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BIOS Flash Tools - HowTo

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Linux Transfer

Version 2.0
BIOS Flash Tools

1 General Notes and Warnings .................................................................................................................................. 4

2 Technical background [new/updated v1.9]............................................................................................................. 4
3 Supported Operating Systems ................................................................................................................................ 5
4 Flash file types......................................................................................................................................................... 5
5 System requirements [new v1.6] ............................................................................................................................ 6
5.1 Windows ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Linux [updated v1.10] ..................................................................................................................................... 7
6 Upgrading / Downgrading the BIOS ........................................................................................................................ 8
6.1 General notes and information [new/updated V2.0] ...................................................................................... 8
6.2 Download location BIOS flash tools [updated v1.9] ........................................................................................ 9
6.3 Download BIOS update package ..................................................................................................................... 9
6.4 Content of typical BIOS update package [new v1.8] ....................................................................................... 9
6.5 EfiFlash for DOS ............................................................................................................................................. 10
6.5.1 Preparing the DOS bootable USB stick .................................................................................................. 10
6.5.2 Flash procedure .................................................................................................................................... 10
6.5.3 Command line options .......................................................................................................................... 11
6.5.4 Errorlevels (Return codes)..................................................................................................................... 12
6.6 EfiFlash for EFI Shell [updated v1.6] .............................................................................................................. 13
6.6.1 Preparing the USB stick with an EFI shell environment [updated v1.8] ................................................ 13
6.6.2 Flash procedure .................................................................................................................................... 13
6.6.4 Command line options .......................................................................................................................... 14
6.6.5 Command line options for save and restore ......................................................................................... 15
6.6.6 Errorlevels (Return codes)..................................................................................................................... 16
6.7 BIOS Update Utility in Bootmenu (D354x and D36xx) [updated v1.6] .......................................................... 17
6.7.1 Preparing the FAT32 USB stick .............................................................................................................. 17
6.7.2 Flash procedure .................................................................................................................................... 17
6.7.3 Additional functions .............................................................................................................................. 18
6.8 DskFlash for Windows (D36xx and newer) .................................................................................................... 19
6.8.1 Preparing the Windows flash procedure............................................................................................... 19
6.8.2 Flash procedure .................................................................................................................................... 19
6.8.3 Command line options .......................................................................................................................... 21
6.8.4 Errorlevels (Return codes)..................................................................................................................... 22
6.9 DskFlash for Windows (prior to D36xx) ......................................................................................................... 23

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.9.1 Preparing the Windows flash procedure............................................................................................... 23
6.9.2 Flash procedure .................................................................................................................................... 23
6.9.3 Command line options [updated V2.0] ................................................................................................. 25
6.9.4 Errorlevels (Return codes)..................................................................................................................... 26
6.10 deskflash for Linux ........................................................................................................................................ 27
6.10.1 Installing Linux driver for deskflash and the tool itself [updated v1.10] ............................................... 27
6.10.2 Flash procedure .................................................................................................................................... 28
6.10.3 Command line options .......................................................................................................................... 29
6.10.4 Errorlevels (Return codes)..................................................................................................................... 30
7 Transferring BIOS Setup settings, defaults and other BIOS customizations (Archive) ........................................... 31
7.1 Archive workflow (D36xx and newer) ........................................................................................................... 32
7.2 Archive workflow (prior to D36xx) ................................................................................................................ 35
8 Recovery flash [updated v1.7]............................................................................................................................... 36
About Kontron .............................................................................................................................................................. 37

Revision History
Date Version Notes
26.04.2022 2.0 Added information about ProductName in Deskflash archive file
Moved and updated some information from chapter “Technical Background” to “General
03.12.2021 1.9
Notes and Infos”, Moved “Download Location of Tools to “Upgrading/Downgrading”
Added chapter “Download locations”, Updated Linux driver and tool installation chapters.
14.10.2021 1.8
Added “Content of typical BIOS update package”
13.09.2021 1.7 Updated chapter “Recovery” – Added typical pin outs for recovery jumper.
Renamed chapter “EfiFlash for EFI (D35xx or newer) to “BIOS Update Utility in
09.08.2021 1.6 Bootmenu”. Adjusted chapter order. Updated description. New section “System
29.06.2021 1.5 Updated first page
19.01.2021 1.4 Updated section 5.4.3 and 5.5.3 – Commandline option /O
15.04.2020 1.3 Updated section 5.2.1 – creating a FreeDOS bootable device
06.03.2020 1.2c Updated section 6: Moved the red marked hint from chapt.6 to 6.2
29.01.2020 1.2b Updated Efiflash.efi section – Location of the tool
24.01.2020 1.2a Updated section 1 and 5.5 – driver FUJ04x0 necessary for Deskflash
Re-Ordered file extension table, Updated Efiflash for EFI section, Added Efiflash in EFI
Shell chapter. Updated “Transfer BIOS settings” with Efiflash in EFI shell. Updated FTP
22.01.2020 1.2
links and changed design to Kontron. Moved Version-Information from Filename to
31.08.2018 1.1 Added chapter Deskflash for Windows (CoffeLake) and updated Archive chapter.
22.06.2018 1.0 First released version (some content based on “Efiflash HowTo 1.2”)

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BIOS Flash Tools
1 General Notes and Warnings
 Never use third-party (Intel, AMI, …) tools to update or modify your Kontron motherboard's BIOS, it's
settings or DMI data!

 Only use Kontron provided tools!

 Please always check for updated available version of the flash tools.

 Please check System Requirements and General Notes and Information chapter first!

2 Technical background [new/updated v1.9]

 Strictly speaking, all recent (since the D3003/D306x series) Kontron motherboards use an UEFI firmware,
not a Legacy "BIOS".

