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Physics Exam ss2 2nd Term

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INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in this section

1. Find the tension in the two cords shown in the figure above. Neglect the
mass of the cords, and assume that the angle is 38° and the mass m is 220 kg [Take g = 9.8
ms-2] A. T1 = 2864 N, T2 = 3612 N B. T1 = 3612 N, T2 = 2864 N C. T1= 3502 N, T2 = 2760 N
D. T1 = 2760 N, T2 = 3502 N
2. A missile is launched with a speed of 75 ms-1 at an angle of 22° above the surface of a
warship. Find the horizontal range achieved by the missile. Ignore the effects of air resistance.
[Take g = 10 ms-2] A. 195 B. 271 m C. 391 m D. 136 m

3. Name the type of equilibrium for each position of the ball A. A -

unstable, B - neutral, C - stable B. A - stable, B - neutral, C - unstable C. A - stable, B -
unstable, C - neutral D. A - unstable, B - stable, C - neutral
4. How much net work is required to accelerate a 1200 kg car from 10ms−1
to 15ms−1 A. 1.95×10⁵j B. 1.35×10⁴j C. 7.5×10⁴j D. 6.0×10⁴j
5. A wire of radius 0.2 mm is extended by 0.5% of its length when supported by a load of 1.5 kg.
Determine the Young's modulus for the material of the wire. [Take g = 10 ms−2] A.
2.4×10¹⁰(Nm−2) B. 1.5×10¹⁰(Nm−2) C. 2.4×10⁹(Nm−2) D. 1.3×10¹⁰(Nm−2)

6. A 200 kg load is raised using a 110 m long lever as shown in the

diagram above. The load is 10m from the pivot P. If the efficiency of the the lever is 80%, find
the effort E required to lift the load. [Take g = 10ms-2] A. 250 B. 300 C. 450 D. 200
7. Which of the following thermometers measures temperature from the thermal radiation
emitted by objects? A. Pyrometer thermometer B. Platinum resistance thermometer C.
Thermocouple thermometer D. Constant pressure gas thermometer

8. A 400 N box is being pushed across a level floor at a constant speed by a

force P of 100 N at an angle of 30.0° to the horizontal, as shown in the the diagram below. What
is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the floor? A. 0.19 B. 0.24 C. 0.40 D. 0.22
9. A simple pendulum, has a period of 5.77 seconds. When the pendulum is shortened by 3 m,
the period is 4.60 seconds. Calculate the new length of the pendulum A. 5.23 m B. 6.42 m C.
4.87 m D. 7.26 m

10. Three forces with magnitudes 16 N, 12 N and 21 N are shown in the

diagram below. Determine the magnitude of their resultant force and angle with the x-axis
A. 7.63N,61° B. 8.71N,61° C. 7.63N,29° D. 8.71N,29°

11. A block of mass 0.5 kg is suspended at the 40 cm mark of a

light metre rule AB that is pivoted at point E, the 90 cm mark, and is kept at equilibrium by a
string attached at point D, the 60 cm mark, as shown in the figure above. Find the tension T in
the string. [Take g = 10ms−2] A. 16.67N B. 15.67N C. 14.67N D. 18.67N
12. A relative density bottle has a mass of 19 g when empty. When it is completely filled with
water, its mass is 66 g. What will be its mass if completely filled with alcohol of relative density
0.8? A. 47 g B. 52.8 g C. 37.6 g D. 56.6 g
13. How much work is done against the gravitational force on a 3.0 kg object when it is carried
from the ground floor to the roof of a building, a vertical climb of 240 m? A. 7.2 kJ B. 4.6 kJ C.
6.8 kJ D. 8.4 kJ
14. The sensitivity of a thermometer is A. All of the above B. how quickly a temperature change
can be detected C. the difference between the maximum and the minimum temperature D. the
smallest temperature change that can be detected or measured
15. The branch of physics that deals with the motion of objects and the forces acting on them is
called: A. Electromagnetism B. Thermodynamics C. Mechanics D. Quantum mechanics
16. Which of the following is an example of a couple? A. All of the above. B. The forces that are
applied to the handle of a screwdriver when you twist it. C. The forces that are applied to a
cross wench to loosen or tighten the lug nuts on a wheel of a car. D. The forces that are applied
to the steering wheel of a car when you turn it.
17. A body starts with an initial velocity of 20 m/s and moves with a uniform acceleration, a, for
15 seconds. Which of the following equations represents the distance, S, traveled? A. 300 +
56a/2 B. 300 + 225a/2 C. 300 + 225/2a D. 300a + 225/2
18. A ball of mass 0.8 kg is dropped from a height, H. Just before hitting the ground, its velocity
is 5.0 m/s. Determine H. [g = 10 ms-2] A. 1.25m B. 4.00m C. 6.25m D. 1.60m
19. The following statements are observations made about a towing vehicle and a bus that is
being towed I. The force exerted on the bus by the towing vehicle is of the same magnitude as
the force that the bus exerts on the road. II. The force exerted on the bus by the towing vehicle
is of the same magnitude as the force exerted on the towing vehicle by the bus. III. The towing
vehicle exerts a force on the bus greater than the force exerted by the bus on the towing
vehicle. IV. The towing vehicle exerts a force on the bus that is the same as the force the road
exerts on the towing vehicle. Which of the following statements is/are correct? A. II, III and IV B.
II only C. I, II and III only D. I only
20. The diagram above illustrates a velocity-time graph. Determine
the distance between X and Y. A. 80.0m B. 160.0m C. 40.0m D. 10.0m
21. The ratio of maximum range to maximum height of a projectile is 4. Determine the angle of
projection. A. 30° B. 60° C. 45° D. 0°
22. The property of a body that determines the direction of heat flow when the body is in contact
with another body is the A. Heat capacity B. mass C. Power D. Temperature
23. A ball, P, is released from the roof of a building at the same time as another ball, Q, is
thrown vertically upward from the base of the building. Which of the following statements is
A. The acceleration of P is greater than that of Q and both are in the same direction. B. The
acceleration of P is less than that of Q and both are in the same direction. C. The acceleration
of P is equal to that of Q and both are in the same direction. D. The acceleration of P is equal to
that of Q and are in opposite directions.
24. Two objects, A and B, accelerate from rest at uniform rates. B accelerates twice as much as
Compared to A, B travels A. at the same distance as A B. six times as far. C. two times as far D.
three times as far

