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Literature Review On The Role of Government Expenditure On Economic Growth in Nigeria

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Literature Review on the Role of Government Expenditure on

Economic Growth in Nigeria

Crafting a comprehensive literature review is an intricate task that demands an in-depth

understanding of the subject matter, extensive research skills, and the ability to synthesize
information from various sources. This complexity is heightened when delving into a topic as
nuanced as the role of government expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria. As scholars and
researchers navigate through a plethora of academic papers, journals, and reports, the challenge
becomes evident – extracting relevant insights and presenting a cohesive narrative that contributes
meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge.

The intricacy of writing a literature review on the subject arises from the dynamic nature of
economic policies and the diverse perspectives within the academic community. Analyzing the
impact of government expenditure on economic growth requires a careful examination of historical
data, policy frameworks, and empirical studies. This meticulous process demands a keen eye for
detail and the ability to critically assess the quality and relevance of each source.

Moreover, the literature on government expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria is vast and
constantly evolving. Navigating through this extensive landscape necessitates a comprehensive
understanding of the historical context, policy shifts, and the underlying economic dynamics
specific to Nigeria. Researchers must sift through a multitude of publications, ranging from
economic analyses and government reports to scholarly articles, to glean valuable insights that
contribute meaningfully to the literature.

In light of these challenges, scholars often seek assistance to ensure the production of a literature
review that meets the rigorous standards of academic research. One viable solution is turning to
professional writing services that specialize in synthesizing complex information and presenting it in
a coherent and scholarly manner.

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composing a literature review on the role of government expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria.
The platform offers a dedicated team of experienced writers with expertise in economics and related
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By leveraging the services of ⇒ ⇔, researchers can focus on refining their

hypotheses, conducting empirical studies, and contributing unique insights to the academic
discourse. This collaborative approach allows scholars to navigate the challenges of literature review
writing effectively, leading to the creation of a compelling and impactful contribution to the field of
economic research.

