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Вопросы по теории GMDSS

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GMDSS: Which communication services are available in the Inmarsat-Fleet 77 system?

GMDSS: What is meant by "Geostationary Orbit" ?

GMDSS: What is special about the Inmarsat-C number?
GMDSS: You have lost the signal on your Inmarsat-Fleet 77 terminal. All equipment appears in
good working order. The ship's position is 56N, 10E. What might be the reason?
GMDSS: When was GMDSS globally implemented?
GMDSS: What is the approximate maximum range for MF telephony?
GMDSS: You have 2 batteries, each 12 volts, 100 A/H, connected in series. What is the
combined voltage and capacity?
GMDSS: What fluid is used in a lead-acid accumulator?

GMDSS: How can you be sure that your radio telex message (ARQ) is well received by the
subscriber ashore?
GMDSS: What is the MF DSC distress and safety frequency?
GMDSS: What frequency would you use to call other vessels by the means of MF DSC?
GMDSS: What natural phenomena is useful for propagation of high frequency (HF) radio
GMDSS: You want to call a foreign coast station on MF DSC and you do not know the national
channel. What frequency would you use for transmitting and for receiving?
GMDSS: In Radio Telex there are many different codes and commands in use. What does the
code DER mean?
GMDSS: What is the range of a VHF station especially restricted by?
GMDSS: If your vessel is "On Scene Commander" during SAR operations, how would you
impose radio silence if other stations are disturbing the distress frequency?
GMDSS: You are on board the M/V Star/D5DF and have received a distress message from M/V
Spiro/C6GFD. What is correct acknowledgement of this distress message?
GMDSS: Your vessel is not under command, and you wish to warn other vessels about this.
What priority would you choose?
GMDSS: Your EPIRB has been activated due to a mishap. You are going to cancel the alarm
using Inmarsat -C. How is this done?
GMDSS: What signal can trigger a SART?
GMDSS: What number is used to identify a vessel when alerting by means of a Cospas/Sarsat
GMDSS: A Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB does not transmit the vessels position. How can the LUT
(Local User Terminal) stations determine the vessels position?
GMDSS: How many hours will the SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder) be able to
transmit continuously when activated?
GMDSS: What do the letters E.P.I.R.B. stand for?
GMDSS: When is the telex mode FEC used?
GMDSS: Which transmission mode is used by the NAVTEX system?
GMDSS: What service is provided if you use the two digit code 32 on Inmarsat Fleet77?
GMDSS: SDR (Special Drawing Rights) is the international currency within telecommunications.
How many Gold Franks are there in one SDR?
GMDSS: How often must a General Operator's Certificate (GOC) be renewed?
GMDSS: Only one kind of EPIRB can be detected irrespective of position on the globe. What
frequency does it transmit on?
GMDSS: How many NCSs (Network Control Stations) are there in the Inmarsat system?

GMDSS: What is the MID number in the following MMSI number: 257123456?
GMDSS: There are sea areas A1, A2, A3 and A4. Which area is described as: sea area that is
covered by coast stations equipped with VHF DSC?
GMDSS: Who is responsible for the emergency radio service on board?
GMDSS: What is the approximate range of a VHF DSC?
GMDSS: Your vessel is equipped with GMDSS for the A4 area. You are in position 76 N, 23 E,
and you want to make a phone-call. What equipment would you use?
GMDSS: What is the unit of electrical current?
GMDSS: What is the speed of radio waves in air?

GMDSS: For what purpose are the following frequencies used: 2045, 2051,2054, 2057 kHz ?

GMDSS: How many Hz (Hertz) are there in 1 MHz?

GMDSS: What are the channels in the international VHF channel plan?
GMDSS: You want to utilise a VHF transceiver to communicate between the bridge and the
poop deck. What channel and what power would you use?
GMDSS: You have received a distress alert on MF DSC. On what frequency would you
acknowledge the call if no coast station has acknowledged?
GMDSS: What is the Distress and Safety frequency on VHF telephony?
GMDSS: A NAVTEX message has the following ID code: LD00 (Lima - Delta - Zero - Zero).
What kind of message is it?
GMDSS: What priority would be appropriate to use if you want to send a Medico message on
Inmarsat Fleet 77?
GMDSS: What type of radio message would you transmit if your ship has a collision and there is
grave and imminent danger?
GMDSS: A Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB is transmitting on two different frequencies. Which of the two
frequencies carries the MMSI number?
GMDSS: How many hand held VHFs must there be on board vessels greater than 500 grt?
GMDSS: How many hours will the SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder) be able to
operate in Stand By mode?
GMDSS: The Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB has global coverage. How is this possible?

