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(roa Verbs and an Expressions 1. Inmak’s Dilemma Read the passage below and then circle the choice which has the same meaning as the given sentence from the dialogue. Pay attention to the meaning of the modal in the context. Inmak is 17 years old and is coming to the end of her high schoo! years and trying to decide on what she will study at university. She talks to Yelz, a family friend who is 10 “years older than her, in order to get some advice about what to do. Inmak: 'm not sure what to study at university. What do you think I should do? Yeliz: Well, frst of all, you have to think about the things you'r interested in. What do you like? Irmak: I guess you must mean what subjects | like at school, right? Yellz: That's one thing to look at yes. Inmak: Well, \ike math and science, | suppose, especially physics. What could I do with those? Yeliz: There are lots of things! But would you rather do something practical with them, or something theoretical? Irak: Honestly? Yeliz: Well, obviously you've got to be honest with me! Irmak: Honestly, then, | would prefer to do something theoretical. But I'm sure | can’t make ‘any money doing that. Yeliz: Don’t be so sure! It limits your choices somewhat, but there are still alot of things you could do. For instance, there are opportunities in theoretical physics and mathematics. Irmek: Judging from that frown on your face, you must not be so certain .. Yeliz’ Well, to be honest, you might have a difficult time finding jobs outside of a university. Inmak: That wouldn't be so bad, though. What about the practical side of things? Yollz: Quite 2 few more jobs would open up. Engineering, for instance, Irmak: Yuck, engineering! | would rather be unemployed than be an engineer! Yeliz: Why's that? Irmak: Every engineer I've ever met has been a really asocial weirdo. Yeliz: And how many engineers have you met? Inmak: Um... three or four Yeliz” You know, you really mustn't judge all engineers on the basis of three or four. Irmak: Alright, alright, point taken, You don't have to give me a lecture about stereotyping, Yeliz: Don't worry, | won't. Is there anything else you're interested in? Irmak: Um... Love music, | guess. Yeliz: Almost everybody does, though. In what way do you love music? Irmak: ‘don't know. I've studied piano for quite a few years, and | just like the way different notes sound together. Even before | started playing, | used to just press random piano keys down to see what sounds might come out. | still do, actually Yeliz: Acoustics! Inmak: Yeah, the word means “sound”. Yeliz’ Nol |'mean, you could study acoustics. Musical acoustics. I's a kind of science that studies the physies of music and musical instruments. Inmak: That sounds great! But where on earth in Turkey do they offer that subject? Yeliz: That's a good question 1. What do you think I should do? 2. You have to think about the things you're interested in. A) Why don't you tell me what you think A) It is your interests that you must think about me? about B) Do you think 1 ought to do something? B) The things that interest you are €) In your opinion, what would it be a probably the best things to think about ) There must be many interesting things 2 CoM MU for you to think about, ae3. You must mean what subjects | like at school. A) You are talking about the school subjects that you think | like. B) Which school subjects | enjoy is surely what you are talking about. ¢) | wonder if you are talking about the subjects that | study at school. 4, What could | do with math and science? ‘A) What purposée do math and science actually have? B) What is it possible for me to do with math and science? ) Shall | do something with my math and science knowledge? 5. Would you rather do something practical or something theoretical? A) Is it something practical that you would prefer, or something theoretical? B) Is it possible for you to do something that Is both practical and theoretical? €) Do you think that itis better to be practical or theoretical? 6. Obviously you've got to be honest with AA) | doubt that it would hurt to be honest with me. B) Surely you are not being dishonest with me. C) Of course you must be honest with me. 7. Lwould profer to do something theoretical A It is very likely that | wll do something theoretical B) Something theoretical is what | would rather do. ©) | could possibly do something that is theoretical 8. I can’t make any money doing something theoretical. ‘A) There is only a small chance that | can earn money doing something theoretical B) Perhaps | will not be able to eam any money doing something theoretical C) Its impossible for me fo eam any money doing something theoretical. 9, You must not be so certain, A) Being so certain is not right. B) Perhaps you are not especially certain C) Itis certain that you are not particularly sure. 10. You might have a difficult time finding jobs outside of a university. A) Itis possible that you will experience difficulties finding a non-university job. B) You seem to have had difficulty in finding a job outside of a university. €) You can't possibly find non-university employment. 41. | would rather be unemployed than be an engineer. ‘A) | would sooner not have a job than have one as an engineer. B) The sooner | become an engineer, the sooner | will have a good job. ) itis likely that | will remain unemployed if become an engineer. 12. You mustn't judge all engineers on the basis of just three or four of them, A) It is not necessary to judge all tengingers on the basis of only three or four of them, B) Do not judge every engineer according to only three or four of them. C) It may not be a good idea to judge every engineer according to just three or four of them, 413. You don't have to give me a lecture about stereotyping. A) Itisn’t necessary for you to lecture me concerning stereotyping. B) You needn't have given me a lecture about stereotyping, €) I think that there is no use in giving me a lecture about stereotyping 14, Lused to press random piano keys down to see what sounds might come out. A) Itis my habit to press random piano keys down so that different sounds can come out. B) | got used to pressing down random piano keys so as to See what sounds were possible. C) In the past, | would press down random piano keys in order to see what sounds could occur, 15. You could study acoustics. A) You ought to study acoustics. B) Itis possible for you to study acoustics. C) It may be necessary for you to study acoustics eee- Inmak’s Worries Read the passage below and then circle the choice which has the same meaning as, the given sentence from the dialogue. Pay attention to the meaning of the modal in the context. mak has got into the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Dokuz Eyl University in Izmir, where she has been living for the past two months. She is calling Yeliz on the telephone to talk about her college experience so far. Yeliz: Hello? Irmak: Yeliz, it's me, Irmak. Yeliz: _irmak! How are you? How's school going? You must be enjoying your new freedom! Irmak: | suppose so, though I'm sure | could be enjoying it even more than actually am. Yeliz: What do you mean? Irak: mean that there's so much studying to do! | mean, | know college is for studying, but shouldn't | be enjoying myself more? Isn't this supposed to be the best time of my life or something? Yeliz: Maybe you ought to relax a little bit Irmak: Yeah, maybe. But I'm also starting to think | may have made a mistake in choosing this department. Yeliz: Why's that? Irmak; Because there's almost nothing but math and science, more math, and more science! Nothing about music or even acoustics! Yetiz: Well, what other program could you have decided upon? Irmak: Well, for example, they have a Department of Musicology here, and there's a music technology program in it Yeliz: And what's that program all about? Irmak: Ws about concert and studio techniques and such stuff Yeliz’ Would you have preferred to sign up for that program, then? Irmak: I'm still not really sure, but | guess | should have thought more before choosing. Now 'm really worried that | might be stuck in this department forever. Yeliz: Oh, don't be silly! You know, | changed my major four times in my first two years of college. Inmak: Really? That can't have been a very easy time for you. Yeliz: Actually, it wasn't hard at all. After all, you know, the first years of university are for exploring what really interests you, what you're good al, and what you want to do with yourself. As long as that's what you're doing, then you can't be doing anything wrong at all Irmak: | guess you're right. So, shail | just continue doing what I'm doing, then? Yeliz: Yeah, why not? You may as well. But take my advice and try to be a bit more relaxed and easygoing Irak: Right again. | do have to try to relax and enjoy life a bit more. After all, you only live once, right? Yeliz: Right! 