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Wallace & Tiernan® Chlorine dioxide system

DIOX-C Professional

Instruction manual

Water Technologies
DIOX-C Professional

2 WT.085.210.000.DD.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Contents

1. Introduction 7

1.1 Documentation 7
1.1.1 Target groups 7

1.2 Conventions 8

2. Safety 9

2.1 Intended use 9

2.2 General safety instructions 10

2.3 Safety instructions specific to the DIOX-C 11

2.4 Warranty conditions 14

2.5 Standards and legal requirements 15

2.6 Data sheets 15

3. Description 17

3.1 Chemical process 17

3.2 Method of operation 18

3.3 Views 20

3.4 Options 22

3.5 Technical Data 25

4. Installation and commissioning 29

4.1 Scope of delivery, transport 29

4.1.1 Scope of supply 29
4.1.2 Transport 29
4.1.3 Unpacking 30

4.2 Installation requirements 30

4.2.1 Installation site 30
4.2.2 Operating water 30
4.2.3 Chlorine gas supply 31
4.2.4 NaClO2 supply 31
4.2.5 Vent gas discharge pipe 31
4.2.6 ClO2 solution feed 31

4.3 Installation 32
4.3.1 Setting up the system 32

Contents DIOX-C Professional

4.3.2 Setting up the external NaClO2 tank (optional) 32

4.3.3 Installation examples 33
4.3.4 Connecting the system 35
4.3.5 Electrical installation 36

4.4 Switching on 37
4.4.1 Switching on at the emergency OFF main switch 37
4.4.2 Set the data and time 38
4.4.3 Checking the safety equipment is working correctly 39
4.4.4 Checking for possible water leaks 40
4.4.5 Checking the chlorine pipes for leaks 41
4.4.6 Preparing the NaClO2 supply 43

4.5 Setting the operating data 46

4.5.1 Setting the ClO2 mode data 47
4.5.2 Setting the Cl2 mode data 49
4.5.3 Setting the Cl2+ClO2 mode data 51
4.5.4 Calibrate the flow rates and the positioner. 53
4.5.5 Setting the output contacts 58
4.5.6 Setting the Profibus DP 60

4.6 Starting preparation 61

4.6.1 Preparation 61
4.6.2 Starting preparation. 62
4.6.3 Draining the reaction tank 63

4.7 Special analysis and setting options 64

4.7.1 Setting the flow rate limits and delay times 64
4.7.2 Redetermining the injector water flow rate setpoint 65
4.7.3 Correct the NaClO2 dosing controller 67
4.7.4 Correct the Cl2 dosing controller 69
4.7.5 Displaying the water flow rates 70
4.7.6 Setting the level switch on the ClO2 storage tank 71

4.8 Setting data 72

4.8.1 DIOX-C 1500 g/h settings 72
4.8.2 DIOX-C 3000 g/h settings 73
4.8.3 DIOX-C 4500 g/h settings 74

4.9 Checklists 75
4.9.1 Installation/commissioning checklist 76
4.9.2 Operating personnel training checklist 78
4.9.3 Shutdown checklist 80

5. Connecting to Profibus DP 81

5.1 Technical data 81

5.2 Connecting Profibus DP 82

5.3 Configuring the Profibus DP master 83

5.4 Data exchange table 87

4 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
Contents DIOX-C Professional

6. Operation 91

6.1 Operating the control unit 91

6.1.1 General 91
6.1.2 Main display 92
6.1.3 Symbols 94
6.1.4 Displaying the menus 95
6.1.5 Entering passwords 96
6.1.6 Logout 97
6.1.7 Cleaning the screen 97
6.1.8 Increasing/reducing the display contrast 98
6.1.9 Changing the language 98
6.1.10 Setting the date and time 98
6.1.11 Calibrating the display 99

6.2 Fault messages 100

6.3 Automatic operation 101

6.3.1 Switching automatic preparation on 101
6.3.2 Switching preparation off 103
6.3.3 Switching preparation on again. 103
6.3.4 Starting preparation manually 104
6.3.5 Stopping preparation manually 104
6.3.6 Manual function 105
6.3.7 Continuous operation 106
6.3.8 Stopping normal operation for a short period 106
6.3.9 Stopping normal operation for a prolonged period 107

6.4 Displaying the consumption values 111

6.5 Change between Cl2 and ClO2 solution 112

6.5.1 General 112
6.5.2 ClO2 mode (default setting) 112
6.5.3 Changing to Cl2 mode 114
6.5.4 Switch to mixed mode 116
6.5.5 Setting example for mixed mode 118

6.6 Changing containers 121

6.6.1 Changing the chlorine cylinder 121
6.6.2 Changing the NaClO2 container 124
6.6.3 Bleeding the NaClO2 dosing pump 126
6.6.4 Bleeding the NaClO2 multifunctions valve 127

6.7 Options 129

6.7.1 Chlorine cylinder selector (option) 129
6.7.2 NaClO2 container selector (option) 130
6.7.3 NaClO2 decanting (option) 131

6.8 Routine operator maintenance 132

6.8.1 Important maintenance notes 132
6.8.2 Regular operator maintenance 133
6.8.3 Replace the absorber solution 133
6.8.4 Checking the chlorine gas pipe for possible leaks 134

5 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
Contents DIOX-C Professional

6.9 DIOX-C maintenance schedule 135

6.10 Warnings 137

6.11 Faults 138

6.11.1 Correcting faults 138
6.11.2 Fault messages 139

6.12 Diagnostics menu 144

6.12.1 Fault message buffer 144
6.12.2 Digital inputs 145
6.12.3 Digital outputs 146
6.12.4 Analog outputs 146

6.13 Emergency mode 147

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts 151

7.1 Maintenance performed by service personnel 151

7.2 Maintenance parts, DIOX-C Professional 153

7.2.1 DIOX-C 1500 g/h maintenance part sets 153
7.2.2 DIOX-C 3000 g/h maintenance part sets 153
7.2.3 DIOX-C 4500 g/h maintenance part sets 154
7.2.4 Special spare parts 154
7.2.5 Maintenance parts, DIOX-C 1500 g/h, 3000 g/h 155
7.2.6 Maintenance parts, DIOX-C 4500 g/h 165
7.2.7 Equipment options 172

7.3 Maintenance checklist 174

8. Drawings 175

8.4 Component labeling 175

8.5 P&I diagram 177

8.6 NaClO2 supply 178

8.6.1 NaClO2 supply from container 178
8.6.2 NaClO2 container selector 179
8.6.3 External NaClO2 tank 180
8.6.4 NaClO2 intermediate container option 181

9. Wiring diagrams WAE7222 183

10. Certificates 201

10.1 Declaration of the manufacturer 201

11. Index 203

6 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Introduction 1.

1. Introduction

1.1 Documentation

1.1.1 Target groups

This instruction manual is intended to provide assembly, opera-

ting, and maintenance personnel with the information they need
for running and servicing the DIOX-C Professional chlorine dioxide

This instruction manual is intended for the DIOX-C operating per-

sonnel. It contains important information which will enable the ope-
rator to run the system in a safe, reliable, trouble-free, and
economical way. Carefully observing these instructions will help to
avoid dangers, reduce repair costs and down times, improve the
system's reliability, and prolong its service life.

The entitled „Installation and commissioning“ and „Maintenance...“

chapters are intended exclusively for Siemens-authorized techni-
cians. These sections contain important information on assemb-
ling, configuring, and commissioning the system and on
maintenance and repair work.

All persons working with the system must have read and under-
stood the instruction manual, in particular the safety instructions it

Please consult the table of contents and the index to quickly find
the information you require.

1. Introduction DIOX-C Professional

1.2 Conventions

Notes This Operating Manual contains a number of notes with different

priorities marked with symbols.

Note Meaning

Warning! Risk to life and limb

Warning! Risk involving electric current.

Switch the system OFF at the emer-
gency stop switch,
• before you open the control cabi-
• before starting any maintenance
or repair work.

Caution! Failure to observe this instruction

may result in damage to the system.

Note These notes facilitate work with the


8 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Safety 2.

2. Safety

2.1 Intended use

This unit is designed for stationary preparation of

• chlorine dioxide solution with a maximum concentration of

approx. 3 g/l
• chlorine solution with a maximum concentration of approx.
3.5 g/l
• Mixture of chlorine solution and chlorine dioxide solution

The system is designed to operate non-stop.

The operational safety of the system can only be guaranteed if it is

used strictly as intended. The system may only be used for the pur-
pose defined in the order and under the operating conditions indi-
cated in the technical specifications.

Compliance with the intended use also includes reading this in-
struction manual and observing all the instructions it contains. The
system may only be installed and serviced by Siemens personnel
or by personnel having been specially trained for this system by

Furthermore, all inspection and maintenance work must be perfor-

med at the prescribed intervals.

Improper use The operator bears full and sole responsibility if this unit is put to
any use which does not comply strictly and exclusively with this in-
tended use.

Improper use includes, in particular:

• Preparation or use of other substances,

• Pressurization of the storage tank,
• Transportation of full containers,
• mobile operation.

2. Safety DIOX-C Professional

2.2 General safety instructions

Siemens attaches great importance to ensuring that work on its

system is always perfectly safe. Safety is our guiding principle right
from the design phase; the system is therefore equipped with safe-
ty features.

Safety instructions The safety instructions in this documentation must be observed

unconditionally at all times. Additional industry-wide or in-house
safety regulations also continue to apply.

Safety instructions on the All safety instructions attached to the system itself must be obser-
system ved. These instructions must always be clearly legible and com-

State-of-the-art technology The system has been constructed in accordance with state-of-the-
art technology and the accepted safety regulations. However, in
the event of the system being used by persons who have not been
adequately instructed, risks to life and limb of such persons or third
parties and damage to the system itself or to other property cannot
be ruled out. Work not specifically described in this instruction ma-
nual may only be performed by authorized personnel.

Personnel The operator running the system must ensure that only authorized
and qualified specialists work with and on the system and only
within their assigned areas of responsibility.

• Installation:
Trained technicians,
• Electrical installation:
Qualified electricians,
• Commissioning, level 2 maintenance:
Siemens customer service or technicians authorized by Sie-
• Operation, level 1 maintenance:
Trained technicians employed by the operator.
Anyone else who comes into contact with the unit must be warned
of the associated safety hazards and given appropriate safety in-
struction .

Spare parts/components Correct operation of the system is only guaranteed if original spare
parts and components are used in precisely the combination de-
scribed in this instruction manual. Failure to observe these instruc-
tions may incur the risk of malfunction or damage to the system.

Extensions and conversions The system must not be modified, extended, or converted in any
way that might adversely affect its safety without the express, pri-
or, written consent of the manufacturer.

Electrical power During normal operation, the control cabinet must remain closed.

Before starting any assembly, inspection, maintenance, or repair

10 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Safety 2.

work, the system must be switched OFF using the emergency stop
switch and the switch must be secured against reactivation.

Connect all cables in accordance with the wiring diagram.

Disposal Ensure that all materials and parts that are replaced are disposed
of in a manner that is safe and does not pose a hazard to the en-

2.3 Safety instructions specific to the DIOX-C


The operator is obliged to provide the user with operating instruc-

tions on the safe use of the DIOX-C unit. These operating instruc-
tions must include the information listed below.
For details on chlorine gas, please refer to the instruction manual
WT.055.500.000.DE.IM Gas Supply.

Hazardous substances Chlorine dioxide ClO2, aqueous solution, 2 - 4 g/l,

for water disinfection.
ClO2 solution is yellowish-green to orange in color.

Sodium chlorite NaClO2, aqueous solution, 300 g/l,

for the production of chlorine dioxide.

Description of the risks involved • Chlorine solution and 25% sodium chlorite solution must never
be allowed to come into contact with each other (except in the
reactor), otherwise chlorine dioxide, which is a hazardous sub-
stance, will be released.
• Hazards of chlorine dioxide:
• Toxic if swallowed.
• Causes burns.
• Highly toxic to aquatic organisms.
• Dry sodium chlorite is an accelerant. Do not allow to dry on
flammable materials.
Risk of spontaneous combustion!

General • Access to the unit should be restricted to trained personnel.

safety precautions Prevent unauthorized access to the plant room and store.
• Smoking and open flames prohibited in the plant room and the
sodium chlorite store.
• Do not inhale chlorine or chlorine dioxide fumes.
Always have a gas mask with filter ready to use.
• Provide ample ventilation.
• Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protec-

2. Safety DIOX-C Professional

• Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/

Material safety data sheet.
Specific • The DIOX-C chlorine dioxide preparation unit may only be
safety precautions used with the following substances:
• Chlorine under a vacuum in accordance with DIN EN 937
for the preparation of a chlorine solution.
• Sodium chlorite (conc. 300 g/l) in accordance with
DIN EN 938
(Siemens designation NADOLYT C25).
• Potable water quality operating water (as per DIN 1988
• All containers used for chemicals, suction lances and collec-
ting basins must be clearly marked to avoid confusion.
• Display notices about water chlorination in the workplace and
in the immediate vicinity in accordance with the the require-
ments of the "Unfallverhütungsvorschrift Chlorung von Was-
ser" (German accident prevention regulation on the
chlorination of water).
• Chlorine dioxide is produced as a dilute aqueous solution
(max. 3 g/l) for immediate use.
It may only be stored in sealed containers. Any gas which is
allowed to escape from the container must, at the very least,
pass through an absorption system before being released into
the environment.
• Sodium chlorite solution must only be transported and stored
in the original, sealed, upright container. Install in a suitably
sized collecting basin. Do not stack.
Do not transfer or dilute.
Keep away from heat and direct sunlight.
Avoid all contact with other chemicals.

Personal protection and code of • Eye Protection: tightly fitting safety goggles, face mask, eye
conduct rinse or eye wash fountain.
• Gloves: chemical resistant gloves.
• Protective clothing: tightly fitting protective clothing or a rubber
apron and rubber boots.
• Breathing protection: If fumes are released, don a gas mask
fitted with filter B (grey).
• Hygiene: do not eat, drink or smoke. Do not store food or any
other substances intended for human consumption in the plant
room or store. Wash hands thoroughly after work an before
taking breaks.
Keep the workplace clean and tidy.
• Do not dismantle any parts of the system or drain off any liquid
while there is any ClO2, Cl2 or NaClO2 left in the system.

What to do in the event of a fault • Use water spray to disperse gas released from solution.
or emergency. • Neutralize spilt chlorine or chlorine dioxide solution with
sodium thiosulphate solution then dilute with plenty of water
and wash down the drain, observing any local regulations con-

12 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Safety 2.

cerning release of chemical waste into the sewage system.

• Never mop up with flammable or oxidisable materials (such as
cloths or sawdust).
• Do not neutralize spilt sodium chlorite solution with sodium thi-
osulphate solution. Instead, dilute with plenty of water and
wash down the drain, observing any local regulations concer-
ning release of chemicals into the sewage system.
• Remove any clothing that has come into contact with the
sodium chlorite solution immediately and wash thoroughly. Do
not allow the solution to dry on.

What to do in the event of fire • Aqueous solutions of chlorine dioxide are not flammable.
• Dry sodium chlorite is an accelerant.
Risk of toxic fumes in the event of fire.
• Extinguish any fire in the vicinity with water, preferably using a
sprinkler system to dilute the gas.
• In the event of an electrical fire use conventional fire extinguis-
hing methods.

What to do in the event of an • In the event of an accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical
accident involving advice immediately.
chlorine dioxde - First aid (Show the safety data sheet ClO2 if possible.)
• If splashed in the eyes, flush with running water for several
minutes holding the eyelid open (remove contact lenses before
flushing). Seek medical attention.
• If skin contact occurs: Rinse with plenty of water.
Remove contaminated clothing and wash skin again.
Seek medical attention.
• If swallowed, rinse mouth out and drink lots of water (if the victim
is conscious) induce vomiting and consult a doctor without delay.
• If inhaled: The victim should leave, or be removed from, the con-
taminated area to fresh air as rapidly as possible and should
Keep victim in an upright position. Administer artificial respiration
if necessary and seek medical attention.
• Observe the material safety data sheets for chlorine and sodium

Disposal instructions Neutralize ClO2 solution with sodium thiosulphate solution then dilute
with plenty of water and wash down the drain, observing any local re-
gulations concerning release of chemicals into the sewage system.

ClO2 solution is a yellowish-green to orange gas which is colorless

following neutralization.

To neutralize 100g of ClO2 234g of sodium thiosulphate (dry) is re-

quired, in other words, approx. 5g of sodium thiosulphate per liter of
ClO2 solution (at 2 g/l).

2. Safety DIOX-C Professional

Waste disposal keys:

• 513 Misc. oxide

• 521 Inorganic acid
• 593 Chemical residue

Observe the material safety data sheets for chlorine and sodium

2.4 Warranty conditions

The following must be observed for compliance with warranty con-

ditions (Refer to “Checklists” on page 75.):

• The following must be performed either by Siemens staff or by

third-party specialists, e.g. the employees of contracted Sie-
mens partners trained and authorized by Siemens: installation,
commissioning, stopping normal operation for prolonged peri-
ods, and training of operating personnel.
• Intended Use incl. use chemicals that conform to the DIN stan-
dards (Refer to “Method of operation” on page 18.).
• Observation of the operational parameters and settings.
• The unit may only be operated by trained personnel.
• Keep a works journal.
• The unit must not be exposed to frost.
• Maintenance work step 1 must be performed by the operating
• A maintenance contract must be agreed; maintenance work
step 2 must be performed either by Siemens staff or by third-
party specialists trained and authorized by Siemens.
If any of the above conditions are not met, the warranty is void.

14 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Safety 2.

2.5 Standards and legal requirements

applicable in Germany.

• „Chlorung von Wasser“, GUV-V D 5 (previously GUV 8.15)

(German accident prevention regulation on the chlorination of
as specified by the public liability/accident insurance provide-
ror BGV D5 (previously VBG 65),
• „Dosieranlagen für Chlordioxid“ (Chlorine dioxide feed sys-
tems) DVGW W 624,
• „Chlordioxid in der Wasseraufbereitung“ (Chlorine dioxide in
water purification applications) DVGW W 224,
• TrinkwV 2001 (German Drinking Water Ordinance),
• Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (Federal Water Act, WHG) §19,
• Gefahrstoffverordnung (Hazardous Substances Ordinance,
• DIN EN 12671
This list makes no claim to be complete, up-to-date or valid in the
location where the unit is installed or used.

2.6 Data sheets

EU Safety Data Sheets • Chlorine: by the supplier

• Sodium chlorite: by the supplier

• Chlorine Dioxide:
The safety data sheet may be downloaded from www.sds- (order number W3T277212).

2. Safety DIOX-C Professional

16 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Description 3.

3. Description

3.1 Chemical process

The Wallace & Tiernan chlorine dioxide generator produces chlo-

rine dioxide as an aqueous solution of constant concentration; the
gas phase is not produced.

The basic chemicals used to produce chlorine dioxide are chlorine

gas and NaClO2 solution (300 g/l or 245 g/kg). The built-in chlori-
nator is used to produce a chlorine solution, which then flows into
the reaction tank. The dosing pump feeds sodium chlorite solution
into the reaction tank at the same time. There, chlorine dioxide is
produced according to the following reaction equation:

2 NaClO2 + Cl2 <=> 2 ClO2 + 2 NaCl

To achieve a complete reaction from left to right in the reaction

equation, two conditions must be satisfied:

• There must always be a chlorine excess.

• The chlorine solution used for the reaction must be acidic and
have a pH of less than 3. This is usually the case, as long as
the chlorine concentration in the solution is at least 3-4 g/l.

In practice, for the purposes of poatbale water disinfection a reac-

tion ratio of 1 g chlorine to 1.9 g of sodium chlorite is used (chlorine

The chlorine dioxide is prepared in an aqueous solution and dilut-

ed to a ClO2 concentration of 1-3 g/l downstream from the reaction
tank (depending on the system configuration) thus avoiding the
risk of explosion.

3. Description DIOX-C Professional

3.2 Method of operation

For details on the items in brackets, please refer to the figures and
legends overleaf, in the P&I diagram (refer to “Drawings” on
page 175.) and in the appendix.

To produce chlorine dioxide the system requires the following:

• Chlorine gas under vacuum (as per DIN EN 937)

• Sodium chlorite (NaClO2) solution,
at a concentration of 300 g/l (as per DIN EN 938)
Siemens order designation: NADOLYT C25,
order number: W3T172260 (60 liters)
• Operating water in potable water quality (as per DIN 1988 T4
or EN1717).

The flow of operating water creates an underpressure (a vacuum)

in the chlorine gas injector (V1). This vacuum causes the vacuum
regulating valve on the chlorine cylinder to open. The chlorine gas
then flows under vacuum to the chlorinator (X100) and then to the
chlorine gas injector (V1). The flow rate of the chlorine gas can be
adjusted as required on the chlorinator. In the chlorine injector, the
chlorine is mixed thoroughly with the operating water. The chlorine
solution thus produced flows into the reaction tank (C1).
Simultaneously, a dosing pump (P2) pumps sodium chlorite solu-
tion from the NaClO2 container (B2-B5) into the reaction tank (C1).
The flow rate is regulated by the system control unit (A1) and
measured by a flow meter (an oval wheel meter). In the reaction
tank, the two solutions react to form chlorine dioxide. After leaving
the reaction tank, the chlorine dioxide solution is further diluted
and then flows into the ClO2 storage tank (B1). The flow rate of the
dilution water can be adjusted using the dosing ball valve (H102);
the rate thus set is displayed on the flow meter (G101).

The chlorine dioxide solution from the ClO2 storage tank (B1) can
be added to the water to be treated in different ways:

• Dosing with injectors

• Dosing using dosing pumps

The flow rates of the dilution water and operating water are measu-
red by impeller meters. If the water flow rate fluctuates, the chlori-
ne flow rate and NaClO2 dosing are adjusted accordingly. If the
flow rate is too high or too low, or if the chlorine supply malfunc-
tions, the system generates an error message and shuts down au-

The unit operates in batch mode, switched by the MIN and MAX
level switches in the storage tank (B1). As soon as the level of li-
quid reaches maximum the generator switches off automatically.
The dosing pump (P2) for NaClO2 switches off; then the inlet sole-
noid valve (V100) in the operating water supply line stops the sup-

18 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Description 3.

ply of operating water to the chlorine injector (V1) and of dilution

water; and the inlet solenoid valve (V101) stops vent gas aspirati-

If a leak occurs on the vacuum side of the chlorine gas system or

if the gas supply is exhausted, the process vacuum changes. The
process vacuum is monitored by the vacuum pressure gauge
(PS1); if its maximum limit value is exceeded or its minimum limit
value is undershot, the system switches off.

During the preparation phase, the gas - air mixture occurring abo-
ve the solution in the storage tank (B1) must be extracted. The air
intake for this extraction process is located on the absorber unit
(X101). The operating data needed to operate the vent gas aspi-
ration (V2) depends on the system's preparation capacity and on
the counter-pressure in the outlet (15); (see setting data). This is
set using the pressure reducing valve (H101). The diluted ClO2 so-
lution resulting from gas extraction should be added to the water
to be treated.
The storage tank ventilation pipe incorporates an absorber unit
(X101) designed to absorb any ClO2 gas that may escape. The fil-
ling in the filter must be replaced as necessary (see "Mainte-

The functions of the generator are shown in the display of the con-
trol unit.

Emergency OFF In the event of a fault or a limit value being crossed, the system ge-
nerates an error message and shuts down automatically. The sys-
tem's individual components are electrically and hydraulically
interlocked in such a way that the possibility of incorrect dosing can
be virtually eliminated.
When the unit is shut down, in the event of a leak or if the storage
tank (B1) is overfilled, or if the positioner (M1) malfunctions, the
cut-off valve (S100) stops the water supply.
To allow the unit to be shut down manually it is advisable to install
a main switch outside the plant room, which should be labeled ap-
propriately and can be switched to OFF in the event of emergency.

In the event of a leak in the vacuum pipes from the vacuum regu-
lating valve to the chlorine injector (V1) or in the chlorinator (X100),
ambient air is sucked into the system and mixed with the operating
water in the chlorine injector (V1). No chlorine can escape. In the
event of a faulty vacuum regulating valve, there is a safety pressu-
re relief valve which prevents overpressure from building up in the
chlorine gas pipe. In this event, the expelled chlorine gas is passed
through an activated carbon filter, which must be installed in the
gas cylinder storage room. As soon as the filtering capacity of the
activated-carbon filter is exhausted, chlorine gas will start esca-
ping. We therefore strongly recommend that a chlorine gas leak
detector or a chlorine gas measuring cell be installed in the gas cy-
linder storage room. This can be used to trigger a visual and/or
acoustic alarm as soon as the set limit values are exceeded.

3. Description DIOX-C Professional






A Gas phase injector (V2)
B Control panel (A1) with touch panel and stylus, Emergency OFF main switch
C Chlorinator (X100)
D Vacuum pressure gauge (PS1)
E Dilution water dosing ball valve (H102).
F Chlorine injector (V1)
G Positioner (M1)
H Pressure reducing valve, solenoid valve for vent gas aspiration (H/F/V101)
I 3-way ball valve and oval wheel flow meter NaClO2 (B102, FT3)
J Pressure reducing valve, solenoid valve for operating and dilution water
K Leak detection sensor (LZ2) for the collecting basin
L Reaction tank drain (B101)
M Collecting basin drain (Z103)
N Motive water injector flow meter (G100)
O Dilution water flow meter (G101)
P Dosing pump NaClO2 (P2) with a multi-function valve (S102)
Q ClO2 sampling tap (B104)
R NaClO2 suction lance holder
S NaClO2 container (B3, NADOLYT C25 container) with suction lance

20 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Description 3.



