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NFSG Committee Report Part-4

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~c-. A ·32022/1 0.'20 i .!-SS-!

Governr.~ent oflndia
Mi:lisuy of labour & EmplO>T.lenr
Shr1m Sh:J.kti Bha,van. Rafi Marg, 'S!\\ O!lhi,

~mra! Em pi~) ees·

Pro• i<<nt fund Comr.>i;;iaw
Pr~videnc Fund Orglnisa,!on,
Bha\ish:-al'idl:i Bh::~.•.\:!.r.,
Bhibji C:l.'\12 P:ace,
?\ew Delhi

Subject: - Organ and Cedre Restructt:ri::g in EPFO- apprO\ al reg.

I am directed t0 r:fer to the Emplo~ees· Prc-.ident F~n.:l 0:-glniZlibn's \ene~

No.HR.D/61'2015'\'0L.ll/9972 da:ed 8.07.20!6, No.HR.D/61t2015.69} dated 21.07.2016,
~;o. HRD/61-'20 l5/Voi.I/80i ciated 08.08.2016. ~o .HRDt6l/2(iJ 5 ' l25~ da:ed ; 1.10.2016 an~
No.HR.D/6!120 15/125~ dated 6.12.2016 a~d t~ sav t~l< the Minisrr- af:er d~e exa:ni:~a:ioi. of
J •

the proposa! aiid wi:h t1e cor:curre:1ce of the Depar.:nent cf Expendi:u~e (cop:v en:!~sed;
heret>~ co:i\ e~ s th! aj)prcva! of the !\·fiZlis~ry t•:> th: propvsai 0f Org:?.:i;Z:!iional a>1d Cs.d~~
Res~ruc!!.lrins in EPFO as recommended & appron~d b: the Ce:1:T:!I Bo?.:j :: f E?F it1 it5 21 o~·.
212:.· &2l3t: meet!n2'hddon09.12.2015, 29.3.2016ancOS.07.20l6 onthebasi5ofrepor:
of Sub-Committee .;d Anom!lv' Rdressal cu:n lmolement3•ion . . Ccmminee with ce:uin

2. The p;oposal of Organizational and C~dre ·Resm.Jctu:ing in EPFO as 3?;>~ovec by li-J~

Cent-a! Bo.a:-d ofEPF shall be subjectto the following arnenc!ments in tht! proposal:
i. The designation of Regional Piovident Provident Fund Commissioner is
replaced by Regi~nal Provident Fund Commissicner-1 Existi..r:g designa~ion of
Regional Provident Fund Co; and Regional Provident Fu:~d
Commis'sioner-ll will.crintinue to be used.
ii. The designation of Deputy Provident Fund Commissioner be repla.::ed by
Regional .· Provident Fund Commissioner-IT. Deputy Pro•·ident Fu:~d
Comm!ssioner as proposed by Centr!l Board shall be replaced · by Regiona~
Provident Fund Commissioner-Il in the' orga.1iz.ation.
iii. The rev'ised sa~ctioned strength of tot;! posts of
Regicnal Provident Fu:1d
Commissioner-Il shall be 299. -
iv. The revisec S:!ilctic-ned srren~h of Ass:mx Pruvide;-;t Fu:1d Commissioner
shall be 452.

3. As regards the. post oi Addi;ional Central Pro·,;dent Fu:1d Commissionefin t.i)e Grade
pay of Rs. 10000/-, the total number of 13 postS (4 existing + 9 newly ~reated) also
includ~s posts to be ftlled on deputation basis which will be 4 in number. ·

n .~,.) qJ'- \ y r~,vi-v"- 1J~c ~

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EPFt) S~3~J b~ rn:! en:i:-~1:, f~!11 :~-! i:i:~:~.:.t ~\,;·~g~t:!:) r~5-.:· .:r\:~~ (' :· ~~~ Er.1~lc~ ~~~·
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5. Tr:~ ~r0;\"'~:!: ~f Org~~iZ..!li:':1:I ~:tC Ca~;! Res~;:.!~:.:i~:-:~ .. EPf<)

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t:~rr,·h~f c:fthe H0n:t-le ~H:::ste~ fo:- La:.o~r ~;,d Er1;'loyr.1~:t.

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Te:e;:h~r.e:23 7669:{~

.... .



The foi!O\vi..r1g qfficials have held !.he charge of the resfective post.; indicated below for the yeriod
r.1er.iioued agamst eaeh SLice the date of last audit.
I .
N:~m~of Post N!!me ofth~ Officer
I. H~Jd oftr.e Organisation
· . · ·sJShri
Dr. V.P. Joy, CPFC
I Period

29.02.2016 to till d3t:

2. H:3d ofth~ Administr3tion Shri M.S. Kali:t, ACC 03.\1.201 S to till d3te
3. H!ad oi A;:ounts/DDO SmL Geeu B~enee, APFC 30.11.2015 to till date
.t. Shr. Dharamvir Singh, SO 02.07.2012 till CJte

6. Audit Sampl; _
Audit sampli~g was adopted on the basis of selection of vouchers for the month of March 201 7.
The audit has ·been ~onducted on .the basis of infoonation fu.rn.!shed and records made available by the
EPFO, Hqrs in with the Central Goverrunent Rules ar.d
. Auditing Stand:!rds ofCAG. .

7. Intern1l Au?Hilnadequate Intero:1l Control System

An ef:'ective internal audit system helps the org:miz:uion to detect the defic!er.cies in irs fu:-tctionbg
and also assu~ it. of compli~ce with various policies, rules and regulations.

EPFO is a.11 autor.omou5 orgn.nization, ·lhe Ministry of Labour & Emplo)meot has no mJ..r.d::.:,
conduct Internal Audit of the EPFO. EPFO has its own lntemaJ Audit Unit.
The last internal audit of EPFO Headquarters for the period 2013-15 w~ conducted during 2016-
17. As on dat~ there-are 94 internal audit paras pending against the Headqua..rters.

Part-ll- Audit Findin!!.s

t' .... • :. .. .. .. · ~·

Paral : Ir·r~~iar ~_ra.nt of "Noo l<'uo.ctiona l Selection Grade"
. . .· . ··.-. :.·

EPFO Bo~d ha9 r~commen<!ed: in tbe 31st ·Meeting held on 31.03.1999 to give Non fu~ctio::a!
scl~ct!on grad~ CN.fsorio ·FmploY.~~s·:Provident Fund Officers (EPFO) after et5uring that t.1ere are r.o
. . ....
functional posts in NFSG. grade··of Group A officers b:( upgrading the functional posts in the pay scale of
1~300-18300 to 16400-20000. ~us ..NYSG was conditional on scale of pay being· enhanced to 16400-
20000. In 1999 the Board only ,.had po·;vers to create FOsts up to 14 300- i 8300. Further in 2 000 th~
Go•:err.;-:Jent of Indil Mirjs.try· of Labour ~1d Employnent (Ministry). rejected !he recommendations of
en,\:;~~iq pc.y sca!e to 16400-20001) <!S being in violetbn of ~ar:: 22 A. of E?F ~cb:mc 1952. \Vi;h t::i:;

rej:!ctior. <he l'iFSG a!;o got rejected ~ DOPT prescribed lh~l non functioi1:l.l poSLS Cllinot co-exis with
functional posts.
In the EPFO the various posts of Group A Non Ministerial c2dre as on 11.3..2014 are oper:tioml
(A;u:ex V). ,
Further ~~r a gap of five years the EPFO vide its lett:!r dated 1.1.2004 requested Mir.i;try to
approve grant of NFSO of Rs 14300-1 8300 in the cadie of Commissioner in EPFO. Subseq:ent!y,
~ 1 inist:.-; vide irs let:er dated 30.1.2006 conveyed it approval to uie g:aztt of ~'"FSG in Co:n.:ni~s!>nei's
' I
cad.:e in EPFO. Furuier 29 posts \-:.;ere to bl! operated in the NrSG of Rs. l-D00-18jCO \viili i..mri:edi:l:e
effect. Subs~quent to the approval of tr.e Ministry, EPFO granted NFSG in the pay scale of R.s. 14300-
18300 to 25 RPFC Gr. I Officers.
On l U.2007 the Ministry turned down the proposal of EPFO regarding gr:mt ofNFSG in EPFO
w.e._f 13.8.1999. EPFO vide its letter dated 7,.3.2007, 27.6.2007 a:"ld 18.9.2007 requested for grant of
1'-:FSG w.e.f 13.8.1999. The Mjnistry vide its letter dat!d 24.11:2009 ~gain rejected tf.e proposal ofEPFO.
Further EPFO grult!d NFSG in PB-t (Rs. 37400-67000+Rs 8700 GP) to another 2.3 officers vide ill order
ch;ed 8.10.201 0.
S~bsequently the Ministry vide its letter dated 29.8.2011acceded to the request of EPFO tQ

implement the g;ant of NFSG w.e.f 13.8.1999 i.e the dale of approvll. by the E:<ecu!iv~ Com.:ni:•ct, CaT,
EPFq. b pursuance of Ministry's decision EPFO vice its letter dated 2.1.2012 and 23.8.2013 granted
NFSG to 127 and 19 officers.'
A•Jdh contention is ~at the ~t of NFSG in EPFO is irregular in view of the fact that Cent."':!!
Civil servic~s Group A .where the scale of R.sl4300-l8300 exists. as a part of tbe cadre stn:.cture on
r • '., . .;.:

functional b\l3is wiU not be eligible to have non fur.ctional selection grade unless th~ cadre controlling

. .
authority.decides to do away. witli the functional se!ection gr2de. In EPFO five functional posts ofF A &
CAO, ADDL'CPFC 11, Chlef Vigilance O.fficer, Dire.ctor (Vigila..1ce) exist 'tvhich have a total sar.ctioned

strengt~ of nice.
Se~dr:dl~ the pay commission had also stip1Jiab:! that t.r.e officers to be placed in the sdeclioo g!"ade
. '
s~ould huv~ r~ched the m"a..-Gffiu:m of the Junior Grade ar1d have remlli.ed ther~ for t'.vo
years. b EPFO the eligibility to l'l'FSG is being grant~d ~o
RPFC (Gr. I) in the corresponding JAG pay
. .
scale of Rs,l 5600-39100+G.P. of 7600 irrespective of their period of service in RPFC Gr.I. Oul of 22
officers whp had ceen granted NFSG during the period 11.8.1999 to 1.8.2013 it w-as noticed that sLx
·· ' officers were.granted NFSG w.e.f. the date of promotion as RPFC I. ln respect of ll officers, NfSG w~s
granted bel)veen periods rar:g1ng frcm 2.5 months to nearly 3 years after their promotion to liie posl of

·. ()

EPFO st::ted tl':at NFSG \V:!s given after orc~rs of the Ho~nble CAT, Cha.:d:g:!~h ceP...:h en

25.02.2011 <!r.d s~e was reiter1ted by the in High Co1.::1 of Punjab :?..:d Hary:tna. But t!-.e
j";·~~rr.~r.: s:1;.s th1t if Bo:ud h:!.S t:!.hn a decis:ou in accord:mce -.vith L~e n::es (p:?.ra 7(a) c:nd 7(b) of tt.e
Em~loy~es Provi~ent Fund and Miscellaneous PiOvisions, Act 195:!) a:1d cders :lpplicable to the or.icers
,-- 2r.d employees of the Central Govenunent only then Governr::ent cannot interfere in iL The decision of the
Cent:::1l Board to grant NFSG to the officers of EPFO without doing awly with the Function:ll Select!on
Gr-ce is centra!)~ to the instructions of DO?T and aJso r.ot in accord:Li~e wi:h &.e judp.e~t of t::.e P..:::jlb
and Har;am High Court.

Due to irregular grant of NFSG to 22 officers (Annex IV) at EPFO beadqu::J.r.ers a.:
I -
lL'UOU.'li of
Rs.IJI crore w~ paid from the date of grant of l\rSG till December 2014/da~e of redrement!.:!a:e of
. .
promotion to the post of ACC in. excess of the admis~ible pay and allowances .. The information rebting to
field offices has bet:n called. for and· is awaited. EPFO r.1av, issue instructions to
. their branch offkes to
review similar ca~ es and point out the excess payment.
The above irregularity was brought to the r.otice of L1e authorities of EPFO vide inspection report of 2013-
14 but no action has · been t3ken by the orga:uz::uion in view of the pn..-:1.

b this connection. a Statement of. Facts titled lrreQular Grant of "Non Functional Selection Gr:!.de'' in EPFO

requisitioning re(ated files, rec.~rds and ~e~ly of the abov~ SOF \vere issued. r..emlnder Ill d~ted 2·~ .2.20 18
and<!r IV, dat¢:1 26.2.2018 were also issued to follow up u.~e rr.em..~s but no reply was received till
the close qf audit .
Further audit memo no. 48 dated' 22.i.20i& v.--as issued_but the org:miution did not fi.rrnis~ reply to the
following points; ·.' ·.: ·. ·· ·:.:.; · -.;: -.. ·~ · ' · · · · .·
(i) Action taken· by the authority in respect of the recov~ry of paymer.t Lrtexcess of pay ar.d allow~ces
\ due to irreguiar: grant ofNFSG from.the concerned officials.
· (ii) Details of officers ~ho had been granted NF~G during the period 13.8.1999 till d:t e alor.g with
. the details of amount paid.
\ I
The Cen:::ll Board of EPFO vide of[;ce .or.:!er i:o. HR.\1-IiD~i(l)~C'l 7,'CRI26~17 d1t~d 13.01.2017 hls b:!!n

\ gr2r:ted U:e pow~rs to cre~te ~os:s up to d·.e level of Joint Sec:-e~"!.r)· of (}o'=;effi."Tlent of l.-::li3., cka...:.n; :.'".e
\ \-..ay for giil.'lt on-:FS.G in EPFO.
I - -
'ln this regard half margin No. 9 \~as isst.!e? on 27.1.2018 but no reply was received tiH the close of audit.

DcparlmeriJt of Personnel&. Tra:ning
Establh;hmcnl [D)

Dy. i'io.l334951/2018
F. no.A-12018/2/2018-SS-I ofMinist.-y of Labour & Employment

I Reference preceding notes. .. , ..,_

2. 1v1inistry of Labour. & Employment vide lD note dated

28.09.2018 has sotigj}t.L~~: ad0ce of this. Department regarding grant
of NFSG to the Regioiial ProvidFnt Furid Commissioner Grade I in the
Commissioner Cadre iii tbe EPFO at pa: ,:,ith Lhe orga.."llzed Grou9 r;_•
Central Sen,ice.

3· The same matter was also referred earlier by the ad.rnlnistrative

Ministry vide ID note dated 17.2.2018 [P.lO/N). The same was
examined and with the approval of the Competent Authority the
following was conveyed:

the instructions issued vide all[ dated 6.6.2000 are applicable on

organized Group 'A' Central Services. ' Further1 the administratirJe .
Ministry in paragraph 2 of the note dated 30.1.2018 [P.8/J.'l} has
stated that the Central Board, Employees Provident Pu.nd (EPF) is
an. autonomous organization set up under Section Si\ of the
Employees Provident Funds and }tfiscellaneous Provisions Act,
1952. The instructions issued by this Department not suo tn.oto
applicable on autonomous bodies. .

4. In view of above, in the present proposal this Division has

proposed that it has no comments to offer in the m~tter and the
comments provided earlier vide ID note dated 2 1.02.2018 [P. ll-12/N]
may be reiterated.' However, CRD DiVision may also be consulted in
the matter as the instrUctions on the subject have been issued by it. .

5. The CRD Division advice may be seen at P.39-42/N.

6. It is proposed that the comments as mentioned in paragra:ph.'6

at P.42/N may be conveyed to the administrative Ministry.

Joint Seer


Chandigarh, this the 8 th day of February, 2019



1. Union of India through the Secretary, Ministry of Labour,

Government of India, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg,
New Delhi - 110011.
2. Central Provident Fund Commissioner, Bhavishya Nidhi
Bhawan, 14, Bhikaji Cama Palace, New Delhi-1100066
3. Central Board of Trustee; through its Chairman,
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaji Cama Palace, New
Delhi- 110066.

-'- O.A.N0.060/00126/2019

(Present: :Mr. Sanjay Goyal, Advoca te)

ORDER (Oral)

1. 1'1A No. 060/00259/2019 is allmved and the applicants

are allowed to join together to flle this application.