4. You must be enjoying your new freedom. | _B) Its very likely that ! am enjoying A) It is necessary that you enjoy your new eet ver are fender C) Certainly itis possible for me to be B) I'am ceriain that you are enjoying your having even more fun new freedom, C) You seem to be enjoying your new 3. Shouldn't I be enjoying myself more? freedom. A) Aren't | supposed to be having more 2. V'm sure | could be enjoying myself fun? even more. B) Would you advise me to enjoy myself more? C) Shall | have more fun? A) Surely | might have had even more fun.4. Isn't this supposed to be the best time of my life? AN) Should this be the best time of my fe B) Why isn't this the best time of my life? G) Isnt it ikely that this will be the best time of my life? 5. Maybe you ought to relax a little bit. A) Itis possible that you are relaxing a litte. B) You will probably relax a litle bit. €) Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to relax some. 6 I may have made a mistake in choosing this department. A) Itis possible that | made a mistake when | chose this department. B) A mistake must have been made when {chose this department. ) | almost certainly made a mistake when I chose this department. 7. What other program could you have decided upon? ‘A) What other program would it have been better for you to decide on? B) On what other program was it possible for you to decide? 6) On what other program would you rather have decided? 8. Would you have preferred to sign up for that program? ‘A) Would you still like to sign up for that program? B) Is that the program you would rather have signed up for? ) Is it possible for you to sign up for that Program? 9. I should have thought more before choosing. {A) It seems likely that | thought a lot before making the choice. B) Perhaps I thought too much before t made the choice ) Thinking more before making the choice would have been a good idea TES Tie 10. | might be stuck in this department forever. A) | am definitely trapped in this, department forever. B) Perhaps | will be trapped in this department forever. €) | know | will never be able to leave this department. 41. That can’t have been a very easy time for you, A) It might not have been such a difficult time for you B) You shouldn't have gone through such a hard time. C) That must have been a very difficult time for you. 12. You can’t be doing anything wrong. ‘A) You probably aren't doing anything wrong B) You aren't able to do anything wrong C) Itis impossibie that you are doing anything wrong 13, Shall | just continue doing what I'm doing? ‘A) Ought | to simply keep doing what I'm doing? B) Do | need to continue doing what I'm doing? C) Is it possible for me to keep doing what I'm doing? 44, You may as well continue. A) You must have continued B) You should continue anyway. C) iis necessary for you to continue. 15. | have to try to relax. A) Itis necessary that | attempt to relax. B) | might attempt to relax. C) | must have attempted to relax. oaeS Tee 3. Superstitions [a Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer according to the passage. & ‘A superstition is a belief that specific things or behaviours can affect A the future. For example, astrology is a kind of superstition: itis the belief that the positions of stars and planets can influence a person's life and pefsonality. Superstitions are considered irrational because they are not based on empirical science. They are different from religious beliefs, although the people of one religion often con- sider other people's religious beliefs to be superstitious. Superstitions are also distinet from magic because they are generally passive, while magic is generally active Because of the world's many cultures, superstitions are ofien different—or even completely opposite—in different places. For instance, in the US and many European countries, itis bad luck if a black cat crosses your path; in Britain and Japan, however, the same thing is good luck. eed Some superstitions are restricted to very local areas, like the Tampa, Florida belief that seeing an alligator causes athlete's foot. People usually learn their culture's superstitions as children. In fact, ‘some superstitions are taught for practical reasons: spilling milk, for instance, is often said to be bad luck, because this might prevent children from wasting such a precious item by spilling i. Because they are learned when we are children, it can be difficult to get rid of superstitious beliefs, and even very rational people sometimes follow superstitions because they think that itis probably better to be safe than sorry. 41. Itis stated in the passage that 3. It is clear from the passage that superstitions ...... superstitions. A) are similar to religions in many ‘A) should be followed carefully in order to different ways keep out of danger B) have had a strong effect on empirical B) can be adopted by people who are science normally reasonable G) are a specific variety of astrology ) are more common in Florida than in D) can sometimes be very dangerous to the rest of the US believe in ) ought to be taught to children when £) can vary greatly from culture to culture they are very young E) must have originally arisen from religious beliefs 2. According to the passage, black cats | 4. We can conclude from the passage that the things that .... A) can often be found walking along fixed A) we learn at an early age tend to stay paths with us B) are not liked in most parts of the world B) are precious are quite easily spilled C) may sometimes be eaten by alligators €) cause athlete's foot are very often in Tampa, Florida deadly D) represent different ideas in Britain and D) are magical are based on empirical in the US science E) are the most common variety of cat in E) rational people believe are considered many different places safe belimae Try to guess the meaning of the following words from the passage without using ictionary. 1. specific A) particular B) imaginary) rapid Dyjtemriic ——-E) mature 2 influence A) examine —_B) affect C)occupy Dy explode -—_E) succeed 3.distinct A)proud ~—B) derived C) conscious) exhausted E) different A.restricted A) buried BB) elected ——C) suggested) limited ~—_E) migrated 5. practical A) patient‘ B) dangerous) accidental D) useful —_E) endless 6. prevent A) tell B) put C) keep D) set E) drop 7. precious A) noisy B) valuable) careless.) intense -—_—E) simple 8. get rid of A) abandon —_B) reach C) concentrate D) perform —_E) arrive Circle the choice which has the same mear 1g as the given sentence, 1. Superstitions are distinct from magic because they are generally passive, while magic Is generally active. A) Superstitions and magic are extraordinary because, often, they can be both passive and active. B) Usually, superstitions are passive, and it is this that makes them different from magic, which is active, €) Passive superstitions can be similar to active magic, but usually they are very different. 2. Spilling milk is said to be bad luck because this might prevent children from wasting such a precious item by spilling it A) Itis bad luck to spill milk because it can teach children that spilling milk is not wasteful, but a worthwhile activity. B) In order to try to keep children from wasting a valuable item like milk through spilling it, people say that itis bad luck to spill it. ) Children often think that itis bad luck to spill milk, which is valuable, but they should be taught not to waste their time thinking such things. 