 Still, since the term BIOS is well established, it is generally used to refer to the UEFI firmware, and both
terms are used interchangeably.

 On Legacy BIOS systems, BIOS Setup settings used to be saved in a battery buffered memory region of
the main chipset commonly referred to as “CMOS”. With UEFI, these Setup settings are saved in the
same flash memory chip as the main BIOS, in an area called NVRAM. Thus, on many UEFI systems,
clearing the CMOS, for example by removing the CMOS Battery for a while, will not reset the Setup
settings. Please refer to the BIOS Recovery procedure description for how to reset the Setup settings on
those systems.

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BIOS Flash Tools
3 Supported Operating Systems
There are flash tools for DOS (efiflash.exe), Windows (dskflash.exe), Linux (deskflash) and EFI environment
(efiflash.efi) available. With these toolset you are able to:
 Upgrade/downgrade (“flash”) the BIOS-Firmware
 Recover a corrupted BIOS
 Transfer BIOS Setup settings, defaults and other BIOS customizations (Archive)
 Exchange the BIOS Boot Logo
 Read information about which BIOS updates have been done on a motherboard previously

4 Flash file types

In general (except for the recovery files) it is possible to rename the files, both name and extension. The
function of the files is embedded in the contents, not dependent on the file name or extension.

File extension Type Operating system (tool) Comment

DOS: Efiflash.exe
*.upd Also used for the logo file
Efi shell: EfiFlash.efi
BIOS update file flash.
Windows: DskFlash.exe
*.bup Also used for Archive.
Linux: deskflash
Compressed UPD For use with BIOS update
file over LAN/Internet.
*.arc Archive file DOS (EfiFlash.exe)
*.dmp Dump file EFI shell (Efiflash.efi) See chapter
*.scd BIOS config file EFI shell (Efiflash.efi) " Transferring BIOS Setup
settings "
BIOS configuration Windows / Linux (DskFlash.exe
archive / deskflash
or numbers e.g. BIOS recovery file See chapter "BIOS Recovery"
Self-extracting and self-
*.DFI.exe Standalone Updater Windows executing update package,
based on Dskflash.exe

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BIOS Flash Tools
5 System requirements [new v1.6]
5.1 Windows
Most of motherboard tools mentioned in this document requires access to BIOS NVRAM. Therefore they
need some drivers to get access to BIOS level. The main driver is called FUJ0430 (or FUJ0420) and is the main
access point to the BIOS. You have to install it first, otherwise error messages like “No Support Module for
this hardware found”, “Hardware not supported” or “Did not find GABI service” can show up.
Download it from FTP server:
 “”

Some tools have additional drivers integrated (e.g. Fujitsu/Kontron GABI BIOS Interface driver - FscGabi) and
install them temporarily if needed.

For D371x motherboards a driver installation kit will be available, which installs all Kontron specific
motherboard drivers (e.g. FUJ0430, FSCGABI, SystemMonitoring) at once.
Download it from FTP server:
 “SMS Driver” [tbd]
SMS (“System Management Suite”) driver kit is only released for D371x-V/R boards. It may work with
CoffeeLake or earlier, but was not tested with them!

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5.2 Linux [updated v1.10]
Download "" from the FTP and extract to any user folder:
There are two driver packages included:
1) precompiled_drv-xxxx.tar.gz: Precompiled BIOS driver for RHEL and SLES (only V1.xx packages)
2) driver_src-xxxx.tar.gz: BIOS driver source packages to compile the driver by yourself

Installing the precompiled driver on RHEL and SLES distribution (only V1.xx packages):
1) Extract the tar.gz package and run to install drivers.

Compile the driver sources for any other distribution:

1) Install build environment for kernel modules:
$ sudo -i
$ apt-get update && apt-get install build-essential
2) [new] You may need to install kernel-headers too. Check your distribution documentation for
3) Install kernel modules sources and build modules
$ mkdir /opt/deskview/deskflash/drivers
$ cp <driver_src*.tar.gz>
$ cd /opt/deskview/deskflash/drivers
$ tar –xvzf <driver_src*.tar.gz>
$ cd drivers
$ sudo ./ –ib ./

Start drivers:
 It is necessary, to load the driver modules by hand. Use sobcontrol start.
 Sobcontrol script is located in /opt/deskview/[deskflash|biosset]/device/ path if Biosset or
DeskFlash RPM package was installed before. Otherwise copy sobcontrol from driver_src-

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BIOS Flash Tools
6 Upgrading / Downgrading the BIOS

6.1 General notes and information [new/updated V2.0]

 When downgrading the BIOS, the Intel CSME firmware will not be downgraded. If there already was
running a newer ME firmware version it will remain!

 During a BIOS upgrade or downgrade, all BIOS Setup settings, as well as all customizations (like custom
boot logo, MS licensing data, …) are kept. It is not necessary to load setup defaults afterwards.

 All mentioned BIOS update tools are only preparing the BIOS update process, e.g. writing the BIOS
content to memory and set the flag for BIOS Capsule update ready. The actual BIOS update process will
be executed during POST with the “Capsule Update” mechanism of UEFI BIOS.

 In very rare cases it could be necessary to load default values after BIOS flash, e.g. if you have problems
after BIOS flash or some internal BIOS settings have changed. They will only take effect after loading BIOS
default values manually. If you have customized the BIOS settings with EditCMOS/Biosset, these settings
will be loaded.

 You can update the BIOS versions in any sequence. So when going for example from 1.1.0 to 1.3.0, you
do not need to flash 1.2.0. before flashing 1.3.0.

