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BU 0630 – en

Functional Safety
Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

2 BU 0630 en-0322
Table of Contents

BU 0630 en-0322 3
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Pos : 3 /Allgemei n/Steuermodule/Inhaltsv erzeic hnis @ 0\mod_1317978518480_388.docx @ 4078 @ @ 1

Table of Contents
=== Ende der Liste für T extm arke Inhaltsv erz eichnis ===

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1.1 Documentation ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.2 Document history.................................................................................................................. 7
1.1.3 About this manual ................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Other applicable documents .............................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Presentation conventions ................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1 Warning information ............................................................................................................. 8
1.3.2 Other information .................................................................................................................. 8
1.4 Safety, installation and application information .................................................................................. 9
2 Function description ................................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Design of the safe shut-down method .............................................................................................. 13
2.2 Safe shut-down methods ................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.1 Safe Pulse Block ................................................................................................................ 15
2.2.2 Safety Digital Input ............................................................................................................. 16
2.3 Safety functions ............................................................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Safe Torque Off, STO......................................................................................................... 17
2.3.2 Safe stop 1 with time control, SS1-t.................................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Priorities and response to faults ......................................................................................... 18
2.4 Examples / Implementation .............................................................................................................. 19
2.4.1 STO function....................................................................................................................... 19
2.4.2 SS1-t function ..................................................................................................................... 23
2.4.3 Simple re-start block ........................................................................................................... 25
2.4.4 Example without Safe Pulse Block ..................................................................................... 27
2.4.5 Exclusion of wiring faults .................................................................................................... 29
3 Assembly and installation ........................................................................................................................ 32
3.1 Installation and assembly ................................................................................................................. 32
3.1.1 Assembly of an SK CU5-STO and SK CU5-MLT customer unit ......................................... 32
3.2 Electrical connection ........................................................................................................................ 33
3.2.1 Wiring guidelines ................................................................................................................ 33
3.2.2 Mains connection................................................................................................................ 33
3.2.3 Control cable connections .................................................................................................. 35
3.2.4 Details on control terminals ................................................................................................ 35
3.3 Details of the safe shut-down method .............................................................................................. 36
3.3.1 Wiring and shielding ........................................................................................................... 36
3.3.2 Operation with OSSD ......................................................................................................... 36 Individual operation 37 Multiple device operation 39
3.3.3 EMC ................................................................................................................................... 40
4 commissioning .......................................................................................................................................... 41
4.1 Commissioning steps for STO ......................................................................................................... 41
4.2 SS1-t commissioning steps .............................................................................................................. 42
4.3 Validation ......................................................................................................................................... 45
5 Parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 46
5.1 Parameterisation .............................................................................................................................. 46
5.2 Description of parameters ................................................................................................................ 47
5.2.1 Explanation of parameter description ................................................................................. 47
5.2.2 Control terminals ................................................................................................................ 48
5.2.3 Additional parameters......................................................................................................... 52
6 Operating status messages ..................................................................................................................... 53
7 Additional information .............................................................................................................................. 56
7.1 Protective switching devices ............................................................................................................ 56
7.1.1 Output voltage of the protective switching devices ............................................................. 56
7.1.2 Switching capacity and current load ................................................................................... 56
7.1.3 OSSD outputs, test pulses ................................................................................................. 58
7.2 Safety categories ............................................................................................................................. 60

4 BU 0630 en-0322
Table of Contents
7.2.1 IEC 60204-1:2016 .............................................................................................................. 60
7.2.2 IEC 61800-5-2:2016 ........................................................................................................... 60
7.2.3 IEC 61508:2010.................................................................................................................. 60
7.2.4 ISO 13849-1:2015 .............................................................................................................. 61
8 Technical Data ........................................................................................................................................... 62
8.1 Safe Pulse Block and Safety Digital Input ........................................................................................ 63
9 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 65
9.1 Maintenance information .................................................................................................................. 65
9.2 Repair information ............................................................................................................................ 65
9.3 Service and commissioning information ........................................................................................... 66
9.4 Documents and software ................................................................................................................. 66
9.5 Certificates ....................................................................................................................................... 66
9.6 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................... 67

BU 0630 en-0322 5
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Pos : 8 /Anl eitung en/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/0. Pr olog/_Pr olog: Anleitung les en @ 88\m od_1651830289006_388.docx @ 2909470 @ @ 1

Read document and

keep for future reference

Read this document carefully prior to performing any work on or putting the device into operation. It is
essential to read and observe the instructions in this document. They serve as the prerequisite for
smooth and safe operation and the fulfilment of any warranty claims.
Contact Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG if your questions regarding the handling of the device
are not answered in this document or if you require further information.
The German version of this document is the original. The German document is always decisive. If this
document is available in other languages, this will be a translation of the original document.
Keep this document in the vicinity of the device so that it is available if required.
Pos : 9 /Anl eitung en/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/0. Pr olog/_Pr olog: Anleitung les en_Ergänzung für SAF ETY @ 87\mod_1649858321991_388.docx @ 2904538 @ @ 1

For any installation work, please always use the latest version of this documentation. It can be found
Pos : 10 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/0. Prol og/_Prol og: Anl eitung l esen_Zusatzinfo_Z usatzhandbücher _FU[POSICON ,Bus,Safety] @ 86\m od_1649250829587_388.doc x @ 2899748 @ @ 1

Please also note the following documents:

• Documentation for the frequency inverter
• Documentation for optional accessories
• Documentation for equipment which is attached or provided.
Please contact Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG if you require further information.
Pos : 11 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Bus system e/All e Baurei hen/1. (1.) Einl eitung/!Kapitel Einl eitung @ 8\mod_1441625462919_388.docx @ 2235978 @ 1 @ 1

6 BU 0630 en-0322
1 Introduction

1 Introduction
Pos : 12 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Bus system e/All e Baurei hen/1. (1.) Einl eitung/!Absc hnitt Allgemei nes @ 8\m od_1441352725095_388.docx @ 2235719 @ 2 @ 1

1.1 General
Pos : 16 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/1. Einl eitung/D ok umentati on (safety) [SK 5xx P] @ 44\m od_1593165143738_388.doc x @ 2638668 @ 3 @ 1

1.1.1 Documentation
Designation: BU 0630
Part number: 6076302
Series: Functional safety for frequency inverters from the
Scope of application: • Frequency inverters with integrated safety inputs:
SK 510P, SK 540P
• Frequency inverters in combination with customer
unit extensions with safety inputs: SK 530P,
SK 550P
• Customer unit extensions: SK CU5-STO, SK_CU5-
• From NORDAC PRO software version V1.2 R0

Pos : 21 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/1. Einl eitung/D ok umenthistorie [Safety : SK 5xx P] @ 80\m od_1631195766865_388.doc x @ 2823413 @ 3 @ 1

1.1.2 Document history

Edition Series Version Remarks

Order number Software

BU 0630, SK 500P V1.2 R0 First edition
July 2020
6076302/ 2020
BU 0630, SK 500P V1.3 R3 Sizes 4 and 5 added
January 2022
6076302/ 0322
Pos : 23 /Allgem ein/Allgem eing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenum bruc h k om pak t --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.docx @ 2265495 @ @ 1

BU 0630 en-0322 7
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Pos : 24 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/1. Einl eitung/Z u diesem Handbuch [Safety] @ 69\mod_1617698914848_388.docx @ 2754570 @ 3 @ 1

1.1.3 About this manual

This manual is intended to help you with the commissioning of the Safe Stop functions (STO or SS1-t)
with a frequency inverter from Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG (NORD). It is intended for all
qualified electricians who plan, install and set up corresponding drive solutions  1.4 "Safety,
installation and application information". The information in this manual assumes that the qualified
electricians who are entrusted with this work are familiar with the handling of electronic drive
technology, in particular with NORD devices.
This manual only contains information and descriptions of the functional safety and additional
information which is relevant for the functional safety of frequency inverters manufactured by
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG.
Pos : 27 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/POSIC ON/1. Einl eitung/Mitgel tende D ok um ente [POSICON, PLC, Safety ] @ 14\m od_1479993719061_388.docx @ 2308206 @ 2 @ 1

1.2 Other applicable documents

This document is only valid in combination with the operating instructions for the frequency inverter
which is used. Safe commissioning of the drive application depends on the availability of the
information contained in this document.. A list of the documents can be found in  Section 9.4
"Documents and software".
The necessary documents can be found under
Pos : 29 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Bus system e/All e Baurei hen/1. (1.) Einl eitung/!Absc hnitt D arstellungsk onv enti onen @ 8\mod_1441373607811_388.docx @ 2235851 @ 2 @ 1

1.3 Presentation conventions

Pos : 30 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Bus system e/All e Baurei hen/1. (1.) Einl eitung/W arnhinw eise @ 82\m od_1636443701712_388.doc x @ 2842110 @ 33 @ 1

1.3.1 Warning information

Warning information for the safety of users are marked as follows:

This warning information warns of danger to persons that results in severe injuries or death.

This warning information warns of danger to persons that could result in severe injuries or death.

This warning information warns of danger to persons that could usually result in moderate injuries.

This warning information warns of material damage.

1.3.2 Other information

This information shows tips and important information.

8 BU 0630 en-0322
1 Introduction
Pos : 34 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits-, Installations- und Anw endungshi nweis e_01 [alle Geräte - für Handbuecher BU....] @ 17\mod_1488973491253_388.docx @ 2333815 @ 2 @ 1

1.4 Safety, installation and application information

Pos : 35 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits-, Installations- und Anw endungshi nweis e_02 [alle Geräte] @ 12\m od_1466690028867_388.docx @ 332586 @ @ 1

Before working on or with the device, please read the following safety instructions extremely carefully.
Please pay attention to all other information from the device manual.
Non-compliance can result in serious or fatal injuries and damage to the device or its surroundings.
These safety instructions must be kept in a safe place!
Pos : 36 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits- und Installationshi nw eise - Ei nz elpunk te/1. Allgemei n (Sic herheits hinw eise) [SK 2xx E, SK 1xxE, SK 3x 1P] @ 62\m od_1611228391214_388.doc x @ 2717990 @ @ 1

1. General
Do not use defective devices or devices with defective or damaged housings or missing covers (e.g.
blind plugs for cable glands). Otherwise, there is a risk of serious injury or death from electric shock or
rupture of electrical components, e.g. high power capacitors.
Unauthorised removal of covers, improper use, incorrect installation or operation causes a risk of
serious personal injury or material damage.
Depending on its protection class, the devices may have live, bare, moving or rotating parts or hot
surfaces during operation.
The device is operated with hazardous voltage. Dangerous voltage may be present at the supply lines,
contact strips and PCBs of all connecting terminals (e.g. mains input, motor connection), even if the
device is not working or the motor is not rotating (e.g. caused by electronic disabling, jamming of the
drive or a short circuit at the output terminals).
The device is not equipped with a master mains switch and is thus always live when connected to
mains voltage. Voltages may therefore be connected to a connected motor at standstill.
A connected motor may also rotate if the drive is disconnected from the mains and possibly generate
hazardous voltage.
If persons come into contact with dangerous voltage such as this, there is a risk of an electric shock,
which can lead to serious or fatal injuries.
The device and any power plug connectors must not be disconnected while a voltage is applied to the
device. Failure to comply with this may cause arcing, which in addition to the risk of injury, also may
result in a risk of damage or destruction of the device.
The fact that the status LED or other indicators are not illuminated does not safely indicate that the
device has been disconnected from the mains and is without voltage.
The heat sink and all other metal components can heat up to temperatures above 70°C.
Touching these parts can result in local burns to the body parts concerned (cooling times and
clearance from neighbouring components must be complied with).
All work on the device, e.g. transportation, installation, commissioning and maintenance work must be
carried out by qualified personnel (observe IEC 364 or CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100 and
IEC 664 or DIN VDE 0110 and national accident prevention regulations). In particular, the general and
regional installation and safety regulations for work on low-voltage systems (e.g. VDE) must be
complied with, as must the regulations concerning correct use of tools and the use of personal
protection equipment.
During all work on the device, take care that no foreign bodies, loose parts, moisture or dust enter or
remain in the device (risk of short circuit, fire and corrosion).
Further information can be found in this documentation.

BU 0630 en-0322 9
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

Pos : 38 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits- und Installationshi nw eise - Ei nz elpunk te/2. Qualifiziertes Fac hpers onal ( Sicherheits hinw eis e) @ 62\m od_1611229839879_388.docx @ 2718175 @ @ 1

2. Qualified specialist personnel

Within the meaning of this basic safety information, qualified specialist personnel are persons who are
familiar with the installation, assembly, commissioning and operation of the product and who have the
qualifications appropriate to their work.
In addition, the device and the accessories associated with it must only be installed and commissioned
by a qualified electrician. A qualified electrician is a person who, because of his/her technical training
and experience, has sufficient knowledge with regard to
• switching on, switching off, disconnection, earthing and labelling of electric circuits and devices,
• correct maintenance and use of protective devices according to specified safety standards.
Pos : 40 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits- und Installationshi nw eise - Ei nz elpunk te/3. Bes timmungsgemäß e Verwendung – allgem ein ( Sicherheits hi nweis e) [alle FU - auß er SK 5xxE, SK 5xx P] ( 2022-05-11 08:42:41) @ 62\m od_1611230822610_388.docx @ 2718619 @ @ 1

3. Correct purpose of use – general

The frequency inverters are devices for industrial and commercial systems used for the operation of
three-phase asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage rotors and Permanent Magnet Synchronous
Motors – PMSM. These motors must be suitable for operation with frequency inverters, other loads
must not be connected to the devices.
The devices are components intended for installation in electrical systems or machines.
Technical data and information for connection conditions can be found on the rating plate and in the
documentation, and must be complied with.
The devices may only be used for safety functions which are described and explicitly approved.
CE-labelled devices fulfil the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU. The stated
harmonized standards for the devices are used in the declaration of conformity.
a. Supplement: Correct purpose of use within the European Union
When installed in machines, the devices must not be commissioned (i.e. commencement of
proper use) until it has been ensured that the machine fulfils the provisions of EC Directive
2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive); EN 60204-1 must also be complied with.
Commissioning (i.e. start-up of proper use) is only permitted if the EMC directive (2014/30/EU)
has been complied with.
b. Supplement: Correct purpose of use outside the European Union
The local conditions of the operator for the installation and commissioning of the device must be
complied with at the usage location (see also "a. Supplement: Correct purpose of use within the
European Union").
Pos : 42 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits- und Installationshi nw eise - Ei nz elpunk te/5_a. Tr ansport, Ei nlager ung ( Sicherheits hinw eis e) @ 74\m od_1621427307543_388.doc x @ 2780002 @ @ 1

Transport, storage
The information in the manual regarding transport, storage and correct handling must be complied
The permissible mechanical and climatic ambient conditions (see technical data in the manual for the
device) must be complied with.
If necessary, suitable, adequately dimensioned means of transport (e.g. lifting gear, rope guides) must
be used.
Pos : 43 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits- und Installationshi nw eise - Ei nz elpunk te/5_b. Aufstellung und M ontage (Sic her hei tshi nw eise) @ 74\mod_1621427371714_388.docx @ 2780446 @ @ 1

Installation and assembly

The installation and cooling of the device must be implemented according to the regulations in the
corresponding documentation. The permissible mechanical and climatic ambient conditions (see
technical data in the manual for the device) must be complied with.
The device must be protected against impermissible loads. In particular, components must not be
deformed and/or insulation distances must not be changed. Touching of electronic components and
contacts must be avoided.

