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SIN. 11414202798


1441 H/2019 M

A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Undergraduate Degree of English Education


SIN. 11414202798


1441 H/2019 M

In the name of Allah S.W.T. The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful.
All praises are to Allah S.W.T. for all the blesses so that the researcher can
accomplish this thesis. In addition, may Peace and Salawat salam be given to the
prophet Muhammad who has taken all human being from the Darkness to the
Lightness. The researcher truly grateful also for the never-ending supports, love
and care of beloved parents, the heroes and heroin of my life, Syamsu Yusran and
Nur Azizah. They are the reasons why I still keep walking and spirit in my
education to reach my bright future. There is no word which can represent how I
am proud for having them.
This thesis is written and intended to submit in partial of the requirements
for the Undergraduate degree in the Department of English Education, Faculty of
Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim
In this occasion the researcher would like to express her genuine gratitudes
1. Prof. Dr. KH. Akhmad Mujahidin, S.Ag., M.Ag. the Rector of State Islamic
University of Sultan Syarif Kasim, Dr. Drs. H. Suryan A. Jamrah, MA. the
Vice Rector I of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim, Drs. H.
Promadi, MA., Ph.D. the Vice Rector III of State Islamic University of Sultan
Syarif Kasim.
2. Dr. H. Muhammad Syaifuddin, S.Ag., M.Ag. the Dean of Education and
Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim
Riau, Dr. Drs. Alimuddin, M.Pd. the Vice Dean I of Education and Teacher
Training Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Dr.
Dra. Rohani, M.Pd. the Vice Dean II of Education and Teacher Training
Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Dr. Drs.
Nursalim, M.Pd. the Vice Dean III of Education and Teacher Training Faculty
of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

3. Drs. Samsi, M.H.Sc. the chairperson of Department of English Education for
his guidance to the students in writing thesis.
4. Cut Raudhatul Miski, M.Pd. the Secretary of English Education Department
and my beloved and very kind supervisor who has given me correction,
suggestion, support, advice and guidance in finishing this thesis.
5. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, S.S., M.Hum. my academic advisors who has given me
suggestion, support, and advice during the courses.
6. Rizki Fiprinita, M.Pd. my best supervisor who has given me guidance,
motivation, and advice for completing the courses.
7. All lecturers of English Education Department who have taught me and
transferred their knowledge during the courses, given suggestions and
8. Drs. Alisman the headmaster of Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 3
Terpadu Pekanbaru who has given the researcher permission to conduct a
research at this school and also Mrs. Fera Afriliya, S.Pd. who has guide the
reseacher in conducting this research.
9. My beloved parents Syamsu Yusran and Nur Azizah, who have given their
loves and affections, fund and useful supports to accomplish this thesis soon.
They are the reasons why I still keep walking and spirit in my education to
reach my bright future. There is no word which can represent how I am proud
for having you both, I love you.
10. My beloved brother Mhd Ikhwan Syam, who have given me support. You are
my best sibling ever.
11. My friends Ocuness Squad, who have given me opportunity to ask and disturb
12. My beloved classmates of EED in academic year 2014.
13. All my KKN team at Tandun.
14. All my PPL team at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru.
15. And all of the people who can not the researcher mention one by one who
have the role in finishing this thesis.

Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being
perfect. Therefore, constructive comments, critiques and suggestion are
appreciated very much.
“May Allah Almighty bless you, bless me, and bless us”

‫امين يا ر ّ ب العالمين‬

Pekanbaru, November 11th, 2019

The Researcher,

SIN. 11414202798


Oktia Yulanda, (2019): The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation in

Learning and Their English Achievement at The
Second Grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu

This research was aimed to know whether there is significant correlation

between students’ motivation in learning and their English achievement at SMK
Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru. The researcher formulated the problem
into three research questions which was answered by using quantitative method.
This research had two variables, students’ motivation in learningas an
independent variable and students’English achievement as a dependent
variable.The design of this research is correlational research. The researcher took
35 students as sample out of 244 students from total population. In collecting the
data, the researcher used questionnaire and documentation of students’ score from
English teacher. The questionnaire consists of 20 items statement as instrument.
In analyzing the data, the researcher used descriptive statistics and Pearson
Product Moment Correlation formula. The data was analyzed by using SPSS
version 23.0 program. Based on the research finding, it was found that students’
motivation in learning was categorized into high level and students’ English
achievement was categorized into less level. The result of Pearson Correlation
showed that the probability level is 0.000. It can be stated that 0.000< 0.05. Which
means Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there
is significant correlation between students’ motivation in learning and their
English achievement at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru.

Keywords: Correlation, Motivation, Achievement.


‫أوكتيا يولندا‪ (9102): ،‬ارتباط بين دافع التعلم وإنجاز اللغة اإلنجيليزية لدى التالميذ في الصف الثاني‬
‫بالمدرسة الثانويةالمهنية‬
‫محمدية ‪ 3‬المتكاملة بكنبارو‪.‬‬

