MSN 13-2021
MSN 13-2021
MSN 13-2021
MSN 13 / 2021
Ibu Pejabat, Jabatan Laut Malaysia, Peti Surat 12, 42007 Pelabuhan Klang.
Tel: 03-3346 7777 Fax: 03-3168 5289 E-mail: kpgr@marine, Website:
Notis kepada pemilik kapal, ejen perkapalan, Nakhoda, pelaut, Badan Yang Diiktiraf
dan industri maritim.
Notice to ship owners, ship agents, Masters, seafarers, Recognized Organisations and
the maritime industry.
3. Semua COC dan COP terdahulu yang 3. All of the previous COCs and COPs that
melepasi tempoh peralihan STCW 1978 have exceeded the transitional period of
pindaan Manila 2010 yang berkuat kuasa STCW 1978 Manila 2010 amendment
1 Januari 2012 tidak lagi sah selepas 1 which were in force on 1 January 2012
Januari 2017, kecuali setelah disahkan are no longer valid after 1 January 2017,
semula oleh Jabatan Laut Malaysia. except after revalidation by Marine
Department Malaysia.
5. Notis ini berkuat kuasa serta-merta pada 5. This Notice is effective on the date of its
tarikh ia dikeluarkan. issuance.
The list below identifies all certificates described in the STCW which authorises the holder to serve in certain
functions on board ships. The certificates are subject to the requirements of regulation I/2 regarding
language and their availability in original form. The list also a reference to the relevant regulations and the
requirements for revalidation.
1 II/1, II/2, II/3, COC – Masters, Officers and GMDSS Radio Operators. Yes
III/1, III/2, III/3, III/6,
IV/2, VII/2
3 II/5, III/5, III/7, VII/2 COP – For ratings duly certified as able seafarer deck, able No
seafarer engine or electro-technical rating.
4 V/1-l, V/1-2 COP & COC endorsements – For masters and officers on oil, Yes
chemical or liquefied gas tankers.
7 VI/2 COP3 – Survival craft, rescue boats and fast rescue boats. Yes4
Revalidation of a certificate means establishing continued professional competence in accordance with STCW regulation 1/11 or
maintaining the required standards of competence in accordance with sections A-VI/1 to A-VI/3, as applicable.
As required by STCW regulation V/2, paragraph 3 seafarers who have completed training in "crowd management", "crisis management
and human behaviour" or "passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity" shall at intervals not exceeding five years, undertake
appropriate refresher training or to provide evidence of having achieved the required standards of competence within the previous five
The certificates of competency issued in accordance with STCW regulations 11/1, II/2, II/3, III/1, III/2, III/3, III/6 and VII/2 include the
proficiency requirements in "basic training", "survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats", "advanced fire fighting" and
"medical first aid" therefore, holders of mentioned certificates of competency are not required to carry Certificates of Proficiency in
respect of those competences of chapter VI. Any further or updated COP revalidation requirements will be determined by MARDEP.
In accordance with STCW sections A-VI/1, A-VI/2 and A-VI/3, seafarers shall provide evidence of having maintained the required
standards of competence every five years.
Where security awareness training or training in designated security duties is not included in the qualification for the certificate to be
Officer Incharge for Navigational Watch
May be embedded with the COC course
EFA only
Valid COP may be needed for COC revalidation (except Mate <500GT DM and Mate <500GT DM Restricted)
AFF Advanced Fire Fighting (VI/3) ECDIS Electronic Chart Display & Information System (II/1, II/2, II/3) NC Near Coastal Voyage
ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (II/1) EFA Elementary First Aid (VI/1-3) PSCR Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (VI/2)
ARSI ARPA Simulator (II/2) ENA Electronic Navigation Aids (II/1) RN Radar Navigation & Radar Plotting (II/1)
BRM Bridge Resource Management (II/1, II/2) GOC General Operator’s Certificate (IV/2) ROC Restricted Operator’s Certificate (IV/2)
BT Basic Training (VI/1-1, VI/1-2, VI/1-3, VI/1-4) LMS Leadership & Managerial Skill (II/2) SRT Security-related Training (VI/6)
DM Domestic Voyage MC Medical Care (VI/4-2) UL Unlimited Voyage
MFA Medical First Aid (VI/4-1)
EO <750kW DM NC - Y4 Y Y Y - - Y
ETO III/6 Y Y Y Y - - Y
Officer Incharge for Engineering Watch
Engine Officer
Electro-Technical Officer
May be embedded with the COC course
Valid COP may be needed for COC revalidation
AFF Advanced Fire Fighting (VI/3) ERM Engine Resource Management (III/1, III/2) PSCR Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (VI/2)
BT Basic Training (VI/1-1, VI/1-2, VI/1-3, VI/1-4) LMS Leadership & Managerial Skill (III/2) SRT Security-related Training (VI/6)
DM Domestic Voyage MFA Medical First Aid (VI/4-1) UL Unlimited Voyage
EFA Elementary First Aid (VI/1-3) NC Near Coastal Voyage
1. Tempoh perkhidmatan laut yang dibenarkan 1. The period of approved seatime under this
mengikut Annex ini adalah untuk Annex is for the issuance of COC
pengeluaran pembaharuan COC yang revalidation equivalent to the existing
setara dengan COC pelaut yang sedia ada. seafarer’s COC.
