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Design Thinking in Business Strategy

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Design Thinking in Business Strategy:

Applications in Human Resource and Pricing

JALOTE-PAMAR Ashisa*; BADJOKO Baydhirb and DESHMUKH Sandeepc
a IndianInstitute of Management, Ahmedabad, India
b The Consultants, Belgium
c Zensar Technologies, India

* Corresponding author:

doi: 10.33114/adim.2017.54

Design is being positioned as design thinking in management literature, from

being a contributor of aesthetics to playing a strategic role, not only in
innovating products/services but also transforming businesses. To
incorporate design into corporate processes raises two issues: (a) need for
an integrated design thinking framework to support business problem
solving and (b) cases illustrating application of design thinking in corporate
processes. This article describes an integrated design thinking framework for
guiding business problem solving towards nurturing innovation. Based on
this framework, business leaders were trained in design thinking by the
author. Two select application cases are described, where the trained
leaders have applied design thinking to corporate processes leading to the
optimisation of business processes in human resource management and
pricing. This article contributes by demonstrating the value design thinking
creates by inducing systems thinking and adopting a human-centred
approach to business problem solving.

keywords: Design Thinking; Corporate Strategy; Pricing; Human Resource

The era of management is proceeding towards complex, fuzzy, and interdependent
challenges that are often a result of rapid technological advancements and dynamic
customer aspirations. Managers are struggling to formulate strategies with ambiguous
and often unpredictable data sets from multiple customer touch points, in an attempt to
respond and capture dynamic market needs. According to Martin (2009), managers are

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Share Alike 4.0 International License.
usually trained to formulate strategies from well-defined problems and known data sets
and provide risk-averse outcomes. This training often does not enable the managers to
deal with ill-defined wicked problems and they rely on interpreting ambiguous data to
propose solutions.
Contrary to the managerial approach, designers are trained to solve wicked problems,
(Cross, 2001; Dorst, 2011; Owen, 2008). Martin, 2009 states that designer formulate
human centred strategies, and develop new propositions from the ambiguous data
derived from disparate sources, termed as abductive thinking. The contemporary
management literature has indicated a repositioning of the role of design from being a
contributor of aesthetics to playing a strategic role, also termed as ‘design thinking’ in
innovating not only products, services but also transforming business (Martin, 2009;
Norman and Verganti, 2013). In this article the term design thinking can be understood as
‘a creative and systemic problem solving process that can holistically envision or shape
new products, processes, businesses, and future societies (social change) by driving user-
and context-sensitive solutions (Jalote-Parmar, 2015).
The application of design thinking in business problem solving faces the following two
challenges, that this article will address: Firstly, to be able to apply design thinking to a
given problem requires ‘design attitude’ which is essentially the approach which designers
perceives, frames and solves problems. Michlewski (2015) emphasizes the need to
inculcate design attitude in organizations is critical and it receives less attention then
needed. Jalote Parmar (2016) state that although design literature proposes that design
thinking plays a strategic role in organisations, the inculcation of design attitude in
business leaders is severely under emphasised. Brown, 2009, proposed a popular five
stage process-based model of design thinking focussing only on product innovation. This
model does not include established constructs that are critical towards design problem
solving such as problem framing (Dorst, 2011) and systems thinking (Checkland, 1981).
This necessitates the need of an integrated design-thinking framework which can inculcate
design attitude, in business leaders towards business problem solving. Secondly, although
the literature captures several applications of design thinking in product and service
innovation such as Bang and Olufsen (Autsin & Beyerdorfer, 2007), Apple (Thomke &
Feinberg, 2012) and Intuit (Smit, 2015). However, there exists a gap in literature defining
cases in which design thinking has been applied to solve complex business problems
leading to innovation in organisations (Meisiek ,2016; Rusk, 2016).
Addressing, the aforementioned gaps, the contribution of this article is twofold: (a) it
describes the integrated design thinking framework for formulating design attitude in
business leaders, and (b) it demonstrates the value of design thinking by describing two
cases where after being trained in design thinking, business leaders have applied the
design thinking framework in business problem solving and inducing innovation. Both the
cases demonstrate optimisation of business strategy for talent management and designing
value based pricing process in organisations. The following sections describe the
integrated design-thinking framework and its application in two organisations:

Figure 1 The Integrated Design Thinking Framework: The Banyan tree that defines the key constructs
of design thinking necessary to induce design attitude in business leaders

Integrated design-thinking framework

Brown, 2009, proposed a popular five stage process-based model of design thinking
leading to product innovation. This model specifies key stages of how the designer acts on
a problem to develop products. This model does not include how the designer
perceives/frames at a systems level or visualises/ processes the problem by engaging with
the context and multiple stakeholders. Design literature has strongly emphasised several
value points in design problem solving that lead to innovation which are not covered in
the above model such as –how the designer frames the problem which leads to innovation
(Dorst, 2011), co-designing with multiple-stakeholders a critical factor in design problem
solving that to leads to innovation (Jalote Parmar & Badke-Schaub, 2008). This
necessitates the need of an integrated design-thinking framework which defines design
attitude - the approach to which the designer perceive the problem that can guide
business leaders in approaching complex problem solving. Rusk, 2016 states the need for
evaluation of design management education where seeing things in a new way is central
to how knowledge is generated and collaboration happens in organisation.
To develop the framework first a primary study was conducted with 30 senior managers
with 15-20 years of experience in Indian corporates to investigate the factors that
influence the business problem solving specially related to approaching a problem and
radical thinking. Details of this study related to formulation of the framework is not a part
of this conference paper and is forthcoming (Jalote Parmar, 2017). Only select factors
from the study are mentioned in this paper: (a) managers are trained to be risk averse and
don’t often challenge the existing status quo or reframe the problems (b) managers seek
already proven data set to make decisions, (c) managers find it difficult to make decision
or formulate a strategy based on ambiguous and disparate information direct from field is
provided to them. They require large statistically proven data to be able to formulate a
strategy, less number of people interaction in field is not an evidence enough for them. (c)
managers are quick in providing solution for problem without having a holistic or systems
view of the problem (d) managers can brainstorm based on known and large data sets and
formulate assumptions without going out in the field to interact with actual stakeholders
(e) managers look at human data as numbers, not people and relation to their aspirations
(f) managers often find it difficult to visualise the end solution, they are more focussed on
high level planning the strategy, process and execution (g) learning by doing is not a part
of tight schedules and process based problem solving process managers, where the
managers are more focussed on the deliveries and meeting tight timelines (f) managers
solve problems in specific departments, interlinking problem solving between
departments within an organisation is not a norm.
Based on the above findings and connecting it with the known constructs of design
problem solving as mentioned in design literature (Archer,1979, Cross, 2001, Dorst &
Royalkkers, 2006; Dorst, 2011; Checkland, 1981), the integrated design-thinking
framework called ‘the banyan tree’ is proposed (Figure 1). The framework uses South
Asian ‘Banyan tree’ as a metaphor to denote an adaptive organisation. The tree
represents a living organism that is context aware because it continuously senses, adapts,
and grows around its environment. Similar to the banyan tree, the new age organisations
and managers should be able to develop dynamic capabilities in order to sense and seize
opportunities. The seven leaves of the tree [depicted as circles in the Figure 1] are inter-
related and symbolise the key constructs that defining the design attitude and are critical
to design problem solving. These constructs aid in developing holistic propositions after
continuously and iteratively sensing and synthesising information from a global context.
Further helps them to challenge the existing way of doing things and solve problems by
creating collaborative environments. The following constructs of design attitude have
been integrated in the framework and have been explained in Table 1 (Appendix): (a)
Context Aware/sense & Respond (b) challenging the existing status quo or reframing the
problems (c) abductive thinking/ sensing opportunities from ambiguous data, (d) systems
thinking (d) visualisation iteration. (e) co-design, (f) Agile/breaking silos (g) empathy, and
(h) Visualisation/Prototype
The trunk of the tree represents the knowledge funnel which was proposed by Martin,
2009. The knowledge funnel represents the processes through which knowledge flows in
an organisation and how by applying design thinking for complex problem solving can
create an innovative and adaptive organisation. As stated by Martin (2009), the ideas
generated from applying design thinking approach should be continuously fed into the
knowledge funnel.
Overarching Method
Senior management executives (n = 35) with a minimum of 15 -20 years industry
experience from 20 large, mid-sized corporates and independent consultants were trained
in design thinking by the first author through an executive programme at a premiere
management institute in India. The proposed design thinking framework was taken as a
basis for training managers in developing design attitude and in application of design
thinking for business problem solving. Post the training for four months the trained
managers were observed and where required consulted by the first author (through
emails and skype discussions) for application of design thinking in business problem
solving. The following sections describe two cases of application of design thinking
framework by the above trained managers. These managers from two organisations have
addressed problems of human resource specifically in creating talent management system
and in creating value-based product pricing.