2. The present O.A. has been filed by the applicants, who are

Grade-l officers, working iil the Employee Provid~nt Fund


2. Learned counsel submitted that his claim is based upon

, the order passed in the case of A.K. Chandok Vs. Union of

India & Others (O.A. No. 400/HR/2010 decided on 25.02.2011),

as upheld by the Jurisdictional High Court b y dismissing the

C\VP N0 .8438 of 2011 on 12.05.2011, flled by the respondents .

~e s ubmitted tha t before approaching this Court, the applicants
- .)- O.A. NO. 060/00126/2019

served representations dated 20.12.2017 and 23.12.2017

(Anne:\-ure A-12 colly) for grant of relevant benefits on the basis


of judicial pronouncements in their favour, and the respondents

have issued a letter d ated 18.06.2018 stating therein that the

matter is under active consideration. The contention of the

learned counsel is that despite the judicial pronouncement in

favour of the applicants, the respondent s cannot possibly deny

Chandok (supra).

3. Issue notice to the r espondents.

4. At this stage , Mr. Sanjay Goyal, Sr. SCCG) appeared and

accepted notice on their behalf. He did not object to the disposal

of the 0 .A. in the above manner.

'' ·'
5. In the wake of above, the O.A. 1s disposed of, in limine,
·.vith a direction to the respondents to consider and decide the
-~- O.A. NO. 060/00126/2019

tn·:Ec:e..ted representations of the applicants while t.alring into

con3ideration the ratio laid in the case of A K. Chandok

(supra), \vhich has been affirmed by the Jurisdictional High

Court also. The needful be done within a period of two months.

If upon such consideration, the applicants are found similarly

situ2.ted like the applicant in the relied upon case, the releva..Dt

benefits be granted to them, otherwise a reas~:med and speaking


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Employe;:!s' Pro•:i~cr.t Furd Organi:;at i~n
U·linistr'/ of La!::vttr & E m~V.:ym~nt, G::,•,t. Of Ir::;:;;;
. --:; ._:,~J •h <..~..-,· Head Off..:•:! ~
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g;T-:1i>J~ m. 1.1 3;1'f.l ..:fr~~. c::tf.:,..-,,~1 . 1: =~ ~<:.

ehc:·.ishi'<'~ t::Jht Bha 1;.:!:1, i+Et:i~J;t (tlf(J fli.!Ct:, i:<:-:1 uc:lr!·ltr::C:.S.6
wctsit~: ~ ~~"'!·Jj-2:~:, 2.,1~-:...:~};":·~ '"E!.:i::·: Ii'-li'-lcDI.-\TE

No. HRM-I/D-18(1)2014/41 Dated : c6 April, 2019

0 lC I
r: 2•'':-
The Secretary,
Government of India,
f'-lini:,try of Labour & Employment,
Shri'li.l <::h::t,;~r Bha •vC~n, Ran t•larg.
New Oelhi-110001.

{By Name to Shri Stlmir Kunwr Dns, Under Secret~ry (55-I)}

Subject: Granting of Non-Functional Selection Grade (NFSG) to t he c~dre of
Regional P.r-. Commissioner, Gr-I-regarding . ! ·/ .
.. \ .\\:,.- i /
;_.: ·'
./ \ ' , .... , (

Ref. (i) r·lol&E Letter No. f.~1o.A-12018/2/20J.3-'SS·I dated 11.01.2019

· (ii) t•lol&E l etter No. S~38016/04/2019:SS·l dated 15.02.2019 .
Slr. \ ') ,{.;':\\ i.':::' ·

The undersigri:::d is directed t9-"~;

to t· of La!:lou; ~~ Em~lo•;.-;1-2:1t k~t,~r ~~~·
t=.N o..I\-12018/2/2018~SS-I dated 11.01.2019 {.Rt:f. cited at (i) 2bove) on the abo\'e sA~jcct :
forvtard!ng therewith copies of the notes record::d b·t Est~.(O) a:1d Cadre 'Revie\'t Divis'·:r:1 d
D::-p~rtment of Pe ~sonnel & Training fer taking further nec.:ss0ry acrlon in the matter .
... '~· \J,":.;/;_;: ....... ·
2. In this regard, kind attention is ~"in•:ited to Ninistry of Laor:.ur & Ernplc.ym2nt l::t.:~~ i'lJ.
S-3S0l&/0;4:20l9-SS-l dated 15.02.2019 (ref. cit::d at (ii) above) forv;a;dii1g th~rc:·..vtth a COP'/ o:·
Hcn'b!e CAT Chandi£·arh Bench in O.A No. 060/00126/2019 filed by_Sll. Ra~esh Kuma:- O:·s V; e,
UOI f.•. Ors. The said order has been passed by ~on'bl<;! CAT d.sp·:>sing the O.A a~ <::dmi5':iiOr
stage \'lith directions to the respond ~nts to con5ider an•J<:: tr.e repres~ntations of th~
<:ppl;cai'\ts ta~Jng into consideration th~ ratio laid down i:1 A.K. Ch~H1dof. case (Q
r:o.400/HR/2.010 decid~d on 25.02.2011).

3. The matter has been ex3mined in EPFO c:r:d sine~ both issu~s a:e :nter-rel2r.ed, t:~,
-I mattei regilrding O.A No. •100/HR/2010 i': l~tter dated 15.02.2019 is discuss'=d ftrst as 1n t~c
I foi!0 Ning paragraphs.

# ~.1'. ~:.v
·- ated
In this rega rd. kind a::tention i:; invited the EPFOs letter f'·IO. HRr~'l-I/D-18(1)2014/581
_, ~ '0 .. 11 04.07.2019 in reply to tn:: p(.:nding Aud:~ Par~ ra:~~d b'! DG.l\(R en " i:Teg'Jiar grcr;t c.f

.,f) ,rn .
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V-.1vJi'-.~ r \,~f"" \.\ ·
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~: ~·-~· LJ r e,-I· (\ _A ~
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~l ~
u~~~'? 7)
.-;'t,_.-.;,-o (.
'!;:)f"'·fun.:tionat Selection Grade in EPFO''. ,; ~ep:i' \'tas sent to D:recto·r (MIG-IV), DGACF\. vide
lette; No. HRt·H/~·tisc./2017I Audit Para/6299·6300 dated 03.07.2018 and a copy of the reply '//3S
endorsed to t•linistry of ~l . Employ:ner:t. A separate reply vJas gi·Jer. to f'-lin:stry of La':)our
~... Er.1p!c;ment explaining the f~cts relating to implementation of Non-Functional Selection Grace
(t!FSG) in EPFO after receipt of approval from Hinistry of Labour and Employment vide letter N0.
A-11013/1/2004-SS·I dated 30.01.2006. A COP'i of lettr:r dated 30.01.2006 is enclosed 2s
.1\nnexure-I. The NFSG vtas implemented to the extent of 15% of Sei)ior Duty Post to th.:
exter.t Qf 29 posts in EPFO by convening u Scr~en;ng Committee consisting of Addl. Secreta:i
(L&E) as Chairman, Additional Commissioner (ESIC) and CPFC as t·lembers. Subsequently, A.K.
Chandokl RPFC-1 (Retd) had filed an O.A b'=fore Hon'ble CAT Chandig3rh Bench vide O.A No.
400/HR/2010 with the pleadings that the bo:noefits of Non-Functional Selection Grade UIFSG)
should be made applicable w·.e.f. 13.08.1999 i.e. the date the Board had taken the decision
instead of 30.01.2006 as decided by the Govemm~i1~ earHer. The Honble CAT had al!o:~ed th·?
O.A. vide a detailed order dated 25.02.2011. Acopy of the order of Honble CAT is enclosed a:.
Annexure-H. · •

5. The Department had ch2!lef)ged the order of Hon'ble CAT before Hon'bre Punjab &
Ha:y.::na by lil:ng civil \Vrit Petition No. 8438/2011. In the Writ Petition ons of the s•Jbmls~:·:r
V·Jas made on -~ehalf of the applicants tl-)?.t that the NFSG has been 1mplement:::d w.e.f.
30.01.2006 from .the date of appro•1al of the Centra! Government. The approval of the Cei1tia·
Government was mandato1y in this c.ase as DOP~H instructions for grant of NFSG aie arp\!cab!~
only to Or£anised Group"A'' services of Central Governm~nt. Commissioners cadre of EPFO is no!.
Org.anised Group"A" service. However, Hon'b!e High Court vide its order d3ted ~2.os:2011 had
dismissed the vVrit Petition as devoid of m~ilts and had upheld th~ order of Honb!~ CAT 2s
\o'lhuiiy wi thin the pa. ameters of Section SD(7) of the EPF & ~·1P Act. The judgem-=nt of Hon'bl?.
High Court v1as fwther examined io the fvlinistry and t·1inistry of Labour & Employment ha~
communlcated vide. their . letter
.. No. S-38016/50/2008-SS-I
. .
dated 29.03.2011 that the. matter v:as
examined in the.tvlinistry and referred to Add'. Solicitor General of India who had opined that th~
approach of Ho~)>l.e High ·court justified.and reaso~able and it ·was not a fit case fo; filing SLP
vide the· said letter ·dated 29.08.2011. The t-linistry .,hadI further conveyed its . decision to
implement order of Ho'n'ble CAT to grant of NfSG to the extent of 15% of the Senior Duty Posts
w.e.f.'13.08.1999 and to the. extent of_30% of the Senior DutY
Post ·w.e.f. 14.07.2011 within tl,r:.:
powers or the CBT as "dir~cted by Hon·ble CAT in its order dated 25.02.2011. A copy of t-lol&E
letter dated 29.08.2011 is enclosed as An nex-ure-III a·nd "copy of Order dated 12.'05.2.011 of
Hon'ble High Court of Punjab a~ Haryana is enclosed as Anne'xu re -IV."

6. Thereafter, · a further -Screening Committee v1as held on 31.10.20li in .,.,,hich reg~lar

-- R.PFC·l,Nere considered for the vc.can01 yea-s 1999 to 2911 after follo~ning the eligibility nom1s
and 127 officers were granted benefit of NFSG.' Thus, th': NFSG ; Scheme was und~r
• -'
t implementation w.e.f. 31.0~.19'39 in EPFO in -the grade of RPF~-1. · -

7. In the light of ab~~e ~cts, ~he .·f'.linistry had referred_the matter to DoP&T and has
communic~ted yiae ·~tt~r dated ..1i.Ol.2019 that th.e proposal _was ·examined ;in the t<linistry and
referred to DoP&T,·Establishment (D) who had examined the proposal in consultation with the cadre
Review Division of DoP&T. As per the endosed photocop!es of Note of DoPec.T where in the Cadre

.. '

--------------------------- ~--
' \ I'_,
. -
Review Division of DcPe{T is of the vl~·N thut t:1e claim of NFSG to the extent of 30"'C. of ?enicr Duty
Post for RPFC-I in Com_misstone~ cadre of EPFO on th~ ground of similar benefit to other Central
Go•1emment employees is not app:opria~e as t~~ order of NFSG issu~ by Cadre Review Division a~e
t:ct unifcrm:y applied all the Central Government en~ploye~s and also have certain pre·ccnditions o!'
its a~pt:cability. Tr.e observations \'lith re~ard to applic?.bility of NFSG to Centr;;~l Group 'A' Serv'c!:s
•ms also submitted in the Affidavit filed tefcre Hon'bie High Court of Punjab & H~ryanJ wh•!·.:
challenging the order of the Hon'ble CAT dated 25.02.2011.

8.. The fvlinistry of Labour and Employment has forwarded the proposa! for grant of NrSG to
DOP&T now when the NFSG Scheme has already been imp!emo:nted in EPFO '.-'iith the approval of
the t·linistry of Labour & Emp!oyment and there are 172 Officers v1ho have already been grantee
~IFSG upto August, 2013. Further, the Government of India had gi·.ren clear d:rectlons vide le':t~r
dated 30.01.2006 to implement NFSG. Subsequently1 in A.K. Chandok's ca5e, th~ o:-d.::r of
Hon'ble CAT dated 25.02.2011 was chal!enged by the Oeptt. Befcre Hon'ble Hlgi-1 Court cf Punj=':
& Haryana vide order dated 12.05.2011. Hon'ble High Court hc:d dismissed the Writ Appeal ~l ·).
8438/2011 and had e:<amined the order of Hon'ble CAT dated 25.02.2011 with ref::rence to tre
prevision o~ Section SD (7) of the EPF & t·1P Act c:s observed by Hon'ble CAT in Para 7 and 8 of is
order. Hcn'ble H:gh.Ccurt had agreed with th~ joJdgemen~ of Hon'h!~ CAT and h~d cbser'~ in p::;~ 2
of it? order as fol:o·<.-~ : .

"The aforesaid paras cleady propound the proposition that no perrr.iss:on frc,m. the: Ccntr;;/
Go~·emment _was required and the original app/icant-respond-=nt was entitled t·'J grant of Nr=sG
as was approved by the c.:entra/ Board of Trustees. There is/ thus, no merit in tl'Je writ pc:tft!cn
and the order passed by tf:e Tribunal as wholly witht:t-1 the parameters of Section SD (7) of th~
1952 Act. 11 •

9.. In view of the above, the following specific points are brought to th~ noti:e of t·lin!Str{ o~
Labour & Employm-2nt in order to compl'f \'lith the directions of Hon'bl: CAT passed in instc:nt
O.A. No. 060/00126/2019 dated 03.02.2019 received in EPFO on :-

(i) The NFSG has been implemented in the Commissioners cadre '-'• the approval of th2
fvlol&E received by' EPFO for its implemen~ation_ on l:'v'IO occaslons. First a~proval 1Na:;
received 2t time of in~roduction of NfSG vide order dated 30.01.2005 2i1d on the second
occasion ·after the judgemen t/order of Hon'ble CAT'as well as Punjab and Haryana dated
· 12.05.2011 vide Order dated 29.08.2011.

(ii) Subsequent to the orde~ of Hcn'ble High Court of Punjab ar.d Haryana ose, the Ninistry has
further - examined
. the entire matter in their
. fiie and have communicated to EPFO vide order
dated 29.08.2011. to· grant Nf=SG to s·milarly placed officers w.e.f. dat_e of dedsion of t/1:
Board i.e. 13.08.1999 and to the ext~nt of 15'% of Senior Duty Post and thereafter grant
· NFSG to the extent of 30% of t.1e Sen:or Duty Post \-'.f.e.f. 14.07.20p.
- ~ . ..
(iii) The ~~linistry has also communicated earlier vidt! their letter dated 07.08.2017 to delin!< the
case of NFSG prior to Cadre Restr~cturing from the cases \Nhich are d•.!e a~er cad~:
Re~~ructuring i.e. 27.12.2016 as per sanctioned strength in the cndre as on
. .
(i•;) Therefore, it ·appears that the t·ltni:;try while ref~rring the matter to DoP&T has not referred to
its p_revious decisions conveyed 'iide l~tter No. A-11013/1/2004-SS-I dated 30.01.200E-,


-~ .---.....
~- .·....__. ..--··..;
~J _.._.

Letter no. S~3S016/50/200S~SS-I dated 29.08.2011 as ""ell as letter No. A~26022/l/2017-SS·I
-· dat~d 07.08.2017. ~!either it is clear from the proposal forvrard~d to the OoP2lT whether the
_e e:rlier deci~ions of the Ninistry at the initial stage in the year 2006 and also whi!e
implementing the order of Hon'ble High Court of Punjab & Haryana dated 12.05.2011 in the
d. .
year 2011 has been brought to the notice of the DoP&T

(v) The ~-liriistry has referred the matter to DoP&T now and has communicated the vie•Ns of
the DOP&T vide its letter dated 11.01.2019. The contents of the said notes of DoP&T thd~

I have been fornarded to EPFO do not convey<:ision of i'-1ol&E as to '<'lhether they agreE
to th~ views of DoP&T in light of the background of the ~ntire matter as discussed above.

