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Crim-4 Notes

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Professional conduct and ethical standards and a high degree of honesty are more essential for officers
and members of Philippine National Police (PNP) than for any member of the society. This is so, because
they are entrusted with the enforcement of the rules, regulations and ordinances created by
City/Municipality and the laws of the land created by the Congress that guide the conduct of society. A
policemen’s violation or infraction thereof, or his failure to enforce it, dishonor the law and the
authority he represents.

See also sec. 2 of Chapter 1 of the PNP Ethical Doctrine on the Declaration of Policy.


1. Police Ethics- It is the practical science that treats the principle of human morality and duty as applied
to law enforcement.

2. Moonlighting- An act of a member of the PNP pursuing or following any calling or occupation, or the
act of engaging in any business, which includes but not limited to all activities, jobs, work, and similar
functions, performed, engaged in or undertaking by him, in or off duty hours with or without
compensation, which is inconsistent or incompatible with the PNP duties or functions. Such as a
bouncer, security guard, driver, bodyguard, confidential agent, watchman and any other occupations of
similar nature, in any enterprise or establishment, public or private, which will prejudice the interest of
law enforcement and public safety.

3. Ethical standard – it refers to the set of conducts and behavior governing a group, a class or

4. Police customs and social decorum – a set of norms and standards practiced by members during
social and other functions.

5. Nonfeasance/Neglect of Duty- It is the omission of some act, which ought to be performed. It is the
omission or refusal without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty, which as a peace officer’s legal
obligation to perform.

6. Misfeasance/Irregularities in the Performance of Duty- It is the improper performance of some act

which might lawfully be done.

7. Malfeasance- It is the performance of some act which ought not to be done. It is the doing either
through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the officer had no legal right to do at all, as when
he acts without any authority whatsoever, or exceeds, ignores, or abuses his powers.

8. Incompetency- It is the manifest lack of adequate ability and fitness for the satisfactory performance
of police duties. This has reference to any physical and intellectual quality, the lack of which
substantially incapacitates one to perform the duties of peace officers.

9. Oppression- Imports an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful execution, or excessive use of authority.

10. Dishonesty- It is the concealment or distortion of truth in a manner of a fact relevant to one’s office
or connected with the performance of his duties.
11. Disloyalty to the Government- Consist of abandonment or renunciation of one’s loyalty to the
Government of the Philippines, or advocating the overthrow of the government.

12. Public official- Includes elective and appointive officials and employees, permanent or temporary,
whether in the career or non-career service, including military and police personnel, whether or not
they receive compensation or not, regardless of amount.

13. Public Officer or Employee- It means any person holding any public office or employment by virtue
of an appointment, election or contract, and any person holding any office or employment, by
appointment or contract in any state-owned or controlled corporation.

14. Gift- It refers to the thing or right disposed gratuitously, or any act of liberality in favor of another
who accepts it, and shall include a simulated sale or ostensibly onerous disposition thereof. It shall not
include an unsolicited gift of nominal or insignificant value not given in anticipation of, or in exchange
for a favor.


The PNP Professional Conduct and Ethical Standard are based from existing laws covering public
servants as embodied in the Constitution, Revised Penal Code, RA 6713 (The code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees), and other related statutes. The ethical conduct and
standard of the PNP is further enhanced to fit in their nature of their creation as embodied in the
Constitution which is civilian in nature but military in manner.

In relation to RA 6713 read also


1. Background of the applicants – this includes the qualification like educational attainment and

2. Type of training – strengthening the behavior of the selected applicant is believed to be the objective
of the PNP training.

3. Response to training – trainees’ obedience to legal orders is indispensable in undergoing the training.
4. Determination – trainees’ determination to pursue the required training.

5. Ability to rise when fall – It is but natural to fail but what matter is the ability to rise especially when
put in hot water. Facing the consequences of our action is a sign of maturity.


1. Primordial Police Responsibility - The primary objective of police is the prevention of crime.

2. Limitation of Police Authority- As an upholder of the law, policemen must know the limitation in
enforcing the law, thus:

a. He must be aware of the limitations which the people, through law, have placed him.
b. He must recognize the center of the democratic system of government, which gives person or group
of persons, absolute power.

c. He must insure that he does not pervert its true character.

3. Knowledge of the Law and other Responsibility - The policeman shall assiduously apply himself to
the principles of the laws, which he is sworn to apply.

a. He will make certain of his responsibilities in the particular field of enforcement, seeking aid of his
superior in matters technically or in principles not clear to him

b. He shall make special effort to fully understand his relationship with law enforcement agencies,
particularly on matters of jurisdiction, both geographically and substantively.