10 BU 0630 en-0322
1 Introduction
The device and its optional modules contain electrostatically sensitive components, which can be
easily damaged by incorrect handling. Electrical components must not be mechanically damaged or
Pos : 44 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits- und Installationshi nw eise - Ei nz elpunk te/5_c. El ektrisc her Ansc hlus s (Sic herheits hinw eise) [dez entral e Ger äte] @ 74\m od_1621427444239_388.doc x @ 2780890 @ @ 1

Electrical connection
Ensure that the device and the motor are specified for the correct supply voltage.
Installation, maintenance and repair work must not be carried out unless the device has been
disconnected from the voltage and at least 5 minutes have elapsed since the mains was switched off!
(Due to charged capacitors, hazardous voltages may be present on the device for up to 5 minutes
after being switched off from the mains). Before starting work it is essential to check by measurement
that all contacts of the power plug connections or the connection terminals are voltage-free.
The electrical installation must be implemented according to the applicable regulations (e.g. cable
cross-section, fuses, earth lead connections). Further instructions can be found in the documentation
or manual for the device.
Information regarding EMC-compliant installations such as shielding, earthing, location of filters and
routing of cables can be found in the documentation for the devices and in the technical information
manual TI 80-0011. This information must always be observed even with devices with a CE label.
Compliance with the limit values specified in the EMC regulations is the responsibility of the
manufacturer of the system or machine.
In case of a fault, inadequate earthing may result in electric shock, possibly with fatal consequences.
The device may only be operated with effective earth connections which comply with local regulations
for large leakage currents (> 3.5 mA). Detailed information regarding connections and operating
conditions can be obtained from the technical Information manual TI 80-0019.
Connection of the supply voltage may directly or indirectly set the device into operation. Contact with
electrically live components may result in electric shock, possibly with fatal consequences.
All poles of cable connections (e.g. power supply) must always be disconnected.
Pos : 46 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits- und Installationshi nw eise - Ei nz elpunk te/5_e. Betrieb (Sic herheits hinw eise) @ 74\mod_1621427644051_388.docx @ 2782111 @ @ 1

Where necessary, systems in which the devices are installed must be equipped with additional
monitoring and protective equipment according to the applicable safety requirements (e.g. legislation
concerning technical equipment, accident prevention regulations, etc.).
All covers must be kept closed during operation.
With certain setting conditions, the device or the motor which is connected to it may start automatically
when the mains are switched on. The machinery which it drives (press / chain hoist / roller / fan etc.)
may then make an unexpected movement. This may cause various injuries, including to third parties.
Before switching on the mains, secure the danger area by warning and removing all persons from the
danger area.
Pos : 47 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/2. Sic her heit/Sic herheits hinw eise [Safety] - Störung durc h H andfunkgeräte @ 39\m od_1571297002057_388.doc x @ 2565250 @ @ 1

The PDS (SR) may suffer interference if mobile radio devices are used within a distance of less than
20 cm from the PDS (SR).

BU 0630 en-0322 11
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

Pos : 48 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits- und Installationshi nw eise - Ei nz elpunk te/5_f. War tung, Ins tandhaltung und Außer betriebnahm e ( Sicherheits hinw eis e) @ 74\m od_1621427698010_388.docx @ 2782592 @ @ 1

Maintenance, repair and decommissioning

Installation, maintenance and repair work must not be carried out unless the device has been
disconnected from the voltage and at least 5 minutes have elapsed since the mains was switched off!
(Due to charged capacitors, hazardous voltages may be present on the device for up to 5 minutes
after being switched off from the mains). Before starting the work, it is essential to check by
measurement that all contacts of the power plug connectors or the connection terminals are voltage-
Pos : 51 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes/Sicherheits- und Installati onshi nweis e und War n- Gefahr enhinw eis e/neu/Sic her heits- und Installationshi nw eise - Ei nz elpunk te/6. Expl osionsg efähr dete Umg ebung (AT EX) [SK xxx E-FDS, SK 5xx E, SK 5xx P] @ 12\m od_1466688226647_388.doc x @ 332517 @ @ 1

4. Potentially explosive environment (ATEX)

The device is not approved for operation or maintenance work in potentially explosive environments
Pos : 53 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/F unk tions bes chr eibung _01 [Übersc hrift] @ 15\mod_1484812699011_388.docx @ 2312909 @ 1 @ 1

12 BU 0630 en-0322
2 Function description

2 Function description
Pos : 54 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/F unk tions bes chr eibung _02 @ 63\mod_1611238209177_388.docx @ 2719977 @ @ 1

To prevent danger to people and material it is necessary to be able to safely switch off machines. The
frequency inverters stated in this document provide safe shut-down methods.
The following basic explanation of the function of a frequency inverter serves to provide better
understanding of the function of safe shut-down methods:
The mains voltages are rectified and the resulting DC links circuit voltage is reconverted to AC
according to the requirements of the operating status of the motor (frequency and voltage).
The inverter's semiconductor switches (T1 to T6) are controlled by a complex pulse pattern. This pulse
pattern is generated by the micro-controller (µC) and amplified by the driver. The driver takes over the
conversion of the logic signals to the control voltages of the semiconductor switches. The
semiconductor switches are switched via the control voltage and the pulse pattern is amplified and
applied to the motor terminals. Due to the low-pass effect of the motor, a three-phase pulse width
modulated sine wave voltage, a three-phase system, results from the pulsed voltage. The motor
generates a torque.
Pos : 58 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/F unk tions bes chr eibung _03 [SK 5xx P] @ 44\m od_1594729359570_388.docx @ 2645399 @ 2 @ 1

2.1 Design of the safe shut-down method

Structure of the Safe Pulse Block for SK 510P, SK 540P

1 Safety Digital Input

2 Micro-controller
3 Driver
4 Safe Pulse Block

BU 0630 en-0322 13
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

Structure of the Safe Pulse Block for SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

1 Safety Digital Input

2 Micro-controller
3 Driver
4 Safe Pulse Block

By the use and combination of the safe shut-down methods Safe Pulse Block and/or Safety Digital
Input, the safety-related stop functions STO and SS1, as well as a simple restart block, can be
implemented with various safety and performance levels.
Pos : 61 /Allgem ein/Allgem eing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenum bruc h k om pak t --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.docx @ 2265495 @ @ 1

14 BU 0630 en-0322
2 Function description
Pos : 63 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Sic here Absc haltw ege_01 [SK 500P] @ 40\mod_1574333326841_388.docx @ 2577707 @ 2 @ 1

2.2 Safe shut-down methods

Two safe shut-down methods are available for SK 500P series frequency inverters:
1. SK 510P and SK 540P are equipped with a permanently installed safety module.
2. SK 530P and SK 550P can be equipped with optional control terminals. The plug-in modules
SK CU5-SSTO and SK CU5-MLT provide safe shut-down methods.
Both variants provide the following safe shut-down methods:
• Safe Pulse Block
• Safety Digital Input
With the aid of safe shut-down methods, the following safe stop functions can be implemented:
• STO (Safe Torque Off) safely switched off torque
• SS1-t (Safe Stop 1 time controlled)

Pos : 69 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Sic here Pulssperre_01 [SK 500P] @ 79\mod_1630498517077_388.docx @ 2818880 @ 3 @ 1

2.2.1 Safe Pulse Block

With the help of an additional DC/DC converter, the “Safe Pulse Block” generates the supply voltages
for the drivers, or the control voltage for a power supply unit, which in turn generates the supply
voltages for the drivers. For this, the Safe Pulse Block must be provided with a 24 V voltage or two
24 V voltages. This must be provided as follows:
• SK 510P, SK 540P: 1 x 24 V via contact VIS_24V with reference potential VIS_0V
• SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT: 2 x 24 V via contacts VIS1_24V and
VIS2_24V with common reference potential VIS12_0V
Pos : 72 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Sic here Pulssperre_02 [SK 500P] @ 79\mod_1630499785308_388.docx @ 2818918 @ @ 1

If this 24 V voltage is switched off, the drivers are no longer supplied. No control pulses are provided
to the semiconductor switches (T1 to T6) of the inverter. The flow of current in the semiconductor
switches and in the motor is interrupted. I.e. after a certain response time of the electronics and the
reduction of the motor current, the motor does not develop a driving torque.
Switch-off of the 24 V voltages must be performed by a fail-safe switching device. This can be
implemented in various ways, depending on the safe shut-down method.
SK 510P, SK 540P

For this, either the VIS_24V or VIS_0V contact may be disconnected from the 24 V voltage source.
Preferably, the VIS_24V contact is disconnected.
SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

This variant has a dual-channel input circuit. Contacts VIS1_24V and VIS2_24V have a common
reference potential VIS12_0V. This reference potential must not be disconnected if a dual-channel
Safe Pulse Block is used. With this variant, the Safe Pulse Block can also be used with a single
channel. I.e. the two contacts VIS1_24V and VIS2_24V are connected in parallel.

BU 0630 en-0322 15
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

In this case, both the 24 V voltage as well as the reference potential VIS12_0V can be disconnected.
Preferably, the parallel contacts VIS1_24V and VIS2_24V are separated.
Pos : 74 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Safety Digital eingang [SK 500P] @ 40\m od_1574336094503_388.docx @ 2578102 @ 3 @ 1

2.2.2 Safety Digital Input

The Safety Digital Input is explicitly intended for implementing a safety function. This means that the
standard digital inputs must not be used to implement a safety function.
With the Safety Digital Input, safe triggering is carried out using the micro-controller. This interrupts the
control signal to the drivers or provides a pulse pattern which shuts down the connected motor.
The Safety Digital Input can be parameterised with the following functions:
• Disable Voltage
The micro-controller interrupts the control signals to the drivers. No control pulses are provided to the
semiconductor switches (T1 to T6) of the inverter. I.e. the current in the semiconductor switches and in
the motor is interrupted and the motor runs down to a standstill.
• Quick Stop
The micro-controller shuts down the motor with control pulses according to a pre-set quick stop time.
With regard to function, the Safety Digital Input is identical for the two variants of the safe shut-down
method. However, there are differences with regard to the reference potential.
SK 510P, SK 540P

In this case the Safety Digital Input with contact VISD_24V has the reference potential GND. This is
the same reference potential as for all other analogue and digital inputs and outputs of the frequency
inverter. For this reason, the Safety Digital Input cannot be triggered by disconnecting the reference
SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

The Safety Digital Input of the CU5 modules has a separate reference potential VISD_0V. I.e. in this
case this reference potential can be disconnected to trigger the Safety Digital Input. Preferably, the
VISD_24V contact is disconnected
Pos : 82 /Allgem ein/Allgem eing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenum bruc h k om pak t --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.docx @ 2265495 @ @ 1

16 BU 0630 en-0322
2 Function description
Pos : 83 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Sic herheitsfunkti onen @ 15\m od_1485168492973_388.docx @ 2314154 @ 2 @ 1

2.3 Safety functions

Pos : 84 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/WARNUN G - Vers agen einer Brems e @ 39\m od_1570798924238_388.docx @ 2563904 @ @ 1

Mechanical brake failure
Control of a mechanical brake by means of the frequency inverter is not fail-safe. Triggering of the
STO and the fault response function causes the application of a mechanical brake which is controlled
by the frequency inverter. The brake takes the entire load of the drive units and all of its rotating
masses and attempts to stop it.
A brake which is not designed to take the full load (e.g. a holding brake) may be damaged and may
fail. This can cause severe or fatal injuries or damage to the equipment, e.g. due to falling loads.
• Design the brake as an operating brake
• Ensure that the drive unit is stopped before the STO function is activated.
Pos : 87 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Sic herheitsfunkti onen_Sicher abg esc haltetes M om ent, STO @ 15\m od_1485168854901_388.doc x @ 2314190 @ 3 @ 1

2.3.1 Safe Torque Off, STO

The STO function prevents the supply of motive power to the motor. According to ISO 1411, this
function can be used to prevent unexpected starting and/or switch off the driving torque as quickly as
possible (see technical data  response time) and allow the drive run down to a standstill (motor with
work machine).
This behaviour corresponds to stop category 0 (uncontrolled stopping) according to EN 60204-1.
Depending on the application the movement while running down to a standstill can cause a hazard for
an undefined time. Detection of whether or when the drive unit has achieved a safe state is not
integrated into the frequency inverter.
Depending on the switching equipment and use of a safe shut-down method, an STO function with
safety category 4 as per DIN EN ISO 13849-1 can be implemented.
Pos : 88 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Sic herheitsfunkti onen_Sicher abg esc haltetes M om ent Ergänz ung, ST O [SK 500P] @ 44\m od_1593153101665_388.docx @ 2638250 @ @ 1

Bei einer Synchronmaschine kann es beim Versagen des Leistungsteils des Frequenzumrichters trotz
aktivierter STO-Funktion zu einer Ausrichtbewegung um eine Polteilung kommen.
Pos : 91 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Sic herheitsfunkti onen_Sicherer Stopp mit Z eitsteuer ung, SS1-t [SK 500P] @ 40\m od_1574336646834_388.doc x @ 2578141 @ 3 @ 1

2.3.2 Safe stop 1 with time control, SS1-t

SK 500P series frequency inverters support implementation of the SS1 function in the variant SS1-t
(safe stop 1 with time control).
To stop the motor, the frequency inverter triggers a quick stop. After a time which is specific to the
application the STO function can be switched on. This behaviour corresponds to stop category 1
(controlled stopping) according to IEC 60204-1. The changeover to the STO function is time-controlled
via an external, fail-safe time relay (delayed output of an external safety device).

Controlled stopping
Controlled stopping is triggered via the Safety Digital Input and meets lower safety requirements than
the STO function, which is triggered via the Safe Pulse Block.
Controlled stopping with SS1-t can fail without detection and must not be used if this failure can cause
a hazardous situation in the application.

