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Laterally static and cyclic pile behavior in clay

Meriam Khemakhem, N. Chenaf, Josselin Garnier, G. Rault, L. Thorel,

Christophe Dano

To cite this version:

Meriam Khemakhem, N. Chenaf, Josselin Garnier, G. Rault, L. Thorel, et al.. Laterally static and
cyclic pile behavior in clay. 7th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2010,
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Laterally static and cyclic pile behavior in clay

M. Khemakhem, N. Chenaf, J. Gamier, G. Rault ,L.Thorel

Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees, Nantes, France
Institut de recherche en Genie Civil et Mecanique, Nantes, France

ABSTRACT: While deep foundations have been used extensively in clay to support both monotonic and cy-
clic lateral loading, significant uncertainties still now exist in predicting the field behaviour of such founda-
tions, especially for the cyclic loading. Cyclic loads result of waves and winds forces on offshore structures or
on bridge piers, mooring of boat on quays and variable overloads on many constructions and buildings.
Useful data on cyclic loading of piles in sand have already been obtained from centrifuge model tests and the
purpose of tl}e present study is to provide new data on the response of piles in clay under lateral static and cy-
clic loads. The clay is a normally consolidated kaolin whose undfained shear strength increases with depth.
Testing equipments and soil model preparation are presented in detail. The program of centrifuge tests is pre-
sented. Undrained tests on a rigid and flexible pile models (1/50) are performed. In the first test series, the ul-
timate static load was estimated. For cyclic loads, the pile top deflection was recorded using displacement
transducer installed on the model rigid pile. The effect of the number of cycles on the head displacement was

I INTRODUCTION The experiments described herein were aimed at

predicting the load-deflection relationship of rigid
Most of practical interest to the engineer is the and flexible piles driven on normally consolidated
knowledge of the deflection and the bending mo- clay, submitted successively to static and cyclic
ment resulting on foundations. The bending moment loading. Experimental static responses were com-
is required in the sizing of the foundation and the de- pared to computed ones. The calculation was done
flection is necessary to define the serviceability of by the Pilate LCPC software which will be presented
the supported structure under static or cyclic loading later.
Theoretical approaches including specification
about cyclic were developed to predict the behavior 2 TEST PROCEDURE
of piles in clay: the elastic continuum analysis pro-
posed by Poulos (1982), the non linear subgrade re- All tests were conducted at 50 g on the geo-
action developed by Matlock (1960), the finite ele- technical centrifuge in the LCPC in Nantes. The ra-
ments model ofRandolph (1977). These approaches dius of the centrifuge is 5.5 m and its maximum ac-
were validated and developed by filed tests carried celeration is up to 200 g.
on full scale·pile (Mattock, 1970; Tassios & Leven-
dis, 1974 ; Reese & Welch, 1975 ; Brown and al,
2.1 Model piles
1987) . The results of such tests are relevant but
these tests are still expensive and quite difficult to Rigid and flexible model piles were manufac-
realize. The geotechnical centrifuge offers the pos- tured to simulate at 50 g a prototype steel pile with a
sibility to field-test large model scale of piles and diameter of B = 0,9 m to a depth of D = 16 m below
different types of soil. However, few tests in centri- the ground surface. The flexible model pile is made
fuge were conducted to determine the behaviour of of a tubular aluminium pipe with a thickness of I
piles subjected to static and cyclic loading in clay mm . The rigid model pile is a fully aluminium pipe.
(Hamilton & a!, 1991 ; Kitazume & Miyajima, 1994 Hence,· only the stiffness rigidity E PIP differs from
; llyas & al, 2004).

rigid to flexible model pile. The table behind sum-
marize the p~oprieties of the prototype piles.

Table 1. Proprieties of the prototype piles

B(m) D(m)

Flexible pile 0,9 16 895

Rigid pile 0,9 16 38100
(:!) Kaolin
The pile instrumentation is presented in the • 475
Figure 1. Tlie lateral displacement of the pile head
was recorded by a displacement transducer (2) which
was mounted in front of the loading point. The pile
head was extended so that it was possible to mount
T •

two additional displacement transducers (4). This
data is important to ensure a redundant measure-
ment. The vertical displacement of the pile is also
controlled by a displacement transducer mounted in
the head of the pile (5). (1) Drainage geotextile
A typical model set up for tests is schemati- (2) Horizontal displacement transducer at the loading point
cally shown in Figure 2.The test layout is also pre- (3) Soil settlement transducer
sented in the Figure 3. Lateral loading was applied (4) Horizontal pile displacement transducer
using in flight a serve-actuator (6) controlled from (5) Vertical pile displacement transducer
the centrifuge operator's room. The lateral load was (6) Servo- actuator
recorded by a load transducer (7)- mounted in the (7) Load transducer
serve-actuator. All data were recorded using trans- (8) Pore water transducer
ducers connected to a microprocessor.
Figure2 ..Model set up

2.2 Clay sample

2.2.1. Preparation -Preliminary consolidation

Tests were performed in a cylindrical steel tubs

895 mm in diameter by 475 mm deep. The kaolin
clay named Speswhite and used in this study was
homogenous and saturated. The table 2 lists its main
physical proprieties.

