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Solar Energy

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Solar Energy

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 What is Solar Energy?
 How much solar energy?
 Major Uses of Solar Energy
 Putting Solar Energy to Use: Heating Water
 Advantages of Solar Energy
 Disadvantages of Solar Energy
 Conclusion
 References
What is Solar Energy?
 Originates with the thermonuclear fusion
reactions occurring in the sun.
 Represents the entire electromagnetic radiation
(visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, and
radio waves).
How much solar energy?

The surface receives about 47% of the total solar

energy that reaches the Earth. Only this amount
is usable.
Major Uses of Solar Energy
▪ Daylight
▪ Drying Agricultural Products
▪ Space Heating
▪ Water Heating
▪ Generating Electrical Power
▪ Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)
▪ Photovoltaics
Putting Solar Energy to Use: Heating
 Two methods of heating water:
passive (no moving parts) and
active (pumps).
 In both, a flat-plate collector is
used to absorb the sun’s energy
to heat the water.
 The water circulates throughout
the closed system due to
convection currents.
 Tanks of hot water are used as
Heating Water: Active System

Active System uses antifreeze so that the liquid does not

freeze if outside temp. drops below freezing.
Heating Water—Last Thoughts
 Efficiency of solar heating system is always less than 100%
o % transmitted depends on angle of incidence,
o Number of glass sheets (single glass sheet transmits 90-
95%), and
o Composition of the glass
 Solar water heating saves approx. 1000 megawatts of energy a yr,
equivalent to eliminating the emissions from two medium sized
coal burning power plants.
 By using solar water heating over gas water heater, a family will
save 1200 pounds of pollution each year.
 Market for flat plate collectors grew in 1980s because of
increasing fossil fuels prices and federal tax credits. But by 1985,
when these credits were removed and fossil fuel prices were low,
the demand for flat plate collectors shrunk quickly.
 While solar water heating is relatively low in the US, in other
parts of the world such as Cyprus (90%) and Israel (65%), it
proves to be the predominate form of water heating.
Heating Living Spaces
 Best design of a building is for it to act as a solar
collector and storage unit. This is achieved through
three elements: insulation, collection, and storage.
 Efficient heating starts with proper insulation on
external walls, roof, and the floors. The doors,
windows, and vents must be designed to minimize
heat loss.
 Collection: south-facing windows and appropriate
 Storage: Thermal mass—holds heat.
 Water= 62 BTU per cubic foot per degree F.
 Iron=54, Wood (oak) =29, Brick=25, concrete=22,
and loose stone=20
Heating Living Spaces

Passive Solar

Trombe Wall
Passively heated home
in Colorado
Heating Living Spaces
 A passively heated home uses about 60-75% of
the solar energy that hits its walls and windows.
 The Center for Renewable Resources estimates
that in almost any climate, a well-designed
passive solar home can reduce energy bills by
75% with an added construction cost of only 5-
 About 25% of energy is used for water and space
 Major factor discouraging solar heating is low
energy prices.
Solar-Thermal Electricity:
Power Towers
 General idea is to collect the light from many reflectors
spread over a large area at one central point to achieve high
 Example is the 10-MW solar power plant in Barstow, CA.
 1900 heliostats, each 20 ft by 20 ft
 a central 295 ft tower
 An energy storage system allows it to generate 7 MW of
electric power without sunlight.
 Capital cost is greater than coal fired power plant, despite
the no cost for fuel, ash disposal, and stack emissions.
 Capital costs are expected to decline as more and more
power towers are built with greater technological advances.
 One way to reduce cost is to use the waste steam from the
turbine for space heating or other industrial processes.
Solar-Thermal Electricity:
Parabolic Dishes and Troughs
 Focus sunlight on a smaller receiver for each device; the
heated liquid drives a steam engine to generate electricity.
 The first of these Solar Electric Generating Stations (SEGS)
was installed in CA by an Israeli company, Luz
 Output was 13.8 MW; cost was $6,000/peak kW and overall
efficiency was 25%.
 Through federal and state tax credits, Luz was able to build
more SEGS, and improved reduced costs to $3,000/peak kW
and the cost of electricity from 25 cents to 8 cents per kWh,
barely more than the cost of nuclear or coal-fired facilities.
 The more recent facilities converted a remarkable 22% of
sunlight into electricity.
Direct Conversion into Electricity
 Photovoltaic cells are capable of
directly converting sunlight into
 A simple wafer of silicon with
wires attached to the layers.
Current is produced based on
types of silicon (n- and p-types)
used for the layers. Each cell=0.5
 Battery needed as storage
 No moving parts→do no wear
out, but because they are
exposed to the weather, their
lifespan is about 20 years.
Solar Panels in Use
 Because of their current costs, only
rural and other customers far away
from power lines use solar panels
because it is more cost effective
than extending power lines.
 Note that utility companies are
already purchasing, installing, and
maintaining PV-home systems
(Idaho Power Co.).
 Largest solar plant in US, sponsored
by the DOE, served the Sacramento
area, producing 2195 MWh of
electric energy, making it cost
competitive with fossil fuel plants.
Advantages of Solar Energy
 Solar Energy is pollution-free and causes no greenhouse gases
to be emitted after installation
 Reduced dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels
 Renewable clean power that is available every day of the year,
even cloudy days produce some power
 Return on investment unlike paying for utility bills
 Virtually no maintenance as solar panels last over 30 years
Disadvantages of Solar Energy
 Needs lots of space as efficiency is not 100% yet
 No solar power at night so there is a need for a large battery bank
 Some people think they are ugly (I am definitely not one of those!)
 Devices that run on DC power directly are more expensive
 Depending on geographical location the size of the solar panels vary
for the same power generation
 Cloudy days do not produce as much energy
 Solar panels are not being massed produced due to a lack of
material and technology to lower the cost enough to be more
affordable (this is starting to change)
 Using a combination of Passive solar energy and photovoltaic
cells can lessen pollution.
 Concerns with use of Cadmium in PV cells is exaggerated
when compared to electricity produced from coal
 More research is needed and being done
 Cost of Solar system will come down in price when
production increases

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