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Test Bank For Human Heredity Principles and Issues 10Th Edition Michael Cummings 1133106870 9781133106876 Full Chapter PDF

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Test Bank for Human Heredity Principles and Issues 10th Edition

Michael Cummings 1133106870 9781133106876

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Chapter 2—Cells and Cell Division


1. The process of meiosis results in .

A. the production of four identical cells
B. no change in chromosome number from parental cells
C. a doubling of the chromosome number
D. a reduction in chromosome number
E. two diploid cells

2. In the cell cycle, the G2 phase represents .

A. the stage of DNA synthesis
B. splitting of the chromosomes into chromatids
C. a period of growth
D. the stage of actual cell division
E. the stage just prior to meiosis

3. Ribosomes are organelles that function in .

A. plasma membrane selectivity
B. cellular energy production
C. synthesis of gene products
D. transport of materials throughout the cytoplasm
E. DNA replication

4. Which of the following genetic diseases involve defects in DNA repair, which affects cell division?
A. Gaucher disease and Werner syndrome
B. Kearns-Sayre syndrome and progeria
C. Progeria and Werner syndrome
D. Gaucher disease and cystic fibrosis
E. Progeria and Werner syndrome

5. Autosomes represent .
A. all chromosomes including the sex chromosomes
B. the half of the chromosomes inherited from one parent
C. all chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes
D. chromosome pairs with unlike members
E. those chromosomes found only in gametes

6. During meiosis in an organism where 2n = 8, how many chromatids will be present in a cell at the
beginning of meiosis II?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
E. 12

7. The Hayflick limit describes .

A. the size limit to which a cell can grow
B. the number of divisions a cultured cell can undergo
C. the largest number of chromosomes an organism can possess
D. the most cells an organism can have
E. how rapidly DNA replication occurs

8. In meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate in .

A. metaphase I
B. anaphase I
C. metaphase II
D. anaphase II
E. telophase

9. A cell that could not form spindle fibers could not perform .
A. energy production
B. gas exchange across the plasma membrane
C. meiosis
D. DNA replication
E. protein synthesis

10. Which of the following is an event that does NOT occur in prophase of mitosis?
A. The chromosomes are duplicated.
B. The nuclear envelope starts to break up.
C. The mitotic spindle begins to form.
D. The chromosomes begin to condense.
E. All of these are events that occure in prophase of mitosis.

11. A cell in G0 state is a cell .

A. that will shortly enter G1
B. that never divides
C. that has just finished mitosis but has not yet begun cytokinesis
D. in cytokinesis
E. just after cytokinesis

12. Centromeres are described by all of the following events except one. Select the exception.
A. They divide in anaphase of mitosis.
B. They connect sister chromatids.
C. They attach chromosomes to spindle fibers.
D. They cross over during prophase I of meiosis.
E. There are no exceptions. All of these events describe centromeres.

13. Which of the following are NOT haploid?

A. Polar bodies and secondary spermatocytes
B. Primary oocytes and spermatids
C. Secondary spermatocytes and spermatogonia
D. Primary oocytes and spermatogonia
E. Secondary spermatocytes and spermatids

14. The underlying problem with Gaucher diseases is .

A. the spontaneous breakdown of red blood cells
B. the accumulation of fat in white blood cells
C. the breakdown of the myelin sheath around nerves
D. a hypertrophied spleen
E. the lack of critical liver enzymes

15. Which of the following biomolecules is directly important for membrane structure and function?
A. Polysaccharides
B. Steroids
D. Phospholipids

16. Which of the following is NOT a function of proteins?

A. Energy carrier
B. Structure of bones
C. Enzymes
D. Hormones
E. All of these are functions of proteins

17. Which of the following organelles is NOT involved with protein synthesis?
A. The rough endoplasmic reticulum
B. The Golgi complex
C. The nucleus
D. The lysosomes
E. All of these organelles are involved in protein synthesis

18. With which organelle are ribosomes most closely associated?

A. The Golgi complex
B. Lysosomes
C. Mitochondria
D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
E. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
19. How many different types of chromosomes do humans possess?
A. 22
B. 23
C. 24
D. 42
E. 46

20. In meiosis, when do cells become haploid?

A. After telophase I
B. After telophase II
C. During anaphase I
D. During anaphase II
E. After prophase II

21. In meiosis of oogenesis, how many mature eggs result?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

22. In spermatogenesis, what cells form in meiosis II?

A. Primary spermatocytes
B. Secondary spermatocytes
C. Spermatids
D. Mature sperm
E. More than one of these

23. Which of the following occurs between meiosis I and meiosis II?
A. DNA replication
B. Crossing over
C. Random assortment
D. Reduction of chromosome number
E. None of these occur between meiosis I and meiosis II


1. Skin cells typically do not divide.


2. Mitotic divisions reduce the number of chromosomes found in daughter cells.

3. Cytokinesis usually occurs just prior to mitosis.


4. Autosomal chromosome pairs are identical, whereas the sex chromosome pair in males is not.


5. "Crossing over" is partially responsible for our genetic diversity.