A Outlet for vent gas aspiration

B Reaction tank (C1)
C ClO2 storage tank (B1)
D Absorber (X101)
E Overflow
F Booster pump (option, P1)
G Water cut-off valve (S100)
H Operating water inlet (B100)
I ClO2 solution for dosing (B103)
J Storage tank drain (B108 and Z102)

3. Description DIOX-C Professional

3.4 Options

NaClO2 container selector option


A NaClO2 container (B3, NADOLYT C25 container) with suction lance

B Dosing pump NaClO2 (P2) with a multi-function valve (S102)
C Bypass
D Solenoid valves (V102, V103) (for switching between container B3
and B4)
E Collecting basin (W2T505587)
F NaClO2 container (B4, NADOLYT C25 container) with suction lance

The NaClO2 container selector comprises 2 inlet solenoid valves

controlled by the DIOX-C control unit. As soon as one NaClO2 con-
tainer is empty, the level sensor in the suction lance switches over;
one inlet solenoid valve closes and the other inlet solenoid valve

22 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Description 3.

NaClO2 intermediate container option

A Transit support (remove after installation)

B NaClO2 intermediate container (B2)
C Level indicator
D Bracket for optional barrel pump

The intermediate NaClO2 container is filled from a separate

NaClO2 storage container. The decanting pump or barrel pump
(P3) starts as soon as the level in the intermediate NaClO2 contai-
ner reaches MIN.

External NaClO2 tank option

A NaClO2 (P2) dosing pump with a multi-function valve (S102)

B Suction lance
C NaClO2 tank with collecting basin (B5)
D Level indicator
E NaClO2 stop valve (B105)

3. Description DIOX-C Professional

Chlorine tank selector option

The chlorine cylinder selector mainly comprises a 3-way motorized

valve controlled by the DIOX-C control unit. As soon as one chlo-
rine cylinder is empty, the resulting increase in underpressure cau-
ses the motorized valve to switch over to the other chlorine

Horn/flash combination (option)

A Horn/flash combination (X102)

The horn/flash combination flashes and beeps when a fault oc-

curs. It stops again once the fault has been acknowledged.

24 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Description 3.

3.5 Technical Data

The valid data are entered in the configuration data sheet on the
DIOX-C. The values set during start-up should also be entered in
the table in chapter 4.8.

Type of unit 1500 g/h

Preparation capacity of ClO2 solution 500 l/h 750 l/h 1500 l/h
at 3 g/l at 2 g/l at 1 g/l

Preparation capacity of Cl2 solution 300 l/h 750 l/h

at 3.5 g/l at 1.4 g/l

Operating water vent gas aspiration 1300 l/h 1300 l/h 1300 l/h 1400 l/h

Total amount of water required 1600 l/h 1800 l/h 2050 l/h 2900 l/h

Type of unit 3000 g/h

Preparation capacity of ClO2 - 1000 l/h 1500 l/h -
at 3 g/l at 2 g/l

Preparation capacity of Cl2 solution 590 l/h - 1500 l/h -

at 3.5 g/l at 1.4 g/l

Operating water vent gas aspiration 1300 l/h 1300 l/h 1400 l/h -

Total amount of water required 1890 l/h 2300 l/h 2900 l/h -

Type of unit 4500 g/h

Preparation capacity of ClO2 - 1500 l/h 2250 l/h
at 3 g/l at 2g/l

Preparation capacity of Cl2 solution 880 l/h - 2250 l/h

at 3.5 g/l at 1.4 g/l

Operating water vent gas aspiration 2600 l/h 2600 l/h 2600 l/h

Total amount of water required 3480 l/h 4100 l/h 4850 l/h

3. Description DIOX-C Professional

Operating/ambient conditions
Ambient temperature +10 - +30°C (avoid direct sunlight!)

Operating water temperature max. 20°C

Operating water pressure 7-7.5 bar

max. 16 bar (overpressure), max. 10 bar (overpressure)
with increasing pressure

Vent gas aspiration back pressure max. 1 bar (standard version)

or as per configuration data sheet on the system.
At 4500 g/h: at least 1 m water column

Reaction tank (C1) volume 67 l

ClO2 storage tank (B1) volume Total: 150 l

Max. working volume:115 l

ClO2 storage tank (B1) operating pressure non-pressurized

Volume of NaClO2 intermediate tank 50 l

Operating pressure of NaClO2 intermedi- max. 0.5 bar (g)

ate tank

Dimensions Type: 1500 g/h Type: 3000 g/h Type: 4500 g/h

DIOX-C [W x H x D in mm] 1600x1870x790 1600x1970x790 1600x1970x790

Foundations in mm min. 1700 x 850

Space requirement for Height + 300 mm (possibly + foundations)

installation and maintenance To the left: Width + 50 mm
of the DIOX-C To the right: Width + 200 mm
(we recommend + 500 mm without the booster pump,
or + 800 mm with the booster pump)
Minimum wall clearance at rear 50 mm

Additional space is required for the optional external

tank and container selector.

If installed against a wall, the cables must be long

enough to allow the unit to be turned away from the wall
when replacing the reaction tank. Pipes and cable ducts
may be routed behind the unit up to a height of 50 mm
from floor level.

26 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Description 3.

Weight empty operating

DIOX-C approx. 235 kg approx. 520 kg

DIOX-C approx. 275 kg approx. 560 kg

with the booster pump

DIOX-C with the booster pump and an in- approx. 290 kg approx. 575 kg
termediate container

Connections Type: 1500 g/h Type: 3000 g/h Type: 4500 g/h

Operating water PVC DN25 PVC DN25 PVC DN32

Cl2 connection PE hose PE hose PE hose

3/8"x 1/2" 3/8"x 1/2" 3/8"x 1/2"
max. 25 m max. 25 m max. 25 m

or PE hose PE hose PVC DN 15

1/4"x 3/8" 1/4"x 3/8"
max. 20 m max. 20 m

or PVC DN 15 PVC DN 15 -
max. 10 m max. 10 m
*) *)

ClO2 vent gas discharge pipe PVC DN 20 PVC DN 20 PVC DN 25

Power supply 1/N/PE AC 230 V, 50 Hz

with a booster pump:
3/N/PE AC 400/230 V, 50 Hz

Power consumption max. 500 VA (without booster pump)

Fuse protection max. 16 A

*) max. 100 m:
In this case adapt the alarm time „Start-up delay vacuum alarm” in
chapter 4.7.1.

3. Description DIOX-C Professional

28 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4. Installation and commissioning

4.1 Scope of delivery, transport

4.1.1 Scope of supply

The DIOX-C system is provided ready for connection.

The following parts are separately packed:

• Inspection glass for chlorine flow meter

• Initial batch of sodium thiosulphate
• Leveling feet
• Stylus for use with the touch panel
• Self adhesive labels for the DIOX-C
Signs for the plant room not included.

Depending on the • Suction lances with hose

options selected: • Chlorine gas supply, cylinder selector
Option • Additional collecting basin
• Chlorine gas leak detector

4.1.2 Transport

The system is provided already completely assembled; it is deli-

vered in a wooden crate suitable for vertical transport.

• During transport, the system must be secured to prevent tipping.

• To lift and lower the system into position use suitable lifting
gear, e.g. a fork-lift truck or platform truck, paying attention to
the system's center of gravity.

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.1.3 Unpacking

• When unpacking, check against the parts list to ensure that all
listed items have indeed been delivered.
• Do not dispose of the packing materials until after the system has
been successfully commissioned.

4.2 Installation requirements

4.2.1 Installation site

• The chlorine dioxide generator and the chemicals used must

be located in enclosed rooms that are not intended to be per-
manently occupied.
• These rooms must meet the requirements of the „Unfallverhü-
tungsvorschrift Chlorung von Wasser“ (German accident pre-
vention regulation on the chlorination of water),
• Must be lockable to prevent unauthorized access,
• Must be marked with the specified signs,
• Must be frost proof, allow no direct sunlight, and be well venti-
• The operating temperature in the plant room must be between
+10 and 30°C
• Must have a floor drain and a water supply to allow safe dispo-
sal of chemicals,
• Be separated from adjacent rooms by a fire door.
For details, please refer to the fire ratings specified in
DIN 4102. The minimum fire rating for the fire door is F 30 or, if
there is a risk that sodium chlorite may dry out and come into
contact with flammable substances, the fire door must have a
fire rating of F 90. If a fire door with a fire rating of F 30 is used,
permission must be obtained from the public liability/accident
insurance provider.
• No smoking or naked flames permitted in rooms where sodium
chlorite is handled!
• Ensure sufficient space is available for performing installation
and maintenance work (refer to “Technical Data” on page 25.)

4.2.2 Operating water

• There must always be sufficient operating water available at

an adequate supply pressure (see Technical Data for details),
• The operating water must not contain any particulates (potable
water quality),
• If the operating water pressure is too low, a booster pump is
required (refer to “Setting data” on page 72.),

30 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

• Maximum operating water temperature 20°C,

• Connect in accordance with DIN 1988 T4, with a backflow pre-
venter and a protective filter upstream of the unit.

4.2.3 Chlorine gas supply

The vacuum line/chlorine gas supply must adhere to the following

operating instructions:

• WT.055.500.000DE.IM: Gas supply for gas feeders

• WT.025.101.000.DE.IM: V10k manual full vacuum gas feeder
• WT.055.205.000.DE.IM: V-015 gas cylinder selector (option)

4.2.4 NaClO2 supply

The system must use one of the following options:

• Sampling lance for taking samples from an NaClO2 container

• Container selector with 2 sampling lances for taking samples
from 2 NaClO2 containers (B3 and B4)
The second container may be no more than 1.5m from the
selector. .
• External storage tank (B5)
NaClO2 pump fitted to the storage tank or to the wall (max.
suction height: 1.4 m);
Length of hose for the NaClO2 pressure line:
1500 g/h: max. 20 m
3000 g/h or 4500 g/h: max. 10 m
• Intermediate container (B2) for decanting from the external
storage tank
Controller for an external decanting pump (230 V/50 Hz)
Air inlet and exhaust valve in the decanting pipe to prevent a
siphon effect and consequent overfilling of the intermediate
container (B2).

4.2.5 Vent gas discharge pipe

• max. 1 bar (standard version)

or as per configuration data sheet on the system.
• At 4500 g/h: at least 1 m water column

4.2.6 ClO2 solution feed

• The feed of ClO2 solution must be supplied using a suitable

dosing pump or injector.
• Do not allow the liquid level in the dosing line to exceed the
MAX level in the ClO2 storage tank (B1).

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.3 Installation

4.3.1 Setting up the system

1 Place the system on an even, level, and stable floor or founda-

2 Secure against tipping.
3 Lift the system and remove the transport rollers.
4 Fit the supplied leveling feet.
5 Adjust the leveling feet so that the system's weight is spread
evenly on all four feet and the central support tube.
6 For systems with an integrated intermediate NaClO2 container
Remove the transit support (Halfen channel).
Using the M8x30 screw and the washer provided, fix the
mounting plate in position on the storage tank.


Ensure that the pipes and tanks are not damaged while setting up
the system.

4.3.2 Setting up the external NaClO2 tank (optional)

1 Place the NaClO2 tank (B5) on an even, level, and stable floor
or foundation on the same level as the DIOX-C.
Ensure that the base of the tank is not damaged.
2 Install the NaClO2 dosing line in such a way that it is as short
as possible.
Maximum length:
for 1500 g/h units: 20 m
for 3500 or 4500 g/h units: 10 m
3 Use the sampling lance supplied with the DIOX-C unit
(length: 1.4 m)
4 Fir the NaClO2 dosing pump (P2) to the NaClO2 tank (B5).
5 Feed the bypass from the multi-function valve (S102) on the
dosing pump (P2) back to the NaClO2 tank (connect to the
connection on the side of the sampling lance).

A checklist is provided to assist in ensuring that the installation has

been performed correctly (refer to “Checklists” on page 75.).

32 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional

Installation examples

DIOX-C with dosing pump

1 Heater with thermostat 8 Chlorine dioxide generator DIOX-C A Operating water inlet (Sprinkler)
2 Chlorine cylinder 9 Chlorine gas sensor B Operating water inlet DIOX-C
3 Full vacuum manifold 10 Gas monitoring system GMS C Vent gas aspiration
with vacuum regulator 11 Dosing pump for ClO2 solution D Dosing line to the point of application
4 Sprinkler system 12 Horn-flash
5 Vacuum safety valve 13 Chlorine gas sensor
Installation and commissioning

6 Chlorine cylinder change over unit 14 Activated carbon filter

7 Safety vent valve

Installation and commissioning

DIOX-C with dosing plate

1 Heater with thermostat 8 Chlorine dioxide generator DIOX-C A Operating water inlet (Sprinkler)
2 Chlorine cylinder 9 Chlorine gas sensor B Operating water inlet DIOX-C
3 Full vacuum manifold 10 Gas monitoring system GMS C Vent gas aspiration
with vacuum regulator 11 ClO2 solution control valve D Dosing line to the point of application
4 Sprinkler system 12 Horn-flash E Booster pump
5 Vacuum safety valve 13 Chlorine gas sensor
6 Chlorine cylinder change over unit 14 Activated carbon filter
7 Safety vent valve
DIOX-C Professional

DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.3.4 Connecting the system

Please refer to the accident prevention regulation on the „chlorina-

tion of water“.

Connecting the tubing

(Please refer to the layout diagram and P&I diagrams in chapter

“Drawings” on page 175)

1 Connect the drainage for vent gas aspiration and the dosing
line, ensuring they are not under tension. Downstream from
the gas phase injector (V2) there must be a straight outflow
section >300 mm in length.


Pay attention for the maximum back pressure in the vent gas dis-
charge pipe. Refer to chapter 3.5.
Ensure that the storage tank (B1) is only operated in a non-pres-
surized state.

2 The overflow from the absorber (X101) must not be blocked

and must feed into the collecting basin.
For units with the optional inter- 3 Connect the fill line to the intermediate NaClO2 container (B2)
mediate NaClO2 container: ensuring it is not under tension. We recommend that you
make provision for fitting the fill line with an air inlet and
exhaust valve to prevent siphonage
(for example, no. W3T168002 for PVC pipe DN20).
The air inlet and exhaust pipe for the intermediate NaClO2
container (B2) should feed back to the external storage tank.

Dosing (to be provided locally)

The ClO2 solution feed can be supplied using an injector or a do-

sing pump.
A sampling tap should be installed in the dosing line.

Connecting the operating water

1 Connect the operating water pipe, ensuring it is not under tension.

Attach labels and information signs

1 Attach the supplied signs for operating water, chlorine dioxide,

sodium chlorite, and ventilation system so that these are
clearly visible at all times.
2 Fit safety warning signs at the entrance to the plant room.

Please refer to the accident prevention regulation on the „chlorina-

tion of water“.

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.3.5 Electrical installation


To avoid health hazards, personal injury, or damage to the system:

All electrical hazards must be eliminated. Only qualified electrici-
ans are permitted to connect, commission, maintain, or repair the

When performing any work on the electrical system always obser-

ve the following:

• This instruction manual and the associated wiring diagrams .

• All applicable electrical directives and any regulations stipula-
ted by your electricity supplier.
• On-site safety requirements:
Request instructions from the operator!
Coordinate your work with colleagues in the immediate envi-
• Use only approved and properly functioning tools, measuring
devices, and personal safety equipment.
• The system must be properly grounded. No freely accessible
system component should be under mains voltage or any
other dangerous voltage.
• Once the system is electrically connected, before starting any
work on the system, always withdraw the main fuse or set the
system's main switch to OFF and lock in this position.
• If it is necessary to carry out work on the system while it is
switched on, do not under any circumstances touch any elec-
trical contact.
• To allow the unit to be shut down manually it is advisable to
install a main switch outside the plant room, which should be
labeled appropriately and can be switched to OFF in the event
of emergency.
1 Connect the plant according to the wiring diagram
(refer to chapter 9.)

36 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.4 Switching on

4.4.1 Switching on at the emergency OFF main switch

1 Switch on at emergency OFF main switch

The first time the system is switched on, the operator is asked
to select the language.
If no language is selected, the language setting remains

2 Press the desired language button.

3 The first time the system is switched on, the operator is asked
to enter resp. check date and time.

1 If the date, time and language settings are right

press "YES".
To change the date, time, or language:
press "NO".

2 Acknowledge any error messages by pressing .

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.4.2 Set the data and time

1 Press "MENU" on the initial screen.

2 Press "System".
3 Press "Date / time".

4 Press the number button (A).

The screen will now display a keyboard.
5 Using this keyboard enter the required date and/or time and
confirm by pressing RETURN .
Date: DD.MM.YY
Time: HH:MM
6 Press "Apply".
7 Press "Back".
Until the DIOX-C unit has been calibrated, this reminder screen will
be displayed intermittently.

38 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.4.3 Checking the safety equipment is working correctly

The safety valve (S100) opens automatically when the system is

switched on.

ClO2 storage tank overfill 1 Unscrew and remove the overfill level switch (LZ1) at the top
detector (LZ1) of the ClO2 storage tank (B1).
2 Push the float to the top.
The stop valve (S100) should close immediately, the error
message „ClO2 container overflow“ should be displayed, and
potentially the message „ClO2 container level switch value
implausible“ too.
3 Reinstall the level switch.

4 Clear the error message by pressing and RESET.

The safety valve (S100) opens again.

Collecting basin 1 Push the leak sensor (LZ2) to the top.

leak sensor (LZ2) The stop valve (S100) should close immediately and the error
message „Collecting basin leak“ should be displayed.
2 Release the float.

3 Clear the error message by pressing and RESET.

The safety valve (S100) opens again.
Intermediate 1 When you fill the intermediate NaClO2 container (B2) for the
NaClO2 container (LS7) first time, make sure that the decanting pump stops when you
level sensors reach the MAX level.
2 Unscrew and remove the overfill level switch (LS7) from the
top of the intermediate NaClO2 container (B2).
3 Push the float to the top. The error message „NaClO2 contai-
ner overflow“ should be displayed.
4 Release the float.

5 Clear the error message by pressing and RESET.

Gas warning alarm (option)
Please refer to the separate instruction manual.

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.4.4 Checking for possible water leaks

The safety valve (S100) opens automatically when the system is

switched on.

1 Close the rate regulator on the chlorinator by pulling the knob

on the positioner (M1) and pulling the gear rack out of the
Leave the valve on the chlorine cylinder closed.
2 Close the drainage ball valve on the reaction tank (B101) and
the ClO2 sampling tap (B104).
3 Close the shut-off valve on the ClO2 solution pipe (B103).
4 Open the vent gas discharge isolating valve (if fitted).
5 Open the operating water supply line.
6 Change over to manual mode.
7 Open the solenoid valves.
8 Start the booster pump if necessary.
9 Check the entire system for leaks.
Seal any leaks immediately.
10 Drain the storage tank (using the dosing line or into the collec-
ting basin).

40 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.4.5 Checking the chlorine pipes for leaks


Danger, chlorine gas!

Always have a gas mask with filter ready to use.

When commissioning: The safety valve (S100) opens automatically when the system is
switched on.

1 Keep the chlorine cylinder valve closed.

The injector operating water must be flowing (open the operat-
ing water stop valve and the solenoid valve in manual mode
and start the booster pump).
2 Open the flow on the chlorinator:
Move the positioner gear rack (M1) down as far as it will go
(either manually or by means of "Cl2 MORE servomotor").
The contact pressure gauge (PS1) must indicate an under-
(wait for a stable display: approx. -800 to -1000 mbar).
The float in the flow meter on the chlorinator (X100) should
come to rest at "0".
3 Stop the booster pump.
Close the inlet solenoid valve for the operating water.
4 Keep an eye on the chlorine flow meter on the chlorinator
Any movement of the float or an unsteady reading of the under
pressure is an indication of a leak, either
- at the safety relief valve on the chlorine gas supply
- at an O-Ring on the flow meter or damage to the flow
meter inspection glass
- damage elsewhere on the vacuum line.
Repair the leak.
5 To avoid damage to the flow meter occurring:
Loosen the union nut on the chlorine injector (V1) on the
vacuum side until the vacuum has normalized and then tighten
the union nut again.
6 Shut off the flow on the chlorinator (X100, M1).
7 Slowly open the gas cylinder valve until the pressure gauge on
the vacuum regulating valve displays pressure and then close
it again. Check the screw connections for leaks.
To check for leaks, use concentrated ammonia solution
Ammonia must not be inhaled, splashed, or spilled.
Liquid ammonia is corrosive to non-ferrous metals such as
Hold the open bottle under or beside the vacuum line or part of
the system you are checking. If there is a leak, the escaping
chlorine gas will react with the ammonia vapor to form a visible
white mist at the position affected.

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

8 If a leak is detected, close the valve on the chlorine cylinder

Switch the operating water injector on; open the flow on the
chlorinator and extract the gas from the gas supply pipe until
the float in the gas flow meter comes to rest as far down as it
will go.
Repair any leaks immediately and repeat the test!


If the ClO2 storage tank (B1) is full of water the controller will switch
off (displaying the error message "ClO2 container overflow").
The safety valve will close.
Drain the storage tank.
Clear the error message by pressing and RESET.

9 Empty the reaction tank and the Cl2 storage tank.

42 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.4.6 Preparing the NaClO2 supply


Sodium chlorite solution is toxic, caustic, and a fire hazard. Always

wear protective clothing, gloves, and safety goggles.
Avoid spillage and do not damage the container.
Do not allow to dry out in contact with paper, binding agent, cloth
rags, wood, etc.: Risk of spontaneous combustion!
Do not allow sodium chlorite to come into contact with sodium thio-
Dispose of sodium chlorite residue as instructed in the material
safety data sheet.

For systems with a 1 Put a full NaClO2 container (B3) into the collecting basin.
NaClO2 container Open the lid and insert the suction lance.
without a container selector: Ensure that the return pipe does not come off the suction
2 Clamp a 250 ml fuel measure under the 3-way ball valve

Vent/Gauge 3 Turn the 3-way ball valve (B102) to the Vent/Gauge position.
4 In manual function mode, start the NaClO2 dosing pump (P2)
and leave it running until the NaClO2 solution flowing into the
fuel measure is free of air bubbles. If necessary, interrupt this
to empty the solution from the fuel measure back into the
NaClO2 container.
5 Switch off the MANUAL function.
6 Turn the 3-way ball valve (B102) to the "Preparation" position.
7 Pour the solution from the fuel measure back into the NaClO2

Preparation position

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

For systems with two 1 Put both full NaClO2 containers (B3 and B4) into the collecting
NaClO2 containers basin.
with a container selector: Open the lids and insert the suction lances.
Ensure that the return pipe does not come off the suction
2 Clamp a 250 ml fuel measure under the 3-way ball valve

Vent/Gauge position 3 Turn the 3-way ball valve (B102) to the "Vent/Gauge" position.
4 In manual function mode, start the NaClO2 dosing pump (P2)
and leave it running until the NaClO2 solution flowing into the
fuel measure is free of air bubbles. If necessary, interrupt this
to empty the solution from the fuel measure back into the
NaClO2 container.
5 Press "Manual selection" in the „NaClO2 selector“ screen
6 In manual function mode, start the NaClO2 dosing pump (P2)
again and leave it running until the NaClO2 solution flowing
into the fuel measure is free of air bubbles again. If necessary,
interrupt this to empty the solution from the fuel measure back
into the NaClO2 container.
Preparation position 7 Switch off the MANUAL function.
8 Turn the 3-way ball valve (B102) to the "Preparation" position.
9 Pour the solution from the fuel measure back into the NaClO2

44 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

For systems with an Transfer of the NaClO2 solution from the external NaClO2 storage
intermediate tank into the intermediate container (B2) will start automatically
NaClO2 container: when the DIOX-C unit is switched on at the main switch.

If the level in the intermediate container (B2) is above MIN:

1 Clamp a 250 ml fuel measure under the 3-way ball valve

Vent/Gauge 2 Turn the 3-way ball valve (B102) to the Vent/Gauge position.
3 In manual function mode, start the NaClO2 dosing pump (P2)
and leave it running until the NaClO2 solution flowing into the
fuel measure is free of air bubbles. If necessary, interrupt this
to empty the solution from the fuel measure back into the
external NaClO2 storage tank.
4 Switch off the MANUAL function.
5 Turn the 3-way ball valve (B102) to the "Preparation" position.
6 Pour the solution from the fuel measure back into the external
NaClO2 storage tank.

Preparation position

For systems with 1 Clamp a 250 ml fuel measure under the 3-way ball valve
an external NaClO2 tank (B5): (B102).
2 Turn the 3-way ball valve (B102) to the Vent/Gauge position.
3 In manual function mode, start the NaClO2 dosing pump (P2)
and leave it running until the NaClO2 solution flowing into the
fuel measure is free of air bubbles. If necessary, interrupt this
to empty the solution from the fuel measure back into the
NaClO2 tank.
4 Switch off the MANUAL function.
5 Turn the 3-way ball valve (B102) to the "Preparation" position.
6 Pour the solution from the fuel measure back into the NaClO2

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.5 Setting the operating data


To ensure the function and the safety of the generator, make sure
the operating data is set correctly!
(The factory password is required to change the operating data.)


