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Chapter1 assessment

Posted by CCNA Exam at 10:28 AM , Saturday, April 25, 2009

1. II a router cannot Iind a valid conIiguration Iile during the startup sequence, what will occur?

The startup sequence will reset.
*The router will prompt the user Ior a response to enter setup mode.
The startup sequence will halt until a valid conIiguration Iile is acquired.
The router will generate a deIault conIiguration Iile based on the last valid conIiguration.
The router will monitor local traIIic to determine routing protocol conIiguration requirements.


ReIer to the exhibit. The network administrator has conIigured the router with the interIace IP addresses shown
Ior the directly connected networks. Pings Irom the router to hosts on the connected networks or pings between
router interIaces are not working. What is the most likely problem?

The destination networks do not exist.
The IP addresses on the router interIaces must be conIigured as network addresses and not host addresses.
* The interIaces must be enabled with the no shutdown command.
Each interIace must be conIigured with the clock rate command.


ReIer to the exhibit. What can be concluded Irom the routing table output in the exhibit? (Choose two.)

This router only has two interIaces.
The router interIaces are not operational yet.
This router is conIigured to Iorward packets to remote networks.
* The FastEthernet0/0 and Serial0/0/0 interIaces oI this router were conIigured with an IP address and the no
shutdown command.
* An IP packet received by this router with a destination address oI will be Iorwarded out oI the
Serial0/0/0 interIace.


ReIer to the exhibit. The Irame shown in the exhibit was received by the router. The router interIaces are
operational. How will the router process this Irame? (Choose two.)

The router will change the source and destination IP address in the packet beIore Iorwarding the Irame.
* The router will change the Irame type to one supported by the WAN link beIore Iorwarding the Irame.
The router will use the destination MAC address to determine which interIace to Iorward the packet.
The router will look up the MAC address oI the S0/0/0 interIace in the ARP table and add it to the Irame beIore
* The Irame was received on the Fa0/0 interIace oI the router and will be switched to the S0/0/0 interIace.
The Irame was received on the S0/0/0 interIace oI the router and will be switched to the Fa0/0 interIace.

Passwords can be used to restrict access to all or parts oI the Cisco IOS. Select the modes and interIaces that can
be protected with passwords. (Choose three.)

* VTY interIace
* console interIace
Ethernet interIace
secret EXEC mode
* privileged EXEC mode
router conIiguration mode

Which two statements correctly describe the components oI a router? (Choose two.)

RAM permanently stores the conIiguration Iile used during the boot sequence.
* ROM contains diagnostics executed on hardware modules.
NVRAM stores a backup copy oI the IOS used during the boot sequence.
* Flash memory does not lose its contents during a reboot.
ROM contains the most current and most complete version oI the IOS.
Flash contains boot system commands to identiIy the location oI the IOS


ReIer to the exhibit. AIter host 2 is connected to the switch on the LAN, host 2 is unable to communicate with
host 1. What is the cause oI this problem?

The subnet mask oI host 2 is incorrect.
* Host 1 and host 2 are on diIIerent networks.
The switch needs an IP address that is not conIigured.
The router LAN interIace and host 1 are on diIIerent networks.
The IP address oI host 1 is on a diIIerent network than is the LAN interIace oI the router.

8. Which are Iunctions oI a router? (Choose three.)

* packet switching
extension oI network segments
* segmentation oI broadcast domains
* selection oI best path based on logical addressing
election oI best path based on physical addressing


ReIer to the exhibit. All routers have a route in its routing table to each network that is shown in the exhibit.
DeIault routes have not been issued on these routers. What can be concluded about how packets are Iorwarded
in this network? (Choose two.)

II RouterC receives a packet that is destined Ior, it will be Iorwarded out interIace Fa0/0.
* II RouterA receives a packet that is destined Ior, it will be Iorwarded out interIace S0/0/1.
* II RouterB receives a packet that is destined Ior, it will be Iorwarded out interIace S0/0/1.
II RouterB receives a packet that is destined Ior, it will be Iorwarded out interIace S0/0/0.
II RouterC receives a packet that is destined Ior, it will be Iorwarded out interIace S0/0/1.


The serial connection shown in the graphic needs to be conIigured. Which conIiguration commands must be
made on the Sydney router to establish connectivity with the Melbourne site? (Choose three.)
* Sydney(conIig-iI)# ip address
* Sydney(conIig-iI)# no shutdown
Sydney(conIig-iI)# ip address
* Sydney(conIig-iI)# clock rate 56000
Sydney(conIig-iI)# ip host Melbourne


ReIer to the exhibit. What can be concluded Irom the output oI the running-conIiguration oI a router?

The passwords are encrypted.
The current conIiguration was saved to NVRAM.
The conIiguration that is shown will be the one used on the next reboot.
* The commands that are displayed determine the current operation oI the router.


ReIer to the exhibit. Host A pings host B. When R4 accepts the ping into the Ethernet interIace, what two pieces
oI header inIormation are included? (Choose two.)

source IP address:
source IP address: BBBB.3333.5677
destination IP address:
* destination IP address:
* destination MAC address: 9999.DADC.1234

13. What is the outcome oI entering these commands?

R1(conIig)# line vty 0 4
R1(conIig-line)# password check123
R1(conIig-line)# login

ensures that a password is entered beIore entering user EXEC mode
* sets the password to be used Ior connecting to this router via Telnet
requires check123 to be entered beIore the conIiguration can be saved
creates a local user account Ior logging in to a router or switch

14. Which oI the Iollowing is the correct Ilow oI routines Ior a router startup?

* load bootstrap, load IOS, apply conIiguration
load bootstrap, apply conIiguration, load IOS
load IOS, load bootstrap, apply conIiguration, check hardware
check hardware, apply conIiguration, load bootstrap, load IOS

What three processes does a router execute when it receives a packet Irom one network that is destined Ior
another network? (Choose three.)

* decapsulates the Layer 3 packet by stripping oII the Layer 2 Irame header
uses the destination MAC Address in the IP Header to look up the next-hop address in the routing table
leaves the Layer 2 Irame header intact when decapsulating the Layer 3 packet
* uses the destination IP Address in the IP header to look up the next-hop address in the routing table
* encapsulates the Layer 3 packet into the new Layer 2 Irame and Iorwards it out the exit interIace
encapsulates the Layer 3 packet into a special Layer 1 Irame and Iorwards it to the exit interIace

The network administrator needs to connect two routers directly via their FastEthernet ports. What cable should
the network administrator use?

* cross-over

17. Which two statements describe characteristics oI load balancing? (Choose two.)

Load balancing occurs when a router sends the same packet to diIIerent destination networks. Load balancing
occurs when a router sends the same packet to diIIerent destination networks.
* Load balancing allows a router to Iorward packets over multiple paths to the same destination network.
* Unequal cost load balancing is supported by EIGRP.
II multiple paths with diIIerent metrics to a destinations exist, the router cannot support load balancing.

18. What inIormation about the router and its startup process can be gathered Irom the output oI the show
version command? (Choose three.)

* the last restart method
the command buIIer contents
the amount oI NVRAM and FLASH used
* the conIiguration register settings
* the location Irom where the IOS loaded


Which interIaces in the exhibit could be used Ior a leased line WAN connection? (Choose two.)

* 1
* 4

20. From what location can a router load the Cisco IOS during the boot process? (Choose two.)

* TFTP server
setup routine
* Flash memory

21. A network administrator has just entered new conIigurations into Router1. Which command should be
executed to save conIiguration changes to NVRAM?

Router1# copy running-conIig Ilash
Router1(conIig)# copy running-conIig Ilash
Router1# copy running-conIig startup-conIig
* Router1(conIig)# copy running-conIig startup-conIig
Router1# copy startup-conIig running-conIig
Router1(conIig)# copy startup-conIig running-conIig

22. What is the deIault sequence Ior loading the conIiguration Iile?


23. What header address inIormation does a router change in the inIormation it receives Irom an attached
Ethernet interIace beIore inIormation is transmitted out another interIace?

only the Layer 2 source address
only the Layer 2 destination address
only the Layer 3 source address
only the Layer 3 destination address
* the Layer 2 source and destination address
the Layer 3 source and destination address
Labels: CCNA 2, CCNA 2 Module 1 V4.0
Krizal Chen said...
The Q21's answer is incorrect.

21. A network administrator has just entered new conIigurations into Router1. Which command should
be executed to save conIiguration changes to NVRAM?

The correct answer is
"Router1# copy running-conIig startup-conIig"
Chapter 2 assessment

1 A sLaLlc rouLe LhaL polnLs Lo Lhe nexL hop l wlll have whaL admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance and meLrlc ln Lhe rouLlng Lable?

admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance of 0 and meLrlc of 0
admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance of 0 and meLrlc of 1
* admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance of 1 and meLrlc of 0
admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance of 1 and meLrlc of 1

2 WhaL address can be used Lo summarlze neLworks 1721610/24 1721620/24 1721630/24 and 1721640/24?

* 1721600/21
1721600 233233233248
1721600 2332332320


1he rouLers ln Lhe dlagram use Lhe subneL asslgnmenLs shown WhaL ls Lhe mosL efflclenL rouLe summary LhaL can be
conflgured on 8ouLer3 Lo adverLlse Lhe lnLernal neLworks Lo Lhe cloud?

192110/26 and 1921164/27
192110/23 and 1921164/23
* 192110/23
192110/24 and 1921164/24


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL ls Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhe /8 ln Lhe rouLe Lo Lhe 10000 neLwork?

lL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhere are 8 hops beLween Lhls rouLer and Lhe 10000 neLwork
lL represenLs Lhe Llme ln mllllseconds lL Lakes for a plng Lo reply when senL Lo Lhe 10000 neLwork
lL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhere are 8 subneLs ln Lhe desLlnaLlon neLwork Lo whlch Lhe rouLer can forward packeLs
* lL lndlcaLes Lhe number of consecuLlve blLs from Lhe lefL ln Lhe desLlnaLlon l address of a packeL LhaL musL maLch
10000 Lo use LhaL rouLe


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Pow wlll packeLs desLlned Lo Lhe 1721600 neLwork be forwarded?

* 8ouLer1 wlll perform recurslve lookup and packeL wlll exlL S0/0
8ouLer1 wlll perform recurslve lookup and packeL wlll exlL S0/1
1here ls no maLchlng lnLerface assoclaLed wlLh neLwork 1721600 so packeLs wlll be dropped
1here ls no maLchlng lnLerface assoclaLed wlLh neLwork 1721600 so packeLs wlll Lake gaLeway of lasL resorL and exlL
ouL S0/2

6 A neLwork admlnlsLraLor enLers Lhe followlng command lnLo 8ouLer1 lp rouLe 19216800 2332332330 S0/1/0
8ouLer1 Lhen recelves a packeL LhaL ls desLlned for 192168022/24 AfLer flndlng Lhe recenLly conflgured sLaLlc rouLe ln
Lhe rouLlng Lable whaL does 8ouLer1 do nexL Lo process Lhe packeL?

drops Lhe packeL because Lhe desLlnaLlon hosL ls noL llsLed ln Lhe rouLlng Lable
looks up Lhe MAC address of Lhe S0/1/0 lnLerface Lo deLermlne Lhe desLlnaLlon MAC address of Lhe new frame
performs a recurslve lookup for Lhe l address of Lhe S0/1/0 lnLerface before forwardlng Lhe packeL
* encapsulaLes Lhe packeL lnLo a frame for Lhe WAn llnk and forwards Lhe packeL ouL Lhe S0/1/0 lnLerface


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Clven Lhe ouLpuL ln Lhe exhlblL how would a clock raLe be deLermlned for Lhls llnk?

1he raLe would be negoLlaLed by boLh rouLers
A raLe would noL be selecLed due Lo Lhe uCL/u1L connecLlon mlsmaLch
1he raLe conflgured on Lhe u1L deLermlnes Lhe clock raLe
* 1he raLe conflgured on Lhe uCL deLermlnes Lhe clock raLe


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch seL of commands wlll conflgure sLaLlc rouLes LhaL wlll allow Lhe WlnLerark and Lhe
AlLamonLe rouLers Lo dellver packeLs from each LAn and dlrecL all oLher Lrafflc Lo Lhe lnLerneL?

* WlnLerark(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 1921681461
AlLamonLe(conflg)# lp rouLe 1002340 2332332330 1921681462
AlLamonLe(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 s0/1

WlnLerark(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 1921681461
AlLamonLe(conflg)# lp rouLe 1002340 2332332330 1921681462
AlLamonLe(conflg)# lp rouLe 198182220 233233233233 s0/1

WlnLerark(conflg)# lp rouLe 172191670 2332332330 1921681461
WlnLerark(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 1921681461
AlLamonLe(conflg)# lp rouLe 1002340 2332332330 1921681462

WlnLerark(conflg)# lp rouLe 172191670 2332332330 1921681461
AlLamonLe(conflg)# lp rouLe 1002340 2332332330 1921681462
AlLamonLe(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 s0/0

9 PosLs on Lwo separaLe subneLs cannoL communlcaLe 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor suspecLs a mlsslng rouLe ln one of Lhe
rouLlng Lables Whlch Lhree commands can be used Lo help LroubleshooL Layer 3 connecLlvlLy lssues? (Choose Lhree)

* plng
show arp
* LracerouLe
* show lp rouLe
show lnLerface
show cdp nelghbor deLall


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A company neLwork englneer ls asslgned Lo esLabllsh connecLlvlLy beLween Lhe Lwo LLherneL
neLworks so LhaL hosLs on Lhe 10110/24 subneL can conLacL hosLs on Lhe 10120/24 subneL 1he englneer has been
Lold Lo use only sLaLlc rouLlng for Lhese company rouLers Whlch seL of commands wlll esLabllsh connecLlvlLy beLween
Lhe Lwo LLherneL neLworks?