6. Crossing over occurs between chromatids of homologous chromosome pairs.


7. There are 92 chromosomes in a normal human cell undergoing mitosis at the anaphase stage.


8. A polar body, once formed, has no further function and dies.



1. There are autosomes present in a human egg.

ANS: 22

PTS: 1

2. The chromosomal structure that anchors the spindle fiber to the chromosome is

ANS: the centromere

PTS: 1

3. If a cell was to stop dividing, it would stop in the part of the cell cycle.


PTS: 1

4. In mitosis, chromatids separate and move to the center of the cell during .

ANS: metaphase

PTS: 1

5. In many respects, the events of prophase seem to be the reverse of those occurring in
ANS: telophase

PTS: 1

6. In meiosis, sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles of the spindle during

ANS: anaphaseII

PTS: 1

7. In cell division, toward the end of nuclear division, the cytoplasm divides by a process called
to produce two identical cells.

ANS: cytokinesis

PTS: 1

8. The only cytoplasmic organelles besides nuclei that contain DNA are the .

ANS: mitochondria

PTS: 1

9. Ribosomes exist either free in the cytoplasm or attached to the membranes of


ANS: rough endoplasmic reticulum

PTS: 1

10. One primary spermatocyte produces (how many?) functional sperm(s); one
primary oocyte produces functional egg(s).

ANS: 4; 1

PTS: 1


1. Since only a relatively small number of genes is active in most specialized cells of the body, why must
mitosis involve the replication of a complete set of genes?

Answer not provided.

PTS: 1

2. From an evolutionary standpoint, does it seem logical that mitosis evolved before meiosis, and that
meiosis is really a specialized form of mitosis? Or should mitosis be regarded as a degenerate formof
Answer not provided.

PTS: 1

3. Would an understanding of the mechanism of the Hayflick limit lead to an increase in the human life

Answer not provided.

PTS: 1

4. Describe the cell cycle. Do all cells go through this cycle at the same time?

Answer not provided.

PTS: 1

5. What is accomplished by the unequal cytokinesis of oogenesis?

Answer not provided.

PTS: 1

6. Describe the two genetic recombination events accomplished in meiosis.

answer not provided

PTS: 1

7. Compare and contrast events and results of oogenesis and spermatogenesis.

Answer not provided

PTS: 1

8. Compare and contrast mitosis with meiosis I.

Answer not provided

PTS: 1

9. Compare and contrast mitosis with meiosis II.

Answer not provided.
PTS: 1

10. Compare and contrast meiosis I and meiosis II, phase by phase.

Answer not provided.

PTS: 1

11. Based on the events of oogenesis, what would be an obvious and simple method for determining the
sex of an Olympic athlete? Explain.

Answer not provided.

PTS: 1


Match the following events of the cell cycle with their descriptions.
A. Metaphase E. Anaphase
B. S phase F. G2
C. G1 G. Cytokinesis
D. Telophase H. Prophase
1. Centromeres divide
2. Nuclear envelope disappears
3. Mitochondria divide
4. Chromosomes form sister chromatids
5. Actual cell division
6. Centrioles divide and migrate to opposite poles
7. Chromosomes line up at the center of the cell
8. Chromosomes condense

1. ANS: E PTS: 1
2. ANS: H PTS: 1
3. ANS: F PTS: 1
4. ANS: B PTS: 1
5. ANS: G PTS: 1
6. ANS: H PTS: 1
7. ANS: A PTS: 1
8. ANS: H PTS: 1

Match the disease with its underlying metabolic problem.