In conclusion, the intricacies of writing a literature review on the role of government expenditure on
economic growth in Nigeria are undeniable. Scholars are encouraged to seek assistance from
reputable platforms like ⇒ ⇔ to ensure the production of a high-quality, well-
researched literature review that stands up to the rigors of academic scrutiny.
Revisiting the link between government spending and economic growth in the pr. Governments to
increase expenditure on agricultural sector to at least 10 percent of the national budgetary resources.
Resurrecting the Jew: Nationalism, Philosemitism, and Poland's Jewish Revival. Western Union
Money Transfer (WUMT): Western Union Money transfer is a product that allowed people with
relatives in Diaspora who may be remitting money home for family up-keep, Project financing,
School fees, etc. Ohwofasa, B.O. School of General Studies Delta State Polytechnic P.M.B. 03,
Otefe-Oghara Delta State Nigeria. What lessons can an African country of your choice learn from
these experiences? Total capital expenditures and Total recurrent expenditures would be used as
proxy variables to measure the impact of government expenditure on economic growth. Since the
advent of crude oil, the trend has changed in favor of the latter, now it is the oil revenue that
contributes the bulk of the federal government’s revenue. FIND OTHER RELATED PROJECT
TOPICS HERE CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background of the Study The increasing advancement in
information and communication technology witnessed in the 21st-century world has transformed the
landscape of the banking business in Nigeria. The specific objectives are to determine the impact of.
Four objectives were formulated for the study and four hypotheses were also prepared in line with
the objectives. All the capital expenditure appraisal techniques adopted. You can download the paper
by clicking the button above. Public spending is a reflection of the policy choices of the government.
Free PDF View PDF The Relationship between Inflation and Economic Growth in Nigeria: A
Conceptual Approach Miftahu Idris, Rosni Bakar The rate of inflation over the last three decades in
Nigeria has significantly increased thereby affecting the macroeconomic growth and international
competitive drive of the growing economy. Jarque-Bera Normality Test F-stat 0.484258(0.784955).
The findings show that there that there is a positive relationship between real GAP as against the
recurrent and capital expenditure. The author suggested that government should cut its spending,
particularly on projects and programmes that generates least benefits or impose highest cost. The
variables used for the study include recurrent expenditure, expenditure on highways, safety costs,
education costs as the independent variables and real GDP as the dependent variable. By keeping a
ceiling on recurrent expenditure, the economy can achieve greater savings for investment purpose that
would bring about rising output and economic growth; and lastly. Alexander Decker Government
Expenditure and Economic Growth Nexus: Empirical Evidence from Nig. It will motivate banks and
other economic agents to computerize their services. Following the introduction, section two
presented related literature while section three. The relationship was significant at 5 percent level.
Also, the short-run dynamics adjusts to the long-run equilibrium at the rate of 60. Secondary data are
information that are not retrieved from their original state and they are used for this research work
due to their reliability and relevance to this research topic. Therefore, it is recommended that the
government should give more priority to the capital component that is more productive and can
induce rapid economic prosperity. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Government expenditure is a term used to
describe money that government spends in an economy. Theoretically and empirically it has been
found that taxes affect the allocation of resources and often distort the economic growth. There is
evidence that establish that setting an inflation target as a nominal anchor that constrains price
movements to a particular point or within a pre-agreed range is indispensable for economic growth.
The general objective of this study is to determine whether government spending significantly affects
the growth of Nigeria's economy.
It posits that government determines its expenditures and revenues independently. These payment
systems may experience failure at any time or malfunction and as a result, frustrate transactions
which may be urgent. The results produce evidence of statistically stable long run relationship and
short run adjustment among the variables in the estimated model. This study recommends reduction
in recurrent expenditure; reduction or cut in wastage; stimulation of economic development through
identification of people-oriented projects; matching government spending with revenue allocation;
and that issue of government budgets and budgeting should be taken more seriously by Ministries,
Agencies and Departments. Keywords: Government expenditure; Economic growth; Unit root test;
Co-integration; ARDL model. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Journal of
Economics and Sustainable Development, 4(2): 71-78. All the capital expenditure appraisal
techniques adopted. In the critical observation of the recent Nigerian economic position, there has
been a great divergence between the rate at which money is supplied and the exact impact it has on
the general price level, which results in inflation and deflation on one hand, and the output growth
(productivity) on the other. Following the estimation of the model, it was discovered that the
variables were all stationary at first difference. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader
engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. But capital and recurrent expenditures on social and
community services and recurrent expenditure on transfers had significant positive effect on
economic growth. The Johansen cointegration test was applied to verify the long run relationship
between the variables and the Granger causality test was employed to determine the existence and
direction of causation between government expenditure and economic growth. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. In this study, the structure and size of government expenditure determine the pattern
of growth in the economy. There is evidence that establish that setting an inflation target as a
nominal anchor that constrains price movements to a particular point or within a pre-agreed range is
indispensable for economic growth. Improving Smallholder Farmers Access to Finance Through
