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Nova Aetas Renaissance-Core Rulebook Eng v1.1

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R u l e b o o k

Game Objective .....................................................5 Psychic Defense : ............................................21
How to use this Rulebook .........................................5 Health : ............................................................21
Enemies Attacks .....................................................22
Golden Rules ..........................................................6 Physical Attack.....................................................22
Components .............................................................6 Psychic Attack ......................................................22
Defeated Enemy ....................................................22
Glossary....................................................................12 Playing the Enemies...............................................23
Enemy Draft ..............................................................23
A 12 Draft Cards .............................................................24
Equipment Cards......................................................24
Achievement Cards  .............................................12 Formulae Cards ......................................................25
Action Points ........................................................12 Starting Equipment Cards.....................................25
Actions........................................................................12 Advanced Equipment Cards .................................25
Movement (1 per Square) .................................12 Reward Cards .........................................................25
Attack (X) ...........................................................13 Event Cards................................................................25
Use Skill (X) .......................................................13 Event Tokens..............................................................26
Equipment Use (X) ............................................13 Experience Points  ................................................26
Wait (X) ..............................................................13
Mission's Actions ...................................................13
Adjacent Models .......................................................14 F 26
Ally ..............................................................................14 Florins  ..................................................................26
Areas ...........................................................................14 Focus Area .................................................................26
Artificial Intelligence (AI) ......................................14 Focus Points ..............................................................27
Astro Symbols  .............................................15 Forced Movement .....................................................27
Attack Test .................................................................16
Available Squares......................................................16 G 27

B 16 Game Area .................................................................27

Generic Skills ............................................................27
Battlefield ...................................................................16
H 27
C 16
Height Level (HL) .....................................................28
Character Tokens ......................................................16 Climbing to a higher HL .......................................28
Characteristic Test ...................................................16 Descending to a lower HL.....................................28
Success Threshold ..................................................16 Hero ...........................................................................28
Class Points  ..........................................................17 Heroes Characteristics...........................................28
Companion ...............................................................17 Swiftness  .........................................................28
Critical .......................................................................18 Dexterity : ........................................................28
Physique : .........................................................28
D 18 Mind : ..............................................................29
Health :.............................................................29
Dash ............................................................................18 Hero Sheet .............................................................29
Defense Test ...............................................................18 Skill Sheets ..............................................................29
Dice .............................................................................19 Heroes Attacks .......................................................30
Dice Re-roll................................................................19 Physical Attack.....................................................30
Dice Roll.....................................................................20 Psychic Attack ......................................................30
Destiny Cards .........................................................31
E 20 Hero Cube ..................................................................32
Heroic Points ........................................................32
Effect  ......................................................................20 Heroic Skills ..............................................................32
Encumbrance ............................................................20 Hunt Missions ...........................................................32
Enemy .........................................................................20 Playing a Hunt Mission .........................................32
Enemy Cards ..........................................................21 Prey Card ................................................................33
Enemies Characteristics ........................................21
Swiftness : ........................................................21
Control Area : .................................................21 I 34
Physical Defense : ...........................................21 Injury Cards ..............................................................34

Instructions ...............................................................34 Stone ........................................................................45
Interaction Cube  .................................................35 Ladder ....................................................................45
Mystic Stones ..........................................................45
K 35 Side Missions .............................................................46
Keyword  ................................................................35 Class Skills ..............................................................46
KO Hero .....................................................................35 Active Skills..........................................................46
Passive Skills ........................................................47
L 36 Upgrade Skills ......................................................47
Reaction Skills......................................................47
Line of Sight (LoS)....................................................36 Spells ...........................................................................47
Loot .............................................................................36 Status Tokens .............................................................47
Status Tokens and Equipment ..............................48
M 37 Stealth .........................................................................48
Stealth Card ............................................................48
Mission Cards ..........................................................37
Stealth Token ..........................................................49
Initial Mission Card ...............................................37
Standard Mission Card ..........................................37
End of a Mission ....................................................37 T 49
Location Card .........................................................38 Threat Level  ..........................................................49
Special Mission Card .............................................38 Tile ..............................................................................49
Profile Card.............................................................38 Traits ...........................................................................49
Using Mission Cards .............................................38 Transformation .........................................................49
Model .........................................................................39 Transformation Cards ..........................................49
Active Model ..........................................................39 Transformation Token ...........................................50
Friendly Model .......................................................39
Opposing Model ....................................................39
Models Activation ....................................................39
U 50
Activation Tokens ..................................................39 Unblockable Wounds ...............................................50
Horologium ............................................................40 Upkeep........................................................................50
Hero or Ally Activation .........................................41
Enemy Activation ................................................42 V 50
Mud Tile (M) .............................................................42
Mystery Tokens .........................................................42 Valid Target ...............................................................50
Attack with  or "-" Target ..................................50
N 42
W 50
Non-Zone ...................................................................42
Water Tile (W) ..........................................................50
Wounds and Wound Tokens ..............................51
P 43
Wound Tokens and Equipment ............................51
Patrol ..........................................................................43
Perilium......................................................................43 Campaign 52
Placing a Model.........................................................43
Prayers ........................................................................43 First Steps...................................................................52
Campaign Sheet ...................................................53
Playing a Mission......................................................54
R 43
Travel Phase .........................................................54
Reaction Attacks .......................................................43 Setup Phase ..........................................................55
Reagent Cards and Reagents .................................44 Table Setting .........................................................55
Mission Setup ......................................................56
S 44 Mission Phase ......................................................57
Rest Phase.............................................................57
Scenic Element ..........................................................44 Acquiring Class Advancement ............................58
Tree ..........................................................................44 Acquiring a new Class Skill .................................58
Trapdoor ................................................................44 Crafting Equipment .............................................58
Cart/Wagon ............................................................44 End of Mission .....................................................59
Bush .........................................................................44
Lever ........................................................................45
Well .........................................................................45

Project Manager and Art Director: Andrea Colletti
Game Designer: Andrea Colletti, Luca Bernardini
Additional Game Design and Development: Diego Fonseca, Marco Presentino
Graphic Director: Paolo Scippo
Graphic Design: Jonata Benvenuti, Elisa Fiore, Diana Maranzano
Concept Artists: Giovanni Pirrotta, Simone de Paolis, Eleonora Lisi, Fabio Porfidia
Lead 3D Sculptor: Fernando Armentano
3D Sculptor: Tommaso Incecchi
Translation: Elettra Nuzzo
Editing: Edoardo Eibenstein, Frank Calcagno, Louis Angelli
Social Media: Luca Bernardini, Emiliano Caretti
Customer Care: Marco Presentino, Michele Morosini, Francesco Granitto
Kickstarter Manager: Andrea Colletti
Advertising: Fabio Braghettoni, Emiliano Caretti
Fulfillment: Michele Mirizio
Production: Fabio Braghettoni, Paolo Scippo
Playtest: Alberto Grillo, Alberto Sandron, Alessandro Angelini, Alessandro Brogi, Chiara Spagnoletto, Daniele
Samele, Daniele Vendittozzi, Federico Morara, Flavio Galmacci, Francesco Pica, Gabriele Macchioro, Gianni
Punzo, Giovanni Milani, Lorenzo Meucci, Luca Benedetti, Luca Francescangeli, Luca Perra, Pasquale Carotenuto

Game Objective

In Nova Aetas Renaissance you will play through a Campaign

divided into a series of Missions that puts your tactical skills
to the test.
Each Mission will evolve the campaign story in different ways
based on how you complete them.
The story will develop based on your choices and actions.
When you reach one of the eight different endings, you will
have finished your adventure, following a compelling story
told through Mission Cards and the Plotbook.
The main goal of the game is to entertain you and tell your
story. After you have read one of the endings, you can begin
a new Campaign to explore and discover every secret of the
fascinating world of Nova Aetas Renaissance!

How to use this Rulebook

Golden Rules

If a rule written on any other game component (card, sheet, Regardless of any modifiers to the roll of the die, or to the Test
or other) conflicts with the rules described in this rulebook, being performed, a result of 1 on the die is always a fail while
the rule on the game component always has priority. a result of 8 is always a success.
If during a Test, the Success Threshold is not specified, the
Success Threshold is always 5.

Authors' Note:
Within this Rulebook we try to clarify as many questions as possible regarding most game situations.
Yet in a game as vast as Nova Aetas Renaissance you may come across a situation that we have failed to
foresee or that the rules fail to clarify entirely. In such cases, we recommend that you use common sense
to resolve it or—in case you want to keep in the spirit in which we designed this game—always back the
Enemies up by choosing what is best for them! Functional as it may be, the Artificial Intelligence we have
designed will never compete with a player's brain, so giving advantage to the Enemies is what we would
do if we were in an uncertain situation.



Rebecca Valerio Vincenzo Sofia


Noble Gipsy 3 arquebusiers 3 Gunslingers 5 Moldovian 5 Stradiots



Cardinal Nun 3 Papal 5 Swiss 5 Swiss 3 Sacred

Guards Keepers Guards Guards


Witch Bully 3 Warriors 3 Marauders 6 Slingers 6 Lancers

Read me first

Tutorial League of Cam


1 Tutorial 1 Plotbook 1 Handbook

Before starting a Campaign, place

the cards for each Mission in the
Envelope marked with the number
of the corresponding Mission A
Each Mission is composed of a 
variable number of cards. On the 0.0

prologue prol
 back of each card is the number of 
 0.0 ogue
the Mission B . When sorting the
0.0 cards for each Mission, keep in mind

    that the first card always has a dark
back and shows only the number
and title of the Mission (e.g., the
8 cards of Mission 0.0 should be 0.0
0.0 A
placed in the envelope that shows
27 Mission Envelopes 251 Mission Cards the number 0.0.)

Reckless Charge 3
3 Counterattack 2
Aimed Shot
 Lock Picking
ROGUE SOFIA 5 (Upgrade): discard all Shielded Tokens
you have (even those on Equipment cards),
then you can choose an Enemy within 4
Passive. When you discard a Shielded Token
due to the Attack of an Enemy adjacent to
Requirements: of you as the target of this Attack; if you do, you, you can inflict 1 Unblockable  on that
gain 3 Dashes that you must use to become Enemy.
Flank 3 Scum Skills adjacent to the target.
 Lock Picking
San Nicola's
3 Hawk Strike
Witness me!

Passive. If at the beginning of your Activation

Shadow +2(Upgrade):
+2(Upgrade): if the target of this Attack at least one other Hero is within 3 of you,
is adjacent to you, consider their  value you gain a Lucky Token.
 Search
decreased by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Shove 2
Insult 1
1 Survival.
Intimidate. Passive. The Tackle trait of your Weapons is
Take Aim +1.
0: gain +1. You can use this Skill once per modified as follows:
Activation. The target of this Attack, if possible, is moved

SLAYER 1 Square, plus 1 Square for each  obtained
in the Attack Test, to move away from you.
Parkour You gain a number of Dashes equal to the
Requirements: number of Squares by which the target was
 Stealth
3 Scum Skills  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 moved, but you can use them (all or part of
them) exclusively to move into the Squares Perfect Strike

Acrobatics just crossed by it. These Dashes do not cause Passive. +1: each time you gain 1.
Emblem of the Reaction Attacks.  - +1(Upgrade):
3 +1(Upgrade): add 2 to the Test of this
 Stealth Slayers Attack. You can re-roll any number of . You
must keep the new result.

4 Hero Boards 8 Hero Sheets 8 Skill Sheets

Sword Grapplin
g Hook Cloak of Shad ows Tiara of T
ime ht
Vigor Potion Teleportation C
Weapon ouls r
Armo Artifac Nig Potion Artifac ube
Swordquipment e of S ent
Glov ed Equipm
of the ulae t

gE Bite m
For —
rtin — ire Adva
— romancer Stone
- Squ Nec ment pher's
alerio ecca - ip hiloso
V Reb in this Equ Cards 1 P Leather
Ga Destiny 1 Silv
er 2: Ch
ro u gh Square oose an av
th w aila
your ithin 3. ble
Hero or n 1:: wh
Fri en anoth
just takendly Mode er Square Model in thPlace
Spendwith en a Test. l has
Model Reactiowithout causat
When you or a yo 1Tim n Attac ing
    the Undead Skill
u do, the
Model Point: if an can
1:: Gain max this e th ks. Yo u
imum is Effect
all at least
3  1 +0 control inflicts the 
1 Te st
can re-just Token, then discard
with a you may Sheet. . They on
 TackleGain Climb mu
from your Hero new resultst keep the
item. Activatio ce per
1. . n.

12 Starting Equipment Cards 24 Advanced Equipment Cards 43 Equipment Cards

Papal Guard
ch 5
Wit  5
before 8 3 5
ng an
d Fate has brought you have
target. Now you will 5 D  5
traini gaineduryour lf that you are est 5
inued ce yo to prove to yourse
cont experienfield, knives
— iny 
With the le
batt wing
a true Slayer.
Vincenzo - P
ractitioner 6 6
all the h throby the Objective 
on wit ing
skill improv
a  Rank
◆ If you defeat has not 6 5
is Enemy who
astsuffered  from
other 
at le ss s, during the next
ave asic ClaHeroe .
ective u h 5-39 Phase, read  2.1-10
Obj hen yo your B 0. Rest e.
◆ W ills of re ad t Phas
Sk can
you ng a
R es
 +
duri  1 8 3 1 3 7+
3-6t Area,
3  Stun, Tackle
Burs , Curs
 ple
er, T 
ram Protection 2
2 66 Hea
l 4,
11 1  
Swiss Keeper 

2  War

 

24 Destiny Cards 18 Enemy Cards 18 Enemy Draft Cards

Old Oak Feral H Prisoner Bull K

Armor Armo
elmet Achievement 2 Achiev ey
d r
ment 1
 Rewar  Ach

Resistance 1
When you gain a ,
Poisoned Status Token this "It seem who
you may placeImitmonunity is a losers too valua
"The convict op
1 card. You canImdo
mun this up: Bl
to 2 times. ity: Eviscerat ,
1 en
has tried."the door of ble to just
a tower…
ed. "

36 Reagent Cards 20 Reward Cards 32 Achievement Cards

VINCENZO 5 3 3  1  55 2
3 3 5 1 4
1 5
VALE 1 5 Take Aim (you
Hero Risen Sheep
2:e again Advantaged Token.Focus
4 4
Purify Test. Choos an you
perform a  r of Square from
3: sgain
1: gain
Prayer. 2: ximum an Advantaged Token
ed. That Hero
within a numbe and a Luc
Token. r of  obtain choice. a Lucky
included) a ma ky Tok
s Skitoll3 plus the numbe of their en.
You can
Insultgain +1.tivation.
use thi
discards a Negati
ve Status Token
Flank Pyrom
ancy 1  -
1: ce per Ac of Test. Passive.  choose Pas
Astrology theperform For eachWhen e performan sive. Arcane
 -
d). Th
of on a
if ofe you Enemy (you include
adjacent IfAttack
this Speon Arr

ma y acho
ose. 2:
; 4
of you bec
use togains
om Astro Token.
to another Hero, gainsroll 1  more.
a Bur ned
an ow
ll inflictsgains:
Token. at least 1
Peaceful Journey
e : you witchosen
Charg Upgrade)Enemy you
hin st Hero
mu , the targ Traveling A 4

( an s Ma et
+1 Attack 3 Da
do, yount to the
gain target. Righteous' e a Model adjace
0: choosl's positio
Aimed Shot
nt to you.chosen
that of yourReaction
Passive Step
 Onc . Arcane Arr
gatnive do not cause rade): this Attackgain e
resolveow gains:
you Your journey proceeds smoothly, it’s 
adjace your Mode n movem a Ne ents en. um of gains:
2 Das Lethal
gai that Tok
l; these Skill a maxim hes. . the Eff
+ are tos. tYou
Mode n can use this
no gai tion.
ects of
this Spe a beautiful day and the fresh wind A wagon,
Guardion 2: wh
en you Attack
d do
insteaonce per
Activa Throwing Knives Arc
- Weaponane Arrow
ll, you
caresses your face. in bright fully enclose
Re act
Cense r - Weapon
  Stun ,
 
3    
- Magic
slowly colors, app d and decora
When advancing ahes on the road,
ted *
d - We 3 1-4+0 Lethal  2 Ally,

◆ Discard this card with no effect.
elderly, you reach it, ad of you
1-6 +0.
  
, for each
Swor Tack+0le

 Ach
inflict 
3 0-1
turns a thin, white-the carter, an.
Grappling Hook +1..
Cracked Lips illes Tendon
- Artifact - Item Dagger
  Relic - Weapo
“Would toothless smi haired man, +0
 1
 
  r n
1 +0 - Armo 2 1    You Breaking s
3  mor n. d Token
. 1 - Jump goods?” you like to takle toward you 3 the thiSpell:
t pay
ersnoat del
er Ar a Blesse 1 +0 Rea do not cau
Leath 2: gain Missio he asks e
you, wit a look at the
. suff
does and when this Th Mo 1
ing a the vehicle
RebeccaTok coste you
ction Att se
th Mo least 1 ve
d dur
rgeon’s Bag
Hood - Armor
- Item rgy Sha
rd - Art
. hout stop
1: if en (boen and this card , discard the Model The  Tests you 1 ad ment Ac
Upkeep ove the Ris field.
first 
Square ditional tion costs
ChiruTh of ifact
the iel d e  value of the Enemies
 a Hero within 32:
is considered
gain an . Sheep
cost, remfrom the Battle
d - Sh do not
Test., ifFor against you. to Adv
be 1 less ◆ You can you de for
cide to each
Shiel antage
perform a tion s 1.
you discard immedi
2: d Token.
Activa elded
your gain a Shi
Potion ate move.
one lessCategory For ly create a
ing of Search - Stealth ism Mys tici
sm-- Edu
beginn e one, you ine - Mystic - Lock Picking
At the ady hav Diplo
Dip macy
lomac y - Medic
- Sur
vival cation
- Search indicated Reagent mulae using
te - Bru
tality on the car than tho
mida d. se

9 Event Cards 2 Transformation 14 Injury Cards

4 Companion Cards


The Be
target ar places itse
Attack then perfor lf adjacent to
on it: ms the
follow its


16 Prey 8 Fire Tokens 4 Water Tokens 1 Stealth Token

Action Cards

2 Line of Sight Tools 20 Wound Tokens 12 Neutral Tokens

28 Activation Tokens 30 Positive Status 58 Negative Status 12 Mystery Tokens
Tokens Tokens

4 Event Tokens 2 Transfromation 2 Character Tokens 1 Prey Token




3 9
1 11

4 Perilium


1 Horologium

1 4
1 1  Mentor for their help
Heroes who ask can erase
The Mentor lets Hero who visits the Mentor then spend
 Artisan Craft new Equipment
their Skills. Any  spent, and experiment
is essential to and Florins. Only one to recover the can
Visiting this Shop all their skills other Skills, so that they
required Reagents the Equipment them again on
1 1 spending the visit this Shop to Craft all entry.
Hero needs to party. See the Crafting Equipment with new combinations. if
Basic, or 5 Florins
 Market may buy and/or
sell desired by the if your class is
♦ Pay 3 Florins Advanced.
the Market you this Shop to your class is
When visiting one Hero needs to visit Reagents and
acquired (keep you gain all
Reagents. Only party. See the the Skills you
1 3 make all the
trades in the on the Rulebook. 1 ♦ You lose allchosen Advanced Class), and except
acquire them, Class.
entries previously Points used to
 Chyrurgeon to get rid of an Creating Equipment the Experience on upgrading to the Advanced to
is the only waythe Injury entry party by erasing
owned by the gaining the value of
 Baths to rest and toughen
their for those spent of  you have
Visiting the Chyrurgeon
during a Mission.
1 2 ♦ Sell Reagents Sheet and visit the Baths spend any number your Basic
Injury received from the Campaign in the “Sell” column. 4 4 Heroes may ♦ Immediatelyfrom those available among
learn Skills
Rest Phase on the Rulebook. Hero on  Church Church by Florins indicated bodies. Class.
assigned to your comfort in the value in Florins  Inn and Baths can pay
2 Florins,
Class and Advanced Class
given in order: by paying the the Florins mind off thingsother who visits the
an Advanced
Follow the steps Mission will tell you more Injuries find spiritual
A Hero may donation for the poor. ♦ Buy Reagentsthe “Buy” column. Erase can take their ♦ Each Hero from the Campaign Sheet. has already gained from their Basic
♦ Select one or Sheet. by playing dice
with ♦ If your Hero at least 3 Skills
1. The last played Phase, leaving a small indicated in purchased. In the Inn, Heroes erasing them to the Baths starts you must acquire
perform the Rest the Campaign by erasing them 4 Florins, spent and mark
the Reagents
gain (or lose!)
some Florins paid for entrance
where you cantown  or a village cost in Florins Church may pay the value in Florins ♦ The Hero who with an Advantaged
Token on Skills.
♦ Pay the healing who visits the cards, gaining card (equal Class. with the new
whether in a the availability of the Sheet.
from the Campaign for which you paid the cost
in ♦ Each Hero from the Campaign Sheet. ♦ Sell Equipment back of the Equipment
them from the the next Mission Campaign Sheet
. This affects Rest Phase entry on the a Blessed indicated on thespent to craft it). ♦ Update the Mentor.
Injuries erasing them Mission with 5 Florins by erasing their Hero Sheet. cannot visit the
Shops (see the ♦ Remove any start the next to the amount ♦ Wager 0 to Sheet. cannot visit the
♦ Companions
Florins. ♦ If they do, they Hero Sheet. Campaign apply the effect accordingly: as you ♦ Companions
Rulebook). available  Token on their Roll 2d8 and you lose twice as many Florins on the
may spend their 1 1 cannot visit the
2. Each Hero new Skills (see the Acquiring
who ♦ Companions ▶ Double 1: to the maximum
to acquire entry). Any Hero  Barracks wagered, up
a new Class Skill Card 2 may hire mercenaries, Campaign Sheet. Florins as you
their Destiny you can temporarily the next Mission twice as many
has resolved change their Basic Class In the Barracks to help out inCards entry in the ▶ 10: you win
spend 2  to two Advanced Classes called Companions, wagered. Florins you wagered.
to one of the See the Companion the amount of amount of Florins
(see the Acquiring to be faced. ▶ 11+: you win you lose the
available to them entry). Rulebook. ▶ All other results:
Class Advancement Companion) may you wagered.
(and each up to 3 Companions. hired
3. Each Hero Shop during a Rest phase. ♦ You can hire each Companion
visit a single availability of in Florins for in the next
♦ Pay the cost Skills they need to have
Choose carefully—the Shop may also
based on what3 Skills).
places in a single is indicated by the Mission (0 to the end of
limited. The limit Missions, until decided
to the Town or
Village play the next have
number next to the name of the Shop. ♦ Companions Phase, with the Skills you
symbol next by the the next Rest them.
in the order preferred to acquire for
4. Each Hero,
players, performs
the Shop they
the Effects indicated
are in.
Baths Mentor

