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DMF & SMET Circular

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COVERNI\{liNl Of T E l- r\ rr-C,,\ N.


Office of the Engirteer-in-Chicf,

Public Health,
A.C. Guards, Hydeiabad - 4.
FAX No. 040 - 23393371 ENC (PH)

Cir.l\,lemo No.'12 /AE4 /Genral/Mincs & Qu arries/ 2020 Datecl:o7 02 2020

Sub: Mincs & Quarries- Remittancc of Seignio.age Charges, Contrfbution to\r'a)-ds

District Mineral Foundation Trust (DMFT) (O 30% on Seigniorage Fee and Srate
Mineral Exploration Trust (SMET) @l% on Seigniorage Fee-tssle of neccssau,'
instructions- Regardin g

Ref:- 1)This Ofljce Memo No.T2 /AE4/cenral/ Mines & Quarries/2o18 Dt: 08 02-201q
2) Lr. No.3744lMR(DMF)/2016, D1.23.11.2019 of Director ofMi s & Geolog{

Vide this office memo ref 1" cited, all the Supedntcnding Enginccrs (PH) .rnd

Executive Engineers (PH) were directed to cnsure to rcmit tl,e Seignio!lage Charges irl

treasury Head of Account (0853-102-02) in respective DDO codes alon g wilh non

1l'easul\'linl<cd payments i.e., contribution to*'ards Distlict l,lineral i' dation ar, 3O7o

on Seigniorage Charges in respective DI,IF Trust Account (Bank accorJnt) as pcr cop1.

cnclosed li.e.. ADMG contact No., DDO codes, DMF bank account de , addrcss,..etc)

iilonit wirl) 2% on Seigniorage fee towards State Mineral Explorati Trust ISMET)

1o thc bank account at SBI, Adarshnagar, Hyderabad

Furthcr it is to inform that thc Dircctor of Ivl il1es & Ceulog, ricle lelcrencc 2.r
cited letter dared:23,11-2019 has requested to remit the Seigniorage Charges
i.! 30% on

Seigniorage Charges in respective DMF Trust Account and 2yo on Seigniorage fee

towards State Mineral &<plomtion Trust (SMETI

In vierv of the above while enclosing the copies l ard 2nd cite+ along willr its

enclosures, all the Superintending Enginecrs (pH) and Executive EnJineers (pH) are

once again requested to follow thc abol,e instructions and also to instruqt
rhc c.,nccr.ned

ULB's undcr their judsdiction the same. The Superintending Engincers

lpHJ are

Z lT lllder.had"AE.l,Mines & LriueralsrMEl4o RLG j0% on s€ig.orage\Ctv CNo.4t6.::-0l20l9

requested to bestow theii personal attention in respect of the agreemcnts
(AMRUT/ covering morc than one distt_ict, to ensure that the D MF remittances

are made

Enclr As ,l
The Engirreer (Wcst Circle, warangal Circle, Unit-I,II,lll,IVTUFIDCl
Thc tivc Engineer Karimnagar, Adilabad, Hyderabad, Nizambad,
Nalgonda, and Maha , Khamarnara )
Copy to Engineer (Proj / Maintenance), GHMC, for information.
Copy to Engineer, Q.Q. U.D.A for information.
Copy to E .Es Tl, T3, & sections of this office for information

/ / Attested/ / \u'
Dv- Execufive Engineer (PII)

(lNo'416 22 0l -2019 Mines

l:1." fles & Minerals!\4Elvlo Rl.tG i0% on seigoragc\CM

Letter No,3 744114 R(DM F)/2016 Dated:23.11.2019

From: /lo
Sri layesh Ranjan, IAS, / The Engineer- n Chief,
Director of lYines & Geology (FAC), Telangana Public Health & 14unicipal
2"d Floor, Myhome Sarovar Plaza, Engineering Dept., Ma haveer Mar9h,
Opp: Secretariat, Hydera bad. A,C. guards, Hydera bad.
S ir,
IV nes and Quarries - Remittance of Seigniorage Charges,

o ".f-s 'Contrbution towards District Mineral Foundation Trust (DMFT)

on Seigniorage Fee and State [4ineral Exploration Trust
-.(SlvlET) @2',/o on seigniorage fee - lssue of necessary
ct ' instructions to the concerned - Requested - Reg.
Ref:1. G.O.[4s.No.67, ]nd. & Com.(l\t.l)Dept., dated 26-09-2015.
2.This office Letter No. 1 942l[4 R/20 14, Dated 0 1. 10.201 5.
4 3. G.O.Ms. No. 3, Ind.& Com.(M.l)Dept., dated 20-01-2016.
4.This office Letter No. 1046/P I 2015- 7, Dated 2 1.03. 20 1 6.
,V, 5. G.O.Ms. No. 71, Ind,& Com.(M.I)Dept., dated 30-11-2016.
6.This office Letter N o. i1304/M R(S[4 ET)/2016, Dated 17.12.2016
7. This office Letter No.42 72llvl R/2017 -l, Dated 06.09.2017.
B. G.O.l\4s. No.3B, Ind.& Com.(r\4.I)Dept., dated 31-05-2018.
9. Lr No.3444/Dlvl F /HYD/2OlB, dt14.11.2018 from DDM&G,
ydera bad

"l) 10 Dlvl&G Lr No.4056/lvR/2018, dated 15.12.2018

ns from D rectorate of Works Accounts for the

o the subject &

references cited. Throuqh the
vt. lssued certain amendments to District Mineral
2015. As per amended Sub-rule of
ineral Foundation Trust Rules, 2OL8t "An amount
equivalent to 30 percent on Seigniorage Fee shall be recovered by
the Govt. Engineering / Consuming Depts. alongwith Seigniorage Fee
,_ \.\from contractor work bills on the quantity of minor mineral
^r.., , +\onsumed
in the construction and remitted to District DMF account
' first April 2018."