I . .
(vi) The fvlinistry has forwarded the· copy of the Hon'ble CAT Chandigcrh Bench Order dat~d
08.02.2019 remarks that course of action lies with the EPFO and necessary action to be
I taken under intimation to the t'-1inistry. However, given the contradiction between tne
app~oval conveyed by the t·lol&E vide letter dated 30.01.2006, letter dated 29.08.2011
I issued after A.K. Chandoks' judgment and letter dated 07.08.2017 ~r•1ith the letter dated
li.O 1.2019 Issued nmv, it is appa(ent that further action will require consideration at
I tvloL&E. · Tit~refore, fu.. rther course of action has- to be decided by. 1'-ioC&r •r, li-:;~t of the
-=::::;..:::;:: . -
facts as abqve. · · '
.I -
(vii) There a~e 172 officers who will be affected if the obseNations of DOP&T .comm~nicatcd by
t-lol&E are considered. There v1ill be further litigation frorn all these officers. The: sim:!ar!y
placed RPFCs (nearly 160) officers are aggrieved of being denied the benefits of NFSG scm.::
of them are; a_pp!icants in O.A.No.060/00126/2019. lt may further lead t~ discriminat:on in
case the .benefits of NFSG is denied now and may leaq to further litigation based en b~e
de<;ision of A.K. char.dok's C?Se which has already bee.1 implemented and may !n·:!"~·
Contempt· of Cou1t in O.A.No. 060/00126/2019. tY\ 1_}_- 0.) ()..1

10. In view of the above, the r·linistry of La_bo•Jr 8~:Cnpl~~~nt ma~ like to review the matte
in light of the . order of Hon'ble CAT dated 08.022019 and order d~cd 12.05.2011 passed tr,
Hon'ble rjigh : Court of . Punjab aod · HjA!£a which is available in th-2ir ·file tlo. tl'J.
s-.38016/SOi .. .
dated . 29.08.201rto decide
further .course of action in the matter~ Th~\I
MOL&E may' li~e -to tak~ further legal _advice from lear~ed ASG_through_ the legal Adv!:o~ \
(~lol&E) in the ,rl)att:r in light of the order of Hon'ble CAT dateo 08.02. .20_ 19 ~nd order dateD (
12.05.2011 pa~~ed ty Hon'ble High ~ourt of Punjab and Haryana as well as t'lol~ letter d<:t~a is a new fact.: ~1eanwhile this offi~~Qg ~No ro~onths· time from ~lon'~ .
CAT, -:.9JM.<!l9§111...J?.g,o~.b...1<•whLcb_.r.e_qui ~ed -fu.rther-consultation- with th:: \
Government/r,linistry of Labour & Employmer.t.
-.................... ---.-~-~""-----....-~
· t::
(This issues with the approva~ of the Central PF Commissioner)
. .,;
·· ·Yours laithf;..;l,i·..
Encl : As above·
· ~·· ,.M
{Sa nj ay 01~t}
Regional P.F. Commissioner~! (HR ;,r;
, .. ... .

!tiL-.··. ···- - · .. ·•·

-~ lf N-
Departmcnt of Personnel & Training
Establishment (D)
Dy.No.: 1368640/2019/CR
F. No. : A-12018/02/20 18-SS-1 of ~.ljo Labour & Employmenl
Reference- preceding notes.
2. 'forf/o Labour & Employment has sought the advice of this t.

Department on _the order dated 08.02.2019 issued by the _Honble CAT,
Chandigarh in OA No. 060/00126/2019 filed by Sh. Rakesh Kumar and
5 oth~rs regarding grant of NFSG to the officers in the Employees'
Provident Fund Organjsation (EPFO) under the M/o Labour &
Employment The Hon'ble CAT, vide the aforesaid order, has directed I

the respondent to consider a11d decide the. representations of the (I

applicants for grunt of NFSG. I
3. ln the above contextt it is su bmittcd that earlier (in October, 20 18)
t.h:p proposal of the ~1/ o Labour & Employment regarding grant of NFSG (
to the officers of the rank of Regional Provident Fund Commissioner
. Grade-l in the Commissioner C:'1dre in the EPFO at par with the
j organised Group 'A' ~cntral Sen-i ce, wus referred to this DepartmC!nt for
1 comments I advice. (page 34-36/N}. This Division, after detailed
examination of the issue in consultation with CRD Division has
furnished the comments of DoPl~T to the referring Department , {p.44-
4. It may be pertinent to mention that while conveying the comments
o[ this Department on the last occasion, it was also observed that the
orders of NFSG issued by Cudre Review Division arc not uniformly
applied to aU the Central Government Employees und nJso have certain
pre-conditions for its applicability. Moreover, ns per the Employees 1
Provident Fund & NfzsceUancous ·Provisions Act1. 1952 provides that the
Central Board of Trustees is the competent authority in lhe matter of
determinations of the service conditions of its employees. This has also
been observed by the Hon'blc CAT while delivering the aforesaid order
dated 08.02.2019. ·
5. In view of the above» this D~pnrtment may- not have anything more
to a.tld to its earlier advice. Th<! iilc may accordingly be returned to t~e
Adminlstro.tive Department to clcddc upon the issue. The M/o L&E may
consult {he DoU1. in this regard.

-· ----,
! . -61 -

Ministry of Labou r and Employment

· 0/o Legal Advisor (MOLE}
File No.A-12018/02/2018-SS-1
No.LA/620.711\10 LE/201_~

Th9 Adi"flinistrativ~ ~:l inistry has 'r;eferreo
- ..... the file for

' ..
seel<ing -legal opinion witti regard t:~- grant of Non-Functional
. - .
Selection Grade (NFSG. to tl]~ Cadre R?FC -1 in EPFO) as
\ . . .~ ~ ~. . £:.. ;. > -' .

directed by the CAT vide_ its o:de~dated ·G'3.02.2019 OA No.

060/00126/2019 in tne matter of Rajesh Kumar and Others.
·- , . .. :j .• • ,. . .·. • :

2. Briefly, :~he. applicant "~iho are Grade I officers

o -' : ~ •, · , · :: • _.: ' ' I ·' ' ' - : o '• ,

working in ~he El!lp_IC?Yees Provident Fund Organization,

seeking· issuanc~ of.dire~tio·rr from the Hon;ble Court to Union
of lndi~- -- and ,~ C~~ti~l. ~~ard <~f T~~5tae, Bhavishya Nid~i
Bhawan,· Bhikajl
• - •'
Ca-~a Pl~ce to ~ran'tthe~ t~e ~6n-f~nctional
• "" ·: - 0 0 0 " • • • 4> • • ..

selection grade in t~e ·p~y ~cale ol 37400-670po ~vith gr~de

pay of Rs.870Q after impl~m.?lltatio~ . 6th· C~C
recommendations ·rroin the date of thai: eligioility with all tha
consequential benefits and further direction to implement the
order dated _30.01 ~2006 _whereby appr~val- wa.s -. gra.nted for : - ·
grant of NFSG
. . ..
. .
·- .. ·- ... . ~~dre ~f Employ~es
·. .
~ '

P-rovident F~n~ Qrgani.za_tio~ ~-._Jt is felev~-~t to mention hera ._ ..

.·-. :_~ ~.-. -=->--_\- ·. ._j •• - - • • • •

that the appljcaf\ts' claim for_·.obtaining ~IFSG is b~sed upon ··

the order pai~~~ -i~ ~h-~.Case -~fA. K Chandok Vs~ Unio~ of ·
India & Othe:r; ·a A .No.400/HPJ201 0 ~d~ci~~d on.2s.o2.2o1'1 by -.
. . .· '"· . --~- . . .· .-: - ..
the CAT and upheld
. - ....
by the jurisdictiohal
. . .
High -Court
by · . ... : ~

dismissing the CWP. N~.8438. of .2011 fled by Unlon- pf I ndi~ · ·-- .· _-

·-- ~. -.. . ...
against the aforesaid impugned order. Aft::r dia~i~sa l of the
. .~ . . .. ..
WP th~ matter was referred to the Ld. ASG. V.Jho has a!so
approa~h of the Ho.n'ble ·High Court is justified ·
! ooined that ·the
-~ I ~ - ,:: •

and reasonable arid .it ~s ndt fit C!_.-;ase..for filing S_LP, 'v'ihich ·
means the af~res~id 0--:.·-rdar
.. has att~ined
~e. ri~~iity . ., ~ ~ ~ ~

3. .The -~~in g~eva~ce of the applicants' is tha-t the

-- .
representation dafed 20.12.2017 and 7 . for g ra"nt of
rele•/a~·t benefit on the·:"' basis of juclicia·l pronouncements
.. in

-· .
. ·~
"y ··)

. -·~.,.£)_{:·· ·
. . .....- .....

· .e
~ !~2 - F- N~. t-..-riotl/ol-/~lg-s.t;.-1 -
their f:wcur and the respondents have issued a letter dated
18.03.2018 .~fa~ing therein that the matter is stili under
consideration as . such the represent~tion fj)ed by the
- . -
applica~ts' are pending consideration in the "office cf tha
. responde~ts. and ha~e riot bee.n an~:Nered till date. · .· ·
. ;. ·_ . _·:· . ..__ .:-.- ;, ! . -. ·_ .~· ' :::- -~ .. ·. . ·::. - - ~ .
·~ ...
.: :
4. :: T~.e ~foresaitl ·oA is cLsposed_·:o f .i_n _li~ir.e with a
. . . dir~ction -to:_
J ·• - • ..
the •
rasp-~ndent - t~ ~ ~on-sider 'and decide . the
....._• • •• # .. - • • - ... - - . .--- -

repr~.s~t'~tio~ i~c8:~e9 .~~bove.~~ \h~ applifants_w~ile taking
- ' .. .· . . .
..._· . .
~ .. . -;-

into conslderation th e ratio laid down in the ·case of A. K

Chandok, which has bean affirmed by the jurisd:ct!onal High
Court. a!~o ... .Th.e ne~dful . be dona. within ~ · period of ru::J
l m~~U~s:· it ~po.o_ su~h-. c~.risider~U~~ . .th~. app_;ic~'n~s· a·re .found
"-'l .' ?imil~)ty situated lik~·»,~. apptic~~·ts' it'} the· r~iled upon case,
.. ... . _...

tha relevant benefits ·b·e granted to them otheiVJise c1 reasoiled

. ';. ~·- --:~ .. -. -~... -·-· ... : :· ... -: '"':
. '
, - ~·
i . ~~d .. sp~~~!.ng. ·ord~r.· ~e_. P8.~.?~~ . ~!J~reon wit~ ~ ~opy ~o U1e
'! ·applic~nts: - :~· ·-=··: .-..
... :
·5. · From the -perlis_a,l oJ Jha ~le ·1t is se~n that 172
·i offic;r~·:;f· EPFO . h~-ve .. alrea:dy·· b~_en .in N~SG up .to August
'! •. • . - ...~• .-.·· • • • ·.: • .. - • • ·- • • ... ·.: ,'': ~. • ....

2013.'' .It is felevanf to merition here that th.e O(der of the C.A.T
: ~~ th~::~1~tt~r __of. A.:~·~h~~~?:~.:~ase 9at~sf~. ~-~.02.2011 was
·. ·: challenged by the Dep?rtmeQt ih t!le Hon'ble High Court of
,~ i"' • ' • • ....· ... •...•· -~ ;·! .. .:- . :, -~- ·. • "; ..
·~ ~. • .. ..
: :.":; · · Pu'njah ·
..: t : •:-
: :- ; : · ·;....
H·a?·;· at Chand,igarh
· .:-.- ...... - .~:- •. . -~·-::._-· ...... :
·whiCh • _. .. ...
·had. been
·,::· dismissed by the lj~m:bte fjjgli. Co.urt in V'J;it Appeal -No.
- :-: " .. .... -.
· ' 8.438/201 1 ." ~at~d 1·2..05.2011. ob~~_rying that-.~the aforesaid
•• t .; • : • ::-: ••.""' •• -.. .; ·,.. • • ; , _.·: • ·' ••• • .:
· ·[ :· . para~ . ~!ea:ly prop~u.nd t~~.. p~OP.O~iti_on that po 'permission
'· from .th_e Gentrar go~ier.nme0t v1?.s re.quired ~odJhe..orig:i1al
-~---- - app!ic~6t~~~spbnd~r}·(,~as . e_n-~nesi to..grant of· ~ii=s~~ a;-~was
· .:J
i -
a·pp-r.. o~~-. d ti;

t~~ . ·~ent~~· l ~9ij;J\J ·.Trust~§!: Theie is,· l.~'us no
.; . -.:- . ~ t '-). ·-. ~ • ·:; • _... - . • J • .. ...

• ~1erit !n-V'jrit. Peti~ion and the order. passe9 gy th_e Tribunal as

. ,L.... ;: ·.. • :· .:.. •• '~ • . • ., .• • : .-:,_ . :. ,· - .. • • - ~- • .
i - V!h~~'f)li~\Qin_ t{le_ par.?m..~}.~f~.. ~f. S_~9tio.n ·s J?(7).?f. lhei 1952
' . ..:~.:~ ~ ~·A~~~\>_·: :.: . ::::::--~,:.'·~-._:,,~·-~/'.:~:>~~-~:.~::-~.c. -~:/:. ·: ,. :··-~..-:_;·.
: 6. - It furth~r
.- reveals -:that ,NFSG.
has already been
.implemen~ed in th~ Commi~~!on_e(s cadre, 'Ni~l} the approv~_l of
~~inist~_of L~~b9u~:A Emp_t9y~·~;(b~ EPFQ.. for:i~ple~~fl!atiol")
~n ·:2'-~b"c~a~ian·~ ~ri_r~t ·a~p~~v~13~~5· r~~eiv~d ·;~L th~ -~ime ~r
introduction of NFSG
.. vide aider.. dated : and
secondly a~er the JUdgment/ prder of the Ho~n'ble CAT as well

.- - &3- ~·')~. t\-t'1.c'?jo~ln· 1~-~< -l. ·
as Punjab and HarJcH1a tligh Court Double Bench dated
· 7. It is ·also seen frcm the .fi!e that in 2013 DGACR
,. '
ra:sed an audit on NFSG in EPF9. The basis of aud:t para
•• • - - t .. • • •

v;as that as per DoPT instructio.~s ~o~h funC?tional of ACC

.. and Non-fun~tiQ~al
post of RPFC - ·I· (NFSq) cannot co-exist
at the .pa7 ;~!~-.~8~4 ~-GB ·Rs. 8to6t- ~t ~a-m~ time. ·,
.. . . . . - ., .

EPFO has
,r~plie.d t~ DGACR
; ; .... _: ~·
.: -
..... ...
imolement~d in ·.:- .
EPFO after ·due· ~pproval .of ·the ~lOLE vide letter dated
! 30.01.2006, in, fact i't IJI;q~ in 8C~Ordanc~ ;N;tii•sectiOn 50 (7) Of
! \
EPF Act, ~;hereby an/~vla~n· fr~n Gov-ernm~~t norms
-. - • - ·- . l . •

the service co~?itlon of EPF Office_rs, i:; pe_rmissible with the

approva( of the. Central government. ·
8. · · It, i~· -~e!~~ant to ~~~u'6n here that' the Central
_t·· ·soar<;! of rrGst~e_~.- (~BT): h·a~~~the,Pq~e;_~ to app_o.ini officers_. . ·.
·. .l . has be~n ··j~~~e~sed-:-~o~ :ps~4 .:(3P. ·,Rs. ~ 8700/- to posts :

e~uiv~le~t'.~~ :j;jn( s.e6retary ~~ ·~~ver~ment of .lndi~ -- vide

Gazett~ notification dated 2o.oi.2o1'6·. Th:~re~ft~r. a;.a ·p~rt ~f ...

cadre restructc;rlhg· i1~·1pl~mente9. i~ ~PFO. ·w.e .f. '";1.{l1.2p17,_

... .. ... .. . - . . ...
. the functional ·post of ACC ·h?s beet:~ - upgrade~. to PB-4 GP
Rs .8900/-. la~~i~g : th~ ·-P~Y sc~le .:of PB ;4 BG R~. 8700/-
. va~ant tcir· NFS~.: It r~vea!s that the D~~~R·-~~-c!it
para now b~en ~o.clifi.eR as wi~h ;ead_a~ f~-~~~~~v~: · ·: .: .. · ·.. '. · . ·- .
. t
· "!~~,~~-~~.!~E~o_~~r! ?(~Pi=~. ~;~f o~!c~·o~~-~rp~-, H~M-. ·
: 1/D-1" (1).20171CRJ26417da.ted;J3.01:2017 has been
.• ·:· ..~,.:~· ·~- ·._· ....... ::~ :;. ' .. ·~ .... . . ._ \; . . - .· . ,

