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Respect Basics Handbook

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the RESPECT basics

8 ways to change your world inside and out


tell your TRUTH know youre VALUABLE follow your PASSIONS trust your GUT set BOUNDARIESspeak up! be compassionate: LISTEN get HELP SPREAD respect

The Respect Institute Press 1743 Park Ave. #429 San Jose, CA 95126 (415) 315-9707 copyright 2011 The Respect Basics

What does RESPECT mean to you?

Ive never met anyone who doesnt want respect. Ive always wanted it, especially growing up with heartbreaking issues like family addiction, domestic violence, my own risky choices and negative thoughts about myself. There were times when I honestly didnt have one shred of respect for myself, for others or my community. I also didnt know how to bounce back when disrespect was derailing me from reaching my dreams (or even having dreams!). Luckily, I learned that respect is always within reach because true respect starts on the inside. I discovered what I call The Respect Basics. Do you know what else I learned? At its root, respect means to look again. Think about it. You can spread respect by looking again when you meet someonenot judging them, seeing them as an equal and getting to know who they really are. You can look again when disrespect is taking over in a relationship and find respectful ways to end conflicts. You can look again at your harsh thoughts about yourself (and others) and change your mind. When you finish this book, I hope this is the definition of respect you live by. I hope you learn that you can not only survive, but thrive (to grow, succeed, be healthy and be a positive influence). I hope you understand that no matter what youre going throughstruggling to reach a goal, recovering from a tough time, advocating for changethat respect truly is the remedy. You can create a respect ripple effect throughout the world starting with you. And this world needs just that. Trust me. ~Courtney

5 ways to use this book

Get a journal to help you complete the practices on each page. Start a book club and practice with your friends or family. Read it over and overThe Respect Basics are something you can practice every day for life. When you have a problem or challenge, randomly flip to a page and apply that Respect Basic to your situation immediately. Spread respect by passing this book on to someone else.

Tell Your TRUTH

I tell my truth all over the place. Each year, I share with thousands of people about my familys struggle for respect. Each day, I tell a group of girlfriends whats going on in my lifethe good and bad. When I update my status online, Im real about what Im celebrating that day, or when Ive really hit a rough patch (like when I got sick after my son was born). By the way, the kind of truth Im talking about is not said with the intention of harming anyone. Some may not like it. But it is my truth, not theirs. Why do I do this? Because the truth not only sets me free, it lets others know something really important: You are not alone. Telling your truth helps you learn from your experiences, accept yourself and recover from disrespect. So be honest about who you are and where youve been. If youve been hurt, tell your story to someone who can help. When youre stronger, tell your story to others to help them. When youve learned something powerful that can benefit us all, Tell Your Truth far and wide to help the world.


For one week, Tell Your Truth in a private journal. Write about your past and present and your future dreams. If you want, you can share your truth with someone who respects your privacy, someone you want to help, or someone who can just listen. If your truth includes being hurt, see Get Help.


If Im the first person to ever tell you, or youve heard it a million times, believe me: You matter. I matter, too. And what we do with our time, talents and resources matters. Our behavior sure does matter: You have a huge impact whether you realize it or not. And how we take care of ourselves, each other and our world mattersa lot. We all have equal worth. When you Know Youre Valuable, you dont think of yourself as below or above anyone elseperiod. When you believe, Im valuable, you cant help but start to make healthy choices, treat people with respect and make the world a better place with your gifts and by achieving your goals.


1. In your journal, write DISRESPECT at the top of a page on the left. Write RESPECT on the right. Make a line down the middle of the page between them. 2. Under DISRESPECT, list the top ways you or others have treated YOU like youre not valuable. Then list all the ways youre hard on yourself. 3. Under RESPECT, write one way you can value yourself next to each situation on the left. 4. When you look again, do you see a theme under each list? Next write an inspiring mantra to remind yourself that you matter no matter what. Start your mantra with I was bornHeres mine: I was born to spread respect for all. 5. If you have a baby photo, put your new mantra next to your picture where you can see it every day. It will remind you to make choices today that reflect your growing self-respect.

Follow Your PASSIONS

This Respect Basic saved me. I was about to not graduate from high school like everyone else in my family. But then, I got hooked on a passion: journalism. I decided to investigate how to get into college after all. I was soon editor-in-chief of my college newspaper. By age 22, I had my degree and was a reporter covering a big U.S. Supreme Court case. Following that single passion drove me to take a detour from self-destruction toward my destiny. Today Im totally passion-driven, from taking a run so I feel energized to do my work spreading respect to small things like changing my sons diapers (because being a loving mom is my top passion!). Follow Your Passions, and self-respectalong with thrivingwill follow.


Read the instructions first and then do the first step. 1. Sit down. Close your eyes. Put your hand on your stomach. Take 20 deep breaths. Keep your eyes closed. Picture yourself 10 years from now. What are you doing with your life? 2. Write in your journal what your future self was doing. 3. What do you need to do today to get where she/he is? 4. Think of one word that will remind you to Follow Your Passions. Write the word where you can see it every day.

Trust Your GUT

Did you know your gut has a brain? True story. Your gut has 1 million neurons, which means it really does feel things, remember experiences and send you messages. If your gut is like mine, it never shuts up! And the more you listen, the clearer the messages get over time. My gut doesnt lie, but my other brain does. There have been so many times that my gut said: This doesnt feel right. But my brain said: Forget it, dont say anything, but maybe shes rightThe times I didnt listen to my gut are the times when disrespect took over. Ive been physically hurt, suffered in unhealthy relationships for too long or been eaten alive by stress. My gut is the voice of my smartest, calmest, best-est self. Trust Your Gutit will tell you whats right for you and no one else.