3. Very rational people sometimes follow superstitions because they think that it is probably better to be safe than sorry. A) tis ikely that the quite reasonable people who follow superstitions believe they are acting safely, but they will regret their actions in the future. B) Some people think that it can be very reasonable to follow superstitions because doing 50 leads to safety, and not to danger. ) People who are quite reasonable think being safe is better than being regretful, and so, at times, they follow superstitions eeeSTi D | In the following passages, find the missing sentence of the passage. 4. The “evil eye” is a common superstitious, belief in many parts of the world. Roughly, this belief states that one person's good luck can turn into bad luck because of other people's onvy. This is sometimes planned by the looker, and sometimes unintentional, but the results are the same. In order to defend against the “evil eye”, many cultures use protective objects of different kinds. A) "To give the evil eye" can sometimes mean "to stare at someone in anger” B) In Roman Catholicism, envy is the sixth of the seven deadly sins €) Its called the “evil eye" because, in many cultures, one person's look’ is, thought fo create the bad luck D) Blue eyes are not found very often in a number of different cultures E) In Turkey, itis called nazar, and derives from the Persian nazar-e shaytan, which means "Satan's glance’ 2. sss: «In East Asia, for instance, “4” is Generally considered unlucky because its pronunciation is the same as the word for “death”. The number "9" is unlucky in Japan because it sounds like “pain”, but lucky in China because it sounds like “enough”. Some people in Christian countries fear “13” because Jesus’ thirteenth disciple, Judas, betrayed him. On a more individual level, many people always choose the ‘same lottery numbers because they beliove that they are lucky. ‘A) The Chinese developed the concept of negative numbers sometime around the year 100 BC B) A number is an abstract thing that represents a count or a measurement €) The number system of the Mayas of Central America used a shell-shaped symbol for the number “0” D) Numerals are the symbols, like “4" or “IV", that are used to represent nunibers E) Different numbers have always had various superstitious beliefs attached {to them around the world em 3. In the West, some people will do almost anything to avoid walking under a ladder, because doing so is thought to bring bad luck. One explanation for this belief comes from medieval times. A ladder against a wall resembled the hangman's platform, and so walking under it might signal one’s own death. Another explanation says that the triangle of a ladder against a wall represented a sacred Christian symbol. . ‘A) Walking under the ladder, then, breaks the symbol, and can call up the Devil B) In the end, though, itis ridiculous to always try'to avoid walking under ladders ) Triangles are classed into six different types: equilateral, isosceles, scalene, right, obtuse, and acute D) Like all of the world’s religions, Christianity makes use of many symbols E) But the ladder might fall down onto a Person, and this could cause a bad injury According to some people, an umbrella should never be opened indoors. If you do 50, it is believed that bad luck might ‘come to everyone in the building. . Opening this item indoors might have been seen as a direct insult to the sun, which most societies considered sacred. Though few people see the sun as sacred now, and umbrellas are more often used against rain, the superstition has remained. A) Itis also believed that a single woman who drops an umbrella will never marry B) But some people always seem to have more bad luck than others C) Opening an umbrella outdoors, however, is often a very sensible thing todo 1) Many people throughout history have worshipped both sun and rain E) This superstition probably comes from the umbrella’s origins as a sunshade5, Because salt was once a very precious and expensive item, a lot of symbolism and superstition has been attached to it. Because of its use as a preservative, it became a symbol of life and the absence of decay. In Europe, however, this was not just considered a waste, but could also bring bad luck. To avoid this, the spiller was supposed to throw the spilt salt over his or her left shoulder, into the face of the Devil. A) The salt that people use at table is ‘composed primarily of sodium chloride B) Salt is necessary for the survival of all living creatures, including human beings ) As it was considered so important, itis not surprising that no one wanted to waste salt by spilling it D) Salt has, at certain times, had a powerful effect on the history of Europe E) There are generally four different stages in the decay of a living organism sentence? 6. In tho United States, bad luck is Supposed to result when you step on a crack in the sidewalk, This belief is associated with a rhyme that children say while they are walking: “Step on a crack, break your mother's back.” In. order to avoid this unfortunate event, American children try not to step on sidewalk cracks. ...... For instance, during World War li, the rhyme was: “Step on a crack, break old Hitler's back,” and this encouraged children to step on cracks even more. A) The original shyme, from more racist times, was: “Step on a crack, and your mother wil urn bisck B) But in certain eras, they intentionally ried to step on all the cracks so as to hurt someone C) Over time, all sidewalks will develop Gracks because of weather and moving soil D) Some children say that the number of cracks that you step on will be the number of your mother's broken bones E) In sidewalks that are made of concrete slabs, the cracks are wide apart and evenly spaced In the following passages, one sentence in each passage doesn't fit well with the other sentences, and this prevents a smooth reading. Can you find the odd 1. (I) In the United States, wishbones are a common tradition at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter dinners. (ll) The general ruie is that the wishbone is saved from the turkey or chicken dinner and then dried overnight. (Ill) The next day, two people use their pinky finger to pull on different ends of the wishbone and snap it while they are making a wish. (IV) The pinky finger is the smallest, and often the weakest, of a person's five fingers. (V) ‘After the bone has broken, the wish of the person with the larger bit is supposed to ‘come true. Ayi By cyill Div eV 2. (I) Because rabbits return in the spring, and spring is a time of fertlty, rabbits have often been considered lucky animals. (Il) Many rabbit species, but not all of them, hibernate during the winter. (if) In Europe for instance, a rabbit running through your yard might mean a good year to have children, or a good year for your garden. (IV) Also, because rabbits are such fast runners, their feet are often used as luck- bringing possessions. (V) Traditionally, the rabbit's stronger back feet have been thought to be especially iucky. Ayi By cyt Baas Sadi pV eV3 TERT {) Although spiders can sometimes be a bother, they have also been considered very lucky, (I) Ancient Egyptians, for example, thought spiders had the power to bring wealth and good fortune. (Il) They also believed that the cat and the dung beetle were sacred animals. (IV) In medieval Europe, people would trap a spider in a walnut shell and wear it around their neck to protect against illness. (V) ‘Among some Muslims, itis bad luck to kill a spider because a spider once helped to hide Muhammad from his enemies. A) Bi Ci «DIV. BV 5. (I) Most modern mirrors consist of a thin layer of aluminum placed onto a sheet of glass. (Hl) There are many beliefs and superstitions that involve mirrors, (il) The most common one, though, is that one should always try to avoid breaking a mirror. (IV) if one does so, seven years of bad luck are said to follow. (V) However, the bad luck can be avoided if one buries all the pieces deep underground, or throws them all into a river. Ay By cyl DIV EV (1) The superstition of the four-leaf clover is believed to originate with the Celtic Gruids. (Il) Apparently, hey thought the plant helped them to see evil spirits, and this made it easier to help people hide from those spirits. (IN) Later, this belief changed a bit, and it was thought that a person who found a four-leaf clover would be able to see fairies. (IV) And so, children would took for fourdeaf clovers and, if they found one, run off to look for fairies in the forests and fields. (V) However, clovers can have more