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Qin2015 Article CorrosionBehaviorOfTheFriction

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International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials

Volume 22, Number 6, June 2015, Page 627

DOI: 10.1007/s12613-015-1116-9

Corrosion behavior of the friction-stir-welded joints of 2A14-T6

aluminum alloy

Hai-long Qin1), Hua Zhang2), Da-tong Sun3), and Qian-yu Zhuang1)

1) School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
2) The Welding Institute, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK
3) Chongqing Changan Automobile Co. Ltd., Chongqing 400023, China
(Received: 19 September 2014; revised: 10 October 2014; accepted: 13 October 2014)

Abstract: The corrosion behavior of friction-stir-welded 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy was investigated by immersion testing in immersion ex-
foliation corrosion (EXCO) solution. Electrochemical measurements (open circuit potential, potentiodynamic polarization curves, and elec-
trochemical impedance spectroscopy), scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive spectroscopy were employed for analyzing the
corrosion mechanism. The results show that, compared to the base material, the corrosion resistance of the friction-stir welds is greatly im-
proved, and the weld nugget has the highest corrosion resistance. The pitting susceptibility originates from the edge of Al−Cu−Fe−Mn−Si
phase particles as the cathode compared to the matrix due to their high self-corrosion potential. No corrosion activity is observed around the θ
phase (Al2Cu) after 2 h of immersion in EXCO solution.

Keywords: aluminum alloys; friction stir welding; joints; corrosion; in-situ observation

1. Introduction [12−13,17,24−26]. Paglia and Buchheit [6] and Srinivasan

et al. [16] found that the general corrosion behavior of weld
2A14 aluminum alloy is widely used in aircraft and aero- nugget was superior to that of the parent material for
space applications because of its high strength-to-weight ra- AA2219-T87 aluminum alloy. However, this previous work
tio and good formability. However, it is difficult to join this focused mainly on the corrosion behavior of welds in NaCl
alloy by traditional fusion welding techniques due to the solution; only a few studies have focused on pitting and in-
high susceptibility to cracking and porosity and the apparent tergranular corrosion of FSW joints in immersion exfolia-
mechanical property degradation during welding. Friction-stir tion corrosion (EXCO) solution.
welding (FSW), a new solid state welding technique, was Second phase particles are known to have an important
invented by The Welding Institute (TWI) in 1991 [1]. This influence on the corrosion behavior of aluminum alloys
technique improves the quality of the joints due to the pres- [27−28]. Two major precipitates (Al2Cu (θ) and Al2CuMg
ence of fine equiaxed grains in the welds [2−6]. (S) phases) are present in the 2xxx series of Cu-containing
The corrosion resistance of FSW joints is different from aluminum alloys, leading to pitting and intergranular corro-
the base material (BM). In the past decade, the studies of sion. The θ phase acts as the cathode and accelerates the
corrosion behavior of friction-stir-welded aluminum alloy dissolution of the adjacent matrix [12−13,24]. The S phase
have focused on general corrosion behavior [7−14], stress acts as the anode and can resist corrosion attack in early
corrosion cracking (SCC) [15−17], and improvement of stages, but will lead to the dissolution of the adjacent matrix
corrosion resistance [18−23]. For heat-treatable alloys such with increasing immersion time [11,29−30].
as AA2024, decreases in corrosion resistance in the weld re- The θ phase and Al−Cu−Fe−Mn−(Si) are the major pre-
gion are common [9−11], however, the AA2219 alloy ex- cipitates in 2A14 aluminum alloy, and the composition var-
hibits the improved corrosion resistance in its welds ies greatly [28,30]. The Al−Cu−Fe−Mn−(Si) phase particles
Corresponding author: Hua Zhang E-mail:
© The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at
628 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 22, No. 6, June 2015

