to cross the fields
as a result of there being a huge flood in the river he had to pass through, he had to take
shelter in a tunnel, formed by nature, to spend the night there. He wrapped himself in his
coarse cloak and went to lean in the safest recess of that cave. Close to midnight he heard
footsteps and saw a light. Fearing that they were evildoers, he cowered behind the edge of
a thick stone. Shortly afterwards, a voice sounded in that cave saying:

“O magician Baal-Saharon, king of sorcerers, for you, I Lagarrona here come

with four fires and ask you to help me win the prize for my passionate client.”

The saint was about to get up to question whoever said that, but he had to retreat to
these words:

“Lucifer, princeps potens quo regno est ignis, pro vobis est inflammatus, veniat
ad me. Ego veni intrarit hoc spelonca noctibus subsidio ad consolandum infelicem
uxores officium.”

After that, a dull smoke was felt underground. Cipriano went towards the voice and
came across an old woman with her hair shaved on the back of her head. - What
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what are you doing there woman? I'm a witch and who are you and why are you interrupting me? I'm
Cipriano and I'm also a sorcerer. But what are you doing here? “I want to ask the devil for help, to help me
in a company on which my fortune in the world and the peace of mind of a very rich lady depend. - Who is
this woman? — asked Cipriano. — She is the daughter of Count Everardo de Saboril, married to the Grand
Duke of Ferreire, whom she treats very badly because of a court lady, whom she adores passionately. The
count's daughter promised me a golden sum if I would free her husband from his mistress's arms. — What
kind of fuel is it that suffocates and has such a disgusting smell? — asked the saint. — It is snakeskin with
suage flower and heather root that I am burning in the name of Satan, to smoke the duke's clothes, and
see if I can disconnect him from that woman. This magic was always infallible when my mother practiced it
under this vault, and men's hands never took part.

My mother disconnected young men from nobles and monarchs with them, but I've done it six times now
and the duke mistreats his wife more and more each time. It's because you didn't give him the main
ingredient that your mother didn't reveal to you. — Tell me what it is! —Tomorrow, at the ninth hour, come
to me and I will tell you the secret that makes this magic infallible. — Say, sir, say... — Wait! Only until
tomorrow, then you'll know. Stay in peace and I'll wait for you there. The next morning Cyprian gave him a
square parchment, on which was written the following:

Burn a pregnant snake with suage flower and heather root in a clay pot and then incense it with sabéa
resin while saying:

“Serpens gravis, per Asmodeus quod te creavit, accipisco cut vobis relegata mesuagium et flos
feni radix causa ego cum lux sex albus magicæ et sabera resinæ, arma committitur amans
perfidiosum (NN) et hoc cognoscimus resinæ vobis incensu. Amen!”

As soon as the sorceress finished reciting this incantation and carrying out these instructions, she set
off on her way to the Grand Duke's palace, a few leagues from the town. On the same occasion that the
Duke wore the costume smoked by the witch, he prostrated himself at the Duchess's feet to ask forgiveness
for his frivolities. The next day he took one eye from his lover and despised her. The count's daughter
immediately ordered a gold coin to be given to the witch and took her as her personal nurse.
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Recipe for a person to tell their intentions while sleeping

Take the heart of a pigeon and the head of a frog which, after being well dried
and reduced to powder, must be filled into a linen bag where it will be mixed, adding
a little musk to the powder. Place the bag under the person's pillow when they are
sleeping. After fifteen minutes, he will start talking in his sleep about everything he
has done or intends to do. As soon as the person stops talking, gradually remove
the bag from under the pillow, so as not to expose the person to a fever.

Recipe to be happy in your endeavors

Take the head and feet of a frog, cut off when it is alive, on a Friday, just after the
Full Moon in September; These pieces of frog must be soaked in elderflower oil for
21 days, then removed at 12 strokes of midnight, leaving them exposed to the
moon's rays for three consecutive nights. The pieces must then be calcined in a
bowl of clay that has not yet been used, then mixing them with cemetery soil, from
the place where a member of the family for whom the recipe is intended is buried.
The person who uses this recipe can be sure that the spirit of the deceased will
watch over them in all the things they undertake and will never lose sight of their

Recipe to force marriage

Take a frog and tie any object belonging to your boyfriend or girlfriend around its
belly with two ribbons, one scarlet and one black, then place the frog in a clay pot
and say these words with your mouth. About the lid:

“So-and-so (the name of the person), if you love someone other than me,
or direct your thoughts to someone else, to the devil to whom I consecrated
my fate, I ask that he close you in the world of afflictions, as I have just closed
this frog and that you only leave there to join me, who love you with all my heart.”

Having said these words, cover the pan tightly, refreshing the frog every day
with a little water; and on the day the wedding is arranged, release the animal near
some pond; and with all caution, because if you mistreat him, the marriage, no
matter how good it may be in the beginning, will become intolerable; it will be a
disgraceful union for both husband and wife.
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Spell of the needle passed three times into the belly of a corpse

Thread a thread made of linen through the eye of a needle, then pass the needle three
times between the skin of a deceased person's navel, saying the following words:

“So-and-so (name of the deceased), I will put this needle in your navel so that
you have the power to enchant!”

After carrying out the said operation, keep the needle and use it to perform the
following sorceries. When you pass a person and want them to follow you, just give them
a tip of the line; it will follow you wherever you want. When you want that person not to
follow you, you must remove the end of the thread that was attached to their clothes. You
need a lot of secrecy with this magic so that harm doesn't happen to you. When you wish
that a person does not stop loving you and does not love another, do it in the following
way: Take an object belonging to that person and make three dots in the shape of a cross,
saying the following words: First, call the name of the deceased you passed by. the needle.
Then say:

1st point: “Deceased, when God stops being God, so and so will leave me”.

2nd point: “Deceased, while these points are given here, and your body is in the
grave, so-and-so will not have peace or rest until he is in my company.”

This way you can bewitch or enchant everyone you like. This spell not only has the
power to do good, it also has the power to do harm. Everything depends on the person's
words, instead of saying: “When this deceased person speaks, you, so-and-so, will
live and be healthy”.

Black Dove Magic

Raise a black dove at home, giving it nothing to eat but seeds mixed with wafer and
magnet stone dust; and drinking holy water. After it is created, to the point where it can fly,
write a letter to anyone, telling them or asking for anything. Once the operation was done,
I placed the letter in the dove's beak, smoked it with incense, myrrh and asafoetida, then,
placing your intention on the person to whom you want the letter to be delivered, release
the dove. We affirm that the said dove will take the letter to its destination and return to its
owner's house; and that the
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The person who receives the letter must do what is requested in the letter. It should be
noted that the dove should not be sent until noon in the morning until two in the afternoon.

Ritual with souls trapped in Catholic church

On a Friday, at midnight sharp, you must go to the main door of a church, and once
there, knock on the door three times, saying these words out loud:

“Souls! Souls! Souls! I oblige you, from God and the Most Holy
Trindade, accompany me!”

Having said these words, walk around the church three times, but don't look back,
because this could result in great fright and you will be unable to speak forever. After
doing the three laps, pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary and you can leave.
You must make this request nine times and on the last one they will ask: “What do you
want us to do for you?”

And at that time you can lose everything you want, because they will do everything
to you. We remind you again that you should never look back and you should not be
frightened by anything, because otherwise the operation cannot produce a good effect.

Bat spell to make yourself loved

Suppose a girlfriend wants to marry her boyfriend, very quickly. Do it as follows:

Take a bat and put a needle on a thread through its eyes.

After this operation has been carried out, the needle and thread have great spell power.

Spell Mode:

Take an object from the person you want to bewitch, and give him five points in a cross,
saying the following words:

“(So-and-so) I arrest you and bind you by the power of Sheva, under eternal
torment, so that you will not eat, drink or sleep, while you are not with me.
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get married. Tartarath pursues you day and night. Only when you are with me will you have rest in
your soul!”

If by chance you no longer want to marry the person you bewitch, you must burn the object
on which the spell was cast.

Bat spell to enchant

Kill a bat and a bat, so that their blood may be used; Then add the blood of one and the other, mix it
with a little salt ammonia spirit and all this in a deciliter glass, which you should always carry in your pocket.
When you want to charm a woman, or a woman charm her lover, just give them the bottle to smell. In this
way, the person becomes enchanted with the bottle they smelled, and can never leave it again.

Ritual with mallows

I picked three mallow plants from a cemetery, or a church atrium, take them home
and I put you under the mattress of the bed, saying every day when you lay down:

“So-and-so, (give the name of the person you want to bewitch), just as these mallows were
gathered from the cemetery and are buried beneath me, so-and-so is trapped and tied to me by the
power of Lucifer and liberal magic and Only when the bodies in the cemetery or in the church where
these mallows came from speak will you leave me.”

The words mentioned here must be repeated every nine

days, then to produce great effect.

Ritual of potatoes with sprouts left in the open

When a lady suspects that her husband or lover is lost in bad ways with women and wants to divert
them from this, she should do no more than the following:
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Take six potatoes, each with at least four sprouts and after blessing them one by one,
place them in a cauldron, cover them well with holy water and pour a drizzle of virgin olive oil
on top, saying:

“Iblis! For the virginity of this oil, I require your great power that mine
man come back to me. Amen!"

Then put the cauldron out in the open for three nights, and if there is moonlight, this work will
be more powerful. After the three nights, she will boil the potatoes, and stew them with a virgin lamb,
give them to her husband or lover, with broccoli, and very spicy greens. When he goes to bed, he
will place the pigeon's head inside the boot of the bewitched person with the bowel movement
placed in its beak.

Owl spell for women to trap men

The owl is the omen par excellence, and for this reason it should not be evoked without
six months having passed after anyone in the family has died; otherwise the figure of the
relative may appear. The woman can use this recipe, which is tried, but she must be in her
physical state, that is, when the rules have disappeared, at least four days ago.

A white owl is obtained and it is dressed in flannel, so that only the neck is left out, for 13
days and after the 13th, which is fateful, the neck of one is cut. blow on a stump, and put his
head in alcohol until the 13th of the following month. When that day arrives, its beak is cut off
and burned along with the coal used to make supper for the person it wants to arrest. On this
occasion, the owl's two eyes must be at the foot of the stove or stove, one on each side, and
the woman who performs this operation must fan the fire with a fan made from a shirt diaper in
which she has slept at least five nights. It is necessary to remember that this operation must
be done on your knees, saying the following prayer:

“By the wounds of Christ, I swear that I have no reason to complain about (so-and-so)
and if I do this, it is because of the great love that I dedicate to him and so that he does not
show affection to another person”. PNAM

Once this is finished, all due diligence must be done so that the man does not suspect
the answer and sleeps peacefully, and the spell produces the effect that the saint always
achieved with these practices.
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Working with hedgehogs

When a man is angry with the woman he loves and doesn't want to look for her,
get a hedgehog, and after skinning it, with all the beaks, sprinkle it with the juice of
devil's weed, and bring it With him, his wife appears to him everywhere, and humbly
asks him to be a friend and is capable of sacrificing himself to do whatever he asks
of her. The bewitcher, for this to have a good result, must say the following prayer
every day when getting out of bed:

“My virtuous Saint Cyprian, I beg you in the name of your great virtue, not to abandon a
martyr of love, crazy like you were, for the charming Elvira.”

This magic is not suitable for women or men.

Working with black owl

You take a completely black owl, and after midnight, bury it alive in the backyard
and sow four grains of white corn on top, in the shape of a triangle, that is, one in
each corner and one in the center. After the corn plants have sprouted, water them
every day, before the sun rises, saying the following prayer at the same time:

“I (the name of the person) swear on these four trunks from which the bread
comes out, warmed by the rays of the sun, that I will be faithful to so-and-so, so
that he will not stop loving me, nor take other loves, while I exist, by the virtue
of this black owl and the binding spirits.”

When the ears are ripe, those on the three corners are threshed and the grains
are given to one or more black hens that have spurs, preventing the roosters from
taking them, as it was at the corner of this animal that the disciple denied Christ. The
corn stalks in the center of the triangle are dried in the smokehouse, wrapped in any
piece of cloth that has sweat from the person you want to bewitch, and stored saying:

“By God and the Virgin, I repent of all my sins. Amen!"

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Orange blossom recipe

When a girl is very interested in marrying her boyfriend, he is used to telling her to wait another year,
trying to steal a handkerchief from her with great care, so that the person doesn't notice. Then, as soon as
you go to church, you should soak the handkerchief in the baptismal font, and immediately iron it and say
these words, sipping the smoke produced by the iron on the moisture:

“Lustral water, you who have the virtue to make us Christians, and open the way to heaven for
us, make (so-and-so) receive me as his wife within the space of a hundred suns, and give me as
great trust as Saint Joseph placed in the Virgin Maria. I place myself in his hands, adorned with the
flower with which I perfume this handkerchief and with which he cleans the lips through which the
consecrated host that encloses the body, blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ enters.

Once this is done, you must perfume the handkerchief with orange blossom spirit and secretly put it in
your pocket.

Magic of chigger pits

There is a wild bush called escalheiro, full of thorns, which belongs to the pear tree family. It
produces small fruits, sometimes red and sometimes yellow, very sour on the palate. When it begins to
bear fruit, take out the seeds and roast them in 24 numbers. After grinding them with copper, sprinkle the
head of the person you want to bewitch with this powder, and while this powder is on the skin, obtain You
will get from that person whatever you want. And then say the prayer:

“I sprinkle you under the grace of God so that while he creates pears in
escalheiros, do not contradict me in my desires nor separate yourself from me.”

And after making the sign of the cross, add:

“May God bless you pereira ferra, may he take away a thousand pains and generate love;
blessed be you in the morning sun!”
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Magic of headdresses

A handful of red coucilhos and an equal portion of crushed saão herb and put this
mixture in infusion for 15 days and given to drink in wine to any individual of both sexes,
takes him to the point of doing whatever he desires to person who gave you something to
drink. Once the person has drunk the first four doses of this liquid, two drops of blood from
the left foot of a black dog must be added to the fifth and final dose, but the person
performing the spell must be very friendly.

Trovisco spell ripped out by a black dog

Saint Cyprian says that any man who wishes to magnetize a woman (noting that he
must not be over 50 years old) attaches the tail of a black dog to a stalk of wild thunder,
and after he pulls it off he passes through the fire, remove the bark, and make a belt that
ties around the body, over the skin. To further accelerate the woman's sympathy, it is
convenient to make a ring from the same skin and wear it on her right wrist, because if she
shakes the woman's hand with this preparation, she will begin to fall in love with him and
grant him all her love. luck of finesse.