than four leaves, and examples with up to eighteen leaves have been found By C)i DyiV A)! EV “rT 6. (I) Superstitions are very common in the sport of baseball, (ll) Many players and ‘coaches refuse to wash their clothes or bodies when the team is winning, as they think doing so may cause a loss. (Il) Also, some players perform the exact same ritual before every game or play in order to bring good luck. (IV) The great player Wade Boggs, for instance, awoke at the exact same time every game day, and ale fried chicken before every game. (V) Some restaurants have named their fried chicken specials "Wade Boggs’ Fried Chicken’ Ayi By Cyt DIV BV4. Check What You Know Bridges of Tunkey The Sevenan Bridge svar’ The Severan Bridge is located near the ancient cily of Arsameia in (1) ...... is now the Turkish province of Adiyaman. = Originally built in honour of the =, Roman emperor Lucius Septimius Severus in the Srd ‘century BC, the bridge is a “5 120-metre long, 7-metre wide arch bridge (2) ..... the Cendere Gay! creck. It consists of 82 stones, (3)... of which weighs approximately 10 fons. There were once four columns at the bridge's comers—dedicated to the emperor, his wife, and their two sons—but one of the columns was removed when one of the sons had (4) ...... son murdered. The bridge was restored in 1997 and is still in use today; however, only vehicles (5) ..... 5 tons are allowed fo cross it 1 A) that B) which C) how D) what E) where 2 A) having crossed B) to have crossed ©) crossing D) being crossed B} to be crossing 3 A) each B) all ©) some D) every E) many 4 A) another's B) the other C) others D) other E) the others, 5 A) down with B) up to C)inon D) off of E) out for Malabadi Bridge In southeastern Turkey, (6) ..... Silvan in Diyarbakir province and Talvan in Bitlis province, lies the ancient Malabadi |, Bridge. An arch bridge that spans the Batman River, it was constructed around AD 1146 by ‘Timurtag of Mardin, leader of the Artuk beylik. The bridge underwent restoration late in the 12th century, and then (7) ..... at the beginning of the 20th century. It was once the only bridge across the river in this area, and was in continuous use (8) ..... the 1950s, when a new bridge was opened upstream, The bridge is 150 metres long, 7 metres wide, and 19 metres high. Its central span is a pointed arch high over (9) ...... part of the river. The western support of the bridge is decorated with two carved figures. One of (10)... is standing and one sitting 6. A) along B) among ©) trom D) about E) between 7. A) again B) ever €) such D) yet E) already 8 A) between B) for C) uni D) since E) within 9. A) too deep B) the deepest C) as deep as D) deeper E) so deep 10. A) whom B) which C) them D) that E) theirsTI The Galara Bridges The first non-military bridge across Istanbul's Golden Horn was officially opened by Sultan Mahmud ton 3 September 1836. This bridge was built some distance from the waterway’s mouth ‘and was known as the Hayratiye at first, but only 9 years later its name became Gisr-i Atik, or "Old Bridge", {0 distinguish it (14)... the "New Bridge’—Cisr-i Cedid—constructed at the mouth of the Golden Hom. The Cisr-i Cedid, however, was a toll bridge, (12) the Cisr-i Atik. In 1875, a third bridge was constructed by the British firm G. Wells and was used for 37 years before it was pulled upstream (13)... the now genuinely old Cisr-i Atik. In this third bridge's place, the German firm MAN AG built a fourth bridge that lasted to 1992, in which year it was towed up the Golden Horn (14) ...... make, way for the current bridge, This fith and final bridge, completed by the Turkish firm STFA in December 1994, (15) ..... ram tracks added to it recently. n. A) from B) through €) between Dyat E) upon 12, A) unlike B) same ) different D) like E) alike 13, ‘A) to have replaced B) to be replaced C) being replaced D) to replace E) replace 14, A) wherever B) therefore €) due to D) in order that E) to 45. AA) is having B) will have C) has had D) had had E) would have ora limit Bay Bridge The lzmit Bay Bridge is a sg suspension bridge planned lo cross the Sea of Marmara al a point approximately 50 kilometres east of Istanbul. If = it were completed today, it (16) ..... the second longest suspension bridge in the world with a main span of 1,688 metres, beaten onl by the 1,991-metre Akashi- Kaikyo Bridge in south-central Japan. The bridge has had a troubled history, (17) ..... it was originally planned by a French firm, but the Turkish government cancelled these plans in 2001 (18)....... poliical reasons. But now it the bridge (20) ..... after all: looks (19) in early 2006, it was announced that onstruction of the bridge would be going ahead soon, 16, A) had been B) has been ) would be D) will be E) would have been 7. A) therefore B) yet C) accordingly D) though E) despite 18. A) around B) for C)to D) beside E) within 19. A) as if B) during ©) however D) like E) so that 20. A) will have built B) may be built ) should have built D) was able to be built E) is supposed to buildThe Bosphorus Bridge ‘The decision to build a bridge (24) ..... the Bosphorus was made in 1957 by then-Prime Minister Adnan Menderes. Actual construction, however, only began in 1970, and was completed three years later at a cost of $200 milion. At the opening ceremony, the ‘American comedian Danny Kaye—dressed as a clown—marched across the bridge with a {group of Turkish children following him. (22) .... @ huge crowd of people started to run after them, the bridge began (23)....... and the crowd had to be held back in order to avoid (24) ...... damage. The Bosphorus Bridge is a suspension bridge 1,510 metres long, 39 metres wide, and 169 metres high. The bridge's roadway is 64 metres (25) sea level. At full capacity, the bridge sags down about 90 centimetres in the middle of its span. 2 ‘A) among B) between ©) towards D) through E) over 22. A) Whereas C) Unless B) Despite D) For E)As 23, A) having been vibrated B) to have vibrated C) vibrate D) vibrating E) to be vibrating 24. A) any c) no B) many D) sucha E) most of 25. Ayat ©) above B) to D) up ) with, a ELSXDS Farih Sultan Mehmet Bridge ‘The second bridge across the Bosphorus, the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, was designed by (26) ...... British company—Freeman Fox & Partners—that (27) ...... the Bosphorus Bridge 15 years before. There is also (28) difference in the dimensions of the two bridges: (29) .... are 1,510 metres fong, 39 metres wide, and 169 metres high. Also, the two bridges have an identical clearance from sea level: 64 metres. This was done to allow passage to the aircraft carrier Enterprise and the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth I, which are the two tallest ships afloat. At $130 milion, the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge was significantly (30) ...... he Bosphorus Bridge Construction was completed on 3 July 1988, 26. A) a different B) the same ©) whole D) alike E)a similar 2. A) has built B) would build ) was built D) had been built, E) had built 28. A) any B) some ¢) much D) no E) more 29. A) each B) both C) all D) whole, E) every 30. AA) cheaper than B) as cheap as C) so cheap that D) the cheapest ) such a cheapTEST 5- LEARN THESE PHRASAL VERBS Al] Complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs in the box below. Pay attention | to the verb form. 4. catch up with: reach the same level or quality as sb or sth else 2. cut out omit; eliminate 3. get over: recover from or overcome an illness or dificult situation 4. give up: uit; stop 5. make up: say or writé sth that is not true; invent 6. pass away: die T. put away: return sth to its proper place 8. put on: get dressed; wear 9. begin an activity or hobby 4 tost; use experimentally 1. Randolph has decided to Sugar from his diel, as he is convinced that it is the cause of his recent weight gain and rising blood pressure, 2. Not long after her grandmother . Melissa realized that she had never told her how much she loved her. 3. Because Maynard was never able to the other students, possibly owing to his many years of homeschooling, he began to doubt his intelligence. 