‫يهدف هذا البحث إىل معرفة هل يوجد ارتباط هام بني دافع التعلم وإجناز اللغة‬
‫الثانويةاملهنية حممدية ‪ 3‬املتكاملة‬ ‫اإلجنيليزية لدى التالميذ يف الصف الثاين باملدرسة‬
‫بكنبارو‪ .‬عينت الباحثة ثالث‪88‬ة أس‪88‬ئلة البحث باس‪88‬تخدام طريق‪88‬ة الكمي‪ .‬يتك‪88‬ون ه‪88‬ذا البحث من متغري‪88‬ان‪،‬‬
‫دافع التعلم لدى التالميذ كاملتغري املستقل وإجناز اللغة اإلجنيليزية لدى التالميذكاملتغري غري املس‪88‬تقل‪.‬‬
‫تصميم هذا البحث هو البحث االرتباطي‪ .‬أخذت‬
‫تلميذا من جمموعة جمتمع البحث‪.‬‬ ‫تلميذا كعينة البحث من ‪422‬‬ ‫الباحثة ‪33‬‬
‫استخدمت الباحثة جملتمع البيانات االستفتاء وتوثيق نتائج التالميذ من مدرس اللغة‬
‫اإلجنيليزية‪ .‬يتكون االستفتاء من ‪ 42‬أسئلة كأدوات البحث‪ .‬استخدمت الباحثة لتحليل‬
‫البيانات اإلحصاء الوصفي ورموز ارتباطضرب العزوم‪ .‬حتليل البيان‪88‬ات باس‪88‬تخدام الربن‪88‬امج اإلحص‪88‬ائي للعل‪88‬وم‬
‫اإلجتماعية ‪ 43.2.‬فبناءا على ما وجدته الباحثة إن داف‪8‬ع التعلم ل‪8‬دى التالمي‪88‬ذ ي‪88‬ف مس‪88‬توى جي‪88‬د إجن‪88‬از‬
‫اللغة اإلجنيليزية لدى التالميذ يف مستوى ضعيف‪ .‬تظهر‬
‫‪ 2.222.‬وميكن تعرب بأن‬ ‫نتيجة ارتباطضرب العزوم أن مستوى احتمال‬
‫وبالتايل ميكن االستنتاج أن يوجد ارتباط‬ ‫مقبول‪.‬‬ ‫‪ H0‬مردودو ‪H‬‬ ‫ويعين ‪2.222>2.23.‬‬

‫هام بني دافع التعلم وإجناز اللغة اإلجنيليزية لدى التالميذ يف الصف الثاين باملدرسة‬
‫الثانويةاملهنية حممدية ‪ 3‬املتكاملة بكنبارو‪.‬‬

‫الكلمات األساسية‪ :‬ارتباط‪ ،‬دافع‪ ،‬إنجاز‪.‬‬


OktiaYulanda, (2019): Korelasi Antara Motivasi Siswa dalam Belajar dan

Pencapaian Bahasa Inggris Mereka di Kelas Dua
SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan yang

signifikan antara motivasi belajar siswa dan pencapaian belajar bahasa Inggris
siswa di SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru. Peneliti merumuskan
masalah menjadi tiga pertanyaan penelitian yang dijawab dengan menggunakan
metode kuantitatif. Penelitian ini memiliki dua variabel, motivasi siswa dalam
belajar sebagai variabel independen dan pencapaian belajar bahasa Inggris siswa
sebagai variabel dependen. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional.
Peneliti mengambil 35 siswa sebagai sampel dari 244 siswa dari total populasi.
Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan kuesioner dan dokumentasi
skor siswa dari guru bahasa Inggris. Kuesioner terdiri dari 20 item pernyataan
sebagai instrumen. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan statistik
deskriptif dan rumus Korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Data dianalisis dengan
menggunakan program SPSS versi 23.0. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian,
ditemukan bahwa motivasi siswa dalam belajar dikategorikan ke dalam level
tinggi dan pencapaian bahasa Inggris siswa dikategorikan ke dalam level kurang.
Hasil Korelasi Pearson menunjukkan bahwa tingkat probabilitas adalah 0,000.
Dapat dinyatakan bahwa 0,000 <0,05. yang berarti Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima.
Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada korelasi yang signifikan antara
motivasi siswa dalam belajar dan pencapaian bahasa Inggris mereka di SMK
Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru.

Kata kunci: Korelasi, Motivasi, Pencapaian


SUPERVISOR APPROVAL......................................................................... i
EXAMINERS APPROVAL .......................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. iii
ABSTRACTS.................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xi
LIST OF APPENDICES.....................................................................................xiii
A. Background .......................................................................... 1
B. Problem................................................................................ 3
1. Identification of the Problem .......................................... 3
2. Limitation of the Problem ............................................... 4
3. Formulation of the Problem ............................................ 4
C. Objective and Significance of Study ................................... 4
a. Objectives of the Research................................... ........ 4
b. Significance of the Research.......................................... 5
D. Reason for Choosing the Title ........................................ .... 5
E. The Definition of the Key Terms......................................... 6


A. Theoretical Framework........................................................ 7
1. The Definition of motivation .......................................... 7
a. Type of Motivation.................................................. . 9
b. The Indicators of Students’ Motivation in Learning.......13
2. The Nature of Achievement..................................................14
3. The Relationship between Motivation and
Achievement in English........................................................16
B. Relevant Research......................................................................17
C. Operational Concept...................................................................19
D. Assumption and Hypothesis.......................................................20



A. Research Design.........................................................................22
B. Time and Location of the Research...........................................22
C. Subject and Object of the Research...........................................22
D. Population and Sample of the Research.....................................23
1. Population of the Research....................................................23
2. Sample of the Research.........................................................23
E. Technique of the Collecting Data..............................................24
F. Technique of the Data Analysis.................................................29