 In very rare cases, a new BIOS version might require a certain minimum BIOS version to be present.
Occasionally the changes in new BIOS versions are so huge that downgrading to very old BIOS versions is
not possible any more. The BIOS Update's description text file will explain such requirements and
limitations. The flash tool will give a warning and will not flash the BIOS in such cases.

 After upgrading / downgrading the BIOS, the motherboard MUST be restarted before additional BIOS
changes or settings can be applied. EFIFlash / DskFlash / deskflash will automatically issue a reset or
power cycle at the end of the flash procedure. For boards with BIOS Capsule Update mechanism the
reboot will be initiated automatically.

 For Deskflash Archive restore it is mandatory, that the archive is created on a system with the same
“Product Name” as the target system. An archive with ProductName “Example1” cannot be flashed to a
system with ProductName “Example2”. Error message of Deskflash in this case: “Invalid or missing File –
Return code 8”

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.2 Download location BIOS flash tools [updated v1.9]
All tools can be downloaded from FTP server separately:
 DeskFlash (Windows):
 DeskFlash (Linux):
 EfiFlash + EfiShell Minimal:

6.3 Download BIOS update package

 Download latest BIOS admin package (*.bup, *.upd, *.rom) from our FTP server:

 Standalone update for Windows is available too:

o The tool must be renamed after download: *.$XE -> *.EXE

6.4 Content of typical BIOS update package [new v1.8]

| D3633-S1.ROM Recovery BIOS file
| D3633-S1.UPD Standard BIOS update file (for EFI and DOS)
| EfiFlashEfiUsage.txt Help file for Efiflash.efi tool
| EfiFlash.efi BIOS update utility (for EFI shell or Boot Menu)
+---TFTP Optional: Needed for custom “Auto BIOS update” server
| D3633-S1-1-12-0.UPC Compressed BIOS update file
| D3633-S1.csv Control file for Auto BIOS update
| D3633-S1x.R1.12.0.UPD.bup Standard BIOS update file (for WIN and Linux)
| DeskFlash64Bit_UPD.bat Batch file: Start BIOS update (WIN)
\---DeskFlash64Bit Tool directory for WIN Deskflash.
| DeskView.ini
| DskFlash.dat
| DskFlash.exe BIOS update utility launcher. See DskFlash for Win chapter.
| License.txt
| ThirdPartyLicenseReadme.txt
| WinFlash.bat BAT will be called from DeskFlash64Bit_UPD.bat
DF_COFF.exe Core application of Deskflash update utility.

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6.5 EfiFlash for DOS

6.5.1 Preparing the DOS bootable USB stick

EFIFlash is meant to be used with FreeDOS, but most recent Legacy MS-DOS versions should work fine
most of the time.
Note: DOS memory managers like HIMEM or EMM386 might interfere with EfiFlash.
Please use plain DOS without such programs.
1) The Fujitsu tool "FTS_Basic-BootStick.EXE" is not available anymore.
For creating a FreeDOS bootable USB device you can use 3rd party tools, e.g. Rufus.
Just use your preferred search engine for searching a suitable tool / procedure.
2) Copy the files from the BIOS admin pack's DOS directory to any directory on the USB stick. You
may omit the *.UPC file.
3) In case you want to use the USB stick for BIOS recovery, please copy all *.ROM and *.<Number>
files into the USB stick root directory.

6.5.2 Flash procedure

Do not restart, turn off or remove power during flash process
unless the tool requests any restart action!

To flash the BIOS using the provided batch file:

1) Boot DOS from the USB stick
2) Run dosflash.bat
3) Check the BIOS version information shown and start the flash procedure by pressing the “Y” key
to confirm.
4) Wait until the flash update is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in certain cases
even without visible progress.

To flash the BIOS manually:

1) Boot DOS from the USB stick
2) Run efiflash.exe /AUTO
3) Check the BIOS version information shown and start the flash procedure by pressing the “Y” key
to confirm.
4) Wait until the flash update is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in certain cases
even without visible progress.

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.5.3 Command line options
The command line for EfiFlash is: efiflash.exe filename <options>.

Here are explanations for the most commonly used EfiFlash command line options:
/? Display possible options. The possible options will also be shown when calling
efiflash.exe without any option.

/AUTO Automatically choose a file name based on the currently running

motherboard. Don't give a file name in the command line. For example on a
D3433-S22 GS3 motherboard it would look for a file called D3433-S2.UPD
and flash it.

/U Update only if file contains a newer BIOS version than the one that is
currently active.

/D Update only if file contains a different BIOS version than the one that is
currently active.

/Y This makes EfiFlash not ask for confirmation, but automatically assume an
answer "Yes" for all user prompts.

/LAST_CAP_STATUS Returns Capsule Flash update status from the previous attempt.

/LOG Displays the history of previous BIOS flash operations, listing the BIOS version
used, the type of flash update, and the date/time of these BIOSes' creation.
Please note that the date/time when the BIOS was flashed is NOT shown
because it is not logged. The type of flash update can be one of the following:
TOTAL = This BIOS had been programmed at the Kontron factory
UPDATE = normal flash update
ARCHIVE = Archive flash update

/ARCHIVE This creates a BIOS archive file (*.arc). Please see the chapter "Transferring
BIOS Setup settings, defaults and other BIOS customizations (Archive)" for

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6.5.4 Errorlevels (Return codes)

Errorlevel Meaning
0 Terminated normally, everything went OK

1 EfiFlash.exe generated error

2 BIOS generated error

3 Hardware error detected

4 Service not supported

5 File read/write error

6 Error parsing User Options

Bios Interface not found (not an Kontron motherboard with UEFI


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BIOS Flash Tools
6.6 EfiFlash for EFI Shell [updated v1.6]

6.6.1 Preparing the USB stick with an EFI shell environment [updated v1.8]
EfiFlash.efi can be used in two modes: As Boot menu utility (see chapter “BIOS Update Utility in
Bootmenu”) or as a stand-alone EFI shell tool. In stand-alone mode, you are able to script your

1) Format any USB stick with FAT32.

