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Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting

Volume 24, Issue 5, Page 12-21, 2024; Article no.AJEBA.113900

ISSN: 2456-639X

Examination of Online Purchase

Intention towards Air-conditioner
Van Hieu Vu a, Thi Huong Ly Nguyen a, Thi Liem Nguyen a
and Thi Mai Le a*
a International School, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final

Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/AJEBA/2024/v24i51288

Open Peer Review History:

This journal follows the Advanced Open Peer Review policy. Identity of the Reviewers, Editor(s) and additional Reviewers,
peer review comments, different versions of the manuscript, comments of the editors, etc are available here:

Received: 02/01/2024
Original Research Article Accepted: 07/03/2024
Published: 12/03/2024


Aims: E-commerce allows businesses to expand their reach and provides customers with a
convenient method to shop at any time, from any location. In recent years, Vietnam's online retail
sector has expanded rapidly, but the market for air conditioners has lagged behind. It is important
for businesses in the air-conditioner (AC) market to identify what factors influence consumers'
intention to purchase air conditioners online.
Methodology: Regression analysis was conducted from data collected from 412 end-users in
Vietnam to identify the primary factors that influence the online purchase intent of AC consumers by
using SPSS version 22.
Results: In order of importance, the results indicate that perceived utility (PU), E-shopping quality
(ESP), and sales policy (SP) positively influence online purchase intention. The remaining two
variables Price sensitivity (PS) and Perceived risk (PR) have a substantial negative effect on AC
consumers' online purchase intent.
Conclusion: These results provide retailers and AC brands with valuable guidance as they
formulate a strategy to increase AC's online sales in Vietnam strategy to expand Internet sales for
AC in Vietnam.

*Corresponding author: E-mail:,;

Asian J. Econ. Busin. Acc., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 12-21, 2024
Vu et al.; Asian J. Econ. Busin. Acc., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 12-21, 2024; Article no.AJEBA.113900

Keywords: Air-conditioner; online behaviour; perceived usefulness; E-shopping quality; sales policy;
price sensitivity; perceived risk.

1. INTRODUCTION attitude and intention toward online purchase

Over the past few decades, the Internet has
developed into a vast global marketplace for the 2.1 Online Purchase Intention
exchange of goods and services. In many
developed countries, the Internet has been Intention to buy is defined as a statement related
adopted as an important medium, offering a wide to the mind that reflects the plan of the buyer to
assortment of products with 24-hour availability buy a brand within a certain period [6]. Laroche,
and wide area coverage [1]. In Vietnam, E- Kim [7] assert that variables such as
commerce platforms have constantly appeared consideration in buying a brand and expectation
and created a whole new wave of consumption. to buy a brand can be used to measure
Online shopping saves buyers time, makes consumer purchase intention. Based on the
things easier to search, and offers many argument of Pavlou [8], Online purchase
promotion programs that engage and satisfy intention is the situation when a customer is
customers. This market is hopeful and poised for willing and intends to become involved in an
growth. In 2023, Internet users in Vietnam have online transaction which is considered an activity
been growing strongly with 77 million users in which the process of information retrieval,
(accounting for 79.1% of the population). 70% of information transfer, and product purchase are
the population had access to the Internet, while taken place [8].
84% of 16-to-64-year-olds searched online for a
product or service and 75% purchased one [2]. 2.2 E-Shopping Quality
Vietnam is one of Asia's leading markets for AC E-shopping quality is what customers expect
with a hot and humid monsoon climate and a from websites or shopping applications such as
population of nearly 100 million people. With the providing accurate and reliable information on
ability to quickly adapt to consumption habits and target products or services. It is also
quick online shopping, the rate of electronic termed as the perceived quality of information,
device purchases has increased, especially after quality of system, and quality of service
the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Vietnamese [6]. Website content/functionality and
consumers are still wary of this form because of atmospheric/experiential quality have a
old shopping habits and trust in products and significant impact on e‐shopping satisfaction
manufacturers, especially high-value products contributing to e‐shopping intention, while
such as air conditioners. Therefore, researching customer service has a significant impact on
the factors that influence consumers' purchasing e‐shopping intention but not on e‐shopping
decisions in the air conditioner market is satisfaction [7]. From all the above points, E-
essential so that suppliers have a basis to shopping quality will positively affect the
enhance and improve products and add value. consumer's online shopping experience and
on the online shopping platform. satisfaction, leading to the online purchase
intention of AC.
Hypothesis H1: E-shopping quality (ESP)
When it come to behaviour intention towards positively affects the online purchase
technology adoption, UTAUT is considered a intention towards AC (OPI).
useful and comprehensive model by many
researchers [3-5]. However, in spite of the 2.3 After-Sales Service Policy
implementation of novel frameworks and
theories, the constructs of attitude, intention, and After-sales support, sometimes called after-sales
use, which originated from the Theory of service, is any service provided after a customer
Reasoned Action (TRA) and have since exerted has purchased a product [8]. After-sales support
an impact on the Technology Acceptance Model may be provided by a retailer, manufacturer, or a
(UTAUT), the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), third-party customer service or training provider.
and UTAUT, remain fundamental to the latest Typically, examples of after-sales service include
research. This study therefore intends to conduct support regarding warranty service, training, or
a literature review concerning the antecedents of repair and upgrades. After-sales service makes