25. The diagram above shows a velocity time graph representing the
motion of a car. Find the total distance covered during the acceleration and retardation of the
motion A. 75m B. 150m C. 300m D. 375m

26. In the fig above,A lever of length 200m is used to lift a load of
mass 180kg. The pivot at P is 20m from the load. what minimum force F must be applied at the
end of the lever [g = 10ms-2] A. 9N B. 18N C. 20N D. 200N
27. A metal rod 800mm long is heated from 10oC to 95oC. If it expands by 1.36mm, the linear
expansivity of the metal is A. 2.0 x 10²K-1 B. 2.0 x 10²K-1 C. 5.0 x 10-³K-1 D. 2.0 x 10- ⁵K-1
28. 200g of water at 90°C is mixed with 100g of water at 30°C. What is the final temperature?
A. 50°C B. 60°C C. 70°C D. 80°C
29. A plane inclined at angle θ has a velocity ratio of 10 : 1. The inclination of the plane to the
horizontal is given by A. tanθ = 1/10 B. cotθ = 1/10 C. cosθ = 1/10 D. sinθ = 1/10
30. An object of mass 400g and density 600kgm-3 is suspended with a sting so that half of it is
immersed in paraffin of density 900kgm-3. The tension in the string is A. 1.0N B. 3.0N C. 4.0N
D. 5.0N
31. The thermometric properties of the thermocouple is that is A. e.m.f. changes with
temperature B. resistance changes with temperature C. volume changes with temperature D.
pressure changes with resistance
32. An electric current of 3Aflowing through an electric heating elements of resistance 20
embedded in 1,000g of an oil raises the temperature of the oil by 10oC in 10 seconds then the
specific heat capacity of the oil is A. 1.8Jg-1oC B. 0.6Jg-1oC C. 0.18Jg-1oC D. 18Jg-1oC
33. The total length of a spring when a mass of 20g is hung from its end is 14cm, while its total
length is 16cm when a mass of 30g is hung from the same end. Calculate the unstretched
length of the spring assuming Hooke's law is obeyed. A. 9.33cm B. 10.00cm C. 10.66cm
D. 12.00cm
34. A short response to time is obtained in liquid-in-glass thermometer when the
A. bulb is large and thick-walled B. bulb is small and thicked-walled D C. liquid is of high density
and the bore is large D. bulb is thin-walled and the liquid is a good conductor of heat
35. A machine has a velocity ratio of 5. It requires a 50kg weight to overcome a 200kg weight.
The efficiency is A. 4% B. 40% C. 50% D. 80%
36. A piece of wood is floating on water. The forces acting on the wood are A. upthrust and
reaction B. weight and reaction C. weight and upthrust D. upthrust and viscousity
37. The linear expansivity of brass is 2 x 10-⁵ °C-1. If the volume of a piece of brass is 10cm3 at
0°C, what will be its volume at 100°C? A. 10.02cm3 B. 10.04cm3 C. 10.06cm3 D. 10.20cm3
38. If relative density of a metal is 19, what will be the mass of 20cm3 of the metal when
immersed in water? A. 380g B. 400g C. 360g D. 39g E. 180g
39. One special advantage of alcohol over mercury as a thermometric liquid is its? A. low
density B. low freezing point C. high specific D. low boiling point
40. 0.5kg of water at 10ºC is completely converted to ice at 0ºC by extracting (88000) of heat
from it. If the specific heat capacity of water is 4200jkg1 Cº. Calculate the specific latent heat of
fusion of ice. A. 9.0kjkg−1 B. 84.0kjkg−1 C. 134.0kjkg−1 D. 168.0kjkg−1
41. In an elastic collision I. Energy is conserved II. Energy is decreased III. Energy is increased
IV. Linear momentum conserved A. I only B. I and IV only C. II only D. III only
42. Body floats in fluid when its ………………… A. Displaces its own volume of the liquid (fluid)
B. Displaces its own weight of the fluid C. Displace its own density of the fluid D. Is no longer
subjected to gravity
43. Convert 45°C to kelvin A. 318K B. 250K C. 184K D. 120K
44. Quantities of heat Q can be measured using a container called A. Thermometer B.
Measuring cylinder C. Calorimeter D. Meter rule
45. A zinc has a heat capacity of 40 J/K, what is the mass of the zinc, given that the specific
heat of zinc is 380 J/kg k A. 0.11kg B. 0.12kg C. 0.13kg D. 0.14kg
46. For a best result using temperature to achieve an accurate measurement, it is best to use A.
Mercury thermometer B. gas thermometer C. clinical thermometer D. alcohol thermometer
47. The two liquids which are often used in thermometer on experiment basic is known as A.
Mercury only B. Alcohol and Water C. Mercury and Alcohol D. Alcohol only
48. What is the S.I unit of relative density? A. kg m-2 B. kg m2 C. kg cm3 D. has no S.I unit
49. Volatile liquids usually A. Have high boiling points B. have low boiling points C. have high
densities D. have high melting points
50. The normal temperature of human body is record at what ranges? A. 27°C to 43°C B. 30°C
to 40° C. 98.4°C only D. Between 35°C to 37°C
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. B
21. C
22. D
23. C
24. C
25. D
26. D
27. D
28. C
29. B
30. D
31. A
32. C
33. B
34. D
35. D
36. C
37. C
38. A
39. B
40. C
41. B
42. B
43. A
44. C
45. A
46. B
47. C
48. D
49. B
50. D
SS2 Theory
Section B1: Answer all questions in this section
1. The force, F, acting on the wings of an HopeMatics aircraft moving through the air of
acceleration a, and density, ρ, is given by the equation F = cvxρyAz, where c is a dimensionless
constant and A is the surface area of the wings of the aircraft. Use dimensional analysis to
determine the values of x, y, and z. (6 marks)
1b. State Archimedes principle (2 marks)
2a. A missile is projected so as to attain its maximum range. Calculate the maximum height
attained if the initial velocity of projection is 200 ms−1 .[g = 10ms−2] (5 marks)
2b. List three advantages of using mercury over alcohol as a thermometric liquid (3 marks)
3a. A load of 200g applied at the end of a wire of length 4cm and diameter 2.00 mm produces
an extension of 0.24 mm. Calculate the; (a) stress on the wire; (b) strain in the wire (π=3.142)
(4 marks)
3b. Define the following with one example each: (i) Resonance (ii) unstable equilibrium (4
4a. Sketch a block and tackle system of pulleys with a velocity ratio of 3. (4 marks)

4b. The diagram above illustrates an oscillatory pendulum. Calculate the

work done in raising the pendulum to point B, if the mass of the bob is 50 g.[g = 10ms-²]
(4 marks)
5a. Explain the working principle of a refrigerator (4 marks)
5. A spiral spring of spring constant, k, and natural length, l, has a scale pan of mass 0.04 kg
hanging on its lower end while the upper end is firmly fixed to a support. When an object of
mass 0.20 kg is placed on the scale pan, the length of the spring becomes 0.055 m and when
the object is replaced with another object of mass 0.28 kg, the length of the spring becomes
0.065 m. Calculate the values of k and l. [g = 10ms2] (4 marks)