Table 2. Physical proprieties of kaolin clay

Average bulk unit weight
Final average water content w-50%
Compres,sion index Cc= 0,44
Vertical index of consolidation Cv -310 m 2 Is
Swelling index Cs = 0,44

Clay sample was prepared in order to reproduce

filed conditions at 50 g like in normally consolidated
clay. This technique of preparation was used in the
LCPC to simulate deep-water anchrages and severals
other kinds of offshore plate form foundations
Three layers were successively poured in the
model container .Each layer was prepared and con-
solidated in the following manner. First, a clay sluny

was prepared with an initial average water content s 1are successively the settlements recorded at two
w = 90% and allowed tb rest for 24 hours:· Before successive time steps ! 1_1 and t 1 = tH + D.t. The val-
being placed in the container, the slurry was mixed ues of s 1_1 are then plotted versuss1 • The final set-
for about four hours and a drainage geotextil was tlement s., is the intersection of this curve and the
disposed at its bottom. Second, to· reduce the flight bisector. The final predict settlement and the last
time necessary to the final consolidation, this layer measured average settlement give the consolidation
was preliminary consolidated at lg under the value ratio:
of the overburden pressure enhanced at its center
U = s(t) x100(%) ( 1)
like in 50 g field normally consolidated clay. This s_
pressure is applied by stages. This process was re-
peated for each layer. When the preliminary consoli-
dation of a layer was achieved, the next layer was Table2. Asaoka method
placed above and then consolidated. The figure be-
low (Fig.4) presents the theoretical pressnre applied
for each layer The_ preliminary consolidation is fol-
I: \::L I ~, I ~, I ~: I ~: I ~: I ~, I : I
lowed by the in-flight consolidation. This process Generally, a value at least equal to U = 70% was
ensure the ultimate consolidation of the clay sample achieved before starting the pile loading. The final
The theoretical final height of each layer after the model sample thickness after the in-flight consolida-
preliminary consolidation at 1 g was about 133 mm., tion was about 395 mm. For each model container,
the final model sample thickness was about 400 mm. four tests were performed. The consolidation in
The pile was installed at 1g by driving it into a flight had to be repeated for each test: the centrifuge
drilled hole before turning on the centrifuge. was stopped to adjust the position of the serve-
actuator to conduct the next test. The duration of
consolidation was unpredictable. We have noted that
the consolidation in the first tests was faster and bet-
ter thmi the subsequent ones. If a maximum of four
hours was necessary to achieve U = 85 % for the
first and the second tests, the latest required about
six hours to reach 71% of consolidation.

2.2.3. Penetrometer test

Figure 4, Preliminary consolidation pressure
Undrained shear strength of the soil was meas-
ured at 1g and in flight after the final consolidation
2.2.2. In flight Consolidation process using a cone pentrometer. The penetrometer
used has a cross bar of 300 mm long and 12 mm in
The clay sample was then reconsolidated under it diameter attached perpendicularly to the end of a
self weight in the centrifuge at 50 g to allow the ex- vertical shaft. The cone was pushed in the soil at a
cess pore water pressure to dissipate through the free rate of 5 mm Is and its penetration resistance qc was
surface clay and the opening holes at the bottom. monitored by a cell load cell fastened onto the cone.
Free water approXiniately 15 mm -deep was main- The depth of penetration was monitored by a poten-
tained above the- ground soil to unsure the satura- tiometer located inside the actuator. Undrained shear
tion.. strength S,. was then calculated using a correlation
Settlements and.pore .water transducers were used between the pentrometer resistance and the scissom-
in order to control the consolidation ratio during the eter undrained shear strength which was checked in
in-flight. Two series of three pore water transducers the LCPC for the same normally consolidated clay :
are placed into the clay through holes distributed in (2)
the container's wall. Two settlements transducer
were placed above_ the soil free surface (see Fig.2).
A settlement graphical method was mainly used
to estimate and to control the consolidation ratio at
any time from the settlement data during the in-
2.3 Experimental program
flight. This method, simple and practice, was first
proposed by Asaoka (1978) and then developed by In this study, results of five tests will be pre-
Magnan and Deroy (1980). First, a time interval l!.t sented. Static and cyclic lateral load tests were car-
was chosen, in thiS study D.t = 20 m!J . Then, during ried out. After the completion of the consolidation
the in-flight, the settlement s1 was measured at the in-flight, each pile was laterally loaded at its top.
time t1 as shown ih the table below -(Tab. 2), s 1_1 and