P&V,, Further, through the reference 1or' cited, the Dept., requested to
..9-arrange to issue instructions to all the Govt. Engineering/Consuming Depts.
-,., concerned for rem ttance of Seigniorage Charges in treasury Head of
flf r
AccounL (0853-102 02) in respective DDO codes alongwith non-treasury
inked payments i.e., contribution towards District 14inera Foundation @
30ouo on Se gniorage charges ln respective D[4F Trust account (Bank
.rccount) alongwith ADMG contact no., DlvlF bank account details,
address,...etc. alongwith 290 on seignlorage fee towards State lYlneral
Exploration Trust (SI\4ET) to the bank account at 5EI, Adarshnagar,

But it is noticed from the Statement received from the Directorate of

Works & Accounts, Hyderabad that the DIvIF collections pertaining to Govt.
Engineering/Consurning Depts. for the month of Oc'19 and it is found that
the Govt. Engineering/Consuming Depts. are still remittin! 10o/o on
seigniorage fee as DMF as against the 300/o on seigniorage fee as per the
G.O.Ms. No.38, dated 31.05.2018 w.e.f.01.04.2018 for any new work
entered ag reement.

In view of the above, it is once again requested to issue necessary

instruction to the Engineer - in Chief for remittance of non-treasury linked
payments i.e., contribution towards District lvlineral Foundation @ 30olo on
Seigniorage charges in respective DMF Trust account (Bank account) as per
copy enclosed (i.e. ADI,1G contact no., DMF bank account details,

Yours faithfully
Encl: As a bove. Sd/- layesh Ranjan, IAS
Director of Mines & Geology (FAC)

l/ Afiested //

forDi ines & Geology

Copy to the Director, Directorate of Works & Accounts, AC Guards,
Hyderabad for information and necessary action.
Copy to all Asst. Directors of I'lines and Geology in the State for information
and necessa ry action.
Copy to the Deputy Director of Mines and Geology, Warangal, Hyderabad &
Nizamabad for information.
Copy to P-Section for information.
cqPY Qf i

Letter No,4056/MR/2018 Dated: 15. 12.2018

Susheel Kumar, B. E., ( Mining ),
B. R.V. All the E n-Cs and Engineering Works
Director ot l.,1Lnes & ceology, (CLVil) Concerned
D-B ock, 8:^ Floor, BRKR Bhavan, (Copy of list enclosed)
Tankbund Road, Hyderabad.

Sub: I\4ines and Quarries - Remittance of Seigniorage Charges, Contribution
towards District lvlineral Foundation Trust (DMFT) @30olo on
Seigniorage Fee and State lYineral Exploration Trust (Sf4ET) @20lo on
seigniorage fee - lssue of necessary instructions to the concerned -
Requested - Reg.

Ref:1. G.O.lYs.No.67, Ind. & Com.(M.I)Dept., dated 26-09-2015.

2.This office Letter No. 1942l14R/2014, Dated 01. 10.20 1 5.
3. G.O.lvls. No. 3, Ind.& Com.(M.I)Dept., dated 20-01-2016.
4.This office Letter No.1046/P/2015-1, Dared 21.03.2016.
5. G.O.Ms. No. 71, Ind.& Com.(t4.I)Dept., dared 30 11'2016.
6.This off ce Letter No.8304/N4R(SIYET)/20 16, Dated 17. 12.2016.
7. This office Letter No.4272ll'4R/2Of7-L, Oated 06.09.2017.
B. G.O.Ms. No.38, Ind,& Com. (lvl.I)Dept., dated 31-05-2018.
9. Lr No.3444 / DMF / HY D / 2O1A, dt14 L 1.20 18 from DDN4&G, Hyderabad.

I rnvite attention to the subject & references cited. In this connection, vide
reference 1" clted (copy enclosed for reference) the Govt. issued orders on the
revrsion oF rates of Seigniorage Fee and dead rent on minor minerals and the same
was communicated through reference 2"" cited for taking necessary action.

Further, through the reference 3'c cited, the State Govt. as per Sectio.9(B)
and 15 of N4lvlDR Act, 2015 ssued notification for District [4ineral Foundation Trust
Rules, 2015 du y incorpordting the provlsions as per Pradhan [4antri Khanij Kshetra
Kalyan Yojana (PFIKKKY) comn'runicated by the Central Government. As per rule of Distrlct lYineral Foundation Trust Ru es, 2015:"An amount equivalent
to 10 percent on Seigniorage Fee shall be recovered by the Govt.
Engineering/ Consuming Depts. alongwith Seigniorage Fee from contractor
work bills as ToS on the quantity of minor minerals consumed in the
construction and remitted to the respective District DMF account and the
same was comrn!rnicated through the reference 4t" cited for tal n9 necessary
act on.

cted while encosing the detalls of (30)

FLrrther, through Lhe reference 7t-
Drstrict DDO codes (except Hyderabad District) ior remrttance of seignLorage
charges, bank accoLrnt details For payment of contribution towards Drstrict f4inera
FoLrda:on (DyF) rn ihe respective Distlct account anC State,qinera Exporatlon
Trust (S[4EI) n the des gnated account at SBl, Adarshnagar branch, Hyderabad.
Subsequently, through the reference B'^ cited (copy enclosed for reFerence),
the Govt. issued certain amendments to District f4rneral Foundation (Trust) RLJles,
2015. As per amended Sub-rule of Telangana State District 14ineral
FoLrndatron Trust Rules, 201,8: "An amount equivalent to 30 percent on
Seigniorage Fee shall be recovered by the Govt. Engineering / Consuming
Depts, alongwith Seigniorage Fee from contractor work bills on the
quantity of minor mineral consumed in the construction and remitted to
District DMF account for any civil work(s) entered agreement for execution
on or after first April 2078,"
FLrrther, thro!rgh the referencL. 9" cited, the DDlv1&G, Hyderabad inFormed
that rhe Dlstrict Collector, Hyderabad comriunicated the bank acco!it deLails
opened for Distr]ct Nlinera Foundatron, Hyderabad Dlstr ct for remittanc. of
contribution towards DMF. The Dl'1F, Hyderabad District Bank account detalls rs
shown in the statement enc osed alonqwith 30 districts.