Vu et al.; Asian J. Econ. Busin. Acc., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 12-21, 2024; Article no.AJEBA.113900

sure products and services meet or surpass the effectiveness of the result of their purchase
expectations of the customers. It is a crucial experience.
aspect of sales management and must not be
ignored. After-sales service policy impacts Hypothesis H4: Perceived usefulness (PU)
customer overall satisfaction which leads to positively affects the online purchase
repurchase intention and word-of-mouth intention towards AC (OPI).
[9]. Therefore, After-sales service policy
including delivery, Installation support, return 2.6 Price Sensitivity
policy, and warranty policy will positively
significantly affect to online purchase intention of Price sensitivity is the degree to which the price
AC. of a product affects consumers' purchasing
behaviors [14]. Price sensitivity is defined as the
Hypothesis H2: After-sales service policy reaction and level of effect towards the price of a
(ASP) positively affects the online purchase certain product or service [15]. According to
intention towards AC (OPI). Desmet and Management [16], there are many
different prices regarding the same products
2.4 Perceived Risk across different e-commerce websites and
traditional businesses, hence price sensitivity
Perceived risk is the uncertainty a consumer has affects the purchasing intention and consumer
when buying items, mostly those that are trust [16, 17]. In the study of Rodiger et al.,
particularly expensive, for example, cars, consumers would constantly perceive whether a
houses, and computers. Every time a consumer product or service is worth their value or if it is
considers buying a product, he or she has certain too expensive to purchase [18]. Therefore, price
doubts about the product, especially if the sensitivity affects trust in online purchase
product in question is highly priced [10]. intention among consumers in which the quality
According to Farrah, Perceived risk is also or quantity of the products and services
defined as the extent of a customer’s belief about being offered by the e-commerce companies
uncertain negative outcomes from online would raise their skepticism or Price
transactions [11]. In the context of online sensitivity will negatively affect online purchase
shopping perceived risk is the extent to which a intention.
user believes that using the web is unsafe or
may have negative consequences. A further Hypothesis H5: Price sensibility (PS)
study about customer intentions for online negatively affects the online purchase
shopping proved that perceived risk adversely intention towards AC (OPI).
affects customer behavior toward online
shopping [12].
Based on the above arguments, the author
proposes the research model for research as
Hypothesis H3: Perceived risk (PR)
negatively affects the online purchase
intention towards AC (OPI).