Section B2: Answer only three questions in this section

6a.(i) What do you understand by the statement that the force ratio of a machine is 10 (II) Give
two examples of second class order of levers (4 marks)
6b. Explain why the efficiency of a machine is usually less than 100% (2 marks)
6c. A screw jack whose pitch is 4.4mm is used to raise a body of mass 8000 kg through a height
of 20cm. The length of the tommy bar of the jack is 70cm. If the efficiency of the jack is 80%,
calcuate the: (i) velocity ratio of the jack; (ii) mechanical advantage of the jack (iii) effort required
in raising the body, (iv) work done by the effort in raising the body (g=10ms−2; π=22/7)
(8 marks)
6d. A nursing mother prepared her baby's milk mixture at 85°C, in a feeding bottle. In order to
cool it to 40°C, she immersed the bottle in an aluminium bowl of heat capacity 90 JK−1
containing 500 g of water at 26°C. If the mass of the mixture is 300g, calculate the specific heat
capacity of the mixture. [Neglect heat losses and heat capacity of the bottle; specific heat
capacity of water = 4200 J kg−1K−1] (6 marks)

7a. State Hooke's law of elasticity and define the breaking point of an elastic material (4 marks)
7b. Explain why ships are usually refilled with sand and water after they have been emptied of
their cargo. (3 marks)
7c. A body of mass 200 g performs a simple harmonic motion at a frequency of 5 Hz. At a
distance of 10 cm from the mean position, its velocity is 100 cms-¹. Calculate its:
(i) maximum displacement from the mean position; (ii) maximum velocity;
(iii) maximum potential energy. (g = 10 ms−2, π = 3.14) (7 marks)
7d. Derive the expression for the energy stored, E, in a stretched wire of original length, l ,
cross-sectional area, A, extension, e, and Young's modulus, Y, of the material of the wire. (6

8a. State two differences between absolute zero temperature and ice point and their respective
values in Celsius, Kelvin and Farenheit (6 marks)
8b. What is meant by the statement: The specific heat capacity of copper is 400Jkg−1K−1?
(2 marks)
8c. A piece of copper ball of mass 20 g at 200°C is placed in a copper calorimeter of mass 60 g
containing 50 g of water at 30°C, ignoring heat losses, calculate the final steady temperature of
the mixture (Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2Jg−1K−1) (Specific heat capacity of copper =
0.4Jg−1K−1). (4 marks)
8d. A uniform plank measures 2m long from its end point A to point B. If the weight of the plank
is 54N and it rests on a knife edge 0.50m from end B and point A is supported by a vertical
string so that AB balances horizontally;
I. Draw a force diagram for the arrangement II. Determine the tension, T, in the string
III. Determine the force, F, acting on the knife edge (8 marks)

9a. State one advantage which a constant-volume gas thermometer has over other
thermometers and one reason why it is seldom used as an everyday laboratory instrument
(3 marks)
9b. Diagrammatically explain the maximum and minimum thermometer (5 marks)
9c. The lower and upper fixed points marked on a mercury-in-glass thermometer are 210mm
apart. The end of the mercury column in the tube is 49mm above the lower fixed points in a
room. What is the temperature of the room in i. degrees Celsius ii. degrees Farenheit (6 marks)
9d. A ball of mass 0.10kg is projected horizontally onto a vertical wall with a speed of 17m/s.
The ball makes contact with the wall for 0.15s and rebounds horizontally with a speed of 13 m/s.
Calculate the: I. Change in momentum if the ball II. Average force exerted on the ball during it's
collision with the wall (6 marks)

10a. Using the kinetic theory of matter explain why evaporation causes cooling and state two
differences between evaporation and boiling (4 marks)
10b. State the principle of conservation of linear momentum state the mathematical expression
for the momentum and energy of an inelastic collision (4 marks)
10c. 8d. A uniform beam of weight 50 N has a body of weight 100N hung at one end of it. If the
beam is 12m long, determine the distance of a support from a 100 N body for it to balance
horizontally (4 marks)
10d. Steam at 100 degree Celsius is passed into a container of negligible heat capacity,
containing 20g of ice and 100g of water at 0 degree Celsius, until the ice is completely melted.
Determine the total mass of water in the container. (Specific lantent heat of steam =2.3x10^3
Jg^-1 ,Specific latent heat of ice =3.4x10^2 Jg^-1, specific heat capacity of water=4.2 Jg^-1K^-
¹ )?
(8 marks)

Ss3 Theory
Section B1: Answer all questions in this section
1a. The force, F, acting on the wings of an HopeMatics aircraft moving through the air of
acceleration a, and density, ρ, is given by the equation F = cvxρyAz, where c is a dimensionless
constant and A is the surface area of the wings of the aircraft. Use dimensional analysis to
determine the values of x, y, and z. (3 marks)
1b. A missile is projected so as to attain its maximum range. Calculate the maximum height
attained if the initial velocity of projection is 200 ms−1. [g = 10ms−2] (3 marks)
2a. An important precaution during an electricity experiment is to open the circuit when no
readings are being taken. Give two reasons for the stated precaution. (2 marks)
2b. Derive the expression for the energy stored, E, in a stretched wire of original length, l ,
cross-sectional area, A, extension, e, and Young's modulus, Y, of the material of the wire. (4
3. The figure below is a circuit diagram in which a coil of inductance, L, and a resistor of
resistance, R, are connected to a variable alternating source of frequency, f.