[4oreover, to facilitate the Govt. Engineering Depts, hitherto remitted the

Seigniorage Charges to the Assistant Director of Mines & Geology, Hyderabad shall
now be remitted to the DDO code 2500 1307-002 (head of account 0853-102 02)
and ntimated to the Deputy Director of [4ines & Geology, Hyderabad. Further, any
cheques/demand drafts/bankers cheques/pay order towards remattance of
seigniorage fee pertaining to Hyderabad District shall be sent alongwith details of
work(s) executed, seigniorage fee recovered etc. to the following address:

Deputy Director of Mines & Geology, Hyderabad Reglon,

P ot No.191 & 192, Vlgnanpuri Co ony, Beside Saheb Nagar,'
l-lMw&SB. BN Reddy Nagar, Rangareddy Dlstrict- 5000 79.

Further, the State Govt. issued notification vide G.O.Ms.No.10 dated

26.02.2076 on establishment of State 14ineral Exploration Trust and 5l"lET
Rules,2015, Subsequently, through the reFerence 5'" clted (copy enciosed for
reference), the Govt. Lssued amendment to Rule 7 of State 14lneral Exploration
Trust (SlvlET) Rules,2015 stipulat ng that "an amount equivalent to two percent
on seigniorage fee shall be recovered by all the Govt. Engineerinq
Departments implementing G.O.Ms.No.94, I&CAD Dept. dt O1.07.2003 from
contractor work bills and remitted to SMET Fund account" and same was
comrnunrcated to al! Govt. Engg./Consuming Depts. through the reference 6(h cited
For imp ernentation. Thc S[4ET Bank Account details s as bellow:

Name of the Bank State Bank of India (SBI)

Name of Account State Mineral Exploration Trust (SMET)
Savings Accou nt No. 34462473079
IFSC Code sBrNoo20263
Branch Adarsh Nagar, Hyderabad - 5OO 063.
In view of the above, it is once again requested to arranged to issue
nstruction to all the concerned for remittance of Seigniorage Charges in treasury
Head of Account (0853-102-02) in respective DDO codes alongwith non treasury
linked payments i.e., contribution towards District Mineral Foundation @ 30olo on
Seigniorage charges in respective Dl4F Trust accolrnt (Bank account) as per copy
enclosed (i.e. ADMG contact no., DDO codes, Dt4F bank account details,
address,..etc). Regarding the contribution towards State 1.4 neral Exploration Trust
(SMET) @2% on seigniorage charges shall be in the above mentioned Bank account
at SBI, Adarsh Nagar, Hyderabad.

Further, any carfication by the circle or district heads of Govt. Engineering

Depts. on remittance of Seignlorage Charges and contribution towards District
[4ineral Foundation Trust may contact concerned ADM&Gs and DDM&G, Hyderabad.

Yours faithfully
Encl : (as above) Sd/- B.R.V. Susheel Kumar

// Arrested

Mines & Geology

Copy to all Asst. Directors of Mrnes and ceology in the Stdte for information and
necessary action.
Copy to the Deputy Director of Mines & Geology, Hyderabad for rnforrnation and
necessary action.
Copy to the Deputy Director of Mines and Geology, Warengal & Nizamabad for
nfo rma t io n.
copy to Fite No.3744l[,1R(DlyF)/2016 & 8304/t\,1R(Sr\4ET)/201r).
Copy to P-Section for information.


I l


l l


/nlNEs ANo,l lNERI\I9 Dr5rr(t M n€r.lFouDdrtro' lTrLill) (,1(nrr,r'tr1(tr',1't\
to DMF (Tr!!t) RulA. Z0l5 Notilicarn,r r!ruc{]

L Notll rnLn) LN. ll. larcd 27 0l 20 5 lr rrn. onrL u! ,)r rrti.

Lxtra.,.lrr.ry Part I [tned by lhe r1rrtrtry !l Lrw 6 lrht r. ]!,gr5t,rrtvr.
oepart ne n | colernme.tol ndrir
2 G.O M\.N. I l.nustnes and Corf'rr{.. 1^1nr\ ll O.l)art nent,
dated 20.01 2016.
1 C O.M5.llo.4, lndunres ann Cotrrnrcrce (Mrf$ ) oeD.rrrnenr,

G.O,li s No.5, lndustrier .nd Commerc. tMrnes.l) Oeoarrmen!,

dated:20 0t.20r 6
5 6.0. s No.l9 ndustre! .nd Connner.e t,ilin.s.l) Dconrt nent.
ddred.08 08.2016
6 G O Mt.No 58, rndlsores a..l ComnEce (M nes rt Departinent,
dared:04.r0 20r6
G O.Ms.No 74, and ComIrer.e tMr..r rl oeparttuenr.

