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Interfacial Electrochemical

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Interfacial electrochemical-chemical reaction coupling

for efficient olefin oxidation to glycols

Context & scale
Electrochemical synthesis of chemicals and fuels plays an important role in decarbonizing
the chemical manufacturing sector due to the merits of using renewable electricity, mild
reaction conditions, and environmentally benign operations. Despite the significant
achievements of individual electrochemical reactions, coupling electrolyzers with
downstream reactors is increasingly attractive from more complicated chemical fabrications
that are typically challenging for individual reactors. Current coupling reactions focus on
the assembly strategies of multiple individual reactors by feeding the electrochemically
synthesized species into the followed-by reactors, which have not yet leveraged the unique
property of electrolysis: the high concentration of generated species at the electrode
interface. Different from the traditional tandem system, we designed an integrated solid
electrolyzer that fully leverages the interfacial high concentration of species to boost the
consecutive chemical reactions.
Coupling electrochemical and chemical reactions has been demonstrated in traditional
tandem reactor systems, but their practical applications are still distilled down to individual
reactor optimizations. Here, we demonstrate a fully integrated system that presents
significantly improved catalytic performance when compared with traditional tandem
systems. Using electrosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide followed by olefin epoxidation
reaction as a representative example, we demonstrated that, by confining the chemical
reaction right at the electrode/electrolyte interface in our solid electrolyte reactor, we can
fully leverage the interfacial high concentration of H2O2 product from electrocatalysis to
boost the following ethylene epoxidation reaction, which represented a 3-fold improvement
in electrolyte-free ethylene glycol generation when compared with a tandem reactor system.
This integration strategy can be extended to other electrochemical-chemical coupling
reactions, especially when the coupled reaction is sensitive to reactant concentrations,
which could avoid energy-intensive separation or concentration steps typically needed
between the electrochemical and chemical reactions.
Graphical abstract
Electrochemical synthesis of chemicals and fuels is becoming increasingly important to
decarbonize the chemical manufacturing sector.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 It can utilize renewable
electricity as the energy input, be operated under mild reaction conditions, and use
atmospheric molecules as reactants.9,10,11,12,13 As the economics of electrochemical
synthesis routes gradually improve with the decreased renewable electricity price and
further technological development, the chemical industry will witness more and more
electrolyzers playing significant roles along industrial supply chains.14,15,16
Although the technological improvements and device scaling-up of individual
electrochemical reactions, such as water splitting and CO2 reduction,17,18,19,20 remain
the focal points in the field, we have begun to see more recent reports on coupling
electrochemical reactors with upstream or downstream reactors for more complicated
products that are typically impossible from electrolyzers alone.21,22,23,24,25,26 One
typical coupling strategy is the tandem system, where the electrochemically generated
intermediate products are continuously fed into a downstream reactor for product
upgradation (Figure 1A). Examples include coupling electrochemical devices with
bioreactors for the conversion of CO2 into high-value chemicals
(Figure 1A).27,28,29 Another type of coupling is the mediator coupling reaction, in which
the anodically or cathodically generated reaction mediators, such as Cl− to ClO− or Cl
radicals, as well as O2 to ⋅OH, can homogeneously react with a fed-in reactant for
obtaining the target product and are converted back to their original status for the next
round of reaction (Figure 1B).30,31,32,33,34
Although exciting progress has been made in the development of these coupling reactions,
their design and engineering are still distilled down to individual reaction optimizations,
which have not yet leveraged one unique property of electrocatalysis: the high
concentration of generated products/intermediates at the catalyst/electrolyte
interface.35,36 As is well documented in electrocatalysis, the surface-generated molecules
are typically accumulated at the catalyst/electrolyte interface before they slowly diffuse
away into the bulk electrolyte or the gas chamber. For example, in the formation of liquid
products, due to the sharp catalyst/electrolyte interface (typically in micrometer scales)
compared with bulk electrolyte (typically in millimeter scales), the product concentration at
this interfacial region could be orders of magnitude higher than the average concentration
when all the molecules are well dispersed into the electrolyte.37 However, in a traditional
electrochemical-chemical tandem reaction system, this concentration gradient will
disappear before the product stream flows into the downstream reactor, losing the
opportunity to make full use of the high interfacial concentrations to accelerate the follow-