The table shows the square of the impedance, Z² corresponding to

each value of ƒ²

f²/Hz² 198.8 400.00 600.30 800.90 900.00

Z²/Ω² 249.60 400.00 550.30 702.30 800.90

a. Write down the equation for Z in terms of f², R² and L²

b. Plot a graph of Z² against f² and use it to determine the values of: i. L ii. R [π² = 10] (16
4a. A spiral spring of spring constant, k, and natural length, l, has a scale pan of mass 0.04 kg
hanging on its lower end while the upper end is firmly fixed to a support. When an object of
mass 0.20 kg is placed on the scale pan, the length of the spring becomes 0.055 m and when
the object is replaced with another object of mass 0.28 kg, the length of the spring becomes
0.065 m. Calculate the values of k and l. [g = 10ms²] (3 marks)
4b. (I) Why are y-rays not deflected by electromagnetic field? (ii) State two properties of gamma
rays that make them suitable for sterilizing medical equipment. (3 marks)
5. With the aid of a labelled diagram describe the mode of operation of a modern X-ray tube.
(6 marks)
Section B2: Answer only three questions in this section
6a. (I) Why are parabolic mirrors suitable for use in the headlamps of vehicles? (II) State two
applications of echoes. (4 marks)
6b. State Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and it's mathematical expression (3 marks)
6c. An observer standing at a point, P, on the same horizontal ground as the foot, H, of a tower,
shouts, and 1.20 s later, he hears the echo. He then moved to another point, Q, 40 m from P,
and shouted again but the echo was heard after 1.45 s. Calculate the: I. distance between P
and H; II. speed of sound in air. (6 marks)
6d. light of wavelength 5.0 x 10−⁷ m is incident on metal resulting in photoemission of electrons.
If the work function of the metal is 3.04 x 10−19J, calculate the: (i) frequency of the light (ii)
energy of the incident photon, (iii) maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons (Speed of light
= 3.00 x 10^8ms−1; Planck's constant = 6.6 x 10−34Js).? (7 marks)

7a. Explain the following, illustrating your answer with one example in each case: (i) resonance:
(ii) nuclear fission (6 marks)
7b. State two advantages of fusion over fission and explain briefly why, in spite of these
advantages, fusion is not normally used for the generation of power. (4 marks)

7c. The diagram above illustrates the energy levels of an electron in

an atom. If an excited electron moves from n2 to n0, calculate the: (i) frequency; (ii) wavelength
of the emitted radiation. [ h = 6.6 x 10−34 Js; le V = .6 x 10−19 J; C = 3.0 x 10 ⁸ ms−1] (5 marks)
7d. Steam at 100 degree Celsius is passed into a container of negligible heat capacity,
containing 20g of ice and 100g of water at 0 degree Celsius, until the ice is completely melted.
Determine the total mass of water in the container. (Specific lantent heat of steam =2.3x10^3
Jg^-1 ,Specific latent heat of ice =3.4x10^2 Jg^-1, specific heat capacity of water=4.2 Jg^-1K^-
¹ )?
(5 marks)
8a. State two conditions under which photo-electrons can be emitted from the surface of a
metal. (ii) State two uses of X-rays; (3 marks)
8b. Outline 2 successes of the Bohr's model of the atom and two essential features of the
electron-cloud model (4 marks)

8c. The diagram above illustrates an oscillatory pendulum. Calculate the

work done in raising the pendulum to point B, if the mass of the bob is 50 g.[g = 10ms-²]
(3 marks)
8d. A coil of incidence 0.007 H, a resistor of resistance 8 Ω and a capacitor capacitance 0.001 F
are connected in series an a.c. source of frequency 500π Hz. If the r.m.s voltages across the
coil, the resistor and capacitor are 30v, 20v and 70v respectively;
(i) draw a vector diagram to illustrate the voltage across the components in the circuit.
(ii) Calculate the: (1) r.m.s voltage of the source (2) r.m.s current in the circuit; (3) power
dissipated in the circuit.
iii) write down the sinusoidal equation for the r.m.s voltage, V, in terms of the time, t. (10 marks)

