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Improving Students' Vocabulary Mastery Through The Application of Word Wall Strategy To The Tenth Grade Students of Sma Gkpi Pamen Medan

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1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792



Nofita Tamba1, Fiber Yun Almanda Ginting2, Anna Stasya Prima Sari3
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu
Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas
e-mail: novitavalentinetamba@gmail.com1, annastasya3105@gmail.com3

Learning vocabulary is important for learners because the mastery of certain words
would motivate them to express themselves clearly. In reality, vocabulary becomes
a problem to almost all of students at any level of education. This study is aimed to
improve students’ vocabulary mastery through Word Wall Strategy. This strategy
is one of appropriate stategies in improving students’ vocabulary mastery. The
subject of this study is the students of Class X A of SMA GKPI Pamen Medan in
the Academic Year of 2017/2018. This study was conducted by applying Classroom
Action Research (CAR), which was performed in two cycles (cycle I and cycle II)
and each cycle consisted of three meetings, excluding pretest and posttest. The
instruments of collecting data are vocabulary tests, field notes, observation sheet,
documentation, and questionaire. The results of vocabulary tests showed that the
mean of the students’ score increased continuously from pretest is 59 with 15% of
students who got score >75, in formative test in cycle I is 67.63 with 45% of
students who got score >75, and in the posttest is 83.33 with 91% of students who
got score >75. It showed that there is a significant mean score increase from pretest
to posttest, namely about 76%. The field notes, observation sheet, photograph
evidence and questionaire showed that the students are interested in the learning
teaching processes through the application Word Wall Strategy. It was found that
Word Wall Strategy could improve students’ vocabulary mastery. It is suggested
that teachers of English apply Word Wall strategy as one of the strategies in
teaching vocabulary mastery.

Key words: Vocabulary Mastery, Word Wall Strategy, Classroom Action Research

English as an international language is spoken almost all over the world.
In the global era, English plays an important role as communication used in many
sectors of life, such as trading, bilateral relationship, politic, science, technology
and many others. English has become the language used by many people over the
world to connect and share with one another. Therefore, people should understand
and master English in order to gain broader knowledge, information and
technology. In order to be successful in learning English language, a learner must
have positive language attitude. It is in line with Fakeye’s opinion (in Sari, 2016:38)
who states that the matter of learner’s attitude is acknowledged as one of the most
important factors that impacts on learning a language. Like other languages, English

KAIROS ELT JOURNAL, Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792

also has vocabulary which is required to enrich the language use. Therefore, one
should have adequate stock of vocabulary in order to communicate well.
Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get or to receive a lot of words.
Having and mastering vocabulary make us easier to understand English texts well.
It can also help us avoid making mistakes in understanding written texts. In order
to understand the language, vocabulary is crucial to be mastered by the learner.
Manullang, Lumban Raja, and Sari (2018:128) state that communication will not
flow if one has only a small number of vocabularies. Therefore, it is obligatory for
him to develop his vocabulary for better communication. Learning vocabulary is
important for learners because the mastery of certain words would motivate them
to express themselves clearly. Schmitt (2009: 21) states, “Teaching vocabulary
must consider some principles by integrating the new one with the previous one”.
In reality, vocabulary becomes a problem to almost all of students at any level of
education. It is advisable that teacher brings the real situation in the classroom by
giving activities that support students to practice English (Turnip, Rumapea, and
Sari, 2017:103). Vocabulary is assumed as one of the major difficult aspects of
language to be mastered since there are many students who still struggle with
mastering vocabulary. There are many reasons why students have problem in
vocabulary. One of the most obvious is simply that they have problems in
pronouncing the words and it makes them facts lazy to study English.
Based on the observation done by the writer to the tenth grade students of
SMA GKPI Pamen Medan Class XA in the Academic Year of 2017/2018, it was
found that the students faced many problems in learning vocabulary. The students
showed that the difficulty of learning English comes from their vocabulary mastery.
In addition, the writer found a problem about the students’ vocabulary mastery such
as difficulties in understanding the meanings of words. The factors that cause these
problems are the way how English words are written is different from that they are
pronounced, for example the word chaos is mistead of keias. Besides, the students
lack of motivation in learning English.
The writer interviewed Mrs. ED, the English teacher at the school about
the students’ vocabulary mastery. She said that the students’ vocabulary mastery
was poor. It is difficult for them to master English vocabularies when they find
difficult because they have only a few. The writer interviewed three students about
that case. They are PS, AS and BA. They said that English is a difficult subject and
many words of English are unfamiliar to them so they faced difficulties in mastering
the English vocabularies.
These problems motivated the writer to find a strategy in order to solve
them. The apropriate strategy for teaching English vocabularies is very important.
The writers chose this strategy because some research findings have shown good
results of teaching English vocabularies through word wall strategy and other
advantages are students will be interested in this strategy because of learning while
playing so that students do not get bored. The first research was conducted by
Anggriani (2012) entitled Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Through
Word Walls Strategy. The research findings show that the students’ vocabulary
mastery improved after word wall media was applied. The mean score of the
students in the pretest is 59. After word wall media was applied the mean score of
the students became 67,63 in post test cycle I and in the post test cycle II the mean
score of the students became 83,33. She concluded that the implementation of word

