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Private International Law

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SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

Program: B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) 8101 & B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) 8102 Semester: VIII
Module: Private International Law Module Code:
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Lecture Practical Tutorial Term End
Internal Continuous
(Hours (Hours (Hours Examinations (TEE)
Credit Assessment (ICA)
per per per week) (Marks- 50
(Marks - 50)
week) week) in Question Paper)
4 0 0 4 Marks Scaled to50 Marks Scaled to 50
Pre-requisite: Basic Knowledge of Business Law, Contracts
1. To inculcate a thorough understanding of the General Principles of Conflict of Laws
including Choice of Jurisdiction of English and Indian Courts in a case involving foreign
element as well as the intricacies involved in classification/characterization, selection of
proper law and its application
2. To clarify and develop understanding of the choice of law to be adopted and applied in a
case of Conflict of Laws falling in a particular legal category.
1. To acquire conceptual clarity about the principles of Private International Law (PLO 1a)
2. To understand whether principles of Conflict of Laws are applicable in any case involving
foreign element. (PLO 1a)
3. To identify the issue of Jurisdiction in any case where foreign element is involved (PLO
4. To identify the Law that will be applicable in any case where foreign element is
involved. (PLO 2a)
5. To understand whether a foreign judgement can be executed in India or not (PLO 1 a)
Detailed Syllabus: (per session plan)
Unit Description: Duration
1. Introduction to Private International Law 3 Hrs.
(a) Definition
(b) Bases : comity, convenience and justice
(c) Difference between Public International Law and Private International
Basic Reading:
a) Introduction, The Conflict of Laws in India : Interterritorial and
Interpersonal Conflict in India by VC Govindaraj, Oxford University Press
b) Chapter 1, Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis, 2014
Reference Reading:
Introduction, Collier’s Conflict of Laws, by Pippa Rogerson, Cambridge
University Press 2013
Pedagogy: Discussion
2. Introduction to Private International Law 3 Hrs.
(a) Unification of Private International Law
(b) Functions of Private International Law
Basic Reading:
a) Introduction, The Conflict of Laws in India : Interterritorial and
Interpersonal Conflict in India by VC Govindaraj, Oxford University Press
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
b) Chapter 1, Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis 2014
3. General Principles : Successive Stages in a Conflict of Laws case 3 Hrs.
(a) Choice of Jurisdiction
(b) Basis of Jurisdiction
(c) Statutory provisions relating to jurisdiction in India
Basic Reading:
a) Chapter 2, General Principles, The Conflict of Laws by Prof K Sreekantan,
The Academy of Legal Publications, Trivandrum
b) Chapter 2, Characterisation, the Incidental Question and the Time factor,
Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis, 2014
Reference Reading:
Chapter 3, Classification, Cheshire, North and Fawcett, Private International
Law, 2008
Teaching Pedagogy:
4. General Principles : Successive Stages in a Conflict of Laws case 3 Hrs.
(a) Classification/characterization/categorization/allocation of juridical
category to the foreign element case
(b) Incidental Question and Time Factor in private International law
(c) Selection of lexcausae – Conflict of Connecting factors
(d) Selection of lexcausae – Determination based on lexfori
(e) Selection of lexcausae – through the connecting factor
Basic Reading:
a) Chapter 2, General Principles, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The
Academy of Legal Publications, Trivandrum
b) Chapter 2, Characterization, the Incidental question and the Time factor
Reference Reading:
Chapter 4, The Incidental Question, Cheshire, North and Fawcett, Private
International Law, 2008
Discussion and analysis of case law
5. General Principles : Successive Stages in a Conflict of Laws case 3 Hrs.
(a) Application of lexcausae
(b) Three meanings of Lex Causae
(c) Renvoi : Partial and Total Renvoi
(d) Critical analysis of Renvoi
Basic Reading:
a) Chapter 2, General Principles, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The
Academy of Legal Publications, Trivandrum
b) Chapter 3, Renvoi, Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis, 2014
Reference Reading:
Chapter 5, Renvoi, Cheshire, North and Fawcett, Private International Law,
Discussion and analysis of case law
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
General Principles: Proof of Foreign Law 3 Hrs.
6. (a) Proof of Foreign Law
(b) Grounds for exclusion of foreign law: Public policy, Revenue laws,
Penal laws
Basic Reading:
a) Chapter 4, Proof of Foreign Law, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan,
The Academy of Legal Publications, Trivandrum
b) Chapter 5, Proof and Application of Foreign Law, Setalvad’s Conflict of
Laws, LexisNexis 2014
Reference Reading:
Chapter 7, Proof of foreign Law, Cheshire, North and Fawcett, Private
International Law, 2008
Discussion and analysis of case law
7. Domicile 3 Hrs.
(a) General principles
(b) Elements : Intention and residence
Basic Reading:
Chapter 6, Domicile, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The Academy of
Legal Publications, Trivandrum
Chapter 7, Domicile, Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis 2014
Reference Reading:
Chapter 9, Domicile, Nationality and Residence, Cheshire, North and Fawcett,
Private International Law, 2008
Discussion and analysis of case law
8. Domicile 3 Hrs.
(a) Domicile of Origin
(b) Domicile of Choice
(c) Domicile of dependence
(d) Domicile of Corporation
Basic Reading:
Chapter 6, Domicile, Conflict of laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The Academy of
Legal Publications, Trivandrum
Chapter 7, Domicile, Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis, 2014
Reference Reading:
Chapter 9, Domicile, Nationality and Residence, Cheshire, North and Fawcett,
Private International Law, 2008
Discussion and analysis of case law
9. Contracts: 3 Hrs.
a) Introduction
b) English concept of Proper Law of Contract : Theory of Intention and
Theory of localization of contract
c) Cases where Proper Law is not the only law applicable
Basic Reading:
a) Chapter 7, Contracts, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The
Academy of Legal Publications, Trivandrum
b) Chapter 24, Contracts, Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis, 2014
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