A. Description of the Data..............................................................30
B. Data Presentation........................................................................30
1. Students’ Motivation in Learning........................................30
2. Students’ English Achievement...........................................45
3. Correlation between Students’ Motivation
in Learning and Their English
C. The Data Analysis......................................................................49
1. Students’ Motivation in Learning........................................49
2. Students’ English Achievement...........................................49
3. Correlation between Students’ Motivation
in Learning and Their English


A. Conclusion..................................................................................53
B. Suggestion..................................................................................53


Table III.1 The Total Population ............................................................ 23

Table III.2 The Blueprint of Questionnaire ............................................ 24
Table III.3 The Classification of Students’ Motivation Score................ 25
Table III.4 The Classification of Students’ Achievement Score ........... 26
Table III.5 Validity of Questionnaire .................................................... 27
Table III.6 Category of Reliability ......................................................... 28
Table III.7 Reliability Statistics ............................................................. 28
Table III.8 Tests of Normality ................................................................ 29
Table IV.1 Studying English is important because it will allow me to
be more at easy with people who speak English ................. 31
Table IV.2 I keep up to date with English by working on it almost
everyday ............................................................................... 32
Table IV.3 I really work hard to learn English ....................................... 32
Table IV.4 I plan to learn as much English as possible .......................... 33
Table IV.5 English is one of my favorite courses................................... 33
Table IV.6 I feel anxious if someone asks me something in English ..... 34
Table IV.7 When I have a problem understanding something in my
English class, I always my teacher for help ......................... 34
Table IV.8 I want to learn English so well that it will become natural
to me ..................................................................................... 35
Table IV.9 I really enkoy learning English............................................. 35
Table IV.10 I really like my English teacher............................................ 36
Table IV.11 I would rather spend my time on subjects other than
English .................................................................................. 36
Table IV.12 I would rather spend more time in my English class and
less in other classes............................................................... 37
Table IV.13 I have a hard time thinking of anything positive about my
English class ......................................................................... 37

Table IV.14 I woould like to learn as much English as possible .............. 38
Table IV.15 I really have desire to learn English .................................... 38
Table IV.16 I have a strong desire to know all aspects of English .......... 39
Table IV.17 My English class is really a waste of time ........................... 39
Table IV.18 I make a point of trying to understand all the English I see
and hear ................................................................................ 40
Table IV.19 I wish I could have many native English speaking friends . 40
Table IV.20 I wish I were fluent in English ............................................ 41
Table IV.21 The Score of Students’ Motivation in Learning .................. 42
Table IV.22 Frequency Distribution of Students’ Motivation in
Learning................................................................................ 43
Table IV.23 The Score of Students’ English Achievement...................... 44
Table IV.24 Frequency Distribution of Students’ English Achievement. 45
Table IV.25 The Score of Students’ Motivation in Learning And Their
English Achievement............................................................ 47
Table IV.26 Descriptive Statistics of Students’ Motivation in Learning . 48
Table IV.27 Descriptive Statistics of Students’ English Achievement .... 49
Table IV.28 Correlations .......................................................................... 50
Table IV.29 Coefficient Correlation ......................................................... 50


Appendix 1 The Instrument of Motivation

Appendix 2 The Result
Appendix 3 The Instrument of Achievement and The Result
Appendix 4 Analysis of Try Out Score
Appendix 5 The Syllabus
Appendix 6 r Table
Appendix 7 Thesis Guide Activity
Appendix 8 Research Letters



A. Background of The Problem

English is an important international language as a tool of

communication between people, so they can understand one another.

Moreover, English is important to be learn especially for students as a

compulsory subject, so they can communicate and get knowledge. English is a

major language of commerce and education, a language that students often

hear outside the walls of their classroom (Brown, 2000: 3). In Indonesia,

English is the first language that is taught from junior high school until

university. It is a must for Indonesian students to learn English as a

compulsory subject

Motivation is the reason for people actions, desires and needs. It is

supported by Santrock (2011, p. 451) who states that motivation involves the

process that energize, direct and sustain behavior. Motivation has a strong

impact towards people achievement. The students motivation in language

learning also affects their achievement in English. It is assumed that students

with high motivation in learning English will be more success rather than

students who have low motivation. Motivation is a key factor in the context of

teaching English as foreign language, so teacher need more attention to

motivate their students.

Motivation is an important contributing factor language learning

because learning will be more effective and efficient if it is pushed by


motivation. Moreover, Harmer (2007, p. 11) the purposes students have for

learning will have an effect on what it is they want and they need to learn and

as a result will influence what they are taught.

Achievement can be defined as a result or an output of classroom

interaction identified from the comprehension of students about the material

which known by giving test or assessment to the students. Achievement is a

key in judging students potentiality in certain subject (English) and their

capacities in learning it. According to Karthigeyan & Nirmala (2012, p. 144)

that achievement is a key criterion to judge one’s total potentialities and


SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru is one of SMK in Riau

province that use K-13. English in this school has been taught since first

years. The students of learning English 1 week for 90 minutes. Most of

students have not achieved that competence. Through observation at the

second grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru, it was found

that some of students have high motivation in learning English. It was showed

by the activeness of students when taught by the teacher. They gave feedback

either asking or answering questions, but their English was still low, because

students were not know the meaning of the words. Most of students had low

score and they could not reach the criteria of student minimum passing grade

(“Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal”).


