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This report reflects the best data available at the time the report was prepared, but caution should be
exercised in interpreting the data; the results of future studies may require alteration of the conclu-
sions or recommendations set forth in this report.

Guidelines of care for liposuction

Task Force: William P. Coleman III, MD, Chair, Richard G. Glogau, MD, Jeffrey A. Klein, MD,
Ronald L. Moy, MD, Rhoda S. Narins, MD, Tsu-Yi Chuang, MD, MPH, Evan R. Farmer, MD,
Charles W. Lewis, MD, Barbara J. Lowery, MPH, and the Guidelines/Outcomes Committee*

DISCLAIMER (Table I). The task force reviewed the evidence

Adherence to these guidelines will not ensure reports and relevant articles. Recommendations were
successful treatment in every situation. Further- drafted and discussed, followed by a vote of all mem-
more these guidelines should not be deemed bers. The draft guideline was submitted to an exten-
inclusive of all proper methods of care or exclusive sive review process, as described in the Administrative
of other methods of care reasonably directed to Regulations of the Guidelines/Outcomes Committee.
obtaining the same results. The ultimate judgment This review includes the opportunity for review by
regarding the propriety of any specific therapy the entire membership of the American Academy of
must be made by the physician and the patient in Dermatology (AAD), followed by final approval by the
light of all the circumstances presented by the indi- AAD Board of Directors.
vidual patient.
INTRODUCTION/METHODOLOGY† This guideline addresses the current areas of con-
A task force of recognized experts was convened to troversy related to the performance of liposuction in
determine the audience for the guideline, to define the United States. It is designed to provide guidance
the scope of the guideline, and to identify important on the safe performance of tumescent liposuction
issues in the performance of liposuction surgery. The surgery to dermatologists who perform this proce-
task force employed an evidence-based model and dure. It may also inform the public debate on the
performed a comprehensive literature search of safe performance of liposuction.
English-language articles and articles with English-lan-
guage abstracts. The literature was evaluated and DEFINITIONS
rated on the basis of the strength of the evidence Liposuction is the surgical removal of subcuta-
neous fat by means of aspiration cannulas, intro-
duced through small skin incisions, assisted by
†A technical report that provides a complete description of the suction. Synonyms include liposuction surgery, suc-
methodology is available at our Web site,, or by tion-assisted lipectomy, suction lipoplasty, fat
request at the reprint request address.
suction, blunt suction lipectomy, and liposculpture.
Tumescent liposuction refers to the refinement of
the procedure that was introduced in 1986. This
*Guidelines/Outcomes Committee: Evan R. Farmer, MD, Chair, Abby technique involves subcutaneous infiltration of high
S. VanVoorhees, MD, Chair-elect, Tsu-Yi Chuang, MD, MPH, Boni E. volumes of crystalloid fluid containing low concen-
Elewski, MD, Arnold W. Gurevitch, MD, Robert S. Kirsner, MD, trations of lidocaine and epinephrine followed by
Lawrence M. Lieblich, MD, Marianne N. O’Donoghue, MD, Yves P.
Poulin, MD, Barbara R. Reed, MD, Randall K. Roenigk, MD, and
suction-assisted aspiration of fat, by using small aspi-
Barbara J. Lowery, MPH. ration cannulas. The term tumescent liposuction
Approved by the Board of Directors Dec 10, 2000. specifically excludes the use of any additional anes-
Reprint requests: American Academy of Dermatology, PO Box 4014, thesia medications at dosages that have a significant
Schaumburg, IL 60168-4014. risk for impairing the protective airway reflexes or
J Am Acad Dermatol 2001;45:438-47.
Copyright © 2001 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.
for suppressing the respiratory drive. It is a method
0190-9622/2001/$35.00 + 0 16/1/117045 for performing liposuction surgery with the patient
doi:10.1067/mjd.2001.117045 under local anesthesia.

J AM ACAD DERMATOL Coleman et al 439

Table I. Strength of recommendation and level of evidence

Level of Reference
Recommendations Strength of recommendation* evidence† Nos.

Physician qualification
The physician performing liposuction has Unanimous task force opinion and L6 1-8
completed residency training or is board weak evidence
certified in a specialty that is recognized by
the American Board of Medical Specialties
and that provides education in liposuction
and training in cutaneous surgery.
The physician has documented liposuction Unanimous task force opinion
training in residency or documented training
or experience at the surgical table under the
supervision of an appropriately trained and
experienced liposuction surgeon.
In addition to the surgical technique, training Unanimous task force opinion
includes instruction in fluid and electrolyte
balance, potential complications of liposuction,
and tumescent anesthesia and other forms of
anesthesia employed.
Liposuction can be performed safely in a physician’s Unanimous task force opinion and L6 1, 4, 9-15
office surgical facility, an ambulatory surgical facility, weak evidence
or a hospital operating room.
All liposuction surgeons and designated operating Unanimous task force opinion
room staff have training in the management of
acute cardiac emergencies.
Hospital privileges should not be required to perform Unanimous task force opinion
tumescent liposuction, but a written plan for
management of medical emergencies, including
possible transfer, should be in place.
Preoperative evaluation
Liposuction is contraindicated in patients with severe Unanimous task force opinion
cardiovascular disease, severe coagulation disorders
including thrombophilia, and during pregnancy.
A thorough medical history that gives special attention Unanimous task force opinion and L6 17-19
to any history of bleeding diathesis, emboli, thrombo- weak evidence