8 6.O./$s,No,47, lndunnes and Commerce (Mnes r) o€parrnre.t

9 G.O Ms No.8l, lndustnes and Commerce (Mines-l) Depa(ment.
10. G.o.Mt No 87, lndlstnes and Commsce tMines. ) DeDa(nenr.
1l From ihe Drecto. oi Mrm5 and G€oLogy, Hyderabad Lelter
No.1046/P(DMF)/2015 daGd01,05 20r8.



ir, r,1 :! i iil

2 n the referen.e ll reao above, t he 0 tec tor ol ,$'ne5 and Geology submrtted
proposatr recommendjn8 certain arnendmen$ ro the District Mineral Foundation
(Trurt) Rules, 20lt regardrng srmptifj(ation ol procedures for idenification of
atfected areas aDd lnplementation ol welfare schemes/proje.ts rDecifien under
Pradhan Mantrr Kharij xshetra Kalyan Yolan. (PMKK(Y) in dn effecr ve

4 Accord n8ly, rhe iollowrn8 Norlr(anon wiLl be publrshed rn an Ertra ord nary
irsue of Telangana ltale Gazette dared the l1'r May, 2018


r' lr'-ir'_ L:ri- r:i


1. Shorr titl0 ani .omrnefcctrx nl

The fotLowrfs srrntl be rnserled rfte, Sub.,utr, 2.l:

2,1.t ol i' rtrfg or nr rrtrrB ,el.tcrl dLLrv ty n' hyaerdLdd L.rrtr
Arry rr'rpa(t !e
'Lr '&ll
.ttended lo by the orstrlct i1r^eral Fo\ n(i\rro tr oi rhe ad]ornifg dist.c!5.

The deii.rtror alfected area rre worn Drlr i1 lovernmena be re.d a5
SratP 6ovgnr.enr .

rhe detrr t,on Dre(tly ntfecred d'en . (i )),n) ., rlL br rcad a!

Vitlages, Gra r Panchayats and Urba. area! Brthirr which the miner are rituated
.nd are operatlonal. such mrnrng areas may extend (o nelghbori.g village, Urba.
areas or Mandalor Elock or orttrict or even 5rare

An area withln a radrus oi ten k)lonr€ter irom a nrtrE or cluster of mines.

irrespective of whether the ar.a ialls within the districr concerned or adj.cent

Thede{Lnlrorr nirre.tLy.ile.ted arers, I vrni.rll bereraas:

The ent,re dslr ct shatl be covered under nCtrectly affected area berng advenety
afrected on a(counr ol e.ononrrc, so{ial and env'ro.rnental consequences due to
mrnitrg.related operatron5. The major negntive ,mpacts of minlns.outd be by way
oi detenoraron ol water, sori and .rr quatrty redu.tron rn sveam flows and
cjeplet'on oi qround water, .ongestion ana polluoon Cle to miniog operations,
Vansportatron of miierals, rncr€asetl burden on exist ng rnfrattru.ture a.d

The definrtion afre((ec people', (v)lat L3) sh.ll be read as

Any other as appropriately rdenntred by ihe Publrc Representative rrcmber.

The defrn,t,on'arfected p€ople. lvXc) shall be.ead as.

Affe.ted ,amities should be identified, a5 far as possrble, in.onsultation with
Public Re9resentative,r,lemberr.

The definition afiected people', (uJ rhalt be added:

and Section 15 14l{a)oI the A.t

Thedefinrtion Rulei, (x)5hati be read as:

The Distnct Mineral Foundation (Trustl Rules. 2015 and Amended Rutes. 2018.

ln ihe definrtions after (xli, the iotlowrng shalL be nserted:

!, r',.i
,r arr,rr.,ti. : : e

B. Conrpotitior ol the r05t.

The trust consirts ol the District Mi.erat Fo!ndanon cornmjttce comDrired with the
toLtoyJrng members, .amelyi

o; ,.,, .,,re ,r i', s.,t,.

Drstrl.t R!.aL Water 5! l

.1 . :,ii n.,r .,1

.' r :i_,'llr..
t Cfr cer

orslr.t officer, IECAD

The ChairpeBon may invite any other Dlnn.t as speciat
invitee rn the interesr of better mo.itonng and rmpLemenlation o, schemes/worls


The acovitie! of Trust will be goveined by the oistnc! A rneral Foundation

tr rr, rr ,, l, r'l- :"

The authorly to ndnage the Tru5t shatl vest n the Distic( Mneral Flundatron

Sub..!le 6.1.1 rhaLlb€ read a5 Voting on the a,r'rual ac(ounr among Plbllc
Representative Memb€.s.

5u: u! 6 /.i Ll! r,ia a\

'rhe Drlncl rneral Foundation Commrttee be rcsponsible ior develophent ot
annual and pa!!ng oi the annuat plan of rhe Trusr (ore Plann n9 commrrree
attrsl the Disrr ct Mrneral Foundabon aommrttce i. preparation ol annudt pLan
alongwith tentatlve drstnburon of Distnct MLneral Fo!ndatron Fu.d)
Sub.rule 6.1 I s omitrec.

The /ole of plannnrg commrtree rs ro atsisr the Ds(ncl Mrneral Foundanon

Commitlee in prepa.a(ion of bldget for approved works or annlal ptans of the Tnrst,
atlocatron of iunds irom time io trme,

The Membe..5e(retary, Distnct r$l.erat Foundatio. Commrttee shall from trme to

time throlgh notili.aton ior empanelment ol co.rultant(!) havrng expertire ln
reLevant welrare measures as per Rute 10 tor preparation of annuat plarr with
tentatNe allo(atron and present 't betore the Drstrrct Mr.€ral Foundation Commrttee.

Approvrng (lie annual audrr repo(s prepared ana prese.ted by the charted

For the purpose oi maintena.ce of ac.ounts oi the Trust and preparaOor of annuat
repons, the Member5ecrerary Distrjct M neral Fo!ndatron Commrttee shatl appo !
a reqistered Charted Accountant/lirnr with the approval ol Dirtrict /'lrneral
roundatlo. Commrttee.