However, based on the researcher observation and interview with the

teacher of English in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru, researcher

found some phenomena faced by students. It can be seen in the following:

1. Some of students were not active during learning process.

2. Some of students were not enjoy doing the task in learning English.

3. Some of students were not confident to show their ideas in learning


4. Some of students were not know what they should do in learning English.

5. Some of students were not persist in doing the task in learning English.

Based on the symptoms above, the researcher through this problem

indicated that it is important to conduct a study entitled: The Correlation

Between The Students’ Motivation In Learning And Their English

Achievement At The Second Grade Of Smk Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu


B. The Problem

1. Identification of the problem

Based on the background, the problems of this research are

identified as follows:

a. How is students motivation in learning?

b. Are some of students lazy to attend the activity during learning


c. How is students English achievement?

d. Are some of students have difficulty in their English achievement?


2. Limitation of the Problems

Based on identification of the problem above, it is clear that there

are several problems in this research. Considering the limitation of the

researcher in investigating the problems of this research, thus, these

research problems are limited to focus on the correlation between students’

motivation in learning and their English achievement at the second grade

of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru.

3. Formulation of the Problems

The problems of this research are formulating in the following

research questions:

a. How is students’ motivation in learning at the second grade of SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru?

b. How is students’ English achievement at the second grade of SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru?

c. Is there any significant correlation between students’ motivation in

learning and their English achievement at the second grade of SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru?

C. The Objectives and Significant of the Research

1. Objectives of the Research

a. To identify the students’ motivation in learning at the second grade of

SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru.

b. To identify the students’ English achievement at the second grade of

SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru.


c. To identify the correlation between students’ motivation in learning

and their English achievement at the second grade of SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru.

2. Significant of the Research

In addition to the objectives of the research above, this research is

expected to provide several significant as follows:

a. This research can prove the correlation between students’ motivation

in learning and their English achievement.

b. This research can give useful information about students’ motivation

in learning English at the second grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 3

Terpadu Pekanbaru, especially in students’ English achievement in

relation with their achievement.

c. This research can evaluated whether motivation has been any

correlation with students’ English achievement.

D. Reasons for Choosing the Title

a. The title of this research is relevant with the researcher’s status as a

student of English Education Department.

b. The title of this research is not yet investigated by other researchers.

c. The location of the research facilitates the researcher for conducting the


E. Definition of the Terms

1. Correlation

According to Creswell (2012, p. 338) correlation is statistical test

to determine the tendency or pattern or two or more variables or two sets

of data to vary consistently. In the case of only two variables share

common variance, so they co-vary together. Correlation means in this

research is the relationship between students’ motivation in learning and

their English achievement at the second grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 3

Terpadu Pekanbaru.

2. Motivation

The direction of desire to do some activities (students motivation in

learning English) indicated by the score gained from an instrument

measured to students’ motivation. Alderman (2004, p. 18) motivation

functions to energize and active behavior, direct behavior, and regulate

persistence of behavior.

3. Achievement

Achievement is the result of students action by using their own

ability. In other words, achievement is a measurement for students success

in mastering the material in every subject. Santrock (2011, p. 521) stated

that achievement is intended to measure what the student has learned or

what skills the students has mastered.



A. The Theoretical Framework

1. The Definition of Motivation

In learning foreign language, motivation has been regarded as one

of the affective factors that has significant influence on language learning

success. Every human needs language to communicate with other. They

can express or show their willing and feelings through language, they also

show their thought and ideas through it. Motivation is the effort, desire

and attitude toward learning (Dornyei, 2005, p. 68). Motivation pushes

students or learners to maximize their strength in learning.

Motivation functions to energize and active behavior, direct

behavior, and regulate persistence of behavior (Alderman, 2004, p. 18).

Precisely, motivation expresses a deeper concept such as what gets

students engaged in or turned off toward learning, why one course of

action is chosen over another, and why students persist toward goal.

Motivation can affect both new learning and performance of

previous learned skills, strategies and behaviors (Pintrich and Schunk,

2008, p. 182). Motivation has been conceptalized in varied ways including

inner forces, enduring, traits, behavioralresponses to stimuli and sets of


Learning is the process through various experiences. According to

Ernest (2000, p. 5) states learning is an activity orginates or is the changes


through training procedures as distinguishing from changes by factors not

attribution able to train. Motivation in learning there are several factors

and element need too conduct like mode possesses characteristic, mimic,

attention, retention, and the last factor is motivation (Bandura, 2006).

Thus, students who are highly motivated have willing and eager to

invest effort in learning activities and to progress. The motivation within

students or learners can be identified through the characteristics below

(Ur, 2003, p. 275):

a. Positive task orientation means that the students or learners is willing

to tackle task and challenges, and has confidence in his or her success.

b. Ego-involvement means that the students or learners find it important

to succeed in learning in other to maintain and promote his or her own

positive self-image.

c. Need for achievement means that the students or learners have a need

to achieve, to overcome difficulties and succeed in what they set out to


d. High aspirations mean that the students or learners are ambitious, go

for demanding challenges, high proficiency, top grades.

e. Goal orientation means that the students or learners are very aware of

the goals of learning, or of specific learning activities, and directs their

efforts towards achieving them.


f. Perseverance means that the students or learners consistently invest a

high level of effort in learning, and it is not discouraged by setbacks or

apparent lack of progress.

g. Tolerance of ambiguity means that the students or learners are not

frustrated or disturbed by situations involving a temporary lack of

understanding or confusion; they can live with these patiently, in the

confidence that understanding will come later.

Furthermore, motivation been identified as the learners orientation

with regard to the goal of learning a foreign language. It is thought that

students who are most successful when learning a target language are

those who like the people that speak the language, admire the culture and

have a desire to become familiar with or even integrate into the society in

which the language is used.

