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Cash Transfer Literature Review

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Are you struggling with writing a literature review on cash transfer programs? You're not alone.

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extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the topic.

A literature review on cash transfer programs involves delving into various studies, reports, and
scholarly articles to examine the effectiveness, impacts, and challenges associated with such
initiatives. It requires careful evaluation of methodologies, findings, and theoretical frameworks
employed in different studies to draw meaningful conclusions.

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There is extensive and potentially generalisable evidence that cash transfers have reduced the depth
or severity of poverty (i.e. the poverty gap) in carefully evaluated MIC programmes. New and
expanding programmes in South Asia, such as in Pakistan (Benazir Income Support Programme), are
increasingly aiming to support social transformation, including women’s empowerment. The final
sample contained articles that had classified data according to methodological research design, CCT
program, country and related children’s health outcomes in Table 1. Generating evidence from
strengthened monitoring and evaluation systems has been a particular priority for many
governments, such as in Mexico, Indonesia, South Africa and India. This is reflected in the design of
cash transfer programmes in countries such as Ethiopia and Bangladesh14. When signature plates are
used, there is no longer a final review of payments before they are. In Bangladesh, the Challenging
the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction: Specially-Targeted Ultra Poor Programme of the Bangladesh
Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) offered skills training in combination with access to
productive assets. Most obviously, transfers make possible increased spending on health services and
medicines. The letter of credit contains dates by which goods must be shipped and. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. There is a growing evidence base regarding design and implementation choices that
can maximise the impact of cash transfers in different contexts. The review showed that debates
about social cash transfers generally centre on targeting, affordability, conditionalities, poverty
reduction ability, utilisation of cash, market effect, cash versus food stamp, and dependency. The
treasurer finds that Portland will have a net daily. It takes into account inevitable trade-offs, for
example, between targeting and keeping administration costs low. After decades in which
development policy has emphasised improvements in the state’s supply of public goods and services,
there is increasing interest in what can be achieved by transferring resources directly to poor people.
To engage with this debate, this study brings together the constructs of entitlement and agency to
analyse how different actors associated with 4Ps understand and experience the program. Effects of
a conditional cash transfer programme on child nutrition in Brazil. Unlike investments, there’s no
omnibus measure of returns with development programs, so aggregating impacts over time to judge
how worthwhile a program is is methodologically and morally difficult. The DBT Programme will
allow the beneficiary to receive multiple welfare payments through the single platform-the Aadhaar
card-thereby reducing his administrative costs. Competitive; 12 Key Policies Sustainable,
Democratic. It is estimated that there are at least 64 million more people in poverty than would have
been the case without the crisis. Competitive; 12 Key Policies Sustainable, Democratic. This is an
exciting position for someone with an interest in carrying out. Nutritional condition of children who
benefit from the “Bolsa Familia” programme in a city of northwestern Sao Paulo state, Brazil.
Richard Odingo, vice Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has noted that
“Climate change will make it impossible for the world to meet the Millennium Development Goals.
In depth theoretical studies regarding this concepts are important to improve the construction of a
framework to guide policy decisions in health. Tone at the top: the effects of gender board diversity
on gender wage inequal. Early child development. 2017.. Accessed 26 Feb 2017. To respond to
humanitarian needs, Cash Based Assistance (CBA) in Afghanistan is used by a range of actors across
different sectors. The existing evidence of the impact of CT on nutritional outcomes originates
mostly from conditional cash transfers implemented in development contexts in Latin America, with
mixed results (DFID 2011, Manley et al. 2012, IEG 2011, Gaarder et al. 2010, Fiszbein et al. 2009,
Bailey and Hedlund 2012).
