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The Various Basic Logistics Productivity Ratios Can Be Used To Control Elements Such As

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Correct Answer Delphi

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What adds to service cost in central heating installation company if a filter has to drive
to and obtain a minor part?
Correct Answer Queue at supplier end
Your Answer Delay in getting components

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The various basic logistics productivity ratios can be used to control elements such as :-
Correct Answer Warehousing , Transportation , Customer Service
Your Answer Warehousing , Transportation , Customer Service , Procurement
Select The Blank
Question It is often important to conduct ________ analysis in MRP.
Correct Answer What-if

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What can a company improve by being able to postpone the production in its existing
Correct Answer Performance
Your Answer Profitability

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question In performance scenario, in a simplistic manner provides the continuous total
productivity management cycle of :-
Correct Answer Measurement , Evaluation , Planning
Your Answer Measurement , Evaluation , Planning , Effectiveness
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question In 1990, General Motor had approximately :-

Correct Answer 1770 suppliers , 31 Assemble parts , 30 million metric tonnes per day of shipment
Your Answer 1770 suppliers , 10000 parts shipped per day

Question What is the meaning of EDIFACT ?

Correct Answer Electronic Data Interchanged for Administration , Commerce & Transport
Your Answer Electronic Data Interchanged for Administration , Corporate Technology
Select The Blank
Question Suppliers agree to give customer ________ plans to cope with disruption.
Correct Answer Contingency
Your Answer Improvement

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In the customization of highly customized product which step has most significant impact?
Correct Answer Production
Your Answer Design
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question EDIFACT is :-
Correct Answer Standard in Europe in Mid 80's ,
Accepted by US(ANSI) to supersede X 12 ,
Promoted as world ADI Standard

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question What is required to facilitate logistics process of quickly moving material on numerous work
stations on the production line?
Correct Answer Clean & well organized environment
Your Answer Good material movement system
Select The Blank
Question Once we have all the information we should be able to ________ in terms of when to place
order with suppliers.
Correct Answer Calculate
Your Answer Prepare
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question The cost of oversupply is high in case of highly customized end products as it is difficult to find
for them:-
Correct Answer The alternative uses
Your Answer The alternative suppliers

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The American National standards which are developed for replacing various sector standards
is known as:-
Correct Answer ANSI X 12

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The implications of introducing consolidation centre were :-
Correct Answer How many centers to have? , Location of centres , Size of centres
Your Answer Location of centres , Size of centres , To which GM plant centres will send?
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
The impact of postponement of Significant value was created in Carry out more variety without
coloration until the customer uses value chain & manufacturing cost & increasing inventory
the product safety stock both decreased
The impact of postponement in case Inventory was cut to half Carry out more variety by slightly
of PC company increasing inventory
The impact of postponement of Decrease in inventory made up for Decrease in inventory made up for the
customization of printer to DC areas the increased cost in creating some increased cost in creating some
assembly function at DC level assembly function at DC level
The impact of postponement in Carry out more variety without Significant value was created in value
RPAG increasing inventory chain & safety stock also decreases
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question In a traditional informational pipeline supply chain player always received order information from :-
Correct Answer Consumer
Your Answer Distributor

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The term productivity is often ill-defined but basically, it's measurement is that of a prescribed
output to the resources :-
Correct Answer Consumed
Your Answer Used

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In the supply chain , Material flows :-
Correct Answer Downstream

Question The estimate is that the 3 PL industry will quadruple its size in next five years.
Correct Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In the current business scenario Indian organisations require to improve customer service to
become perfect in :-
Correct Answer Customer centric process
Your Answer Business Analysis
Question In an ideal world we would like a forecasting method for which all errors are near zero.
Correct Answer False

Select The Blank

Question Simple method for Time series forecasting is to take a ________ Average.
Correct Answer Moving
Your Answer Non Weighted Moving

Select The Blank

Question According to Ducker, Customer focus oriented logistics must be treated as ________.
Correct Answer Cost saving centre
Your Answer Policy Matter
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question The globalization has forced local companies to improve following:-

Correct Answer Manufacturing Practices ,

Supply Chain Management ,
Inventory Levels and Distribution Capabilities
Your Answer Distribution Network, Inventory Levels and Distribution Capabilities