A. Gaucher disease D. MELAS syndrome
B. Werner syndrome E. Progeria
C. Menkes disease F. Cysticfibrosis
9. DNA repair defects — death in teens
10. Copper metaboloism abnormality in the Golgi complex
11. Mitochondria disorder
12. Problem with chloride transport across plasma membrane
13. Fat deposits in white blood cells, spleen, and bone marrow
14. DNA repair defects — death in late 40s

9. ANS: E PTS: 1
10. ANS: C PTS: 1
11. ANS: D PTS: 1
12. ANS: F PTS: 1
13. ANS: A PTS: 1
14. ANS: B PTS: 1
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Mr Nuttall’s notice is as follows:—“The Dusky Grous breeds in the
shady forests of the Columbia, where we heard and saw them
throughout the summer. The male at various times of the day makes
a curious uncouth tooting, almost like the sound made by blowing
into the bung-hole of a barrel, boo wh’h, wh’h, wh’h, wh’h, the last
note descending into a kind of echo. We frequently tried to steal on
the performer, but without success, as, in fact, the sound is so
strangely managed that you may imagine it to come from the left or
right indifferently. They breed on the ground, as usual, and the brood
keep together nearly all winter. The Ruffed Grous also breeds here
commonly, and I one day found the nest concealed near a fallen log,
but it was at once forsaken after this intrusion, though I did not touch
the eggs.”
From the examination of specimens in my possession, I am
persuaded that this species, like Tetrao Cupido, has the means of
inflating the sacs of bare skin on the sides of the neck, by means of
which, in the breeding season, are produced the curious sounds
above described.

Tetrao obscurus, Dusky Grous, Ch. Bonaparte, Amer. Ornith. vol. iii. pl.
18.—Id. Synopsis of Birds of United States, p. 127.—Richards. and Swains.
Fauna Bor.-Amer. vol. ii. p. 344.
Dusky Grous, Nuttall, Manual, vol. i. p. 666.

Adult Male. Plate CCCLXI. Fig. 1.

Bill short, robust, slightly arched, rather obtuse, the base covered by
feathers. Upper mandible with the dorsal line convex and declinate,
the ridge convex, the sides convex, the edges sharp and
overlapping, the tip thin-edged and rounded; lower mandible with the
angle long and wide, the dorsal line ascending and convex, the ridge
broad, the sides convex, the edges inflected, the tip rounded.
Nostrils in the fore part of the large and feathered nasal depression,
Head small, ovate; neck of ordinary length; body large and full. Feet
stout, of moderate length; tarsus short, feathered; toes stout; the first
very small, the lateral about equal, and much shorter than the third;
the anterior toes connected by basal scaly membranes, partially
covered with feathers; all with broad and short scutella, margined,
but scarcely pectinate, the lateral scales not being prominent. Claws
rather large, arched, compressed, rather obtuse.
Plumage full, soft, rather blended, the feathers broad and rounded. A
bare papillate space around the eye. Feathers on the upper part of
the head narrow and elongated. Wings rather short, convex, much
rounded; the quills very strong; the third longest, the fourth next, the
third and sixth about equal, as are the first and seventh. Tail large, of
ordinary length, rounded, of twenty feathers, which are broader
toward the end, and abruptly rounded.
Bill brownish-black, lighter at the base. Iris dark hazel. Toes bluish-
grey, claws wood-brown. Papillar space around the eye vermilion.
Upper parts blackish-brown, the wings lighter. The elongated
feathers on the head greyish-brown; the hind neck minutely
undulated with bluish-grey; the scapulars, inner secondaries, and
smaller wing-coverts also minutely undulated with grey and
brownish-red, and most of the latter with a small greyish tip; the
rump and upper tail-coverts obscurely undulated with grey. Alula,
primary coverts and quills, clove-brown, the secondaries bordered
and tipped with yellowish-grey; the primaries mottled with grey on
their outer webs. The tail is black. The sides of the head, fore part
and sides of the neck, and fore part of the breast greyish-black; the
lore and throat are barred with white; the greyish-black of the breast
passes into blackish-grey, and finally into dull bluish-grey; the
feathers of the abdomen tipped with greyish-white, as are the lower
rump and tail-coverts, which have moreover one or two narrow bars
of the same; the flanks undulated with black and marked with an
elongated white spot along the central part and on the tip; axillary
feathers white, as are the inner wing-coverts; the tarsal feathers
brownish-grey. The concealed part of the plumage is light grey,
unless on the feathers around the bare space on each side of the
neck, which is of an orange colour, and which the bird inflates.
Length to end of tail 22 inches, to end of wings 15 1/2, to end of
claws 18 1/2; extent of wings 30; wing from flexure 9 1/2; tail 7 1/2; bill
along the ridge 1, along the edge of lower mandible 1 2 1/2/12; tarsus
1 9/12; hind toe 6/12, its claw 6/12; second toe 1 2/12 its claw 7/12; third
toe 1 10/12, its claw 8 1/2/12; fourth toe 1 5/12, its claw 6 1/2/12.

Female. Plate CCCLXI. Fig. 2.