act as the cathode due to their high self-corrosion potential circuit potential (OCP), potentiodynamic polarization curve,
compared with the matrix [30−31]. In the studies of Shao and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Elec-
et al. [30], the S phase played an important role in the corro- trochemical measurements were carried out on a conven-
sion process of 2024-T3 aluminum alloy, and no pitting tional three-electrode electrolyte cell system with a platinum
corrosion occurred on the Al−Cu−Fe−Mn phase particles. electrode as the auxiliary electrode and a saturated calomel
Although the Al−Cu−Fe−Mn phase particles act as the electrode (SCE) as the reference electrode. The working
cathode, corrosion attack is also found on these particles electrodes were the weld nugget, the thermo-mechanically
with the prolonged immersion time in NaCl solution [30]. affected zone (TMAZ)/heat affected zone (HAZ), and the
However, the corrosion behavior of second phase particles parent regions across the cross section of the joint. All
in FSW 2A14 aluminum alloy in EXCO solution has not measurements were carried out in EXCO solution at room
been reported. temperature. The area of the exposed surface was 0.35 cm2,
In the present work, the corrosion behavior of FSW joints and it was polished to a 1-μm diamond finish. For OCP, all
of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy was investigated by EXCO so- electrochemical measurements were performed after im-
lution immersing testing, and the development of corrosion mersion in EXCO solution for 30 min to ensure that the
was studied by in-situ observation. The corrosion behavior working electrodes reached a steady potential in solution.
and mechanism were studied by electrochemistry measure- The potentiodynamic polarization curves were then meas-
ments, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy ured at a scanning rate of 1 mV/s. Impedance measurements
dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). were carried out over the frequency range of 100 kHz to 10
mHz with a sine wave excitation amplitude of 10 mV at the
2. Experimental open circuit potential. The experimental data were analyzed
by the commercial software ZSimpWin.
2.1. Materials and solutions
2.3. Immersion tests
A 7-mm thick 2A14 aluminum alloy plate in T6 temper
condition was used in the present work; its chemical com- The FSW specimens were immersed in EXCO solution
position is shown in Table 1. The joints were manufactured for 6 h at 25°C and subsequently treated with the concen-
by an FSW machine at a travel speed of 50 mm/min and a trated HNO3 (70vol%) for 30 s. The surface along the cross
rotation speed of 800 r/min at Capital Aerospace Machinery section of specimens was then cleaned with the distilled
Company. The tilt angle of FSW tool was 3° with respect to water and dried for SEM observation. The exfoliation depth
the vertical direction. on the top surface of BM was measured under optical mi-
croscope using statistical methods.
Table 1. Chemical composition of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy
wt% 2.4. In-situ observation
Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Ti Al All samples were polished to a mirror finish (1-μm dia-
0.6−1.2 0.7 4.4 0.4−1.0 0.4−0.8 0.3 0.15 Bal. mond paste), ultrasonically cleaned in alcohol, and rinsed in
deionized water. Inclusion sites were then identified and
One FSW specimen of about 30 mm × 10 mm × 7 mm marked using a Vickers microhardness tester at the different
was sectioned perpendicularly to the welding direction from regions of weld as well as the base metal to identify the in-
the joints. The cross section of specimen was ground by termetallic particles of interest. Subsequently, the marked
silicon carbide papers in a row to 2000# and then polished specimen was immersed in EXCO solution for different pe-
with diamond paste to a 1-μm finish. The specimen was riods of time (0.5 h, 1 h, and 2 h). After immersion, the
etched by Keller’s reagent (1 mL HF, 1.5 mL HCl, 2.5 mL samples were washed in deionized water, dried, and then
HNO3, and 95 mL H2O) for microstructural examination. analyzed by SEM and EDS.
All solutions in this study were prepared according to the
ASTM G34-01 standard [32] . The EXCO test solution was 3. Results and discussion
prepared as follows as 4 mol/L NaCl + 0.5 mol/L KNO3 +
3.1. Identification of intermetallic particles
0.1 mol/L HNO3 at pH 0.4 in 25°C.
The macrostructure along the cross section of an FSW
2.2. Electrochemical analysis
joint of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy is shown in Fig. 1. It can
The employed electrochemical analyses included open be divided into four regions: weld nugget zone (WNZ),
H.L. Qin et al., Corrosion behavior of the friction-stir-welded joints of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy 629