Pick a time period you want to commit to listening to your gut more closely. Is it one day, a week or a whole month? Next, each day, when you get a major gut check, listen. It may help to write the big messages you get in your journal. Practice listening for now. Dont worry too much about what to do with the information (see next few Respect Basics for clues).


Especially with people Im close to, I can have a hard time saying no or what I want. Im afraid of their reaction. Or Ive gotten in the habit of letting them pressure me. Sometimes, I lie instead of setting clear boundaries. Can you relate? The good news: You can always get your voice back. Setting boundaries is not about keeping people out, its about letting them in by telling your truth. What will or wont work for you? First you have to listen to your gut for the answers to those questions. Some of your boundaries will be concrete, like you never think its OK to do (fill in the blank). More often, youll adjust your boundaries as you learn. Ultimately, you Set BoundariesSpeak Up! for your selfcare. Heres the deal: You cant say yes to everything. Or when will you have time to sleep or the brain space to dream big?


In your journal, get clear on your top boundaries. What are you saying YES to and what are you saying NO to? Your values. Whats important to you? What beliefs do you live by? Self-care and health. How can you take care of yourself each day? Remember your goals, how you want to feel and how you want to treat people. Work, school, volunteering, passions. What do you need to stop doing that is stressing you out or making you hate life? What do you love that you want to do more often? Relationships. How do you want to maintain your selfrespect when youre around those youre closest to? Where have you gone past a boundary you need to re-set?

Be Compassionate: LISTEN

Compassion means to care about other people and respect them the way youd like to be treated. For example, if someone is being hurt around you, then you feel impactedmaybe even a bit crushed. Heres the dilemma: If youre hard on yourself, youre probably tough on others too. When Im judging someone else or feeling really angry at them, I cant Be Compassionate: Listen very well. Its easier to be compassionate when youre doing the other Respect Basics regularly so you are fed, rested, safe, valuing yourself, passionate and being honest. See how that works?

Use the Respect Levels of Listening to practice compassion for yourself and others. Level 1:Its About Me. Im listening to myself. Im listening to my gut so I can make choices or set boundaries that work for me. Im not listening to harsh or judgmental thoughts. Level 2: Its About UnderStanding. When youre talking, Im listening to you. Im not in my head thinking about what Im going to say, judging or interrupting. Im listening with my ears and heart. I sense whats important you. I dont give unwanted advice. I ask questions to understand you better. At this level of listening, I can get to know the real you even after a short conversation.


Ive lived through some deep experiences: the death of my father and brother, violence, trauma, divorce, childbirth and a serious illness. I wouldnt have gotten through the hard times to go on and empower lots of people without tons of help. People with strong support circles thrive. If youve been through serious disrespect, youll need support to recover. If you want to reach a big goal or change an unhealthy habitor the worldyoull need a team behind you. My mom once had to ask a complete stranger for help to get out of a deadly relationship. Im glad she did. Get Help is the hardest Respect Basic to practice for most people I meet (whether theyre in 5th grade or over age 50). Somewhere, many of us learned that asking for help is embarrassing. Let go of that idea right now, OK? Getting help isnt about people fixing you. Its about you keeping your self-respect going strong.


Its simple: Ask for help today. Think of anything you need support with or want to achieve. You cant do it alone. And why should you? Keep searching until you find the right person. Dont give up. Peopleincluding mewant to help you. (See Tools & Resources on our website for helplines.) Create a Respect Circle. This is your team. Who can help you stay healthy and passionate? My current circle includes a 12-step support group, a counselor, my husband, my best friend, a coach, my running partner, more than one mentor, 100+ women in my private online group, my spiritual community and my doctor (for starters).

SPREAD Respect

When Im feeling down or too focused on myself, I can quickly change my mood by spreading respect. When Im feeling grateful, I can keep it going by spreading respect. When I see a problem in the world that makes me cry or grit my teeth in anger, there is an opening to spread respect through my work. Heres the flip side: Sometimes the only way to spread respect is to take care of yourself first. If your self-care is low, you wont have a lot of extra respect to hand out. At worst, youll spread DISrespect. Spreading respect is the only onesize-fits-all solution I know to any problem. Pass it on.


Look again: Where around you are people aching for some respect? What can you do? Or, where would a kind word or a sincere apology flip the switch from disrespect to respect?

wait! theres more


learn how you can start a larger Respect Circle and practice The Respect Basics for 30 days with a group of friends.

I want to hear how this book helped you or to support you with more resources. Please reach out to me by email, Facebook, Skype/Twitter (respectrx). I really do read my own messages! It inspires me to hear your stories and they always help me spread respect even further. Im here:

Our mission is to make respect the status quo. We give youth and their influencers the tools to build self-respect so they can break cycles of disrespect and thrive. Our programs include:

YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS. The Respect Rally is a summit where middle
school, high school or college students learn to boost their self-respect, improve relationships and become better leaders. The RESPECT: Keep It Going! Kit is our 12-week program that teaches the same skills more deeply and is lead by other organizations after our training. AT-RISK and INCARCERATED YOUTH. Trainings for youth influencers to bring respect tools into jails, rehabilitation centers, foster or group homes and shelters. PARENTS/FAMILIES. Workshops, parent-child retreats and keynotes on hot topics like bullying and communication. WOMEN AND GIRLS. Self-care trainings for women and girls based on the bestselling book RESPECT. EDUCATORS and ADVOCATES. Train-the-trainers teach youth influencers how to integrate our tools into their own programs. MEDIA AND RESEARCH. Education through media and free resources to raise awareness about disrespectful trends that can be solved with The Respect Basics.

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