up reaction. How to leverage this unique property in electrocatalysis and the impacts of this
interfacial high concentration on the follow-up reaction activity are still unclear.38
Different from traditional coupling systems, here, we demonstrated an interfacial
electrochemical-chemical reaction coupling design to fully leverage the interfacial high
product concentrations in electrochemistry to boost the consecutive chemical reactions
(Figure 1C). Using olefin epoxidation reaction as a model reaction, which is sensitive to the
concentration of oxidants,39 we integrated oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) to hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) with a subsequent ethylene (C2H4) epoxidation reaction (to ethylene
glycol [EG]) into one solid electrolyte (SE) reactor. This integration allowed us to achieve a
3-fold improvement in EG production rates and 2-fold in H2O2 utilization efficiencies
when compared with a traditional tandem reactor system. Specifically, by directly feeding
ethylene into the SE layer of our integrated reactor, under a 25 mA/cm2 ORR current
density, the EG production rate can reach 583 μmol/h, delivering a H2O2 utilization
efficiency of 96% and an overall Faradaic efficiency of 98.7%. This interfacial reaction
integration strategy can be extended to other electrochemical-chemical coupling reactions,
especially when the coupled chemical reaction is sensitive to reactant concentrations.
Glycols, especially EG and propylene glycol (PG), are important feedstocks for industrial
polymer synthesis and antifreezes, which are normally obtained from the direct oxidation of
olefins40 or hydrolysis of olefin oxides.41,42 Recently, using H2O2 instead of chlorine for
olefin epoxidation on titanium silicalite-1 (TS-1) catalyst, especially the well-known
hydrogen peroxide to propylene oxidation (HPPO) process,43 has attracted extensive
attention in both industry and academia due to its high product selectivity and
environmentally benign process (producing H2O as the byproduct).44,45,46,47,48 In our
group’s recent studies on the electrochemical synthesis of H2O2, we developed a unique SE
reactor that enables direct and continuous synthesis of high purity H2O2 solutions via 2e−–
ORR.49,50,51 By performing 2e−–ORR electrolysis on the cathode, H2O2 molecules
could be continuously formed at the membrane/SE interface via ionic recombination
between HO2− (transported from the cathode) and H+ (transported from the anode). When
mixing TS-1 catalyst particles inside the middle SE layer, this integrated SE reactor can
serve as a perfect platform to demonstrate the interfacial electrochemical-chemical reaction
coupling strategy—we can leverage the high local concentration of H2O2 molecules to
boost the following olefin epoxidation reaction before they gradually diffuse and are diluted
into the bulk deionized (DI) water stream.
In order to prove this concept, we designed a novel three-chamber SE reactor to realize an
interfacial integration of electrochemical and chemical reactions (Figures 2 and S1). The
main chamber (middle layer) of the SE cell was filled with a mixture of SE and TS-1
particles and was separated by an anion exchange membrane (AEM) and cation exchange
membrane (CEM) from the cathode and anode, respectively. The cathodic ORR via 2e−–
ORR catalyst (carbon black) could selectively generate HO2− species that were
subsequently transported through AEM into the middle layer (Figure 2B, Equation 1).
These anion species were recombined with the proton flux that was transported from the
anode chamber via the CEM and SE particles (proton conductors) (Figure 2B, Equations 2
and 3). Therefore, the AEM/SE interface has the highest H2O2 concentration during
electrolysis. By co-feeding ethylene and DI water into the middle chamber during ORR
electrolysis, ethylene can be efficiently oxidized by the interfacial H2O2 to generate
ethylene oxide (EO) (Figure 2B, Equation 4), followed by the hydrolysis on the surface of
SE to form EG as the final product (Figures 2B, Equation 5 and S2; Notes S1 and S2).
Combined with half-cell oxygen evolution reaction (OER) at the anode (Figure 2B,
Equation 2) and the coupled chemical epoxidation reaction in the main chamber
(Figure 2B, Equations 3–5), we can conclude the overall reaction using O2, ethylene, and
DI water as reactants and EG as the only product with an excellent atom economy
(Figure 2B, Equation 6).
To have a rough understanding of how high the interfacial H2O2 concentration could be in
our SE reactor when compared with the downstream output concentration (average bulk
concentration), we constructed a two-dimensional (2D) COMSOL model to map out the
H2O2 concentration distribution near the catalyst surface (Figures 2C–2E and S3). As
expected, the H2O2 concentration is highest at the left-hand boundary, where the reaction
occurs and H2O2 flux is introduced. The H2O2 concentration reaches above 2.06 wt %
closer to the surface at 25 mA/cm2, whereas the average concentration in the channel is
around 0.081 wt % (Figure 2C). This results in an interfacial concentration that is more
than 25 times higher than the average concentration in the channel. This simulation result
suggests that, if we can confine the following epoxidation reaction right at the
catalyst/electrolyte interface, the overall efficiency of the coupling reaction could be
dramatically boosted.

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