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Example Literature Review On Bullying

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Title: Example Literature Review on Bullying


Bullying is a pervasive issue affecting individuals across various demographics, with significant
implications for mental health, academic performance, and social well-being. Understanding the
complexities surrounding bullying necessitates a comprehensive review of existing literature. This
literature review aims to synthesize findings from scholarly sources to provide insights into the
causes, effects, and interventions related to bullying.

Causes of Bullying:

Research suggests that bullying behavior stems from multifaceted factors, including individual
characteristics, familial influences, peer dynamics, and societal norms. Psychosocial theories propose
that bullies may exhibit aggressive behavior as a means of asserting dominance, seeking attention, or
addressing underlying insecurities. Moreover, environmental stressors such as dysfunctional family
dynamics, socioeconomic disparities, and exposure to violence can contribute to the development of
bullying tendencies.

Effects of Bullying:

The repercussions of bullying extend beyond immediate interactions, exerting profound and lasting
effects on victims, perpetrators, and bystanders alike. Victims of bullying may experience adverse
psychological outcomes, including depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem, which can persist into
adulthood. Conversely, perpetrators may face disciplinary actions, academic setbacks, and long-term
social consequences as a result of their behavior. Additionally, bystanders who witness bullying
incidents may grapple with feelings of guilt, fear, and helplessness, further perpetuating the cycle of

Interventions and Prevention Strategies:

Efforts to address bullying encompass a range of interventions aimed at mitigating risk factors,
promoting resilience, and fostering positive social interactions. School-based programs, such as peer
mentoring initiatives, social-emotional learning curricula, and restorative justice practices, have
shown promise in reducing instances of bullying and cultivating inclusive environments.
Furthermore, community partnerships, parental involvement, and legislative measures play crucial
roles in creating systemic changes to combat bullying at both local and national levels.


In conclusion, the literature reviewed underscores the complexity of bullying as a social phenomenon
and highlights the interconnectedness of its causes, effects, and interventions. By synthesizing
diverse perspectives and empirical findings, this review contributes to our understanding of the
underlying mechanisms driving bullying behavior and informs the development of evidence-based
strategies for prevention and intervention. Moving forward, collaborative efforts among researchers,
educators, policymakers, and community stakeholders are essential in creating safer and more
supportive environments for all individuals affected by bullying.