Reference Reading:
Chapter 18, Contracts, Cheshire North and Fawcett, Private International Law,
Discussion and analysis of case law
10. Contracts 3 Hrs.
(a) Position in India
(b) Judgments of Indian courts
Basic Reading:
a) Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The Academy of Legal
Publications, Trivandrum
b) Chapter 24, Contracts, Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis, 2014
Discussion and analysis of case law
11. Torts 3 Hrs.
(a) International Conventions
(b) Different theories : Lex fori, Lex Loci Delicti, Commissi
(c) The Proper Law of Tort
Basic Reading:
1) Chapter 8, Torts, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The Academy of
Legal Publication, Trivandrum
2) Chapter 26, Torts, Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis 2014
Discussion and analysis of case law
12. Torts 3 Hrs.
a) Maritime and Aerial Torts
b) Position in India
Basic Reading:
1) Chapter 8, Torts, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The Academy of
Legal Publication, Trivandrum
2) Chapter 26, Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis, 2014
3) Chapter 5, The Law of obligations, The Conflict of Laws in India : Inter
– territorial and Inter – personal Conflict, VC Govindaraj, OUP, 2011
Discussion and analysis of case law
13. Marriage and Matrimonial Causes 3 Hrs.
(a) Nature of English marriage
(b) Christian marriage
(c) Attitude towards polygamous unions, same-sex relationships and
transsexual marriages
Basic Reading:
1) Chapter 9, Marriage, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The
Academy of Legal Publication, Trivandrum
2) Chapter 11, Marriage and matrimonial relief, Setalvad’s Conflict of
Laws, LexisNexis 2014
Reference Reading:
Chapter 20, Marriage and other Adult relationships, Cheshire, North and
Fawcett, Private International Law, Fourteenth edition, 2008
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

Discussion and analysis of case law
14. Marriage and Matrimonial Causes 3 Hrs.
1) Formal validity of marriage
2) Essential validity of marriage
3) Divorce and other matrimonial relief
Basic Reading:
1) Chapter 9, Marriage, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The
Academy of Legal Publication
2) Chapter 11, Marriage and matrimonial relief, Setalvad’s Conflict of
Laws, LexisNexis 2014
Discussion and analysis of case law
15. Legitimacy, Legitimation and Adoption 3 Hrs.
a) Legitimacy
b) Law governing legitimacy
Basic Reading:
1) Chapter 13, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The Academy of
Legal Publications, Trivandrum
Discussion and analysis of case law
16. Legitimacy, Legitimation and Adoption
(a) Adoption in common law and Indian law 3 Hrs.
(b) Recognition of foreign adoption
Basic Reading:
1) Chapter 13, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The Academy of
Legal Publications, Trivandrum
Discussion and analysis of case law
17. Property 3 Hrs.
a) Distinction between movables and immovables
b) What law determines whether the property is movable or immovable
c) Jurisdiction in the case of immovable property : The Mocambique Rule
d) Exceptions to the Mocambique rule
Basic reading:
1) Chapter 15, Immovable Property, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan,
The Academy of Legal Publications, Trivandrum
Discussion and analysis of case law
18 Property 3 Hrs.
a) Succession to immovable property
Basic Reading:
2) Chapter 15, Immovable Property, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan,
The Academy of Legal Publications, Trivandrum
Discussion and analysis of case law
19 Property 3 Hrs.
a) Transfer of tangible movables
b) Transfer of intangible movables
c) Position in England and India
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
Basic Reading:
1) Chapter 17, Movable Property, Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan,
Academy of Legal Publication, Trivandrum
Discussion and analysis of case law
20 Recognition and Enforcement of foreign judgments 3 Hrs.
a) Need for recognizing foreign judgments
b) Limitations in recognition and enforcement
c) Indian legislations applicable : The Code of Civil Procedure and the
Indian Evidence Act
Basic Reading:
1) Chapter 9, Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments,
Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis, 2014
Discussion and analysis of case law
Total 60 Hrs.
Text Books:
1. Setalvad’s Conflict of Laws, LexisNexis, 3rd Edition 2014 (Classic)
2. Conflict of Laws, Prof K Sreekantan, The Academy of Legal Publications, Trivandrum
3. The Conflict of Laws in India: Inter-territorial and Inter-personal Conflict, V.C Govindaraj,
OUP, 2011 (Classic)
Reference Book:
1) Cheshire, North and Fawcett, Private International Law, Fourteenth edition, Oxford
University Press, 2008 (Classic)

Any Other Information:

Latest Updated Statutes, Act, Rules and Regulations and Case Law to be taught after
discussion in Multi-Campus Program Coordination (MPC) Meeting.

Total Marks of Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA) - 50 Marks

Distribution of ICA Marks:

Description of ICA Marks

Test 1 20 Marks
Quiz 10 Marks
Group Discussion 10 Marks
Class Participation 10 Marks
Total Marks : 50 Marks

Unni Ramachandran

Signature Signature
(Prepared byUnni Ramachandran) (Approved by Dean)
SVKM’s NarseeMonjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law

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