The displayed concentration values of the product are calculated

values according to the chemical formulae. The actual values may
be different from the calculated values due to influences like tem-
perature, age of the solution, raw water quality, measuring toler-
ance or chemical reaction.

The operating data can be adjusted to suit the specific operating

The operating data provided for the project are printed on the table
fixed to the front of the system.

Depending on the set mode the corresponding operating data are

displayed (ClO2 mode, Cl2 mode, Cl2+ClO2 mode).

Switching between the modes is described in chapter 6.5.

46 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.5.1 Setting the ClO2 mode data

1 Press "MENU".
2 Press "OPERATING DATA ClO2" in the operator menu.
The operating data is displayed.

3 Press "Modify operating data".

4 Set the following values in the window „Modifying operating

• the required chlorine - chlorine dioxide solution (2-3 g/l; at a
system capacity of 1500 g/h ClO2 and the appropriate sys-
tem type also 1-2 g/l)
• the ratio of chlorine to sodium chlorite (as per chlorine sur-

When operating data are changed follows a prompt for


4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

5 Press "Yes" if you want to save the changes.

6 Press "Accept operating data" to save.

The preparation capacity should only be modified via this screen

in exceptional cases and only after consulting Siemens.

If the system fails to start or reverts to FAULT after the operating

data has been modified, the system can be restored to its default
settings by pressing "Reset data to factory settings".

48 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.5.2 Setting the Cl2 mode data

also refer to chapter 6.5.3

1 Press "MENU".
2 Press "OPERATING DATA Cl2" in the operator menu.
The operating data is displayed.

3 Press "Modify operating data".

4 Set the following values in the window „Modifying operating

• the dilution water flow
• the chlorine flow

When operating data are changed follows a prompt for


4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

5 Press "Yes" if you want to save the changes.

6 Press "Accept operating data" to save.

50 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.5.3 Setting the Cl2+ClO2 mode data

also refer to chapter 6.5.4


A wrong ClO2 concentration may be dangerous.

Before switching to the Cl2 + ClO2 mode, calculate and enter the
new injector water flow (refer to chapter 4.7.2).

1 Press "MENU".
2 Press "OPERATING DATA Cl2 + ClO2" in the operator menu.
The operating data is displayed.

3 Press "Modify operating data".

4 Set the following values in the window „Modifying operating

• the dilution water flow
• the NaClO2 flow

When operating data are changed follows a prompt for


4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

5 Press "Yes" if you want to save the changes.

6 Press "Accept operating data" to save.

52 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.5.4 Calibrate the flow rates and the positioner.


The dilution water and the motive water injector are already cali-
brated at our factory; normally these should not need to be recali-

Recommended order:

1 Gauging the NaClO2 flow rate.

2 Gauging the flow rate of the dilution water, if necessary.
3 Gauging the flow rate of the injector motive water, if necessary.
4 Calibrate the positioner.
5 The concentration in the reaction tank and in the storage tank
is unknown, therefore drain the reaction tank (C1) and the sto-
rage tank (B1) and neutralize the chlorine solution
(refer to “4. Draining and neutralizing solutions” on page 110.).
6 Return to the main menu.

The calibration procedure is described on the following pages.

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

Gauging the NaClO2 volumetric flow rate

To vent the mete-

ring pump set the
flow rate to 100%

Enter the size of

the fuel measure

Guide value:
DIOX-C 1500: 2500 ±300 Imp/l
DIOX-C 3000: 780 ±100 Imp/l
DIOX-C 4500: 780 ±100 Imp/l
If the displayed value is out of to-
Repeat calibration.

Calibration terminated

54 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

Calibrating the operating point of the positioner (M1)

If the necessary Cl2 flow is not reached, the

pressure at the outlet of the pressure reducing
Check the values, valve H100 can be increased. Take care not to
correct if necessary exceed the maximum injector water flow:
300 l/h (1500 g/h system),
600 l/h (3000 g/h system)
900 l/h (4500 g/h system)

Enter the flow

measured at the
chlorine flowmeter

Is the flow rate suffi- no


Enter the value

Wait for a stable

Calibration terminated

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

Calibrating the dilution water

The dilution water only needs be recalibrated if the values appear


no Is the knob in AUTO position?


Knob is in AUTO position! When the positioner of the chlorinator

has moved to the "0" position and the
safety valve has opened, the next
screen is displayed.

Enter the upper limit value of the dilu-

tion water flow meter

Open the dilution water flow

Adjust the displayed flow

Start calibration.

When the process is terminated, the

next screen is displayed.

Guide value:
DIOX-C 1500: 80 ±10 Imp/l
DIOX-C 3000: 80 ±10 Imp/l
DIOX-C 4500: 50 ±5 Imp/l
If the displayed value is out of tolerance:
Repeat calibration.
Calibration terminated

56 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

Calibrating the injector motive water

The injector motive water only needs be recalibrated if the values

appear implausible.

no Is the knob in AUTO position?


Knob is in AUTO position!

When the positioner of the chlorinator
has moved to the "0" position and the
safety valve has opened, the next
screen is displayed.

Enter the upper limit value of the injec-

tor motive water flow meter

Open the injector motive water flow

Adjust the displayed flow

Start calibration.

When the process is terminated, the

next screen is displayed.

Guide value:
DIOX-C 1500: 80 ±10 Imp/l
DIOX-C 3000: 80 ±10 Imp/l
DIOX-C 4500: 50 ±5 Imp/l
If the displayed value is out of tolerance:
Repeat calibration.

Calibration terminated

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.5.5 Setting the output contacts

The assignment of the output contacts can be adjusted to suit the

specific circumstances.

1 Press "MENU".
2 Press "Output contacts" in the service menu.

3 Press the arrow (a) and the possible settings will be dis-

No function<

Generator switched on

Generator ready

Common alarm

NaClO2 container MIN

NaClO2 container empty

ClO2 storage tank empty

Dilution water flow rate warning

Cl2 change over: one cylinder empty

(only with Cl2-change-over)

Cl2 change over: both cylinders empty

(only with Cl2-change-over)

NaClO2 change over: one container empty

(only with NaClO2 switch-over)

NaClO2 change over: both containers empty

(only with NaClO2 switch-over)

Cl2 or NaClO2: one container empty

(only with Cl2 and NaClO2 switch-over)

58 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

Cl2 or NaClO2: both containers empty
(only with Cl2 and NaClO2 switch-over)

Common alarm / Maintenance

(all error messages and maintenance message)

(only maintenance message)

Operating mode Cl2 Preparation

Switch on NaClO2 transfer pump

(only for installations with NaClO2 transfer pumps)

Switch on external Booster pump

Operating mode Cl2 + ClO2 Preparation

4 Select the required setting.

For each relay a message can be selected.
Press the arrow (b) to select the switching function NO or NC.
5 Then press "Back".
6 Press "yes" at the prompt for confirmation.


Maintenance messages are not displayed on Saturdays or Sun-


4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.5.6 Setting the Profibus DP

only when the Profibus-DP is used.

1 Press "Menu".
2 Press "Outputs".
3 In the menu Output contacts press "PROFIBUS-DP".

4 Enter the desired address.

5 Select whether it shall be possible to switch preparation on
and off via the interface.
Usually preparation is switched on and off by pressing "Switch
on preparation" resp. "Switch off preparation".
6 Select whether it shall be possible to start or stop the prepara-
tion cycle via the interface.
Usually the preparation cycle is started and stopped by the
level probes in the ClO2 storage tank.
7 Select whether it shall be possible to stop preparation via the
8 Select if the preparation shall be stopped via interface.
For the installation of the Profibus-DP refer to chapter 5..


The two status LEDs „SF“ and „BF“ at the SIMATIC S7-300 are on,
when the DIOX-C is not connected to a superior Profibus-DP net-
work. They signal the lack of a communication partner (Master).
Operation of the DIOX-C is thereby not influenced or disturbed.

60 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.6 Starting preparation

(preparation of ClO2 or preparation of Cl2+ClO2 mixture)

Before leaving the factory, the system has been checked and set
to the customer-specific operating values.

These values are noted on the Set-up data plate on the system;
they provide the basis for subsequent fine adjustment on site.


The first time the system is commissioned, and whenever the re-
action tank is empty, the reaction tank first needs to be filled as de-
scribed below,
otherwise the storage tank will be filled with dilution water when
preparation begins, resulting in the ClO2 solution subsequently
prepared being very dilute.

Fill the reaction tank (C1) with ClO2 solution as quickly as possible,
otherwise the ClO2 solution in the reaction tank may become so
warm that an explosive gas-air mixture may collect in the air pock-
et at the top of the reaction tank.

If a problem occurs while the reaction tank is being filled for the first
time (for example if there is a power cut or the water supply fails),
drain the ClO2 solution from the reaction tank immediately and
neutralize it. Have 1 kg of sodium thiosulphate and 5 l of water on
hand as a precaution, in case this is necessary.

4.6.1 Preparation

The numbers below refer to the figures in the chapters "Descripti-

on" and "Drawings".

1 Check the whole system for correct installation and for possi-
ble leaks.
2 Fill the absorber (X101) with sodium thiosulphate solution.
3 Check that the activated-carbon filter in the chlorine supply is
filled with a mixture of activated carbon and porcelain Raschig
4 Stop dilution water monitoring by pressing
"Dilution water - Stop monitoring - Fill reactor" in the service

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

5 Return to the initial menu by pressing "Main screen".

6 Note the position of the dilution water dosing ball valve (H102)
and then close it.

4.6.2 Starting preparation.

1 Switch preparation on.

Never stop preparation before the reaction tank (C1) is com-
pletely full.
2 Check for correct functioning and for possible leaks.
3 Set the contacts of the contact pressure gauge (PS1) as fol-
lows while preparation is running:
MAX: Process vacuum + 50 mbar
MIN: process vacuum -50 mbar
4 The reaction tank (C1) is full once ClO2 solution is visible in
the transparent tube above the reaction tank.
Open the dilution water dosing ball valve (H102) again. ClO2
solution and dilution water will now flow into the storage tank.


For preparation of ClO2 solution:

Dilution water monitoring is automatically reactivated.

for Cl2+ClO2 preparation:

Above the flow rate limit values, monitoring of the dilution water is
automatically activated again (see 6.5.4).
If, at this time, the dilution water is not flowing again, preparation
stops with the fault message "Dilution water flow rate MIN".
In this case, open the dosing ball valve (H102), press and

5 Calculate and enter the injector water flow (refer to chapter


62 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

6 Let preparation run until the MAX contact in the storage tank is
reached. Preparation will then stop automatically.
7 Seal both pressure reducing valves (V100 and V101) with
sealing paint.

4.6.3 Draining the reaction tank

Only drain the reaction tank if it is necessary to stop preparation,

and only if the reaction tank is partially full.

1 Prepare a sodium thiosulphate solution by diluting

1 kg of sodium thiosulphate in at least 5 l of water.
2 Wear protective clothing and a gas mask.
3 Unscrew the cap from the drain tap (B101) on the reaction
tank. Connect the supplied angled hose connection to the
drain tap (B101).
4 Connect a drainage hose and lower it into the neutralizing
solution so that the end of the hose is fully immersed.
5 Open the drain tap (B101 or B104) and empty the reaction
tank (C1) into the neutralizing solution.
6 Ensure that there is always some undissolved sodium thiosul-
phate remaining in the neutralizing solution. Add more sodium
thiosulphate if necessary.
7 Close the drain tap (B101), remove the angled hose connec-
tion and the drainage hose, empty and rinse.
8 Screw the cap back onto the drain tap (B101).
9 Dilute the neutralized solution with copious amounts of water
and pour down the drain (albeit observing any local restrictions
that may apply).

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.7 Special analysis and setting options

4.7.1 Setting the flow rate limits and delay times

1 Press "MENU".
2 Press "SERVICE".
3 Press "Flow rate limits, Delay times" in the service menu.
Displayed are the factory settings for alarms and alarm delays

Change the settings in well-founded cases only.

Only then answer the prompt of confirmation with „yes“.
4 Press "back".
5 Press "Delay times".
Displayed are the factory settings for delay times

6 Change the settings in well-founded cases only.

Only then answer the prompt of confirmation with „yes“.
7 Only for systems with the intermediate NaClO2 container:
Set the runtime monitoring for the NaClO2 decanting pump to
match the time it takes to complete the transfer.
8 Once you have finished, press "BACK".

64 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.7.2 Redetermining the injector water flow rate setpoint

The chlorine injector operating values may change so drastically

that the unit reports error 0004 or 0005.

1 If this happens, press "Adjusting motive water setpoint".

2 Check whether the calibration of the chlorine positioner has

changed. The value displayed on the screen must agree with
the flow rate shown by the rotameter in the chlorinator (X100).
Preparation must be switched on..

If the values agree press "Cl2 flow OK".

Otherwise press "Cl2 flow not OK"
and recalibrate the positioner (refer to 4.5.4).

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

3 If the positioner is correctly calibrated:

The value displayed on the screen must agree with the flow rate
shown by the motive water injector rotameter (G100).
Press "OK" then "Ready".
The value measured is applied as the „Monitored setpoint“ and the
limits are recalculated.
Otherwise the motive water injector needs to be recalibrated.
To do this, press "finished" and then refer to 4.5.4.

66 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.7.3 Correct the NaClO2 dosing controller

1 Press "Settings - Flow rate measurements - NaClO2 pump

control" in the SERVICE MENU.

2 Press "NaClO2 dosing pump controler"

While the system is preparing, the pump's dosing capacity is indi-

cated in the diagram. The diagram shows not only its actual dosing
rate but also its calculated setpoint (dotted line).

The upper and lower range values can be adjusted in the diagram
via "Scale".

If the system is in MANUAL mode, the dosing capacity can be mo-

dified; (see „Emergency mode“).

The dosing pump can be switched ON / OFF by pressing "MANU-

AL NaClO2 dosing pump". This can only be done if the 3-way ball
valve is set to „Gauging“.

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional


No NaClO2 should be fed into the reactor without the appropriate

quantity of chlorine solution flowing into the reactor at the same ti-
Set the 3-way ball valve to „Gauging“ in MANUAL mode and place
the fuel measure below!

The NaClO2 dosing pump can be controlled by adjusting the four

values above the graph. The control range determines the extent
to which the variables can be modified.
The factor of the variable modification determines the extent of the
dosing capacity correction.

Factory setting:

Control range fine 1.5

coarse 10

Variable modification fine 0.1

coarse 0.5

68 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.7.4 Correct the Cl2 dosing controller

1 Press "Controller Flow rates" in the SERVICE menu.

2 Press "Controller Cl2 flow rate".

3 In case of strong variations of the Cl2 dosing correct the cont-

roller settings.

Factory setting:

Control range 1%

Dead zone 0.5%

Reaction time 12 s

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.7.5 Displaying the water flow rates

1 Press "Controller flow rates" in the SERVICE menu.

2 Press "Service dilution water flow rates".

During preparation the flow of the injector water and dilution
water is monitored and stored.

3 If necessary adjust the lower and the higher scale value of the

70 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.7.6 Setting the level switch on the ClO2 storage tank

The level switches are preset at the factory.

They may only be adjusted by service personnel if they malfunc-

Top sensor (opener):

The LED is on when the liquid level in the ClO2 storage tank is be-
low the level switch.
Switching state EMPTY: the LED is on.
Switching state FULL: the LED is off.

When setting the top level switch, the liquid level in the ClO2 sto-
rage tank must be at least 15 cm below the level of the switch.

1 If the LED is on already:

Turn the potentiometer clockwise until the LED goes out.
2 Turn the potentiometer anticlockwise until the LED goes on.
3 Then turn it two more turns.
Bottom sensors (closers):

The LED is on when the liquid level in the ClO2 storage tank is abo-
ve the level switch.
Switching state EMPTY: the LED is off.
Switching state FULL: the LED is on.

The ClO2 storage tank must be completely empty when setting the
bottom sensors.

1 If the LED is not on:

Turn the potentiometer clockwise until the LED goes on.
2 Turn the potentiometer anticlockwise until the LED goes out.
3 Then turn it one and a half more turns.

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.8 Setting data

4.8.1 DIOX-C 1500 g/h settings

Only applicable to ClO2 mode

Default values Factory setting Commissioning

Preparation capacity 1500 g ClO2/h ............g ClO2/h ............g ClO2/h
Chlorine solution 3.5 g/l
NaClO2 solution 300 g/l undiluted
g/l undiluted
Chlorine - chlorine dioxide
...... g ClO2/l
solution 2.0 g ClO2/l 2.0 g ClO2/l
Setting on the chlorinator 1059 g ClO2/h ............g ClO2/h
Sodium chlorite 2012 g/h
Sodium chlorite solution 6.7 l/h Basic:...................l/h Basic:...................l/h
Lift setting, dosing pump 100 % ...................% ...................%
1 g Cl2 : 1.9 g NaClO2
Reaction ratio 1 g Cl2 : 1.9 g NaClO2 1 g Cl2 : …. g NaClO2
(1059 : 2012)
Total water requirements 2.05 m /h
Vent gas aspiration
(Injector 165 H) 1.3 m3/h
3 3 3
Injector water 0.3 m /h ……………………….m /h ……………………………m /h
3 3 3
Dilution water 0.45 m /h ………………………….m /h ……………………………m /h
7.0 / 7.5 bar
Operating water pressure
6.0 / 6.5 bar overpressure overpressure
Pressure gauge for vent gas
(1.0 bar counter-
Pressure gauge for operating
6.0 / 6.5 bar overpressure overpressure
water and dilution water


The „Setting data“ table is attached to the front of the system.

The „Factory settings“ column is completed at the factory,
the „Commissioning“ column needs to be completed by the person
who commissions the system (using a waterproof marker).

72 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.8.2 DIOX-C 3000 g/h settings

Only applicable to ClO2 mode

Default values Factory setting Commissioning

date ………..
Preparation capacity 3000 g ClO2/h ............g ClO2/h ............g ClO2/h
Chlorine solution 3.5 g/l
NaClO2 solution 300 g/l undiluted g/l undiluted

Chlorine - chlorine dioxide

solution 2.0 g ClO2/l 2.0 g ClO2/l ...... g ClO2/l
Setting on the chlorinator 2117 g ClO2/h ............g ClO2/h
Sodium chlorite 4023 g/h
Sodium chlorite solution 13.4 l/h Basic:...................l/h Basic:...................l/h
Stroke setting, dosing pump 100 %
1 g Cl2 : 1.9 g NaClO2
Reaction ratio 1 g Cl2 : 1.9 g NaClO2 1 g Cl2 : …. g NaClO2
(2117 : 4023)
Total water requirements 2.89 m3/h
Vent gas aspiration
(Injector 165 H) 1.4 m3/h
3 3 3
Injector water 0.6 m /h ………………………m /h ……………………………m /h
3 3 3
Dilution water 0.89 m /h ………………………m /h ……………………………m /h
Operating water pressure 7.5 bar overpressure
Pressure gauge for vent gas overpressure overpressure
6.5 bar overpressure
(1.0 bar counter-
Pressure gauge for operating overpressure overpressure
water and dilution water 6.5 bar overpressure


The „Setting data“ table is attached to the front of the system.

The „Factory settings“ column is completed at the factory,
the „Commissioning“ column needs to be completed by the person
who commissions the system (using a waterproof marker).

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.8.3 DIOX-C 4500 g/h settings

Only applicable to ClO2 mode

Default values Factory setting Commissioning

Preparation capacity 4500 g ClO2/h ............g ClO2/h ............g ClO2/h
Chlorine solution 3.5 g/l

NaClO2 solution 300 g/l undiluted g/l undiluted

Chlorine - chlorine dioxide

solution 2.0 g ClO2/l 2.0 g ClO2/l ...... g ClO2/l
Setting on the chlorinator 3176 g ClO2/h ............g ClO2/h
Sodium chlorite 6035 g/h
Sodium chlorite solution 20.1 l/h Basic:...................l/h Basic:...................l/h
Stroke setting, dosing pump 100 %
1 g Cl2 : 1.9 g NaClO2
Reaction ratio 1 g Cl2 : 1.9 g NaClO2 1 g Cl2 : …. g NaClO2
(3176 : 6035)
Total water requirements 4.23 m /h
Vent gas aspiration
(Injector, Wiegand 75PVC2) 2.0 m3/h
3 3 3
Injector water 0.9 m /h ……………………………m /h ………………………………m /h
3 3 3
Dilution water 1.34 m /h ……………………………m /h ………………………………m /h
Operating water pressure 7.5 bar overpressure

Pressure gauge for vent gas 6.5 bar overpressure overpressure overpressure

aspiration (1.0 bar counter-

Pressure gauge for operating pressure) overpressure overpressure

water and dilution water 6.5 bar overpressure


The „Setting data“ table is attached to the front of the system.

The „Factory settings“ column is completed at the factory,
the „Commissioning“ column needs to be completed by the person
who commissions the system (using a waterproof marker).

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DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

4.9 Checklists

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.9.1 Installation/commissioning checklist

Page 1 of 2

OK Comments

Castors replaced with leveling feet

Unit adjusted to make sure it is level

Unit is in full contact with the ground (incl. the central support

All lengths of cable to the unit long enough (the rear of the unit
must be accessible to allow the reactor to be changed).

At least 300mm of straight cable following the gas injector.

Length of vacuum line for chlorine supply. Length: ............................. m

NaClO2 solution sampling only using the container supplied or

the suction lance(s) included (max. suction height 1.4 m)

Plant room complies with the regulations

For units with NaClO2 decanting option:

air inlet/exhaust installed in such a way as to prevent sipho-

Automatic operating water cut-off (by customer) connected to

floating "Release operating water" output.

System requirements
Operating water is of potable water quality

Non-pressurized operation of the ClO2 storage tank.

Gas back pressure max. 1 bar (if using a standard

W3T159856 or W3T172237 injector).

NaClO2 concentration 300 g/l

(300W or 24.5 weight % or 30 Vol. % or 300 g/l)

Ambient operating temperature between +10°C and +30°C.

Maximum operating water temperature 20°C,

Min. operating water pressure

Safety equipment
GMS (optional) commissioned, alarm connected to alarm sys-
tem and tested.

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DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

Installation/commissioning checklist

Page 2 of 2

OK Comments

System commissioning
Floating outputs configured.

Absorber filled

Leak test performed in accordance with operating instructions.

For systems with a NaClO2 container selector:

Self-suction OK/Multi-function valve not leaking

Max. chlorine injector suction ....................... g/h

Chlorine injector motive water ....................... l/h

Injector water flow determined (chapter 4.7.2)

Both pressure reducing valves sealed.

Language selected

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.9.2 Operating personnel training checklist

Page 1 of 2

OK Comments

How the system works.

Explanation of the system components
Explanation of how the system works

Operating the control unit

Entering the password
Display/Reading the flow rates
Menu structure
Reading out the error message buffer
Cleaning the display

Operating the system

Identifying the operating mode
Switching the system on and off, automatic operation
Notes on the emergency off/main switch (automatic start-up).
Setting the dilution water.
Emergency operation in manual mode (power-up sequence)

Maintenance work to be performed by operating

Daily maintenance
Performing a visual check for damage and leaks,
including leaks of the collecting basin.
Entries in the operating logbook
Weekly maintenance
Checking the water seal in the floor drain
Checking the chlorine line for leaks
Entries in the operating logbook
Additional maintenance work for optional modules such as the
GMS or the chlorine selector in accordance with separate ope-
rating instructions.

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DIOX-C Professional Installation and commissioning 4.

Operating personnel training checklist

Page 2 of 2

OK Comments

Monthly maintenance
Checking the suction lance holder for dirt and
cleaning if necessary

Entries in the operating logbook

Additional maintenance work for optional modules

such as the GMS or the chlorine selector in accordance with
separate operating instructions.

Semi-annual maintenance
Checking the dosing pump in accordance with separate ope-
rating instructions.

Entries in the operating logbook

What to do in the event of a fault.

Troubleshooting with the operating instructions.

Clearing faults

Safety notes
All smoking, fire, naked flames and any work that may cause
sparks is prohibited in the plant room.

In the event of a leak, contact Siemens customer service.

If the optional gas leak detector trips, don the gas mask, pro-
vide ample ventilation and contact Siemens service.

Only use the sampling taps to take samples.

Safety chapter in the instruction manual.

Appropriate protective clothing must be worn for all work invol-

ving sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide.

4. Installation and commissioning DIOX-C Professional

4.9.3 Shutdown checklist

Page 1 of 1

OK Comments

Unit shut down in accordance with instructions.

Unit switched off at the ON/OFF switch after rinsing.

Main ON/OFF switch secured against unauthorized restarting.

The system may only be restarted by Siemens personnel or by
trained personnel authorized by Siemens.

80 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Connecting to Profibus DP 5.

5. Connecting to Profibus DP

The DIOX-C controller, a Siemens SIMATIC S7-300, is capable of

data exchange with a higher level Profibus DP network via Profi-
bus DP. If connected to Profibus DP the DIOX-C acts as a Profibus
DP slave and provides output data (see chapter 5.4 Data
exchange table). The higher level automation system acts as the
Profibus DP master.

