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Britt Plan

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1. Set at ease
- I am here just to share the opportunity, I am not here to sell you
anything, I am not here to make you commit to do something that you
don’t want to do, ‘No’ is an acceptable answer; …so my purpose is to
only share the information…. It may make sense, it may not make
sense, look everybody is not an Army Officer or a Doctor or an
Engineer.. it is not necessary that you are going to like what I like… but
you wont know till I show you….so my purpose is only to share the
information… Yet, at the same time I want you to know that what I am
going to share with you is the BEST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY that
there is on the Face of this Earth and if you can understand it, it can
Change your Life forever, at the end of the meeting, if you think
something in it is going to help you, then I want you to take the next
step. And the next step is that, we are going to meet in the next two or
three days. If this thing makes sense, I am going to leave some material
with you, you will have time to review it, and two or three days later, we
are going to meet again and that’s when you will take a decision, not
today. So pay attention and listen to it with an open and alert mind, it
could be a life changing experience.

2. Build Dream ---- [(Non Dreamer will not understand the Plan, so
share your Dream, why you started the business, your WHY !!! The
reason WHY you are doing it ! (Don’t ask what will you do if you have a
lot of Money ? (Most people don’ know ! Share your reason WHY YOU
started the business)]
(You could also say),
If Money was no object or consideration, would you
Drive a different car
Live in a different house
Send your children to the best of schools
Do something for your Parents
Get Out of Debt
Go on a good vacation First Class & 7 Star
(Give Clues- Don’t impose Dreams)

In other words we all want a Good Life Style .

Time & Money
Income = Skill/Education/Knowledge/Expertise/Experience x Time
If this be true, then what the options available to us to Make Money :
Parameter Job Profession /Self Business
Time Yes No No
Money No Yes Yes
Security No No No
This proves that in what ever field we may be, we may be doing
extremely well and earning a whole lot of Money, BUT, if we lose OUR
ABILITY TO PERFORM, there will be a decline in our Life Style and
Standard of Living, especially considering the Pace of the Market, the
Dynamic, Volatile and Unpredictable Government Policies and the
Inflation, that is ongoing. This specially needs to be considered in the
light of the fact that CHANGE & GROWTH are two facts that cannot be
wished away; Therefore if one is not prepared to face them, we will have
to face the brunt in the future and especially at a point in time when we
will be in the twilight of our lives.
Suffices it to say that most of us are FINANCIALLY INSECURE in life
and our Income is directly related to our Ability To Perform.
Okay ! If so be the case, let us explore as to WHAT THEN ARE THE
OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO US ??? We need to look for the right vehicle.
(Best vehicle : Mercedes./BMW, Best Place for a Vacation : Hawaii;
But can we go to Hawaii in a Mercedes/MBW ? WHY ? Because it is
NOT the right Vehicle; Therefore we need to have the right vehicle in life
Now, if you want a lot of Water around you ! Where should you be ???
In the OCEAN ?
Similarly, if you want a lot of MONEY, where should you be ???
In the MARKET !!


Now lets see what this Market is all about :




But then if we want to start a Conventional Business, we need to take

the following actions :-

- Get the requisite Knowledge

- Get Skilled
- Get Expertise
- Set Up Industry or Outlet or Shop or Office
- Identify Services or Products that you want to sell & Stock them
- Employees
- Overheads
- Marketing
- R&D to cope for future changes
- All the above need a very Heavy Investment : Despite that, we :
- Face Fierce Competition
- Despite all this there is high Risk and hence Tension

That means that we are back to Square One ???

(Story of the Two Friends Santa & Banta, Bucket and Pipe Line)

So the question is do you want to keep lugging the Bucket day in and
out all your life OR do you want to work a little harder now and along
with your bucket lugging, consistently and persistently Lay your Pipe
Line, so that you can get Time, Money & Security and thus your
Financial Freedom ???

What IF I offered you an option of giving you an business opportunity in
which there is :
- No Investment
- A chance to own, use & do business related to sharing the BEST
Products that Science & Nature can make.
- No Shop or Infrastructure, it is home based
- No Employees and Minimal overheads
- You work flexi hours at your convenience in your free time
- You would be your own boss and earn as per YOUR potential
- You would get a team to support you when YOU want
- An opportunity to get Time, Money & Security all together and
generate a Residual Income that can be transferred to or inherited
by your children
Would you want it ???
The business I am referring to story of 1954, there was a man by the
name Mr Ray Crock aged about 31 years old and broke ! He tried his
hand in various business ventures but failed. However, in 1954 he
chanced to read the Success Principles of Growing Rich as given by a
Millionaire Mr J Paul Getty who was an oil baron. His principles of
Growing Rich were : If you want to be rich :
1. Do business not job
2. In order to succeed in any business, you must be an IBO
(Independent Business Owner)
3. You must have a Vision for your business, a WHY, a DREAM !
4. It should be a Low Investment business simple business –
consumables. The products or services must be irreplaceable ie
F&B or FMCG, Clothes, Cosmetics or Health Care with repeated
daily utility
5. You must diversify your Sources of Income ; do not depend upon
6. Help others to be successful & rich
7. You must compound the Time & Manpower & generate a residual
income –royalty for life
He decided to try out this concept too, because he had nothing to lose;
So he bought a shop and named it McDonalds and started selling only
Hamburgers, French Fries and Milk Shakes. He worked 18 hours a day
and succeeded. He felt, if the first four principles were successful then
why not try the other. He developed faith so he rang up his sister Nancy
and asked her if she wanted to be rich ? She answered in the affirmative
and asked him, as to what she had to do ? He told her that she had to
buy a shop and name it McDonalds and be prepared to sell only
Hamburgers, French Fries and Milk Shakes and that he would teach her,
mentor her and help her in running it, and for that she could keep 96% of
the profits generated and give him only 4%. She worked as told and she
too succeeded, he then offered it to his brothers, family, friends etc he
then offered it to others, he started “franchising” ! A new concept ! …
Today he has over 40,000 Outlets the world over in over 109 countries

