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SQC (Chapter 2 NP)

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Control Charts for Attributes

 Many quality characteristics cannot be conveniently

represented numerically.

 In such cases, we usually classify each item inspected as either

conforming or nonconforming to the specifications on that

quality characteristic.

A) Control Chart for Fraction Nonconforming
(Control Chart for Proportion)

 Let us suppose that the production process operates in a stable

manner, such that the probability that a given unit will not
conform to specifications is p.

 If a random sample of n units of product is selected and if D is

the number of units that are nonconforming, the D follows a
binomial distribution with parameters n and p.

 The mean of D is np and the variance is np (1-p). The sample
proportion nonconforming is the ratio of the number of
nonconforming units in the sample, D, to the sample size n,

 The mean and variance of this estimator are
For p-chart:

 When the process fraction (proportion) p is not known, it
must be estimated from the available data.

 This is accomplished by selecting m preliminary samples,

each of size n.

 If there are Di defectives in sample i, the fraction

nonconforming in sample i is

Hence for p-chart:

If we get a negative value for LCL, we replace it by 0. 6

Example: Frozen orange juice concentrate is packed in 6-oz
cardboard cans. These cans/containers are formed on a
machine by spinning them from cardboard stock and
attaching a metal bottom panel. By inspection of a can, we
may determine whether, when filled, it could possibly leak
either on the side seam or around the bottom joint. Such a
nonconforming can has an improper scat on either the side
seam or the bottom panel. We wish to set up a control chart to
improve the fraction of nonconforming cans produced by tiffs

Example: To establish the control chart, 30 samples of n = 50 cans each were
selected at half-hour intervals overa three-shift period in which the machine
was in continuous operation. The results are given in the following table
Sample Number of Sample Sample Number of Sample
Number Nonconfor Fraction Number Nonconfor Fraction
ming Cans, Nonconfor ming Cans, Nonconfor
Di ming, p̂ i Di ming, p̂ i
1 12 0.24 17 10 0.20
2 15 0.30 18 5 0.10
3 8 0.16 19 13 0.26
4 10 0.20 20 11 0.22
5 4 0.08 21 20 0.40
6 7 0.14 22 18 0.36
7 16 0.32 23 24 0.48
8 9 0.18 24 15 0.30
9 14 0.28 25 9 0.18
10 10 0.20 26 12 0.24
11 5 0.10 27 7 0.14
12 6 0.12 28 13 0.26
13 17 0.34 29 9 0.18
14 12 0.24 30 6 0.12
15 22 0.44 Total 347 p  0.2313
16 8 0.16
B) np-chart:
If the sample size is constant for all samples, say n, then the
sampling distribution of the statistic, d = np number of
nonconforming/defective in the sample if 𝑝 is known
given by

If we get a negative value for lower control limit, we replace it by 0.


if 𝑝 is unknown given by
 if the sample size is varies from sample to sample, then np
chart would be quite uncomfortable to use because the
central lines as well as the control limits would vary from
sample to sample. In such a case p chart would be better to
 However, in case of constant sample size for all samples
any one of np or p charts may be used but, in practice, p
chart commonly used. In the other way, many non-
statistically trained personnel find the np chart easier to
interpret than the usual fraction nonconforming control
 The p-chart and np chart tend to be used when n is large
since the 3-sigma rule is inspired by normal

 This makes more sense, for a binomial distribution with

large n because of the normal approximation.

 (i.e. for small n, the 3-sigma control lines are not


Example: consider the data in the example above
for the fraction nonconforming Orange Juice
concentrate cans.
C) Variable Sample Size
In some applications of the control chart for fraction
nonconforming, the sample is a 100% inspection of process
output over some period of time. Since different numbers of
units could be produced in each period, the control chart would
then have a variable sample size. There are different approaches
to constructing and operating a control chart with a variable
sample size.
Example. To illustrate this approach, consider the data given below for the
25 samples.
ii) Control Limits Based on an Average Sample Size

Example: For the data in the above example, construct control
limits based on an average sample size.
iii) The Standardized Control Chart
 The third approach to dealing with variable sample size is to use
a "standardized" control chart, where the points are plotted in
standard deviation units.

