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Drug Study

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Drug name Mechanism of Indication/contraindication Adverse effects Nursing

action responsibilities

Ceftriaxone Ceftriaxone Indication: Ceftriaxone is used Injection site •monitor vital

works by for the treatment of the inflammation, rash, signs.
Brand name: inhibiting the infections (respiratory, skin, pruritus, fever,
Rocephin mucopeptide soft tissue, UTI, ENT) caused by eosinophilia, •instruct patient
synthesis in susceptible organisms. urticaria, or family to
Dosage: the bacterial anaphylaxis, colitis, report other side
•1g/50mL cell wall. is diarrhea, nausea, effects such as
•2g/50mL used to treat a Contraindication: Ceftriaxone and vomiting, severe or
wide variety is contraindicated in patients pseudomembranous prolonged fever.
Class: of bacterial with known allergy to the colitis.
cephalosporin infections. cephalosporin group of •monitor for
antibiotics Ceftriaxone antibiotics. signs of allergic
belongs to a reaction.
Route: class of drugs
• IV known as •instruct to
cephalosporin report any signs
antibiotics. It or symptoms.
works by
stopping the
growth of
Drug name Mechanism of Indication/contraindication Adverse effects Nursing
action responsibilities
Generic name: Paracetamol Indication:Paracetamol Allergic •Advise pt. that
paracetamol has a central (Panadol, Calpol, Alvedon) reactions, the drug is only
analgesic effect is an analgesic and which may be for short term
Brand name: that is mediated antipyretic drug that is severe and use.
Panadol, Calpol, through used to temporarily relieve include:
Tylenol, activation of mild-to-moderate pain and •Skin rashes, •Monitor vs.
descending fever. It is commonly itching or hives Give drug w/
Class: serotonergic included as an ingredient •Swelling of food if
Analgesics and pathways. in cold and flu medications the throat,
antipyretics Debate exists and is also used on its own. tongue or face •GI upset
about its •Shortness of occurs. Take the
Route: primary site of Contraindication: have breath or drug only
•IV action, which ever had an allergic wheezing
may be reaction to paracetamol or •Liver •For complaints
inhibition of any other medicine. have problems. indicated.
prostaglandin liver or kidney problems. Nausea, Report rash,
(PG) synthesis regularly drink more than sudden weight unusual bleeding
or through an the maximum amount of loss, loss of or bruising,
active alcohol recommended (14 appetite and yellowing of skin
metabolite units a week). yellowing of /eyes, changes
influencing the eyes and in voiding
cannabinoid skin can occur. pattern.

Drug name Mechanism of Indication/contraindication Adverse effects Nursing

action responsibilities
Generic name: Hydrochloric Indication: omeprazole is a •headache • advise patient
Omeprazole acid (HCl) proton-pump inhibitor, •abdominal to avoid alcohol
secretion into used to treat gastric acid- pain and foods that
Brand the gastric related disorders. These •diarrhea make cause in
name:Prilosec lumen is a disorders may include •nausea increase
process gastroesophageal reflux •vomiting gastrointestinal
Dosage: regulated disease (GERD), peptic gas (flatulence) irritation.
•2.5mg mainly by the ulcer disease, and other •dizziness
•10mg H(+)/K(+)- diseases characterized by •upper •monitor chest
ATPase of the the oversecretion of respiratory pain and attempt
proton pump gastric acid. infection to determine if
Route: 10, expressed in •acid reflux pain is dry
•Oral high quantities Contraindication: •constipation induced
by the parietal Contraindicated in patients •rash
cells of the with known •cough •instruct patient
stomach. hypersensitivity to any to report
component of the prolonged side
formulation. Treatment effects including
with Omeprazole may skin problem
mask the symptoms of (rashes, itchingl
other gastric diseases.
Caution should be
exercised in patients with
hepatic impairment.

Drug name Mechanism of Indication/Contraindication Adverse Nursing

action effects responsibilities
Generic name: Salbutamol is a Indication: Salbutamol is •Dizziness •Assess lung
Salbutamol direct – acting indicated for the •insomnia sound, PR, Rr
sympathomimetic symptomatic relief and •headache before drug
Brand name: that acts on y, - prevention of •malaise administration
Proventil receptors to bronchospasm due to •palpitations and during
repay bronchial bronchial asthma, chronic •tachycardia peak of
Class: smooth muscle bronchitis, reversible •heartburn medication.
Bronchodilator mil, less obstructive airway disease.
prominent effed •Assess pulse
Obstructive on the heart. It Contraindication: Known for rhythm.
airway dose. activates adeny| sensitivity to salbutamol Instruct client
cyclase, the and/or propellant mixture. to rise slowly
enzyme that from bed /
stimulates the •Caution in infants with when
production of hypertension, changing
cyclic adenosine- hyperthyroidism, position from
3-5’- hypokalaemia. lying to
monophopale. sitting /
• Relaxes
bronchial, uterine •Advise client
I vascular smooth to have small
muscle by frequent
stimulating feeding to
bela,receptors. avoid
increasing risk
of vomiting >
Increase oral
fluid intake to
facilitate drug

Drug name Mechanism of Indication/contraindication Adverse Nursing

action effects responsibilities
Generic name: Enoxaparin Indication: is indicated for •Bleeding •Monitor the
Enoxaparin binds to the prevention of ischemic gums. patient’s vital
antithrombin complications in unstable •coughing signs,
Brand name: III, a serine angina and in non Q-wave up blood. including
Lovenox protease myocardial infarction. difficulty blood
inhibitor, with pressure,
Class: forming a Contraindication: Known breathing or pulse, and
Low molecular complex that hypersensitivity to swallowing. oxygen
weight irreversibly enoxaparin (urticaria, •increased saturation,
heparins. inactivates anaphylactoid reactions, menstrual before and
factor Xa, anaphylaxis) or any flow or after
•Anticoagulant which is heparin products. vaginal administering
frequently bleeding. Lovenox.
used to •Active major bleeding •nosebleeds.
monitor such as gastrointestinal •paralysis. •Observe the
anticoagulation bleed. •prolonged injection site
in the clinical bleeding for signs of
setting. from cuts. bleeding, such
•red or as bruising,
black, tarry redness, or
stools. swelling.

•Instruct the
patient not to
rub the
injection site
and to report
any bleeding,
bruising, or

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