81(conflg)# lp rouLe 10120 2332332330 19216801
82(conflg)# lp rouLe 10110 2332332330 19216802

81(conflg)# lp rouLe 10120 2332332330 19216802
82(conflg)# lp rouLe 10110 2332332330 19216801

* 81(conflg)# lp rouLe 10110 2332332330 19216802
82(conflg)# lp rouLe 10120 2332332330 19216801

81(conflg)# lp rouLe 10110 2332332330 19216801
82(conflg)# lp rouLe 10120 2332332330 19216802

81(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 10121
82(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 10111

11 Whlch of Lhe followlng are dlsplayed by Lhe 8ouLer# show cdp nelghbors command? (Choose Lhree)

* plaLform
* holdLlme
* local lnLerface


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL Lwo commands are requlred Lo provlde connecLlvlLy beLween Lhe 19216810 and 10000
neLworks wlLhouL requlrlng recurslve lookup? (Choose Lwo)

* A(conflg)# lp rouLe 10000 233000 s 0/1/0
A(conflg)# lp rouLe 10000 233000 17216402
A (conflg)# lp rouLe 10000 233000 s 0/0/0
* 8(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216810 2332332330 s 0/0/0
8 (conflg)# lp rouLe 19216810 2332332330 17216401
8(conflg)# lp rouLe 19216810 2332332330 s 0/1/0


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL Lwo commands wlll change Lhe nexLhop address for Lhe 10000/8 neLwork from 17216402
Lo 19216812? (Choose Lwo)

A(conflg)# no neLwork 10000 233000 17216402
A(conflg)# no lp address 10001 233000 17216402
* A(conflg)# no lp rouLe 10000 233000 17216402
A(conflg)# lp rouLe 10000 233000 s0/0/0
* A(conflg)# lp rouLe 10000 233000 19216812

14 WhaL happens Lo a sLaLlc rouLe enLry ln a rouLlng Lable when Lhe ouLgolng lnLerface ls noL avallable?

* 1he rouLe ls removed from Lhe Lable
1he rouLer polls nelghbors for a replacemenL rouLe
1he rouLe remalns ln Lhe Lable because lL was deflned as sLaLlc
1he rouLer redlrecLs Lhe sLaLlc rouLe Lo compensaLe for Lhe loss of Lhe nexL hop devlce

13 A rouLer has one sLaLlc rouLe Lo each desLlnaLlon neLwork Whlch Lwo scenarlos would requlre an admlnlsLraLor Lo
alLer Lhe sLaLlc rouLes LhaL are conflgured on LhaL rouLer? (Choose Lwo)

* 1he desLlnaLlon neLwork no longer exlsLs
1he desLlnaLlon neLwork ls moved Lo a dlfferenL lnLerface on Lhe same rouLer
1he paLh beLween Lhe source and desLlnaLlon ls upgraded wlLh a hlgher bandwldLh llnk
* A Lopology change occurs where Lhe exlsLlng nexLhop address or exlL lnLerface ls noL accesslble
1he remoLe desLlnaLlon neLwork lnLerface has Lo be down for 13 mlnuLes of malnLenance

16 Why ls lL advlsable Lo enLer a nexLhop l address when creaLlng a sLaLlc rouLe whose exlL lnLerface ls an LLherneL

Addlng Lhe nexLhop address ellmlnaLes Lhe need for Lhe rouLer Lo do any lookups ln Lhe rouLlng Lable before forwardlng
a packeL
* ln a mulLlaccess neLwork Lhe rouLer cannoL deLermlne Lhe nexLhop MAC address for Lhe LLherneL frame wlLhouL a
nexLhop address
uslng a nexLhop address ln a sLaLlc rouLe provldes a rouLe wlLh a lower meLrlc
ln mulLlaccess neLworks uslng a nexLhop address ln a sLaLlc rouLe makes LhaL rouLe a candldaLe defaulL rouLe

17 1he ouLpuL of Lhe 8ouLer# show lnLerfaces serlal 0/1 command dlsplays Lhe followlng

Serlal0/1 ls up llne proLocol ls down

WhaL ls Lhe mosL llkely cause for Lhe llne proLocol belng down?

Serlal0/1 ls shuLdown
1here ls no cable connecLlng Lhe rouLers
1he remoLe rouLer ls uslng serlal 0/0
* no clock raLe has been seL


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch sLaLlc rouLe should be conflgured on 8ouLer1 so LhaL hosL A wlll be able Lo reach hosL 8 on
Lhe 1721600 neLwork?

lp rouLe 19216800 1721600 23323300
lp rouLe 1721600 23323300 19216801
lp rouLe 1721600 23323300 S0/0/1
* lp rouLe 1721600 23323300 S0/0/0

19 WhaL Lwo devlces are responslble for converLlng Lhe daLa from Lhe WAn servlce provlder lnLo a form accepLable by
Lhe rouLer? (Choose Lwo)

Lhe serlal porL of Lhe rouLer
* a modem
a swlLch
Lhe eLherneL porL of Lhe rouLer
* a CSu/uSu devlce
a u1L devlce


Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lrue regardlng Cu and Lhe graphlc shown?

Cu runnlng on 8ouLer u wlll gaLher lnformaLlon abouL rouLers A 8 C and L
* 8y defaulL 8ouLer A wlll recelve Cu adverLlsemenLs from rouLers 8 and C
lf rouLers u and L are runnlng dlfferenL rouLlng proLocols Lhey wlll noL exchange Cu lnformaLlon
8ouLer L can use Cu Lo ldenLlfy Lhe lCS runnlng on 8ouLer 8

21 Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs descrlbe funcLlons or characLerlsLlcs of Cu? (Choose Lwo)

* lL sLarLs up auLomaLlcally and allows Lhe devlce Lo deLecL dlrecLly connecLed nelghbor devlces LhaL use Cu
lL operaLes aL Lhe neLwork layer and allows Lwo sysLems Lo learn abouL each oLher
lL creaLes a Lopology map of Lhe enLlre neLwork
* lL allows sysLems Lo learn abouL each oLher even lf dlfferenL neLwork layer proLocols are conflgured
lL forwards adverLlsemenLs abouL rouLes for fasLer convergence

22 Whlch plece of lnformaLlon ls avallable from examlnlng Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe command show lp lnLerface brlef?

lnLerface speed and duplex
lnLerface M1u
lnLerface MAC address
* lnLerface l address

ChapLer 3 assessmenL
1 Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs correcLly descrlbe Lhe concepLs of admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance and meLrlc? (Choose Lwo)

* AdmlnlsLraLlve dlsLance refers Lo Lhe LrusLworLhlness of a parLlcular rouLe
A rouLer flrsL lnsLalls rouLes wlLh hlgher admlnlsLraLlve dlsLances
1he value of Lhe admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance can noL be alLered by Lhe neLwork admlnlsLraLor
* 8ouLes wlLh Lhe smallesL meLrlc Lo a desLlnaLlon lndlcaLe Lhe besL paLh
1he meLrlc ls always deLermlned based on hop counL
1he meLrlc varles dependlng whlch Layer 3 proLocol ls belng rouLed such as l or lx


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch sLaLemenL correcLly descrlbes how 81 wlll deLermlne Lhe besL paLh Lo 82?

81 wlll lnsLall a 8l rouLe uslng neLwork A ln lLs rouLlng Lable because Lhe admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance of 8l ls hlgher
Lhan LlC8
81 wlll lnsLall a 8l rouLe uslng neLwork A ln lLs rouLlng Lable because Lhe paLh cosL from 8l ls lower Lhan LlC8
* 81 wlll lnsLall an LlC8 rouLe uslng neLwork 8 ln lLs rouLlng Lable because Lhe admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance of LlC8
ls lower Lhan 8l
81 wlll lnsLall an LlC8 rouLe uslng neLwork 8 ln lLs rouLlng Lable because Lhe paLh cosL from LlC8 ls lower Lhan
81 wlll lnsLall an LlC8 rouLe and a 8l rouLe ln lLs rouLlng Lable and load balance beLween Lhem

3 Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs are Lrue regardlng classless rouLlng proLocols? (Choose Lwo)

* sends subneL mask lnformaLlon ln rouLlng updaLes
sends compleLe rouLlng Lable updaLe Lo all nelghbors
ls supporLed by 8l verslon 1
* allows for use of boLh 19216810/30 and 192168116/28 subneLs ln Lhe same Lopology
reduces Lhe amounL of address space avallable ln an organlzaLlon

4 Whlch command would Lhe neLwork admlnlsLraLor lssue Lo deLermlne lf load balanclng ls ln effecL on a

show lp proLocols
* show lp rouLe
show lp lnLerface brlef
show lp lnLerface

3 Whlch sLaLemenL ls Lrue regardlng rouLlng proLocols?

8l uses hop counL and bandwldLh as Lhe meLrlc for paLh selecLlon and sendsupdaLes perlodlcally
CSl ls a Clsco proprleLary proLocol LhaL sends updaLes Lrlggered by Lopology changes
* LlC8 uses uuAL Lo calculaLe Lhe shorLesL paLh and can be conflgured Lo do unequal cosL load balanclng
8C ls a paLh vecLor lnLerlor rouLlng proLocol

6 Whlch Lwo condlLlons would creaLe a seLLlng where Lhe use of a dlsLancevecLor rouLlng proLocol would be
efflclenL? (Choose Lwo)

Lhe neLwork requlres a speclal hlerarchlcal deslgn
fasL convergence of Lhe neLwork ls cruclal
* Lhe neLwork ls uslng a hub and spoke Lopology
* Lhe neLwork ls uslng a flaL deslgn
Lhere are more Lhan 13 hops beLween Lhe mosL dlsLanL rouLers

7 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of a rouLlng proLocol?

lL ls used Lo bulld and malnLaln A8 Lables
lL provldes a meLhod for segmenLlng and reassembllng daLa packeLs
lL allows an admlnlsLraLor Lo devlse an addresslng scheme for Lhe neLwork
* lL allows a rouLer Lo share lnformaLlon abouL known neLworks wlLh oLher rouLers
lL provldes a procedure for encodlng and decodlng daLa lnLo blLs for packeL forwardlng

8 Whlch of Lhe followlng besL descrlbes Lhe operaLlon of dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocols?

1hey use hop counL as Lhelr only meLrlc
1hey only send ouL updaLes when a new neLwork ls added
* 1hey send Lhelr rouLlng Lables Lo dlrecLly connecLed nelghbors
1hey flood Lhe enLlre neLwork wlLh rouLlng updaLes

9 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls assoclaLed wlLh llnksLaLe rouLlng proLocols?

low processor overhead
polson reverse
rouLlng loops
spllL horlzon
* shorLesLpaLh flrsL calculaLlons

10 Why ls fasL convergence deslrable ln neLworks LhaL use dynamlc rouLlng proLocols?

8ouLers wlll noL allow packeLs Lo be forwarded unLll Lhe neLwork has converged
PosLs are unable Lo access Lhelr gaLeway unLll Lhe neLwork has converged
* 8ouLers may make lncorrecL forwardlng declslons unLll Lhe neLwork has converged
8ouLers wlll noL allow conflguraLlon changes Lo be made unLll Lhe neLwork has converged

11 Whlch of Lhe followlng condlLlons musL be meL ln order for a neLwork Lo have converged?

1he rouLers ln Lhe neLwork are operaLlng wlLh dynamlc rouLlng proLocols
1he rouLers ln Lhe neLwork are operaLlng wlLh compaLlble verslons of lCS
1he rouLers ln Lhe neLwork are operaLlng wlLh Lhe same rouLlng Lables
* 1he rouLers ln Lhe neLwork are operaLlng wlLh conslsLenL rouLlng knowledge

12 Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs are Lrue regardlng meLrlcs? (Choose Lwo)

8l uses bandwldLh as a meLrlc
CSl uses delay as a meLrlc
* LlC8 uses bandwldLh as a meLrlc
* CSl uses cosL based on bandwldLh as a meLrlc
8l uses delay as a meLrlc
LlC8 uses hop counL only as a meLrlc

13 Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs are Lrue regardlng Lhe advanLages of Lhe use of sLaLlc rouLes? (Choose Lwo)

* lncreased securlLy
reduced efforL ln conflgurlng rouLes
* Lhe admlnlsLraLor malnLalns conLrol over rouLlng
easler Lo lmplemenL ln a growlng neLwork
reduces Lhe chance of rouLlng errors
lncreased rouLer resource usage

14 1he followlng llne of code ls dlsplayed ln a rouLlng Lable

8 2091632010/24 120/2 vla 1921682322 000016 S0/0/0
WhaL can be concluded from Lhls ouLpuL?
A packeL desLlned for hosL 1921682322 wlll be forwarded ouL Lhe lnLerface connecLed Lo neLwork
* 1he value 120 ls used Lo deLermlne Lhe besL paLh when a rouLer has more Lhan one rouLlng proLocol
conflgured for Lhe same desLlnaLlon neLwork
1hls rouLe was manually conflgured uslng Lhe lp rouLe command
1921682322 ls an lnLerface on Lhe rouLer LhaL produced Lhls ouLpuL

13 WhaL wlll be Lhe resulL of Lhe followlng commands?

C8L(conflg)# lnLerface fasLeLherneL 0/0
C8L(conflglf)# lp address 1721631 2332332330
C8L(conflglf)# no shuLdown
1he 1721630 neLwork wlll be rouLed by any dynamlc rouLlng proLocol auLomaLlcally
* A rouLlng Lable enLry ls made Lo Lhe 1721630 neLwork wlLh a code of C"
A sLaLlc rouLe ls requlred Lo rouLe Lrafflc Lo Lhe 1721630 neLwork
1he commands wlll be saved Lo Lhe sLarLupconflguraLlon

16 An englneer creaLes a sLaLlc rouLe by enLerlng Lhe 8ouLer(conflg)# lp rouLe 10000 2332332330
19216812 command WhaL can be concluded abouL Lhls rouLe?