KAIROS ELT JOURNAL, Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792

wall media in teaching vocabulary could make the students active in the learning
teaching process.
The second one was conducted by Istianto (2013) entitled Improving
Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Word Wall Media. The research findings
show that the students’ vocabulary mastery improved after word wall media was
applied. The mean score of the students in the pretest is 54,00. After word wall
media was applied the mean score of the students became 81,07 in post test cycle I
and in the post test cycle II the mean score of the students became 94. He concluded
that the implementation of word wall media in teaching vocabulary could make the
students active in the learning teaching process.
The third one was conducted by Sari (2015) entitled The Making of Word
Wall to Improve Elementary School Students English Vocabulary. The research
findings show that the students’ vocabulary mastery improved after word wall
media was applied. The mean score of the students in the pretest is 53. After word
wall media was applied the mean score of the students became 73,4 in posttest cycle
I and in the posttest cycle II the mean score of the students became 80,3. They
concluded that the implementation of word wall media in teaching vocabulary could
make the students active in the learning teaching process.
This study is important to conduct because if it is not conducted, teachers
will not be able to know students’ problems in mastering English vocabularies. If
language teachers do not know the students’ problem in mastering English
vocabularies, so students will not get feedback from their teachers in order to
improve their English vocabularies. Meanwhile if this study is conducted, it will
give some positive impacts. As a result, teachers will be able to develop curriculum
design and chose and approprite treatment to help students improve students’
vocabulary mastery. Considering the research background, the writers decided to
conduct a research entitled Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through the
Application of Word Wall Strategy to the Tenth Grade Students of SMA GKPI
Pamen Medan.

Vocabulary is an important part of a language. In learning a language,
students should have enough vocabularies to communicate. The more words the
students learn, the more they can understand and express the language. Realizing
the importance of vocabulary in learning English, a teacher should be able to apply
an appropriate teaching technique to teach English vocabulary. The aims of using a
variety of ways and teaching technique are to make the students understand the
lesson easily, in learning teaching process they will enjoy and will not got bored.
Vocabulary is essential for students as their first step to go on studying
English. Vocabulary is important because word carries the content of what we want
to say. The more words we know, the more we are able to communicate. Mallery
(1944:1) states, “Your vocabulary is the stock of words on which you can draw in
expressing yourself”. From the definition above, it is concluded that vocabulary is
the total number of words that are needed to communicate ideas and express the
speaker’s meaning.

KAIROS ELT JOURNAL, Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792

Vocabulary Mastery
The vocabulary mastery is one of the important things in learning a new
language. Grabe (2015:279) states, “Raising the students’ awareness of the new
words that they encounter in texts represents an important leaarning goal. The
students must be aware of the vocabularies”. It means that the students must be able
to recognize its meaning and the pronounciation.
Mastering English vocabulary in the process of learning teaching English
in Senior High School is very important. By having or mastering a stock of words,
someone will be able to communicate with other people easily and fluently.
Vocabulary as one of important component in learning English language cannot be
ignored. Without mastering English vocabulary, the students cannot master English
language easily.