Case 1: Application of design thinking to design a value-based pricing

Company background and problem
A mid-sized multinational European chemical company (Company X) with a net worth of
300 million euros was involved in a pricing transformation project. The transformation
strategy involved making a shift from cost-based pricing to value-based pricing across the
main product lines, within 30 countries in the Business to Business (B2B) market. Cost-
based pricing can be understood as pricing that is dictated by market conditions, whereas
value-based pricing is when the company sets its prices in a range determined by what the
customers are willing to pay. Hence, a value-based pricing strategy requires the company
to have an in-depth understanding of the customers’ needs and a value perception of its
Currently, Company X applies ad hoc methods to understand its customers and apply the
learnings in the pricing process. Because of the ad hoc approaches, decision-making
becomes inconsistent and time consuming, often resulting in a disconnect between the
customer and the offering. For example, Product Z was launched after a request from the
sales organisation and as a validation to offer a medium range alternative for a premium
product. The product portfolio exceeding 5,000 Stock Keeping Units (SKU) was to be sold
in 10 countries with different economic conditions and buying power from those of the
present customers. However, a single price point was offered for the product. Customers’
price deviation demands from the marketing teams were often attended on an ad hoc
basis. The pricing problem was solved dynamically, with a focus on providing short-term
resolutions, depending on daily operations and decision makers’ availability.
Application of Design Thinking to pricing transformation
One of the managers trained in design thinking (second author) is a pricing consultant
working for Company X. This manager applied the fundamentals from the integrated
design thinking framework to design value-based pricing. The mangers in the first stage of
problem solving, conducted a field study with the objective of formulating a systems level
understanding of ground level issues of multiple stakeholders involved with the pricing
process in the Company X. This included conducting interviews (n = 20) in a span of two
months with stakeholders (n = 8) involved in multiple functions of the pricing process. The
study also included field visits (n = 10) by the manager in Company X. The stakeholders
included country sales directors responsible for business development of the brand,
managers within marketing and sales department, the chief financial officer, and the chief
operations officer (COO). The stakeholders were present in the five European countries
and interviews were conducted through conference calls. Post the study the findings were
analysed by making an affinity diagram and a strategy for new value based pricing was
offered. This solution was implemented in the organisation and will be discussed in the
section below. First, the key findings from the field interviews are described below:
Results: Key findings from the field study
• Disconnect between sales and marketing: The findings revealed that there was a
relative disconnect between sales and marketing department on the requested price
level and the product features offered. The sales department handled direct
customers (32% of the revenue) and distributors (68% of the revenue) of the total
volume to negotiate prices, sales, and contracts. The product development
department, developed the products, decided on the initial price positioning, product
feature, and R&D, and monitored the production request. However, although both
the sales and product management teams interacted with the customers, the
interactions were not simultaneously conducted. The problem solving focus linked to
pricing was theoretically converging but factually disconnected because the sales and
product management teams often did not agree on the following points: (a) market
needs, (b) R&D product features and services, and (c) the targets that were
considered achievable in terms of profitability.
• Lead time for decision making: A long lead-time, ranging from 5 days to 6 months,
was necessary to take the appropriate actions following a market feedback.
Information exchange between the sales and marketing teams was, in some cases,
not progressing because the same issues remained unsolved for an extended period.
Market feedbacks were addressed using an ad hoc and not systemic approach. For
example, during a conference call, a country sales director stated that ‘product Y did
not have the feature that corresponded with the current market needs’. The
marketing team responded that ‘the specifications had been validated 6 months ago
and seemed to correspond with the competition’s offering’. The country director
countered that ‘the price point of this product is too high, nearly 17% too high, as the
features are in some way obsolete’; no decision or follow up action was taken
following this critical exchange of views.
Proposed design of value based pricing process
Based on the aforementioned findings and the addressing of the key issues, a strategy for
value pricing process was designed. Empathy, systems thinking and codesign was used as
a focal point to develop a hands-on iterative pricing process. This involved seamlessly
multiple stakeholders among different departments (sales, marketing and product
development, and accounts) to retrieve and validate market feedback and customer
reactions. The process enabled two activities: value based selling (as opposed to the
selling of just products with a price) and innovation stimulation. These two elements
result in value creation. To make the process iterative, the two way interactions between
sales and the customers/distributors occurred throughout the year. This informal and
continual manner of conducting the process rendered it more natural for the clients who
tend to notice only the effects of the process and not the underlying administration. Once