* 1he admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance of Lhls rouLe ls 1
19216812 ls Lhe address of an lnLerface on Lhls rouLer
1hls rouLe wlll dlsplay as a dlrecLly connecLed neLwork ln Lhe rouLlng Lable
ackeLs wlLh a desLlnaLlon l address of 19216812 wlll be forwarded Lo Lhe 10000/24 neLwork flrsL


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLer1 and 8ouLer2 are runnlng LlC8 All lnLerfaces are operaLlonal and packeLs can be
forwarded beLween all neLworks WhaL lnformaLlon wlll be found ln Lhe rouLlng Lable for 8ouLer1?

8ouLer1 wlll have 6 dlrecLly connecLed neLworks
* 1he admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance of Lhe rouLe Lo neLwork 1721600 wlll be 90
1he meLrlc for rouLes Lo 1721600 wlll be 1
1he lnLerface LhaL ls used Lo forward packeLs Lo 1721600 wlll always be Lhe S0/1 lnLerface

18 1he followlng llne of code ls presenL ln Lhe rouLlng Lable
C 101610/27 110/129 vla 19216813 000003 Serlal0/0/1
WhaL does Lhe number 129 lndlcaLe ln Lhls ouLpuL?

* 1he cosL for Lhls llnk has a value of 129
1he clock raLe on Lhls serlal lnLerface ls seL Lo 129000
1he nexLhop rouLer ls 129 hops away from Lhls rouLer
1hls rouLe has been updaLed 129 Llmes ln Lhls rouLlng Lable

19 A growlng medlumslzed manufacLurlng company recenLly began Lo have rouLlng lnsLablllLy lssues 1he
company uses sLaLlc rouLes and has a mlxLure of over 30 Clsco and nonClsco rouLers 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor
has declded Lo converL Lhe neLwork Lo dynamlc rouLlng WhaL characLerlsLlcs of proLocols should be consldered
ln Lhls selecLlon process?

ulsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocols such as 8l converge more qulckly Lhan do llnksLaLe rouLlng
LlC8 can be used on all of Lhe rouLers ln Lhe company
* CSl can be used beLween Lhe rouLers
An exLerlor rouLlng proLocol such as 8C ls recommended for growlng companles


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL lf 8l ls Lhe rouLlng proLocol whaL ls Lhe value of Lhe meLrlc from rouLer A Lo
neLwork 19216830/24?
* 3

21 A rouLer learns Lwo paLhs wlLh equal meLrlcs Lo a desLlnaLlon neLwork vla Lhe 8l rouLlng proLocol Pow wlll
Lhe rouLer handle packeLs Lo Lhe desLlnaLlon neLwork?

1he rouLer wlll lnsLall Lhe flrsL rouLe lL learned lnLo Lhe rouLlng Lable
* 1he rouLer wlll lnsLall boLh rouLes ln Lhe rouLlng Lable and load balance beLween Lhe Lwo
1he rouLer wlll puL Lhe flrsL rouLe ln Lhe rouLlng Lable and denoLe Lhe second rouLe as a backup rouLe
1he rouLer wlll plck Lhe paLh wlLh Lhe hlgher bandwldLh and wlll place lL ln Lhe rouLlng Lable

22 When mulLlple rouLlng proLocols have a rouLe Lo Lhe same desLlnaLlon neLwork whaL deLermlnes whlch
rouLe ls lnsLalled ln Lhe rouLlng Lable?

besL meLrlc
lowesL hop counL
greaLesL avallable bandwldLh
***lowesL admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance
lowesL cosL
Chapter 4 assessment

WhaL acLlons wlll occur afLer 8ouLerA loses connecLlvlLy Lo neLwork 114123160? (Choose Lwo)

**8ouLer8 wlll lnclude neLwork 12392760 and 136123830 ln lLs updaLe Lo 8ouLerA
uurlng Lhe nexL updaLe lnLerval 8ouLer8 wlll send a 8l updaLe ouL boLh porLs LhaL lncludes Lhe lnaccesslble neLwork
uurlng Lhe nexL updaLe lnLerval 8ouLerC wlll send an updaLe Lo 8ouLer8 sLaLlng LhaL neLwork 114123160 ls accesslble
ln 2 hops
**8ouLer C wlll learn of Lhe loss of connecLlvlLy Lo neLwork 114123160 from 8ouLer8
8ouLer8 wlll lnclude neLwork 12392760 and 136123830 ln lLs updaLe Lo 8ouLerC

WhaL does a rouLer runnlng 8l do flrsL wlLh a new rouLe LhaL ls recelved from an adverLlsemenL?

places lL lmmedlaLely ln Lhe rouLlng Lable
**ad[usLs Lhe meLrlc for Lhe new rouLe Lo show Lhe added dlsLance for Lhe rouLe
adverLlses Lhls rouLe ouL all oLher lnLerfaces excepL Lhe one LhaL lL came ln on
sends a plng packeL Lo verlfy LhaL Lhe paLh ls a feaslble rouLe


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL lf all rouLers are uslng 8l how many rounds of updaLes wlll occur before all rouLers know all


Whlch of Lhe followlng meLhods does spllL horlzon use Lo reduce lncorrecL rouLlng lnformaLlon?

8ouLlng updaLes are spllL ln half Lo reduce Lhe updaLe Llme
**lnformaLlon learned from one source ls noL dlsLrlbuLed back Lo LhaL source
new rouLe lnformaLlon musL be learned from mulLlple sources Lo be accepLed
1he Llme beLween updaLes ls spllL ln half Lo speed convergence
new rouLe lnformaLlon ls suppressed unLll Lhe sysLem has converged


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he rouLers ln Lhls neLwork are runnlng 8l 8ouLer A has noL recelved an updaLe from 8ouLer 8 ln
over Lhree mlnuLes Pow wlll 8ouLer A respond?

1he Polddown Llmer wlll walL Lo remove Lhe rouLe from Lhe Lable for 60 seconds
**1he lnvalld Llmer wlll mark Lhe rouLe as unusable lf an updaLe has noL been recelved ln 180 seconds
1he updaLe Llmer wlll requesL an updaLe for rouLes LhaL were learned from 8ouLer 8
1he Pello Llmer wlll explre afLer 10 seconds and Lhe rouLe wlll be flushed ouL of Lhe rouLlng Lable


1he graphlc shows a neLwork LhaL ls conflgured Lo use 8l rouLlng proLocol 8ouLer2 deLecLs LhaL Lhe llnk Lo 8ouLer1 has
gone down lL Lhen adverLlses Lhe neLwork for Lhls llnk wlLh a hop counL meLrlc of 16 Whlch rouLlng loop prevenLlon
mechanlsm ls ln effecL?

spllL horlzon
error condlLlon
holddown Llmer
**rouLe polsonlng
counL Lo lnflnlLy

Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs descrlbe LlC8? (Choose Lwo)

LlC8 can be used wlLh Clsco and nonClsco rouLers
**LlC8 sends Lrlggered updaLes whenever Lhere ls a change ln Lopology LhaL lnfluences Lhe rouLlng lnformaLlon
LlC8 has an lnflnlLe meLrlc of 16
**LlC8 sends a parLlal rouLlng Lable updaLe whlch lncludes [usL rouLes LhaL have been changed
LlC8 broadcasLs lLs updaLes Lo all rouLers ln Lhe neLwork

Whlch evenL wlll cause a Lrlggered updaLe?

an updaLe rouLlng Llmer explres
a corrupL updaLe message ls recelved
**a rouLe ls lnsLalled ln Lhe rouLlng Lable
Lhe neLwork ls converged

Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs are correcL abouL 8l?

uses a broadcasL Lo updaLe all oLher rouLers ln Lhe neLwork every 60 seconds
uses a mulLlcasL address Lo updaLe oLher rouLers every 90 seconds
**wlll send ouL an updaLe lf Lhere ls a fallure of a llnk
updaLes only conLaln lnformaLlon abouL rouLes LhaL have changed slnce lasL updaLe

Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs are Lrue regardlng Lhe funcLlon of Lhe 8lv1 rouLlng updaLes? (Choose Lwo)

updaLes are broadcasL only when Lhere are changes Lo Lhe Lopology
**updaLes are broadcasL aL regular lnLervals
broadcasL are senL Lo 0000
**broadcasLs are senL Lo 233233233233
updaLes conLaln Lhe enLlre neLwork Lopology
only changes are lncluded ln Lhe updaLes

A neLwork admlnlsLraLor ls evaluaLlng 8l versus LlC8 for a new neLwork 1he neLwork wlll be senslLlve Lo congesLlon
and musL respond qulckly Lo Lopology changes WhaL are Lwo good reasons Lo choose LlC8 lnsLead of 8l ln Lhls case?
(Choose Lwo)

LlC8 uses perlodlc updaLes
**LlC8 only updaLes affecLed nelghbors
LlC8 uses broadcasL updaLes
**LlC8 updaLes are parLlal
LlC8 uses Lhe efflclenL 8ellmanlord algorlLhm

Whlch Lwo condlLlons are mosL llkely Lo cause a rouLlng loop? (Choose Lwo)

random [lLLer
lmplemenLaLlon of classful addresslng
**lnconslsLenL rouLlng Lables
**lncorrecLly conflgured sLaLlc rouLes
a neLwork converglng Loo qulckly

WhaL meLrlc does Lhe 8l rouLlng proLocol conslder Lo be lnflnlLy?


WhaL does Lhe 8l holddown Llmer do?

ensures an lnvalld rouLe has a meLrlc of 13
prevenLs a rouLer from sendlng any updaLes afLer lL has lnLroduced a rouLlng loop lnLo Lhe neLwork
ensures every new rouLe ls valld before sendlng an updaLe
**lnsLrucLs rouLers Lo lgnore updaLes for a speclfled Llme or evenL abouL posslble lnaccesslble rouLes


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL paLh wlll packeLs from Lhe 19216810/24 neLwork Lravel Lo reach Lhe 10000/8 neLwork lf
8l ls Lhe acLlve rouLlng proLocol?

1he paLh wlll be rouLer A rouLer 8 rouLer C rouLer L
**1he paLh wlll be rouLer A rouLer u rouLer L
8ouLer A wlll load balance beLween Lhe rouLer A rouLer u rouLer L and rouLer A rouLer 8 rouLer C rouLer L
ackeLs wlll alLernaLe paLhs dependlng on Lhe order Lhey arrlve aL rouLer A

1hree rouLers runnlng a dlsLancevecLor rouLlng proLocol losL all power lncludlng Lhe baLLery backups When Lhe rouLers
reload whaL wlll happen?

1hey wlll share all rouLes saved ln nv8AM prlor Lo Lhe power loss wlLh Lhelr dlrecLly connecLed nelghbors
1hey wlll mulLlcasL hello packeLs Lo all oLher rouLers ln Lhe neLwork Lo esLabllsh nelghbor ad[acencle
**1hey wlll send updaLes LhaL lnclude only dlrecLly connecLed rouLes Lo Lhelr dlrecLly connecLed nelghbor
1hey wlll broadcasL Lhelr full rouLlng Lable Lo all rouLers ln Lhe neLwor

WhaL ls a rouLlng loop?

a packeL bounclng back and forLh beLween Lwo loopback lnLerfaces on a rouLe
a condlLlon where a reLurn paLh from a desLlnaLlon ls dlfferenL from Lhe ouLbound paLh formlng a loop
**a condlLlon where a packeL ls consLanLly LransmlLLed wlLhln a serles of rouLers wlLhouL ever reachlng lLs lnLended
Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of rouLes from one rouLlng proLocol lnLo anoLher

Whlch sLaLemenL ls Lrue regardlng clsco's 8l_!l11L8 varlable?

lL prevenLs Lhe synchronlzaLlon of rouLlng updaLes by bufferlng Lhe updaLes as Lhey leave Lhe rouLer lnLerface
**lL prevenLs Lhe synchronlzaLlon of rouLlng updaLes by subLracLlng a random lengLh of Llme ranglng from 0 Lo 13 of
Lhe speclfled lnLerval Llme from Lhe nexL rouLlng updaLe
lL prevenLs Lhe synchronlzaLlon of rouLlng updaLes by causlng Lhe rouLer Lo sklp every oLher scheduled updaLe Llm
lL prevenLs Lhe synchronlzaLlon of rouLlng updaLes by forclng Lhe rouLer Lo llsLen when lLs Llme for oLher updaLes on Lhe
llnes before sendlng lL

Whlch Lhree rouLlng proLocols are dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocols? (Choose Lhree)


Whlch of Lhe followlng can exlsL ln a dlsLance vecLor neLwork LhaL has noL converged? (Choose Lhree)

**rouLlng loops
**lnconslsLenL Lrafflc forwardlng
no Lrafflc forwardlng unLll sysLem converges
**lnconslsLenL rouLlng Lable enLrles
rouLlng Lable updaLes senL Lo wrong desLlnaLlons

WhaL ls Lhe purpose of Lhe 11L fleld ln Lhe l header?

used Lo mark rouLes as unreachable ln updaLes senL Lo oLher rouLers
prevenLs regular updaLe messages from relnsLaLlng a rouLe LhaL may have gone bad
prevenLs a rouLer from adverLlslng a neLwork Lhrough Lhe lnLerface from whlch Lhe updaLe came
**llmlLs Lhe Llme or hops LhaL a packeL can Lraverse Lhrough Lhe neLwork before lL should be dlscarded
deflnes a maxlmum meLrlc value for each dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocol by seLLlng a maxlmum hop counL

ChapLer 3 assessmenL

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork LhaL ls shown ls runnlng 8lv1 1he 192168100/24 neLwork was recenLly added and
wlll only conLaln end users WhaL command or seL of commands should be enLered on 8ouLer1 Lo prevenL 8lv1 updaLes
from belng senL Lo Lhe end user devlces on Lhe new neLwork whlle sLlll allowlng Lhls new neLwork Lo be adverLlsed Lo
oLher rouLers?