· given powers to create post. ·. yp to, the Level c[.Joint

I · · ·· · · · S~qr~t~~·ei~ cf~~n-~g the·:~VCJ~);; r~~~~r gr~nt ~~ t/FSG ..
. rn Ei.~r=o:··::·~ -~---~. ·,- · · ~- :<.--- ~-,~ ·.:,. .· :-· -._:
9.· ··c)·~rin~ -~~~m;ri;ng the is~~~ 'it re~eals -that ~~mLE ··
__ , has constitut~ci· ~cr~e~in~f c.o0~\tte~· hea_ded·. by :s;c;~~~f'j,
1:-~E for ·gr~nt of-t~FSG to the ~ligicle _o~cers The· !11att~r was-: · ..
~eferred to~_ the otrt:.
i~/~x~·mlni~~ th~~js~~~. ~h~' OopT Jlas· _.
-•' .. ;~-lned that ·.th~ _be~eut~
- . . .
·of ~!FS~· .fo'r ~P~o'
. ...
~.i6ner is:
·n ot appropriate as _NFSG is .not uniformly applicable to all
G~vern~~~~f·:·:Efn~l~yee~ · ~u:~ ;i ~~lY f~; o·~ganiz~~
J !
· -~
: central

Gr~up "A" ServiCes_~ : .. :·.~, .-.-·. .. ;..~- " . . · ...
- ~ 0 .... -:. • .. ... i - .. ' .. : ·... : >. :: -.. "
J •
... _.
.' '; ~ .(
~) . ' . ..·

,...:;;P ~.
- • •
. i:.~..,
I •

.- ' ? '
Mo ..
. -

.. ........
- .. -:-- G'l- f.~ .f\-tlol~lo·dl-<:1<-'
10. · The ~ EPFO officers namely R~h Kum£r lnd

Ors. have ftl_~d OA. before the Hon'b:e CAT..Chandigarh OA

: .
No.060/09'1_28/201 .9- for gr?Dt of
. NFSG. · The Hon'b!e
. .
. qispos=d of the sai~ OA 0[1 08.02.2019 wi_th tile direction to
... ~nd of the decid~ the' ;e~r~·sentatlon
: .. : . :.. ·.... ·.~-~ -.·· ···• .::-·_ .
aop!icants taking into -consideration the ratio laid .down in
'-- . . .. - ...- ·.. .. . - ';

A..K-.Chandok case. '· · ·

.. .
.f-1 'f. ::Fro'i the ~pe:r~~al.}f th.e. file, it is seen that 2
f . ,..,. .. . :..!r r • .- .. . ~ ..
contempt notice re g ~rdin g . n·on-cQmeliance of the order-dated
~~.02.20'1 ~ - has ?~~n rece_iv7d from tl)e _offi~e of the counse;
for the applicant'
.. ... . - ..
·dated . .
. -
in the · (!nked fil-9 ;

No. A-12018/02i2018-SS·-t (Pt.) with FTS No. 108572.

:· 1.·~·- ·· ~ .. · ,· . .
·. :: ·. l ·_ C2n_sid~ra_ble_ !ifl!~_,~a,s..~_!r~~dy_ b~en lapsed ~pd the_applicants
: · l !!laY file -Contemp_f l?~tition ~'afore t19 CAT fq~ non-compliance
' =· .· . • 57 :· ': ..;· •. · •· -·
1 • ot_t~e ~for~said 5xd~r by .t~,e Ministry after this contempt leg~!
j . .;::- . • .. :' . . . ;. .. . ..~.--: '. • ·.. . . ,
· ·' . notice. . ._
·12. · In the P.resen.t ca_se, th~ Hon'ble ~AT vide its ord::~
I •· , , • ; • I ' ~. , ~ '

· . dated 03.02.20t9 has· -issued . difectlcns

- .
to the · MolE to

·. 9isposs of the rep'resentation of .the applir;:~nts .whUe taking

·.-:, .· 'into· ... cons!~~ration ; of · rati~- laid . do•nn in ' the case of A K
.. . : .... . . ~ . ... . - . .- ~ . . . ..- ·. . •. - ·.
. :: .; Ch~ridok'_(su_p~a}_~~I"Jf~~ h~s be~n. ~@~n:ied.::bY. the j~:~sdiction~l
·' : ·! · lli.9h.·to.wii al~o.\=fh.~· Hori'91e ·c~'\T.· furtfis~ obse.r1 ~d that if
;· ~. ::~ .:l~:~o~ such ~o~~ld?rai:~n: \~e· ~p~'i,:~nt~. ~re .found similarly
. :iilu~t~d iik·e· th.~ ~p;(i,~ant in -~he relled upo.n .case; tb~ r~!evan~
. ·- l :_. . '
_,_l: •·• ~ . .. . •. . • -· : • . : : ;...
• _.·• ~eneftts be granted t~ the_m other-.vise repsgned and speaking ·

· l' 6~d-er be ~as'sed th~r-~6n~ with a co~y tp th~:a~plicants:

• •• J ."": • \,• ·:· •• •• • '• : "' .•. .·~ . • ·.-·~...... ... •. ... -· •
.! 13. In v~~·~~s pf t~e ab~ve facts, circum31~nces a"d

. Il ·. !~gal
.: .·. positiorr deline?ta.9 ·. herejn~bove, the departmant i3
. . . ··.; .:· :. , .. . ~ . .. . : , ... , ·. ·..., .
. r · advised to complY. !r.e 'QAT's Order dated 08. 0?.2019 Bno

.. f
~ .
dispose of the
. : ·.- .
;~· ~;esent.a:t:on
. ._•. ··~· .. -·~
of the appJica'nts ·irnmediateh·
. ·:.. . ...
~ -:_"·:·: , :... \ .
··strictly takjng ioto con_sideration . ratio , l.aid down in A K
·~ · .....-.. ~·. .-- . ·.·.~:..· . . ·~ . . -.. ;. ·. . :· #,··-.:~:--.
· · ; · J~handok case . f~x :~avoiqa n ce ot c.on~ernpt petition in the

.;~ t \ii~tt~r
. r. ... :-
' . };{<·· ::}~ . ;, ~ ';,·: >:: ·.·"" . .
, -.· ~, ·. .. ... (jj)~:.
·;· ·,·. .-.: ·',· · (~·.c.'Kat~ia.
·· !..egal Adviser (L~ E )
. ....... ·.
~... :·:·.- .....--_. ~ ~;
. ·: .... '- ·- ..,


~.tinis t;y of Finance

De;Jarbnent of Expenditure
. E.III(B) Branch
• ..;.~-.\-1t-t

Refer : ~lotes at P.72-79/N, ~,l inistrJ of Labour andtEmploymant's file No. A

12018/02/2018-s&;r ... ~ "' .. . ·

· ~~linistry of Labour and t has forwarded the ino.t:mt

proposal mgarding grant of NFSG in the cadr~ of Regional Provident Fund
Commissio~ GcERfa-1 .(~~c:·tf}~~ 7600 ·pre-revised, Pay ~atrix Level 12),
•.· ... EPPO in the l!aht of order· dt. 08.02.2019 of Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh 8-:n':h
.. in o}.
~oo6o/oo 126i20 y.9 fil~·d by Sh~lRa:<esti Ku:nar.~nd others.
2. The matter has been examined and it is observed that NFSG in this
case of EPFO was allowed by Mlnisli-y of Labour and Employment in terms
of their ·letter dated 31 .1 .2006. At. that time the . Ministry · of Finance,
Department' of Expenditure does not a·ppear to have been consulted. It is
also seen that Ministry of L'abour decided to
irilpleinent the ·order of Hon'ble
Chaildigarh Bench of CAT dated 25.2.2011 : in terms of their letter. datad
2~jj __ ;:~nd_a.Lthq~~tctge_C?l~Q.J.!lS..MiO]§!rJ_Qf.,.E.i.Q9i1Ce.-Qe~aFtmeFlt- of
·Expef1qitUJ:~~.$_OoLapp:eactoJ'l.e~C.Q.Q.~!:l.)ted.:._l.t..is_Q()Ce again seen that the
Ministry of-t:,~.bou.r.io_lEl.IJll$ _o.fJ.h~kJ~<;l~d(4.8.17.)alloiNed EPFO that the
-ccrses on~FSG may De proposed a~:· per . sanctioned strength . in cadr~
restructuring dated 27.12.2016. jhus, th~ · Ministry of Finance, Department of
Expenditure was not ~onsu lted at any stage, especially at the ·primary stags
of introdu;::tion of NFSG in ~his casa·.. Secondly and more .impqrtantly,
Department of Personnel and T(aining is the- nodal department on the issue
of NFS(3 and as sue~. the action advised by . Departn:i.<ao.tpf!.&
Training in terms of para 4 of their n o t~_O...D.J~.<!9.<L§..&/n may_b_e_l<!~~f!., This
-Ministry h·asno·furtryefCOrr:tment~ to add.
. · ,, ,.
3. This has the appro.val ~f AS(P_~rs.).

.. ,


. .. ·'
- . . ·..:. _ .;.;... .-'·---~ .... ,
AS&FA, Ministry of Labour ·& Employment, Shram Sha~~ti Bhawarc·New Oe~hi
M /o Finance, D/o Expenditun: UO No~·23(2)/E III(B)t2q19 dated 5.12.1 9

.... J

-------- ,..._. ··-~~---.--.. ............,_..~ .....-........__.__ ·-------------------------

u.;:~:~l'f c! Latour&. Emp!0'1rr..;..,t. C"'"\Vt. of tndia)
1'1' ~~·~ ; P.OJ.~ C:f:~c
;~ ::f:~ "~ :a: . t.:-.:-~.i. ~ 1_:i~. ~j fir-::j..! !li G...;"-

H:U·H/D-13(1)2014/pt.L ;:-,
,.. ~ -:~rt':J_:" r·! I i:-~":; 2:-:~w~ ~

. .
The Secretn;y
Ninistry of labour~' Ernploy111enJ
2 1 JAN 2020
Shmm Shiiktl Bhawan. fllew Deihi

Sutject; In 'the matter of 04 No. G60j00t2fi/2019 fil~d by Sh. n.akcs;, Kumar~ O•s. Vs. UO! & Ors.
Rega;ding grantjr.g No;; Fun~tional Selection G;a.j;:- reg;;~ding.

Please refer to i'hn1~1'$ Tetter f•!o. i\-!2018i02j201S-SS.l{?t.} datec 13.01.2020 on the above cited

2.. n,e r~qulsite mformanon is fuml::hed as under:·

I S.N Informution dl!s:~t:d
jl. 1S':2gna:!cr., !i ary, ir ti1-:?
: Re~· . -·------ -!
Commlssi0n2r For ·:,;:-;t vf riO~ular cadre ;.;s~:ud;:nng the l)romctlvn of cff:e<::!' I
I C'..c;d;;: a:t:; i:-;p;;; ~.:r.~::~t:or. ·-af u-~ j ir. Ca:~r·:cl~s:;;c,.-.;:i· Codr;: loa:~ gr:;t d~'a·ted over t:·-= ~e' icd cf .
! Ccdre r~!::iu.:tcr:r~r.J a;j::" ct::t-=d t.rrc. Gi\'i.!; t.J the age p:-ofr.e of RPFCs·! ~nc numtr: c~ ~lJ5~5 in
I • t3.01.20l7. P.PFC.. ! !!r;: i~·-= r.E·<= t,~9h~r pes~ A~c: . CP~C' \-·,~t!c!- ~-·~ 239 and
3:·, ~~ ~ ~<J.:~~EJ l;ld-. ~!'i.~ ~PFC·~ ,~~;~ •,::~:.~.~ f:JCZ s~;;.:::-.:-.:'\ ':-' I
;,r. t::1Uij':ii~ Vn~S dan~ 0:1 Jt~ b?l:jiS vf prt!5=;:--.t ,.-r..:;:;:.;~:Lrm9 of ~
1 ACC and RPfC-r i<:ve! <mrl pi"OfX>Scd p1·omot!or.s to be d•.}tlc cr. :
the bCl~ts of th~:ir resp~ctive c;ge profiles ancl it wa:; fwnd t'1at f
frcm an:ount; tne RPFC-1 belonging to 1999 b<lt.:h <Jr..:! atove,
app;cx. so RPFCs·l wou~d retire befvre getting any fwth?.r
promotion (copy en::!ose~j. [t should also be not.:d u'la~ RPFCs-
1 Of:icers from la.:e: batch:es have not been consid:::!W in t:1ts

Ii . c;no1lysls vJ!-~c~ v;l't::h s.1c:.Jd further ~how e•,.:n n;m; adv~rse .

i s.tuatior.. -
It is aiso pertinent to men~ion that mo5t of DP. Asstt. P.F 1
I Commissioners cf 1999 batch got the!; fir:;t promcticn cn!y in .
_, I 2009 as P.PFC-11 and sec.:mct promC',tion In 2017 as R!'fC-1. Thus .
during tl'le last 2J yei:lrs of serv:ce In Gr. A Cad;e, the~e cff:cers
ha'le got oniy two promotions -arrd there . appea;s to be no
! chance of future promoti·:ms under the praval:ing condition3 for
· !
many of them.!r •iiew ci the'abov? it can Sf!en that there Is oo i
. _ llkeiLtQ b-~ src~;fc<!r:t ?:£912ticn In P.PFC:I Cadre In future.
arious g~de~- ir li12 ((.>•on;:r ! (i) P.elaxat:::;:; cf 21 :nonths in qu::!il'fing serv:ce has teen I
1 Cadre for wh;:!". 'e1 ~.,2!ticf; in the I
provtccc t:;; _Gr; pr..:mobon to tt·.e Post (If Regi~nal P.F !
· qualifying SP.NIC>:, a5 ner t:1e 1 Cn.mrni:;i:.c.·.t:;, Gr.l ir. re!;pect of 08 ofiicers. .. '1
_.1 . Recruitment Rl.!es. v,as giveP. !:in~ the ' (ii) P.~!<Jxat 011 cf 12 months in qua!iiying service has been

implemC!ntJtlon o: · the Ca.1re
restructuring order dated 1'3.01.1017.
provided, fr;r i:h~ picmotion to the post of Ra;icnal P.F
Conrr.i::i~one;, Gr. II in respect of 81 o[ftcers. Ij
3. Detailed Cadie stn..::wie of the {i) Assistant P.F Commissioner (level 10 in p ay
Commissioner _C<arl:'e .shc'.'llng the
different gn><Je:; alol"lg w1t1·
r11a trix).
_l lL___._ _ _ _ _ _
--'--- ·~ ·····-·-·---··---·------ ______,

- -------·--·
, corr:~~andi~~~ c~i:::.::. !c:~. ~. tr. r:'t: Pi:'-' ·
' n~~t;i:.( ·ar·~ q::;;j:·yi::~ sr.:--v:~..: ;·.;¥" •
, promcr.o~'
: 9rildes. E.y . prcn1cr:cr.: - Sect:o~r Off:cers or EniorceiTf.:ilt
Offl;;~;sfA;::c:::u.:ts omcers in E.F:FO w:th i1:,e year's
reg..; Ia; ·3erv!r:e in that grade. I
Nutz: . . i. Tb~ se~ect:0r: of :ifftcers for Prvnot;ciil•shal~ he
r.-,a~;; frvm· an:oo.g5t tt:J<e g:-ades of Sectioil Officer ao.d
Enforct-rn:~Pt Officers/.~·:count Officers a~ und{~r:

1. ·fi::h of sw:tion Officer · -
2. g..m of Enlo:cerr::nt Ofi!cer/Account Offit:ers

(ii) Regional P.F Comm:ssior.e:-ll(levd-11 of pay i

!.. matrix)
Piomctlon : Cfflc::rs
{:, ss'::•,an•
1., \. p•n-,,•··

years'!a:"" s~~-.,i:.f: in thf!