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question If the requirement of chairs as given are 135 in week 3, 90 in week 5, 60 in week 6 then the
requirement of seats are :-
Correct Answer 25 in week 1 , 90 in week 3 , 60 in week 4

Select The Blank

Question The realistic ________ demonstrate the benefits of a holistic view of supply chain information flow.
Correct Answer Simulation Model

Select The Blank

Question The mode choice aspect of transport decisions are more ________ ones, as they are closely
linked with inventory decision.
Correct Answer Strategic
Your Answer Locational

Select The Blank

Question From the output by MRP package for chairs in the example, we are advised to place an order
for ________ legs in week 2.
Correct Answer Overhead

Question The constraints in multiple equation methods will probably be different for different groups.
Correct Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question If a defective piece was found in Kanban then what happened to production of specified
quantity in Kanban?
Correct Answer Quantity was not met
Your Answer Quantity was made by replacing defective component

Select The Blank

Question ________ is activity which is outsourced by most of Indian companies.
Correct Answer Warehousing
Your Answer Billing
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question What are the prerequisites for change while Switching over to SCM?
Correct Answer Pressure For the Change , Shared Vision , Capacity for Change
Your Answer Shared Vision , Capacity for Change , Outbound Training

Select The Blank

Question Kanban process ________ focuses on the human factors of production.
Correct Answer Indirectly
Question It would be impossible to find the minimum cost solution manually.
Correct Answer True
Question All forecasting methods require complex calculations and therefore are ideally suited to be
done by a computer.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question In SCM metrics, Training means :-
Correct Answer Inhouse training , APICS Membership , Certification Training

Question Incoming inventory is the receiving of the items, as a result of buying in from external or
internal suppliers
Correct Answer True
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question If the requirement of chairs as given are 135 in week 3, 90 in week 5, 60 in week 6 then the
requirement of backs are :-
Correct Answer 85 in week 1 , 90 in week 3 , 60 in week 4

Select The Blank

Question If demand is known & steady, then ________ inventory can be estimated.
Correct Answer Average
Your Answer Final

Question By going beyond internal supply chain & including external suppliers and customers does not
expose opportunities for improving internal operations.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The competitive priorities in operations strategy are :-
Correct Answer Cost , Quality , Time

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question In both marking stock and order, which cost is incurred?
Correct Answer Stock acquisition
Question Retailers are not interested in low stock run.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question In Supply Chain Management, the goal is to be able to replace inventory of :-
Correct Answer Manufacturers , Suppliers , Customers
Select The Blank
Question ________ is only the management philosophy which helps organisation to move from one step
to another.
Correct Answer Benchmarking
Your Answer Push Base system

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Modeling approaches are methods Which facilitate concise review & at Give guiding policies for strategic
the same time attempt to decisions.
accommodate the above polarity.
Rough cut methods give guiding For the operation decisions. Give normative models for more
policies operator decisions.
Network design methods For the most part give normative A comprehensive supply chain model
models for more strategic decisions. can be analyzed.
Simulation is the method by which A comprehensive supply chain For the most part give normative
model can be analyzed. models for more strategic decisions.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Realignment of infrastructure includes :-
Correct Answer Production & warehouse premises ,
Production equipment ,
Information & IT system
Your Answer Production & warehouse premises , Production equipment , Supplies

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question When conformance is not achieved, what is the role of cycle counting?
Correct Answer To provide for cause ,
To provide for corrective action ,
To provide for future action
Your Answer Measure the level of conformance to expectable , To provide for future action

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The problems faced by the HP DCs due to traditional system were :-

Correct Answer Large finished goods inventory , Additional stock to handle all the product proliferation ,
Increasing emphasize placed on speed

Question For a fixed time re-order cycle system, the time at risk is re-order lead time plus the re-order cycle time.
Correct Answer True

Question There are no international EDI standards. The user organization require to develop it for their
operation only.
Correct Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question SCM is the management philosophy to deal with integrated material & information flow, right
from raw material to consumption of finished goods but the focus is given to :-
Correct Answer End User


Question The measures suggested by Balloy have limited application, mainly at the strategic
rather that operational level.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer True


Question In a traditional informational pipeline supply chain player always received order
information from :-
Correct Answer Consumer
Your Answer Wholesaler

Select The Blank

Question Exponential smoothing can be viewed as forecast continually________ by the
forecast error just made.
Correct Answer Updated
Your Answer Improved

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