5.1 Technical data

Hardware SIMATIC S7-300 controller

CPU314C - 2DP V2.6

Transmission techno- RS-485 in accordance with the Profi-

logy bus specifications

Baud rate Max. 12 Mbit/s, autodetect

Bus address Default setting 20,

Adjustable from 3 - 125

Bus connection 9 pin D-Sub socket

Communication Cyclic I/O data exchange between

the DP master and the DP slave(s)

Configuration 1 x 16 words to the DP master, data

consistency over the entire length
1 x 1 byte, data consistency over the

5. Connecting to Profibus DP DIOX-C Professional

5.2 Connecting Profibus DP


Follow the setup guidelines for Profibus networks such as on net-

work topology, the properties of the bus lines, line termination,
max. segment lengths, max. number of stations, transmission rate,
use/number of repeaters etc. For information, contact the Profibus
User Organization, Siemens or the manufacturer of the automati-
on system you are using.


Risk of injury or damage to the system!

Electrical work on the DIOX-C may only be performed by qualified

Proceed as follows:

1 Shut-down the DIOX-C.

2 Open control cabinet.
3 Connect the Profibus DP bus cable to interface X2 on the
SIMATIC S7-300 using the bus system's 9-pin Profibus DP
plug connector.


1 Status and error messages

2 Slot for SIMATIC Micro Memory Card incl. ejector
3 Connection to the integrated inputs and outputs
4 Power supply connection
5 Interface X2 (PtP or DP)
6 Interface X1 (MPI)
7 Mode selector switch

82 WT.085.210.000.DD.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Connecting to Profibus DP 5.


Both of the status LEDs "SF" and "BF" on the SIMATIC S7-300 will
light up if the DIOX-C is not connected to a higher level Profibus
DP network. This indicates that there is no communication partner
(master) connected. This does not have any effect on or prevent
the operation of the DIOX-C.

4 Start the DIOX-C up again.

5.3 Configuring the Profibus DP master

Below is a description of how to connect the DIOX-C to a SIE-

MENS SIMATIC S7-300 automation system with a Profibus DP

Data is sent to the Profibus DP in 32 Byte packets (see chapter

5.4, Data exchange table and Data formats for further information).

The Profibus DP master is configured using the device master file

(GSD file) for the SIMATIC S7-300 CPU314C - 2DP V2.6.


If you wish to connect the system to an automation system made

by any other manufacturer, e.g. ABB, Mitsubishi, Moeller, etc., ple-
ase refer to the documentation provided by the manufacturer for
the necessary information.

Proceed as follows:

1 Download the driver for the GSD file SIMATIC S7-300

CPU314C - 2DP V2.6.
2 Insert the controller (A) and connect it to the network.

5. Connecting to Profibus DP DIOX-C Professional

A Control unit

3 Enter the following configuration:

• 16 words, data consistency over the entire length
• 1 byte, data consistency over the entire length

84 WT.085.210.000.DD.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Connecting to Profibus DP 5.

A E-address: Input byte "n" equals "0"


In the example shown, "n" = "0" (input byte 0).

Starting address of the input range for the master.

5. Connecting to Profibus DP DIOX-C Professional

16 words

1 byte

86 WT.085.210.000.DD.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Connecting to Profibus DP 5.

5.4 Data exchange table

The data exchange table below lists the data points provided by
the DIOX-C.

Byte Bit Length

Format Access Description Bit state
Address Adr. (Bytes)

n 0 BOOL R Preparation unit on 1=on

n 1 BOOL R Preparation unit on stand-by 1=standby

n 2 BOOL R „Start“ preparation 1=start

n 3 1 BOOL R „Start up“ preparation 1=startup

n 4 BOOL R Generator running 1=running

n 5 BOOL R Preparation stopped externally 1=stop

n 6 BOOL R Operating mode ClO2 preparation 1=on

n 7 BOOL R Operating mode Cl2 preparation 1=on

n +1 0 BOOL R Operating mode Cl2 + ClO2 preparation 1=on

n +1 1 BOOL R MANUAL mode 1=MANUAL

n+1 2 BOOL R NaClO2 container MIN 1=<MIN

n+1 3 1 BOOL R NaClO2 container EMPTY 1=<EMPTY

n +1 4 BOOL R ClO2 container EMPTY 1=<EMPTY

n +1 5 BOOL R ClO2 container MIN 1=<MIN

n +1 6 BOOL R ClO2 container MAX 1=>MAX

n +1 7 BOOL R Gas exhaustion solenoid valve open 1=open

n +2 0 BOOL R Operrating water solenoid valve open 1=open

n +2 1 BOOL R NaClO2 dosing pump running 1=running

n+2 2 BOOL R Safety valve open (limit switch) 1=open

n+2 3 1 BOOL R Safety valve closed (limit switch) 1=closed

n +2 4 BOOL R * NaClO2 switch-over: 1=EMPTY

one container EMPTY

n +2 5 BOOL R * Solenoid valve NaClO2 container 1 1=open

n +2 6 BOOL R * Solenoid valve NaClO2 container 2 1=open

n +2 7 BOOL R * NaClO2 switch-over: container 1 EMPTY 1=EMPTY

* Intermediate container EMPTY

n +3 0 BOOL R * NaClO2 switch-over: container 1 MIN 1=MIN/

* Intermediate container EMPTY EMPTY

n +3 1 BOOL R * NaClO2 switch-over: container 2 EMPTY 1=EMPTY/

* Intermediate container MIN MIN

5. Connecting to Profibus DP DIOX-C Professional

Byte Bit Length

Format Access Description Bit state
Address Adr. (Bytes)

n+3 2 BOOL R * NaClO2 switch-over: container 2 MIN 1=MIN/MAX

* Intermediate container MAX

n+3 3 1 BOOL R * NaClO2 intermediate container overflow 1=full

n +3 4 BOOL R * NaClO2 transfer pump running 1=running

n +3 5 BOOL R * NaClO2 intermediate container EMPTY 1=EMPTY

n +3 6 BOOL R * Cl2 switch-over: one cylinder EMPTY 1=EMPTY

n +3 7 BOOL R * Cl2 switch-over to cylinder 1 1=open

n +4 0 BOOL R * Cl2 switch-over to cylinder 2 1=open

n +4 1 BOOL R * Cl2 switch-over motor cylinder 1 1=on

n+4 2 BOOL R * Cl2 switch-over motor cylinder 2 1=on

n+4 3 1 BOOL R * Cl2 switch-over cylinder 1 EMPTY 1=EMPTY

n +4 4 BOOL R * Cl2 switch-over cylinder 2 EMPTY 1=EMPTY

n +4 5 BOOL R * Booster pump on 1=on

n +4 6 BOOL R Next maintenance in one month 1=message

n +4 7 BOOL R Proceed maintenance 1=message

n +5 0 BOOL R Positioner Cl2 not at setpoint 1=fault

n +5 1 BOOL R Vacuum alarm, preparation stopped 1=fault

n+5 2 BOOL R Preparation startup „Flow rate not OK“ 1=fault

n+5 3 1 BOOL R Flow rate MIN injector water 1=fault

n +5 4 BOOL R Flow rate MAX injector water 1=fault

n +5 5 BOOL R Flow rate MIN dilution water 1=fault

n +5 6 BOOL R Flow rate MAX dilution water 1=fault

n +5 7 BOOL R Flow rate MIN NaClO2 dosing 1=fault

n +6 0 BOOL R Flow rate MAX NaClO2 dosing 1=fault

n +6 1 BOOL R *Booster pump protective motor switch 1=fault


n+6 2 BOOL R * Both chlorine cylinders EMPTY 1=fault

n+6 3 1 BOOL R ClO2 storage tank level switches not feasible 1=fault

n +6 4 BOOL R * NaClO2 storage tank level switches not 1=fault


n +6 5 BOOL R Leakage monitoring collecting basin 1=fault

n +6 6 BOOL R * Both NaClO2 containers EMPTY 1=fault

n +6 7 BOOL R NaClO2 container EMPTY 1=fault

n +7 0 BOOL R ClO2 storage tank overflow 1=fault

n +7 1 BOOL R Chlorinator max. dosing capacity reached 1=fault

88 WT.085.210.000.DD.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Connecting to Profibus DP 5.

Byte Bit Length

Format Access Description Bit state
Address Adr. (Bytes)

n+7 2 BOOL R * Fault Cl2 switch-over motor 1=fault

n+7 3 1 BOOL R * NaClO2 container overflow 1=fault

n +7 4 BOOL R Safety valve does not open 1=fault

n +7 5 BOOL R Safety valve does not close 1=fault

n +7 6 BOOL R Fault NaClO2 dosing pump 1=fault

n +7 7 BOOL R Fault NaClO2 transfer pump running time 1=fault

n +8 0 BOOL R Option booster pump 1=on

n +8 1 BOOL R Option Cl2 switch-over 1=on

n+8 2 BOOL R Option NaClO2 switch-over 1=on

n+8 3 1 BOOL R Option NaClO2 transfer control 1=on

n +8 4 BOOL R Calibration Cl2 positioner executed 1=yes

n +8 5 BOOL R Calibration NaClO2 executed 1=yes

n +8 6 BOOL R Calibration operating water executed 1=yes

n +8 7 BOOL R Calibration dilution water executed 1=yes

n+9 1 BYTE R Chlorine-chlorine dioxide solution in g/l

Cl2 x 0,1

n+10 2 INT R present dilution water flow in l/h

n+12 2 INT R present injector water flow in l/h

n+14 2 INT R present NaClO2 flow in l/h x 0,1

n+16 2 INT R present Cl2 flow in g/h

n+18 2 INT R System capacity in g/h ClO2

n+20 2 INT R Chlorine-chlorine dioxide solution

in g/l ClO2 x 0,1

n+22 2 INT R Setting ratio 1:x value x 0,1

n+24 2 INT R Setpoint dilution water flow in l/h

n+26 2 INT R Setpoint injector water flow in l/h

n+28 2 INT R Setpoint NaClO2 in l/h x 0,1

n+30 2 INT R Setpoint dosing rate Cl2 in g/h

Legend • n: Starting address of the input range for the master

• R: Read access permission

* valid when the corresponding option is selected.

5. Connecting to Profibus DP DIOX-C Professional

Data for the transfer

Byte Bit
Format Access Description Bit state
Address No.

n 0 BOOL W preparation switch-on (pos. edge) pulse

n 1 BOOL W preparation switch-off (pos. edge) pulse

n 2 BOOL W preparation cycle start (pos. edge) pulse

n 3 BOOL W preparation cycle stop (pos. edge) pulse

n 4 BOOL W external stop 1= preparation released 0=stop

n 5 BOOL W free

n 6 BOOL W free

n 7 BOOL W free

n+1 BYTE W free

n: Start address of the input range of the Master

W: Write access permission

Data formats

The following table contains the data formats used for the transfer
of the process data.

Data typs Size Typical name Sign Range

(Bit) min max

BOOL 1 Bit, Bool no 0 1

BYTE 8 Unsigned Char, Byte no 00HEX FFHEX

INT 16 Integer yes -32768 32767

2 Bytes

90 WT.085.210.000.DD.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6. Operation

6.1 Operating the control unit

6.1.1 General

• The control unit is operated by pressing the marked control

objects (buttons) on the screen.
• This can be done using a finger or the stylus provided.
• Do not press the surface of the screen with a sharp or pointed
• Only press one control object at a time. Pressing more than
one may have unintended effects.
• In the instruction manual, these control objects are shown with
square brackets, e.g. "MENU".
• Certain control objects will only be displayed if the correspon-
ding option has been installed.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.1.2 Main display




A Type of DIOX-C
B Login/Logout button (refer to chapter 6.1.5)
C Menu name
D Mode
E Space for the error display (refer to 6.2 and 6.11)
F Date
G Time
H Two-line operating messages (refer to 6.3.1)
I Information button "i", provides information on current messages
J Two-line warning messages (refer to 6.10)
K Two-line error messages (refer to 6.11)
L Menu selection button
M Error reset button (refer to 6.11)
N to skip to the switch-over menu (optional, refer to 6.1.3 and 6.7)
O to skip to the overview diagram
P Button „Preparation Start“ resp. „Preparation Stop“
Q present flow display
R to skip to the flow bar graph display
S Button „Preparation on“ resp. „Preparation off“

Buttons The buttons are used to perform functions and to switch between
the menus and displays.

92 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

System overview

The setpoint for dilution water (a) is only displayed if the actual va-
lue is outside of the tolerances.

A Display of the current flow in digits

The setpoint is displayed when the current value is out of tolerance.
B System's operating status (OFF, Start, Stand-by, Ready ...)

Flows display


C Displays of the current flow as bar graph

If its value is outside the tolerances, the digital display of the value flashes.
D System's operating status (OFF, Start, Stand-by, Ready ...).
E to the main screen
F to the display of the chlorine cylinder switch-over

The NaClO2 bar and marking are displayed in light gray when the
NaClO2 metering pump is running in a not-controlled mode.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.1.3 Symbols

Display of flows

System diagram

NaClO2 container switch-over

NaClO2 transfer from the NaClO2 storage tank to the intermediate


Chlorine cylinder switch-over

Main display

Preparation Start, preparation starts immediately

Preparation Stop, preparation stopps immediately.

When the level in the ClO2 storage tank falls down to MIN the pre-
paration of ClO2 starts automatically.

94 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.1.4 Displaying the menus

In the initial screen, press "MENU" to reach the other menus.

From this main menu, you can call up the various other menu win-

e.g. after pressing "Service": .

To return to the initial screen press "Back".

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.1.5 Entering passwords

To start and stop the production, no password is required.

For further operation, the operator password (9040) must be ente-

red (display WT).

To modify any important system settings, the service password is

required (display SWT).

Normally, the system will request the password whenever a corre-

sponding entry is to be made.

The password can also be entered after pressing the button "Lo-
gin" (A)..

7 Press the button (B).

The screen will now display a keyboard.

96 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.


A SHIFT: Selection minuscule - capital letter

B Moves the cursor to the left/right
C BSP: Backspace
D Enter

5 Using this keyboard, enter the required password and confirm

by pressing ENTER .
Then press "BACK".
The button "Logout ..." shows the password level:
• Logout WT: Operator level
• Logout SWT: Service level
• Logout SWT W: Factory level

If the screen is not pressed for a period of 20 minutes you

will need to enter the password again.

6.1.6 Logout

1 Press "Logout ...".

6.1.7 Cleaning the screen

To clean the screen

1 In the menu press "System" and then "Display inactive „Clean

2 To wipe the screen's plastic film use a soft, damp cloth only.

After the indicated time has passed, the screen will return to its
pressure-sensitive mode.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.1.8 Increasing/reducing the display contrast

1 In the system menu press "contrast -" or "contrast +".

6.1.9 Changing the language

1 In the system menu press "Sprachumschaltung" resp. „Select

display language“.

2 Press the button of the desired language.

6.1.10 Setting the date and time

1 In the system menu press "Date/Time".

2 Press the button Date or Time (A).

The screen will now display a keyboard.
3 Enter date resp. time and store with RETURN.
Notation of date:
Notation of time: hh:mm
4 Press "Enter" and "back".

98 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.1.11 Calibrating the display


The display shall only be calibrated if the presentation is displaced.

If the calibration is not carried out correctly, it can be impossible to
operate the press panel.
In such a case inform the Siemens service.

1 In the service menu press "Display operation calibration".

„Carrefully press and briefly hold...“ is displayed.
2 Use the pen to touch the middle of the displayed cross as
exactly as possible.
3 The cross moves to the four corners of the displays.
In each corner touch the middle of the displayed cross.

„New calibration settings ...“ is displayed.

4 When you have touched the displayed crosses exactly you
can store the calibration by touching any point of the display.

If you don’t want to store the calibration, wait for 30 seconds.

Then the display will be automatically closed.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.2 Fault messages

Incoming fault messages are listed on the display in plain text.

The horn/flash combination (option) flashes and beeps.
The flashing fault indicator (A) is superimposed on the display. The
number indicates the number of faults currently pending.

As soon as a fault is acknowledged by pressing , the fault

message disappears.

1 To deactivate the horn/flash combination press "Horn Off".

If an acknowledged fault message is still pending, the fault
indicator will remain in the display.
2 If you press the fault indicator (A), a list of all pending fault mes-
sages will appear in the display. To close this window press "X".

Displaying the fault message 1 In the initial screen press "MENU".

2 Press "Diagnosis".
3 Press "Fault message buffer" in the operator menu.

4 You can scroll up and down through the list of fault messages
using the scroll bar on the right of the screen.
5 Press "X" to close the list.

Clearing the fault message 1 Press "Delete fault message buffer" in the SERVICE MENU
buffer (Service password required).

100 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.3 Automatic operation


All functions of the system are monitored by the system control unit
(for exceptions during the metering of NaClO2 and dilution water
flow refer to 6.5.4).
Fault messages are displayed in plain text. This text must be ac-
knowledged by pressing .

In the event of certain faults preparation is stopped automatically.

If this happens, press "RESET" to restart preparation.

The pressure reducing valve (H100) for the operating water and
the dilution water may only be set by service personnel. The flow
rate must then be recalibrated.

6.3.1 Switching automatic preparation on

The operator will only be able to switch the system on if the DIOX-
C has been properly installed and commissioned by specialists.
The system must be checked for possible leaks; the gas warning
alarm has to be enabled.

1 Place a NaClO2 container (B3/B4) in the collecting basin or fill

the intermediate container (B2).
Open the cover and insert the suction lance.
Press the suction lance cap onto the opening.
2 Open the point of application for the vent gas discharge.
3 Open the main stop valve for the operating water.
4 Briefly open the chlorine cylinder valve and check for possible
5 Open the vacuum regulating valve.


While making these settings, it is an advantage to have the bar

chart displayed showing the various setpoints.

6 In the initial screen press the symbol .

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

The bar graphs are displayed

7 Press "Switch on preparation".

The safety valve (S100) will open.
The inlet solenoid valves for the operating water and the dilu-
tion water (V100 and V101) open.
The positioner (M1) moves to the prescribed position accor-
ding to the specified chlorine flow rate.
Display: <DIOX-C Start-up
8 Check the chlorine flow rate; the setpoint should be displayed
9 Set the dilution water flow rate at the ball valve (H102); read
the flow rate data on the rotameter (G101).
If the chlorine pressure and dilution water flow rate are correct, the
NaClO2 dosing pump (P2) will start.

For the preparation of ClO2 solution:

The dosing capacity of the NaClO2 dosing pump is adjusted auto-

For the preparation of Cl2+ClO2 solution:

The dosing capacity of the NaClO2 dosing pump is adjusted auto-
matically as long as the the dosing of NaClO2 is chosen between
10% and 90% (also refer to 6.5.4).

Chlorine and NaClO2 react in the reaction tank (C1) to produce

The ClO2 solution then flows into the CIO2 storage tank.
Display: < DIOX-C Ready

ClO2 preparation continues until the storage tank is full.

The NaClO2 dosing pump (P2) will stop.
The inlet solenoid valves for the operating water and the dilution
water close.
Display: < DIOX-C Stand-by

Both water inlet solenoid valves open once the level in the storage
tank has reached MIN .The NaClO2 dosing pump will start.
Display: < DIOX-C Ready

102 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.3.2 Switching preparation off

1 Press "Switch off preparation".

The NaClO2 dosing pump (P2) will stop.
The safety check valve (S100) will close.
The inlet solenoid valves for the operating water and the dilution
water (V100 and V101) close.
Display: < DIOX-C OFF.


Now ClO2 preparation does not start automatically, even if the

storage tank (B1) is empty.

6.3.3 Switching preparation on again.

1 Press "Switch on preparation".

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.3.4 Starting preparation manually

while the system is in "stand-by mode" and the level in the storage
tank (B1) has not yet fallen to MIN:

1 Press the START button .

Display: < DIOX-C Positioner Cl2.

Both of the water inlet solenoid valves (V100 and V101) open.
The NaClO2 dosing pump (P2) will start.
Display: < DIOX-C Ready
ClO2 preparation will continue until the storage tank (B1) is full.

6.3.5 Stopping preparation manually

1 Press the STOP button .

Both of the water inlet solenoid valves (V100 and V101) close.
The NaClO2 dosing pump (P2) will stop.
Display: < DIOX-C standby.
ClO2 preparation will start automatically when the level in the
ClO2-storage tank (B1) is below MIN.

104 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.3.6 Manual function


Risk of explosion!
If operated incorrectly, dangerously high ClO2 concentrations can
be reached!
No NaClO2 should be fed into the reactor without the appropriate
quantity of chlorine solution flowing into the reactor at the same time.
The MANUAL function of the NaClO2 dosing pump may only be
used for venting or volumetric measurement into a beaker or in the
context of the emergency mode, as described in chapter 6.13.


When the manual function is activated the unit's monitoring sys-

tems are deactivated!
The manual function may therefore only be used for short periods.
While the manual function is active the unit must be monitored
constantly! The container selector does not operate automatically
when the manual function is active.

1 Switch off preparation.

2 Press "MENU".
3 Press "MANUAL".

All functions of the system can be switched ON or OFF manually

by pressing the corresponding button.

When the button is dark, the function is activated (valve is opened,

pump is running, positioner is moving).

4 To deactivate the MANUAL function:

Press "MANUAL off (Back)".

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.3.7 Continuous operation

To ensure that the system is always correctly installed and correct-

ly set for operation, the following measures must be implemented:

1 The system must be checked every day for possible leaks and
to ensure that the flow rate values and pressures are set cor-
2 The gas warning alarm (option) must be checked to ensure
that it is functioning correctly and in compliance both with nati-
onal regulations and the system operating instructions.
3 The strainer located in the operating water pipe must be che-
cked and if necessary cleaned.
4 Changing the chlorine cylinder and the NaClO2 container.

After a power failure, the system will restart automatically if the le-
vel in the ClO2 storage tank (B1) has fallen below MIN.

6.3.8 Stopping normal operation for a short period

for periods of up to 14 days (for example to clean the strainer in the

operating water pipe) but not for prolonged servicing or repairs.
Long system downtimes promote the decomposition of the ClO2
solution to chlorite (ClO2-) or chlorate (ClO3-).

1 Switch preparation off.

2 Close the main stop valve and gas cylinder valve if possible.

Starting up again 1 Open the gas cylinder valve and main stop valve.
2 Switch on preparation.

106 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.3.9 Stopping normal operation for a prolonged period

for periods in excess of 14 days (for example to flush and drain the
system before servicing or repair).


To avoid health hazards, personal injury, or damage to the system

caused by caustic and/or toxic substances or dangerously high
ClO2 concentrations:
Keep a gas mask to hand!
Wear protective clothing and gloves.
Follow the instructions below precisely and in the correct order.


To completely remove all trace of chlorine gas, NaClO2, and ClO2

from the system, flush the system thoroughly with water. While the
system is being flushed the concentration of the ClO2 solution in
the ClO2 storage tank (B1) should decrease continuously. This so-
lution may thus no longer be suitable for disinfection purposes and
must be put to some other use or drained and neutralized.

1. Empty the suction hose and dosing pump

1 Preparation must be switched off in time and the ClO2 storage

tank (B1) must be as empty as practically possible (close to
2 Place the fuel measure under the 3-way ball valve (B102).
Set the 3-way ball valve to "Gauging" position (arrow pointing
to the left).
3 Switch to manual function (refer to 6.3.6)
4 Start the dosing pump (P2).
The NaClO2 solution is now pumped into the fuel measure.
5 Loosen the union nut on the suction lance;
For units with an NaClO2 container selector:
Loosen the union nuts on both of the suction lances;
For units with an intermediate NaClO2 container:
Loosen the union nut on the outlet connector of the intermedi-
ate container (B2).
The dosing pump (P2) will begin drawing air in.
6 Leave the dosing pump running until the NaClO2 solution
stops flowing into the fuel measure.
For units with an NaClO2 container selector:
Switch the solenoid valves by hand.
Stop the dosing pump (P2).
With long suction hoses it may be necessary to stop the
dosing pump at intervals and tip the contents of the fuel
measure back into the NaClO2 container.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

7 Tip the contents of the fuel measure back into the NaClO2
8 Tighten the union nut again.

2. Rinsing the suction lance, suction hose, and dosing


For units with a 1 Place a bucket containing at least 5 liters of water in front of
suction lance (or more than one) the intermediate NaClO2 container (B3, B4).
2 Take the NaClO2 suction lance(s) out of the NaClO2 container
and place in the bucket of water.
3 Start the dosing pump (P2).

4 In the event of a fault, acknowledge by pressing and

"RESET" if necessary.
5 Fill at least 3 fuel measures. Dispose of the contents of the
fuel measure.
For units with an NaClO2 container selector:
Switch the inlet solenoid valves (V102 and V103) over manu-
ally and fill another 3 fuel measures.
6 Stop the dosing pump (P2).
7 Rinse out the fuel measure.
8 Set the 3-way ball valve (B102) to "dosing" (arrow pointing up).

1 Place a bucket containing at least 5 liters of water in front of

For units with an intermediate the intermediate NaClO2 container (B2).
NaClO2 container (B2):
2 Immerse the end of the outlet hose from the intermediate con-
tainer in the bucket of water.
3 Set the 3-way ball valve (B102) to "dosing" (arrow pointing up).
4 Start the dosing pump (P2).

5 In the event of a fault, acknowledge by pressing and

"RESET" if necessary.
6 Fill at least 1 fuel measure. Dispose of the contents of the fuel
7 Stop the dosing pump.
8 Rinse out the fuel measure.
9 Set the 3-way ball valve (B102) to "dosing" (arrow pointing up).