 Town

 Village



- Rest Board


Nova Aetas

Città di Castello


San Marino





Gualdo Tadino


Tre Pietre

Map of Italy/Rest Board 10 Interaction Cubes 8 Dice

30 Hero Cubes

4 Focus Points
1 Water/Mud Tile 11 Tiles

2 3x3 Houses 2 2x4 Houses

4 Ladders 2 Carts 2 Trapdoors 2 Levers

4 Trees 4 Bushes

1 Well 4 Mystic Stones 2 Stones 1 Blood of Gaea

A Action Points 
F Action Points  determine how many Actions a Model can
perform during its Activation.
Achievement Cards  Action Points follow these rules:
◆ When a Model Activates, it gains  equal to its Swiftness

po poon
Sponoon t 3 value .
◆  can be spent by the Active Model to perform Actions
A hveiemvenem
c en
t t 33 or use other Effects at its disposal that require an expense
I  ch
AAchieievemen B
of .
 ◆ For each  spent by a Hero, their Activation Token
D advances one Sector on the Horologium.
J ◆ Enemies move their Activation Token forward on the
Horologium by a number of Sectors equal to their own
K  characteristic, regardless of how many  they spend
during their Activation.
L ◆ A Model does not have to spend all the  available to
them during their Activation. The  not spent are lost.
M eless as
"You are as us l of Related Topics: Models Activation, Actions, Hero, Enemy,
in a bo w
a spoon Active Model (Model).
i."seless as
N "Y ou ar
sp e
ag as
bowl ofss as
ouooanreinaas ui."sele of
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n in a bow
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These cards represent accomplishments,
obtained by the party or an individual
statuses, or items
etti."during a Mission. Actions
P The fact that the party or a Hero is in possession of certain During its activation a Model can perform Actions by paying
Achievement Cards may alter the course and development of their cost in Action Points . The Model can continue to
the current or subsequent Missions. perform Actions as long as it has  available to pay for its
Q Achievement Cards contain this information: cost. A Model may perform the same Action, or different
A Name: name of the achievement obtained.
Actions, several times, but must perform one Action
R B  Number: number of the Achievement Card, on most
completely before it can perform another.
occasions when the Mission Cards or the Plotbook Most Actions can be performed by both Hero and Enemy
S indicate one of these cards, they will do so exclusively by Models.
number, e.g. 5.
C  Personal: the Achievement Card is bound to a single
Hero, is held by the player who controls it, and marked in
Movement (1 per Square)
the designated slot of the Campaign Sheet.
U D  Discard: achievement must be discarded and placed
back into the corresponding deck once the Mission where
V it was obtained is completed. If this icon is not present,
the Achievement Card is kept by the party Mission after
Mission, and must be marked in the designated slot on
W the Campaign Sheet.
E Artwork.
X F Quote. The Hero declares the number of  they want to spend
for this action, they move their Activation Token to the
Y Related Topics: Playing a Mission (Campaign). Horologium and perform the movement on the Battlefield.
Each  spent allows the Model to move into an adjacent
Square in an orthogonal direction.

A Model can cross a Square occupied by a Friendly Model
but cannot stop on it. It cannot cross a Square occupied by an
Mission's Actions A
Opposing Model or a Blocking Scenic Element. A Movement
Action must always end in an Available Square. B
Attack (X) C
  

Reload 2
These are additional actions that can be performed by Heroes F
during a Mission as long as the Mission Card indicating them
The Model performs one of the Attacks indicated in one of is revealed in the Game Area.
its Equipment or Skills, or, in the case of Enemies, one of the Follow these rules to use Mission's Actions:
Attacks indicated on its Enemy Card. ◆ The Hero who wants to use the Mission's Action must
(See: Heroes Attack, Enemies Attack). spend the number of  indicated at the top of its H

Use Skill (X)

◆ If prerequisites are indicated in the Mission's Action I
description (for example, having Achievement Card 12),
the Hero who wants to use the Mission's Action must
meet all of them in order to perform it.

The Hero uses one of their Skills by spending the  cost
indicated in its description. A (See: Skills)
If once the Mission's Action is engaged, the Mission Cards
or Plotbook Instructions indicate to place an Interaction O
Equipment Use (X) Cube in the corresponding slot before the Mission's Action
description, place an Interaction Cube on it. A As long as the
The Hero uses the Effect of one of their Equipment. The Interaction Cube is on the corresponding slot, the Mission's P
cost in  and rules of these Effects are described on the Action is no longer available.
corresponding Equipment Card. Q
Related Topics: Skills, Models Activation, Equipment Cards,
Mission Cards, Interaction Cube, Hero, Stealth, Enemy, Action
Wait (X) Points, Focus Point, Attack Test.

-1 V

The Hero spends any number of  at their disposal, without X

performing an action, their Activation Token moves forward
on the Horologium by a number of Sectors equal to the  Y

indicated Effect. Other Models (Friendly and Opposing) in
A Adjacent Models the Area indicated by the Trait suffer the Area Effect, which is
normally different from that of the target.
B Two Models are considered adjacent when they are in two
Enemies: The Trait is always indicated before the  symbol.
Squares that share one of the sides and are at the same HL.
The Enemy targets a single Hero as per usual, but the Attack
C applies to both the target Hero and all other Heroes in the
Area indicated by the Trait. Each Hero in the Area suffers the
Attack, and performs a separate Defense Test.
In both cases, Area Effects follow these rules:
E ◆ Area Effects do not affect Models that are on a different
Height Level than the target.
F ◆ Models other than the target that are in the Area suffer the
effect even if whoever performed the Attack does not have
a valid Line of Sight toward them.
G ◆ The 4 types of Areas are outlined in the Handbook.
◆ The Cross Area affects 5 Squares: that of the Target and the
H 4 Squares adjacent to it.
◆ The Burst Area affects 9 Squares: that of the Target and the
I Related Topics: Height Level. 8 Squares around it.
◆ The Breath Area affects 4 Squares: that of the Target, the
Square on the opposite side to that of the Attacker, and the
J two Squares adjacent to it in a straight line.

K Ally ◆ The Spear Area X affects an X number of Squares in a

straight line from the Attacking Model (e.g., Spear 3
A Model who has this Generic Skill on their Profile Card affects 3 Squares).
L follows these rules: ◆ The Spear X and Breath Areas require the Model
◆ It is considered a Friendly Model by the Heroes. performing the Attack to be adjacent to the target.
◆ Players perform Tests on behalf of this Model.
M ◆ Unless otherwise stated in its Profile Card, players make Related Topics: Heroes Attacks, Enemies Attacks (Enemy),
the choices for this Model. Valid Target, Effects, Line of Sight, Height Levels, Opposing
N ◆ An Ally may not perform Missions Actions unless Model, Attack Tests, Defense Tests, Traits.
otherwise stated in the rules of a Mission.
O ◆ Enemies defeated by an Ally add cards to the Loot

◆ An Ally's Activation Token always moves a number of Artificial Intelligence
sectors equal to their , regardless of what Actions they
performed and how many  they actually spent.
Q ◆ An Ally is considered a Hero when they are the target of Enemies are managed by the AI system, which determines
Skills and Equipment effects of Heroes and Enemies. their Actions during their Activation.
R ◆ The Allies' Attack profile has no  Target, because it In some Missions, each Enemy or Group of Enemies has a
always targets Opposing Models. specific Goal.
An Enemy's Goal always has their own Threat Level .
S Related Topics: Actions, Missions' Actions, Loot, Profile Card The Enemy always pursues their Goal as long as a Hero in their
(Mission Cards). Control Area  does not exceed that Threat Level. In the event
T that a Goal does not present any , the Enemy continues to
pursue it regardless of the  of Heroes in their .
U When an Enemy Model activates, carry out the following
Areas steps to determine its behavior:
1. Check if there are Heroes in their .
V Attacks with this Trait can target multiple Models within an
2. If one or more Heroes are in the  of the Enemy (no
Area. This Trait is always followed by the type of Area (e.g.,
Line of Sight required), determine which among them has
Cross Area), and works differently depending on whether the
W attacker is a Hero or an Enemy.
the highest Threat Level ; That Hero will become the
Enemy's Goal.
Heroes: The Trait is always indicated after the  symbol.
X In case the Enemy has a Goal given by the Mission, the 
The Hero must target a single Model (it may be Friendly,
of the Hero must be equal to or greater than the  of their
Opposing Model, or Misc, depending on the target icon in
Mission Goal. If it is lower, the Enemy will ignore the Hero
Y the Attack profile) following the normal rules for Attacks.
and continue to follow their Mission Goal.
The Hero performs a single Attack Test against the target.
3. If more than one Hero in the  can be chosen as the Goal,
If the Attack is successfully performed, the target suffers the
Z the Enemy selects the closest among them. If there is a

tie again, the Goal is the Hero with the most  Tokens Astro Symbol must be applied, it is not optional.
on their Hero Sheet among them. If the tie persists, the ◆ When an Astro Symbol adds a Trait to the Effect, it is
players may choose which Hero will be the Enemy's Goal. normally indicated with the formula: Astro Symbol + Trait
4. If the active Enemy does not have a specific Goal and (e.g.  Burn). B
there are no Heroes in their , they choose the closest ◆ If you perform an Attack Test and the additional Effect
Hero as the Goal (no Line of Sight required), in case of a comes before the  symbol, it applies regardless of the C
tie, the Goal will be the Hero with the highest  among number of Successes  obtained.
them, and if the tie persists, the one with the most  ◆ If an additional Effect requires a combination of Astro
Tokens on the Hero Sheet among them. In case there is Symbols (For example, a  and a , or two ), the Test
still a tie after these checks, players select which Hero will result must contain all the Astro Symbols required to
be the Enemy's Goal. apply the additional Effect. E
5. This priority is referred to as "Standard" in many Profile ◆ Unless otherwise stated, an additional Effect gained
Cards and Prey Cards to indicate that that Enemy will through Astro Symbols applies for each Astro Symbol(s) F
behave following these rules for choosing their targets. the Hero can use to activate it.
◆ An Astro Symbol activates all the effects for which it is
There is a detailed diagram on the Handbook for following required. So if a Hero has two different effects that require
the Artificial Intelligence rules properly. a  Symbol, both effects will be activated if at least one
die obtains a  as a result. This also applies in case the H
required symbol is within a combination of Astro Symbols.
Example: AI Priority I
At the beginning of the activation of the Papal Example: Additional Effects of
Guard, Vincenzo and Sofia find themselves Astro Symbols  J
inside his . The Enemy must choose a Goal
and apply the Attack Heroes rule. Sofia has 3, Rebecca attempts to throw an Arcane Arrow at an K
while Vincenzo has 8. So, despite Sofia being Arquebusier. Therefore, she must obtain 2  using
the closest Hero, the Enemy will move toward 5 A of the target as the Success Threshold B . L
Vincenzo even though he does not have enough
 to attack him. M
8 N
Arcane Arrow O

 Reload 2,
Pierce P
 2, inflict +1
3 Arcane Arrow
each .

Magic Trick R
Rebecca rolls the dice and obtains 7, 4, 1, 1, and thus
Related Topics: Profile Cards (Mission Cards), Prey Cards ( 2. T
Hunt Missions), Enemy, Perilium, Threat Level. Failing to obtain the required number of successes,
the Test fails and no effect is applied, not even the U
Arcane Arrow Side Effect that would have inflicted a
    
 more 3 for
each  obtained.
1-6 +0 2
Astro Symbols   2, inflict +1 for
each .
The dice in the game contain, in addition to the normal W
numbers, special symbols called Astro Symbols.
   
Effects that require a Test to be used may take into account X
the Astro Symbols obtained from the dice to apply additional 7 4 1 1
Astro Symbols follow these rules: Y
◆ Unless otherwise stated, the additional Effect gained by an Related Topics: Dice, Characteristic Test.

A Attack Test C
B Characteristic Test performed to make a or Attack.
A Attack is considered successful if it inflicts at least 1.
A Attack Test is considered successful if you obtain all the Character Tokens
C required . These two Tokens indicate which Enemy
Decay Whip
Model is to be considered as the Pope or
D Omnia Sp
Whip Doge in Missions where these Enemies are
 Omnia Sp
ell  Weapon
E When required, place a Character Token
under the Model indicated by the Mission.
  
    
3  2-6   
G  The3 ta  2-
 The target gain 6 +0 +0 2
rget gainss a Pois2on
  
1-3 +0+0
11  1-3
Characteristic Test
To ken. a Poisoneded ss
Upkeep Toke n. Ha
ththU pkeep 2
eses 2:: if
if yo
youu do no Hinder
 Hin der
,, th
thee ta do not tpapay 
H Po rget
targ et di scards y
oned Todi
ed To sc
ken.ards thth
A Test is a Dice roll involving a specific Characteristic of the
Hero who is to perform it, usually with a number of dice
I Related Topics: Heroes Attacks (Hero), Characteristic Test. equal to the Characteristic involved. The number of dice used
in the Test can be modified by various factors, such as Status
J Tokens or Skill Effects.

K Available Squares Success Threshold

A Square is considered available when it is not occupied by
L When the game requires you to perform a Test, it also
any Model or by certain Bulky Scenic Elements.
indicates a Success Threshold, e.g., the minimum numerical
value that a die used in the Test must obtain to be considered
M Related Topics: Scenic Element, Model, Tile.
a Success . If a Success Threshold is not indicated in the
Test, that value is considered 5.
Related Topics: Heroes Attacks (Hero), Enemies Attacks
O B (Enemy), Hero Characteristics (Hero), Attack Test, Defense

Q The Battlefield is represented by the set of Tiles A and Scenic
Elements B that make it up. The Squares on the Roofs of the
R Buildings are also part of the Battlefield C . Location Cards
and Non-Zones are not part of the Battlefield.


X Related Topics: Location Cards (Mission Cards), Scenic

Element, Non-Zone, Tile.

Example: Success Threshold Class Points 
Reading the Plotbook during a Mission, Sofia finds Some Advanced Classes gain the ability to accumulate and B
herself in the situation of having to pick a lock. The spend Class Points . These points are called differently
Plotbook indicates that the Hero must perform a  according to the Advanced Class that uses them; for example, C
Test and obtain at least 1 Success . No Success the Chronomancer gains the ability to accumulate and spend
Threshold is indicated for the Test, so it is considered Class Points called Time Points.
to have a value of 5.
Class Points can be used in various ways:
1. As an additional cost for the activation of Skills. E
2. To activate Effects described on Equipment Cards.
3. To activate additional effects of Skills and Equipment.
Related Topics: Skills.
Sofia rolls a number of dice equal to her  I
These represent simplified versions of Heroes. When the
Characteristic, that is 3, and obtains two 5+ (2)
group of players is fewer than four, it is recommended (but
not essential) to use the Companion version of each Hero J
not directly controlled by a player.
  A Companion Card shows this information:
5 6 2 A Name: name of the Companion.
B Characteristics: a Companion uses the Characteristics
The Plotbook indicates that having obtained at least L
1 Success, Sofia can read the indicated Paragraph of Heroes (see corresponding section).
C Skills: the Skills available to the Companion with
that will tell the consequences of her successfully
performed Test! corresponding cost in Florins. M
D Equipment: provides Attacks or Skills available to the

 Companion. N
E Keyword: the Keywords the Companion has.

Valerio attacks a Lancer with his Sword, who has a  A O

B 5 2 4 1 5

 C
: gain +1. You can use this Skill a maximum
of once per Activation. Q
+1(Upgrade): you may choose as the target of
this Attack an Enemy within 4 of you; if you
do, you gain 3 Dashes you must use to become
 adjacent to the target.
 Tackle
Guard S
Reaction 2: when you are to gain a Negative
Status Token, you instead do not gain that Token.

Having a value of  equal to 4, and gaining no bonus

D Sword - Weapon
to that value from the sword, he rolls 4 dice and gains
     Tackle
6, 6, 5 and 2. 3  1 +0
Leather Armor - Armor
      Ignore the first  suffered during a Mission.
6 6 5 2 Shield - Shield

At the beginning of your Activation, if you do not

By obtaining 3 , Valerio inflicts 3  and defeats the already have one, you gain a Shielded Token.
Lancer in just one Attack!
E Intimidate - Brutality - Survival

A Companion follows these rules:
◆ A Companion can be hired in the Rest Phase if a Hero Y
visits the Barracks. There is no limit to the number of
Companions a Hero can hire, but the total number of Z

Heroes and Companions in use can never exceed four.
A ◆ No Companion with the same name as a Hero used by a
player in the Mission can be hired.
B ◆ Hiring a Companion does not cost Florins, but you may
spend Florins to acquire one or more of the 3 Skills on Dash
C their Card. Any Skill acquired for the Companion can be
used in the Mission. Some Game Effects allow a Model to perform one or more
◆ The three Equipment on a Companion Card can always be Dashes.
D used without the need to purchase them. A Dash follows these rules:
◆ A Companion is considered for all intents and purposes a ◆ A Model performing a Dash can move to an Available
E Hero, with the only exception that they never draw Injury Square adjacent to the one it is currently in.
Cards. ◆ A Dash does not use up  in addition to those spent for
F ◆ A Companion's Actions are chosen and performed by the the Skill or Attack that allows it to be performed.
players, but they are not considered under the control of ◆ A Dash is not affected by any game rule that hinders
any player or other Hero. movement (such as the Hindered Token or the Mud/
G ◆ During a Rest Phase, Companions can visit the Shops Water Tile).
as if they were Heroes. A Companion can also visit the ◆ Every Dash must be performed immediately by the Model
H Barracks to hire other Companions or even themselves, who gains it, even if it is not the Active Model. Any Dash
but cannot visit the Church, the Baths or the Mentor. not performed immediately is lost.
I ◆ A Companion is part of the party until the end of the Rest ◆ Unless otherwise stated, a Dash causes Reaction Attacks.
Phase following the one they were hired in. It is therefore ◆ Unless otherwise stated, a Hero may choose whether or
possible for a Companion to play more than one Mission not to perform a Dash.
J before leaving the party.
◆ In each Rest Phase you can hire new Companions or re- Related Topics: Reaction Attack, Movement (Actions),
K hire those currently in use. In this case, each time you hire Available Square, Active Model (Model).
a Companion you will have to pay again for the Skills you
L wish to acquire for them. You are not forced to purchase
the same Skills, you may change their configuration
according to your needs or availability of Florins. Defense Test
◆ A Companion uses the corresponding Hero's Model and
Activation Token. Both of these components are placed Characteristic Test performed in response to and to defend
N on the Battlefield and Horologium as though they were a against a or Attack.
regular Hero.
Related Topics: Enemies Attacks (Enemy), Characteristic Test.
Related Topics: Skills, Hero, Setup Phase (Campaign),
R Although not stated, all Attacks performed by Models
other than Enemies have the Critical 1 Trait, so any Attack
S that inflicts 3 or more  always inflicts an extra  (See
Critical X on the Handbook) and raises the Threat Level
T on the Perilium by an additional point. If a Hero scores a
Critical by attacking an Enemy who is Immune to Critical
(for example, because they have the Fate Skill), the Enemy
U does not suffer the extra , but the Hero still increases their
Threat Level by 1 point.
Related Topics: Heroes Attacks (Hero), Wounds and Wound
Tokens, Perilium, Threat Level.