Therefore, it indicates that motivation has significant important

role in learning students or learners to achieve the curriculum expectation

and complete the learning goal with the process involve within it.

a. Type of Motivation in Learning

In terms of learning language, motivation has been defined and

constructed in many models based on the experts such as “intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation”. According to Deci & Ryan (2002, p. 245)

intrinsic motivation refers to motivation to engage in an activity for its

own sake, whereas extrinsic motivation is motivation to do a work or

an activity as a means or way to achieve a target.


Intrinsic motivation is founded upon innate needs for

competence and self-determination. It is hypothesized that when

people are free to choose to perform an activity, they will seek

interesting situations where they can rise to the challenges that the

activity present. Uno (2013, p. 33) stated that intrinsic motivation is

the motivation that comes from within the individual, not influenced

by the environment.

This intrinsic motivation can be found such as in students:

1) Interest, students with an interest in a subject tend to pay attention

to it. They feel that makes a difference to them. They want to

become fully aware of its character. Interest is the factor which

determiners an attitude in working or studying actively. Learning

process will run well if the students have interest. The students will

study regularly or effectively and they will be success if they have

high interest.

2) Need, a condition of tension in an organism resulting from

deprivation of something required for survival well-being, or

personal fulfillment a substance, state or any other thing. The

characteristics of three types of needs are (Ciccarelli & White,

2009, p. 346):

a. Need for achievement, involves a strong desire to succeed in

attaining goals, not only realistic ones but also challenging one.

b. Need for affiliation, people high in this need seek to be liked by

another and to be held in high regard by those around them.

c. Need for power, power is not about reaching a goal but about

having control over other people. People high in need would

want to have influence over others and make impact on them.

3) Hobby is an activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure or

relaxation in one spare time. So, hobby is an activity which is done

for pleasure and it is usually something that you really enjoy to do


4) Goal, we have said that motivation is closely bound up with a

person desire to achieve a goal. The learner is very aware of the

goals of learning, or of specific learning activities, and directs his

or her efforts towards achieving them. All people have a goal in

their life. Before they do something, they have decided to a goal. In

teaching and learning activity the students have to know decide to

a goal, because it can be a great motivation for them. If the

students know the appropriate goal, they will prepare everything

that can help them to achieve their goal.

Furthermore, students with intrinsic motivation toward

knowledge make the students engage in the activity for the pleasure

and satisfaction derived when trying to obtain something new, to reach

new standard of knowledge, or to create new invention. While students

with intrinsic motivation toward accomplishment focus on the process


of the learning itself rather than the outcome, it is because they enjoy

the process in order to feel competent and creative. Finally, the

students with intrinsic motivation to experience stimulation involve in

the learning activity to experience fun, excitement, and positive

sensation occurred in the learning process.

According to Uno (2013, p. 4) argues that intrinsic motivation

is stronger than extrinsic motivation. We can find many sources of

motivation, but actually motivation only has two big sources, the first

source comes from within the individual itself or known as intrinsic

motivation and the second is extrinsic motivation, which appears from

the outer side of and give some influences to the individual like give

incentives, social pressure or punishment.

Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation is that which derives from the

influence of some kind of external incentive, as distinct from the wish

to learn for its own sake or interest in tasks. Extrinsic motivation is a

motivation that is stimulated by other factors from outside, it is doing

something to get something else (how to achieve goals). Extrinsic

motivation is the motivation to engage in an activity as a means to

achieve a goal. Extrinsically motivated individuals perform tasks

because they believe that such participation will lead to desired

consequences, such as a prize, teacher accepting, or avoiding


It is stated that extrinsic motivation is fueled by the anticipation

of a reward from outside and beyond self (Brown, 2007, p. 172).

Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of the individual and refers to

the performance of an activity in order to attain an outcome, whether

or not that activity is also intrinsically motivated.

Extrinsic motivation comes from any numbers of outside

factors. Furthermore, an extrinsically motivated student study and

learns for other reasons; for example, the needs to pass the exam, the

hope for financial reward, or the possibility of future travel. Both of

the motivation work together in learning process as the psychological

mechanism that gives the students courage, energy, and attention in


High motivation students whether intrinsically motivated or

extrinsically motivated, they will be pushed to do more learning

activity. Although, it is suggested that the teacher must improve

students motivation in learning in order to achieve maximum level of


b. The Indicators of Students’ Motivation in Learning

In term of motivation in learning English, there are some

indicators of motivation in learning English. Uno (2013, p. 23)

classified the motivation in learning is indicated by the process of the


1. The interest to be successful


2. The motivate and need to learn

3. The desire of future achievement

4. The appreciation in learning

5. The interesting activities in learning

6. The conducive environment that makes students comfortable

In this research, the researcher only took some indicators of

motivation in learning English based on three indicators by Gardner

(2004). Students have strong effort, desire and have good affect in

learning English.

2. The Definition of Achievement

Achievement is the result of efforts that is done by students in a

certain time. The result of learning can be seen by the achievement of

someone in acquiring something. Based on the greenwood dictionary of

education, achievement is the attainment of knowledge, competencies and

higher level status, as may be reflected in grades, degrees and other forms

of certification or public acknowledgement. It means that the achievement

of learning process is measured by the knowledge and skills that the

learner has.