2.5 Perceived Usefulness

Perceived usefulness is the degree to which a

person believes that using a system would
enhance his or her job performance. When
people accept to purchase through an online
platform instead of the traditional way, they
perceive that technology is useful and brings
some benefits for them. Prior research showed
that Perceived usefulness is significantly
determined by the intention to use information
technology [13]. In the contents of online
shopping perceived usefulness may refer to the
using internet as a medium to purchase a Fig. 1. Proposed research model of the
product that will improve and enhance the authors

Vu et al.; Asian J. Econ. Busin. Acc., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 12-21, 2024; Article no.AJEBA.113900

3. METHODOLOGY August 2021. Respondents were in these

provinces in the Southeast region and the region
Quantitative research methods are used. with the country's highest economic growth rate.
Respondents are people in Vietnam aged 15 to
over 55 years old in provinces and five big cities The quantitative method in this research is
such as Can Tho, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Cronbach's Alpha, Correlation analysis, and
Hanoi, Phu Tho, and Da Nang from May 2021 to multiple regression.

Table 1. Development of scales for observed variables

No Items Constructs Source

E-Shop quality
I can easily search for product information on AC (AC) in the Jurgens [9]
1 ESP1
online shop Ilangovan, Guna
there is sufficient information on different AC types/models/ brands in
2 ESP2
online shop
3 ESP3 It's easy to compare AC and price through online shopping
Online shops for AC have a full review of prior customers &
4 ESP4
fast feedback
5 ESP5 Online information on AC is precise and updated
Available AC is updated and many stocks available in the
6 ESP6
online shop
After-sales service Policy
7 ASP1 Fast and convenient delivery time when purchasing AC online
I can book an Installation schedule based on my available
8 ASP2
time when purchasing AC online Mohammad,
I don’t purchase AC online if there is no return and money- Jurgens [9]
9 ASP3
back guarantee [11]
I don’t purchase AC online if no warranty from the brand and a
10 ASP4
complicated warranty policy than offline
Perceived risk
11 PR1 Overall, it is risky to shop via the Internet for AC
I feel uncomfortable while giving my payment (debit, credit
12 PR2 card, bank details, etc.) details at the time of online purchase
for AC
Using the internet to purchase AC would lead to a loss of Hemantkumar,
13 PR3
privacy Lodha [11]
Generally, the quality of AC purchased from the internet does
14 PR4
not meet my expectations
Missing 'touch and feel' of real product and difficult to justify
15 PR5
product quality when purchasing AC online
Perceived usefulness
16 PU1 Online shopping for AC enables me to save my time
Online shopping for AC makes it possible to shop at my
17 PU2 Mohammad,
convenience (i.e., anytime, anywhere)
Jurgens [9]
18 PU3 Overall, shopping on the Internet is useful
I purchase AC online because there is no embarrassment if I
19 PU4 Lodha [11]
do not buy
I purchase AC online because I can purchase some products
20 PU5
that aren’t available near me
Price sensibility
21 PS1 I expect purchasing AC online to be cheaper than offline Ilangovan, Guna
22 PS2 I will search for the cheapest online retailer to purchase AC [10]

Vu et al.; Asian J. Econ. Busin. Acc., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 12-21, 2024; Article no.AJEBA.113900

No Items Constructs Source

E-Shop quality
If my previous experience with an e-retailer has been good,
23 PS3 then I will visit this site first when I want to buy within the same
product category
Online purchase intentions
24 OPI1 I will use the internet to purchase AC
I will not purchase AC online if I have a bad experience with
25 OPI2 Mohammad,
the website/ product/ policy
Jurgens [9]
26 OPI3 Shopping online is fun, and I enjoy it
Ilangovan, Guna
I will consider purchasing AC through the website or EC
27 OPI4 [10]
28 OPI5 I will introduce online shopping to friends