 Such a control chart has the center 1ine at zero, and upper and
lower control limits of +3 and -3, respectively. The variable
plotted on the chart is

pi − p pi − p
Zi = or Zi = .
p(1−p) p(1−p)
ni ni

Ex: construct the standardized control chart for the above example. 23
D) Control Chart for defects per unit (c-chart)
 Often rather than classifying an item being as defective
or non-defective, the number of defects in each unit
may be counted.

 In this case a Poisson distribution will be used to

model the number of defects.

e−c cx
 p(x)= ; x = 0, 1,2 ...., where x is the number of

nonconformities (defects) and c > 0 is the parameter

of the Poisson distribution.
 Therefore, a control chart for nonconformities
(defects) with three-sigma limits would be defined as:
• UCL = c + 3 c,
• CL = c and
• LCL = c - 3 c.

 If the LCL comes out negative, then there is no lower

control limit (LCL=0).

 If no standard is given, then c may be estimated as the
observed average number of nonconformities in a
preliminary sample of inspection units--say, c.

 In this case, the control chart has parameters defined as:

• UCL = c + 3 c ,

• CL = c and

• LCL = c - 3 c .

Example: : Consider the number of nonconformities observed in 26
successive samples of 100 printed circuit boards data and construct the
control chart for c. Note that, for reasons of convenience, the inspection
unit is defined as 100 boards

total number of nonconformities 516
• c = = = 19.58
number of sample 26

• Then the control limits are given by:

E) u-chart
 If we find x total nonconformities in a sample of n inspection
units, then the average number of nonconformities per
inspection unit is u = x/n, where x is a Poisson random
 The parameters of the control chart for the average number of
nonconformities per unit are as:
• UCL = u + 3 u/ n ,

• CL = u and

• UCL = u - 3 u/ n
2.4. Process and Measurement System Capability
Statistical techniques can be helpful throughout the product
cycle, including development activities prior to
manufacturing, in quantifying process variability, in
analyzing this variability relative to product requirements or
specifications, and in assisting development and
manufacturing in eliminating or greatly reducing this
variability. This general activity is called process
capability analysis
 Process capability refers to the uniformity of the process.
Obviously, the variability of critical-to- quality
characteristics in the process is a measure of the uniformity
of output.

 We are often required to compare the output of a stable

process with the process specifications and make a statement
about how well the process meets specification.

 To do this we compare the natural variability of a stable

process with the process specification limits.
 Specification limits are boundaries set by a customer,
engineering, or management to designate where the product
must perform.

 Specification limits are also referred to as the “voice of the

customer” because they represent the results that the
customer requires. If a product is out of specification, it is
nonconforming and unacceptable to the customer.

 A capable process is one where almost all the measurements

fall inside the specification limits
 It is customary to take the 6-sigma spread in the distribution
of the product quality characteristic as a measure of process
 The upper and lower natural tolerance limits of the
process fall at μ + 3 σ and μ - 3 σ, respectively; that is,
UNTL = μ + 3 σ
LNTL = μ - 3 σ
 NB: Natural tolerances are the control limits placed at three
times the standard deviation from the process average. These
limits are some times referred to as 3 Sigma Limits 34
 For a normal distribution, the natural tolerance limits
include 99.73% of the variable, or put another way, only
0.27% of the process output will fall outside the natural
tolerance limits.
Two points should be remembered:

I. 0.27% outside the natural tolerances sounds small, but

this corresponds to 2700 nonconforming parts per

II. If the distribution of process output is non-normal, then

the percentage of output falling outside μ ± 3 σ may
differ considerably from 0.27%.

 A process capability study usually measures functional
parameters or critical-to- quality characteristics on the
product, not the process itself.
 When the analyst can directly observe the process and
can control or monitor the data-collection activity, the
study is a true process capability study, because by
controlling the data collection and knowing the time
sequence of the data, inferences can be made about the
stability of the process over time
 Process capability analysis is a vital part of an overall quality-
improvement program
 process capability analysis is a technique that has application in
many segments of the product cycle, including product and
process design, supply chain management, production or
manufacturing planning, and reducing the variability in a
manufacturing process,
 Note that, the estimate of process capability may be in the
form of a probability distribution having a specified shape,
center (mean), and spread (standard deviation).
A) Process Capability Analysis Using Histogram

The histogram, along with the sample average X-bar

and sample standard deviation s, provides information
about process capability.