*Recommendations are based on the following: unanimous task force opinion supported by strong to moderate levels of evidence, majority
task force opinion supported by strong to moderate levels of evidence, unanimous task force opinion supported by limited or weak scientif-
ic evidence, majority task force opinion supported by limited or weak scientific evidence, unanimous task force opinion only, majority task
force opinion only.
†The criteria for rating the level of evidence of a particular article is dependent on whether the study and/or the research question relates to

diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment and prevention.

The rating criteria for studies on diagnosis are (1) it is a good diagnostic test, (2) there are good diagnostic criteria, (3) the test and criteria are
reproducible, (4) there is proper patient selection, and (5) there are at least 50 cases and 50 controls.51 Studies that meet at least 4 of these 5
criteria are rated level 1 (all 5 criteria) or level 2 (4 of the 5 criteria) and are considered strong evidence. Studies that meet 3 of the 5 criteria are
rated level 3 and are considered moderate evidence. Studies that meet fewer than 3 criteria are rated level 4 (2 criteria) or level 5 (1 criterion)
and are considered limited or weak evidence.
The rating criteria for studies on prognosis are as follows: (1) it is a cohort study, (2) with good inclusion/exclusion criteria, (3) with follow-up
of at least 80% of the cohort, (4) with adjustment for confounders, and (5) with reproducible outcome measures.51 Cohort studies that meet
all of the 4 remaining criteria are rated level 1, and cohort studies that meet any 3 of the remaining 4 criteria are rated level 2. Level 1 and level
2 ratings are considered strong evidence. Level 3 ratings (cohort studies that meet any 2 of the remaining 4 criteria) and level 4 ratings (cohort
studies that meet any 1 of the remaining 4 criteria) are considered moderate evidence. A study is rated level 5 if it is a cohort study that does
not meet any of the remaining 4 criteria. Level 5 is considered limited or weak evidence. Level 6 ratings are given when there is no cohort
study, for example, case reports or case series. Level 6 is considered weak evidence.
Studies on treatment and prevention are rated level 1 if there are several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that demonstrate a significant
difference, level 2 if there is an RCT that demonstrates a significant difference, and level 3 if there is an RCT showing some difference.52 Levels
1, 2, and 3 are considered strong evidence. A nonrandomized controlled trial or subgroup analysis of an RCT is rated level 4 and a comparison
study with some kind of control/comparison is rated level 5.52 Levels 4 and 5 are considered moderate evidence. Case series without controls
are rated level 6, and case reports with fewer than 10 patients are rated level 7.52 Levels 6 and 7 are considered limited or weak evidence.

Continued on page 440

440 Coleman et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL

Table I. Cont’d
Level of Reference
Recommendations Strength of recommendation* evidence† Nos.

Preoperative evaluation—cont’d
phlebitis, infectious diseases, poor wound healing,
and diabetes mellitus is taken. Patients with a medical
history of these conditions receive medical clearance
before undergoing liposuction. The history also
includes prior abdominal surgery and problems from
past surgical procedures that may influence
The use of all medications, vitamins, and herbs is Unanimous task force opinion
documented with particular attention to medications
that affect blood clotting (eg, aspirin, nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory agents, vitamin E, anticoagulants).
Drugs that may interact with lidocaine, epinephrine,
or sedative and anesthetic agents are noted.
Physical evaluation includes assessment of the Unanimous task force opinion and L6 16
general physical health to determine if the patient weak evidence
is a suitable candidate for surgery, and examination
of specific sites under consideration for liposuction
to check for potential problems.
Psychosocial evaluation includes inquiries about diet Unanimous task force opinion and L6 20
and exercise habits; history of weight gain and loss; weak evidence
familial body shape; and evaluation of the patient’s
emotional ability to endure the procedure and of
their understanding of the limitations of liposuction,
and whether the patient has realistic expectations.
Selection of preoperative laboratory studies to be Unanimous task force opinion
performed depends on the type and extent of the
anticipated liposuction procedure and the conditions
revealed in the history and physical examination.
If indicated by history, system review, or extent of Unanimous task force opinion
anticipated liposuction procedure, a complete
blood cell count with quantitative platelet
assessment, prothrombin time, partial thrombo-
plastin time, chemistry profile including liver
function tests, and pregnancy test for women of
childbearing age are sufficient for most liposuction
Type of anesthesia employed
Lidocaine is the preferred type of local anesthetic. Unanimous task force opinion and L6 19
weak evidence
If a patient takes medications that inhibit the Unanimous task force opinion
metabolism of lidocaine, the medications should
be discontinued before liposuction, or the total
dosage of lidocaine should be reduced.
The recommended maximum dose of lidocaine is Unanimous task force opinion and L6 6, 12, 13,
55 mg/kg for most patients. Recommended weak evidence 21-30
lidocaine dosages are dependent on appropriate
epinephrine concentration in the tumescent solution.
The recommended concentration of epinephrine in Unanimous task force opinion
tumescent solutions is 0.25 to 1.5 mg/L. The total
dosage of epinephrine should be minimized and
usually should not exceed 50 µg/kg.
If the surgeon anticipates that the maximum dose Unanimous task force opinion
will be exceeded, consideration may be given to
dividing the liposuction into separate procedures.
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Coleman et al 441

Table I. Cont’d
Level of Reference
Recommendations Strength of recommendation* evidence† Nos.