Oven-dried lizard spell

Take a live lizard, one with a blue loin, and place it in a new pan, tightly covered, and
place it in an oven to toast. As soon as it is completely dry, it is made into powder and
placed in a sandalwood box. The woman or man who wants to captivate anyone's heart,
just give him a pinch of this powder in wine or coffee, and that person will always have his
orders. It is said that this powder is also wonderful for removing teeth without pain, rubbing
the gums and tongue with it.

Spell to not have children

He tries to reach a portion of corn chewed or bitten by a mule, and then places it in a
glass vase with some fur from the same animal, cut from the tail close to the body. Then,
the following is launched:

Alcohol, 150 g.
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Cypress powder, 2.5 g.

Red holly flowers, 50 g.

The bottle is tightly corked and, when the woman is determined to enter into the act of
intercourse, uncovers the bottle and smells it three times, saying:

“O cursed mule, who because you wanted to kill the Divine Redeemer on the cliffs
of Bethlehem, when he was born, you were condemned to never bear fruit from your
womb, may your saliva, which is in this bottle, defend me from becoming a mother.”

To get the corn grains grabbed by the mule, the teeth are greased with tallow so
that they slip into the manger.

Cake spell to do evil

This preparation is easy and always gives good results. This recipe is little known,
however, many people have made it with excellent results. Anyone who takes a cake of
wheat flour and puts it under their armpit, tightly tied and soaked, so that it absorbs the sweat
well, for a period of seven days, and then gives it to anyone to eat, gets whatever they want
from it, Love , money, and even forgiveness for any crime.

Spell to warm cold women

When a man feels passion for a woman and she starts to dislike him, he needs to do the

Cork oak root, 20 g.

Seeds of wild saganha, a handful.

Chest hair, with roots.

Peanut flour, 300 g.

4 Cantharidates.

1 Hazelnut.
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Everything is ground and mixed well until it forms a ball, left out in the open for three
nights, avoiding rain or dew. At the end of this period, a hole is opened in the bedpost,

“By the wounds of Christ and by the love I give to (so-and-so), I hide you,
cork oak connected to the saganha with threads from the chest, peanuts,
cantharide and hazelnut fruit; I want by the virtue of binding spirits, that this
woman is bound to me, by love and by the flesh.”

After doing this, it rarely happens that the woman does not begin to look at the
man with more fire and love. This recipe is also good for increasing the enthusiasm
of wives, who receive their husbands coldly when dealing with love.

Spell of the rabbit hanging from the ceiling

Take a young female rabbit that has not yet copulated, and pierce her in the ass.
ears hanging it from the ceiling of the house, for six hours, saying:

“If you do not die (so-and-so), you will be mine, by the power of Lucifer, and
all the demons in hell.”

If during this time she doesn't die, that's what's useful for the magic, and she's
immediately ordered to copulate with a rabbit that has some black mesh on its back.
After 36 hours, the rabbit is killed and opened, while it is still hot, the ovaries of the
generation are removed and they are placed inside a wild boar egg, through a hole
made on the galling side, where the light can be seen. a candle in a dark place. Cover
the egg tightly with tissue paper covered with gum arabic, and place it under a brooding hen.
When the chicks hatch, that egg becomes whole with a yellowish color; They must
immediately take it and place it in a corked glass vase with a cypress wood lid tied with
wire. The person who possesses this egg can achieve everything in love. The man will
dominate all the women he wants, and the woman all the men, but the possessor of this
talisman can never possess a virgin. You need to handle this egg very carefully, because
if it breaks, the person who made it will be very sorry for their indiscretion. When an
individual wishes great harm to another, he can take revenge by sending him the egg.
However, we do not advise it, because the person who does it takes revenge, but their
business generally does not progress.
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The Magic Ring

Anyone who wishes to be idolized throughout their life by individuals of a different sex to their own
must do the following work attributed to Saint Cyprian.
Buy a ring with a diamond, and, having it removed, you will give it to a crow at the stroke of midnight,
keeping the ring on your little finger, and with which you will walk until the crow expels the diamond
through excrement. As soon as this happens, the diamond is inserted into the ring and placed back on
the finger of the left hand, saying at the same time:

“By the power of God, and by the power that you and your brilliant brothers have, who can
achieve everything in the world, as you have more power than gold, I ask you, genius, to achieve
everything I desire in terms of love. Amen!"

As we said, whoever brings this ring, being a man, knowing how to present himself, will marry the
woman who pleases him most and will even possess others who arouse carnal desires. As a lady, you
will achieve the same goals; but we do not advise these people when they want to be honest, because
this talisman makes the people who wear it very fickle.

Recipe to know if the person who is absent is faithful

A pit two feet deep is made in the ground, and the following is poured into it, made in bulk: 30 pounds
of powdered sulfur, equal to a portion of iron filings, and a sufficient quantity of water. On this mass is
placed the portrait of the absent person, wrapped in leather. If there is no portrait, you can place a piece
of paper on which the person's name is written. Once this is done, the hole is covered with the same
earth that you removed saying:

“Saint Cipriano, let me know if (so and so) is unfaithful to me.”

After 3 pm, the earth will form a small volcano, beginning to expel
yes, gray flames.

If the person's portrait is expelled by fire, it is because he remains faithful; If he is attacked, it is

because that person is also burned by love. If the portrait remains inside the grave, it is because the
person is trapped in strong bonds of love, if they are thrown into
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short distance, it is because the person tries to disconnect from their prison; if it is thrown away, it is
because the person breaking all connections leaves to join the person calling them.

Recipe to find out who wants us bad

On the occasion that a person feels a great itching in the palm of their right hand, to find out if
someone wishes them harm and who is speaking in their displeasure, they light a fire with willow wood
and dry manure and rub it in front of the fire. if the part that itches you four times in a cross says this

“By God, by the Virgin, by all that is holy, let this spell be broken with a stone of salt!”

Some salt stones are thrown into the fire, and while they crackle, he continues to say:

“I don’t know why you want me alive like this.”

Make the sign of the cross three times and throw some berries of red aniline into the fire.
The person who has said something and wishes you harm will appear within 24 hours with as many spots
on their face as there are aniline berries that have been burned, and in this way, they will make themselves
known to the enemy.

Recipe for breaking up a marriage

Take an all-black chicken, take it to a crossroads and as soon as you reach that place, tie the
rooster's legs with a black woolen ribbon; Take a sign from one of the two who are about to get married,
and perform the following conjuration:

“I (NN), conjure you, oh spirit of geniuses, so that in the name of the great Adonial, lord and
genius, you connect your magic in the spirit of F., so that, without appeal or aggravation in the
spirit and soul, no achieve sacred union with (NN), otherwise you will be crushed under the foot
of the Holy Virgin.”

Then you place the bump under your left foot without hurting it, and you will be in this position for
three and a half minutes without hearing a voice that says: “I do n’t care.” Take the rooster and walk
around with it twice and firmly face the sun, and if within five minutes nothing is heard, let go of the
rooster's legs and leave the sign behind along with the ribbon. and you go home without looking back.
The rooster takes
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in the left hand, and must have been trapped under an old basket for 24 hours.
At the end of 24 hours, it is released and will be given nothing to eat except millet or birdseed.

Recipe with marrow from a dog's left foot

Take the marrow from the foot of a black dog, a shaggy breed, put it in a rosemary needle,
wrap the same needle in a piece of black velvet, and keep it inside the bed mattress saying
these words:

“By the power of the binding spirits Galath and Mardack, I (so-and-so), I tell you, my (so-and-
so), so that you cannot leave me until this marrow stops the dog.”

Recipe with dove heart

Take the heart of an all-white dove, make a slit in it and place a bluebottle inside, taking
care to sew up the slit; then bury the heart in the center of the left side of the backyard wall;
and plant a rue tree on top. As long as it flourishes, the individual can be sure that he will do
everything he undertakes. This secret must not be revealed by the person who uses it.

Recipe with sewn-in frog eyes

Sew up a frog's eyes and place it in a pan with another frog.

frog (Female); After this they pronounce the following words:

“So-and- so (the name of the bewitched person), just like me (so-and-so), I have these
two frogs here safe and oppressed, so you (so-and-so), will be connected to me and to
me (so-and-so), you will only leave when this frog has sight, or this female leaves this world.”

At the end, make three crosses with your left hand over the pan and cover it; It is also
necessary to pour some cow's milk and food onto the person who is bewitched. However, we
must be very careful not to offend the frog's eyes, otherwise the same thing will happen to the
person we are linked to and as soon as we want to turn off the witchcraft, take the frogs out of
the pot and take them to a damp place. .
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Three stamps for love between a man and a woman

Make these seals on three pieces of parchment, saying: In the name of (NN) son of (NN) for the love
of (NN) daughter of (NN). Start the ritual on Friday ten minutes before sunrise.

The seal is then burned each day with verbena and lemon balm, until all three seals have been
consumed. It won't take long to get the result.

Spell to make yourself love a woman

The man who brings this spell close to his heart will make himself loved by a young woman he is in
love with. The power of the talisman is to stimulate feelings and awaken love. Naturally it must be done on
a Friday on the day and time of Venus, with the crescent or full moon, in one of the fire signs: Aries, Leo
or Sagittarius. These names; signs and phrases must be written on a copper plate or green fabric.
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Spell to make yourself loved by a man

In order for a woman to be loved by a man, she must steal a piece of clothing from the man in
question and then she must write the following numbers and letters on said piece of clothing:

Then she will place the clothes under a large, heavy stone. As with the other enchantment above,
the astrological days and hours must be respected to work with these enchantments.

To satisfy needs
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When the Sun is in the sign of Leo on a Sunday ten minutes before sunrise,
write these names and characters on yellow linen, then place it on your right arm.
All creation will bring you luck and happiness.

Spell to make yourself loved

On a Friday, at the hour of Venus, make the following characters in a copper

vase when the moon is waxing or full and is in one of the fire signs: Aries, Leo, or

Cover the vase. Tell the person you want to bewitch to place their hand on the
lid. Tell him or her to love you seven times. If it is a reprimand, only once. Tell the
person to remove the lid. She will receive the magic from inside the vase.

For a person to have a hemorrhage

A Tuesday hour of Mars with the waning moon in one of the signs: Cancer,
Scorpio or Pisces. Write the following on a piece of red paper:
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Place the paper in a jar, cover it with beeswax, and then throw it into a river or stream that flows
eastward and say, “ By the right they have over you. Oh Ahmar, you and your servants and advisors,
make (NN)'s genitals bleed. Quickly! Quickly! At once!"

Spell to cause an enemy's stomach ulcer

This spell is very painful to destroy your enemy. This operation is not a joke! Only perform this magical
operation if your enemy is very dangerous and is threatening your life or your family. Only if your enemy is a
threat to your life can you do this work to destroy him.

First: At dawn, take a chicken egg and write the character above on the egg. Draw the characters on the
enemy person's intention and calling his name.

Second: Then burn the egg in a fire made with pine wood until it cracks. Your enemy will certainly be
destroyed. But woe to him who uses this secret out of curiosity, or even mere vanity. If it is not for justice,
the person who misuses it will be cursed and will be filled with putrid tumors and will certainly die.

For home protection

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Magic Sandals

It is said that in magic, anything is possible. This power is magnificent, you can
cover a distance as quickly as possible. With this secret it is possible to be in different
places, cities and countries all in the same day. Instruction in creating sandals

First: Take a tiger skin and make a pair of sandals or shoes. Inscribe the following
talisman on the sandals:

Second: If you wish to teleport to distant places, put on the magic sandals and recite
the following verse continuously while visualizing the places where you want to go,
until you reach your destination. Then remove your sandals and cease with the

The quote:

Surah Al-Zumar verse 67

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Translation: “Wamaa qadarullaaha haqqa qadrihii wal ardhu jamii'an

qabdhatuhuu yaumal qiyaamati wassamaau mathwiyyaatun biyamiinihii.”

Spell for a thief or fugitive

The name of the thief or fugitive person must be written on a linen cloth. The
cloth must be pierced with a nail and nailed to the wall at the location of the robbery,
or at the place from which the person fled. Above the thief's name it is written:

It is recited: “For each person there is a direction towards which God transforms
them. So run to everything that is good. Wherever you are. God will bring you forward
to judgment, all together. Because God has power over all things.”

To take revenge on an enemy

When someone wants to take revenge on their enemy and place a burden of
illness or some other evil on them, they will need to obtain some mercury and then
pronounce specific curses against their enemy on said mercury, whatever suits the
practitioner. After this, it is ready for use. At midnight, the person who will send the
mercury must take off their clothes and go to the yard, take some earth or manure
and put it in their mouth. Then the sorcerer needs to stand on one leg and utter: “I
am a spirit, I am standing on one leg...” Then the drop of mercury is placed on the
floor and then tilted. head in the direction of the person whose name was uttered.
According to beliefs, mercury only moves during the night. While it may take several
days for the mercury to reach its victim, it will not be stopped in its tracks. If the victim
saw mercury glow in the dark of his home; one can save oneself by urinating on the
mercury, so that it loses all its power. However, if a person swallows mercury while
sleeping, he will suddenly become ill, and in a very short period will die if he is not
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Spell to destroy or make yourself loved

In the practice of black magic a dominant point is the fact of things that have been in contact
with dead people, that is, used during washing, for example: like water after washing a deceased
person. This water is used in spells that can be used to destroy a person or to transform that
person into a slave.
Drops of water are secretly collected from a dead person and used for various rituals, including
love. When you want to make a person fall in love with another, you put a few drops of this dirty
water, collected after bathing a dead man. People who drink water or some other type of drink
with a few drops of the so-called dirty water fall under diabolical possession. A dark spirit enters
the body through the said water which possesses the person immediately and makes him or her
obedient to what is desired. The spell is very powerful and can only be broken by the person who
cast it.

By removing hair and nails from a dead person, it can also be used in many spells. A lock of
hair from a boy or girl under the age of seven if placed under the pillow of a couple who is having
marital problems will bring peace and unity in their home. A dead person's hair, in turn, if placed
inside someone's home or food, will have their life destroyed.