8ouLer1(conflgrouLer)# no rouLer rlp 8ouLer1(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 192168100
8ouLer1(conflgrouLer)# no neLwork 192168100
**8ouLer1(conflgrouLer)# passlvelnLerface fasLeLherneL 0/0
8ouLer1(conflgrouLer)# passlvelnLerface serlal 0/0/0


8efer Lo Lhe ouLpuL from Lhe show lp rouLe command WhaL can be concluded from Lhe ouLpuL of Lhls rouLer command?

A preferred rouLe Lo Lhe desLlnaLlon has noL been seL
**1here are Lwo equal cosL paLhs Lo neLwork 1000
8oLh lnLerfaces are belng used equally Lo rouLe Lrafflc
A varlance musL be seL Lo loadbalance across mulLlple paLhs


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he LLherneL lnLerface on 8ouLer2 goes down and Lhe admlnlsLraLor noLlces LhaL Lhe rouLe ls sLlll ln
Lhe 8ouLer1 rouLlng Lable Pow much longer wlll 8ouLer1 keep Lhe down neLwork ln lLs rouLlng Lable before marklng lL as
posslbly down?

30 seconds
90 seconds
**133 seconds
180 seconds
233 seconds

4 WhaL ls Lhe defaulL updaLe perlod ln seconds for Lhe 8l rouLlng proLocol?


3 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls consldered a llmlLaLlon of 8l v1?

**8l v1 does noL send subneL mask lnformaLlon ln lLs updaLes
8l v1 ls noL wldely supporLed by neLworklng hardware vendors
8l v1 consumes excesslve bandwldLh by mulLlcasLlng rouLlng updaLes uslng a Class u address
8l v1 requlres enhanced rouLer processors and exLra 8AM Lo funcLlon effecLlvely
8l v1 does noL supporL load balanclng across equalcosL paLhs
8l v1 auLhenLlcaLlon ls compllcaLed and Llmeconsumlng Lo conflgure

6 Whlch command wlll dlsplay 8l acLlvlLy as lL occurs on a rouLer?

**debug lp rlp
show lp rouLe
show lp lnLerface
show lp proLocols
debug lp rlp conflg
show lp rlp daLabase

7 WhaL are Lhree characLerlsLlcs of Lhe 8lv1 rouLlng proLocol? (Choose Lhree)

supporLs Lhe use of vLSM
**uses hop counL as a meLrlc
**conslders a meLrlc of 16 as lnflnlLy
has an admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance of 110 by defaulL
lncludes Lhe desLlnaLlon l address and subneL mask ln rouLlng updaLes
**calculaLes meLrlcs uslng Lhe 8ellman lord algorlLhm


Whlch of Lhe followlng would be Lhe correcL command sequence Lo enable 8l on 8ouLer 8 for all connecLed neLworks?

8ouLer8# rouLer rlp
8ouLer8(rouLer)# neLwork 2103670
8ouLer8(rouLer)# neLwork 22017290
8ouLer8(rouLer)# neLwork 211168740

8ouLer8(conflg)# rouLer rlp
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 1981640
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 211168740
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 19984320

8ouLer8(conflg)# conflgure rouLer rlp
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 2103670
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 19984320
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 211168740

8ouLer8(conflg)# rouLer rlp
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 1981640
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 2103670
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 211168740

**8ouLer8(conflg)# rouLer rlp
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 1981640
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 2103670
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 22017290


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL All rouLers are conflgured wlLh valld lnLerface addresses ln Lhe lndlcaLed neLworks and are runnlng
8lv1 1he neLwork ls converged Whlch rouLes are presenL ln Lhe rouLlng Lables?

All rouLers have all rouLes ln Lhelr rouLlng Lable
All rouLers have all /30 rouLes buL do noL have /24 rouLes ln Lhelr rouLlng Lable
**All rouLers have all /30 rouLes 8ouLers A and L also have some of Lhe /24 rouLes ln Lhelr rouLlng Lable
All rouLers have all /30 rouLes 8ouLers 8 and u also have some of Lhe /24 rouLes ln Lhelr rouLlng Lable
8ouLers A and L have all rouLes 8ouLers 8 and u have only /30 rouLes ln Lhelr rouLlng Lable
8ouLers A and L have only /24 rouLes 8ouLers 8 and u have only /30 rouLes ln Lhelr rouLlng Lable

10 WhaL wlll happen lf an lnLerface l address ls enLered for Lhe address porLlon of Lhe neLwork command ln a 8lv1
conflguraLlon lnsLead of a neLwork address?

1he rouLer wlll re[ecL Lhe command
A rouLe Lo Lhe hosL address wlll be added Lo ouLgolng 8l updaLes
A rouLe Lo Lhe hosL address wlll be added Lo Lhe rouLlng Lable
**All lnLerfaces ln Lhe same classful neLwork as Lhe conflgured address wlll be lncluded ln Lhe 8lv1 rouLlng process


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLer1 and 8ouLer2 are runnlng Lhe 8lv1 proLocol 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor conflgures Lhe
command neLwork 10100 on 8ouLer1 WhaL neLwork wlll 8ouLer1 adverLlse Lo 8ouLer2?



8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL All rouLers ln Lhe exhlblL are runnlng 8l v1 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor lssues Lhe show lp rouLe
command on rouLer A WhaL rouLes would appear ln Lhe rouLlng Lable ouLpuL lf Lhe neLwork ls converged? (Choose Lwo)

**8 19216820/24 120/1
C 19216820/24 120/1
8 101030/24 120/0
C 101030/24 120/1
**8 101010/24 120/2
8 101010/24 120/3


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A neLwork conslsLs of mulLlple rouLers WhaL can be verlfled when Lhe show lp proLocols command
ls lssued on one of Lhe rouLers ln Lhe neLwork?

wheLher all rouLes ln Lhe neLwork have been properly added Lo Lhe rouLlng Lable
**rouLlng proLocol conflguraLlon ln use for l on Lhls rouLer
operaLlonal sLaLus of rouLlng proLocols ln use on all rouLers ln Lhe neLwork
rouLlng meLrlc of each neLwork LhaL ls llsLed ln Lhe rouLlng Lable


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL can be concluded from Lhe rouLlng Lable ouLpuL of rouLer 8?

A sLaLlc defaulL rouLe has been conflgured on 8
**1he defaulLlnformaLlon orlglnaLe command has been enLered on A
All Lrafflc LhaL ls desLlned for 19216811 wlll be senL Lo address 0000
PosLs on Lhe 101610/27 neLwork have 19216811 conflgured as Lhe defaulL gaLeway address

13 1he followlng llne was dlsplayed ln Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe show lp rouLe command 8 19216830/24 120/3 vla
19216822 000030 Serlal0/0 WhaL ls Lhe value of Lhe rouLlng meLrlc?



8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL All rouLers LhaL are shown are runnlng Lhe 8l rouLlng proLocol All unknown l Lrafflc musL be
forwarded Lo Lhe lS WhaL rouLer or seL of rouLers are recommended Lo have boLh a defaulL rouLe and Lhe defaulL
lnformaLlon orlglnaLecommand lssued Lo lmplemenL Lhls forwardlng pollcy?

only 8ouLer1
**only Lhe gaLeway rouLer
all rouLers ln Lhe neLwork
only Lhe rouLers wlLh LAns needlng lnLerneL access


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLer1 ls runnlng 8lv1 WhaL command was enLered lnLo 8ouLer1 Lo conflgure Lhe gaLeway of
lasL resorL?

no auLosummary
lp defaulLneLwork 0000
lp defaulLgaLeway 10000
**lp rouLe 0000 0000 S0/0/1

18 Whlch command or seL of commands wlll sLop Lhe 8l rouLlng process?

8ouLer8(conflg)# rouLer rlp 8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# shuLdown
8ouLer8(conflg)# rouLer rlp 8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork no 19216820
**8ouLer8(conflg)# no rouLer rlp
8ouLer8(conflg)# rouLer no rlp

19 Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs are Lrue regardlng Lhe characLerlsLlcs of 8lv1? (Choose Lwo)

**lL ls a dlsLance vecLor rouLlng proLocol
lL adverLlses Lhe address and subneL mask for rouLes ln rouLlng updaLes
1he daLa porLlon of a 8l message ls encapsulaLed lnLo a 1C segmenL
**1he daLa porLlon of a 8l message ls encapsulaLed lnLo a uu segmenL
lL broadcasLs updaLes every 13 seconds
lL allows a maxlmum of 13 rouLers ln Lhe rouLlng domaln

ChapLer 6 assessmenL

1 WhaL Lwo advanLages does Clu8 provlde Lo a neLwork? (Choose Lwo)

- reduced rouLlng Lable slze
dynamlc address asslgnmenL
auLomaLlc rouLe redlsLrlbuLlon
- reduced rouLlng updaLe Lrafflc
auLomaLlc summarlzaLlon aL classful boundarles


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch address ls a broadcasL address for one of Lhe subneLs LhaL are shown ln Lhe exhlblL?

- 192168413/29


ln Lhe neLwork shown ln Lhe graphlc Lhree blLs were borrowed from Lhe hosL porLlon of a Class C address Pow many
valld hosL addresses wlll be unused on Lhe Lhree polnLLopolnL llnks comblned lf vLSM ls noL used?

- 84

4 Whlch of Lhe followlng are conLalned ln Lhe rouLlng updaLes of classless rouLlng proLocols? (Choose Lwo)

- 32blL address
nexL hop rouLer lnLerface
- subneL mask
unlcasL hosL address
Layer 2 address


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor wanLs Lo creaLe a subneL for Lhe polnLLopolnL connecLlon beLween Lhe
Lwo rouLers Whlch subneLwork mask would provlde enough addresses for Lhe polnLLopolnL llnk wlLh Lhe leasL number
of wasLed addresses?

- 233233233232

6 WhaL does vLSM allow a neLwork admlnlsLraLor Lo do?

uLlllze one subneL mask LhroughouL an auLonomous sysLem
- uLlllze mulLlple subneL masks ln Lhe same l address space
uLlllze lC8 as Lhe rouLlng proLocol ln an enLlre auLonomous sysLem
uLlllze mulLlple rouLlng proLocols wlLhln an auLonomous sysLem

7 Whlch Lhree lnLerlor rouLlng proLocols supporL vLSM? (Choose Lhree)

- CSl
8l v1
- 8l v2
- LlC8

8 Whlch of Lhe followlng problems does vLSM help Lo allevlaLe?

- Lhe shorLage of l addresses
Lhe dlfflculLy of asslgnlng sLaLlc l addresses Lo hosLs ln large enLerprlses
Lhe complexlLy of lmplemenLlng advanced rouLlng proLocols such as CSl and LlC8
Lhe shorLage of neLwork admlnlsLraLors quallfled ln Lhe use of 8l v1 and lC8


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A neLwork Lechnlclan enLers Lhe sLaLlc rouLe ln 81 needed Lo reach neLwork 10110/24 A plng
from Lhe S0/0/0 lnLerface on 81 Lo hosL 8 falls 1he Lechnlclan beglns LesLlng Lhe neLwork and has Lhe followlng resulLs

1 plngs from 81 Lo Lhe S0/0/0 lnLerface on 82successful
2 plngs from 81 Lo Lhe la0/0 lnLerface on 82successful
3 plngs from hosL 8 Lo hosLs on Lhe 10110/24 neLworksuccessful
4 plngs from hosL 8 Lo Lhe la0/0 lnLerface on 82successful
3 plngs from 82 Lo hosL 8successful

WhaL ls Lhe llkely cause of Lhe fallure of Lhe plng from 81 Lo hosL 8?

- 1he defaulL gaLeway on hosL 8 ls noL correcLly seL
1here are no rouLes back Lo neLworks connecLed Lo 81 from 82
1here ls a Layer 2 problem beLween 82 and hosL 8
PosL 8 has a defecLlve LLherneL card

10 A neLwork admlnlsLraLor ls Lasked wlLh dlvldlng up a class C neLwork among Lhe CA Sales and AdmlnlsLraLlon
deparLmenLs 1he CA deparLmenL ls made up of 10 people Lhe Sales ls made up of 28 people and Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon
has 6 Whlch Lwo subneLs masks adequaLely address Lhe CA and Sales deparLmenLs? (Choose Lwo)

233233233232 for CA
- 233233233224 for Sales
- 233233233240 for CA
233233233248 for CA
2332332330 for Sales


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A neLwork englneer ls summarlzlng Lhe Lwo groups of rouLes on rouLer 81 shown ln
Lhe exhlblL Whlch summarlzaLlon wlll work for all Lhe subneLs?

- 19216800/21


A Class C address has been asslgned for use ln Lhe neLwork shown ln Lhe graphlc uslng vLSM whlch blL mask should be
used Lo provlde for Lhe number of hosL addresses requlred on 8ouLer A whlle wasLlng Lhe fewesL addresses?

- /27


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL ln Lhe neLwork LhaL ls shown Lhe rouLer lnLerfaces are asslgned Lhe flrsL address ln each subneL
Whlch l address would be usable for a hosL on one of Lhe LAns ln Lhls neLwork?

- 1921682130/23


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL subneL mask wlll be applled lf 8ouLer A sends a 8lv1 updaLe for Lhe neLwork 1721610 Lo
8ouLer 8?

- 24


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he number of requlred hosL addresses for each subneL ln a neLwork ls llsLed ln Lhe exhlblL 1hls
number lncludes Lhe hosL address requlremenLs for all rouLer porLs and hosLs on LhaL subneL AfLer all devlce and rouLer
porL address asslgnmenLs are deLermlned whaL wlll be Lhe LoLal number of unused hosL addresses avallable?

- 29


CreaLed wlLh novaul rlnLer (hLLp//wwwnovaulcom) lease reglsLer Lo remove Lhls message An addlLlonal subneL
ls requlred for a new LLherneL llnk beLween 8ouLer1 and 8ouLer2 as shown ln Lhe dlagram Whlch of Lhe followlng
subneL addresses can be conflgured ln Lhls neLwork Lo provlde a maxlmum of 14 useable addresses for Lhls llnk whlle
wasLlng Lhe fewesL addresses?