Type of anesthesia employed—cont’d

Oral anxiolytics, sedatives, or narcotic analgesics at Unanimous task force opinion and L6 7
dosages that are not associated with respiratory weak evidence
depression may be used with tumescent liposuction.
Intramuscular anxiolytics, sedatives, or narcotic Unanimous task force opinion
analgesics may be used with caution with
tumescent liposuction, since dose-response can
vary widely and may be associated with respiratory
Intravascular anxiolytics, sedatives, or narcotic Unanimous task force opinion 2, 33
analgesics may be associated with increased risk
of mortality and morbidity if not used properly and
in a setting such as an accredited surgical facility
or hospital operating room and monitored by
appropriately trained and credentialed personnel.
The use of inhalational (general) anesthesia for Unanimous task force opinion and L6 2, 31-34
tumescent liposuction is not recommended. weak evidence
Surgical technique/procedure
Performing liposuction with other procedures Unanimous task force opinion and L6 2, 9, 10, 24,
should be done with caution unless all procedures weak evidence 35-41
are done with the patient under local anesthesia
and the recommended dosage for tumescent
lidocaine is not exceeded.
The recommended cannula size for liposuction is Unanimous task force opinion and L6 42
no larger than 4.5 mm in diameter. weak evidence
The recommended volume of fat removed is in Unanimous task force opinion and L6 13, 42-45
proportion to the fat content and/or size and/or weak evidence
weight of the patient being treated, and the
recommended volume of fat removed generally
does not exceed 4500 mL in a single operative session.
The dry technique is contraindicated. Unanimous task force opinion and L6 11, 32,
weak evidence 46-48
Liposuction in treatment of obesity is experimental Unanimous task force opinion and L6 42, 43, 49
at this time and is not recommended. weak evidence
Intraoperative and postoperative monitoring
Baseline vital signs, including blood pressure and Unanimous task force opinion
heart rate, are recorded preoperatively and
For procedures removing >100 mL of aspirate, there Unanimous task force opinion and L6 2, 13, 19,
is the capability of continuous blood pressure weak evidence 28,37, 50
monitoring, cardiac monitoring with pulse oximetry,
and the availability of supplemental oxygen.
Sedated patients have postoperative monitoring until Unanimous task force opinion
fully recovered and ready for discharge.
A plan for medical emergencies is in place. Unanimous task force opinion
Postoperative compression
Specialized compression garments, binders, and tape Unanimous task force opinion
help to reduce bruising, hematomas, seromas, and
pain. Antiphlebitis support hose may be valuable for
cases involving the lower legs.
The duration of compression is dictated by physician Unanimous task force opinion
judgment, the location of the surgery, and the
rate of recovery.
442 Coleman et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL

ISSUES The claims data analysis reported 257 malpractice

The task force identified the following as issues of claims involving liposuction between 1995 and 1997,
current controversy that may or may not affect the of which 89.7% were against plastic surgeons; 7.5%
outcome of liposuction surgery: against general surgeons; 1.6% against obstetri-
• Physician qualifications to perform the procedure cians/gynecologists; and 0.8% each against dermatol-
• The type of facility in which the procedure is per- ogists and general/family practitioners.1 The 5
formed and medical emergency preparedness mortality cases reported plastic surgeons as the
• The preoperative medical and psychosocial evalu- attendings for 4 of these patients and a general sur-
ation of the patient geon for one.2 There were two surveys conducted by
• The type and dosage of anesthetic employed and dermatologists. One by the American Society for
perioperative administration of anxiolytics, seda- Dermatologic Surgery reported no deaths or serious
tives, and analgesics complications from 15,336 liposuction procedures
• The surgical technique/procedure including the performed by member respondents.3 An earlier sur-
performance of concomitant additional surgery, vey of 55 dermatologists reported 7 systemic com-
the size of the cannulas employed, the length of plications, 288 local complications, 81 sequelae, 3
time of the procedure, and the volume of fat hospitalizations, and 1 unrelated death among 9478
extracted per session and by body weight liposuction patients.4 A survey of members of the
• The type of intraoperative and postoperative American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive
monitoring Surgeons reported complication rates of major lipo-
• Postoperative compression suction (not defined) based on 75,591 procedures.
The issues of anesthesia, surgical technique, and The complications reported were mortality (2);
intraoperative monitoring are intertwined. For exam- cerebrovascular accident or transient ischemic attack
ple, additional procedures or large volume aspira- (1); pulmonary thromboembolism (9); fat embolism
tion may influence the choice of anesthetic agent (1); major skin loss (5); anesthesia complication
and the intraoperative monitoring required. (23); transfusion complication (10); and deep vein
thrombosis (25).5
Physician qualifications We also asked the question of evidence of an asso-
Recommendations ciation between number of procedures performed by
1. The physician performing liposuction has com- a liposuction surgeon and patient outcome. In a
pleted residency training or is board certified in series of 100 patients followed up to a year after lipo-
a specialty that is recognized by the American suction and grouped chronologically, the re-do rate
Board of Medical Specialties and that provides decreased progressively as experience was gained.6
education in liposuction and training in cuta- Another study reported fewer revisions required to
neous surgery. improve the result, but the author was unsure if this
2. The physician has documented liposuction train- decrease could have been due to technique, smaller
ing in residency or documented training and cannulas, or increased experience of the physician.7
experience at the surgical table under the super- One study of 53 patients undergoing lipoplasty of the
vision of an appropriately trained and experi- calves and ankles reported insignificant improvement
enced liposuction surgeon. in cosmetic result in the first patient, but a good cos-
3. In addition to the surgical technique, training metic result in almost all of the subsequent patients.8
includes instruction in fluid and electrolyte bal- The task force unanimously agreed that the liter-
ance, potential complications of liposuction, and ature did not provide adequate evidence to support
tumescent anesthesia and other forms of anes- or refute an association between patient outcome
thesia employed. and physician training/specialty or number of proce-
dures performed. Nevertheless, the overwhelming
Discussion majority of the literature on liposuction is from
The literature to answer the question of whether or physicians with training in cutaneous surgery, that is,
not there is evidence to support or refute an associa- dermatologists and plastic surgeons.
tion between physician training and/or physician spe-
cialty and patient outcomes consists of a claims data Facility in which the procedure is performed
analysis, a case report of 5 deaths, and 3 surveys by spe- and availability of emergency care
cialty societies of their individual members in which Recommendations
respondents self-reported outcomes of their liposuc- 1. Liposuction can be performed safely in a physi-
tion procedures. These types of studies are considered cian’s office surgical facility, an ambulatory surgi-
weak evidence as defined in the notes to Table I. cal facility, or a hospital operating room.
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Coleman et al 443

2. All liposuction surgeons and designated operat- 3. The use of all medications, vitamins, and herbs is
ing room staff have training in the management documented with particular attention to medica-
of acute cardiac emergencies. tions that affect blood clotting (eg, aspirin, non-
3. Hospital privileges should not be required to steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, vitamin E,
perform tumescent liposuction, but a written anticoagulants). Drugs that may interact with
plan for management of medical emergencies, lidocaine, epinephrine, or sedative and anesthet-
including possible transfer, should be in place. ic agents are noted.
4. Physical evaluation includes assessment of the
Discussion general physical health to determine whether
Four articles that evaluated morbidity in the out- the patient is a suitable candidate for surgery and
patient setting in terms of none or few hospital examination of specific sites under consideration
admissions provided some evidence to refute an for liposuction to check for potential problems.
association between morbidity and performance of 5. Psychosocial evaluation includes inquiries about
the procedure in an outpatient facility.4,9-11 diet and exercise habits; history of weight gain
The remaining articles consist of analysis of claims and loss; familial body shape; and evaluation of
data and case reports or case series. The claims data the patient’s emotional ability to endure the pro-
analysis reported 257 malpractice claims involving cedure, his or her understanding of the limita-
liposuction. Seventy-one percent of these proce- tions of liposuction, and whether the patient has
dures were performed in a hospital, 21% in a physi- realistic expectations.
cian’s office, and 8% in a surgery center, hospital out- 6. Selection of preoperative laboratory studies to
patient facility, or other outpatient facility.1 be performed depends on the type and extent of
One study reported no significant complications the anticipated liposuction procedure and the
among 100 consecutive patients undergoing liposuc- conditions revealed in the history and physical
tion as an office surgery procedure.12 Another study, examination.
which focused on type of anesthesia employed, also 7. If indicated by history, system review, or extent of
reported that 20 consecutive patients whose surgery anticipated liposuction procedure, a complete
was performed in an office setting had no significant blood cell count with quantitative platelet assess-
complications.13 Two articles presented case reports ment, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin
of deaths at 25 days and at 9 days after outpatient time, chemistry profile including liver function
liposuction.14,15 tests, and pregnancy test for women of child-
The task force unanimously agreed that there was bearing age are sufficient for most liposuction
some evidence to support the safety of performing procedures.
liposuction in an office setting. There was also agree-
ment that the facility should be prepared to provide Discussion
immediate emergency medical management and In a case series of 333 patients who were all phys-
have in place written plans for transfer to an acute ically fit, 93% of the first 200 patients were surveyed
care facility. and found to be satisfied with the cosmetic result.16
One study was designed to determine whether suc-
PREOPERATIVE MEDICAL AND PSYCHOSO- tion-assisted liposuction predisposed patients to
CIAL EVALUATION OF THE PATIENT thromboembolic sequelae. Ten patients with no risk
Recommendations factors of thromboembolic disease, by history, had
1. Liposuction is contraindicated in patients with preoperative and postoperative hematologic assays.
severe cardiovascular disease, severe coagulation The study concluded that a change in assay values
disorders including thrombophilia, and during did not predispose these patients to either a hyper-
pregnancy. coagulable state or an increased risk of thromboem-
2. A thorough medical history that gives special bolic sequelae.17
attention to any history of bleeding diathesis, A case was reported of a patient with a significant
emboli, thrombophlebitis, infectious diseases, surgical history who had an intestinal perforation and
poor wound healing, and diabetes mellitus is peritonitis subsequent to liposuction.18 A patient with
taken. Patients with a medical history of these a known history of isovaleric acidemia experienced
conditions receive medical clearance before malignant ventricular dysrhythmias during liposuction
undergoing liposuction. The history also under general anesthesia and the use of bupivacaine.19
includes prior abdominal surgery and problems In a series of 101 patients in which a survey of
from past surgical procedures that may influ- patients revealed a generally high level of satisfac-
ence complications. tion, the author associated this result with proper
444 Coleman et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL

education of the patient as to realistically expected lated consisted of bupivacaine and epinephrine in
results and with consideration of the patient’s emo- lactated Ringer’s solution, and the author speculated
tional and psychologic condition.20 that the patient’s carnitine deficiency may have low-
On review of the literature and based on the col- ered the threshold for bupivacaine-induced car-
lective experience of the task force on patient factors diotoxicity. There are no studies to support the use
that may influence the outcome of liposuction, the of alternatives to lidocaine in the formulation of the
task force unanimously agreed on specific recom- tumescent solution.
mendations on preoperative patient evaluation. There is some disagreement in the literature on
the composition of the solution and significant dis-
Type of anesthesia employed and periopera- agreement over the concomitant use of intravenous
tive administration of anxiolytics, sedatives, or general anesthesia. The usual tumescent solution
and analgesics used by dermatologic surgeons is 0.05% to 0.1%
Recommendations lidocaine and epinephrine at 1:1,000,000 to
1. Lidocaine is the preferred type of local anesthetic. 1.5:1,000,000.
2. If a patient takes medications that inhibit the There is strong agreement, although weak evi-
metabolism of lidocaine, the medications should dence, that the introduction of tumescent solutions
be discontinued before liposuction, or the total has resulted in a significant decrease in blood loss and
dosage of lidocaine should be reduced. postoperative pain as compared with other tech-
3. The recommended maximum dose of lidocaine niques. There is also agreement that recommended
is 55 mg/kg for most patients. Recommended doses of lidocaine, when used in these dilute solutions
lidocaine dosages are dependent on appropriate (0.05%-0.1% lidocaine and epinephrine at 1:1,000,000-
epinephrine concentration in the tumescent 1.5:1,000,000), exceed the manufacturer’s recom-
solution. mended dose for undiluted local injection.6,12,13,21-29
4. The recommended concentration of epineph- Lidocaine toxicity was noted in 1 of 7 consecutive lipo-
rine in tumescent solutions is 0.25 to 1.5 mg/L. suction patients using a solution of 300 mL of 33%
The total dosage of epinephrine should be mini- lidocaine with epinephrine at 1:300,000.30
mized, within these limits, and usually should With the current state of knowledge, the task
not exceed 50 µg/kg. force agreed that 55 mg/kg is the maximum safe
5. If the surgeon anticipates that the maximum dosage for most patients, within appropriate lido-
dose will be exceeded, consideration may be caine and epinephrine concentrations for tumescent
given to dividing the liposuction into separate anesthesia. There are patients in whom a lower dose
procedures. may be appropriate.
6. Oral anxiolytics, sedatives, or narcotic analgesics The optimal concentration of epinephrine
at dosages that are not associated with respirato- depends on the relative vascularity of the targeted
ry depression may be used with tumescent lipo- compartment of subcutaneous fat.
suction. A case series of 100 patients undergoing tumes-
7. Intramuscular anxiolytics, sedatives, or narcotic cent liposuction with concomitant use of oral seda-
analgesics may be used with caution with tumes- tion (94 patients) or no sedation (6 patients) report-
cent liposuction, since dose-response can vary ed no complications or untoward effects.7
widely and may be associated with respiratory Two deaths were reported of patients who had
depression. liposuction with intravenous sedation.2
8. Intravascular anxiolytics, sedatives, or narcotic Two deaths were reported of patients who had
analgesics may be associated with increased risk liposuction under general anesthesia and adjunctive
of morbidity and mortality if not used properly intravenous anesthetics.2 There was a single case
and in a setting such as an accredited surgical report of pulmonary edema occurring after liposuc-
facility or hospital operating room and moni- tion under general anesthesia and use of a tumes-
tored by appropriately trained and credentialed cent solution,31 and a case report of adult respirato-
personnel. ry distress syndrome associated with a fat embolism
9. The use of inhalational (general) anesthesia for in a patient under general anesthesia only.32 In a case
tumescent liposuction is not recommended. series of 147 liposuction patients under intravenous
sedation or inhalation anesthesia and a tumescent
Discussion solution, no complications, other than a mild celluli-
A single case report of severe ventricular arrhyth- tis, were reported.33 The authors cautioned readers
mia occurred in a patient with a history of isovaleric of the potential for fluid overload with the adminis-
acidemia.19 The tumescent solution that was formu- tration of intravenous fluids and use of a tumescent
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Coleman et al 445

