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Fundamental Ch1

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Chapter 1

 Introduction of Computer

 Definition of Computer

 Characteristic of Computer

 Advantage of Computer

 Disadvantage of Computer

 Application of Computer

 History of Computer

 Generation of Computer

 Unit of Computer

 Type of Computer

 Introduction of Computer

The word “COMPUTER” derived from the word “Computing” or


A computer is much more than a simple computing device. It can do all

Arithmetical and logical functions, it can as well as copy, compare and
choose at a great speed.

Here, No doubt, we use calculator to calculate mathematical operation

like addition, subtractions, multiplication, Division etc. But it has no logical
unit like which number is greater or smaller among two. So I may say that
calculations are not a computer.

Computer is made by human and so it is artificial. So computer is used to

fulfill the human desire.
Man vs Computer :-

What can better do than human, Computer may perform better than
human like the operation (i) Numeric computation, (ii) Information storage
(iii) Repetitive operation.

What can better do than computer, Human may perform better than
computer like numeric vs. symbolic, Algorithm vs. Non-algorithm etc.

What is computer?

Computer means a different thing to different people for the common

man, the computer is simply calculator which work automatically.

For the technically sound man, the computer is a sophisticated

electronic device capable of solving problem.

C: Commonly O: Operated M: Machine P: Particularly U: Used for

T: Trade E: Education and R: Research

Definition of Computer

Computer is an electronic device that has the capability to process

or manipulate a given set of organized data at a very high speed, to generate
the desired information, according to instruction provided.


Computer is an electronic device (machine) that performs task such as

mathematical calculation or electronic communication, under the control of a
set of instructions called a program.

Computer is used to perform a wide variety of activity with reliability, accuracy

and speed. Basically a computer is an electronic devices or huge data
processing unit, which process Raw Data into meaningful information.

Data :-

Data is a collection of facts and figures which is processed to produce

information. Facts or data can be any set of item. Data can be words numbers,
symbols graphs.


Information is data which has been converted into a meaningful results

exam time table, merit list, report, printed document pay sleep report
processing, The process which unjumbles the data and arranges them into
organized manner is called Information.
How Data Converted into information ?

Ans: Data is input through input medium and data will process and finally
information display in display medium or out put medium.

Actually in processing section there are various steps to produce

information. In processing CPU System. There are three ports

 Control Unit (CU)

 ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit)
 Memory Unit
CPU (Central Processing Unit):

 The Central Processing Unit is the single most important component of

electronic Computer.
 It accepts data and instruction from the user through input devices or
input medium and store them in to memory.
 According to instruction it manipulates the data through the ALU and
Process information store in the memory.
 At the end of the process it gives the required information in the
specified manner to the user through output devices.
CPU has 3 Unit:

 Control Unit
 Arithmetic and Logic Unit(ALU)
 Memory

Control Unit (CU)

The control unit controls all the data / instruction what data and instruction we
enter through input devices. The functionality of control unit are;

 Control of input / output devices

 Entry and retrieval of information from memory
 Routing of information between memory and ALU
 Direction of Arithmetic and Logical operation.
 The functionality of ALU that performs the actual manipulation of
given data including addition, subtraction Multiplication, Division Etc.
along with certain logical operation as =,==,>,<, and , or, not nor, or etc.
which helps the computer in decision making.
Memory Unit:

The functionality of memory unit is that it store data / information and

instruction through control unit which can be used later on. The memory unit
is classified into different type and each type with their different function.

Characteristic of Computer

Computer have some significant characteristics because of which they are

become more versatile day to day,.

There are some major characteristics of a computer system. Given below ----

 Speed

 Accuracy

 Storage

 Diligence

 Versatility

 Volume

 Complexity

 Timeliness


The speed of something is the rate at which it travel data and instruction to
process the data travels at an incredible speed equivalent to that of light
e.g. in nanosecond.

Hour = 60 Minutes

60 Minutes * 60 = 3600 Seconds

1 sec / 1000 = 1 Millisecond

1 Milisecond/1000 = 1 Microsecond

1 Microsecond / 1000 = 1 Nanosecond


The accuracy of a computer is consistently high which in the case of a human



Computers have huge storage capacity. Data are information can be

permanently stored on other storage devices like disk, tapes etc.


Computer do not suffer from stress and strain and do not get tired and look
boredom when repetitive task are given.


Computer seem capable of performing almost any task efficiently, provided

that task can be broken down to a series of logical steps and provided to the
computer in the way that it can understood. So computer is the is a master of
all trade.


Large volume of data can be handled by the computer with the high degree of


Computer can do complex calculation or algorithm operations not only ensures

accuracy of result but also does so in very short time.


Computer can do with capacities of speed and accuracy have to great extent
improved the timeliness of information.
Advantages of Computerization:

Better job opportunities

Benefit at the place of work
Better efficiency and increased productivity
Improvements in quality of product
Better services to the people
Faster information retrieval

Disadvantages of Computer:-

o Lack of Common Sense: Computer do not have common sense. They do

not have their own logic. They operate in a way in which they are
programmed to operate.

o Inability to correct: Computer can only process jobs which can be

expressed in a finite no of steps achieving to special goal. If he
instruction is incorrect the result will also be incorrect.

o Dependence on human instruction: Computer has to be told exactly

what to do, what is its programmed to do and nothing else.

o Portability: Program and software prepared for one type of computer

may be usable on other type of computer.