Static loading tests were performed to estimate gas shown in Fig.6. The consolidation was achieved
the ultimate lateral load of the interaction soil-pile. in flight, thus the values of the undrained shear
The load is applied using dispiacement control strength were higher at 50 g.
mode at a rate of 4 mm Is . Lateral displacement was As mentioned, the re-consolidation in flight was
applied on pile until the load recoded did not io- unavoidable. For each test, a penetrometer test had
crease and became constant. This rate was chosen so to be done. The comparisons between the shear
that the conditions around the pile during the loading strength profile at 50g, for all test, show that the soil
are essentially undraine4. This rate was estimated resistance was almost comparable.
from T-bar tests performed in a centrifuge at the Undralned shear strength Su (kN)
University of Western Australia by Steward and
Randolph (1991). Authors suggested two approxi- 0
0 4
' " " " "
mate limits of loading's rates between the drained --At SOg
(Eq. 3) and undraioed conditions (Eq. 4). The rate ' -B-At lg
depends on the T-bar diameter B and the vertical 4
consolidatioll index Cv.
v< 0• Cv for drained conditions
(3 )

° Cv forundrained conditions

The limit" rate for. undrained conditions was esti- 16

mated for these tests, it was found that

v>.3mm/s Figure. 6. Undrained shear strength profile
For cyclic loading, a rigid pile was subjected to
one-way cyclic loading using loading control mode. 3.2 Ultimate lateral static load
The cyclic input was a fifty- cycles sinusoidal se- Load-displacement relationship
quence with a frequency of 0,5 Hz. The amplitude
was fixed at twenty per cent of the ultimate lateral After all tests completed, a gap was observed in
load estimated in the static tests. A typical record of front of the pile. The soil behind the pile was con-
the load applied is given in Figure 5. fined aS ~hown in Fig. 7.



GOD r---------------------------,
n 4 12 1& w u 28 n
Time fsecondesl
~ ® « « ,
z 500

:t: 400
Figure 5. Beginning of cyClic load sequence in model scale 'll -e- Test 1 Rigid pile
..9 300
jj -s- Test 2 Rigid pile
c 200 -*""Test 3 Rigid pile
-+-Test 4 Flexible pile
~ 100 Computed result
All results presented herein are in prototype scale. Flexible pile --+---Test 5 Flexible pile

3.1 Undrained shear strength profile 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2
Normalized Horizontal Displacement Ytop/8
Results reveal as expected that the soil strength
Figure 8, Static lateral load-displacement relationship
increase lineill-ly with the depth both at 1 g and at 50

It is reasonable to attribute this phenomenon to
The relationship between lateral load and lateral the degradation of clay's strength under cyclic load-
displacement at the loading point is drawn as shown ing, which contribute to increase the displacement.
in Fig. 9 , the horizontal displacement was nonnal- Cyclic simple shear loading tests were carried on
ized with respect to the pile diameter B. As ex- clay (Purzin & a/, 1995), it was seen that the mean
pected, the applied load increased with applied dis- effective stresses decreases and so the clay was no
placement For small displacement, the lateral load longer as resistant as before cyclic loading. A slight
H can be considered to increase linearly with the top increase of the pore pressure may cause the degrada-
deflection of the pile Yrop . This relation can be ex- tion of the soil.
pressed by the following equation: The last issue to be discussed in this section con-
(5) cerns the comparison between the behavior of the
H=kyTop . head pile under cyclic loading in the sand (Rosquoet,
2004) and in the clay. We noted a fair agreement be-
Where k is a coefficient of the soil-pile interaction. tween them. The top displacement of the pile em-
We noted that equal stiffuess rigidity piles have ap- bedded in the sand was fitted by a logarithmic curve:
proximately the same coefficient k. In addition, the
coefficient k for rigid piles was higher than flexible _,)',_ = 1+b ln(N) (6)
ones for all tests. We concluded that the lateral load y,
for small displacements depends on the stiffuess ri-
gidity of the pile considered. Centrifuge tests were Where _b is a coefficient depending on the amplitude
conducted by Katuzume & Miyajima (1994), it was
and the density of the soil. and N is the number of
found that the horizontal load increased almost line-
arly with the increase of the square root of pile rigid- cycles applied.
ity. A similar fitting is possible to piles embedded in
For higher displacement, the results emphasize clay, but more tests are needed to define parameters
the highly non linearity nature of the soil- pile- inter- which could affect the coefficient b. These parame-
action. The ultimate load H u was deduced from the ters could be the amplitude, the consolidation degree
load-displacement .A value between 400 and 500 kN or both.
was approximately found for all piles regardless the 250
stiffness rigiaity.
The lateral load- displacement relationship was
/;I~ ~
also computed using the Pilate LCPC software
which is based on the elastic continuum analysis. 'C
Calculated P-y curyes, stiffuess rigidity of piles and ~150
boundary conditions were introduced first into Pi- ;;