4. Use of proper Means to Obtain Proper Ends

a. The policeman shall be mindful of his responsibility to have strict selection of methods in discharging
the duty of his office.

b. Violation of law or public safety and property on the part of the officer are intrinsically wrong. They
are self-defeating if they instill in the public mind.

c. The employment of Illegal methods, no matter how worthy the end, is certain to encourage disrespect
for the law and its officers, If the law is to be honored, it must first be honored by those who enforce it.
d. it is the proper performance of duty not the nobleness of the objective or mission which should guide
every police officer.

5. Cooperation with Public Officials

a. The policeman shall cooperate fully with other public officials in the performance or authorized
duties, regardless of party affiliation or personal prejudices.

b. He shall be meticulous in law, however, in assuring himself as property, under the law, such actions
shall guard against the use of his office or person whether knowingly or in any improper or illegal action.

6. Proper Conduct and Behavior

a. The policeman shall be mindful of his special identification by the public as an upholder of law.

b. The community and the service require that the policeman leads the life of decent and honorable
person, following the career of policeman gives no special pre-requisite.

c. being a law enforcement officer is a noble profession, it follows that every law enforcer must think,
act and speak with decency and appropriately.

7. Conduct towards the Community

a. The policeman shall be mindful of his responsibility to the community

b. He shall deal with individuals of the community in the manner calculated to instill respect for its law.
c. He shall conduct his official life in a manner that will inspire confidence and trust.
d. He will do neither personal preference nor prejudice but rather a duly appointed officer of the law
discharging his sworn obligation.

8. Conduct in Arresting Law Violator

a. Policeman shall use his powers to arrest in accordance with the law and with due regard to the rights
of the citizen concerned.

b. He shall, at all times, have a clear appreciation of his responsibilities and limitation regarding the
detention of the accused.

c. He shall conduct himself in such a manner as will minimize the possibility of having to use force.

d. He shall cultivate a dedication to the people and the equitable upholding of the law whether in the
handling of the accused or law-abiding citizen.

9. Firmness in Refusing Gifts or Favors

a. Policeman representing the government bears heavy responsibility of maintaining, in his conduct, the
honor and integrity of all government institution.

b. He shall guard against placing himself in a Position in which the public can reasonably assume that
special consideration is being given.

c. He shall be firm in refusing gifts, favors or gratitude, large or small, which can be public mind, be
interpreted as capable of influencing his judgment in the discharge of his duties.

10. Attitude towards Police Profession

a. Policeman shall regard the best possible of his duties as a public trust and recognize his
responsibilities as a public servant.

b. He shall strive to make the best possible application of science to the selection of the crime and in the
field of human relation.

c. He shall strive for effecting leadership and public influence in matters affecting public safety.

d. He shall appreciate the importance and responsibility of his office, and hold police work to be an
honorable profession rendering valuable service to his community.

e. Through study and experience, a police officer can acquire the high level of knowledge and
competence that is essential for the efficient and effective performance of duty. The acquisition of
knowledge is a never ending process of personal and professional development that should be pursued

11. Impartial Presentation of Evidence

a. Policeman shall be concerned equally in the prosecution of the accused or for the defense of the

b. He shall ascertain what kind of evidence and shall present such evidence impartially and without
c. He shall ignore social, political and all other distinction among the person involved, strengthening the
tradition of reliability and integrity of an officer’s word.


1. Prevention of crime and disorder

2. Cooperation of community

3. Unreasonable force reduce community cooperation

4. Use of Reasonable Force When Persuasion Is Not Sufficient

5. Impartial Enforcement of Laws

6. The Community Are the Police

7. Police Should Not Usurp Judicial Powers

8. Reduction of Crime and Disorder

9. Rule of Enforcement Impartially Observed

10. Police Discretion


As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard life and property; to
protect the innocent against deception, weak against oppression or intimidation and the peaceful against
violence or disorder: and to respect the constitutional rights of all men, liberty, equality and justice.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger,
scorn or ridicule; develop self-restraint and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in
thought and in deed both my personal and official life. I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land
and regulations of my organization. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential in nature or is confided to me
in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendship to influence
my decision; with no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals. I will enforce
the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing
unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities in return.
I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith and I accept it as a Public trust to be held so
long as I am true to the ethics of police service. I will never engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor
will I condone such acts by other police officers. I will cooperate with all legally authorized agencies and
their representatives in the pursuit of Justice.
I know that I alone is responsible for my own standard or professional performance and will take every
reasonable opportunity to enhance and improve my level of knowledge and competence. I will constantly
strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God and my chosen profession….
Law Enforcement.

a. read your notes for the entire explanation of this Code of Ethics

b. MEMORIZE the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics and be ready anytime to recite this in a virtual


All policemen at all levels shall adhere to the eight tenets of discipline, which include the following:

a. One of the first signs of discipline is the stage of orderliness and cleanliness of the policeman’s place
or work. If a police station is unkept, people cannot expect the kind of positive responds to their needs.
b. All police actions must be characterized by courtesy and discipline.

c. All objectives of the PNP must always be for the Public interest and not private interest. The people
must feel that they are welcome to approach any member of the PNP for assistance.

d. All citizens must be treated with dignity and respect.

e. All police actions must be in accordance with the law. Respect for human rights and other laws of the
land must be primordial concern in the exercise of Police duties/

f. Basic police service must be rendered, equitably for all citizens and must not give in exchange for any
favor, reward or condition.

g. Involvement of police personnel in syndicated crime particularly illegal gambling must not be

h. There is no substitute for leadership by example. Police Commanders, as model of public service,
must show proper behavior not only to their subordinates but also to the people.

