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Posture Restoration v1.0

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Unlock Yourself I

Healing Ancestral Trauma

Atlas Aligning Posture Restoration
Jaw and Palate expansion. Forward facial growth
Increasing bodily balance and symmetry
Deeper breathing. Improved circulation, nerve connections, bodily feeling
Peter Lei Chen
15 June 2022

The Ideas and opinions expressed in this document are my perspectives formed
from my experiences.
By performing any exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. I will not
be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of my
videos or any information shared. This includes emails, videos and text.
The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional
medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Your decision, your responsibility.
The Core Issue
Are you capable of fully relaxing?
If you were in the most comfortable position on your bed, would you feel any tension inside
your body (not from your weight on the bed)?
If you feel some tension and pain in your body or something stressful on your mind, you can’t be
fully relaxed. Even when lying down or sleeping on their bed, people are in high-tension
positions because their bodies have shifted to feel the most natural and comfortable this way.
This imbalance will continue to worsen until we start releasing more tension than we

When we examine humanity in the modern-day lifestyle it's no wonder why we build up so
much tension in our neck, head, spine, chest, and hips. We’re constantly stressed about
some task. We work hunched over. We eat large meals that numb our senses, make us hunch,
and weaken our core so we take shallower and more rapid breaths. Couch sitting and phone
use are posture killers. Poor sleep without proper support jeopardizes our most effortless time of
healing. We live with tension and it causes our body to shift into more imbalanced states over
Many of us are imbalanced from conception, because our parents and who knows how
many previous generations never released the tension in their bodies because they never
realized or knew how.
Without having the proper information to release our bodys’ tension let alone realize it, it's clear
that this problem would continue to cycle and grow in severity.
The growing tension in our world seems to mirror the spreading tension and discomfort in our
Following and releasing feelings of tension in your body leads to complete relaxation, full
posture restoration, and natural full breathing.
If you notice asymmetries in your body and/or have trouble sleeping on your back comfortably,
you’re likely imbalanced currently. Being aware of your weaknesses opens up room for growth.
To check your left and right balance try the following Twisting Balance Test.
Twisting Balance Test:
Comparing range of motion and flexibility between your Left and Right stances.
Left Stance:
Stand straight up with your feet even and parallel.
Shift weight to your left foot and your right toe, raising your right heel. Keeping your feet in this
stance, twist your entire body to the left and around your back as far as you can. Try to keep the
left side of your body straight upwards and put as much of your weight over your left hip as you
Right stance:
Stand straight up with your feet even and parallel.
Shift weight to your right foot and your left toe, raising your left heel. Keeping your feet in this
stance, twist your entire body to the right and around your back as far as you can. Try to put as
much of your weight over your right hip as you can.
If you notice differences in your mobility, flexibility, and stability between your left and right
stance (most people should), it's almost certain that your body compensates for the felt
imbalances by shifting other parts of your body (bones, muscles, tissues, organs) out of their
balanced state. Left AIC Right BC — Most common way of Imbalance

Not all individual body parts are balanced. Our diaphragm muscles are larger on the right side,
so its easier to breathe into our right lung and accidentally overwork it.
People are living in their right stance for most of their lives which furthers their imbalance. Their
bodies shift and make it harder to get into their left stance, increasing their reliance to live in the
right stance.
Posture and Health
Improving your posture isn’t only standing more upright or opening your palate and jaw more, it
develops your entire body (bones, muscles, organs, tissues, veins, nerves, all bodily systems).
As posture improves:

​ Increased range of motion, flexibility, and balance

​ Standing pressure on feet will even out

​ Hand strength, arm and wrist angles will be more even, should feel more

​ Increased sensitivity, improved nerve connections and bodily feeling

​ Improved hearing, less crackling around ear

​ Forward growth in face and nose, easier to breathe more air

​ Breath naturally deepens, more space and more active muscles (throat and
chest), calmer, lower heart rate

​ Quicker and more open circulation

​ Quicker digestion and less gas in body

​ Fuller muscle inserts

​ Body will feel more connected and aligned

​ More energy

​ Better cardiovascular health

​ Clearer/Deeper Voice

​ More things I’m not aware of or sensitive enough to feel

Cracking Joints & Shifting Bodily Systems

In my experience, turning your Atlas Vertebrae loosens up the rest of your body. Then
throwback breathing pops your spine and hips. The rest of the body will gradually crack and
snap into place with little effort when using the weaker stance again. Nerve connections and
improved circulation and feeling quickly follow after joints snap into place.
Everybody’s progression to fully relax may be slightly different, certain muscles and joints may
be more twisted than others are and need to be targeted more.
If you were imbalanced from conception, improving your balance past that level is releasing
your ancestors' trauma from certain cells and unlocking your ancestors spirit within you.
Stretching & Joint Cracking
Having a full range of motion of the head, neck, and limbs is necessary to be tension free. Joint
cracking and proper stretching will shift your bodily systems and increase range of motion.
If your palate is slightly
Dry Pops: Typical sounding and pops
Wet Pops: Many small popping sounds. Majority of your progress will be made with these.
Combination: Both wet and dry pops at once, usually when cracking ramus. The cracked
ramus/mandible will usually have a bit of room for forward growth afterwards.
Stand Upright + Lock Hands + Arms behind back + Push out chest and stomach: Stretches
chest, shoulders, arms. Can cause pops in chest, shoulders, elbows, wrists.
Putting weight on your forefoot/toes stretches your toes. Putting weight on your heel + locked
knees stretches
Press your palms on the ground: Stretch your palms. Pressure on palms can cause pops and
shift your bone structure.
Pressing your pinkies on the ground: Stretches your fingers. Pressure on hands can cause pops
Keeping thumbs open on both hands stretches your palms and opens your hands.