Application of Computer :-

Application of computer or use of computer in a wide variety of way for

the different kind of people computer is used in different field like

Information Processing
Health Care
Improved personal safety
Weather Forecasting
Field of Communication
Crime Detection
Scientific Research
Recreational Benefit
Domestic Budget Planning
In Home electronic circuit
In Automobiles
Military Services

Chapter 2


Charles Babbage, a nineteenth century Professor at Cambridge

University, is considered the father of modern digital computers. He had
employed a group of clerks for preparing mathematical and statistical tables.
Babbage had to spend several hours checking these tables because even
utmost care and precautions could not eliminate human errors. Soon he
became dissatisfied and exasperated with this type of monotonous job. As a
result, he started thinking about building a machine that could compute tables
guaranteed to be error-free. In this process, Babbage designed a “Difference
Engine” in the year 1822 that could produce reliable tables. In 1842, Babbage
came out with his new idea of a completely automatic Analytical Engine for
performing basic arithmetic functions for any mathematical problem at an
average speed of 60 additions per minute. Unfortunately, he was unable to
produce a working model of this machine because the precisions engineering
required to manufacture the machine was not available during that period.
However, his efforts established a number of principles that are fundamental
to the design of any digital computer. In order to have a better idea of the
evolution of computers it is worthwhile to discuss some of the well-known
early computers.
Generation of Computer :-

The development of computer from the very first one till date, have
been put into different generations to indicate their phase of evolution. This is
based on the technical developments over the period.

1st Generation Computer (1948 – 1958):

Period : 1948 – 1958

Component : Vaccum Tubes
Storage : Acoustic Delay, Magnetic drums, 1 kb memory
Software : Machine and Assembly language
Use : Scientific and simple business system
Example : ENIAC, UNIVAC, IBM-701, IBM 650 etc.

1. Characteristics Features of 1st Generation Computer:-

 They were the fastest calculating devices of their time.

 They were too bulky in size, requiring large rooms for installation.
 They use thousands of vacuum tubes that entitles large amount of heat
and out frequently. So the rooms/areas in which these computers were
located had to be properly air conditioned.
 Each vacuum tube that consumed about half a watt of power.
 As vacuum tubes use filaments, they had a limited life. So computes
required constant maintenance.
 Thousands of individual components were assembled manually by hand
into electronics circuit. So commercial productions of these computes
were difficult and costly and had limited commercial use.
2nd Generation Computer :

Period : 1958 - 1965

Component : Transistors
Storage : Magnetic core main memory, tapes, disk, 100 kb main memory
Software : High level language, coral, Fortran, algol, Batch processing
Use : Extensive Business, Engineering design, scientific research.
Example : IBM – 700, 1401, 1620, CDC – 1640, 3000 Mark III

Characteristics Features of 2nd Generation Computer:-

 They were more than ten times faster then the first generation
computer. They were smaller than first generation computer and
respond smaller space. They consume less power.
 They were more reliable and less space prone to hardware features then
the first generation computer.
 They had faster and larger secondary storage as compared to first
generation computers.
 They were easier to project and use than the first generation computers
so they had wider commercial use.
 Thousands of individual transistors had to be assembled manually by
hand into electronic circuits making. Commercial production of these
computers difficult and costly.

3rd Generation Computer:

Period : 1965 – 1975

Component : Integrated Circuits
Storage : High speed magnetic cores, large disk (100 mb)
Software: Fortran, Cobal68, PL, Time sharing
Use : DBMS, on line system
Example : ICL-2903, CDC-1700, PDPII/451 IBM-360

Characteristics Features of 3rd Generation Computer:-

 They were more powered than second generation computer. They were
capable of performing about 1 million instructions per second. They
were smaller than second generation computers required smaller space.
 They consumed by power and less heat than second generation
 They were more reliable and less prone to hardware features then
second generation computers requiring lower maintenance cost.
 They had faster and larger primary and secondary storage as computer
compared to second generation computers.
 They were general purpose machines suitable for both scientific and
commercial application.
 Standardization of high level programming language allowed programs
written for one computer to be easily ported to and executed on
another computer.
 Time sharing operation system allowed interactive usage and
simultaneous use of these system of multiple use.

4th Generation Computer

Period : 1975 – 1985

Component : Large scale integrated circuits, microprocessor.
Storage : Semi Conductor memory, 16mb main memory 2000 mb disk
Software : Fortran 77, Pascal, ADA, COBAL 74, 85
Use : Personal Computer, Graphic Oriented System

Characteristic Features of 4th Generation Computer:-

 PCs were smaller and cheaper than mainframe or mini computers of

third generation.
 They consumed by power then third generation computer.
 They were more reliable and less prone to hardware failures than third
generation computers requiring and eligible maintenance cost.
 They had faster and large primary and secondary storage as compared
to third generation computers.
 It does not required manual assembly of individual components into
electronics circuit. So it is reduced human labor and cost. Commercial
production of these systems was easier and cheaper.
 Use of standard high level language allowed programs written for one
computer to be easily parted to as executed on another computer.
 PCs based applications made PCs a powerful tool for both office and
home usage.
 Portable PCs are much smaller and handy than PCs of fourth generation
allowing users to use compacting facility even while traveling.
 They were more reliable and less prone to hardware failures than their
predecessors were requiring negligible maintenance cost.
 They have faster and larger primary and secondary storage as compared
to their predecessors.
 More user friendly interface with multimedia features makes the
systems easier to learn and use by anyone.

5th Generation Computer

Period : 1990 – onward

Component : New concepts of processor, Concepts of AI
Storage : Increase main memory, disk
Software :
Use : Weather Forecasting, Satellite lunch, Big Bang
Example : Super Computer

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