4, When Patricia was asked why she had nat come to work the day before, she some story about how she had had to take her dying cat to the veterinarian, 5. After a number of different instruments and devices had failed to get the stuck cork out of the wine bottle, Jeremy thought a hammer might be worth 6. Annette has been trying for several months to ‘smoking, bui each one of her attempts has ended in miserable failure, 7. Roderick, preparing for the costume party, a lavender-coloured toga and ‘a mask that strongly resembled the face of Socrates. 8. It took several weeks for Priscilla to .. cece the awful flu virus that she ‘contracted while visiting her cousin in New York City. 9. Unfortunately, Edwin managed to break three of our fine porcelain dinner plates while he was attempting to them 10. As Stephanie is unsatisfied with her progress on the violin, and never much liked the instrument anyway, she is thinking of the cello instead Replace the italicized phrasal verbs with a verb from the list. Pay attention to the verb form begin die invent omit overcome quit test wear 4. Irish author James Joyce gid not completely make up ( ) the story of his novel Ulysses, but rather based it ioosely on Homer's Odyssey. 2. Aer thiry days of eating nothing but McDonald's fast food, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock was advised by doctors to give up ( ) the diet because he was beginning to suffer catastrophic liver damage. 3. Jazz singer Billie Holiday passed away ( ) on 17 July 1959, while she Was under house arrest in a hospital for possession of heroin 4. We tried out ( } a number of different soll types before we were able to find the one that enabled our potted tomatoes to flourish. 5, Because I have been feeling as if most of my spare time recently has been going to waste, Thave taken up ( ) writing haiku poems 6, Trumpeter Chet Baker never managed to get over ( ) his addiction to heroin, and his intially promising career suffered as a result. 7. For his appearance al the opening of the London surrealism exhibition of 1936, the Catatan painter Salvador Dali put on ( ) a full deep-sea diving suit 8, Iwas not until he finally eut ( } representation out in his art of the mid- 1940s and afterwards that Jackson Pollock found his style as a painter.Ren 10. ee ER Te Complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs in the box below. Pay attention to the verb form. 4. come up with: think of an idea, plan, suggestion, ete. 2. count on: rely on; trust 2 3. fill out: complete a form 4. go throug! experience sth difficult 5. hang up: tend a telephone conversation 6. fot down: disappoint 7. pull down: destroy or demolish a building 8. set up: ‘assemble; construct; erect 8. sort out: solve or fix a problem 10. think over: consider carefully Itis highly doubiful that we can Dwayne, judging from how often he has failed to complete his projects satisfactorily in the past. | was just about to inform Michelle that | had changed my mind concerning where the two of us ought to meet, and then she... Excuse me, Mr. Doré, but | wonder if you would mind just soon this medical history sheet before you go in to see the doctor. ‘As Dana seems to be having a hard time some of her personal problems these days, perhaps we should all get together and see if we can help her I've been trying to think of what subject to write about for Professor Parker's English 201 class, but | just haven't been able to anything good. Todd proposed to Rachel in a most passionate manner, but she nevertheless said that she ‘would like a couple of Weeks t0 ....... it Gottfried is ssn. 8 feally tough period these days, because of the loss of his job and his wife and his house and the majority of his friends. Itwas really too bad that Kara Ken by calling off their date, but she simply had to get her essay finished. The city council has unfortunately decided that it would be in the best interests of the city to the historic Terwiliger Plaza Because Darren proved incapable of ....... their new stereo system by himsetf, his girfriend Heather had to do it for Replace the italicized phrasal verbs with a verb from the list. Pay attention to the verb form. assemble complete consider demolish disappoint experience solve trust ‘The manager has assured me that she is going to be thinking over ( ) my idea while she is vacationing in Cozumel next week. When | was a child, | used to take great delight in setting up (. ) elaborate structures made of cards and then destroying them with a single breath. Having to go through (. her parents’ divorce at the age of only six had a very powerful effect on Cathleen’s personality Chuck felt really fet down ( }) when, after she had already agreed to sell their house, his wife Kelly changed her mind and decided that they shouldn't. Because I've always felt that | could count on (. ) Samantha no matter whai, it was a terrible revelation when she stabbed me in the back. My heart sank when I returned to my childhood home after 20 years, only to find that it had been pulled down ( 5) to make room for a freeway. It shouldn't have been so hard for me to sort out ( ) all the complicated figures on my income tax returns, as I'd done it dozens of times before. Once | had filled out ( ) all the bureaucratic papers necessary for me to receive my diploma, | took it and lef the building for the rest of my Ife. Bi ceases Siaciss|. The actor Kevin Spacey was .. TEST YOUR VOCABULARY Saoirse told me that she believed that the ...... of any society must be based on freedom of speech for all. A) destruction B) decision €) consumer D) fragment E) foundation One day in Paris, Charlie Chaplin rushed into a toilet, and was pursued by adoring fans who proceeded to .. it. A) conclude B) abolish €) delight D) demolish E) voyage . Many people ...... Trevor to be sensible and careful, but | think he’s a bit foolish. A) consider B) choose C) wonder D) decide E) approve from military school for throwing a tire at a classmate’s head. A) erected B) subtracted C) expelled D) reduced E) dwelled Quigley is much like his mother in only one ......—his character. A) situation B) exception C) state D) appearance E) aspect In 1733, a Virginian physician ate a tomato to .. fears that they were poisonous A) eliminate 8) contaminate €) cooperate D) dominate E) fascinate ne. 7. You shouldn't have got Fechin ...... in ‘the project, as he always causes more problems than he solves. A) denied B) involved, C) exhausted D) adopted E) controlled 8. In 1896, a woolly mammoth was found in Siberia, and Czar Nicholas It. steaks from the creature, A) dined C) sliced B) murdered D) baked E) burnt 9. Douglas had got such a ...... beating that it left him black and biue all over. A) colourful B) narrative C) ruthless D) merciful E) worthless. 10. Anthony Burgess’s novel Mozart and the Wolf Gang is ...... according to the sound and rhythm of Mozart's music. A) compared ) intended B) designed D) inflated E) influenced 11. Carrick is the lead guitarist in the rock band Vindictive Anguish, and is ...... for smashing up hotel rooms on tour. A) cautious ©) obvious ) nervous B) envious D) notorious 12, liker Yilmaz entered Guinness World Records with the amazing ...... of squirting milk from his eye to a distance of 279.5 cm. A) feat C) usage B) fortune D) chore E) programme13, 14, 15, 16. 7. 18, 19. Kelvin and his navigate their b river. managed to boldly along the narrow A) view B) crew C) process D) direction E) screw Graham Rawle is a cartoonist who .... consonants from sentences for comedic purposes. A) relies €) belongs E) omits B) purchases D) senses Casey wasn't ...... by the unhappy crowd, and continued to play a Serdar Ortag song on the musical saw. A) referred C) deterred B) promoted D) expressed E) shortened Archaeologists have ...... that Jhelum, in Pakistan, was originally named after Alexander the Great’s horse Bucephalus. A) laboured B) obtained C) emerged D) uncovered E) enclosed I was pleasantly surprised to see that the tulips Aileen planted have really ++. Out here on the balcony. A) flourished C) banished B) nourished D) polished E) vanished The painter David Hockney often ... fect in his paintings because he doesn't like painting them. A) exposes C) reveals B) conceals D) portrays, E) expects Ihave ...... Seen someone with such a fine head of red hair as Kelly. A) soon B) simply C) variably D) doubifully E) seldom 20. 