- 19211224/28

17 WhaL ls a superneL?

Lhe neLwork for a defaulL rouLe
- a summarlzaLlon of classful addresses
a neLwork LhaL conLalns boLh prlvaLe and publlc addresses
a seL of dlsconLlguous neLworks LhaL are conLrolled by an lS


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A neLwork admlnlsLraLor needs Lo creaLe Lwo subneLworks from 10000/8 for a rouLer runnlng
8lv2 1he Admln subneL requlres 120 hosLs and Lhe Sales subneL requlres 38 hosLs 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor asslgned
1001128/23 Lo Lhe Admln subneL 1he Sales subneL ls glven 1001192/26 WhaL wlll be Lhe resulL of Lhls addresslng

8ecause 8lv2 does noL supporL vLSM Lhe subneL masks wlll noL be allowed
1he subneLs wlll noL have enough hosL addresses for Lhe glven neLwork requlremenLs
- 1he subneLs overlap and wlll be re[ecLed by Lhe rouLer
1he rouLer wlll supporL Lhe addresslng scheme

19 A rouLer has a summary rouLe Lo neLwork 192168320/20 lnsLalled ln lLs rouLlng Lable WhaL range of neLworks are
summarlzed by Lhls rouLe?

19216800 192168320/24
19216800 192168470/24
- 192168320 192168470/24
192168320 192168480/24
192168320 192168630/24


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor wanLs Lo mlnlmlze Lhe number of enLrles ln 8ouLer1's rouLlng Lable
WhaL should Lhe admlnlsLraLor lmplemenL on Lhe neLwork?

- Clu8
prlvaLe l addresses
classful rouLlng

ChapLer 7 assessmenL

A neLwork admlnlsLraLor has been Lold LhaL Lhe company l address lnfrasLrucLure musL adhere Lo 8lC 1918 WhaL Lhree
l address ranges from 8lC 1918 could Lhe admlnlsLraLor use on Lhe neLwork? (Choose Lhree)

- 10000/8
- 1721600/12
- 19216800/16


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLers LasL and WesL are conflgured uslng 8lv1 8oLh rouLers are sendlng updaLes abouL Lhelr
dlrecLly connecLed rouLes 1he LasL rouLer can plng Lhe WesL rouLer serlal lnLerface and WesL can plng Lhe serlal
lnLerface of LasL Powever nelLher rouLer has dynamlcally learned rouLes from Lhe oLher WhaL ls mosL llkely Lhe

A gaLeway of lasL resorL ls requlred
SubneLLlng ls noL supporLed by 8lv1
- vLSM ls noL supporLed by 8lv1
Cne of Lhe rouLers needs a clock raLe on Lhe serlal lnLerface


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL effecL wlll Lhe commands LhaL are shown have on 8l updaLes for 8ouLer1?

Cnly verslon 2 updaLes are senL Lo 233233233233
- Cnly verslon 2 updaLes are senL Lo 224009
8oLh verslon 1 and verslon 2 updaLes are senL Lo 224009
8oLh verslon 1 and verslon 2 updaLes are senL Lo 233233233233


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL can be concluded from Lhe ouLpuL shown ln Lhe exhlblL?

1he rouLlng Lable ls llmlLed Lo 2 rouLes
1he LAn lnLerfaces are parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe rouLlng process
Cne updaLe has been senL ouL of each serlal lnLerface and 2 have been recelved
- 1he no auLosummary has noL been conflgured on Lhls rouLer

WhaL are Lwo reasons Lo lmplemenL 8l verslon 2 raLher Lhan 8l verslon 1? (Choose Lwo)

- 8l verslon 2 supporLs vLSM
8l verslon 2 supporLs more Lhan 16 rouLers
8l verslon 2 supporLs classful (and noL classless) rouLlng
- 8l verslon 2 supporLs rouLlng updaLe auLhenLlcaLlon
8l verslon 2 supporLs mulLlareas
8l verslon 2 uses Lhe ul[ksLra algorlLhm raLher Lhan Lhe 8ellmanlord algorlLhm


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8lv1 ls conflgured as Lhe rouLlng proLocol for Lhe neLwork LhaL ls shown 1he followlng commands
are used on each rouLer

rouLer rlp
neLwork 10000
neLwork 1721600

When Lhls conflguraLlon ls compleLe users on Lhe LAn of each rouLer are unable Lo access Lhe remoLe LAns Why?

1he neLwork sLaLemenLs are conflgured lncorrecLly
A rouLlng loop has been creaLed
- 8lv1 ls unable Lo rouLe Lo dlsconLlguous subneLs of a ma[or neLwork
8lv1 ls unable Lo rouLe neLworks wlLh a /24 subneL mask

A neLwork admlnlsLraLor lnsLalled four new rouLers LhaL are runnlng 8lv2 8ouLer1 ls a boundary rouLer ln Lhe 8lv2
neLwork and has a defaulL rouLe conflgured Cnce Lhe neLwork has converged Lhe neLwork admlnlsLraLor enLers
8ouLer1(conflgrouLer)# defaulLlnformaLlon orlglnaLe on 8ouLer1 Pow wlll Lhls affecL Lhe neLwork?

prevenLs 8ouLer1 from forwardlng updaLes abouL neLworks LhaL are noL dlrecLly connecLed
causes all rouLers ln Lhe neLwork Lo synchronlze rouLlng updaLes wlLh 8ouLer1
forces 8ouLer1 Lo become Lhe prlmary or deslgnaLed rouLer (u8) for updaLes
- propagaLes Lhe defaulL rouLe Lo all rouLers ln Lhe neLwork


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A Lechnlclan needs Lo add a new loopback lnLerface Lo LesL rouLlng funcLlonallLy and neLwork
deslgn 1he Lechnlclan enLers Lhe followlng seL of commands on Lhe rouLer

Sanford(conflg)# lnLerface loopback1
Sanford(conflglf)# lp address 192168662 233233233232

Why does Lhe rouLer respond wlLh an error?

1he rouLer does noL allow loopback lnLerface conflguraLlons
1hls mask can noL be used wlLh Lhls class of addresses
Classless rouLlng musL be conflgured before Lhls address can be added
- 1he neLwork address for Loopback1 overlaps wlLh an already conflgured lnLerface address
1he rouLer ls over Lhe llmlL for Lhe maxlmum paLhs LhaL can be provlded ln Lhe rouLlng Lable

WhaL ls Lhe maxlmum neLwork dlameLer permlLLed by Lhe defaulL meLrlc of 8lv2?

- 13 hops
16 hops
100 hops
120 hops
233 hops

WhaL are Lwo funcLlons of Lhe neLwork command used when conflgurlng rouLlng proLocols? (Choose Lwo)

- ldenLlfles whlch neLworks wlll be lncluded ln Lhe rouLlng updaLes
ldenLlfles Lhe hosLs addresses LhaL can be summarlzed ln Lhe neLwork
used Lo llsL all addresses for remoLe and local neLworks
deLermlnes whlch subneL mask Lo apply Lo rouLlng updaLes
- deLermlnes whlch lnLerfaces can send and recelve rouLlng updaLes


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL All rouLers are runnlng 8lv1 WhaL changes wlll occur ln Lhe rouLlng Lable of rouLer 8 lf a loopback
lnLerface wlLh an address of 10161129/27 ls conflgured on rouLer 8?

8ouLes Lo Lhe 101610/27 1016164/27 and 10161128/27 neLworks are added
- A connecLed rouLe Lo Lhe 10161128/27 neLwork ls added
A Lhlrd rouLe Lo Lhe 10000/8 neLwork wlLh 8lv1 as Lhe source ls added
1he 10000/8 rouLe ls dropped lmmedlaLely from Lhe rouLlng Lable afLer rouLer 8 ls conflgured


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL lf all rouLers are runnlng 8l verslon 2 why ls Lhere no rouLe for Lhe 192168132/27 neLwork?

8lp verslon 2 does noL send subneL masks ln lLs updaLes
8ouLer A ls noL seLup wlLh 8l as a rouLlng proLocol
- 8lp verslon 2 wlll auLo summarlze rouLes by defaulL
8ouLer 8 ls noL seLup Lo adverLlse Lhe 192168164/30 neLwork

8lv2 ls Lhe conflgured rouLlng proLocol on Lhe rouLers ln a neLwork 1he command 8ouLer(conflgrouLer)# no vers|on 2
ls enLered on Lhe rouLers WhaL effecL does enLerlng Lhls command have on rouLlng updaLes?

SubneL masks wlll be added Lo Lhe rouLlng updaLes
8ouLlng updaLes wlll be senL ouL uslng mulLlcasL address 224009
- verslon 1 and 2 updaLes wlll be recelved and Lhe verslon 2 updaLes wlll noL be senL
1he 8l rouLlng process wlll be removed from Lhe rouLer and rouLlng updaLes wlll noL be forwarded

Pow are 8l v1 and 8l v2 slmllar Lo one anoLher? (Choose Lhree)

- 1hey boLh use hop counL as a meLrlc
- 1hey boLh have Lhe same meLrlc value for lnflnlLe dlsLance
1hey boLh broadcasL Lhelr updaLes Lo Lhelr nelghbors
1hey boLh send subneL mask lnformaLlon ln Lhelr updaLes
1hey boLh provlde for auLhenLlcaLlon of updaLe sources
- 1hey boLh use spllL horlzon Lo prevenL rouLlng loops


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he exhlblLed neLwork conLalns a mlxLure of Clsco and nonClsco rouLers 1he command ebug |p
r|p was enLered on Lhe !Ax rouLer All rouLers are runnlng Lhe same verslon of 8l 8ouLer CPl and 8ouLer C8L are noL
able Lo reach Lhe 192168116/28 neLwork WhaL ls a posslble soluLlon Lo Lhls problem?

Lnable spllL horlzon ln Lhe neLwork
- Conflgure 8lv2 on rouLers
Add neLwork 19216810 Lo Lhe 8l conflguraLlon on Lhe !Ax rouLer
Conflgure !Ax la0/0 as a passlve lnLerface
Lnable Lhe Serlal0/0/0 lnLerface on Lhe !Ax rouLer
Change Lhe l address on Lhe la0/0 lnLerface of Lhe !Ax rouLer Lo 19216811/24

16 WhaL fleld was added Lo Lhe 8l message header by 8lC 1723 Lo add supporL for vLSM and Clu8?

- subneL mask
desLlnaLlon porL number
address famlly ldenLlfler
source and desLlnaLlon l addresses


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch command on whlch rouLer wlll allow 8ouLer1 Lo learn abouL Lhe 19216800/20 neLwork?

8ouLer1(conflg)# |p c|ass|ess
8ouLer1(conflgrouLer)# no pass|ve|nterface ser|a| 0]1]1
- 8ouLer2(conflgrouLer)# vers|on 2
8ouLer2(conflgrouLer)# ne|ghbor 10002


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs are Lrue? (Choose Lwo)

- 8ouLer1 wlll lnsLall a rouLe Lo 19216800/20
8ouLer1 wlll lnsLall a rouLe Lo 19216800/24
8ouLer1 wlll lnsLall a rouLe Lo 192168160/24
8ouLer2 wlll lnsLall a rouLe Lo 192168160/24
- 8ouLer2 wlll noL lnsLall a rouLe Lo 192168160/20


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL All rouLers are runnlng 8l verslon 2 !Ax ls conflgured Lo [usL adverLlse Lhe 10000/24 neLwork
CPl ls conflgured Lo adverLlse Lhe 1721600/16 neLwork A neLwork admlnlsLraLor enLers Lhe commands shown ln Lhe
exhlblL WhaL changes wlll occur ln Lhls neLwork?

1he !Ax rouLer wlll lgnore updaLes for Lhe 1721600/16 neLwork due Lo spllL horlzon lssues
- 1he CPl rouLer wlll lnsLall a rouLe Lo Lhe 19216800/16 neLwork ln lLs rouLlng Lable
1he rouLlng Lable for CPl wlll have Lhe 19216800/16 rouLe buL lL wlll have an S nexL Lo Lhe rouLe
1he C8L rouLer wlll apply a 23323300 subneL mask Lo all neLworks ln Lhe rouLlng updaLes lL forwards


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch command wlll allow 8ouLer2 Lo learn abouL Lhe 192168160/28 neLwork?

8ouLer1(conflg)# lp classless
- 8ouLer1(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 192168160
8ouLer1(conflgrouLer)# no passlvelnLerface serlal 0/1/1
8ouLer2(conflgrouLer)# verslon 2
8ouLer2(conflgrouLer)# nelghbor 10002

ChapLer 8 assessmenL

8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLer 8 recelves a packeL wlLh a desLlnaLlon address of 1016197 WhaL wlll rouLer 8 do?

drop Lhe packeL
forward Lhe packeL vla Lhe rouLe Lo 101610
forward Lhe packeL vla Lhe rouLe Lo 1016164
*use Lhe defaulL rouLe

2 A neLwork ls converged and Lhe rouLlng Lables are compleLe When a packeL needs Lo be forwarded whaL ls Lhe flrsL
crlLerlon used Lo deLermlne Lhe besL paLh ln Lhe rouLlng Lable?

Lhe rouLe wlLh Lhe smallesL Au
*Lhe rouLe wlLh Lhe longesL address and mask maLch Lo Lhe desLlnaLlon
Lhe rouLe wlLh Lhe hlghesL bandwldLh
Lhe rouLe wlLh Lhe besL comblnaLlon of Au and lowesL cosL


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch sLaLemenL correcLly descrlbes Lhls neLwork?

