Home Department Government of Bihar Date-14.7.2020: Order
Home Department Government of Bihar Date-14.7.2020: Order
Home Department Government of Bihar Date-14.7.2020: Order
Government of Bihar
Date- 14.7.2020
Whereas, an order of MHA dated-29.06.2020 issued for containment of
COVID-19, in the country, for a period upto 31.07.2020
And whereas, there is an alarming surge in COVID-19 positive cases in
State of Bihar in last three weeks wherein positivity rate has also been considerably
And whereas, the Government has examined the matter in detail and is
convinced that the requirement for a lockdown in following manner is inevitable and
urgent to contain the further spread of the COVID-19 within the State.
And Whereas, vide letter no-DO No-40-3/2020-DM-I (A) dated-
29.06.2020 of the Home Secretary Govt. ofIndia, States, based on their assessment of
the situation, may prohibit certain activities in areas outside containment zones, or
impose such restrictions as deemed necessary.
d. Telecommunications, internet services, broadcasting and cable services.
IT and IT enabled Services only (for essential services) and as far as
possible to work from home.
e. E-commerce (All kind of goods).
f. Petrol pumps. LPG petroleum and gas retail and storage outlets.
g. Power generation, transmission and distribution units and services.
h. Capital and debt market services and notified by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India
1. Cold storage and warehousing services.
J. Private security services
k. Hospitality services including Hotels/Motels/Lodges.
Restaurants/ Dhaba/ Eateries will be allowed to open with home
delivery/take away services only.
l. Repair and maintenance activities- garage, mobile repair, shops related to
repair and maintenance parts etc. to be allowed by the district
All other establishments may work-from-home only.
1'-.. .
9- All educational, trammg, research, coaching institution etc. shall remain
closed. Online/distance learning shall continue to be permitted and shall be
10- All places of worship shall be closed for public. No religious congregation
will be permitted, without any exception.
11- All sociallpoliticallsports/entertainment/academic/culturallreligious functions/
gathering and opening of parks shall be barred. Sports complexes and stadium
will be permitted to open, however spectators will not be allowed.
12- The National Directives for COVID-19 Management-Annexure I of Order no-
40-3/2020-DM-I(A), Dated-29.06.2020 of Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt, of
India shall be applicable
13- The above containment measures will remain in force for a period of 16 days
with effect from 16.07.2020 (Thursday) till 31.7.2020 (Friday).
14- The orders of MHA regarding containment zones will continue to be effective.
15- This order shall supersede all orders issued by concerned District Magistrates
in their respective area of jurisdiction regarding the lockdown with respect to
containment of COVID-19.
16- The District Magistrates can not dilute restriction imposed vide the aforesaid
guidelines but, based on their assessment of the situation, may prohibit certain
activities in areas outside containment zones, or impose such restriction as
deemed necessary.
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Special Secretary to the Govt.
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6. Work from home (WfH): As far as possible the practice of WtH should be
7. Staggering of wurk! business hours will be followed in offices, work places.
shops, markets and industrial & commercial establishments.
8. Screening & hygiene: Provision for thermal scanning. hand wash and sanitizer
will be made at all entry and exit points and common areas.
9. Frequent sanitization of entire workplace. common facilities and all points
which come into human contact e.g. door handles etc., will be ensured, including
between shifts.
10. Social distancing: All persons in charge of work places will ensure adequate
distance between workers, adequate gaps bctwCcl1 shifts, staggering the lunch
breaks of staff, etc.