2 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. TES Tie On his return to Russia, director Serg Eisenstein was a/an......, as they sai the Hollywood system had ruined him. A) rubbish €) outcast B) forecast D) corpse E) export It was the fifth time that Quincy had ... the bell, and it appeared that nobody was home, A) pressed B) annoyed C) buttoned D) switched E) chopped ‘South Africa banned the children's tale Black Beauty, ...... because the racist, regime didn't like the words “black” and “beauty” together. A) acceptably B) barely €) thoroughly D) extremely E) presumably Colleen could have ...... to buy the motorbike, but it had been damaged in an accident, so she didn't. A) valued B) repaired ) atforded D) consumed E) appealed Sometimes, football ...... ask silly things like, “What'll you do when you leave football—will you stay in football?” A) directors ) conductors E) cookers B) commentators, D) sneakers Fiona is a natural blonde, so she’s had to ..... lots of prejudice in her job, where people assume she’s stupid, A) undergo C) provide B) assign D) refuse E) perceive In 1950s" TV commercials, Superman viewers that Special K cereal was an important part of any breakfast. ‘A) measured B) replaced ©) applauded D) assured E) inspected ee27. 28, 29. 30. a. 32, 33, ae Brian started to ...... from a bad cramp as they were walking up the steep hill. A) suffer ) offend B) concern D) injure E) experience Rock group Franz Ferdinand were fined $200 and nearly ...... entry to New Zealand when X-ray machines found an ‘orange in their luggage. A) denied B) sealed €) examined D) rejected E) analyzed Dana called on the judge to ...... her sentence because she had only stolen the bread out of hunger. A) punctuate C) try B) punish D) prove E) lessen Some critics make ...... between the works of Charles Dickens and John Irving because of their novels’ detailed character development. A) illustrations C) gaps B) parallels D) notions E) differences Ardal had alan ...... quarrel with Musty about who would do the dishes. A) excited C) careful B) annual D) furious E) perfect Ina recent multi-faith fesitival in Hatay, the “a”, “t”, and “y” of the province's name were... by the Star of David, the Cross, and the Crescent. A) worshipped €) invented B) represented D) developed E) attempted (Our new boss Niall wants more efficiency in the workplace, so all. will be mechanized from now on. ‘A) accomodation —_—_—B) qualification. C) conversation D) legalization ) production ea 34, 36, 36. 37. 38. 39, Itis still quite .... that, in 1839, the British government went to war to force the Chinese to grow opium. A) controversial ©) ordinary E) violent B) intense ) distinct Sile is from the ancient Malaprop family, and their family ...... is “A man and his monkey are soon parted”. A) analys B) speech C) reward D) motto E) metaphor Klaus Kinski spent much of his time during World War Il in the conditions of a British prisoner-of-war camp, where he learned how to act. A) shy B) complete ¢) harsh D) pleasant E) abundant Blaine is always making up methods to lose weight, and this week, he is only eating foods that begin with the letter Q. A) fastened €) dense B) edible D) elaborate E) profound Ancient Romans considered the quince a symbol of love, and ...... in the practice of giving them to their lovers to show their faithfulness. A) arranged B) bandaged C) staged D) enraged E) engaged Dougall was worried about sailing at night in dark water, and decided to go instead. A) ashore €) almost E) above B) about D) aside40. a. 42. 43. 44, 45. Edward Lear was famous for his nonsense poetry which didn’t seem to have any ...... meaning A) sensitive B) gradual ) rational D) illogical E) confusing Aisling believes that talking about her dreams is... and helps to solve her problems. A) loyal B) imaginary ) hollow D) visible E) boneficial Have you .. you received from the Smiths? ‘A) communicated —_B) specified ©) recalled D) responded E) visited Driscol ...... in her translation because the foreign ambassador had said many insulting things. A) imitated ¢) renewed B) hesitated D) indicated E) continued ‘Some icebergs have been given sails, made into ...... yachts, and piloted from Antarctica to Chile and Peru. AA) fluid B) crude ) abstract D) stationary E) impolite ‘Sinéad is a very ...... person, and is able to handle almost any task you give her. A) capable C) honest B) delicate D) traditional E) extreme 46. Evel Knievel crashed while jumping the Caesar's Palace fountains, and injuries to his hip, wrist, and ankles. A) entertained ©) echoed B) sustained D) regained E) vibrated 47. | don't think it was very wise of Dallas to ...... orange and purple paint for the living room. A) slip B) pour c) run D) rip E) pick 48. Caesar may not have known about the . to kill him, but he definitely knew that something was wrong. A) plot B) diagram ©) secret D) figure E) case 49, Unfortunately, Ena’s wool sweater ..... in the wash because the water had been too hot. A) warmed B) bent C) dented D) shrunk E) filled 50. Doga is now seven months old, and she really enjoys ...... around the room and investigating everything. B) scattering D) sulkina E) conceiving AA) dreaming ©) crawling eeeThey didn’ The «.. . The metro is more YDS - VOCABULARY |. The clothes shop over there is closing down today, so it only has a few... left for sale. A) points B) articles ) accounts D) gains E) abilities As soon as Natalie saw the police at her doorstep, she ...... thought that something had happened to her son. B) relatively D) finally E) immediately A) previously C) entirely .. Theodore’s credit card at the hotel, so he had to pay for his room in cash. A) accept B) borow ©) invest D) spend E) announce between the United States and Russia over the Bering Strait is. only 40 kilometres. B) region A) scale D) distance C) height E) location than the bus, because the bus is often late, but the metro rarely is. A) reliable B) casual €) actual D) proper E) sincere, . The Black Sea's ....... temperature changes throughout the year, but the temperature in its depths is constant. B) summit A) slope D) status ) surface E) service My copy of the novel Les Misérables also ....... some essays by the author on history, politics, and religion. aT 10. "1 12, 13 A) consists, B) adds C) varies D) includes E) struggles Emin ...... a better reward than 50 kurug for returning a purse that had 450 lira in it A) disappointed B) deserved ©) attended D) followed E) compared Christopher his leg when he fell down the stairs in a department store. A) rejected ©) hurt B) destroyed D) wound E) dropped We thought that the performance of A Doll's House was really bad, but the rest of the........ enjoyed it very much. A) criticism B) opinion €) neighbour D) support E) audience Tationne has ........ me 70 euros for my mobile phone, but I don’t plan to sell it. A) received ) exchanged E) offered B) afforded D) wasted Demet knows the match will be hard, but she is....... that her team will win. A) doubtful B) confident C) predictable D) surprised E) enjoyed Jung Chang's bestseller Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China explores a Chinese family over three different u—Chang’s own grandmother, her ‘mother, and herself. A) decisions B) effects C) generations, D) complications, E) connections14. 15, 16. 7. 18, 19, 20. Although Oprah Winfrey was born poor, she is now extremely wu. aS she is worth 1.4 billion dollars. A) wealthy B) costly C) expensive D) infamous E) conceited This furniture won't ...... our living room, so let's look in some other shops for some different models. B) admit D) interpret ‘A) oppose ©) demand E) suit Alpay found the film Titanic to be very .. and so he cried at the end of i A) dangerous ©) annoying B) classical D) moving E) offensive Sharks ....... in size from the 50- centimetre-long Etmopterus hillianus to the 9-metre-long whale shark. B) inhabit D) rate E) resemble A) range €) confuse The ...... of a meteor on Earth 65 million years ago created a crater 180 kilometres wide, and probably caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. A) discovery €) violence E) impact B) effort D) collapse ‘Aydan is more popular than you because she........ people with more respect than you do. A) behaves ©) gossips E) returns B) treats D) deals We don’t do much speaking in our ‘Spanish class because the ....... of the lessons is on reading and grammar. at 22, 23, 24, 25. 