SuD rute 6 r.7 shalL be modrired a5: To approve the remur€ratio. toi

6.r 7 r The dppornted per5on5 worlr.g lor Dlstnct M,reral FolndatLoioflicej

6 1 7.? Cons!Lraor(s) e'npa'reLLed to asrrt the Pta,r ,ln9 Conr nttre

'.i I !l :t
6 1.7 7 R(rnunerat on to the emparBl(e( nnd tor\ ur AL.!L rtnrit 6. rrriL!nr'!5tr(l
wrth the scrutlny of Trlst ac(oufl! through Acco!ft<iDt Ge'rral

6.1 7.8lieet rB ih€ mrtcellaneols expenses for .ond!( l ol rrrcetrnqt etL.

lf sub-rule 6 2, rhe word Managrfg aom ittet slnLl be nr 'Drsi,i.t

Fou.dation Committee ^lrDeJal

Approving (h€ lirt of works as proposed by the Plblic Repres€ntative r&nrbe(,.

5!b-rlle 6 2 l, the word Gram 5nbha shall be rubltirlted as Publi. ReD.ereDt.[ve

Sub.tuLe 6.2 a, the word Aifectea a eas s)atl be rc.a ir'the d|e(tLy an(l the
rndire(tly affected areas:
5ub rlle 6.2 5 thalL be rep(aced as:

l. : Lr r l, , r ' L

Subnrle6.27 the *or.r Governrnq Cou.cit 5hatl be t!bs.tured wrtlr 0rstr (t Mrneral
Foundatlotr Commrtree.

Sub.rule 7.3 shall be replaced as:

The Meetine ol th.r Drs!.ict M neral foundatro r Commrttee shall be held every month
oo a lrxed s.hedule da(€ as per calendar of h@l'ngr o. intimatron by the ember.

sub rule 7 r 5omtted

The woni Grd r Sablrr ri r (e ol RuLe 3 tlrall U! ept.rced Eitlr Dinf.t M!r.31
Found:trori Cornmittee

sub-rute 8 r shall be repla.ed ay

The Public Represenrarive Members shau mericutouny assers rhe impact o, mrnrng
and minrng.relateC activrty and propose suitable developmental 1(hemes/works for
upliftme.t ol the dire.(y and rndirectty alfected areas to be taken up thro!8h the
Trust Fund, lormubro. oI cnteria ror riring the proritre! and developrng an.ual
plans as desc.bed u.der Rule 10
Provioed rhat t(h proposed works shall rol ovdlrr, wr(r, the woik5 t{r be (rk.r !p
by the.olr(ci n cov.inmsrt Departfl{. rts ns pnr r,, .!r'[r work
5!b rulc 8 I \|nll bc reDla(cd n1

Theqro,urfo,thePublr(ReDresortatrveM'r,lrr,,ILr,l)tr(rt1Mr(1rl F,rtrrl.rln,l
Com..rttee n eer nq5 all rDt be less thnr rrlry tr{r fr (
SuU rure 8 I 2 nrdlt De reDla(ed a5:

Tl( pn$rrg rl niry,tlol!rrr) wrtli r.!l,e(r rn,r,l,,,!,tl ,n wul(rr tht.(['r((Ly I(l

lrdir(tLy all..lcn irea\ allrg Prblr &1,,1(1t,rl v,.Mu,rbr,rr rlIll', n byr0rdr
Sub-rule 8.2 rhill be repla(ed as:

The groLrndrng or approved work(s, and rnonltoirng 5halt be by the concerned

GoverniEnt oepartment-Member of the olstricr i i.eral toundarion Committee as
per bmelines lor rornpletion duly ensLring quatity norms a5 per stabtirhed

Sub.rul(, 9 l(a,iril shalL be trbtttr tea as

The ulility ot the amoun( shaLl be s!ble(( (o .pprovaL of the Diltrrt MineraL
Foundation Commrttee.

Tlre followrng sh.U be inserted as prov[o to sub de 9. t(c).

Provided ttut the orstnct Mineral Foundaton Comrnittee may atlocate spending as
per the aclLral requirement

Sub.ruLe 9 r(d)rhau be replaced 6s:

(r) Not hore th.r four per cenr shall be u5ed.s ainnrrstra v€ e4ense! of

Provrded thar rhe oistrlcr Mrnera( Foundatjon comrnittee may allocare

tpending as p€r the actual requirement.

(r) (a) one percem on rotal oMf Trusr Fu.d already deposiled uy tle led5c
hotder shall be vansferred at once by all the oistnct Mineral Forndations
and herEeiorth .s weu to be deposited by tenth o, every month in the Bank
Account marntarned by the Direcror ol M ne, A CeLogy.

(b) Ihe gtrector oi &rnes & CeoLoey shall meet Ihe expendrture for
Admrnrrtra|ve, lnl.astructure and rnfornatron Tfthnotogy & allied p!rposes.

(iir)The DMr lrutt amount rhall not bc uicd ior ony Worke/Schemes which are
alreody undcr rmptementauon ar Ftagshlp proSramm.! oI uB 5ldte

(iv)Wherever, any works/rch€mes already under rmptementation but fac!nq

resolrce crunch the D/\lF TrLrst amo!nt shall be used at natchrng grant

Aftcr 5ub rUc 10,5(1)lvii ), the Iollowi.g shall be inserted

(rxl DMF lrlst Fund shall ot be m sused in any manner r'harsnevFr

AftEr sub r!l€ 10 5(1)lvili). the following shall be lnserted:

Sub.rule 10.6:.The Tru5t Fund for groundjnq and etecution of any approved
scheme/work(sl prroritrzatron deirned rn 5ub.rule 10.1 I or 10.12. lhe
ar per
proportronate allo.atron rn reepect ol direc(y.flected area shall not be lels than
i ; .i -
Lr.rl 'ri, r r ! iL

H!tr!r,rllr (hrult Lon0rl)!l!rr,1(!'1.,r rLl r!"r (!i I ln r!11!Llvr

A((ou[.ove|r'! l] L!.ri li I .r ,,]r,rL.'1n (\ riir,rt
'r ;i
DNt,r.r Dr..l
atrlr .tt I dr !q!lrnl)le rnartrtr .