2. Untuk naik taraf COC, pelaut tetap perlu 2. For upgrading of COC, seafarers must
mematuhi syarat-syarat kemasukan ke adhere to the entry standard’s admission
kursus utama COC di bawah Kod STCW to the main COC course under the STCW
yang ditetapkan oleh Jabatan Laut Malaysia Code, which is set by Marine Department
(JLM) beserta keperluan Ujian Peperiksan Malaysia (MARDEP), including the
Lisan. requirements of Oral Examination.
3. Pemegang COC dibenarkan mematuhi 3. COC holder is allowed to comply with the
pengiktirafan pada Annex ini sekiranya recognition in this Annex if he/she is
belayar dengan gred yang setara atau sailing with an equivalent grade or any
mana-mana pangkat pegawai di bawah gred rank lower than the existing grade
pangkat sedia ada (contoh: Master belayar (example: Master, sailing as C/O; or 2/E
sebagai C/O; atau 2/E belayar sebagai 3/E). sailing as 3/E).
4. Bagi tujuan pembaharuan COC sebagai 4. For the purpose of COC revalidation as a
anak kapal, tempoh perkhidmatan laut ship’s crew, the previous period of
terdahulu pemegang COC adalah seperti seatime of the COC holder is as per
5. Tempoh perkhidmatan laut sebagai bukan 5. The period of seatime for a non-crew for
anak kapal bagi tujuan pembaharuan COC the purpose of revalidation of a COC is as
adalah seperti TABLE 2. per TABLE 2.
8. Pemohon perlulah lulus ujian peperiksaan 8. The applicant must pass the oral
lisan persediaan di mana-mana Institiut preparatory examination at any approved
Latihan Maritim (ILM) yang diiktiraf dan lulus Maritime Training Institutions (ILM) and
ujian peperiksaan lisan JLM bagi mana- pass the MARDEP oral examination for
mana COC yang telah tamat tempoh any COC which has expired of more than
melebihi 12 bulan, 12 months.
9. Kapasiti minimum kapal yang diterima bagi 9. The minimum capacity of the ship for the
tempoh perkhidmatan laut bahagian dek period of seatime of the deck department
yang tidak setara dengan kapasiti COC which is not equivalent to the existing
sedia ada ialah 80 GT (tanan kapal) atau 24 COC capacity is 80 GT (tonnage) or 24
meter (panjang kapal). meters (length).
10. Kapasiti minimum kapal yang diterima bagi 10. The minimum capacity of the ship for the
tempoh perkhidmatan laut bahagian enjin period of seatime of the engine
yang tidak setara dengan kapasiti COC department which is not equivalent to the
sedia ada ialah 750 kW (kuasa enjin). existing COC capacity is 750 kW (engine
11. Untuk endorsan kapal tangki yang telah 11. For tanker endorsement which has
tamat tempoh selepas 1 Januari 2017, expired after 1 January 2017, COC
pemegang COC mestilah mempunyai holders must have at least 3 months of
sekurang-kurangnya 3 bulan perkhidmatan seatime on an equivalent type of tanker
laut di atas jenis kapal tangki yang setara within the last 12 months; or
dalam tempoh 12 bulan terakhir; atau
12. Kriteria jenis endorsan ini turut terpakai 12. This type of endorsement criteria also
kepada kapal tanki oil, gas dan chemical. applies to oil, gas and chemical tanker
13. Tempoh sah laku keputusan peperiksaan 13. The validity period of MARDEP oral
lisan JLM adalah 2 tahun dari tarikh akhir examination result is 2 years from the
peperiksaan lisan yang diluluskan. date of the last passed oral examination.
Sekiranya melepasi tempoh melebihi 2 If the period exceeds 2 years, the
tahun, pelaut perlu mengambil ujian seafarer shall resit the oral examination.
peperiksaan lisan semula.