26. ‘A) movement B) separation C) condition D) emphasis ) occasion Aysegiil...... the paintings of the 16th- century artist Titian, so she went to Italy just to see some of them. A) achieves: C) assists B) affects D) admires: ) amazes These days, rich for more money in China because of its fast-growing economy. ‘A) competing B) informing ©) investing D) abandoning ) requiring I can’t come over to your house because | have to ...... the family's dinner before my wife comes home. A) expect C) release B) consume D) encourage E) prepare The corner shop's in big trouble because it hasn't managed to sell any of its ...... this week A) goods B) actions C) desires D) beliefs E) details Global warming continues to change our planet's ...... in mostly negative ways. A) treatment B) disaster C) environment D) prevention E) necessity The United States of America was .. only a union of 13 states, but now it is a union of 50. A) variously B) originally C) especially D) instantly E) relatively27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. ma sES Tae | didn't... Simon when he came into the shop because he had cut his long hair and shaved off his beard. A) instruct ©) deceive E) witness B) recognize D) suppose The ....... for Graham Greene's novel The Heart of the Matter is British- controlled West Africa in World War Two. A) signing B) meaning ©) telling D) setting E) feeting Maria is ....... that you liked her poem, as she respects your opinion a lot. A) faithful C) pleased B) cautious D) selfish E) successful Jia is going to... her cousin in Hong Kong after she has finished her exams this summer. A)visit ©) claim B) travel D) link E) argue Surprisingly perhaps, the ...... of the people of Manchuria today are not Manchus. A) population ) function E) tradition B) majority D) collection Because Adam didn't have a map of the area, he ....... the road signs in ‘order to get to Sacramento. A) struck B) interested C) ignored D) questioned E) followed I don't care that you broke the soap dish in the bathroom—it really doesn’t . very much. B) mind D) regard A) irritate €) commit E) matter, “ae 34. 35. 37. 38. 39, 40. ‘Owen may not be in his in office, but he is ...... in the building, because I ‘saw him come in and | know that he hasn't left. A) possibly B) suddenly ©) eventually D) certainly E) probably Four of the ten biggest countries on earth are on the ..n.. of Asia. A) continent B) portion C) state D) size E) length and she’s ‘even coming home from the hospital tomorrow. A) proud C) successful E) delicate B) essential D) authentic The philosopher Seren Kierkegaard decided not to marry, but instead stayed ....... for the whole of his life. A) widowed B) divorced C) single D) separated E) deceased Onur ...... to buy Tiilin a new mobile phone from Dubai, but he either forgot to do so, or didn’t want to, A) promised ) hurried B) altered D) refused E) borrowed Itis ....... raining outside, so you don’t need to take an umbrella with you AA) reluctantly C) easily B) hardly D) narrowly E) brightly | un a letter to Nazi in Rize two days ago, but it might not have arrived yet. A) invented C) decided E) gave B) wamed ‘D) sentfi a 4. 5. TEST YOUR PREPOSITION I should get home sometime ...... 7 and 8, although | might be a bit late if the meeting goes ...... longer than expected. A) between J on B) around / off C} among / to D) through / at E) about / with Zen Buddhist legend states that the monk Bodhidharma used a single reed to travel ...... the wide Yangzi River northern China. A)on / without B) over / with €) across / into D) through / at ) towards / among This afternoon, | saw a man running wildly ...... the street and screaming something ...... how the devil was trying to steal his soul. A) over / at B) among / to ©) from / within D) up / for E) down / about The 1987 film Ishtar went significantly initial budget, and so, when it made hardly any money after release, it quickly became known ...... one of the biggest flops in cinematic history. A) about / for B) over /as €) into / among D) from / with E) by /since Jamie is highly disappointed . rice that he made ...... dinner tonight, and has vowed to do better next time. A) in J among B) on / trom C) to through Dj at/by E) with /for In 1979, American musician Bob Dylan converted ...... Christianity and, according ...... a number of critics, his music suffered as a result. “Ato / to €) at / through E) into / on B) by / with D) from / for 7, 10, 1. 12. My stay ...... the terrible Guttersnipe Hotel was made even worse by the numerous cockroaches | found crawling ...... my room. A) through / to B) in / for C) among / between D) with / from E) atfaround the word “Turk” is not ‘and indeed it remains this day. The origin at all certai hotly disputed .. A) at / for B) in / by ©) from J with D) of to E) on / since An 18-wheeler truck got stuck ...... the bridge this afternoon, causing traffic to. back nearly three hours while they tried to free it A) about / with B) under / for €) towards /upon _D) between / since E) up / along Using “they” as a singular pronoun 2 person of unknown gender is perfectly correct and has been common ...... the 14th century. A) for J since B) by / around ) about / with D) from J to E) at / during The gigantic Rottweiler leapt suddenly ... the bush and came down on top of a tiny sparrow, crushing it ..... death. A) through / for B) above / with €)from/ towards ——_D) over / to E) down / at The Bay of Fundy, located ...... the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, is especially notable wom having the highest tides in the A) in / along B) between / for €) about / by D) before / with ) among / from eee.Se ELS-YDS Martin noticed that the essay he had handed ...... to the professor two weeks ago was still lying, untouched, .. the professor's desk 13, A) from / with ©) inf on B) over /to D) upon /at E) for / by 14, Although Cervantes is justly famous account ...... his masterpiece, Don Quixote de la iancha, his Novelas Ejemplares are also excellent. A) on...of B) in...for ) for._:with D) by...over E) at...upon 3... the entire three hours of the ballet, Jirm had to struggle heroically to stop himself ...... failing asleep. A) For / towards B) During / by €) Throughout / from B) Since J with ) About / out 16. Archaeological remains of ferrets that date ...... 1500 BC have been found, suggesting that the animal was domesticated at roughly the same time . the cat, A) from / by B) to/ as C) since / during D) around / with E) for / about 17. Aman ...... knee-length blond hair ‘suddenly sat up in his chair, was awakened ...... the sound of the fire engine outs A)in/ at B) from /10 C)} for | from D) with / by E) to / with 18. Though the tales in The Book of Dede Korkut are supposedly ...... a group of Muslim warriors, itis clear that this religious aspect was only later added the original stories. A) for / at B)in/ from ) about / onto D) through J by ) with / among 19. Our cat would rather lie hidden deep . the tall grass of our backyard than <2 the fine marble fireplace in our iiving room 20. 24. 22, 23. 25. ‘A) among / to B) inside / beside ) from / throughout D) between / alongside E) towards / within The phaeton, a fast and dangerous 19th-century'carriage, was named the Greek mythological character Phaéton, who disastrously piloted the sun god's chariot ...... one day. ‘A) upon / during B) to/ since C) under / from D) after / for ) through / along We could tell ..... the sound, even though we couid not see it, that somewhere ...... the clouds a jet was fying. A) about / at B) to / through C) withibeneath D) from / above E) in / beside Lazistan was a region of the Ottoman Empire located ...... the Black Sea’s southeastern shore and consisting . the modern-day provinces of Rize and Artvi A) for / by €) oniof B) at / from D) with / in E) into / upon Zachary borrowed an ivory guitar pick us Yngwie nearly two months ago, and he still hasn't given i A) to / for C) by /out B) from / back D) about / up E) with / off the Gallipoli campaign of 1915, - 130,000 soldiers lost their lives. A) With famong ——_B) Since / through ©) At/ between D) For / under E) During / over The city council should soon be authorizing the construct tree-lined bicycle path riverside. A) for with ©) by / of B) at / among D) of / along E) into / with26. 27, 28. san 29. 