b oMF Non Cod lhe (.,rLr ltri ,, i, till o,r ]i r L,,i ,rrr oaLs
a.crled irom
D!,.i:rted I thr r.sifr rrrr l)f,r rr, lr$r lr.rr[ A((u(nrr! i' d rk!
L.^pctlrtore or J0i70 equtrng lo !rr (ll,/ ,rrl!( [{ .(er I to ,rdrd(Ly J l,!!t1]
nrr. wrthlr thc re5pecovc 0rslrrctt

rn sub.rule 112 the word Afle.terl ,rr!r n LL l)p yrbstltrned at drt(rly .r(l
indrr(tly affected areas:
Sub-tule 11,! rhall b€ replaced at
The Peest o, developrng the annual plar shall ltr (tly adhere to tlr prin.rpter ol
bottorn up approach, dLrly oblaurng the views ul Prbl( ReEtrenrarive Meoibers
reprelenling the directly and rndrrftlly nlle(l& r'lne and aller .pprolal by 0re
0 ttncr Mrne,al Foundatron comnnrree.

5ub role r r.5 !hatl be reDta.ed as

The Publrc Representauve Member! shallconL-rp witlr pioposals lor DpLener\tatlor

ol tchemes/work! pait oi annual planotrB pie(5r nr rhe b€gnrn ng ol lhe fourth
lnafciatquarter every year, to be executed lhc lolLow'Ig frnancial year
lD sub rute 11,6 the word Managing Comr tt1rc arl 'Cranr Sabha shall be reptaced
wrth D6tflct Mrn€ral Foundation Connnrtte' add Publ c Representduve ember5

5rb |lrle r 1 7 lhnlL Ue .si

lr ncco dance wrth rhe l!rd5 provrsionalLy LrlI.fuk.(1, lhr P blj( ReP.elenratrlf
Menrber! 5l'all t'roDote e.hemer/work5 i!' ,'eed dlru" o' nnn!!l p(an onn
implementatlon tiuoug| dpptoyment of Trun l!nds lor various dcvclopment.l

Sub rule r l.E shatl be (epla(ed as:

The Trust rhall take initiatives lor training and capnciry buiidrng oi one member from
each affected famjty u.der ekitldevelopnrenr to be rdentilied and propored by Poblrc
Representatrve Member ar !a(
ol preparnrion ot s!.h plans at the begrnnrnS ol

Sub lle r r 9 \naLI he rcnla.ed as

The deveLoDmenraL s(hemes/work5 for whL(h the lud5 to be used shall be identrned
rna manner ruch that needr an4 pfiorrties of the allected areas are relle((eo.
Every propored dev€lophental scheme/work thalt al5o have a veriliable and tim€
bound outcome component.

ln sub.rule 11.10. th€ word Gram Sabha'and Manaqrne Commrttee shall bc reDlaced
wrth Prhlr. RcoreFntarive Ailembers ant Dtt.i.r Minpr.l Foondanon Commrttee

Sub rule I1 I I 5hnll be reptaLed at:

The annual p{an ol ihe Tr!t( shall rnclude a.ompendium ol plans proposed by the
Public Representative Members for bert€rn€n! of th€ directly and rldrrec(y ailected
areas besides other planned actrvities of the Trust lor the flnancial yea.. Th.,
consolidated annual ptan of the Trust shalt atso be eurded by th€ p ncipl6 conlained
in Rule 9 oi these Rules for altocalrn8 the Trun Fund.
The Trust rhatl operate all its accounr(s) !ndo the lornt si8naturet ol two
i elber.Serretary and thc Treasurer oI the Drstrict Mrnc'al
signatories b€rng llle
Foun0alron Corn'nrtt@

Ihe pr€amble ot Rule 15 shail be replaced as:

The account5 of the oirtrict Mheral Foundatron rhalL be audrted every year by the
.udit aeen.res under emDanelment wth the A..orntanl Geneial The Srate
6overnment shall address the Accounlint General, obla n list ot empan€lled audit
aSencjes and allot disricls ,or conduct of olsrricr l,lrneral Foondbtron audi! an.ually.

Th€ audrt repo( along wrth the annual report thereof shall b€ ptaced in the pubLrc

Sub.rule 15.1shall be delered

Subrule 1s.4 shalt b€ replaced a!:

There shau be independerlt sociaL-audit turveye every year on the outcome due to
the development of the schemes/works through the Tru5t Such sudeyt be
taken !p by the recogni?ed Crvil soc eties or Non-Governmental Organrzations !o be
nominaled by the Gover.he.t, with atleast twenty live p€rcent of the ailecLed
peopte so as to havc fcedback on the change in the livrng condino. in the aftected

The nominatea recosnlzed Civit Socenes or Non.Governmental Organrzatrons shatl

submir report(s) of rhe so.rat aldir ro the Government as well as ro ihe Dsrri.t
Minerat Foundation Commrttee for examrnatron on the eifeclivenels of the
schemes/works 8oi.g to be proposed/under implementatron and imptemented for
apprailal and (aki.g correctrve step5.

ln (he lub rule 15.7, Ihe word 6ram Pan(hayat sha(l be repla€ed wth Drst..t
/Mineral foundatron Comml(tee'.