2) Download from Latest release-tag
where is included in Asset section is “edk2-stable202002” from 2020-03-04.
3) Extract the “Shell.efi” file from\ShellBinPkg\UefiShell\X64\ and rename it to
4) Copy the “BootX64.efi” file to you USB stick into \EFI\BOOT\ directory.
5) Copy the “Efiflash.efi” tool into any directory on the USB stick.
a. Efiflash.efi is included in BIOS-Update packages on FTP server since D354x mainboards:[Type]/D3xxx/BIOS_D3xxx/D3xxx-
6) Alternatively you can download and unzip a complete EfiFlash.efi USB package from our FTP
server. This package does already contain an EFI minimal shell, Efiflash.efi tool and an
appropriate startup script. See download chapter for link.
7) Copy all other necessary files (update file, settings file, …) into the same directory which contains
Efiflash.efi tool.

6.6.2 Flash procedure

Do not restart, turn off or remove power during flash process
unless the tool requests any restart action!

To flash the BIOS manually:

1) Boot EFI shell from the USB stick
2) Choose the correct EFI volume from volumes list (e.g. fs0:, fs1:).
3) Navigate to the directory which contains the flash files and tool itself.
4) Run efiflash.efi /AUTO or efiflash.efi Dxxxx.Yz.UPD
5) Check the BIOS version information shown and start the flash procedure by pressing the “Y” key
to confirm.
6) Wait until the flash update is completely prepared. Afterwards the system will do one reboot to
execute the flash process during POST boot (“Secure Capsule flash”).
7) It may take up to a few minutes, in certain cases even without visible progress.

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.6.4 Command line options
The command line for EfiFlash is: efiflash.efi filename <options>.

Here are explanations for the most commonly used EFIFlash command line options*:
/? Display possible options. The possible options will also be shown when
/HELP calling efiflash.efi without any option.

/AUTO Automatically choose a file name based on the currently running

motherboard. Don't give a file name in the command line. For example on a
D3633-S1 motherboard the tool searches the file “D3633-S1.UPD” and
flash it.
/DUMP <file> Create dump file (.DMP) of an installed BIOS Image. *.DMP file is only for
debugging purpose within BIOS development. Cannot be flashed by
/DUMPUPD Same as Dump + Flash Update from File or in Auto Mode
/INFO Display system and installed BIOS Information
/LOG Display Flash Update History
/U Update only if file contains newer version
/D Update only if file contains different version
/Y Answer 'YES' in advance to any prompt
/S Silent. No display output
/LCS Returns last capsule update/restore status
/PWD:<password> Provides BIOS Password required to Enter Flash Update API

*Note: The mentioned commands are available since D36xx (CoffeeLake)! The function set of Efiflash.efi
for D35xx and prior motherboards (D34xx) is similar to the DOS version. So please refer to the DOS
section of Efiflash.exe in that case.

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.6.5 Command line options for save and restore
The following parameters are relevant for BIOS settings archive and restore:
/SAVE <file.SCD> Save System Configuration Data of installed BIOS Image
/RESTORE Restore System Configuration Data to system. If no filename is provided,
[<file.SCD>] the tool searches for a file, named to the currently running motherboard
(similar to /AUTO) -> Dxxxx-Yy.SCD.
By default only BIOS boot logo, BIOS settings and System Data are restored.
Please see the chapter "Transferring BIOS Setup settings, defaults and
other BIOS customizations (Archive)" for details.
/PL:<level> Requested privilege level for Flash Update API. Level “2” is mandatory for
/RESTORE command.
Note: always append “/pwd:” additionally if accessing Level “2” via /PL:2
even no BIOS password is set!
The following parameters allowed only with /RESTORE command.
If you want to restore more possible customizations, you can control the restore behaviour in detail
with the following (hidden) parameters:
/RLO Restore customized BIOS boot logo.
/RSE Restore BIOS settings
/RSD Restore system data (e.g. SMCO, LVDS)
/RPA Restore password
/RBO Restore Boot Order Variables

Examples for archive and restore:

Save BIOS settings archive:

 Efiflash.efi /save [example.scd]
Restore in AUTO mode:
 Efiflash.efi /restore /pl:2 /pwd:
Restore data from provided SCD file:
 Efiflash.efi /restore example.scd /pl:2 /pwd:
Restore BIOS logo only:
 Efiflash.efi /restore example.scd /rlo /pl:2 /pwd:
Restore logo and settings:
 Efiflash.efi /restore /rlo /rse /pl:2 /pwd:
Restore settings, logo, password and update BIOS (Dxxxx-Yz.upd and Dxxxx-Yz.scd in same dir):
 Efiflash.efi /auto /restore /rlo /rse /rpa /pl:2 /pwd:

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6.6.6 Errorlevels (Return codes)

Errorlevel Meaning
0 Terminated normally, everything went OK
1 EfiFlash.exe generated error
2 BIOS generated error
3 Hardware error detected
4 Service not supported
5 File read/write error
6 Error parsing User Options
Bios Interface not found (not an Kontron motherboard with UEFI

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.7 BIOS Update Utility in Bootmenu (D354x and D36xx) [updated v1.6]

6.7.1 Preparing the FAT32 USB stick

EfiFlash.efi is a flash image update utility located in the BIOS boot menu (F12). Boot menu option
“FUJITSU Update Utility” is available for D354x (GeminiLake) and D36xx (CoffeeLake) motherboards.
1) Copy content of the BIOS update package from FTP server to any FAT32 formatted USB
a. EfiFlash.efi -> \EFI\FUJITSU
b. BIOS flash update file (*.UPD) in root directory of USB stick.
c. Optional: BIOS config file (*.SCD) in root directory of USB stick.