Warehouse Receipt Sys. The results reveal that government total capital expenditure (TCAP), total
recurrent expenditure (TREC), and government expenditure on education (EDU) have negative
effect on economic growth. Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized
articles. However, it has a very strong and positive correlation with FEDRETREV, NON-OIL
REVENUE and RGDP, respectively. The empirical results showed that public (recurrent and capital)
expenditure has significant positive impact on the growth of the economy in the long run and an
insignificant negative impact on the Nigerian economy in the short run, reinforcing the Keynesian
and Endogenous Growth Models that public expenditure stimulates economic growth in Nigeria
when seen in the long run. Adopting the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach to
cointegration, the results suggest that government investment expenditure as a share of GDP has a
positive but insignificant influence on real economic growth rate both in the short-run and long-run.
Download Free PDF View PDF Government Expenditures and Economic Growth dynamics in
Ghana Frank Adu Purpose: The duties of government undeniably transcend the making laws. Based
on the individual explanatory variables, the result showed that recurrent expenditure has a positive
significant effect on economic growth in Nigeria. Recurrent expenditure on debt servicing and road
and construction indicated a positive and negligible impact on economic growth. The findings
suggested that the capital spending of the government has an inverse relationship with economic
growth and also significant influence on economic growth. The findings include, that there is a
positive but weak correlation between capital expenditure and economic growth; that there is a
positive and strong correlation recurrent expenditure and economic growth; and there is significant
variation between capital expenditure, recurrent expenditure, and economic development of Nigeria.
This has made the Nigeria economy vulnerable to commodities and price volatility over the years.
Loto, M. A. (2011). Impact of government sectoral expenditure on economic growth. Also, capital
expenditure on transfers had insignificant positive effect on growth.
However, there is a shift of focus in our present study from the oil to the non-oil sector and retained
government revenue as key factors, while holding recurrent expenditure and capital expenditure
aggregates for a robust model build. In comparing the results of the total government expenditure
with capital and recurrent expenditure, the result shows that they are positively related to economic
growth however the recurrent component of the expenditure significantly explained more. You can
do this by clicking the review button on this page. The magnitude of this inflationary trends may be
largely explained by the rapid growth of money supply motivated by the expansionary fiscal policies
of the public sector, in addition to exchange rate fluctuation and poor diversification of the economy.
Musaba, E. C., Chilonda, P.and Matchaya, G. (2013). Impact of government sectoral expenditure on
economic. According to the CBN, the cashless policy was introduced to drive the development and
modernization of the Nigerian payment system in line with the nation’s vision 2020 goal of being
among the top 20 economies in the year 2020 but the use of cash, according to Nwaolisa and Kasie
(2012), as a means of carrying out transactions still remain very high in Nigeria. Statistics Make data-
driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. The Emerging Pattern of
Structural Change The Emerging Pattern of Structural Change Econometric analysis of the
effectiveness of fiscal policy in economic growth. It may fluctuate for hours and sometimes not
available. CBN Economic anf Financial Review, Vol. 26 (2), June, pp. 46-61. The authors
recommended increase in both capital and recurrent expenditures on education, investment in
transport and communication, health sector, funding of anticorruption agencies to tackle high level of
corruption found in public offices. For instance, when the state enters the market for factor inputs or
labor in the factor market, it stimulates unhealthy competition with the private sector firms for these
same materials or labor services. However, the explanatory variables were jointly significant at 5%
level of significance. Internet Banking: This is a product that enables the Bank leverage on the
Internet Banking System Module in-built on the new Banking Application (BANKS) implemented
by the Bank to serve the Internet Banking needs of the Bank’s customers Mobile Banking: This is a
product that offers Customers of a Bank to access services as you go. Journal of economics and
international finance, 5(4), 146-154, JEIF. Analysis was based on data extracted from the Statistical
Bulletin of the Central Bank of Nigeria. Ironically, despite the resurgence in the price of crude oil
after the setbacks occasioned by immediate past recession experienced in Nigeria, she has not been
able to establish that all -important link between its revenue and expenditure pattern overtime to
ensure sustainable growth. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Econometric
analysis of the effectiveness of fiscal policy in economic growth. Chi-square is greater than 0.05, it
means that there is no heteroscedasticity in the model. Expenditure on capital expenditure if well
managed could give rise to rapid economic growth. An ex-post facto research was carried out to
ascertain the nature of Nigerian economic development, using judgmental sampling technique from
the period 1970-2014. The study finds that government expenditure on highway, and expenditure on
safety has positive significant effect on economic growth in Nigeria at 5% and 1% levels re. Effect
of Aggregated and Disaggregated Public Spending On the Nigerian Econom. A positive and
significant relationship existed between the variables at various lags when revenue was made the
dependent variable. It also showed a significant relationship with RGDP at 5% level of significance.
Also, capital expenditure on transfers had insignificant positive effect on growth. Ex post facto
research design was adopted for the study and is supported by the Barro model of public
expenditure. Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) was adopted as the dependent variable while
government capital expenditure (CAPEXP) and government recurrent expenditure (RECEXP)
represent the independent variables. The study adopted the Error Correction model and Granger
Causality Test.
In Sudan, Badawi (2003) found that the impact of private investments. The results reveal that
government total capital expenditure (TCAP), total recurrent expenditure (TREC), and government