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Seals and Young (2003) have found out that bullying has been seen to be more widespread among
the seventh grade students as compared to the eighth graders have found it. This is the disturbing
aspect in spite of the fact that the education system is composed of the most literate people.
Mandaue City. The researchers are conducting the research in the. The need for many young people
to belong to a group or gang, may also incite bullying because the group may acquire power by
bullying those who are not members of the faction or bunch. There are various types of bullying
experienced in schools among the students like: teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting, spitting, and
embarrassing others in public place. Hence bullying can be considered as a form of abuse. Recent
research has focused on both bullies and victims in a number of terms but this literature review will
focus on research in relation to gender and age, and the accountings for victims and bullies. As a
parent and educator, I found Bullying Prevention: What Parents Need to Know by Dr. Wendy Craig,
Dr. Debra Pepler and Dr. Joanne Cummings to be particularly interesting. It can also be possible that
the child has fallen into the influence of wrong company in the school. Bullying and homophobic
name-calling may also promote unhealthy dating relationships, she said. This is why it is seen
happening by adults in work places, in homes, and in the community. The study shows that the girls
were constantly threatened by physical abuse unlike their male peers, which contradicts previous
findings. An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and
supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational aims. In addition, temperament is
associated with how people cope with stress, in that some people are more agitated over time,
Vaillancourt said. ERIC Digest.. Retrieved July 19, 2009, from ERIC Digest. To begin, click the
purple email icon to send this author a private email. Rates of bullying drop dramatically as young
people become farther apart socially. The increase of age shows that the changes in the bullying range
from being overt to being covert with age, particularly with girls (Galen and Underwood, cited in
Hilarski et al., 2004, p.9). In days like these, it is essential for adults to be informed of and be aware
of bullying situations and the effects that can result in order to help children overcome and deal with
bullying in the most effective way. It canvasses some of the policies, programs and strategies
adopted by countries to combat violence in schools and discusses the results and evaluations of these
policies and programs. Forms and Causes of Violence in Schools Violence ranges from the murder,
torture, suicide and rape of students and teachers, to more subtle forms of prejudicial discrimination,
including exclusion of teachers from work. Since the children are still in their formative stage in
terms of aggression and since they haven’t learnt much about such behaviors, it is considerably easier
to bring them back to normal track unlike the serious psychopaths who are suffering from serious
conduct disorder (Bullying in schools). For personalized books recommendations and bibliographies,
contact Mindy at. Browbeat means to intimidate with harsh, stern looks and talk”. This behavior is
mostly connected to the students in schools and colleges. The motive of bullying is to create physical
and psychological intimidation so that through repeated action of it the perpetrator succeeds in
harassing and abusing the victim (Banks, 1997). For example, several cross-sectional and a handful
of longitudinal studies link direct and indirect exposure to family violence. Nosy Rosie by Holly
Keller Nosy Rosie by Holly Keller. Olweus, D. (1993). BULLYING AT SCHOOL: WHAT WE
KNOW AND WHAT WE CAN DO. The Prevalence of Bullying Bullying among the children is
found to typically occur at school or during their way to the school. However, some states are known
for having tougher laws than others, such as California and New Jersey.
Jaana Juvonen and Sundra Graham claim that “personal, peer-relational, and family-relational factors
all affect the probability of children’s habitual abuse by peers” ( 2001). Books About Bullying for
Kids and Parents Books About Bullying for Kids and Parents. In days like these, it is essential for
adults to be informed of and be aware of bullying situations and the effects that can result in order to
help children overcome and deal with bullying in the most effective way. The psychological, physical
and emotional effects of adversity in the victims are numerous. The list is practically unending and
the trend seems to be virtually interminable. On the other hand, he said, bullying would seem to be a
way of building status by establishing one’s place in a social hierarchy. Although it is generally taken
for granted that if one’s child is being bullied in the school, it will come immediately to notice of the
parents, it has also been noticed that children who are the victims of bully do not always tell their
parents or teachers about its happening. Nosy Rosie by Holly Keller Nosy Rosie by Holly Keller.
Parents will also learn how to deal with schools and what resources to use in times of need. Worst
still is the fact that it fails to achieve significant attention form the school authorities. However,
some states are known for having tougher laws than others, such as California and New Jersey.
Bullying Needs to be prioritized by schools because many kids have been bullied, there are many
people who are standing up against bullying, and it is not being prioritized as it should by schools.
Individual students and teachers are bullied, threatened and murdered. If the child is found to be a
bully instead of the victim, the situation is still worse. The increase of age shows that the changes in
the bullying range from being overt to being covert with age, particularly with girls (Galen and
Underwood, cited in Hilarski et al., 2004, p.9). When you recall the event of being excluded by the
peer group, it is as if you are living it today.”. This fits with my claim because “only about 16% of
school staff know that someone is being bullied.” And also, “much of the time when someone is
being bullied, adults are the last one to know,” so the students could tell the students. It is here that
school staff can intervene, support and educate students about ending bullying behaviours directly.
The section then dwells on the different types of bullying and how it can affect the individuals
involved. The researchers decided to have a survey on the actions. The paper “ bullying in American
Schools” aims at understanding the impact of bullying on victims, and the steps needed to eradicate
it. It can also be possible that the child has fallen into the influence of wrong company in the school.
The importance of this study is for us to understand the. This can also be done by subtle indirect
methods such as spreading rumors and enforcing social isolation actions of which are carried out
mostly by girls than boys. Looking at girls who have been relationally victimized by their peers,
Benjet et al. (2010) found that having the short allele of the gene conferred a risk of depression that
was three times greater than having the long allele. “I can’t think of something that confers such a
strong risk,” Vaillancourt said. The same study in the rest of the Europe such as Italy, Germany and
Spain bore the result as 33%, 29% and 22% respectively which was evaluated as substantially lower
than the UK. It is known that the perpetrators are found in all schools including the nursery, junior
and high schools and such conducts only prepares an unhealthy climate and atmosphere for the
students to live. The forms bullying can take include: direct aggression (e.g., name calling, hitting,
belittling someone in front of others) or indirect, relational aggression (e.g., spreading rumors,
exclusion from the group, hurting another’s reputation). This expertise shows in the very practical
advice and solutions that they provide on how to handle this delicate matter. The phenomenon of
bullying is characterised by three major aspects: (1) An aggressive behaviour or intentional behaviour
to bring harm (2) It is carried out repeatedly and over time, (3) the inter-personal relationship is
characterized by an imbalance of power.
What teachers and parents generally fail to do is to notice them. Such studies would then provide
much needed information from which better intervention and mediation programs could be formed.
Nosy Rosie by Holly Keller Nosy Rosie by Holly Keller. The law of UK propels a good deal of
legalities about what schools and local authorities should and can do about bulling but unless there is
initiatives form the general public, effective measures can not be found. For more bibliographies for
kids, teens, and adults visit. The collective nature of bullying means that social relationships within
the group greatly influence the bullying process. The way the victims are bullied by the other
children in different countries is not seen to be in a coherent manner and the ways differ in different
regions thereby suggesting that the accountings of a bully do not seem to be as lucid, and unlike the
archetypal victim, there does not appear to be a characteristic bully. This has been a concern to
schools, teachers, and parents. Hence, if bullying is to be eradicated from schools, then not only the
individual, but his social system like family, peer group, community etc. Sign up for email
notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when they're
released. Alex Libby is one example of this because he appeared in the documentary “bully” which
was liked “more than 120,000 times on facebook” by people who may be bullied. The geographic
scope of the paper is worldwide, including selected countries that are highlighted according to the
sources available in English in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, North America and the Caribbean,
Europe and Latin America. NVivo Quality Analysis of Transcriptions Regression. Again, I think this
all fits a picture of aggression as at least potentially useful for climbing social ladders.”. It provides a
quantitative (numerical) description. He is like most of the children diagnosed with Aspergers
syndrome including that he has poor social skills to get him away from bullies (Asperger, 1991,
pp.37-92). As children do not have an option of changing the environment by not being in the
school, most of them are unable to avoid bullying. The first part of the chapter looks at defining and
identifying key aspects of bullying. Department of University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue. The
effects of violence in conflict-affected poor countries arguably have the greatest impact. Let us write
or edit the literature review on your topic. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. One of the reasons for this is that the definition of
bullying is not very specific or agreed upon by all. Peer groups become increasingly ethnically
segregated across grades, suggesting that same-ethnic peers are an important reference. When youth
are bullied, Juvonen observed, they are likely to ask, “Why me?” Answers to this question—that is,
the attributions they make—are likely to affect the level or type of distress they experience. This
paper focuses on the evaluation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in an urban school
district. This study is conducted at the University of Cebu Lapu-lapu. It is important to realize that
environments make youth socially isolated, Juvonen said. The students were in three cohorts—fifth,
sixth, and seventh graders in 2008—with seven waves of data collection occurring during the years
of the study. The first is to realize “It’s not just me” in thinking about bullying.

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