Dice Example: Dice Re-roll 
Special 8-sided dice are used in Nova Aetas Renaissance. B
The sides of the die show the conventional values from 1 to 8. Sofia has a Lucky Token A on her Hero Sheet and is
These numbers are used to determine whether a die obtains a attacking a Slinger, who has the Dodge Skill B .
 Success during a Test C
Some sides of the dice also include the Astro symbols: Sun

 on sides 8, 6 and 4, Star  on sides 5 and 7, and Moon  D
on side 1. These symbols are considered for triggering special
Arcane Arrow
effects of certain Skills, or for other features of the game,
when explicitly stated in the rules.
Magic Trick B
Arcane Arrow G
 Magic Trick A

Sofia performs an Attack Test against the Physical

Defense of the Slinger (5) with 3 dice, obtaining
2 Successes  I
 
5 6 3
Sofia could use the Lucky Token to re-roll the die K
that did not obtain a  hoping to obtain 3 , which,
thanks to the Critical Trait, would allow her to defeat
the Enemy with a single Attack. However, following L
  
  
3  1-6 +0 2
the sequence of the Heroes' Attacks, one must first
resolve the Effect of the Slinger's Dodge Generic M
3  1-6 +0 2
 2, inflict +1 for
Skill, which forces Sofia to re-roll one of her dice that
obtained a . Sofia thus chooses one of the two dice N
 2, each
inflict. +1 for that obtained a  and re-rolls it. The new result is
each . not a .
Dodge, Horde 2, Climb
Related Topics: Dice Roll, Dice Re-roll, Astro Symbols, P
Characteristic Test. 
5 2 3 Q
At this point Sofia may decide whether to discard the
Dice Re-roll Lucky Token to re-roll one of the two dice (even the
same one that was re-rolled because of the Dodge
Some game effects allow one or more Dice used in a Test to Skill), or to save it for a future Test. She decides to use
be re-rolled. it and re-rolls the die already re-rolled for the Dodge
Dice Re-rolling follows these rules: Skill of the Slinger and obtains a .
◆ Dice must be re-rolled before applying the result of the T
Test. 
◆ A Hero may not re-roll a die that they have already re- U
rolled due to the Effects of Tokens Status or Skills/
 
Equipment, in the same Test.
◆ A die may be re-rolled a second time in the same Test, only 5 7 3 V
if the first re-roll was caused by the Effect of an Enemy's Since there are no additional modifiers to be applied,
Skills. the final Attack Test Result is 2 that inflict 2 to W
the Slinger.
Related Topics: Heroes Attacks (Hero), Enemies Attacks X
(Enemy), Dice Roll, Attack Test, Defense Test, Characteristic

A Dice Roll Enemy
B In some situations a Dice Roll may be required, probably to A Model other than Heroes and who does not have the Ally
determine a random element or for specific actions required Trait on their Profile Card is always considered an Enemy.
by Missions. A Dice Roll is not a Test; it cannot be modified An Enemy is generally associated with the following
C by Status Tokens, Skill effects, or other game rules unless components:
otherwise stated. Some Dice Rolls require you to obtain a  A Enemy Model.
D Success; in this case, as with Characteristic Tests, if a Success B Enemy Activation Token.
Threshold is not indicated, it is considered 5+. C Enemy Card or Profile Card.
Related Topics: Characteristic Tests, Status Tokens.

F Cardinal 5
5 6

G 3
6 6
6 9
6 C2-4

2 5+ Fate, Heal
Trample, Sni 4,
, Disadvant per
Effect 
3 1 3 6+ Punish the
Infidels: whe
 Burn, Stun gain a Dis n a Hero
they gain a antaged Token; if wounds Egidio, they
Cursed Tok they already

en. have one,
Protection 4 Vengeance:
the Hero who
Egidio gain
 s 14: Swo inflicts the Wound
rn Enemy. that defeats

A  2 my

Attacks with this icon apply all the Effects and Traits described  : Hero with
the lowest

J after it. 

For Heroes this occurs if the Test of a Attack inflicts at least

1 , or if the Test of a Attack obtains all the required .
K The Effects or Traits indicated after the icon are to be applied
When a Mission Card or Plotbook instructs you to use a
particular Enemy, take the components listed above out of
following the reading order from left to right.
the box and use them. The same applies to Enemies generated
L Some Equipment and Skills can cause an Attack to gain
with an Enemy Draft.
M If an Attack already has Effects, those gained through
Equipment/Skills are always to be resolved last, in an order
decided by the player.
N Enemies apply all Effects if a Attack inflicts at least 1 
(not placed on an Equipment) or if a Hero does not obtain all
O the  required to defend against a Attack.
All Effects and Traits shown after the icon are to be applied
P following the reading order from left to right.

Related Topics: Heroes Attacks (Hero), Enemies Attacks

Q (Enemy), Traits.

S Encumbrance
Each Equipment occupies a certain slot available to the Hero.
T During the Setup Phase each Hero may equip themselves
with the Equipment Cards marked on the Campaign Sheet,
following these limits:
U ◆ One Equipment Card with  Encumbrance (Two-Hand) or
two Equipment Cards with  Encumbrance (One-Hand).
V ◆ Three Equipment Cards with  Encumbrance
W ◆ Three Equipment Cards with  Encumbrance (Grimoire).
◆ One Equipment Card with  Encumbrance (Head).
◆ One Equipment Card with  Encumbrance (Body).
X ◆ If an Equipment Card has no Encumbrance symbol, it
occupies no slots.
Related Topics: Equipment Cards, Setup Phase (Campaign),
Z Campaign Sheet (Campaign).

Enemy Cards ◆ Some Enemies have specific Profile Cards shown on the
Mission Cards where they appear. When a Profile Card
These cards summarize the characteristics of a specific type that refers to a specific Enemy or group of Enemies is
of Enemy. revealed during a Mission, that card is considered their B
An Enemy card shows this information: Enemy Card.
A Name: Enemy's name. C
B Identification Number: number shown on the back of the
Enemy Activation Token, useful for quick identification. Enemies Characteristics
C Enemy Characteristics: see Enemies Characteristics
Each Enemy Characteristic has a numerical value that
below. represents their ability to influence the game world and resist
D Rank: Enemy's level of danger; it can be Troop  (a weak Heroes:
Enemy), Elite  (a powerful Enemy) or Monster  (a
lethal Enemy, one of a kind). Swiftness : F
E Attack: Attack(s) available to the Enemy.
◆ It represents the reflexes and speed of the Enemy.
F Traits: Effects of Attacks.
It determines the Enemy's order of Activation in relation G
G Faction: affiliation with a Faction in the game. The
to the other Models.
Factions in the core game are the Heroes, Rome , ◆ It provides an equal number of Action Points  to the
Venice , Primaevi .
Enemy when they become Active.
H Loot: the Reagent Cards that players add to the Loot
whenever an Enemy of the type represented on the card Control Area : I
is defeated.
◆ It determines the number of Squares within which the
I Generic Skills: the Enemy has all the Generic Skills
Enemy is able to locate the most dangerous Hero. J
listed here. Consult the Handbook for the rules for each
Generic Skill. K
Physical Defense :
B ◆ It determines the Success Threshold for Physical Attack
Papal Guard A Tests targeting this Enemy. L
 5 Psychic Defense : M
◆ It determines the Success Threshold for Psychic Attack
 5 Tests targeting this Enemy. N
 6 Health :
◆ It represents a mixture of physical and mental resistance
 5 of the Enemy.
◆ It determines the maximum number of  Wounds the P

5 Enemy can take before being defeated.
 R
E 3 1 3 7+
 Stun, Tackle F S

D Protection 2 I G T
 1  1
 U

Enemy Cards follow these rules:

◆ Place the Enemy Card of each Enemy that has at least one
Model present in the Battlefield on one side of the table at W
the disposal of all players, keep the others in a deck.
◆ A single Enemy Card represents all the Models of that X
Enemy type present on the Battlefield.
◆ When the last Model of an Enemy type is defeated and
removed from the Battlefield, place their Enemy Card in
the deck.

A Enemies Attacks Psychic Attack
When an Enemy performs an Attack the following rules are
B applied:
◆ Determine which Attack will be performed by the Enemy.
C Usually Enemies have only one Attack, but some have
2 Attacks. When this happens, follow the rules of the C
Eclectic Generic Skill (see Handbook).
D ◆ Check whether the Attack to be performed is a Physical F
Attack or a Psychic Attack . Next, continue following
E the rules given in the following paragraphs.
◆ The Enemy Attack profile does not include the target  ◆ Apply the Effects of all Attack Traits that come before the
F because an Enemy Model will always target Heroes. symbol . C
◆ The Enemy spends the indicated number of . A
Physical Attack ◆ Their Target must be within Range  of the Attack and
be a Valid Target.
◆ Apply in order all the effects of Negative Status Tokens
H first and then the Positive Status Tokens ones.
C ◆ The target Hero performs a Defense Test on the indicated
I Pierce Characteristic (usually Mind  ) with a Success Threshold
 Stun equal to that indicated D . After the dice roll, apply the
J following points in the order in which they are listed.
▶ Apply any effects of the Enemy's Generic Skills.
▶ Apply any effects of Hero's Skills.
K ◆ Apply the Effects of all Attack Traits that come before the
▶ Apply any effects of Positive Status Tokens.
symbol . C
▶ Apply any effects of Negative Status Tokens.
L ◆ The Enemy spends the indicated Number of . A
◆ If the number of Successes  obtained in the Defense Test
◆ Their target must be within Range  of the Attack and be
is equal to or greater than that indicated in the Attack E ,
a Valid Target. B
M ◆ Apply in order all the effects of Negative Status Tokens
the Attack does not produce any Effect. In any other case,
the Attack is considered successful and the Enemy applies
first and then the Positive Status Tokens ones.
N the Effect in its entirety on the target.
◆ the Enemy deals a number of Hits  on the target equal to
◆ The Enemy applies the Effect, including all Attack Traits
the indicated value. D
found after the symbol . F
O ◆ The target Hero performs a Defense Test on the indicated
◆ If after the symbol , the symbol  is present preceded
Characteristic (usually Physique ) with a Success
by a number, the Hero suffers that number of .
Threshold equal to the one indicated. E After the Dice
P roll, apply the following points in the order in which they

are listed. Defeated Enemy
▶ Apply any effects of the Enemy's Generic Skills.
▶ Apply any effects of Hero's Skills. When an Enemy has a number of Wound Tokens equal to
R ▶ Apply any effects of Positive Status Tokens. their value of  they are immediately defeated.
Follow these rules when an Enemy is Defeated:
▶ Apply any effects of Negative Status Tokens.
◆ If the Wound(s) that lead to the defeat of an Enemy are
S ◆ Each Success  obtained by the Hero cancels one of the
inflicted by a Model, that Model is considered the one who
Hits  the Enemy dealt.
defeated the Enemy.
◆ Each Hit  not cancelled inflicts 1 to the target Hero.
T ◆ If the Attack inflicted at least 1  (which has not been
◆ A Defeated Enemy is removed from the Battlefield.
◆ After removing the Defeated Enemy's Model from the
placed on an Equipment Card), it is considered successful
Battlefield, a player draws, without revealing them, the
U and the Enemy applies the Effects of all Attack Traits that
Reagent Cards indicated on the Defeated Enemy's Card (if
come after the symbol . F
any) and adds them to the Loot.
V ◆ A Defeated Enemy with a  inflicted by a Status Token
provides Reagent Cards to the Loot normally, but is not
W considered to have been defeated by any Hero.
◆ If a Hero defeats an Enemy, inflicting more  than those
needed to defeat them, the excess  are still considered
X inflicted by that Hero for the purpose of applying any
Effects/Traits, or for counting Class Points/Heroic Points.
Y ◆ If the removed Enemy is the last of their type, also remove
the corresponding Activation Token.

Playing the Enemies Enemy Draft A
Nova Aetas Renaissance is a fully cooperative game and its
game system makes the Enemies very autonomous, so in In many Missions you will be required to perform Drafts to B
many cases players will simply have to follow the Instructions introduce new Random Enemies on the Battlefield.
provided by their Artificial Intelligence (AI) and move This operation is indicated with a text string that provides the
following information: C
miniatures around the Game Area according to the directions
However, more complicated situations may occur where A The Faction of Draft Cards to be used. D
players will have to make decisions to manage the Enemies in B The Rank of Enemies. It indicates which type of Draft
the best way. When such situations occur, follow these simple Cards form the deck: Troop , Elite  or Monster . E
rules: C Potential Enemies that must be excluded. The Draft Card
◆ Artificial Intelligence: Goals set by Missions for Enemies of the indicated Enemy must not be included among
those that form the Deck.
always take priority over any other factor.
◆ Be Naughty!: any good story would not be such if there D The position where each drawn Model is to be placed on
were no antagonists equal to the Heroes, able to put them the Battlefield. This could be a specific point indicated by G
in a difficult situation and always staying one step ahead of a map or a Focus Point already on the Battlefield.
them. In dubious situations always make the best choices E Potential special rules to apply to the Draft, such as ignore H
for the Enemies. the Horde Skill.
Related Topics: Skills, Enemy Activation (Models Activation),
Valid Target, Loot, Mission Cards, Enemy Draft, KO Hero, A B C
Wounds and Wound Tokens, Artificial Intelligence, Line of J
Sight, Models, Perilium, Action Points, Status Tokens, Success
Threshold, Defense Test, Attack Test, Characteristic Test, Traits, K
Threat Level.

Follow these steps in order when performing an Enemy Draft:
1. Form a Deck with the Draft Cards of the Enemies P
indicated by the Mission's rules.
2. Draw a random Draft card and reveal it to know which Q
Enemy to place on the Battlefield.
3. Place a drawn Enemy Model on each Square indicated by
the Draft Profile following these rules:
◊ If the Square where you should place the Enemy Model
is not available, place it in the nearest Available Square S
to it of your choice.
◊ If you do not have enough Models of the drawn Enemy T
available to occupy all the Squares indicated, draw
a new card by repeating steps 2 and 3 until you have
placed an Enemy for each Square indicated by the
Mission rules.
4. If the Horologium does not already include the Activation V
Tokens of Enemies that have just entered the game,
place their Activation Token in the Sector following the W
currently active one or in the Sector indicated by the
Mission rules (either way, this information is always given
in the Mission rules).

A Draft Cards The front of these cards always shows the characteristics and
rules of the Equipment:
These cards are used to perform an Enemy Draft when a A Name: Equipment name.
B Mission requires it. B Category: Equipment category such as Weapon, Artifact,
Potion, etc.
C They contain the following information: C Encumbrance: the type of Encumbrance the Equipment
A Artwork of the Enemy. occupies, among those available to the Hero.
B Name of the Enemy. D Rules: the rules for using the effect provided by the
D C Rank of the Enemy. Equipment. Attack, Active or Reaction Effects follow the
D Faction the Enemy is part of. same rules as Skills and Attacks (see related entries).
E E Skills of the Enemy that may interfere with the Draft, e.g. E Bond: indicates an Equipment Card automatically
in some Drafts it may be necessary to exclude cards with obtained by a Hero accessing the Advanced Class it is
the Shooter or Horde Skills.
F F Number of Models available for the Enemy indicated by
bound to.
F Artwork
the Draft Card.
H A C Phylactery A
 Artifact

C Shooter Reaction 1: When an Enemy
M  Gipsy  you have Line of Sight on is
B That Enemy is not removed
D from the Battlefield and gains
the Transformation: Risen
Related Topics: Focus Area, Available Square, Enemy. Token (see Transformation:
O Risen card).
The back of these Cards indicates the type of Equipment and
P also the way it can be gained.
Equipment Cards The types of Equipment are:
Q These cards represent the Equipment that Heroes can use
during a Mission. They can be obtained in various ways, and
R they all follow these rules:

S ◆ Once gained/crafted, it must be marked in the Inventory

section of the Campaign Sheet.
◆ During the Setup Phase of a Mission, a Hero may equip
T Equipment Cards by choosing among those listed in the
Inventory section of the Campaign Sheet, respecting the
U Encumbrance limits.
◆ There are 4 types di Equipment Cards:
V ◊ Starting Equipment Cards
◊ Advanced Equipment Cards
◊ Formulae Cards
W ◊ Reward Cards


Formulae Cards by a blue or red drape, depending on the color of the Advanced
Class chosen by the Hero. As with the Starting Equipment,
These are Equipment that can be crafted through the Artisan, these Cards can only be equipped by the Hero they belong to.
using the Reagents, and are distinguished by a white drape. The back shows the Hero's portrait and the name of the B
The back of these cards shows the following information: Advanced Class they belong to. In addition, the back of
G Name: Equipment name. each of the 3 cards in a set features one of these pieces of C
H Reagents: Reagents required to craft the Equipment. information:
I Florins:: Florins required to craft the Equipment.
Tiara of Time
This card is obtained for free by the Hero
Advanced Equipment

Sharp Sword E

Rebecca - Chronomancer
Gain this Equipment upon choosing and gaining the Advanced

through Destiny Cards
Class it is related to. This Equipment is
1 Silver called Bond and is indicated by the  icon F
2 Metal H on the front.
1 Wood G

Plate Armor H
Advanced Equipment

Valerio - Knight
1 Gold
2 Metal
This card is obtained for free by the Hero I
I as a reward for resolving their fourth
Destiny Card.
Formulae Cards follow these rules:
◆ All Formulae Cards can be freely referred to during Robes of the Order
the Rest Phase, creating a Formulae Deck with all the
Advanced Equipment

Vincenzo - Practitioner
Formulae Cards at your disposal. Gain this Equipment
when you become Practitioner This card must be Crafted exactly like a
◆ Regardless of the Restrictions of a Formulae Card, all Formulae Card. M
Heroes can craft it by utilizing the Artisan's Shop.
◆ Once the Equipment the Formulae refers to is crafted, it N
must be marked in the Inventory section of the Campaign
◆ Formulae Cards are limited by the number of copies O
provided in the box. Therefore, if only one copy of a Reward Cards
particular Formulae Card exists, it cannot be crafted again
These cards are distinguished by a yellow drape. The back P
as long as it is in the Campaign Sheet Inventory.
shows only a number to identify the card, e.g. 3. A Reward
◆ If an Equipment crafted by a Formulae is sold or discarded,
it must be deleted from the Inventory and can be crafted
Card is obtained if the Instructions of the Mission Cards Q
or the Plotbook state so, and from Side Missions and Hunt
again later.
Missions as well. When this happens, the Reward Card must R
be marked in the Inventory of the Campaign Sheet.
Starting Equipment Cards Wolf Dagger  S
Weapon Reward
Each Hero starts a Campaign with a set of 3 Starting 

Equipment Cards, recognizable by the back bearing the T

portrait of the Hero to whom they belong and the green
background illustration. Each Hero can equip these 3 cards
starting from their first Mission. These Cards can only be    
3  1 +0 1
equipped by the Hero they belong to. Pierce
 Critical 2
Sword Throwing Knives Censer

Starting Equipment Arcane Arrow
Related Topics: Actions, Reagent Cards and Reagents, Crafting
ent Starting Equipment
Shield Startin
g Equipm

— — Starting Equipment
Shield ire Sofia - Scum Vincenzo - Novice —
 Valerio - Squ Rebecca - Apprentice

Equipment (Campaign), Hero, Setup Phase (Campaign),

Encumbrance, Spells, Hunt Missions, Campaign Sheet
(Campaign), Status Tokens.
r Activa
t of youelded Tokens
At the star
are no Shi on it.
if there card, place one

on this

Advanced Equipment Cards Event Cards Z

These are 6 cards divided into two sets of 3 cards distinguished
These cards are drawn during the Travel Phase and represent always spend  to acquire skills of their Basic Class even
A events or encounters that occur during the Travel Phase if they are already in their Advanced Class.
between two Campaign Missions.
B Related Topics: Skills, Rest Phase (Campaign), Skill Sheet
(Hero), Campaign Sheet (Campaign).
C Traveling M

g the
ant alon
ge merch
t a stran

D You mee sn oop, you

road. to
ch him e inventory of
u approa rg s.
When yo at he sells a laus knick-knack
notice th rolls, and vario
paper, sc te
edia tely creaae
can im
m Formul an

E ◆ You ell Category th

a Sp one less Re the card.
using indicated on

F Florins 
Florins are the currency used in Nova Aetas Renaissance.
G When an Event Card is revealed, follow the instructions on it. They are not physically represented, but their quantity must
Once an Event Card is resolved move on to the next one, or if be updated on the Campaign Sheet each time they are gained
H there are no others, finish the Travel Phase. or spent.
Side Mission Event Cards have slightly different rules. Formulae cards often graphically show a certain amount of
Florins, required as payment to craft Equipment.
I Some Reagent Cards of the Pecunia  type also graphically
Related Topics: Travel Phase (Campaign), Side Missions.
show Florins that are obtained by the Heroes when they draw
J the card.
K Event Tokens Formulae

's Stone
1 PhilosoForm

1 Leather Florins
L 1 Philosopher's Stone
2 Wo odther
1 Lea
2 Wood

uscle L cost you 1
M e  Testiosnal .
N Th addit
 T nal 
cost .