Widely-observed person is holding a gesture of amazement with left hand.

Opening your thumb and muscle stretches palms and opens your hands?
Half–Yawning: Yawning is trying to fully open our jaw and is the best stretch for the jaw.
Forcefully yawn and stretch so that you naturally smile and squint your eyes. Most will hear
cracking which should mean your atlas is flexible and open for expansion.
Aligning your Atlas
Your Atlas Vertebra is the top vertebrae of your spine. Its directly connected to your Skull. Its the
plane that your head sits on. Align your Atlas and your bodily systems will move into their
proper place when you deep breathe, crack your spine, and move into your left stance.
Atlas Turning:
​ Rotate your head as far to the left and around your neck as you can.
​ Half yawn while fully rotated. You should hear some popping around your ear.
​ Now rotate your head as far to the right and around your neck as you can.
​ Firmly press on the left side of your mandible further towards the right. You
should feel and hear some wet cracks near both of your ears. This is adjusting
your atlas, slowly expanding your palate, balancing your bite, and bringing your
face forward.
​ Repeat 1 - 5 as you like.
Atlas stretching:
​ Align head straight up with neck and chest.
​ With your hands on the back of your upper head, pull the top of your head
forward, until you feel a stretch in the back of your neck.
​ Feel the back of your tongue contacting the top of your throat and how it slowly
becomes higher as you continue the stretch for as long as you like.
​ You can try this diagonally to the left, to diagonal right, etc and target different
This pulls your throat Up and Out from your chest. Pulls your head forward while
straightening posture
Mandible pulling: Grab on inside of mandible (inside of bone connected to buccinator)
outwards with fingers. Only possible when the mandible is very recessed, into the skin.
Every time we chew we are pulling on our mandible
Ramus ramming: Push on ram-us with fingers should feel a crack and ramus + jaw will be
slightly pushed forward. If you feel a combination of cracks when ramming, you will likely have
more forward growth available, and should continue ramming after every few atlas turns.
Everytime we chew we are ramming our ramus from the inside out
Air chewing:
​ Open mouth as wide while flexing either your left or right angle of the mandible.
​ Chew and flex the outermost part of your palate. Activate your SCMs
​ You should feel the ramus and mandible connection point slip and extend past
and hook into a new connection point.
​ Should feel some tension as bone slides
Full-bite synchronization:
​ Air chew with the left side of your palette
​ Bite down as far on the right side as you can. You can feel your palate or
mandible expanding each time.
​ Keeping your neck straight, bring your head towards your chest and
engage(slightly flex) your front neck muscles.
​ Slightly turn and tilt your head to feel symmetry in your engaged neck muscles.
​ Place as much of your tongue on the roof of your mouth as you can.
​ Do a natural swallowing motion.
​ As you swallow, feel your tongue suction to your palette and hold.
​ Hold this tongue and neck posture. The more you do it the easier it will be.
This force mainly pushes the maxilla forward and expands the palette. Tongue, Mouth, and lips
wider and longer. Cheekbones higher and more projected. Stimulates pineal and pituitary gland
Prioritize expansion and force on the soft palate as it directly widens the space for your tongue
to enter and fit in your mouth and also develops the hard palate.
Whichever direction the tip of your tongue goes, is the opposite direction back of your tongue
goes. If the tip of my tongue is on the right side of the hard palate, then the back-third of my
tongue is tilted and placing more force on the left side of the soft palate.
Most peoples’ tongues cannot cover their entire palette, so in order to make balanced growth,
you should always try to target your weaker areas of palate - Front Left, Front Right, Back Left,
Back Right (front = hard palate, back = soft palate.
Diagonal Mewing:
​ Keeping your neck straight, bring your head towards your chest and
engage(slightly flex) your front neck muscles.
​ Slightly turn and tilt your head to feel symmetry in your engaged neck muscles.
​ Tilt your head slightly towards whichever hard palate side you will place your
tongue on.
​ Move your tongue and tip as far to that side of your palette as you can (if no
space to be flat, fold tongue).
​ Do a swallowing motion
​ As you swallow, feel your tongue suction to your palette and hold.
​ Hold this tongue and neck posture. The more you do it the easier it will be.
Hard Mewing:
If you want to progress faster, you can increase your force in multiple ways.
​ Engage your neck more while keeping proper posture. This brings your jaw
forward so you have room to angle your head lower and increase tongue area
and force.
​ Suction harder to increase the applied force,
​ Pull with your palate as you suction hard so that you feel shifting in the palate
after each attempt
​ Push on the palate without suction to slightly widen the tongue and area of force.
Most readers already know about mewing and chin-tucking but many don’t feel progress and
are unsure if they are in proper posture. If your tongue doesn’t have enough contact with the
back-third of your mouth, you won’t be able to apply enough force for quick noticable change.
In order to mew more effectively, we need to synchronize both sides of our palate to get greater
feel and force of the back-third.
Mewing suction + air chewing/full-bite synchronization:
​ Suck on the overdeveloped side of your palate, which will pull that side down
lower and open the opposite side of your palate. Maintain suction.
​ Feel the maxilla/upper palate on the opposite side and pull/flex that side and feel
your sutures stretching.
​ Bite down on the opposite side, you should feel your maxilla and/or ramus stretch
and open up. Release suction.
You might feel slight tingling/tickling sensations in your inner ear when expanding. Possibly new
nerve connections
Pressure levels may slightly change in the ear canal and eustachian tube as they fully widen
and increase their volume.
Rare occasions you may hear and feel some liquid flowing near your ear, very soothing, hearing
becomes sensitive, around 10 minutes. Possibly vein widening and improved blood circulation.
Any exercise: Stimulates blood circulation. The increased blood flow to the upper body causes
expansion in the upper body and head. Can open up room for cracks and pops in head and
upper body.
Laying Down (Legs raised): Can lay down next to the wall with legs raised and feet pressed
on the wall. Laying down with legs up will cause blood to flow from lower body to upper.
Increased blood flow to upper body causes expansion in the upper body and head. Can open
up room for cracks and pops in head and upper body.
Deep breathing:
​ Fully exhale by bending forward slightly and making “ssss” or “hhhh” sounds.
​ Inhale as deeply as you can, bending backwards slightly and flexing the core to
activate your lower belly and open more room for air.
​ Hold for as than you normally would and hold longer than you normally would, try
to focus on feeling belly expansion and the lower back muscles.
Sympathetic to the Parasympathetic nervous system, natural healing we get from rest. Slowly
develop your lower breathing muscles so that you can inhale more and hold for longer. 15
seconds per breath is great, and longer is always better.
Lying leg raises:
​ Lie on the ground
​ Raise your legs off the ground and point your toes.
​ Hold for as long as you can. Take full deep breaths and exhale slowly.
​ Relax and let go.
Throwback Breathing:
​ Stand in your most stable pose.
​ Lean slightly backwards and bring your belly forward.
​ Flex your glutes and take a deep belly breath (feeling more weight on heels of
feet +
​ lean to the left and right side with your upper body. If you feel any tension/friction
in your side to side movements you will crack your spine and hips as you move
through it. Your left side will not be used to the weight and be more tense so you
should target your left side.
​ Going a little further with your left stance each time with most weight on your left
heel/left side of left foot and with your right fr, knee possibly bent. Can also bend
the left knee to increase weight and stretch your left hamstring while leaning and
​ Repeat 2 - 5 as you like.
​ Cracking spine the other way now. Child's Pose - Kneel on ground and lay
forward to stretch your spine forwards. Cracks will mainly be towards the left side
​ Look to the left, bend forward to the ground. Can do this again
​ Repeat 2 - 8 as you like.