thermo-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ), heat-affected

zone (HAZ), and base material (BM). EDS was used to
classify the intermetallic particles of the friction-stir-welded
2A14 aluminum alloy in this experiment. Fig. 2 shows the
SEM micrograph of the intermetallic particles in the base
Fig. 1. Macroscopic image along the cross section of a fric-
material; there are two general particle shapes: round (rod) tion-stir-welded joint of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy: (a) WNZ; (b)
and irregular. The irregularly-shaped particles (typical TMAZ; (c) HAZ; (d) BM.
greater than 10 μm in length) are much larger than the round
ones, which are less than 5 μm in diameter. The EDS spectra
from three points (B, D, and H) are shown in Fig. 3. EDS
spectrum of the intermetallic particle (point B) shows the
elements Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Si. The intensity of Al peak is
high, and those of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Si peaks are low. The
EDS spectrum of point D in Fig. 3(b) shows the
high-intensity Al and Cu peaks. Fig. 3(c) displays the repre-
sentative EDS spectrum of the matrix with a high intensity
Al peak and a low intensity Cu peak. The difference in Cu
content between the intermetallic particles and the matrix,
which results in different corrosion potentials, is considered
to be the key factor responsible for the variable corrosion
behaviors of FSW joints [26] .
Fig. 4 shows the EDS maps of Fig. 2. The maps indicate
a high intensity of Al over the matrix and a low intensity of
Al on the precipitate particles. The accumulation of Fe, Mn, Fig. 2. SEM image of intermetallic particles in the base mate-
and Si is apparent on the particles labeled as B, C, E, and F, rial of a friction-stir-welded joint of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy.

Fig. 3. EDS spectra from three points in

BM in Fig. 2: (a) point B; (b) point D; (c)
point H.
630 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 22, No. 6, June 2015

Fig. 4. EDS maps of the base material of 2A14 aluminum alloy in Fig. 2.

while the intensity of Cu is high on the particles labeled as A, for all electrodes, indicating that homogeneous surface cor-
D, and G in Fig. 2. Combined with the results of EDS point rosion reactivity occurs in the samples [8] . The parent alloy
analysis, it is easy to identify two typical types of particles: exhibits a potential of around –0.713 V vs. SCE, while those
the Al−Cu−Fe−Mn−Si phase (labeled as B, C, E, and F) and of the TMAZ/HAZ and weld nugget regions are –0.663 V
the θ phase (labeled as A, D, and G). The intensity of Mg is vs. SCE and –0.66 V vs. SCE, respectively. The potentials
low for all the intermetallic particles, and no S (Al2CuMg)- of the weld nugget and TMAZ/HAZ regions are close, al-
phase particles are found under the present conditions. though the weld nugget has a slightly better corrosion resis-
The SEM image and EDS maps of the particles in the tance, as indicated by its nobler potential.
weld nugget of friction-stir-welded joints of 2A14 alumi-
num alloy are shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. The
WNZ is marked by a number of particles. The EDS results
for the weld nugget suggest large amounts of Al−Cu−Fe−
Mn−Si-phase and θ-phase particles in the joints, in agree-
ment with the results shown in Fig. 4. However, the inten-
sity of Si is large over most of the intermetallic particles due
to the stir process, and Mg accumulates on some of the in-
termetallic particles; thus, other types of precipitates such as
Al−Cu−Mg−Si and Al−Cu−Mg may exist in the joints,
which may also affect corrosion performance.

3.2. Local electrochemical measurements

The local electrochemical open circuit potentials (EOCP)
of the BM, TMAZ/HAZ, and WNZ regions in EXCO solu-
tion at 25°C are shown in Fig. 7. For each zone, the OCP
measurement was recorded for 400 s. Fig. 7 shows that the Fig. 5. SEM image of precipitate particles in the WNZ of the
potential remains stable in the entire measurement process joint of the friction-stir-welded 2A14 aluminum alloy.
H.L. Qin et al., Corrosion behavior of the friction-stir-welded joints of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy 631

Fig. 6. WNZ EDS maps of the friction-stir-welded 2A14 aluminum alloy in Fig. 5.

Fig. 8. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of the joints at

Fig. 7. Open circuit potentials of the welded joint at different
different positions in EXCO solution.
positions in EXCO solution.