Conjuration of the King of Genies

According to Saint Cyprian, the ritual below is intended to conjure the King of the jinn. The
method is as follows: The ritual must be performed in the middle of the night, in a dark and empty
room, while burning some incense. The magician must recite the following incantation a hundred

“Bismillahir Rahmmanir Rahiim. Qul Uuhiya Ilayya Annahus Tama'a Nafarum Minal
Jinni Fa Qaaluu Innaa Sami'naa Qur-aanan 'Ajabaa Yahdii Ilar Rusydi Fa Aamannaa Bihii
Wa Lan Nusyrika Bi Rabbinaa Ahadaa Wa Annahuu Ta'aalaa Jaddu Rabbinaa Mat Takhadza
Shaahibataw Wa Laa Waladaa Wa Annahuu Kaana Yaquulu Safiihunaa 'Alallaahi

The above conjuration must be recited repeatedly until the king of jinn appears. When the
king comes, then recite the conjuration below:

“Wa nufikho fish shuuri faidzaa hum minal ajdaatsi ilaa robbihim yansiluun.
Qooluu yaa wailanaa mam ba'atsanaa me marqodinaa, haadzaa maa wa'adar rohmaanu wa
shodaqol mursaluun. Ing kaanat illaa shoihataw waahidatan faidzaa hum jamii'ul ladainaa
muhdhoruun. Wa laqod 'alimatil jinaatu innahum
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lamuhdhoruun. Haadzihi jahannamul latii kuntum tuu'aduun. Ishlauhal yauma bimaa

kuntum takfuruun.”

Greet the king by saying: Assalamu 'alaikum and tell him your wishes. (You can only make one
request) If you ask for money you will need to donate some to charity.

How to cast Mukhal Abdul Kareem

This ritual must be done at night, after Isha (Night Prayer) in a silent, clean and isolated
room, you must have 70 incense sticks in one hand. It is also necessary to have a sign
placed in front, on the sign needs painted in red color with Asian sweet aromas (Mitai) and
stemless red roses. You need to have a glass of milk nearby and then make a Circle of
Protection. One must recite the conjuration below 4,444 times for 41 days:

ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ

ÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿ
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If Mukhal appears before 41 days, the magician will have to continue the ritual until 41,
otherwise he is at risk. After this period, you can talk to Mukhal. This spirit is very powerful
and can solve problems of all types.

How to cast a Mukhalat (Khadam)

The ritual must always be done facing the Kabba and the Wazeefa (conjuration) must
always be read in precise numbers, nothing less, nothing more. You must sleep little and
you must not speak to anyone during the ritual. The magician must also always be in a state
of purification and be sincere. Do the ritual 5 times a day and pray to God. It must be
remembered that the Hisar (Circle of Protection) must be large; the measurement must be
from the center to the circumference, that is, the measurement of whoever performs the ritual. For
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In these rituals, one must be clean of heart, as there is a great risk to one's life when sworn to

To perform this ritual you must enter a silent, clean and isolated room and
After Isha (Night Prayer) you need to read the incantation below 3000 times:

ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿ ÿku

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During the Ritual you must be in a Hisar (Individual Protection Circle).

Incense should also be used. After 78 days the Mukhalat will be under your command, you
must remember that Mukhalat are very powerful. It will carry out the wizard's commands in

Spell to prevent women from getting pregnant

When the moon is waning and it is in the sign of Cancer, take a new linen cloth and
write the following signs:

Tie the cloth around the woman's belly and she will not be able to get pregnant. The same will happen
in female animals.

To protect yourself from dangerous people and evil spirits

Write these stamps and carry them with you.

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So that two people like each other

On the day and hour of Venus, write with saffron diluted in rose water on a virgin linen cloth the

Then have people touch the fabric at the same time. Soon they will be united.

To be followed by both men and women

On the day and hour of Saturn, ten minutes before sunrise; you will write this seal on the palm of
your hand with which it is customary to greet people. You will be followed wherever you go.

So that a woman never commits adultery

On the day and hour of the Sun, take a goose feather and write the following characters with black
rooster's blood on a virgin linen cloth:
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Once done, try so as not to create suspicion in the woman, touching her forehead and chest. Place
the cloth under the doorpost and she will never feel desire for other men, nor will she be harassed by

To make someone come to you

If you want to make someone come to you, then in the middle of the afternoon on Tuesday, write
the following talisman on a horseshoe, using red ink, and after night, bury it in a coal fire and the wanted
one will come to you without delay:

To cure hernia or rupture

Write the patient's name on a piece of paper, make a hole in three plums and prepare three oak
pegs. Place the three sacred names in each previously prepared hole, insert them inside each of the
plums, then insert them into the holes in the oak; then screw the screws into the holes with three blows
and say the following sentence:
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“NN, I direct your rupture in this tree, God may be your doctor; Break forget your
growth and walk like our Lord; forget this man! Hernia, leave that meat! (Bone if it is
broken), (Break, break, break, move away in the name of the Lord!), etc. I beg you, in the
name of the living God, to be healed by the rod, to become healthy and upright, and to
become stronger every day. Hepheta, open up! ÿ ÿ ÿ A. O. B.

To stop the blood

“On the tomb of Christ, three lilies grow! The first is named: fraternity and
Youth; the other: the Truth of Virtue; the third: SUBUL. Blood Stop! ÿ ÿ ÿ

A hitherto secret remedy against inflammation

Take three burdock roots on a Friday before sunrise, cut each of these roots into
three round slices, sew them into a cloth, tie them over the inflamed limb and let them
remain there for two to four days, repeat as before, until the affected part stops oozing
matter. The roots can be green or dry, it's all the same, as long as you take care to pull
them out on Friday before sunrise.
It works on men and animals.

To ward off spiders or flies

Engrave the figure of a spider or fly on a piece of copper or tin,

right in the center, record from the 1st to the 20th degree of the sign of Pisces
when it rises on the horizon of the zodiac and, while recording, pronounce these
words: “It is the image that drives away all flies or spiders, forever and ever”. Then hide
the plate in the center of the house, or hang it in the middle of the house, or hide
it on the wall, where no one can take it away. Afterwards it will be hidden when Taurus
prima facies arises, and so it will happen that in such a house no fly, or drawn animal, will be seen.
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To make a cow give a good supply of milk

When a cow is first pregnant, and while carrying the calf, give her half an eel's tail on half a slice of
bread, and from now on she will give plenty of milk.

To transplant a person's rupture

Cut three tufts of hair from the center of your head; tie it in a clean cloth, take it to another place as
far away as possible, bury it under a young willow tree that cannot be harmed. If the willow can grow in
peace, the broken bone will be made whole again.

Against Erysipelas or Fire of Saint Anthony


“Ambulabam per rubrum silva et in silva rubrum est Ecclesia, rufus erat, et
Ecclesia est rufus, erat altare rufus, rufus erat, et super altare rubrum cultro; cultro
et sectis in rubrum ad rubrum accipere panem. ÿ ÿ ÿ”

Against epilepsy

Take a part of the hind leg of a calf, also part of a bone from a human body, from a cemetery;
pulverize both, mix the dough well, and give the patient three full scoops served on a knife tip. ÿÿÿ

Against scabies

After the burial of any person, proceed to a stream, and take some water with your hands, pour it
over the head of the sick person. While the water runs, have the person wash all affected parts; and
whenever water is poured over the head, shake a bell and say: Turn on, retreat and descend with the
dead (NN) into the grave.
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To prevent scars or marks from remaining on the body

When a person has been burned or injured in any part of the body say:

Sanctus Lourenzus venerunt trans equo fidens. Dominus Deus tuus benedixerit urit corpore ut
comedatis recent meats alta proficiunt. In nomine Dei Patris et Dei Filii et Dei Spiritus Sancti.

It must be spoken three times, and each time, repeating the three holy names, it must be
be blown onto the burns.

To a putrid mouth

Say three times:

Job Job, iter in terra; tulit baculum suum læsa manum, et Deus Dominus apparuit in visione, et
dixit Job: Job quare ploras carum mi? Dominus quare non sentient me
tantum mestus: quia filii mei est ferox et linguæ putres est. ÿÿÿ

When someone or animal steps on a nail

talk like this:

“Clavus, quod hic est Christus Dominus praedicare solebant, non tibi licet
tumescent neque putrescat non potest, neque alia iniuria faciam. ÿÿÿ

For erysipelas in animals

And write it on paper as follows, with the food and give it to the cattle:

Three virgin maidens walked the earth.

The 1st carries a piece of bread in her hands.

The 2nd said: let's Divide and cut.

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The 3rd said: Let's cure the animal's erysipelas. This should be written on a piece of paper, and put on
a piece of bread and given to the cow to eat.

To purify the air

Take three twigs of rue, three of hazelnuts and three of Juniperus. Fumigate the place with this.

How to get a cow to give birth to a calf

Take the placenta from the cow when she gives birth to calves and bury it under a
apple tree, then she will give birth to a calf next time.

For jaw bone problems in cattle or horses

Use your three fingers to make an oath, place them in the animal's mouth and say, Rep hada, Rep
hada, Rep hada, open up, ÿÿÿ Say three times.

When cattle are bewitched

Take witch's balm, firefly oil, juniper berry oil, rue oil, turpentine, two pence of each value. Give this
mixture to cattle; Also, a little sulfur balm.

When cattle cannot urinate

Take a good handful of parsley roots and its leaves, chop finely, mix with
water or wine and give it to the cattle.
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To make a cow pregnant

Take nine knots from a tree from the first spring of the year, pulverize them and give them to
cow on freshly baked bread.

For the rupture of any animal

On New Year's Day, you must give all the animals laurel grains to eat
before feeding them.

A very effective secret remedy for kidney stones

Catch a hare in the month of March; burn it with skin and hair until it turns to dust. Take
crushed parsley seed, add enough honey to make a syrup. Give it to the patient early in the
morning, before breakfast and in the evening, before going to sleep. The stones will break and
cease forever.

For toothache and neuralgia

Write with a goose quill and new ink, taking care that nothing is wasted, this is sacred; then
on the outer part of the cheek, where the pain is located, the following signs are written: Mot,
Tot, Fot. Once done, light a candle and proceed under the chimney. Burn the pen in candlelight
under the fireplace until no trace of it remains. All this must be done without making a noise,
while a person suffering from pain should immediately put a bandage on his head, go to bed and
remain quiet, and in no way speak a word to anyone for twenty-four hours.

When a person is prevented from urinating

Take a handful of hare's hair, burn it to powder, wrap it in a handkerchief, add three
handfuls of watercress and half a liter of wine, boil the powder and herbs.
Drink hot.
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For fresh wounds

Take a flower and say: “Fresh is the wound, blessed be the day! Happy the
hour I found soon to stop and bind you, so that you do not swell or rot until the
mountains meet,” Mertigo ÿ Verigo ÿ Estirg

To compel a thief to return stolen property

Get a new clay pot with a lid. Draw water from the current of a stream while
calling the three most sacred names: Yahuah ÿ Yahushuah ÿ Ruah Kadoshi. Fill
the vessel a third full, take it to your house, put it on the fire, take a piece of crust
from the bottom of a loaf of bread, stick three pins into this crust and boil everything
in the vessel, add a little nettle dew. Then say: Thief, man or woman, bring back my
stolen belongings, whether you are man or woman; thief, be distressed whether you
are a woman or a man, I oblige you, in the name: ÿ ÿ ÿ

To prevent firearms from being enchanted

Take nine strips of palm leaf straw and place it under a sow while she is nursing
her young, then take the nine strips and tie nine knots in a rod which will be inserted
between the two handles of the barrel, and such a weapon cannot be bewitched.

So that a house is not bewitched

Take nine strips of straw from the leaves of a palm tree that were offered and
blessed on Palm Sunday. On Good Friday, place them under a lamb from the Third
Hour, until the Ninth Hour, that is equivalent: from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Then
remove the straws and tie them to a crucifix and leave it arranged so that it overlooks
the entrance to the house.
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To become invisible

Pluck the ear of a black cat, boil it in the milk of a black cow, then
make a hood for your thumb with said ear, wear it and check the results.

For epilepsy and paralysis

Salgueiro, I now beg you to take epilepsy away from me seventy times.
This must be said three times, three Fridays in a row, when the moon is waning; In the morning, before
sunrise, go to running water and turn your face in the direction where the water flows, and on three willow
barks make three knots in the name of the holiest being:

ss. sytz XX Z.


Yahushua Nazarenus, heed the words of Adonyah regarding the blessing upon the archangel

To make a weapon obedient to the bearer

In the morning, after you get up, quietly say the following while holding the gun in your hands: (name
of object), “Ego, (NN), fero te In nomine Dei Patris, Dei Filius et Deus Spiritus Sancti sequitur hanc gratia
te !” Moving the palm of his hand over the weapon, continuing like this: “Obediunte erunt mihi, In omnibus
casibus! In nomine Dei Patris, Dei Filius et Deus Spiritus Sancti.” Write the following words on the weapon:

Abia, Dabia, Fabia.

For suppuration of man or animal

Take a frog from the field at harvest time, tie it to a willow stick and place it in a position towards
the rising sun where it will remain until it dies. From such a frog, take the limb corresponding to that part
from which the patient suffers, be it man or animal, and tie it to the diseased limb and see the result.
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To protect yourself from attacks on the go

Speak three times:

“Duo oculi impius umbra viderunt me, autem sex aliæ sunt oculis vigilantes me Deum Abbaon Deum
membra ÿ Ruahon, speculantur Deum Baron
ÿ sanguine ÿ
et nimis, carnibus vestisti me et ossibus medullas et omnia
mea in nomine Adonyah.”

For toothache

Write on a piece of parchment:

“Quosum Sinioba Zenni tantus lect veri”

Hang the parchment with a string on your back.

For fevers

Write the following words on three almond kernels:

“Hasta, Hava, Shaver”

Then, swallow one at a time over three mornings, starting with the first name.
Then buy five camphors and hang them around your neck. Leave them in that position for three
days and three nights and remove them at the same time of day that they were attached to the
your body.

When a cow loses milk

Engrave the following names on an iron shovel: Mura, Martha, Marscha, T. X. T.
Heat that paddle until it turns red, dip it in the milk of that cow on three consecutive Fridays.
It's magnificent.
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To make your hair grow wherever you want

Take milk from a prostitute under a full moon saying: “Pilum cresceunte ubi volo per Lechmath”.
Spread this milk on the place where you want your hair to grow and it will happen.

To restore masculinity

Buy a pike fish as they are sold in the fish market, carry it silently into running
water, let some whale oil run down the fish's snout, throw the fish into the running
water and then go up the stream, and you will regain your strength and vigor.

Another remedy for the same purpose

Get a fresh egg if possible that is still warm. Pour whale oil over it and boil the egg;
the oil must then be poured into running water, which flows downwards, never upwards,
then open the egg a little, carry it to an anthill, of the red kind, such as are found in the
fir forest, and there bury the egg. Once the ants have devoured the egg, the weak and
troubled person will be restored to greater strength and vigor.