They still experienced deficiency with their daily basic needs such as foods, water, clothing, and
other family expenditures. Tommy Yeboah, Muazu Ibrahim The Millennium Development Goals
(MDG) among other things have not only brought poverty reduction onto the global development
agenda but have also urged countries to help halve poverty by 2015. Reducing corruption and
administrative costs Under the Aadhaar-based direct cash transfers, electronic transfer of benefits
directly into beneficiaries' bank accounts is expected to reduce bureaucratic red tape. ACH debit. To
mitigate this risk, see if the company’s bank can impose a daily cumulative limit on. At the end,
suggestions have been given for its better implementation. Economic Policy Research Institute,
Commissioned for DFID. 41. Chapter 2. Indistinguishable from Magic: How the Cybersecurity
Market Reached a Trillion. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. These programmes have been successful because
of the presence of a strong social support infrastructure in crucial sectors like healthcare and
education. B. A means to avoid risk of default by the other party. Transfers can be conditional
(CCTs), where participants need to meet a defined set of standards (such as attending an education
session, getting a child vaccinated, etc.) or unconditional (UCTs). This effect can be seen both for
transfers specifically related to children and those which are not (e.g. when pension recipients
distribute a portion of income in the household)45. Conditional Cash Transfers Reducing Present
and Future Poverty. Transfers from short-term schemes are too low and unreliable to affect chronic
poverty; while poor design, supervision and maintenance has resulted in unsustainable structures. In
the end, only two studies could not be accessed. Thirdly, questions of affordability and financing are
examined. Digging deeper, this decision reflected the country’s unchanged social policy trajectory
epitomized by the bias for targeted, palliative, and purportedly apolitical social provision measures,
not to mention externally-influenced, drawing “encouragement” and financial support from
multilateral institutions, all at the expense of structural reform and redistribution. It will look at
design and financing features that help to maximise their effectiveness in a range of circumstances.
Most studies on cash transfer schemes seem tilted towards evaluating their impacts while neglecting
the arguments surrounding their design and operations. In 2013, an 'Evaluation of European
Commission integrated approach of food security and nutrition in humanitarian context1; (Harver et
al, 2013). There is an established body of evidence to show that the poor are rarely able to insure
themselves against such shocks. Financing options for increasing spending on cash transfers.74.
While the effectiveness of the Brazilian Bolsa Familia for children’s education outcomes up to 15
years of age has been widely documented, its contribution to the promotion of students of secondary
school age has not been fully explored in light of the programme’s expansion to 16-17 years olds in
2008. The summary review identifies key roles for DFID in furthering the evidence base for action
on cash transfers. Four studies were commissioned including a Review of Evidence and Evidence
Gaps on the Effectiveness and Impacts of DFID-supported Pilot Social Transfer Schemes (Devereux,
S. and S. Coll-Black, 2007). The findings and recommendations are referred to throughout this
Evidence paper and inform its recommendations. These research studies show that participation in
the programme translates into improvements in long-term productive capacity of poor households.
Importantly, it will situate this review within a consideration of how cash transfers are one part of a
broader strategy to achieve economic and social development. India has piloted an approach which
guarantees each rural household up to 100 days of public works employment per year. It also reduces
the burden on children, particularly girls, to contribute to family income, enabling them to participate
in school. The Rockefeller Foundation More Related Content What's hot Does Humanitarian Aid
Crowd Out Development Aid.
A theoretical model is presented with some pessimistic predictions: it is expected that participants in
CCT should have lower grades. The objectives of alleviating short-term poverty and long-term
human capital building are what make cash transfers, particularly conditional ones, attractive. There
can also be unexpected spin-off benefits, and impacts can extend beyond the direct recipient to the
wider family and community. Income transfers alone or the use of conditional mechanisms to
improve health may not be able to mitigate health inequalities in the presence of poor access to
health services. For both CCTs and UCTs, the evidence therefore indicates positive effects on
educational outputs. An overview of rural change in Africa A new emerging rural world.
International assistance can play an important role, particularly in early stages, in supporting analysis
and the design or reform of transfer programmes. This paper focuses specifically on cash transfers as
a form of social assistance that have the potential to empower the poor to use small sums of money
in productive and life-improving ways2. Cash transfers are currently one of the most researched and
evaluated forms of development intervention. Productive Safety Nets programme (PSNP), which
reaches eight million people each year, demonstrates strong commitment on the part of both the
Ethiopian government and donors to move away from the inefficiencies of annual appeals for
emergency food aid to longer-term arrangements for public works and cash transfers. A review of
the evidence on impacts and key policy debates. p. 136, IFPRI; Washington DC; 31 August 2008.