This is how Ray Krok by using the Time Leveraging concept

showed how one could get Time, Money and Financial Security and
thus a Tension Free Life all together.
However, in 1959, there were two school friends Rich De Vos and Jay
Van Andel, who had just finished their Military Conscription and had
come into the civi street and were looking to do a business together;
They looked at the concept of Franchise, but found two Major Flaws in
the concept;
They observed that, while Ray Krok could Compound his Time and
Money, what about his sister and other 40,000 outlets ? Moreover, for all
the time they were putting in their business, they were earning only 96%
profit all their lives, which was unfair. Having observed this major flaw, in
1959 two school friends Rich Devos and Jay Van Andel came up with
the concept of Private Franchising which was based on the same
model, but with certain modifications to the concept of Franchising, by
overcoming the flaws and introduced the Concept of Free Enterprise in
the world, thereby enabling each and every ambitious and hard working
person to
get a chance in this world to own and build a business of his own to the
level, they can take it to based on their personal abilities and dedication.
- Start up cost - Nil
- Place - Anywhere in the world
- Infrastructure/overheads - Nil

3. Show the Big Picture

In the said business you work sincerely 2-3 hours of your spare
time regularly for 2-3 years and you can earn upto 70,000 to 80,000 PM

Then in the same time plot, by working another 2 to 3 years, with

my help and the help of the BWW we will help you find 6 such persons
who want to earn 70,000 to 80,000 Rs per month and your income can
go up to Rs 6 to 8 Lakhs per month. Would you know of 6 such persons
who would like to earn this 70,000 to 80,000 Rs PM extra.

4. 6-4-3

How Money Is Made



Are you willing to Learn ? The whole business is based on the concept
of Duplication ie Learn-Teach-Earn which means that in order to
succeed in this business or as is anywhere in life, one has to LEARN to
succeed and if one is NOT willing to Learn, this business is not for
him/her. It is something like you join any profession, unless you learn
and train on it can you succeed ? Same is the case here ! This has to be
specially considered in the light of the fact that we do not know how to
run a Private Franchise business and also we have no idea how to
Generate a Residual Income ! Because had we known it, we would have
been Financially Free by now !!!! Am I right ? (Yes !) Therefore, I need to
be clear upfront on this, that if one is NOT willing to Learn, he can never
succeed at least in this business. Also, in order to learn one has to be
prepared to invest in his own self, just as you have done all your life, so
far. So are you willing to invest in your own self and are you willing to
Learn ?




Started in 1959 with 1 Product Came to India in 1998
Now have over 450 Products with 6 Products
Over 6000 Acres of Org Farms Now have over 150 Products
900 Scientists in over 75 Labs Turnover of over 2,000 Crores
1100 Patents No 1 Direct Selling Company
In over 100 Countries in India
Turnover of over 80,000 Crores
Debt Free since Inception
Make the Best Products that Science
And Nature can make
Has UN Awards for Environmental
Friendly Nature of Products
All products come with 30 day
30% Use 100% refund Guarantee
No 1 Direct Selling Company in the
Now what you need to do to Succeed and earn money is :
Start the business as an ABO and
Change your buying habits and your shop !!!

Concept of Consumer Vs Prosumer

Cash Flow – Out Go Vs Cash Flow – In Come
No Investment ! You register for FREE… Just need to have
Adhaar Card
Pan Card
Bank Cheque Book with your name / Pass Book with your name
Email ID
Mobile Number

Step - 1 1
100 PV
SCHEDULE Step 1 Total Monthly PV 100

Total sale Rs 7,600/-

Incentive Generated
(6 % x Rs 7,600) Rs 456/-
Incentive Paid Out Nil
You Receive Rs 456/-
Your Retail Profit
(9 % x Rs 7,600/-) Rs 684/-
Your Trade Discount
(8% x Rs 7,600/-) Rs 608/-
1 PV = Rs 76 OR 76 BV Gross Monthly Income Rs 1748/-
Gross Annual Income Rs 20,976/-