These 4 Tokens are used during some Missions to indicate The additio

when a particular Event occurs. They are normally placed on

O a Sector of the Horologium, indicating when the Event is to
be resolved. If a Sector contains an Event Token, the Mission
P will indicate how to resolve it. Unless otherwise stated, Event Related Topics: Loot, Formulae Cards (Equipment Cards),
Tokens resolve before any Activation Tokens present in the Reagent Cards, Campaign Sheet (Campaign).
Q same Sector. Some Missions may use these Tokens in different
ways, in which case their rules will be described directly by
R the Mission.
Focus Area
Experience Points 
T Experience Points  are gained by Heroes by completing
Missions. The number of  gained by each Hero at the end of
U the Mission is indicated in the Mission texts in the Plotbook.
Experience Points follow these rules:
V ◆ When a Hero gains , they must note them in the
corresponding slot of the Campaign Sheet.

◆ During a Rest Phase a Hero may spend  to acquire new
Skills or to upgrade to their Advanced Class. A Hero can

Battlefield Areas important to the progress of a Mission
are highlighted on Maps with Squares with a specific color Game Area A
border. Texts in Mission Instructions will refer to a Focus
Area by mentioning the color of the borders of the Squares
The term Game Area is defined as the area of the table B
representing the Battlefield. It is where the Heroes may move
that make it up (e.g., Blue Area Squares).
and which contains their Models and those of their Enemies
and all other game components being used in the current C
Related Topics: Battlefield, Mission Cards, Enemy Draft.
Mission. The Game Area thus consists of the Tiles on which
the Models move (Battlefield), the Location cards (if any), and D
the materials indicated, generally, on Card 0 of the current
Focus Points Mission, or taken from the box following the Instructions in
the Plotbook.
These colored Squares are used to indicate specific points
on the Battlefield Tiles with which, in general, Heroes can
interact by taking advantage of Mission's Actions or Special
Rules indicated on a Mission Card. A Model can interact with G
a Focus Point if it is on it or in a Square adjacent to it.
Related Topics: Mission's Actions (Actions), Battlefield, K
Mission Cards. Related Topics: Battlefield, Location Card (Mission Cards),
Tiles. L

Forced Movement M
Some effects force a Model to perform a Forced Movement.
Generic Skills
These Movements do not cost  to the Model forced to A type of Skill that can be possessed by Enemies (indicated
perform them. If a Hero must perform a Forced Movement, on their Enemy Card) or Heroes, who can obtain it through
the controlling player decides how to perform it; if an Enemy a Skill or Equipment.
must perform it, the players decide how to move the Model. Generic Skills are explained in detail in the Handbook.
In both cases any limitations described in the effect must be P
respected. In all other respects a Forced Movement follows Related Topics: Actions, Equipment Cards, Enemy Cards
the game rules of a regular movement and unless otherwise (Enemy), Skill Sheet (Hero). Q
stated causes Reaction Attacks. Always apply the Golden
Rule for the Enemies.

Related Topics: Reaction Attack, Movement (Actions).

term "Hero" refers to their Model, the player who controls
A Height Level (HL) them, and all the components associated with them:
A The Hero Model.
B In Nova Aetas Renaissance there are 3 Height Levels:
B The Hero Activation Token.
◆ HL 0: this is the most common level. All Tile Squares that
C The Hero Sheet.
make up the Battlefield (including W and M Tiles) are
C considered to be at this HL. D The Skill Sheets.

◆ HL 1: all Squares on the Roofs of Buildings are considered E The Equipment Cards they are using in a Mission.
D to be at this HL. F The Hero Destiny Cards.
◆ HL 2: all Squares on the Tower Roofs are considered to be F
E at this HL. 1 Destiny

Rebecca - Apprentice
Know your Enemy or  Rank in
Enemy of 
: choose an For the rest of the Mission,

Height Levels follow these rules:

Omnia of Omnia. your Line of Sight. additional
Spells of the School ng you) roll 1
You can equip the Heroes (includi targeting a Model of the

22  in all Attack chosen. You can use this skill
type of Enemy
Pyromancy .
once per Mission

◆ HLs should not be considered when counting Squares D C

Myst sm.
icism. 1
your Spells gains:
Passive. Each of Magic Step
 Burn.
1 your Spells gains: ect of this
Passive. Each of resolved the Eff
 Once you have
Mystici sm.
icism. 4 of Spell, gain 2 Dashes.

between two Models. Therefore, when you need to

+1: choose an Enemy within
1 - +1:
 ted Token.
gains a Distrac 2
you. That Enemy Rose
1 Curse of the Black Test for
Doe Eyes my you perform the
power wPassive.your Ene+1: each time , d number of  or

Necro Kno the indicate
ion 3 Apprentice
Education. d Token. ment: a Spell andyou obtain
r Activat

determine whether a Model is within any  or ,

: gain a Shielde
2 Require of Skills
2 ation. inning tage Tok
more. en.
ool of Educ. At the beg4: perform this Attack:1
Focus ncy of the Sch Passive en gains an  Spell Phylactery
ma lls
Education. NecroSpells.equip Spe
your the Ris
Token on one of omes 
: Place a Lucky
1 can
d Ste p bec 
You ancy. my  form
1 Voi Ene

consider Squares on different HLs as being on the same
Necrom per 2
ch. en an
Sear n 2: wh n 2 Dashedoes not cau
3s to 1-5 se+4  .
, gai  inflict +1
Aegis Status Reactiont to you movement  3, for each
Dark itive
a Pos gains that adjace ately, this
cism. gain also immedi n Attacks.
Mysti. When youif present,
Passive the Risen, Reactio


ce  Pla 1
Sacrifi gains:
ism. Attack r Spells.
Myysti : this one of you ou
M grade) on u (ty

◆ An Attack can target a Model on a HL different from that

3 3 Apprentice
+1  (Up tage Token of yo ken.
van es To Skills
an Ad y becom in 3 cky
c Master m en n.
r Ris with s a Lu 2 -
/ +1 manti of You O io ero in
Necro keep ucat se a H Hero ga Hourglass
+1 . Th e Up Ed
 : choo That 2
Passive 1 ded).
 .

of the Attacking Model only if their  characteristic is 3

ery 0 inclu n
ts y  to cus Actio
Phylact Death t for Poin sion
meCorro hav -1
emeor ent: Fo s:
gain e next ation
the Tes or = Ti to youM of m ells
t of n.. m ire 1). n. th Activ only
Arcane Arrow

ion nt
Ser van perform of   duccat
Edu atio s adjace of imuqu ur Sp o  is t
e you ed number E . EnemiesSc hool
to a min Re uc atio of yo least tw d of th is effec
.+ +1:
Passive and obtain
h tim
1: eac the indicat
 con sedmby
Pas sive
irs ofAtt
th e (up ch
Ed ve. Ea tain at re the tivate
Passi you ob befo can ac
en th
 Magic Trick  Dagge
or higher.
a Spell least 1 increa no hest uip Sp 2  If perform s. You n. Wea
have at Risen therohig po
n ofeq cy. Ener
more. long as you es of the to haveCh
3 as
 and
 valu
red the beg u
Yo nonex
mt an
you 1 les tivatio
co sts
Ac ovem u
a M s, yo
ent n
 gy S
, , the Risen is all Heroes.
h the once rm Square
1, and  among ions (sta
of Ti
me al St
Astr .
perfo st 3

◆ Two Models on two different HLs can never be adjacent.

of ivat
value your Act Sa .  arch When move at ct
of .. ism Se
each nd 2  ystic  +1  ve. you ken.
one) spe M  Passi n, if To
  1-4 in 1 1
. 1
1 tio
Ac an As
2  ga gain

each ive
 egat
ed N
on gain
oniti wly
Prem ism. a ne 3
1/ 
M tion 2: n.
Disc n sp e
end      Char
+ ac ke yo u ca can us 3  1-6 +0 22   than ge (2
By eq  1  this 3caAdva): If ther
Re us To 'd u 
ss Stat me t KO . Yo
for u ge d 1  2,
2, inflict +1
urgla Test nd Ti n yo scar +1 for
uipp +0You rd nta e ar
Rewi 1: Whespent, diion.

Climbing to a higher HL
Ho à vu the  or each . you ga ing thisne Tokemay sp , placege To e fe
rformmber of tion Miss
Déj u pe Reac r each ce per

in Elus caxtrd, ns end one onkens onwer

e yo ted nu kens

tim ca n To by ; Skill on ive. youon this all Ad it.
each e indi atio ium this curr pe ca va
+1: in th Activ orolog ent to r ent rform rd on ntage

ve.  obta the H u sp efe Act du th
Passi ell and m ove on the yo u pr n ivat ring e
a Sp e. can back the  e as yo tivatio e ion. th
you s to lu th e
mor - 4 : Heroe equal this va . No Ac me
X other ctors viding kens overco
e Se di To to
of th tal of Skill, ation so as
is Activ ed
a to ate th

activ g their be m

By spending 2 , a Model can move from a Square of the

amon n can d.
Toke ute Han

HL it is in to the nearest Square of a higher HL only in one

L of these cases: B
◆ It is in a Square with a Ladder
M ◆ It has the Climb X Generic Skill (see Handbook) and such Heroes Characteristics
movement does not cross Squares on the starting Height
Each Characteristic of a Hero can have a value from 1 to 6
N Level.
and represents the character's ability to influence a certain
aspect of the game world:
O Descending to a lower HL
Swiftness 
By spending 2 , a Model can move from a Square of the HL
P it is in to the nearest Square of a lower HL if that movement
◆ It represents the Hero's reflexes and speed.
◆ It determines the order of Activation of the Hero with
does not cross Squares on the starting Height Level. After
Q respect to the other Models.
performing the movement, the Model gains 2  unless one
◆ It provides an equal number of Action Points  to the
of the following conditions is true:
Hero when they become Active.
R ◆ The Model is in a Square of a Roof to which a Ladder is
◆ It determines the number of dice the Hero rolls for Tests
involving alertness and speed.
◆ The Model has the Climb X Generic Skill (see Handbook).
Related Topics: Battlefield, Scenic Elements, Line of Sight,
Dexterity :
T Adjacent Models, Movement (Actions), Tiles. ◆ It represents the agility of the Hero.
◆ It determines the number of dice the Hero rolls for
Physical Attack Tests with Weapons that use Dexterity
U (usually all ranged Weapons such as rifles, bows or

V Hero daggers).
◆ It determines the number of dice the Hero rolls for Tests
During a Mission each Hero is controlled by a player. The involving dexterity and accuracy.
Physique :
X ◆ It represents the physical prowess and strength of the
◆ It determines the number of dice the Hero rolls for
Y Physical Attack Tests with Weapons that use Physique
(usually all melee weapons such as swords, axes or spears).

◆ It determines the number of dice the Hero rolls for Defense Battlefield and the type of Skills and Equipment they have
Tests against Physical Attacks (both ranged and melee). access to.
◆ It determines the number of dice the Hero rolls for Tests C Characteristics: each Hero has five Characteristics:
involving physical power and stamina. Swiftness , Dexterity , Physique , Mind  and B
Health .
Mind : D Slots for Characteristics upgrades: these slots, if C
◆ It represents the Hero's intelligence and mental abilities, occupied by a Hero Cube, indicate that the value shown
as well as their mastery and endurance toward the arcane to their left is to be considered higher than 1 point. D
and mystic arts. When a Hero gains an Advanced Class they also gain an
◆ It determines the number of dice the Hero rolls when upgrade to one of their Characteristics, this is to be noted
performing a Test for a Psychic Attack (usually Spells). on the Campaign Sheet. A Hero can only improve one of E
◆ It determines the number of dice the Hero rolls for the two Characteristics indicated on the Hero Sheet of the
Defense Tests against Psychic Attacks. Advanced Class. F
◆ It determines the number of dice the Hero rolls for Tests E Skill Type Limit: each Class allows the Hero to equip a
involving mental sharpness and willpower. maximum of five Skills, each being part of a specific type G
indicated by its color. Advanced Classes indicate an extra
Health : Skill, to allow more elasticity in the choice of Skills that
◆ It represents the endurance of the Hero. can be equipped for a Mission, but a Hero still cannot
◆ It determines the maximum number of  Wound Tokens equip more than 5 Skills.
the Hero can gain before being KO'd. F Class Skills: a list of the 6 Skills that the Hero may acquire. I
During the Setup Phase a Hero may equip a previously
acquired Skill and indicate it by placing a Hero Cube in J
Hero Sheet the corresponding slot next to the Skill's name.
G Advanced Classes: summarized information about the
Each Hero has two Hero Sheets, one for their Basic Class,
Hero's Advanced Classes. On the Advanced Class Sheet
distinguished by the color green, and one for their two
these boxes are replaced by the Advanced Class Skills.
Advanced Classes, distinguished by the colors red and blue. L
H Heroic Points Track: used to keep track of the  Heroic
Points gained and spent during the Mission, via a Hero
Cube placed on the 0 of the track at the beginning of the M
I Class Points Track: specific points that can be gained and
spent for some Advanced Classes.

Aimed Shot ROGUE SOFIA 5
 Lock Picking

3 Scum Skills
 Lock Picking
San Nicola's 3
 Search

B 3
Take Aim
3 Squire Skills

H 
- Parkour
Tower Shield Requirements:
 Stealth
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

3 Scum Skills
Acrobatics Emblem of the
 Stealth Slayers

3 Squire Skills

Skill Sheets
Each Hero has two Skill Sheets, one for their Basic Class,
distinguished by the color green, and one for their two V
Each Hero Sheet contains this information:
A Name and image of the Hero.
B Class: the Hero's Class suggests their role on the

Advanced Classes, distinguished by the colors red and blue.
B SOFIA  = Combo Points

Sucker Punch
Requirement: Flank
D 1
Poison Mastery
2- 11: H

: place a Poisoned Token on one

of your own Weapons or on that of a Hero
adjacent to you.
  
Lock Picking.

- +2(Upgrade):
1 +2(Upgrade): if you perform this Dance of Death 2
Attack on a target adjacent to you, you may Stealth.

re-roll any number of . You must keep the You can use this Skill immediately after
new result. Defeating an Enemy.

 Tackle
X: you can spend up to 3 to gain an equal
Lethal Strike 2 number of Dashes to perform immediately.
Lock Picking.
Lock I
D A +1(Upgrade):
(Upgrade): for each  obtained, gain a Shadow Step 1
F Requirement: Acrobatics

Weak Spot 3
 G
 Passive. You can move over Squares occupied
You can use this Skill after you have performed by Enemies, but you cannot stop on them.
+1 / +1 an Attack Test, before applying its result. You do not cause Reaction Attacks by
C 2:
: consider the  of the target of this Enemies you remain adjacent to and who

E Emblem of the Slayers

Attack decreased by 1 (to a minimum of 1). occupy Squares into which you pass during a
Movement Action.
When your Sector becomes the Active one,

◆ They spend the indicated number of . A

Nothing Personal you can decide when to Activate yourself,
+1: each time you inflict at least 1
Passive. +1:  regardless of the value of  of Enemies.
on an Enemy.
 - +1
+1 (Upgrade): perform this Attack a
◆ They select a Model as a target, which must be within 
F second time choosing the same target.

Range of the Attack and be a Valid Target. C

Each Skill Sheet contains this information: ◆ They decide whether to use one or more Upgrade Skills
G Name and picture of the Hero. and, if they do, spend the  indicated in the cost of each
A Class Name. Upgrade.
H B Skill Type Limit: each Class allows the Hero to equip a ◆ The Characteristic to be used for the Attack Test is
maximum of five Skills, each being part of a specific type determined by the last icon in the Attack profile D to
I indicated by its color. which a bonus or penalty can be applied (indicated below
C Heroic Skill: each Class gives the Hero access to their the Characteristic icon). For Physical Attacks the
Heroic Skill, explained in detail here. Characteristic to use may be  Physique or  Dexterity.
J D Skill Name. ◆ They perform a  or  Attack Test rolling a number of
E Skill Type.
Dice equal to the value of the indicated Characteristic,
K F Cost:  Experience Points needed to acquire the Skill.
modified by the indicated bonus/penalty D , and by any
G Prerequisite: some Skills require that you have already
bonuses/penalties due to Status Tokens, Hero Skills,
L Equipment and Generic Enemy Skills (e.g., Shield). They
acquired another Skill before they can be acquired. It is
apply the following points in the order in which they are
not necessary to equip the Skill listed as a prerequisite for
listed after rolling the Dice.
M a Skill in order to equip it.
◆ They apply any effects of the target's Generic Skills.
H Keyword: if the Hero equips a Skill that has a Keyword,
◆ They apply any Skill effects of the Hero.
they gain the Keyword for the current Mission.
N I Effect: the rules related to the effect, to apply after using
◆ They apply any effects of Positive Status Tokens.
◆ They apply any effects of Negative Status Tokens.
the Skill or for Equipping a Passive Skill. ◆ They apply the effects of all Attack Traits found before the
 symbol.

P Heroes Attacks ◆ They apply the Test result, gaining a  Success for each
die with a result equal to or greater than the Success
The Hero performs an Attack chosen from those available to Threshold, which is equal to the value of  Physical
Q them, usually listed on their Equipment or Class Skills. Defense of the target.
◆ For each  Success obtained they inflict 1 to the target.
To perform an Attack with a Hero, the player controlling ◆ If the Attack inflicted at least 1, it is considered
R them follows these rules: successfully performed and it applies the effects of all
◆ They choose an Attack available to their Hero. Attack Traits that come after the  symbol, including the
S ◆ They check whether the chosen Attack is a Physical Critical 1 Trait (see Handbook), that all Physical Attacks
Attack or a Psychic Attack and perform an Attack Test of Equipment have. E
T following the rules for the type of Attack.

U Physical Attack Psychic Attack


These cards provide details on the personal history of each
individual Hero, and feature this information:
    A Name of the Hero to whom the Destiny Card belongs. B
B Number: sequential number (from 1 to 6) of the Destiny
Card. C
 2, inflict +1
+1 for C Plot Text: a part of the story of the Hero who owns the
each . D
Destiny Card.
Objective: The personal objective to be fulfilled
by the Hero who owns the Destiny Card.
Reward: the reward the Hero gains at the end of the E
◆ They spend the indicated number of . A
Mission where they succeeded in meeting the demands
◆ They choose a Model as the target B , which must be
within  Range and be a Valid Target. C
of the Objective. F
◆ They perform an Attack Test with the  Characteristic
D rolling a number of Dice equal to the value of that G
Characteristic, modified by the indicated bonus/penalty ays been B
You have alwblack sheep
C considered the 1 Des A
and any bonuses/penalties due to Tokens Status, Hero's of the family. You r brother
to bail you
Valerio was forced problematic
Valerio - Squire
Skills, Equipment, and Enemies' Generic Skills. Apply the out of cou ntless
following points in the order in which they are listed after
rolling the Dice. D . D Objective t 10 by
◆ If you inflict at leas , during
the end of a Mission
◆ They apply any effects of the target's Generic Skills. the next Res t Pha se read 

◆ They apply any Skill effects of the Hero.

0.1-6. J
◆ They apply any effects of Positive Status Tokens.
◆ They apply any effects of Negative Status Tokens. K
◆ They apply the effects of all Attack Traits found before the
 symbol. 1
◆ They apply the Test result, gaining a  Success for each
die with a result equal to or greater than the Success
Threshold, which is equal to the value of  Psychic M
Defense of the target. Destiny Cards follow these rules:
◆ If they obtained a number of  Successes equal to the ◆ When they meet the requirements of the Objective of Card N
indicated number E , the Attack is considered successful 1, the player who controls the Hero reads a paragraph in
and it applies the effect of the Attack and the Effects of all the Plotbook that will give them Destiny Card number 2
Attack Traits following the  symbol; otherwise, do not and so on, until they gain four of the six cards related to O
apply any Effect. F them.
◆ To avoid spoilers, the paragraphs referenced in the Destiny P
Cards are scattered among the Missions in the Plotbook.
Destiny Cards Therefore, if, for example, you need to read paragraph 1.9- Q
14, you will have to look for paragraph 14 of Mission 1.9.
◆ Each Hero is provided with 6 Destiny Cards. The first 2 are
bound to their Basic Class, while the other 4 are bound in R
pairs to their respective Advanced Classes.
◆ Destiny Cards obtained and resolved by a Hero are to be S
marked in the corresponding slot of the Campaign Sheet.