14. Whereas the validity period of the
14. Manakala tempoh sah laku peperiksaan written/final examination of a COC
bertulis/akhir untuk kursus COC adalah 5 course is 5 years from the completion
tahun dari tarikh tamat kursus. Sekiranya date of the course. If the validity period
melepasi tempoh sah laku melebihi 5 exceeds 5 years, the seafarer shall sit for
tahun, pelaut perlu mengambil kelas the oral examination preparation class
with any recognised ILM and shall sit for
persediaan ujian peperiksaan lisan dengan the MARDEP's oral examination.
mana-mana ILM yang diiktiraf dan
mengambil ujian peperiksaan lisan JLM.
15. Pelaut bukan warganegara Malaysia 15. Non-Malaysian seafarers are NOT
TIDAK dibenarkan memegang COC permitted to hold Malaysian COC for
Malaysia untuk had pelayaran pesisiran near-coastal and domestic voyage limits.
pantai dan domestik. Walau However, foreign seafarers can apply for
bagaimanapun, pelaut asing boleh a Malaysian COC for an unlimited
memohon COC Malaysia untuk had voyage limit.
pelayaran tanpa had.
16. Pemegang COC Mualim Domestik Terhad 16. Mate Domestic Restricted <500GT
<500GT (MDR) hanya boleh memohon (MDR) COC holders can only apply for
COC mereka berdasarkan had pelayaran their COC within point-to-point voyage
di antara dua destinasi yang diluluskan limit approved by MARDEP.
oleh JLM.
17. Pemegang COC MDR boleh menaik taraf 17. MDR COC holders may upgrade to Mate
COC ke Mate Domestic Open <500GT Domestic Open <500GT (MDO) upon
(MDO) setelah melengkapkan keperluan completion of any latest requirements
semasa yang ditetapkan oleh JLM. specified by MARDEP.
18. Pelaut yang memiliki COC Engine Officer 18. Engine Officer Domestic COC holders
Domestic layak memohon kursus WKE may apply for WKE Near-Coastal
Near-Coastal, dan COC Master Domestic course, and COC Master Domestic may
layak memohon kursus WKO Near-Coastal apply for WKO Near-Coastal course,
setelah memperolehi perkhidmatan laut after having a period of seatime for at
bagi tempoh sekurang-kurangnya 12 least 12 months.
19. Peserta kursus COC Enjin pasca 19. Participants of the post-STCW (Manila
penguatkuasaan STCW (Pindaan Manila Amendment 2010) COC Engine course
2010) hendaklah memilih sama ada must choose either to complete the full
tempoh penuh 12 bulan perkhidmatan laut 12 months seatime certified operations
bagi perakuan operasi dijalankan di atas onboard a motor or a steam-type ship.
kapal berjenis motor atau stim.
20. COC yang dikeluarkan oleh JLM akan 20. The COC issued by JLM will be based
berdasarkan kepada perakuan operasi on the 12-month seatime period of the
yang dipilih bagi tempoh perkhidmatan laut chosen certified operation as specified in
12 bulan didalam perenggan 19 diatas. paragraph 19.
21. Pelaut dengan COC endorsan motor yang 21. Seafarers with motor-type COC
berhasrat memiliki dual-endorsement bagi endorsement that wishes to have a dual-
kedua-dua motor dan stim, mestilah endorsement for motor and steam-type,
mempunyai tempoh perkhidmatan laut must have an additional period of
sekurang-kurangnya 6 bulan lagi di atas seatime of at least 6 months on a steam-
kapal berjenis stim dan lulus ujian type ship and pass the oral examination
peperiksan lisan JLM. by MARDEP.
22. Keperluan yang sama turut terpakai 22. The same requirements also applied to
kepada pemegang COC berjenis stim yang steam-type COC holder that wishes to
berhasrat memiliki dual-endorsement COC have dual-endorsement COC for motor-
bagi jenis motor. type.
23. Kriteria penuh COC enjin dual- 23. The full criteria of dual-endorsement
endorsement perlu mengikut ketetapan engine COC must be in accordance with
selaras dengan arahan serta garis the requirements by MARDEP
panduan JLM. instructions and guidelines.
TABLE 2: COC Revalidation Based on the Approved Seatime for Professional Maritime (Non-Crew).
Applicant shall submit an application with the official job offer/contract letter, company’s testimonial, details of the
service period, and certified by the notary public. Documentation will be reviewed by JLM based on application.
Can be accepted to enter any related COC courses under the STCW Convention for upskilling within the near-
coastal voyage limit. Documentation will be reviewed by JLM based on application.