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Science Experiment

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Andeisha Fermin
Integrated Science
4 Arts
Oxidation is a chemical process that happens when certain

substances come into contact with oxygen. It's like when things

rust or when sliced apples turn brown. In simple terms, it's when a

material reacts with oxygen from the air, and this reaction can

change the substance's properties or appearance. This process

often involves the loss of electrons, which can lead to the

deterioration of the material. So, when you see metal rusting, fruit

browning, or a fire burning, you're witnessing oxidation in action.

Problem Statement:
“Bananas, potatoes, and apples which are out and left exposed to air
turn brown. The development of this brown color is unappealing and
undesirable, especially in the food preparation industry. Some chefs
recommend covering the cut surfaces of these fruits and vegetables with
lime juice as the best tip for preventing browning, while others claim
using cold water or vinegar will be better.”

The problem statement is about how bananas, potatoes, and apples can

turn brown when they are exposed to the air, and this brown color is not

good for food, especially in the cooking industry. Some chefs suggest

different methods like using lime juice, cold water, or vinegar to


prevent this browning and keep the fruits and vegetables looking fresh

and appealing. The problem is to figure out which method works best

to stop them from turning brown.

“Applying lime juice, cold water, and vinegar to cut surfaces of
bananas, potatoes, and apples will yield different outcomes in
preventing fruit browning.”

Relation of the hypothesis to the aim:

The aim is directly related to the hypothesis. The hypothesis outlines

the expected outcomes of applying lime juice, cold water, and
vinegar to the cut surfaces of bananas, potatoes, and apples,
suggesting that these substances will yield different results in
preventing browning.
The aim, on the other hand, describes the purpose of the experiment,

which is to investigate the impact of these substances on delaying the

browning of the fruits in a practical sense. In other words, the aim is
the specific experiment you will conduct to test the hypothesis and
determine whether it holds true.
Tools &
Tools: Procedures:

● Knife ● All materials were gathered

● Potatoes ● All fruits and vegetables were cut into four

● Apples pieces.

● Bananas ● Lime, vinegar and cold water were added to

● Dishes the bananas, apples and potatoes

● Vinegar ● Slices were left to sit for an hour

● Cold water ● Observations were recorded in a suitable table


● Lime juice ● The experiment was repeated for accuracy


Independent Variables: Potato slices, banana slices and
apple slices

Dependent Variables- Lime juice, cold water and


Controlled Variables- Same amount of lime juice, cold

water, and vinegar
The experiment's findings reveal that lime juice
effectively prevents browning in potato and banana
slices due to its acidity, which denatures the browning
enzyme. Vinegar is also somewhat effective but less so
than lime juice. In contrast, cold water lacks the required
acidity, resulting in browning. Apples are generally less
prone to browning, with both lime juice and vinegar
successfully preventing it, while cold water is
ineffective due to its lack of acidity. This experiment

highlights the role of acidity in inhibiting browning

reactions in various fruits.
Limitations, Precautions and
Source of Error
Limitations: Potatoes' age and coating irregularities affected results
and the banana was already brown and soft which affected the results
as well.

Source Of Error: Uneven coating of the potato impacted the results

Precautions: All materials were handled and equal amounts of lime

juice, vinegar and cold water were used to ensure reliable results

BOOM In conclusion this experiment was aimed to investigate

the impact of lime juice, cold water, and vinegar on delaying
the browning of exposed bananas, potatoes, and apples.
Browning is a natural chemical reaction in various fruits and
vegetables when exposed to air. This experiment confirmed
that lime juice effectively prevents potatoes, apples and
banana from browning, achieving the aim of the study.


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