How to be able to predict the future

climate throughout the year

If New Year's Day falls on a Sunday, a calm, dreary winter can be expected,
followed by a stormy spring, a dry summer, and a rich harvest.
When New Year's Day arrives on a Monday, you can expect a varied winter, good
spring, dry summer, cloudy weather and an inferior harvest. When the New Year
arrives on a Wednesday, one can expect a harsh and harsh winter, a stormy and
gloomy spring, a pleasant summer, and a blessed harvest. If the first day of the year
arrives on Thursday, a mild winter, a pleasant spring, a dry summer and a very good
harvest will follow. If the year begins on a Friday, the result will be a variable and
irregular winter, a beautiful spring, a dry and comfortable summer, and a rich harvest.
If New Year's Day comes on Saturday, a harsh winter, cold winds, a damp and gloomy
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How to prevent pigeons from flying or staying away from the cage

Take a small tablet from a bier where a small child who died before baptism was buried. Put the
board under the drawer and they will come back as long as they are not caged, even if they must be
carried many miles from home. But if you wish your pigeons to bring in strange pigeons, give them to
eat mortar and lime from an old baking oven, mix the lime with a

little seed. They love to eat it, and as long as other pigeons smell its odor, they will follow them and fly
with them to the chicken coop.

When milk is stolen by witchcraft

Wash the outside of the milk buckets you use for Tonquin bean essence milk. Repeat this
several times while milking the cows, and the witches' butter and cheese will have a bad odor, as is
often observed.

To glue broken glass

Take albumen (egg white), mix it with quicklime, with this glue, broken glass and clay dishes can
be repaired.

An excellent recipe for pestilence

Take garlic and rue and boil in good wine vinegar. Drink every morning and evening. It's a sure

The art of extinguishing fire without the aid of water

Write the following letters on each side of a plate and throw it into the fire, and immediately
The fire will soon be extinguished:

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Against epilepsy

Buy a capon rooster that is half-grown black. Take a nutmeg and place it in the place where the cut
will be made. Leave this nutmeg in place until the rooster gets fat. Then kill the bird, remove the nutmeg
and scrape, at night and in the morning, the tip of a full knife and add it to a tablespoon, which is given to
the patient. Furthermore, the baptismal name of the afflicted person must be written six times on a piece
of paper and placed under the head of a corpse. Also, sweating in a linen cloth and wrapping a dead
person. If you are a woman with this disease, add it to the powder made by burning a lock of your hair. In
the case of a man, suck his blood, dip a cloth in that blood and bury it with the corpse.

How to manage the sale of cattle you want to dispose of

Drive into running water and pour three handfuls of water over the animal, and speak each time as

Everyone must run after me to buy my cattle. So true

As Christ baptized with the waters of the Jordan River, I also baptize you. † † †

To defeat a man

I, NN, will breathe on you, three drops of blood that I take from you. The first from your heart, the
other from your liver, the third from your vigorous life. With this I take all your strength and you lose the

ÿ Deum Abbaon ÿ Deum Baron ÿ Deum Ruahon! 3 times.

To cause the return of stolen goods

Before the sun rises, go to a juniper tree with a criminal's skull, at the exact moment of sunrise,
bend the juniper tree to the ground and place a stone on it. Under this stone and tree the skull and say:
Junípero, I bow and leave you in this condition until the thief returns the stolen property to me, or from
(NN), to its place. ÿ Deum Abbaon ÿ Deum Baron ÿ Deum Ruahon! When the thief returns
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the stolen item, remove the stone and the skull and return it to the place where you took it
from and place the bush in its correct position.

From the signs of witches on cattle

There is always a lack of milk, or they end up sacrificing the animal when it is male. Just
look carefully and the cow's udder will be missing, or there will be two teeth holes in its neck
and other cuts as perfect as magic can achieve.

To restore a cow's usefulness

Write the words below on three pieces of parchment, and attach one to the outside of
the stable door, the other to the manger, and the third loop to the left horn of the cattle, and
L. bian † punctum † sobat †
L. bian † punctum † sobat †
L. bian † punctum † sobat †

This assault and trouble will no longer cause you pain, as it does for our dear Lord in
heaven and all his disciples, as humble as God the Father, so humble
as God the Son, as humble as God the Holy Spirit, † † †.

To punish a witch who attacked livestock

On a new moon Tuesday before sunrise, or, on Good Friday, also before sunrise. Go
to a hazelnut bush, which you should have chosen beforehand. Stand before the stick that
should be in the direction of the sunrise, hold it, in the name of Abaon, with both hands, and

“Rod, I bind you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, that
be obedient to me, so that I can scourge the one I intend to punish.”

Then cut the stick with three strokes, while pronouncing the three highest names,
(Yahuah, Yashuah and Ruah Kadosh) and take it calmly to the house, and keep it well, so
that no one sees it. If you intend to whip a witch who has attacked an animal or human
being, go to the harvest, or home, and pray, before proceeding, then, with great devotion,
read this spell three times:
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† Janna † Sarult † Dutter † Jer † or

† Janna † Sarult † Dutter † Jer † or
† Janna † Sarult † Dutter † Jer † or

Thus it will be destroyed by fire, and no evil spirit will be able to enter the house or stable; otherwise,
the cats would enter and make those present gouge out their eyes. Then move three times around the
man or animal that is bewitched. Now take off your hat, put it on the floor and hit the hat as much as you
It will certainly hit the witch; and if you put holes in your hat, the witch will get the holes in her head too.

To punish someone who deserves it

When you wish to flog someone who lives far from you, and who deserves this punishment, place a
piece of that person's clothing on a pair of scissors, or on the doorstep, and call the name of the person
you plan to punish, and you will beat him. (or she) as well as if he (or she) were present. But for this
purpose you must inscribe on the stick: Abiam, Dabiam, Fabiam.

Against fever

Hang a piece of paper around the patient's neck until Friday, with the following letters:


Fold together and tie in a greyish-red cloth, which should be raw, and make three holes in the cloth
and letters. Pass a red thread through the holes, while calling out the three most sacred names that have
been written previously. Suspend the
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even around the patient's neck and let it remain for eleven days. After taking it out,
burn it before an hour has passed.

When an animal has erysipelas, and its urine is so red

as the Blood

Write the letters below on a chicken egg and give it to the animal to eat:

† K aor KSSO r E zonrh

ar KOC tz tz ahurox K ao tz a
And ES xiixarotttox

To the goblins and puppets who deprive cows of their milk

Write the following formula on blank parchment, and pin it to a place

hidden in the stable where they sleep:

† Janna † Sarult † Dutter † Jer † or

† Janna † Sarult † Dutter † Jer † or
† Janna † Sarult † Dutter † Jer † or

To protect yourself or animals against rot

Cook some juniper ash in wine vinegar and drink it, or give it to affected
animals. This stops the rot.

For blemishes and cataracts in the eyes

When a man or animal is struck in the eye, so that skin grows over the eye,
write the following names written on virgin parchment and hang around the neck of
such person or animal:


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For those who have lost their ability to speak

Grease the center of the head with stork fat, and speech will return.

Worm oil

Take a certain quantity of worms and put them on the fire in a saucepan together
with sweet oil and a little wheat and the sun being in the sign of Capricorn and Full Moon.
After boiling, apply it to your wounds, calluses, warts; cracked feet or even arthritis and
the like. After a few days you will see the result.

The usefulness of black snails

They heal withered limbs and warts on hands and feet, calluses, cracked heels,
ruptures and other wounds. Place the snails in a pan, add plenty of salt and keep nine
days buried in the strength of the full moon with Saturn reigning in the heavens and the
moon in the sign of Capricorn. After straining everything into a bowl, try this secret and
observe the results.

Potion to soften all things

Take ammonia salt, potassium nitrate and potassium bitartrate (Potassium

bitartrate), in equal portions. Bring to a boil over rapid heat. Without touching it with
your bare hands, place it on whatever you want. Anything touched by this mixture will
become soft. Sorcerers used this resource to loosen the iron bars when they were
trapped, this way they always escaped.

Potion to harden metal

When the moon is new and in the sign of Aries with Mars ruling, take a bucket of
mare's urine and cook it until it is half full. Immerse the metals in this potion while it is
still hot and they will harden.
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Against fever

Take the patient's urine and mix it with flour and make a dough, from which
seventy-seven dumplings are made. Go before sunrise to a previously located anthill
and throw the cakes into it. As soon as the insects devour the cakes, the fever

To defeat witches

Sweep the rubbish from a house for three days and gather it into a pile, and on
the third day cover it with a perforated black cloth, then take a stick of Ulmus minor
and whip the heap of rubbish severely, the witch will appear, but don't believe her lies,
if she refuses to cooperate, beat her to death.

So that a person does not hit the target

Place a sliver of wood that was struck by lightning behind the target.
No one will be able to hit such a target.

Another so that a person does not hit the target

Speak these words: AFA AFCA NOSTRA, when you are able to look down the
barrel of a person's gun and it will not fire; but if you want fire to come out of the gun,
say these words backwards:


So that a gun doesn't fire

To prevent someone from firing a gun while you are looking say:

Pax, Sax, Sxarax

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Proof of the shot

To check if this spell works, do the following: dig and stick the ear herb
rat (hieracium pilosella; pilosella officinarum) on a Friday, during midday
moon or full moon, tie it to a white cloth and hang it on your body. These words
should be written on the cloth:
Hell, Besser, Clotental,
Sobath, Adonyah, Alboa, Florat

To see what others can't see

Take a cat's eye, put it in salt water, let it remain there for three days, and then
for six days in the rays of the sun, then put it in silver and hang it around your neck.

To get as much money as you want

When it is spring time and the swallows are at the end of their hatching, that is, the chicks are about to be born,
take the eggs of a swallow, boil water near the nest without the swallow noticing, and when the water is very hot and the
swallow comes out to feed, throw the eggs quickly into the hot water and return them to the nest as soon as possible so
that it does not abandon it, and if the swallow places a certain root in the nest to retrieve the eggs, seeing that they never
are born, take it, put it next to your money and discover the power that the supernatural has. If this root is placed on a
being that has died, it will certainly come back to life.

To open facades

When the moon is in one of these signs: Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, turn north
and kill a green frog in the hours of: Jupiter or the sun. After that,
expose it to the moon's rays throughout the night and so on for two more days,
always collecting the frog before sunrise. Once the three days are up, spray the frog
and put some of this powder on a lock and it will open for sure.
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To understand birdsong
As soon as the moon enters the sign of Virgo, take the tongue of a vulture, place it in honey for three
days and three nights, then under your tongue, and thus you will understand all the songs of the birds.

To prevent a person from escaping

Take a needle with which the tunic of a corpse was sewn, and pass that needle through the hat or shoe
of him whom you wish to arrest, and he will not be able to escape.

For rabid dog bites

Write these words on a letter and hang them around the man or animal's neck:

† Paga † Chaga † Pagula † Chagula † Pagula

How to Make Your Intended Wife Love You

Take the tail feathers of a rooster and press them three times into her hand; or, put the tongue of a turtle-
dove in your mouth, talk pleasantly to your friend, kiss her, and she will love you so much that she cannot love

So that your loved one looks for you

Take the turtle dove's tongue and put it in its mouth and kiss it, and it will accept you. Or, on a Friday
before sunrise, with the moon in its full phase, take salt, cheese and flour, mix them together, make a sign with
it and write the name Sheva, put it in her room, and she will have no rest until I come to see you.
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So that the woman can give birth without distress

Boro berto briore † Vulnera quinque dei sint medicinal mei † Tahebal ††
ghether ††† guthman †††††

For when you are in great distress

Only invoke the Great Name when you are in great distress, in life or death situations. .
. . Say Johanan three times, then invoke the great name of God.

“I invoke you: Ptha hra ie Phta oum emecha eroth Baroch thorchtha thom chai eouch
archandabar oea eo yneoch era on eloph bom phta athabrasia Abriasoth barbarbelocha barbariasô.”

To force a fugitive to return

Ask for it. Prepeda. Conpeda prepedias Inpediæ. Conpedia

Against fever

Take the patient by the hand and say:

“Aeque facilis tibi febris hac sit, atque Maria virgini Christi partus”
To make a girl chase you

Write these letters on your clothes:


To be freed

Inscribed in wax in the shape of a cross, these letters allow a prisoner to free herself from her bonds:
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This seal must also be carried when you wish to be imperceptible to the eyes of others.

To find out the identity of someone who stole something from you

You should write down the following words and place them under your head for a while.
all night and the thief's face will come to your mind:

A : 2 X3 : H : X : I : R : 2 : m:

To win at games

Write the following words on blank parchment:

Aba † Aluy † Abafroy † Agera † Procha

Before each game, say them.

To find love

You must write this spell on your hands:

ABADEPGP ÿ † † 2 A † P † ÿ

To win the love of a young girl

Write this spell on your right hand on a Thursday evening, then

take the maiden's hand and press it to your breast:

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For bladder pain

This spell is used to relieve bladder pain. It should be written on the bladder of a
male pig for a man and on the bladder of a sow for a woman and then placed on her


To win someone's love

This spell must be written on a piece of copper and placed under the headboard.
of the person whose love you want to win:


Never to be despised again

This spell summons demons when the individual wishes to no longer be mocked
or despised:

Abbac, Abdac, Istac, Audac, Castrac, Cuac, Cusor, Tristator,

Derisor, Detestator, Incantator.

To have discernment and strengthen the spirit


Abba † Theos † Behetimyhat † Hehem † Ruhos † Bethar †

Husurnhunt † Hetarius † Theos †

To reconcile individuals

To reconcile people who live in the same house but who hate each other, the
following spell will be written on a piece of virgin parchment and then placed under
the threshold of the door on which they all usually cross:

A, b, c, h, g, g, T, g, v, x, o, o, g, k, F, s, z
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Against epilepsy


Horner Larci Habek Cisius elaoro hodier laciaon Virtus coeli releases pellet

To stop the bleeding


Protection against thieves, curses, bad weather, epilepsy and fire.

Write this spell and hang it around your neck:

YM sÿfvÿÿÿÿ ÿ
nÿAÿEÿÿA DP
DS uÿ suÿnÿ ho
me oÿ ÿÿÿtA

You will be surprised by the secret virtue behind these letters.

To soothe labor pains

Write on a piece of paper with the birth mother's name in the center:

A bhz PO b L 9 hbmgn
Subratum name nex gr

Followed by these other words: † Ecgitar † circabato † Bessiabato † Argon †

vigora † tänet.