The female is considerably smaller than the male. The bare papillar
space over the eye is of much less extent, but, as well as the bill and
feet, is coloured as in the male. The upper parts are dark greyish-
brown, barred on the neck with grey, on the other parts barred and
minutely undulated with yellowish-brown; the wings as in the male,
but lighter and more mottled; the tail greyish-brown, becoming black
toward the end, the middle feathers undulated like the back, and
having four grey bands with a terminal white one. The sides of the
head and the throat are greyish-white, undulatingly barred with
brown; the general colour of the fore neck is greyish-brown, with pale
sienna bands; on the breast the colour is brownish-grey, and the
colours and markings of the rest of the under parts are as in the
male, but paler.
Length to end of tail 19 1/4 inches; wing from flexure 9; tail 6 1/4; bill
along the ridge 10/12.
In a specimen in my possession, killed by Dr Townsend on the
“Columbia River, Sept. 26. 1834,” the tail is considerably rounded,
the lateral feathers being 7 twelfths shorter than the longest
remaining, the middle feathers being lost. The tail is deep black, with
a terminal band of ash-grey, half an inch in breadth. It is therefore
probable, that when the tail is unworn, it is distinctly rounded, and
tipped with grey.

Corvus Nuttalli.

I have conferred on this beautiful bird the name of a most zealous,

learned, and enterprising naturalist, my friend Thomas Nuttall,
Esq., to whom the scientific world is deeply indebted for the many
additions to our zoological and botanical knowledge which have
resulted from his labours. It is to him alone that we owe all that is
known respecting the present species, which has not hitherto been
portrayed. In a note inserted by him in my journal, he says:
“As we proceed to the south in Upper California, around the village
of Sta. Barbara, we find the Common Magpie substituted by this
remarkable species, which is much more shy and cautious, as well
as more strictly insectivorous. It utters, however, nearly if not quite
the same chatter. In the month of April they were everywhere mated,
and had nearly completed their nests in the evergreen oaks of the
vicinity (Quercus agrifolia). The only one I saw was situated on a
rather high tree, towards the summit, and much concealed among
the thick and dark branches. Their call was pait, pait; and on
approaching each other, a low congratulatory chatter was heard.
After being fired at once, it seemed nearly impossible again to
approach them within gun-shot. When alighted in the thick oaks, they
remained for a considerable time silent, and occasionally even
wholly hid themselves; but after a while the call of recognition was
again renewed, and if the pair then met, they would often fly off a
mile or more, without stopping, in quest of insects. We often saw
them on the ground, but never near the offal of the oxen, so
attractive to the Crows and Ravens around.”

Corvus Nuttalli.

Adult. Plate CCCLXII. Fig. 1.

Bill almost as long as the head, straight, robust, compressed; upper
mandible with the dorsal line convex and declinate, the sides sloping
and slightly convex, the edges sharp, with a slight notch close to the
tip, which is rather sharp; lower mandible straight, the angle rather
long and wide, the dorsal outline very slightly convex and ascending,
the sides sloping outwards and slightly convex, the edges sharp and
inclinate, the tip narrow. Nostrils basal, lateral, roundish, covered by
bristly feathers, which are directed forwards.
Head large, ovate; eyes of moderate size; neck rather short; body
compact. Legs of moderate length, strong; tarsus with seven large
scutella in front, and two long plates behind, meeting so as to form a
sharp edge. Toes stout, with large scutella, and separated almost to
the base; first very strong; lateral toes nearly equal, third
considerably longer. Claws strong, arched, compressed, sharp, the
third with the inner edge somewhat dilated.
Plumage full, soft, blended; stiff bristly feathers, with disunited
filaments over the nostrils, some of them extending nearly half the
length of the bill; feathers on the throat with the shaft downy and
prolonged. Wings of moderate length, much rounded; the first quill
very short, extremely narrow, and falciform; the second two inches
and four and a half twelfths longer, and a little longer than the ninth;
the third an inch and one twelfth longer than the second, and three
twelfths shorter than the fourth, which is the longest. The tail is very
long, much graduated, the lateral feathers being four inches and
seven twelfths shorter than the middle.
Bill pure yellow, as is a bare space under and behind the eye. Iris
hazel. Feet black. The plumage of the head, neck, fore part of the
breast and back, brownish-black, the feathers on the latter part being
very long, those on the upper part of the head strongly glossed with
green; the shafts of the throat-feathers greyish, and those of the
feathers on the middle of the neck white. The feathers on the middle
of the back are light grey, some of them whitish, and those behind
tipped with black; rump and tail-coverts brownish-black. The
scapulars are white; the smaller wing-coverts splendent with bronzed
green; primaries black, glossed with shining green, their inner webs
white, excepting at the end, and for some way along the margin;
secondaries bright blue, changing to green, their inner webs
greenish-black. Tail splendent with bright green, changing to
greenish-yellow, purplish-red, bluish-purple, and dark green at the
end; the inner webs chiefly greenish-black, but with various tints. The
breast and sides are pure white; the legs, abdominal region, lower
tail coverts, and lower wing-coverts, black.
Length to end of tail 18 inches, to end of wings 11 1/2; wing from
flexure 7 3/4; tail 9 10/12; bill along the ridge 1 4/12; tarsus 1 11/12; first
toe 7/12, its claw 7/12; middle toe 1 2/12, its claw 6/12.