9a. A box has a volume of 0.28 m³ and is 70% filled with iron fillings at 25°C. Calculate the: (i)
total mass of the iron fillings; (ii) energy required to melt 10% of the iron fillings. [Density of iron
= 8.00 x 10³ kgm−3; specific latent heat of fusion of iron = 1.38 x 105 Jkg−1, specific heat
capacity of iron = 460 Jkg−1k−1, melting point of iron = 1500°C] (6 marks)
9b. An electromagnetic wave has its wavelength shorter than those of radiowave of radiowave
and microwave but longer than that of visible light. (I) Identify the wave (II) Name one source of
the wave (2 marks)
9c. Explain the electron diffraction experiment and how it explains wave as a particle (6 marks)
9d. A particle is dropped from a vertical height h and falls freely for a time t. Derive this
relationship and with the aid of a sketch, explain how h varies with t² (6 marks)
10a. (i) Define nucleon number (II) State the energy transformations that take place during the
operation of the X-ray tube. (5 marks)
10b. Describe the working principle of a Galilean Telescope (equations inclusive) (5 marks)
10c. A radioactive isotope of Americium (Am —241) decays into a nucleus of Neptunium (Np —
237) and an alpha (α) particle as shown in the nuclear equation below.
241, 95 Am -------------> 237, c Np + b, a α-particle
(i) State the number of neutrons in the nucleus of Americium — 241.
(ii) Determine the values of a,b and c.
(III) What type of radioactivity is shown in the equation above? (4 marks)
10d. A car travelling at a constant speed of 30 ms-1 for 20 s was suddenly decelerated when
the driver sighted a pot-hole. It took the driver 6 s to get to the pot-hole with a reduced speed of
18 ms-1. He maintained the steady speed for another 10 s to cross the pot-hole. The brakes
were then applied and the car came to rest 5 s later. (i) Draw the velocity-time graph for the
journey. (ii) Calculate the deceleration during the last 5 s of the journey. (iii) Calculate the total
distance covered. (6 marks)
11a. With the aid of a diagram, describe the component parts of a model rocket (6 marks)
11b. (I) Define fibre optics and give the full meaning of LASER (II) Explain in terms of electrons
and holes how current is conducted in a p-type semiconductor (5 marks)
11c. A small image is viewed through a converging lens held close to the eye. If the focal length
of the lens is 10cm and a virtual image of height 2cm is formed 30cm away from the lens, obtain
by calculation and scale diagram: (I) the distance of the object from the lens (II) the size of the
object (6 marks)
11d. The half-life of a radioactive substance is 15 hours. If at some instance, the sample has a
mass of 512g. Calculate the time it will take 7/8 of the sample to decay (3 marks)

SS3 Objectives

1. The property of wave shown in the diagram above is? A. Diffraction

B. Refraction C. Polarisation D. Interference a
2. Which of the following statements regarding the application of electrical conduction via gases
is/are correct? Electrical conduction in gas is applied in: (i) The identification of gases (ii)
Lighting/fluorescent tubes (iii) Photocells (iv) Cathode ray oscilloscope/T.V. tubes A. (i), (iii) and
(iv) only B. (i), (ii) and (iv) only C. (ii), (iii) and (iv) only D. (i), (ii) and (iii) only B