BU 0630 en-0322 17
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Pos : 93 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Pri oritäten und F ehlerreak tion [SK 500P] @ 44\m od_1594730066229_388.docx @ 2645512 @ 3 @ 1

2.3.3 Priorities and response to faults

As the Safe Pulse Block is based on switching off the supply voltage to the drivers of the inverter’s
semiconductor switches (T1 to T6), this shut-down method has the highest priority. I.e. if the safety
function STO is implemented with the Safe Pulse Block, the safety function STO also has the highest
priority. If the safety functions STO and SS1-t are implemented in parallel, it must be noted that
controlled stopping of the motor via the Safety Digital Input is interrupted by triggering the Safe Pulse
The Safety Digital Input has an internal fault diagnosis. If this diagnosis detects a fault, the control
signals to the drivers of the semiconductor switches (T1 to T6) of the inverter are switched off. This
fault response corresponds to the behaviour of the safety function STO with the special feature that
this fault state can only be acknowledged by resetting the mains voltage of the frequency inverter.
Acknowledgement via a bus system or the digital inputs is not possible.
NOTE: The SS1-t function must not be used if a hazardous situation can result in the application due
to the fault response.
Pos : 96 /Allgem ein/Allgem eing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenum bruc h k om pak t --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.docx @ 2265495 @ @ 1

18 BU 0630 en-0322
2 Function description
Pos : 98 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Beis piel e / Realisier ung/Beis pi ele / R ealisi erung [SK 500P] @ 40\mod_1580802975694_388.docx @ 2588400 @ 2 @ 1

2.4 Examples / Implementation

The following shows some examples of solutions for the safety functions STO and SS1-t.
Pos : 99 /Anl eitungen/Elek tronik/Safety/3. F unkti ons besc hrei bung/Beis piel e / Realisier ung/F unkti on ST O_01 @ 15\m od_1485263814224_388.docx @ 2314825 @ 3 @ 1

2.4.1 STO function

Implementation of a safety function usually requires the use of a protective switching device. The
category of the function is determined by the component with the lowest category.
Pos : 103 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Beispi ele / R ealisierung/F unk tion STO_02 [SK 5xx P] @ 44\mod_1594730243433_388.docx @ 2645550 @ @ 1

SK 510P, SK 540P

1 Supply voltage
2 Reset circuit
3 Input circuit with cross-circuit detection
4 Safety output

BU 0630 en-0322 19
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

1 Supply voltage
2 Reset circuit
3 Input circuit with cross-circuit detection
4 2 x safety output with a common reference (GND)

If the Safe Pulse Block is triggered for an enabled frequency inverter, this results in the error E018
(18.0 “Safety circuit”). To prevent this, the Safety Digital Input can additionally be used with the
Voltage Disable function (P424 = 1).
The typical response time can be reduced by additional use of the Safety Digital Input. A second
safety output is required to control this.
This solution is preferable, especially in cases where the switching device only checks its safety
outputs in the course of an enabling cycle, as is the case with some electro-mechanical switching
devices. A suitable inspection interval must be specified according to the safety requirements.

20 BU 0630 en-0322
2 Function description

SK 510P, SK 540P

1 Supply voltage
2 Reset circuit
3 Input circuit with cross-circuit detection
4 Safety output
5 Safety output

BU 0630 en-0322 21
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

1 Supply voltage
2 Reset circuit
3 Input circuit with cross-circuit detection
4 Safety output
5 2 x safety output with a common reference (GND)

A separate shielded cable must be used to connect each of the safety outputs. However, with the use
of a protective switching device with cross-circuit monitoring of OSSD outputs, the cables of both
safety outputs can also be run in a common shielded cable.
The requirements for category 4 and PL e are only fulfilled by the Safe Pulse Block. The Safety Digital
Input only achieves category 2 and PL d (Performance Level d).
During the period between activation of the safety function via the Safety Digital Input and activation of
the STO via the Safe Pulse Block, the frequency inverter can also only fulfil category 2 and PL d.
Pos : 115 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

22 BU 0630 en-0322
2 Function description
Pos : 117 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Beispi ele / R ealisierung/F unk tion SS1-t [SK 500P] @ 44\mod_1594209009459_388.docx @ 2643823 @ 3 @ 1

2.4.2 SS1-t function

The Safety Digital Input with the Quick Stop function (P424 = 2) is always required to implement the
function SS1-t.
SK 510P, SK 540P

1 Supply voltage
2 Reset circuit
3 Input circuit with cross-circuit detection
4 Safety output
5 Safety output, delayed by a safety timing element

BU 0630 en-0322 23
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

1 Supply voltage
2 Reset circuit
3 Input circuit with cross-circuit detection
4 Safety output
5 2 x safety output with a common reference (GND), delayed by a safety timing element

Actuation of the emergency stop button (call-up of the safety function) initially triggers a controlled
stopping action via the Safety Digital Input. In this case, it must be ensured that the drive is brought to
standstill within the parameterised “Quick stop time” (P426). After the elapse of a delay time which is
controlled by the protective switching device, the STO function is triggered via the Safe Pulse Block.
The delay time must be dimensioned so that the delay is longer than the quick stop time plus the “DC
Run-on time” (P559). The delay time must be selected so as to be fail-safe.
After the delay time which is set in the protective switching device has elapsed, the frequency inverter
always switches to the STO function. This also applies in the case of failure of the controlled stopping
SK 500P series frequency inverters are equipped with additional control which is set via the “Safety
SS1 max. time” parameter (P423). If the motor is not stopped within the “Safety SS1 max time”
(P423), the frequency inverter performs the fault response action and generates an error message.
I.e. in this case the motor also runs down to a standstill.
A separate shielded cable must be used to connect each of the safety outputs. If a protective
switching device with cross-circuit monitoring of OSSD outputs is used, the cables of both safety
outputs can also be run in a common shielded cable.
The requirements for category 4 and PL e are only fulfilled by the Safe Pulse Block. The Safety Digital
Input only achieves category 2 and PL d (Performance Level d).
During the period between activation of the SS1-t safety function via the Safety Digital Input and
activation of the STO function via the Safe Pulse Block, the frequency inverter can also only fulfil the
requirements of category 2 and PL d.
Pos : 125 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

24 BU 0630 en-0322
2 Function description
Pos : 126 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Beispi ele / R ealisierung/Ei nfac he Wieder anl aufs perre_01 @ 44\m od_1594730617062_388.docx @ 2645587 @ 3 @ 1

2.4.3 Simple re-start block

Category 4 as per DIN EN ISO 13849-1 can be achieved with direct dual-channel triggering of the
Safe Pulse Block using a safe switching element. The following illustrations show typical examples
with an emergency stop button (positively driven contacts, category 4).
Pos : 128 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Beispi ele / R ealisierung/Ei nfac he Wieder anl aufs perre_02 [SK 500P] @ 40\mod_1574410758936_388.docx @ 2578260 @ @ 1

SK 510P, SK 540P
Emergency stop button Shielded cables 1) Frequency inverter

1) Shielded cables to exclude faults as per DIN EN ISO 13849-2

SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

Emergency stop button Shielded cables 1) Frequency inverter

1) Shielded cables to exclude faults as per DIN EN ISO 13849-2

Emergency stop button Shielded cables 1) Frequency inverter

1) Shielded cables to exclude faults as per DIN EN ISO 13849-2

Pos : 130 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Beispi ele / R ealisierung/Ei nfac he Wieder anl aufs perre_03 @ 73\m od_1620752337055_388.docx @ 2778988 @ @ 1

To achieve safety category 4, fault exclusion as per DIN EN ISO 13849-2 Section D.5 must be
possible for the upstream components (hard-wiring and dual-channel button with independent,
positive-opening contacts). I.e., in this example, the emergency-stop button and the wiring must be
designed so that short-circuiting at the emergency-stop button and short-circuits to other live systems
can be ruled out.
In this example, there is no reset circuit as is the case with the protective switching devices. If the
result of risk analysis shows that cancellation of the stop command must be acknowledged by a
deliberate manual action, the resetting requirements can be fulfilled organisationally (e.g. by an
emergency-stop button with key release and storage of the key away from the machine).

BU 0630 en-0322 25
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
If the Safe Pulse Block is triggered for an enabled frequency inverter, this results in the error E018
(18.0 “Safety circuit”).

With the Automatic Fault Acknowledgement (P506) and Automatic Starting (P428) functions (see BU
0600), the drive starts immediately after the emergency stop button is released. For this reason, it is
urgently recommended that these functions are not used in combination and especially not for safety-
relevant applications.
Pos : 131 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

26 BU 0630 en-0322
2 Function description
Pos : 133 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Beispi ele / R ealisierung/Beis piel ohne sic here Pulssperre [SK 500P] @ 84\mod_1642686686190_388.docx @ 2857090 @ 35 @ 1

2.4.4 Example without Safe Pulse Block

Hazardous movement
If the safety functions STO/SS1-t are exclusively implemented via the Safety Digital Input, the drive
can be unexpectedly supplied with power at any time, even after it has been stopped. Under some
circumstances this may cause hazardous movement. In this case, the fault response action is
performed at the latest after the maximum fault response time (see technical data  35 ms).
• Implement the safety function with the Safe Pulse Block.

It is possible to implement the safety function STO or SS1-t with the Safety Digital Input and a
protective switching device only. However, according to DIN EN ISO 13849-1, with this switching
variant, the maximum safety category that can be achieved is category 2. However, the condition for
this is that in addition to the digital input, all other components (protective switching device, emergency
stop button, wiring) also fulfil the requirements for category 2.
SK 510P, SK 540P
Emergency stop Safety switching device Shielded Frequency inverter
button cables 1)
Use of the Safety
Digital Input

1) Shielded cables to exclude faults as per DIN EN ISO 13849-2

1 Supply voltage
2 Reset circuit
3 Input circuit with cross-circuit detection
4 Safety output

BU 0630 en-0322 27
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

Emergency stop Safety switching device Shielded Frequency inverter

button cables 1)
Use of the Safety
Digital Input

1) Shielded cables to exclude faults as per DIN EN ISO 13849-2

1 Supply voltage
2 Reset circuit
3 Input circuit with cross-circuit detection
4 Safety output

To implement the STO safety function, the Safety Digital Input is parameterised to the Voltage Disable
function (P424 = 1).
The Safety Digital Input with the Quick Stop function (P424 = 2) is parameterised for implementation of
the SS1-t function. The quick stop time is set via parameter P426. It must be ensured that the drive is
actually brought to standstill within the parameterised quick stop time.

Implementation of safety switching with only the Safety Digital Input as described above only enables
compliance with safety category 2 or Performance Level d, as a maximum (see 8.1 "Safe Pulse Block
and Safety Digital Input").
This switching version should therefore only be considered if only low requirements for functional
safety need to be fulfilled and if the risk assessment has shown that failure of the safety function can
only result in slight (usually temporary) injuries. In case of doubt, the Safe Pulse Block should always
be used (see 2.2.1 "Safe Pulse Block").
Pos : 135 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

28 BU 0630 en-0322
2 Function description
Pos : 137 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Beispi ele / R ealisierung/F ehl eraussc hluss für die Verdr ahtung_01 [SK 500P] @ 40\mod_1580804699343_388.docx @ 2588437 @ 3 @ 1

2.4.5 Exclusion of wiring faults

In the examples above, a separate shielded cable, with the shield connected at both ends is used for
each of the inputs which are used to implement the safety function (also refer to the following
illustration). These measures are used to rule out faults as per DIN EN ISO 13849-2 in case of a short
circuit between any of the conductors.
This exclusion of faults is necessary in order to fulfil the requirements of safety category 4 as per
DIN EN ISO 13849-1. This means that, neither a single detected fault or an accumulation of
undetected faults can result in the loss of the safety function. A short circuit from an external voltage,
e.g. from a 24V control cable, to the 24V input of a safe shut-down method could lead to the loss of a
safety function I.e. this fault must be prevented by means of suitable measures.
It is not essential to use a separate shielded cable for each input. For example, the cables for the
Safety Digital Input and the Safe Pulse Block may be jointly run in a shielded cable if the monitored
safety outputs of the switching device are equipped with cross-circuit detection (refer to the following
illustration). If necessary, the effectiveness of the cross-circuit detection must be demonstrated.
Pos : 142 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

BU 0630 en-0322 29
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Pos : 143 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Beispi ele / R ealisierung/F ehl eraussc hluss für die Verdr ahtung_02 [SK 5xx P] @ 84\mod_1642687052208_388.docx @ 2857129 @ @ 1

SK 510P, SK 540P SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or

Safety output on Shielded Frequency Safety output on Shielded Frequency
protective device cables 1) inverter protective device cables 1) inverter
Use of Safe Pulse Use of Safe
Block and Safety Pulse Block and
Digital Input Safety Digital

Output 1

Output 2
Monitored outputs without cross-circuit detection


Output 1

Output 2

Output 3


Output 1

Output 2
Monitored outputs with cross-

Output 1
circuit detection

Output 2

1) Shielded cables to exclude faults as per DIN EN ISO 13849-2

Pos : 146 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Beispi ele / R ealisierung/F ehl eraussc hluss für die Verdr ahtung_03 [SK 500P] @ 44\mod_1593153457758_388.docx @ 2638288 @ 5 @ 1

Other measures (separate cable duct, installation in armoured conduit, etc.) are possible. More
precise details result from the risk assessment and the FMEA for the specific application.
For the Safe Pulse Block it is also conceivable that this could be triggered via two safety outputs, one
switching the 24 V output and the other one switching the GND output. For restrictions, refer to 2.2.1
"Safe Pulse Block"

30 BU 0630 en-0322
2 Function description

Monitored outputs

SK 510P, SK 540P SK30P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

Safety output on the Connecting Frequency inverter Safety output on the Connecting cables Frequency inverter
protective switching cables protective switching
device device
Use of Safe Pulse Use of Safe Pulse
Block Block

In this case, a shielded cable is not necessarily essential if the safety outputs are monitored. If, for
example, other 24 V control cables are installed in the same cable duct and a fault in the form of a
short-circuit of the output of the protective switching device (24 V) to a control cable (= 24 V) is
assumed, this fault would be detected by the output monitoring of the switching device and the Safe
Pulse Block would be triggered by the second safety output. Dangerous situations may occur with a
short-circuit of a control cable (= 24 V) to both safety outputs (24 V). More precise details result from
the risk assessment and the FMEA for the specific application.
If no shielded cable is used for wiring the safety function, possible effects of electromagnetic fields
must be taken into account. Hence, the use of a 1 m long cable (in a separate cable duct) in an
environment without strong electromagnetic fields is relatively safe, whereas the installation of a long
cable in the direct vicinity of a powerful transmitter or a medium voltage distributor may cause failure
of the safety function. Because of this, use of shielded cables is generally recommended.
Pos : 149 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /4. M ontage und Installation/M ontag e und Ins tallation (Ü bersc hrift +) @ 15\m od_1485428773104_388.docx @ 2316139 @ 1 @ 1

BU 0630 en-0322 31
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

3 Assembly and installation

The installation instructions contained in this manual only deal with issues that are related to functional
safety. For further information, please refer to the manual for the relevant frequency inverter (BU
Pos : 150 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /4. M ontage und Installation/Einbau und Montage_01 [SK 5xx E] @ 67\mod_1614099577327_388.docx @ 2742832 @ 2 @ 1

3.1 Installation and assembly

The installation instructions in BU 0600 must be observed!
Pos : 153 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /4. M ontage und Installation/Einbau und Montage_02 [SK 5xx E] @ 15\mod_1485429733283_388.docx @ 2316211 @ @ 1

The frequency inverter must comply with protection class IP20. It must be installed in an adequately
ventilated installation space with protection class IP54 (or higher).
Pos : 154 /Tec hnisc he Inform ati onen/Sonstige Dok um ente/TI 80_xx xx - oeffentlich/TI 80_0030 - F unktionale Sic her heit NORD AC PRO SK 5xx P/Montage ei ner Kundens chnitts tell e SK C U5 [SK 500P] @ 79\mod_1630581509237_388.docx @ 2820315 @ 3 @ 1

3.1.1 Assembly of an SK CU5-STO and SK CU5-MLT customer unit

Danger of electric shock
The frequency inverter has a hazardous voltage for up to 5 minutes after it has been switched off.
• Only carry out work when the frequency inverter has been disconnected and at least 5 minutes
have elapsed since the mains was switched off!