The paper is then placed in a leather pouch with right-side stitching. He

It must not have any knots or ribbons and must be tied to the woman for an odd hour.
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To prevent hail storms

Write on blank parchment and say:

† AB †† IA † SAB † Z

To hit the target

Write on a gun barrel to ensure your target is hit:

Abia, Dabia, Fabia

To cure illnesses and end suffering

Write this on a brass plate on a Thursday when the moon is at its highest.
sign of Jupiter, dip this plate in a glass of water and give the patient:

zaare zaare zaare zaare zaare fegem zohorim borayn nesfis albume fedraza
affetite taututa tanym zabahat aylatriayn haurane rahannie ayn latumine queue
acatyery nimieri quibari yehuyha nuyyim latrityn hamtauery vueryn cahuene cenhe
beyne ÿ

Against a plague

Write this on a silver plate on a Thursday when the moon is in good aspect with
Jupiter and suspend it beside a glass of clean water and salt mixed. After a day and
night, pour water on the affected area in the direction of the four cardinal points.
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Carry this figure on your person and you will be protected! The sum of the numbers in the
table above is thirty-four in whichever direction they are added, even diagonally. The number
obtained in this way is that of the planet Jupiter. Each
number represents a “spirit”, for example: 4 = Ab, 9 = Hod; 5 = Him; 6 = Ford.
Furthermore, He and Vau are part of the sacred name Yahuah. It is said that if this plaque is
engraved on a silver plate, it will bestow riches, love, peace and honor, but if it is engraved on
coral, it will prevent evil spells. The Hebrew Elohim, plural of Eloah, “God”, designates the true
God when used with a singular verb. Rogyel is undoubtedly the angel Ragiel, and Josephiel is
another angel.

Against epilepsy

Recite the psalm Psalm 28 “Afferte Domino, Filii Dei” in the patient's ear when he has
epilepsy. This will restore it. Then write the following characters on four strips of virgin parchment,
then incense them with musk and thyme, bury them in the corners of the house. A great blessing
will fall upon him.

Against rabies dog bites

Write these characters on the bread and give it to the patient to eat:

† ditem † priscom † dryxom † pi isco † brisum †

In nomini Patris † et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti †

Against a disease that has no cure

Read Psalm 29 - “Exaltabo te Domine quoniam” seven times over clean water and wash the patient with it. At the
same time over olive oil and write these characters:

And incense them with musk, dilute them with the oil mentioned above, and anoint the
patient with it.
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Against fistulas, blisters and wounds

Take a piece of lead and beat it until it is as thin as a sheet and

can be folded, then, with a knife, draw five crosses in this format:

While doing this, recite five Our Fathers in honor of the five wounds of Our Lord
Jesus Christ. And when you make the three holes, two on the left and one on the
right, say three Our Fathers in honor of the Holy Trinity and the three nails that
crucified Our Lord Jesus Christ. Next, recite an Our Father in honor of the passion
before saying this incantation:

“I conjure you, N., to heal the fistula, fever or wound in the name of the five
wounds suffered by Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of the Holy Trinity and the
three nails that crucified Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of the holy passion,
without risk of suffering.”

Then place the lead sheet on the affected area with the cross facing it and
make sure this lead is washed every three days and placed back on the affected
area. Take care to keep this lead from touching the ground while you are enchanting
it, and while reciting the spell, bless it with your right hand.

To stop bleeding

Write these characters on olive leaves, incense them with mastic, place them
on the patient's kidneys and read Psalm 81 “Exultate Deo” over him. Your blood
will stop flowing.
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Another against bleeding

If a man or horse is bleeding, write about him:

† ÿgryn. Thon. Struth. Fola argrenn. Struth. On. Tria. Enn. Piath. Hathu.
Morfana. Onhÿl † ara. Cam. Leou. Groth. Worn. †††. ffll. Crondi. px Mro.
Chron. ÿcrrio. Ermio. Air. Leno.

And the flow of blood will cease.

For love and friendship

Write these names on a sleeve of clothing, which you must burn:

Leyequin Leyelgane Leyequir Leyequerich Leyeric Leyerus Leyexeris

Once consumed, read the names above and they will inspire love and friendship.

To bring back the husband to his wife

If you want a man's heart to return to his wife, write Psalm 60:2 “Exaudi Deu
deprecationem” and these characters in the blood of a white cock and tie them to the
woman's arm. He will come back to her.

To be loved

If you want to be loved by everyone, write these characters on a piece of virgin parchment and
carry it with you, every day and wherever you go:

zbacidn † X † ro: ooooo—oooo—ooooo—

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To be loved by your enemy

If you want your enemy to love you very much and hold you in high honor, write these characters
with his name on virgin parchment and carry them with you everywhere:

yh. D. h9. d. N. zi U. ton. B. habxno †

To gain vision of the realm of the dead

Go to a cemetery, and when you get there, draw a cross on each eyelid; so that the vertical line is
white and the horizontal line is black. Recite this incantation over a tombstone while making the sign of
the cross:

Your vision will be in my vision † in whose name you rest here. † I will not disturb you † but I hope
that you (NN) † in the name of peace may sleep so that I may see the Hidden One † and see its power;
can hear their celebration and help in need. † You could, O Holy Spirit, give up your power in the name
of the Crucified Saint, Amen! †

Then make the sign of the cross over the eyes three times and also over the tombstone.

To breathe a spirit into a person's life

Make a flute from bone taken from a cemetery. When you want to perform an incantation, add
your intention plus the words you say to breathe the spirit into a person's life. If your intention is good
accompanied by good words, the same will happen to the person, if your intention is bad and accompanied
by bad words, the same effect will happen to the victim.

To sell your soul to the devil

If anyone wants to know about the sciences of the Unseen - their wisdom - that is, about the families
of creatures who dwell in darkness and Lucifer, then go to a tomb on Thursday night between the hours
of midnight and one o'clock. Remove some earth from the grave, cut your left ring finger so that three
drops of
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blood falls on the earth of the grave and then throws the earth at you like the priest does when
he throws the earth into a coffin. After doing this simple ritual, you will have sold yourself to the
power of darkness, and then you will be able to learn anything that has to do with the occult
from them.

Incantation to get a human bone

To borrow a bone without being persecuted for it, recite this


Far jag lana ditt Iilla ben, om en... ska du fa det igen!
If I can borrow your bone, then in a week you will have it back!

To become a sorcerer

If you wish to become a true sorcerer, but without having to sell yourself to the devil, you
must go to the cemetery on Thursday night, between two and four in the morning, and say this

“Inhabitants of the Realm of Death this

payment I borrowed from
you so that someday you can
tell me how to find out what I want to know.”

Then the person goes to the church bell, shaves some metal off it and puts it in a bottle.
If you want to find out something, whatever it is, then go to the cemetery on Thursday night
and say:

“Inhabitants of the Realm of Death.

Come! Tell me how should I return it
this coin I borrowed
of you, it will be returned on the day
that I may enter with you into eternity.”

So, you can learn from the spirits everything you want to know, even if there is no earthly
way for you to find out. Every time you want to find out something, you go to the cemetery and
repeat the ritual and you will find out what you asked for.
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To become loved by a woman

Take one or two hairs from this woman's head and from them, make a virgin wax
candle and write your name on this wax and when you light it you should get some results.
When you see this woman, say in a low voice:

Tuffro Daffiel Aspel

Against weapons

Draw the following sign below; together with the words, which should
carry them with you and say them when you feel the need.

“Clespida, sigtium vitæ”

For toothache

Say three times: “Ut est amor cedis dolor.”

To become loved

On behalf of the person you want to captivate, write these words on a piece of paper:

“Veni Columba mea, coronaberi” and give that person the note, hidden in
a little gift you intend to give her.

For toothache

Draw a picture of a tooth on paper with a pen and say three “Pater Noster”
and three “Ave Maria.” Then, with the tip of a knife, erase the image while saying
these words:
“In nomni Melchior, Gavriel et Rafael”.
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And keep saying this until the image is completely erased.

For a continuous fever

Write these words at the bottom of a white bowl: “Caco, Carucet,

Sanoriduce, Reputa, San Emanuel, paraclitur a Deo.” Then wait for the writing with some wine and
in the morning give it to the sick person to drink.

To the love

On a Thursday, Friday or Sunday, write these names with the blood of a white dove and with a
red copper pen, recently purchased in the name of the person you want:

Rach Sache Raram Amaam

Then write the woman's name and her mother's name on top of those names.
So with this paper, if you touch the person's bare flesh, you will see a miracle.

To cure toothache, headache or jaw pain

Make a plaster cast the night before any feast of the Virgin Mary.
Write these symbols plus the incantation in Latin:

Then place them on your head and say five “Pater Noster” and five “Ave Maria.”

“Mentem sanctum spontaneam et honore et Deo et Patri Alpha et Omega, principum en finir,
libera me a malo et peste, subitanea morte alque treme et dolore capitis, dentis et oculorum salva me
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To dispel stormy weather

Draw a picture of the world with a new pen, as follows. Then turn to the sky and
say these words:

“Ecce anna erga est”

To get everything you want from a person

Take the skin of a virgin deer, so that you may make a girdle an inch thick to which
you shall fasten the heart of an old dove in the day and hour of Venus. Then, on said
belt, write the following verses with the blood of the same dove and with a feather
plucked from its right wing:

“Domine, exaudi orationem meam, auribur percipe obsecrationem tuam in veritate

tua, exaudi me in your justitia. Et non intres in judicium cum servo tuo, quia non
justificationbitur in conspectu tuo omnis vivens.”

Then, wrap this belt around the skin of your body, so that the dove's heart is
above your heart. And then you can go ahead and order whatever you want. But, upon
entering the house of the person you are pursuing, you should once again recite the
verses mentioned above and if you touch his flesh, you should get what you want from

Spell for love

Write with a new pen and ink; on a ceramic plate these characters:

Then wash it with holy water or a very good brandy and give it to the person to
drink and you will see some amazing effects as they will immediately feel
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impressed with ardent love and this effect will last as long as the person performing the
ritual wants.

To Find Stolen Objects

First of all, you must recite the following Psalms:

“Audite hæc omnes gentes Psalm 48”

“Quam delecta Tabernacula Psalm 83”
“Voce mea auribur percipe Psalm 142”

Then write on a piece of blank paper the Psalms mentioned, together with the
symbols, using a new pen as well as ink. After that, go to bed and place said paper
under your head and during your sleep, you should see the thief and the place where
he placed the stolen object without fail:

To have a family spirit

Take an all-black cat and a knife that was made for this purpose, making sure it
hasn't been used to cut anything. Kill the cat with this knife and cut off its head. Then
remove your brain and heart, after which you should make any kind of small circle you
want. Burn the cat's brain and heart inside this circle with some rye straw. Take the
ashes and when you want to make a Spirit in the form of a cat appear, take a charcoal
made from oak wood, light it and place said ashes on it and immediately a cat will
appear, and you should be able to ask any question you wish. . You should be able to
command it.
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To the love

Take three strands of hair from the person you love, then take some wax dripping from an Easter
candle and turn it into another small fat candle, like the shape of your thumb. Place the three intertwined
strands of hair in it to be used as a wick and wrap each strand of hair with a piece of colon and write
these three names on the candle: Harton Partonon Arabiter, along with the name of the person you
desire. Then light the candle, but be careful not to burn it completely.

To stop the flow of blood

Say it three times: May Pax Mux

To have a family spirit

Take an all-black cat and a knife that was made for this purpose, making sure it hasn't been used
to cut anything. Kill the cat with this knife and cut off its head. Then remove your brain and heart, after
which you should make any kind of small circle you want. Burn the cat's brain and heart inside this circle
with some rye straw. Take the ashes and when you want to make a Spirit in the form of a cat appear,
take a charcoal made from oak wood, light it and place said ashes on it and immediately a cat will
appear, and you should be able to ask any question you wish. . You should be able to command it.

To stop nosebleeds
To say:
“Azoropit, heal NN son of NN by Adonyah alive and may his blood be
stuck.” Repeat, saying: Azoropit, for the 2nd and 3rd time.
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Against the rain

Take a new knife with a white handle and make these symbols in the ground with the tip of the

To be loved by a person

Greet the person and, when greeting him, say these words in a low voice, so that he does not
hear: “Cor Assabiel mulier.” (woman). “Cor Assabiel come.” (man). And you will be loved.

To win at games

On a Wednesday, take the King of Coins card from the Tarot Deck
and write these symbols on the back of the letter in the blood of a weasel:

Aspides Lipos Sibady

For games

During a Sunday and the waxing moon, write these symbols on paper
virgin white with the blood of a raven:
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So carry this paper with you.

To the love

Look into the eyes of the person you are interested in and say these words in a low voice:

Libaresol Onpiqua Lesoref Ange

To the love

On a Friday, at sunrise five minutes before sunrise, draw this symbol on your right hand with the
blood of a dove along with the name


And if you touch the person's bare flesh you will get effective results.

To become invisible

Take a black cock and cut the head from the neck with three blows and say: “I will kill you in the
name of Moarail.” When you have done this, take 15 black beans and place them on the rooster's body.
Then close the body and place it thus prepared, in a hole made in the garden or any other place where
broad beans can grow in the ground, whilst saying: “Here, O devil, a cock worthy of you.”

Then, cover the rooster's body with soil and some plants will sprout from it, which you must allow
to grow and mature. When the broad beans are ripe, take a child with you and have them pick the broad
beans one after the other. Once they are collected, put them in your hands and test them one by one,
putting them in the child's mouth first to find out which one makes the child invisible. And when you find
the one that does it, catch it with a black silk glove.

The grains that sprout from the rooster's body will have the ability to make a person carrying one
of these grains in their mouth invisible and no one will be able to see,
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feel or hear it in any way, nor touch it or feel it by any other human means. They must be tested at night

To see a spirit in your hand

Go to a church and hold a candle between your middle and ring fingers. Then, have a child aged
seven or younger dip their fingers in olive oil that has been blessed and ask the child to kneel; also ask
her to hold the lit candle that was blessed in the church, then say:

“Oil of the purest angels! O you holy angels, who came from Heaven and who descended to Earth, I
pray to you for your purity and for the virginity of this child, that you appear in this hand and show me
about it what I desire to know.”

Then you must pray a “Pater Noster” and a “Hail Mary.” And if nothing happens, it is a sign that
you are unclean and need to sanctify yourself. Repeat the same prayer again up to nine times, but they
usually appear after the third time, as long as the beggar is pure before God.