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION that there is quite a huge gap between the two
groups. Online shopping experience is the
4.1 Description of Respondents’ Profile question to check if the respondents have
The result revealed that there is a balance experience in shopping online. The result shows
between female and male counterparts, 83.3% of that 79.6% of people had purchased online (328
respondents are currently of working age, respondents) and 20.4% of the total had no
majority of the sample was full-time working at experience.
the time of the survey. AC purchase experiences
explain whether the respondents already 4.2 Reliability Test: Cronbach’s Alpha
purchased AC or not. 318 people in the sample
size had experience in buying an AC, accounting Cronbach's Alpha's analysis results for a scale of
for 77.2% while 22.8% of respondents (94 factors affecting online purchase intention for AC
persons) didn’t purchase. The result revealed in Vietnam are as follows:

Table 2. Demographic of participants

No Codes Respondents' Profile Items Total Percent

Male 218 52.9%
1 SEX Gender
Female 194 47.1%
Under 18 2 0.5%
18-35 343 83.3%
2 AGE Age
36-55 62 15.0%
Over 55 5 1.2%
No job / retired 24 5.8%
3 JOB Occupation status Part-time job 49 11.9%
Full-time job 339 82.3%
No 94 22.8%
4 ACEXP AC Purchase experience
Yes 318 77.2%
No 84 20.4%
5 EXP Online shopping experience
Yes 328 79.6%
Total 412 100.0%

Table 3. Results of testing the reliability of the scale

Factors Number of observed variables Cronbach’s Alpha

ESP 6 0.863
ASP 4 0.774
PR 5 0.799
PU 5 0.784
PS 3 0.771
OPI 5 0.785

Vu et al.; Asian J. Econ. Busin. Acc., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 12-21, 2024; Article no.AJEBA.113900

Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of all variables is 0.05. The more standardized the partial
higher than 0.7, so the scales are accepted, and regression coefficients of the actor are the greater
they are suitable for performing the next analysis. that factor influence on the choice of wedding
venue. If they have the same sign, the degree of
4.3 Correlation Analysis influence will be the same way and vice versa.
To examine the correlation between factors The results of multiple regression analysis are
before performing multiple linear regression presented in Table 5.
analysis, especially the correlation between the
dependent variable and the independent According to Table 5, statistical results show that
variables. The results of the correlation analysis the standardized regression coefficients of the
are presented in the below Table 4. regression equation are different from 0 and Sig.
<0.05. It demonstrates that the following
From the Table 4, it is found that the significant
independent variables (PU, PS, ESP, and PR)
correlation is under 0.05, 4 factors (PU, ESP,
influence online purchase intention. The remaining
and ASP) which have correlation coefficients
factor ASP has sig. of .072 which is greater than
greater than 0.3 and less than 0.6 are positively
5%, so it has no impact on online purchase
correlated with the dependent variable OPI. The
intention towards AC.
largest correlation was obtained for PU (74.9%)
followed by ESP (55.8%) and ASP (49%). Factor
After satisfying the testing conditions, the
PS is negatively correlated with OPI (65.5%).
multivariate regression equation has an
However, the Pearson correlation of Variable PR
unstandardized beta coefficient as follows:
is only (-.261) which is less than 0.3, it is still
included in the mode to analyze the next step
OPI = 1.353+ 0.424*PU - 0.207*PS +
with negative relations. Therefore, these
0.087*ESP - 0.068*PR
variables can be included in the model to explain
the "Online Purchase intention”.
The regression equation indicates that Online
4.4 Regression Analysis Purchase Intention toward AC is positively
affected by 3 factors which are arranged in order
All independent variables in the regression model of increasing importance as follows: Perceived
were adjusted by the simultaneous input method usefulness (PU) and E-shopping Quality (ESP)
based on the selecting criteria that the chosen and negatively influenced by Price sensitivity (PS),
variables’ significance level must be lower than Perceived risk (PR).