Installation must be carried out as follows:

1. Switch off the mains voltage and observe the waiting period.
2. Push the control terminal cover down and remove it.
3. Remove the blank cover by activating the release mechanism at the lower edge and removing it
with an upward rotating movement.
4. Break out the internal jumper of the STO contact with the aid of a small screwdriver or small
needle-nose pliers. Otherwise the customer unit cannot be installed.

Once the jumper has been removed, the frequency inverter cannot be operated with functional safety
without CU5.

5. Hook the customer unit onto the upper edge and press in lightly until it engages. Take care that the
connector strip makes proper contact.
6. Install the control terminals and blank cover.

32 BU 0630 en-0322
3 Assembly and installation

Remove the control Remove the STO Install the SK CU5-STO Install the control
terminals and blank contact jumper. customer unit. terminals and blank
cover. cover.
Pos : 155 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /4. M ontage und Installation/Elek trischer Ansc hl uss _01 @ 15\mod_1485429904375_388.docx @ 2316246 @ 2 @ 1

3.2 Electrical connection

The information for installation or electrical connection from the manual BU 0600 as well as all of the
following information must be observed.
Pos : 156 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes /Sic herheits- und Ins tall ations hinw eis e und W arn- Gefahrenhinw eise/Sic herheits hinw eise (auslaufend)/versc hiedene/W ARNUNG - El ektrisc her Sc hlag ( nicht unter Spannung ar beiten) @ 82\m od_1636106321849_388.docx @ 2841570 @ @ 1

Electric shock
Contact with electrically live components may result in electric shock, possibly with serious or fatal
• Disconnect the device electrically before starting installation work.
• Only work on devices with switched-off power.
Pos : 157 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes /Sic herheits- und Ins tall ations hinw eis e und W arn- Gefahrenhinw eise/Sic herheits hinw eise (auslaufend)/versc hiedene/W ARNUNG - El ektrisc her Sc hlag (W artez eit) @ 82\mod_1636107056542_388.docx @ 2841607 @ @ 1

Electric shock
The frequency inverter has a hazardous voltage for up to 5 minutes after it has been switched off
• Only begin work after a waiting time of at least 5 minutes since the mains was switched off
Pos : 159 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /4. M ontage und Installation/Ver drahtungsric htlini en [BU0630] @ 44\m od_1593153830132_388.doc x @ 2638326 @ 3 @ 1

3.2.1 Wiring guidelines

Wire end sleeves must be used if flexible cables (multiple strand or fine-wire) are used for the
connections X19 (at position X17) or X20. In addition, the wiring guidelines in the frequency inverter
manual (BU 0600) also apply.
Pos : 161 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /4. M ontage und Installation/N etz anschl uss [BU0630] @ 40\m od_1578408046098_388.doc x @ 2582167 @ 3 @ 1

3.2.2 Mains connection

Devices for implementation of a safety function must only be operated on TN, TT and IT networks.
Grounded Corner operation is not intended.
For operation in IT networks
• the IT network screws must be removed
• a braking resistor must be used
Pos : 163 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes /Sic herheits- und Ins tall ations hinw eis e und W arn- Gefahrenhinw eise/neu/War n- und Gefahrenhinw eise/ACHTUN G - Betrieb am IT – Netz [SK 5xxP] @ 32\m od_1553605071546_388.docx @ 2520590 @ @ 1

BU 0630 en-0322 33
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

Operation in IT networks
If a mains fault (short-circuit to earth) occurs in an IT network, the link circuit of a connected frequency
inverter may become charged, even if it is switched off. This results in destruction of the link circuit
capacitors due to overcharging.
• Connect a braking resistor to dissipate excess energy.
Pos : 164 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/1. Allgemei nes /Sic herheits- und Ins tall ations hinw eis e und W arn- Gefahrenhinw eise/neu/War n- und Gefahrenhinw eise/ACHTUN G - Betrieb am IT-N etz [SK 5xx P] @ 44\mod_1594793582287_388.docx @ 2645740 @ @ 1

Operation in IT networks
If a fault is detected in the safety circuit of the Safety Digital Input, pulse generation by the frequency
inverter is switched off. This also affects control of the brake chopper. If the Safety Digital Input is
used (P424 = 1 or P424 = 2), possible triggering faults are:
• Detected fault in the Safety Digital Input hardware
• “Safety SS1 max. time” (P423) exceeded
• Incorrect input of the “Safety CRC” (P499) checksum or the password (P497, P498).
If such a fault occurs, and at the same time there is an earth fault in the IT network, the frequency
inverter cannot be protected against possible overcharging of the link circuit capacitors. The
frequency of hardware faults is very low, so that special care is necessary during commissioning in
the IT network.
It is recommended that parameterisation and earth fault tests, e.g. testing of an earth fault monitor,
are not carried out simultaneously.
Pos : 165 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

34 BU 0630 en-0322
3 Assembly and installation
Pos : 166 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /4. M ontage und Installation/Ans chl uss Steuerlei tungen @ 15\m od_1485430664316_388.docx @ 2316282 @ 3 @ 1

3.2.3 Control cable connections

Pos : 199 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /4. M ontage und Installation/Ans chl uss Steuerlei tung [SK 500P] @ 44\m od_1594793783824_388.doc x @ 2645777 @ @ 1

The connection terminals for the Safe Pulse Block are located in various positions.
1. on board (SK 510P/SK 540P) 2. as a plug-in interface SK CU5-STO or SK
CU5-MLT (SK 530P or SK 550P)

Install control cables separately from mains and motor cables and shield them as necessary.
Pos : 201 /Tec hnisc he Inform ati onen/Sonstige Dok um ente/TI 80_xx xx - oeffentlich/TI 80_0030 - F unktionale Sic her heit NORD AC PRO SK 5xx P/D etails Steuerkl emmen [SK 500P] @ 84\mod_1642687471039_388.docx @ 2857166 @ 355 @ 1

3.2.4 Details on control terminals

On board (SK 510P/SK 540P)

Connection X19 Designation No. Description

(at position X17)
24VOut 43 24 V voltage output
GND 40 Reference potential for 24 V output and Safety Digital
VISD_24V 94 Safety Digital Input
VIS_0V 93 Reference potential for Safe Pulse Block
VIS_24V 91 24 V input of the Safe Pulse Block
The STO function is implemented as a single channel. For the SS1-t function, the Quick Stop function
must be triggered via the Safety Digital Input. Only the digital input VISD_24V with terminal number 94
must be used for this. The function is set via the Safety Digital Input parameter (P424).
Connection terminals: Push-in, wire stripping length 10 mm
Connection cross- 0.2 … 2.5 mm2, AWG 24 … 12, rigid
0.25 … 2.5 mm2, AWG 24 … 12, flexible with ferrule
Two wires with the same cross-section: 0.5 … 1.5 mm2, flexible with TWIN ferrule

BU 0630 en-0322 35
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Plug-in interface SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT
The STO function is implemented with dual channels. For a single channel version, the inputs
VIS1_24V and VIS2_24V must be connected in parallel.
For the SS1-t function, the Quick Stop function must be triggered via the Safety Digital Input. Only the
digital input VISD_24V with terminal number 94 must be used for this. The function is set via the
Safety Digital Input parameter (P424).
Connection X20 Designation No. Description
VIS2_24V 92 24 V input 2 of the Safe Pulse Block
VIS12_0V 93 Reference potential for Safe Pulse Block
Top view

VISD_24V 94 Safety Digital Input

VIS12_0V 93 Reference potential for Safe Pulse Block

Bottom view

VIS1_24V 91 24 V input 1 of the Safe Pulse Block

VISD_0V 95 Reference potential for the Safety Digital Input

Connection terminals: Push-in, wire stripping length 10 mm

Connection cross- 0.2 … 1.5 mm2, AWG 24 … 16, rigid
0.25 … 1.5 mm2, AWG 24 … 16, flexible with ferrule
Cross section Ferrule length without insulating Ferrule length with insulating
collar according to DIN 46228-1 collar according to DIN 46228-4
0.25 mm² 5 mm … 7 mm 8 mm … 10 mm
0.34 mm² 7 mm 8 mm … 10 mm
0.05 mm² 8 mm … 10 mm 8 mm … 10 mm
0.75 mm² 8 mm … 10 mm 8 mm … 10 mm
1.00 mm² 8 mm … 10 mm -
1.50 mm² 10 mm -
Two wires with the same cross section are not possible.
Pos : 219 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Details Sicher e Absc haltweg e/D etails sic her e Abs chaltw ege @ 15\mod_1485509507922_388.docx @ 2316591 @ 2 @ 1

3.3 Details of the safe shut-down method

Pos : 221 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Details Sicher e Absc haltweg e/Sicherer Absc haltw eg - Sichere Pulss perre_01 [BU 0630] @ 44\m od_1593155858684_388.docx @ 2638404 @ 3 @ 1

3.3.1 Wiring and shielding

It is recommended to use a two-wire shielded cable for the on-board variant (SK 510P; SK 540P) of
the Safe Pulse Block. For the plug-in variant (SK CU5-STO; SK CU5) of the Safe Pulse Block and the
Safety Digital Input, a shielded cable is recommended (see 2.4.5 "Exclusion of wiring faults"). The
shield must be connected on both sides. The voltage drop in the cable must be taken into
Pos : 224 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Details Sicher e Absc haltweg e/Sicherer Absc haltw eg - Sichere Pulss perre_02 - Betri eb am OSSD [BU 0630] @ 79\m od_1630500474241_388.doc x @ 2818955 @ 34 @ 1

3.3.2 Operation with OSSD

OSSD outputs (Output Signal Switching Device) are outputs which perform a self-test with the aid of
test pulses. Depending on the state of the output, these are switched on or off cyclically during a short
time window. The voltage level from the output is read back and checked as to whether the output
follows the expected change of voltage level. The inputs must not interpret the test pulses as changes
of state.

36 BU 0630 en-0322
3 Assembly and installation
The Safe Pulse Block and the Safety Digital Input are specially designed for use with an OSSD. The
cable resistance and capacitance of the cable used must be taken into consideration. Individual operation

Different maximum cable resistances for the Safe Pulse Block result from the rated voltage, power and
pulse frequency of the frequency inverter. The various cases are categorised into application classes:
Frequency inverter
Nominal Application class
Size Power Types frequency
230 V, single Sizes 1 and SK 5x0P-250-123 … 6 kHz AA
250 W … 2.2 kW
phase 2 SK 5x0P-221-123 16 kHz A
Sizes 1 and SK 5x0P-250-340 … 6 kHz A
250 W … 2.2 kW
2 SK 5x0P-221-340 16 kHz B
SK 5x0P-301-340 … 6 kHz B
3 kW … 5.5 kW
Size 3 SK 5x0P-551-340, 16 kHz C
7.5 kW S3
400 V, three- SK 5x0P-751-340-S3
phase 7.5 kW … SK 5x0P-751-340 … 6 kHz B
Size 4
11 kW SK 5x0P-112-340 16 kHz D
15 kW … 22 kW SK 5x0P-152-340 … 6 kHz A
Size 5
SK 5x0P-222-340 16 kHz

The following maximum cable resistances are permissible depending on the application class:

Application class AA A B C D
Rwire,max 15 Ω 10 Ω 8Ω 6.5 Ω 5Ω

The internal resistance of the source and the resistance of the switch in an upstream OSSD must be
taken into consideration. The same values apply for the return conductor, whereby this must only carry
the currents of the Safe Pulse Block. The following applies:
𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚2
𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 = 𝜌𝜌𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶… ∗ 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ 𝜌𝜌𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶… ≅ 19 Ω ∗ 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝜗𝜗𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 = 40 °𝐶𝐶
𝑞𝑞 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘
l= Cable length [km] q= Cable cross-section [mm]
ρcu = Specific resistance of copper [Ω *mm2/km] ϑcu = Cable temperature [°C]

For cable temperatures above 40°C, the specific resistance ρCU must be corrected according to the
temperature coefficient αCU = 4*10-3 1/K (increase by 0.4% per K).
The minimum input voltage of the protective switching device V24V, min for operation of the Safe Pulse
Block on an OSSD is 19.2 V. This value increases as follows depending on the maximum permissible
cable resistance:
𝑉𝑉24𝑉𝑉,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 19.2 𝑉𝑉 + 2.4 𝑉𝑉 ∗

BU 0630 en-0322 37
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

Multiple device operation reduces the maximum cable resistance depending on the number of
frequency inverters and the position of the frequency inverter.

The capacitance between the wires (including the shield capacitances) must not exceed a value of
C = 20 nF for each frequency inverter which is connected.