To the love

On a Friday five minutes before the sun rises and when the Moon is in the sign of Cancer, make a
saffron and rose water ink and write your name along with the name of the person you want to be loved
by plus the following names on a bay leaf:

Rex Flex Flon Lacom

Then place this leaf on the ground somewhere where the person will have to pass and walk on it
and you must leave it there for four days, after which you must pick it up and take it with you. Then you
will write the person's name and place it under your foot so that it cannot get out of there and say the
(NN) you will be mine, whether you want it or not, you will only love me.
You will have no rest, you will not sleep and you will not have peace until you come to me.
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To cure a man of the evils mentioned in the following circle, which

were caused by witchcraft or natural causes

Draw this on a virgin white plate. Then, leave the dish under clean spring
water with a little salt in a clay pot for seven hours, then give this water to the
patient to drink for three consecutive mornings.
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To be transported anywhere you want

Take a sword or a saber that was used to kill a man and with its tip, make a design of a
boat on the earth or on a piece of wood, which should be large enough for you to be able to
put your two feet inside it. . Then, make the sign of the cross and enter the aforementioned
boat with both feet and say the following incantation:

“Ego vos invoco, venite, vetiite et statim quo volo me ducite, et sine iæsiom corporis et
animæ, invoco Angelos gloriosos quocumque libet littera scripta est in nave ista nominatos;
Gabrion, Sisoy, Gabzav, Pelvm, Gadym, Meos, Artos, Salixos, Gulas, Alabxatas.”

The boat will appear immediately and transport you wherever you wish to go and you
need not fear any harm as there is no danger. The Angels invoked here are good spirits of
God, who rejoice us and grant us all the things we wish to know in the present or in the

To have a family spirit

Approach a sick man who is dying alone and say these words into his right ear:

“Deus Pater Alba, vel Abba, Melcho, Ysquibor et ad meam voluntatum constrictam
te omnibus horis.”

And in your left ear say:

“Tetragrammaton cum hæc septia, phecton, vel Amech, Fenesiethia, Fathon in

med servitio, et utilitate, et sine Iæsione aliqua protegat.”
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After that, place your right hand on his head and tell him:

“Ego conjuro te per supradicta nomina et per ipsum Deum, qui cœlorum continir Thronos, et abyssos
intuctur, qui est Rex regum et Dominus dominantium, qui montres ponderat, terram quoque manu sua
concludit, qui fecit Angelos, Spiritus et Ministers suos flammam ignis , which produces winds of thesauris
swiia; qui percussit primogentor ab homine usque ad pecur; qui divisit lucem a tenebris; qui facit mirabilia
magna solus, ut in quacumque hora diei vel noctis te invocavero sive in domo, sive extra dominum, sive in
quocumque alio loco, ad me venire debeas sine aliquot furore aut terrare, non incutiens metum, sed quiete
et pacifice ac benigite venias , et de quacumque pars, te interrogavero mihi diras veritatem aperte et sine
fallatia absque dilatione pro posse tuo ministrare obedias, et ego tibi promitto in verbo veritatis et infide Dei
illum exorare ut tibi comedat omnem gratiam quam tibi ab illo sperare fas est. Amen!”

Then say some prayers to God for the deceased in accordance with the promise you
made to him.

To have an answer through Uriel

The angel Uriel is so familiar and friendly, he always comes no matter what you call him, and the
speed with which he comes to you is in line with how much you honor him.

If you wish, therefore, to make it appear in a flask full of water, simply take a crystal flask. Fill the
bottle with very clean water and you should expose the bottle of water to the sun, while placing it on a
small, very clean table, covered with a very white cloth, between two exceptionally clean and shiny silver
or silver candlesticks, each of which it must contain a candle made of new and extremely white wax.

Immediately light these candles and have the person you are employing kneel before the jar. This
person must be a virgin, boy or girl, or pregnant woman. You should also kneel behind that person and
place your right hand on their head while saying the following words:

“Uriel, Seraphim, Potestates, Anglati, Anglata, Calim, Cala, welcome, welcome, welcome. Take
a stool and take the Book that God gave to Moses, open it and place your hand on it and swear an oath
that you will tell me the truth of everything I ask of you, by the four words that God spoke from his own
mouth , “Heu, zatti, Zata, Habatho” and by the four Heavens, where you dwell and by the virginity that I
present before you, Huriel, show yourself to and then I will say goodbye and you can return to your
predestined place. Fiat. Fiat. Fiat.”
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Continue with the same conjuration until he appears in the jar and he should do it even more quickly.
Your clothes, as well as your body, must be even more clean and tidy and you must have washed and
perfumed yourself with Aloevera wood incense beforehand. You must place a new pot with lit charcoal
on the table where you will place your incense and Aloe wood. In this way he is bound to assume a form
quickly and appear immediately. And when the person you are employing sees the Spirit in the form of a
child dressed in white and holding a book in his hand inside the jar, say:

“Huriel, I beg you by the four words that God spoke from his mouth Heu, Zatti, Zata, Habatho and
by the four heavens, where you dwell, and by the virginity that I present before you, Huriel, that you show
yourself and attend to me (request) and I will then cease my invocation and you may return to your
predestined place. Fiat. Fiat.

If the Spirit delays in showing itself to you and fulfilling what you asked, you must continue to repeat
this last conjuration until it has appeared. When you have obtained the answer to your question, grant
spiritual permission for him to depart in the manner already given above.

To become invisible

Take a rib from a dead man and with a white-handled knife, purchased expressly for this purpose,
shave the rib on one side to a point and place these scrapings in fresh ink and with a new pen, write
these words alongside:

“Deus Eloy Athanatos, Deus fortis, Deus On,

Alpha et Omega, Tetragrammaton, please give me possession
transfer ut non videos. Amen. Amen. Amen. Fiat. Fiat. Fiat”

Then, on the other side, write these symbols:

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After that, tie the rib to the neck wrapped in black silk. Then take another rib of a dead
man, scrape it as you did the first, and put the scrapings in some fresh ink too, and with
another new quill, write on it the same symbols as on the other, together with your name.
Then place a part of the shave on your head. After this you must grind the rib into a very
fine powder, which you will spread on your head as you did before, keeping the first rib
over you.

Try to find out what time it is

Take a clear crystal glass and then take the ring of a woman who was a virgin when
she got married if possible, otherwise take what you can as long as it has been blessed.
Then suspend this ring by a double white thread in this chalice and hold the thread with
both hands with your elbows resting on the table and gently lower the ring until it is halfway
into the chalice and then say these words over the ring in an almost low voice:

“Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti, incerta et occulta sapientiæ tuæ

manifest mihi. What time is it?"

And repeat the same words until you see the ring move by itself and strike the hours,
half hours and quarter hours against the inner sides of the chalice.60

To win at games

On a Tuesday day when the moon is waxing, buy a piece of lamb meat and pay the
butcher the price he asks, but make sure you don't eat it and that while you are paying,
make sure you pay with just a coin, whose value must be worth more than meat. With the
change the butcher gives you, make a stamp or have it made, on which this character is
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On the other side your name written in full. You will see wonders. The stamp can be larger than this
design if desired. Also write these words on the piece of virgin paper with wolf's blood:

“Ybac, Abac, judas, Ayda, Aba, Velico terra, Abhac Abac vel Abazar”

And while holding this paper in your hand, touch the dice or the cards and then all you have to do is
ask them for what you want in a low voice and what you asked for will happen.

To win games of chance

Write these names on a piece of blank paper on a Friday and during the waxing moon before

“Bun, Baca, Bato, Bati, Produtza, Pro Vicet.”

After calling on these spirits, you must make your request clearly and clearly.

To receive goodwill and favors from someone

On a New Moon Wednesday, ask a virgin child (boy or girl) who knows how to write, to write the
“Pater Noster” only up to these words, “Panem nostrum”, and then continue to write Psalm 3, which
begins with “Deus, in nomine tuo salvum mefac”, but without writing “Gloria Patri.”

Once this is done, fold the paper and place it over a newborn child, who is about to be baptized.
When she is baptized, remove the paper and save it for later use.

When you want to use it, you only need to touch the person with this role, man or woman, from
whom you have lost good graces (favors) and that person will be forced to indulge your desire, even if it
is in spite of yourself. .
Note that the ink used to write on the paper mentioned above must be made from rose water mixed
with saffron and the feather must be plucked from the left wing of a swallow.
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Another enchantment for the same purpose

On a Friday, begin to write the following prayer on a piece of virgin parchment

which you must also recite, on the same day and with great devotion, having first
been duly purified of body and soul. So when you want to get something from
someone, hold the paper in your hand.

Ecce orationis:

Pater On, noster Yahuah, qui es AGLA in cælis, Agios Sanctificetur Alpha
nomen tuum, Theos adveniat Athanatos regnum tuum, Eleison fiat Unas voluntas
tua Caritas sicut in cælo Panton, et in terra Craton. Panem nostrum Elion
quotidianum Homosion da nobis hodie Salvator, et dimitte nobis Redemptor debita
nostra Primogenitus sicut et nos Paracletus debitoribus nostris Sabaoth dimittimus Elohim
et ne nos Adonyah induces in temptationem Pater, sed libera nos Filius a malo
Amem Spiritus Sanctus.

Ecce Orationis per arguere et uti ad præter in Egregoræ

Pater Noster

Pater Noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas
tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita
nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Amen.

Holy Mary

Ave Maria, gratia plena Dominus tecum Benedicta tu in mulieribus et

benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Ora pro nobis
peccatoribus nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.


Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, factorem cæli et terræ: et in Jesum

Christum, Fílium ejus unicum, Dominum nostrum: qui conceptus est de Spiritus
Sancti. Natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus
et sepultus: descent ad inferos: tertia die resurrexit tertia die ascendit ad cælos et
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sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis: unde veniet ut iudicet vivis et defunctis.
Credo in Spiritum Sanctus, Sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam, sanctorum communionem,
remissionem peccatorum, et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam æternam.

To receive the affection of kings and other great people

Take some rose oil and recite Psalm 4 over it “Cum invocarem”
and rub your face three times with this oil and then go and speak to the squire or other
person in charge and you will receive what you want.

To obtain some utility or receive some service from someone without any
prejudice, say these two words:

“Comisthonon Sedalay”

But you must not utter them for any other purpose.

To the love

Write this incantation on an apple, pear or peach with a new copper needle:

“Ashtoroth, Ashtoroth, Ashtoroth, impone virtutem

tuam huic (NN) per nomen magnum Adoniah”

Then, with his or her name written and placed under the foot at the same time
While you tap your foot on the ground, say the following conjuration:

(NN)! From this day forward you shall not sleep, eat or drink until you come to me. I
condemn you for everything sacred and profane to suffer for your entire life of love for me,
until you decide and come to me. So be it.
Fiat. Fiat. Fiat!

Then perfume the apple with Aloe wood, and give it to the person to eat, or if
If you can't make her eat it, show her.
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Another for love

On a Thursday during the planetary hour of Jupiter and while the Moon is waxing, take five drops of
blood from the little finger of your left hand and mix with finely powdered nutmeg. Let this mixture dry in
the sun and then give it to the person to eat in a stew or drink.

To be loved by a woman or anyone else

Take a rib from a man or a woman, depending on the person you are performing the ritual for, which
can be easily found in a cemetery. Then, during a Thursday at the hour of Jupiter, place this rib in the
running water of a river, or even in a new white enamel pot, filled with clean, clear water, which has been
changed every day at night until the first Saturday night time. Then write these names with the symbols on
the rib we mentioned above:

“Samuel Zeel, Fasquali, Hasy, Castiel, Amazel, Camel, Fedicia

Figiel, Zezat, Possi susona ad ferte mihi (NN) ad hunc locum.”

Then, expose said rib to heat over a fire you lit previously, saying:

I conjure you and your names, which are written on this rib by the power of Him who created you and
who gave you power, that just as this rib with your names becomes warm, in the same way You will make
the heart of (DN) become warm. warm with love for me, so that she may never have rest nor peace until
she has fulfilled my desire and done what I expect of her, which is...

Make sure the ribs don't burn, as a lot of bad things will happen if you burn them. And when you have
received what you want, put the rib in the same pan, the water in which you should have changed
beforehand, so that the person's passion will be extinguished by you.
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To make a good angel appear

This angel will answer all questions asked of him. Take seven swallows, burn them to ashes in a
new pot. Grind these charred remains into a very fine powder and make some paint using this method:

In a new glass, mix the powder mentioned above with a little parsley juice and add a little rose
water, so that the paint does not become too thick.
Mix all this very well in the glass and with this tincture write the following symbol on a yellow copper plate;
or in its absence, on a red copper plate called a rosette:

When this symbol is dry, place the metal plate in a vase filled with pure water and add three laurel
seeds to it and place the vase on a tripod over a fire lit for the purpose so that it heats up a little. Then
place the vase on a table and stir the water with a hazelnut wand and say the following spell ten times:

Pakalli aller yemulet Wayercigeo yemileh Ereindugen gua Kebukim ie dedem

After saying these words ten times, wait a while and you will hear a
soft and pleasant voice. Ask him everything you want to know and you will have a confident answer about
everything. When you have nothing else to ask him, tell him:

“Go now in the name of the Most High. May the peace of God be with you!”

After that, throw away the water and, when you want to perform the ritual again, write it down as you
did the first time. This is why it is important to protect the powder and paint carefully and when it dries,
you can refresh it with rose water and celery or wild poppy juice.
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To keep a bird in its place

Find the tree where the bird sings or the place where it sleeps at night.
As the bird flies to the tree, you must clear dirt from 3 graves where stillborn babies
were buried, and dirt from an oven. After that, draw a square around the tree where
you want to tie the bird, starting in the east with the sun sign at this angle and the
other characters in the respective corners of that square. After that, throw the dirt
over the symbols and say:

“I (you and your father's name) invite you (bird) to this place before 8 o'clock,
with my word and this dirt, with my 10 fingers and the 12 angels of God.”

Then the Our Father is recited backwards in each of the four chants, four times.
Of course, don't look back while you leave. After that, say three times: In nomini
Patris † et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti † Amen!

For hair growth and strength

With the moon in Saturn and in its full phase, take the brain of a black cat on
a Saturday and add wine vinegar. Mix well and apply to your hair and head once
every month for a whole year, and you will have long, flowing hair that
will surprise you.

For good memory

Take bile from a frog, dry it in the sun along with these Wittenberg characters,
written in rooster's blood.
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Tie it under your left arm and you will have a good memory as long as you let it stay under your
arm for half a year. All done under the full moon and Saturn ruling the skies on Saturday.

To get a pretty face

With the full moon and at the hour of Venus; get the leaves of the nefufar (Nymphaea lotus)
and boil them in horse urine and sweet milk. Wash yourself with it and you will make your skin beautiful.