Teaching Vocabulary
Teaching vocabulary has such an important role in English as a foreign
language in classroom, and it should therefore be part of the syllabus and taught on
regular base. Teaching vocabulary is one of the most discussed parts of teaching
English as a foreign language. When the learning teaching process takes places,
problems would appear to the teachers. They have problems of how to teach
students in order to gain satisfactory results. The teachers should prepare and find
out the appropriate techniques, which will be implemented to the students. Teachers
need to be able to master the material in order to be understood by students and
make them interested and happy in the learning teaching process in the classroom.
Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without
sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own ideas.
Vocabulary knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for second language
learners because a limited vocabulary in a second language impedes successful
communication. Thornbury (2002:13) states, “Without grammar very little can be
conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. The importance of
vocabulary is demonstrated daily in and out the school. In classroom, the achieving
students possess the most suficient vocabulary.
Communication is supported by large vocabularies mastery as a basic
competence. It is difficult for the students to comprehend the spoken and written
English without mastering English vocabularies. By having a lot of vocabularies,
we can improve our English. Vocabulary buildings are very important in any
language learning not only because it has a close correlation with the intelectual
maturity of the learners but also it helps the learners improve the four language
skills. The students are given an opportunity to analyze the new words that are
enlarged in sentences.

Types of Vocabulary
Talking about vocabulary is necessary to present the types of vocabulary
when one speaks to others. She needs some words to express her idea and desire or
when she listens, she must be able to catch the meaning. Mittal and Rathore
(2015:7) state, “There are four main types of vocabulary. The first is speaking
vocabulary, the second is writing vocabulary, the thirth is listening vocabulary and
the last is reading vocabulary”. Speaking vocabulary is the words we use in
everyday talk at home or at work. Writing vocabulary is the words we use in notes,

KAIROS ELT JOURNAL, Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792

letters, or any other kind of writing. It is somewhat larger because we have time to
stop and find the right word. Listening vocabulary is still larger. It consistsof words
that we understand when we hear them. Learning vocabulary is the largest. It
consists of all the words we recognize when we see them.

Strategy is a method or a plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such
as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem. Brown (2001:210) states,
“Strategy as spesific methods of approaching a problem or task, mode of operation
for achieving a particular end, planned design for controlling and manipulating
certain information.” Language teachers are expected to know how to incorporate
these implicit and explicit Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) into their lessons.
Implicit learning is typically defined as acquisition of knowledge about the
underlying structure of a complex stimulus environment by a process which takes
place naturally, simply and without conscious operation, and explicit learning is
characterized by more conscious operation where the individual makes and tests
hypotheses in a search for structure. Explicit teacher instruction on intentional
vocabulary learning strategies is also an area explored where by the teacher
consciously teaches cognitive, meta-cognitive and socio strategies during regular
lessons. Cognitive strategies are more limited of specific learning task and learning
material itself, meta cognitive strategies involve planning learning, thinking about
the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of one’s production or
comprehension, and evaluation learning after an activity is completed and socio
strategies have to be done with social mediating activity and interacting with others.
There are a number of strategies in teaching English specially to improve
the students’ vocabulary mastery. They are (1) Mind mapping - this strategy teaches
students the meaning of key concepts by helping them understand the essential
attributes, qualities, or characteristics of a word’s meaning, (2) Missing Words – an
adaptation of the cloze procedure – engages students in reading a selection with
certain words deleted, and then predicting in writing the missing words. It helps
students learn to draw upon prior knowledge, use meta-conitive skills, think
inferentially, and understand relationships, (3) Vocabulary notebook or journal -
After reading or discussing, students keep track of their vocabulary development in
a notebook or journal by recording how a word is used in different contexts,
sketching what it means, and providing meaningful examples which links to their
lives. Notebook and journals can be shared with peers, (4) Word wall strategy is
organized alphabetically, with words printed on card stock, and taped or pinned to
the wall/board. Teachers are encouraged to be creative in designing word wall so
that it engages the students and enhances their learning. Building a word wall can
be easily integrated into daily activities. Key words and/or terminologies relate to
the lesson or unit of study can be added gradually as they are introduced. Word wall
should be organized in a way that is useful to students with additions reflecting the
skills or concepts being taught. The writers chose Word Wall strategy because it is
one of appropriate strategies in order to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