Related Topics: Skills, Valid Target, Loot, Profile Cards

(Mission Cards), Enemy Cards (Enemy), KO Hero, Wounds and
Wound Tokens, Line of Sight, Spells, Friendly Model, Opposing U
Model, Perilium, Prayers, Action Points, Status Tokens, Success
Threshold, Defense Tests, Attack Tests, Characteristic Tests, V
Traits, Threat Level.

◆ When a Hero acquires an Advanced Class, the Heroic
A Hero Cube Skill on the Skill Sheet of the new Class replaces that of the
Basic Class, which consequently can no longer be used for
B the rest of the Campaign.

C Related Topics: Skills, Actions, Action Points, Heroic Points,

Skill Sheet (Hero).
E Hunt Missions
Some Event cards allow you to play special Missions called
F These transparent Cubes are used on the Hero Sheet to Hunts.
indicate the Skills equipped for the Mission, to count Heroic
G Points, to improve a Characteristic, and to count Class Points.

Related Topics: Hero, Setup Phase (Campaign), Class Points, agister

H Traveling M
Heroic Points. 
ant alon
g the
e merch
t a strang
You mee oop, you
I to sn
road. him y of
n yo u approacha large inventor cks.
Whe lls na
at he se s knick-k
notice th rolls, and variou

Heroic Points 
paper, sc te
ly crea
mediate Formulae
can im
J a Sp one less
using indicated on
◆ You ell CategorReagent than.
the ca

All Basic and Advanced Classes have the ability to accumulate
K and spend Heroic Points . The way to accumulate and
spend these points is considered a Passive Skill, and is always
L indicated in the Heroic Skill of the corresponding Class. A
Hero can accumulate a maximum of 6 , if a Hero already
has 6 , those they would gain are ignored. Heroic Points If you are defeated by the Prey, you normally have to delete
M are no longer gained at the time a Hero activates their Heroic the Hunt Mission from the Active Side Missions and put its
Skill. Event Card back into the Event Deck. If, on the other hand,
N you emerge victorious from the encounter and gain at least
Related Topics: Heroic Skill. one of its Rewards for the first time, erase the Mission's title
O from the Active Side Missions and mark the Prey's name
(and its Hunt Mission code) among the Available Hunts.
The mission of hunting a Prey among the Available Hunts
P Heroic Skills can be played again instead of a Campaign Mission. You may
decide to Play a Hunt instead of a Campaign Mission during
Each Class has its own Heroic Skill, available from the first
Q Mission, which does not require  to be acquired.
the Setup Phase, at the "Select a Mission" step. In this case,
keep in mind the rule that you can never engage in 2 Hunt
◆ To use the Effect of their Heroic Skill, a Hero must spend
R Missions and/or other types of Side Missions consecutively.
the number of Heroic Points  indicated in the first part
of its description.
S ◆ Some Heroic Skills can last for multiple Activations upon Playing a Hunt Mission
spending a certain amount of  at the beginning or end
of the Hero's Activation. When a Hero cannot or will not These Missions pit Heroes against Prey, particularly powerful
T spend the required , the effect of the Heroic Skill ends Enemies that use different rules from those used in regular
immediately. Missions.
U ◆ The Effect of each Heroic Skill is found on the Skill Sheet When you play one of these Missions, take the Mission
of the Class being used. A Passive Skill is always listed in envelope and follow the setup instructions given in the cards
inside. Hunt Missions normally do not have paragraphs in
V its description, explaining how the Hero gains .
the Plotbook.
◆ Once per Mission, when a Hero has accumulated the
number of  needed (or more) by their Heroic Skill, they Unlike Campaign Missions, the management of the Prey's
W can activate it as a normal Skill by spending any required Actions is entrusted to a deck of cards that describes its
 and deducting the . behavior, causing it to perform movements and attacks.
X ◆ To keep track of the accumulated  use the appropriate Placed the Action Cards to form a face-down deck, in
track on the Hero Board, placing a Hero Cube in ascending order of Activation Number, with the number 1
card at the top of the deck and the last card at the bottom of
Y correspondence with the amount of  accumulated.
the deck (in Missions this Deck is referred to by the name of
◆ Heroic Skills are always considered Active Skills, even
when they do not use up  to be activated. the Hunt to which it belongs, e.g., Bear Deck).

Prey Card A
1 The Prey has a special Mission Card that shows the
2 Slash 1 characteristics of the creature you face. B
 2
1 Bee
ChThaerg ar moves
its target.
5 Squares
to it, it sto it becomes adjace
toward C
following ps and perform nt Bear
The Bear moves 5 Squares ck on it: toward s the
its target. If it becomes adjacent
to it, it stops and en
ces its
following Attack
performs the
jac t to its
elf adon it:
 - A D
The Bear pla rforms the following
targe t, then
Attack on it:
  25
1 4 B
 Tackle G
 Fate
1 3 5
When Prey activates, perform these steps in order: C H
1 Resolve all effects of Skills, Traits, and Status Tokens Swiftness:
ness: when it is necessary to determine the order of
Activation, this Model is considered to have 8.
held by the Prey that are resolved at the beginning of the Relentless: If the Bear suffers 3 or more  from a single I
Activation. Attack by a Hero adjacent to it, it performs 3 Dashes to
move away from that Hero.
2 Draw the Action Card at the top of the deck. Glutton: if this Model KOs the Hero with the Bait with
3 On the Horologium, move the Prey Activation Token by a
either an Attack or a Reaction Attack, discard the Bait
Token from the Battlefield.
number of Sectors equal to the  indicated on the Action
Card A .  : Hero with the Bait Hero with
the Highest  Hero with the most
 Closest
 K
4 Resolve the drawn Action Card in full, making the Prey
perform all the Actions indicated, and apply all its effects. L
◊ If the card indicates to interact with a "Target Hero",
select the target by following the priority of the Prey It replicates the format of Profile Cards, though with the
indicated at the bottom of its card, among all the following changes: M
Heroes within the  of the Prey, just as is the case for ◆ The Prey does not have a  characteristic and always
Enemies with a Profile Card. spends the  indicated on the drawn Action Card A . N
◊ If the card indicates a specific Target (e.g., the farthest ◆ The Attack shown on a Prey card is to be used only if the
Hero), select the indicated target Hero by ignoring the Prey has to perform a Reaction Attack B . O
 of the Prey. In case a Target cannot be selected (for ◆ All Preys have the Swiftness rule, which indicates its
example, if there are ties or no Heroes can be selected), value of  for when the Activation order needs to be
use the priority on the Prey Card as described in the determined. This value does not indicate the  at their P
previous point. disposal! C
Hunt Missions may use various special rules, described on Q
A the Mission Cards.
1 Charge 2 A Hunt Mission ends immediately when one of the following
conditions occurs:
◆ 3 Heroes are KO. S
◆ The Prey is defeated.
◆ When the Prey activates but has no more Action Cards T
to draw.
5 Place the newly resolved Action card face up in a discard If the Prey was not defeated you do not gain any Rewards (but U
pile next to the Action Card Deck. you can always try again!).
If the Prey is defeated, a separate Mission Card will indicate
6 Resolve all Skill, Trait, and Status Token effects held by the
how many Rewards you gain. V
Prey that resolve at the end of the Activation.
7 The Prey's Activation ends.


 I

Reward rd
Reward Injury Cards
C 
These cards represent serious injuries that are impossible to
treat during the course of a Mission.
D Injury Cards follow these rules:
1 ◆ When a KO Hero would Activate, they instead draw an
E 1 Injury Card, place it next to their Hero Sheet, and mark it
Bear 1 in the corresponding slot of the Campaign Card.
F 1 ◆ The effect of an Injury Card A applies immediately when
it is drawn and affects the Hero until they erase it from the
Campaign Sheet.
G ◆ If a Hero draws an Injury that they already have, they
Usually each Hunt provides 4 specific Reward Cards. Take discard it and draw a new one until they draw an Injury
H the 4 Reward Cards indicated by the Mission Card and place that they do not have.
them face-down on the table. Then count the number of ◆ The effects of several different Injury Cards are cumulative.
I Prey Action Cards that have not been revealed. Based on this ◆ You can remove an Injury during the Rest Phase by
number, the Mission Card tells you how many Reward Cards visiting the Chyrurgeon and paying the indicated amount
you can reveal and gain. of Florins B .
J Unrevealed Reward Cards are to be placed back in the box.
Attempting to obtain them requires repeating the hunt later.
K Mark all Rewards obtained on the Campaign Sheet.
L Related Topics: Reaction Attacks, Models Activation, Actions,
Event Cards, Reward Cards (Equipment Cards), Setup Phase
(Campaign), Side Missions, Enemy, Action Points, Campaign
M Sheet (Campaign)

N Achilles Tendon A
Injury ion costs
The Movement Act for each
you 1 additional to move.
O Square you decide

Related Topics: Models Activation, KO Hero, Rest Phase
Q (Campaign).

Instructions are a series of actions that players must perform
by handling the game components. They are given on the
T Mission Cards and Plotbook in the form of bulleted lists.
Instructions are always to be carried out (they are never
U optional) one at a time, starting with the one at the top of the
bulleted list and proceeding downward.
Z Related Topics: Mission Cards, Playing a Mission (Campaign).

Interaction Cube  KO Hero A
When a Hero has a number of Wound Tokens on their Hero B
Sheet equal to their Health Value, they are KO.
A KO Hero follows these rules:
◆ The Hero's Model is laid in the Square it is in. The Square C
is considered occupied, no Model can stop on it, but all
Models can pass through it. D
◆ If a Hero is KO'd in an occupied Square, their Model is
moved to an Available Square of the controlling player's E
choice as close as possible to the Square they are in.
◆ A KO Hero is considered out of the game, suffers no game
These black Cubes are placed on Mission Cards to indicate effect, cannot be targeted in any way or considered by F
that a Mission's Action has already been performed, and any rule unless it is an effect that allows them to discard
cannot be performed again. Wound Tokens. G
◆ Equipment and Skills of a KO Hero produce no effect.
Related Topics: Mission's Actions (Actions), Mission Cards. ◆ When a Hero is KO'd, their Perilium is H
decreased by 2 points and their Activation
Token is turned to the KO side.
◆ A KO Hero does not gain Heroic I
K Points and/or Class Points.
◆ A KO Hero's Activation Token never leaves the Sector it
is in.
◆ When a KO Hero would Activate, they instead draw an K
Keyword  Injury Card.
◆ If an effect allows the KO Hero to discard at least one
A Skill might mention a Keyword in its description. A Wound Token from their Sheet, they are no longer KO. L
Hero who equips one of these Skills also has the Keyword Their Model is lifted into the Square they are in. Their
associated with it.
Having a Keyword allows a Hero to gain bonuses in the Tests
Activation Token is turned to the regular side and placed M
one Sector ahead of where the Active Model's Activation
indicated in the Mission Cards and Plotbook. The type of Token is (please note that this is not the Horologium
bonus is specified in the text of the Mission. Sector following the Active one).
Having the same Keyword more than once does not provide ◆ A KO Hero discards all Status Tokens on their Hero Sheet,
additional bonuses. except those on their Equipment Cards. O

Example: keyword Related Topics: Models Activation, Heroes' Characteristics P

(Heroes), Injury Cards, Equipment Cards, Wounds and Wound
Tokens, Status Tokens, Perilium, Threat Level.
If the Hero performing the Test has equipped a
Skill that provides them with the keyword "Lock
Picking", they may roll an additional die.

Related Topics: Skills, Mission Cards, Skill Sheet (Hero), W

Characteristic Test.

The Active Model has a LoS on a target at its own Height
A Level if an imaginary line can be drawn from one of the sides
of its Square having all these characteristics:
B ◆ It does not cross a Square occupied by a Blocking Scenic
Line of Sight (LoS) Element (such as a Tree or Building) at the same Height
C Level as the Active Model.
The LoS is determined by drawing an imaginary line from ◆ It does not cross a Square occupied by another Opposing
the center of one of the sides of the Square where the Active Model.
D Model is (for simplicity, each side of the Squares on the Tiles ◆ It does not cross a Non-Zone.
has an empty segment from which to draw this line), towards
E the center of the Square where the target is. An Active Model on a Roof has a LoS on the target at a lower
Height Level if an imaginary line having all the following
F 1B characteristics can be drawn from one of the sides of its
◆ It does not cross a Square occupied by a Towering Scenic
G Element (such as a Tree or Building) on the same Height
Level as the Active Model.
H ◆ It does not cross a Non-Zone.
◆ It does not cross any Square of the Roof the Active Model is on.
An Active Model has a LoS on a target that is on a Roof at
a higher Height Level if an imaginary line having all the
J following characteristics can be drawn from one of the sides
of its Square:
K ◆ It does not cross a Square occupied by a Towering Scenic
Element (such as a Tree or Building)
L ◆ It does not cross a Non-Zone.
◆ It does not cross Roof Squares the Target Model is on
other than those occupied by the Target.
The orientation of the Models is irrelevant for the purpose of
N determining a LoS.

O Related Topics: Valid Target, Available Square, Scenic Element,

Height Level.
Q 1B Loot
During a Mission, players gain Reagent Cards as a reward for
R defeating Enemies. Performing certain Actions or succeeding
at Tests described by Mission Cards or the Plotbook also
S allows players to draw Reagent Cards. All Reagent Cards
gained in this way must be drawn face-down and kept
T aside to form a deck called the Loot. As long as the Mission
is in progress, the contents of the Loot cannot be revealed.
At the end of the Mission you will be told what to do with the
U Loot. There are 3 ways to gain Loot:
1. Loot: none. Discard all the cards that form the Loot.
V 2. Loot: half. Discard half of the cards that form the Loot
(rounded up) and mark the contents of the remaining
cards in the Campaign Sheet Treasury. Then put all
W Reagent cards back into their decks. When selecting the
cards to keep and discard, you cannot reveal any of them,
X but you can choose them according to the symbol on the
back of the Reagent cards.
Y 3. Loot: whole. Reveal all the Reagent cards that make up the
Loot and mark the contents in the Treasury on the Campaign
Sheet. Then place the cards back into their decks.
In addition to the Loot, you can also mark any Reagent cards
kept through the use of Skills or Equipment in the Treasury
Standard Mission Card A
of the Campaign Sheet. Then put these cards back into their Most Mission Cards fall into this type. Inside them there is
decks as well. the information needed to play the Mission, generally divided B
Some Missions may add bonuses to the 3 types of Loot, in into these sections:
which case it will be stated directly in the Mission text (e.g., ◆ Map: The section showing how to set up the Tiles and all C
Loot: Half, 5Florins, mark half of the Reagents that make other components on them that make up the Battlefield
up the Loot plus 5 Florins in the Treasury.) (such as Scenic Elements or Focus Points) in the Game
Area. D
Related Topics: Mission Cards, Reagent Cards, Enemy. ◆ Horologium: The section indicating how to set up the
Horologium, the Activation Tokens and any other Tokens E
on it at the beginning of the Mission.
◆ The Mission: The section in which Heroes' Goals and F
Enemies' Goals are given.
◆ Mission's Actions: The section listing the available
Mission's Actions. G
◆ Special Rules: The section listing special rules that affect
Mission Cards the current Mission. The Special Rules of a Mission are
applied as long as the Mission Card describing them is in
Mission Cards form Mission Decks, each of which is used the Game Area; they stop being applied when the Mission
during the course of a Mission.
Card containing them is discarded or replaced.
There are various types of Mission Cards, and although their
layout may change to fit specific mechanics, the types most J
frequently found within a Mission are: •

4x Swiss Keeper
2x Sacred Guard

• Tiles: 1B, 2B, 3B, 7B, 8B
• 2x House 4x2
• 2x House 3x3 overlapping (Tower)
• 1x TrapdoorToken

Initial Mission Card

• 4x Event Token
• 3x Mystery Token
• Focus Point
• 1x Cart

1x Well
4x Tree
4x Bush
1B 2B

This is always the first card in a Mission Deck, also referred
• Tiles: 1B, 2B, 3B, 7B, 8B


to as Card 0, distinguishable from the others by its dark back. Hero

It is revealed as soon as the Mission starts (after carrying out

Swiss Keeper
Sacred Guard
The Mission
◆ Read 0.8-54.

the Setup Phase).

Heroes' Goals

◆ The Horologium strikes 12:30 and less than three

Heroes are KO: read 0.3-7.

◆ There are no more Enemies on the Battlefield:

The Initial Mission Card generally features this information: Horologium

read 0.3-7.

Heroes' Defeat Condition

A Card Number
Start: 8:00 ◆ If at least three Heroes are KO: read 0.3-8.
Capricorn: Heroes on Tile 3B
Aquarius: Swiss Keeper Enemies' Goal

◆ Attack the Heroes.

B Mission Name
Aries: Sacred Guard
Pisces: Hero who has 2
Special Rules
Gemini Event: when the Gemini Sector becomes
◆ Read 0.8-1.

C Setup Tips: useful in the Setup Phase to equip Skills and

the active one, before any Activation, discard an
Event Token from it and read 0.3-34.
Sagittarius Event: when the Sagittarius Sector
becomes the active one, before any Activation,

Equipment optimized for the Mission. 0.8 

discard an Event Token from it and read0.3-35.

◆ Read 0.3-10. P
D List of Components: game components to be taken from
the box for the initial setup of the Mission. The rest of the
components should be kept on hand, in case the Mission Q
0.3 
calls for them.
E Key: information regarding the symbols that will appear R
in the Maps of the current Mission (found on other
Mission Cards or in the Plotbook).
End of a Mission
At least one Mission Card indicates the Victory and Defeat
conditions of the Heroes.
• 4x Stradiot Each Victory or Defeat condition will instruct players to read T
• 2x Arquebusier
• 1x Gypsy a paragraph in the Plotbook to read the ending and receive
• 1x Well

2x House 4x2
2x House 3x3
Tiles: 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B
the rewards. U

4x Water Token
9x Fire Token
The most common conditions for ending a Mission are:

1x Mystery Token 
3x Mystery Token (generic) ◆ At least 3 Heroes are KO. V
Key ◆ The hands of the Horologium reach a specific time (in
 0.1 
which case the Mission ends immediately).

B a burning map Stradiot


 ◆ Reveal .
 C

A Location Card Profile Card
0.8 These Mission Cards show the characteristics of a Model
B participating in the Mission. In the case of an Ally, this card
A uses the Characteristics of Heroes, or the Characteristics of

◆ 2, 0.8-40

C Enemies. This type of card may carry Special Rules or Goals

Ajar door
◆ 2, 0.8-30 specific to the Model it represents. In all other respects, this
type of card is equivalent to an Enemy Card. If the card
D indicates an Enemy, in the lower part A the priority for
◆ 2, 0.8-67 A choosing the target of its Attacks is indicated.
E B If you find the word "Standard", it means that the Enemy will
: 1, follow the rules of Artificial Intelligence.

F Otherwise, when these Enemies must choose their target,
select a Hero in their  following the illustrated order
These kinds of Mission Cards represent places that Heroes of priority, starting with the first factor and continuing
G can explore in greater detail. Mission Actions are shown on to subsequent ones to break any ties or in case no Hero is
the card's artwork. selectable as a target.
H A Location Card follows these rules: If after applying all the priority discriminants a tie cannot be
◆ If the Instructions of a Mission Card or Plotbook indicate broken, or if there are no targetable Heroes in their , these
that a Hero enters a Location Card, their Model must be
I removed from the Battlefield and placed on the card.
Enemies follow the normal Artificial Intelligence rules (this
eventuality is indicated last in the attack profile by the term
◆ As long as a Hero's Model is on a Location card, they "Standard"). In this same section of the card some Enemies
J can only use the Mission's Actions on it A following the may show cards to be added to the Loot as a regular Enemy.
normal Mission's Actions rules.
K ◆ If the Location Card shows an Exit symbol  B , it counts as If this card instead indicates an Ally (see Ally) follow all the
a Mission's Action to exit the Location Card by following rules related to this type of Model. In this case, at the very
the directions on it, which will normally indicate placing bottom of the card you will find any rules for determining
L the Hero's Model on a Battlefield Focus Point), or in the their Threat Level  against Enemies B .
Square nearest to it, if occupied.
M ◆ There is no limit to the number of Models that can be
placed on a Location Card. Egidio
N ◆ A Hero who is on a Location Card cannot target and 5
cannot be targeted by other Models, and Enemies ignore 6 Adoaldi
them. 5
O 6 5
9 1
P Special Mission Card Fate, Heal 4,
  3
Trample, Sniper
Some Mission Cards have a particular appearance, such as 2 5+
3 2-4
 1, Disadv
letters, illustrated scenes, or small spaces to place Tokens. Egidio, they
2 1 +0
Hero wounds have one, Sturdy
The functioning of these Mission Cards is explained in the Punish the Infi
gain a Disadva
dels: when a
ntaged Token;
if they already Pierce Ally
Cur sed Token.