3. Find the tension in the two cords shown in the figure above. Neglect
the mass of the cords, and assume that the angle is 38° and the mass m is 220 kg [Take g = 9.8
ms-2] A. T1 = 2864 N, T2 = 3612 N B. T1 = 3612 N, T2 = 2864 N C. T1= 3502 N, T2 = 2760 N
D. T1 = 2760 N, T2 = 3502 N
4. A missile is launched with a speed of 75 ms-1 at an angle of 22° above the surface of a
warship. Find the horizontal range achieved by the missile. Ignore the effects of air resistance.
[Take g = 10 ms-2] A. 195 B. 271 m C. 391 m D. 136 m c
5. Calculate the absolute pressure at the bottom of a lake at a depth of 32.8 m. Assume the
density of the water is 1 x 10^3 kgm-3 and the air above is at a pressure of 101.3 kPa. [Take g =
9.8 ms-2] A. 422.7 B. 220.14 C. 464.53 D. 321.74 a
6. The half life of a radioactive material is 12 days. Calculate the decay constant. A. 0.8663
day−1 B. 0.04331 day−1 C. 0.17325 day−1 D. 0.05775 day−1 D
7. The number of holes in an intrinsic semiconductor A. is not equal to the number of free
electrons B. is greater than the number of free electrons C. is equal to the number of free
electrons D. is less than the number of free electrons c
8. The surface temperature of a swimming pool on a warm day is 25ºC and the temperature at
the bottom is 15ºC. If the swimming pool has a surface area of 620 m2 and a depth of 1.5m.
Find the rate at which energy is transferred by conduction from the surface to the bottom of the
swimming pool. [Thermal conductivity of water (k) = 0.6071 Wm-1K-1] A. 2.5kw B. 250kw C.
300kw D. 3.0kw a
9. Which process is responsible for production of energy in stars? A. Nuclear reaction B.
Nuclear fission C. Nuclear fusion D. Radioactive decay c
10. A wire of radius 0.2 mm is extended by 0.5% of its length when supported by a load of 1.5
kg. Determine the Young's modulus for the material of the wire. [Take g = 10 ms−2] A.
2.4×10¹⁰(Nm−2) B. 1.5×10¹⁰(Nm−2) C. 2.4×10⁹(Nm−2) D. 1.3×10¹⁰(Nm−2) a
11. An air bubble of radius 4.5 cm initially at a depth of 12 m below the water surface rises to
the surface. If the atmospheric pressure is equal to 10.34 m of water, the radius of the bubble
just before it reaches the water surface is A. 6.43 cm B. 8.24 cm C. 4.26 cm D. 5.82 cm d
12. A parallel plate capacitor separated by an air gap is made of 0.8m2
tin plates and 20 mm apart. It is connected to 120 V battery. What is the charge on each plate?
(Take εo = 8.85×10−12Fm−1) A. 3.54nC B. 42.5nC C. 35.4nC D. 4.25nC b
13. Which of the following equations is not a correct mirror formula? [The symbols have their
usual meanings] A. N = (360/θ) - 1 B. 1/f=1/u+1/v C. m = v/u D. f = 1/D d
14. Which of the following devices is associated with alternating currents only? A. Step-up
transformer B. Induction coil C. Moving coil galvanometer D. Lead-acid accumulator a
15. The conclusive test for magnetism in a steel bar suspended horizontally at its midpoint is
when the bar A. always settles in the magnetic N-S direction. B. is repelled by a magnet. C.
always settles in the magnetic E-W direction D. is attracted by a magnet. a
16. When an electron jumps directly from an orbit of n = 4 to n = 2, A. a photon is absorbed B. a
photon is emitted C. two photons are emitted. D. two photons are absorbed b
17. Which part of the human eye performs the same function as the diaphragm in a lens
camera? A. Choroid B. Retina C. Iris D. Cornea a
18. The colours of the visible light region of the electromagnetic spectrum that have the shortest
and longest wavelengths respectively are A. red and blue. B. indigo and violet C. violet and red.
D. yellow and blue. c
19. In the Rutherford scattering experiment, a beam of alpha particles was fired at a thin gold
film and few of the particles were deflected considerably. This shows that the nucleus of an