Fig. 8 shows the potentiodynamic polarization curves for EIS data for the 2A14 aluminum alloy joints in EXCO
the 2A14 aluminum alloy joints in EXCO solution. The solution are shown in Fig. 9. The corrosion rate is closely
self-corrosion potentials and self-corrosion currents obtained related to the diameter of the capacitive impedance loop,
from Fig. 8 are shown in Table 2. The Ecorr values of WNZ with a larger diameter corresponding to the better corrosion
and TMAZ/HAZ zones are higher than that of BM, and the resistance. Fig. 9(a) shows that the diameter of the capaci-
Ecorr value of WNZ is the highest. Higher Ecorr values indi- tive impedance loop of WNZ is larger than that of BM, in-
cate better corrosion resistance. This result is mainly be- dicating that the corrosion resistance of WNZ is improved
cause the welding area undergoes the significant plastic de- compared to BM. The Nyquist plots shown in Fig. 9(a) are
formation and recrystallization in the process of FSW, re- all composed of a high-intermediate-frequency capacitive
sulting in the microstructural homogenization. The homog- impedance loop and a low-intermediate-frequency induc-
enization of microstructure weakens the possibility for the tance loop without a diffusion-controlled linear part; this in-
formation of galvanic corrosion, resulting in the improved dicates that the exfoliation corrosion of 2A14 aluminum al-
corrosion resistance. loy joints is a charge-transfer-controlled process. Fig. 9 re-
632 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 22, No. 6, June 2015

veals that the resistor and capacitor elements are related by constant phase angle element (CPE) was used in the place of
the load connection, and the equivalent electric circuit is capacitance to describe the deviation of the capacitance pa-
shown in Fig. 10, where RΩ stands for the resistance of solu- rameter, which was composed of Y0 and n. The parameter
tion, Rd the charge transfer resistance of the electrochemical derived from the EIS data was calculated by ZSimpWin
reaction, Cd the electric double layer capacitance of elec- software, as listed in Table 2. The Rd and Rf values of WNZ
trode/solution, Rf the adsorption resistance of the corrosion are higher than those of other zones, indicating a lower cor-
production film, and L the induction of the absorbed corro- rosion rate corresponding to the principal shown in the Ny-
sion production film. To improve the accuracy of fitting, the quist plots in Fig. 9(a).
Table 2. Electrochemical parameters of the joints
Regions Ecorr / V RΩ / (Ω·cm2) Y0 / (10–5Ω–1·cm2·s–n) n Rd / (Ω·cm2) Rf / (Ω·cm2)
WNZ –0.631 1.347 1.549 0.9361 1574 16050
TMAZ/HAZ –0.643 1.402 2.241 0.9517 783.6 5744
BM –0.690 1.419 1.097 0.9787 303.5 1453
Note: Ecorr is the self-corrosion potential, RΩ the resistance of solution, Rd the charge transfer resistance of the electrochemical reaction, and
Rf the adsorption resistance of the corrosion production film. Y0 and n are used to describe the capacitance parameter deviation.

Fig. 9. EIS results of the joints at different positions in EXCO solution: (a) Nyquist plots; (b) Bode plots.

aspect ratio, and the mid-section of plate is the most ad-

vanced attack place [33] . When intergranular corrosion oc-
curs in a layered structure, the volume of the insoluble cor-
rosion products is larger than that of the aluminum alloy,
resulting in a “wedging effect.” Therefore, the exfoliation
Fig. 10. Equivalent electric circuit used for numerical fitting corrosion occurs, causing great losses of surface material
of the EIS data. [34] . After FSW, the microstructure transforms from elon-
gated grains into a fine and equiaxed grain structure, as
3.3. Corrosion morphology
shown in Fig. 13; thus, the exfoliation corrosion resistance
Fig. 11 shows the macroscopic image of the top surface of friction-stir welds is greatly improved.
of the joint after immersion in EXCO solution for 6 h. The
major corrosion-affected region is the BM; the exfoliation
corrosion is observed with a mean exfoliation depth of 0.13
mm, as shown in Fig. 12. The weld does not suffer from the
serious attack, indicating that the weld has higher corrosion
resistance than the BM. This result is consistent with the lo-
cal electrochemical results discussed above.
Some studies have revealed that the exfoliation corrosion Fig. 11. Macroscopic image of the top surface of the joint af-
sensitivity of aluminum alloy is closely related to the grain ter immersion in EXCO solution for 6 h.
H.L. Qin et al., Corrosion behavior of the friction-stir-welded joints of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy 633