In form, proportion, and size, this Magpie is precisely similar to the

common species. Its bill has the sides less convex; the bare space
under the eye is of much greater extent, and the feathers of the tail
are much narrower. The colours are similar, and distributed in the
same manner; but the bill of the present species is yellow, instead of
black, and the black of the back and fore neck is tinged with brown.
The two species are wonderfully closely allied; but on comparing my
specimen with several others in the Museum of the Zoological
Society of London, I found that they all precisely agreed with it.
I have represented in the plate a twig of a species of Platanus
discovered by the excellent naturalist after whom I have named the
bird perched upon it.

Corvus Stelleri, Gmel.


Of this Jay, discovered by Steller, whose name it bears, Dr

Richardson states that it “is not uncommon in the summer time on
the Pacific coast of America, from the mouth of the Columbia to the
56th parallel. It also frequents the Rocky Mountains, where Mr
Drummond procured a specimen. In its manner it greatly resembles
the Garrulus cristatus.” Mr Nuttall’s account of it is as follows:—
“We first observed this bird in our Western route in the Blue
Mountains of the Columbia, east of Wallah Wallah. Here they were
scarce and shy, but we met them in sufficient abundance in the
majestic pine forests of the Columbia, where, in autumn, their loud
and trumpeting clangour was heard at all hours of the day, calling out
djay, djay, and sometimes chattering and uttering a variety of other
notes scarcely recognisable as distinct from the calls of our common
Blue Jay. They are, however, far more bold, irritable, and familiar.
Watchful as dogs, a stranger no sooner shews himself in their vicinity
then they neglect all other employment to come round, follow, peep
at and scold him, sometimes with such pertinacity and irritability as
to provoke the sportsman intent on other game to level his gun
against them in mere retaliation. At other times, stimulated by mere
curiosity, they will be observed to follow you in perfect silence, until
something arouses their ready ire, when the djay, djay, pay, pay, is
poured upon you without intermission, till you are beyond their view.
So intent are they on vociferating, that it is not uncommon to hear
them busily scolding even while engaged with a large acorn in the
mouth. Of their geographical limits we are as yet uncertain. They
were first found by Steller at Nootka; but they do not extend into
upper California, and scarcely to the west as far as the most western
of the true Rocky Mountain Chains. They feed on insects, acorns,
and the seeds of the gigantic pines which form a belt along the
Pacific and the rivers of the Oregon Territory. In the month of May, I
found a nest of this species in a small sapling of Douglas’s Fir, on
the borders of a dark and dense forest, and again some time after a
second nest with young, in an elevated branch of the same pine, on
the border of a rocky cliff. On approaching the nest, which contained
four eggs, of a pale green colour, with small olive-brown specks,
varied with others of rather a violet hue, both the male and female
flew at me with the utmost anger and agitation, deafening me almost
with their cries and entreaties. But though I took only two of their
eggs, I found next day that they had forsaken the nest, being too
fearful and jealous of the intrusion to remain any longer in the same
place. The nest as usual was bulky, made of interlaced twigs, and
roots, with a stout layer of mud, and lined with black root-fibres. I
saw the nest about ten days previous to the time of taking two of the
four eggs. On that occasion the female (probably) only followed me
in silence.”