atom A. is positively charged and is concentrated in a tiny volume B. contains protons and
electrons distributed in a tiny volume. C. is concentrated in a tiny volume and contains alpha
particles. D. is distributed in a tiny volume and emits alpha particles. a
20. The range of wavelengths of the infrared waves in an electromagnetic spectrum is 10−³
m to 10−⁶m. The wavelength of the radiation is A. longer than 10−⁶m B. shorter than 10− ⁶m
C. shorter than 10³m D. longer than 10³m a
21. 0.5kg of water at 10ºC is completely converted to ice at 0ºC by extracting (88000) of heat
from it. If the specific heat capacity of water is 4200jkg1 Cº. Calculate the specific latent heat of
fusion of ice. A. 9.0kjkg−1 B. 84.0kjkg−1 C. 134.0kjkg−1 D. 168.0kjkg−1 c
22. In a series R-L-C circuit at resonance, the voltages across the resistor and the inductors are
30V and 40V respectively. What is the voltage across the capacitor? A. 30V B. 40V C. 50V D.
70V b
23. If the frequency of an emitted x-ray is 1.6 x 1016 Hz, the accelerating potential is?
[e=1.6x10−19 J, h = 6.63 x 10-34 Js] A. 6630.0V B. 663.0V C. 66.3V D. 6.6V C
24. If the fraction of the atoms of a radioactive material left after 120 years is 1/64, what is the
half-life of the material? A. 24 years B. 20 years C. 10 years D. 2 years b
25. I. A liquid boils when its saturated vapor pressure is equal to the external pressure II.
Dissolved substances in pure water lead to an increase in the boiling point. III. When the
external pressure is increased, the boiling point increases. IV. Dissolved substances in pure
water decreases the boiling point. Which of the above combinations are peculiarities of the
boiling point of a liquid? A. I, II and III only B. I, II, III, and IV C. I, II, and IV D. II, III, and IV a
26. If a sound wave goes from a cold air region to a hot air region, its wavelength will? A.
increase B. decrease C. decrease then increase D. remain constant a
27. The lowest note emitted by a stretched string has a frequency of 40Hz. How many
overtones are there between 40Hz and 210Hz? A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 a
28. An astronomical telescope is said to be in normal adjustment when the? A. eye is
accommodated B. focal length of an object lens is longer than that of eye piece C. final image is
at the near point of eye D. final image is at infinity D
29. A 2H inductor has negligible resistance and is connected to a 50π Hz A.C supply. The
reactance of the inductor is? A. 200Ω B. 50Ω C. 100/π D. 25/πΩ a
30. The reason for laminating the soft iron core of a transformer is to? A. reduce eddy current.
B. reduce magnetic flux. C. increase the magnetic flux. D. reduce its efficiency a
31. When blue and green colours of light are mixed, the resultant colour is A. cyan B. magenta
C. black D. yellow a
32. The following are parts of the eye I. Retina II. Pupil III. Iris. The correct equivalent in the
camera in the same order are A. Diaphragm, Aperture, film B. Aperture, Diaphragm, Film C.
Film, Diaphragm, Aperture D. Film, Aperture, Diaphragm D
33. A force of 6N acts horizontally on a stationary mass of 2kg for 4s. The kinetic energy gained
by the mass is _________ A. 366j B. 240j C. 144j D. 90j c
34. A metal rod has a length of 100cm at 200°C. At what temperature will its length be 99.4cm.
If the linear expansivity of the material of the rod is 2 × 10−5
C−1 A. 300°C B. 200°C C. 100°C D. −100°C d
35. The lead-acid accumulator consists of A. lead as the positive electrode B. lead acid as the
negative electrode C. hydrochloric acid as the electrolyte D. tetraoxosulphate (vi) acid as the
electrolyte D
36. A siren having a ring of 200 holes makes 132 rev/min. A jet of air is directed on the set of
holes. Calculate the frequency and wavelength in air of the note produced (take v = 350m/s)
A. 0.795m B. 0.625m C. 0.335m D. 0.125m a