LlC8 ls belng used
*1here ls aL leasL one parenL and one chlld rouLe
19216820 19216830 and 19216840 neLworks are chlld rouLes
1rafflc golng Lo 1721630 wlll be dlrecLed Lo s 0/0/1


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLer1 has been lssued Lhe lp classless command WhaL happens Lo packeLs desLlned Lo hosL

Lhey are dropped
senL Lo defaulL gaLeway
*forward ouL lnLerface Serlal0/0/1
forward ouL lnLerface lasLLLherneL 0/0

3 1he followlng enLry ls dlsplayed ln Lhe rouLlng Lable

8 19216880/24 120/2 vla 19216841 000026 Serlal0/0/1

WhaL Lype of rouLe ls Lhls?
a level 1 parenL rouLe
a level 1 superneL rouLe
*a level 1 ulLlmaLe neLwork rouLe
a level 2 chlld rouLe
a level 2 ulLlmaLe chlld rouLe

6 WhaL deLermlnes lf Lhe rouLer lmplemenLs a classless rouLe lookup process?

Chlld rouLes are presenL ln Lhe rouLlng Lable
A classless rouLlng proLocol has been conflgured on Lhe rouLer
*1he command lp classless ls enabled on Lhe rouLer
MulLlple rouLes wlLh dlfferenL masks Lo Lhe same desLlnaLlon are ln Lhe rouLlng Lable
8ouLlng Lable enLrles have a nexLhop l address and an exlL lnLerface for each chlld rouLe


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Pow many rouLes ln Lhls ouLpuL quallfy for use as ulLlmaLe rouLes?



8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL proLocol was used Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lhe rouLlng lnformaLlon for Lhe neLwork 1721614?



8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL can be deLermlned from Lhls ouLpuL?

1he rouLer wlll have Lo perform recurslve lookups Lo forward a packeL desLlned for 1921682213/24
1he parenL rouLe for Lhese neLworks was removed from Lhe rouLlng Lable
A rouLe Lo 19216800/23 would be classlfled as a superneL rouLe for Lhe rouLes llsLed ln Lhe rouLlng Lable
*All of Lhe rouLes llsLed are neLwork rouLes


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he graphlc conLalns parLlal conLenLs of Lhe rouLlng Lable on rouLer L 8ouLer L ls runnlng verslon
123 of Lhe lCS and ls conflgured for defaulL rouLlng behavlor 8ouLer L recelves a packeL Lo forward Whlch rouLe ln Lhe
rouLlng Lable wlll be searched flrsL and why?

1721610/23 because lL ls Lhe flrsL ulLlmaLe rouLe
0000/0 because lL ls Lhe lowesL neLwork number
*1721600/23 because lL ls Lhe flrsL level 1 rouLe
1721800/13 because lL has Lhe shorLesL mask


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLer1 ls runnlng lCS verslon 122 WhaL wlll Lhe neLwork admlnlsLraLor need Lo do so LhaL packeLs
for unknown chlld rouLes of 1721600/24 wlll noL be dropped?

lssue Lhe lp defaulLneLwork command
use a classful rouLlng proLocol such as 8lv1
enable elLher CSl or lSlS as Lhe rouLlng proLocol
lssue Lhe lp classless command
*do noLhlng lp classless ls on by defaulL


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WlLh Lhe lp classless command lssued whaL wlll rouLer 82 do wlLh a packeL desLlned for hosL

drop Lhe packeL
*send packeL ouL Serlal 0/0/1
send packeL Lo neLwork 0000
send packeL ouL lasLLLherneL 0/0

13 A rouLer has Lhe followlng enLrles ln lLs rouLlng Lable

S 19216800/24 1/0 vla 1921681282
C 19216800/23 110/2173 vla 1721611 000213 lasLLLherneL0/1
u 19216800/23 90/22433 vla 1721622 001213 Serlal0/0/0
8 19216800/26 120/2 vla 1721633 000013 Serlal0/0/1

1he rouLer recelves a packeL LhaL ls desLlned for a hosL wlLh Lhe address 192168038 Whlch rouLe would Lhls rouLer
use Lo forward Lhe packeL?

Lhe sLaLlc rouLe
Lhe CSl rouLe
Lhe LlC8 rouLe
*Lhe 8l rouLe


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL parenL neLwork wlll auLomaLlcally be lncluded ln Lhe rouLlng Lable when Lhe Lhree
subneLs are conflgured on 8ouLer1?



8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL subneL mask wlll 8ouLer1 apply Lo chlld rouLes of Lhe 1721600/24 neLwork?


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor has dlscovered LhaL packeLs desLlned for servers on Lhe 172162340
neLwork are belng dropped by 8ouLer2 WhaL command should Lhe admlnlsLraLor lssue Lo ensure LhaL Lhese packeLs are
senL ouL Lhe gaLeway of lasL resorL Serlal 0/0/1?

*lp classless
no lp classless
lp defaulLneLwork 0000
lp defaulLgaLeway 172162341
lp rouLe 0000 0000 Serlal 0/0/1


8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL A packeL desLlned for hosL 12810703/16 ls processed by Lhe !Ax rouLer AfLer flndlng Lhe sLaLlc
rouLe ln Lhe rouLlng Lable LhaL maLches Lhe desLlnaLlon neLwork for Lhls packeL whaL does Lhe rouLer do nexL?

searches for a defaulL rouLe Lo forward Lhe packeL
drops Lhe packeL slnce Lhe sLaLlc rouLe does noL have an exlL lnLerface
*performs a recurslve lookup Lo flnd Lhe exlL lnLerface used Lo forward Lhe packeL
sends a requesL Lo nelghborlng rouLers for Lhe locaLlon of Lhe 12810700 neLwork

18 WhaL occurs when no lp classless ls lmplemenLed on Lhe rouLer?

1he rouLer wlll only supporL classful l addresslng
1he rouLer wlll only supporL classful rouLlng proLocols
1he rouLer wlll use a defaulL rouLe lf presenL when a maLchlng rouLe ls noL found ln Lhe rouLlng Lable
*1he rouLer wlll assume lL has knowledge of all subneLs ln Lhe neLwork and wlll noL search beyond chlld rouLes for a
beLLer maLch

19 A rouLe Lo a desLlnaLlon neLwork ls learned from mulLlple rouLlng proLocols WhaL ls used by a Clsco rouLer Lo selecL
Lhe preferred rouLe Lo Lhe desLlnaLlon LhaL wlll be lnsLalled ln Lhe rouLlng Lable?

rouLe preflx
updaLe Llmer
*admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance

ChapLer 9 assessmenL

1 What two actions will the EIGRP DUAL FSM take iI a link to a network goes down? (Choose two.)
put the route into passive mode
*query neighbors Ior a new route
search routing table Ior a Ieasible successor
run the SPF algorithm to Iind a new successor
*search topology table Ior a Ieasible successor


Host in the network illustrated is unable to ping host How must EIGRP be
conIigured to
enable connectivity between the two hosts? (Choose two.)
R1(conIig-router)# network
R1(conIig-router)# auto-summary
* R1(conIig-router)# no auto-summary
* R2(conIig-router)# no auto-summary
R2(conIig-router)# auto-summary
R2(conIig-router)# network


ReIer to the exhibit. The company is using EIGRP with an autonomous system number oI 10. Pings between
hosts on networks that are connected to router A and those that are connected to router B are successIul.
However, users on the network are unable to reach users on the network. What is the
most likely cause oI this problem?
IP classless is enabled and is causing the packet to drop.
*The command network was not issued on router C.
The routers are not conIigured in the same EIGRP routing domain.
Automatic summarization oI the networks is causing the subnetted routes to be dropped.

What inIormation is maintained in the EIGRP topology database Ior a destination route? (Choose three.)
*the routing protocol
*the Ieasible distance oI the route
the highest cost oI the route
the SRTT value Ior the route
*the route cost as advertised by the neighboring router
the physical address oI the gateway interIace

On a router running EIGRP, what database would maintain a list oI Ieasible successors?
routing table
neighbor table
*topology table
adjacency table


ReIer to the exhibit. What is indicated by the P at the beginning oI the topology entry?
*the route is in a stable state
the route is a preIerred route
DUAL is searching Ior a better route to this destination
the exit interIace is in passive mode and EIGRP advertisements are blocked

In the command router eigrp 20, what is the purpose oI the number 20?
speciIies the administrative distance Ior all EIGRP routes
*identiIies the autonomous system number this EIGRP process will advertise
determines what metric is added to all advertised routes
indicates the number oI addresses in the EIGRP routing domain


ReIer to the exhibit. In the topology table, what do the numbers 3011840 and 3128695 represent?
the route metric that is applied to those EIGRP routes Ior this router
the trustworthiness oI the routing inIormation source
the composite oI the hop count and bandwidth to that destination network
*the total metric Ior that network as advertised by the EIGRP neighbor

9 Which two statements describe characteristics oI EIGRP? (Choose two.)
*EIGRP is a distance vector routing protocol.
*EIGRP supports classless routing and VLSM.
EIGRP is classiIied as a link-state routing protocol.
EIGRP uses TCP Ior reliable delivery oI EIGRP update packets.
With EIGRP, loop-Iree paths are achieved through the use oI hold-down timers.
EIGRP sends a periodic update every 30 minutes.


ReIer to the exhibit. Network goes down. What type oI packet does Router2 immediately send
to Router1 and Router3?
a query Ior network
an acknowledgment packet to
an update packet that is sent to
a packet that contains the new routing table Ior R2
*unicast update packets to and


ReIer to the exhibit. Which command will advertise the network but not the
network on router A?

12 What administrative distance would a router assign to a deIault route in EIGRP that is learned Irom a source
external to the autonomous system?

13 In which oI the Iollowing tables does the EIGRP DUAL algorithm store the primary route to a destination?
(Choose two.)
shortest path

14 Which oI the Iollowing types oI routes will be denoted by EX in EIGRP routing table entries? (Choose two.)
*routes learned Irom other routing protocols
routes learned Irom any non-adjacent EIGRP routers
any route with a hop count metric higher than 224
*EIGRP routes that originate in diIIerent autonomous systems
all passive routes in the routing table

15 Which term deIines a collection oI networks under the administrative control oI a single entity that presents a
common routing policy to the Internet?
*autonomous system
contiguous networks
process ID


ReIer to the exhibit. EIGRP is the only routing protocol enabled on this network. No static routes are c
on this router. What can be concluded about network Irom the exhibited output?
A route to network is not listed in the routing table.
*Packets that are destined Ior will be Iorwarded to
EIGRP will perIorm equal cost load balancing across two paths when Iorwarding packets to 198.18


The router with interIace is a successor Ior network
ReIer to the exhibit. All interIaces have been conIigured with the bandwidths that are shown in the example
Assuming that all routers are using a deIault conIiguration oI EIGRP as their routing protocol, what
packets take Irom the network to the network?
Packets will load balance across the A,B,E and A,C,E paths.
Packets will load balance across the A,B,E and A,D,E paths.
Packets will load balance across the A,C,E and A,D,E paths.

By deIault, which two metrics are used by EIGRP to determine the best path between networks?

Which oI the Iollowing statements describes the bounded updates used by EIGRP?
Bounded updates are sent to all routers within an autonomous system.
*Partial updates are sent only to routers that need the inIormation.
The updates are sent to all routers in the routing table.
Updates are bounded by the routers in the topology table.

The show ip eigrp topology command output on a router displays a successor route and a Ieasible successor
route to network In order to reduce processor utilization, what does EIGRP do when the
primary route to this network Iails?
The router sends query packets to all EIGRP neighbors Ior a better route to network
The DUAL FSM immediately recomputes the algorithm to calculate the next backup route.
Packets that are destined Ior network are sent out the deIault gateway instead.
*The backup route to network is installed in the routing table.


ReIer to the exhibit. Based on the output oI show ip eigrp neighbors, what are two possible problems with
adjacencies between Router1 and Router2? (Choose two.)
*The routers are conIigured with diIIerent EIGRP process IDs.
Automatic summarization was disabled.
The hello timer Ior R1 was altered.
*The serial interIaces Ior both routers are in diIIerent networks.
No Ieasible successors were Iound.


ReIer to the exhibit. This is the debug output Irom 2 directly connected EIGRP routers. They are not
Iorming an adjacency. What is the cause?
one router is a non-cisco router
* they have diIIerent autonomous-system numbers
they are using diIIerence sequence numbers
they are sending incorrect hello types
Labels: CCNA 2, CCNA 2 Module 9 V4.0
Alex said...
very good study aid, thank you so much Ior the eIIort
November 8, 2009 6:27 PM
Stu said...
im pretty sure number 6 is wrong, iI you look at the exhibit in 8, P is Ior passive...

anyone can prove me wrong...?
November 9, 2009 7:18 AM
Anonymous said...
6 is correct as it is stated. Though P is Ior passive, the route is considered in a stable mode. Answer "D"
includes inIormation about the exit interIace and EIGRP advertisements blocked which has nothing to
do with a passive mode.
November 20, 2009 12:58 PM
Anonymous said...
The answers given Ior #3 and #11 are deIinitely incorrect...I took this test today.

The correct answer Ior #3 is "The routers are not conIigured in the same EIGRP routing domain."

The correct answer Ior #11 is "network"
November 23, 2009 4:58 PM
Anonymous said...
ReIer to the exhibit. Based on the output oI show ip eigrp neighbors, what are two possible problems
adjacencies between Router1 and Router2? (Choose two.)
*The routers are conIigured with diIIerent EIGRP process IDs.
Automatic summarization was disabled.
The hello timer Ior R1 was altered.
*The serial interIaces Ior both routers are in diIIerent networks.
No Ieasible successors were Iound.

I am sure this is wrong also *The routers are conIigured with diIIerent EIGRP process IDs.

Process id's do not matter.

I think the correct answer is The hello timer Ior R1 was altered.