5!b rute r5 8 riomrtted

5!b rule l7 ? slral( b. nrbstrtuted as

apporntment 5hall be bassd on rhe re{ommendar on! or rh! selft.o. comm ttee
conslttrng of the ioLlowLng three persoG:

The appontm6nt oi rhe Ombuosman should be bdsed on consensls of the

a6mmrtree h.mber\
Sub rule 17.6 rhallbe rcplaced as

Ombuos.nao nny cmploy or may keep on retarn€rshrp. tublct to approvaL by rhe

Charrperion, Fx dnd Member'Secrelar] of the 0 5tn.r Mineral Foundaiion

Sub.ruLe l7 7.8 shdll be reDlaced a5

'ro irrnrs| a rcport elery vir, .onlai.irg a general ,ev ew of a.tiv t es of the oili(e
of tl! O' 'U(dlnrar' nurrg lh. preeding ijnlncr.l ycar to lhc ChittrDc..n Ex.olrrro
altd Member.Secr.tary ol the Distrct Mineral Foundation Cotrrmltt.€ atongwrth such
other information that may be considered necesrary ln tlle annuaL ieport, the
Ombudsrnan, on the bar s ol Srielances handled by h nr/her, will revrew lhe qualrty
oi the workrfg ol the Drstn.t Foundatron Conmrlt€e
e!/.ommrrree! a.d make,e!omoendations to Lnprove ilnr(tronrn9
of rhe Trusr and Trllst Fund. The reDort shatl be plt oo the webste of the

in lub.iolc 17.7.d.1, the word Gram sabha rhalt be with Publc Rfl,r!!!trtatrve

ln sub rute 17.9.1. the word At the eartiesr lhall be repla.ed with wthrn thirty

Alter eub.rule 17.9.1. the lollowing shall be rnse(ed:

17.9.3 I an appeal liei wrth the Slate l.formaro. Commrrsion on the disposatoi
aoy complarnr by the Ombrdrmar within lO dayr.

5ub.rlte r 7.10.I 15 detet€d.

sub-rule 19.I d( othcr Members, it shallbe replaced as:

rn sub-rute 19.1(i) atl memberr of the Legrslative Co!n.'t shau be added.

5ub ,ule r9 r(r!) rs oeleted
5ub,ute l9 ltrrr, tr nrodrlreo ar alL Mayor5,'ar leatt the Chanpertons of

sub.rule 19.1(iv), arter'Zilla Pan.hayat, lhe word'Zitla Pa shad shau beadd.d.

5ub.rule 19 I tvi) E deleted.

5!L,rlLc19riv r Jl, .iPnrtrlnlir tltr,i!r| r LL.r', ,,. r,r,',1 , , l

: I, rr i . ,, , ,.f rr , L
.1. l,
.r. j
rl L

5!b rule l9 Z Ter rtr rr rrr!,.,n..:
5!b rLrLe l9.2tr) shnll b! repl.1.ed asr Errr!thilrh(.1)ro!,rr,rf.ttrultr",r( l)yp!hLL
Rep,esenlatrve^ enrU.rt arr( approve! by orstr(t rt,{l roa..n(or)(,,r' rrrrp Ie
rmptemented rn accorda.ce wiUr the guidelines ^^

Sub rule I9.2lji) rs deteted

l,' s!b-\rle 19.2(rrr, the woid Drstrjcr Comnltlee rhall be repla(ed wth

l. tub.ule 19 2(v) tlr woiC Drstri.t Pl.nnrn8 Corn rLtee shall be ,cplacea wrul
PLanning Committee.

n r!b-rule I9,2(ix), aiter Zrtla Panchayat the word Zilla Pai shad \hall be aldel
Slb.rule 19.3 shaLl be substrtuted as:

Protrdmmet to be covered by DISHA:

DISHA monrto6 aU non.stalutory rchemes of Governme.t ot ndia as administrativ€

body. The monrtohng of schemet under PMKK(Y shatl also be monrtored or reliewed
by DlSliA to faciLttare coordrnateo solutlon and to remove constrarns of any kind rn
rmPLementalron ol r(heme! or workr through Districl MrneraL Foundalon Fu.ct under

ln 5!b rlle 19.4, aiter MLAS the word MLC! lhatt be a.ld.a.

5!b..!Le 19.4,1 ll!5trat v. rchc.l!lc oi moch.S! ehill be r od lrcd as:

Apnl PLan.rng and Co.or(lnatron meetrng where att rhe proposed and approred
schemes by Pubhc Represenlative Member5 with budgetary on5 from Distrrct
ineral founoaoon shall be revrewed with reieref.e to timetrnes and (a.8ets for

July, Ottober and February remarns as rt i!.

Member 5ecletary iraLL be peuonally responsiblc lor convenrng mcetine! the

rollowing shall be rnle(ed:

Meetlng shoutd,eacl dllMernbels at least triteen dat{ pnor to the mectlng.

^oticeshould reach all Mcmbcr5 it lc,rlt ren dayi DrDr to the meetrng a.d
Agenda notes
proceedrngs o, rhe meeting should be fsued wirhrn ren days ol the meet ng

Sub.rule 19.5 r 5haLl b! reptn.e.la5.

Distrrct Level Heads/Nodal Fuoctronanes ol p.ogrammes under Pi^KXKY as per Rule

10.l.I and 10.1.2 shalt revrew the scheme! implementat on with lhe erecuting
agen(ies fro.. time to tlme b€fore revrew by lhe DlsHA.

orstrict Levet Heads/Nodal fu.ctionanes oi aU progra Lmer under PMXKKY ar per

Rule 10.1-1 and 10.1.2 rhould assst DISHA in discharge of lts flnctrons. iollow up
actron on re(ornniendatrons 0f the DlsHA.
oLt.'ct Level Heads/Nodal Functio.anes of att p/oqranrfes !nder Pr{X(KY as per
Rlle r0.1 r and r0 1 2 shrtl initiare a.lon wrthrn rhrrty days ol rhe meer r)9. ol trre meerin8 thalL be sent to .elevanr Depr lor actron Act on Taken
thall be mo.rtofed rn D SNA rneerings
r i i!