Corvus Stelleri, Gmel. Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 370.—Lath. Ind. Ornith. vol.
i. p. 158.—Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis of Birds of United States, p. 438.
Steller’s Jay, Garrulus Stelleri, Ch. Bonaparte, Amer. Ornith. vol. ii. p.
Garrulus Stelleri, Steller’s Jay, Fauna Bor.-Amer. vol. ii. p. 294.
Steller’s Jay, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 229.
Adult Male. Plate CCCLXII. Fig. 2.
Bill shorter than the head, strong, straight, a little compressed; upper
mandible with the dorsal line declinate and convex toward the end,
the sides sloping and becoming more convex toward the tip, which is
declinate, thin edged and obtuse, the edges sharp and overlapping,
with a slight notch; lower mandible straight, the angle short and
broad, the dorsal outline ascending and slightly convex, the sides
convex, the edges sharp and directed outwards, the tip narrow.
Nostrils basal, roundish, covered by reversed bristly feathers.
Head large, ovate, eyes of moderate size; neck rather short; body
compact. Legs of moderate length, strong; tarsus much compressed,
with seven large anterior scutella, and two long plates behind,
meeting so as to form a sharp edge. Toes stout, with large scutella,
the outer adherent as far as its second joint to the middle toe; first
very strong; lateral toes nearly equal, third much longer. Claws
strong, arched, compressed, sharp.
Plumage full, soft, blended; stiff bristly feathers with disunited barbs
over the nostrils, some of them extending a third of the length of the
bill; at the base of the upper mandible several longish slender
bristles. The feathers on the top of the head and occiput linear-
oblong, slightly recurved, and forming an erectile crest an inch and a
half in length. Wings of moderate length, convex, and much rounded;
the first quill very short, the second an inch and a quarter longer, the
third nine-twelfths longer than the second, and three-twelfths shorter
than the fourth, which is one-twelfth shorter than the fifth, the latter
being the longest, although scarcely exceeding the sixth. Tail long,
rounded, of twelve rather broad, rounded, and acuminate feathers, of
which the shafts are undulated.
Bill and feet black. Iris hazel. Head and neck, with the fore part and
middle of the back brownish-black, of a lighter tint on the back, and
on the throat streaked with dull grey; the feathers on the forehead
tipped with bright blue; the hind part of the back, the rump, and the
upper tail-coverts, light blue; as are the lower tail-coverts, the sides
and lower parts of the rump, the sides of the body, and the whole of
the breast; the middle of the abdomen paler, the tibial feathers, and
the lower wing-coverts dusky, tinged with blue. Wings blue, the
secondary coverts and quills rich indigo and ultra-marine, narrowly
barred with black, the outer coverts of the primaries pale; the inner
webs of the primaries and outer secondaries dusky; tail blue with
numerous narrow, inconspicuous dusky bars; the lower surface of
the wings and tail dusky.

Length to end of tail 13 inches; bill along the ridge 1 1 1/2/12, along the
edge of lower mandible 1 4 1/2/12; wing from flexure 5 11/12; tail 6;
tarsus 1 8/12; hind toe 7 /12, its claw 7/12; middle toe 11/12, its claw
5/ .

The Female is similar to the male, and scarcely inferior in colouring,

but somewhat smaller.
Length to end of tail 12 inches; bill along the ridge 1 1/2; wing from
flexure 5 1/2; tail 5 1/2; tarsus 1 8/12; middle toe 11/12 its claw 5/12.
Dr Townsend informs me that it is called Ass-ass by the Chinooks,
who regard it with a superstitious feeling, believing that should a
person hear it enunciating certain notes, which resemble the
syllables jaa-jaa, he will shortly die, whereas its other notes, kuc,
kuc, kuc, kuc, rapidly repeated, portend good. He further states that
it is gregarious, like the Blue Jay, and corroborates some of the
particulars above given.
Two eggs presented to me by Mr Nuttall measure an inch and an
eighth in length, and seven-eighths in breadth.

Corvus Ultramarinus.