6.7.2 Flash procedure

Do not restart, turn off or remove power during flash process
unless the tool requests any restart action!

1) Plug the prepared USB stick to any USB port on the target system
2) Power on system and hit F12 to open boot menu.
3) Choose "FUJITSU Update Utility".
4) EfiFlash.EFI initializes flash update process automatically.
5) Confirm update or decline it to choose another operation. See “Additional functions”.
6) Wait until the flash update is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in certain cases
even without visible progress.

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6.7.3 Additional functions
1) If another operation was chosen, supported options will be shown.
2) Choose desired option by typing corresponding number/letter.

Here are explanations for the additional EFIFlash.efi* commands:

1 [DEFAULT] Update flash in automatic mode

2 Create dump file (*.DMP) of installed flash image.

Please see the chapter "Transferring BIOS Setup settings, defaults and other BIOS
customizations (Archive)" for details.

3 Create dump file (*.DMP) and afterwards update the BIOS flash (same as option 2 + 1)

4 Display system and installed BIOS information

5 Save BIOS config data to .SCD file (replaces /Archive-Dump of older platforms)

6 Restore BIOS config data from .SCD file. No full BIOS-update necessary, (compared to
Archive-flash procedure)

7 Restore BIOS config data from .SCD file and afterwards update the BIOS flash (same as
option 6 + 1). Replaces Archive-BIOS flash. It is possible to restore your specific BIOS
settings and update the BIOS in one step.

8 Returns Capsule Flash update status from the previous attempt.

Q Quit application

*Note: The mentioned commands are available since D36xx (CoffeeLake)! The function set of
Efiflash.efi for D354x motherboards is similar to the DOS version.

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.8 DskFlash for Windows (D36xx and newer)
Since our CoffeeLake based motherboards (D36xx and newer) we changed our BIOS API interface.
Therefore it was necessary to split Deskflash into two versions. Both versions are included in the latest ZIP
package. Use dskflash.exe from the root directory. The tool itself will choose the correct sub-version.
 FUNC1 = “old” API / Motherboards
 FUNC2 = For CoffeeLake motherboards and newer. (Driver FUJ0420 / FUJ0430
Some parameters and functionalities differ between the two versions.
This chapter describes the new DskFlash version 6.81 and newer.

6.8.1 Preparing the Windows flash procedure

Extract the files from the BIOS admin pack's WINDOWS directory to any directory on your system.

6.8.2 Flash procedure

Do not restart, turn off or remove power during flash process
unless the tool requests any restart action!

To flash the BIOS using the provided batch file:

1) Run WinFlash.bat / DeskFlash[32Bit|64Bit]_UPD.bat
2) Check the BIOS version information shown and start the flash procedure by pressing the “Y” key
to confirm.
3) Wait until the flash update preparation is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in
certain cases even without visible progress.
4) After BIOS flash preparation is done, the system will restart automatically to perform the flash
process during BIOS POST (“BIOS capsule update”)

To flash the BIOS using the BIOS instant flash package:

1) Run Dxxxx-B/Syy.R1.zz.0.DFI.EXE and follow the instructions.
2) Wait until the flash update preparation is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in
certain cases even without visible progress.
3) After BIOS flash preparation is done, the system will restart automatically to perform the flash
process during BIOS POST (“BIOS capsule update”).

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BIOS Flash Tools

To flash the BIOS manually (“AUTO” mode also possible, see parameter /UPD in table below):
1) Open command line with administrator rights and navigate to the extracted BIOS admin package
WINDOWS folder
2) Run DskFlash.exe /UPD /FRB /WD=<path-to-BUP-file> /O=<filename>
3) Check the message box content and press the OK button.
4) Wait until the flash update preparation is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in
certain cases even without visible progress.
5) After BIOS flash preparation is done, the system will restart automatically to perform the flash
process during BIOS POST (“BIOS capsule update”).

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6.8.3 Command line options
The command line for DskFlash is: DskFlash.exe /UPD [Parameters]

Here are explanations for the most commonly used DskFlash command line options:
/UPD Update motherboard BIOS. Without the parameter /O it automatically searches for
the latest available update file in the tool directory, suitable for the installed
/ARC Save the system configuration data (*.ARCHIVE.NVUX). Please see chapter
"Transferring BIOS Setup settings" for details.
/BUPINFO Display detail information about the provided BIOS update (.BUP) or configuration
file (.NVUX)
/WD Set the current working directory for loading and saving files and for storing the
logfile too.
/O Name the object file or file pattern for loading and saving.
Note: Only file-names allowed. Use /WD to set the correct source path of the object
/OV Allow DeskFlash to overwrite a current BIOS or an existing file. Only needed, if
installed BIOS is newer than the BIOS you want to flash. Take care about the BIOS
setup option “Allow System Firmware Rollback”, too.
/ARB Allow DeskFlash to reboot the system if required.
/NRB Suppress required reboot of DeskFlash to perform the reboot on an alternate way.
/FRB Force DeskFlash to reboot the system after finishing the job.
/S Hide control dialog and display warning dialog.
/W Hide warning dialog too.
/LF Enable logfile output and name the logfile.
/? Show full help of DskFlash tool
/AST Show last action status (not documented in the tool help)