R Mission where they appear. they gain a

that defeats
icts the Wound
gean ce: the Hero who infl
Ven my.
4: Sworn Ene Parry: at
Egidio gains 1 already havthe beginning of his
e one, Adoal Activation
gains a Shi , if he does
The burden elded Token. not
is placed on of a Commander: whe
rea this card, if
the lowest  n the third

d 11.7- Adoald Myster
: Hero with

4.. i is KO, rea
d 1.7-3, y Token
standard otherwise

A 
7  equal to
the highes

t  among
14 Heroes -1. the 

6 11

U 5

4 5
Using Mission Cards
V 3 Once the deck of cards for a given Mission is collected, it
is placed face-down on the table. Each Mission begins by
W 2 1 revealing the Initial Card and following the Instructions (red
1 text) in it and in the Mission Cards that will be revealed later.
X Revealed Mission Cards, however, are considered "active"
◆ When the token reaches 7: read 1.7-5.
until an Instruction indicates to discard or replace them. If,
1.7 
for example, an instruction on a Mission Card reads "Replace
Y ”, card number 5 will be set aside for the rest of the game
and will be replaced by the card containing the instruction.

If an Instruction says "Read.  X.X-X” the corresponding
paragraph in the Plotbook is to be read aloud, and the Models Activation A
Instructions therein are to be resolved in order (these
Instructions could also reveal, replace, or even discard
Nova Aetas Renaissance uses a dynamic activation sequence B
that takes into account the amount of time each Action
Mission Cards).
performed by a Model takes. To do this, the game exploits
The first number in the Instruction (e.g., 0.2) indicates the
the Horologium and the Activation Tokens of Heroes and C
current Mission, and thus, the corresponding chapter in
Enemies (or groups of Enemies) on it.
the Plotbook, while the number after the "-" indicates the
paragraph. For faster reference, it is recommended to keep
Follow these rules to Activate a Model: D
◆ When activating a Horologium Sector containing at least
the Plotbook open to the chapter corresponding to the
one or more Activation Tokens, the Models associated E
Mission being played.
with them must activate.
◆ Models with the highest Swiftness value  activate first.
Related Topics: Mission's Actions (Actions), Achievement
◆ In case of a tie among Hero and Enemy Models, the Enemy F
Cards, Reward (Equipment Cards), Interaction Cube, Setup
Models activate first.
Phase (Campaign), Mission Phase (Campaign), Stealth,
Artificial Intelligence, Instructions, Keyword.
◆ In case of a tie among Enemies, their order of activation G
is chosen by the players, trying to choose the order of
activation most advantageous to the Enemies. H
◆ In case of a tie among Heroes, their order of activation is
Model chosen by the players.
"Model" is the term used to refer to any miniature in the
game. Activation Tokens J
These tokens are used to manage the activations of all the
Active Model Models associated with them. K
They move on the Horologium according to the  spent.
The Model that is performing its Activation. ◆ Enemy Activation Tokens have a number on their back for
quick identification.
◆ Heroes' Activation Tokens have a red back to indicate that
Friendly Model they are KO. M
All Heroes are Friendly Models with each other.
 Enemies that are part of the same Faction are N
considered Friendly Models with each other.
Enemies of different Factions are considered O
Friendly Models with each other, with the exception of
Generic Skills, which affect only Enemies of the Same Faction. P
An Enemy cannot suffer  by another Enemy regardless of
which Faction they belong to, unless specified by the Mission
rules. Q
Opposing Model
Heroes consider Enemies Opposing Models, S
 Enemies consider Heroes Opposing Models

Related Topics: Active Skill (Skills), Models

Activation, Valid Target.

A Horologium ◆ Whenever the Minute Hand reaches or passes Sector
"XII," the Hour Hand must be moved forward, marking
The Horologium is used to determine the order of activation the next number, before performing any Activation.
B of each Model in the Game Area, to indicate the start and end
of a Mission and the possible triggering of events.
The Horologium consists of 3 elements:
A 12 Sectors, each one featuring a Zodiac Sign
D B Minute Hand
C Hour Hand
E The Horologium functions similarly to a classic analog clock,
the Minute Hand advances from Sector to Sector indicating a
F Roman numeral on its circumference.
When the Minute Hand reaches a Sector occupied by at least
one Activation Token, it stops, and all Models that have their
G tokens within that Sector become active (see Hero Activation
and Enemy Activation).
H It is recommend to choose one of the players and entrust
Once activated, a Model must perform its own activation.
them with the management of the Horologium. It will be
This process continues until the Mission is completed, as
their job to move the Hands and the Activation, Event and
I indicated in one of the Mission Cards.
Mystery Tokens to reduce the risk of errors.
During his Activation Valerio has 5. He spends
K 1 to perform a Movement Action and move
B one Square. Then, he performs an Attack Action
L by selecting the one that his Sword Equipment
provides, which requires 3. Finally, he spends
M 1 to perform a second Movement Action to
move one Square.
O 4
Players must manage the Horologium by performing these
actions when required:
S ◆ If the Minute Hand reaches a Sector with an Event and/
or Mystery Token, before activating any Model, carry out
T the Instructions given by the Mission Cards. When the
event has been fully resolved you can proceed with Model
activations, if any. 1
◆ When an Active Hero declares an Action, they move 0
their Activation Token forward on the Horologium by a
V number of Sectors equal to the number of Action Points
 spent to perform the Action.
W ◆ When activating Enemies of the same type, a player moves
the Activation Token of the activated Enemy type by a
X number of Sectors equal to the Swiftness value  of that
◆ When an active Sector becomes empty, the Minute Hand
Y must be moved forward to the next Sector occupied by
any Activation Token or Event/Mystery Token.

Hero or Ally Activation Example: A
When a Hero or Ally Model activates, the player controlling Valerio is in Sector XII and the next Enemy
it must perform a series of steps in order: Activation Token is in Sector V. Valerio uses B
1. Start of Activation a Movement Action to move 3 squares, thus
a. Apply the Effects of all Status and Neutral Tokens the spending 3 . C
Model has and that are triggered at the beginning of its
Activation (such as Stunned or Reaction 1).
b. Apply all Skill and Equipment Effects that are triggered D
at the beginning of the Model's Activation.
2. Actions Phase E
a. The player controlling the Model declares an Action 3
that it will perform. F
b. The Model spends the number of  indicated In the
Action's description, and its Activation Token is moved
forward on the Horologium by a number of Sectors G
equal to the number of  spent.
c. The Model fully performs the Action declared by the H
player; the Action must be completed before moving
on to the next point. I
d. If the Model still has any  available, the controlling
player may declare that they will perform another
Action starting again from step 2a. If the Model does J
not have enough  to perform another Action or the
controlling player does not want to declare any other K
Actions, perform the End of Activation Phase.
e. If the Hero still has  not spent, but with the Actions After moving his Activation Token and performing
performed during this activation did not reach or the Movement action, he is still 2 Sectors away
surpass the Activation Token of at least one Enemy, from the Enemy Token. Valerio must therefore
apply the following rules: spend 2 more  to move his Token to the same M
◆ The Hero must perform a Wait Action by spending Sector as the Enemy. Having no other useful
a minimum number of  such that their Activation actions to perform he must perform a Wait action N
Token can reach the first Sector with an Enemy by spending the 2  needed to reach Sector V.
Activation Token.
◆ However, the Wait Action cannot exceed the
maximum number of  available to the Hero.
Therefore, if by spending all their remaining  their P
Activation Token does not reach a Sector with an
Enemy Activation Token, their Activation ends in Q
the Sector they reached.
◆ If at the beginning of the Activation the Hero's
Activation Token is in a Sector that also contains
that of an Enemy, it should not be considered as
reached and/or passed. S
◆ The rules in point "e" described are to be ignored
if there is only one Enemy Activation Token on the T
2 U
3. End of Activation Phase

a. Apply the Effects of all Status and Neutral Tokens that V

the Model has and that are triggered at the end of its
Activation (such as Burned) W
b Apply all Skill and Equipment Effects that are triggered
at the end of the Model's Activation. If in the same example the Enemy Activation Token
was in Sector VI, Valerio would still have to reach X
Sector V, spending all his remaining .

A Enemy Activation Mud Tile (M)
When an Enemy activates, players must perform a series of
B steps in order, to resolve their Activation: This Tile represents Mud Squares or other sloughs, and
1. Activation Order Phase follows these rules:
a. Move the Activation Token on the Horologium a ◆ Entering a Mud Tile Square with a Movement Action costs
C 1 additional .
number of Sectors equal to the value of  A indicated
on the Enemy card. ◆ A Model that exits a Mud Tile Square to a Square on
D b. If there are two or more Models represented by the another Tile immediately gains the Hindered Token.
same Activation Token on the Battlefield, players
E choose which Model will Activate from those that have
not yet Activated.
F 2. Beginning of Activation
a. Apply the Effects of all Status and Neutral Tokens the
Model has and that are triggered at the beginning of its
G Activation (such as Stunned or Unloaded).
b. Apply all Generic Skill Effects or Traits that are
H triggered at the beginning of the Model's Activation.
3. Artificial Intelligence Phase Related Topics: Movement (Actions), Tile, Status Tokens.
I Consult the Enemy Artificial Intelligence diagram in the
Handbook to define the behavior of the Active Enemy.
4. End of Activation Phase
J a. Apply the Effects of all Status and Neutral Tokens
the Model has and that are triggered at the end of its
Mystery Tokens
K Activation (such as Burned).
b. Apply all Generic Skill Effects or Traits that are
L triggered at the end of the Model's Activation.
5. Control Phase
If, on the other hand, there are Models in the Battlefield
M represented by the same Activation Token as the newly
Activated Model that have not yet activated, start again These 12 Tokens are used in various ways in the course of
N from step 2. many Missions. Each Mission will indicate the way to use
them. Some Missions may refer to specific Mystery Tokens
by indicating the symbol they show on one of the sides.

R Non-Zone
S This term refers to all zones outside the Tiles and not part of
the Battlefield. A Non-Zone obstructs the Line of Sight.
No model may enter a Non-Zone (and consequently leave
T the Map that makes up the Battlefield) unless specified in the
rules of a Mission.
U Related Topics: Ally, Actions, Mission's Actions, Mission
Cards, Artificial Intelligence, Active Model, Enemy, Action
V Points, Skill Sheet (Hero), Status Tokens.

Related Topics: Battlefield, Line of Sight, Tiles.

and therefore does not trigger any of the related rules ( e.g.
Reaction Attacks, Hindered, etc.)

Related Topics: Reaction Attacks, Movement (Actions). B

When the Model activates, it does not perform its Actions
normally; instead, roll a  and compare the result to the Prayers D
orientation diagram A (present in the Map section of the
Mission Card with the Map). Prayers are special Skills available to some Heroes:
◆ Usually their effect improves based on the number of E
Successes beyond the first, obtained from the required
Characteristic Test.
1-2 ◆ If no different Threshold is indicated by the text of the
Skill, Success Threshold for the Test is 5+.
7-8 3-4
7A ◆ If the Test obtains no Success, no effect applies. G
A Related Topics: Skills, Skill Sheet (Hero). H

The Model moves a number of Squares equal to its value of
 in the indicated direction. If it encounters an obstacle that J
blocks its movement, it retraces its steps until it exhausts its
If its Movement would lead it to enter the Square occupied
by a Hero, it ends its Activation in the Square adjacent to that
Reaction Attacks
of the Hero. Enemy Models perform Reaction Attacks by targeting Heroes L
who leave the Squares adjacent to them.
Related Topics: Stealth, Dice Roll. A Reaction Attack follows these rules: M
◆ If a Hero who is adjacent to an Enemy is about to perform
a Movement Action that will result in the Hero no
longer being adjacent to that Enemy, before performing N
Perilium the Movement, all Enemy Models adjacent to the Hero
perform a Reaction Attack targeting the Hero. O
◆ The Enemy uses their Attack with  Range 1 or 1-X as a
Reaction Attack. If they do not have at least one Attack that P
can target a Hero adjacent to them, they do not perform
the Reaction Attack.
◆ The Enemy does not spend  to perform this Attack. Q
◆ Enemies never suffer Reaction Attacks.
◆ If a Hero is KO'd by a Reaction Attack, they are placed R
prone in the Square they are in, without performing any
Movement, and they immediately end their Activation by S
This disk indicates the Threat Level  of the Hero it is spending all their .
assigned to. Enemies will normally tend to choose as the
target of their Attacks the Hero with the highest . Each T
Hero must have a Perilium assigned at the beginning of the
Mission, which must be set to a value of 0.  U
Related Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Threat Level, Setup 
Phase (Campaign). V
Placing a Model X
When a rule indicates to place a Model, temporarily remove
the target Model from the Battlefield and place it in the Y
location indicated by the rule. Related Topics: Enemies Attacks (Enemy), KO Hero, Adjacent
Placing a Model is not considered a Movement Action Models, Dash, Defense Tests. Z

◆ Towering: it has the Tall Generic Skill (see Handbook).
A Reagent Cards and ◆ Interactive: you can interact with the Scenic Element,

B Reagents following the rules of the Mission.

Reagent Cards are useful materials for crafting the Equipment. Tree
C (see Equipment Cards). The Tree is a Scenic Element, with the following special rules:
There are three types of Reagent Cards: Pecunia  A , ◆ Bulky
D Elementum  B and Alchemia  C . ◆ Blocking
◆ Towering
Reagent Cards follow these rules:
J ◆ At the start of the Mission they must be divided into three
separate decks, one of each type, and placed on one side
of the Game Area.
K ◆ During the Mission, when an Enemy is defeated or when The Trapdoor is a Scenic Element
the Mission indicates it, they are drawn and added to the with the following special rules:
L Loot, unrevealed. ◆ Interactive.
◆ Once the Mission is over, the Reagent Cards still in the
M Loot are revealed and their contents must be marked in
the Reagents section of the Campaign Sheet.
◆ When a Reagent is used to craft Equipment by the Artisan
N it must be erased from the Campaign Sheet. Cart/Wagon
◆ On the Campaign Sheet, next to the Reagents' name you
The Cart is a Scenic Element with the following special rules:
O will find the buy and sell price to be used when visiting the
◆ Bulky
Market during the Rest Phase.
◆ Interactive
Related Topics: Loot, Equipment Cards, Enemy Cards
(Enemy), Crafting Equipment (Campaign), Rest Phase
Q (Campaign), Defeated Enemy, Campaign Sheet (Campaign).

T Bush
Scenic Element The Bush is a Scenic Element with the following special rules:
U ◆ Bulky.
A Scenic Element represents a physical object in the game
world, such as a house, ladder, or well.
V A Scenic Element cannot be moved or removed in any way
from the Battlefield unless otherwise stated by an Instruction,
W Mission's Action, or Special Rule.
Each Scenic Element may have one or more of the following
X special rules:
◆ Bulky: it occupies the Squares it is in. If a Scenic Element
does not have this rule, the Squares it is in are Available
Y Squares.
◆ Blocking: blocks the LoS as if it were an Opposing Model.

Building Stone A
Buildings are a category of Scenic Elements characterized The Stone is a Scenic Element with the following special rules:
by Squares on their Roofs, which are at different Height ◆ Bulky B
Levels from the Tiles. Various Scenic Elements fall into this ◆ Blocking
category: the 3x3 House, the 4x2 House, the Tower (obtained C
by placing 2 3x3 Houses on top of each other), and others
available in expansions of the game.
A Building follows these special rules: D
◆ Bulky
◆ Blocking E
◆ Towering
◆ Interactive F
It is also possible to move in the Squares on the Roofs of the
3x3 and 4x2 Houses, which are considered at Height Level Ladder
1, and in the Squares on the Roof of the Tower, which are The Ladder is a Scenic Element with the following rules:
considered at Height Level 2. ◆ It must be placed so as to rest against the wall of a Building.
◆ By spending 2 a Model that is in the same Square as H
the Ladder can move to the nearest Roof Square of the
Building to which the Ladder is leaning, and vice versa. I
Lever N
Mystic Stones
The Lever is a Scenic Element with the
following special rules: Each Mystic Stone is a Scenic Element with the following O
◆ Interactive special rules:
◆ Bulky P
◆ Interactive
Well Q
The Well is a Scenic Element with the following special rules:
◆ Bulky
◆ Interactive

Related Topics: Mission's Actions (Actions), Battlefield,

Mission Cards, Available Square, Setup Phase (Campaign),
Line of Sight, Height Levels, Tile. V

A Side Missions
B Some Event cards may allow you to play Side Missions.
Side Missions follow these rules
◆ If you draw one of these Event Cards during a Travel
C Phase, you may decide whether to accept or reject it. If
you decide to accept it, mark the title of the Mission in the A Hero can acquire the Skills indicated on their Basic Skill
D Active Side Missions section of the Campaign Sheet and Sheet and on their Advanced Skill Sheet by spending .
keep the Event Card aside. Class Skills follow these rules:
E ◆ You can accept more than one Side Mission during a single ◆ There is no limit to the number of Skills a Hero can acquire.
Travel Phase, but you can only have up to 3 Side Missions ◆ A Hero can equip a maximum of 5 Skills at a time, these
Active at the same time. If you already have 3 Active Side will be the only Skills they can use during the next Mission.
F Missions you may decide which one to keep before ending ◆ Each Hero may equip a limited number of Skills in each
the Travel Phase. category, these are indicated in the relevant section of each
G ◆ If you reject a Side Mission put its Card back into the Hero Sheet and vary according to the Hero's current Class.
Event Card Deck at the end of the Travel Phase. For example, when Valerio is a Squire you can equip 1 ,
H ◆ During a Setup Phase you may decide to play one of your 2 , 1 and 1 ; when Valerio becomes a Knight you can
Active Side Missions instead of the intended Campaign instead equip 1 , 2 , 2 and 1 .
Mission (marked on the Campaign Sheet in the Campaign ◆ Although the Advanced Class Sheet indicates a category
I Missions section). limit of six Skills, the maximum number of Skills that
◆ Once the Side Mission is complete, perform a Rest Phase can be equipped is always five; an Advanced Class simply
J in the Town/Village indicated in the next scheduled offers a wider choice of Skills that can be equipped.
Campaign Mission. ◆ If no icon of a particular category is shown on the Hero
K ◆ It is never possible to play 2 Side Missions consecutively, Sheet of the Hero's Class, it means that Class cannot equip
so after playing any Side Mission, the next mission to be any Skill of that category.
played must be a Campaign Mission. ◆ To highlight that a Skill has been equipped for a Mission
L on the Hero Sheet, place a Hero Cube in the slot next to the
There are 3 types of Side Missions: name of the chosen Skill A .
M ◆ Hunt Mission.
◆ Each Skill is associated with a Keyword B , a Hero has the
◆ Encounter Mission.
Keywords of the Skills they have equipped.
◆ Exploration Mission.
N ◆ When a Hero acquires an Advanced Class, they may use
and acquire the Skills of both the Basic Class and the
Only one Hunt Mission is present in the core game. Encounter
O Advanced Class.
and Exploration Missions and other Hunt Missions are
introduced with the Nova Aetas Renaissance expansions.
Related Topics: Event Cards, Travel Phase (Campaign), Hunt
Q Missions. A

3 Scum Skills
S San Nicola's
Class Skills Earring
T Each Basic Class and Advanced Class has a set of 6 Skills. Active Skills
Each Skill falls into a category defined by a colored diamond:
Active Skills require the use of the Use Skill Action and the
U ◆ : Offensive skills; these are normally Special Attacks
expense of Action Points  to apply its Effect.
or Upgrades. Generally, these Skills focus on inflicting
◆ It can be used only when the Hero is Active.
V Wounds on Enemies or improving the chances of an
◆ Once used, its Effect is applied.
Attack succeeding.
◆ The expense of  to use an Active Skill can be 0, the
◆ : Defensive skills that improve the chances of avoiding
W Wounds and Negative Status or provide bonuses to
player who controls the Active Hero simply needs to
declare its use.
Heroes' Defense Tests.
◆ Some Active Skills, in order to be used, may require
X ◆ : Support Skills that provide bonuses, Positive Status to
spending Class Points  or the increase in Threat Level
Heroes, and the ability to discard Wounds.
 of the Hero (e.g. +1), in addition to the .
Y ◆ : Movement skills that provide various types of bonuses
to Movement and alternative methods of moving around
the Battlefield.