expenditure on education (EDU) have negative effect on economic growth. Thus, the rising
government expenditure in Nigeria is expected to translate into meaningful growth and. This study
employed ex-post research design because the variables were based on events that had already taken
place, which the researcher could neither control nor manipulate. This study recommends reduction
in recurrent expenditure; reduction or cut in wastage; stimulation of economic development through
identification of people-oriented projects; matching government spending with revenue allocation;
and that issue of government budgets and budgeting should be taken more seriously by Ministries,
Agencies and Departments. This indicates that something is definitely wrong either with the way
government implements the budget or with the ways and manners it has always been computed. 1. 3
Research Questions. In this study, the structure and size of government expenditure determine the
pattern of growth in the economy. Download Free PDF View PDF SACHA JOURNAL OF POLICY
ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA GYLYCH JELILOV This paper investigates the reasons
why government spending in Nigeria has failed to generate commensurate growth rate for the
economy. Notes: Critical values extracted from Pesaran et al. (2001) Table CI (iii) Case III:
Unrestricted intercept and no. The study applied a modified version of endogenous growth model
using Autoregressive distributed lag model. The implication is that a unit increase in expenditure on
these variables has been. Government expenditure in Nigeria has grown tremendously since
independence. In the long run, all the components of government expenditures employed showed a
significant effect on economic growth. Oluwatobi, S. O. and Ogunrinola, I. O. (2011). Government
expenditure on human capital development. Theoretically and empirically it has been found that
taxes affect the allocation of resources and often distort the economic growth. In the past war period
developing countries were diversify their economy from agriculture to industrial and they borrow a
lot of finance. Section I was on introduction, section II was on literature review and empirical
literature, section III dealt with the methodology of the study, section IV was on the results and
discussions while section V was on conclusion and recommendations. Governance and Economic
Growth in Africa Governance and Economic Growth in Africa 2 adaramola anthony olugbenga 9-19
2 adaramola anthony olugbenga 9-19 6 the economic implications of monetization 60-71 6 the
economic implications of monetization 60-71 Cointegration of public sector expenditure patterns and
growth of nigeria Cointegration of public sector expenditure patterns and growth of nigeria Effect of
Fiscal Responsibility Act on Budgeting and Accountability Practice. The research work makes use of
the unit root test which tests for stationarity, co-integration test which tests for long run impacts,
granger causality test which estimates the direction of causality between variables and error
correction mechanism which measures short run impacts as well as the overall stability of the
analysis. Research Leap is an international journal hosting platform for business research,
management and innovation. Is there any causal relationship between government expenditure either
capital or recurrent expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria? 2. Statistics Make data-driven
decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. I the early 1970’s the
government take was less than half of this, no VAT, flat rate NI stamp, deductions for mortgage
interest, deduction for retirement annuity premiums etc. The period 1983-2018 was chosen as it is
considered long enough to ascertain long run effects of federal government revenue and expenditure
on economic growth in Nigeria. Badawi, A. A. (2003). Private capital formation and public
investment in Sudan: Testing the substitutability and. Based on the findings, we highlighted some of
major issues that policymakers should consider for effective taxation policy formulation and
implementation in line with the complexity nature of the Zimbabwe economy. A Multivariate Causal
Relationship among Road Transport Infrastructure Develo. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full
PDF Download PDF Related Papers The Lethargic Government Public Expenditure Torpedoring
Economic Development in Nigeria from 1970-2014 Richman A. For example the federal government
and its ministries; state and local government areas authorities; Separate public bodies and
international organizations. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace.
The relationship was significant at 5 percent level. It also has negative effect the growth and basic
reason of negative effect is the restriction of donor agencies (Faioz, 2010). As per this speculation,
emergency in an economy could prompt a removal impact i.e., the current expansion in government
spending prompts an increment in income.This kind of causality associates income with consumption.
The general view is that public expenditure either recurrent or capital expenditure, notably on social
and economic infrastructure can be growth-enhancing although the financing of such expenditure to
provide essential infrastructural facilities including transport, electricity, telecommunications, water
and sanitation, waste disposal, education and health can be growth retarding. Overall the
government plan to keep spending static in real terms (adjusted for inflation). Stocks fell in October
due to fears of an economic downturn. Using a threshold regression model developed by Khan and
Senhadji (2001), the study estimated a threshold inflation level of 13 per cent for Nigeria. Moreover,
the results indicated a unidirectional relationship, as causality runs from government expenditures to
growth. Public investment was found to stimulate output thereby increasing government revenues
(which, in turn, enhance government spending). Johasen, S. and Juselius, K. (1990). Maximum
likelihood estimation and inference on co-integration with. Firstly, bounds test method for co-
integration is being. In terms of the human development index, Nigeria is ranked. Time series data
spanning 1981-2012 were analysed using the OLS technique. Many supports a large public
expenditure on the grounds that it pulls money into circulation, increases investment, and reduces tax
averseness. This adjustment transforms the nominal value measure i.e., nominal GDP into an index
for quantity of total output. Socio political instability and foreign direct investments in ghana an
ardl. Also, corruption so prevalent in the public sector must be minimized if cannot be eradicated. I
the early 1970’s the government take was less than half of this, no VAT, flat rate NI stamp,