The Word Wall Strategy

A word wall is a literacy tool composed of an organized collection of
words which are displayed in large visible letters on a wall, bulletin board, or

KAIROS ELT JOURNAL, Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792

another display surface in a classroom. It helps to facilitate students to improve their

vocabulary. It is definitely adaptable to any subject and any grade level and has
been proven to be extremely effective learning and teaching tools. Tompkins
(2002:622) states, “Word walls strategy is alphabetical list of words created in the
classroom for the purpose of word study and vocabulary development”. The words
are printed in a large font so that they are easily visible from all student seating
areas. Additionally, when students use the word wall they become more conscious
of words and definitions. This supports content comprehension. It also helps
students become aware of vocabulary in the world around them. Words wall serves
as a reference for students as they write or interact verbally. Types of word wall
strategy and suggestion for displaying them are as follows:
a. High – frequency words
High – frequency words are the words that appear most often in printed
materials. High – frequency words are hard for students to remember because they
tend to be abstract, these words often present a special difficulty to early readers.
The steps of high frequency words are:
1) Aphabetical list on large sheets of butcher paper.
2) Large bulletin boards into which individual words are added in alphabetical
3) Clotheslines which strung across the room into which large cards with a single
alphabet letter are atteched. Word cards are then stapled to the alphabet letter to
form the word list for each letter.
b. Literature Word walls
Literature word wall including genres use in classroom ready to be hung
complete with header. The forms of the literature word walls are :
1) Interesting, difficult, and unusual words from the story being the studied are
placed in a pocked chart and arranged alphabetically.
2) The words may be arranged on a sheet of butcher paper in the shape of something
related to the story like a covered wagon or hot – a ballon.
3) The words may be collected in a container that relates to the story such as a
witch’s cauldron or miniature windmill.
c. Content – area word walls
The content – area word walls can be applied as follows:
1) Interesting words area written on cards and displayed on a pocket.
2) Words are collecting by entering them in the computer and printing out a large
poster that is updated periodical.
The writers created high – frequency words which were used by students
as a reference to write sentences. They were asked to pronounce and spell the words
from the word walls. The writers guided the students to write down their own

The Advantages of Using Word Wall Strategy

There are many advantages that we can get in by using Word Wall strategy
in teaching vocabulary. Word wall teaches students to recognize and to spell high
frequency words, see patterns and relationship in words, build phonemic awareness
skills, and apply phonics rules. Word wall also provides reference to support
students during reading and writing activities. Students learn to be independent as

KAIROS ELT JOURNAL, Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792

they use the word wall in daily activities. All the advantages of word walls strategy
above helped the writers improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

Steps in Implementing Word Wall Strategy

According to Thomkins (1997:12), there are three steps of implementing
Word Wall strategy. They are: (1) Beginning word study, in this step the writer
decides the format that will be used and begin by brainstorming. The writer arranges
the words in alphabetical order to make the students easier to see the words, ask the
students to write their words on their individual them on a wall or place them in a
pocket chart, and ask the students to involve in selecting words to be added to the
word walls. (2) The writer makes words accessible by putting them where every
student can see them. The writer is selective about the words that go on the world
wall. The writer tries to include words on the word walls that students will use most
commonly. (3) Using the word walls, this step refers to the word walls whenever a
word is discussed. The writer provides enough practice so that words are read and
spelled automatically and makes sure that word walls are always spelled correctly.

