OPMT-620 Assignment-2
OPMT-620 Assignment-2
OPMT-620 Assignment-2
Based on the information provided in the case study, Acme Fragrances is one of the
major businesses in the UK. As the company continues to expand their influence across the
globe, it is important to readjust the strategy going forward to make sure that the company will
be able to transition smoothly into bigger operations. This paper will provide an in-depth
analysis on how Acme can accommodate for short-term growth through expanding facility
space, and how the company can overcome lost online sales as a result of transportation delays.
The paper will also touch on some future strategies for the company regarding the lease of
According to Stevenson et al. (2021), companies can rely on the lean production system
to help with storage management issues. Through properly applying the core principles of the
lean production system into their operations, Acme Fragrances will be able to resolve their
concerns surrounding their warehouse expansion. First of all, the company can implement a pull
system based directly on customer demand (Stevenson et al., 2021), making sure that inventory
only gets replenished when needed. This system also involves the use of a kanban card, which
allows warehouse employees to signal the need for extra batch of items only when they are
required. The company can put a focus on the JIT/just-in-time inventory management method,
customer demand. By minimizing excess stock, Acme can free up valuable warehouse space for
more productive uses. On the other hand, the company can also look into optimizing the layout
of the warehouse to maximize space utilization. This approach involves implementing efficient
storage systems, such as vertical racking, to make the most of available vertical space. In
addition to that, Acme can start developing VSM, which stands for Value Stream Mapping. The
VSM tool can be used to collect data and point out the less efficient working methods and
common mistakes (Stevenson et al., 2021). Through these information, Acme employers can
figure out what might be bogging down the system and optimize the space to make sure
inventory goes in and out smoothly. It is also essential to remember the 5S principles, which are
sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. Cleaniness is important in keeping everything
moving smoothly inside the workstation and reduce the amount of unnecessary items bogging
down the area, so housekeeping is something that Acme might want to tackle on a regular
To overcome the issues of lost online sales to Europe due to delays at UK and European
ports caused by increased customs checks and additional paperwork, Acme Fragrances can adopt
a multi-faceted approach that focuses on operational agility, process optimization, and customer
communication. Firstly, enhancing supply chain visibility is a crucial step for Acme Fragrances
to address the issues of lost online sales to Europe due to port delays and customs checks. The
use of supply chain visibility would require data sharing to ensure quick access to real time data
(Stevenson et al., 2021). Implementing advanced tracking and visibility tools can greatly
improve customer experience and reduce the chances of unexpected accidents. Following this
approach, Acme Fragranes can integrate a tracking system onto Acme's online platform that
allows customers to track their orders in real-time. Provide them with access to detailed
information about their order's journey, including shipping milestones and estimated delivery
dates. In addition to this, they can set up automated notifications to keep customers informed
about their order's status, making sure that customers are aware should there be any new update
to the shipping process. Send email or SMS alerts at key points in the shipping process, such as
order confirmation, shipment dispatch, customs clearance, and delivery. It is also essential for
Acme to maintain safety stock levels strategically placed within the EU to ensure product
availability even during port delays. Safety stock, which is stock in excess of average demand
(Stevenson et al., 2021), can help mitigate the risk of stockouts due to delays and cover for
unexpected increases in customer demand. The company can also outsource to external services
to provide guidance and help on paperwork, which would in turn speed up the process.
Regarding the future, I do believe that the sales and marketing director must take certain
factors into account before deciding on the new locations for their manufacturer and warehouse.
First of all, distance is a major aspect to consider during the evaluation process of location.
Acme’s warehouse should be placed in locations that are easily accessible to transportation
vehicles and not too far from areas where the majority of consumers are located. The
manufacturer should also be within a short distance from the main warehouse in order to reduce
time and budget for supply transportation. Cutting down on transport distance should save Acme
a lot of money and improve on shipping time, which would boost customer’s satisfaction. In
addition to that, the director should also look into local suppliers and make sure that the essential
materials are readily available to Acme’s manufacturing location. Having the right people to
support the system is a critical component to success, and this applies to internal departments as
well. Acme has been suffering due to the warehouse manager not having formal training. The
director can setup a training system for warehouse workers at the new location and Acme
employees in general to make sure everyone has a base understanding of the supply chain
process at Acme. Finally, the director should consider expansion plan for future growth, for
example if the company continues receiving such high number of sales that bottlenecking
becomes a problem, it might be beneficial to start looking for more locations for new
Regarding the escape clause, as there is a break clause in two years’ time in the contract,
I would recommend triggering the escape clause to give Acme more flexibility to expand their
operations. The current location is in a remote area, which makes it hard for transportation and
cannot accommodate for long term growth. Even though triggering the escape clause can be
expensive, it would open up for new opportunities and end up saving the company money in the
long run.
Finally, in terms of outsourcing logistics services, I would agree with the director that
currently, outsourcing might not be the best option for Acme, as the company is in the growing
phase and having full control of the logistics operations will be beneficial to help the company
establish a proper system and quickly fix up on errors that might occur within the system. In the
near future, once the company has grown and is unable to fully manage all of their operations,
the outsourcing of logistics services will be a solid option to efficiently keep up with the
demands and help Acme allocate resources on areas that require in-house management.
Stevenson, W. J., Hojati, M., Cao, J., Mottaghi, H., & Bakhtiari, B. (2021, March 11).