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BEET 405 Theory of Automata & Formal Languages

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Sub Code: BEET405/BITT405 ROLL NO……………..……………..


IInd Yr , B.Tech – Computer Science & Eng/Information Technology
Theory of Automata and Formal Languages

Duration: 3:00 hrs Max Marks: 100

Note: - Attempt all questions. All Questions carry equal marks. In case of any ambiguity or missing data,
the same may be assumed and state the assumption made in the answer.

Q 1. Answer any four parts of the following. 5x4=20

n m
a) Design the DFA that accepts L = {a b | n,m >= 1}
b) Differentiate between DFA and NFA.
c) State the pumping lemma theorem for regular languages. Show that L = {ap | p is
a prime} is not regular.
d) Define ϵ-Closure. Compute ϵ-Closure of states of the given ϵ-NFA.

e) Construct CFG for Language L = {a2nbn | n > 3}

f) Explain Post Correspondence Problem with example.
Q 2. Answer any four parts of the following. 5x4=20
a) What is inherently ambiguous language? Give example of inherently ambiguous
b) Convert the following grammar G to CNF
S →aAD, A → aB | bAB , B →b , D → d
c) Consider the following Grammar S → aAS | a, A → SbA | SS |ba
Give derivation tree for aabbaa.
d) Explain the following Decision Properties of CFL’s (i) Emptiness, (ii) Finiteness
and (iii) Membership
e) Define Push Down Automata. Explain the basic structure of PDA with a neat
graphical representation.
f) Describe Recursive and Recursive Enumerable Languages. Give examples of
Q 3. Answer any two parts of the following. 10x2= 20
a) Explain Myhill-Nerode Theorem using suitable example.
b) Construct NFA that accepts a set of all strings over {a,b} ending in aba. Use this
NFA to construct equivalent DFA,
c) State Arden Theorem. Construct RE corresponding to the given DFA below:
Q 4. Answer any two parts of the following. 10x2= 20
a) Define Two-stack PDA? Design Two-stack PDA to accept the language
L = {anbncn | n ≥ 0}.
b) Convert the given Context Free grammar into equivalent PDA
S → 0BB, B → 0S |1S | 0, V= {S, B}, T = {0,1}
c) What is Turing machine halting problem?
Q 5. Answer any two parts of the following. 10x2= 20
a) Explain about Universal Turing Machine?
b) Design Turing machine and its transition diagram to accept the language
L = {anbn | n >=1}
c) Convert the following Mealy machine to equivalent Moore machine


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