Breath bomb (Full Max Breathe):

Could possibly get lightheaded and fall over. Most dangerous if you have been shallow
breathing for >30 min before. Warm up by deep breathing for at least a few minutes before.
First practice laying down, kneeling, then standing in front of a chair/couch, then standing near
something to hold onto. Or however you like if you are ok with potentially falling over, it will still
feel extremely relaxing.
​ Take a deep breath. While inhaling, focus on expanding the belly
1a. Flex belly. Bring shoulders back and chest forward so that the belly can expand more
​ Hold. You may start to feel pressure building in your body that will give a head
and body rush
​ Exhale
Sleeping: Try to sleep on your back with your left side externally rotated. Add support under
lower spine and under knees.
If you sleep on your side, try to sleep on your left side as it will help you digest and eliminate
Daily Routine:
Try to pop ramus.
Throwback breathing - 15 - 30 min
Quick stretches 5 - 10 min
Atlas turning - 1+ hours
Ramus ramming whenever available ~ 20 min
Throwback breathing - 10 - 20 min
Stretches 10 - 20 min
Sleep on back with Left side externally rotated
Best things to buy:
Tennis Ball: Stretch feet muscles and release knots in the arch that stretching on the stairs
sometimes can’t release.
Pull Up Bar: Hanging on the bar will open your shoulders, neck, and hips. Gripping opposite
sides with your left and right hand will help balance.
Exercise Yoga Ball: Better for your core than sitting on your couch or your chair is. Good back
and support for laying on back breathing to stretch and flex your core.
Bonus: Water Distiller - Clean heavy metals from your waters (Unlock Yourself II - Food, fasting,
and mental health)
Contact Info:
Discord: familyfriendly#1727 (will create a public and private server)
Reddit: europefire

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