deductions for mortgage interest, deduction for retirement annuity premiums etc. Given that
Agriculture still remains a mass major provider of livelihood opportunities, it is still an important
channel of economic growth. This study recommends reduction in recurrent expenditure; reduction
or cut in wastage; stimulation of economic development through identification of people-oriented
projects; matching government spending with revenue allocation; and that issue of government
budgets and budgeting should be taken more seriously by Ministries, Agencies and Departments.
level of economic prosperity with the vast amount of budgetary allocations in terms of expenditure in
Nigeria has raised major concerns and occupies the center of literature debate over time. In line with
above, the study recommends among others that: government should intensify effort to ensure
resources are properly managed and invested in productive sectors so as to foster economic growth.
Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign.
Outlays on health and defence were all found to be insignificant determinants of economic growth.
Secondary data was employed covering the period 1983-2018. Using selected world development
indicators, the life. Results of the analysis showed that capital and recurrent expenditure on economic
services had insignificant negative effect on economic growth during the study period. The
magnitude of this inflationary trends may be largely explained by the rapid growth of money supply
motivated by the expansionary fiscal policies of the public sector, in addition to exchange rate
fluctuation and poor diversification of the economy. CBN Economic anf Financial Review, Vol. 26
(2), June, pp. 46-61. IOSR Journals The Emerging Pattern of Structural Change The Emerging
Pattern of Structural Change Md Shaifullar Rabbi Econometric analysis of the effectiveness of fiscal
policy in economic growth.
Government expenditure drives economic growth in Nigeria and the paper recommends that more of
government's resources should be directed to especially capital expenditure. Although the ARDL co-
integration approach does not require unit root tests, nevertheless we need to conduct. Download
Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently
unavailable. One of the cardinal minds in 20th century Development Studies was W. W. Rostow. an
American economic expert and authorities functionary. To what extent does Point of Sale influence
Real Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria. Governance and Economic Growth in Africa Governance
and Economic Growth in Africa 2 adaramola anthony olugbenga 9-19 2 adaramola anthony
olugbenga 9-19 6 the economic implications of monetization 60-71 6 the economic implications of
monetization 60-71 Cointegration of public sector expenditure patterns and growth of nigeria
Cointegration of public sector expenditure patterns and growth of nigeria Effect of Fiscal
Responsibility Act on Budgeting and Accountability Practice. More importantly, the results suggest
that Ghanaian economy has benefited from trade liberalisation policy, expansionary fiscal policy,
increases in prices of goods and services but not from investment and financial development, proxied
by gross capital formation and money supply respectively. Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express
creation to Issuu publication. Indistinguishable from Magic: How the Cybersecurity Market Reached
a Trillion. However, questions regarding the efficacy of government expenditures to attain these
objectives have continued to rise due to the alarming rate of unemployment, inflation, poverty and
other socioeconomic problems in Nigeria. Also, both the Federal government and Central Bank of
Nigeria (CBN) should be more articulate in managing the exchange rate effectively to achieve her
macroeconomic objectives.This will stimulate investment surplus thus raising output and enhancing
the standard of living of Nigerians. Ho 4: There is no significant relationship between Mobile
Payment and Real Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria. 1.6 Significance of the Study This study is
significant in the following ways; To practitioners: The study will give various insights into the
various implications the introduction of the cashless policy will have on the economy of Nigeria. Is
Financial Development A Factor to the Leading Growth Profile of the South. They also reported the
existence of co-integration among the variables. Payment System: A financial system that establishes
that means for transferring money between suppliers and of the fund, usually by exchanging debits
or Credits between financial institutions. Download Free PDF View PDF Does The Composition of
Public Expenditure matter to Alexander Decker Download Free PDF View PDF International journal
of economics Does Composition of Public Expenditure affect Economic growth. Running through
contries finance should not be so difficult and what the government spends my hard earned tax
dollars on shouldn’t be so gray but much more transparent and clear. Three variable multiple
regression model was adopted while recurrent expenditure and capital expenditure were used as
independent variable and gross domestic product growth rate as dependent variable. An augmented
Solow model is specified in Cobb-Douglas form with public. This adjustment transforms the nominal
value measure i.e., nominal GDP into an index for quantity of total output. There is need, therefore,
to strengthen the quality and sustainability of, especially, capital expenditures on Nigeria's
Agricultural sector. An Error Correction Model (ECM) was carried out to tie the shortrun dynamics
with longrun equilibrium. Secondary data was employed covering the period 1983-2018. To what
extent do Web Transactions influence Real Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria. This study
recommended that Bangladesh have to figure out the option of debt cancellation and focus on to
increase human development as well as infrastructure development. The study concludes that the
Nigerian economy is on the wrong path to sustainable growth and development. Developing
countries are facing deficient finance and it have encouraged them to borrow from developed
countries, international organizations, and international finance institution. International Journal of
Innovation and Economic Development. 2021 Aug,7(3):34-52. This can only be achieved through
efficient allocation of collected tax revenue to production sectors of the economy to try to achieve
distributive principle through societal welfare maximization. This data was collected from World
Bank databank as well as Central Bank Statistical Bulletin.

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