Although the Ultramarine Jay has been described by Mr Swainson,

in his Synopsis of the Birds of Mexico, under the name of Garrulus
sordidus, I retain the specific name “ultramarinus,” previously given
by the Prince of Musignano. The only observations respecting its
habits that I am aware of having been made, are the following, for
which I am indebted to my friend Thomas Nuttall.
“Early in October, on arriving in the forests of the Columbia, near
Fort Vancouver, an establishment of the Hudson’s Bay Company, we
saw in the same situations with the Steller’s Jay, the present
species. Its habits are much like those of the Common Jay. It usually
flies out to the tops of the lofty pines, jerks its tail, and perches
playfully on some extreme branch, where it utters at times, as if
excited by petulant anger, a strong whoit, woit, woit, woit, after which
expression it emits a sort of recognition-call at short intervals, twee,
and sometimes a shorter ’twee ’twee. When much pursued, it sits
still in the concealing shade of the lofty branches on which it seeks
refuge. It feeds on insects, acorns broken up, and probably pine
seeds. They appear to associate in roving families throughout the fall
and winter, like the other species, seldom if ever associating with the
more Common Steller’s Jay, though now and then perhaps in the
same tree. It is a graceful, active, and rather shy species, flying out
straight from tree to tree, remarkable by its long tail and rather short
wings; and its note is much less harsh and loud than that of Steller’s
Jay. They breed in the dark pine woods probably where we so
frequently saw them alight, and on the 15th of June they were
feeding their fully fledged young, two of which I pursued for some
time, but they skulked so effectually as to escape me after a long
and doubtful chase. The young had a great predominance of grey on
the back. The same species also extends into Upper California.”
Adult Male. Plate CCCLXII. Fig. 3.
Bill shorter than the head, strong, straight, compressed toward the
end; upper mandible with the dorsal line declinate and convex
toward the end, the sides sloping and becoming convex toward the
tip, which is declinate, thin-edged and obtuse, the edges sharp and
overlapping, with a slight notch; lower mandible straight, the angle
rather short and broad, the dorsal outline ascending and slightly
convex, the sides convex, the edges sharp and directed outwards,
the tip narrow. Nostrils basal, roundish covered by the reversed
bristly feathers.
Head large, ovate; eyes of moderate size; neck rather short; body
compact. Legs of moderate length, strong; tarsus much compressed,
with seven large anterior scutella, and two long plates behind,
meeting so as to form a sharp edge. Toes stout, with large scutella,
the outer adherent as far as its second joint to the middle toe; first
very strong; inner toe shorter than outer, third much longer. Claws
strong, arched, compressed, acute.
Plumage full, soft, blended. Stiff feathers with disunited barbs over
the nostrils, the longest scarcely extending to a third of the length of
the bill; at the base of the upper mandible several longish slender
bristles. Wings of moderate length, convex, and much rounded; the
first quill very short, an inch and two-twelfths shorter than the
second, which is eight-twelfths shorter than the third, the fourth
three-twelfths longer than the third, and a twelfth and a half shorter
than the fifth, which is the longest, but scarcely exceeds the sixth.
Tail long, much rounded, of twelve rather narrow, rounded and
acuminate feathers, of which the lateral is an inch and a quarter
shorter than the longest.
Bill and feet brownish-black. Iris hazel. Upper part of the head, sides
and hind part of the neck, wings, upper tail-coverts, and tail, light
blue; back light greyish-brown, the feathers of the rump whitish and
tinged with blue at the end; the inner webs of the quills dusky; the tail
transversely undulated, and having the appearance of being faintly
barred with a darker tint. A white band over the eye formed by the
tips of the feathers there; the cheeks dusky; the fore neck greyish-
white faintly streaked with dusky; and bounded below by a narrow
semilunar band of light blue continuous with that of the neck. The
lower parts are pale purplish-grey, passing into white on the
abdomen; lower tail-coverts tinged with blue.
Length to end of tail 12 inches; bill along the ridge 1 1 /12, along the
edge of lower mandible 1 4/12; wing from flexure 5 8/12; tail 6 2/12;
tarsus 1 8/12; hind toe 7 /12, its claw 7/12; middle toe 1 1/12, its claw

6 1/2/ .

The Female is considerably smaller, but resembles the male in

Length to end of tail 11 1/2 inches; wing from flexure 5 3/12; tail 6 2/12;
tarsus 1 7/12; middle toe 1, its claw 6 /12.

The resemblance which this species bears to the Florida Jay is so

close that one might readily confound the two. That species,
however, is distinguishable by its smaller size and its more rounded
tail; by its having a band of whitish across the forehead and
extended over the eye, where it is not in dots as in the Ultramarine

Nucifraga columbiana.

No sooner had I examined perfect specimens of this somewhat

singularly coloured bird, than I felt assured, more especially from the
form of its bill, that it is with us a representative of the Nutcracker of
Europe; and I was much surprised, on comparing it with the figure
given of it by Alexander Wilson, to find the latter very defective,
the bill being nearly half an inch shorter than in four specimens
which I have inspected. All that is known of its habits is contained in
the following notes from Mr Nuttall and Dr Townsend.
“We first observed this species in a small pine grove, on the borders
of Bear River, in the table-land of the Rocky Mountains, where they
were probably breeding, in the month of July. We again saw a
considerable flock of the young birds early in August, in a lofty ravine
near the summit of one of the three belts or isolated mountains,
about thirty or forty miles west of the Shoshonee River. They
appeared somewhat shy, and scattered through a grove of aspens,
flying with a slight chatter, scarcely a caw, from the tops of the
bushes or trees, on to the ground, probably in quest of insect food.
We never saw this species either on the lower plains or forests of the
Columbia, or in any part of Upper California. It appears never to
descend below the mountain plains.” T. N.
“Clarke’s Crow, Corvus columbianus. First found on Bear River, and
afterwards on the Blue Mountains, plentiful. Its flight is very unlike
that of the Common Crow, being performed by jerks, like that of the
Woodpecker. When sitting, it is almost constantly screaming; its
voice is very harsh and grating, and consists of one rather prolonged
note. It breeds here in very high pine trees. The White Pelican also
seen here in July, no doubt breeds; also the Canvass-backed Duck,
the Shoveller, and Dusky Duck; found young of all of them. The
Corvus columbianus is never seen within five hundred miles of the
mouth of the Columbia. It appears generally to prefer a mountainous
country and pine trees; and feeds chiefly on insects and their larvæ.”
J. K. T.