Correct me iI I am wrong.
December 14, 2009 2:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Oh, and process Ids are Ior OSPF anyway.
December 14, 2009 2:47 AM
Anonymous said...
ReIer to the exhibit. Based on the output oI show ip eigrp neighbors, what are two possible problems
adjacencies between Router1 and Router2? (Choose two.)
*The routers are conIigured with diIIerent EIGRP process IDs.
Automatic summarization was disabled.
The hello timer Ior R1 was altered.
*The serial interIaces Ior both routers are in diIIerent networks.
No Ieasible successors were Iound.

process ID is used by EIGRP (it can be AS number at the same time, but EIGRP doesn't need a real
number oI a autonomous system, it can be just a process ID number)
February 14, 2010 8:10 PM
Anonymous said...
ReIer to the exhibit. Which command will advertise the network but not the
network on router A?
Chapter 11

1 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL does Lhe C*L2 from Lhe C*L2 0000/0 110/1 vla 19216811 000334
Serlal0/0 llne represenL?
an exLernal CSl rouLe LhaL wlll noL lncremenL ln cosL

2 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL ls Lhe cosL of Lhe rouLe Lo Lhe 10000 neLwork?

3 WhaL Lhree parameLers musL be lndenLlcal beLween CSl rouLers ln order Lo form an ad[acency? (Choose
area ld
hello lnLerval
neLwork Lype

4 WhaL does CSl use Lo reduce Lhe number of exchanges of rouLlng lnformaLlon ln neLworks where large
numbers of nelghbors are presenL? (Choose Lwo)
deslgnaLed rouLer
backup deslgnaLed rouLer

3 WhaL does CSl use Lo calculaLe Lhe cosL Lo a desLlnaLlon neLwork?

6 A fully converged flve rouLer CSl neLwork has been runnlng successfully for several weeks All conflguraLlons
have been saved and no sLaLlc rouLes are used lf one rouLer looses power and rebooLs whaL lnformaLlon wlll be
ln lLs rouLlng Lable afLer Lhe conflguraLlon flle ls loaded buL before CSl has converged?
8ouLes for connecLed neLworks LhaL are operaLlonal wlll be ln Lhe rouLlng Lable

7 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLer A ls correcLly conflgured for CSl Whlch CSl conflguraLlon sLaLemenL or seL of
sLaLemenLs was enLered for rouLer 8 Lo generaLe Lhe exhlblLed rouLlng Lable?
8(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 19216810 0003 area 0

8 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch neLwork command or seL of sommands wlll cause CSl Lo be enabled Lo send and
recelve packeLs for any 81 lnLerface ln Lhe exhlblLed subneLs?
81(conflgrouLer)# neLwork 0000 233233233233 area 0

9 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL does Lhe 2 sLand for ln Lhe rouLer ospf 2 sLaLemenL?
1he number 2 ldenLlfles Lhls parLlcular lnsLance of CSl on Lhls rouLer

10 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL All rouLers have been conflgured wlLh Lhe lnLerface prlorlLles LhaL are shown All rouLers
were resLarLed slmulLaneously 1he resulLs of Lhe u8/8u8 elecLlon are shown WhaL can be concluded abouL Lhls
1he hlghesL rouLer lu was mosL llkely deLermlned vla an CSl rouLerld sLaLemenL or sLaLemenLs

11 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL conflguraLlon sLaLemenLs would glve Lhe resulLs LhaL are shown ln Lhe ouLpuL of
Lhe show lp proLocols command?
8(conflg)# rouLer ospf 18(conflgrouLer)# rouLerld 19216813

12 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Pow many CSl ad[acencles musL be formed Lo bulld Lhe compleLe Lopology lf a u8 or
8u8 were noL elecLed ln Lhls CSl neLwork?

13 WhaL ls Lhe defaulL admlnlsLraLlve dlsLance for CSl?

14 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLers A 8 C and u are all runnlng CSl wlLh defaulL rouLer lus and CSl lnLerface
prlorlLles Loopback lnLerfaces are noL conflgured and all lnLerfaces are operaLlonal 8ouLer u ls Lhe u8 and
rouLer C ls Lhe 8u8 WhaL happens lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe followlng commands are enLered on rouLer A?
A(conflg)# lnLerface fa0/0
A(conflglf)# lp ospf prlorlLy 233
u wlll remaln Lhe u8 C wlll remaln Lhe 8u8

13 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL All rouLers are runnlng CSl WhaL cosL would !Ax puL ln lLs rouLlng Lable for Lhe
10000/24 neLwork?

16 WhaL range of neLworks wlll be adverLlsed ln Lhe CSl updaLes by Lhe command 8ouLer1(conflgrouLer)#
neLwork 19216800 0013233 area 100?
19216800/24 Lhrough 192168130/24

17 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he neLwork admlnlsLraLor wanLs Lo seL Lhe rouLer lu of 8ouLer1 Lo 1921681001
WhaL sLeps musL Lhe admlnlsLraLor Lake Lo accompllsh Lhls?
noLhlng Lhe rouLerld of 8ouLer1 ls already 1921681001

18 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL When CSl ls operaLlonal ln Lhe exhlblLed neLwork whaL nelghbor relaLlonshlp ls
developed beLween 8ouLer1 and 8ouLer2?
A luLL ad[acency ls formed

19 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Assumlng LhaL Lhe rouLers have defaulL lnLerface CSl prlorlLles and no conflgured
loopback lnLerfaces whaL Lwo roles wlll rouLer 8 play on each neLwork segmenL? (Choose Lwo)
u8 for neLwork 1921681200
8u8 for neLwork 1921681204

20 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLer1 and 8ouLer2 are runnlng CSl 1he show lp ospf nelghbor command reveals no
nelghbors WhaL ls a posslble cause?
CSl hello or dead Llmers do noL maLch

21 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL Whlch command sequence on 8ouLer8 wlll redlsLrlbuLe a gaLeway of lasL resorL Lo Lhe
oLher rouLers ln CSl area 0?
8ouLer8(conflg)# lp rouLe 0000 0000 1721666
8ouLer8(conflg)# rouLer ospf 10
8ouLer8(conflgrouLer)# defaulLlnformaLlon orlglnaLe

22 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 8ouLerA 8ouLer8 and 8ouLerC ln Lhe dlagram are runnlng CSl on Lhelr LLherneL
lnLerfaces 8ouLer u was [usL added Lo Lhe neLwork 8ouLers are conflgured wlLh Lhe loopback lnLerfaces (Lo 0)
LhaL are shown ln Lhe exhlblL WhaL happens Lo Lhe CSl u8/8u8 afLer 8ouLeru ls added Lo Lhe neLwork?
1here ls no change ln Lhe u8 or 8u8 unLll elLher currenL u8 or 8u8 goes down

23 Whlch Lwo sLaLemenLs descrlbe Lhe use of CSl u8/8u8 elecLlons? (Choose Lwo)
LlecLlons are requlred ln broadcasL mulLlaccess neLworks
LlecLlons are requlred ln nonbroadcasL mulLlaccess neLworks

24 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL 1he rouLers ln Lhe exhlblL are uslng defaulL CSl conflguraLlon seLLlngs Lo adverLlse all
aLLached neLworks lf all of Lhe rouLers sLarL aL Lhe same Llme whaL wlll be Lhe resulL of Lhe u8 and 8u8
elecLlons for Lhls slngle area CSl neLwork? (Choose Lhree)
8ouLer A wlll be u8 for 10400/16
PC wlll be 8u8 for 10400/16
8emoLe wlll be u8 for 10300/16

23 8efer Lo Lhe exhlblL WhaL musL be recelved beLween nelghbors Lo prevenL Lhe dead Llme LhaL ls shown ln
Lhe exhlblL from reachlng zero?
hello packeLs
Final exam*******************************************************

ReIer to the exhibit. A new PC was deployed in the Sales network. It was given the host address oI with a deIault gateway oI The PC is not communicating with the network
properly. What is the cause?
The address is in the wrong subnet.
*** is the broadcast address Ior this subnet.
The deIault gateway is incorrect.
The host address and deIault gateway are swapped.


ReIer to the routing table shown in the exhibit. What is the meaning oI the highlighted value 192?
It is the value assigned by the Dijkstra algorithm that designates the number oI hops in the network.
It is the value used by the DUAL algorithm to determine the bandwidth Ior the link.
***It is the metric, which is cost.
It is the administrative distance.


ReIer to exhibit. Given the topology shown in the exhibit, what three commands are needed to conIigure EIGRP
on the Paris router? (Choose three.)
***Paris(conIig)# router eigrp 100
Paris(conIig)# router eigrp
Paris(conIigrouter)# network
***Paris(conIigrouter)# network
***Paris(conIigrouter)# network
Paris(conIigrouter)# network

4. What are three Ieatures oI CDP? (Choose three.)
***tests Layer 2 connectivity
provides a layer oI security
operates a OSI layers 2 and 3
***enabled by deIault on each interIace
used Ior debugging Layer 4 connectivity issues
***provides inIormation on directly connected devices that have CDP enabled


ReIer to the exhibit. What two statements are true based on the output shown? (Choose two.)
the reported distance to network is 2172416 and are Ieasible successors
***neighbors and have auto summary disabled.
***router 3 is load balancing traIIic to the network across its serial interIaces.
all interIaces shown on Router3 are in the passive state and will not send EIGRP advertisements

6. Which oI the Iollowing should be considered when troubleshooting a problem with the establishment oI
neighbor relationships between OSPF routers? (Choose three.)
***OSPF interval timers mismatch
gateway oI last resort not redistributed
***interIace network type mismatch
no loopback interIace conIigured
administrative distance mismatch
***inconsistent authentication conIiguration


ReIer to the exhibit. Which three statements are true oI the routing table Ior Router1? (Choose three.)
The route to network has an AD oI 156160.
Network can best be reached using FastEthernet0/0.
***The AD oI EIGRP routes has been manually changed to a value other than the deIault value.
***Router1 is running both the EIGRP and OSPF routing process.
Network can only be reached using a deIault route.
***No deIault route has been conIigured.

. ReIer to the exhibit. The ORL router is unable to Iorm a neighbor relationship with the JAX router. What is a
possible cause oI this problem?
Router JAX has the wrong autonomoussystem number.
***The command network is missing Irom the EIGRP conIiguration on the JAX router.
Automatic summarization is not disabled on the JAX router.
Router JAX has the wrong IP address on the Fa0/1 interIace.

9. Which statement is true regarding routing metrics?
All routing protocols use the same metrics.
EIGRP uses bandwidth as its only metric.
***Routers compare metrics to determine the best route.
The larger metric generally represents the better path.

10. Which three statements are true oI holddown timers? (Choose three.)
used by link state routing protocols to prevent routing loops
***prevent update messages Irom reinstating a route that may have gone bad
***allow routers to still Iorward packets to destination networks that are in holddown
limit the number oI hops a packet can traverse through the network beIore it is discarded
prevent a router advertising a network through the same interIace Irom which the network was learned
***permit lower metric updates received Irom any neighboring router to reinstate the route to a possibly down

11. A router has learned about a network through static and dynamic routing processes. Which route will be
used to reach network
D |90/2195456| via, 00:00:09, Ethernet0
O |110/1012| via, 00:00:22, Ethernet0
R |120/1| via, 00:00:17, Ethernet0
***S |1/0| via


The SuIIolk router is directly connected to the networks shown in the graphic and has a deIault route that points
to the Richmond router. All interIaces are active and properly addressed. However, when the workstation on
network sends a packet to destination address, it is discarded by the SuIIolk router.
What can be a reason Ior this result?
The ip classless command is not enabled on the Richmond router.
The route was ignored iI the Richmond router did not include the network in its routing
The Richmond router is in a diIIerent autonomous system than the SuIIolk router.
The ip subnetzero command was not conIigured on the SuIIolk router.
***The ip classless command is not enabled on the SuIIolk router.

13. Which three statements are true regarding the encapsulation and deencapsulation oI packets when traveling
through a router? (Choose three.)
***The router modiIies the TTL Iield, decrementing it by one.
The router changes the source IP to the IP oI the exit interIace.
***The router maintains the same source and destination IP.
***The router changes the source physical address to the physical address oI the exit interIace.
The router changes the destination IP to the IP oI the exit interIace.
The router sends the packet out all other interIaces, besides the one it entered the router on.

14. Which oI the Iollowing are required when adding a network to the OSPF routing process conIiguration?
(Choose three.)
***network address
loopback address
autonomous system number
subnet mask
***wildcard mask
***area ID


ReIer to the exhibit. The routers in the exhibit are running the EIGRP routing protocol. What statement is true
regarding how packets will travel Irom the network to the network?
The router chooses the Iirst path that it learned and installs only that route in the routing table.
The router chooses the path with the lowest administrative distance and installs only that route in the routing
The router chooses the highest routing ID based on the advertised network IP addresses and installs only that
route in the routing table.
The router installs all the equal cost paths in the routing table but sends packets out only one, holding the others
in reserve in case the primary route goes down.
***The router installs all the equal cost paths in the routing table and perIorms equal cost load balancing to
send packets out multiple exit interIaces.


Which oI the Iollowing could describe the devices labeled "?" in the graphic? (Choose three.)
LAN switch

17. Which three statements describe the operation oI routing with EIGRP? (Choose three.)
***As new neighbors are discovered, entries are placed in a neighbor table.
II the Ieasible successor has a higher advertised cost than the current successor route, then it becomes the
primary route.
***II hello packets are not received within the hold time, DUAL must recalculate the topology.
***The reported distance is the distance to a destination as advertised by a neighbor.
EIGRP maintains Iull knowledge oI the network topology in the topology table and exchanges Iull routing
inIormation with neighboring routers in every update.
EIGRP builds one routing table that contains routes Ior all conIigured routed protocols.


The network shown in the diagram is having problems routing traIIic. It is suspected that the problem is with
the addressing scheme. What is the problem with the addressing used in the topology?
The address assigned to the Ethernet0 interIace oI Router1 is a broadcast address Ior that subnetwork.
***The subnetwork conIigured on the serial link between Router1 and Router2 overlaps with the subnetwork
assigned to Ethernet0 oI Router3.
The subnetwork assigned to the Serial0 interIace oI Router1 is on a diIIerent subnetwork Irom the address Ior
Serial0 oI Router2.
The subnetwork assigned to Ethernet0 oI Router2 overlaps with the subnetwork assigned to Ethernet0 oI


ReIer to the exhibit. Packets destined to which two networks will require the router to perIorm a recursive
lookup? (Choose two.)