Step - 2 7
Step 2 Total Monthly PV 700
Total sale Rs 53,200/-
Incentive Generated
(9 % x Rs 53,200) Rs 4,788/-
Incentive Paid Out
[(6 % x Rs 7,600/-)x 6) Rs 2736/-
You Receive Rs 2052/-
Your Retail Profit
(9 % x Rs 7,600/-) Rs 684/-
Your Trade Discount
(8% x Rs 7,600/-) Rs 608/-
Gross Monthly Income Rs 3344/-
Gross Annual Income Rs 40,128/-

Step - 3 31

Step 3 Total Monthly PV 3100

Total sale Rs 2,35,600/-
Incentive Generated
(12 % x Rs 2,35,600/-) Rs 28,272/-
Incentive Paid Out
[(9 % x Rs 38,000/-)x 6) Rs 20,520/-
You Receive Rs 7,752/-
Your Retail Profit
(9 % x Rs 7,600/-) Rs 684/-
Your Trade Discount
(8% x Rs 7,600/-) Rs608/-
Gross Monthly Income Rs 9,044/-
Gross Annual Income Rs 1,08,528/-

Step -4 103

Step 4 Total Monthly PV 10,300

Total sale Rs 7,82,800/-
Incentive Generated
(21 % x Rs 7,82,800/-) Rs 1,64,388/-
Incentive Paid Out
[(12 % x Rs 1,29,200/-)x 6) Rs 93,024/-

Big Picture : Royalty Income

1 Qfi Leg 6 months (3 Successive in Year) Platinum 1 x 6%

2 Qfi Leg 6 months (3 Successive in Year) Sapphire 2 x 6%
3 Qfi Leg 6 months (3 Successive in Year) Emerald 3 x 6%
6 Qfi Leg 6 months (3 Successive in Year) Diamond 6 x 6%
9 Qfi Leg 6 months (3 Successive in Year) Executive Diamond 9 x 6%
12 Qfi Leg 6 months (3 Successive in Year) Double Diamond 12 x 6%
15 Qfi Leg 6 months (3 Successive in Year) Triple Diamond 15 x 6%
18 Qfi Leg 6 months (3 Successive in Year) Crown Direct 18 x 6%
21 Qfi Leg 6 months (3 Successive in Year) Crown Ambassador21 x 6%

2-3 Product Demo show value –

Share some products/take orders

5. Close

- Let me tell you what to do and what not to do

- Take the material Read and Listen
- Use some Products and analyse their quality and cost
effectiveness for yourself
- Make a List of Things that you want through this business
- Make a list of People you know
- Don’t talk to wrong people (Eg swimming). Don’t do anything
without me, because I am the one who is going to help you.
What I told you just now was Common Sense actually, most
intelligent people like you understand, but you will be very
surprised to know the kind of people I meet once in a while,
even though I tell them this, they still go and do it…now what
can you do…God bless them…

Give a CD and some reading material as suggested by your upline and

Set up an appointment for the next meeting ie Follow Up (within 24 to
48 hours)


If you make all this money that we talked about what will you do :

Would you like me to tell you, what to do to make this money ?

We have a LAWS

The first is, Willing to Learn

Secondly, Willing to Associate (CDs, Books & Meetings/Functions)
Thirdly, Willing to Work part time 2-3 hours per day : (4 Basics : –
1...Make a list, & Invite, 3...Show the Plan & 4...Follow Up
and Follow Through & 9 Core Steps : – 1...100% Use of Products, 2…
Share the Products make 10-15 customers, 3…Show the Plan, 4…
Listen to Tapes, 5…Read Books, 6…Associate with successful people –
Meetings -Seminars, 7…Be Learnable, 8…Communicate with Growing
Upline, 9…Be Accountable) –
Can you do all this ???
And Finally, Willing to be a Part of the System
- Use Products, Change your shop
- Attend weekly meetings

Is there anything that I showed you that you cannot do ?

If you get something good in your hand, what should you do ?
Will the ideal time ever come in anyone’s life ? Therefore which is the
best time to start doing anything good ?
(If the answer is now ! Then say)
Then lets get you started. Get me your Adhaar Card, PAN Card &
Bank Cheque Book with your name or Bank Pass Book & we will get
you registered


Ask : Please ask yourself sincerely Are you making all the Money
you want to make ?

Follow Up : Do you Believe, that with my help we will find 6 people who
want to have a better life, for you ? And if you Believe, you will go
Diamond, stay with me…


Acquire Knowledge & Apply it

Do three things repeatedly, you will be a multi multi Millionaires
1. Learn How to do 100 PV (Don’t worry about Sponsoring people
right away, its all a matter of Belief. Because what sponsors people is
the Belief and not the plan. How do you develop belief is by using the
Products. Not doing 100 PV, And if you are not doing 100 PV, you will
not be effective in showing the Plan. What you do is use 50 PV worth of
Products and retail 50 PV) (Listen to CD What Do I Do Next by Kulin
2. Learn How to Sponsor 12 people (Listen to CD 6-6-8-6-6 by Bill
3. Teach them to do 1, 2 & 3.

Do I want other people to do it to me ???

Contact : Are you making all the Money you want to make ?

Follow Up : Do you Believe, that with my help we will find 6 people who
want to have a better life, for you ? And if you Believe, you will go
Diamond, stay with me…
Only show the Plan to the People who like to see it and not to those who
don’t want to see it…

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