late. The pile tip was supposed free. The results ob- C'100
tained for each load increment are presented in Fig. 2
9. It is a fair agreement with the measured curves. ·c
0 50
Moreover, it can be seen that the difference still ex- :J:
ists between the responses for rigid and flexible V
piles. The coefficient of the interaction soil-pile of 0
rigid pile remains higher than the flexible one for 0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20
small displacement. Finally, the ultimate load was Horizontal displacement (m)
the same for the highest displacement as experimen- Figure 9. Cyclic lateral load -displacement relationship
tal results.
14 r------------------- ------------.
3.3 Pile he"ad displacement under cyclic lateral 12
load 10

The cyclic curve of load-displacement at the load-

ing point is shown in Figure 9. In the first loading ~·
stage, before the first cycle, the horizontal displace-
ment rose up toy;·. After the first Cycle, a residual
displacement was' accumulated with increasing cy- 2 .
cles for the same load. The displacement nonnalized
with the displacement y 1 versus tlie number of cycles 0 5 10 15 ~ ~ 30 ~ ~ ~ ~
is presented in th6.Figure 10. As shoWn, the nonnal- Number of cycles
ized ratio yjy, increased. with the number of cycles
for the same load, but no stabiliiation was reached. Figure IO.Nonnalized displacement - number of cycles rela-

4 CONCLUSION Ilyas, T.; Leung, C.F., Chow, Y.K. & Budi, S.S. 2004. Centri-
fuge model study· of laterally loaded pile groups in clay.
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental engineering,
The behavior of the· pile embedded in normally 2004, Vol. 130(3), pp. 274-283
consolidated clay under static and cyclic lateral load-
ing was undertaken in this study. The displacement Kitazume, M. & Miyajima, S. 1994. Lateral resistance of a long
of the head pile was investigated. Results were re- pile in soft clay. Centrifuge 1994, pp. 485 -490
producible despite the stopping of the centrifuge and
the reconsolidation of the sample clay for each test. Magnan JP & Deroy JM. 1980. Analyse graphique des courbes
de consolidation oedom6trique. Bulletin de Liaison des
Careful supervision was needed to avert the clay's FontS et Chauss6es, sep-oct. 1980, pp. 53-56
swelling. In fact, it was necessary to aspirate the wa-
ter above the ground surface as soon as the centri- Magnan JP & Deroy JM. 1980. Analyse graphique des tasse-
fuge was stopped. In sum, the following conclusions ments observes sous les ouvrages. Bulletin de Liaison des
were obtained: Pants et Chaussees, sep-oct. 1980, pp. 45-52
1) The lateral load-displacement relationship de-
Reese. L & Welch.R. 1975. Lateral loading of deep founda-
pends on the stiffuess rigidity of Piles. This result tions in stiff clay. Journal of geotechnical engineering divi-
was affirmed by calculation (Pilate). sion, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engi-
2) The ultimate lateral load deduced from the neering, Vol.101, No. GT7, July, 1975, pp. 633-649
load -displacement curve at the loading point was
reproducible regardless the stiffuess rigidity of pile. Rosquoet, F. 2004. Pieu sous charge lattirale cyclique. These de
Doctorat, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Universite de Nantes,
2) Cyclic loading could cause the degradation of
France, 305p. (in French).
the normally consolidated clay, thus the pile head
displacement didn't reach stabilization. Purzin A, Frydman S & Talesnick, M. 1995. Nonnalized non-
For a through investigation, tests with more sig- degrading behavior of soft clay under cyclic simple shear
nificant number of cycles are needed to define loading. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1995, Vol.
probably a stabilization threshold of the residual dis- 121(12), pp. 836-843
placement. In addition, an accurate measure of the Tassios, .T & E. Levendis E. 1974. Efforts tept'ititifs horizon-
pore pressure nearer to the pile is particularly rela- taux sur pieux verticaux, Annates de l'institut teclmique du
vant even if the conditions are supposed undrained b8.timent et des travaux publics .No. 315, 1974, pp. 45-71
according to Steward & Randolph (1991). The pur-
pose of these measurements is to focus on the causes
of the degradation of the soil around the pile under
cycles. Lastly, it is necessary to test clay with differ-
ent consolidation degree to compare the effect of cy-
clic loading on the clay and on the pile head dis-
placement under the same cyclic loading.


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