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Place of Origin Effects A Conceptual Framework Based On A Literature Review

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Crafting a comprehensive literature review can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a profound

understanding of the subject matter, critical analysis skills, and a significant amount of time and
effort. The process involves delving into a plethora of academic articles, books, and research papers
to extract relevant information and construct a coherent narrative.

One particularly intricate topic that demands meticulous attention is the conceptual framework based
on a literature review regarding the place of origin effects. This subject explores the impact of
geographic origin on various aspects and concepts, making it crucial to assimilate a diverse range of
perspectives and findings.

Navigating through the vast sea of scholarly works to identify key themes, methodologies, and gaps
in existing research poses a formidable task. Moreover, synthesizing the gathered information into a
cohesive narrative that contributes meaningfully to the conceptual framework requires not only
expertise in the field but also a keen analytical mind.

For those grappling with the complexities of developing a literature review on the place of origin
effects, seeking professional assistance becomes a viable solution. ⇒ ⇔ emerges as a
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In conclusion, grappling with the complexities of a literature review on the place of origin effects
requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and a commitment to thorough research and
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He further illustrated the interconnectivity of the six principles of MOOTW and the need to consider
them not individually but as a whole. For example, the money savings from the renting or reselling
of old goods, affordable accommodation sharing and coworking services, or the earnings from talent
sharing or niche services may be re-spent on other goods and services such as new electronic
products, fashionable clothes, and air travel ( Harris et al., 2021; Meshulam et al., 2021; Pouri, 2021
). His discussion covered the origin, organization and techniques of communist insurgency warfare.
He recorded four (4) phases in the broad communist strategic thrust, namely: Phase I- Subversion;
Phase II - Small-band Operations or Guerrilla Warfare; Phase III - Insurrection; and Phase IV- Civil
War. The “experiential” part of the rubric does not mean that you must bring in your experience and
voice throughout the work, but rather provide context to the topic, mainly in the introduction. It
defines the relevant objectives for your research process and maps out how they come together to
draw coherent conclusions. Given that we also consider offline CE schemes, these figures may be
much higher. Education levels of the couples, age at marriage, working women, rationalism. Thus, in
general, although CE participants are experiencing increased consumer welfare brought about by
more varieties and lower prices, the economic inequality driven by the power of providers may also
increase. For example, fewer vacant parking spaces and buildings allow for a higher density of urban
living and increase related energy efficiency per capita ( Bettencourt et al., 2007 ). More importantly,
sharing can provide a flexible infrastructure system that can more effectively deal with peak demands
in emergencies or mega-events with fewer public investments, such as earthquakes, hurricanes,
World Cups, Olympic Games, etc. ( Frenken, 2017 ). The two sides of the triangle represent counter-
guerrilla combat operations, which refers to the actual physical confrontations between the
government and the enemy force, and psychological welfare, which focuses on winning the “hearts
and minds” of the local population. Nodes are the actors in the network and ties are the relationships
between the actors in the network. It was presented as an effective tool in analyzing the performance
of all concerned agencies with regard to the convergence of counterinsurgency efforts. The rise of
CE has also triggered some adverse effects on the related industries and markets. Provide, in a brief
and concise way, the context of the study. Then you can delete that final slide To replace a photo
above, copy and paste this link in your browser: Find a photo you like and the right size, copy and
paste it in the block above. 1. Provide reader with relevant key academic theories, 2. Aguirre had
considered the historical experiences of four (4) Southeast Asian countries in crafting this model -
the Philippines, Vietnam, Kampuchea and Laos. However, he observed that the divergent
interpretations by the parties of the autonomy issue caused a breakdown in the negotiations which
consequently led to the resumption of hostilities. Simply indicating what an author claims or has
found is not sufficient. It should give a theoretical base for the research and help you (the author)
determine the nature of your research. Crisol’s “Triad Model” was used during the Martial Law
period under Marcos. To investigate this question, you can use methods such as an experiment or a
survey to test the relationship between variables. Years after the end of the Cold War and the
collapse of Communism, the communist insurgents in the Philippines are still a potent force and a
main threat to the country's national security. There is a clear relationship between consumer attitude
and their intention to buy products or the services using e-commerce ( Bakar et al., 2014 ). The
model contains three main constructs which are: expectations, perceived performance, and
disconfirmation of beliefs ( Hozhabri et al., 2014 ). Purchase intention refers to the user’s plans to
purchase a certain product or service. However, both authors have also noted that every insurgency is
unique and consequently demands a unique counterinsurgency strategy for its defeat. These
organizations usually show their positive agreement with or negative perception of the local
counterinsurgency initiatives in the international arena which bear significant effects on the efficacy
of policy implementation. Conceptual frameworks are often represented in a visual format and
illustrate cause-and-effect relationships. The internal catalyst was a suppressive government regime
under the leadership of Prime Minister Thaksin and the Thai Rak Thai Party.
Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. However, these measures were not enough to
quell the insurgency. Research Writing, Research Education, University of South Australia. More
significantly, he pointed out that the principle of objective is the cornerstone from which all the other
principles were derived from. A student with this IQ will only need to invest five hours of study in
order to get a perfect score. Fourthly, business to costumer refers to business companies selling
products to individuals. The trust issue have been investigated in several researches in the context of
e-commerce, information system, market and recommender systems fields (Nilashi et al., 2016).
Trust formation theories were inspected deeply in the literature and identified by several processes
such as: cognition, knowledge, transference and calculation. On a different note, there was exposure
of anomalies and irregularities through which the government’s internal enemies were identified and
correspondingly dealt with. You need to make sure that you are aware of the debates and counter
arguments associated with your topic as well. In fact, their writings are widely used in the
development and formulation of Internal Security Operations (ISO) plans by the government. That is
not a profitable, sustainable development model. While past conflicts underline the edge of highly
advanced economics in counterinsurgency, such advantage is negated by the prevalence of terrorist
operations in the information age. Likewise, ridesharing platforms, most notably Uber, take taxi
market shares ( Ertz et al., 2018 ). In addition, home-sharing also has a potential impact on housing
supply and prices. Before the advent of computers and especially PC in the eighties, draftsmen. The
workshop will cover:Purpose of the ReviewImportant considerationsStages of the
ReviewConstructing the literatureStructuring the literature reviewReferencingWriting. What are its
most exciting and promising areas of innovation. This means we’ll only include participants who are
in good health on the day of the exam. These have led to the constant emergence of platform trust
and security issues. It defines the relevant objectives for your research process and maps out how
they come together to draw coherent conclusions. He discussed that the US national strategy for the
Global War on Terror has strategic roots tracing back to the national strategy to contain the Soviet
Union. The US military and its coalition partners, including Britain, are pursuing counterinsurgency
campaigns in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Philippines, the Horn of Africa and elsewhere following the
British counterinsurgency approach. An independent variable represents the supposed cause, while
the dependent variable is the supposed effect. Exploring the Impact of the Sharing Economy on
Individual and Collective Wellbeing View all 8 articles Theory-Based Roadmap for Assessing
Sustainability in the Collaborative Economy. Crisol’s “Triad Model” was used during the Martial Law
period under Marcos. Table of Contents. My family My childhood Education My daughter, Shea. My
Family. My Childhood. Born in 1982 Chicago, Il Youngest of 3 boys Very spoiled Tomboy.
Education. Graduated H.S. 2000 S.I.U 2000-2002 A.S.U. West 2002-Present. According to the
analysis of the selected papers, it appears that the publications related to e-commerce purchase
intention increase steadily between 2011 and 2016. The use of technology is also resorted to
depending on the scale of operations. These relationships offer a feasible model for other countries
particularly in the Middle East as the US government extends its influence in the Gulf region. The
Allies originally backed the insurgents in the fight against an outside aggressor. Therefore, the CE
platform and government should strengthen the openness and sharing of data and introduce
independent research institutions to scientifically assess the environmental impact in order to provide
valuable reference and guidance for better environmental sustainability.
Using Iraq as an example, Bailey observed that if the basic needs within Maslow's “Hierarchy of
Needs” are identified and incorporated into the US strategy, then, nation-building can be better
executed. This includes the purpose of the study, who were the participants, how was the study
conducted, and then ultimately, what was found. This shows that TAM model is still popular among
researchers and it is still widely used in e-commerce studies. Chaerudin (2003) discussed that as
Southeast Asia is experiencing tremendous political changes, an adequate solution is immediately
required in order to make counterterrorist policies in accordance with broader foreign policies.