~--,, F·'\.J.,.,,
·the !;'Jbstaf1ti'l<! post of
r"""rr.' ·:~·~~·!'-">f

.. Gr~·""' •·t•tt f••'·'
• ' - I'

Regi_nn~! P.F \~c:urni~~-:.:G!l:;r-I(le,lei-i2 of poy i
m~~ ~

Prro;r,Jt:t~n: Ofil.~rs l1vid.1~g R~i<?-K:I I

i the post or
. "l Provider.t Fur!d Co!nfl}isslor.-:r, Grade - U. wi~ five y~ars
! reguiar s.::rv!c:: ln the gr;:de. -
I (iv) Add!. Central P.F Commissioner(le•te!- 13A)
-' '.
! . Pro:mtion: O~ficers ho!ding the substar:tive po5t 0 F .'
. l Pr.::.·Jlde:~t fund Commissioner - I havif:g S!.( I
yea;:; of regular sErvice in the grade.
r-lote.- Officer:; of Employ;:;;$' Provident Fund
On:~<~n;s-:~lk:n ii'l G1\"•UP 'A' w!::h tim:e ye.a~s' ;:g:Jl;;;
~::r-;~;:e i;; L?.'Je! ::;. '" t_'\t; ~·t.y 111::-:trlx (?.s. 123 Ln0-
1l5St1:-.. / ~~~ 11~;.i: · s•.- yt::dr::· rGgular S8f\'t·'::.: ,.., L~~.~~: 12 if:
t::e pc·l --:·mt:-::; (::.~. tc:;;Go- 20S2UO) ~.,:1~ t,(i·.;;:,~, lv~~nty
ye.~rs· 5~:v~cr· li G:c·u:: 'A" sub;ect l.o fl~1t.:s:; <u1d

(v) Mdi. Centra! P.F Commi:;;;io ner(HQ) (level-14j i
Prom~c:r.m: Ofricers M!ding the substantive !X>st of
Additi~na_i c:ntra! Pr~-,~ent F~nd 'Comrnss\cn~: g:a_d7 i~
Level-131\ (Rs. 1,3l,.Cu -2;15,600) having rcur ye;:f'.i
reglllar servic? in · the giade; Failing vthich officers .
I holding t.'le substantive post of Ac!ditional Centro!
•-' I Provident Fund Com(\liss!or,f:r graC:a In Level ·13A
(P.s.1,31, 100 - :u6,600) .. having twenty tour .years-

regular service In Group·· 'A' h1 ,Employe<::s' Provicent
Fund Organisat:cn.

{ii} Deour.ation! OfR::ers of the Govermn~nt of India

ho!aing the post of Jcint Secretary o·r Officers eligible to
hold the pest a: the level .6f .Joint Ser.rer,~ry to the ·.
--:----:--:--:----.L.---=G'-n'v-..:~"-.r~-''il'-'n-"·£=--n..:~.cG:.:f""'!"-~~. ia . •
~- -
. . :
-- .
.. ·... ..
•...__. ·.
( Brijesh Ku ar (i\ishra)
Rc:yional P.F.Commi.;:;ioner-1 (HRI~)

1_ .

\. ",\.. l
' \~:J ·~'-l ''·'I ..
~ ,i
. --,...!-- I
[ I
..... i
Of!lc;•rN.Hlle - ·- ·. Desi!;;;;;()ll--------
.. "ix~·,-~--·-· --~iJ;}j:i:--...
- - --- - -.-1--+- -· -
- r:,j·j.~ k
·- cii~. ~~:.--
p.:.~4~""'~; -----i)os --··- -·--I)(')R· ... 1
. ·- ·-· ·-=-+--__;::...::;...:__ _ --1--·.::.:.::.:..:.._ _
l A.!'. U~a~Jey Jl· O'l 2 U 2 0 ± l':111bj lti'H'·I 10-II'J-I'JI•(> ;1()09-!0.'t>
l\CC ll4·kol ·60
2 NcJr:ly:ln;;, K;,mm~• 1\CC 0~ AUfl ·GO 31·0~: ·::?0.'0 .~ -1\iala~·..:~-lt :\.;!llih. nlri Rl'l;t · I . -;o.Jnn- 70 31·01· :!030
3 M M~dhia!har,.t•' ACC Ob·May fi 1 31 ·0~·-:!0.,: l ] i\ lu\.~');h K.umar I\ I'FC-1 ll\-S~.:p- ' I ~0·09 2031 ,
'' x.L Gc•val ACC(IiQl 01-Jul·<>l 30-0L··:!O:? t ·r-i -- ·Sl!uill\:umnr Sum:m ·-7!.PI·:c.r tll-~1ay-7U 31-05-20~0 ,
5 KRISt-iNA CliOWDHAR\' ACC 05-Jun-61 ':?0 OG -:!•)1 i j:; .).jay Kumar ?vkhr" .P.I'I·C-1 I 1-M:Jt·-t',CJ 31-03-20:?9 ,
!--~!.---:-:-:---:-----+-:-::------+-----·-. L-.. -r--- _,. ..- - · - - - '---·-----+-------
' 6 Maruti Bhoyi ACC 22-Jul·5:! 31-D7· 7.t12. 1
c- lll.oll:llll:)n;~ IRPFC-1 j :.!1-.luJ-(,~: 31·07- 202S,

7 Smt Uditc; Chodh:Jry ACC(HQ) 16-r~ug-&:1 ·n.:o;;:]i)}}'--·- r::;--- Vip;n Kumur Shom1n H l'i·C-1 o 4-< >..:r-hX 30·09-?1128 ,

8!I'I)Oh,,, ACC(HO) lG·Mnr 53 31 03-:!.0:n ~ Su:l :\prnjiw .Jaggi Rl'l ·('-1 I !-l)l't-75 3110<W:J!J I
---1----------+--.------l-....-----l-- -----+-- - · ·- .. .
I 911<-l Taowj:a ACC(MQ)
15-Aug 63 31 03-:!0r: Cl
~anj;:y Oishi
RPFl'-1 ll'l-12-J '~~"" 31- 12-10:?~· 1 I
10 R." $io)(jb ,'\CC(HQ) 20·1\pl'-64 30-04 ;~02 11
31 ·0:~ ·20:?:1
Ill !'!li..;hir KtiiH .l h<t
~- --=f:~:.IIHn,;.:slllJ~
I~JIJ.'f.'.J I-1-D ..-c-(,:-; :n·.L2·l023,
U S.K.Aggar"Wal
12 S B Sinha

13 V.P . .Sin;.-h

Ot1·Nov·6'l 30-n .;:o2,1
- - - -31-·05-202
2l ·May· 65
-- -~
l ~l

.·\jl' l.'l "-urnnr

I .az:1la ,\It Khnn


I~Pf-C'- 1
I<PF< '-1
0.\-;\uc-·i.~ 31 OR-2031 ,
31 01!-20.!5.
30 O•t-.?0"13
14 Sh. S.DURGA Pms<od S~nlcd Cover ACq IJ1-Jun-(•5 30 -0b-:!O?t;
- -l•l - -· Dlwml~·udrn Kui11:1r. Sin1!.h ·t--:----+------+-----·-
Rl'l"C-1 06-No' -70 30· i l- 2030 ,
15 Anil O.K ACC 10 Jui ·6S 31·07-202 5 I:\ - ~Hdt•qH!l Gh•;>~ h R I'FC-1 21-Ma,·· 71 '31-03<!031 I

u;$h.R.IVI.V•·rr11:1 ACC 29-Sc:p65 3009·20/ --r--+-----
') if, 1'/·: . v-.:n~w
- ---------r------------~--------~
RI'FC-1 I'\-N1n·?l 30 ·11·2031,
·-- - - - - -- --- --!--·-- - 1----- -- --+----·---l

--1-- -
17 Smr. Anit.l Sinhil Dixit J\CC l5 Oct- 65 31 -lO .·nh l"i ~ -~~~~~l l'h .Iii).:'''' RI'H ·-1 I ~-/\t•t:-72 31 -08·203.! ,

tS P. V."'·'b'"""' 'w>mv ACC - 07 ·0" oO .. 31 1> loli'; ~ 1:-::: ~~-\~·'I '"'""'" . I( !'I·C-~ ~ I ;.,•bs•· 7-1 ll OS-1034 ,
19 V.Rang:;nllCh ACC ll) DI?C'·C~ 31- 1.?-?0!:'.• 1 Iq H . :\mire\\· l'r:1bhu I~ I'I C~l .u ~-S\.'IH1l\ 3G-U9 7028 ,

20 Sah~ra K Sangma ACC - .. 06·!=Pb·6G iS(Q.:i(i"i~r-·-I~o . J.:_t: KlHWlr --)~PH '-1 _: J 1-J.IIl· 71 3l·O.t·"203J •
21 Ch.S;~~jayMi:.ho~ II.CC O'l ·Apr·GG 31-03-20:!G .:1 I~:Jiil !-;,ulb r RI'F<;_'·I 0:!-Mav-71 3l ·05-203l •
22 IVISKVV S:Jty<1nJo·ayan ACC 21·Apr-65 30·011-?0.1 o 21 r,llh: 111 l'o l)a;os Ri'l'l ·- 1 j 2~-iul -72 31·07·2032 •
23jSh Sdmarcndl."r Kumar .Sealed Covcor AC< :! 1-J\pr-66 30-04·2026 - - 'i·)--jl; ttllum - J itri:("·:-! 15-Jul-74 31-07-20311 1
24 Sh P.I<.Mfshra Se>aledCcverAG 11-Jul-M 31-07-20/G 2·~ lt>d ~- 1 A.shr~r --~;--f l:i-.lul·74 31·07·2034 ·
25 Gautam Dixit ACC :?3-0ct· G6 31-10·202!:> 2S l\lllil Vnslli.$1 IO'H '-I '06-Jun-751· 30-0G.:W3~ ·
:!6 saro11no Rane ACC 25·Dec-G6j 31-12-20:' 6 _ ~6 • :._:,Jv.:ndu 1{:11 ___ 1: PFC.l 07-So:p-71 30·09·103 l ,
' 'J
27 ;:umar Rohit ACC 21')UI-67 :31·07 :!0]7 ':.7 .l a icb~p C'ltakl~l h:lrli I~ PFC-1 (12- D~·c- n 31-12·2032 I

~s D.Remmei ACC 21-Aug-67 31-08-~0:n 21'\ !\h. Sw:1J!illil R<11 I~ I'FC··I ll-D..:o:-73 31·1?.-203.3 '
29 Ms. Mridula Gh;'li ACC(HQ) (;3-Aug-6/
31-0!! 20:?:' 2 1) N .\10fl.oln~:rbhn~m lti'FC:-1 20 ·A p r-7:i 30·0•l 203S •
30 C.Chakraborty ACC(HQ) !6-Jun-68 30· 06-20/.H --- J(l ~·t"'. ;'~J,;hll 0 \' IU'FC·I - - - 27-.'\ ng-76 3l ·03-203G '
3!. Rajsekhar
_ _ _;;_J._;..!~
Rc:ddy /\CC iO-Aur,-GS 31-<>S-20~::; :; I
_ __:.._:__ _ _ _......._ _ _ _ __.__ _ _, . ; . _ c _ _ _ _ _ · ·- - - --
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.11 _gp,_l'_(___-1 - - - ;.).;;,; •• -'(.j----_.,-J.-(1•-· ,~~~ --~- --.]_ - -·, - -- - •• "1 --- -
1- "':'l
1\un~:tn 1-:hmur S:llli'h'
R itta Mnlldul
· >.J •.fLttt-75
30-(tt.-.'•:~~ ~---_]_
31 -12-20/h L L
; - ·- • . -
- - -- - -- - -
- ,-- -

· I. ·-·---~
."-.1 1\ol.ll. \Vut~i J{ PH '-1 .\11-A u •.·-···l.l 31-0I·l·lu::o L L
42 J.l'.l'huuhtul RPFC-1 \I(•-Fel·•-7P 2S·O.'·Lf.I30 ·--r --1 ·-
. 43 l\·ld. ,'\:-:;hrar l\.:llllil
11·1 l{nji\" Kumur 1'.11
4S K~nd;tsomy Muthu ...-:ha Kl'foC'-1
30-0·I 2tJ:t:?. ---1----f·
1---- _ ---·------ -~----;~-----~~-+-----..J~

I =J·
, 46 1Jlt..>l1Jo:r Kumar S;.~n~!al:l RPFC-1
j_._:! v;k"' SuJm
_:12 Bil'l..·n•.k-r Kumat
. RPFC-1


2e-02 2tl1!)
31 Ul 1~~
3! o:~
:>0.!:' . 1-----·
31-0:3-:'fJ:a. __ _ _
. ~=---

--- .
1 ~0 J\hllav Klnn:u· t-.•luml:ll r-:I'FL'-1 .. -- 0 1}-Jun•(\~ 30·06:~ ~~9____ - •• ··--- --·- .
51 Viliwuj~·.::t Sn~ao RPFC-C I 1·1-h:b-75 2S-n::.2ro_~~.
52 Rithuraj l\'l'~d h i
53 rlmlh:\1' Nin)!!oh~n
RPH '-1
R PfC-1
I -
t) 1-Mar- 75
ZS-0:!·20J~ I- --l-- -·---1-·- . ______,,, _______
S4 Retvinllnt Kum:11· K,•uclrt RJ'FC-1
55 R:1hul J\n':t RPFC-1
I !{-.Tun-1)~1 30 nG:.?()2"~ ~-~~ ==~-·J=--==--~~--·-_:
16-JuJ-(,9 31-07·20:!!> ·r
__J ---- - --------~
, 56 Rl1hen Worchitwm 1-\.ao: r.:r-r-C-1 ~0-~t!f'>-7-1 3o-o9-2o-:i4 -- --- ~- - ·
57 M.S ..i\q:I P...PFC-1 ..'!1-:\uc.-t,~ 31-0S-.W:!tl ..-~
I ·-

53 N<snd Raml\.kcnn RPFC-1 15-lkc-f,t;

·---- --·
3 1·l2 ·1t):!'l
--· ---
· 59 ~v11wnwn~ N1!ulli.: I<PFC:-1 . 0!-t-Fd:o-75 2S OJ.)~:~')~ ___ .. :=:=:-~: _______ . . • --~- _.___


(~ ~ irr.:a ~. \.;{?. m<m)
(t•linistry of labour & Employment, Govt. of In<f~a )
~~ 1 Head Office
mf:iN '1<R, 14-~ ~~. :rt ~-Jlo{i.s.
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, H, 6h1kaiji Carr-a Place, New De' IIi- 110 C€6.

HRM-I/D-18(1)2014/pt.j/t>? g Date:

The Secretary
0 5 FE B2020
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi

JB(name to: Shri S.K.Das, Under Secretary]

Subject: Minutes of the meeting of th e Committee to facilitate decision on the

issue of grant of NFSG to RPFC-I in EPFO- regarding.


Please refer to Ministry's letter No. A-12018/02/2018-SS.I(Pt.) dated 29.01.2020 on

the subject cited above wherein it has been requested to furnish the information whether the
scheme of MACP is applicable to the officers of the cadre.

2. I n this regard, it is informed that no M~CP has been granted to the officers _who have
joined the Organization as Gr. A Officer although the MACP has been granted to a few of -.
those Gr. A Officers who had joined the EPFO initially as Gr. B Officer i.e Enforcement
Officer/Account Officer.

Yours faithfully

Regiona l P.F Commissioner-! (HRM)


,.. .......


~",.. ~.
qi 't:IHI ~ '"'~ "WTO'i
( ~ ~ ~ ~. \.,';\(! m<fiR)
(t·linistry of Labour&. Employment, Govt. of India)
~~I Head on:ce
, ~·
1,7-i!T, ;-.,~ \f!R,
.. ... ·~
~ lF,"qJ ~. ~ l'\:'';'11"111) C6r,,

Bhavlsh'(a Nidhi Bhawan, H, 81-jkaiJi Carr..a Place, New De'hi - 110 ~.

HRM-1/D-18(1)2014/ ~b Date:

To ,o
The Secretary
Ministry of Labour & Employment
·2 3-JAN 2020
Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Deihl

~name to: Shrl S.K.Das, Under Secretary ]

Subject: In the matter of OA No. 060/00126/2019 filed by Sh. Rakesh Kumar & Ors. Vs. UOI &
Ors. Regarding granting Non Functional Selection Grade- regarding.


Please refer t o Ministry's letter No. A-12018/02/2018-SS.l{Pt.} dated 13.01.2020 on the above cited
subject for which the reply has been sent vide this ofrlce letter dated 21.01.2020.

2. In continuation of the same, the reply given in connectlon with point no. 2 is revised as under:-

S.N Information desired Reo tv -

2. Various grades in the Commissioner (i) Relaxation of 12 months in qualifying service has been
Cadre for which relaxation in the provided for the promotion to the post of Addl. CPFC In
qualifying service, as per the respect of 22 officers.
Recruitment Rules, was given since the
Implementation of the Cadre {li} Relaxation of 21 months In qualifying service has been
restructuring order dated 13.01.2017. provided for the promotion to the post of Regional P.F
Commissioner, Gr. I in respect of 08 officers.

(iii) Relaxation of 12 months in qualifying service has been

provided for the promotion to the post of Regional P.F
Commissioner Gr. ll in respect of 81 officers.