108 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

3. Rinsing the NaClO2 dosing line

and diluting the solution in the reaction tank (C1)
to reduce the risk of an explosion.

1 Close the dosing ball valve for the dilution water (H102).
2 Open the cut-off valve (S100).
3 Open the operating water inlet solenoid valve (V100) and the
gas exhaust solenoid valve (V101).
4 Check the chlorine flow rate (see the settings data sheet for
details) to ensure that the remaining NaClO2 reacts comple-
5 The suction lance or suction hose must remain immersed.
Start the booster pump (P1) (option).
6 Start the NaClO2 dosing pump (P2).
7 Close the chlorine cylinder valve after 3 minutes.
As soon as the overflow contact in the storage tank is reached,
the system should switch off automatically.
8 Only if the concentration of the ClO2 solution is set to >2 g/l:
Empty the the storage tank (B1) until you reach MIN (to a con-
centration of approx. 0-5 - 1 g/l ClO2) or drain aund neutralize
(see next page).
Open the cut-off valve (S100), operating water inlet solenoid
valve (V100) and the gas exhaust solenoid valve (V101), start
the dosing pump (P2) and the booster pump (P1) too, if neces-
sary. As soon as the overflow contact in the storage tank is
reached, the system should switch off automatically.
9 Drain and neutralize the solution (see next page). This solution
has a maximum concentration of 3 g/l ClO2.

Renewed start-up

The unit should only be restarted by trained personnel (Refer to

“Starting preparation” on page 61.)
Service password required.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

4. Draining and neutralizing solutions

1 Draining the reaction tank:

Remove the cap of the drain tap (B101) of the reaction tank .
Connect the supplied angled hose connection to the drain tap
(B101). Connect a drainage hose to it.

Draining the storage tank:

Remove the cap of the drain tap (B108) of the storage tank.
Connect a drainage hose to the drain tap (B101).
2 Preparing a neutralizing solution:
Approx. 250 g of sodium thiosulphate are required per 100 g of
200 g of sodium thiosulphate are soluble in 1 liter of water.
That means that:
For the reaction tank (C1):
67 liters x 2.5 g/l = 168 g ClO2
>> approx. 420 g of sodium thiosulphate need to be dissolved in
at least 2.5 liters of water.
For the storage tank (B1):
125 liters x 3 g/l = 375 g ClO2
>> approx. 950 g of sodium thiosulphate need to be dissolved in
at least 5 liters of water.
Stir well until completely dissolved.
3 Tip the neutralzing solution into a container that is large
enough to hold the solution you wish to neutralize, if neces-
sary in more than one go.
4 Lower the drainage hose into the neutralizing solution so that
the end of the hose is fully immersed.
5 Open the drain tap (B101 or B108) and empty the reaction
tank (C1) or storage tank (B1) into the neutralizing solution.
6 Dilute the neutralized solution with copious amounts of water
and pour down the drain (albeit observing any local restrictions
that may apply).

Then rinse out the containers:

1 In manual mode, open the cut-off valve (S100) and the operat-
ing water inlet solenoid valve (V100).
Set the flow rate according to the set-up data using the dosing
ball valve for the dilution water (H102).
2 Fill both containers with water and then drain again.
3 Switch the system OFF at the main switch; the main switch
should then be protected with a lock.


If there is a risk of frost empty all pipes, tanks, the absorber, and
the pumps. Open the ball valves, loosen unions, and drain all of
the water from the system.

110 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

Please also observe the instruction manuals for the pumps.

Only rinse the unit and the dosing lines with water; under no cir-
cumstances should sodium thiosulphate solution be used, since
this may cause chlorate precipitates or leave other residues!

6.4 Displaying the consumption values

1 Press "MENU".
2 Press "Consumption".

The consumption values saved since the last time they were reset
to "0" should now be displayed.

To reset these values to zero press "Set consumption values to

„0“" or "Set operating hours to „0“".

If a fault has occurred, the operating hours here displayed do not

indicate the actual preparation time.

For detailed information about consumption values of the past 7

days press "Daily consumption".

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.5 Change between Cl2 and ClO2 solution

6.5.1 General

The DIOX-C can be switched to the preparation of chlorine soluti-

on, chlorine dioxide solution, or mixed mode as required.

Mixed mode enables a gradual switch from chlorine dosing to chlo-

rine dioxide dosing.


Mixed mode reduces the disinfection or oxidation effect that ac-

companies a low proportion of ClO2.


The displayed concentration values of the product are calculated

values according to the chemical formulae. The actual values may
be different from the calculated values due to influences like tem-
perature, age of the solution, raw water quality, measuring toler-
ance or chemical reaction.

The current mode can be read both in the "Mode ClO2 or Cl2" and
in the main display:

• ClO2 mode: Preparation of ClO2 solution

• Cl2 mode: Preparation of Cl2 solution
• Cl2 + ClO2 mode: Preparation of a mixed solution of Cl2 and

6.5.2 ClO2 mode (default setting)

To change from Cl2 or Cl2+ClO2 mode to the usual ClO2 mode:

1 Before switching between modes switch preparation OFF.

2 Press "Menu".

112 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

3 Press "Cl2 or ClO2 operation".

4 Press "ClO2".
5 Especially after switching from mixed mode:
If necessary, reset the injector water setpoint flow rate (see

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.5.3 Changing to Cl2 mode

1 Before switching between modes switch preparation OFF.

2 Press "Menu".
3 Press "Cl2 or ClO2 operation".

4 Press "Cl2".
5 Enter the calculated values for the chlorine solution.
The calculated concentration is displayed for confirmation.
Always observe the unit's operating limits when calculating the
rates of chlorine production and the dilution water flow rate.
6 Press "back".
7 Switch on preparation.
The safety valve (S100) will open.
The inlet solenoid valves for the operating water and the dilu-
tion water (V100 and V101) open.
The positioner (M1) moves to the chlorine flow rate setpoint.
Preparation starts.
In the event of the fault „Max chlorinator dosing capacity rea-
ched“, select a lower chlorine flow rate and recalculate the
dilution water flow rate.
8 Set the dilution water to the displayed setpoint (see Display,
bar chart).


In case of a too low dilution water flow the flow is not monitored.
Limit values of the monitoring of the dilution water flow:
215 l/h (DIOX-C 1500/3000)
600 l/h (DIOX-C 4500)
In order to produce the desired chlorine solution it is absolutely
necessary that the dosing valve is set correctly.

9 The preparation process continues automatically.

In the event of a fault, press and RESET, reset fault.

114 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

Example Example for calculating the concentration of the chlorine solution

(for a 1500 g/h unit):

• Required chlorine solution concentration CCl21 g/l

• Required rate of solution production 1000 l/h
• Motive water injector QInj (readout, do not change)
280 l/h
This means: dilution water Qdil 720 l/h
Chlorine rate QCl2 1000 g/h

Cl2 concentration [g/l] = QCl2 [g/h] : ( Qinj + Qdil ) [l/h]


The operating data scheduled for the project are listed in the table
attached to the front of the system.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.5.4 Switch to mixed mode

1 Before switching between modes, turn preparation OFF.

2 Press "Menu"
3 Press "Mode ClO2 or Cl2".
D Press "Cl2 + ClO2 mode"

A currently selected NaClO2 dosing capacity

B calculated values
C max. dosing capacity of the built-in NaClO2 dosing pump

5 Enter required values for dilution water flow rate and NaClO2
• If the ratio of Cl2 to ClO2 should be changed:
change NaClO2 dosing.
• If the concentration of Cl2 + ClO2 should be changed:
change dilution water flow rate.

The calculated values for the percentages of chlorine and

chlorine dioxide in the solution produced are immediately
calculated and displayed.

The calculated values are based on the entered values and

are only correct if the system is properly configured.

6 Return to main display.

7 Switch on preparation.
The safety shut-off valve opens.
The positioner moves to the setpoint for chlorine flow rate.
Preparation starts.
8 Set the dilution water to the chosen value at the dosing ball
valve (see setpoint value in the main display).

116 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

9 Check motive water injector flow rate.

If the motive water injector is changed too much and/or the
system is switched off, reset the monitored setpoint value (see
The preparation process resumes automatically.
10 If a fault occurs, acknowledge and press RESET to reset the


The chlorine gas dosing can not be changed and corresponds to

the value during ClO2 mode.


Not all value combinations of dilution water and NaClO2 dosing are
possible, as a maximum ClO2 concentration of 3 g/l in the storage
tank must not be exceeded, and if the dilution water flow rate is too
low, it can no longer be monitored.

Limit value for monitoring the dilution water:

215 l/h (DIOX-C 1500 and DIOX-C 3000)
600 l/h (DIOX-C 4500)

If it falls below the limit value, the message "No dilution water mon-
itoring" is displayed.

Setting limit for NaClO2 dosing

1…approx. 90% (100% = dosing value in ClO2 mode)

The dosing pump runs from approx. 10% dosing capacity in regu-
lated operation.
Dosing capacities of under 10% should be avoided, because large
dosing fluctuations can occur and imprecise Cl2/ClO2 solution con-
centrations can result.

Due to the sometimes very low dilution water flow rates, the flow
rate indicator and the setting of the flow rate here are very impre-

If needed, a floating flow meter 25 - 250 l/h (W3T160739) is avai-

lable for the DIOX-C 3000 (same length).

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.5.5 Setting example for mixed mode

System data:

• DIOX-C 1500 (1500 g ClO2/h)

• 280 l/h motive water injector
• Required is a solution with 3 parts ClO2 and 1 part Cl2 or a set-
ting ration of 1 g Cl2 to 1.55 g NaClO2.

The result, as indicated by diagram 1, is that the NaClO2 dosing

capacity should be set to 82%.

Diagram 1 Dosing capacity NaClO2 as a function of the ratio ClO2 : Cl2 and
Cl2 : NaClO2
Mass ratio ClO2 : Cl2 (x:1)

Mass ratio Cl2 : NaClO2 (1:x)

Dosing capacity NaClO2

With this value, diagram 2 indicates a production of 410 g/h Cl2

and 1230 g/h ClO2.

118 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

Diagram 2 ClO2 and Cl2 production as a function of the NaClO2 dosing capacity

ClO2 and Cl2 production as a function of the NaClO2 dosing capacity

ClO2 and Cl2 production [g/h]

Dosing capacity NaClO2

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

The concentration of the solution in the storage tank is determined

by means of the total flow rate.

The total flow rat is composed of:

• Motive water injector, which is read from the flow meter on the
right, during operation with properly set dilution water
(e.g. 280 l/h)
• Dilution water, properly set (e.g. 300 l/h)
• NaClO2 solution
Diagram 3 indicates a dosing capacity of 5.5 l/h NaClO2.

Diagram 3 Dosing capacity NaClO2 [l/h] as a function of the dosing capacity

NaClO2 [%].
Dosing capacity NaClO2

Dosing capacity NaClO2

This results in a concentration in the storage tank of:

• 410 g/h Cl2 : (280 l/h + 300 l/h + 5.5 l/h) = 0.7 g/l Cl2
• 1230 g/h ClO2 : (280 l/h + 300 l/h + 5.5 l/h) = 2.1 g/l ClO2
These two calculated concentrations are displayed.

120 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.6 Changing containers

6.6.1 Changing the chlorine cylinder

For systems with the As soon as one chlorine cylinder is empty, the tank selector swit-
chlorine cylinder selector: ches automatically to the other chlorine cylinder.

If both chlorine cylinders are empty, the system switches to


Display of the filling level of the chlorine cylinders:




Danger, chlorine gas!

Always wear a gas mask when changing chlorine cylinders!

1 Close the valve on the empty chlorine cylinder.

2 Close the vacuum regulating valve and remove from the chlo-
rine cylinder.
3 Change the chlorine cylinder; secure against risk of tipping
over (e.g. by means of a chain).
4 Clean the sealing surface; insert a new seal; screw the
vacuum regulating valve onto the new cylinder and open.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

5 Slowly open the chlorine cylinder valve until the pressure

gauge on the vacuum regulator valve indicates pressure and
then close it again; check for possible leaks using ammonia.
6 Slowly open the chlorine cylinder valve one turn.
7 Switch to the „Chlorine cylinder selector“ screen by pressing

8 Acknowledge cylinder change by pressing "Empty tank


If both cylinders are empty please refer to FAULT 0011 in the sec-
tion 6.11.

122 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

For systems without the As soon as the chlorine cylinder is empty, the system switches to
chlorine cylinder selector: FAULT 002 „Vacuum alarm“.


Danger, chlorine gas!

Always wear a gas mask when changing chlorine cylinders!

1 Close the valve on the empty chlorine cylinder.

2 Close the vacuum regulating valve and remove from the chlo-
rine cylinder.
3 Change the chlorine cylinder; secure against risk of tipping
over (e.g. by means of a chain or clamp).
4 Clean the sealing surface; insert a new seal; screw the
vacuum regulating valve onto the new cylinder and open.
5 Slowly open the chlorine cylinder valve until the pressure
gauge on the vacuum regulator valve indicates pressure and
then close it again; check for possible leaks using ammonia.
6 Slowly open the chlorine cylinder valve one turn.
7 Press "RESET".

If no further fault is detected, the preparation process will start as

soon as the level in the ClO2 storage tank has fallen to MIN.

If necessary, the preparation process can also be started manually

To do this, press START.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.6.2 Changing the NaClO2 container


Sodium chlorite solution is toxic, caustic, and a fire hazard. Always

wear protective clothing, gloves, and safety goggles.
Do not spill any of the contents and do not damage the container !
Do not allow to dry in contact with paper, binding agent, cloth rags,
wood, etc.: risk of spontaneous combustion!
Do not allow sodium chlorite to come into contact with sodium thio-
Wash away any residue with copious amounts of water!

The unit sets off a warning if the level in the NaClO2 container falls
to MIN (user-configurable, Refer to “Setting the output contacts”
on page 58.).Preparation can continue for a short time after this
warning is generated.

For systems without the The NaClO2 container must be changed when the system swit-
NaClO2 container selector: ches to FAULT because the NaClO2 container is empty, at the
very latest.

The system also switches to FAULT if the suction lance is with-

drawn. The preparation process is then interrupted and the
NaClO2 dosing pump stops.

To change the NaClO2 container without the system switching to


1 Press "Switch off preparation". The preparation process and

the dosing pump stop.
2 Pour approx. 5 cm of water into the suction lance holder (to
ensure that no NaClO2 can dry out in the holder).
3 Withdraw the suction lance from the container and insert in the
lance holder.
4 Seal the empty NaClO2 container with its original lid; lift the
empty container out of the collecting basin; keep it in the che-
micals store to await return.
5 Put a full NaClO2 container into the collecting basin.
Open the lid and insert the suction lance.
Ensure that the return pipe does not come off the suction
6 Switch preparation ON again.

124 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

For systems with the As soon as one NaClO2 container is empty, the system switches
NaClO2 container selector: over to the other tank automatically. The empty container should
then be replaced with a full one.

If both NaClO2 containers are empty, the system switches to


Display of the level:



1 Pour approx. 5 cm of water into the suction lance holder (to

ensure that no NaClO2 can dry out in the holder).
2 Withdraw the suction lance from the container and insert in the
lance holder.
3 Seal the empty NaClO2 container with its original lid; lift the
empty container out of the collecting basin; keep it in the che-
micals store to await return.
4 Put a full NaClO2 container into the collecting basin. Open the
lid and insert the suction lance.
Ensure that the return pipe does not come off the suction

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional


When changing containers, there is a risk of air bubbles entering

the suction pipe. A few air bubbles will not normally cause a prob-
If the unit displays the fault message „MIN NaClO2 dosing flow
rate“ or „MAX NaClO2 dosing flow rate“ after changing containers
due to air bubbles, for example in the oval wheel meter, the
NaClO2 dosing pump needs to be bled (refer to 6.6.3) .

6.6.3 Bleeding the NaClO2 dosing pump

1 Only when the DIOX-C is on fault:

Acknowledge the fault by pressing .

If necessary press RESET.
2 When the DIOX-C is working or in Standby:
Press „Switch off Preparation”.
3 Place a measuring beaker under the 3-way ball valve (B102).
4 Turn the 3-way ball valve until the arrow points to the left and
engage in this position.
5 Move to „Manual function” (refer to chapter 6.3.6).
Start the dosing pump and set to 100%.
The dosing pump (P2) will pump the NaClO2 solution into the
measuring beaker. Let it run until the pipe is free of air bub-
Do not allow the measuring beaker to overflow (switch the
dosing pump off in good time).

6 Turn the 3-way ball valve (B102) until the arrow now points up
again and engage in this position.

7 Pour the contents of the measuring beaker back into the

NaClO2 container.
8 Rinse the fuel measure with water and place it back into its

126 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.6.4 Bleeding the NaClO2 multifunctions valve

1 Only when the DIOX-C is on fault:

Acknowledge the fault by pressing .

If necessary press RESET.
2 When the DIOX-C is working or in Standby:
Press „Switch off Preparation”.
3 Turn the 3-way ball valve until the arrow points to the right and
engage in this position.

4 Only for DIOX-C with automatic NaClO2 carboy change-over:

Close both ball valves of the automatic NaClO2 carboy
change-over (A).
Take the measuring beaker from the bracket and place it
below the dosing pump.
Unscrew the lower union nut of the overflow pipe (C) and put
the hose into the empty measuring beaker.
Close the tee with a blind disk.
Re-open the ball valves.


A Ball valves of the automatic NaClO2 carboy change-over

B Multifunctions valve
C Overflow pipe
D Venting button

5 Move to the manual function menu (chapter 6.3.6).

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

Start the dosing pump and set the capacity to 100 %.

The pump is now pumping the NaClO2 solution through the
overflow pipe into the carboy or the fuel measure.
6 Let the dosing pump run until the pipe is free of air bubbles.
To accelerate the bleeding turn the venting button.
Do not allow the fuel measure to overflow (switch the pump off
in good time).
7 Turn the 3-way ball valve until the arrow points upwards and
engage in this position.
8 Only for DIOX-C with automatic NaClO2 carboy change-over:
Close both ball valves of the automatic NaClO2 carboy
change-over (A).
Remove the blind disk.
Connect the overflow pipe (C) to the tee (pay attention not to
let air into the system).
Re-open the ball valves of the automatic NaClO2 carboy
9 Pour the solution from the measuring beaker back into the car-
Clamp the measuring beaker into the clips.
10 If necessary start the production.

128 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.7 Options

6.7.1 Chlorine cylinder selector (option)

This only applies if the „Chlorine cylinder selector“ option is in-


The chlorine cylinder selector mainly comprises a 3-way motorized

valve controlled by the DIOX-C control unit. As soon as one chlo-
rine cylinder is empty, the resulting increase in underpressure cau-
ses the motorized valve to switch over to the other chlorine

The chlorine cylinders are displayed with their operating states

(operation / stand-by) and their levels (full / empty).

To switch to the „Chlorine cylinder selector“ screen:

• Press .

To switch manually press "MANUAL change-over".

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.7.2 NaClO2 container selector (option)

This only applies if the „NaClO2 container selector“ option is in-


The NaClO2 container selector comprises 2 inlet solenoid valves

controlled by the DIOX-C control unit. As soon as one NaClO2 con-
tainer is empty, the level sensor in the suction lance switches over;
one inlet solenoid valve closes and the other inlet solenoid valve

The NaClO2 containers are displayed with their operating states

(operation / stand-by) and their levels (full / empty).

To switch to the „NaClO2 container selector“ screen:

• Press ..

• Press "MANUAL change-over" to switch manually.

130 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.7.3 NaClO2 decanting (option)

This only applies if the NaClO2 decanting from an external storage

tank to the intermediate container on the DIOX-C system is in-

The external decanting pump (P3) will start automatically as soon

as the level in the intermediate container (B2) has fallen to MIN.
The decanting pump (P3) will stop again once the MAX level is re-
ached or once the external storage tank is empty (if the EMPTY si-
gnal contact on the DIOX-C unit is connected).
The time taken for decanting is monitored.

If necessary the decanting can be started or stopped manually:

1 To switch to the NaClO2 decanting screen:

Press .

2 Press "START transfer" or "STOP transfer".

Decanting will switch back to automatic mode as soon as the level
in the intermediate container (B2) reaches either MIN or MAX.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.8 Routine operator maintenance

6.8.1 Important maintenance notes

Routine system maintenance should be performed regularly at

least twice per year by a specialist technician authorized by Sie-
mens; this is part of our warranty conditions.
We strongly recommend you take out a maintenance contract with
Siemens or a Siemens authorized partner.


To avoid health hazards, personal injury, or damage to the system

caused by caustic and/or toxic substances or dangerously high
ClO2 concentrations:
Keep a gas mask to hand!
Before draining liquid from any part of the system
shut down the system (Refer to “Stopping normal operation for a
prolonged period” on page 107.)

• Even solutions with a relatively low concentration of ClO2 or

ClO2 gas, which may be released in the event of a leak, are a
health hazard and highly corrosive to metals. The same
applies to solutions and leaks of the substances used in ClO2
production, chlorine and NaClO2 solution. Always wear a gas
• Check the system for leaks every day!
• If a chlorine-like odour can be smelt in the plant room, proceed
with extreme caution! This suggests that chlorine dioxide solu-
tion or chlorine gas has escaped. Find the reason for this and
take remedial action immediately!
• In the event of a strong ClO2 or chlorine odour, switch the pre-
paration system off immediately and activate the ceiling
sprinkler to precipitate all gases in the chlorine storage room.
Then check the system for possible leaks and, if necessary,
replace the seals at the joints.
• Another possible cause for a chlorine odour is that the absor-
ber solution (X101) may be exhausted. This is indicated by a
yellowish discoloration. Replace the sodium thiosulphate solu-
tion and ensure that vent gas aspiration (V2) is functioning
properly. This solution should be replaced at least once every
six months (Refer to “Regular operator maintenance” on
page 133.).
• Routine maintenance reduces repair costs and system down-

132 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.8.2 Regular operator maintenance

see "Inspection and maintenance schedule"


• Visual check of the system (including chlorine pipes)

for any leaks and to ensure it is working correctly.


• Replenish the water seal in the floor drain in the plant room.
• Check the chlorine pipes for possible leaks.


• Check the lance holder for contamination and deposits and

clean if necessary.
• Check chlorine flow rate:
Read the chlorine flow rate off the measuring glass of the chlo-
rinator (X100) and compare with the setpoint (refer to 6.1.2).
If there is a discrepancy of more than 10% contact Siemens
customer service.

Every six months:

• Check the strainer in the pressure reducing valves (H100,

H101) and clean if necessary.
• Check the dosing pump (P2) (please refer to the ChemAd
Series B dosing pump instructions).
• Replace the absorber solution

6.8.3 Replace the absorber solution

1 Release the buckle on the retaining clip (18).

2 Unscrew the lower part of the absorber housing downwards.
3 Dilute the spent solution with approx. 10 liters of water and dis-
pose of as waste water.
4 Prepare a fresh solution made up of 1.5 liters of water and 300
g sodium thiosulphate (order no. W3T163644) and pour into the
filter housing.
5 Check the seal and replace if necessary, then re-assemble the

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

Maintenance note One month before the next routine maintenance is due, the follo-
wing warning will be displayed:
Acknowledge by pressing , then contact an authorized
customer service technician to arrange an appointment.

Once the date on which maintenance is due has passed, the follo-
wing message is displayed:
This message can only be cleared by maintenance personnel.

6.8.4 Checking the chlorine gas pipe for possible leaks

During operation:
If the preparation process stops the vacuum will initially drop rapid-
ly (to approx. -100 mbar from an operating vacuum of -300 mbar
process vacuum). The vacuum should then continue to decrease,
but only very slowly. Otherwise the leak needs to be remedied
(chapter 4.4.5 following steps 1) to 5).

134 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
Inspection and maintenance schedule for the DIOX-A

Period/Inter- Mainte- Work to be performed Resources O.K. Not Remedied

val nance O.K.

Daily 1 • Visual check for leaks and to ensure the unit is

working correctly.
Weekly 1 • Top up the water seal in the floor drain in the
plant room (odor trap)
DIOX-C Professional


• Check the chlorine pipes for leaks

Monthly 1 • Check the lance holder for contamination and
deposits and clean if necessary.
1 • Check chlorine flow rate. Discrepancy <10% from set-

Every six 1 • Replace the absorber solution Sodium thiosulphate

months (every six months or once exhausted). W3T163644

1 • Clean the strainers in the two pressure regulators

1 • Check the dosing pump Please refer to dosing pump
operating instructions

2 • Determine the NaClO2 flow

2 • Replace the seals on the non-return valves and the Maintenance set ½-year
DIOX-C maintenance schedule

gas injector, replace the orifice on the chlorinator.

Annually 2 • Replace the seals and the orifice on the chlorine Maintenance set 1-year
gas injector
2 • replace the dosing pump diaphragms Maintenance set 1-year

(after 5000 hours of operation at the latest)

Every 2 2 • Replace the diaphragms on the backpressure Maintenance set 2-year

valve and hoses, replace the float stop on the

gas feeder


Period/Inter- Mainte- Work to be performed Resources O.K. Not Remedied

val nance O.K.