The value C is determined as follows:

C = 4 nF * tOSSD/ 0.1 ms where tOSSD = Width of the test pulse, max. 0.5 ms

Additional restrictions may apply with regard to the protective switching device.
Pos : 227 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Details Sicher e Absc haltweg e/Sicherer Absc haltw eg - Sichere Pulss perre_02a - mi nimal er OSSD- Puls [BU 0630] @ 44\m od_1594794398081_388.docx @ 2645814 @ @ 1

The minimum permissible OSSD pulse for the Safety Digital Input and Safe Pulse Block is 200 μs.
Pos : 228 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Details Sicher e Absc haltweg e/Betrieb am OSSD 3 [BU 0630] @ 44\m od_1593164415239_388.docx @ 2638631 @ @ 1

If the Safe Pulse Block of the plug-in module SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT is used with a single
channel, i.e. the two inputs VIS1_24V and VIS2_24V are connected in parallel, the minimum input
voltage V24V,min is increased by a further 0.8 V.
No corrections are necessary if the Safety Digital Input is connected in parallel with the Safe Pulse
Pos : 231 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

38 BU 0630 en-0322
3 Assembly and installation
Pos : 233 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Details Sicher e Absc haltweg e/Sicherer Absc haltw eg - Sichere Pulss perre_04 - Beis piel – M ehrger ätebetri eb [BU 0630] @ 84\m od_1642750791501_388.docx @ 2857330 @ 4 @ 1 Multiple device operation

If several frequency inverters are operated with one protective switching device, the switching capacity
of the switching device and the load rating of the 24 V mains unit must be observed.
The shield must be correctly connected.
The voltage drop in the cable and the cable resistances must be taken into consideration.
The permissible cable resistance is reduced if the Safe Pulse Block of several frequency inverters is
operated with an OSSD. For the minimum input voltage at the protective switching device, the
calculation must be adjusted depending on the number of frequency inverters.
All frequency inverters at the end of the cable:
𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 (𝑁𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 ) = 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ 𝑁𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 = "𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖"
𝑉𝑉24𝑉𝑉,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 19.2 𝑉𝑉 + 2.4 𝑉𝑉 ∗ ∗ 𝑁𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹

For Rwire,max, refer to the table from Section 3.3.2 "Operation with OSSD".

Frequency inverters distributed evenly along the length of the cable:

𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 (𝑁𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 ) = 𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ∗ 𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤ℎ 𝑁𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 = "𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖"
𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 𝑁𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 + 1
𝑉𝑉24𝑉𝑉,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 19.2 𝑉𝑉 + 2.4 𝑉𝑉 ∗ ∗
𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 2
If the internal resistances of the source and the OSSD dominate, the equations for the case of all
inverters at the end of the cable must be used.
If different inverters are operated on an OSSD, the lowest value for Rwire,max must be used.
• Four 400 V SK 510P frequency inverters are connected to an electronic protective switching
device. Two inverters have a power of 5.5 kW and two have a power of 2.2 kW. All the inverters
are operated with a frequency of 6 kHz.
• The inverters are evenly distributed along the length of the cable.
• A two-wire shielded cable with a cross-section of 0.75 mm2 and a total length of 100 m is used.
The smaller value is used for the maximum permissible cable resistance (in this case for 400 V,
5.5 kW, 6 kHz/application class B).
𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 8 Ω
𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚2 0.1 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘
𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 = 𝜌𝜌𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶… ∗ = 19 Ω ∗ ∗ = 2.53 Ω
𝑞𝑞 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 0.75 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚2
The following formula applies for inverters which are evenly distributed along the length of the cable.
𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 (𝑁𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 ) = 𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ∗
𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 (𝑁𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 ) = 8 Ω ∗
= 3.2 Ω > 2.53 Ω = 𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 => OK!
𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 𝑁𝑁𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 + 1 2.53 Ω 4 + 1
𝑉𝑉24𝑉𝑉,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 19.2 𝑉𝑉 + 2.4 𝑉𝑉 ∗ ∗ = 19.2 𝑉𝑉 + 2.4 𝑉𝑉 ∗ ∗ = 21.1 𝑉𝑉
𝑅𝑅𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 2 8Ω 2

BU 0630 en-0322 39
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Result: The cable resistance is low enough and the supply voltage must be at least 21.1 V.
Tip: If the calculated resistance is too high, the OSSD can be located in the middle of the cable
between the inverters. A star configuration with the OSSD at the centre of the star is also possible. In
this case, the cable capacity may be the limiting factor. In case of doubt, a larger cable cross-section
must be used.
Pos : 235 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /3. F unktions beschr eibung/Details Sicher e Absc haltweg e/Sicherer Absc haltw eg - Sichere Pulss perre und 24 V Versorgung_03 - EM V [SK 500P] @ 44\m od_1593157436188_388.docx @ 2638481 @ 3 @ 1

3.3.3 EMC
The EMC guideline values (see BU 0600) can be complied with by using an EMC-compliant wiring up
to a cable length of 100 m between the protective switching device and the frequency inverter.
Pos : 243 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /5. Inbetriebnahm e/!Inbetriebnahme @ 15\m od_1486467478715_388.docx @ 2321059 @ 1 @ 1

40 BU 0630 en-0322
4 commissioning

4 commissioning
Pos : 249 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /5. Inbetriebnahm e/Inbetriebnahme_Ei nleitung_01 [BU 0630] @ 44\m od_1594795636097_388.docx @ 2645851 @ @ 1

Only specific issues for functional safety during commissioning are considered in the following. All
information relating to the device and its commissioning can be found in the operating manual for the
frequency inverter BU 0600.
The Safe Pulse Block is required for implementation of the safety function STO or SS1-t. The Safety
Digital Input is additionally required for the safety function SS1-t. This may also be used for
implementation of the STO safety function. For this, the Safety Digital Input must be configured with a
special function. All parameterisation tools can be used for parameterisation, e.g. the NORDAC
ACCESS BT Bluetooth stick or a bus. Calculation of the CRC checksum can only be carried out with
the NORDCON PC software. For all other methods, after parameterisation of the safety parameters
the correct CRC checksum must be entered manually (see 5.1 "Parameterisation"). Typical CRC
checksums can be obtained from the parameter description for P499 “Safety CRC” in this manual.
Pos : 254 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /5. Inbetriebnahm e/Inbetriebnahmesc hritte STO_01 [BU 0630] @ 44\m od_1594795749834_388.docx @ 2645888 @ 2 @ 1

4.1 Commissioning steps for STO

SK 510P, SK 540P
A safety output of the protective switching device is connected to the Safe Pulse Block (see 2.2 "Safe
shut-down methods").
Depending on the required category, a wiring fault (short-circuit between any particular conductors)
must be able to be excluded. It is recommended that a two-conductor shielded cable is used for the
Safe Pulse Block and that the shield is correctly connected (see 2.4.5 "Exclusion of wiring faults").

SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

Two safety outputs of the protective switching device are connected with the two inputs of the Safe
Pulse Block (see 2.2 "Safe shut-down methods").
Depending on the required category, a wiring fault (short-circuit between any particular conductors)
must be able to be excluded. It is recommended that a separate three-wire shielded cable is used for
the Safe Pulse Block and that the shield is correctly connected (see 2.4.5 "Exclusion of wiring faults").
If a protective switching device with OSSDs that is able to detect short circuits between the OSSDs
and external voltages is used, it may be possible to dispense with the use of a shielded cable.
Pos : 258 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /5. Inbetriebnahm e/Inbetriebnahmesc hritte STO_02 [BU 0630] @ 44\m od_1594795851234_388.docx @ 2645926 @ @ 1

• The response time can be reduced by the additional use of the Safety Digital Input.
For this, the Safety Digital Input is parameterised with the Voltage Disable function (P424 = 1). The
different reference potentials must be considered. It is recommended that separate shielded cables
are used for the Safe Pulse Block and the Safety Digital Input and that the shields are correctly
connected (see chapter 2.4.5 "Exclusion of wiring faults" on page 29).
It must be noted that the Safety Digital Input has a lower safety category than the Safe Pulse Block
and therefore the STO function may reduce to the longer response time of the Safe Pulse Block.
Pos : 261 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /5. Inbetriebnahm e/Inbetriebnahmesc hritte STO_03 [BU 0630, BU 0830] @ 44\m od_1594796134386_388.docx @ 2645963 @ @ 1

• If the assessment of the functional safety of the end application shows that monitored starting is
necessary, “Automatic starting” (P428) must not be used (setting “0” Off). This prevents the drive
from re-starting automatically if the requirement for the Safe Pulse Block is removed.

BU 0630 en-0322 41
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

4.2 SS1-t commissioning steps

• A safety output of the protective switching device is connected to the Safety Digital Input (see 2.2.2
"Safety Digital Input").
It is recommended that a two-conductor shielded cable is used and that the shield is correctly
connected, see 2.4.5 "Exclusion of wiring faults".

SK 510P, SK 540P
The Safe Pulse Block is connected to a time-delayed safety output of the protective switching device.
It is recommended that a separate two-wire shielded cable is used. The cable shield must be
connected at both ends, see 2.4.5 "Exclusion of wiring faults".

SK 530P, SK 550P with SK CU5-STO or SK CU5-MLT

Two time-delayed safety outputs of the protective switching device are connected with the two inputs
of the Safe Pulse Block.
It is recommended that a separate three-wire shielded cable is used for the Safe Pulse Block and that
the shield is correctly connected, see 2.4.5 "Exclusion of wiring faults".

• The Safety Digital Input must be parameterised with the Quick Stop function (P424 = 2).

Danger of injury due to failure of SS1-t
The stopping characteristics of the drive can be influenced by various factors. Therefore, the “Safe
Stop 1” mode may possibly not be correctly complied with.
• The safety subfunction SS1-t must not be used in end applications in which failure of the SS1-t
may result in a hazardous situation.
• In order to prevent malfunction, a final validation in the course of commissioning must demonstrate
that the particular settings fulfil the requirements for the special intended use, and that the device
will at no time be operated outside of its rated data.

• For the SS1-t function, the “Safety SS1 max. time” monitoring time (P423) must be parameterised
according to the requirements of the application. The delay time of the delayed safety outputs of
the protective switching device must be rated so that it is longer than the set monitoring time.
• The actual stopping time for the drive depends on various factors. It may deviate from the
parameterised “Quick stop time” (P426) if, for example, one or more of the following events occur
during the active quick stop.
– Achievement/exceeding of the power limits of the device
– Achievement/exceeding of one or more parameterised limit values (e.g. P112, P536, P537)
– Use of the direct current braking function “Instant d.c. braking” (P108).
With use of the disconnection mode “Instant d.c. braking” (P108), the quick stop time is not
taken into account. The same braking time (resulting from the settings in P109, P110) is used
as for disconnection.
• In unfavourable cases, the drive cannot be stopped to a standstill during the parameterised
monitoring time. In this case an error is triggered and the inverter performs the fault response
function and runs down to a standstill.

42 BU 0630 en-0322
4 commissioning

• The following sequence results if the SS1-t function is correctly implemented:

The ramp for controlled stopping results from the actual frequency, the “Quick stop time” (P426)
and the “Maximum frequency” (P105), as well as the “Absolute mini. freq.” (P505). At the time t = 0,
the Quick Stop is triggered via the Safety Digital Input. From the “Maximum frequency” (P105) the
frequency inverter would require the entire “Quick stop time” (P426) to reduce the output frequency
to 0 Hz. However, the braking ramp is only carried out down to the “Absolute mini. freq.” (P505). If
an electro-mechanical brake is used, the output frequency remains at the “Absolute mini. freq.”
(P505) for the set “Brake reaction time” (P107). After this, the brake is applied. Without an electro-
mechanical brake, the “Brake reaction time” (P107) is parameterised to zero seconds (default
value). This is followed by the “DC Run-on time” (P559) if an asynchronous motor is used. During
this run-on time, the asynchronous motor is supplied with DC current to bring the drive to a
complete standstill. The prerequisite for stopping is the correct design of the entire drive, and that
the power limits of the inverter or parameterised limits are not exceeded. To safeguard controlled
stopping, monitoring is performed as to whether the inverter is still controlled after the elapse of the
“Safety SS1 max. time” (P423). This time must be selected to be greater than, but as little greater
as possible than the value which results from the following equation:
𝑃𝑃105 − 𝑃𝑃505
𝑇𝑇𝑑𝑑,𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 > 𝑃𝑃423 > 𝑃𝑃426 ∗ + 𝑃𝑃107 + 𝑃𝑃559
Switching to the STO safety function is carried out at the time Td,STO via the Safe Pulse Block input.

• In the event of an incorrect sequence, the following error messages occur:

If the STO safety function is triggered via the Safe Pulse Block while the inverter is being
controlled, the error message E018 (18.0 “Safety circuit”) is issued. If this occurs before the motor
has been stopped, the stopping sequence is discontinued. The connected motor runs down to a
standstill. This behaviour results from the fact that the Safe Pulse Block has the highest priority.

BU 0630 en-0322 43
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

If the inverter is still being controlled after elapse of the “Safety SS1 max. time” (P423), the
error message E018 (18.5 “Safety SS1”) is issued. If this occurs before the motor has been
stopped, the stopping sequence is discontinued. The connected motor runs down to a

• If the assessment of the functional safety of the end application shows that monitored starting is
necessary, “Automatic starting” (P428) must not be used (setting “0” Off). This prevents the drive
from re-starting automatically if the requirement for the Safe Pulse Block is removed.

44 BU 0630 en-0322
4 commissioning

Pos : 269 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /5. Inbetriebnahm e/Vali dier ung [SK 500P] @ 44\m od_1594129217877_388.docx @ 2643580 @ 2 @ 1

4.3 Validation
It is essential to demonstrate by validation that the requirements for intended special application are
For validation, IEC 61800-5-2:2016 stipulates at least the following points in the project
• Description of the application including an image
• Description of all safety-relevant components (including the software version) which are used in the
• List of the safety subfunctions which are used
• Results of all tests of these safety subfunctions
• List of all safety-relevant parameters and their values in the frequency inverter
• Checksums, date of inspection and confirmation by the inspection personnel
The configuration tests for NORDAC-PRO frequency inverters in identical applications may be
performed as a single type test for the identical application if it can be ensured that the safety
subfunctions in all devices are configured as intended.
The safety subfunctions of NORDAC PRO are maintenance-free. To rule out accidental re-
parameterisation after validation, the safety parameters must be re-checked after each suspension of
the safety password (P497). The validation, including documentation, must be repeated if the
configuration is changed.
Pos : 272 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /6. Par ameter/!Param eter [Safety] @ 15\mod_1485962559518_388.docx @ 2317994 @ 1 @ 1

BU 0630 en-0322 45
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

5 Parameters

The following only lists the specific parameters and display and setting options for the Functional
Safety technology function. For a detailed overview of all available parameters, please refer to the
frequency inverter manual BU 0600.
Pos : 275 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /6. Par ameter/INFORM ATION - Verlust der sicheren F unkti on [SK 500P] @ 44\mod_1594797388197_388.docx @ 2646038 @ @ 1

Loss of safe function
Loading of a parameter set can prevent the Voltage Disable and Quick Stop functions of the Safety
Digital Input from correct functioning.
To ensure that unintended re-parameterisation has not occurred, the settings of “Safety SS1 max.
time” (P423) and “Safe Dig.input” (P424) should be revalidated when password protection for the
safety parameters is activated. This ensures that the safe functions operate correctly.
Pos : 276 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /5. Inbetriebnahm e/Par ametrierung des sic her en digital en Ei ngangs [BU 0630] @ 81\mod_1633427327361_388.docx @ 2834430 @ 2 @ 1

5.1 Parameterisation
The following applies for parameterisation of the safe digital input:
For the Safety Digital Input there are two safety parameters, “Safety SS1 max. time” (P423) and “Safe
Dig.input” (P424).
In order to edit the two parameters, the password protection must be cancelled if a password has
been set (the password is disabled in the factory settings). Password protection is temporarily disabled
with entry of the password in “Safety password” (P497). After this, both parameters can be changed
as necessary.
In order for the two parameters to be adopted by the frequency inverter, the correct CRC checksum
which is calculated via these two parameters must then be entered in “Safety CRC” (P499). The
NORDCON PC software calculates the CRC checksum automatically when “Send” is pressed in
“Safety CRC” (P499). For all other parameterisation options, the correct CRC checksum must be
entered manually. For this, a table with frequently used value combinations is available in the
parameter description for “Safety CRC” (P499). Alternatively, the CRC checksum can be calculated
once with NORDCON and then used for the other parameterisation options.
The frequency inverter performs the fault response functions after it has adopted the changes to the
safety parameters. If a password for the safety parameters has not yet been enabled, this must be
activated by entering it in “Change safety passw.” (P498). Regardless of whether a safety password
was already enabled, a mains voltage reset must be performed.
If a safety password has not been set, or if the CRC checksum does not match both safety
parameters, the frequency inverter remains in the fault response function after the mains voltage

When parameterisation of the safety parameters is complete, the safety function must be revalidated.
The CRC checksum is also checked if no safety function is activated.
The password can be disabled again by temporarily disabling password protection with “Safety
password” (P497) and then changing the password to 0 in “Change safety passw.” (P498).
If you forget the password, use the NORDCON software to reset.