of the FSW joint after different immersion times in EXCO

solution. Comparing the images in a row, each micrograph
represents one state of in-situ corrosion for the second phase
particles during the corrosion process. After immersion in
EXCO solution for 0.5 h, localized pitting corrosion is ob-
served in every region of the joint. The pitting corrosion is
first concentrated at the interface between the precipitated
phase particles and their adjacent aluminum matrix. This
can be attributed to the higher electrode potential of the pre-
cipitation phase which contains Cu and Fe with high elec-
trode potentials compared to the aluminum matrix. The
Fig. 12. Exfoliation depth on the top surface of the base mate-
second phases with high electrode potentials play the role of
rial. cathode, while the aluminum matrix with lower electrode
potential is the anode, and dissolution occurs. This observa-
The SEM images of the WNZ and the BM zones along tion is in good agreement with the results of other research-
the cross section of the joint after immersion tests are shown ers [30] . When immersion time increases to 1 h, some of
in Fig. 14. In WNZ, the main type of corrosion attack is pit- the second phase particles are also corroded. As a result,
ting corrosion; some pitting holes are detected, and the sur- these particles become smaller and smaller, indicating that
face of specimen is smooth. In BM, many corrosion prod- the Al in second phase particles dissolves continuously dur-
ucts are found, and some intergranular corrosion is observed. ing the corrosion process. When immersion time reaches 2 h,
In addition, corrosion pits appear on the BM surface. pitting holes distribute in every region with the formation of
new pitting holes as a result of the dissolution of small par-
3.4. In-situ analysis of corrosion behavior
ticles. However, pitting corrosion does not take place in all
Fig. 15 shows SEM micrographs of the corrosion features precipitate particles; only some of the particles dissolve

Fig. 13. Optical micrographs of the WNZ (a) and BM (b) zones.

Fig. 14. SEM images of the WNZ (a) and BM (b) zones along the cross section of the joint after immersion in EXCO for 6 h.
634 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 22, No. 6, June 2015

Fig. 15. Corrosion behavior in the different regions of the FSW joints for different immersion times (0 h, 0.5 h, 1 h, and 2 h) in
EXCO solution.

during EXCO testing. Intergranular corrosion is found in broken during the FSW process in the weld nugget. They
every region after 2 h of exposure to EXCO solution. The are uniformly distributed on the aluminum matrix due to the
intergranular corrosion is generally attributed to the micro- rotation of tool. In addition, the microstructure becomes
structure and element heterogeneity of the grain boundaries homogeneous in WNZ owing to the significant plastic de-
resulting from the precipitation of second phase particles at formation and recrystallization during the FSW process; the
the grain boundaries. This depletes the adjacent solid solu- grains are fine and equiaxed, and their sizes are much
tion of Cu and makes the adjacent matrix more anodic; smaller than those in BM. Consequently, the potential of the
therefore, intergranular corrosion is found in the matrix in galvanic cell between precipitation particles and the Al ma-
friction-stir welds. The intergranular corrosion may also be trix decreases due to the homogeneous organization and
associated with the energy stored in the grains of alloy, as composition. As a result, the weld nugget shows the higher
reported by Luo for the AA2024-T351 alloy [35] . These corrosion resistance.
intergranular corrosion phenomena demonstrate that both A further investigation into the corrosion behaviors of the
FSW and BM of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy are susceptible two typical precipitate particle phases in BM is shown in Fig.
to intergranular corrosion in EXCO solution. 16. The particle labeled as A is θ phase, while the one la-
As shown in Figs. 5 and 15, some precipitate particles are beled as B is Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si phase. After immersion in
H.L. Qin et al., Corrosion behavior of the friction-stir-welded joints of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy 635