37. Which of the following statement about the electromagnet shown

above is correct? A. when the current flows from A to B, the end A will be in north pole B. when
the current flows from A to B, the end A will be south pole C. when the current flows from A to B,
the end B will be south pole D. none of the above b
38. Any line or section taken through an advancing wave in which all the particles are in the
same phase is called the A. wavelength B. wave coast C. wave trough D. wave front d

39. The resultant capacitance in the figure above is A. 0.4μf

B. 0.8μf C. 1.8μf D. 4.5μf b
40. The length of the seconds hand of laboratory clock is 0.1m. Calculate the speed at the top of
the seconds hand A. 1.05 × 10−2 ms−1 B. 1.85 × 10−4 ms−1 C. 9.50 × 10−1 ms−1 D. 5.25 ×
10−3 ms−1 a
41. When ultraviolet light is incident on certain metallic p articles are emitted. These particles
are called A. positrons B. protons C. photoelectrons D. photons d
42. Which of the following statements about a neutral atom is correct? The A. core is composed
of electrons and protons B. number of electrons is equal to that of neutron C. number of
neutrons is equal to that of protons D. number of protons is equal to that of electrons. d
43. In the diagram above, the time taken to trace a wave between
P and Q is? A. 2 periods B. 1 period C. 1½ periods D. 1¼ periods a
44. Which property of a wave remains constant when the wave travels from one medium into
another? A. Amplitude B. Wavelength C. Velocity D. Frequency d
45. A ray of light traveling from a rectangular glass block of refractive index 1.5 into air strikes
the block at an angle of incidence of 30. Calculate its angle of refraction. A. 48.6° B. 19.5° C.
20.0 D. 45.0 a
46. Which of the following pairs of concepts constitutes complementary variables as expressess
by the Heinsberg uncertainty principle? A. Momentum and time B. Energy and acceleration C.
Position and momentum D. Velocity and Momentum

47. A battery of e.m.f 3.0V is connected across a potentiometer wire

AB of length 10Ωm−1
as illustrated in the diagram above. If the jockey J makes contact at the 30cm mark, determine
the resistance of length AJ and voltage across AJ. A. 3.0Ω; 0.9V B. 3.0Ω; 3.0V C. 3.3Ω ; 0.3V
D. 3.3Ω; 9.0V a

48. The diagram above illustrates two charged bodies, X and Y

separated by a distance r. Each body has charge q and mass m. Which of the following
statements about the electrostatic force Fe and gravitational force Fg acting between the bodies
is correct? A. Fe is attraction while Fg is repulsion B. Both Fe and Fg are that of repulsion C.
Both Fe and Fg is that of attraction D. Fe is repulsion while Fg is attraction d

49. A circuit is set up as shown in the diagram above. When the key is
closed, the ammeter reading will be A. 6A B. 4A C. 2A D. 1A c
50. A transformer connected to a 240Vr.m.s has 3000 turns in its primary coil and 500 turns in
its secondary coil. Calculate the output voltage. A. 4000V B. 400V C. 40V D. 4V c

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