Collins and O’brein (2003, p. 4) stated that achievement is the

attainment of knowledge, competencies, and higher level status, as may be

reflected in grades, degrees, and other forms of certification or public

acknowledgement. Santrock (2011, p. 521) stated that achievement is


intended to measure what the student has learned or what skills the

students has mastered.

Achievement can be defined as a result or an output of classroom

interaction identified from the comprehension of the students about the

material which known by giving test or assessment to the students.

Achievement is a key in judging students’ potentiality in certain subject

(English) and their capacities in learning it. According to Karthigeyan &

Nirmala (2012, p. 144) that achievement is a key criterion to judge one’s

total potentialities and capacities.

Achievement is related to the ability gotten by someone after he

or she learned the knowledge of certain skill, for example in learning

language. Achievement is something important that you succeed in doing

by your own efforts, this definition also supports the idea that attain an

achievement, one needs skill, practice and effort. Therefore, teacher needs

to teach every skill in learning language two students in other to gain a

certain purpose in learning the material.

Achievement in learning cannot be separated from learning

actions because learning is a process. According to Marsun & Martaniah

(2000, p. 71) learning achievement is the result of learning activities,

namelt the extent to which students master the learning material taught,

which is then followed by the emergence of feelings of satisfaction that

they have done obligation well. This means that learning achievement can

only be known if an assessment of students learning outcomes have been

carried out.

A vocational school is a vocational secondary education which

also gives opportunities to students to continue their education to the

higher level. Such a thing differentiated with a non-formal vocational

education. So that, the subject in vocational school also differentiate with

those that are in high school or in a non-formal vocational education. The

subjects in a vocational school are general subjects and vocational subject

(Depdiknas, 2003, p. 8)

3. The Relationship Between Motivation and Achievement in English

Achievement is assumed to result from motivation to achieve the

goal. The nature of the relationship between motivation and achievement

may be more complex. Motivation is important because motivation can

serve as both an objective in itself and a means for furthering achievement

of other educational objectives.

Harmer (2001, p. 3) stated that the motivation which students bring

to class is bigger single factor affecting their success, its energy of

students which come from inside or outside encouraging them to do

something. It means students with learning motivation will get push from

inside and outside to learn, to think and to search new materials for their

English lesson. They will try to get the best learning outcomes. In contrast,

unmotivated students will not interest to write and tend to have difficulty

in learning. Indeed, motivation is one of the main determinants of second

foreign language learning achievement (Dornyei, 2005, p. 273).

The result from the correlation calculation, it can be said the

motivation to learn is good to have a beneficial relationship to student

achievement. The study reinforces previous studies that revealed that there

is an significant relationship between learning motivation and student

achievement (Daniko, 2012; Siska Eko Mawarsih, 2013). Goal

achievement was assumed to result from motivation to achieve the goal.

B. Relevant Research

According to Syafi’i, (2016, p. 102) a relevant research is required to

observe some previous researches conducted by other researchers in which

they are relevant to the research you are conducting.

The first research that was done by Putri Marinda Yulis , (2016)

entitled of this research is “The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation

And Their Speaking Skill At 8th Grade In MTsN Rambah”. The research was

conducted to find out the correlation between students’ motivation and

speaking skill at 8th grade in MTsN Rambah. The population of this research

consist of 20 students. However, all population were going to be taken as the

sample of the research. Collecting the data of the research, the reseacher used

two technique, they were quistioner and also test. For motivation case, the

researcher used quistioner as the instrumentation of the research and speaking

performance, the researcher used performance test. To analyzed the data that

has been collected, the researcher used r product moment and also SPSS

aplication. After analyzing and calculating the data, it was found that r

calculated was 0,506 with level significance 0.05, and the degree of freedom

(df= n-2) was 18. It means that r calculated was higher than r-table

(0.515>0.404). So, there is correlation between two variables above.

Therefore, the research hypothesisis accepted, that said “There is correlation

betweenstudents’motivation and speaking skill at 8 th grade in MTsN


Then, the second research that was done by Maolana Abdul (2014)

entitled of this research is “The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation

And Their Achievement In Writing Ability At The First Year Of SMA Yadika

Cicalengka Bandung”. The research was describes the correlation between

students’ motivation and their achievement in writing ability. However, the

researcher knows that writing is important and it is one part of the skills.

However, the Most of students of high school still cannot use English

communicatively and the researcher thinks that their writing ability is still

low. The writer conducted using a case study. Sample the entire population of

as many as 40 people. So this research is the study population, while the

techniques of data collection is done by questionnaires, tests and study

bibliography, then the analyzed of the data using a partial analysis and

correlational, using product moment correlation technique. The types of data

used in this study is quantitative data is data obtained from measurement,

calculation and involves a number or quantity of data and the price can be

changed-fox. This research includes two variables: first, motivation as


variable (Y). The second achievement as a variable (X). From the analysis of

the study note that students’ motivation to learn English on average achieves

higher qualifications, this is indicated by a value of 3.7 then students’

achievement in English writing ability has high qualifications. It can be seen

from the average value of 3.6. The correlation between the two variables is

shown by a correlation coefficient of 0.38 the first and second numbers of this

correlation significance at the 5% level and showed a low correlation, the

hypothesis is accepted that "There is a correlation between students'

motivation and their achievement in writing ability." Based on the known

correlation significance test of t count = 2.58> t table = 2.02. It can be seen

from the results of students' motivation in English writing ability gives the

effect of 7.73%, so 92.3% is estimated there are other factors that affect their


C. Operational Concept

According to Syafi’i (2016, p. 103) operational concept are derived

from related theoretical concept on all of the variables that should be

practically and empirically operated in an academic writing a research paper.