Example: To illustrate the use of a histogram to

estimate process capability, consider the following
histogram, which presents the bursting strength (psi) of
100 glass containers.
 Analysis of the 100 observations gives:̅X = 264.06 and s =
32.02. Consequently, the process capability would be
estimated as: ̅X ± 3s or 264.06 + 3(32.02) ≈ 264 ± 96 psi.
=(168, 360)
 Furthermore, the shape of the histogram implies that the
distribution of bursting strength is approximately normal. Thus, we
can estimate that approximately 99.73% of the bottles
manufactured by this process will burst between 168 and 360 psi.

 Note that we can estimate process capability independent of the

specifications on bursting strength.

 An advantage of using the histogram to estimate process capability

is that it gives an immediate, visual impression of process
performance. It may also immediately show the reason for poor
process performance
B) Process Capability Analysis Using Probability

 Probability plotting is an alternative to the histogram that can

be used to determine the shape, center, and spread of the

 It has the advantage that it is unnecessary to divide the range

of the variable into class intervals, and it often produces
reasonable results for moderately small samples (which the
histogram will not).
Example: consider following 20 observations on glass
container bursting strength: 197, 200, 215, 221, 231, 242,
245, 258, 265, 265, 271,275, 277, 278, 280, 283, 290, 301,
318, and 346.

 The following figure is the normal probability plot of 20

observations of burst-strength data. Note that the data lie
nearly along a straight line, implying that the distribution of
bursting strength is normal
 We know that the mean of the normal distribution is the fiftieth
percentile, which we estimate from the above probability plot as
approximately 265 psi, and the standard deviation of the
distribution is the slope of the straight line. It is convenient to
estimate the standard deviation as the difference between the
eighty-fourth and the fiftieth percentiles.

 For the strength data shown above and using the figure, we find that
𝜎̂= 84th percentile - 50th percentile =298 -265 psi=33 psi. Note
that µ̂ = 265 psi and 𝜎̂ = 33 psi are not far from the sample
average ̅X = 264.06 and standard deviation s = 32.02.
C) Process Capability Ratio, using Cp
 In order to manufacture within a specification, the difference

between the upper specification limit (USL) and the lower

specification limit (LSL) must be less than the total process


 So, a comparison of 6 with (USL–LSL) gives an obvious

process capability index, known as the Cp of the process:

Cp =

where USL and LSL are the upper and lower specification limits,
 Clearly, any value of Cp < 1 means that the process variation is
greater than the specified tolerance band so the process is
 For increasing values of Cp the process becomes increasingly
 In a practical application, the process standard deviation
σ is almost always unknown and must be replaced by an
estimate of σ.
 To estimate σ we typically use either the sample

standard deviation, s or .

 Hence an estimate of Cp, gives

Cp =


For a certain process: USL = 20 and LSL = 6.

The observed process average, = 16, and the standard

deviation, s = 2.

USL −LSL 20 −6
Cp = = = 1.167.
6σ 6(2)

For one-sided specifications, we define one-sided PCRs as:


Example: consider the container bursting-strength data in the above
example. Suppose that the lower specification limit on bursting
strength is 200 psi. We will use µ̂ = ̅X=264 and s =32 as estimates
of µ and 𝜎, respectively, and the resulting estimate of the one-sided
lower process-capability ratio is:

The fraction of defective containers produced by this process is

estimated by finding the area to the left of
under the standard normal distribution. The estimated fallout is about
2.28% defective, or about 22,800 nonconforming containers per
D) Process Capability Ratio for Off-Center Process

 The Cp index does not take into account where the process
mean is located relative to the specifications.
 Cp simply measures the spread of the specifications relative
to the 6-sigma spread in the process.
 This situation may be more accurately reflected by defining
a new process capability ratio that takes process centering
into account.