retrieved, the market feedbacks were processed by pricing management and product

Figure 2: New collaborative value based pricing process with iterative customer feedback and
multiple stakeholder engagement.

The information flow was kept simple; six different sources were used to retrieve
information: sales employees (eight seniors), distributors or dealers (nearly 26), product
managers, suppliers, social media, and focus group. The customer’s expectations of and
responses for Company X products and services were then commonly defined, providing a
first common base to both sales and product management with objective information and
a direct channel of communication. Figure 2 explains the proposed pricing decision making
process in which the sales and product management obtain a direct feed of information
from four different sources. At the second layer, the sales and product management team
need to communicate and exchange information, standing point, and requests on the
basis of the same information that they validated together. Before the escalation, they
agreed on the method to operate; only the matters that really required the intervention of
senior management were escalated to the top management, thereby yielding a decision
with a strong information base and analysis previously conducted by the sales and
marketing (product management) teams.
Benefits of value based pricing process
• Challenging the traditional method of solving the pricing problem in the company
as well as empathising and later codesigning with multiple stakeholders involved
in the pricing process helped in identifying the major cause of certain price
deviations. As Company X evolves in a distributor/dealers market, identifying the
original source of an information or request can be challenging. By ensuring that
information is being relayed distinctively from all channels, isolating the source
becomes feasible.
• The new process significantly reduced the decision lead-time between sales and
marketing (product management); the decision time was reduced to 4 hrs to 48
hrs, depending on the urgency of the request. Previously, considerable time was
required to make a decision, considering the changing environment and the
ongoing structural and functional changes. Reducing the lead-time and including
the multiple stakeholders’ opinions at different stages made the decisions easier
to apprehend. Less than 10% of request now required the involvement of
VP/board-level employees to be solved.
• The proposed new formal process provided a base for key decision-making in
terms of pricing and product’s value. The margins were defended and increased
by 2% without loss of market share. It addressed the previously explained key
issues because the decisions were being made without a systematic or systems
thinking approach and this troubled the stakeholders. The new solution
eliminated the complexity of the decision and helped the stakeholders focus on
their areas of accountability and fulfil their responsibilities.
• Incorporating regular customer feedback in the pricing process contributed to
understanding the customers’ willingness to pay for estimation. Empathy was
used to understand customers’ perception of the products, expectations from the
products, and value of the products, which were the essential determinants of the
willingness to pay. For the company, this insight helped in modifying the products
and services to reach the desired value level, enabling the company to price the
products and services without losing market shares.
• The newly designed processes adopted the six-sigma approach—define, measure,
analyse, design, and verify (DMADV). Design Thinking constructs were
incorporated at all the stages of the DMADV, as sense and respond, empathy, co
design and iteration were the leading principle for each stage. The applied
process was flexible: step one, ‘define’, was used to identify the need for the
process. This involved creating clarity, simplicity, fairness, gaining of time and
ability to work with small and large flow of information which is not intensive for
the stakeholders; step two, ‘measure’, was an motivation to implement a process
with at least some quantifiable information, such as the number of decisions that
required the attention of the top management versus the ones that could be
handled at a lower level of decision making (i.e. less than 10% out of the
approximately 40 cases required the involvement of the top management); step
three, ‘analyse’, was used for the analysis of the role of each stakeholder and
subsequently place them and make them interact accordingly; steps four and five,
‘design’ and ‘verify’, respectively, were used as an extension of the natural flow of
decisions and to validate the results. If the decision-making process and market
intelligence are actually useful for the major cases and do not show any signs of
weakness, then the results were found valid.
• A workshop was conducted with all stakeholders, country sales directors, and
marketing, finance, and operations personnel. Stakeholders were asked open-
ended questions to receive their input, expectations on prices, customers, and
strategy and to trigger a structured debate. The design of the questions and the
method of translating the qualitative feedbacks were also considered a
contribution from design thinking because it focused on being sense and
responsive and empathising with multiple stakeholders. The question typically
asked after the reception of the inputs was what should be a good way of
approaching and obtaining feedback from the customers? This provided

