FME Notes Unit1-1
FME Notes Unit1-1
FME Notes Unit1-1
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Proof: For example, consider a force ‘F’ acting at point ‘O’ on a rigid body as shown in fig (a).
There is another point ‘O1’ in the same line of action of the force ‘F’ suppose at this point O1 two equal
and opposite forces F1 and F2 of magnitude F are applied as shown in fig (b).
The force F and F2 being equal and opposite will cancel each other, leaving a force F1 at point O1 as
shown in fig(c).But force F1 is equal to force F. The original force F acting at point O has been
transferred to point O1, which is along the line of action of F without changing the effect of the force on
the rigid body. Hence any force acting at a point on a rigid body can be transmitted to act at any other
point along its line of action without changing its effect on the rigid body. This proves the principle of
transmissibility of forces.
Proof: Let F1, and F2, be the two forces represented by the lines AB and AD and diagonal AC
represent the resultant R.
So, from equation (iii) & (iv) the sum of the moment of two forces (F1 & F2) about O is equal to the
moment of the resultant force R about O.
6. What do you understand by force system? Also give its classification.
Force System: When two or more forces act on a body, it is known as force system.
7. What is the difference between coplanar and non coplanar force system?
Coplanar Force System: When the lines of action of a set of forces lie
in a single plane is called coplanar force system.
Non-Coplanar Force System: When the line of action of all the forces
do not lie in one plane, is called Non-coplanar force system
8. Define: (i) Coplanar collinear force system (ii) Coplanar concurrent force system (iii) Coplanar
non concurrent force system (iv) Coplanar parallel force system
(i) Coplanar Collinear Force system: When the line of action of
all the forces is in the same straight line and in the same plane
it is known as coplanar collinear force system.
(ii) Polygon law of forces: If a number of forces acting simultaneously on a particle be represented in
magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon taken in order, their resultant may be represented in
magnitude and direction by the closing side of the polygon taken in opposite order.
14. Explain the method of resolution of forces for finding the resultant of coplanar force system.
(1) Resolve all the forces along the horizontal x-axis and vertical y-axis.
(4) Direction of the resultant (α) with horizontal x-axis is calculated by: tan 1
(5) Resultant (R) may lie in any four quadrant depending on the sign of FX and F y
15. What do you understand by static equilibrium? Also write the equations of equilibrium for
coplanar concurrent and non concurrent force system.
Static Equilibrium: When a body is at rest under the action of any force system then it is called as
static equilibrium.
(a) Equations of static equilibrium for a coplanar concurrent force system:
(i) Net horizontal component of force system = 0;
(iii) Net moment of the force system about any point in the same plane = 0;
Proof of Lami’s theorem: P, Q and R are the three forces acting at a point and α, β and γ are the
angles as shown in Fig. and under the action of these three forces the body is at equilibrium.
When we draw the sides of a polygon in an order by using P, Q, R then we get a complete triangle as
shown in the fig.
2. Roller support: When any object rest on the supporting surface with rolling contact then it is called a
roller support and the reactive force is normal to the rolling surface known as normal reaction.
3. Hinged or pinned support: When any object rest on the supporting surface with hinge or pin contact
then it is called a hinged or pinned support and the reactive force have horizontal and vertical
4. Fixed support: When any object fixed with its supporting surface then it is called fixed support and
the reactive force have horizontal and vertical component as well as one additional reactive moment.
19. What are the different types of loading? Explain with neat sketches.
(i) Point or concentrated load: When the applied load is concentrated load at a point then it is called as
point or concentrated load.
(ii) Uniformly distributed load (UDL): When the applied load is distributed with uniform load
intensity then it is called as uniformly distributed load.
(iii) Uniformly varying load (UVL): When the applied load is distributed with uniform varying load
intensity then it is called as uniformly varying load.
20. What do you understand by beam? Also give the classification of beams.
Beam: A beam is a structural element that primarily resists loads applied laterally to the beam's axis.
Beams are of two types: (i) Statically determinate beams (ii) Statically indeterminate beams
(i) Statically determinate beams: Support reactions can be determined by equations of static
Example: Simply supported beam
(ii) Statically indeterminate beams: Support reactions cannot be determined by equations of static
Example: Continuous beam
21. What do you understand by stress? Also define different types of stress?
Stress: - It is defined as the resistance developed by the body against applied load, and is defined as load
per unit area.
Types of stress: (1) Normal stress (2) Shear stress
(1)Normal Stress: -Stress that acts perpendicular to the area is called
normal stress.The normal stress is again subdivided into two parts.
(a)Tensile Stress: - The stress-induced in a body
when it is subjected to two equal and opposite pulls
is called tensile stress.
(b)Compressive Stress :- The stress which induced in a
body when it is subjected to two equal and opposite pushes
is called compressive stress.
(2)Shear Stress: - Shear stress induced in a body when it is subjected to two equal and opposite forces
that acts tangential to the area.
22. What do you understand by strain? Also define different types of strain?
Strain :- It is defined as the change in dimension to the original dimension of the specimen due to
external loading.
Types of strain:
(i) Longitudinal strain: The ratio of change in
length to its original length in the direction of
loading is known as longitudinal strain.
Longitudinal strain = ΔL/L
27. Establish the relationship between Modulus of elasticity (Young’s modulus) and Bulk modulus.
Consider a cube (side L) subjected to three equal stresses (σ) as shown in the figure below
Consider the deformation of the side of the cube under the action of three mutually perpendicular tensile
stress of equal intensity.
Side AB of the cube will suffer the following strains :-
(1)Tensile strain equal to σ /E due to stresses on the face AEHD
and BFGC .
(2)Compressive lateral strain equal to -µσ /E due to stresses on
the face AEFB and DHGC .
(3)Compressive lateral strain equal to -µσ /E due to stresses on face ABCD and
29. Explain the stress strain diagram of ductile material (Mild steel).
1.Proportional Limit Region: OA = The region from Point O to Point A is Proportional Limit
Region. In this region, Stress is directly proportional to Strain in this region.
2.Elastic Limit Region: AB = The region from Point A to Point B is Elastic Limit Region. In this
region, if we remove load in this region the material regain its original shape and size.
3.Plastic Region: BC = After point B Plastic Region starts which means if we remove load after point
B the material don’t regain its original shape and size. The yielding of material starts at point C.
4.Upper and Lower Yield Point: CD = Point C shows the Upper Yield point and Point D shows the
Lower Yield point. Yielding of material starts at Upper Yield point C and ends at Lower Yield Point D.
5.Strain Hardening Region: DE = Point D to Point E is Strain Hardening Region. Strength of
material is increased with the application of load in this region therefore more stress is required for
deformation in this region.The point E is Ultimate Stress point. Stress at this point is known
as Ultimate Stress.
6.Breaking Point: EF = From point E to F Necking of the material begins. After point E the cross
sectional area of material starts decreasing at rapid rate. The specimen breaks at point F, known
as Breaking Point. The stress at this point is known as Nominal Breaking Stress.
30. Explain the stress strain diagram of brittle material (Cast iron).
Brittle materials such as cast iron don’t exhibit a
yielding phenomenon.
These materials skip the plasticity region and undergo a
fracture directly after the elasticity region.
Factor of safety for ductile materials: The maximum allowable stress for ductile materials is the yield
stress so for ductile materials the factor of safety is given by:
Factor of safety for ductile material = Yield stress / Working stress
Factor of safety for brittle materials: The maximum allowable stress for brittle materials is the
ultimate stress so for brittle materials the factor of safety is given by:
Factor of safety for brittle material = Ultimate stress / Working stress