Every 5 2 • Replace the multi-function valve, flow meter, Maintenance set 5-year
years non-return valve, 3-way ball valve for NaClO2,
and the dosing ball valve for the dilution water;

replace components for the chlorine gas injector,

gas feeder, and gas injector
• Replace solenoid valves on the container selec-
tor (if fitted)
Every 10 2 • Replace the reaction tank W3T170332

* Maintenance level 1 can be performed by the operator/operating personnel.

Maintenance level 2 must be performed by specialist technicians trained by Siemens or the Siemens customer service technicians.

Any work over and above this may only be performed subject to prior consultation with Siemens customer service.
DIOX-C Professional

DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.10 Warnings

There are different warning messages that can be displayed by the

system in plain text (A). When they are displayed, the "i" (Info) but-
ton flashes simultaneously..

The system remains in the current state of operation. A running au-

tomatic operation is not stopped. The message disappears once
the cause of the fault has been corrected and the "i" (Info) button
reverts from flashing to steady. The "i" (Info) button allows you to
view the warning messages that have been displayed by the sys-
tem, including the date, time and status details ("come" and "go-
ne"), at any time..

Warning message Cause Remedy

NEXT MAINTENANCE Annual maintenance is due in Ask for annual maintenance
IN ONE MONTH one month

PROCEED MAINTENANCE!! Annual maintenance is due Ask for annual maintenance

Dilution water flow Dilution water flow too high or Check and adjust the dilution wa-
too low ter flow

NaClO2 container MIN NaClO2 container almost empty Replace the NaClO2 container

NaClO2 container 1 NaClO2 container 1 empty Replace the NaClO2 container 1


NaClO2 container 2 NaClO2 container 2 empty Replace the NaClO2 container 2


Cl2 cylinder 1 EMPTY Cl2 cylinder 1 empty Replace the Cl2 cylinder 1

Cl2 cylinder 2 EMPTY Cl2 cylinder 2 empty Replace the Cl2 cylinder 2

NaClO2 storage tank NaClO2 storage tank leer Fill the NaClO2 storage tank

No monitoring of dilution water Dilution water flow too low refer to chapter 6.5.4

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.11 Faults

6.11.1 Correcting faults


Risk of Electric shock!

Follow the instructions and safety warnings!
Tasks labeled "Consult a qualified electrician" must only be perfor-
med by a trained and qualified electrician. The same apples to
sensors and limit switches.
Do not change the settings of the pressure reducing valves (H100,
Always contact Siemens customer service if repairs are necessa-

Chemical hazard.
Before removing any part of the system:
don protective clothing and eye protection, have a gas mask to
Flushing the system (Refer to “Stopping normal operation for a
prolonged period” on page 107.)


If the icon is flashing on the display:

The unit has not been calibrated for chlorine.
The unit may not be used with chlorine in the current state!
The unit requires commissioning by Siemens service personnel.

1 To acknowledge faults press , then correct the fault.

2 If necessary also press "RESET" to resume preparation.

138 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.11.2 Fault messages

No. Fault message Cause Remedy

0001 Preparation Positioner (M1) faulty Inspection by Siemens re-
"chlorination system quired.
servomotor not at set-

0002 Vacuum alarm Gas supply is exhausted, rea- Replace the chlorine cylin-
"Preparation is switched ding on the the vacuum regula- der(s).
off" ting valve pressure gauge = „0“

The gas supply valves are Open the main chlorine cylin-
closed. der valve and the vacuum re-
gulating valve.

Injectorvacuum too low Check the operating water flow

rate and pressure;
remove the injector (V1), clean
and check.

The strainer (F100) in the water Clean

inlet is clogged.

The filter in the vacuum regula- Replace

ting valve is clogged.

The vacuum regulating valve is Contact Siemens customer

faulty. service.

The contacts in the vacuum Set to ± 50 mbar relative to the

pressure gauge (PS1) are mi- process vacuum.

The alarm delay times are too Extend the delay times for the
short and/or the vacuum pipe is vacuum alarm.
too long.

0003 While starting up: Water inlet pressure is too low. Check water inlet pressure.

"Dilution and injector The pressure regulating valve Contact Siemens customer
water target flow rate (H100) is misaligned or faulty. service (flow rates need to be
not reached." Flow meter error. recalibrated after setting).

The cut-off valve (S100) will not Contact Siemens customer

open. service.

0004 MIN injector water flow The water inlet pressure is too Check water inlet pressure.
rate low.

Inlet solenoid valve (V100) is Check solenoid valve.

not fully opened.

The external main stop valve is Open

not fully opened.

The booster pump (P1) is not Check

working properly (option).

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

No. Fault message Cause Remedy

The filter in the pressure regula- Clean
ting valve (F100) is dirty.

Inject or water flow pressure Contact Siemens customer

has changed service:

Reset flow rate monitoring set-


The pressure regulating valve Contact Siemens customer

(V100) is misaligned or faulty. service (flow rates need to be
recalibrated after setting).
Flow meter error.

0005 MAX injector water flow The pressure regulating valve Contact Siemens customer
rate (V100) is misaligned or faulty. service (flow rates need to be
recalibrated after setting).
Flow meter error.

Inject or water flow pressure Contact Siemens customer

has changed service:

Reset flow rate monitoring set-


0006 MIN dilution water flow The feed rate is not correctly Adjust the setpoint on the ball
rate set. valve (H102).

Inlet solenoid valve (V100) is Check solenoid valve.

not fully opened.

The external stop valve is not Open

fully opened.

The booster pump (P1) is not Check

working properly (option).

The filter in the pressure regula- Clean

ting valve (F100) is dirty.

The pressure regulating valve Contact Siemens customer

(V100) is misaligned or faulty. service (flow rates need to be
recalibrated after setting).
Flow meter error.

0007 MAX dilution water flow The flow rate is incorrectly set. Adjust the setpoint on the ball
rate valve (H102).

The pressure regulating valve Contact Siemens customer

(H100) is misaligned or faulty. service (flow rates need to be
recalibrated after setting).
Flow meter error.

140 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

No. Fault message Cause Remedy

0008 MIN NaClO2 Dosing pump (P2) not delive- Check the bleed valve on the
dosing flow rate ring sufficient power dosing pump.

Set the pump stroke to 100%.

If the pump sucks air, bleed it

and check the suction line.

Ball valve (B102) is misalig-

ned; (the arrow must be poin-
ting upwards).

Dosing pump (P2) is faulty;

check and repair (refer to se-
parate pump manual).
Calibrate the flow rate

Mode switch on the dosing pump Set to 100% stroke and 0 - 20

(P2) is in the wrong position. mA.

0009 MAX NaClO2dosing Mode switch on the dosing pump Set to 100% stroke and 0 to 20
flow rate (P2) is in the wrong position. mA. Calibrate the flow rate.

Pulsation caused by air in the do- Bleed the dosing pumpe and the
sing line multifunction valve (6.6.3 and

0010 Protective motor switch Booster pump (P1) is overloa- Consult a qualified electrician.
booster pump actuated. ded or faulty. Check the pump; reactivate
the protective motor switch.

0011 Both chlorine cylinders Chlorine cylinders have either not Replace and open.
EMPTY. been replaced or not opened.
Cylinder replacement was not Confirm that you have chan-
confirmed. ged the cylinder.

0012 ClO2 container level on- Capacity level sensors in incor- Consult a qualified electrician.
off switch not feasible rect switching state or faulty Check the level sensors and
calibrate if necessary
(see next chapter) or replace.

0013 NaClO2 container level The level switch is not in the Consult a qualified electrician.
on-off switch not feasible correct switch state. Check

0014 Absorption unit overflow There is liquid in the collecting Check and contact Siemens if
basin; the system is leaking. necessary.

and/or Vent gas aspiration not strong Contact Siemens customer

enough service

Leakage monitoring col- Backpressure at the vent gas Reduce backpressure (the
lecting tank aspiration too high max. backpressure is indicated
on the settings table)

Level switch MAX (LZ1) not Check level switch,

working. empty the storage tank to be-
low MAX level by dosing.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

No. Fault message Cause Remedy

Solenoid valve (V100) does not Check valves, shut off water
close. supply if necessary, contact
Siemens customer service

0015 Both NaClO2 containers Container (B3 or B4) has not Replace.
EMPTY been replaced.
(if an automatic contai-
ner selector is installed)

0016 NaClO2 container EMP- Container (B3) has not been re- Replace.
TY placed.

0017 ClO2 container overflow Cut-off valve (S100) and sole- Check valves, shut off water
noid valve (V100) do not close supply if necessary, contact
Siemens customer service

Container (B1) overfilled while Empty the storage tank (B1) to

in manual mode. below MAX level by dosing.
System shuts down automati-

0018 Max chlorinator dosing Required Cl2 flow rate not attai- When calibrating:
capacity reached. ned. Check the injector (V1); if ne-
Preparation switched off cessary, replace the orifice.

When preparing Cl2 solution:

Cl2 flow rate has been set too
high; recalculate and set ac-

0019 Motor running time Drive or limit switch faulty. Consult a qualified electrician.
Cl2 selector Check,
correct cause of the fault.

0020 NaClO2 container over- Decanting pump will not stop, Consult a qualified electrician.
flow MAX switch faulty. Check,
correct cause of the fault.

0021 Automatic stopcock Drive or limit switch faulty. Consult a qualified electrician.
does not open. Check,
correct cause of the fault.

0022 Automatic stopcock Drive or limit switch faulty. Consult a qualified electrician.
does not close. Check,
correct cause of the fault.

0023 NaClO2 dosing pump Dosing pump faulty Consult a qualified electrician.
fault Check,
correct cause of the fault.

0024 NaClO2 decanting Decanting pump delivering too Check and extend runtime if
pump runtime error little. necessary (Refer to “Setting
the flow rate limits and delay ti-
mes” on page 64.).

Leak, line blocked. Check the line.

142 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

Other faults and errors

Fault Cause Remedy

Chlorine dioxide odor Solenoid valve (V101) is not ful- Check solenoid valve.
from the absorber. ly opened.

Vent gas aspiration is Operating water supply insuffi- Increase the inlet pressure;
not working properly. cient. open pressure regulating valve
(H101) further.

The booster pump (P1) is not Check

working properly (option).

The filter in the pressure regula- Clean

ting valve (F101) is dirty.

The counter-pressure in the Check (see Technical Data);

drainage pipe is too high. open the shut-off valve.

The aspiration injector (V2) is Check and clean if necessary.

not working correctly.

The system will not The position of the positioner Pull out the adjustment button
start. (M1) cannot be evaluated. on the positioner (disengage)
and rotate clockwise as far as it
will go. Re-engage.
Restart the system.

Cut-off valve (S100) will not Check valve, contact Siemens

open customer service.
or limit switch is misaligned.

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.12 Diagnostics menu

1 Press "Menu".
2 Press "Diagnostics".
In this menu, the fault message buffer, the state of the digital
inputs and outputs and the values of the analogue outputs can
be viewed.

6.12.1 Fault message buffer

All faults are stored in the fault message buffer and can be viewed
at any time, irrespective of the current operating state.

The display is structured as follows:

• Date of the error message

• Time of the error message
• Status of the error message.
There are three different statuses:
• • come
• • ack
• • gone
• Error message text

The arrow keys are used to navigate around the display.

Press "BACK" or "MAIN SCREEN" to exit the error message log

144 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.12.2 Digital inputs

In this menu you can view the current status of the digital inputs for
diagnostic purposes.

A white signal status box means that the potential on the digital in-
put is zero, a black signal status box means that the potential on
the digital input is not zero.

The "Digital inputs" submenu consists of several screens. Press

the "FWD" button to move to the next screen, and "BACK" to go
back to the previous screen..

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

6.12.3 Digital outputs

In this menu you can view the current status of the digital outputs
for diagnostic purposes.

A white signal status box means that the digital output is set to ze-
ro, a black signal status box means that the potential on the digital
output is set to one.

The "Digital outputs" submenu consists of several screens. Press

the "FWD" button to move to the next screen, and "BACK" to go
back to the previous screen..

6.12.4 Analog outputs

This menu allows service personnel to view the current values and
states of the analog inputs for diagnostic purposes.

146 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

6.13 Emergency mode

If the troubleshooting remedies suggested above (Refer to “Fault

messages” on page 139.) do not solve the problem, it may be pos-
sible to prepare chlorine dioxide and fill the ClO2 storage tank (B1)
with chlorine dioxide solution in emergency mode and under su-
pervision until a trained or a Siemens customer service technician
is able to correct the fault.


Risk of explosion!
If operated incorrectly, dangerously high ClO2 concentrations can
be reached!
Set the flow rates in such a way that on no account is a ClO2 con-
centration of greater than 3 g/l produced!
Do not set the water flows and the chlorine flow lower and the
NaClO2 flow higher than stated in the settings table in chapter 4.8!

Always follow the proper sequence!


When operating in emergency mode the monitoring systems are

not active.
Emergency mode must therefore only be used as a short-term
measure in the event of failure affecting components in the moni-
toring or control functions.
While in emergency mode the system must be monitored con-
The container selector does not operate automatically.

1 Acknowledge error messages by pressing .

2 Press "Switch off preparation" if necessary.
3 To reset a fault message press "RESET".
4 Switch to manual function by pressing "MENU".
Press "MANUAL".
5 The safety valve (S100) is open.
Open the solenoid valves operating water and vent gas aspira-
tion (V100 and V101).
6 Start the booster pump (P1):

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

7 Check the motive water injector flow rate

(displayed on the right-hand flow meter, G100):
At a system capacity of 1500 g/h: Max. flow rate 300 l/h
At a system capacity of 3000 g/h: Max. flow rate 600 l/h
At a system capacity of 4500 g/h: Max. flow rate 900 l/h

8 Check the chlorine gas flow rate on the measuring glass of the
chlorinator (X100) and, if necessary, adjust this by pressing
"Cl2 MORE servomotor" or "Cl2 LESS servomotor" as approp-
At a system capacity of 1500 g/h: Flow rate 1060 g/h
At a system capacity of 3000 g/h: Flow rate 2120 g/h
At a system capacity of 4500 g/h: Flow rate 3200 g/h

9 Set the dilution water flow rate using the dosing ball valve
(H102) (displayed on the left-hand flow meter, G101):
Dilution water [l/h] =D
System's preparation capacity [g/h] =S
Required concentration of ClO2 solution [g/l] = C
Injector water [l/h] =W

D = (S : C) - W

For example:
System preparation capacity =1500 g/h
Required concentration of ClO2 solution = 2 g/l
Injector water [l/h] = 280 l/h
D= (1500 g/h : 2 g/l) - 280 l/h = 470 l/h

10 Set the capacity of the NaClO2 dosing pump (P2)

by pressing the required value on the touch panel.

148 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Operation 6.

A keyboard is displayed.
Enter the required capacity in % and confirm by pressing

The setting of the dosing pump capacity can be roughly ascer-

tained as follows:
(required dosing capacity in l/h) : (max. dosing capacity in l/h) x 100%

Max. dosing capacity, see chapter 6.5.4.


This capacity does not correspond to the NaClO2 dosing from the
mixed mode (see chapter 6.5.4).
100% corresponds here to the pump capacity ascertained from the
volumetric measurement.
Check the display of the NaClO2 flow rate in l/h!

11 Start the dosing pump.

Preparation will continue until the overflow contact is reached.
Then both the dosing pump and the booster pump will stop
and the solenoid valves will close.
12 To resume preparation:
Open the safety valve (S100) and the solenoid valves (V100
and V101),
Start the booster pump ON, check the flow rate and start the
NaClO2 dosing pump.
13 To switch preparation OFF: Press "MANUAL off (back)".
14 After the fault has been remedied, the system must be recalib-

6. Operation DIOX-C Professional

150 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts

7.1 Maintenance performed by service personnel

Regular service of the chlorine dioxide system is part of the liability

for defects. Every six months, level 2 maintenance must be carried
out by Siemens service personnel or by personnel that have been
trained and authorized by Siemens.

This is indicated on the display. This warning message first ap-

pears after six months. The chlorine dioxide system remains ope-
rational. The warning message is turned off once the annual
service has been carried out and confirmed in the service menu.

Maintenance parts sets The parts required for the maintenance are included in the main-
tenance parts set.
Differents sets are required for the maintenance every ½ year,
1 year, 2 years, 5 years and 10 years.

Display of maintenances proceeded

The display "MAINTENANCE" can be reached via the service me-

nu. Pressing „Maintenances proceeded“ displays the 20 most re-
cent maintenance operations and the next date maintenance is
due and what type of maintenance will be required.

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

152 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

7.2 Maintenance parts, DIOX-C Professional

7.2.1 DIOX-C 1500 g/h maintenance part sets


nance after with a with an with an with a
years of ope- sampling lance intermediate- external tank container-
ration container selector

1/2 a year W3T166372

1 year W3T256109 W3T256109 + W3T256109 + W3T256109 + WAE5541

W3T166397 W3T166406 W3T166412 Page 1

2 years W3T256781 + W3T256781 + W3T256781 + W3T256781 +

W3T166403 W3T166400 W3T166409 W3T166415

5 years W3T256782 W3T256782 + W3T256782 + W3T256782 +

W3T170282 W3T167517 W3T170239

10 years W3T256782 + W3T256782 + W3T256782 + W3T256782 +

W3T170332 W3T170282 + W3T170332 + W3T170239 +
W3T170332 W3T167517 W3T170332

Seal set W3T166369 W3T166369 + W3T166369 + W3T166369 + WAE5540

W3T166382 W3T166379 W3T166385 Page 1

Drawings and parts list are supplied with the set.

7.2.2 DIOX-C 3000 g/h maintenance part sets


nance after with a with an with an with a
years of ope- sampling lance intermediate- external tank container-
ration container selector

1/2 a year W3T166373

1 year W3T166389 W3T166389 + W3T166389 + W3T166389 + WAE5541

W3T166398 W3T166407 W3T166413 Page 2

2 years W3T166392 + W3T166392 + W3T166392 + W3T166392 +

W3T166404 W3T166401 W3T166410 W3T166416

5 years W3T166395 W3T166395 + W3T166395 + W3T166395 +

W3T170283 W3T167517 W3T170240

10 years W3T166395 + W3T166395 + W3T166395 + W3T166395 +

W3T170332 W3T170283 + W3T170332 + W3T170240 +
W3T170332 W3T167517 W3T170332

Seal set W3T166370 W3T166370 + W3T166370 + W3T166370 + WAE5540

W3T166383 W3T166380 W3T166386 Page 2

Drawings and parts list are supplied with the set.

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

7.2.3 DIOX-C 4500 g/h maintenance part sets


nance after with a with an with an with a
years of ope- sampling lance intermediate- external tank container-
ration container selector

1/2 a year W3T166374

1 year W3T166390 W3T166390 + W3T166390 + W3T166390 + WAE5541

W3T166399 W3T166408 W3T166414 Page 3

2 years W3T166393 + W3T166393 + W3T166393 + W3T166393 +

W3T166405 W3T166402 W3T166411 W3T166417

5 years W3T166396 W3T166396 + W3T166396 + W3T166396 +

W3T170284 W3T167517 W3T170241

10 years W3T166396 + W3T166396 + W3T166396 + W3T166396 +

W3T170332 W3T170284 + W3T170332 W3T170241 +
W3T170332 W3T170332

Seal set W3T166371 W3T166371 + W3T166371 + W3T166371 + WAE5540

W3T166384 W3T166381 W3T166387 Page 3

Drawings and parts list are supplied with the set.

7.2.4 Special spare parts


1500 g/h 3000 g/h 4500 g/h

Oval wheel NaClO2 meter W3T166377 W3T166378 W3T166378

set incl. connectors

Injector and dilution water W3T160911

impeller meter sensor

Injector and dilution water W3T252924 W3T252948

impeller wheel incl. seal for the impeller meter

Storage tank set incl. stand pipe, W3T170281

capacity probes and level switches

Stand pipe set d40 for storage tank W3T162656

Stand pipe set d20 for intermediate NaClO2 W3T170280


Reaction vessel W3T170332

incl. all fittings and seals required

154 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

7.2.5 Maintenance parts, DIOX-C 1500 g/h, 3000 g/h


7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

Maintenance parts, DIOX-C 1500 g/h and 3000 g/h


156 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

Maintenance parts, DIOX-C 1500 g/h

Item Part Quantity Description

1 W3T161292 1 Nozzle PTFE
2 W3T167439 1 Set of O-rings FPM
3 W3T168859 1 O-ring d13x2.5/FPM
4 W3T168858 1 O-ring d20.3x2.4/FPM
5 W3T163644 1 Sodium thiosulphate 300 g
6 W3T169197 1 O-ring d9.25x1.78/CSM
7 W3T170894 1 Gasket PTFE;D19/10.5;d8.9;x4/0.8
8 W3T168909 1 O-ring d23.39x3.53/CSM
10 W3T173010 11 O-ring d28.17x3.53/FPM
11 W3T167500 1 Seal set Injector 1", U-96273+274
12 W3T167540 1 Injector nozzle set No. 70 with filter sieve
13 W2T505425 1 Seal set +GF+Code 161.482.892
14 W3T169066 1 O-ring d12.37x2.62/FPM
15 W3T159881 1 Seal set V10K
16 W2T503995 1 Special grease 8 ml tube, 18 g
17 W3T172881 2 Flat gasket FPM;D17.5x6x2
18 W3T172725 9 O-ring d32.92x3.53/FPM
19 W3T172724 4 O-ring d20.22x3.53/FPM
20 W2T504819 2 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161.486.410
21 W3T173047 2 O-ring d40.64x5.33/FPM
22 W3T169194 2 O-ring d46.99x5.33/FPM
23 W2T504821 1 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161.486.412
24 W3T172861 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
25 W3T165226 1 Flat gasket FPM;D39x30x2
26 W3T161025 1 Pump head service set VMP-II 7.2 FPK Viton-ceramic
27 W3T168874 2 O-ring d12x2.5/FPM
28 W3T168401 1 O-ring d11.3x2.4/75FPM602
29 W3T171985 3 O-ring d20x3/FPM
30 W3T172925 1 Flat gasket FPM;D15x8x2
31 W3T168857 1 O-ring d17.3x2.4/FPM
32 W3T168401 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/75FPM602
33 W3T168874 1 O-ring d12x2.5/FPM

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

Item Part Quantity Description

34 W3T163716 1 Sodium thiosulphate 3 kg
35 W3T160886 1 PDA stylus for Touch Panel
36 W3T172452 1 O-ring d38x5/FPM
37 W2T504820 1 Set of gaskets d25
40 W3T171199 3 Membrane d=50-0.5; EPDM
41 W3T159661 1 Injector seat PVC,1" injector
42 W3T172902 1 Membrane PTFE, 1" injector
43 W3T159664 1 Valve stem PVC,1" injector
44 W3T170187 1 Valve seat PVC,1" injector
45 W3T159656 1 Valve tappet PVC,1" injector
46 W3T163379 2 Insert PVC
47 W3T168933 2 Retaining ring 0.8 thick
48 W2T505672 0.3 m Hose IdxWT 9.5x1.6; PE-LD
49 W3T165193 1 Compression spring Inconel 625
50 W3T161297 1 Compression spring
51 W2T506980 0.5 m Hose 4x1; PTFE/natural rubber
52 W3T168879 1 Compression spring Mat.: Titanium
53 W3T172880 1 Flat gasket FPM;D80x65x2
54 W3T163423 1 Pressure ring
56 W3T170078 1 Hose connection parts G3/8 PVC4x3
57 W3T167626 1 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID4xWT3
61 W3T167229 1 Non-return valve
62 W3T160391 1 Float catcher PVDF, D19xL33, V10k/S10k
63 W3T160392 1 Float catcher PVDF, for V10K and S10K
70 W3T161113 1 Compression spring TANTALOY 61.d24
71 W3T159663 1 Collet nut PVC, M16x1.5, 1" injector
72 W3T168914 1 Compression spring
73 W2T507415 1 Injector outlet 'E'
74 W3T165515 1 Valve body
75 W3T167443 1 Valve stem set
76 W3T159419 1 Housing PVC
77 W3T159418 1 Seat PTFE; d2.6;
78 W3T171125 1 PTFE hose 230 lg

158 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

Item Part Quantity Description

79 W3T171254 1 Linear V nozzle shaft 75 - 1500 g/h Cl2
80 W3T168899 1 Washer d=12.7x4.9; PTFE
81 W3T159882 1 Transmission shaft Spare part V10K
82 W3T171902 1 3-way ball valve Type: S4-SAFETY/d16/PVC/FPM
83 W3T167517 1 Non-return valve 'D'
84 W3T168022 1 Multi-function valve G3/8 1-5 bar, PVDF/Viton
85 W3T166377 1 Oval wheel meter set DIOX-C, Type 0.1
86 W3T169348 2 Replacement sieve ES06F for 1/2" and 3/4"
87 W2T506944 1 Dosing ball valve PVC; d20
88 W3T172235 1 Reaction tank 67 l, PVC, d280x13.4xh=1,370
89 W3T161851 4 Level switches PVDF, G3/8" A, 5m grey
100 W3T172724 2 O-ring d20.22x3.53/FPM
101 W3T169068 1 O-ring d13 94x2.62/FPM
102 W3T161434 1 O-ring d8x2/75FPM602
103 W3T169025 1 O-ring d11x1.5/75FPM602
104 W3T172725 2 O-ring d32.92x3.53/FPM
105 W3T173047 1 O-ring d40.64x5.33/FPM
106 W3T172861 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
108 W3T173010 2 O-ring d28.17x3.53/FPM
109 W3T169194 4 O-ring d46.99x5.33/FPM
110 W3T167626 2 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID4xWT3
111 W2T505524 4m Hose d4x3/PVC-P with textile core
112 W3T170084 2 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC4x3
116 W3T161851 4 Level switches PVDF, G3/8" A, 5m grey
120 W2T505524 4m Hose d4x3/PVC-P with textile core
121 W3T170084 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC4x3
122 W3T170084 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC4x3
123 W2T505522 3m Hose IdxWT 6x2; PVC, transparent
124 W3T170083 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PE6x2 PVC6x2
130 W3T172861 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
131 W2T504819 1 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161.486.410
132 W3T172925 1 Gasket FPM; D15 x 8 x 2
133 W3T168857 1 O-ring d17.3 x 2.4; FPM