Regional P.F Commissioner-! (HRM)

f-N Jc)(\J~E'- 2b

Cfl4"41ft ~ f.;fu ~
(~":1(0i~ ~. \W,~)
(l·linistry of Labour&. Empl<t(ment, Govt. of India)
~ ~ 1 Head Office
\,~ P.N 'P-H, 14-m lFI'1i ~. ~-tJo 06n.
Bhav!shya Nidhi Bhawan, 11, Bhikaiji Carre Place, New Delhi - 110 ~.

HRM-1/D-18(1)2014/pt. Jib~ Date:

The Secretary
0 4 FEB 2020
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi

[By name to: Shri S.K.Das, Under Secretary]


Subject: In the matter of OA No. 060/00126/2019 filed by Sh. Rakesh Kumar &
Ors. for granting Non Functional Selection Grade- regarding.

,: : ('): Sir,
fit · ~~
~--rtt 9: Please refer to Ministry's letter No. A-12018/02/2018-SS.I(Pt.II) dated 28.01.2020 on
~ \.4 ~r the subject cited above wherein it has been requested to furnish requisite information.
0 0 <":':
"0 ~ ~;
~ (f) ~2. In this regard, the desired information is as follows :-
e ~~0
(i) Photocopy of the file bearing No. HRD/4(4)2001 regarding grant of NFSG,
9. ~: :}!:~ which was processed by EPFO for approval of t-lol&E in 200q. is enclosed.
t-.::. ':;'• •_~.J
0 0 Q'j

~ (ii) The draft model re-structure of Commissioner Cadre is enclosed for

consideration of the Committee.

Further two posts Deputy Director(IS) and Chief Engineer are carrying the
Level-13 of pay matrix {Pre-revised GP-8700).A copy of orders is enclosed.

(iii) Action taken on the audit para on irregular grant of NFSG Is enclosed.

~::·~o -;;-no-1 ~"3,~

Encl: As Above
,,d; ~s~~~~s~~:f]~.\.~?.)A:' . -
\C"';~i/Jo'o .........l.:?. w J.-0 ~-
.._} (Brijesh ~mar
Regional P.F Commissioner-! (HRM)
Proposal for cadre restructuring to remove anomalies and stagnation that has set in at various level of
Group 'A' Commissioners' Cadre and for effectiv~ly manning the offices.

Since the implementation of last cadre restructuring many of the new problems have emerged. Though,
many of the anomalies are still to be resolved; three most important issues which the last Cadre
Restructuring has not been able to resolve is:

1. Granting of Non-Functiona l Selection Grade (NFSG).

2. Stagnation at senior level especially above JAG level.
3. Absorption of supernumerary cadre of APFCs into the regular cadre.
As may be noted that the overall objective of the CR is not only to remove these anomalies but also to
achieve following objectives:

i. To enhance the effectiveness of the service delivery.

ii. Estimate future manpower requirements on a scientific basis over the review period.
iii. Plan recruitment in such a way so as to avoid future promotional blocks and at the same
time prevent gaps building up.
iv. Restructure the cadre so as to harmonize the functional needs with the legitimate career
aspirations of the staff and officers.

At this stage we are not entering into the detailed discussions about the needs and requirements
analysis for restructuring, reorganizing and expansion of cadre. But in short following point may be

1. Since the last Cadre Restructuring more than 120 District Offices have been handled over
compliance and other functions leading to large increase in their work load.
2. Massive increase in the membership since last Cadre Restructuring and corresponding increase·
in the number of claims at RO level.
3. Steep growth in the coverage of establishment and corresponding need to arrest default.

Present cadre strength of the Group 'A', Commissioners' Cadre is as below:

SrNo. Cadre Strength (Pay) Percent of Total

1. Additional CPFC (HQ) 13 (Rs 144200 - Rs 1.26%
2. Additional CPFC 32 (Rs 131100 - Rs 3.1%
3. Regional · PF 0 wit~ NFSG 0.0%
Commissioner -I 239 (Rs 78800 - Rs 23.1%
4. Regional PF 29.9 (Rs 67700- 208700) 28.9%
5. Assistant PF 452 (Rs 56100 - Rs 43.7%
Commissioner 177500)
6. 1034
The above structure i.s high ly skewed and there is extreme level of stagnation at the JAG level. The
reason is two-fold. One is not granting NFSG at JAG level. Anothe r is steep fall of sanctioned posts above
JAG level. Both of these are against the DoPT norm of idea I cadre management.

To deal. with these anomalies, to tackle the increased workload and to achieve the objectives as
described above, following changes are being proposed:

Proposal wit h NFSG at JAG level

Sr No Cadre Proposed Percent of Rema rks

Strength (Pay) total
st rength
1. FA&CAO, CVO, 4 0.25% Post in HAG were not agreed to in
Additional CPFC (HQ - (Rs 182200 - Rs 2011.
HR), Additional CPFC 224100) But after the gap of 9 years and
(HQ- Compliance) exponential increase in functions
and responsibilities, it has become
imperative to grant these posts.
2. ACC (HQ) 50 3.1% As per ideal cadre strength around
(Rs 144200- Rs 17% of total cadre shall be at SAG
218200) level. Nevertheless only 50 posts are
being demanded so that each
subdivision in Head Office is manned
by a senior officer of JS Rank and
also to remove stagnation to some
3. ACC 150 9.4% There is requirement of manning
(Rs 131100 - Rs each political state by an Additional
216600) CPFC. Also cities of Delhi, Mumbai,
Kolkata, Ch~nnai, Bangalore,
Hyderabad and Ahmadabad need to
have one ACC each. Apart from
_) these, each Zonal Training Institute,
PDUNASS, each specialized
subdivision of Head Office and IS
·-"' Division should be headed by ACC.
4. Regiona l PF 250 15.7% The 72"d meeting of CBT held in
Commissioner -I 2011 has granted parity with IRS (IT)
30% of senior Gr 'A'. One of the essential effects of
duty post to be granting parity is that NFSG must be
granted NFSG granted at JAG level. This is the most
._..I (Rs 123100 - Rs crucial step where maximum
215900) stagnation occurs. Therefore
__) increase in this cadre with NFSG is
(Rs 78800 - Rs essentia l to stop stagnation.
5. Regiona l PF 385 24.2% Nearly 120 District Offices are fully
Commissioner -II (Rs 67700 - Rs functional now and are doing crucial
208700) functions like compliance, default

. -~~

management, recovery etc. They

need to be headed by RPFC- II with
one or two APFCs to assist him
depending upon workload. Apart
from these offices, nearly 125 ROs
and HOare in dire need of RPFC -II.
6. Assistant PF 750 47.2 Nearly 250 supernumerary APFCs
Commissioner (Rs 56100 - Rs must be regularized as soon as
177500) possible. To absorb them and to end
this anomaly, sanctioned strength
should be increased. Also around
250 ROs and DOs along with HO are
in requirement of APFCs to tackle
the work load. Therefore Increase at
this level is a must to achieve the
above stated goals.
7. 1589

Proposal with functional post at the Pay Level of Rs 123100- Rs 215900

Sr No Cadre Proposed Percent of

Strength (Pay) total
1. FA&CAO, CVO, 4 0.25% To be granted after 26 years of
Additional CPFC (HQ • (Rs 182200- Rs service in Group 'A'
HR), Additional CPFC 224100)
(HQ- Compliance)
2. ACC (HQ) so 3.1% To be granted after 17 years of
(Rs 144200 - Rs service in Group 'A'.
3. ACC 150 9.4% To be granted after 15 years of
(Rs 131100 - Rs service in Group 'A'.
4. Regional PF 250 15.7 % This may be converted into
Commissioner- I (Rs 123100- Rs functional post of depicted pay level
215900) to be granted after 13 years of
._./ service in Group 'A' .

s. Regional PF 385 24.2% To be granted after 9 years of

Commissioner- II (Rs 78800 - Rs service in Group 'A'
6. Assistant PF 750 47.2 APFC shall be granted Senior Time
Commissioner (Rs 56100 - Rs Scale (Rs 67700- Rs 208700) after 4
·-' 177500) years of service in Group 'A' and
may be designated as Deputy PF
Commissioner after granting STS.
7. 1589

The existing and proposed cadre strength may be pictorially depicted as under.
.\ C'ctiJQ) (13)
. .-\CC'(32)


It must be mentioned he re that even the proposed cadre is also very skewed and far away from ideal
cadre especially at t he SAG level and for an ideal cadre there shall be much more posts at every level
above APFC than is being demanded at present. But what is being suggested at present is the bare
minimum to deal with the problem in hand and to meet the objectives of an ideal cadre.

The reasons and justification given above for reorganizing the cadre is o,nly indicative. Whenever it will
be required, a detailed study/analysis may be presented for each of the points indicated above.






l ...

\ ./

No. I-11019/ 12/2008-CRD
Government of In d ia
Minis try of Pe rs onnel, Pub lic Grievances and Pens ions
Depa rtmen t of Personnel and Trainin g

Room No. 34 1, Lok Nayak Bhawan,

i\ew De lhi-11 0003.

~ovemhcr 19, 2009

O ffice Mem orandum 2 0 NOV 20\P
Subject: Attributes of Organised Group 'A' Central Services- Clarification

The Department or Personnel and Training has been receiving a number

or references seeking clarifications about the attributes and definiti on of the
Organised Group 'A' Central Services. Many service associations have also rile~
applications in various courts claiming the status or an Organised Group 'A'
Service and the co nsequential benefits. It appears that the di !Terence between an
Organised Group ' A' S ervice and other Services/Cadres has not been appreciated
in its true sense. The attributes of an Organised Group 'A' Service are clearly laid
down in the existing Monograph on Cadre Management published by this
Department. In order, however, to remove any doubt, the same arc reiterated

(i) The highest cadre post in such services is not below the level of
Rs.37400-67000 p lus Grade pay ofRs. 10000 (SACJl;

(ii) Such services have all the standard grades namely, Rs.l5600-39l 00 plus
Grade pay Rs.5400 (JTS), Rs.l5600-391 00 plus Grade pay Rs.6600
(STS), Rs. l 5600-391 00 plus Grade pay Rs.7600/Rs .l7400-67000 plus
Grade pay of R s.8700 (JI\G/NfSG) and Rs.37400-67000 plus Grade
pay of Rs .l 0000 (SAG);

(iii) At least 50% of the vacancies in Junior Time Scale (.II"S) in such services
arc required to be filled by direct recruitment;

(iv) All the vacancies above rrs and upto SAC1 level in such services arc
filled up by promotion from the next lower grade;

. ./

Page 1 of 2



While a service may comprise one or mor~ distinct cadre (s), all such
cadres should be governed by composite Scrvkc Rules facilitating
horizontal and vertical movement of officers of a particular cadre at least
upto SAG level. The cadre posts of an Organised Service expressly
belong to that service. The posts not belonging. to any service are
classilied as General Central Service and, thcreJ'ore. an Organised Group
'A' Service cannot have posts/grades classi lied as General Central
Service; and

(vi) Such a service consists of two distinct components, namely Regular Duty
Posts and Reserves. The Reserves arc generally or four types, viz (i)
Probationary Reserves, (ii) Leave Reserve, (iii) ·1 raining R.csctve and
(iv) Deputation Reserve. The various types of reserves arc usually
created and accounted for in the Junior Time Scale.

Note:- The existing Organised Group 'A' Services have evolved over a period
of time and may have minor deviations owing to their respective functional
, requirements. The services already declared as such need not, however, be

2. The above arc certain basic attributes of an Organised Oroup '/\.' Service.
There is, however, nothing to suggest that the services/cadres ful(illing these
criteria would be automatically conferred the status of an Organised Group 'A'
Service. An Organised Group 'A' Service is one which is constituted consciously
as such by the Cadre Controlling Authorities and such a service can be constituted
only through the established procedures.

(Pratima Tyagi)
Under Secretary w Lhc Uuvcrnment oflndia
Tel: 24622461.


All the Cadre Controlling Authorities. I


(As per standard mailing li5L)

~\J- f ~r~C\~
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("D~ Pi ~1'1'\ ~~ ~-.:>1 .:;, c.p~-v~


..-\-v ~is\\CU-:::. ~ O'' ':)c,'~"\l.,..-t ~..... ~ .f', ' de.g "\'~

fv_N:\o.._ (o,.. ~ ~'~""- N-\-:. · G_ Pf- 0 ~~
c~ ~v~'C'..-Y....·~ bo.~ J -K ~·~ +-
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• Hf<m-Y JI oOJ ;c? ;>7.£r1}1i/aS)

Deptt. of Personnel & Training

(RR Section)

Ministry of Labour and Employment may kindly refer to their notes

recorded on pages 88-89/N soliciting clarification regarding grant of STS in

2. The issue has been examined. The undersigned is directed to convey

that EPFO is an autonomous organization and DOPT's rules and policies are
not suo-motto applicable to them and that the post/cadre of the EPFO is not
Group 'A' Organization service. Therefore, NFU provisions are not applicable
to them.

3. This issues with the approval of JS (E).

(K. PraKaSharn)
Under Secretary

Ministry of Labour & Employment (kind Attn: Director (YK))