GMDSS: In the case of permanent loss of power, what type of radio message would you send?

GMDSS: Can MSI messages be received by equipment other than a NAVTEX receiver?

GMDSS: Through what equipment can you receive MSI (Maritime Safety Information) on board
vessels equipped for A3?
GMDSS: A vessel is equipped for A3. What distress radio equipment must be fitted if the vessel
is above 500 grt?
GMDSS: You are going to sent a radio telex through Ostende Radio in Belgium. What
publication would you use to find information about frequencies to utilize for the call?
GMDSS: In what ocean area do we find the AOR-E satellite?
GMDSS: Which of the following stations is, among other things, controlling the orbit of the
Inmarsat satellites?
GMDSS: Which areas are not covered by the Inmarsat satellites?

GMDSS: A coast station has 002571234 as it's MMSI number. What is the MID number?

GMDSS: What is the main purpose of Digital Selective Calling systems?

GMDSS: You are radio operator on board a vessel in distress and you are 100 miles off the
nearest coast station. What frequency would you use for a DSC alert?
GMDSS: How many digits does a MMSI number consist of?
GMDSS: How long should the radio batteries last in the GMDSS station in case of a black-out?
(If the vessel is equipped with an emergency generator)
GMDSS: What radio equipment utilises the mode F1B?

GMDSS: What kind of gas will be developed during charging of lead acid accumulators?

GMDSS: Which HF band would you use as "first choice" for a ship-to-shore distress alert?
GMDSS: You receive a distress alert on VHF DSC. On what channel will the following distress
message be heard?
GMDSS: The wavelength of a radio signal is found by the formula: wavelength equals 300,000
divided by the frequency in kHz. What wavelength is the frequency 4 MHz?
GMDSS: What mode is used for Radio Telex traffic?

GMDSS: What is the approximate range of NAVTEX transmissions?

GMDSS: HF radio communication is sometimes nearly impossible to achieve in high latitudes.
What may cause this situation?
GMDSS: A coast station has been in charge of distress traffic, and the situation is now over.
What signal must the station transmit in order to lift radio silence?
GMDSS: How many times should a Distress Call and Distress Message be repeated if no
acknowledgement is received?
GMDSS: You have received a Distress Call, but the Distress Message is not heard. What would
you do in this situation?
GMDSS: Using spoken radio communication, what is the code word used to indicate a distress
GMDSS: When an emergency is clearly over, how should a Mayday message be cancelled?

GMDSS: How often should the EPIRB to be tested by the vessel's crew?
GMDSS: How can you decide when the hydrostatic release mechanism on an EPIRB is to be
GMDSS: Which frequency is used by the NAVTEX system?
GMDSS: A NAVTEX receiver can be preprogrammed in such a way that it does not receive
certain messages. What messages cannot be shut out?
GMDSS: How long is the Radio Safety Certificate valid prior to renewal?

GMDSS: How many SARTs should be carried on board?

GMDSS: What kind of antenna is used by an Inmarsat-Fleet 77 terminal?

GMDSS: With what equipment is it possible to receive EGC messages?

GMDSS: When operating the Inmarsat-C terminal, it is not necessary to use azimuth and
elevation angles to find a satellite. Why is this the case?
GMDSS: What identification is used in a DSC?
GMDSS: Why are there different requirements regarding radio equipment in ocean areas A3
and A4?
GMDSS: How many cells does a 12 volt lead-acid accumulator consist of?

GMDSS: What is a DUPLEX radio connection?

GMDSS: Four 12 Volt lead-acid batteries are connected in series. Each battery has a capacity
of 50 Ah. How long would these batteries run a radio station that drains 10 A?
GMDSS: What does the command DIRTLX mean?

GMDSS: What transmission mode would you use for HF telephony?

GMDSS: What do we call the special atmospheric layer that reflects high frequency (HF) radio
GMDSS: In what frequency bands would you find maritime MF?

GMDSS: HF (High Frequency) transmissions can have global coverage. Why?

GMDSS: On what frequency bands would you expect to find maritime VHF?

GMDSS: How does the Urgency Signal sound?