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6.8.4 Errorlevels (Return codes)
A full list of error codes can be shown with DskFlash.exe /E

Errorlevel Meaning
0 Success
1 Warning
2 General error
4 Syntax error in command line
8 Valid BIOS file missing
64 Insufficient privileges
400 BIOS successfully prepared for POST update action
401 POST update action failed
402 POST update action pending

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.9 DskFlash for Windows (prior to D36xx)
Since our CoffeeLake based motherboards (D36xx and newer) we changed our BIOS API interface.
Therefore it was necessary to split Deskflash into two versions. Both versions are included in the latest ZIP
package. Use dskflash.exe from the root directory. The tool itself will choose the correct sub-version.
 FUNC1 = “old” API / Motherboards
 FUNC2 = For CoffeeLake motherboards and newer.
Some parameters and functionalities differ between the two versions.
This chapter describes the “old” DskFlash version 6.76.

6.9.1 Preparing the Windows flash procedure

Extract the files from the BIOS admin pack's WINDOWS directory to any directory on your system.

6.9.2 Flash procedure

Do not restart, turn off or remove power during flash process
unless the tool requests any restart action!

To flash the BIOS using the provided batch file:

1) Run WinFlash.bat / DeskFlash[32Bit|64Bit]_UPD.bat
2) Check the BIOS version information shown and start the flash procedure by pressing the “Y” key
to confirm.
3) Wait until the flash update preparation is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in
certain cases even without visible progress.
4) After BIOS flash preparation is done, the system will restart automatically to perform the flash
process during BIOS POST (“BIOS capsule update”)

To flash the BIOS using the BIOS instant flash package:

1) Run Dxxxx-B/Syy.R1.zz.0.DFI.EXE and follow the instructions.
2) Wait until the flash update preparation is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in
certain cases even without visible progress.
3) After BIOS flash preparation is done, the system will restart automatically to perform the flash
process during BIOS POST (“BIOS capsule update”).

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To flash the BIOS manually (“AUTO” mode also possible, see parameter /UPD in table below):
1) Open command line with administrator rights and navigate to the extracted BIOS admin package
WINDOWS folder
2) Run DskFlash.exe /UPD /FRB /WD=<path-to-BUP-file> /O=<filename>
3) Check the message box content and press the OK button.
4) Wait until the flash update preparation is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in
certain cases even without visible progress.
5) After BIOS flash preparation is done, the system will restart automatically to perform the flash
process during BIOS POST (“BIOS capsule update”).

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.9.3 Command line options [updated V2.0]
The command line for DskFlash is: DskFlash.exe /UPD [Parameters]

Here are explanations for the most commonly used DskFlash command line options:
/UPD Update motherboard BIOS. Without the parameter /O it automatically searches for
the latest available update file in the tool directory, suitable for the installed
/AR Creates an Archive BIOS and NVRAM settings file (*.ARCHIVE.BUP). Please see
chapter " Transferring BIOS Setup settings" for details.
Please note, that the current “ProductName” is included in archive file and restore is only possible on
systems with the same ProductName.

/WD Set the current working directory for loading and saving files and for storing the
logfile too.
/O Name the object file or file pattern for loading and saving.
Note: Only file-names allowed. Use /WD to set the correct source path of the object
/OV Allow DeskFlash to overwrite a current BIOS or an existing file. Only needed, if
installed BIOS is newer than the BIOS you want to flash.
/ARB Allow DeskFlash to reboot the system if required.
/NRB Suppress required reboot of DeskFlash to perform the reboot on an alternate way.
/FRB Force DeskFlash to reboot the system after finishing the job.
/S Hide control dialog and display warning dialog.
/W Hide warning dialog too.
/LF Enable logfile output and name the logfile.
/? Show full help of DskFlash tool
/AST Show last action status (not documented in the tool help)

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6.9.4 Errorlevels (Return codes)
A full list of error codes can be shown with DskFlash.exe /E

Errorlevel Meaning
0 Success
1 Warning
2 General error
4 Syntax error in command line
8 Valid BIOS file missing; Wrong ProductName found in archive file.
64 Insufficient privileges
400 BIOS successfully prepared for POST update action
401 POST update action failed
402 POST update action pending

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.10 deskflash for Linux

6.10.1 Installing Linux driver for deskflash and the tool itself [updated v1.10]
3) Download "" from the FTP server:
4) Extract the package on your Linux system to any user folder.
5) There are several packages included:
a. precompiled_drv-xxxx.tar.gz: Precompiled BIOS driver for RHEL and SLES (only V1 pkg)
b. driver_src-xxxx.tar.gz: BIOS driver source packages to compile the driver by yourself
c. deskflash-xxxx.rpm: RPM package of the BIOS flash tool “deskflash”
d. deskflash-xxxx.deb: DEB package of BIOS flash tool “deskflash”

Installing necessary drivers:

1) See chapter “System Requirements”

Install deskflash to your system

1) Install RPM package via package manager.
$ rpm –ivh <deskflash-1.*.deb>.rpm
2) Install DEB package via package manager
$ sudo dpkg -i <deskflash-1.*>.deb
3) Uninstall RPM package:
$ rpm -e deskflash

Info: Deskflash executable will be located in /opt/deskview/bin

If you don’t want to use a package manager, you can extract RPM package and copy the content to

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6.10.2 Flash procedure
Do not restart, turn off or remove power during flash process
unless the tool requests any restart action!