 Cpk takes in to account both the process variation and the
 The Cpk can be used when there is only one specification
limit, upper or lower – a one-sided specification.
 For upper and lower specification limits, there are two Cpk
values, Cpu and Cpl
 These relate the difference between the process mean and
the upper and the lower specification limits respectively, to 3
(half the total process variation)

𝑈𝑆𝐿 −𝜇
Cpu = ,upper specification only and

𝜇 − 𝐿𝑆𝐿
Cpl = , lower specification only.

The overall process Cpk is the minimum value of Cpu

and Cpl.
That is, Cpk = min {Cpl, Cpu}
As in the case of Cp, increasing values of Cpk
correspond to increasing capability
It may be possible to increase the Cpk value by centering
the process so that its mean value and the mid-
specification or target, coincide.
A comparison of the Cp and the Cpk will show zero
difference if the process is centered on the target value.
 Estimates 𝐶 pu and 𝐶 pl would be obtained by replacing 𝜇 and 𝜎
in the above equations by estimates 𝜇 and 𝜎, respectively.

Note that Cp measures the potential capability of the
process, if centered;

Cpk measures the capability of the process, including

its centering.

The Cpk index can be used for one-sided


Example: Suppose that a stable process has upper and
lower specifications at USL = 62 and LSL = 38 with a
sample mean of 53 and sample standard deviation of 2.
Then compute the PCR for off-center process.

Confidence interval for Cp

 If the quality characteristic follows a normal distribution,

then a 100(1 - α)% confidence interval on Cp is obtained

χ21−α χ2α
USL −LSL 2,n−1 USL− LSL 2,n−1
≤ Cp ≤
6σ n−1 6σ n−1

χ21−α χ2α
2,n−1 2,n−1
= Cp ≤ Cp ≤ Cp ,
n−1 n−1
2 2 α α
where χ1−α
and χα
are the lower 2 and upper 2

percentage points of the chi-square distribution with n - 1

degrees of freedom.
Example: Suppose that a stable process has upper and lower
specifications at USL = 62 and LSL = 38. A sample of size n
= 20 from this process reveals that the process mean is
centered approximately at the midpoint of the specification
interval and that the sample standard deviation s = 1.75, then
find the 95% confidence interval for a point estimate of Cp.


USL− LSL 62− 38

Cp = = = 2.29 and
6σ 6∗1.75

χ21−α χ2α
2,n−1 2,n−1
The 95% CI for Cp = Cp ≤ Cp ≤ Cp
n−1 n−1

8.91 32.85
= 2.29 ≤ Cp ≤ 2.29
20−1 20−1

=1.57 ≤ Cp ≤3.01,

where χ20.975,19 = 8.91 and χ20.025,19 =32.85. 59

Confidence interval for Cpk

If the quality characteristic is normally distributed, then an

approximate 100(1 - α)% confidence interval on Cpk is
given as:

Cpk 1 1 ≤ Cpk
1−Z +
α 2 9nC2pk 2(n−1)

≤ Cpk 1 1
1+Z +
9nC2pk 2(n−1)

Example: Consider the above example and construct the 95%
CI for Cpk by assuming the observed sample mean is 53.

Solution: Cpu = (62-53)/(3*1.75) = 1.714 and Cpl = (53-

38)/(3*1.75) =2.857

• Cpk = min (Cpu, Cpl) = 1.714

• Therefore, the 95% CI for Cpk is

= Cpk 1 1 ≤ Cpk
1−Z +
𝑎 9nC2pk 2(n−1)

≤ Cpk 1 1
1+Z +
𝑎 9nC2pk 2(n−1)

1 1
= 1.714 1 − 1.96 + ≤ Cpk
9∗20∗1.714 2 2(20−1)

≤ 1.714 1 1
1 + 1.96 +
9∗20∗1.714 2 2(20−1)

=1.154 ≤ Cpk ≤2.274.

What happens if the process is not approximately
normally distributed?
 The process capacities that we considered so far are based on
normality of the process distribution.
 This poses a problem when the process distribution is not
Some of the remedies are
 Transform the data so that they become approximately

 Use or develop another set of process capacity, that apply to
non normal distributions. One statistic is called Cnpk (for non-
parametric Cpk). Its estimator is calculated by:

Where p (0.995) is the 99.5th percentile of the data and

p(.005) is the 0.5th percentile of the data.


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