Table 4. Correlation between concepts in the research model


OPI Pearson Correlation 1 .749** -.655** .558** -.261** .490**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Table 5. Results of regression analysis

Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity

Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model t Sig.
B Beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) 1.353 0.208 6.516 0.000
PU 0.424 0.04 0.434 10.63 0.000 0.491 2.035
PS -0.207 0.035 -0.225 -5.831 0.000 0.549 1.823
ESP 0.087 0.038 0.092 2.288 0.023 0.509 1.964
PR -.068 0.026 -0.078 -2.598 0.01 0.899 1.113
ASP 0.056 0.031 0.064 1.806 0.072 0.66 1.514
a. Dependent Variable: OPI – Online purchase intentions
b. Independent Variables: PU- Perceive usefulness, PS-Price sensibility, PR- Perceived Risk,
ASP-After sales service policy, ESP-S-shop quality

Vu et al.; Asian J. Econ. Busin. Acc., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 12-21, 2024; Article no.AJEBA.113900

Table 6. Evaluating the conformity of the regression model

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Durbin-Watson

1 .817a .668 .663 .36942 1.915
a. Predictors: (Constant), ASP, PR, PS, ESP, PU
b. Dependent Variable: OPI

The adjusted R squared coefficient is the through online channels. That is one of the main
conformity measure used for multiple linear factors that motivates consumers to go online.
regression analysis because it does not depend Although price is considered as an indicator of
on the magnification deviation of the R2 quality [12-14]. The results also contributed to
coefficient. The results of multiple regression the literature that price is not always the most
showed that the adjusted R2 was 0.663, meaning important factor for consumers. Quality is top of
that the involved independent variables explained mind for consumers and is more important than
66.3% of the variation in Online purchase price when it comes to purchasing intention.
The third important factor is the Sales policy
The F test used in the Analysis of Variance which groups by booked installation schedule,
(ANOVA) Table 6 measures the hypothesis of the delivery policy, and review on the website and
suitability of the overall linear regression model, updated available stock. These are almost
The F value is 135.8 with the significance level focused on the benefits for consumers who bring
being 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore, the linear convenience after purchasing.
regression model is suitable and usable.
The last two factors After-sales service policy
5. CONCLUSION and Perceived risks seem to have a low impact
on online purchase intention. After-sales service
After conducting the quantitative study, the
policy includes warranty policy, return policy, and
results show that 2 factors including Price
money-back guarantee which are considered
sensitivity (PS) and Perceived risk (PR) harm the
important factors from the beginning but have
Online purchase intention of customers for AC.
low results. Perceived risk is generally evaluated
Besides that, Perceived usefulness (PU), E-
as the key factor in online purchase intention, but
shopping quality (ESP), and a new factor that
the actual result is different. Product risk and
regrouped after the EFA test positively affect
security risk have a negative and weak
consumer online shopping intention towards AC.
correlation to online purchase intention for AC.
Perceived usefulness is the most influencing
factor means consumers put high evaluations on 6. RECOMMENDATION
the convenience of using the internet for
purchasing AC. The convenience includes time- After conducting the research, there is a
saving, effortless, and purchasing products that significant impact of several factors on Online
are unavailable nearby. This implies that an purchase intention that retailers and AC sellers
online retailer and online platform developers must pay attention to improve. Perceived
should focus more on user experience and usefulness, Price sensitivity, and Sales policy are
should try to make their websites more user- the three most influential factors in AC online
friendly and bring more benefits to encourage purchase intention. Other factors which are E-
online shopping. shopping quality and Perceived risk also affect
consumer intention for online shopping and must
The second influence factor is price sensitivity, in be considered to increase sales. From this result,
the negative direction. It means that consumers the author has raised some suggestions aligned
intend to research cheap prices when purchasing with the 7Ps for improvement.

