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COM643 Assignment Spec1

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Future Technologies
Assignment 1
Jack Harker
Twitter: @J_Harker
Discord: Jack.harker#6845
Office: B126

COM643: Future Technologies 21-22

The aim of this assignment is to further your knowledge and awareness of current and
future trends with respect to computing, games and the related technology & industry.

Over the last decade, various development kits and technical innovations in hardware,
software and digital content distribution have driven trends in consumer purchasing,
developer strategy and general innovation across the industry. Consequently, such
changes affect everything from the way that games and applications are designed and
consumed, to the hardware and technology they operate on.

Your Task
Working in small groups or individually, you will be required to create an entertaining and
informative video presentation that explores emerging technologies. This can be
specifically related to your subject specialisms, or it can take the form of any other
generic cutting-edge technology. Each video should have an appropriate scope for the
number of members in the team and should focus around a single topic.

This can include a brief overview and/or history of your topic, but the video needs to
emphasise the future and how existing concepts will develop and potentially influence
culture and society. You will need to synthesise your content from a variety of sources
and opinions and where relevant include speculations based on current thoughts and

This video should take the form of something you might expect to see on social media
and include:
▪ Around 10-minute run time for the video per person (minimum 15 minutes,
ideally 25-30 minutes per group)
▪ Sections of video that show each person of the group.
▪ Sections of audio from each person of the group.
▪ Clear, balanced discussions that include obvious advantages, potential
disadvantages and dangers of your chosen emerging technology.
▪ Consider technical, social, environmental, ethical and legal aspects of your
chosen topic!
▪ References to any third-party media (sound, graphics etc).

This Assignment will make up 40% of the overall mark for this module.

COM643: Future Technologies 21-22

Project Roadmap & Deadlines
Week No. Week Beginning
27 31/01/22 Introduction
28 07/02/22 --------------------------------------------------------------
29 14/02/22 Research & Team Proposal
30 21/02/22 Enrichment Week
31 28/02/22 --------------------------------------------------------------
32 07/03/22 --------------------------------------------------------------
33 14/03/22 Assignment 1 Submission
34 21/03/22 --------------------------------------------------------------
35 28/03/22 --------------------------------------------------------------
36 04/04/22 Assignment 2 Draft Submission
37 11/04/22 Easter Break
38 18/04/22 Easter Break
39 25/04/22 --------------------------------------------------------------
40 02/05/22 Assignment 2 Submission

This module will be largely student and research led. Sessions will take an informal
discussion-based approach.

Assessment & Submission

You will be required to post/upload your video presentation onto a cloud-based platform
(preferably YouTube), and submit a viewable link onto Moodle along with a Submission
Sheet to Moodle. You will be returned feedback to this assignment through this file.

Research Proposal for Friday 18th February 11:55pm

Final Submission for Assignment 1 is Friday 18th March 11:55pm

Learning Outcomes
1. Assess emergent computing and engineering technologies at various stages of
research, development and deployment.
2. Identify, critically analyse and debate current and future issues in computing and
3. Synthesise conflicting opinions regarding emergent and future technologies and
their wider social, ethical, legal, political, economic, environmental and
demographic drivers and impact.

COM643: Future Technologies 21-22

4. Discuss and make informed predictions regarding the directions taken by various
aspects of computer technologies and their application and impact in the short,
medium and long-term future.

These Learning Outcomes are mapped to the Assessment Criteria in the rubric below.
By achieving a pass mark against the Assessment Criteria, you will be demonstrating
these Learning Outcomes.

COM643: Future Technologies 21-22

Assessment Criteria Referral (<40) C (40+) B (50+) B+ (60+) A (70+)

Emergent Technologies Failure to fully Emergent technologies Emergent technologies Emergent technologies Emergent technologies
have been identified, identify emerging have been identified and have been identified and have been clearly have been clearly
assessed and analysed as technologies. assessed in a limited appropriately assessed identified and assessed identified and assessed
part of the presentation. Emergent manner during the during the presentation. during the presentation. during the presentation
technologies may be presentation. Relevant Relevant factors and Most factors and with clear links to
This should include
identified but do factors and opinions have opinions have been opinions have been contemporary
factors from social,
explore relevant been included to an included and utilised included and utilised research/development.
ethical, legal, political, factors. extent. within arguments. within informed All factors and opinions
economic and arguments. have been included and
environmental arguments. utilised within informed
(Learning Outcome 1, arguments.
2, 3)

Informed predications are Lack of prediction Prediction is included Predictions of emerging Predictions of emerging Predictions of emerging
discussed and debated within the within the presentation technologies are technologies are well technologies are
within the presentation presentation that but fails to be the explored to discuss explored to discuss extensively explored to
showing clear links to attempts to majority of the content. short, medium and long- short, medium and long- discuss short, medium
conceptualise the Predictions may be ill- term future. These will term future. These will and long-term future.
differing opinions and
future of the chosen informed or incorrectly show links to show clear links to These will show clear
sources. This should
topic. justified. contemporary research, contemporary research, links to contemporary
include short, medium and practices or practices or research, practices or
long-term future. development. development. development.
(Learning Outcome 1,
2, 4)

COM643: Future Technologies 21-22

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