GMDSS: You have observed a drifting container in an area with heavy ship traffic. You want to
warn other vessels about your observation. What signal would you use?
GMDSS: Your propeller has dropped off in N.E. bound lane off Cap Griz Nez, Dover Strait. What
priority would you choose?
GMDSS: You have received a distress alert on MF DSC. In what circumstances should you
transmit an acknowledgement by means of DSC?
GMDSS: You have received a Distress Alert on VHF DSC channel 70. On what channel would
you expect to hear the distress message?
GMDSS: You want to transmit a Safety call on MF DSC. What frequency must be used, and on
what frequency would you read the Safety Message?
GMDSS: Which of the following modes would be appropriate to use for receiving radio telex on
GMDSS: The Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB transmits on two frequencies. Why does it transmit on
121.5 MHz?
GMDSS: Only one kind of EPIRB can be detected anywhere on the globe. What frequency is
used for detection and to find the position of the EPIRB?
GMDSS: How long a time will the battery in a Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB last when activated?

GMDSS: How often should the EPIRB hydrostatic release mechanism be replaced?
GMDSS: If you are in a position outside the coverage area of Inmarsat satellites; what
equipment could you use to receive MSI (Maritime Safety Information) traffic?
GMDSS: What kind of messages are received by a NAVTEX receiver?
GMDSS: You have had a radio telephone call through Singapore Radio. Total charge for the
call was 30.61 Gold Franks. How many SDR (Special Drawing Rights) does this amount to?
GMDSS: What radio communications must be entered into the Radio Log Book?
GMDSS: What radio equipment would you expect to find on board a vessel above 500 grt in sea
area A1?
GMDSS: What service is provided if you use the two digit code 00 on Inmarsat-Fleet 77?
GMDSS: You are in position 20 N and 179 E. You wish to switch on the Inmarsat Fleet 77
terminal. Which Inmarsat satellite would you have to use in this part of the globe?
GMDSS: Your vessel has rudder failure, and is adrift in an area with heavy traffic. What priority
would be appropriate to use if you want to notify shipping around you about this danger?
GMDSS: During distress traffic, the vessel in distress is disturbed by other stations on 2182 kHz.
What message should this vessel transmit to impose radio silence?
GMDSS: Ocean area A2 is described as an....
GMDSS: Why does the SART (Search & Rescue Radar Transponder) scan from 9.2 to 9.5 GHz
in the X band?
GMDSS: You are radio operator on board a vessel in distress. The nearest coast station is 100
miles away. If you want to transmit the alert on DSC, what frequency(s) would you use?
GMDSS: You have received a distress alert on HF DSC. No acknowledgement is received from
a coast station. What would you do next?
GMDSS: What radio transceivers may normally be used when the vessel is in port?

GMDSS: Two channels on VHF have limited output (1 watt). Which are they?

GMDSS: How do we find out if a NiCd accumulator is fully charged?

GMDSS: Why is the radiation from a transmitting antenna weaker if the insulators are covered
with soot and salt?
GMDSS: What is the correct charging voltage of a 12 Volt lead battery?

GMDSS: What mode(s) is allowed on 2182 kHz?

GMDSS: What mode(s) is allowed on HF telephony?

GMDSS: Why are the VHF antennas much smaller than MF/HF antennas?

GMDSS: What does the acronym ARQ mean?

GMDSS: On what frequency bands would you expect to find maritime HF?
GMDSS: What is the main difference between FEC (Forward Error Correction) and ARQ
(Automatic Retransmission Request) used in radio telex systems?
GMDSS: Which station should primarily lead the distress traffic?

GMDSS: You have received a distress alert on HF DSC. What would you do next?

GMDSS: How can you test the Distress Alert capability in the Inmarsat-C system?

GMDSS: You want to transmit an Urgency call on MF DSC. On what frequency would you send
the call, and on what frequency would you read the message?
GMDSS: What command would be appropriate to use if you want to be connected directly to a
subscriber via radio telex?
GMDSS: How accurate is the positioning of a Cospas/Sarsat EPIRB?

GMDSS: What is the approximate range of a SART?

GMDSS: What is a SART?

GMDSS: What is an EPIRB?

GMDSS: How many NAVAREAs are there in the world?

GMDSS: EGC consists of SafetyNet and FleetNet. What services do we get from FleetNet?
GMDSS: What type of radio messages contain important navigational or meteorological
GMDSS: How is Inmarsat-C traffic charged?
GMDSS: In what publication would you find information about times and frequencies for traffic
GMDSS: How many portable SAR VHFs must be carried on board SOLAS vessels?

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