additional basis to design all key elements of the pricing process, with the
reoccurring objective of translating the customer’s perspective into the process
and products.

Case 2: Design thinking application in human resource’s ‘talent

Company background and problem
Company Y is an Indian mid-tier Information Technology service provider; it has firmly
established itself as a digital transformation partner for its customers, with an annual
turnover of (US$ 440 million). It has a complete technology services portfolio including
digital, applications, infrastructure, and industry-specific solutions. The company
envisages being ahead of the curve in digital space, where mostly all leading clients of the
company are using the companies’ digital services, thereby enabling their business
transformation. The continual growth in the company pressures the talent management
team to identify and retain talent inflow. The company continually endeavours to engage,
retain, and up skill/reskill the talent. In addition, the global attrition rate in IT companies is
high and in Company Y, it exceeded 17% in the year 2016.
New employees joining further pressurize the companies with increased salary demands;
they also take time to understand the complex business process and systems, thus
increasing the risk to the ongoing business and impacting customer satisfaction. Another
challenge is to rightly distribute the available talent across the running projects and
programmes. Teams have an inherent tendency to retain talent, although they might not
really be using their entire potential. When there are bigger teams and more than 1000
associates to be handled, finding such hidden, partially utilised talent is difficult. To
address this issue of identifying, training, and retaining talent globally, the organisations
are investing in automation in the form of software robots. Automatisation is thus helping
move dependency from resource to system by automating the decision making process;
however, the complete visualisation of the decision making process from a multiple
stakeholders’ perspective to optimise bench management is still missing.

Application of design thinking to talent management problem

One of the trained managers (Third author) is an Associate Vice President (delivery head)
in the organisation. To address the aforementioned complex problem related to talent
management, the manager applied the integrated design thinking framework. The
problem solving process begin by conducing 3 field studies with multiple stakeholders.
Based on the findings a new strategy for talent management including new policies,
process and a multiple stakeholder digital system with mobile application was proposed.
This strategy was codesigned with multiple stakeholders, implemented and tested. To
understand issues of multi stakeholders involved with bench management, a field study
was conducted in the following three stages:
Stage 1: Semistructured interviews and focus groups were conducted for over a week with
members of the delivery team (n = 10) that included delivery managers (DMs), leads, and
associates. DMs and leads dealt with associates daily and also faced the client for
fulfilled/unfulfilled needs. Associates also had their own expectations and beliefs that