Military culture comprises the beliefs and attitudes within a military organization that shape its
collective preferences toward the use of force. Unfortunately, the national government was incapable
and unable to comply with the said defense requirements which made the Philippine territory
completely vulnerable to foreign aggression. Include an objective topical sentence that introduces
your readers to the purpose of that paragraph. Research Writing, Research Education, University of
South Australia. Here, organizational work like recruitment is undertaken to sustain and strengthen
their movement. Other factors such as: perceived usefulness, perceived risk, perceived value,
perceived ease of use and subjective norm were investigated as important drivers of consumers
purchase intention. Figure. On the other hand, the transition curve corresponds with the different
phases of insurgency reflecting corresponding adjustments on attendant resources as required by the
existing internal security situation subject to the prevailing priorities of the operations. Such
components include leadership and strategic management, structure,resources, support and
technology. This study aims to understand the trends of e-commerce purchase intention research by
examining the published articles, and to provide a practitioners and academics with insight and
future direction. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. However, Quirino’s
failure to implement social and agrarian reforms, and execute the release of some 500 Huk prisoners,
drove the surrenderees back to the battlefield. Fourthly, business to costumer refers to business
companies selling products to individuals. The potential market size is limited to the region where
the customers live in. This paper draws on the triple bottom line as a conceptual framework to
summarize and discuss the sustainability of the current CE from three dimensions: environment,
economy, and society, and concludes by proposing some targeted measures and suggestions to
promote the sustainable development of the CE. E-commerce purchase intentions researches have
been published in MIS journals, business journals and CS journals. By utilizing the triple bottom line
as a founding conceptual framework, the study summarizes and discusses the sustainability of the
CE from three dimensions: environment, economy, and society. This subject has been rarely touched
in literature and needs more focus regarding its importance for both customers and service providers.
The conceptual framework posits research propositions on the potential interactions of these
dimensions with product type (such as hedonic versus utilitarian and high-versus low-contact
services), while the effects of consumer characteristics (such as cultural orientation, expertise,
involvement, and ethnocentrism) are explored. The authors’ main objective was to support the
implementation of these local defense organizations and provide a set of variables to be considered
when planning the implementation of local defenses as part of the counterinsurgency effort. Thus, in
general, although CE participants are experiencing increased consumer welfare brought about by
more varieties and lower prices, the economic inequality driven by the power of providers may also
increase. Inclusion of logistical assets (transportation, armaments, communication. For the past
decade, many authors have emphasized that the CE supposedly displays various sustainability
advantages. A confounding variable is a third variable that influences both the independent and
dependent variables. So here we propose some suggestions to address the current challenge in order
to better promote environmental sustainability. The theoretical framework discusses the
interrelationships. Connections should be made linking those sources to one another.
The workshop will cover:Purpose of the ReviewImportant considerationsStages of the
ReviewConstructing the literatureStructuring the literature reviewReferencingWriting. Manthe
observed that the leaders, planners, individual servicemen and members of major service branches
are not trained for the performance of the full spectrum of the tasks necessary to achieve success in
counterinsurgency. Other factors such as: loyalty, emotion and e-word of mouth need more focus in
the research. Therefore, whether the current CE is achieving the sustainability that was initially
assumed remains debatable. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be
made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. The full papers were
reviewed by the authors to exclude the papers which are not related to the research topic after the
agreement of the authors. He noted that the counterinsurgency programs in the past have not
satisfactorily achieved their objectives; reflecting the negative implications of policy dissonances that
characterized the overall counterinsurgency strategy of the Philippine government. Aguirre’s model
was proposed during the re-democratization period of the Aquino administration. Inclusion of
logistical assets (transportation, armaments, communication. The preparation and conduct of the
Philippine campaign demonstrated the difficulties involved in the development of national policies
and the complications which arise in the execution of those policies. First, the government should
formulate relevant laws and regulations to strengthen industry supervision and regulate market
competition in order to control monopolistic behavior. These conditions allowed the British colonial
government to implement an effective counterinsurgency strategy that isolated the guerrillas. They
found that personal values, learning experience, social benefits, mutuality, and peer influence can
drive users to become providers. Thereafter, Yap’s model was advocated during the Ramos
administration when he also served as the Commanding General of the Philippine Army. Here,
paramilitary forces and local government units and civilian volunteers are factored in. Full military
mobilization is not politically possible or considered necessary. Key Concepts (one main section per
theme and then sub sections as necessary to help organize your work and make it easier to read) 5.
After that the research articles were categorized based on IS theory and their areas of applicability.
This phenomenon is most apparent in home-sharing and applies to renting out limousines, parking
spaces, boats, and high-end fashion brands, in times and places where such goods are scarce (
Frenken and Schor, 2017 ). The classification process followed the deep electronic database search.