Flow Chart 1. Marketing strategy model

Vu et al.; Asian J. Econ. Busin. Acc., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 12-21, 2024; Article no.AJEBA.113900

Firstly, Place is the term referring to “where” promotion time such as end-season sales,
distributing or accessing products and services. holiday sales, and occasional sales. During these
In this case, it is the e-commerce shop or sales periods, consumers are willing to pay
website that sells AC products. The best way to money and go online for searching better deals,
determine the perfect place to sell the product is so that the demand will be higher, and sales can
by really knowing the audience; their wants, be increased.
needs, and requirements. As research result,
customers intend to purchase online with the Together with price benefits, Sales policy is also
most important reason of convenience. They can important that retailers should take into account
save their time, save their effort, and especially when improving online purchase intention. This
buy the products that aren’t available nearby. sales policy can be understood as a sales
They also consider e-shopping quality, which is process. AC is a special product that is big in
the user experience during shopping. To improve size and heavy, so delivery and installation are
the user experience, retailers should focus on fundamental concerns when purchasing AC
sizing systems to fit the accessing demand, and online. Therefore, Retailers should create a sales
optimizing the capacity of applications or support policy that is interesting to consumers.
websites. The product information and product The normal thought of consumers when buying
availability should be updated, so consumers can any product is fast receiving at a convenient
get precise information for consideration. time. To satisfy this request, retailers can
Website or application appearance is also should develop the website with the function of choosing
be invested. The color, information arrangement, delivery and installation time, then consumers
and website functions should be carefully can select a suitable time for them. Free delivery
checked and updated to bring the best shopping and free installation are also important to get the
experience to the end-user. consumer's intention.

Secondly, Price sensitivity also plays a key role The fourth part of marketing strategy is about
in consumer online purchase intention. promotion which refers to advertising, marketing,
Searching for lower prices to save costs is one of and sales techniques. To make noise about
the main reasons that motivate consumers to go online sales, public communication is essential.
online. Consumer intends to search for the Vietnam is a fast booming internet with a huge
lowest price shop as compensation for risk for number of internet and social network users;
online purchases. Therefore, the price should be therefore, digital marketing is a suitable method
competitive compared with offline stores. As in this case. Retailers can make noise on social
qualitative research results, if the price is around network accounts such as Facebook, and
15% lower than in offline stores, consumers are YouTube about sales programs. Livestream with
willing to take risks and order online. Retailers mini-games is also one of the ways to improve
should recheck all the costs that can be saved by internet sales that lots of brands applied. Short
online businesses and give better prices to comedy clip with links to websites or sales
consumers. Retailers also should regularly check programs is also the new way that is popular
and compare the price of products with currently.
competitors to offer better deals. Promotion by
season and occasion should be applied to The next consideration from consumers that
increase the online purchase demand. Currently, retailers should consider when expanding
AC is considered a seasonal product that mainly internet sales is Perceived risk including Product
sells in the summer, most brands and retailers risk and Security risk. People feel unsafe when
offer the same deals at this time such as free purchasing AC online because they are not sure
installation materials, 1 free time cleaning about product quality and personal security.
service, etc. It’s almost the same with offline Therefore, the retailer should immediately solve
stores, so the demand for online sales is low. this issue to get consumers to trust and increase
Therefore, Retailers should consider changing sales. Firstly, regarding Products, consumers
the promotion way. The first option is creating AC cannot see, “touch, and feel” the actual product
Online Week which offers the best price within when go online, so they are worried about the
one week when purchasing through the website. received product quality, whether the look will be
Promotions can be discounts, free maintenance, the same as the picture, whether it’s a brand
free installation, extended warranty period, or product or fake one, whether product will be
discounts when purchasing 2 or 3 ACs. The operation well. Retailers should provide full
second option is following E-commerce product information on a website with actual

Vu et al.; Asian J. Econ. Busin. Acc., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 12-21, 2024; Article no.AJEBA.113900

pictures, allow prior buyers to post on review, countryside should be considered to have a
provide fast feedback to end-users when they bigger cover of Vietnam.
are checking, and provide origin and brand
warranty support. The second risk is about COMPETING INTERESTS
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phone number. Retailers should invest in system Authors have declared that no competing
security to improve the trust of customers. interests exist.
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