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L-11,12 Geography

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that 1: the significance of atmosphere Q © The envelope of alk sunmoundiing the fauth is calle Atmosphino tt is colouules), tasteless and odoudon, wostance And is mobile, elastic anot compmeasible 8 Thy moat interesting fact abouk abr is that we cle qok feel iia_pamsonce Unitus thesis is_hasizontal motion in ite In_hos2ontel mobon is ichown as ‘odo’ Ln L Laeig at The promiuro it exouts on the sunpace jc called tine _atmosphoute prenmirta {we ae appamcino.totu, O,000km , approaching the cidinatoss of eaurh trey At is an -enuelone of —qass_encompaming ihe { kage a cba ae inextt and constibite ab. fe 42 le ot cctm esp howe On the basi eh Com pesitian Go| garner the Atmesphome choy be olivided ining + Heborrosphtre + Homostpherco ie Name tne cliffoxont CoreHs of the atmesphoxo * Troposphese ® Tonosphexe Af Shatocphexe £ €xos phors - eo Zo, | a : ee Bef the Wmnauiinatchauncituretta of each of she tayo, 6 It is the batiomost layeu of the atmasphene 6 The height of tnposphere is about O-m &tm at poles ond Oto lbw ab the $Auotore ee S Ai the y nthoving changes takes place at Toposphe i. STRATOSPHERE 2 it is the layed above the Hopesphoe * ts Ir extends fom If to 80m between Gd'tn 60" latitude slo uotcthouing phtnomenon taken place in_tais_layeu I, TONOSPHERE & | A It extends fom %o t U0 Km _in altitude R the tem Ki ith poxctuve increases with increase in height A : \ ! tis one of th hottest layen 5 |lethot is significance of atmosphere -frs €auth 9 x || (Same as numbeu 1) hat axo the pao 2 cad © [kis the bottomou layew af the atmowphuce © The height of bopashowe js about 6 tp Siem ed poles and om ikrm at the ¢quatox e o AU th i 1 0 eo O — ZI lal s &~ | The lowsox most limit of st. cubn: omen he Ate auiage, at bi Hlometes annus 0n ance ‘about Q Nonlices ovord the poles 8. What is the significance of ozone. in the otmosphodee ) & lit absasins the oe ee ee ae the absence _o4 tine Ozene_tayex found in atmasphexe anol th tne event of ‘i plcainek Would have been upfit fs human habitation and othew Living beings. Thuis, o20ne layer paoteckt Ws from thene hawmpur” tt is 00. human \veiinga 4 hah of i ) Ww lle The emission of Ni ‘agen oxide by o Couege Ouumbe oy Cobo atm. 10. ive. i jono: i i w ome _prope-ttien of ionocphowro.crer & [t_cxtends from £0 - Ugo em. The tempeh oto incre cinen with inerrove In height _~ Heo, Ye electing: ally. chavged ions axe heen fauncl {tis the hothoat Leyes Ne seaplecks ana big frequency Waren, idle tre long distance adic con muni cabion Pons. Date. 7 =e The psocess whose a XM See heat ko ate Hh scent the Louner the consequeniee of global taaxmting pt Crlobat WMauming is the tong =H wWaxming of the planes Ouew cll Tome ct. © The inctease in Se te eee merl Fartth The modeat tehapeuctano rise in yocent clecaadles is mu iting ice taps anc placious. Ice couss_{s shsinbiag ia __ fictif, Antoun , Moako and Groenieng . 9 | Se ee Se A °: oppor t Tr “lune dei haaiaial Oesnava yea mee et pnagirk produ chion and use of ozone clestroying chemicals. — To save the ozone layou timely action ic rhe caly solution. Tilega rade js o majo haxniuem, as Substantial demanol fos these haumiul chemicals sh existt fach Country haate take strict olecision to ban tne use ot such_dhennicoss Anothon step thal con help is +n creat usa fui of oes eda F j C: to scue quuthen depletion of tife suing ozone—loyes-——$§ Name the thxge sealms of the Casts ________—— Huyduas phone Uithcsphoe, Biosphens onol Atmosplinie — i State_ine co ¥ “gole of plitrogen, il" of Oxygen» am33-L: Cawbonclioxice » 0-13 s/° of Prigon Kt i L iS ec bea paaphono | mescSphewe and below the -ex _expsphiene + ll te extends from (2 to 20em + tt extends d& bo Gookms high Le SI * DIAGRAM %& L Prcu2 ose — explanatory diagram illuctating +the sts Suctune of the atmcAnh ono | We Inferplanerary — ne Space. 