DOP&T ID No. 1295645/ 18/CR dated 09.03.2018

Lrs(PLl>) - 0 'L
~~~~· ~.s-1:)

""'""\ '¥(\· ~ o...\ c\c>._\,.. ,.~ ·,

' , ..
,;-:~ .~·.
ChoRill:ft ~ ~ 'fiai6CTI • ~\t\)N t)<. - 3~ .
......... !II;,........ __.............__....
'. Employees~ Provident Fund Organisation
' QCi mnm- ~. ~ m<m1
('1111' . . .
(Minisuy or Labour ,t; Employment, GovL or lndi3)
~ ~!Head OJiice
~ frrtU ~.14,l.~ ij;jrlJ t:ffii'•.<Jt lt=ffi'. 110 066
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan. 14-Bhikaiji Camn Place, New Delhi-110066
11 ww etlfindia .l!
Tel~phont: 011 ~ 261 S55SO Fn.~: 0 ll·2617l022 Email: rc:wsufi'i:eplindia.!!

No. WSU/44(2)97/Admn. charge~~ _.:{.'· ' . . ~) Date:

· ~ '0 ~sEP 1U\~,

To . . '. . ~ l~~-'-.~·J11.\~\ G
Ministry of La boOr & Employment
The Secretary the Government of India· \:•
' •. .';:· .
\;::,.;.\"l\ \ /
Shram Shakti Bhawan, Ran Marg < :·::·.
. .. . New Delhi. /
·- ~ · / • • --c•! .a- . ... I • ·c_ ( C.{.~')J
\;{Ki!1d attentlor.: Sh. Vin od Kumcff; ~Drrector) v ~ ~() --~./

. ~
Sub: Reduction in the rate of Administrative charg es payable by the employer
toviards EPF Sch eme, _1 952:
Ref. PMO ID No. 4847692/PM0/2018-ES-2 dated 15.06.2018.

·- - -- -..·--- - - - ---..._··---·- -··--·-•--.,,... .

_ __ _--__-
- ------ .._

Please refer to the subject cited above. In this connection, it is informed that the
administrative charges on EPF payable by the employer changed from time to time are
mentioned in the table below:-

Rate of administrative Date of Changed .

charges impl ementation after
(as Ofo of Pay) number of
3.00% 1st November 1952 Inception
0.37% 1st October, 1964 12
. 1st October 1996
0.65% 32
1.10% 1st Auqust 1998 02 ,('

0.85% 1st January 2015 17

0.65% 1st ApriL 2017 02
0.50% 1st June 2018 01
. ·-- -... -
_, .... -- -- ..

2. The last reduction was made to 0.50% w.e.f. 1st June, 2018. 'The Impact of the
changes is mentioned below:-

~y- .
~ ~ fvt_,!YrJv'
&N0\ ArcfiJ.-- r~ ~
- - Io \
.. . . .~·~ ,
I 1-'

I ~· '-' i
. , .... ..
' _:.. ~ .; :
a) In April, 2017, EPFO has also abolished charges towards administration of EDLI
Sche~e, 1976. Similarly, no charges are levied on employers towards administration
r of Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995.

b) Consequent to the reduction in administrative charges to 0.50% from 1st of June,
2018, it has been projected that the estimated Receipt of administrative charges
would be around Rs. 3250 crores per annum whereas average expenditure would be
around Rs. 4900 crores per annum. Therefore, a shortfall of Rs. 1650 crores
approximately is estimated every year. Under these circumstances, it will be required
to withdraw the funds from Public Accounts (Major Head·8012·Special Deposit of EPF
Scheme Administrative Fund), from current year onwards, maintained with r.lini~try of
Labour & Employment. The expenses are likely to increase as EPFO is making lot of
IT initiatives and continuously involved in capc;dty building and upgradation of IT
infrastructure an~ also committed to bringing crNu:'en;SS among stakeholdel'3 through
regular publidty campaign etc.

c) As on 31.03.2015, there was a deficit of Rs. 8298.98 crores In Staff Pension· cum-
Gratuity Fund. C~nsequent to the actuarial valuation, so far only a sum of Rs.
3942.13 crores has been transferred upto 31st July, 2018 from the EPF administrative
account to bridge the deficit. In future, 'liVe may need to withdraw a lump sum
\. . amount from Public Account (!Vlajor Head-8012·Spccial Deposit) to_ make-up for the
shortfall in the said fund as well as to make good the estimated shortfall as
mentioned in para (b) above. Therefore, instead of generating surplus, EPFO will start
withdrawing from the corpus of EPF Scheme Administrative Fund which is Rs.
21,653.58 crores as on 31.03.2018.
d) Another valuation of the Staff Pension·cum·Gratuity Fund Account has become due
and assumes significance for hike in pension benefits with the implementation of
'-' Cadre Restr~cturing and 7th Central Pay Commission.
IJ e) EPFO has an assessed service ~ax liability of Rs. 1308 crores, which has been
contested before the Custom Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal at Ne'N Delhi.
f) A recruitment drive has also been initiated to fill up the vacant posts across cadres.
Nearly one·third of the sanctioned strength is vacant. The recommendations of 7th

v ~


r :~"
.. .....-....:;. .... --- -. ...
.-_ -- ···-·• ...
,.,.• ' (\ "'"19/J I

Central Pay Commission as well as Cadre Restructuring· have been implemente~ in
0 0 •

EPFO and the expenditure would play out from the current yea~ ~~elf.
- -- - - --- --

4. In view of the above, any further reduction ~in administrative ·charges. ~auld plunge
0 0

the cash-flow in the negative and would impair the working of the Organisation since the
,. ) expenditure may exceed the income during the current year Itself. Therefore, any further
proposal for reduction in administrative charges may be deferred at this stage.

5. However, the following proposal can · be considered for immediate relief to the
employers by abolishing following charges (prevailing at present) with the approval of CBT,
. . ~' ;.: .. .. .
..; -·
i) The payment. of Inspection Charges by employers of the f.X"=Illpted Establishments
under EDLI Scheme, 1976;
0 0

II) The payment of minimum administrative charges of Rs. 75 per month for every
; non-functional establishment having no-contributory members and Rs. 500 per
month for other establishments. ·.
,. -.------·----:-
-·-- . - - -- -· ..
(This has approval of the Competent Authority).

Yours faithfully,

'.' /~~
(Jag tvf'o'han) .
Add!. CPFC (HQ)- Finance

' I

I t. •
...... ,.



~ I

Cf' if'<l I £1 ~ f.1fu Wfo;:r

Employees. Provid~nt Fund Organisation }/5{~
~-cr;cr U\j{ lll{ G'4 1~1ll) 'lim[~ - .~0~
(Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt of India) ... ~~~.c;.~.~<t;
_ ~ Cfit4fw~ /HEAD OFFICE Tl<i.........!'1.,

~ f.tffi" <+tCR. 14 '41 Cfl ( 1:1;~ 9lt11T ~ <r{ ~

Bhavishya Nidh Bhawan, 14 Bh ikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066
No . HRM-11/ NFU/ 181(1)13/pt. /16~> Date:

To ' ~ \) 2u"'J.:"nu

The Secretary
r Ministry of Labour & Employment
Shram Shakti Bhawan
New Delhi ··- --~-/
. ~name to: Sh. Samir Kuma_r Das, Under Secretary, SS-1)

Subject: Non-Functional Upgradation of Group 'A' Officers of EPFO in dif fe re nt

Grades as per their eligibility- regarding.

Re ference: Ministry's letter No. A-11015/2/ 2012-SS.I dated 15.02.2019.

Please refer to Ministry's letter dated 15.02.2019 under reference wherein it has been
informed that the proposal for grant of NFU to Group A officers of EPFO could not be
approved as the same is applica~le to the officers of Organized Group-A Services.
-- - ~ -
2. · In this regard, it is to reiterate that the sixth pay commission recommended grant of
Non Functional Upgradation to the officers of the Organized Group A Services and this
recommendation has been accepted by Government of India vide resolution No.1/ 1/2008-
IC. 'Fhe Central Board, EPF in its meeting held on 18.09.2008 had adopted this resolution in
( its entirety for implementation of the accepted recommendations to its officers and staff. The
service conditions of the officers & staff may be decided by CBT as per section SD(7)(a) of the
"5D. Appointment of officers. -

(7) (a) The method of recruitment, salary and allowances, discipline and other
conditions of service of the Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner,
Deputy Provident Fund Commissioner, Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner, Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner and other. officers
and employees of the Central Board shall be such as may be specified by .the..
Central Board in accordance with the rules and orders applicable to the
officers and employees of the Central Government drawing corresponding
scales ofpay:
Provided that where the Central Board is of the o::·inion that it is necessary to
make a departure from the said rules or orders in respect of any of the
matters aforesaid, it shall obtain the prior approval of the Central
wr.J9 Government."

3. Accordingly a proposal was sent to Ministry of Labour & Employment vide letter No.
HRD/3(1)/NFU f 193 dated 02.05.2012 (Annexure·I) , justifying grant of NFU in PB-3 & PB-4
to Group A Officers of EPFO up to the Grade Pay of Rs. 10000f- for constitution of the
Secreening Committee for considering the eligible cases of NFU. lt was also explained as per


,. .

I ' •' '

I para 5 of the letter dated 02.05 .2012 that as per the order of Hon'ble High Court of Punjab
and Haryana vide its order dated 12.05.201 1 in C.W.P No. 8438/2011 upheld the order of
the Hon'ble CAT, Chandigarh Bench dated 25.02.2011 in O.A No.400/HR/2010 observing
that no permission from the Central Government would be required for grant of NFSG
benefits as was approved by the Central Board. Hon'ble High Court had referred to the

I provisions of Section 5D(7) of EPF & MP Act, 1952 and had observed that the Central Board
of Trustees was not r equired to seek prior approval of the Central Government in a case

where there was no departure from the rules or order. ....)

4. In response, Ministry vide letter No. A-11015/2/2012-SS.I dated
19.09.20 12{Annexure-II) communicated the follO\ving:
"I am directed to refer to EPFO letter No. HRD/3{1)/2012/NFU/ 193 dated 02.05.2012 on the
above mentioned subject and to infonn that the Screening Committee for grant of non 1
Junctional upgradation to the officers in PB-3 and PB-4 in EPFO has beery. constituted as
Secretary {L&A) -Chairman
Addl. Secretary {L&E) -.~!ember
Central P.F Commissioner -1\Iember

In view of the above it is requested to send the list of eligible officers for grant of NFU
indicating dates of their eligibility, their ACRs, their grading in tabulated form and vigilance
clearance to this Ministry latest by 27th September,20 12, to enable the Ministry to take further
action in the matter."

5. Since the Ministry had conveyed to EPFO for for forwarding the list of eligible officers
for grant of Non Functional Upgradation with relevant papers and vigilance clearance, the
proposal was forwarded to Ministry with the report of Senior Officers Committee alongwith
the relevant documents for convening the meeting of Screening Committee vide this office
letter dated 11.01.2018 (Annexure-III). ·

6. Subsequently Ministry vide its letter dated 15.03.2018(Annexure-IV) in the context

of NFU had sought the detailed background of CAT case and CWP No. 8438/2011 related to
the matter of Non Functional Selection Grade and the said observations \\"aS clarified vide
EPFO letter dated 29.08.2018(Annexure-V) and the relevant information were also
forwarded to the Ministry.

7. It is also pertinent to mention that legal opinion was sought from the panel advocate
in the matter of NFSG. The panel advocate while giving opinion has discussed at length
regarding Organized a nd Un-organized services(copy enclosed).

8. In view of the facts, it is requested to re-consider the matter in light of the statutory
powers conferred upon the Central Board for determining the service conditions of the
officers and ep1ployees of the Central Board. The Central Board had adopted the
recommendations of the 6th CPC and NFU is a integral part of the recommendations.

Enclosed : As Above

Regional P.F Commissioner-! (HRM)

Telephone: (011)26197023
FAX : (011) 26100166

~ ~f.tfu~
Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
{?;1l1 ~ ~ ~. 'smo ~
(Ministry of Labour & Employment. Government of India)
~ <flll"ll~1l:J / Head Office
~ f.tfu 'l1Cf'l, 1 4, '41<!l 1 C~:Jl "iflllTI ~' ~ ~-110066
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi- 11 0066
Website:, www.epfind ia.n

No. HRM-VD-18(1)2014/pt.II /0 Dated: 28/02/2020

To, 2 8 FEB ZOZO

Smt Anuradha Prasad
Additional Secretary (L&E)
Ministry of Labour & Employment
New Delhi

Sub: Report of committee to facilitate decision on the issue of grant of Non-Functional Selection
Grade (NFSG) to RPFC-1 in EPFO


Please refer to the four-member committee report on the subject cited above submitted to
me for my signature. In this regard, CBT, EPF has already taken a stand that NFSG is applicable to the
RPFC-1 cadre as per the 'Organizational and Cadre Restructuring Report' duly passed by the board and
approved by the government and the same was implemented in EPFO w ith effect from 27.12.2016.
Accordingly, the Ministry was also requested to communicate a suitable date to convene the meeting
of the Screening Committee for grant of NFSG which is chaired by Secretary (L&E) with Add I. Secretary
(L&E) and the undersigned as members vide letter dated 04/07/2018 (letter placed as Annexure -1).

On the aforementioned li nes, an affidavit, du ly vetted by the Ministry, was filed by the
undersigned before the Hon'ble CAT, Chandigarh on 09/12/19 in the contempt petition of Rakesh Kr.
and others vs. UOI and others (Annexure-11 ). The decision in the matter is now pending with the

In view of the above, if the undersigned becomes a signatory of the report, it will be contrary
to the stand taken in the aforesaid affidavit. Hence, the undersigned may be recused from signing the
report. Accordingly, the origina l report is returned herewith.

Yours faithfully,
• ,..._,(j._ .,(_,

~il Barthwal)
Central Provident Fund Commissioner
Enclosure: Comm ittee's report in original
F. No. A-12018/02/20!8-SS-l(Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment

Shram Shakti Bhavan Raft Marg

New Delhi, dated olf Dece~ber, 2019~
To I •

The Central Provident Fund Commissioner

Employees' Provident Fund Organization, '
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan,
14, Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi- 110 066. \

Sub.: In the matter of OA no. 060/ 00126/ 2019 f'lled by Sh. Rakesh Kumar and '
Others vs Union of India and Ors. Regarding granting Non Functional
Selection Grade-reg.

I am directed to refer to EPFO's letter no. HRM-I/D-1 8(1)2014/824 dated
19.11.2019 and letter no. HRM-1/D-18(1)2014/877 dated 27.11.2019, on the subject
mentioned above and to say that the draft short reply sent by EPFO to this Ministry
for vetting was referred to Department of Legal Affairs of t he Ministry of Law and

2. The advice tendered by the Department of Legal Affairs along with draft reply,
is retumed herewith for taking appropriate action. While taking further action it may
be ensured that all the corrections are incorporated in the final reply and the contents
therein are factually correct. EPFO is also requested to ensure that the final reply
meets with their intentions and requirements.

3. However, it is informed that the main file dealing with the grant of NFSG to the
officers of EPFO was referred to Department of Expenditure through lFD of the
Ministry on 08.11.20 19 and is presently with them.

.. : 4. This issues with the approval of the Secretary (L&E).

I .:·

Encl. as above.
(S. K. Das)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

~- 3i.QJI
Diary No .

.t.b& Date-=
~=-----~1_...9_ _

R .P.F.C.·i' (HRM)

~ ftrm ~~
~~ ~l>ll. PI\Q Ill~ ·I
• ·· p F commlsstoner·l
Regton 31 · · •



C.P. No. 060/0119/2019


O.A . No.060/0126/2019

Rakesh Kumar and Others



Shri Santosh Gangwar and Another


Short Reply by way of Affidavit of Sunil Barthwal , IAS,

Central Provident Fund Commissioner, EPFO, New Delhi

(Respondent No.2).

I, the above named deponent, solemn ly affirm and declare as under

1. That the petitioners in the present Contempt Petition have alleged

non -compliance of the order/directions dated 08.02.2019 passed by

this Hon'ble Tribuna l in the aforementioned O. A. Said O.A was

disposed of in limine with a direction to the respondent authorities to

cons1der and decide the indicated representations of the Original

Applicants (present petitioners) while taking into consideration the


ratio laid down in A.K. Chandok Vs UOI and Others (O.A No.

400/HR/2010 decided earlier vide order dated 25.02.2011). The

needful was to be done within a period of two months. If upon such

consideration, the applicants/present petitioners are found similarly

situated to the applicant In the relied upon case, the relevant benefits

are to be granted to them, otherwise a reasoned and speaking order is

required to be passed thereon, with a copy to the applicants. Said

disposal of the matter is not to be construed as an expression of

opinion on the claimed merits of the case.

2. That the Head Office of the respondent EPFO vide letter No. HRM-I/D-

18(1)/2014/980 Exam.9 (1) dated 11.04.2019 asked/authorized local

EPF Office, Chandigarh to seek further period of two months from this

Hon'ble Tribunal for reporting compliance of the directions contained in

the aforesa id order dated 08.02.2019 . In this regard It may be

mentioned that in response to a proposal for convening Screening

Comm ittee for NFSG, the respondent Ministry of Labour and

Employment, Government of India had forwarded a clarification

received from the Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT) on

the admissibility of NFSG only to Organized Group 'A' Services. Hence

the matter had been referred to said Ministry on 08.04.2019 for

deciding further course of action in terms of the order dated

08.02.2019 passed by this Hon'ble Tribunal.

3. That in order to properly exam1ne all attending facts and

circumstances arising out of said consu ltations in the matter with the

by the respondent EPFO to take necessary action as

by this Hon'ble Tribunal vide order dated 08.02.2019. As

I 3

months to implement the orders/directions passed by this Hon'ble

Tribunal. Said M.A came up for hearing on 22.04.2019 when this

Hon'ble Tribunal was pleased to grant further time of two months after