Research Design
This is Classroom Action Research (henceforth, CAR). Burns (2009:2)
states, “Action research is a part of a broad movement that has been going on in
education generally for some time. It is related to the ideas of reflective practice in
the teacher as researcher”. It means that CAR is a process of research done by the
teacher for repairing and improving the learning teaching process in the classroom.
Based on the definition above, the writers conclude that CAR is a form of research
in which an idea in a social or educational situation is applied in order to improve
something to be better, or to get real effect on the situations.
The Procedures of Classroom Action Research
The writers implemented CAR in carrying out the research. Burns (2009:8)
states, “The steps in action research are planning, action, observation and
reflection”. The CAR model used by them was developed by Kemmis and
McTaggart. This CAR was arranged into two cycles. They are cycle I and cycle II.
Kemmis and McTaggart (in Burns 2009: 7) state, “Action research typically
involves four broad phases in a cycle of research. The four phases in a cycle are
planning, action, observation and reflection”. It can be seen in figure 3.1

Figure 1. Cyclical Clasroom Action Research (CAR) Model based on Kemmis &
McTaggart (in Burns, 2009: 9)

KAIROS ELT JOURNAL, Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792

Cycle I
Cycle I consists of four steps: planning, action, observation and reflection.
They are described as the following.
1. Planning
In this phase, the writers identified all problems and develop a plan of
action in order to bring about improvements in a specific area of the research
context. The following are the forward-looking phases the writers considered: 1)
What kind of investigation is possible between the realities and constraints of her
teaching situation and 2) What potential instruments they thought are possible. In
this study, the writers prepared everything which was needed during conducting the
CAR. Some preparations are:
a. Interviewing the students in order to obtain their problems in mastering English
b. preparing the pretest as an instrument to collect the data about the students’
vocabulary mastery before action/treatment was given,
c. identifying the students’ problems in learning vocabulary,
d. preparing the suitable material,
e. making lesson plans,
f. designing the scenario of learning teaching process through Word Wall strategy,
g. preparing equipment needed in the scenario of learning teaching and process,
h. developing an observation sheet.
The preparations above were done by the writers in order to collect the
data of the students’ vocabulary mastery before action was given. The writers also
did the preliminary observation in order to find the students’ problems on
vocabulary mastery.

2. Action
After forming the planning, the writers implemented the Word Wall
strategy. Based on the discussion with the teacher before, the first writer acted as
the teacher in the class while the second and the third writers acted as observers
who observed the learning teaching activities, namely pre activities, whilst
activities, and post activities. In the pre activities, the teacher gave an English text
and the students read it. The students identified ten difficult words from the text and
then the teacher selected difficult words from the students’ words in order to be
added to the word wall. In the whilst activities, the teacher pronounced the difficult
words from the word wall and the students repeated after the teacher. The teacher
asked the students to make a sentence from each word from the word wall. The
teacher and students kept the word wall interactive and then students matched the
words with the right meaning. In the post activities, the teacher gave a test which
was contructed in the form of multiple choices consisting of 25 items with options:
A, B, C and D and the score of each correct answer is four points.

3. Observation
Observation was done at the same time with action. The second and the
third writers observed the teacher’s and students’ activities and took notes every
finding in the classroom activities, such as the students’ activeness and the teacher’s

KAIROS ELT JOURNAL, Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792

ability in managing the class. All the notes were used as a consideration for the next
cycle. The collaborators (the second and the third writers observed the classroom
activities by using observation sheets which were prepared in the planning phase).

4. Reflection
Reflection is the final phase. After completing planning, acting, and
observing phases, the writers analyzed and evaluated the results or the findings
(quantitative and qualitative data) in order to find out the strength and weakness of
the implementation of Word Wall strategy in improving students’ vocabulary
mastery. If the result of the first cycle was unsuccessful, the writers continued to
the second cycle with the same procedures and some adaptations.