, i ri iri Lr iLL:rrir L i1

5!b trle l9 6 I .,haLL be reptd(ed .5

After Rule 19 7, ore following new Rule shalt be ,'se,ted

20. oiskibution of oMF A...ualon Coal:

The contribuhon on Coal :ccrued so far h the orslrict Mrftral FoLrnoatroD
accou.t rn Kom€ianbheem'Asjiabad, Mar)chcrial. Jayashanln, Bh!Dalpallr.
PeddapalLr, (haonnarf and thadradrr.Kothaguder Distf.ts rhatl be dietr buted rn af
equitabte manfer covenng (ll) Coal con!titlefcres namely tlt (.8aznaga.
and Arrfabad rr Komerambheem Drst ict, (2) BeLlanrpaLlr, Mar chenat ard Che xur in
xanchenal 0istri.t, (lrManthan, Ramagroaam ard PeddaDall' in Peddapaur oistri.r,
(4) &hupalpallr rr Jayashanl! Dlst ct (5) Yett.!rd! koth.gudern ard ManUgu'! rr
Bhadradr.Kothaq!de n DBorct and l6r 5allrDall rr(hairlrurDt!rr.l.
H€nceforth, the District Fo!ndat on arrour( accrued on Coal shalt be
remitted in an equitable manne. covering {11) Coat bearlng consriluencres in the
e:isting Drstnct Mrneral Foundatio. account rn &nrerambheeftAsilabad, rrranchenal,
Jayashankar'Bhupalpalli, Peddapalli, (hammam and Bhadradrl Kotliag!dem Distncls.


i, Notwrthstand ng rn any pro!rs,on coftajned n these rules, the state
Governnent shalt have power to rsrue drlt.ct rpecifl., demographic
sperrr.. sched!led area spe.rfrc. DMF RuLet for proper aamrninratron
worknS ae and whe. requrred
ll) Ilrc St!!c 6overntr'efl rrdy, Uy arl order, retar I e ulre,dt ur ui dr'y !l tl'c
provrt,ons oi thrr rul.5.5 m.y b. spe.rfied lherein r^ the rnrrr..t oi lh.



The Commjseoner oi P inting, Statrondry E Stores Purchase (Ptg. WrnB) syderabad

(He rs requested to publr5h the above Notrlcatron ln the Extra'Ordinary issLe
of Telangana Gazette, and arra.€e io send 50.opes of lhe same to
The Dne(tor oi Translation, Telangana, Hyderabad (He rs requested Io
fu.nrth lhe Te[]gu version of lhe Noulicalron dIe.dy to the Commrssioner,
Pi.trng. Star'onary 6 !toret Purchase (Ptg wrng), Hyderabadl
rhe Drc(lor ( I Mrr(\.rrl6eoLo!4y l.l ir!!nLr 11r(( r vtr,rni!,r
v'.,. 1li,,r!', lt unn"g rrg D!,.1,tr r,-1,',!.,,,",r
iL, |r, rl r' L(d llyrld.rlrd(l
',, M,n.,,r ,.,!,r4, krr
AlLth.Dr,lrrr (!Ltt1lur5/lonlColttllurrrllr.!rrt,, ! r'nrrr
AILth!Super' 1\rdnr!l polrL( \t,r1,.,)r l...,rrrn !
lhe Prrl(rpal ahrer aorrervator or',llr'
ture\r\. It,l rrt,Ih 1.'1,
The Prolo.l Oll](lrr, lntegrate(r lrrl).1 l) v(l,t,rtrDl A!{tr! 1tr,,r!, rlr,
Connnrtsurer, Trbal weliare De0l., IcldrgniI trnrr
The Conrhrssror(1, Pa.chayat Ral & Rur L Drvelop ndrl rlya,1nbJ(
The Chr-"1 ErcLLrlrv.,0iflcer, Zrlla ParElod5 lhoL[lI lll Lurrfrrio](r, Pnrrlrry.l
Raj A Rur al oelPlopnent-
Thc Com[riero,rcr rno 0 rcclor AS..!lll rDrprrtrt(rt
The 5upe inlenarnq Engrrrers lfg.lur Depl . l tr'rrq i l rq rx\. .r rL,l rL!.trorr
D.Drir,,H(. Ieldlgdr( 9Ld((
The SuperintenilrB Efgrnee6, Rur.l Warer 5uJ)ply tlnouglr LrUx'r,s.nChel,
Panchayar R.j & Rural Waler suppLy, Tclan8ani 5!ile
The s{rp€ri.t€ndinB Engineers Road & Burt!rr85 thro!gh the Engnrer-o.Ch,el Ron.l
& EuildrnSr Dept., Tetangana state.
The D rcctor, Gro!nd Water Dept., TelanSafa 5trte.
The Member Secretary, Ielangana State Pollurror Control8o.rd
The Representalrv* oi Mining/'Quarry/MnEral oealu A!so.ratron! trxough lhe, of Mrne5 6 Geotogy
AIL the Deparr.rc.ts oi Telangann Secrebr'at-
Coov to .
P.5. to Pnrc paL 5(rela,y to lhe 8on'ble Chler A rn\nl
P.5. to the Dep!ty Chre, Minister, Relenle Dept
P.5. to lhe Hon'bte home Miritter.
P.5 to the Hon'ble Mrnister (lAC, MA&UD, lI)
P.5 to the Hon'ble /,llnrster trAgri.LntrrrF
P.S. to rhe Hon bl€ lrrnrtrer for 8.C Wellare, TFSAT
P.S to Hon'ble Mjnister (SC Development & Ener3y)
P 5 to the Hon'ble ,rinitter ior Road 6 Bujldin8t
P 5 to Hon'ble Mrnister lor liigatron, Marke(ing, Legrldtrve AllarB
P.!. to Hon'bLe Mrnrlte, k, la..hayat Rat & lloral DevrLopme.t
P.S to Chref Se.ietary to Governme.t
P.5. to Pnn.rpal 5e.,e(dry to Governmen( L CIP (FAC) lfd il Con). oepl.
The Jor.t 0ire(lors/Deputy Dire(tors/Assistant oirectors of /.linet and Geology oept.,
lhrough !h€ Drecror ol M)ne! & G€ology nyderabaa
Sl /5c.


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