Figure 1: Causal pathways by which cash transfers can improve household welfare. Tone at the top:
the effects of gender board diversity on gender wage inequal. Box 1: Cash transfers are an
instrument for social protection. It will also look into the matter of issues and challenges the Direct
Benefit Scheme (DBT) after its implementation in food and providing the suggestions to overcome
this issues and challenges. Cross-country studies consistently demonstrate the positive impacts of
cash transfers for increasing per capita consumption and reducing the poverty gap (see Figure 3).
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currently unavailable. Over the coming years DFID plans to support cash transfers in 16 country
programmes, with emphasis on building sustainable, nationally-owned systems. Recognising that
appropriate solutions are highly context-dependent, DFID will seek to avoid prescriptive blueprint
approaches to design. The World Bank; 2006.. Accessed 17 Aug 2017. Roemer JE. A Pragmatic
Theory of Responsibility for the Egalitarian Planner. This paper assesses the current evidence base
for the impact of cash transfers on reducing poverty and increasing the resilience of poor households,
and the extent to which that evidence is generalisable. This vulnerability affects both the non-poor,
who are vulnerable to falling below the poverty line, as well as those already in poverty, who are
vulnerable to falling into ever deeper destitution and chronic poverty. Additional approvals are useful
for larger payments. There is very little evidence that cash transfers in developing countries have had
negative effects on labour market participation or fertility. According to a recent review of cash
transfers by Bastagli et al. (2016), there are currently about 130 low- and middle-income countries
that have at least one UCT, and about 63 with at least one CCT. Tone at the top: the effects of
gender board diversity on gender wage inequal. We are constantly testing different ways of
delivering cash transfers to different types of people to find which approaches best achieve different
outcomes. Key factors shaping implementation include: the quality of administration and monitoring;
choice of payment mechanisms; investment in capacity building; involvement of recipients in design
and monitoring; and integration with complementary interventions (e.g. vocational training). This
program has attracted attention from all over the world and can been termed as a milestone for India
to become a super power. While some opponents of cash transfers argue that they may act as a
disincentive to work for recipients, most reviews report positive or no significant impacts on adult
labor. An evaluation of Malawi’s Cash Transfer programme showed that around 75 percent of the
transfer was spent on groceries32.
Or will it only change the modalities of transferring government handouts and reduce government
administrative functions without any significant effect on poverty reduction. While the evidence
base for cash transfers is better than for many other policy areas, it is also uneven. She is currently a
consultant for the Emergency Nutrition Network. Using conditionality as a solution to the problem
of low uptake of essential services among disadvantaged communities: a social determinants view.
Another review examines six studies carried out on cash transfer programs in Mexico, in which four
of them report a decrease in stunting prevalence while the other two report no impact. Robust
monitoring and evaluation are crucial both for programme performance and political sustainability.
These research studies show that participation in the programme translates into improvements in
long-term productive capacity of poor households. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Section 2 provides an
expanded version of this hierarchy, with a summary of the strength of evidence currently available
for each of these outcomes. Results The effects of CCTs on children’s health outcomes related to
Social Health Determinants were mostly positive for immunization rates or vaccination coverage and
for improvements in child morbidity. Evidence suggests that cash transfers constitute the most direct
possible approach to addressing extreme poverty. A popular strategy adopted by many countries for
reducing poverty is direct cash transfers or progressive redistributive transfers, an idea favoured by
current Indian policymakers. However, business - to - business cash payments are not common.
First, although the methods for searching the literature were systematic, it is not prudent to guarantee
that all relevant studies on the CCTs and children’s health outcomes have been identified. These
include immediate poverty alleviation; improved health, nutrition and education outcomes; economic
productivity and growth; empowerment (particularly for women) and social cohesion. Engaging
youth report a how-to guide for creating opportunities for young p. After all, a dollar spent is a dollar
earned by someone else. Whereas these data were previously examined to detect intent-to-treat (ITT)
effects due to insufficient information on treatment status, in this study I rely on a classifier method
to additionally estimate average treatment effects on the treated who belong to families supposedly
receiv. A cost-effectiveness component will evaluate the tested interventions. This can be regarded as
generalisable, because of the consistency of positive findings across different contexts and
programme design. We identified that CCTs created health opportunities for children, even though
there was a variety of study design and methods that made it a challenge to compare study results.