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

Item Part Quantity Description

134 W3T168401 1 O-ring d11.3 x 2.4; 75FPM602
135 W3T170084 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC4x3
136 W3T170084 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC4x3
137 W3T167626 2 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID4xWT3
138 W2T505524 7m Hose d4x3/PVC-P with textile core
139 W3T170083 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PE6x2 PVC6x2
140 W2T505522 3m Hose IdxWT 6x2; PVC, transparent
150 W3T172861 10 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
151 W2T504819 2 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161.486.410
152 W3T168874 1 O-ring d12x2.5/FPM
155 W3T170084 2 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC4x3
156 W3T167626 6 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID4xWT3
157 W2T505524 8m Hose d4x3/PVC-P with textile core
158 W3T170084 2 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC4x3
165 W3T164706 2 Solenoid valve 24V; 0-1bar; PVDF; G1/4"
210 W3T163860 3 Screw joint PVC-U; d25; with Viton O-ring
211 W2T506628 2m Pipe d 25x2.8; PVC-U; PN16
212 W2T507387 2 90° bend PVC-U; d25
213 W3T166090 2 Pipe segment d25, l=38 mm, PVC-U, grey
214 W2T506517 1 T-piece d32-20-32; hard PVC
215 W2T506780 1 Reducing junction, short PVC; d20-16
216 W2T506782 1 Reducing junction, short PVC; d32-25
217 W2T507533 1 Elbow bend PVC-U; d16
218 W3T158556 1 Reduction d16-d10, PVC-U
219 W2T506050 250 mm Pipe DIN8062-16x1.8; PVC-U; PN16
220 W3T161258 1 Union nut PVC-U; G1/2
221 W3T161261 1 Insert PVC-U, d10
222 W2T506623 50 mm Pipe d10 x 1.2; PVC-U PN16
223 W2T505962 1 90° elbow bend PRO-FIT; PVC-U; d32-25
224 W2T506629 500 mm Pipe d 32x3.6 ; PVC-U PN16
225 W3T172270 1 Adhesive label Ger/Eng/French
226 W3T172269 1 Adhesive label Ger/Polish/Czech

160 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

Maintenance parts, DIOX-C 3000 g/h

Item Part No. Quantity Description

1 W3T161292 1 Nozzle PTFE
2 W3T167439 1 Set of O-rings FPM
3 W3T168859 1 O-ring d13x2.5/FPM
4 W3T168858 1 O-ring d20.3x2.4/FPM
5 W3T163644 1 Sodium thiosulphate 300 g
6 W3T169197 1 O-ring d9.25x1.78/CSM
7 W3T170894 1 Gasket PTFE;D19/10.5;d8.9;x4/0.8
8 W3T168909 1 O-ring d23.39x3.53/CSM
10 W3T173010 12 O-ring d28.17x3.53/FPM
11 W3T167500 1 Seal set Injector 1",
12 W3T163783 1 Injector nozzle set No. 99 with filter sieve
13 W2T505425 1 Seal set +GF+Code 161.482.892
14 W3T169066 1 O-ring d12.37x2.62/FPM
15 W3T159881 1 Seal set V10K
16 W2T503995 1 Special grease 8 ml tube, 18 g
17 W3T172881 2 Flat gasket FPM;D17.5x6x2
18 W3T172725 9 O-ring d32.92x3.53/FPM
19 W3T172724 5 O-ring d20.22x3.53/FPM
20 W2T504819 2 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161.486.410
21 W3T173047 2 O-ring d40.64x5.33/FPM
22 W3T169194 2 O-ring d46.99x5.33/FPM
23 W2T504821 1 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161,486,412
24 W3T172861 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
25 W3T165226 1 Flat gasket FPM;D39x30x2
26 W3T160591 1 Pump head service set VMP-II 24FPG
27 W3T168874 2 O-ring d12x2.5/FPM
28 W3T172822 1 O-ring d15.54x2.62/FPM
29 W3T171985 3 O-ring d20x3/FPM
30 W3T172925 1 Flat gasket FPM;D15x8x2
31 W3T168857 1 O-ring d17.3x2.4/FPM
32 W3T168401 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/75FPM602
33 W3T168874 1 O-ring d12x2.5/FPM

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

Item Part No. Quantity Description

34 W3T163716 1 Sodium thiosulphate 3 kg
35 W3T160886 1 PDA stylus for Touch Panel
36 W3T172452 1 O-ring d38x5/FPM
37 W2T504820 1 Set of gaskets d25
40 W3T171199 2 Membrane d=50-0.5; EPDM
41 W3T159661 1 Seat PVC,1" injector
42 W3T172902 1 Membrane PTFE, 1" injector
43 W3T159664 1 Valve stem PVC,1" injector
44 W3T170187 1 Valve seat PVC,1" injector
45 W3T159656 1 Valve tappet PVC,1" injector
46 W3T163379 2 Insert PVC
47 W3T168933 2 Retaining ring 0.8 thick
48 W2T505672 0.3 m Hose IdxWT 9.5x1.6; PE-LD
49 W3T165193 1 Compression spring Inconel 625
50 W3T161297 1 Compression spring
51 W2T506980 0.5 m Hose 4x1; PTFE/natural rubber
52 W3T168879 1 Compression spring Mat.: Titanium
53 W3T172880 1 Flat gasket FPM;D80x65x2
54 W3T163423 1 Pressure ring
56 W3T170085 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
57 W3T167518 1 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID6xWT3
61 W3T167229 1 Non-return valve
62 W3T160391 1 Float catcher PVDF, D19xL33, V10k/S10k
63 W3T160392 1 Float catcher PVDF, for V10K and S10K
64 W3T171225 1 Membrane d=60-0.5; EPDM
70 W3T161113 1 Compression spring TANTALOY 61,d24
71 W3T159663 1 Collet nut PVC, M16x1.5, 1" injector
72 W3T168914 1 Compression spring
73 W2T507415 1 Injector outlet 'E'
74 W3T165515 1 Valve body
75 W3T167443 1 Valve stem set
76 W3T159801 1 Seat composition
78 W3T171125 1 PTFE hose 230 lg

162 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

Item Part No. Quantity Description

79 W3T171266 1 Linear V nozzle shaft 0.15 - 3 kg/h Cl2
80 W3T168899 1 Washer d=12.7x4.9; PTFE
81 W3T159882 1 Transmission shaft Spare part V10K
82 W3T171902 1 3-way ball valve Type: S4-SAFETY/d16/PVC/FPM
83 W3T167517 1 Non-return valve 'D'
84 W3T164355 1 Multi-function valve 5/8" 1-5 bar, PVDF/Viton
85 W3T166378 1 Oval wheel meter set DIOX-C 3000/4500, Type 1
86 W3T169399 2 Replacement sieve ES06F for 1" and 1 1/4"
87 W2T506944 1 Dosing ball valve PVC; d20
88 W3T172235 1 Reaction tank 67 l, PVC, d280x13.4xh=1,370
89 W3T161851 4 Level switches PVDF, G3/8" A, 5m grey
100 W3T172724 2 O-ring d20.22x3.53/FPM
101 W3T169068 1 O-ring d13 94x2.62/FPM
102 W3T161434 1 O-ring d8x2/75FPM602
103 W3T169025 1 O-ring d11x1.5/75FPM602
104 W3T172725 2 O-ring d32.92x3.53/FPM
105 W3T173047 1 O-ring d40.64x5.33/FPM
106 W3T172861 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
108 W3T173010 2 O-ring d28.17x3.53/FPM
109 W3T169194 4 O-ring d46.99x5.33/FPM
110 W3T167518 2 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID6xWT3
111 W2T505525 4m Hose d6x3/PVC-P with textile core
112 W3T170085 2 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
116 W3T161851 4 Level switches PVDF, G3/8" A, 5m grey
120 W2T505525 4m Hose d6x3/PVC-P with textile core
121 W3T170085 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
122 W3T170085 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
123 W2T505522 3m Hose IdxWT 6x2; PVC, transparent
124 W3T170083 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PE6x2 PVC6x2
130 W3T172861 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
131 W2T504819 1 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161.486.410
132 W3T172925 1 Gasket FPM; D15 x 8 x 2
133 W3T168857 1 O-ring d17.3 x 2.4; FPM

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

Item Part No. Quantity Description

134 W3T168401 1 O-ring d11.3 x 2.4; 75FPM602
135 W3T170085 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
136 W3T159882 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
137 W3T171902 2 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID6xWT3
138 W3T167517 7m Hose d6x3/PVC-P with textile core
139 W3T164355 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PE6x2 PVC6x2
140 W3T166378 3m Hose IdxWT 6x2; PVC, transparent
150 W3T169399 10 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
151 W2T506944 2 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161.486.410
152 W3T172235 1 O-ring d12x2.5/FPM
155 W3T161851 2 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
156 W3T172724 6 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID6xWT3
157 W3T169068 8m Hose d6x3/PVC-P with textile core
158 W3T161434 2 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
165 W3T169025 2 Solenoid valve 24V; 0-1bar; PVDF; G1/4"
210 W3T172725 3 Screw joint PVC-U; d25; with Viton O-ring
211 W3T173047 2m Pipe d 25x2.8; PVC-U; PN16
212 W3T172861 2 90° bend PVC-U; d25
213 W3T173010 2 Pipe segment d25, l=38 mm, PVC-U, grey
214 W3T169194 1 T-piece d32-20-32; hard PVC
215 W3T167518 1 Reducing junction, short PVC; d20-16
216 W2T505525 1 Reducing junction, short PVC; d32-25
217 W3T170085 1 Elbow bend PVC-U; d16
218 W3T161851 1 Reduction d16-d10, PVC-U
219 W2T505525 250 mm Pipe DIN8062-16x1.8; PVC-U; PN16
220 W3T170085 1 Union nut PVC-U; G1/2
221 W3T170085 1 Insert PVC-U, d10
222 W2T505522 50 mm Pipe d10 x 1.2; PVC-U PN16
223 W3T170083 1 90° elbow bend PRO-FIT; PVC-U; d32-25
224 W3T172861 500 mm Pipe d 32x3.6 ; PVC-U PN16
225 W2T504819 1 Adhesive label Ger/Eng/French
226 W3T172925 1 Adhesive label Ger/Polish/Czech

164 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

7.2.6 Maintenance parts, DIOX-C 4500 g/h


7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

Maintenance parts, DIOX-C 4500 g/h


166 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

Maintenance parts, DIOX-C 4500 g/h

Item Part No. Quan- Description

1 W3T161292 1 Nozzle PTFE
2 W3T169014 3 O-ring d37.69x3.53/FPM
3 W2T506670 1 Gasket d25; FPM (Viton)
4 W3T169013 2 O-ring d25.07x2.62/FPM
5 W3T163644 1 Sodium thiosulphate 300 g
6 W3T169197 1 O-ring d9.25x1.78/CSM
7 W3T170894 1 Gasket PTFE;D19/10.5;d8.9;x4/0.8
8 W3T168909 1 O-ring d23.39x3.53/CSM
10 W3T173010 11 O-ring d28.17x3.53/FPM
11 W3T167500 1 Seal set Injector 1", U-96273+274
12 W3T163820 1 Injector nozzle set No. 120 with filter sieve
13 W2T505425 1 Seal set +GF+Code 161.482.892
14 W3T169066 1 O-ring d12.37x2.62/FPM
15 W3T159881 1 Seal set V10K
16 W2T503995 1 Special grease 8 ml tube, 18 g
17 W3T172881 2 Flat gasket FPM;D17.5x6x2
18 W3T172725 9 O-ring d32.92x3.53/FPM
19 W3T172724 5 O-ring d20.22x3.53/FPM
20 W2T504819 2 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161.486.410
21 W3T173047 2 O-ring d40.64x5.33/FPM
22 W3T169194 2 O-ring d46.99x5.33/FPM
23 W2T504821 1 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161,486,412
24 W3T172861 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
25 W3T165226 1 Flat gasket FPM;D39x30x2
26 W3T160591 1 Pump head service set VMP-II 24FPG
27 W3T168874 2 O-ring d12x2.5/FPM
28 W3T172822 1 O-ring d15.54x2.62/FPM
29 W3T171985 3 O-ring d20x3/FPM
30 W3T172925 1 Flat gasket FPM;D15x8x2
31 W3T168857 1 O-ring d17.3x2.4/FPM
32 W3T168401 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/75FPM602

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

Item Part No. Quan- Description

33 W3T168874 1 O-ring d12x2.5/FPM
34 W3T163716 1 Sodium thiosulphate 3 kg
35 W3T160886 1 PDA stylus for Touch Panel
36 W3T172452 1 O-Ring d38x5/FPM
37 W2T504820 1 Set of gaskets d25
40 W3T171199 2 Membrane d=50-0.5; EPDM
41 W3T159661 1 Seat PVC,1" injector
42 W3T172902 1 Membrane PTFE, 1" injector
43 W3T159664 1 Valve stem PVC,1" injector
44 W3T170187 1 Valve seat PVC,1" injector
45 W3T159656 1 Valve tappet PVC,1" injector
46 W3T163379 2 Insert PVC
47 W3T168933 2 Retaining ring 0.8 thick
48 W2T505672 0.3 m Hose IdxWT 9.5x1.6; PE-LD
49 W3T165193 1 Compression spring Inconel 625
50 W3T161297 1 Compression spring
51 W2T506980 0.5 m Hose 4x1; PTFE/natural rubber
52 W3T168879 1 Compression spring Mat.: Titanium
53 W3T172880 1 Flat gasket FPM;D80x65x2
54 W3T163423 1 Pressure ring
56 W3T170086 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PE10x3
57 W3T167518 1 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID6xWT3
62 W3T160391 1 Float catcher PVDF, D19xL33, V10k/S10k
63 W3T160393 1 Float catcher PVDF, for V10K and S10K
64 W3T171225 1 Membrane d=60-0.5; EPDM
70 W3T161113 1 Compression spring TANTALOY 61,d24
71 W3T159663 1 Collet nut PVC, M16x1.5, 1" injector
72 W3T168914 1 Compression spring
73 W2T507417 1 Injector outlet 'G'
74 W3T165515 1 Valve body
75 W3T167443 1 Valve stem set
76 W3T159801 1 Seat composition

168 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

Item Part No. Quan- Description

78 W3T171125 1 PTFE hose 230 lg
79 W3T171270 1 Linear V nozzle shaft 0.2 -4 kg/h Cl2
80 W3T168899 1 Washer d=12.7x4.9; PTFE
81 W3T159882 1 Transmission shaft Spare part V10K
82 W3T171902 1 3-way ball valve Type: S4-SAFETY/d16/PVC/FPM
83 W3T167517 1 Non-return valve 'D'
84 W3T164355 1 Multi-function valve 5/8" 1-5 bar, PVDF/Viton
85 W3T166378 1 Oval wheel meter set DIOX-C 3000/4500, Type 1
86 W3T169399 2 Replacement sieve ES06F for 1" and 1 1/4"
87 W2T506944 1 Dosing ball valve PVC; d20
88 W3T172235 1 Reaction tank 67 l, PVC, d280x13.4xh=1,370
89 W3T161851 4 Level switches PVDF, G3/8" A, 5m grey
100 W3T172724 2 O-ring d20.22x3.53/FPM
101 W3T169068 1 O-ring d13 94x2.62/FPM
102 W3T161434 1 O-ring d8x2/75FPM602
103 W3T169025 1 O-ring d11x1.5/75FPM602
104 W3T172725 2 O-ring d32.92x3.53/FPM
105 W3T173047 1 O-ring d40.64x5.33/FPM
106 W3T172861 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
107 W3T169068 1 O-ring d13 94x2.62/FPM
108 W3T173010 2 O-ring d28.17x3.53/FPM
109 W3T169194 4 O-ring d46.99x5.33/FPM
110 W3T167518 1 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID6xWT3
111 W2T505525 3m Hose d6x3/PVC-P with textile core
112 W3T170085 2 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
113 W3T167590 1 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID10xWT3
114 W2T505334 2m Hose d10x3/PVC-P with textile core
116 W3T161851 4 Level switches PVDF, G3/8" A, 5m grey
120 W2T505525 1m Hose d6x3/PVC-P with textile core
121 W3T170085 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
122 W3T170086 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PE10x3
123 W2T505522 3m Hose IdxWT 6x2; PVC, transparent

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

Item Part No. Quan- Description

124 W3T170083 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PE6x2 PVC6x2
125 W2T505334 3m Hose d10x3/PVC-P with textile core
130 W3T172861 2 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
131 W2T504819 1 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161.486.410
132 W3T172925 1 Gasket FPM; D15 x 8 x 2
133 W3T168857 1 O-ring d17.3 x 2.4; FPM
134 W3T168401 1 O-ring d11.3 x 2.4; 75FPM602
135 W3T170085 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
136 W3T170086 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PE10x3
137 W3T167518 2 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID6xWT3
138 W2T505525 5m Hose d6x3/PVC-P with textile core
139 W3T170083 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PE6x2 PVC6x2
140 W2T505522 3m Hose IdxWT 6x2; PVC, transparent
141 W2T505334 3m Hose d10x3/PVC-P with textile core
150 W3T172822 6 O-ring d15.54x2.62/FPM
151 W2T504819 2 Seal set FPM/+GF+Code 161.486.410
152 W3T168874 1 O-ring d12x2.5/FPM
153 W3T172861 4 O-ring d11.3x2.4/FPM
155 W3T170085 1 Hose connection parts G5/8 PVC6x3
156 W3T170091 6 Hose connection parts PVC hose ID10xWT3
157 W2T505334 7m Hose d10x3/PVC-P with textile core
158 W3T170086 3 Hose connection parts G5/8 PE10x3
160 W2T505525 1m Hose d6x3/PVC-P with textile core
165 W3T164706 2 Solenoid valve 24V; 0-1bar; PVDF; G1/4"
210 W3T163860 3 Screw joint PVC-U; d25; with Viton O-ring
211 W2T506628 2m Pipe d 25x2.8; PVC-U; PN16
212 W2T507387 2 90° bend PVC-U; d25
213 W3T166090 2 Pipe segment d25, l=38 mm, PVC-U, grey
214 W2T506517 1 T-piece d32-20-32; hard PVC
215 W2T506780 1 Reducing junction, short PVC; d20-16
216 W2T506782 1 Reducing junction, short PVC; d32-25
217 W2T507533 1 Elbow bend PVC-U; d16

170 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

Item Part No. Quan- Description

218 W3T158556 1 Reduction d16-d10, PVC-U
219 W2T506050 250 mm Pipe DIN8062-16x1.8; PVC-U; PN16
220 W3T161258 1 Union nut PVC-U; G1/2
221 W3T161261 1 Insert PVC-U, d10
222 W2T506623 50 mm Pipe d10 x 1.2; PVC-U PN16
223 W2T505962 1 90° elbow bend PRO-FIT; PVC-U; d32-25
224 W2T506629 500 mm Pipe d 32x3.6 ; PVC-U PN16
225 W3T172270 1 Adhesive label Ger/Eng/French
226 W3T172269 1 Adhesive label Ger/Polish/Czech

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

7.2.7 Equipment options

(the items are included in the particular overall lists)

NaClO2 container

NaClO2 selector

172 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Maintenance by service personnel, parts 7.

External tank

7. Maintenance by service personnel, parts DIOX-C Professional

7.3 Maintenance checklist

OK Comments

6-month maintenance
Maintenance work performed in accordance with list

Leak test of the chlorine lines performed in accordance with

the operating instructions

Chlorine and motive water flow rate checked

(cf. operating data)

NaClO2 flow rate recalibrated

Operating logbook OK

Cut-off valve checked for leaks

(stop preparation, make sure flow = 0)

Check overfill probe and leak probe are working correctly

(then clear error message)

Overall condition.

Alarm buffer read.

1/2/5-yearly maintenance
Maintenance work performed in accordance with list

Leak test of the chlorine lines performed in accordance with

the operating instructions

NaClO2 flow rate recalibrated

Positioner recalibrated/ Value:

max. chlorine injector suction [g/h]

Chlorine injector motive water [l/h] Value:

Operating logbook OK

Overall condition.

Alarm buffer read.

Checking the warning signs

Signage complete.

174 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Drawings 8.

8. Drawings

8.4 Component labeling

Description Description
A1 DIOX-C control cabinet M1 Chlorinator positioner V10k
B1 ClO2 storage tank P1 Water booster pump
B2 NaClO2 intermediate container P2 NaClO2 dosing pump
B3 NaClO2 container P3 NaClO2 decanting pump
B4 NaClO2 container V1 Cl2 injector
B5 NaClO2 tank provided by customer V2 Vent gas aspiration injector
C1 Reaction tank

Description Description
B100 Water supply ball valve R103 Non-return valve for NaClO2 dosing
B101 Reactor drain ball valve R104 Non-return valve for vent gas aspiration
B102 NaClO2 3-way ball valve R105 Non-return valve for NaClO2 sampling
B103 ClO2 dosing ball valve R106 Non-return valve for NaClO2 sampling
B104 Storage tank sampling ball valve R107 Non-return valve for NaClO2 sampling
B105 NaClO2 dosing ball valve R108 Non-return valve for NaClO2 dosing
B106 NaClO2 container selector ball valve S100 Water supply stop valve
B107 NaClO2 container selector ball valve S101 Storage tank air valve
B108 Storage tank drain Ball valve S102 Multi-function valve for NaClO2 dosing
F100 Operating water strainer V100 Operating water solenoid valve
F101 Vent gas aspiration strainer V101 Vent gas aspiration solenoid valve
F102 NaClO2 sampling strainer V102 Selector solenoid valve 1
F103 NaClO2 sampling strainer V103 Selector solenoid valve 2
G100 Injector water flow meter X100 V10k chlorinator
G101 Dilution water flow meter X101 Absorber
H100 Operating water pressure reducing valve X102 Flashing alarm light
H101 Vent gas aspiration pressure reducing valve Z100 Injector/dilution water drain
H102 Dilution water dosing ball valve Z101 Reactor drain
R100 Injector water backpressure valve Z102 Storage tank drain
R101 Dilution water backpressure valve Z103 Collecting basin drain
R102 Vent gas aspiration backpressure valve

8. Drawings DIOX-C Professional

Messages, functions
Description Description
FA1 Injector water flow rate MIN/MAX alarm LS5 NaClO2 storage tank MIN contact
FA2 Dilution water flow rate MIN/MAX alarm LS6 NaClO2 storage tank MAX contact
FA3 NaClO2 flow rate MIN/MAX alarm LS7 NaClO2 storage tank overfill contact
FI1 Injector water flow rate display LS8 NaClO2 tank MIN contact
FI2 Dilution water flow rate display LS9 NaClO2 tank empty contact
FI3 NaClO2 flow rate display LS10 NaClO2 tank MIN contact
FT1 Injector water flow rate evaluation LS11 NaClO2 tank empty contact
FT2 Dilution water flow rate evaluation LS12 NaClO2 tank MIN contact
FT3 NaClO2 flow rate evaluation LS13 NaClO2 tank MAX contact
LS1 ClO2 storage tank MAX contact LZ1 ClO2 storage tank overfill contact
LS2 ClO2 storage tank MIN contact LZ2 Leakage probe
LS3 ClO2 storage tank empty contact PS1 Cl2 vacuum circuit breaker
LS4 NaClO2 storage tank empty contact

Inlets, outlets
A from chlorine gas supply
B operating water
C from sodium chlorite supply
D to the ClO2 dosage pumps
E vent gas aspiration outlet

176 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Drawings 8.

8.5 P&I diagram

8. Drawings DIOX-C Professional

8.6 NaClO2 supply

8.6.1 NaClO2 supply from container

178 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Drawings 8.

8.6.2 NaClO2 container selector

8. Drawings DIOX-C Professional

8.6.3 External NaClO2 tank

180 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Drawings 8.