ReIer to exhibit. A company network engineer enters the Iollowing commands in the routers:R1(conIig)# ip
route ip route the
engineer enters the show ip route command on R1, the routing table does not display the static route to the network. All R1 and R2 interIaces are correctly addressed per the graphic. What is a logical next step
that the engineer could take in order to make the static route display in the routing table in R1?
Enter deIault routes in R1 and R2.
***Enable the R1 and R2 serial interIaces.
ConIigure the static route to use an exit interIace instead oI a nexthop address.
Enter the copy run start command to Iorce the router to recognize the conIiguration.


When the show cdp neighbors command is issued Irom Router C, which devices will be displayed in the
A, B, D
***B, D
SWH1, A, B
A, B, D, SWH1, SWH2


ReIer to the exhibit. R1 knows two routes, Path A and Path B, to the Ethernet network attached to R3. R1
learned Path A to network Irom a static route and Path B to network Irom EIGRP.
Which route will R1 install in its routing table?
Both routes are installed and load balancing occurs across both paths.
The route via Path B is installed because the EIGRP route has the best metric to network
The route via Path A is installed because the static route has the best metric to network
The route via Path B is installed because the EIGRP route has the lowest administrative distance to network
***The route via Path A is installed because the static route has the lowest administrative distance to network


A network administrator has enabled RIP on routers B and C in the network diagram. Which oI the Iollowing
commands will prevent RIP updates Irom being sent to Router A?
A(conIig)# router rip
A(conIigrouter)# passiveinterIace S0/0
B(conIig)# router rip
B(conIigrouter)# network
B(conIigrouter)# network
A(conIig)# router rip
A(conIigrouter)# no network
***B(conIig)# router rip
***B(conIigrouter)# passiveinterIace S0/0
A(conIig)# no router rip


ReIer to the exhibit. The network administrator is testing network connectivity by issuing the tracert command
Irom host A to host B. Given the exhibited output on host A, what are two possible routing table issues on the
network? (Choose two.)
Router1 is missing a route to the network
Router1 is missing a route to the network
Router2 is missing a route to the network
***Router2 is missing a route to the network
***Router3 is missing a route to the network
Router3 is missing a route to the network


ReIer to the exhibit. What will happen iI interIace Serial0/0/1 goes down on Router1?
The Dijkstra algorithm will calculate the Ieasible successor.
***DUAL will query neighbors Ior a route to network
Neighbor will be promoted to the Ieasible successor.
TraIIic destined to the network will be dropped immediately due to lack oI a Ieasible successor.


ReIer to the exhibit. Pings are Iailing between HostA and HostB. The network administrator discovers that
Router1 does not have a route to the network. Assuming Router2 is conIigured correctly, which two
static routes could be conIigured on Router1 to enable Host A to reach network (Choose two.)
***ip route S0/0
ip route S0/1
ip route
***ip route
ip route S0/0
ip route S0/1


ReIer to the exhibit. The results oI the show ip route command are displayed in the graphic Ior Router R2.
Which route will be selected Ior a packet with a destination address oI
static route to
RIP route to
RIP route to
*** via


ReIer to the exhibit. The network is running the RIP routing protocol. Network goes down. Which
statement is true regarding how the routers in this topology will respond to this event?
Router4 will learn about the Iailed route 30 seconds later in the next periodic update.
Split horizon will prevent Router4 Irom Iowarding packets to the network until the holddown timer
Router5 immediately Ilushes the unreachable route Irom its routing table.
***Router5 will send Router4 a triggered update with a metric oI 16 Ior network


ReIer to the exhibit. When troubleshooting a network, it is important to interpret the output oI various router
commands. On the basis oI the exhibit, which three statements are true? (Choose three.)
The missing inIormation Ior Blank 1 is the command show ip route.
***The missing inIormation Ior Blank 1 is the command debug ip route.
The missing inIormation Ior Blank 2 is the number 100.
***The missing inIormation Ior Blank 2 is the number 120.
The missing inIormation Ior Blank 3 is the letter R.
***The missing inIormation Ior Blank 3 is the letter C.

A network administrator has conIigured a deIault route on RouterA but it is not being shared with adjacent
RouterB and the other routers in the OSPF area. Which command will save the administrator the time and
trouble oI conIiguring this deIault route on RouterB and all oI the other routers in the OSPF area?
RouterA(conIigrouter)# ospI redistribute deIaultroute
RouterB(conIigrouter)# ospI redistribute deIaultroute
***RouterA(conIigrouter)# deIaultinIormation originate
RouterB(conIigrouter)# deIaultinIormation originate
RouterA(conIigrouter)# ip ospI updatedeIault
RouterB(conIigrouter)# ip ospI updatedeIault


ReIer to the exhibit. The network administrator issues the command no ip classless on Router1. What
Iorwarding action will take place on a packet that is received by Router1 and is destined Ior host
***The packet will be dropped.
The packet will be Iorwarded to the gateway oI last resort.
The packet will match the network and be Iorwarded out Serial 0/0.
The packet will most closely match the subnet and be Iorwarded out Serial 0/1.

32. ReIer to the exhibit. A packet enters Router1 with a destination IP oI Which routing table
entry will be used to Iorward this packet to the destination address? |1/0| via |1/0| via
*** |1/0| via is directly connected, Serial0/0/1

33. The network administrator conIigures the router with the ip route
command. How will this route appear in the routing table?
C is directly connected, Serial0/0
S is directly connected, Serial0/0
C |1/0| via
***S |1/0| via

34. Using deIault settings, what is the next step in the router boot sequence aIter the IOS loads Irom Ilash?
PerIorm the POST routine.
Search Ior a backup IOS in ROM.
Load the bootstrap program Irom ROM.
Load the runningconIig Iile Irom RAM.
***Locate and load the startupconIig Iile Irom NVRAM.

35. What does RIP use to reduce convergence time in a larger network?
It reduces the update timer to 15 seconds iI there are more then 10 routes.
***It uses triggered updates to announce network changes iI they happen in between the periodic updates.
It uses random pings to detect iI a pathway is down and thereIore is preemptive on Iinding networks that are
It uses multicast instead oI broadcast to send routing updates.


ReIer to the exhibit. What are the eIIects oI the exhibited commands on the router?
All passwords are encrypted.
Only Telnet sessions are encrypted.
***Only the enable password is encrypted.
Only the enable password and Telnet session are encrypted.
Enable and console passwords are encrypted.


ReIer to the exhibit. What is the most eIIicient summarization oI the routes attached to router R1?


ReIer to the exhibit. All router interIaces are conIigured with an IP address and are operational. II no routing
protocols or static routes are conIigured, what inIormation will be included in the show ip route command
output Ior router A?
All oI the 192.168.x.0 networks will be in the routing table.
***Routes to networks,, and will be in the routing table.
The routing table will be empty because routes and dynamic routes have not been conIigured.
A deIault route is automatically installed in the routing table to allow connectivity between the networks.


ReIer to the exhibit. How many routes are both level 1 and qualiIy Ior use as an ultimate route?

40. When presented with multiple valid routes to a destination, what criteria does a router use to determine
which routes to add to the routing table?
The router selects the routes with the best metric. All routes that have the same best metric are added to the
routing table.
***The router Iirst selects routes with the lowest administrative distance. The resulting routes are then
prioritized by metric and the routes with the best metric are added to the routing table.
The router selects the routes with the lowest administrative distance. All routes with the same lowest
administrative distance are added to the routing table.
The router installs all routes in the routing table but uses the route with the best metric most when load


ReIer to the exhibit. What summary address can Router2 advertise to Router1 to reach the three networks on
Routers 3, 4, and 5 without advertising any public address space or overlapping the networks on Router1?

42. What is the purpose oI the TTL Iield within an IP packet header?
clears an unreachable route Irom the routing table aIter the invalid timer expires.
prevents regular update messages Irom inappropriately reinstating a route that may have gone bad.
removes an unreachable route Irom the routing table aIter the Ilush timer expires
***limits the period oI time or number oI hops a packet can traverse through the network beIore it should be
used to mark the route as unreachable in a routing update that is sent to other routers


ReIer to the exhibit. Hosts on the BOS Fa0/0 LAN are able to ping the Fa0/1 interIace on the JAX router and all
interIaces on the BOS and ORL routers. Why would hosts Irom the network not be able to ping
hosts on the Fa0/0 LAN oI the JAX router?
The JAX router has the wrong process ID.
The JAX router needs the network area 0 command.
***The JAX router needs the network area 0 command.
The BOS router needs the network area 0 command.

44. What command would the network administrator apply to a router that is running OSPF to advertise the
entire range oI addresses included in in area 0?
R1(conIig-router)# network area 0
R1(conIig-router)# network area 0
R1(conIig-router)# network area 0
***R1(conIig-router)# network area 0

45. What are two tasks that must be completed beIore two routers can use OSPF to Iorm a neighbor adjacency?
(Choose two.)
The routers must elect a designated router.
***The routers must agree on the network type.
***The routers must use the same dead interval.
The routers must exchange link state requests.
The routers must exchange database description packets.


ReIer to the exhibit. Which statement is true concerning the routing conIiguration?
Using dynamic routing instead oI static routing would have required Iewer conIiguration steps.
The and routes have adjacent boudaries and should be summarized.
The static route will not work correctly.
***Packets routed to the R2 ethernet interIace require two routing table lookups.


What can be determined Irom the output shown in the exhibit? (Choose two.)
Annapolis is a 2611 router that is connected to the S0/0 interIace oI the Montgomery router.
All oI the routers are connected to Montgomery through an Ethernet switch.
***Montgomery has Layer 2 connectivity with Cumberland.
Layer 3 connectivity is operational Ior all oI the devices listed in the Device ID column.
An administrator consoled into the WaldorI router can ping the Brant router.
***Brant, Fisherman, and Potomac are directly connected to Montgomery.

48. What is the Iunction oI the OSPF LSU packet?
used to conIirm receipt oI certain types oI OSPF packets
used to establish and maintain adjacency with other OSPF routers
used to request more inIormation about any entry in the BDR
***used to announce new OSPF inIormation and to reply to certain types oI requests

49. What is the Iirst step OSPF and ISIS routers take in building a shortest path Iirst database?
***learn about directly connected networks
send hello to discover neighbors and Iorm adjacencies
choose successors and Ieasible successors to populate the topology table
Ilood LSPs to all neighbors inIorming them oI all known networks and their link states


ReIer to the exhibit. All routers in the network are running RIPv2 and EIGRP with deIault routing protocol
settings and have interIaces conIigured with the bandwidths that are shown in the exhibit. Which protocol will
be used and how will traIIic between the Router1 LAN and Router5 LAN be routed through the network?
RIPv2 will load balance across both paths between Router1 and Router5.
EIGRP will load balance across both paths between Router1 and Router5.
RIPv2 traIIic will use the path Router1, Router2, Router5 because it has the least hops.
***EIGRP traIIic will use the path Router1, Router3, Router4, Router5 because it has the best metric.

51. ReIer to the exhibit. A network administrator is trying to Iigure out why BOS does not have the
network in its routing table. All routers are conIigured Ior OSPF in area 0. The links between the routers are
operational and the administrator is able to ping between all router interIaces. What is a logical next step that
the network administrator should take to troubleshoot the problem?
Reboot the routers.
Change the OSPF process ID on all oI the routers to 0.
Check to see iI the cable is loose between BOS and JAX.
Check to see iI CDP packets are passing between the routers.
***Use show and debug commands to determine iI hellos are propagating.


ReIer to the exhibit. The network is using the RIPv2 routing protocol. II network goes down, what
mechanism will prevent Router1 Irom advertising Ialse routing inIormation back to Router2?
triggered updates
poison reverse
hold-down timers
***split horizon

53. Which two router component and operation pair are correctly described? (Choose two.)
DRAM loads the bootstrap
RAM stores the operating system
Flash executes diagnostics at boot-up
***NVRAM stores the conIiguration Iile
ROM stores the backup conIiguration Iile
***POST runs diagnostics on hardware modules

54. Which oI the Iollowing are primary Iunctions oI a router? (Choose two.)
***packet switching
domain name resolution
***path selection
Ilow control


ReIer to the exhibit. Which path will traIIic Irom the network take to get to the
***It will load balance the traIIic between ADC and ABC
It will send the traIIic via ABC, and will use ADC as a backup path only when ABC Iails.


ReIer to the exhibit. Routers 1 and 2 are directly connected over a serial link. Pings are Iailing between the two
routers. What change by the administrator will correct the problem?
Set the encapsulation on both routers to PPP.
Decrease the bandwidth on Serial 0/1/0 on router 2 to 1544.
Change the cable that connects the routers to a crossover cable.
***Change the IP address on Serial 0/1/0 on router 2 to

57. Which two statements are true regarding link-state routing protocols? (Choose two.)
They do not work well in networks that require special heirarchical designs.
***They are aware oI the complete network topology.
They pass their entire routing tables to their directly connected neighbors only.
***They oIIer rapid convergence times in large networks.
They rely on decreasing hop counts to determine the best path.
They do not include subnet masks in their routing updates.

58. Which three statements about routing protocols are true? (Choose three.)
***OSPF elects designated routers on multiaccess links.
RIP does not support classless routing.
***EIGRP supports unequal cost load balancing.
EIGRP uses broadcast traIIic to establish adjacencies with its neighbors.
***RIP does not advertise a route beyond a hop count oI 15.
OSPF can convergence more quickly because it can Iind a Ieasible successor in its topology table when a
successor route goes down.
Labels: CCNA 2, CCNA 2 Final 1 V4.0
Djeunie said...
Question 29:
output missing labal 1 has to be "Show ip route" , debug ip route doesn't even exist. It is "debug ip
routing" which would only say that ip routing debugging is on.
January 17, 2010 4:28 PM
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