To flash the BIOS using the provided shell script file:

1) Copy and the *.BUP file together in one folder and run ./
2) Wait until the flash update preparation is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in
certain cases even without visible progress.
3) After BIOS flash preparation is successfully done, the system will restart automatically to perform
the flash process during BIOS POST (“BIOS capsule update”)

To flash the BIOS manually:

1) Run deskflash –arb –d <path-to-BUP-file> -o <filename>
2) Wait until the flash update preparation is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in
certain cases even without visible progress.
3) After BIOS flash preparation is done, the system will restart automatically after one minute to
perform the flash process during BIOS POST (“BIOS capsule update”).

To flash the BIOS in AUTO mode:

1) Run deskflash –arb -at [–d <path-to-BUP-file>]
a. Parameter –d not necessary, if *.BUP file is stored in the same location as from the tool
will be called. Just navigate to the folder containing the BUP file and execute the
command above.
2) Wait until the flash update preparation is completely done. It may take up to a few minutes, in
certain cases even without visible progress.
3) After BIOS flash preparation is done, the system will restart automatically after one minute to
perform the flash process during BIOS POST (“BIOS capsule update”).

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BIOS Flash Tools
6.10.3 Command line options
The command line for deskflash is: deskflash [Parameters]

Here are explanations for the most commonly used DskFlash command line options:
-at Automatically searches for the latest available update file in the active location,
suitable for the installed motherboard.
-ar Creates an Archive BIOS and NVRAM settings file (*.archive.bup). Please see
chapter " Transferring BIOS Setup settings" for details
-d Set the current working directory for loading and saving files and for storing the
logfile too.
-o Name the object file or file pattern for loading and saving.
-ov Allow deskflash to overwrite a current BIOS or an existing file. Only needed, if
installed BIOS is newer than the BIOS you want to flash.
-arb Allow deskflash to reboot the system if required.
-narb Suppress required reboot of deskflash to perform the reboot on an alternate way.
-lf Enable logfile output and name the logfile.
-i Display system and BIOS information
-h Show full help of deskflash tool
-ast Show last action status (not documented in the tool help)

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6.10.4 Errorlevels (Return codes)
A full list of error codes can be shown with deskflash -e

Errorlevel Meaning
0 No error
1 General error occured, check protocol
2 Syntax error in command line
16 Provided file is not valid
64 Missing confirmations (-arb, -ov, -fcu) for action
128 Insufficient priviledges for action
129 The BIOS version in the file is not update compatible with the version
130 Downgrading to this BIOS version is prohibited.
140 BIOS successfully prepared for POST update action
141 POST update action failed
142 POST update action pending
240 No support module for this hardware found

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BIOS Flash Tools
7 Transferring BIOS Setup settings, defaults and other BIOS
customizations (Archive)
The Archive function the flash tools can be used to transfer several customizations from a source
motherboard to target motherboards.
This is useful for example for setting up each motherboard during system mass production, instead of
applying all customization one by one on each system.

The following Items are transferred if they are different from the target motherboard:
 The whole NVRAM
(this contains the BIOS Setup Defaults, current BIOS Setup settings, Boot order, BIOS passwords)
 The BIOS Boot Logo
(created with UEFIModL and applied via Flash tool or direct uploaded Logo via Flash tool.)
 Customized fan control and temperature limits data
(created with SilentFanConfig and applied with SMCO)
 Customized EDID data for LVDS attached flat panel displays
(created with Phoenix and applied with LVDS)
 Customized DMI data „System Manufacturer“ = DMI Type 1 Offset 4 and Type 3 Offset 4
(set with OEMIDENT)
 Some parts of the main system BIOS (only for ARC files)

The following Items are not transferred

 Customized DMI data except for „System Manufacturer“ (see above)
 Customized flags (set with OEMIDENT, like „TPM disabled”)
 Microsoft SLP and OA Data (Windows activation data, set with OEMIDENT)
 MAC Addresses of the LAN chips (set at factory, not editable)
 Management Engine (ME) Firmware (can only be updated during normal BIOS flash)
 Several other parts of the BIOS like Ethernet controller firmware, flash descriptor, etc. (can only be
updated during normal BIOS flash)

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BIOS Flash Tools
7.1 Archive workflow (D36xx and newer)
With our CoffeeLake based motherboards (D36xx) we changed our BIOS API interface.
Therefore syntax and some functionalities has been changed.

Creating a BIOS configuration file from a source motherboard

Note: BIOS configuration file is now independent of the motherboard BIOS version. No need to use exactly the
same BIOS version to create and apply the configuration file.
1) Apply all customizations that you wish to use (Defaults, settings, logo, …).
2) Create a BIOS configuration file. The commands are:
EFI: efiflash.efi /save (*.SCD)
Windows: dskflash /arc (*.NVUX)
Linux: deskflash /arc (*.NVUX)
The created file will be named automatically according to the motherboard version and with
DeskFlash additionally to the BIOS version.

Applying a BIOS archive file to a target motherboard

1) EFIFlash.efi as Boot Menu utility:
a. Move the *.SCD file to the root directory of the EFI-USB Stick and boot the “Fujitsu Update
b. Decline Auto update and go to the “Additional Functions” menu.
c. Choose Option “6” to restore the BIOS configuration data
d. Optional: You can choose option “7” to update the BIOS version and activate the settings in
one step. Therefore you must place the corresponding *.UPD and *.SCD file in the root
directory of your USB stick. Please make sure, the naming of the files is “Dxxxx-
2) EFIFlash.efi in an UEFI shell environment:
a. Copy the *.SCD file to the same directory like efiflash.efi on your USB stick.
b. Restore command: efiflash.efi /restore file.scd /pl:2 /pwd:
i. /pl:2 is needed for write access to BIOS
ii. /pwd: also at least an empty password parameter is needed. If you have set up an
admin password, please add this password to the parameter.
c. To recover settings and flash BIOS in one step, you have to put the *.SCD and *.UPD file
with the correct naming (see 1.d. above) into the same directory as efiflash.efi.
i. Efiflash.efi /auto /restore /pl:2 /pwd:
d. It is also possible to control which section will be restored from *.SCD file. For details about
the parameters see the table in section “Efiflash.efi usage in EFI Shell”