EXCO solution for 0.5 h, the edge of Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si tents of Al and Fe are reduced, while the Cu content in-
phase particles starts to dissolve. After immersion for 2 h, creases. After immersion for 2 h, the deposition of O ele-
the Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si phase is seriously attacked, while the ments is observed on the surface of particles. The EDS data
θ phase particle remains fairy intact without the appearance suggest that both the Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si phase particles and
of pitting corrosion around it. Table 3 shows the contents of the aluminum matrix suffer from the corrosion attack. Al
Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Si in the Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si phase par- and Fe selectively dissolve from the particles, resulting in a
ticles shown in Fig. 16 before and after immersion in EXCO Cu-rich remnant. Consequently, the self-corrosion potential
solution. The element contents in the particles vary with of particles increases, and more serious corrosion occurs be-
immersion time. With increasing immersion time, the con- side them.

Fig. 16. Corrosion behavior of precipitate phases in the BM: (a) before immersion; (b) after immersion for 0.5 h; (c) after immer-
sion for 1 h; and (d) after immersion for 2 h.

Table 3. Composition of Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si particles in Fig. 16 particles are reasonably expected to be local cathodes, how-
with increasing EXCO immersion time wt% ever, the Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si particles also exhibit serious
Immersion time / h Al Cu Fe Mn Si O dissolution after immersing for 2 h. Based on this result, an-
Before immersion 59.27 7.07 11.65 13.25 8.76 ― other two particles in HAZ are discussed in Fig. 17. The
0.5 58.50 8.90 10.65 13.07 8.88 ― round particle (labeled as A) is θ phase, while the irregularly
1 55.80 11.58 10.63 13.39 8.60 ― shaped particle (labeled as B) is Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si phase.
2 54.85 13.74 9.20 11.17 6.90 4.14 Fig. 17(a) shows that the size of the Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si par-
ticle is bigger than that of the previous one in the BM. This
As previously discussed, there is no observable pitting is because the HAZ undergoes only high temperature; thus,
corrosion either on the θ-phase particles or on the matrix its grain size is slightly bigger than that in the BM, and the
around it in BM. However, two major corrosion types are sizes of second phase particles increase at the same time.
observed on the Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si phase particles. These After immersion in EXCO solution, the Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si
636 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Vol. 22, No. 6, June 2015

phase particle becomes smaller and smaller and is covered intact after 2 h of immersion, which also supports that the
by the corrosion products after 2 h, as shown by the EDS pitting is concentrated only at the Al matrix adjacent to the
spectrum in Fig. 18. However, the θ-phase particle is still Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si phase particles in HAZ.

Fig. 17. Corrosion behavior of precipitates in HAZ: (a) before immersion; (b) after immersion for 0.5 h; (c) after immersion for 1 h;
(d) after immersion for 2 h.

The oxidation films of particles and the matrix are generally

considered to suffer continuously from corrosion attack un-
der the effect of H+ and Cl− with increasing immersion time,
resulting in the dissolution of aluminum ions followed by
their release into solution. However, the effect of NO 3− on
the corrosion behavior of 2A14 aluminum alloy has not
been reported, some studies have revealed that NO 3− can
accelerate the dissolution of Fe [36] . While the H+ in
EXCO solution promotes corrosion [34,36]. Therefore, the
Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si phase in EXCO solution dissolves
quickly even though its corrosion potential is much higher
Fig. 18. EDS spectrum of Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si particle after
immersion for 2 h in EXCO solution.
than that of the aluminum alloy matrix. The cathodic reac-
tion in EXCO solution is a hydrogen evolution reaction.
From the analysis above, it can be concluded that the pit-
ting susceptibilities of the FSW joints of 2A14 aluminum 4. Conclusions
alloy are related to the Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si particles; some
corrosion attacks of the Al–Cu–Fe–Mn–Si particles occur The corrosion behavior of the friction-stir-welded joints
together with the matrix. The EXCO solution is acidic and of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy was investigated and discussed
contains many aggressive ions such as Cl−, H+, and NO 3− . by electrochemical measurements, SEM observations, and
H.L. Qin et al., Corrosion behavior of the friction-stir-welded joints of 2A14-T6 aluminum alloy 637

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