Thus, the researcher uses two variables as follows:

1. Variable X is students’ motivation in learning. Whereas variable X as

“Predictor” variable – the variable(s) that are believed to predict the

outcome, also called independent variable. There are some indicators to

determine students’ motivation in learning, the indicators of motivation in

learning English are as follows based on Gardner’s questionnaire (2004):


a. The students effort refers to the students have a time to spend studying

the language and the drive of the learner.

b. The students desire refers to indicates how much the students want to

become proficient in the language.

c. The students affect means that they emotional reactions related to

language study.

2. Variable Y is students’ achievement in English whereas variable Y as

“Criterion” variable – the variable to be predicted, the outcome, also called

the dependent variable. The indicators are (Karthigeyan & Nirmala, 2012,

p. 144):

a. The students have great interest in learning English.

b. The students are able to follow the teaching and learning process well.

c. The students are able to give expression both oral and written form in


d. The students are able identify the information from the text, and give

their opinion about the text.

e. The students are able to do exercises either in daily exercise or final

test well.

C. The Assumption and the Hypothesis of the Research

1. The Assumption

In this research, the research assumes that students’ motivation in

learning will be better when their English achievement is better.

2. The Hypothesis

Based on the assumptions above, the hypotheses of this research

can be formed as follows:

a. The Null hypothesis (Ho)

Ho: There is no significant correlation between students’ motivation

in learning and English achievement.

b. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

Ha: There is a significant correlation between students’ motivation in

learning and their English achievement.



A. Research Design

This research is a correlational research method. This research

described about the correlation between students’ motivation in learning and

their English achievement at the second grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 3

Terpadu Pekanbaru. The researcher collected data by doing questionnaire and

documentation. The researcher had two kinds of variables, the independent

and dependent variable. The independent variable is students’ motivation in

learning symbolized by X. Then, the dependent variable is students’ English

achievement symbolized by Y.

Variable X Variable Y
The students’ The students’
Motivation in English
Learning achievement

B. Location and the Time of The Research

The research was conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu

Pekanbaru. It is located Jl. Cipta Karya in Pekanbaru City. The research was

conducted on December, 2018.

C. The Subject and the Object of The Research

The subject of this research was the second grade students of SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru. The object of the research was the

correlation between students’ motivation in learning and their English


achievement at the second grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu


D. The Population and Sample of The Research

1. Population

The population of this research was the second grade students of

SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru. The total number of

population were 244 students divided into seven class.

Table III.1
The Total Population of The Second Grade Students’ of
SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru

No Class Number of Students Sample

1 XI TKR 1 28 5
2 XI TKR 2 37 5
3 XI TSM 34 5
4 XI TKJ 1 36 5
5 XI TKJ 2 37 5
6 XI AK 37 5
7 XI ADP 35 5
Total 244 35

2. Sample

The population of this research was 244 students. Because the

population is too large, so the writer used simple random sampling.

Arikunto (2006, p. 134) states that if the total population is less than 100,

it is better to take all of them as the sample but if the total populations are

more than 100 students, the sample can be taken between 10-15 % or 20-

25% or more.

The researcher entered all of the classes at the second grade, but

only a few students became sample in each class. The researcher made a

lottery in the form of paper and who got the paper marked with a circle, so

that students will be samples. Regarding the previous idea, the researcher

took 15% samples from the population. Hence, the sample of this research

was 35 students.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research there were two kinds of technique used for collecting

the data, they were:

1. Questionnaire

According to Creswell (2012, p. 382) questionnaire is a form used

in a survey design that participants in a study complete and return to the

research. The researcher used a set of questionnaire based on three

indicators of motivation in learning English by Gardner (2004). In a rating

scale, the individual is asked to rate performance or preference using a


For further information about the contents of the questionnaire, the

researcher shows the blueprint of the questionnaire as follows:

Table III.2
Blue Print of Students’ Motivation in Learning

No Indicators Item Number

1 Effort 1,4,7,10,13,16,19
2 Desire 2,5,8,11,14,17,20
3 Affect 3,6,9,12,15,18

After students responded to the questionnaire, the researcher then

took total score from the result. The classification of students score is as


Table III.3
The Classification of Students’ Motivation Score

Score Category
80-100 Very Good
66-79 Good
56-65 Enough
40-55 Less
30-39 Fail

2. Documentation

According to (Hartono, 2015, p. 88) documentation is defined as

the data are obtaibed by collecting the written archieves such as books,

documents, journals, and so on.

In this research, the data of students’ English achievement were

obtained by having the scores for the final semester exam conducted by

school. So, the researcher took English score at final semester exam from

the English teacher to know about students’ achievement in English and

that score were analyzed.

Assesing and scoring students English can be done by using

teacher documentation which provide a number of scores and some

criteria in each students. The criteria it can be seen as follows:


Table III.4
The Classification of Students’ Achievement Score

Score Category
86-100 Very Good
80-85 Good
70-79 Enough
<70 Less

3. Validity

Every test, whether it is short, informal classroom test or a public

examination should be as valid as the test constructor can make it. The test

must aim at providing a true measure of the particular skill in which it is

intended to measure.