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3) For Deskflash (Windows)
For applying the NVUX config file via Deskflash there are some special parameters:
/NVU Restore the system configuration data from a .nvux file
DskFlash /NVU /O=<config.nvux> [/PWD=<password>] [/BOOTORDER]

/NVRAM Restore only the NVRAM (BIOS setup settings) from a .nvux file
DskFlash /NVRAM /O=<config.nvux>

/PASSWORDS Restore only the passwords (BIOS setup settings) from a .nvux file
DskFlash /PASSWORDS /O=<config_archive.nvux>

/BOOTORDER Restore only the boot order (BIOS setup settings) from a .nvux file or from
DskFlash /BOOTORDER /O=<config_archive.nvux>

Details and examples can be found in the tool integrated help.

You can also combine a BIOS update file (.bup) and a configuration file (.nvux) to update the
system BIOS and activate your settings in one step:
/MAKE Create a combined archive from a .nvux file and a .bup file
DskFlash /MAKE /O=<output_combined.bup>
/CINP=<config_archive.nvux> /BINP=<original_bios.bup>

Apply the combined image in the same way like flashing a standard BIOS file (see chapter
“Upgrading / Downgrading the BIOS”).

4) For Deskflash (Linux) [update]

For applying the NVUX config file via Deskflash there is a special:
-nvu Restore the system configuration data from a .nvux or combined.bup file:
deskflash -arb -nvu –o <config.nvux>
deskflash -arb -nvu –o <combined.bup>
Details and examples can be found in the tool integrated help.

You can also combine a BIOS update file (.bup) and a configuration file (.nvux) to update the
system BIOS and activate your settings in one step:
--make Create a combined archive from a .nvux file and a .bup file
deskflash --make -o <output_combined.bup> -cinp
<config_archive.nvux> -binp <original_bios.bup>

Apply the combined image with –nvu parameter. It updates the BIOS and apply the settings
from NVUX file in one step.
Attention: Different usage of parameters in Windows and Linux deskflash!

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5) If desired, apply other customizations that are specific to each piece of system, like SLP/OA
activation data, system serial number, etc.

Note: When later upgrading / downgrading the BIOS, all customizations and settings will be preserved.

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7.2 Archive workflow (prior to D36xx)
Caution: The BIOS version on the source and destination motherboard must be the same!
If necessary, update the BIOS and reboot before applying an Archive!

Creating a BIOS archive file from a source motherboard

Note: Steps 1) and 2) can also be done vice versa.
1) If necessary: Upgrade/Downgrade the BIOS to the version you intend to use in mass production,
reboot to activate this BIOS version.
2) Apply all customizations that you wish to use (Defaults, settings, LOGO, LVDS, SMCO, …).
3) Create a BIOS archive file. The commands are:
DOS: efiflash.exe /archive (*.ARC)
EFI: efiflash.efi /archive (*.ARC)
Windows: dskflash /ar (*.BUP)
Linux: deskflash /ar (*.BUP)
The created file will be named automatically according to the motherboard version and with
DeskFlash additionally to the BIOS version.

Applying a BIOS archive file to a target motherboard

1) If necessary: Upgrade/downgrade the BIOS to the same version as was used to create the archive,
reboot to activate this BIOS version.
2) Apply the BIOS archive in the same way like flashing a standard BIOS file (see chapter “Upgrading /
Downgrading the BIOS”).
3) If desired, apply other customizations that are specific to each piece of system, like SLP/OA
activation data, system serial number, etc.

Note: When later upgrading / downgrading the BIOS, all customizations and settings will be preserved.

Caution: Do NOT apply an archive file to a motherboard with a different BIOS version than was used to create
the archive! As described above, some parts of the BIOS are not updated during applying an archive, only during
normal BIOS update. This could result in the BIOS version shown as the one used to create the BIOS archive, but
not all parts of the BIOS would actually match this version.

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BIOS Flash Tools
8 Recovery flash [updated v1.7]
In case the BIOS update process was interrupted, the contents of the BIOS flash chip might be corrupted. If a
small very first part of the BIOS, the boot loader, is undamaged, a recovery procedure can restore the BIOS to
normal working order.

Preparing the recovery procedure

1) Copy all appropriate *,ROM and *.<Number> files into the root directory of a
FAT32 formatted USB stick.
2) Connect the USB stick to any USB port of the affected motherboard.
3) Set the Recovery Jumper to the appropriate position.
Please see your motherboard’s manual or Tech Notes for the location of this jumper.

Typically there are two different layouts available (depending on the motherboard model):

Figure 1 Combined with FrontPanel Figure 2 Separate pin header

Executing the recovery procedure

After switching on the motherboard, the BIOS bootloader automatically initiates recovery and restores
the BIOS contents from the ROM file.
There will be no video output, but repeating short beeps every few seconds will indicate that the
recovery is running. Depending on the motherboard model and BIOS version either a repeating
sequence of short and long beeps or a message on the screen will signal success of the recovery
procedure. Remove the power and set the recovery jumper back to its normal position.

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BIOS Flash Tools
About Kontron

Global Headquarters Kontron Europe GmbH

Gutenbergstraße 2
85737 Ismaning, Germany
Tel.: +49 821 4086 0
Fax: +49 821 4086 111
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