Elective - FYBSC Sem1 Computer
Elective - FYBSC Sem1 Computer
Elective - FYBSC Sem1 Computer
Course Name: Computer Basics, Internet & Web page development (Theory)
The purpose of this course is to present the overview of the fundamentals of computer,
Internet and resources used for it, web page designing and process & storage of data in
computer system. Students will be able to understand the basic activities related to
Internet and basic knowledge for design of a web page / web site.
Prerequisites: None
1. Computer Fundamentals
History, Characteristics and Generation of Computers, Classification of
Hardware and Software, Basic knowledge about CPU, Control Unit, ALU
(Concepts only), Memory: Primary memory, secondary memory, Storage
devices (HDD, CD-ROM, DVD), I/O Devices: (key board, mouse, scanner,
Plotter, OCR, OMR, CD-Drive), Display Devices (VDU, LCD, Touch screen,
TFT), Types of printers: (Impact and non-Impact).
3. Introduction to HTML
Introduction of HTML & SGML, Skeleton of HTML, Tools required for
HTML, HTML tags & attributes – Basics, Formatting, List & Hyperlinks,
Images and Image map in HTML.
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Gujarat University ELECTIVE COMPUTER F.Y. B.Sc.SEM. -I
Reference Book(s):
1) Computer Fundamentals, by V. Rajaraman, Prentice – Hall of India.
2) Inside IBM PC, by Peter Norton, Prentice – Hall of India.
3) HTML in 21 days, SAMS publication.
4) How to create Web Pages using HTML, by K Laudon, Tata McGraw Hill
5) Web Enabled Commercial Application Development using HTML, DHTML,
Ivan Bayross , BPB Publisher.
6) Introduction to Internet, by Hantani, Tata McGraw Hill .
7) The Internet, by Dougles E Comer, Prentice - Hall of India.
8) Fundamentals of Internet and www, by Greenlaw R and Hepp E , Tata McGraw
9) The Complete Reference HTML, by Thomas A Powell, Tata McGraw Hill.
10) Internet and Web Design, Doeacc “O” Level, Firewall Media.
11) Mastering Microsoft Frontpage-2000, by Daniel A. Tauber, Brenda Kienal &
Molly E. Holzschlag, BPB Publication.
12) Internet Technology and Web Design, ISRD Group, Tata McGraw Hill
13) World Wide Web design with HTML, by C Xavier, Tata McGraw Hill
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