Passive Skills A
This is a type of Class Skill whose effects are always considered
active, and therefore do not require an expense of  to be Some Equipment Cards are Spells. Usually Spells can be of a B
activated. If a Hero is KO, the effects of their Passive Skills do particular School or be Magic Tricks.
not apply as long as they are in this condition. A Hero who A Hero can equip Spells of a School (such as Necromancy
has a Passive Skill equipped cannot choose not to apply its or Chronomancy) only if there is a rule on any of their
effect. Skill Sheets that allows them to do so. For example, as a
Chronomancer, Rebecca can use both Chronomancy and D
Upgrade Skills Omnia Spells.
An Upgrade is an Effect, usually made available to the Hero Trick Spells can be Equipped by any Hero. E
by one of their equipped Class Skills, that allows them to
improve a Attack a Hero is about to perform. Related Topics: Hero, Equipment Cards.
An Upgrade follows these rules: w
◆ Its use must be declared when the Hero performs a
Attack with one of their Equipment, before the Dice for G
the Test of that Attack are rolled. Status Tokens
◆ An Upgrade cannot be declared when the Hero performs H
Attacks present on components different from one of their Status Tokens represent altered or
Equipment, such as an Attack made available to them by enhanced states. Models can gain
one of their Class Skills, or by their Heroic Skill. Status Tokens in many ways,
◆ The cost of the Upgrade in  must be paid in addition to through the Effect of Skills or
the cost of  of the Attack on which it is applied. Equipment, by failing a Test, or J
◆ More than one Upgrade can be used on the same Attack, because of a Plotbook Instruction.
as long as all costs in  are paid, and that they are different Status Tokens follow these rules: K
Upgrades (it is not possible to apply the same Upgrade ◆ There are two types of Status Tokens: Positive and
twice on the same Attack). Negative. See the Handbook for a detailed explanation of
their Effects.
Reaction Skills ◆ When a Hero is KO'd, they must discard all Status Tokens
Class Skill type usable only when the Hero equipping it is not on their Hero Sheet (see KO Hero). M
the Active Model. ◆ An Enemy cannot have two identical Status Tokens. A
◆ A Reaction Skill always indicates the condition that must Hero cannot have two identical Status Tokens on their N
be met in order for the Hero to use it (e.g., when the Hero Hero Sheet. If a Model gains a Status Token they already
suffers at least 1). have, they immediately discard it (unless they can assign it
to an Equipment, as described below).
◆ Some Equipment has a Reaction Skill in its effect that
resolves in exactly the same way as a Reaction Skill on the ◆ A Hero may use and discard multiple copies of the same
Skill Sheet. Positive Status Token for a single Test. This can happen P
◆ The number next to the word if the Hero has placed Positive Status Tokens on their
"Reaction" in the Skill Equipment. Q
description indicates the type of ◆ Wounds inflicted through a Status Token ( e.g. Bleeding)
Reaction Token—1 or 2 (see are not considered inflicted by any Model, so they do not
increase the Threat Level , nor provide Heroic Points R
Handbook)—that the Hero
gains when they declare to use  or Class Points . Similarly, an Enemy Defeated by
said Skill. a Wound inflicted by a Status Token is not considered to S
◆ As long as a Hero has a Reaction Token, they cannot use have been defeated by a Hero.
any other Reaction Skill. T
◆ Using a Reaction Skill is always optional.
Related Topics: Use Skill (Actions), KO Hero, Keyword,
Prayers, Action Points, Skill Sheet (Hero), Acquiring a new
Class Skill (Campaign). V

A Status Tokens and Equipment
The Mission (2/2)
Some Effects allow a Status Token to be placed on an 
◆ Place the Stealth Token in the bottom most
Equipment. slot of this card.
◆ If the Stealth Token is on , read 0.8-15.

A Status Token on an Equipment follows these rules: Enemies' Goal

Swiss Keeper

C ◆ The moment they gain a Status Token, a Hero may decide ◆ Perform Patrol.
Swiss Keeper on the Tower
◆ Does not perform Actions.
to place it on one of their Equipment Cards that provides Sacred Guard
◆ Does not perform Actions.

this option.
D ◆ If a Hero gains a Status Token they already have, they may
Special Rules
Stealthy Movement: As long as this card is in
play, the Stealth rule is active.
Prisoner: The Hero who has 2 is considered

decide to discard it or place it on an Equipment Card that to have no Equipment cards until they discard

E provides this option. ◆ Start the Mission.


◆ Status Tokens obtained from an Equipment are to be

F placed on the Equipment Card.
◆ If a Hero would gain a Status Token, but it is placed on
an Equipment Card, the Hero is considered not to have 

gained the Status Token.

◆ Unless otherwise stated in the Equipment Effect
H description, an Equipment cannot have two equal Status
If a Mission Card has the Stealth Token on it, this rule is
Tokens, any Effect that causes a Status Token already on
active in the Mission.
I the Equipment Card to be placed is ignored.
Place the Stealth Token as indicated by the Mission Card, in
◆ Unless otherwise stated on the Equipment Effect, a Hero
the lowest slot among those on it.
may use the Positive Status Tokens on their Equipment as
J if they were on their Hero Sheet.
As long as the Token is on the card, the following rules apply:
◆ The Enemies'  Value is considered 1 and they never
◆ Unless otherwise stated on the Equipment Effect, Negative
target Heroes who are not within their .
K Status Tokens on a Hero's Equipment produce no Effect. If
◆ A Hero who attacks an Enemy gains an additional  for
a Hero inflicts at least 1 with a Attack with a Weapon
the Attack Tests.
on which there is at least one Negative Status Token, all
L Negative Status Tokens on the Equipment Card are moved
◆ At the end of each Movement Action, the Hero who
performed it must roll a ; when they do, they may choose
onto the target.
M to spend  to roll an additional  for each  spent. At
◆ Unless otherwise stated, Status Tokens placed on an
least one of the dice rolled must obtain a result equal to or
Equipment Card are not discarded if a Hero is KO'd.
greater than the value indicated in the slot directly above
N ◆ Status Tokens placed on Equipment Cards are considered
the Stealth Token in the corresponding Mission Card,
in the Hero's possession.
otherwise the Stealth Token is moved up one slot.
O Related Topics: Skills, Equipment Cards, KO Hero (Hero),
◆ If the Stealth Token reaches the slot marked with the 
icon the Stealth ends and the Mission will instruct you on
Wounds and Wound Tokens, Characteristic Test.
P how to proceed.

Stealth The Mission (2/2)
R ◆ Place the Stealth Token in the bottom most 
Stealth Card slot of this card. 7
 7
◆ If the Stealth Token is on , read 0.8-15.
S Some Missions use the Stealth rule.
Enemies' Goal
These Missions require the use of these two game elements: Swiss Keeper
T ◆ Stealth Card ◆ Perform Patrol. 6
◆ Stealth Token Swiss Keeper on the Tower
◆ Does not perform Actions.
U When this rule is used in a Mission, at least one of the
Sacred Guard
◆ Does not perform Actions. 

Mission Cards bears a Track on which to place the Stealth
Token, indicating the Heroes' Stealth level.
Special Rules
Stealthy Movement: As long as this card is in
1 5
play, the Stealth rule is active.


Stealth Token Traits A
The Stealth Token determines whether
the Stealth rule is still active. Some events Traits are special skills common to multiple Enemy B
affect the position of the Token on the Equipment or Attacks that are identified by their own name
corresponding card; when one of the for convenience (e.g. Bleed, Stun etc).
For the specific functioning of each Trait, see the Handbook. C
following events occurs, the Stealth Token is
moved directly to the slot with the  symbol:
◆ An Enemy that was previously the target of an Attack Related Topics: Areas, Heroes Attacks (Hero), Enemies Attacks D
Action activates. (Enemy), Equipment Cards, Enemy Cards, Critical.
◆ An Enemy begins or ends their Activation adjacent to a E
◆ The movement of an Enemy would lead them to enter a
Square occupied by a Hero. Transformation F

Related Topics: Mission Cards, Dice Roll, Patrol. Transformation Cards G

Risen Sheep

1  - I
2  -
1 4 J
Threat Level  3 4
* K
This value represents the dangerousness of a Hero. It is a 
 +0
numerical value indicated by the Perilium associated with  1
3 pay this

each Hero. The  of a Hero starts from 0 at the beginning of ep 1 R

ecca do
Upke move the tlefield.
es not del and suffers at the Spell: when
: if Reb isen (both M
o Token an least 11 this M
d this card , discard the odel
. Sheep
cost, re from the Bat
each Mission and increases by one point whenever: Token)
◆ The Hero inflicts at least 1. M
◆ The Hero inflicts one or more Unblockable Wounds with a
single Action. N
◆ The Hero inflicts 3 or more  to an Enemy with a single These cards are used when a game effect changes the
Attack, thus triggering a Critical (even against Enemies characteristics and rules of a Model. In such cases, as long
immune to Critical). as the effect is active, the characteristics listed on these cards O
◆ The Hero Defeats an Enemy. must be used in place of the original ones. To indicate that
◆ The Hero allows a Friendly Model (including themselves) a model has been transformed each Transformation card is P
to discard any amount of . associated with a Token that is to be placed under the Model.
Some Active Skills require increasing the  of the Hero who
wants to use them as an additional cost for their activation.
When a Hero is KO'd, their  decreases by two points.
Related Topics: Active Skills (Skills), Critical, KO Hero,
Wounds and Wound Tokens, Unblockable Wounds, Artificial S
Intelligence, Enemy, Perilium.

Tile U
A cardboard game component showing a section of terrain
divided into Squares. Each Tile is identified by a code
consisting of a letter and a number.
Related Topics: Game Area, Battlefield, Non-Zone, Water Tile,
Mud Tile. X

A Transformation Token
These Tokens are used to indicate
B a transformed Model on the
Transformed Models follow these
Valid Target
rules: When an Attack or Skill targets a Model, it must be a valid
◆The Model on the Battlefield Target. This applies if a Hero attacks an Enemy and vice versa.
D remains the same, but underneath A Target is considered valid when these requirements are
it is placed the specific met:
E Transformation Token of the new form the Model takes. ◆ The target Model is within the number of Squares
◆ Each Transformation Token is linked to a specific indicated by the  Range of the Attack.
F Transformation Card. As long as the transformed Model ◆ The Model is  Opposing,  Friendly or  any of the
has the Transformation Token under it, it uses only the two, as indicated by the Attack.
statistics (characteristics, attacks, skills, etc...) shown on ◆ The Active Model has a Line of Sight (LoS) on the target
G the card attached to it, ignoring its original Characteristics. Model.
◆ Unless otherwise stated in the game components, a Model's
H Activation Token does not change. If the Transformed
Model uses the Activation Token of a group of Enemies it Attack with  or "-" Target
I Activates with them. Some attacks allow you to target a  Friendly Model or have
◆ A Model with a Transformation Token is defeated (and no target ("-"). In both cases they must be resolved as per
removed from the Battlefield) when the number of  usual for their type ( or ), but the Attack Test Success
J Tokens assigned to it is equal to its  value. Threshold is always set at 5+. A Hero may also use one of
◆ If the Hero's Model controlling a Transformation Token their attacks on themselves if the target of the Attack is  and
K leaves the Battlefield for any reason (e.g., it enters a the  Range includes 0 (e.g., 0-3).
Location card, or the Instructions of a Mission indicate
to disassemble the Battlefield), the Transformation Token
L (and its Model) is removed as if it had been Defeated.
Related Topics: Heroes Attacks (Hero), Enemies Attacks
(Enemy), Line of Sight.
M Related Topics: Upkeep, Enemy.

P Water Tile (W)
Unblockable Wounds This Tile represents Water Squares or other liquids, and
Q Some effects inflict Unblockable Wounds. These Wounds are
follows these rules:
◆ Entering a Water Tile Square with a Movement Action
applied to the Model suffering them regardless of any Skill, costs 1 additional .
R Token or other game effect that would undo the Wound. ◆ A Model entering a Water Tile Square immediately
Heroes may not place  Tokens resulting from Unblockable discards the Burned Token if it has it.
S Wounds on Equipment Cards. ◆ A Model that is in a Water Tile Square cannot gain the
Burned Token.
Related Topics: Wounds and Wound Tokens, Defeated Enemy
T (Enemy), Perilium, Threat Level.

V Upkeep
An effect indicating an Upkeep requires spending a certain
W number of  in the Initial Activation Phase. If the  are not
spent the Effect usually ends.
Related Topics: Action Points. Related Topics: Movement (Actions), Tile, Status Tokens.

Wounds and A
Wound Tokens  B
Wounds determine when a Hero
Model is KO'd and when a Model C
other than a Hero is Defeated.
◆ When a Hero Model suffers a  Wound, the controlling
player places a Wound Token on their Hero Sheet.
◆ When the Hero has Wound Tokens equal to their 
Health value, they are KO'd.
◆ When a Model other than a Hero suffers a Wound, a F
Wound Token is placed near the Model.
◆ When a Model other than a Hero has Wound Tokens equal G
to their  Health value, they are Defeated and removed
from the Battlefield.
◆ When an effect allows a Model to discard one or more
Wounds, remove an equal number of Wound Tokens from
the Hero Sheet or from among those placed next to the I
◆ A  inflicted by a Status Token is not considered inflicted J
by any Model (heroes do not gain Heroic Points or Class
Points for  inflicted by Status Tokens).
◆ To optimize their use, Wound Tokens have a varied K
amount of Wounds on each side. One side shows a single
Wound, the other shows 3 Wounds, with each  to be L
treated as if it were a single Wound Token.
Wound Tokens and Equipment
Some Equipment Cards allow you to place Wound Tokens
on them, thanks to the Resistance X Trait. These Equipment
Cards follow these rules: O
◆ If a Hero who has an Equipment Card with Resistance X
equipped gains  from a Attack, they must assign them P
to the Equipment first, until it has a number of  equal
to the "X" value of the Resistance Trait, excess  can be Q
assigned to another Equipment or to the Hero themselves.
◆ If a Hero would gain a  Token, but it is placed on an
Equipment Card, the Hero is considered to have not R
gained the Wound Token and as not holding it.
◆ If a Hero has equipped multiple Equipment Cards with the S
Resistance X Trait, they may decide how to distribute the
 received on their Equipment Cards with Resistance X.
◆ Wounds on an Equipment Card can only be discarded by
effects that specifically indicate so.
◆ Unblockable Wounds cannot be assigned to an Equipment U
◆ The  suffered by a Hero because of a Status Token (e.g., V
a Bleeding Token), cannot be assigned to an Equipment
◆ The  on an Equipment Card are all discarded after the
End of a Mission.
Related Topics: Heroes' Characteristics (Hero), Equipment
Cards, KO Hero, Unblockable Wounds, Defeated Enemy Y
(Enemy), Perilium, Status Tokens, Threat Level.


This section of the Rulebook explains how to prepare and

play a Nova Aetas Renaissance Campaign.
To start a Campaign, it is best to proceed as outlined
below in the First Steps chapter, where the Heroes
are selected and the Campaign Sheet filled out.
The 4 steps that make up a single Mission are explained next:
◆ Travel Phase, in which the party of Heroes, if necessary,
moves around Italy with the possibility of making
unexpected encounters.
◆ Setup Phase, in which the table is set up for the Mission
and Equipment and Skills are selected for the Heroes.
◆ Mission Phase, in which Heroes will take part in the
Mission by following the directions of Mission Cards and
the Plotbook, gain  and Reagents, and find out what
Mission they will face next.
◆ Rest Phase, settles in the Town or Village where the
current Mission takes place and allows the party to
upgrade and visit various Shops.

First Steps
To prepare the Nova Aetas Renaissance Campaign, proceed next Rest Phase) but you can share those already present
by following these steps: in the Inventory.
◆ Make a photocopy of the Campaign Sheet, found at the ◆ The Companions selected to undertake the "0.0 Prologue"
end of this Rulebook, or print it out by downloading the do not have any Skills as they have not yet accumulated
file from our WebApp at: wealth to pay for them.
◆ Each player chooses a Hero to use for the duration of the ◆ For each chosen Hero (non-Companion) fill in the
Campaign. They take the Hero's Model, their Basic Class corresponding sections of the Campaign Sheet (see
Hero Sheet, their Basic Class Skill Sheets, their Basic Class below).
Starting Equipment, and their Destiny Cards. ◆ Take the "0.0 Prologue" Mission envelope.
◆ All components related to Advanced Hero Classes need ◆ Since this is the first Mission of the Campaign, the Travel
not be taken at this time, but all players can freely consult Phase is not performed, so go directly to the Setup Phase.
them to better plan the growth of their Heroes.
◆ Nova Aetas Renaissance is balanced to be approached
with 4 Heroes. If there are fewer players you may decide
to use multiple Heroes each or hire Companions (easier to May your campaign begin!
use but will not progress).
◆ Should a player want to join the game in the middle of the
Campaign they can use one of the Heroes by "building"
it from scratch, spending the same amount of Experience
Points accumulated so far by the party. In this case, no new
equipment can be crafted (you will have to wait for the

Campaign Sheet
The Campaign Sheet is a key tool for keeping track of the F Active Side Missions: Whenever during a Travel Phase
progress of the story, the Hero party's earnings, and the you decide to accept a Side Mission, its Title must be
upgrades gained by each of them. noted here, while in the square on the right you can note
This sheet is used to save the progress achieved, and it is its ID. Normally, after playing a Side Mission, it must be
useful to note any useful information each time you perform erased from this section. You can have a maximum of 3
a Travel Phase or Rest Phase. active Side Missions (see Side Missions).
G Hero: each Hero can note down all their information
The Campaign Sheet includes this information: in one of these 4 sections. In addition to the name, you
A Treasury: In this section you can keep track of the
can note the Advanced Class and the Equipment Bond
Reagents and Florins gained during the Missions, attached to it (when they are obtained); the number of
updating the quantities each time you gain or spend any. Achievement Cards assigned to the Hero; and the effect
Next to each Reagent is its cost of buying and selling, of each Injury gained and not yet healed.
which is useful during the Rest Phase when a Hero visits H Experience: Here you can keep track of the experience
the Market. gained by your Hero. From top to bottom you can note:
B Campaign Missions: campaign progress information,
◆ Which Destiny Cards you have resolved.
such as the name of the next Mission and the Town/ ◆ Which Characteristic you decide to enhance at the
Village where it will take place (useful information for time you gain the Advanced Class.
managing the next Travel Phase, if any) can be noted ◆ The Skills you acquire and their cost in Experience
here. Points. .
C Inventory: here you can note Equipment Cards and ◆ The total of  spent on the acquisition of the Skills.
Rewards obtained by the party and not tied to a specific I Experience Points: The total Experience Points 
Hero. gained by the party. All Heroes in the party gain the same
D Achievements: when a Mission Card or Plotbook value of  at the End of a Mission and in this section you
Instruction causes you to gain an Achievement Card that can keep track of them by updating it at the end of each
is not assigned to a Hero, you can note its number in this Mission.
section of the Campaign Sheet.
E Available Hunt Missions: after you have successfully
undertaken a Hunt Mission, you can note here the name
of the Prey and the Mission ID in the right square. Prey
marked here can be faced again by playing their Hunt
Mission (see Hunt Mission).




Playing a Mission
As previously mentioned, to play a Nova Aetas Renaissance
Mission, four phases must be performed in a specific order:
Travel Phase, Setup Phase, Mission Phase, and Rest Phase.
Once you have performed all the phases for a single Mission, Read me first
move on to the next one.
3 0.0 

2If you are playing for the first time, it is recommended that
0.0 

 0.0  prolog log
ue ue

San Marino
you tackle the Tutorial first, where you will learn the basic 

mechanics of the game and then begin the Campaign starting  
with Mission "0.0 Prologue". 3

San Marino

Travel Phase 2

Lucca 2 3 San Marino

In this phase, the Heroes move to the place where they will ◆ If more than one route is available to get to your
undertake the Mission, as noted in the corresponding slot destination, you should choose the ones that result in
of the Campaign Sheet. Warning: some Missions indicate Cittàdrawing di Castello
fewer Event Cards. 3
skipping this step. ◆ Once you have drawn all the Event Cards, reveal one of
To perform the Travel Phase follow these steps in order: 1Città di Castello
them, reading 3
it aloud, and apply all the Instructions on it.
◆ Take all available Event Cards and shuffle them to form an ◆ Proceed in this manner until you have revealed and
Event Deck. resolved
1 all Event2 Cards drawn.
◆ Open the Map of Italy. Lucca
2 Arezzo
◆ Consult the Campaign Sheet looking for the Town or
Village where the last Mission took place, and the Town Arezzo Città di Castello 2 3
or Village where the Mission to be played will take place. 2
◆ Each route between Towns/Villages shows the number of
Gualdo Tadino
2 1
Event Cards that must be drawn without revealing them. 2 2
If you have to go through multiple routes to get to your Arezzo Gualdo Tadino
destination, add up all the numbers listed on them and Perugia 1
draw the corrsponding amountSiena
of Event Cards.
Perugia 1
Gualdo Tadino
Siena 1
Perugia 1
Siena 1 Assisi 1

2 1 1
Assisi Tre
1 Pietre
◆ Perform a Rest Phase in Orvieto then start Mission: 2.0 1
Possessed in Greccio, after performing a Travel Phase. 1 2
2 2 1 Tre Pietre
Tre Pietre
2 2 2 1
Orvieto 22 1
Orvieto 1
Orvieto Spoleto
Peaceful Journey
 Traveling A
lchemist +Spoleto
Your journey proceeds smoothly, it’s
a beautiful day and the fresh wind
caresses your face.
A wago

in brighn, fully enclosed
slowly t colors, appear and decorated
When advancing ah s on the road,
◆ Discard this card with no effect. elderly, you reach it, ead of you.
turns a thin, white the carter, an
3 1Greccio
“Would toothless smile-haired man,
goods?” you like to tak toward you.
the vehic he asks you, wie a look at th
le. thout sto e


◆ You ca
Potion n immediatel
one lesCategory Formy create a
indicateds Reagent ulae us
on the ca than thos
rd. e


Setup Phase
Table Setting
Before undertaking a Mission, prepare the table by following
these points:
◆ Take your Hero's components and prepare it in front of
you as shown in the figure. Place the Hero Sheet of your
Class in the Hero Board. Place a Hero Cube on the Heroic
Points track and on the Class Points track, if any.
Grappling Hook Throwing Knives Hood
 Item
 Weapon
 Armor

   
3  1-4 +0 The value of  of Enemies
is considered lower by 1 (to a
Gain Climb 1.  Lethal  minimum of 1) towards you.