8.6.4 NaClO2 intermediate container option

8. Drawings DIOX-C Professional

182 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
Project: DIOX-C Professional
order number: Remark:
DIOX-C Professional

Customer: wiring diagramm DE: WAE7221

wiring diagramm EN: WAE7222
Drawing number: WAE 7222 wiring diagramm FR: WAE7223

Date: 01.05.05
9. Wiring diagrams WAE7222

Plant: =A1
Place: +S1

1500 g/h / 3000 g/h / 4500 g/h
Wiring diagrams WAE7222

1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG Cover page

3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control DIOX-C Professional

order number Drawing number Sheet 1
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE 7222 17 Pa.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Plant: =A1
Contents Place: +S1

Sheet Description Issue Date Document type

1 Cover page control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 Cover page
3 control cabinet control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 Design control panel
4 Main power supply control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram
5 PLC, control voltage control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram
B 6 Cl2-Container change-over unit control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram
7 NaClO2-Container control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram
8 NaClO2 Dosing pump control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram
9 Operating water control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram
Wiring diagrams WAE7222

10 Chlorinator control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram

11 Booster pump control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram C
12 ClO2-Tank control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram
13 voltage-free contact control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram
14 PLC, overview control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram
15 control cabinet control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 wiring diagram
16 bill of materials control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 bill of materials
17 bill of materials control DIOX-C Professional 3 04.04.11 bill of materials D


F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG Contents
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number
order number Sheet 2
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DIOX-C Professional



F 1




04.04.11 UZ
13.03.12 PB
16.12.09 PB





Drawn PB


Prod. / Sales

Design Center




Repl. f

Repl. by
Siemens AG
89312 Günzburg
-X1 -X30
PE 5 6 7 7 6 5 L30 L30
PE 8 9 10 10 9 8 L30 L30
PE 11 12 13 13 12 11 L31 L31
PE 14 15 16 16 15 14 L31 L31
PE 17 18 19 19 18 17 L31 L31

PE 1 2 3 3 2 1 -X30

PE 4 5 6 6 5 4

PE 7 8 9 9 8 7
PE 10 11 12 12 11 10
PE 13 14 15 15 14 13
PE 16 17 18 18 17 16

PE 19 20 21 21 20 19
PE 22 23 24 24 23 22
PE 25 26 27 27 26 25

PE 28 29 30 30 29 28
PS 307

PE 31 32 33 33 32 31
PE 34 35 36 36 35 34

PE 37 38 39 39 38 37





control cabinet


DIOX-C Professional
PE 40 41 42 42 41 40

PE 43 44 45 45 44 43

PE 46 47 48 48 47 46
PE 49 50 51 51 50 49
Booster pump

PE 52 53 54 54 53 52
PE 55 56 57 57 56 55
PE 58 59 60 60 59 58
PE 61 62 63 63 62 61

PE 64 65 66 66 65 64
PE 67 68 69 69 68 67

PE 70 71 72 72 71 70


PE 1 2 3 3 2 1
PE 4 5 6 6 5 4
Insertion bridge

PE 7 8 9 9 8 7
PE 10 11 12 12 11 10

order number

140mm 345mm



DIOX-C Professional

Drawing number



9. Wiring diagrams WAE7222 DIOX-C Professional

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AC 230V L1
L2 /5.A1 A
A AC 230V /11.A1
AC 230V L3
AC 230V L01 /11.A1
AC 230V /6.A1

Attention ! -4F5
Before opening of switch cabinet
B6A 2
switch off the main switch!

L1 L2 L3 N Main switch
T1 T2 T3 N 25A
Wiring diagrams WAE7222



AC 230V N

Rotating-field clockwise
L1 L2 L3 N PE

Without Booster pump with option Booster pump

Main power supply Main power supply
L/N/PE AC 230V 50Hz 3/N/PE AC 400/230V 50Hz
power consumption power consumption
1,0 kVA 3,5 kVA
Prefuse max Prefuse max
1x16A 3x16A

F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG Main power supply
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number
order number Sheet 4
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DIOX-C Professional

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

L1 L1
/4.A8 -X30 L31 DC 24V L31 /11.A1
A /6.A1

C6A 2
DIOX-C Professional

-5G2 L+ X12:1 X11:21 X12:21 X12:31 1 11 +24VDC PE
AC DI 124.0-125.7 DI 126.0-.7 DO 124.0-.7 DO 125.0-.7
AC230V, 50/60Hz
-14A3 Simatic S7-CPU314C-2 DP -14A6 -5A6 TP 177B DP
N MPI DP SM 323 RS485
DC DI 124.0-125.7 DI 126.0-.7 DO 124.0-.7 DO 125.0-.7 DI 8/DO 8xDC24V
PE DC24V, 5A M X12:20 X11:30 X12:30 X12:40 10 20 0V

MMM L+ L+ L+


-X30 L30 DC 24V L30
AC 230V N AC 230V N /6.D1
/4.D8 /6.D1

Wiring diagrams WAE7222

F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG PLC, control voltage
DIOX-C Professional +S1

3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number

order number Sheet 5
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AC 230V L01 AC 230V L01

/4.A8 DC 24V L31 DC 24V L31 /7.A1 A
/5.A8 /7.A1

11 11
-6K3 -6K4
12 14 12 14

-14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A3
P-Beh-Um MV-Beh 1 MV-Beh 2 ES-Beh 1 ES-Beh 2
E124.2 A124.0 A124.1 E124.5 E125.0
X12:4 X12:22 X12:23 X12:7 X12:12
Wiring diagrams WAE7222


A1 A1
-6K3 -6K4 D
D A2 A2
DC 24V L30 DC 24V L30
/5.D8 AC 230V N AC 230V N /7.D1
/5.D8 /7.D1
Motorized valve Motorized valve


Container 1 Container 2

-X1 -X3

12 12
11 11
/6.B6 14 /6.B6 14

E PE 1 3 2 E
1 2 3 PE 1 2 3

Option N 1 open 2 open

Vacuum 1 open 2 open
Connector 1
Connector 2

UC 80-240V
Contact manometer Motorized valve
Container change-over unit Container change-over unit

F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG Cl2-Container change-over unit
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number
order number Sheet 6
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DIOX-C Professional

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AC 230V L01 AC 230V L01

/6.A8 DC 24V L31 DC 24V L31 /8.A1 A
A /6.A8 /8.A1
DIOX-C Professional

-14A6 -14A3 -14A3 -14A6 -14A6 -14A3 -14A3
E00.0 E125.1 E125.2 E00.1 E00.2 A124.2 A125.5
2 X12:13 X12:14 3 4 X12:24 X12:37

11 21
-7K6 -7K6 C
12 14 22 24
DC 24V L30 DC 24V L30
/6.D8 AC 230V N AC 230V N /8.D1
/6.D8 /8.D1
NaClO2-Transfer pump





-X3 Solenoid valve-X1 -X3 -X3 D

Container 1


/7.C6 14
empty min /7.C6 24

NaClO2 Container B3

1 1
LS11 LS9 LS8 LS10 Option
NaClO2 2 DC 24V
2 DC 24V
empty B4 empty B3 min B3 min B4 V103 V102
NaClO2 Container 1 NaClO2 Container 2 NaClO2 Container 2 NaClO2 Container 1 Container change-over unit Container 1 Container 2
LS12 LS4 LS5 LS6 LS7 M Option
P3 1 ~
Wiring diagrams WAE7222

empty min max Max-Max NaClO2

Level switch Level switch NaClO2-Intermediate tank (Option Transfer) NaClO2-Transfer pump Transfer
NaClO2-Tank empty B2 230V 50Hz max 0,75kW 5A
F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F
2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG NaClO2-Container
DIOX-C Professional +S1

3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number

order number Sheet 7
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AC 230V L01 AC 230V L01

/7.A8 DC 24V L31 DC 24V L31 /10.A1 A
/7.A8 /9.A1

-14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A3
ClO2 LK Ext-Frg NaClO2-F R NaPump NaClO P Na P Sto
E125.3 E125.4 E124.6 A124.3 PAW752 E125.5
X12:15 X12:16 X12:8 X12:25 X11:16 17 20 X12:17
Wiring diagrams WAE7222


A1 12 14
-8K4 D
D A2
DC 24V L30 DC 24V L30
/7.D8 AC 230V N AC 230V N /9.D1
/7.D8 /10.D1
NaClO2 dosing pump



-X3 -X3 -X1 -X3 -X3

/8.D6 14



BU M 3 4 1 5 4 3 1 2 4 3 2 1
P2 1~
BN AC 230V
Leakage monitoring external release Oval wheel flowmetre VMP-II E60
Bund Preparation of ClO2 flow rate
Preparation of ClO2 DC 24V NaClO2 dosing pump
F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F
2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG NaClO2 Dosing pump
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number
order number Sheet 8
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DIOX-C Professional

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

DC 24V L31 DC 24V L31

/8.A8 /10.A1 A
DIOX-C Professional

B -14A3 -14A3 -14A3
-14A3 -14A3 -14A3
Flow BW Flow VW EV Bet.W EV VerdW MV Sich ES MV Si
E124.0 E124.3 A124.4 A124.5 A125.6 E125.6
X12:2 X12:5 X12:26 X12:27 X12:38 X12:18

C -9K7
12 14

DC 24V L30 DC 24V L30 D
/8.D8 /10.D1




-X3 -X3 -X3 -X3 -X3 -X3

24V DC /9.C7 14

1 2 4 3 1 2 4 3
E 1 2 S1S2S3 E
1 1
<x >x
2 2 x=0...100%
LF24-S Valve closed
V100 DC 24V
V101 DC 24V
Solenoid valve Solenoid valve Automatic stopcock
Operating water vent gas aspiration with safety control
Wiring diagrams WAE7222

DC 24V Flow meter DC 24V Flow meter Dilution water (normally closed)
Operating water Dilution water
F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F
2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG Operating water
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date 89312 Günzburg

V control order number Drawing number Sheet

Checked release 9
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AC 230V L01 AC 230V L01

/8.A8 DC 24V L31 DC 24V L31 A
/9.A8 /11.A4

-14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A3
E125.7 A125.2 A125.3 PEW752 E126.0 E126.1 E126.2
X12:19 X12:34 X12:35 4 3 X11:2 X11:22 X11:23 X11:24
Wiring diagrams WAE7222

11 11
-10K3 -10K4 -10R1

12 14 12 14

1,5k Ohm
A1 A1
-10K3 -10K4
A2 A2
DC 24V L30 DC 24V L30
/9.D8 AC 230V N AC 230V N /11.D4 D




Positioner Chlorinator -X1 -X3
12 12
11 11
/10.C4 14 /10.C4 14

E 2 3 1 PE 13 14 15 12 11 8 7 10 9 E
12 3
24V+24V-out M1 M Automatic
min max 0% 100% min max
1 ~ 1 k1 κ
PS1 AC 230V

Vacuum Contact manometer Positioner Chlorinator V10k

Chlorine gas
F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F
2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG Chlorinator
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number
order number Sheet 10
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
DIOX-C Professional

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

L1 AC 230V L1
/5.A8 L2 L2 DC 24V L31 DC 24V L31 A
A AC 230V DC 24V
/4.A8 L3 L3 /10.A8 /12.A1
/4.A8 AC 230V

1 3 5 13 21
-11Q2 -11Q2
14 22 22
DIOX-C Professional

Booster pump
I> I> I>
Starting circuit-breaker
2 4 6 TYPE power
CR3-4/0 0,37kW 1,1...1,6A UXL-96625
-14A3 X11:25
E126.3 CR3-7/0 0,55kW 1,4...2,0A UXM-96625
R-DEP Sto DEP CR3-10/0 0,75kW
A124.6 1,8...2,5A UXN-96625
1 3 5 X12:28 -14A3 CR5-5/0 0,75kW
-11K4 CR3-15/1 1,1kW
2 4 6 2,2...3,2A UXO-96625
CR5-8/1 1,1kW
CR5-11/2 2,2kW 4,5...6,3A UXR-96625
CR5-15/2 2,2kW C

-11K4 D
D A2
DC 24V L30 DC 24V L30
/10.D8 /12.D1

Booster pump
Operating water



1 2
3 4
5 6
E /11.C2 E
13 14
U1 V1 W1 PE
P1 3 ~
Booster pump Option Booster pump
Operating water
Wiring diagrams WAE7222

230/400V 50Hz

F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG Booster pump
DIOX-C Professional +S1

3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number

order number Sheet 11
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A DC 24V L31 DC 24V L31 A

/11.A8 /13.A1

-14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A3
ClO2-HH ClO2-H ClO2-L ClO2-LL
E126.4 E126.5 E126.6 E126.7
X11:26 X11:27 X11:28 X11:29
Wiring diagrams WAE7222


DC 24V L30 DC 24V L30
/11.D8 /13.D1


-X3 -X3 -X3 -X3

LZ1 max
LS1 min
LS2 empty
B1 LS3

F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG ClO2-Tank
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number
order number Sheet 12
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
DIOX-C Professional

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A DC 24V L31 DC 24V L31 A

DIOX-C voltage-free contact
selection of settings
- No function
- Generator switched on
- Generator in service
- Common alarm
- NaClO2 container MIN
- NaClO2 container empty
DIOX-C Professional

- ClO2 storage tank empty

- Dilution water flow rate warning Factory setting B
- Cl2 selector one tank empty
-14A3 -14A3 -14A3 -14A6 -14A3 -14A3 Signal relay 1 - Generator switched on
- Cl2 selector both tank empty
- NaClO2 selector one container empty
R-Meld.1 R-Meld.2 R-Meld.3 R-Meld.4 Blitz Horn - NaClO2 selector both container empty
A124.7 A125.0 A125.1 A00.0 A125.4 A125.7 Signal relay 2 - Generator in service
- Cl2/NaClO2 selector one container empty
X12:29 X12:32 X12:33 12 X12:36 X12:39 - Cl2/NaClO2 selector both container empty
- Common alarm / Maintenance
Signal relay 3 - Common alarm
- Maintenance
- Operation mode Cl2 Preparation
- Switch on NaClO2 transfer pump
Signal relay 4 - NaClO2 container MIN
- Switch on Boosterpump C
C - Operating mode Cl2+ClO2 Preparation

11 11 11 11
-13K1 -13K2 -13K3 -13K4
A1 A1 A1 A1
-13K1 -13K2 -13K3 -13K4 12 14 12 14 12 14 12 14 D
D A2 A2 A2 A2
DC 24V L30 DC 24V L30

Signal relay 1 Signal relay 2 Signal relay 3 Signal relay 3





-X3 -X5
adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustable
Signal relay 1 Signal relay 2 Signal relay 3 Signal relay 4
12 12 12 12
11 11 11 11
/13.D5 14 /13.D6 14 /13.D7 14 /13.D7 14

X2 X3 X1 Attention ! Switching capacity max:
Voltage also present when
24VDC master switch is turned off. AC: 6A / 250V 1500VA
DC: 6A / 30V, 0,12A / 230V
Flash light
Alarm horn
Wiring diagrams WAE7222

F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F
2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG voltage-free contact
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number
order number Sheet

Checked release 13
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

PS 307 SF
SM 323
5A DI 8/DO 8xDC24V
BF STM-Auto Flow BW
Cl2 Poti 0 MV-Beh 1 0 NaC LL2 0
DC5V STM-MIN 1 Flow_BWx MV-Beh 2 1 NaClO2H 1
-5G2 RUN Sto DEP 3 Flow VW R NaPump 3 3
STOP ClO2-HH Flow VWx EV Bet.W
4 4 4
ClO2-H 5 ES-Beh 1 EV VerdW 5 5
RUN ClO2-L 6 NaClO2-F R-DEP 6 6
B MRES ClO2-LL 7 NaClO2Fx R-Meld.1 7 7
-14A3 -14A6

ES-Beh 2
Wiring diagrams WAE7222

0 R-Meld.2 0 R-Meld.4 0
1 NaClO2LL R-Meld.3 1 1
2 NaClO2 L R-Cl2MIN 2 2
C 3 3 3
NaClO P 4 Ext-Frg Blitz
4 4
5 Na P Sto EV-B2 Na 5 5
6 ES MV Si MV Sich 6 6
7 P Cl2Gas Horn 7 7

X11 X12
Mains voltage /5.C5
Mains voltage /5.B2 X11 X12 Mains voltage /5.C6
2,3,4 PEW752 /10.B6 2 E124.0 /9.B2 22 A124.0 /6.B3 D
5,6,7 PEW754 3 E124.1 /9.B3 23 A124.1 /6.B3 2 E00.0 /7.B2
8,9,10 PEW756 4 E124.2 /6.B2 24 A124.2 /7.B5 3 E00.1 /7.B4
11,12,13 PEW758 5 E124.3 /9.B3 25 A124.3 /8.B4 4 E00.2 /7.B5
14,15 PEW760 6 E124.4 /9.B4 26 A124.4 /9.B4 5 E00.3
16,17 PAW752 /8.B6 7 E124.5 /6.B7 27 A124.5 /9.B5 6 E00.4
18,19 PAW754 8 E124.6 /8.B4 28 A124.6 /11.B4 7 E00.5
9 E124.7 /8.B4 29 A124.7 /13.B1 8 E00.6
22 E126.0 /10.B7 12 E125.0 /6.B8 32 A125.0 /13.B2 9 E00.7
23 E126.1 /10.B7 13 E125.1 /7.B3 33 A125.1 /13.B3 12 A00.0 /13.B3
24 E126.2 /10.B8 14 E125.2 /7.B4 34 A125.2 /10.B3 13 A00.1
25 E126.3 /11.B5 15 E125.3 /8.B2 35 A125.3 /10.B3 14 A00.2
E 26 E126.4 /12.B3 16 E125.4 /8.B3 36 A125.4 /13.B4 15 A00.3 E
27 E126.5 /12.B4 17 E125.5 /8.B8 37 A125.5 /7.B7 16 A00.4
28 E126.6 /12.B4 18 E125.6 /9.B8 38 A125.6 /9.B6 17 A00.5
29 E126.7 /12.B5 19 E125.7 /10.B3 39 A125.7 /13.B5 18 A00.6
19 A00.7

F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG PLC, overview
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number
order number Sheet 14
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
DIOX-C Professional

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Without Booster pump with Booster pump

name plate name plate A


6,(0(16  !
6,(0(16  !
order number : order number :
wiring diagramm no. : WAE7221 wiring diagramm no. : WAE7221
software : EAE1048 software : EAE1048
Main power supply : 1/N/PE AC 230V 50Hz Main power supply : 3/N/PE AC 400/230V 50Hz
DIOX-C Professional

power consumption : 1,0 kVA power consumption : 3,5 kVA

Prefuse max : 1x16 A Prefuse max : 3 x 16 A B
control voltage : DC 24V, 120VA control voltage : DC 24V, 120VA
Protection : IP65 Protection : IP65
manufactured/tested as per : DIN EN 60204/T1, DIN EN 60439/T1 manufactured/tested as per : DIN EN 60204/T1, DIN EN 60439/T1
id no./series no. : id no./series no. :

control cabinet
dimensions : 400 x 600 x 200mm
color : RAL7032
Protection : IP65
cable inlet : below
door hinge : DIN right

terminal description potential color cross section
X1 Main power supplyAC400/230V 50Hz BK/BU 2,5mm²
power AC400/230V 50Hz BK/BU 2,5mm²

X3 control DC24V BU 1mm² E

X3 signal 4..20mA LIYCY 0,25mm²
X5 dry contact OG 1mm²
X10 potential AC400/230V 50Hz BK/BU 2,5mm²

X30 potential DC24V BU 1mm²

Wiring diagrams WAE7222

1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG control cabinet
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control

order number Drawing number Sheet 15

Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Plant: =A1
bill of materials: W3T159161 Place: +S1
No. Qty. Equipment identifier Part-no. Description Manufacturer Order no.
1 1 -14A3 W2T505572 ground clamp 6mm
2 1 -4Q1 W3T172206 emergency stop switch 25A, 4-p.
3 2 -A26 -A27 W3T165253 adhesive mount 19mm
4 7 -A19 -A20 -A21 -A22 -A23 -A24 -A25 W3T165320 Cable tie l=98mm
B 5 1 -X31 W2T503943 labelling KLM1
6 1 -10R1 W2T504643 End cover UKD4
7 2 -X30 W2T504797 end bracket Clip-Fix 35
8 1 -X32 W2T505378 Jumper 10-pol, 6,2mm
Wiring diagrams WAE7222

9 5 -X30 W2T503947 potential terminal DIDK1,5

10 1 -10R1 W2T504642 unit terminal C
11 1 -A17 W2T504377 terminal DIOX-C PROFESSIONAL
12 1 -7K6 W2T504096 Switching relays DC24V, 2NONC
13 10 -10K3 -10K4 -13K1 -13K2 -13K3 -13K4 W2T504273 Switching relays DC24V, 1NONC
-6K3 -6K4 -8K4 -9K7
14 10 -10K3 -10K4 -13K1 -13K2 -13K3 -13K4 W2T505827 Relays terminal
-6K3 -6K4 -8K4 -9K7 D
15 1 -182 W2T506866 relay bridge 1NO/NC
16 1 -4F5 W2T504074 circuit breaker B6A, 1-p
17 1 -5F2 W2T504083 circuit breaker C6A, 1-p
18 1 -A17 W3T160888 control cabinet 400x600x200mm
19 1 -107 W2T504903 Label: Rotating-field clockwise
20 1 -109 W2T505824 label "attention"
21 1 -108 W2T505826 label "attention"
22 8 -174 -175 -176 -177 -178 -179 -180 -181 W2T505940 Fastening blank 6mm
23 11 -163 -164 -165 -166 -167 -168 -169 W2T506112 Screw M5x10mm
-170 -171 -172 -173

F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG bill of materials
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number
order number Sheet 16
Checked release
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
DIOX-C Professional

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Plant: =A1
bill of materials: W3T159161 Place: +S1
No. Qty. Equipment identifier Part-no. Description Manufacturer Order no.
24 1 -5A6 W2T504454 Operator Panel TP177B DP
25 1 -14A3 W2T504304 Memory module 128kB
26 1 -14A3 W2T504466 S7-300 CPU314C-2 DP
DIOX-C Professional

27 1 -14A6 W2T504626 S7-300 SM322 8DI/8DO, DC24V

B 28 1 -14A3 W2T504921 Plug 40 pin
29 1 -14A3 W2T504927 Plug 20 pin
30 1 -14A3 W2T504928 Plug 40 pin
31 1 -5G2 W2T506123 Sectional bar
32 1 -5G2 W2T506697 Power supply
33 1 -14A3 W3T162698 Connecting cable S7 AG - HMI 1,6m C
34 9 -138 -139 -140 -141 -142 -143 -144 W2T503974 Locking screw 4mm
-145 -146
35 4 -147 -148 -149 -150 W2T503975 Locking screw 5,3mm
36 7 -92 -93 -94 -95 -96 -97 -98 W2T504179 cable gland M20
37 6 -99 -100 -101 -102 -104 -120 W2T504180 cable gland M25
38 3 -160 -161 -162 W2T506414 multi cartridge M25 D
39 3 -155 -156 -157 W2T506708 multi cartridge M20
40 4 -158 -183 -184 -185 W2T506709 multi cartridge M25
41 1 -159 W2T506710 multi cartridge M25
42 4 -151 -152 -153 -154 W2T506714 multi cartridge M20
43 7 -92 -93 -94 -95 -96 -97 -98 W3T160551 hexagon nuts M20
44 6 -99 -100 -101 -102 -104 -120 W3T160552 hexagon nuts M25
45 1 -10R1 W2T507310 Resistor 1k5R
Wiring diagrams WAE7222

F 1 LAE4486 16.12.09 PB Date 01.05.05 Design Center GER Project =A1 F

2 LAE5218 04.04.11 UZ Drawn PB Prod. / Sales GER Siemens AG bill of materials
DIOX-C Professional +S1
3 LAE5390 13.03.12 PB Date Date V 89312 Günzburg control Drawing number
order number Sheet

Checked release 17
Issue Revision Date Name Norm Original Repl. f Repl. by DIOX-C Professional WAE7222 17 Pa.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9. Wiring diagrams WAE7222 DIOX-C Professional

200 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Certificates 10.


10.1 Declaration of the manufacturer

10. Certificates DIOX-C Professional

202 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional Index 11.


Absorber unit 19 Impeller meter 18
Activated-carbon filter 19 Injector 18
Automatic preparation 101 Installation 30
Installation examples 33

Bar chart 93 L
Basic chemicals 17 Level probes 60
Booster pump 21 Level switches 19
Limit values 64

Calibrating 53 M
Changing containers 121 Maintenance 132
Checklists 75 Mixed mode 116
Chlorinator 17
Chlorine gas injector 19
Chlorine gas leak detector 19 N
Chlorine gas pipe 41 NADOLYT 18
Chlorine solution 112 Neutralizing 110
Clean 97
Consumption values 111
Control unit 91 O
Conventions 8 Operating data 46
Correcting faults 138 Output contacts 58

Date 38 Password 96
Declaration of the manufacturer 201 Power failure 106
Delay times 64 Process vacuum 19
Profibus DP
Configuring the Profibus DP master 83
E Connecting Profibus DP 82
Emergency mode 147 Connecting to Profibus DP 81
Emergency OFF 19 Data exchange table 87
Technical data 81
F Data formats 90
Fault message 100
Fault message buffer 100
Reaction ratio 17
G Reaction tank 18
Gas - air mixture 19

11. Index DIOX-C

Safety 9 Test for leaks 40, 41
Personnel 10 Time 38
Selector 129 Troubleshooting 138
Shutdown 106
Start 104
Storage tank 18 V
Switching off 103 Vacuum regulating valve 18
switching on 101
Switching on again 103

204 WT.085.210.000.DE.IM.1113
DIOX-C Professional

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ting, photocopying, microfilm or any other method)
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ten consent of Siemens.

Siemens Water Technologies GmbH

Auf der Weide 10
89312 Günzburg
Phone: +49 8221 9040

© Siemens Water Technologies GmbH 2013

Subject to change without prior notice.

W3T170692 Version 7

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