Pos : 278 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Allgemei n/Par ameter bes chr eibung _01 [SK 1xx E, SK 2x xE, SK 2xx E-FDS, POSICON , Safety] @ 9\mod_1447147899292_388.docx @ 261908 @ 2 @ 1

46 BU 0630 en-0322
5 Parameters
5.2 Description of parameters
Pos : 279 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Allgemei n/Par ameter bes chr eibung _02 [SK 1x5E, SK 1xx E-FDS, POSICON, Safety ] - neue D arstellungsvariante @ 82\mod_1635851231538_388.docx @ 2840127 @ 3 @ 1

5.2.1 Explanation of parameter description

P000 (parameter number) Operating para. disp. (parameter name) xx 1) S P
Setting range Representation of typical display format (e.g. Other applicable List of other directly related
(bin = binary) of possible setting range and parameter(s): parameters
(or display range) number of decimal places
Arrays [-01] If parameters have a substructure in several arrays, this is shown here.

Factory setting {0} Typical default setting of parameters in the as-delivered condition of the FI, or to which it is set after
carrying out "Restore factory settings" (see parameter P523).
Scope of application List of variants for which this parameter applies. If the parameter is generally valid, i.e. for the entire model
series, this line is omitted.
Description Description, function, meaning and similar for this parameter.

Note Additional notes about this parameter

Setting values List of possible settings with description of their respective functions

(or display values)

1) xx = Other codes

Unused lines of information are not listed.
Pos : 280 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

Pos: 281 /Anleitungen/Elektronik/FU und Starter/5. Parameter/Allgemein/Parameterbeschreibung_03

[POSICON, Safety, SK 5xxP] @ 80\mod_1631277331638_388.docx @ 2823932 @ @ 1
Notes / Explanations
Label Designation Meaning
S Supervisor parameter The parameter can only be displayed and changed if the
relevant supervisor code has been set (see parameter
P Depending on the The parameter provides various setting options which
parameter set depend on the selected parameter set.

BU 0630 en-0322 47
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Pos : 283 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/P400- P499/!Steuerklemm en P4xx [SK x xxE] @ 9\mod_1447148337256_388.docx @ 262037 @ 3 @ 1

5.2.2 Control terminals

Pos : 291 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

Pos : 292 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P423 - Safety SS1 max . Z eit [SK 500P] ##### + "s afety" ##### @ 79\mod_1630921165359_388.docx @ 2821917 @ @ 1

P423 Safety SS1 max. time

Setting range 0.01 ... 320.00 s
Factory setting { 0.1 }
Description “Safety SS1 max. time” is used to delay the output monitoring of the inverter if the
Safety Digital Input is parameterised to Quick Stop (P424 = 2). If the motor is still
controlled after the set time, an error message is generated. The time to be set
depends on the parameterised quick stop time, the brake reaction time and the flux
delay. For asynchronous motors, the time to be set also depends on the DC run-on
Note The set “Safety SS1 max. time” applies for all parameter sets. It must be ensured that
the “Quick stop time” (P426) is matched for all parameter sets of the monitoring time.
The parameter is only saved after entry and confirmation of the “Safety CRC” (P499).
Changes to the parameter setting are only adopted after a restart of the frequency
inverter (Power Off  60 s  Power On).
In case of a separate 24 V DC supply of the control board, this must also be switched
If the safety functions are used, the parameters must be provided with password
protection by use of “Change safety passw.” (P498).
The “Safety SS1 max. time” (P423) is not changed by “Load factory setting” (P523). If
the “Safety SS1 max. time” (P423) is to be changed to a default value, this must be
carried out manually.
Pos : 295 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P424 - Safety Digitalei ng. [SK 500P] @ 79\m od_1630916713640_388.docx @ 2821710 @ @ 1

P424 Safe Dig.input S P

Setting range 0…2
Factory setting {0}
Description Assignment of a stop function for the safe digital input of the frequency inverter.
Note The parameter is only saved after entry and confirmation of the CRC checksum
(P499). Changes to the parameter setting are only adopted after a restart of the
frequency inverter (Power Off  60 s  Power On).
In case of a separate 24 V DC supply of the control board, this must also be switched
If the safety functions are used, the parameters must be provided with password
protection (P498).
The parameter cannot be reset to the default value with “Load factory setting” (P523),
but rather can only be reset manually.
Setting values Value Meaning
Pos : 298 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P424 - Fkt.Safety Dig.eing._Ei nstellwerte [SK 500P] @ 37\mod_1561037574425_388.docx @ 2545445 @ @ 1

0 No function
1 Disable voltage The FI output voltage is switched off; the motor runs down freely.
2 Quick stop The FI reduces the frequency according to the programmed fast
stop time from P426.
Pos : 300 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P426 - Sc hnellhaltez eit [SK 500P] ##### "s afety" ##### @ 44\mod_1594802686361_388.docx @ 2646187 @ @ 1

48 BU 0630 en-0322
5 Parameters
P426 Quick stop time P
Setting range 0... 320.00 sec
Factory setting { 0.10 }
Description Setting of the braking time for the quick stop function which can be triggered either via
a digital input, the bus control, the keyboard or automatically in case of a fault.
The quick stop time is the time which is taken for the linear frequency to decrease
from the set “Maximum frequency” (P105) to 0 Hz. If an actual setpoint < 100 % is
used, the quick stop time is reduced correspondingly.
Note The quick stop time and the “SS1 max. time” (P423) must be matched to each other.
The set quick stop times for all parameter sets must match the monitoring time.
WARNING! Danger of injury due to failure of SS1-t
The stopping characteristics of the drive can be influenced by various factors.
Therefore, the “Safe Stop 1” mode may possibly not be correctly complied with.
• The safety subfunction SS1-t must not be used in end applications in which failure
of the SS1-t may result in a hazardous situation.
• In order to prevent malfunction, a final validation in the course of commissioning
must demonstrate that the particular settings fulfil the requirements for the special
intended use, and that the device will at no time be operated outside of its rated
Pos : 302 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/P400- P499/P428 - Automatischer Anl auf [SK 500P, SK 2xx E-FDS] @ 84\m od_1643295627039_388.docx @ 2859030 @ @ 1

P428 Automatic starting S

Setting range 0…1
Factory setting {0}
Description WARNING! Danger of injury due to unexpected movements of the drive. Switch-on
after an earth fault/short-circuit. Do NOT parameterise this parameter to “On”
(P428 = 1), if “Automatic acknowled.” (P506 = 6 “Always”) has been parameterised!
Secure drive against movements.

This parameter defines how the FI responds to a static enabling signal when the
mains voltage is applied (mains voltage On).
In the standard setting P428 = 0 Off, the FI requires a flank to enable (signal change
from Low  High) at the relevant digital input.
P428 = 1 “On” can be set if the FI must start immediately when the mains voltage is
switched on. If the enable signal is permanently switched on, or equipped with a cable
jumper, the FI starts up immediately.
Note The setting “On” (P428 = 1) can only be enabled if the frequency inverter has been
parameterised to local control (P509 = 0 or P509 = 1).
Setting values Value Meaning
Pos : 303 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/P400- P499/P428 - Automatischer Anl auf_Ei nstellwerte [SK 1xxE, SK 2xx E, SK 1xxE-FD S, SK 2xx E-FDS, SK 5xx E/P] @ 84\m od_1642767778134_388.docx @ 2857712 @ @ 1

0 Off The device expects a flank (signal change “low  high”) at the
digital input which has been parametrised to “Enable” in order to
start the drive.
If the device is switched on with an active enable signal (mains
voltage on), it immediately switches to “Switch-on inhibit”.
1 On The device expects a signal level (“high”) at the digital input which
has been parametrised to “Enable” in order to start the drive.
NOTICE! Risk of injury! Drive starts up immediately!
Pos : 304 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

BU 0630 en-0322 49
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Pos : 310 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P434 - Digitalausgang F unk. [SK 500P] ##### "s afety" ##### @ 84\m od_1642762380858_388.docx @ 2857482 @ @ 1

P434 Digital out function P

Arrays [-01] … [-05]
Description Assignment of functions for the digital output
Note The digital outputs are not fail-safe.
Setting values Value Meaning
Pos : 311 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P434 / P481 - F unk tionen Digitalausgang_Eins tellw erte [SK 2x xE-FD S, SK 5x xE] ##### "s afety ##### @ 15\mod_1486118974703_388.docx @ 2318439 @ @ 1

0 Off Output not used.

01 External brake For control of a mechanical brake on the motor.
For details see BU 0600
WARNING: Brake failure! The control is not fail-safe! Design the
brake as an operating brake. Ensure that the drive is brought to a
standstill before "STO" becomes active.
07 Fault General error message.
For details see BU 0600
39 STO inactive This function depicts the reaction of the Safe Pulse Block.
The signal drops (High  Low) when STO and Safe Stop are
Pos : 317 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P481 - Funkt. Bus IO Out Bits SK 500P ##### "s afety" ##### @ 84\m od_1642762548076_388.doc x @ 2857519 @ @ 1

P481 Funct-BusIO Out Bits S

Arrays [-01] … [-18]
Description Assignment of functions for Bus IO Out bits. The frequency inverter treats the Bus IO
Out bits as digital outputs.
Note Setting the Bus IO Out bits is not fail-safe.
Setting values Value Meaning
Pos : 318 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P434 / P481 - F unk tionen Digitalausgang_Eins tellw erte [SK 2x xE-FD S, SK 5x xE] ##### "s afety ##### @ 15\mod_1486118974703_388.docx @ 2318439 @ @ 1

0 Off Output not used.

01 External brake For control of a mechanical brake on the motor.
For details see BU 0600
WARNING: Brake failure! The control is not fail-safe! Design the
brake as an operating brake. Ensure that the drive is brought to a
standstill before "STO" becomes active.
07 Fault General error message.
For details see BU 0600
39 STO inactive This function depicts the reaction of the Safe Pulse Block.
The signal drops (High  Low) when STO and Safe Stop are
Pos : 320 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P497 - Safety Passw ort [SK 500P, SK 300P] @ 84\mod_1643295744705_388.docx @ 2859067 @ @ 1

P497 Safety password S

Setting range - 32768 … 32767
Factory setting {0}
Description Entry of the password from P498, to unlock the parameters “Safety SS1 max. time”
(P423), “Safe Dig.input” (P424) and “Safety CRC” (P499).
At the same time, the password protection for “Change safety passw.” (P498) is
temporarily suspended.
Note The value which is entered here is lost when the control board of the frequency
inverter is switched off. Password protection is active again.
Pos : 322 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P498 - Safety Passw ort ändern [SK 500P, SK 300P] @ 63\m od_1611660140506_388.doc x @ 2721559 @ @ 1

P498 Change safety passw. S

Setting range -32768 … 32767
Factory setting {0}
Description Specification of a password to prevent unauthorised changes to the setting values of
“Safety SS1 max. time” (P423), “Safe Dig.input” (P424) and “Safety CRC” (P499).
Password protection can be temporarily suspended with “Safety password” (P497).
Note The password is disabled with setting "0".
Pos : 324 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P400 bis P499 (POSICON/safety)/P499 - Safety C RC [SK 500P] @ 41\m od_1588151165841_388.doc x @ 2603528 @ @ 1

50 BU 0630 en-0322
5 Parameters
P499 Safety CRC
Setting range 0x0000.. 0xFFFF
Factory setting {0}
Description A CRC is necessary for saving the parameter which is relevant for the functional
safety. NORDCON calculates the CRC automatically when this parameter is saved. If
the CRC is input by any other method it must be calculated manually. After input of
the CRC an error is triggered, in order to force a restart of the frequency inverter with
adoption of the parameter. A false CRC results in an error when the frequency inverter
is started.
Typical values for manual input:
Safety Digital Input Safety SS1 max. time Safety CRC
(P424) (P423) (P499)
No function 0.1 0xDACB
Disable Voltage 0.1 0x971E
Quick Stop 0.1 0x4161
Quick Stop 0.2 0x6097
Quick Stop 0.3 0xBA5C
Quick Stop 0.5 0xF54D
Quick Stop 0.7 0x247E
Quick Stop 1 0x4664
Quick Stop 2 0x6E9D
Quick stop 3 0x3493
Quick Stop 5 0xCD59
Quick Stop 7 0x3155
Quick Stop 10 0x19B4
Note If the safety functions are used, the parameter must be provided with password
protection (P498).
This parameter cannot be reset to the default value with Load Factory Setting (P523),
but rather can only be reset manually.
Pos : 325 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

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Pos : 326 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/P500- P599/!Z us atz par ameter P5xx [SK xxx E] @ 9\m od_1447148400288_388.docx @ 262070 @ 3 @ 1

5.2.3 Additional parameters

Pos : 327 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P500 bis P599 (POSICON/safety)/P506 - Auto Stör ungsquitt. ##### s afety ##### @ 15\m od_1486122466618_388.docx @ 2318614 @ @ 1