Effects of a conditional cash transfer programme on child nutrition in Brazil. The global expansion of
cash transfer programmes has been supported and driven by a steady accumulation and South-South
sharing of robust evidence on their effectiveness and good practice. As with similar targets for
spending in other sectors, such targets are feasible only when taken in isolation of other sectors’
needs, and ignore the need for budget allocations to reflect domestic politics and resource
constraints. Small but reliable flows of transfer income have helped poor households to accumulate
productive assets; avoid distress sales; obtain access to credit on better terms; and in some cases to
diversify into higher risk, higher return activities. An integrative research review was conducted on
17 quantitative studies. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The
PRISMA Statement. PLoS Med. 2009.. Carvalho N, Thacker N, Gupta SS, Salomon JA. Figure 4:
Impact of CCTs on primary and secondary enrolment. The World Bank has tripled support for safety
net programmes13. By invoking a nonparametric chi-square test, we find evidence of the
contribution of the cash transfer programme in LEAP-ing beneficiaries out of poverty by
supplementing their income levels as well as improving their livelihoods.
First, we identified that CCTs created health opportunities for children because there were
improvements in the health status of children with a vulnerable SDH. In Lesotho, for example, 50
percent of pension recipients have increased their spending on health services since the
implementation of the pension in 200558. While poverty is multidimensional, low and variable
income is central to the problem. This rapid spread has been driven by a range of forces. Moher D,
Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The PRISMA Group. Research into the multidimensional aspects
of poverty and vulnerability has made an important contribution to the development of cash
transfers10. However, transfers have had less success in improving final outcomes in health or
education. ATMs )enabling cash withdrawals and deposits in every. Elo’s result 2023: Return on
investment increased to 6 per cent and cost effi. Given the growing evidence of a significant
association between IPV and wasting, stunting and underweight (Hasselmann and Reichenheim
2006, Ackerson and Subramanian 2008, Rico et al. 2011, Salazar et al. 2012), this relationship needs
to be further unpacked. ACH debit. To mitigate this risk, see if the company’s bank can impose a
daily cumulative limit on. Thirteen reviews were retrieved from our search, but they were excluded
since they did not present any results specifically for our targeted ages, did not have any of our
desired child health outcomes or the results were included in a larger revision of financial incentive
programs in health, so we were unable to separate their effects from other interventions. As such,
targeting choices need to be determined by context rather than one- size-fits-all approaches. Tone at
the top: the effects of gender board diversity on gender wage inequal. Government of India
introduced the Scheme on financial inclusion to provide financial services to the unreached people at
an affordable or free of cost. It updates DFID’s 2005 Emerging Evidence Paper on Social Transfers
and Chronic Poverty1. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( ) applies to the
data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Multiple reviews cite increased education
and income as pathways to improved reproductive health for cash transfer recipients. These
programs, which provide cash directly to households in specific populations, most often come as
either conditional cash transfers (CCTs) or unconditional cash transfers (UCTs). Some time ago I had
the opportunity to attend a regional event for sharing multi-sectoral nutrition approaches, organized
by ACF and. World Economic and Financial Surveys Regional Economic Outlook Sub-Saharan Af.
Washington, DC.: International Food Policy Research Institute. To achieve a greater level of control,
the person responsible for shifting funds into the electronic. I argue that morally relevant but
financially irrelevant data on the lives of the poor, e.g., hope, emergence of real options within the
horizon of their existence, capacity for informed choice, sense of financial security, etc., need to be
accounted for, integrated, and affirmed in the assessment of the 4Ps. By continuing to use our site,
you accept our updated Privacy Policy and Cookie Notice. This reflects the extremely low share of
national income going to poor households, the small size of transfers and the still low-levels of
coverage in most LICs. Cash transfers can help the poor overcome demand-side (cost) barriers to
schooling or healthcare, but they cannot resolve supply-side problems with service delivery (e.g.
teacher performance or the training of public health professionals). We’re looking forward to
reviewing and creating more evidence on this subject over the next several years, but below are some
examples of these dynamics. Setting international targets for social protection spend as a percentage
of GDP or total public spending is unlikely to be helpful. Social protection and poverty, UNRISD
Social Policy and Development Programme Paper Number 42 January 2010.