surfaced during the discussion. The DM, in addition to ensuring software delivery, is
responsible for managing the resource distribution in multiple projects and taking care of
talent up/reskilling for current upcoming technologies relevant to projects. Leads ensure
quality and timely delivery from developers and their right utilisation
Stage 2: In this stage, semi structured interviews (n = 10) were conducted with the
Associate Relations (AR), the Programme Control Office (PCO) and Resource Management
Group (RMG) representatives. During these sessions, previous survey results on reasons
for job exit and great place to work were discussed. Furthermore, challenges related to
associate rotation and associate onboarding/off-boarding were understood in detail.
Stage 3: In this stage, one meeting with the learning and organisational development
(L&OD) group and training department was conducted to consolidate, verify, and share
the learnings of the first two stages.
Key findings from field study
• Lack of opportunity for rotation: More than 80 discrete technologies require
expertise. In the current scenario, because associates were working in one
project, they were locked with one set of technologies, making it difficult to move
them across projects.
• Need for optimal use of resident talent because external hiring is very costly:
Associates with niche technical and functional expertise who can be useful in
some other projects should not be locked in projects where such technical
expertise is underutilised. The team structure should be modified after
considering the needs of the project and to meet the margin expectations.
• Need for the visibility of available and upcoming work (pipeline) in business units:
To align adequately talent and achieve optimisation in talent utilisation, a clear
visibility of available and upcoming work is required; to complete the task in real
time and seamlessly, a single source of truth is needed.
• Lack of transparency: A lack of transparency is not by design but inadvertent;
unavailability of system and a single source of truth makes it difficult for all
stakeholders, including the junior most associates, to examine the data that they
should have access to.
Codesign with multidisciplinary teams:
A codesign workshop was conducted involving multidisciplinary stakeholders (n = 20)
[Figure 1]. The objective of the focus group was to discuss the findings in previous
meetings and identify possible solutions. The participants included stakeholders from
different departments connected to the talent management value chain: an AR team,
which is an extended arm of the human resource (HR) team in big Business Units (BU) (n =
4), (b) PCO (n = 3), (c) delivery managers (n = 12), (d) and heads, RMG (n = 1) participated
in the workshop. Participants were divided into three groups. The contextual enquiry
method was adopted to draw insights from all the stakeholders and then build an affinity
model; the key issues were identified and clustered into categories. Thereafter, the
participants were asked to provide multiple solutions for the insights gathered.

Key findings from codesign process:
• Working in silos: The Delivery Team, RMG, PCO, L&OD, and training department
worked in silos without regular interaction. The delivery team’s requirements
were not clearly understood by the other stakeholders. Each stakeholder was
striving to improve their statistics; however, when the systems view of the target
was generated, no interconnections were observed, particularly related to
attrition, fulfilment of vacant positions, revenue loss, gross margin impact,
deployable pool availability, and per year per associate training achievement.
• Lacking systems view: During the session, the talent management problem was
realised to be handled at the organisational level and not at a Business Unit level.
• Lack of transparency: A lack of transparency about the status quo of the talent
management process was observed between the different BUs and stakeholders,
including the associates.

Figure 3: Focus group session to facilitate codesigning with RMG, PCO. HR, and DM

• Mismanagement of associate placement: Associates were not included in the

right projects considering their skills; they were assigned one project for a long
duration. Technically smart associates were sometimes stuck in operations
handling production tickets. Smart associates could not achieve rapid career
growth because of hierarchies; in other words, fast tracking was absent and
associates with niche technology expertise were stuck in projects where that
technology was not used. Cross engagement movement was not frequently
• Missing integrated view: The multiple It systems in the organisation were not
integrated towards creating one understanding of HR actions such as (a)Talent
availability for RMG function (b)Oracle Human Resource Management System
(HRMS) for Resource Data (c) Performance Management System for Appraisals
These systems provided isolated views of different sections’ talent management and did
not provide an integrated ‘hire to retire’ view that enabled better management. The
analytics on the talent data gathered with the aforementioned systems was not available
for informed decision making.

Proposed Design of New Talent Management System
To address the above issue, a multilayered strategy emerged from the preceding session.
First a ‘Tiger’ team was formed as the key touch point to interact with the multiple
stakeholders and the senior management. The Tiger team had one representative from
each department to integrate each person’s perspective in decision making and governing
policies. Second, the initiated process was changed. The pool management was now
rigorously handled by a team called Reserve Work Force (RWF); the rules for releasing
associates in this pool and further up/re-skilling were stringent and focused. Results are
now extracted from the system and used in the CEO metrics reporting during quarterly
reviews. Third, to aid in better visualisation of the talent management process and the
status quo of all stakeholders, a prototype software along with a mobile application was
developed. This system is described in detail as follows:
To track the progress and to take corrective actions, the baseline was first set first to
determine the resource distribution target of a project. The actual resource loading then
indicated the deviation, which could now be tracked at individual project manager-level,
thereby enabling the delivery head or Business Unit head to take informed decisions for
any movement of resources. The pipeline data was fed from the various IT systems into
the new proposed system. The available talent was mapped against the forthcoming
needs. The available current technology expertise and deviation from target resulted in an
immediate creation of a training plan for the associates that was automatically published