solution. One study to assess lidocaine toxicity in 5 cedures, with the use of local anesthesia alone, results
liposuction patients under general anesthesia and in decreasing the morbidity that is often associated
using a tumescent solution reported no evidence of with the use of general anesthesia.
systemic toxicity.34 Although there was only one case report in the lit-
There have been no reports of significant mor- erature of the death of a patient undergoing liposuc-
bidity and no mortalities associated with liposuction tion and bilateral augmentation mammoplasty with the
when performed under tumescent local anesthesia use of general anesthesia, this may not represent the
alone, with or without oral sedation. Deaths and sig- actual mortality incidence.2 Sealing of court records or
nificant morbidity have been reported when liposuc- settlement agreements may contribute to an underes-
tion is performed with the patient under general timation of mortality of liposuction and combined pro-
anesthesia, conscious sedation, and/or use of intra- cedures with the use of general anesthesia.
venous anesthetics. Cannula size. One study reported use of an 8-
mm cannula, then continuing with 4- to 5-mm can-
Surgical technique/procedure including the per- nulas. Seromas developed in 12 of 120 patients, and
formance of concomitant additional surgery, the authors noted that with a larger diameter cannu-
the size of the cannulas employed, the duration la, more bleeding than normal was noted.42 The task
of the procedure, and the volume of fat extract- force also noted that there is increased pain with
ed per session and by body weight larger diameter cannulas.
Recommendations Length of time of the procedure. There were
1. Performing liposuction with other procedures no articles that specifically addressed the issue of
should be done with caution unless all proce- length of time of the procedure. Under local anes-
dures are done with the patient under local anes- thesia alone, length of time is not a significant factor.
thesia and the recommended dosage for tumes- Volume by body weight. There was no litera-
cent lidocaine is not exceeded. ture that specifically addressed the amount of fat in
2. The recommended cannula size for liposuction relation to body weight. This is part of the assess-
is generally no larger than 4.5 mm in diameter. ment that is used in determining volume removal.
3. The recommended volume of fat removed is in Volume per session. The literature provides
proportion to the fat content and/or size and/or weak evidence that there is increased morbidity
weight of the patient being treated, and the rec- associated with large volume liposuction under gen-
ommended volume of fat removed generally does eral or regional anesthesia,42-44 than when done with
not exceed 4500 mL in a single operative session. the patient under local anesthesia alone.13,45 It
4. The dry technique for liposuction is contraindi- should be noted that when local anesthesia was used
cated. alone, only one patient had more than 4.5 L aspirat-
5. Liposuction in the treatment of obesity is exper- ed.13 Under general anesthesia, volumes aspirated
imental at this time and is not recommended. ranged from 3 to 23 L.
In the course of the review of the evidence, sever-
Discussion al articles reported on the use of the dry technique,
Additional procedures. The literature to sup- which is necessarily performed with the patient under
port or refute an association between patient outcome general anesthesia. This technique is associated with
of liposuction and the performance of additional pro- producing aspirates that are 30% to 40% blood by
cedures consists of 11 articles with weak evidence. volume.11,46-48 A patient developing adult respiratory
Associated with performance of liposuction in addi- distress syndrome after liposuction using the dry
tion to other procedures in an operative session is the technique has also been described.32 Because of
use of other anesthetics in addition to local anesthet- increased morbidity, including life-threatening bleed-
ics. Eight of the 11 articles reported combined proce- ing, this technique is contraindicated.
dures that were performed with the patient under Although there are reports of treating obesity
general anesthesia,2,9,24,35-39 and 2 of these studies with liposuction, this is currently an experimental
included patients who had regional blocks instead of use of the procedure.42,43,49
inhalational anesthesia.37,39 In one of the 11 studies all
patients had regional blocks,40 and we could not ascer- Type of intraoperative and postoperative
tain the type of anesthesia used in one study.41 Only monitoring
one study involved the performance of tumescent Recommendations
liposuction with the patient under local anesthesia 1. Baseline vital signs, including blood pressure and
only in combination with mini-abdominoplasty.10 This heart rate, are to be recorded preoperatively and
study suggested that the combination of these 2 pro- postoperatively.
446 Coleman et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL

2. For procedures removing more than 100 mL of 3. Hanke CW, Bernstein G, Bullock S. Safety of tumescent liposuc-
aspirate, there is the capability of continuous tion in 15,336 patients: national survey results. Dermatol Surg
blood pressure monitoring, cardiac monitoring
4. Berstein G, Hanke CW. Safety of liposuction: a review of 9478
with pulse oximetry, and the availability of sup- cases performed by dermatologists. J Dermatol Surg Oncol
plemental oxygen. 1988;14:1112-4.
3. Sedated patients have postoperative monitoring 5. Teimourian B, Rogers WB III. A national survey of complications
until they are fully recovered and ready for dis- associated with suction lipectomy: a comparative study. Plast
charge. Reconstr Surg 1989;84:628-31.
6. Hunstad JP. Tumescent and syringe liposculpture: a logical
4. A plan for management of medical emergencies
partnership. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1995;19:321-33.
is in place. 7. Replogle SL. Experience with tumescent technique in lipoplas-
ty. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1993;17:205-9.
Discussion 8. Mladrick RA. Lipoplasty of the calves and ankles. Plast Reconstr
There were few articles that specifically men- Surg 1990;86:84-93.
tioned monitoring personnel and monitoring param-
eters. One article reported 5 deaths2 during which Facility
an anesthesiologist was present during the proce- 9. Abramson DL. Tumescent abdominoplasty: an ambulatory
dures. Two of these deaths occurred during the pro- office procedure. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1998;22:404-7.
10. Nguyen TT, Kim KA,Young RB.Tumescent mini abdominoplasty.
cedure. There was one report of an intraoperative
Ann Plast Surg 1997;38:209-12.
cardiac arrest of a patient under general anesthesia 11. Ersek RA. Serial suction lipectomy. Clin Plast Surg 1989;16:313-
and whose blood pressure was monitored.50 One 7.
study described a patient who had pulse and elec- 12. Mantse L. Liposuction under local anesthesia: a retrospective
trocardiographic monitoring and in whom severe analysis of 100 patients. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 1987;13:1333-8.
tachycardia developed intraoperatively. An anesthe- 13. Lillis PJ. Liposuction surgery under local anesthesia: limited
blood loss and minimal lidocaine absorption. J Dermatol Surg
siologist was in attendance and the patient respond- Oncol 1988;14:1145-8.
ed to emergency management.19 14. Barillo DJ, Cancio LC, Kim SH, Shirani KZ, Goodwin CW. Fatal and
Other articles merely mention the types of moni- near-fatal complications of liposuction. South Med J 1998;91:
toring employed during the procedure (eg, continu- 487-92.
ous pulse and cardiac monitoring, periodic blood 15. Alexander J, Takeda D, Sanders G, Goldberg H. Fatal necrotizing
fasciitis following suction-assisted lipectomy. Ann Plast Surg
pressure, electrocardiography).13,28,37,50
In the interests of patient safety, the task force
unanimously agreed to specific monitoring recom-
Preoperative evaluation
16. Cohen S. Body contouring by liposuction: a 3-year experience
with 1,509 procedures. S Afr Med J 1986;69:241-4.
Postoperative compression 17. Smith KA, Levine RH. Influence of suction-assisted lipectomy on
Recommendations coagulation. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1992;16:299-302.
1. Specialized compression garments, binders, and 18. Ovrebo KK, Grong K, Vindenes H. Small intestinal perforation
tape help to reduce bruising, hematomas, sero- and peritonitis after abdominal suction lipoplasty. Ann Plast
Surg 1997;39:642-4.
mas, and pain. Antiphlebitis support hose may
19. Weinberg GL, Laurito CE, Geldner P, Pygon BH, Burton BK.
be valuable for cases involving the lower legs. Malignant ventricular dysrhythmias in a patient with isovaleric
2. The duration of compression is dictated by acidemia receiving general and local anesthesia for suction
physician judgment, the location of the surgery, lipectomy. J Clin Anesth 1997;9:668-70.
and the rate of recovery. 20. Ersek RA, Zambrano J, Surak GS, Denton DR. Suction-assisted
lipectomy for correction of 202 figure faults in 101 patients:
indications, limitations, and applications. Plast Reconstr Surg
Discussion 1986;78:615-26.
There were no articles that specifically addressed
the issue of compression. Recommendations are Anesthesia
made on the collective experience of the task force.
21. Tsai RY, Lai CH, Chan HL. Evaluation of blood loss during tumes-
cent liposuction in Orientals. Dermatol Surg 1998;24:1326-9.
22. Knize DM, Fishell R. Use of preoperative subcutaneous “wetting
Physician qualifications solution” and epidural block anesthsia for liposuction in the
1. Coleman WP III, Hanke CW, Lillis P, Bernstein G, Narins R. Does office-based surgical suite. Plast Reconstr Surg 1997;100:1867-
the location of the surgery or the specialty of the physician 74.
affect malpractice claims in liposuction? Dermatol Surg 23. Ostad A, Kageyama N, Moy RL. Tumescent anesthesia with a
1999;25:343-7. lidocaine dose of 55 mg/kg is safe for liposuction. Dermatol
2. Rao RB, Ely SF, Hoffman RS. Deaths related to liposuction. N Engl Surg 1996;22:921-7.
J Med 1999;340:1471-5. 24. Burk RW III, Guzman-Stein G, Vasconez LO. Lidocaine and epi-
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Coleman et al 447