To receive a woman

Write your own name and hers on an apple, cheese, or a piece of nutmeg along with these words:

obera maber dulcans billii

Zveror Tulus

Give her this to eat and she will love you beyond all reason.

So that the skin becomes white

Cook Leviticus (Levisticum officinale) in old beer and wash the skin with
this, and you will see that it will turn white.
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To stimulate the penis

Soak the bark of the linden tree for three days in juice made from juniper berries.
Wash your penis with this juice and drink a glass of sheep's milk.

To end gluttony

In a glass that has never been used for anything, draw the following characters.
Then boil milk with mugwort, tormentilla and sweet raspberries in water for three hours.
Then add some white honey and drink it as hot as possible.

To gain wisdom

Write these characters in rooster's blood:

Then place it under your left side when you go to sleep and you will be
able to predict the future that is coming next month and will have wisdom.
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To be visited by a maiden at night

Obtain a snake's tooth and a never-used sewing needle. Place the tooth in the eye of
the needle and store it inside a cat skull or lobster claw in a warm place until needed.
When you want her to come to you, take the needle with your tooth and stick it in your
clothes while saying:

Ram. grin fil.

Then she will come to you whenever you want.

To get rid of toothache

I numb the pain in your tooth NN I tie you pain to the ocean beach like this
like Our Lord, Christ bound all impure spirits to the shores of Hell:

In nomini Patris† et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti † Amen! Three times.

A cure for toothache

Write these words on a piece of bread and give it to the sick person to eat:

gamber vangx anagax sangingax

The person in pain must eat these words written on the bread, and the dog, square
pieces with this writing:

oron norgon Bragon

Hagon Bargon fragon
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To make a fish grow on the bank of a river

Obtain three stones from a church arch. Put some mercury in three feathers, tie a piece of juniper
stick to the stones, and throw the stones where the fish spawn.

When you throw the first stone, say: Sexeren!

When playing the second, say: Hagelton!
When playing the third, say: Gnugult!

Catching a fish with a net

Steal a piece of the altar cloth; tie him to the net along with a fish. In
Then go to a lake on Thursday night and while playing in the net, say:

“Ramgrubi Gardi, in good faith I cast my net, as did the poor apostles of God.”

Then read the “Pater Noster” in good faith three times.


If someone stole something from you, take a sliver from the place where the object used to be, or
from the place where the object used to be, and write these characters in snake blood:

On a Thursday before dawn, go to a forest and place the splinter under the roots of a pine tree, then
say: In nomini Patris† et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti † Amen! Three times. The thief will not rest, neither
by night nor by day, walking, standing, sleeping, or awake; until he returns what he stole.
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To poke out a thief's eyes

On a Sunday, before sunrise, make a copper nail. Then, draw an eye where the object was
stolen. Then, give three blows to the eye followed by the respective incantations.

The first time, hit the nail and say:

I call upon you from Hell and purgatory; Baalzebuth. I conjure you Lucifer, along
with your companions, friends and relatives. In nomini Patris† et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti †

The second time, hit the nail again and say:

Saluck osta bore helken talis Baalzebuth, prince of all demons, by

name of the supreme God and by the Most Holy Justice, by the Virgin Mary and all the
Saints, by the movement of the sun and by the coming events of the Day of Judgment.

The third time, kneel and say these words:

Eli Eli Eli. Hit the nail once more and read the same words again:

Saluck osta bore helken talis Baalzebuth, prince of all demons, by

name of the supreme God and by the Most Holy Justice, by the Virgin Mary and all the
Saints, by the movement of the sun and by the coming events of the Day of Judgment.

To become invisible

When the sun is in: Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, open a water rat, remove
your heart and cross out these characters on it:

Place it for three mornings on the altar of a church, then tie it under
your left arm, and no one will be able to see you.
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To jinx a firearm
Mix and put lovage (Levisticum officinale) and cow dung in the muzzle of the gun and it will never
fire properly again; just as it will never take any life again.

For a woman to say what she's been doing

Take the head of a bobcat (Anguis fragilis) and attach bird feathers to it.
Burn everything and sprinkle the ashes on her head, and she will tell the truth about what she has done.

To know where treasures are hidden

Buy a sprig of juniper (Juniperus communis) or a sprig of rowan (Sorbus domestica). And on a
Sunday or Thursday morning, before sunrise. If you have obtained a rowan branch, it is best to do so on
Maundy Thursday, five minutes before sunrise. But if it's from a juniper tree, it's best to do it on Easter
Sunday, before sunrise. Let the bark remain, and first carve out these symbols with a needle or an awl
that has been passed through a black frog, and then fill the grooves with the blood from the crest of a
white cock.

Then, place nine pieces of a knife with which an animal was killed and the killer repented (a pig, for
example), on the juniper branch. These branches cannot be harvested from metal cuts, they must be
broken or chipped, and they cannot touch the ground. When you arrive at the place where you suspect
the treasures are; with the branch of your choice, you will not be able to hold them in your hands due to
your attraction to the treasure. It is best to dig up your belongings from the ground between Good Friday
and Monday. Thursday, or Easter Sunday, is at night on the summer solstice. The day before, preferably
between 12pm and 1am. Take with you, the twig, secretion from the castor sacs of a high-quality beaver,
garlic and this name IHS A powder used against diseases is otherwise sprinkled around the room, from a
silver ring that was worn in three weddings . The gunpowder must be rubbed on the silver ring and
crushed together with the garlic and sulfur. The powder must be spread around the place where the
treasure is. A sword drawn by
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a man must also be used to make a circle on the spot. Then you will be able to dig the
ground and no malicious force will have the power to stop you.

So a maiden doesn't get pregnant

Grind two snake skulls until they become a very fine powder and add to a glass of
beer where the following characters will be written. In this mixture, add a little mercury
juice (Jatropha Multifida), plus three pieces of hare excrement.
Let her drink and she won't get pregnant, rest assured of that.

So you can have whoever you want as a wife

Open a nightjar (Caprimulgus), and take a drop of blood from its heart and mix it
with a drop of its blood, taken from one of its little fingers, and write these words on its
right hand:

So take the person you want in your arms. And whoever falls into your arms,
you can never leave again.

For a maiden to tear her clothes

Take a piece of her clothing, dip it in hare's blood, and add three strands of hair
from her head. Keep the cloth on the lamp until it burns out and it will undress you.
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For a maiden to fall in love with you

Place a swallow's tongue under your left foot. The maiden on whose feet,
footprints or shoes you step will love you without limits.

Guarding a flock of birds, so no

one can shoot them

Visit the bird flock site on a Sunday morning just before sunrise. Place on the
tree where they will still be sleeping, an oak branch that has been left for a night under
a Scots pine bush, and on it will be written these words in the blood of your right little

Then say these words while placing the branch on the tree where the birds sleep:

Salten Filer Kamus

Then no one else but you will catch the birds alive.

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs No Matter How Infested You Are

When you go to bed, take a knife and stab the wall above your bed while
Branus biter

To get rid of fleas in a room or bed

Place a raven's wing in the local area along with a horseshoe, or a rope with
which a mule was tied for seven days during the new or waning moon, and the fleas
will have no way to bite you.
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To get rid of lice

On a Sunday morning, before sunrise, take a piece of the mossy seam that grows
on the edges of the coffins in the damp tombs and go near a bank and wash your whole
body with this moss and the lice won't get it. get closer to you.

To the good use of a dog in the forest

To have a dog with magical properties and enjoy its supernatural perception, cut a
calf's lung into four pieces and feed it to the dog each morning for four days, starting on
a Thursday, together with one of the four pieces of bread. in which you wrote the
following words in hare's blood:

Ondo Gax 69. Vilack

Alor Diller Kmia Borl

The dog will never get tired and he will never stop following the prey until he catches it.

To shoot an enemy no matter how

far away they are

Load your rifle with saltpeter, sulfur and water. Attach a consecrated host to the
hair on your head, then place it in the mouth of the gun barrel. Go into the forest and
fire three shots. The one you are aiming for will die in the last shot.

Commanding animals out of the forest

On Good Friday, take a clear shot at three of its treasures of beatitude, (only for
those who touch the Onus Egregoræ. The profane cannot consent), and when you fire
the last shot you will see three drops of blood on the spot, pass put those tastes in the
mouth of your hunting weapon and you will get any creature you command. But do not
command more than three animals a day, because then the art will deteriorate.
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Linking animals in the forest

Pour mercury and human milk into the hole of a feather taken from a turkey. Plug the hole with the
remains of a wax candle taken from an altar and attach a cat's claw to it as if the nail were going into the
hole. Tie the feather along with the cat's claw to the gate of the field fence when you find an animal, it
won't be able to move.

To be successful when playing dice or cards

On a Wednesday with a full moon and it is in Mercury; take the blood of a nightjar (Caprimulgus),
mix it with your blood taken from the little finger and write these words with it:

Tie it under your left arm and you will win for sure.

Winning the lottery

When Mercury is ruling the heavens, take a prostitute's money given by men on a Sunday night,
place your lottery bet with that money and you will win.

Making a horse stronger and more agile

Take a nail that was in a man's gallows, make a ring out of it on a full moon Tuesday with Mars
ruling, and fasten it to the bridle to which you tie the reins, and it will become agile and strong as it you
will barely be able to control it.
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Success with your horse

On a Wednesday, mix the fat of a hedgehog with mercury and bake the mixture into a cake. Give the
horse to eat and he will have fun and no one will be able to destroy him.

To catch thieves

Take a prostitute's money given to her by men on a Sunday night. On a Thursday night, go to a
stream that runs from the south. Throw the money in the water and say:

Adiuro vos aquam Olansgalt. Lucifer, Adiuro vos, et comitibus tuis, per trahere means objectis
rursus. Sit fur numquam abea pax, nec nocte nec diem, dormientes uel expergiscimini, in équo,
uel ipsis, uel per quoquo mode, usque ad me revertetur quid me involastus.

For two people to fight

Experience the power of the elementals hidden behind matter. Do this, write the names of whoever
you want to fight on a piece of blank parchment where there should be a sign right in the center. Take
three long, very red peppers and some coarse salt and place everything on parchment in a clay bowl.

Start your experiment on a Tuesday of the waning moon, or even in the new phase and at the time of
Mars. Bury everything in an anthill saying these words:

Quid amicitia tuis, solus ambule hiluc ante, cuum nase piperis huius semen

The three elementals involved in this don't like each other. Finally, the name, or names that are
written on the parchment, will be rejected by the elementals, as the weakest succumb to the strongest.
The crossed NN are the names of the people you will place in the center of the parchment.
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Gaining wisdom

Burn a black snake into ashes (Simonida) along with silver birch wood. Sprinkle the ashes on your
head and you will know what is about to happen and you will gain wisdom.

To catch through magic an asp in its nest and

discover the future

If you know approximately where a snake has its nest, you

You should go there on the night of Midsummer's Eve, and in front of the nest say:

In hoc pratum et in hoc idem locus, fœderis me cum quod serpes.

Then stick a knife in the ground and say:

Circa duodecim horis, quod plus sera, tu inventes ipsum me. In nomini Patris †
et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti † Amen! Say it three times.

You must have a piece of clothing, worn on a baby's head during that child's baptism. When the
snake comes to find you, catch it with the child's baptism clothing, and it will be captured without moving.
Return home with the snake, but watch it as it will do anything to escape. Place in a pan with water that
is already hot on the fire and close the lid. Let the snake boil until some of the liquid is reduced. Make
sure no one opens the lid except you. Drink the liquid and you will have visions and knowledge. You will
know what happens around the world and how long you will live, and also what happens in Hell and
Heaven and what will happen throughout your life.

The hidden power of the Filix-mas Serpentine

The fern is a herb that comes with nine virtues given by its Elemental which is very powerful. If one
carries the seeds of the plant, any unclean spirit possessing a human will be banished. If one carries it,
he or she will never suffer any beating and will never lack any money, and what he wants he will get.

It will look excellent among others and no one will win in a lawsuit against
he. The herb must be harvested on the night of the summer solstice between midnight and one in the
morning. Take with you a shirt worn by a newborn baby before being
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washed, and a sword or knife that has been used to inflict damage. Pin the shirt under and around the
handle and make a circle around it and the fern, about 4 cubits wide on all sides, then sit in the middle of
this. Sit in silence as you will have to endure many temptations. But don't let anything provoke or scare
you, as it won't harm you. Then cut it off and take it home and use it according to what has been said.

If you want to win a fight with just your hands

Take a tooth from a corpse and an egg from a hen that is laying for the first time, and carry these two
things together in your clothes and you will never get a beating.

To be loved by all men

Take four lark chicks and carry them through the longest opening in your clothes
and you will be loved by all men.

To become invisible

Obtain an owl's skull and two of its longest claws, one from each paw. Place a claw in each of the
skull's eye holes. Paint an owl's head on a piece of paper along with these words, written in blood from
your little finger:

Place the paper inside the beak of the owl's skull and tie it under its armpit
left, and no one will see you.
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How to control women

In the spring, on a Thursday night, catch two frogs as they lie on top of each other
mating. Put them in a box with lots of holes and place it in an anthill. It should stay
there for three weeks, but you'll have to look at the box every Thursday night. Pick up
the box on the third Thursday night and you will find two bones in it; one is similar to a
fork, and the other is shaped like a hook. Place these two bones in a smaller box made
strictly for this purpose until you need them. When you want a maiden to come to you,
take the bone that is similar to a hook, call to her and move it towards you; and she
will come. When you want her to leave, take the other bone, push it away from you by
saying her name backwards, and she will go away.

To recover stolen goods

Use the same bones already mentioned. And on a Thursday evening before
sunset, head to a waterway that flows from south to north. Pull yourself out of the
water with the hooked bone saying:

Adiuro vos aquam, et Plutonem inferno diabolum et Belsebuth. Miserere me.

Then say the following 6 times:

Pederolem anam Vilack ossa Borr Baalzebuth et diabum sub infernum; quid
fur qui furatus est de NN, numquam abea pax dum ambulare, dum ad somnum,
dum expergiscimini, ad ambulare uel in ipsis, uel in omnia negotium sui, uel
motus quoadusque eius restituere id quod furatus de me. In nomini Patris † et
Filii † et Spiritus Sancti † Amen! 3 times.

To avoid being punished by the law

Place three eagle claws on the altar under the Bible for three Sunday mornings.
Then put them in your right shoe and no law will be against you.
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To never be arrested
Visit the same church in which you were baptized, for three Thursday nights
after dark and drop three drops of blood from your little finger under the altar and no
human will will be able to bind you.

So that you never run out of money

Write in your own blood on virgin parchment these characters:

Carry this in your bag and you will never run out of money.