Figure 4 Screenshot of the proposed mobile application of the talent management system
illustrating multistakeholder visualisation of knowledge expertise

to the training department, allowing them to publish their training plan and invite
nominees. The HR stakeholders were provided dashboards to track the band and expertise
levels where the attrition was higher and plan for preventive actions; they could now
monitor the deviation of per-resource training needs according to the organisational
mandates and the actuals at any instance. Associates could view their position in
comparison with all the other employees with similar skills on technology and solution
expertise. The standardised assessment and representation helped them be aware of how
their career is shaping. The dashboard and user profiles for the multiple stakeholders
facilitated the information visualisation and customization of the talent management
process. As a next step, it will be integrated with the existing RMG and HRMS systems for

the resource data. The development of the software was an iterative process; it began
with white-boarding and creation of a paper prototype. After obtaining the approval from
the various stakeholders, the technical team developed this functional prototype in two
months using MySQL as the database, Java, Spring, Hibernate, and Fusion Charts.
Pilot testing and iteration of talent management system
The system was implemented in limited release mode. A section of the team with all roles
covered had access to this application. First, the data entry from 500 associates spread
across the USA and India were incorporated into the system and the content was verified
and cleaned. This data entry exercise provided the first stage results with the system
usage. These inputs were collected and multiple iterations were performed to improve the
content and technological platform. In the second stage, the software was accessible to
1500 associates across shores along with other stakeholders.
Observations in talent management after system deployment
Two months post iteration with end users, the following key findings were observed:
• Corrective measures for talent distribution, training, and assessment: In a single
dashboard, viewing the status of training plan, technology expertise, and
background profile was easy, current projects, technologies applied and not
applied in current projects, and project profiles of the associates sent for training
could be accessed by the training department and the senior leads of the BU.
Managers could visualise the talent pool in a single dash board, thus, allowing
relevant decision making and prioritising of resources. This visualisation allowed
corrective action for talent distribution and assessment because the transparency
was very high between stakeholders. For example, the associate’s training needs
were quickly identified and linked to the programme needs and client roadmap,
eventually leading to customer satisfaction and balanced teams.
• Career progression visualisation: Employees such as a newly joined associate, a
mid-career associate, and managers could visualise personal career progression
and also compare their growth with that of the other associates with similar skills.
A happiness index was included in the system, which was given as a solution by
the management trainee. The happiness index helped in understanding the
aggregate satisfaction of the associates, providing the HR teams with a daily
updates and analysing the trends. If happiness index increases or decreases some
instances, they can also check the activities happening on or around those days
and can try to create an environment that ensures the happiness index is at or
exceeds the acceptable mark.

The article described the integrated-design thinking framework and its application in
managerial problem solving that has led to optimising talent management and creating
value-based product pricing in two global organisations. The article demonstrates how the
constructs defining design attitude (problem solving) have been instrumental in guiding
managers’ ability to sense and perceive problems holistically and at a systems level.
Furthermore, the managers can challenge the status quo of the existing solutions and
reframe problems from a human-centred perspective by involving multiple stakeholder.
They can engage with the multiple stakeholders and break silos between clients,
customers, and internal departments to iteratively and collaboratively design solutions.
The human-centred reframing of problems and the agility in iteration leads to a co
working culture in the organisations that also has a long positive impact on customer
relations. This article contributes to the design and management literature as a case of
application of design thinking in core business processes. The proposed design thinking
framework is by no means an absolute framework but provides a pathway address the
need having such integrating frameworks which can guide managers in business problem
solving. Further work needs to be done in understanding how managers solve problems
and how the design problem solving can guide them. This research can guide further
development of the integrated design thinking framework.

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About the Authors

Ashis Jalote Parmar, is a professor of design thinking at

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India. Ashis
consults corporates in design thinking. Her research interests
include exploring the role of design in managerial problem
solving, innovation, experience design and transformation.

Baydhir Badjoko, runs, a consulting &

executive interim firm in Belgium, specialising in pricing,
growth & commercial excellence. Economics graduate from
Grenoble Alpes University. His research interests are pricing,
games theory, and marketing.

Sandeep Deshmukh, is an Assistant Vice President & Delivery

Head in IT services for Zenzar Technologies. Zensar is a global
information digital solutions and technology services
company. His research interests include talent management
and human capital and innovation.


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