Cycle II
After conducting all phases in cycle I, the writers conducted cycle II in
order to make some improvement for getting better results. This cycle was focused
on solving the problems that were found in cycle I. The second cycle also has four
steps. They are: planning, action, observation and reflection. The second cycle was
revised from the first cycle. This cycle is also focused on increasing the number of
the students who get the standard score ≥75 in the first cycle.


The research findings show that Word Wall strategy could help students
improve their vocabulary mastery. By applying this strategy, the mean score of the
students in vocabulary tests kept increasing from the pre test to the post test. The
students’ mean score in the pre test is 59, 67.63 in the formative test, and 83.33 in
the post test. The qualitative data analysis showed that the students agreed that
Word Wall strategy could help them improve their vocabulary mastery. The
students really enjoyed the class. They are very interested, enthusiastic, and active
during the learning teaching processes of vocabulary mastery. It can be seen from
the results of the students’ responses in the questionnaire. They all agreed that the
use of Word Wall strategy could helped them improve their vocabulary mastery. In
brief, they experienced an enjoyable learning atmosphere through the application
of Word Wall strategy. Implementing Word Wall strategy can be a solution for
them in facing difficulties in learning English vocabulary.


After discussing and analyzing the data, the writers drew the following
1) The application of Word Wall strategy can improve the students’ vocabulary
mastery. It could be seen from the students’ mean score which increased
continually from the pre test, formative test, and post test. The students’ mean
score in the pre test is 59, 67.63 in the formative test, and 83.33 in the post test.
Meanwhile, the students’ mean score percentage who passed Mastery Minimum
Criteria (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) from the pre test is 15%, the
formative test is 45%, and the post test is 91%. To sum up, the application of
Word Wall strategy is effective to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

KAIROS ELT JOURNAL, Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792

2) Based on the results of the field notes, observation sheets, and questionnaire, it
was found that the students felt overjoyed and enthusiastic in the learning
teaching processes of vocabulary mastery. In brief, they really enjoyed learning
English vocabularies through the application of Word Wall strategy.

In this part, the writers would like to give some suggestions as follows:
1) The English teachers should be more creative and innovative to select an
appropriate strategy to deliver their learning materials. They may apply Word
Wall strategy to get their students’ interest and motivation in learning teaching
English, especially in learning teaching English vocabulary mastery.
2) The students must have excellent English vocabulary so that they have great
English proficiency. They may use Word Wall strategy as one of alternatives to
improve their vocabulary mastery.
3) The research findings are expected to be able to provide other writers valuable
information about how to improve students’ vocabulary mastery through the
application of Word Wall strategy so that they can carry out much deeper similar


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Istianto, R. 2013. Improving Students’ Vocabulary through Word Wall. A Sarjana’s
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Mallery, R.D. 1944. How to Enlarge and Improve Your Vocabulary. Philadelphia:
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Vocabulary Mastery through Crossword Puzzle Game to the Eighth Grade
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Paris, S. 2014. Leveled Texts: Collecting Data. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Sari, A.S.P. 2016. Tionghoa Students’ Language Attitudes toward the English
Language Learning. Jurnal Ilmiah (Juril) AMIK MBP, IV(2), 37-50.
Sari, R. 2015. The Making of Word Wall to Improve Elementary School Students
English Vocabulary. A Sarjana’s Thesis, Faculty of Languages and Arts:
State University of Medan.
Schmitt. 2009. Communicating in A Second Language. Cambridge: Cambridge

KAIROS ELT JOURNAL, Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2022
Copyright©2022, pISSN: 2580-4278; eISSN : 2808-3792

Thomkins, H. 1997. Learning Vocabularies. Oxfordshire: Blustone University.

Thornbury, S. 2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. Charlbury: Oxford University.
Tompkins. G. E. 2002. Language Arts: Content and Teaching Strategies. Michigan:
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Turnip, M.C., Rumapea, L., and Sari, A.S.P. 2017. Improving Students’
Vocabulary Mastery By Using Pictures Media to the Seventh Grade
Students of SMP Negeri 21 Medan. Kairos English Language Teaching
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