P506 Automatic fault acknowledgement S

Description Automatic acknowledgement of fault messages. (For details see  BU 0600)
Note Automatic error acknowledgement should not be used in association with a safety
Setting values 0 = Detection is disabled
Pos : 328 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/P500- P599/P506 - Auto. Störungsquitt._Einstellwerte [SK 500P, SK 2xx E-FDS] @ 44\m od_1594199499043_388.docx @ 2643777 @ @ 1

0 No automatic fault acknowledgement

When using the
1 …5 Number of permissible automatic fault
control terminals to
acknowledgements within one mains-on
control the FI, the
cycle. After mains off and switch on again,
error message is
the full amount is available again.
acknowledged by
6 Always, a fault message will always be removing the
acknowledged automatically if the cause of enabling signal.
the error is no longer present, see note.
7 Quit disable, acknowledgement is only possible using the OK /
ENTER key or by switching off the mains. No acknowledgement is
implemented by removing the enable!
Pos : 333 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/5. Par ameter/Par ameter auflistung (P000 ...)/POSICON/Safety [Safety auß er SK 500P]/P500 bis P599 (POSICON/safety)/P559 - DC-Nac hlaufz eit ##### safety ##### @ 63\m od_1611660590651_388.doc x @ 2721596 @ @ 1

P559 DC Run-on time S P

Setting range 0,00 … 30,00 s
Factory setting { 0.5 }
Description Completion of a braking action by temporary connection of a DC voltage to the motor
connection terminals.
(Details  BU 0600)
Pos : 336 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /POSICON /7. Stör ungsm eldung en/!M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand @ 69\m od_1617706915902_388.doc x @ 2754883 @ 1 @ 1

52 BU 0630 en-0322
6 Operating status messages

6 Operating status messages

The majority of functions and operating data of the frequency inverter are continuously monitored and
simultaneously compared with limit values. If a deviation is detected, the frequency inverter responds
with a warning or an error message.
For basic information about this, please refer to the frequency inverter operating instructions.
All faults or reasons which result in a switch-on block of the frequency inverter and which are
associated with STO functionality are listed below.
Pos : 339 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/6. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/Störm eldung en (Tabell enübersc hrift) @ 3\m od_1361803456862_388.doc x @ 59874 @ 5 @ 1

Error messages

Display in the
SimpleBox / ControlBox Fault Cause
Group Details in P700 Text in the ParameterBox • Remedy
[-01] / P701
Pos : 340 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/6. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/Störm eldung en (Auflistung)/F ehl er E004 [BU 0630] @ 84\m od_1643295881636_388.docx @ 2859104 @ @ 1

E004 4.0 Module overcurrent Module error (short-term)

• Short circuit or earth fault at the FI output
(motor cable or motor)
• Optional braking resistor, defect/check
• Optional motor choke, defect/check
Further notes
• Other causes of error:
– Wrong size of breaking resistor
– Motor cable too long
– Cable resistance too high or voltage at Safe Pulse
Block too low
• Do not disconnect P537!
• The error may significantly reduce the service life of
the device or even destroy it

BU 0630 en-0322 53
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

Pos : 343 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/6. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/Störm eldung en (Auflistung)/F ehl er E008 [SK 500P] @ 32\m od_1554280099547_388.docx @ 2525690 @ @ 1

E008 8.0 Parameter loss Error in EEPROM data

(maximum EEPROM value • Software version of the stored data set not compatible
exceeded) with the software version of the FI.
NOTE: Faulty parameters are automatically reloaded
(factory setting).
• EMC interferences (see also E020)
8.1 Inverter type incorrect • EEPROM faulty
8.2 External copy error • Check ControlBox for correct position
(ControlBox) • ControlBox EEPROM defective (P550 = 1)
8.4 Internal EEPROM error The configuration of the frequency inverter was not correctly
(Database version incorrect) identified.
8.7 EEPR copy not the same • Switch mains voltage off and on again.

Pos : 346 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /7. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/Fehl er E018 " Sic her heitskreis" [SK 500P, SK 300P] @ 82\m od_1635845260497_388.docx @ 2840090 @ @ 1

E018 18.0 Safety circuit The Safe Pulse Block safety circuit has triggered during
(SafetyCirc) release.
18.5 Safety SS1 The parameterised trigger time (P423) of the SS1-t
functionality has expired. STO is triggered as the inverter
still sends output pulses.
This error cannot be acknowledged. Restart the frequency
18.6 Safety system A malfunction has occurred in the safety function.
• Restart the frequency inverter.
• If the fault recurs, read out the extended error number in
the parameter “Actual Operating Status (P700 [-04]) and
contact Support.
Pos : 347 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /7. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/Fehl er E110 " Safety CRC" [SK 500P] @ 84\mod_1642760547659_388.docx @ 2857405 @ @ 1

E110 110.0 Safety CRC A malfunction has occurred in the safety function.
• The CRC checksum does not match the safety
parameters “Safety SS1 max. time” (P423) and “Safe
Dig.input” (P424) and must be adjusted.
110.1 Safety CRC changed The CRC checksum has been changed. The changes are
only adopted after a restart.
110.2 Parameter password For use of the Safety Digital Input, the parameter password
protection required protection “Change safety passw.” (P498) must be set.

54 BU 0630 en-0322
6 Operating status messages
Pos : 350 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/6. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/Mel dungen Eins chalts perre (T abellenüberschrift) @ 3\m od_1361803467385_388.docx @ 59922 @ 5 @ 1

Switch-on block messages

Display in the
SimpleBox /
ControlBox Reason: Cause
Text in the ParameterBox • Remedy
Group Details in
P700 [-03]
Pos : 351 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /7. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/I000 [SK 500P] @ 40\m od_1582029901130_388.docx @ 2590754 @ @ 1

I000 0.1 Disable voltage from IO The input which is parameterised with the function Disable
Voltage (P420/P480) is Low
• Set the input to High
• Check the signal cable (cable break)
0.2 Quick stop by IO The input which is parameterised with the Quick Stop
function (P420/P480) is Low
• Set the input to High
• Check the signal cable (cable break)
Pos : 352 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /7. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/I018 " STO ak tiv" [SK 2xxE/ SK 5xx E/ SK xxx E-FDS] @ 84\m od_1643037920831_388.docx @ 2858083 @ @ 1

I018 18.0 STO active 1) The Safe Pulse Block safety circuit has been triggered. A
connected motor does not produce any torque.
Pos : 353 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /FU und Starter/6. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/Störm eldung en (Auflistung)/Information - Kennzeic hnung "Nic ht ber eit" @ 20\mod_1513067472948_388.docx @ 2375129 @ @ 1

1) Indication of operating mode (message) on the ParameterBox or virtual operating unit of the NORD CON-Software: "Not ready"
Pos : 355 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /7. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/Zustandsinform ati onen_01 [Safety] [SK 500P, SK 300P] @ 84\m od_1643296035888_388.doc x @ 2859141 @ 5 @ 1

Status information
It is possible to access status information by means of the ParameterBox, ControlBox or a field bus.
This information is not fail-safe. It is for information only.
The status of the Safe Pulse Block and the digital inputs and outputs can be accessed via the
information parameters and if necessary by means of the status word with communication via a field
In order to be able to query the reaction of the Safe Pulse Block, the digital output, a Bus Out bit or a
free bit of the status word (Bit 10 or Bit 13) must be assigned the function 39 (“STO inactive”). The
state of these bits can be read out via “State of relays” (P711), “Status word” (P741 [-01]) or “Bus Out
Bits” (P741 [-07]) parameter, or can be transferred via the bus protocol.
Pos : 356 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /7. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/Zustand " Safety-Digitalei ngang" BU 0630 @ 86\m od_1648812076505_388.docx @ 2898770 @ @ 1

The state of the “Safety digital input” can be read via the parameter “State of digital in.”
(P708 [-01]).
Pos : 358 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /4. M ontage und Installation/IN FORM ATION - Steuerklemm en "Digitalausgang" @ 84\m od_1642762721862_388.docx @ 2857556 @ @ 1

Digital output
A digital output can be used to indicate the status of the Safe Pulse Block. It should be noted that this
status indication is not fail-safe.
Pos : 359 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /7. M eldung en zum Betriebsz ustand/Zustandsinform ati onen_01 Ergänz ung [Safety ] [SK 500P] @ 44\m od_1594130976788_388.doc x @ 2643618 @ @ 1

When using the control terminals to control the frequency inverter, the error message is acknowledged
by removing the enabling signal, see P506.
Pos : 362 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/Z usatzinform ationen @ 16\m od_1487601197673_388.doc x @ 2328739 @ 1 @ 1

BU 0630 en-0322 55
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

7 Additional information
Pos : 363 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/6. Sicherheitss chaltger äte/!Sic her heitssc haltg eräte_01 (Ü bersc hrift) @ 15\mod_1486125780898_388.docx @ 2318684 @ 2 @ 1

7.1 Protective switching devices

Pos : 364 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/6. Sicherheitss chaltger äte/!Sic her heitssc haltg eräte_02 @ 15\mod_1486125933007_388.docx @ 2318720 @ @ 1

The safety switching device used for the intended purpose, as well as all additional components
required to implement a safety function, must fulfil the requirements of the special application in
accordance with the risk analysis.
The switching device outputs must fulfil the following basic conditions.
Pos : 365 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/6. Sicherheitss chaltger äte/Ausg angss pannung_01 [SK 300P/SK500P] @ 69\m od_1617715801790_388.doc x @ 2755270 @ 3 @ 1

7.1.1 Output voltage of the protective switching devices

The stated voltage must be connected to the input terminals of the frequency inverter. I.e. the voltage
drop in the used cable must also be taken into account.
Mechanical protective switching device
24 V ± 25 % (18 V…30 V) for the Safe Pulse Block

24 V -37.5 % + 25 % (15 V…30 V) for the Safety Digital Input

Electronic protective switching device with OSSD outputs
24 V - 20 %/ + 25 % (19.2 V…30 V) for the Safe Pulse Block
24 V -37.5 % + 25 % (15 V…30 V) for the Safety Digital Input
Pos : 371 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/6. Sicherheitss chaltger äte/Schaltv ermög en und Strom bel astung A bis C [SK 500P] @ 79\mod_1630502856108_388.docx @ 2818994 @ 3 @ 1

7.1.2 Switching capacity and current load

The safety outputs of the switching devices must be designed for the loads stated below.
Load per connected frequency SK 510P, SK 540P SK CU5-STO, SK CU5-MLT
VIS_24V (91) VIS1_24V (91) VIS2_24V (92)
Continuous current (average value) See below See below See below
Switch-on current ≤ 700 mA for t ≤ 2.5 ms ≤ 70 mA for t ≤ 4 ms ≤ 700 mA for t
≤ 2.5 ms
Support capacitance (downstream of approx. 30 μF approx. 5 μF approx. 30 μF
inverse polarity protection)
Peak current after an OSSD test ≤ 700 mA for t ≤ 1 ms ≤ 70 mA for t ≤ 1 ms ≤ 700 mA for t ≤ 1 ms
pulse (periodic)

The following details for average input currents relate to the voltage directly at the input terminals. I.e.
if necessary, the voltage drops in the cable and the tolerance of the source must be taken into
consideration. The stated currents are not typical values but rather form the basis for dimensioning the
protective switching device.

56 BU 0630 en-0322
7 Additional information

Average input current for SK 510P, SK 540P:

Application class Input voltage VIS_24V (91):
18 V 20 V 22 V 24 V 26 V 28 V 30 V
AA 75 mA 69 mA 64 mA 61 mA 58 mA 55 mA 54 mA
A 95 mA 86 mA 80 mA 75 mA 71 mA 67 mA 65 mA
B 114 mA 104 mA 94 mA 87 mA 82 mA 78 mA 75 mA
C 135 mA 123 mA 113 mA 104 mA 97 mA 92 mA 87 mA
D 162 mA 144 mA 130 mA 120 mA 113 mA 106 mA 100 mA

Average input current for SK CU5-STO, SK CU5-MLT:

Application class Input voltage VIS1_24V (91):
18 V 20 V 22 V 24 V 26 V 28 V 30 V
All 20 mA 21 mA 22 mA 24 mA 25 mA 26 mA 28 mA
Application class Input voltage VIS2_24V (92):
18 V 20 V 22 V 24 V 26 V 28 V 30 V
AA 81 mA 78 mA 76 mA 75 mA 74 mA 74 mA 75 mA
A 99 mA 94 mA 91 mA 88 mA 87 mA 86 mA 85 mA
B 118 mA 111 mA 105 mA 101 mA 98 mA 96 mA 95 mA
C 140 mA 131 mA 124 mA 119 mA 115 mA 112 mA 110 mA
D 164 mA 152 mA 143 mA 136 mA 131 mA 126 mA 123 mA

Increased current consumption on switch-on or after a test pulse from an OSSD
Due to the support capacitors of the safe shut-down method, there is an increased current
consumption on switch-on and after a test pulse from an OSSD. The Safe Pulse Block is equipped
with an active current limiter in order to reduce the load on safety outputs to a minimum.
Pos : 374 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

BU 0630 en-0322 57
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Pos : 376 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/6. Sicherheitss chaltger äte/OSSD-Ausgänge, Tes tpuls e [SK 500P] @ 84\m od_1642763632295_388.docx @ 2857593 @ 3555 @ 1

7.1.3 OSSD outputs, test pulses

The OSSD signal must satisfy the following requirements:
• D ≥ 90% (duty, switch-on ratio)
• Double pulses are permissible if the falling edges of the pulses are at least 2 * tOSSD apart and the
condition for D is fulfilled, see example 1 and example 2.
• The width of the test pulse should be within the range 0.2 ms ≤ tOSSD ≤ 0.5 ms. The maximum width
of the test pulse depends on the application class:
Application class AA, A, B C D
tOSSD,max 1 ms 0.85 ms 0.7 ms

• Depending on the application class and the length of the test pulse, it may be necessary to
increase the minimum input voltage VIS_24V,min.

Voltage correction of long OSSD test pulses

This voltage correction is cumulative with other corrections, see example 3.

Example 1
After a test pulse with duration tOSSD, the supply voltage is connected for at least 9*tOSSD.

Example 2

Permissible test pulses for an OSSD

• First test pulse with width tOSSD.

• The supply voltage is present for the time 1 * tOSSD.
• Second test pulse with width tOSSD.
• The supply voltage is present for at least 17 * tOSSD.