Clarke’s Crow, Corvus columbianus, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. iii. p. 29. pl.
20, fig. 2.
Corvus columbianus, Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis of Birds of United States, p.
Columbian Crow, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 218.

Adult Male. Plate CCCLXII. Fig. 4.

Bill as long as the head, stout, somewhat conical, compressed, at
the tip rather depressed. Upper mandible with its dorsal line slightly
arcuato-declinate, the ridge convex, the sides rounded, the edges
sharp and overlapping, without notæ, the tip flattened and obtuse;
lower mandible with the angle short and rounded, the dorsal line
straight, the sides convex, the edges sharp and a little inflexed, the
tip flattened, and rather obtuse. Nostrils basal, lateral, roundish,
covered by bristly feathers, which are directed forwards.
Head large, broadly ovate; eyes of moderate size; neck rather short;
body compact. Legs of moderate length, stout; tarsus compressed,
with seven large anterior scutella and two plates behind, meeting so
as to form a sharp edge. Toes stout, with large scutella; the first toe
very large, the inner a little shorter than the outer, the hind much
longer; the third and fourth united as far as the second joint of the
latter. Claws large, arched, much compressed, acute.
Plumage full, very soft and blended; the stiff bristly feathers over the
nostrils extend about one-fifth of the length of the bill; and there are
no distinct bristles at the base of the upper mandible; the feathers on
the head are very short. The wings are long, and much rounded; the
first quill two inches shorter than the second, which is ten-twelfths
shorter than the third, the latter exceeded two-twelfths by the fourth,
which is the longest; the outer primaries being narrow, give the wing,
when closed, the appearance of being pointed. Tail of moderate
length, rounded, of twelve rather broad feathers, of which the lateral
is half an inch shorter than the middle.
Bill and feet brownish-black. Iris hazel. The general colour above
and below is light brownish-grey, the forehead, throat, fore part of
cheeks, and a space around the eye white, tinged with yellow. Wings
black, glossed with blue; seven of the secondaries largely tipped with
white, upper tail-coverts greyish-black; tail pure white, excepting the
two middle feathers and the greater part of the inner webs of the
next pair, which are black glossed with blue; lower wing-coverts
dusky, some tipped with white; lower tail-coverts pure white.
Length to end of tail 12 inches; bill along the ridge 1 8/12, along the
edge of lower mandible 1 10/12; wing from flexure 7 11/12; tail 5 1/4;
tarsus 1 4/12; hind toe 7 /12; its claw 8/12; middle toe 11/12, its claw
6/ .

Adult Female. Plate CCCLXII. Fig. 5.

The Female is similar to the male.

Bombycilla garrula, Vieill.

PLATE CCCLXIII. Male and Female.

The first intimations of the occurrence of this beautiful bird in North

America, were made by Mr Drummond and Dr Richardson, by the
former of whom it was found in 1826, near the sources of the
Athabasca, or Elk River, in the spring, and by the latter, in the same
season, at Great Bear Lake, in latitude 50°. Dr Richardson states,
in the Fauna Boreali-Americana, that “specimens procured at the
former place, and transmitted to England, by the servants of the
Hudson’s Bay Company, were communicated, by Mr Leadbeater to
the Prince of Musignano, who had introduced the species into his
great work on the Birds of the United States.” “In its autumn
migration southwards,” he continues, “this bird must cross the
territory of the United States, if it does not actually winter within it;
but I have not heard of its having been hitherto seen in America to
the southward of the fifty-fifth parallel of latitude. The mountainous
nature of the country skirting the Northern Pacific Ocean being
congenial to the habits of this species, it is probably more generally
diffused in New Caledonia and the Russian American Territories,
than to the eastward of the Rocky Mountain chain. It appears in
flocks at Great Bear Lake about the 24th of May, when the spring
thaw has exposed the berries of the alpine arbutus, marsh
vaccinium, &c., that have been frozen and covered during winter. It

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