Transfers from short-term schemes are too low and unreliable to affect chronic poverty; while poor
design, supervision and maintenance has resulted in unsustainable structures. The main goal of the
present article is to identify studies capable of showing if CCTs create equality of opportunity in
health for children in low and middle-income countries. This landmark study found that conditioned
and unconditioned transfers resulted in the same gains (i.e. lower dropouts, higher enrolment), with
no additional incremental gain due to conditionality55. Fatima Adamu is the Communication Officer
for Action Against Hunger. Ethiopia’s PSNP (externally- financed but with high levels of domestic
ownership) is also indicative of government willingness to devote a significant share of the total
resources available to them towards transfer spending, based on calculations that transfers are a far
more efficient alternative to repeated annual food aid. The Indian economy's transition to a higher
rate of growth has been seen as a vehicle for reducing poverty and improving living standards for a
population of 1.2 billion, especially those belonging to the lowest quartile of the economy. The
treasurer finds that Portland will have a net daily. Perhaps the clearest evidence for an effect (in a
middle-income context) is derived from a natural experiment created by an administrative error in
Mexico’s Oportunidades, which did identify an effect, albeit very narrowly confined to one
particular year of the schooling system54. This paper provides a synthesis of current global evidence
on the impact of cash transfers in developing countries and of what works in different contexts, or
for different development objectives and challenges. Tone at the top: the effects of gender board
diversity on gender wage inequal. A rigorous review of programme impact and of the role of design
and implementation features Valentina Barca, Francesca Bastagli This review retrieves, assesses and
synthesises the evidence on the effects of cash transfers on individuals and households through a
rigorous review of the literature of 15 years, from 2000 to 2015. It approximately doubles the share
of national income that the poorest quintile receives26. DFID staff: Cindy Berman, Sam Bickersteth,
Bella Bird, Andrew Clayton, Phil Cockerill, Nick Dyer, Liz Fajber, Sally Gear, Lucia Hanmer, Iris
Krebber, Andrew Long, Jo McGowan, Dennis Pain, Lina Payne, Anna Taylor, Paul Wafer, Tim
Waites, Christopher Whitty, Alan Winters, and other members of the Development Policy
Committee. Three- quarters of participants consumed higher quantity and quality of food.
Perceptions of People from Economically Backward Section towards Financial In. Figure 2 provides
a stylised summary of the different household trajectories that are observed in developing
countries12. In addition, it is easy to set up recurring payments through the. Robust monitoring and
evaluation are crucial both for programme performance and political sustainability. This is reflected in
the design of cash transfer programmes in countries such as Ethiopia and Bangladesh14. This rapid
spread has been driven by a range of forces. Indistinguishable from Magic: How the Cybersecurity
Market Reached a Trillion. We argue that while the quantity effect in education (enrollment) of these
programs has been studied with some detail, much fewer has been written about the quality effect.
Can the Privatization of Foreign Aid Enhance Accountability - Devesh Kapur an. By directly
providing income or consumption goods and services to the poor, cash transfers can raise living
standards, reduce the severity of poverty and shift the distribution of income, so closing the gap
between rich and poor. In terms of nutritional outcomes, no significant difference was found
between the cash only strategy, compared with the food only strategy (Langendorf et al. 2014).
Bailey and Hedlund (2012) conclude that cash is unlikely to impact through a health pathway, unless
access to quality health services is guaranteed. While conditional cash transfers (CCTs) have achieved
considerable success, it is not yet clear whether conditionality itself contributes. The letter of credit
contains dates by which goods must be shipped and. We would like to thank the following people
who kindly peer-reviewed all or parts of this paper. Effects are typically larger in LICs with lower
baseline levels. Models suggest that they would need to spend an unfeasibly large amount (two to six
percent of GDP) to achieve what ILO defines as an adequate minimum of transfer provision.

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