Thereafter, he refined this model such that in 1984, his new policy process framework started with
problem identification and agenda formation, then formulation and lastly, evaluation. A literature
review does not demonstrate what you know but what you have learned from your analysis of the
topic or field. Inclusion of insurgents’ leadership in security governance (peace negotiations. Among
them, socially oriented hosts are eager to interact with “comfortable exotic” foreign guests (
Ladegaard, 2018 ). TRA model assumes that the actual behavior is predicted by the behavioral
intention. The combination of counterinsurgent forces include concerned agencies of the government
and other sectors of society, even the insurgent forces themselves in governance. An example of the
business to customer e-commerce is the famous Amazon website. Espino concluded that the
Philippine government and the AFP are headed in the right operational direction for utilizing
paramilitary forces for village defense. In addition, the application of varied approaches and
development methodologies is evident in these works. The study further proposes some targeted
measures and suggestions to measure the level of sustainability of the CE and CE platforms. The
result shows that the CE has partially fulfilled some of its initial promises pertaining to sustainability,
such as creating new job opportunities, economic growth, the efficient use of space and physical
resources, as well as social mixing.
Are all the key ideas, findings and trends presented backed up by multiple sources. The voluminous
references mostly referred to the US and the British government’s experiences in small or guerrilla
wars. While countering the Shining Path insurgency in Peru. In short, the government, platforms,
and the public should work together to collaboratively govern the emerging CE and provide more
safety and trust to society. The literature review surveys scholarly articles, books, and other scholarly
sources relevant to a particular area of research. In stand-alone reviews, there may be significantly
more texts and more concepts. They continued that insurgency in the Philippines is characterized by
top-to-bottom political control; focused on developing and organizing popular support in the remote
countryside; and is dependent on guerrilla tactics and protracted conflict. Yet, the CE comprises both
online and offline resource circulation schemes ( Botsman and Rogers, 2010; Ertz et al., 2019 ).
Consequently, we use this broader and more accurate definition that includes both online and offline
resource circulation systems, thus watering down the issues related to IT-powered exchange schemes.
It should give a theoretical base for the research and help you (the author) determine the nature of
your research. After a deep search in the literature we have noticed that there is an increasing and
diverse number of research papers in this area but there is a lack of comprehensive literature review
studies in e-commerce customers’ purchase intention which is rarely touched in the literature. The
Philippine government's case is an example of how external support plays a crucial role in subduing
terrorist threats in southern Philippines. A literature review does not demonstrate what you know but
what you have learned from your analysis of the topic or field. Sosmena suggests that a review of
our country’s counterinsurgency policies through policy analysis will prevent a fatal error in
implementation. This paper draws on the triple bottom line as a conceptual framework to summarize
and discuss the sustainability of the current CE from three dimensions: environment, economy, and
society, and concludes by proposing some targeted measures and suggestions to promote the
sustainable development of the CE. Since the primary objective of the law was for territorial defense,
there was a necessity for an adequate defense establishment with increased manpower and improved
logistics. Table of Contents. My family My childhood Education My daughter, Shea. My Family. My
Childhood. Born in 1982 Chicago, Il Youngest of 3 boys Very spoiled Tomboy. Education.
Graduated H.S. 2000 S.I.U 2000-2002 A.S.U. West 2002-Present. Similarly, Joyner Armstrong and
Park’s (2017) study of apparel CE found that current apparel CE platforms do not appear to support
sustainable consumption, hence sustainability. This includes text documents, images, or a
combination of both. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP
on. Crisol, who served in the armed forces during the Marcos administration; Lieutenant General
Alexander Aquirre, who actively pursued counterinsurgency during Aquino’s term; Lieutenant
General Romulo F, Yap, who was the Commanding General of the Army during the Ramos
presidency; and Dr. Gaudioso C. Sosmena, who is a prominent scholar in the field of
counterinsurgency studies. These different components mutually reinforce each other for a more
systematic response to the threat of insurgency. The present strategic salience of insurgency to the
United States is higher than it has ever been since the height of the Cold War. Before the advent of
computers and especially PC in the eighties, draftsmen. The classification process followed the deep
electronic database search. Asymmetry means the use of hit-and-run small unit tactics by irregular
and paramilitary elements to harass, ambush, bomb and disrupt outposts, checkpoints or lines of
communication. This led to a protracted counterinsurgency campaign against the dissidents. On the
one hand, the existing laws and regulations are not yet fully applicable to the CE model with its
digital-driven and peer-to-peer nature. The American government adopted a “Europe First” policy in
its military strategy during the war. They became an effective counterinsurgency force because of
proper training as well as competent command and control. Does your introduction clearly convey
the purpose of the literature review.

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