Who is a Filipino Policeman?

- A Filipino policeman is a protector and a friend of the people.

- His badge is the symbol of the citizen’s faith and trust, his uniform a mirror of decorum and integrity.

- His whole human person an oblation of enduring love for homeland, fellowmen and God.

- A Filipino policeman emulates the valor of Lapu-lapu, serenity of Rizal, the leadership of Aguinaldo, the
courage of Bonifacio, the idealism of Del Pilar, the wisdom of Mabini and the fortitude of Gomez, Burgos
and Zamora.

- A Filipino policeman has oath for his republic to uphold: to defend the constitution, honor the flag,
obey the laws and duly constituted authorities. He has covenant with his people to comply: to safeguard
and protect them even beyond the call of duty. And he has a legacy for his family to fulfill: to bequeath
unto them the one and only treasure of his life

– an unblemished name.

The Policeman and his Badge

Pointedly enough, it is precisely upon grounds of reliability and unreliability, fidelity or infidelity in
the performance of his duties that the badge of a policeman assumes paramount significance.
This is because the badge could either be the symbol of the citizen’s faith and trust in the policeman
or the harbinger of their contempt and derision for him, all depending upon efficiency or inefficiency in
the execution of the policeman’s task or mission.

But whatever it may be, the salient point remains that the policeman’s badge stands out as the
embodiment of his entire personality, both as a citizen and a public servant, yes, a badge that beckons
the policeman to commit himself to the democratic way of life and, even more, to maintain the principle
of public accountability.

Furthermore, the badge flashes incessantly to the mind and heart of the policeman his inescapable
concern, commitment and obligation to uphold at all times the constitution and be loyal to his country,
people and organization over and above loyalty to any other person or organization.

Visit also

The Policeman and his Uniform

The gestures and attitudes of internalizing and externalizing could aptly project to the fore the fierce
relevance and significance of the uniform of the policeman.

This is because what a policeman has internalized or ingested in terms of discipline, conduct, insight
and decorum is externalized or unfolded by his uniform on points of among others, physical appearance,
social graces, professional bearing, and personal comportment.

More importantly, the uniform bespeaks not only of the authority and prerogatives of the peace
keeper and law enforcer donning or wearing such uniform but, equally worthwhile, the intellectual,
moral and spiritual cast and mold of the person inside that uniform. Just as what abounds in the heart is
spoken by the mouth, so what values and virtues are acquired and ingested, or not ingested and
acquired, as the case may be, are bound to have a repercussion or reflection on his uniform.

If a policeman is neglectful or remiss in his interior breeding, upbringing, and posturing, there
surges the imminent and potential likelihood that such shortcomings would find shape and form in his
untidy, sloppy and repulsive uniform.

Indeed, a well-meaning and disciplined member of the force realizes without being told that the
citizenry looks upon and discerns the policeman as distinctively a man among gentlemen and a
gentleman among men, a circumstance and factor that prompts such citizenry to hail as a gratifying
sight when the men and women in the police service wear their uniform properly wherever they may

Visit also

The Policeman and his Oath

In raising their hand in solemn attestation and affirmation of their oath, our new breed of peace
keepers and law enforcers, imbued and invigorated as they are with their collateral concern and
commitment to socio-economic development and nation-building, have plunged themselves, in
consortium with the other relevant agencies and instrumentalities of the Republic, into a vast battlefield
on which to wage constructive wars.
It is with greater relevance to have to point out just the same the sacrificial implication of the oath
engendering a beatific irony, if we are to consider the fact that while on one hand the member of the
police service is impliedly exhorted under his oath to love his country and endear his family, on the
other hand, when, in response to the same oath, the supreme cause of his official duty exacts upon him
to offer his very life, he cannot help but leave behind him forever his endeared family and his beloved

This is because this sacrificial human victim is very much a part and parcel of one profession, the
police profession, whose oblation to GOD, country and people finds its august limits only in death.

To the present-day members of the nation’s police service, the oath of loyalty to GOD, country and
people could also serve as reminder of their comrades who died in line of duty or otherwise met their
untimely demise in the hands of the enemies of societies, yes, offering their lives so that their
countrymen could live in peace, solace, and security that they have learned to enjoy and cherish.

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