58 BU 0630 en-0322
7 Additional information
Example 3
In the section “Example – operation of multiple devices”, a minimum input voltage of 𝑉𝑉24𝑉𝑉,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 21.1 𝑉𝑉
was determined for the example of application class B. If in this example, the width of the test pulse is
tOSSD = 0.85 ms, the minimum input voltage is increased by a further 1.0 V to 𝑉𝑉24𝑉𝑉,𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 22.1 𝑉𝑉. If in
this example a 24 V voltage source with a tolerance of 10% is used (VQ,min = 21.6 V), this would be too
small, i.e. a source with a smaller tolerance, a shorter test pulse width to the OSSD, or a larger cable
cross-section is required.
Pos : 378 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

BU 0630 en-0322 59
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Pos : 379 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/7. Sicherheits einstufungen/!Sic herheits einstufungen @ 15\m od_1485524952598_388.docx @ 2317090 @ 2 @ 1

7.2 Safety categories

Pos : 382 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/7. Sicherheits einstufungen/IEC 60204-1:2016 @ 63\mod_1611757388158_388.docx @ 2722230 @ 3 @ 1

7.2.1 IEC 60204-1:2016

(German version EN 60204-1:2018)
The requirements of category 0 and category 1 stop functions can be fulfilled by the Safe Pulse Block.
Controlled stopping of a category 1 stop function is not fail-safe via the standard functions of the
frequency inverter. The switch-over to the category 0 stop function is fail-safe.
Pos : 384 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/7. Sicherheits einstufungen/61800-5-2:2016 @ 84\mod_1642764695717_388.docx @ 2857674 @ 3 @ 1

7.2.2 IEC 61800-5-2:2016

(German version EN 61800-5-2:2017)
The requirements for the Safe Torque Off (STO) function and the safety integrity level SIL 3 can be
fulfilled with the safe shut-down method Safe Pulse Block.
The requirements for the “Safe Stop 1 time-controlled” (SS1-t) function and the safety integrity level
SIL 2 can be met with the combination of Safe Pulse Block and Safety Digital Input.
With the SS1-t function, there is no safe monitoring of motor speed reduction or motor speed by the
frequency inverter. If a risk analysis shows that monitoring is necessary, this must be performed by an
external safety control unit. The solution for the SS1-t function described in the examples corresponds
to characteristics as per IEC 61800-5-2:2016, Section, Paragraph c) "Triggering of motor
speed reduction and triggering of the STO function after an application-specific time delay". The motor
speed reduction is carried out via the standard functionality of the frequency inverter and is not fail-
safe. Switchover to the STO function is carried out as fail-safe via an external safety control unit, e.g. a
protective switching device.
I.e. triggering of the motor speed reduction via the Safety Digital Input can meet the safety integrity
level SIL 2. The externally performed transition to the STO function can meet the safety integrity level
SIL 3.
NOTE: Controlled stopping by the SS1-t function can fail without detection. Because of this, the SS1-t
function cannot be used if such failure could cause a hazardous situation in the end application.
The fault response function of the Safety Digital Input is the STO function. If a fault is detected in the
Safety Digital Input during motor speed reduction, the motor outputs are switched off by the software.
This behaviour corresponds to the STO function.
Pos : 388 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/7. Sicherheits einstufungen/IEC 61508:2010_01 [SK 500P] @ 69\m od_1617724521740_388.doc x @ 2755425 @ 3 @ 1

7.2.3 IEC 61508:2010

(German version EN 61508:2010)
The shut-down method Safe Pulse Block for implementing the STO safety function meets the
requirements for safety level SIL 3. The Safety Digital Input for triggering motor braking for the SS1-t
function meets the requirements for safety level SIL 2,  7.2.2 "IEC 61800-5-2:2016".
Pos : 391 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

60 BU 0630 en-0322
7 Additional information
Pos : 396 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/7. Sicherheits einstufungen/ISO 13849- 1:2015_01 [SK 500P] @ 63\mod_1611757058901_388.docx @ 2722192 @ 3 @ 1

7.2.4 ISO 13849-1:2015

(German version EN ISO 13849-1:2016)
The shut-down method Safe Pulse Block for implementation of the STO safety function meets the
requirements of Performance Level e and category 4.
The Safety Digital Input for triggering motor braking for the SS1-t function meets the requirements of
Performance Level d and category 2.
Pos : 401 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /8. Z us atzinform ati onen/7. Sicherheits einstufungen/ISO 13849- 1:2015_07 (INFORM ATION- Bew ertung der Sic her heitsfunk tion) @ 44\m od_1594211871618_388.docx @ 2643864 @ @ 1

Evaluation of safety function
The values stated in the technical data only refer to the stated inputs or shut-down methods.
The components which are additionally required for the implementation of a safety function, such as
protective switching device, emergency stop button, etc. must also be taken into account for the
evaluation of the safety function. The resulting safety-relevant data can be significantly influenced by
these components.

Pos : 403 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /10. Technisc he Daten/T ec hnisc he D aten_01 @ 15\mod_1485524804221_388.docx @ 2317054 @ 1 @ 1

BU 0630 en-0322 61
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

8 Technical Data
Pos : 404 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /10. Technisc he Daten/T ec hnisc he D aten_02 @ 17\mod_1488804807584_388.docx @ 2333179 @ @ 1

The Technical Data from the frequency inverter manual (BU 0600) apply!
In deviation from this:
Function Specification
Max. installation altitude ≤ 2000 m
above sea level

The following technical data also apply.

Pos : 405 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

62 BU 0630 en-0322
8 Technical Data
Pos : 409 /Tec hnisc he Inform ati onen/Sonstige Dok um ente/TI 80_xx xx - oeffentlich/TI 80_0030 - F unktionale Sic her heit NORD AC PRO SK 5xx P/T echnisc he Daten: Sic here Puls sperre und safety Digital eing ang @ 79\mod_1630573116369_388.docx @ 2819227 @ 2 @ 1

8.1 Safe Pulse Block and Safety Digital Input

Safe Pulse Block Safety Digital Input

SK 510P, SK 540P SK CU5-STO or SK 510P and SK 540P,

(SK 530P, SK 550P) MLT (530P, SK550P)
Input voltage +24 V ±25% (18 V … 30 V) +24 V -37.5% +25%
(15 V … 30 V)
Operation with OSSD -20% … +25% (19.2 V … 30 V) +24 V -37.5 % +25 %
(15 V … 30 V)
High level (VT+) ≥ 18 V ≥ 15 V
Low level (VT-) ≤3V ≤3V
Current consumption (average Depending on the input voltage and ≤ 10 mA
value) application class (inverter type and pulse
frequency) see 7.1.2 "Switching capacity
and current load"
Peak current (peak, when ≤ 700 mA VIS1: ≤ 70 mA ≤ 25 mA
switching on or on the OSSD) VIS2: ≤ 700 mA
Input resistance – – Low level: 10 kΩ
High level: 3 … 5 kΩ
Input capacitance approx. 30 µF VIS1: approx. 5 µF approx. 10 nF
(downstream of VIS2: approx. 30 µF
inverse polarity (downstream of
protection) inverse polarity
Cable length ≤100 m (shielded for compliance with EMC requirements), see 3.3.3
Cable capacitance ≤ 20 nF per connected frequency inverter (≤ 4 nF * tOSSD/ 0,1 ms for tOSSD
≤ 500 µs)
Requirements for OSSDs
Test pulse width 200 µs ≤ tOSSD ≤ 500 μs, see 3.3.2 "Operation with OSSD"
Duty (High level) ≥ 90 %
Time between double pulses ≥ 2 * tOSSD (note the duty factor)
Switch-on delay ≤ 160 ms ≤ 25 ms ≤ 15 ms
(time between input change from Low
to High level and the time at which
enabling of the frequency inverter is
Reaction time Sizes 1 to 4: Sizes 1 to 4: ≤ 10 ms
(time between input change from High ≤ 130 ms ≤ 140 ms
to Low level and triggering of the BG 5: ≤ 90 ms BG 5: ≤ 110 ms
safety sub-function.)
Cycle time ≥1s
(time between two identical edges at
the input)
Fault response time – ≤ 35 ms
(time between detection of a fault and
triggering of the fault response
Fault response function – Inverter shut-down
(behaviour as for STO)
Priority Highest Low

BU 0630 en-0322 63
Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

Source of failure rates SN 29500 at ambient temperature: 40 °C (S1 operation) or

50 °C (S3 operation with ED = 70%)
Special device SK 5x0P-751-340-S3: 40°C (S3 operation with ED = 70%)
or 50°C (S3 operation with ED = 50%)
Conformant object Type B
Hardware error tolerance HFT 0
Proportion of safe failures SFF = 100% SFF = 98.23%
Probability of a hazardous failure PFH = 0 PFH = 9.53 FIT
per hour
Mean time until hazardous failure MTTFd = "High" (> 100 years)
Diagnostic coverage level cannot be determined (PFH = 0) DC = 92.03 % (“average”)
Safety integrity level SIL 3 SIL 2
(as per IEC 61800-5-2:2016 and
IEC 61508:2010)
Category Category 4 Category 2
(as per EN ISO 13849-1:2016)
Performance Level PL e PL d
(as per EN ISO 13849-1:2016)
Proof test interval TM = 20 years (duration of use, “Mission Time”)

Pos : 411 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

64 BU 0630 en-0322
9 Appendix

9 Appendix
Pos : 419 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /11. Anhang/Wartungshinw eis e @ 16\m od_1488441976364_388.docx @ 2331139 @ 2 @ 1

9.1 Maintenance information

The maintenance information from the frequency inverter manual (BU 0600) apply.
The information on long-term storage also apply for the Safe Pulse Block.
Thus, the Pulse Block must be supplied with a voltage of 24 V DC at least 1 x per year for 60
minutes in order to maintain its function and to prevent damage to the Safe Pulse Block.
Pos : 420 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Bussy steme/Alle Baureihen/9. ( 7.) Anhang/R eparatur hinw eis e @ 42\m od_1589956872993_388.docx @ 2612990 @ 2 @ 1

9.2 Repair information

In order to keep repair times as short as possible, please state the reason for returning the device and
at least one contact in case of queries.
In case of repair, please send the device to the following address:


Tjüchkampstraße 37
26606 Aurich

Third party accessories
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG cannot accept liability for third party accessories if these are
returned with the device.

Accompanying document
Please complete the accompanying document for the return. This can be found on our homepage or directly under the link Warenbegleitschein

In case of queries about repairs please contact:

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG

Tel.: +49 (0) 45 32/ 289-2515
Fax: +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-2555
Pos : 421 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

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Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
Pos : 422 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Bussy steme/Alle Baureihen/9. ( 7.) Anhang/Servic e- und Inbetriebnahmehinw eis e [BU 2100 ... BU 2800, Safety, POSIC ON, PlC, CTT2] @ 80\m od_1631262730437_388.docx @ 2823630 @ 2 @ 1

9.3 Service and commissioning information

In case of problems, e.g. during commissioning, please contact our service department:
Tel.: +49 4532 289-2125
Our service is available to you at all times (24/7) and can support you the best if you have the
following device information and accessories available:
• Type designation,
• Serial number,
• Firmware version.
Pos : 426 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /11. Anhang/Dok um entation und Softw are [Safety : SK 5xx P] @ 38\m od_1569832099629_388.doc x @ 2562100 @ 2 @ 1

9.4 Documents and software

Documents and software can be downloaded from our website

Other applicable documents and further information

Documentation Contents
BU 0600 Manual for frequency inverter NORDAC PRO (SK 500P)
BU 0000 Manual for use of NORDCON software
BU 0040 Manual for use of NORD ParameterBoxes


Software Description
NORDCON Parameterisation and diagnostic software

Pos : 431 /Anleitungen/El ektr onik /Safety /11. Anhang/Zerti fikate [Safety: SK 5x xP] @ 40\m od_1582036792569_388.doc x @ 2590906 @ 2 @ 1

9.5 Certificates
The relevant certificates for Functional Safety can be downloaded from our internet page


Documentation Contents
C330602 Certificate for frequency inverters with "Safe Shut-down Methods“– NORDAC for
frequency inverters NORDAC PRO SK 500P

Pos : 433 /Allgem ein/Allgem eingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h k ompakt --------- @ 13\m od_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

66 BU 0630 en-0322
9 Appendix
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9.6 Abbreviations

• BR Braking resistor
• DIN Digital input
• DOUT Digital output
• EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
• FI Frequency inverter
• GND Ground
• OSSD Output Signal Switching Device
• P Parameter set dependent parameter, i.e. a parameter which can be assigned different
functions or values in each of the 4 parameter sets of the frequency inverter.
• PDS(SR) Power Drive Systems (Safety Related) → Power drive systems with integrated safety
• S Supervisor parameter, i.e. a parameter which is only visible if the correct Supervisor
Code is entered in parameter P003
• SS1 Safe Stop 1
• STO Safe Torque Off, torque safely switched off
• V24V,min Minimum input voltage of the protective switching device
=== Ende der Liste für T extm arke Inhalt ===

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Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P
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Key word index

=== Ende der Liste für T extm arke Stichw ortv erzeic hnis ===

" Protective switching devices ......................... 56

"Parameter .....................................................54 Q

A Quick stop time (P426) ................................. 49

Accompanying document ..............................65 R

Auto. Fault acknowledgement (P506) ...........52 Repairs .......................................................... 65
Automatic starting (P428) ..............................49 Re-start block ................................................ 25
C Returns ......................................................... 65

Certificates .....................................................66 S
Change safety passw. (P498) .......................50 Safe Dig.input (P424).................................... 48
Commissioning ..............................................41 Safe Pulse Block ........................................... 36
SS1-t ..........................................................42 Example .................................................... 39
STO ............................................................ 41 OSSD ........................................................ 36
D Safe shut-down method

DC Run-on time (P559) .................................52 Safe Pulse Block ....................................... 36

Digital output function (P434) ........................50 Safety CRC (P499) ....................................... 51

Documents Safety functions

Other applicable .........................................66 Safe torque switch-off................................ 17

STO ........................................................... 17
Safety password (P497)................................ 50
EMC ............................................................... 40
Safety SS1 max. time (P423) ....................... 48
Example .........................................................39
Software ........................................................ 66
SS1-t ..........................................................23
STO ............................................................ 19
Commissioning .......................................... 42
Exclusion of faults ..........................................29
Example .................................................... 23
Funct-BusIO Out Bits (P481) .........................50
IEC 60204-1 .............................................. 60
M IEC 61508 ................................................. 60
Mechanical brake ..........................................17 IEC 61800-5-2 ........................................... 60
Messages ISO 13849-1 .............................................. 61
Fault ...........................................................53 STO ............................................................... 17
Operating state ..........................................53 Commissioning .......................................... 41
O Example .................................................... 19
OSSD.......................................................36, 56 T

P Technical Data .............................................. 62

Parameterisation of the safe digital input ......46 V

Parameters ....................................................46 Validation ...................................................... 45

68 BU 0630 en-0322
Key word index

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Functional Safety – Supplemental manual for series SK 500P

70 BU 0630 en-0322
Key word index

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