To paralyze a person
Take a serpent's nest and combine it with a sacramental host, blessed by a
priest, make a powder with it and throw it on the person's head saying: In nomini
Patris † et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti † Amen! This person will be tied hand and foot
until you say:

“Be free my friend!”

Don't let it stay stuck for more than ten minutes; or else he will die.

So as not to get drunk on vodka

Eat some goat liver after a few drinks and then
some licorice flowers and nutmeg, while saying:

Drong † Faras † Maronc † Uymitas

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To be favored by powerful men

Carry nine snake teeth in an amber box on your chest and you will be favored by
every influential man you speak to.

To have good success in everything you do

Carry the following letters around your neck:

To get the swallow stones

Hang a swallow over its own nest until it starves to death and you will find three
stones in the nest. The black one comforts sadness, the second one is red; keep it
with you and you will never be thirsty. The third is white, if you
keep it with you, then you will get everything you want and desire.

From Black and Natural Art

To be able to fulfill and make use of every magical art in this book correctly, in
its complete greatness, you must first receive a spirit. To receive a spirit, you must
write its name plus these words on a playing card in your own blood:

NN I give you this as proof of an unclean spirit!

Then place it under the church door on a Thursday night.

Making sure that no one finds you on the way! Return on the second Thursday night,
touch the lock and say:
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“I give you this as evidence, you unclean spirit, and may you
meet next Thursday night.”

Then return home, but be careful that no one finds you or sees you, as you must be alone. Come
back on the third Thursday night, when the day is a few minutes before sunrise, and the playing card will
be gone. Stay in place until a spirit appears and gives you a box. Don't be afraid, as he will leave
immediately and won't say a word. On the box is a small bell. When you touch it, a spirit will come before
you, which will be visible to your eyes, but not to other humans. This spirit must serve you and he must
fulfill all your commands, whether bad or good, and he must bring you whatever you require of him, be it
money or other goods, or even other arts that you wish to try. Note that you must ring the bell when you
want him to serve you, and he will do what you tell him to do.

To debate with someone

Write the following on a piece of paper and place it under your tongue and you will never be

To avoid being robbed while traveling

Sew three times, from the inside out, through a dead man's nose with a sewing needle and white
silk thread, leaving a little thread on the needle. Then put the needle with half the thread in the suitcase,
and the thief won't be able to take anything.

To make a man feminine

When there is a full moon between January 30th and February 8th, take the menstrual blood of a
prostitute and mix it with the blood of a ram and a little herb juice.
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sweet (fœniculum vulgare), with this mixture, draw the following characters in a clay vase along with the
name of the person in the indicated part:

Light a red candle and ask the spirit to perform the work and as soon as this happens, you will give
it an offering. He accepts the following as a gift: The sacrifice of an animal, and the bigger the animal, the
more he likes it.

To recover stolen goods

On a Saturday night with a new moon. Or waning, mold a small leaden image into human form.
Name the figure with the thief's name if you know it; baptize him as a priest baptizes a child. Place it in
a place where you know the thief will travel; and disaster will befall him, so that he must return what he
You can also take his life if you want, by passing a hole punch through the image and placing a copper
nail in the hole. If you just want to hurt him, then put the hole punch anywhere on the image; for example:
the arm, the thigh or something similar. Piercing your eye is done in a similar manner by running the awl
through the image's eye and placing a copper nail in its place. The thief's eye will fall out immediately.

To prolong life and memory

On Saturday days, in the morning twilight and when the moon is crescent, or full; prepare a
reasonable amount of whey, and this happens when you add apple cider vinegar. Once prepared on the
day and time of Saturn as already mentioned, simply take this compound every day on an empty stomach.
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Conjuring spirits and asking

to obtain secrets and conduct business

First write your name and then the following, in your own blood:

Write this on a piece of old pine then go to a cemetery.

Shave under an earth-resistant tombstone on a Thursday afternoon. Get a shave on the second Thursday
night, say their name followed by:

I order you (NN) to meet me next Thursday night. In nomini Patris † et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti †

Come back on the 3rd Thursday night. The beard will be gone and a small, round red stone about
the size of a walnut will be there in its place. Take it and keep it with you and they will come to you. You
will know everything you ask of them. But don't ask for too much on the first night, as there is a risk of
them getting tired and abandoning the sorcerer. Later you will know the nature of the book.

1st - When you carry this stone in your bag, you will never be short of money.

2nd - When you place the stone in a glass bottle and shake it, the spirits will come into any room
you inhabit. If you want to summon a spirit, then you must shake the bottle just once. If you want several,
then shake the bottle once for each spirit you want to conjure. They will tell you everything you want to
know, as far as the earth extends.

3rd - They will tell you everything you want to know, as far as the earth extends.

4th - If you want to fight and carry this stone in your pocket, then you will never lose a fight.
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5th - If you keep the stone in your bag while carrying it under your arm
left you will win as many times as you want if you commit to the game.

6th - If you want no law to be able to fall upon you, then put the stone in your left shoe when
you go to court and no judge will condemn you, and no witness will be able to say anything
against you.

7th - If you are carrying the stone in your mouth while asking someone for something, small
or large, he will become so enchanted that he cannot refuse what you ask.

8th - If you want to debate with a person, place the stone under their tongue, and
no one will be able to surpass you.

9th - If you are carrying the stone and want a maiden to love you, then
Take her in your arms and she will love you to excess.

10th - If you want to shoot and hit, take the stone and place it in the rifle box and the animals
that come out in front of you will be slaughtered; Then you can shoot as fast as you can reload.

11th - If you want to win the lottery, put the money in a bag along with the stone and let
them stay for three days. Then take the same money and bet because you will win.

12th - If you put the stone on your head, you will become invisible to all humans.

13th - As long as you keep this stone, you will also be successful in everything
that you want to accomplish, whatever it is.

14th - If you place the stone under your left foot and then want to walk on it
the water, you will be able to do it without getting wet. If you want to place the stone by
your knees and then walk on the water, then you will sink up to your knees, or in other words:
up to your body you will place the stone, as far as you want

15th - If you are far from home and wish to return within an hour, then take three drops of
blood, anoint the stone and say: “I wish I were home”. Then a spirit will appear and take you
back to your home.

16th - After keeping it for a year, you will never lose it before fifty years. If you throw it into
the lake or fire, it will return. But after keeping it for
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fifty years with you, after this time, you must get rid of it, returning it to the place from which you took it.

To cure a wind-sick horse

Give barley to a chicken, so that it can eat until it is full. Then cut it and take out the barley and give
it to the horse, and he will be well.

To restore the scope of a firearm

If you see this, draw the sign on the barrel and pass the rifle between your thighs three times, taking
it back with your other hand three times equally, and it will hit again, and each time you lift it you will say:

Gupti Siact 53 luli fort

For a person to hear whispers and remember you

This spell will make the person you like always hear whispers in their consciousness and always
remember you, wherever they are.

Take a handful of dirt from the area, or from the person's yard with your left hand, saying:

Smorobhumi Sou Nggaduh Njilih Weak Iki Kanggo Mbekso Atining (say the person's name).

Then pour the earth into a clay bowl and light seven Venus Incense sticks right in the middle. Sitting with your legs

crossed, recite the incantation with your tongue folded upwards, touching the roof of your mouth. Recite the incantation in a

whispering voice:
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Kun jali retno Dumilah, Hambekso Roso Rasaning (NN) Eling-Eling Pameling
Sukmo, Ing Awang-Awang Cipto Riniso Koyo Tinitah, Tan Kena Endah Suloyo, Tiba
Tresno Soko Palilahing Njeng retno Dumilah

Once you're done, don't do anything other than go to bed. If you have recited the
incantation accurately, you will soon see results.

Spell to be loved
When it's your birthday, fast for a whole day, then recite this incantation:

Kullu Amrin Dzi Baalin Min Shahbihii Wa Ahba Abihii Minal Khairi, Dzikrullaahi
Niat Ingsun Amatek Ajiku Giya Agung, Sun Sebulake Ing Pucuk Rambute Si (Say
the name of the person). Luwih Si (Say the person’s name). Mugi-Mugi Asih Ing Awak

You must be aware of the incantation, it cannot be read at that moment, so in advance,
you must already know it by heart. Look for the person you love and when you find them,
make eye contact and recite the spell very carefully and in a low voice without omitting
even a syllable.

How to generate long-distance desire

Light three red candles and place them in a row in the direction of the target person's
home for thirty minutes. Then recite the following spell while looking at the candles:

Buatlah Mengingikan Aku Yang Tidak Pernah Diinginkanya Sebelumnya,

Buatlah Dya Mengingikan Tubuhku Dan Hatiku Malam Ini, Aku Tidak Peduli Besok
Aku Hanya Peduli Bahwa Dya Bernafsu Padaku Dan Ada Di Sini Malam Ini. Make
(NN) love me, make him want my heart, and his mind desire me tonight, I don't care about
tomorrow, I only care that he thinks of me and is here as soon as possible.

After reciting the above spell, blow out the candles and pour the still hot liquid from
the candles into your hands, feel the heat of it and think that just as your palm burns,
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so that person's heart will also burn for you. Desire your body while visualizing the person in
question. Wait for the results, which won't be long in coming.

For a person to feel attracted to you

Prepare a plate of food; a glass of drink, or a cigarette. Then read the following incantation forty-one
times on one of the things mentioned above:

Asallaahu An Yakuffa Ba'Salladziina Kafaruu Wallaahu Asyaddu Ba'San Wa

Asyaddu Tankiilaa

After reciting this incantation, blow on the food, drink or cigarettes. After
read this other incantation:

Ya Allah Berkahipun Ayat Meniko Mugi-Mugi (person's name) Welas Asih

Tresno Dumateng Kulo

Then serve the targeted person and wait for the results.

When you really want someone to love you

Fast for three days. Then, when it is midnight, read the spell while visualizing your loved
one's face: Teguh rahayu batari paksi Mugo aku dadi asihing jabang bayine (person's
name), Saking kersaning Allah

Wait for an opportune moment and try to speak to the person you have never been under.
Under no circumstances should you know what you did.

Against snake bite

Porro Porro Poto Zelo Zelo Zebeta Arra Array Paraclitus et pone predictam
aquam in ore pacientis sive sit homo sive sit animal.
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To cure a snake bite

Take the water from the virgin white plate, which was mentioned previously, and
give the person who was bitten a drink saying:

Porro Porro ego bibo Zelo Zelo Zebeta Arra Array Paraclete

And put said water in the patient's mouth, be it man or animal.

Ad capiendum snakes. In nomini Patris † et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti † Amen!

To catch snakes
Araps Iasper Scrip Porro Pontem Zoro Zehebete Zaraf Maras Spiritus
Paraclitus hic bubulla bimenna que iaces super petrum et herbas. Audi and intelligence
quia data est michi potestas super te per Deum Omnipotentem et per Adam et per
Evam et illam malediccionem in qua recepisti. Sta et noli suspirare quia basiliscus est.

Against all kinds of misfortune in life

Whoever carries a scroll on which these names are written will never
He will not be affected by any evil, as long as he is not in sin.

In nomini Patris † et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti † Amen!



In nomini Patris † et Filii † et Spiritus Sancti † Amen!

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To make a person's hair fall out

Take the left thigh of an ostrich and fry it in peanut oil, with which you rub the head of the person
you want to see bald, proving that the
hair will never grow again.

To go a long time without eating

You will take the earth that has been purified by the sun's rays inside a round glass bottle and apply it
to the navel, renewing it when it is very dry. With this you can go a long time without having to eat any food.

To win someone over

Cut some hair near the genitals of a pair of cats when they begin to copulate. Mix these hairs with
rosemary and toast everything in a clean copper bowl. Place the ashes in a small glass jar that has never
been used before and with a lid so that the precious vapor does not evaporate. Mix with lavender, the
purest you can find. When pouring the lavender say the following:

“Revertatur cinis ad fountain aquarum viventium, et fiat terra fructificans, germinat arborem vitæ per
tria nomina, quæ sunt: Netsah, Hod et Jesed, in principio et in fine, per Alpha et Omega qui sunt in spiritu
Azoth. Amen."

To prevent coitus between a couple

Cut off the penis of a wolf that you have hanged with a black rope that you have left tied during the
entire period of the waning moon to the root of a willow tree, and go to where the victim lives, and being at
the door of the one you want cast this spell, call him by his name and as soon as he responds, he will tie
said wolf penis with the rope. Such a man had become as impotent for coitus as he would no longer be if
he had been castrated. The counterspell to remedy and even prevent this type of enchantment is simply
using a ring in which the right eye of a weasel is set.
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To make terrifying noises in a house,

causing its inhabitants to flee in terror
Go to a cemetery and take the bones from a deceased person's hand and some
earth from the grave. Lock yourself in a room between eleven and twelve at night,
being sure that no one can see or hear the Ritual. Draw a circle with a five-pointed star
on the ground with consecrated charcoal and burn the following plants in it: Valeriana,
Serpentaria, Myrtle, Mandragora, Datura stramonium and Laurel. Take a black-handled
hatchet and stir the fire with it, saying the following invocation:

“Sanctus sanctus sanctus Lucifer Leviathan Belzebuth Astaroth Surgat Silcharde

and Guland, I offer you this hand together with this land so that it may be the means
through which you can act. I address my litanas and supplications to you at the solemn
moment of this invocation and I ask you, I invite you, I tell you and I call upon you, by
the mysterious power of this blood (pouring the blood of a lizard sacrificed at that
moment over the fire), to make movements of furniture that creaks and falls; let them
walk from one place to another; let the lights go out (you will put three bats on the fire).
Gathering for this all the invisible force that will allow you to drag the shackles and
chains, the screws and frames of the gallows, the prison bars, the keys to the dungeons
and everything that served to suffer the criminals condemned to the gallows whose
spirits did not reach your presence. “Lucifer! Take advantage of your anger and lead
the house that I hate, the house that I want to see turned into hell. Let them not have
peace or quiet. Make the wandering and angry spirits remain there for centuries and centuries.”

Spell to protect yourself from enchantments

† Lasgaroth † Aphonidos † Palatia † Urat † Condion † Lamacron † Foudon †
Arpagon † Alamar † Bourganis † veniat † Serebani. Amen.

To acquire memory
Say for nine days at eighteen o'clock:

Colloquavit iterinus sumptu Aglu redde perris diabolus infernorum negromantium

salo † duck † belbuch † iterbuch † salio † azinium †
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Vox Liber:

“Ego sum Spirtus

Liber, maledictus vobis quid me uti per malum.
Ego expectabo te in infernum!”

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