30. a. 32. Lizzie Borden, an unmarried 30-year- old from Massachusetts, was found innocent ...... killing her father and stepmother ...... an axe. A) for / around C) between / over E) of / with B) through / by D) from/to The moment | saw the alligator climbing slowly ...... the muddy waters of the river, Iran ...... swiftly. A) offof through B) up to over ©) down to beneath) out of / away E) inside of / from October 1998, Hurricane Mitch devastated the Central American country ...... Honduras, killing more than 5000 people and making 1.5 million homeless. A) InJof ©) During sto E) For by B) On f with D) At/ from While he was driving ...... the road to Santa Fe, Terence noticed something in the sky that looked exactly ...... an unidentified flying object. A) onto / upon B) down / as C) beside / after D) up / for E) along / like Mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship ...... two organisms that is beneficial ...... both of the organisms involved. A) among / by B) between / 10 C) from / within D) for / at ) about / through Iwill be on holiday ...... 7 July August, so please do not attempt to contact me then. A) with / by €) from / to E) to / for B) between / with D) around / from Ersin believes that the Hagia Sophia museum should be turned .....- ...... 8 house of worship for both Christians and Muslims. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. B) back | into D) over / with E) around / by A) on /as C) in / for .». the accidentally insulting speech ihe made ...... his friend's wedding reception, Trevor has been fesling extremely embarrassed. A) Throughout / with ) Over / up E) Sincelat B) During / in D) For/among A language isolate is a natural language that, ...... the time being, has no definite, proven relations! any other natural language. AA) for / with B) as / onto C) by/ to D) during J at ) from / into The television was left ...... all night long because Homer had fallen asleep «swe. his favourite leather armchair While watching it. A) out / at C) by/to B) off / for D) on Jin E) up / from Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, then a major general, served Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan .. the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. A) around / at C) under / during B) for / since D) alongside / onto E) with / out After | had sat nearly half an hour in traffic ...... moving an inch, | started to think that going to work . not be the best idea. . bus might A) since / for B) through / on ) during / with D) from in E) without / by In Japan any cultural property, including skilled artisans and artists, can be defined ...... a “national treasure” and thus worthy preservation. A) to/ during B) with / from ©) at/ around D) for since E) as /of eeeTERT It took ages ...... Lisa to forgive Peter . accidentally smashing to pieces her favorite framed photograph of her pet dog, Theophrastus. 39, A) toto B) for for C)as sas D) with / with E)in/in 40. Denver, Colorado, lies ...... an official clevation of 1,609 metres—or exactly ‘one mile—...... sea level, hence its nickname, ‘‘the Mile-High City”. A) in/ through B) on / towards C) at! above D) as / along E) with / from 41. Ophelia became tremendously mad her husband, Edgar because he had failed to look ...... her houseplants while she was on a business trip. A) towards / over B) with /from ) on / through D) at/after E) before / away 42. While playing ...... the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1980 NBA Finals, Julius Erving—also known ...... "Dr. J”— performed possibly the greatest shot in basketball history. A) against / as B) for / since C) with / among D) on / through E) between / upon 43. Quentin and Jimmy's quarrel ...... one another ...... whose turn it was to take out the garbage turned violent when Quentin kicked Jimmy hard in the stomach. A) between / beside ©) withlover B) at / from D) into / against E) among / for |. ses lOVEFS of modern American poetry, William Carlos Williams is generally considered someone whose skilled use of colloquial language was far ahead its time. A) Among / of ¢) With / towards E) At/ from ca aad B) Between / at D) To /as 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50, Because he was unsuccessful ...... his attempts to start his own business, Gil decided he had better just give ..... and return to his job at the post office. A) for / out ©) on J from E) in/up B) at / off D) against / in The great Ottoman-era Armenian composer Tatyos Efendi is thought to have written many of his compositions while ...... the influence ...... alcohol. A) into Jon B) under / of C) upon / for D) between / with E) towards / from Virginia's mom told her that she must never accuse anyone inything unless there was some evidence or proof ...... her support. B) with / up D) to/ for E) by / down A) at from C)ot/in The Twilight Zone was a late 1950s and early 1960s American television series that hid its harsh social criticism its science fiction format, and became ahit...... the process. A) about / to B) within / in ) throughifrom D) under / upon E) beside / with ‘As soon as she turned ...... the living room light, Annette came ...... the realization that she should not have allowed her 14-year-old son to have a party that night. AA) through / over ) into / across E) on /to B) off / about D) for down Standardized tests have been criticized cove Many things, such as their cultural bias, their tendency to make teachers concentrate only....... teaching the test, and their general inaccuracy. A) at / with B) about / to C)during/ since) for/on E) against / besideELS 2006-2007/3 ANSWER KEY 41. lrmak’s Dilemma (pg.2) 10 2A 38 48 SABC 7A BC 9C 1A A 128 194 140 158 2. tmak’s Worries (pa.4) 1B 26 JA 4A 56 6A 76 88 9C 1B 1. 120 1A 148 1A 43. Superstitions (p9.6) AY1E 20 3B 4A B)IA 28 36 40 50 60 78 8A o)15 28 3c DIC 2E 3A 4E 50 6B E}1D 26 30 4E 5A GE 4. Check What You Know (pg.t1) 10 20 3A 48 58 GE TA BC 98 100 1A 124 13D 146 15C 16C 17.0 188 19A 208 24E 22E 22D 2A 25C 268 27E 28D 298 WA 5. Leam These Phrasal Verbs (pg.14) A. A.cul out 2passed away 3.catch up with 4made up Strying out 6.give up 7.puton aget over S.put away 10.iaking up B. Linvent 2quit 3ied tested Sbegun G.overcome 7.wore B.omited ©: f.count on 2.hung up 3.fling out 4.soring out S.come up with 6.think...aver 7.going through let down 9.pull dawn 10.setting up D. t.considering 2assembling S.experience 4.cisappointed 6.demolisned 7.solve S.completed ELs 2006/7 TEST YOURSELF 4 LE 2C 3B 4A 5D 6A 7.C &D %B 10E ULC 128 12E 14.D 15.A 16.C 17A 18D 19.E 20.8 U.A WA 3.D 24.E %C 26B 27C 28.A 2%D 304 31D 32D 332A 3M.B 38C 36.6 37D 38.E 3%E 40. 41.B 42.C 4.E 44A 45D 46.4 47.C 48.B 49.B 50.D SIE 52B $3.D 54C 55.C 56.D S72A 58.A 5%.C 60. 61.D 6A 63.B 64E 65.A 66.E 67D 68. C 69.D 70.4 NLA 2E B.C 74D 7B 16E 77.D 78.D 79.B 80. 81.B 82.A 83.C 84..B 85.E 86D 87. A 88D 8%.C 90E [ELS 2006/7 TEST YOURSELF 2 — LE BRS kee Th = hi 5h13 A 6. 7a a) Ce 0 eee age) B 16.C 17-A 18%E 19D 200A B B UB 1A 13.D 14.C 21.B 2.C 2.A 24E 2.0 BA I.E 31D 32B 33.C 340 35.5 37.A 3A 39C 40.0 41.B 42.8 A 44.6 45.C 46D 47.E 483A 49.8 50.5 SIs Ge S2rAy e530DEeS4aC) S7.E 58 B 596 60.C 61.B 62.C 63.A 64E 65. 67.8 68D 69.B 70.4 TIE 2A 3 Cag 4c B eu TonD) 65ELS 2008/7 TEST YOUR VOCABULARY LE 2D 3A 4C 5E 6A 7B BA 9, 08 | HD 1A 1B WE 15.C 16D IFA 1B 19. 20. C 2.A 228 23.C 24B 25.A 26D 27.A 2A 2B 30.8 31.D 32.B 33.6 34A 35,D 36.C 37D BRE 32 A 40. 41.E 42.D 43.B 44.B 45.4 46.8 A 49.D 50. C ELS 2008/7 YDS-VOCABULARY = 1B LE 3A 4D SA 6C 7D 8B %C 10E ULE I2B 13C 1A 186 16D 172A IRE 19.8 20.D 2.D 22.C 236 24A 25.C 26B 27.B 28D 2%.C 30A 31.B 328 32E 34.D 382A 36.C 37C 382A 39.8 40.0 [ELS 2006/7 ‘TEST YOUR PREPOSITIONS ae e epee 21 GH ese tad BS) BEG Ar 7s Bt eee. Orn) eal0.74, 1D 12B 13C 4A 15.C 16.B 17D 18C 19%B 20D M.D 22.C 232.B 246 25D 268 27.D 2%A 29.5 30.B EIG@ €75l) cea} ESN ELS) Ela =ehid 39.B 40. 41.D 42 A 43.C 44A 45.6 46.B 47.C 49.E 50. D [ELS 2006/7 PRACTICE EXAM 3 LB 2A 36 4B $C 6A 7B &E %D 10D tpt 121} 13s Cee 14 Ba [oy Ave GB ae 1745 e161 eu197 20218) 21D 222A 223B 24.C 2A 26C 27.D 2®E 2%.B 30. 3B 32B 332A 34D 35.C 36A 37.8 38D 302E 404 41.C 42D 4.E 448 45.A 46B 47.E 48D 49D 50. SILA 52.E 53.B S4C S8A 56A 572.D 58C 5%.B OOF 61D 62.A 6B 64. EF 65.8 66.C 67D 68 E 69.A 70.8 TLE TRA D 4.C 75%.E 76 77.B 7A 79%.C 80.C E 81.D 82.3 84.A 85.C 86D 87D 88 A 89.B 90.0 OE 9A B 94.B 95.D 96.B 97. A 98. BE 99.C 100. C 66
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