expiry of the earlier time limit.

4. That thereafter, another application M.A No. 60/997/2019 seeking two

months further time to report compliance of the order/directions dated

08.02.2019 was filed on behalf of the respondent EPFO wherein

add itional details/developments were sought to be placed on record.

Said application remains pending for further consideration and is next

listed for hearing on 09.12.2019.The contents therein are not being

repeat ed for the sake of brevity.

5. That it is a matter of record that the order dated 25.02.2011 passed

by this Hon'ble Tribunal in the aforementioned O.A filed by Sh . A.K.

Chandok was affirmed by the Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court

vide order dated 12.05.2011 passed in CWP No. 8438/2011.

Accordingly, NFSG to the extent of 15% of the number of Senior Duty

Posts was granted w.e .f 13.08.1999 i.e. date of approval of the same

by the Executive Committee, CBT, EPF. It was also decided that the

NFSG be granted to the extent of 30% of the number of Senior Duty

Posts as approved by the EC, CBT, EPF to be implemented w.e.f date

of approval by the EC i.e. 14.07.2011.

6. That, however, some subsequent developments have lent some

inadvertent complications with regard to the applicability of NFSG. In

2013-14, an audit para was raised by the Audit Party of the DGACR

while conducting audit at Head Office under the caption of " Irregular

selection grade post (Addl. CPFC) co-exist in the Organization. The

said audit para raised by DGACR were placed before the Executive

Committee, CBT in 82"d meeting held on 20.08.2015 and the Executive

Committee had decided that the matter of grant of NFSG may be

referred to the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of

India for detailed examination.

7. That meanwhile an Organizational and Cadre Restructuring was

implemented in EPFO w.e. f 27.12 .2016 in the light of approval granted

by CBT, EPF followed by the approval of Centra l Government, wherein

one of the recommendation was to merge the functional grade of Rs.

8700/- with grade pay of 8900/-. Thereafter Ministry vide letter No. A-

26022/1/2017-SS.I dated 07.08.2017 had communicated (referring

the meeting held in the chamber of the then Hon'ble Minister of Labour

& Employment on 02.08.2017) that it was decided to delink the cases

of NFSG granted prior to Cadre Restructuring (on which audit para was ·-

raised ) from the cases due after the cadre restructuring on

27.12.2016, where the anamoly of existance of functional grade (GP

8700) was removed.

8. That a further audit observation was raised by the DGACR on

grant of NFSG and a reply was sent vide letter dated 03.07.2018

explaining that the functional grade in Rs. 8700 has been abolished. A

new grade of Addl. CPFC in Rs. 8900 was created by the Central Board

and revised Recruitment Rules for the post of Addl. Central P.F

Commissioner in Level 13-A of Pay Matrix with grade pay of Rs. 8900

have been notified on 16.03.2018.

It may be seen DGACR in its Audit Findings observed that " The

Cent ral Board of EPFO vide office order No. HRM-I/D-

1(1)2017/CR/26417 dated 13.01.2017 has been granted the powers to


create posts up to the level of Joint Secretary of Government of India,

clearing the way for further grant of NFSG in EPFO."

9. That a reply was also sent to MoL&E vide letter dated 04.07.2018

endorsing a copy of the reply given to DGACR. The Ministry of Labour

& Employment, GOI was requested to communicate a suitable date to

convene the meeting of the Screening Committee which is chaired by

Secretary(L&E) with Addl. Secretary (L&E) and the present deponent

as members. Pursuant to the order dated 08.02.2019 passed by this

Hon'ble Tribunal and in continuation to the communication dated

08.04.2019 referred above, the issue has repeatedly been taken up

with Ministry of Labour & Employment vide EPFO's tetter dated

02.05.2019, CPFC's D.O. letters dated 14.06.2019 and 16.07.2019 ,

letter dated, letters dated 29.08.2019 , 06.09.2019 1

12.09.2019 1 17.09.2019 and letter dated 26.09.2019 . The Ministry in

turn vide its tetter dated 17.09.2019 has informed that the matter ha~

been referred to DoPT for advice.

10. That a perusal of the above stated factual position will show that

the respondent EPFO has diligently and with comp lete sincerity taken

all necessary steps towards implementation/compliance of the

order/directions dated 08.02.2019 passed by this Hon'ble Tribunal. In

view of the developments that have taken place subsequent to the

implementation of the judicial order/s passed in A.K. Chandok's case

(supra), as stated above, it is imperative that the respondent

authorities revisit all relevant aspects pertaining to grant of NFSG

before arriving at a final decision in that regard. As has also been

stated hereinabove, the matter remains under active consideration of

the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India and

presently is with Ministry of Finance .


11. That the EPFO as an organization holds all orders and directions

passed by this Hon 'ble Tribunal in the highest esteem and will never

deliberately disobey or circumvent them in any manner. All necessary

efforts are being made to report compliance of the aforementioned

order/directions dated 08.02 .2019, in let ter and in spirit, in a time

bound manner.

~ qt2l!l't 'IIJ:.i\.ISUNil BARTHWAl.IAS.
~ 'I . f:l. '~/CtnlrJI P.r. ComnoisSioner
DATED: ~ · 11. · 1 ?
~ ~ AA trre>~
Employees' Provident Fund Organisallon
~~ ~ U;;m ~. '1m! lf(iliR l .
(llinlslry ol •.abour & Emp., Govl. ollndoa)
H.~~ ifoTill ~.'f4 ~-110016
14, Bhlkziji Cama Place, Hew Oelhl·l10066


I, hereby verify that the contents of para nos. 1 to 1 1 of the Short

Reply by way of Affidavit above are true and correct, as derived from the

official record and that nothing mat erial has been suppressed therefrom .



.d\R ~ 'IJ.!I.fl./SUNil BARTHWf
~-~ '!. r.l .'~tCtPIItiP. F..Co•"'··
DATED: ,./2. -1 1 . ~~ f.llt! WI0-1
Employees· Pro• ident Fund Orge n•·
~~ l(li ~ ~. '1l11 l{t~·l ···
(Ministry of Labour & E~·~1•
14 -.t~ 'lil'll ~."' "'""''_,~~' .•
14. a'hikaiji Cema Place, Ntw Oelh>·l _.oo

-··J· ..J~l .. s~! 'G~-~
. ,_)-.·;'.i.tY. DELf-{.. -~-1 06 J 5
.. 'li:!'...i'-I~J. r. ·· ·-:;· c-:: :i '".: ' l.
_ . ·-3. ,; :n·· - .; ~ · !~·· :;-; ::.
- ..... . •\.: ·~J ...

Notarial Book No. 0\

· ~r- 0 6 DEC 2019
Page No.
Entry Serial No. '!,U tjl'
!'· llY , . ~/~"M-E-mail:
I"-'. .., • gov.rn
f ·"~~~ •• '11 ~~~~~ephone
f ~~~ ~
<ti iliff~~~
(~Qei't.:,i-.iiHl~T(>I<.l, ~~.;.~ ~.f'.:fiR}
' . ~mployees' Provident Fund Organisation
(Mtnlstry of Labour & Employment, Govt. Of India)
lf?W<n721fR217 Head Office
~ ~ mf;f. 14- ~Cflld1T~, ~ ~ _~ ~oof.£.
Bhavtshya Ntdht Bhawon, 14-Bhikaji Coma Place, New Oe/hi-110066

No. HRM-1/D-18(1)2014/ ~ t Dated : 04~uly 2018

To 0 4 JUL 2019
The Secretary
Ministry of Labour &. Employment,
1 Shram Shaktl Bhawan,
J New Delhi.
. ~A/
~ "f:-'1" ./l:By Name to: Sh. Samir Kumar Das, Under Secretary (SS-I)]

Subject: G.ranting of NFSG to the cadre of Regional P.F. Commissioner, Gr.-1- reg.


I am directed to invite a reference of Ministry of Labour & Employment ·letter No. F.No.A-
12018/2/ 2018-$5.1 on the above subject forwarding therewith obseNations of IFD in the matter as
follows: ·

''SMD may be requested to link the file vide which the proposal for grant of NFSG was earlier
examined in IFD and approval ofthis Ministry was conveyed for the same. SMD may also indicate
the status regardin.q dropping of the said Audit para. Also, SMD has not listed the reason for
:.c:c~i',"iy apprc/,c/ /v, y,'d,;,• vt /lir5G tv i\::'t~C-J rvi'~<:;:ll ii7/S. I~iil1f:.iry· /7iif> c!t~cavy· c~pp(uv<::~..~' tl.. :;;.;;;
may submit the proposal alongwith functional justification for the proposal. SMO may also clanly
whether the proposal again require adminis trative approval from CBT, EPF?'~

2. It is stated that the obseNation of the IFD has to be primarily replied by the SS Division as the
reply to the said observation is with reference to the subject matter file on which the proposal was
examined by the SS Division and has to be linked. The EPFO ha~ been conveyed sanction of the
Government vide letter No. A-11013/ 1/2004-SS-1 dated 30.01.2006 (copy enclosed as Annexure- I) which
is relevant subject matter file.

3. However, the comments of the EPFO to the observation of the IFD are as under:

SI.No. Observation Comments

1 SMD may be requested to (i) The EPFO has been conveyed the sanction of the
link the file vide which the Government for operating NFSG in the Commissioner's I
proposal for grant of NFSG cadre with approval of Hon'ble Minister for Labour & \
was earlier examined in IFD Employment/Chairman, CBT, EPF and that 29 posts of
&. approval of the Ministry RPFC-1 In EPFO shall be operated in NFSG in the scale of \
was conveyed for the same R.s. 14300-18300/- with immediate effect. It was further l
d1rect~ ~hat .necessary action may be taken immediately I
under rnt1mat1on to the Ministry.
·- ----- _j

Page 1 of 4
( ii) Th
e said order has been conveyed with reference to EPFOl \r' "'C\1-- \ ?."'.
Headquarters letter No. HRD/4(4)2001/1443 dated '
23.1~.2005. It may be mentioned that the EPFO lettE'r \

dateo 23.1 1.2005 is a reply to Mol&E letter No. A- 1
11013/12004/SS-1 dated 05.10.2005 wherein it has been
mentioned that the said proposal was referred to IFD
Division who had made OS (five) observations on the
II v I

proposal and it was directed that the issues raised by the I .

IFD may be clarified and proposal examined accordingly. I
(iii) It may be seen from the above that the proposal for grant
of NFSG to the cadre of RPFC-I had been referred to the
Integrated Finance Division in the Ministry and their

observations were communicated thereon to EPFO. The 1 I

EPFO had sent a detailed reply to the observations vide
letter No. HRD/ 4(4)2001/1443 dated 23. 11.2005. On
t J
consideration of this detailed reply, the Government had
\ .I
- ....
communicated the sanction of Hon'ble LEM/Chairman,
CBT. A copy of the Mol&E letter dated 05.10.2005 and
EPFO letter dated 23.11.2005 are enclosed at Annexure- II
!lUll respectively.
2 SMD may also indicate the (i)
status regarding dropping of
The Inspecting Team of the DGACR had raised an Audit
Para during current audit Par-II(A) inspection for the year
said Audit para. 2013-14 at EPFO Headquarters. The relevant records l :l
relating to the NFSG was provided to the Audit Party while
it had raised the observiltions and subsequently reply to
the said audit para was provided to the office of DGACR
vide D.O. letter No. HRM-I/Misc./RC-I/2010/15281 dated
12.09.2016 followed by reminder d?ted 01.12.2016 to l
consider the reply of the Organisation with a request to I
drop the said audit para. The 0/o DGACR had aiven a re.olv l I
chat che said repiy iu che au a it para may be prov1cieci co ci ae ·
Inspecting Team during their subsequent audit along with \
relevant records and thereafter the matter will be
considered. During their subsequent visit to EPFO
Headquarters, the Inspecting Team was provided a brief
reply along with the relevant records and a discussion was
· ·· also held with the Inspecting Team on 23.03.2017 in the
presence of Director (AMG-IV), DGACR.
(ii) The Inspecting Team had rai5ed Audit Memo No. 30 dated \
03.03.2017 and a reply was given to the I nspecting Office[

on 10.03.2017. A copy of the Memo No. 30 as well as reply 1
to ~udit Mem~ is enclosed at Annexure-IV. Subsequently,
wh1le concludmg the audit, the Inspecting Team raised
another Special Audit Memo No. 1 dated 10.03.2017 raising
fresh observation as follows: 1

(a) As per the ba~ic feature of Non -Functional Selection

Grade (N~SG) In Group A Central Services, functional and
non functional both posts cannot co-exist and where the
scale of Rs. 1430~-18300/- exists as part of the cadre \
stru~ture _on functiona l_ basis will not be eligible to have
non functional Selection Grade ·unless the Cad re i

Page 2 of 4
e ~~
functional Selection Grade. Scrutiny revealed that at the
time of implementation uf r·i:-SG, then=: r:xists functional
1\ ?·/·

grade scale of Rs. 14300-18300/-. It may be informed that

1v II
whether any decision in respect of doing away the existing
functional grade scale of Rs. 14300-18300 has been taken
by the controlling authority. If yes, a copy of the same
may be provide to audit urgently. .

(b) Action taken by the authority in respect of the recovery of

payment in excess of pay and allowances due to irregular
grant of NFSG from the concerned officials may also
intimate to audit.
(c) Details of officers who had been granted NFS~ during the
I 1

period 13.08.99 till date along with the deta1l of amount \

paid may also be furnished to audit urgently.

(iii) A further reply was handed over to the I nspecting Officer

to S~ial Audit Memo No. 1 vide Note dated 15.03.2017.
A copy of the S~ial Audit Memo No. 1 as well as the
reply is placed at Annexure-V. I

(i~) . It is stated that the DGACR has not dropped ~e au~it pa~ \ .,
so far and a fresh audit para has been ra1secl 1n the1r •
report in " Part-II-Audit Findings, Part-II(A), Para-1: J,
"Irregularity Grant of NFSG".
., (v) The said audit para contains observations made afresh by \
the DGACR and a fresh reply has been sent to the DGACR
\ !

letter No. HRM-I/Misc./2017/audit Para/6299 dated • \

03.07.2018under intimation to Mol&E (Copy placed at \
A \ '1' It . h~ _ ..., ...., ............. ~~ ......... ~~;....... ;r. ~~-- "' <"3irl I
, ,n:'iC":.t:r~~ 4
1. f':".a; ""- toT-· ............. ... ...- • • ·-· . ......... · · · .... ·- -~ · \

para the DGACR has inter-alia observed at the conclus1on ;

of the para that the Central Board of EPFO vide Office \ \
Order No. HRM-I/ D-1(1)2017/CR/26417 dated i
13.01.2017 has been granted the powers to create posts \
upto the level of Joint Secretary to Gover~ment of India
clearing the way for further grant of NFSG m EPFO. 1
(vi) It may also be stated tPat the Mol&E had earlier \
responded vide letter No. A-26022/ 1/2017-SS-1 dated
07.08.2017 citing the meeting held in the Parliament in \
the Chamber of Hon'ble Minister of Labour & Employment
on 02.08.2017 wherein the matter regarding grant of '
NFSG post cadre restructuring was discussed and it was
decided to del ink the cases of NFSG granted prior to cadre
Restructuring from the cases due after the cadre
restructuring on 27.12.2016 and to process the cases of
NFSG accordingly as per the sanctioned strength in cadre
restructuring dated 27.12.2016.

Also, SMD has not listed the (i) The proposal does not again require the administrative
r~sen for seeking approval approval of CBT, EPF. All the requisite approvals are
· for rant of NFSG to RPFC-1 available on record. The matter was referred to Mol&E for
when this Ministry has
seeking administrative approval of Chairman CST
already approved it. SMD
EPF/H~n'ble LEM in his capacity as the Appointing
may submit the proposal Authonty to allo'.v NFSG tr~ eligible officers in view of the
alongwith functional audit observations.
justification for the
proposal. SMD may also (ii) The Central Board (EPF) has the competence, under
clarify whether the proposal Section 50 (7) (a) of the Act under the powers conferred
again require administrative by Section SO, the Central Board of Trustees is competent
approval from CBT, EPF? to determine the service conditions of the officers and staff
and in accordance with the rules and orders as applicable
to the officers and staff of the Central Government drawing
corresponding scales of pay. In case, the Board is of the
opinion that is necessary to make a departure from the said
rules or orders, it shall obtain prior approval of the Central
Government. Accordingly the grant of NFSG to the officers
of EPFO, has been implemented after receiving the expreSS'
_··-_II approval of the Government and according to Section SD
(3) read with Para 22A of 1952 Scheme the Board has
power to appoint officers upto the level of Joint Secretary
to Govt. of India.

4. A reply to the fresh audit observation 'vide Para-1 in Part-II "Audit Findings" of the report for the
year 2016-2017, a reply has since been sent. to Director (AMG-IV) under Intimation to the Ministry vide
letter No. HRM-I/Misc./2017/audit Para/6299 dated 03.07.2018. · A copy of the reply is also enclosed
herewith. It is further submitted that the Recruitment Rules for the pust of Addl. CPFC in the Levei-13A
of Pay Matrix, (PB-4 in Grade Pay of Rs. 8900/- pre-revised) have been notified vide HRD/5261/RR
Commissioner Cadre/1613/2018 and all the existing Add!. CPFC-II have been placed in the revised Grade
Pay of Addl. CPFC vide Office Order dated 06.04.2018 and therefore the observations of Audit is no longer
valid with effect from the date of notification of the rules. As such, NFSG can be considered effective
from the date of notification of the rules. In view of the same the Ministry may consider the comments
of EPFO on the observation of the IFD as stated above to orocess the matter of arant of NFSG in the
cadre of kYFC- 1 rrom the date or notificatiOn of tile K.ecruicmenr K.uies. As per ti 1e ex1snng proceci u• e d
Screening Committee consisting of Secretary (L&E) as Chairman, Addl. Secretary (L&E) and CPFC as
members has to be convened. The Ministry of Labour & Employment may indicate a suitable date and
time to convene the meeting of the Screening Committee at an early date. The detailed agenda for the
meeting will be sent separately.

5. This issues with the approval of the Central Provident Fund Commissioner.

Yours faithfully,

Enclosures: Annexure-! to VI
~~ 4!\&
(Sanjay Bt ht
Regional P.F. Commissioner-! (HRM)

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