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Cleaning Contract Template 23

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Date: ________________________ Country: _______________________

Purpose: ____________________________________________________________


The Contractor agrees in providing such services to the client on the terms and conditions
specified in this agreement.

The Client requires the cleaning services and considers the Contractor capable of
providing the services the client requires.

CONSIDERING the issues mentioned above and the advantages and responsibilities
altogether set out in this agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is
herewith acknowledged, the client and Contractor agree in such a way:


The venue where the services are needed:



The Client herewith agrees to get involved with the contractor to provide the client with
the following services:



Time when the event and delivery of the service is needed:


The services will also include any other services which both the parties agreed upon. The
Contractor HEREWITH agrees to assist with such services to the customer.


Any information or data relating to the client is considered to be confidential information,

whether related to work or personal life, something that is not generally known and the
release of information that is mentioned can cause damage to the customer.

There is an agreement between the parties to not disclose, divulge, report, use or reveal
any confidential information about the other party which they came to know through the
operation of the agreement, except where authorization is given by the party or the law
allows it. The confidentiality will be obligated during the term of the agreement and
remain so even after its termination.


This agreement will be in full force and effect from the date of this agreement until the
end of the service, services can be terminated earlier as mentioned in the agreement. The
parties can agree and extend the term of service.


To ensure that the terms of the agreement take effect the party involved will take the
necessary steps.


All Monetary amounts mentioned in this agreement will be in ‘____’, except otherwise
mentioned in the agreement.


 The client will be charged a flat fee of ‘____’ for the services provided.
 After the completion of the service, the client will be invoiced.
 Upon receiving the invoice, the client is obligated to pay within 30 days.
 Upon termination of the agreement by the client prior to the service completion
date even though partial services have been provided, in such case the caterer is
benefited to an annual payment of the compensation to the date of ending period
provided that there were no issues during the contract.
 The Compensation mentioned in the agreement will exclude sales tax or any other
government obligation. Sales tax and duties will be charged in addition to the

Upon the lapse or end of this Agreement, the Contractor will come back to the Client any
property, documentation, records, or Confidential Information which is the property of
the Client.


In offering the Types of assistance under this Agreement it explicitly concurs that the
Contractor is going about as a self-employed entity and not as a representative. The
Contractor and the Client recognize that this Agreement doesn't make an organization or
joint endeavor.

among them, and is solely an agreement for service. The Client isn't required to pay, or
make any commitments to, any standardized savings, local, state or government charge,
joblessness remuneration, laborers' pay, protection premium, benefit-sharing, annuity or
some other representative advantage for the Contractor during the Term. The Contractor
is liable for paying and conforming to announcing prerequisites for, all local, state and
government charges identified with installments settled on to the Contractor under this

Rights may be applied by the Government

Aside from as in any case gave in this contract, the Contractor will have full command
over working time, strategies, and dynamic compared to the arrangement of the Services
as per the Agreement. The Contractor will work self-sufficiently and not at the heading of
the Client. Be that as it may, the Contractor will be receptive to the sensible needs and
worries of the Client.


Aside from as in any case mentioned in this contract, the Contractor will give at the
Contractor's own cost, any gear, embellishments, synthetic compounds, solvents,
cleaning liquids, workwear and some other supplies important to convey the Services as
per the Agreement.


The Parties recognize that this Agreement is non-restrictive and that either Party will be
free, during and after the Term, to connect with or contract with outsiders for the
arrangement of administrations like the Services.


All notification, solicitations, requests or different interchanges required or allowed by

the conditions of this Agreement will be given in writing and conveyed to the Parties at
the accompanying locations:
1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

or on the other hand to such different address as either Party may every once in a while
tell the other, and will be regarded to be appropriately conveyed (a) promptly after being
served by and by, (b) two days after being saved with the postal assistance whenever
served by enlisted mail, or (c) the following day after saved with a medium-term


But to the increased paid in settlement from any appropriate insurance policies, and to the
escalation allowed by pertinent law, each Party consents to repay and hold innocuous the
other Party, and its particular partners, officials, specialists, workers, and allowed
successors and allocates against all cases, losses, harms, liabilities, penalties, correctional
damages, costs, sensible lawful charges and expenses of any sort or sum at all, which
result from or emerge out of any demonstration or exclusion of the reimbursing party, its
separate associates, officials, operators, representatives, and allowed successors and
distribute that happens regarding this Agreement. This reimbursement will go through the
end of this Agreement.


Any correction or change of this Agreement or extra commitment accepted by either

party regarding this Agreement may be authoritative whenever confirm recorded in
writing marked by each Party or an approved agent of each Party.


It concurs that there is no representation, guarantee, security understanding or condition

influencing this Agreement with the exception of as explicitly given here in the contract.


This Agreement will enure to the advantage of and be official on the Parties and their
particular beneficiaries, agents, heads and allowed successors and allocates.

Headings are inserted for the comfort of the Parties just and are not to be viewed as when
deciphering this Agreement.


Time is of the substance in this contract. No expansion or variety of this Agreement will
work as a waiver of this arrangement.


The Contractor won't willfully, or by the activity of law, allocate or in any case move its
commitments under this Agreement without the earlier composed assent of the Client.


Words in the solitary mean and incorporate the plural and the other way around. Words in
the masculine mean, what's more, incorporate the feminine and vice


This Agreement will be administered by and translated as per the laws of the State of


If any of the arrangements of this Agreement are held to be invalid or unenforceable in

entire or partially, all different arrangements will by the by keeping on being legitimate
and enforceable with the invalid or unenforceable parts cut off from the rest of this


The waiver by either party of default, breach, postponement or exclusion of any of the
arrangements of this Agreement by the other party won't be interpreted as a waiver of any
consequent break of the equivalent or different arrangements.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have appropriately appended their marks under
hand and seal on this _______ day of ___________, ________.

‘____________________’ Date:‘____’
Signature of the Client required
‘____________________’ Date:‘____’
Signature of Contractor required

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