40000 a LS : 2 i cxospuene LY SA THERIMOSPHERE = = ape y SUSE Qgies he pace cs re j Songs es Si Pe 600 fem" 242 SS (cornmoaicati - 35,¢gomm | MESOSPHERE (EN | | SRATOSPHERE of bh bom one. ts_« DATION = His a frOcesA by cOnich a body emit of Ipeout and. Boe to cooling : of o alace 1 Ietitude vio L Ouds ond aye 4 Atotude wi Slope of the tang iu Aistance from the 8 ___winn vegeratioa iy lind Wa Nati 4 tne foil V Oc eon Cusneonts Wihy clnos arly Slee of the ingolati0n reach the faseth surface) Onuy Sis? of the Minlatio yeoon the fouuth sunface Heouse of the distance from the sun to the corth Ane Mnsolation is _comiag in _shost woo tho ne th lAlh ‘ \ ep Pe Placer close to the { @ gad Aue toctunno than plo uno Prom. ee ae This is hecaae the sun vos 12a ch tne Cauth aprors Passi ng ‘th: OUgla The (ayossa of the atmotphora tin the ‘ow fatituoles the Sun! celly aus olivert anol nave to brava a 750 oct Toya ts mose intense, Bul, inthe fiphou faltitucen, tho Sun nays ans Slant ancl hove t_pans astuph- sh 2 high tabinide ake not ve I not cua Com. poweal to aqttectsio.h agit § What causes the a aka seit 4. w ano /aadl ‘auyeice waren howe quite oiftveant proneuties i co rapidly ano ints KS there pO, UU ee LU LOce SSC ee the other honol, the Lond AYoce cools _o. mame rapiclhy — ett os il 10 _—2 E I grea cone oxt _—_—— tnt of otmorpherw Hence, there rays loose heat ONG 30 He avean in the nigh latitude are pot very i hot as com to Pas0ol 4 2G tua tonal aegqor _ | i 2 w il | Ialinds moolity tne tempenatune of O place coherce : Oli i O th = shese_ww t The winds, which blows from land oo seo. ome calseot 01 lati: 2 uh Coming From bighess lotitisobed ——__l2_ "i In —_| With the Incoane of height, tempexotuxe clecanen as evan 166 meters the temperatura falls by 1% | (Tis is ynourn a2 Nenmot lapie Bare | i y 13.5 Explain with the hetp of a diaaramn how tne slope. of tne ano ayjgcks the tempenatusca Pe ce ints dQ} ntny dioep the tempematums of eens with tight ? : a eee The height of o ploce above the mean s9o | OWitude o4 ie ploce ihe otmosphoxe sm | wy conduchnn, Ait is cooler OL higne altitudes shan | nau ine fourth’, suvtare.$o the placer neox he 2 | PanthS susyace ams. Wosmt4 shan nlaces 7 a Ona woes (Game os @1A no. 6) 4 femnpenc aun abr lla by Vc. This is tnoun an Normal lapse Rate “an a fnttama= ie sani oEaamak —— a cus some thncep cnheiei*betaranvi “apibod cal-conattioas ih the Lovolts atmosphore pxocirce o several of the | Oe! | em is | | Ea ! Disting h_ Bétusean 2- 4 l Insolatton. | Teuxonticl Paoiatnn._| * Solax sadiarin abscsbed | Sol u i hy the faseth’c sunperce ane _fareth eurace hi not sanpensible for | tr is roaponsible ms heating pending tne bempewatuce | the tempewotsee (bic @ shovt wa i i Lik is tang wavelength . leis not oboarbeot by \b te absabeal hy o8en houne \_gxdan house? gasen Qaney. Page Date a Convection Roalintian Pon jhe Jomik acWant onsHou, — 4p an ee EEE positiclon thomzelues. fF | Give goanon_2- 1__||_tanot gets hated fantoe than the Ago & || Becaine of oliftoreantiat heating of (anol ang water 2 ty 1 d °, ‘ aa eet The omeas wohich asc far eo. the 300. afd rohichn awe inthe Mtetay without th mocetoting inftumnce of tne 400 Such aioao er neniance Continental “cx oxtvome type of climate. Coanlol Uimaten ose tquoble

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