3 Scum Skills
San Nicola's

3 Scum Skills
Emblem of the

◆ Take a Perilium for each Hero, set it to a value of 0 and

place it next to your Hero Sheet.
◆ Prepare the three decks of the Reagent Cards:
Elementum , Alchemia and Pecunia, Pecunia shuffling
each one individually, and place them on one side of the
◆ Shuffle the Injury deck and place it within reach of all
◆ Divide the Tokens by type (Positive Status, Negative
Status, Neutral Tokens, Wounds, and Activation Tokens)
and place them so that they are within easy reach.
◆ Place the Dice and Interaction Cubes on the table so that
they are accessible to all players.
◆ Place the Horologium on one side of the Table and choose
a player who will manage it for the duration of the Mission.
◆ Assign the Plotbook to a player who will be responsible for
finding the paragraphs and reading them.
◆ Assign the Handbook to a player who will be responsible
for consulting the rules in it and passing it on to other
players when necessary.

 Search

Mission Setup
To prepare
Mission and the Heroes who will undertake it,
proceed by following these steps:
◆ Select the Mission: check in the Campaign Sheet to see
which is the next Mission the party mustSLAYER
undertake (the
first two are already indicated on the Sheet). During this
step you can also decide to select an Active Side Mission
or an StealthHunt instead of the Campaign Mission.
◆ Prepare a Mission: take the envelope 3ofScum
the Mission
have chosen to undertake, open it and take out - the cards.
cards are in a numbered order; we recommend for
Emblem of the
easier play that you do not shuffle them.
 Stealth Slayers

 0.2 
the blood of gaea
 0.2 
 the blood of gaea
 0.2 
the blood of gaea

◆ Consult the Hints: consult the symbols on the back

of the first Mission Card, the one with the black back.
These symbols are useful hints for choosing Skills and
Equipment Cards to be used to best tackle the Mission. ◆ Choose Equipment Cards: select the Equipment Cards
◊    Enemies of the indicated Faction will be that each Hero will use during the Mission by choosing
present in the Mission. them from those noted in each Hero's Inventory and
◊  The Mission will feature Water Tile Squares. Personal Equipment in the Campaign Sheet. See the
◊  The Mission will feature Mud Tile Squares. Equipment Cards entry for complete rules.
◊  The Mission takes place in an urban setting.
◊  The Mission takes place in a rural setting. Once the Setup is over, you can continue with the Mission
◊  The Mission features Buildings. Phase!
◊  The Mission features the Stealth rule.
◆ Equipping Skills: by using Hero Cubes, select the Skills
equipped by each Hero (maximum 5 Skills, respecting
category limits), choosing them from those the Hero has
already purchased (noted on the Campaign Sheet). To
do this, place a Hero Cube in the appropriate slot of each
chosen Skill. See the Class Skills entry for complete rules.

Mission Phase
In this phase the Heroes will undertake the Mission by ◆ When an Instruction reads Continue the Mission,
following the directions in the Mission Cards and the resume using the Horologium and continue the Models
Plotbook. Proceed by following these rules: Activation.
◆ Reveal the first Mission Card of the deck drawn from the ◆ When an Instruction reads Continue your Activation, the
envelope. active Hero picks up their Activation where they left off.
◆ Read the card from top to bottom following the ◆ Continue until an Instruction indicates to note in the
Instructions on it. Campaign Sheet the next Mission to be undertaken or
◆ When an Instruction calls for revealing a new Mission to repeat the Mission. If it is indicated in the Instruction,
Card or consulting a paragraph of the Plotbook, read perform the Rest Phase.
its contents from top to bottom always carrying out the
Instructions given in it.
◆ When an Instruction reads Start the Mission, use the
Horologium and proceed to the Model Activations until
an Instruction indicates to reveal a new Mission Card
again or consult a paragraph of the Plotbook.

Rest Phase
In this phase, the Heroes recover from their fatigues, heal ◆ Decide by mutual agreement which Shops to visit. Each
their wounds, train and acquire new Equipment by spending Hero (or Companion used in the last Mission played) can
the Reagents and Florins they have accumulated. visit a single Shop by placing their Model on it.
Warning: some Missions indicate skipping this step. ◆ All Shops have a capacity that may be different if the Rest
To perform the Rest Phase follow these steps: Phase is conducted in a Village or a Town. Next to the
◆ Each Hero who has resolved their Destiny Card 2 may name of the Shop, the number after the Towns  and
spend 2 to change their Basic Class to one of the two Village  icons, indicates how many Heroes can visit it
Advanced Classes available to them. during the same Rest Phase.
◆ Any Hero (non-Companion) can spend the Experience
Points  available to them to purchase new Skills of their
Class.  Chyrurgeon 1 3
◆ Based on the ending of the last Mission played, and using
the Map of Italy, check whether the Heroes are in a Town Injury received during a Mission. See the Injury entry
or a Village, as indicated by the  or  symbol. on the Rulebook.
◆ Take the Map of Italy and turn it to the side of the Rest
Board, on which the following Shops are indicated: ◆ In the order preferred by the players, each Hero uses the
Artisan, Barracks, Baths, Church, Chyrurgeon, Mentor, Effects indicated in the Shop they are in. The Effects of
Market, Inn. each service are indicated on the Rest Board.
◆ When all Heroes have finished using the Effects of the
Shops they are in, the Rest Phase ends.

1 4
1 1  Maestro il suo aiuto
 Artigiano nuovi Il Maestro consente
agli Eroi che chiedono
le proprie Abilità. Ogni
è fondamentale per Creare di apprendere nuovamentepuò cancellare tutte le sue

1 1 Visitare questa bottega i Reagenti e i Popolini


Eroe che visita il Maestro i  spesi, per poi spenderli

 Mercato Equipaggiamenti, spendendo
che un solo Eroe visiti
abilità per recuperare cosi da poter sperimentare nuove
potrete acquistare e/o
vendere richiesti. E’ sufficente gli Equipaggiamenti desiderati nuovo in altre Abilità,
Bottega per Creare tutti
 Città

1 3 Visitando il Mercante che un solo Eroe visiti questa nti”.

 Borgo

la voce “Creare Equipaggiame combinazioni.

 Cerusico Reagenti. E’ sufficente tutte le compravendite della dalla compagnia. Vedi Base, o 5
è l’unico modo per sbarazzarsi Bottega per effettuare le voci “Reagenti”
e “Creare sei nella tua una Classe
♦ Paga 3 Popolini se tua classe Avanzata.

Visitare questa Bottega durante una Missione.

Vedi compagnia. Vedi regolamento. Popolini se sei nella
Equipaggiamenti” sul

Fase di Riposo di una Ferita Grave ricevuta

sul regolamento. 1 Classe
acquistate (ma non la tutti i
in ordine:
la voce “Ferite Gravi” 1 2 proprietà del gruppo,  Terme ♦ Perdi tutte le Abilità nte scelta), e ottieni
Seguire i punti indicativi indicherà dove  Chiesa ♦ Vendi Reagenti di Scheda di Campagna, ottenendo Avanzata precedentemeper acquistarle, ad eccezione
seleziona una o più Ferite Chiesa, le Terme per riposare
Punti Esperienza usati
1. L’ultima missione fase di riposo, se in ♦ Sulla Scheda di Campagna, conforto spirituale nella cancellandoli dalla indicato nella colonna 4 4 Gli Eroi possono visitare alla Classe Avanzata.
poter effettuare la Gravi assegnate al tuo
Eroe. Un Eroe può trovare offerta per i poveri. il valore di Popolini sico. di quelli spesi per il passaggio
. Questo  Taverna temprare il proprio fi nte un qualsasi numeroquelle
una città  o in un borgo cura in Popolini, cancellandoli lasciando una piccola ♦ Spendi immediatame

♦ Paga il costo della “Vendita”.

delle Botteghe (vedi il valore in Popolini possono distrarsi e guadagnare le Terme può pagare
2 Popolini,
 in tuo possesso per
imparare Abilità tra
varia la disponibilitàsezione Campagna dalla Scheda di Campagna. la Chiesa può pagare
4 Popolini,
♦ Compra Reagenti pagando i Popolini Nella Taverna gli EroiPopolino giocando a dadi con gli ♦ Ogni Eroe che visitaScheda di Campagna. Classe Base e la Classe
Fase di Riposo nella Grave per cui hai pagato il ♦ Ogni Eroe che visitaScheda di Campagna. “Acquisto”. Cancella
indicato nella colonna acquistati. (o perdere!) qualche cancellandoli dalla disponibili tra la tua
del Regolamento). ♦ Cancella ogni Ferita cancellandoli dalla la
l’entrata alle Terme inizia o
Missione con un segnalino spesi e segna i Reagenti altri avventori.

i  a sua costo in Popolini. nto, ottenendo il ♦ L’Eroe che ha pagato un segnalino Avvantaggiat acquisito una Classe
2. Ogni Eroe può spendere nuove ♦ Se lo fa, inizia la prossima dalla prossima Missione con ♦ Se il tuo Eroe ha già 3 Abilità della sua Classe
Benedetto sulla sua scheda
Eroe. ♦ Vendi carte Equipaggiame sul retro della carta Popolini cancellandoli
disposizione per acquistare ♦ Scommetti da 0 a 5 devi acquistare almeno
Acquistare una 1 1 visitare la Chiesa. valore in Popolini indicati
stessi utilizzati per costruirli). Scheda di Campagna. l’effetto in base al risultato:
sulla sua scheda Eroe.
visitare le Terme.
♦ I Compagni non possono

Abilità (vedi paragrafo Ogni Eroe che Equipaggiamento (gli


 Caserma ♦ I Compagni non possono


nuova Abilità di Classe). ente dei Lancia 2d8 ed applica il doppio dei popolini che hai la Scheda di Campagna con le nuove
Destino 2 può assoldare temporaneam ▶ Doppio 1: perdi al massimo disponibile nella ♦ Aggiorna
ha risolto la sua Carta la sua Classe Nella Caserma potrete per avere un aiuto nella scommesso, fino

spendere 2  per cambiare mercenari, chiamati Compagni,
affrontare. Vedi la voce
“Carte visitare il Maestro.
Classi Avanzate
Base con una delle due paragrafo prossima Missione da
Scheda di Campagna. dei Popolini che hai ♦ I Compagni non possono
▶ 10: Vinci il doppio

a sua disposizione (vedi o di Classe). Compagno” sul regolamento. scommesso.

Acquistare l’Avanzament Popolini che hai scommesso.

Compagno) può ad un massimo di 3 Compagni. ▶ 11+: Vinci la cifra di perdi la cifra di Popolini
3. Ogni Eroe (e ogni Bottega durante una ♦ Puoi ingaggiare fino
Città di Castello

per ogni Compagno ▶ Tutti gli altri risultati:

visitare una singola attentamente, ♦ Paga il costo in Popolini Abilità deve avere nella che hai scommesso.
fase di Riposo. Scegliete assoldato in base a quali

dei posti in una 0 a 3 Abilità).

anche la disponibilitàessere limitata. Il prossima missione (da no alla
singola Bottega può numero vicino al giocano le Missioni successive, fi
San Marino

♦ I Compagni che
di Riposo, con le Abilità

limite è indicato dal di fianco al nome fine della prossima Fase per loro.
simbolo (Città o Borgo) hai deciso di acquistare

della Bottega.

dai giocatori, ogni

4. Nell’ ordine preferito

i indicati nella
Eroe utilizza gli Effett

Bottega in cui si trova.




Gualdo Tadino


Tre Pietre


anc e - Plancia di Ripo
Nova Aetas Renaiss

Acquiring Class Advancement Acquiring a new Class Skill
Each Basic Class can advance into one of the two Advanced During a Rest Phase, a Hero may purchase new Skills from
Classes available if the Hero has learned at least 3 Skills of those available to them. When a Hero switches to one of the
their Basic Class and has resolved their Destiny Card 2. The two Advanced Classes, they may acquire and use the Skills
player who wants to take this important step for their Hero indicated on both the Basic Class Skill Sheet and the chosen
must proceed as follows: Advanced Class.
1 Choose one of the two Advanced Classes and spend 2 of To acquire a Skill, the player spends the  indicated by the
their . cost of the Skill and writes on the Campaign Sheet the name
2 On the Hero Board, replace the Basic Class Hero Sheet of the acquired Skill, also updating the amount of  spent.
with the Advanced Class Hero Sheet. The Basic Class Some Skills have a Prerequisite, so they can only be acquired
Hero Sheet can be placed back in the box; it will not be if you have the Skill listed as a Prerequisite.
used again for the rest of the Campaign. During a single Rest Phase you can acquire as many Class
3 Take the Advanced Class Skill Sheet and keep it next to Skills as you want as long as you have  available.
the Basic Class Skill Sheet, with the side corresponding to There is no limit to the number of Skills a Hero can acquire
the chosen Advanced Class visible. during a Campaign.
4 The Hero immediately gains the Bound Equipment
indicated on the Hero Sheet of the new Class.
5 The Hero gains one of the two Characteristic upgrades Crafting Equipment
available for the Advanced Class. Place a Hero Cube in If at least one Hero visits the Artisan's Shop during the Rest
the slot corresponding to the Characteristic chosen to be Phase, they can Craft Equipment using Formulae Cards.
improved. From now on, the improved Characteristic is As long as Reagents are available, a single Hero can Craft as
considered permanently increased by 1 point. many Equipment as they wish, not only for themselves but
6 Write the Advanced Class you chose, its Bound also for all other Heroes; they can also create the Formulae-
Equipment and the Characteristic you chose to upgrade type Advanced Equipment of any Advanced Class, not just
on the Companion Sheet in the slot provided. Place the their own.
set of 3 Advanced Equipment Cards of the Advanced To Craft an Equipment follow these steps:
Class you did not choose back in the box. They will no 1. Place a Hero in the Artisan's Shop.
longer be used for the rest of the Campaign. 2. Choose one or more cards from the Formulae deck or
from the Advanced Equipment of any Hero.
Unlike regular Skills, once the Advanced Class is acquired, 3. Delete the Reagents and Florins required by the chosen
the Heroic Skill of the Basic Class can no longer be used, as Formulae Cards from the Campaign Sheet.
it is replaced by that of the chosen Advanced Class. It may 4. Mark the newly crafted Equipment on the Campaign
be convenient to keep the two Skill Sheets overlapping so Sheet. From this moment on it will be available to the
that the Heroic Skill section of the Advanced Class covers Heroes.
the Heroic Skill of the Basic Class (see the example below).
Keep in mind that you can only craft an Equipment a
number of times equal to the number of Formulae Cards that
represent it. So, if an Equipment has only one Formulae Card
You can equip Spells of the School of Omnia. 1:
Know your Enemy
: choose an Enemy of  or  Rank in

your Line of Sight. For the rest of the Mission,

the Heroes (including you) roll 1 additional
REBECCA Necromancy
You can equip Spells of the School of
Requirement: Know your Enemy
and is already marked on the Campaign Sheet, you will not
be able to craft it again.
Pyromancy 2  in all Attack Tests targeting a Model of the Passive. At the beginning of your Activation,
Mysticism. type of Enemy chosen. You can use this skill the Risen gains an Advantage Token.
Passive. Each of your Spells gains: once per Mission. Dark Aegis 1
 Burn. Mysticism.
Mysticism. Void Step 1
Magic Step 1
1 Passive. When you gain a Positive Status Search.
Deceive Token, the Risen, if present, also gains that

If an Equipment is sold or discarded (for example, if it is a

11 Search. Reaction 2: when an Enemy becomes
Mysticism. Passive. Each of your Spells gains: Token. adjacent to you, gain 2 Dashes to perform
 Once you have resolved the Effect of this immediately, this movement does not cause
 - +1:
+1: choose an Enemy within 4 of
you. That Enemy gains a Distracted Token. Spell, gain 2 Dashes. Sacrifice
1 Reaction Attacks.

Art t Doe Eyes +1 / +1 +1 (Upgrade): this Attack gains:  Place

Potion), it must be deleted from the Campaign Sheet, and it

 Education.
: gain a Shielded Token.
an Advantage Token on one of your Spells.

Curse of thePhylactery

Black Rose  Necromantic Mastery 3
Focus 2
 Passive. +1: each timeServant
you of
Deaththe Test for Passive. The Upkeep of Your Risen becomes
a Spell and obtain
+1: the
time younumber 0.
Passive. performofthe or

can be crafted again.

Education. +1:
 for
: Place a Lucky Token on one of your Spells. more.
a Spell and obtain the indicated number of  or
perform this Attack: Corrosion 2
3: as long as you Spell
have at least 1 consider the Education.
,, ,  and  values of the Risen increased by
 Passive. Enemies adjacent to you have -1
-1 to
Enemy 1, and the Risen is considered to have the highest their Attacks (up to a minimum of 1).
When an     
Reaction 1:Line of Sight on is
value of  among all Heroes. At the beginning of
 1-5 +4 2
3 Activations
each of your
you have (starting with the next
Defeated.  3,
one) spend 2 for. each  inflict +1 .
y is not remo
That Enem lefield and gains
from the Batt mation: Rise :
the TransforTransform
Token (see n card).

Energy Shard
Dagger  Artifact
e Arrow 
Arcan ic Trick

Charge (2): If there are fewer

than 3 Advantage Tokens on
this card, place one on it.
 may spend all Advantage
   You
1 +0 Tokens on this card on the
2  next , you perform during the
  2 ipping this card current Activation.
 
 1-
6 +0By equ
for gain Elu
3 
flict +1
2, in ch .
 2 ea

End of Mission
Concluding the Rest Phase marks the actual end of a Mission.
The next Mission will take place in the same way, but
remember that the Travel Phase and Rest Phase will not
always be available in all Missions. When this happens,
simply move on to the next Phase until the Mission ends.

Nova Aetas Renaissance - Campaign Sheet 
 Treasury   Inventory  Achievements
owned buy sell ____________________________________ N°______________
Belladonna ______ 3 2 ____________________________________ N°______________
Leather ______ 2 1 ____________________________________ N°______________
Wood ______ 1 1 ____________________________________ N°______________
Mandrake ______ 3 2 ____________________________________ N°______________
Salt ______ 2 1 ____________________________________ N°______________
Mercury ______ 2 1 ____________________________________ N°______________
Philosopher's Stone ______ 9 5 ____________________________________ N°______________
Raelgar ______ 4 2 ____________________________________ N°______________
Sulfur ______ 2 1 ____________________________________ N°______________
Silver ______ 5 3 ____________________________________ N°______________
Metal ______ 3 2 ____________________________________ N°______________
Gold ______ 6 3 ____________________________________ N°______________
Florins ______ - - ____________________________________ N°______________

Campaign Missions  Available Hunt Missions

☐ _________________________________ _____________ Hunt Name Code
☐ _________________________________ _____________ ___________________________________ _____________
☐ _________________________________ _____________ ___________________________________ _____________
☐ _________________________________ _____________ ___________________________________ _____________
☐ _________________________________ _____________
☐ _________________________________ _____________
Active Side Missions
☐ _________________________________ _____________ Mission Title Code
☐ _________________________________ _____________ ___________________________________ _____________
☐ _________________________________ _____________ ___________________________________ _____________
☐ _________________________________ _____________ ___________________________________ _____________
Hero _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
Player _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
Advanced Class _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
 Bond _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
Achievements ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Injury _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Injury _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Injury _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]


Destiny 1☐ 2☐ 3☐ 4☐ 1☐ 2☐ 3☐ 4☐ 1☐ 2☐ 3☐ 4☐ 1☐ 2☐ 3☐ 4☐
Upgrade ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
Skill _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ] _________________ [____ ]
 Spent _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 Gained 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Nova Aetas Renaissance - Rulebook v.1.1
©2023 Ludus Magnus Studio
All rights reserved

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