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Civic Education Lecture Notes

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Civic education; civic education is the learning process that help us
understand our roles and responsibilities as a members of a community. It teachers
us about the rules, values and behavior that make our community a better place to

Civic education; civic education is a subject that teachers the citizen to know
about their fundamental rights, values of the society and development to total
knowledge, skills and attitudes towards the affairs of the states.

Civic education; civic education help men and women, children and students
to participate in and outs of the political and democratically system in a country. It
also helps us to understand the types of government we have and the reasons why
things work the way they do.


1. It educate the citizens about their roles in democracy, enhance critical
thinking and fostering responsible participation.
2. Civic education helps citizens to be knowledgeable about their right and
3. It helps citizens to be involve in democratic processes as voting and
expressing opinions.
4. With civic education you can know the structure of your local and national
5. It helps the youth to prepare for leaderships position
6. It helps citizens to know the country’s different problem and how to solve


Values play an essential role in civic education because they provide citizens with
a moral and ethical foundation for their engagement in society and the states
1. Making good choices: values helps people to make good choices by showing
them what is right and wrong.
2. Respecting differences: values helps people to respect, understand and get
along with other people from different backgrounds, culture and religion.
3. Doing good for others: values teachers us to know help other people in the
society, community and country.
4. Taking part in society: values motivate people to take active part in the
activities of the society, community and country.
5. Thinking for yourself: values helps people to think critically about issues
before making a good decision for themselves.


Civic values refer to the shared beliefs that members of a

community use to guide their behaviors. For example,
helping an elderly person cross the street or voting for a
candidate that can help society progress are ways in which
people act on their civic values. Practicing kindness, service
work, involving oneself in charity, or starting a local
business are all ways in which people show their civic
values. In democratic countries like the United States,
people perform their civic values, or civic duties, to help
maintain the running of their community.
Value can be defined as the degree of quality or worth of a thing. Value
can also be defined as the laid down rules or standard that guide an
individual’s interactions with people. Value influences our character and
attitude towards other people. Value is the acceptable way of life by a
group in a particular society.
Value also includes people’s belief, language, arts and ways of life.
Culture is the total way of life of the people and this culture cannot
be separated from the people. Since the culture of the people
cannot be separated from the people, it is then not possible to
remove the value, beliefs and custom of a group of people from
their culture.


There are many types of civic values, all meant to help
society grow. Service, responsibility for oneself, respect,
and entrepreneurship are just some examples of how people
can perform daily acts which affect their community and
those around them. The following sections explore the ways
in which individual acts can help strengthen one's


Providing service occurs when someone helps to do

something for someone else. One can provide service to a
family member, neighbor, or even a stranger. The purpose of
service is to help those who may not be able to do
something by themself. Some examples of service include:

 Bringing food to an injured neighbor

 Volunteering at a soup kitchen
 Helping an elderly person cross the street
 Picking up trash at a beach
 Shoveling snow off a neighbor's lawn
 Offering to watch a child so their parents can go to
 Organizing a coat drive to provide clothing in the cold,
winter months
 Donating books to a school
 Discipline : it is the ability of an individual to control his or her own
 Honesty: It is the abilityof being truthful and straight forward at all
 Selflessness: It is the ability to show more interest in the welfare
of other people
 Courage: This is ability to face difficulty, danger or pain without
 Integrity: It is the ability to stand and stick to sound morals and
principle at all times.
 Sincerity : it is the ability to be open minded and to have clear mind
towards issue
 Co-operation: Ability to work with other people to achieve a
common goal.
 Fairness: It is the abilityof been considerate and to avoid cheating
 Justice: It is the abilityof being just, righteous and upright.
Contentment: It is a means of being happy and satisfied with what one

Providing a service is often tied to volunteering or charity

work, and offers ways for all citizens to play an active role in
bettering their community.

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