nephrine levels in tumescent technique liposuction. Plast 40. Cardenas-Camarena L, Gonzalez KE. Large-volume liposuction
Reconstr Surg 1996;97:1379-84. and extensive abdominoplasty: a feasible alternative for
25. Samdal F, Amland PF, Bugge JF. Blood loss during suction- improving body shape. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998;102:1698-707.
assisted lipectomy with large volumes of dilute adrenaline. 41. Martin D, Pelissier P, Riahi R, Casoli V, Baudet J. Abdominoplasty
Scand J Plast Reconstr Hand Surg 1995;29:161-5. with dissociated intraparietal liposuction: technical note. Ann
26. Samdal F, Amland PF, Bugge JF. Blood loss during liposuction Chir Plast Esthet 1998;43:64-8.
using the tumescent technique. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1994;18: 42. Alegria Peren P, Barba Gomez J, Guerro-Santos J. Topical corpo-
157-60. ral contouring with megaliposuction (120 consecutive cases).
27. Samdal F, Amland PF, Bugge JF. Plasma lidocaine levels during Aesthetic Plast Surg 1999;23:93-100.
suction-assisted lipectomy using large doses of dilute lidocaine 43. Ali Eed MD. Mega-liposuction: analysis of 1520 patients.
with epinephrine. Plast Reconstr Surg 1994;93:1217-23. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1999;23:16-22.
28. Klein JA. Tumescent technique for local anesthesia improves 44. Badran HA, Kodeara KZ, Mabrouk MH. Blood conservation in
safety in large-volume liposuction. Plast Reconstr Surg 1993;92: massive suction lipectomy. Plast Reconstr Surg 1993;92:1298-
1085-98. 304.
29. Lewis CM, Hepper T. The use of high-dose lidocaine in wetting 45. Gray LN. Liposuction breast reduction. Aesthetic Plast Surg
solutions for lipoplasty. Ann Plast Surg 1989;22:307-9. 1998;22:159-62.
30. Bridenstein JB. Lidocaine during liposuction. J Dermatol Surg 46. Courtiss EH, Choucair RJ, Donelan MB. Large-volume suction
Oncol 1989;15:775-6. lipectomy: an analysis of 108 patients. Plast Reconstr Surg
31. Gilliland MD, Coates N. Tumescent liposuction complicated by 1992;89:1068-79.
pulmonary edema. Plast Reconstr Surg 1997;99:215-9. 47. Mandel MA. Blood and fluid replacement in major liposuction
32. Boezaart AP, Clinton CW, Braun S, Oettle C, Lee NP. Fulminant procedures. Aesthetic Plast Surg 1990;14:187-91.
adult respiratory distress syndrome after suction lipectomy: a 48. Clayton DN, Clayton JN, Lindley TS, Clayton JL. Large volume
case report. S Afr Med J 1990;78:693-5. lipoplasty. Clin Plast Surg 1989;16:305-12.
33. Pitman GH, Aker JS, Tripp ZD. Tumescent liposuction: a sur- 49. Ousterhout DK. Combined suction-assisted lipectomy, surgical
geon’s perspective. Clin Plast Surg 1996;23:633-41. lipectomy, and surgical abdominoplasty. Ann Plast Surg
34. Grumacio CA, Bennie JB, Fernando B, Young VL, Roa N, Kraemer 1990;24:126-32.
BA. Plasma lidocaine levels during augmentation mammoplas-
ty and suction-assisted lipectomy. Plast Reconstr Surg 1989;
84:624-7. Intraoperative and postoperative monitoring
50. Mantz J, Baglin AC, Portal V, Rohan JE, Loirat P. Intraoperative
cardiac arrest in a young woman undergoing liposuction. Crit
Surgical technique
Care Med 1991;19:304-5.
35. Matarasso A. Liposuction as an adjunct to a full abdominoplas-
ty. Plast Reconstr Surg 1995;95:829-36.
36. Lejour M. Vertical mammoplasty and liposuction of the breast. Level of evidence
Plast Reconstr Surg 1994;94:100-14. 51. Helewa ME, Burrowa RF, Smith J, Williams K, Brain P, Rabkin SW.
37. Dillerud E. Abdominoplasty combined with suction lipoplasty: Report of the Canadian Hypertension Society Consensus
a study of complications, revisions, and risk factors in 487 cases. Conference: 1 Definitions, evaluation, and classification of
Ann Plast Surg 1990;25:333-8. hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Can Med Assoc J 1997;
38. Kovac SR.Vaginal hysterectomy combined with liposuction. Mo 157:715-25.
Med 1989;86:165-8. 52. Rey E, LeLorier J, Burgess E, Lange IR, Leduc L. Report of the
39. Cardenas-Camarena L, Lacouture AM, Tobar-Losada A. Canadian Hypertension Society Consensus Conference: 3
Combined gluteoplasty: liposuction and lipoinjection. Plast Pharmacologic treatment of hypertensive disorders in preg-
Reconstr Surg 1999;104:1524-31. nancy. Can Med Assoc J 1997;157:1245-54.

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