Before the test was given to the sample of this research, the test

was tried out to the students at the second grade students. The purpose of

try out is to obtain validity and reliability of the test. Pertaining Hughes

(2003, p. 26) the test is said to be valid it measures accurately what it is

intended to measure. To know whether the questionnaire valid or not, the

researcher calculated it by using Ms. Excel Program. The result of validity

questionnaire is as follows:

Table III.5
Validity of Questionnaire

Number r-item r-table Result
Item 1 0.87 0.51 Valid
Item 2 0.61 0.51 Valid
Item 3 0.66 0.51 Valid
Item 4 0.80 0.51 Valid
Item 5 0.63 0.51 Valid
Item 6 0.68 0.51 Valid
Item 7 0.63 0.51 Valid
Item 8 0.81 0.51 Valid
Item 9 0.68 0.51 Valid
Item 10 0.74 0.51 Valid
Item 11 0.65 0.51 Valid
Item 12 0.67 0.51 Valid
Item 13 0.64 0.51 Valid
Item 14 0.65 0.51 Valid
Item 15 0.55 0.51 Valid
Item 16 0.59 0.51 Valid
Item 17 0.62 0.51 Valid
Item 18 0.84 0.51 Valid
Item 19 0.68 0.51 Valid
Item 20 0.66 0.51 Valid
Based on the table, it can be seen that all items in questionnaire

were valid. Thus, the researcher took all items to be used in instrument.

4. Reliability

According to Brown (2003, p. 20), reliability has to do with

accuracy of measurement. To obtain the reliability of the test, it must be

known the Mean and Standard Deviation of test. Validity in general refers

to appropriateness of a given test or any of its component parts as measure

of what it is purposed to measure. It means the test is valid to the extent

that is measured what it is supposed to measure. The following table is the

level of internal consistency of Cronbach Alpha (Cohen, 2007, p. 506):


Table III.6
Category of Reliability

No Reliability Category
1 >0.90 Very highly reliable
2 0.80-0.90 Highly reliable
3 0.70-0.79 Reliable
4 0.60-0.69 Minimally reliable
5 <0.60 Unacceptably low reliability

In this research, the researcher used software SPSS 23 version to

calculate the reliability of test. The result of reliability for qustionnaire is

as follows:

Table III.7
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.932 20

The table showed that the reliability of questionnaire was 0.932

which is categorized into very highly reliable level.

5. The Normality of the Data

Kadir (2015, p. 143) said that when researchers want to do an

inferential statistic, they should do the normality test for the data. The

normality test is used to know the distribution of data was normal or not.

Before analyzing the data by using Pearson Product Moment

Correlation, it is necessary to test the normality of the data. In analyzing

the normality of the data, the researcher used Kolmogorov-Smirnov

formula calculated by using SPSS. The result of the normality data is as


Table III.8
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.
Motivation in
.143 35 .068 .926 35 .022
.144 35 .063 .967 35 .370
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on the data above, it can be seen that the sig. value of

students’ Motivation in Learning was 0.068 and their English Achievement

was 0.063. It can be stated that 0.068>0.05 and 0.063>0.05 which means that

both of the data were normally distributed.

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

In order to analyzed the data, the researcher used descriptive

statistics to know students’ motivation in learning and their English

achievement and also Pearson Product Moment correlation, calculated by

using SPSS 23.00 program, to determine relationship between two

parametric variables. The statistical hypotheses were as follow:

Ha : sig. 2 tailed ≤ 0.05

Ho : sig. 2 tailed ≥ 0.05

Ha : there is a significant correlation between students’ motivation in

learning and their English achievement.

Ho : there is no significant correlation between students’ motivation in

learning and their English achievement.



A. Conclusion

This research was done to find out the correlation between students’

motivation in learning and their English achievement at the second grade of

SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru. So, the researcher can

concluded this research as follows:

1. The students’ motivation in learning at the second grade of SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru is categorized into ‘Good’ level at

score 74.

2. The students’ English achievement at the second grade of SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru is categorized into ‘Less’ level at

score 69.

3. There is a significant correlation between students’ motivation in

learning and their English achievement at the second grade of SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru.

Based on the result of the research, the students’ motivation in

learning has correlation with their English achievement. It means the better

motivation in learning they have, the better English achievement they get.

B. Suggestion

Considering the correlation between students’ motivation in learning

and their English achievement, the researcher would like to give some

suggestion as follows:


1. Suggestion for Teachers

a. It is recommended to teacher to help students in improving their

motivation in learning.

b. The teacher should be creative to improve the students’ English

achievement by giving them more activities or exercise.

2. Suggestion for Students

a. The students should be creative to improve their motivation in

learning in order to get better English achievement.

b. The students should pay more attention to the lesson explained by

the teacher.
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Oktia Yulanda was born on October 12th, 1996 in

Bangkinang, Kampar Regency. She is the first daughter
from Mr. Syamsu Yusran and Mrs. Nur Azizah. She has
finished her study at Elementary School 005 Bengkalis
(2002-2008), and she continued at Islamic Junior High
School Bengkalis (2008-2011), and then continued her
study at Senior High School 1 Salo (2011-2014). In 2014
on September, she continued her study in State Islamic
University of Sultan Syraif Kasim Riau at English Education Department, Faculty
of Education and Teacher Training. She was doing KKN in Tandun, Rokan Hulu
Regency on July 2017, and she was doing teaching practice in Vocational High
School Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru on Februari 2018.
She followed the final examination of her thesis entitled: The Correlation
Between Students’ Motivation in Learning and Their English Achievement at The
Second Grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Terpadu Pekanbaru . She passed her
final examination and get Bachelor Degree of Education.

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