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Enter The Portal Starter Self-Evaluation Sheets

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1 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e
H. Q. Mitchell – Marileni Malkogianni


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Key to Self-evaluation sheets������������������������������23
t s
1 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

1 Now I can talk about school objects. Say and tick (4).

1. ruler 2. pen

book pencil

3. notebook 4. pencil

rubber pen

2 Now I can talk about my classroom. Say and tick (4).

1. desk 2. whiteboard

chair board

3. bookcase 4. laptop

school computer

3 Now I can ask and answer about things. Look and tick (4).

1. Is it a bag? 2. Is it a boat? 3. Is it a ruler?

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Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t.

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1 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

4 Now I can talk about things that are or aren’t close to me.
Look and tick (4).

1. This is a computer. 2. This is an umbrella.

That is a computer. That is an umbrella.

3. Those are notebooks. 4. These are rulers.

These are notebooks. Those are rulers.

5 Now I can say the numbers 1−20. Look and tick (4).

eighteen bags twelve pens

1 2
18 twenty bags 11 eleven pens

twenty books ten computers

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3 4
two books fifteen computers
20 15

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2 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

1 Now I can talk about my family. Look and tick (4).

1. Who’s that?

It’s my brother.

It’s my sister.

2. Who’s that?

It’s my mother/mum.

It’s my father/dad.

3. Who’s that?

It’s my father/dad.

It’s my friend.

2 Now I can talk about rooms in a house. Say and tick (4).


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living room


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2 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

3 Now I can talk about jobs. Look and tick (4).

1. 2.

He's a teacher. She's a doctor.

He's a student. She's an actor.

3. 4.

He's a pilot. She's an actor.

He's a teacher. She's a teacher.

4 Now I can talk about items in a house. Look and tick (4).

1 2 3 4

box bed TV box

table sofa lamp bed

5 Now I can ask and answer about the location of things.

Look and tick (4).

1. Where’s Zippy? 2. Where’s Zippy? 3. Where’s Zippy?

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On the bed. On the sofa. In the box.

Under the bed. Under the sofa. On the box.

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3 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

1 Now I can ask and answer questions about physical appearance.

Look and tick (4).

1. Is he tall? 2. Is she tall?

Yes, he is. Yes, she is.

No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t.

3. Is it fat? 4. Is it thin?

Yes, it is. Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t.

2 Now I can talk about feelings. Look and tick (4).

happy happy
1 2
sad sad

3 Now I can talk about actions and what animals can do.
Look and tick (4).

1 2 3
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It can fly. She can draw. They can count.

It can jump. She can swim. They can sing.

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3 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

4 Now I can talk about actions and what animals can’t do.
Look and tick (4).

It can’t swim. I can’t talk.

It can’t fly. I can’t spell 'rubber'.


1 2
1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

We can’t dance. He can’t run.

We can’t count to 5. He can’t talk.

3 4

5 Now I can identify musical instruments. Look and tick (4).

1 2
violin cello

guitar guitar

3 4
piano guitar
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cello trumpet

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4 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

1 Now I can identify parts of the face. Look and tick (4).

hair eye



2 Now I can identify parts of the body. Look and tick (4).

body long hair


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4 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

3 Now I can describe physical appearance. Look and tick (4).

1 2

She has got long hair. They have got two eyes.

She hasn’t got long hair. They have got one eye.

3 4

It has got two ears. It has got three feet.

It has got two wings. It hasn’t got feet.

4 Now I can talk about possession. Look and tick (4).

1 2 3

She has got a doll. He has got a car. They have got drums.

She has got a car. He has got a belt. They have got dolls.

5 Now I can talk about mythical creatures. Look and tick (4).

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eagle and lion horse wings

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5 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

1 Now I can identify food and drinks. Look and tick (4).

1. rice 5. juice

salad milk

2. pears 6. pasta

carrots fish

3. onions 7. chips

cheese cake

4. peaches 8. soup

lemons meat

2 Now I can talk about likes and dislikes.

A. Say and tick (4).

1. I like oranges. 2. I don’t like burgers.

3. I don’t like vegetables. 4. I like pizza.

B. Look and tick (4).

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1. Do you like eggs? 2. Do you like bananas? 3. Do you like chicken?

Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

No, I don’t. No, I don’t. No, I don’t.

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5 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

3 Now I can tell the time. Look and tick (4).

1. What’s the time? 2. What’s the time?

It’s eleven o’clock. It’s eleven o’clock.
It’s twelve o’clock. It’s twelve o’clock.

3. What’s the time?

It’s three o’clock.

It’s five o’clock.

4 Now I can talk about breakfast/lunch/dinner. Look and tick (4).

1 2 3

It’s time for It’s time for It’s time for

breakfast. breakfast. dinner.
It’s time It’s time It’s time
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for dinner. for lunch. for breakfast.

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5 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

5 Now I can talk about the different times of the day. Look and tick (4).

Good morning! Good afternoon!

1 2
Good night! Good evening!

Good night! Good afternoon!

3 4
Good morning! Good night!

6 Now I can say the numbers 20-100 and ask about quantity.


1. How many fish? 2. How many carrots?

Twenty-eight fish. Sixty carrots.

Twenty-five fish. A hundred carrots.

80 90

3. How many potatoes? 4. How many bananas?

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Eighty potatoes. Ninety-two bananas.

Forty potatoes. Ninety bananas.

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6 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

1 Now I can identify the days of the week. Say and tick (4).

2 Now I can make suggestions. Look and tick (4).

1 2 3

Let’s go to the Let’s go to the Let’s go to the

playground. playground. zoo.
Let’s go to the Let’s go to the Let’s go to the
park. cinema. restaurant.

3 Now I can identify places in a town/city. Look and tick (4).

1 clothes shop
park 4

pet shop
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shopping centre
hospital 5
3 restaurant
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6 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

4 Now I can use prepositions of place. Look and tick (4).

1. There is a toy shop between 2. There is a hospital next to

the hotel and the zoo. the museum.
There is a hotel between There is a supermarket
the toy shop and the zoo. next to the museum.

3. There isn’t a pet shop between 4. There aren’t three schools

the toy shop and the hotel. next to the zoo.
There isn’t a toy shop between There aren’t two schools
the pet shop and the hotel. next to the zoo.
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6 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

5 Now I can ask and answer about places in a town/city.

Look and tick (4).

1. Is there a hospital in the town? 2. Are there two supermarkets

in the town?
Yes, there is.
Yes, there are.
No, there isn’t.
No, there aren't.

3. Are there three cars? 4. Is there a zoo in the town?

Yes, there are. Yes, there is.

No, there aren't. No, there isn’t.

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7 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

1 Now I can talk about everyday activities. Look and tick (4).

1 2 3

We brush our teeth I get home at They go to bed

every day. six o’clock. at eight o'clock.

We drink milk They go to school

I read books at six
every day. at eight o’clock.

4 5

She drinks milk He gets up at

every day. seven o’clock.
She drinks juice He goes to bed at
every day. eight o’clock.

2 Now I can talk about free-time activities. Look and tick (4).

1 2 3

Do they like parties? Do you listen to music Does he play the

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on Sundays? guitar on Mondays?

Yes, they do.
Yes, I do. Yes, he does.
No, they don’t.
No, I don’t. No, he doesn’t.

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7 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

3 Now I can talk about everyday heroes. Say and tick (4).

Superboy trains He helps old people

every day. cross the road.

He feeds cats He gets home at

and birds. nine o’clock.
3 4

4 Now I can say the months of the year. Look and tick (4).

June January
1 2
December May

January March
3 4
August September

5 Now I can say and write the date. Look and tick (4).

1 25/4 2 10/9
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When’s your birthday? When’s your birthday?

It’s on 25 April. It’s on 10 September.

It’s on 25 March. It’s on 10 August.

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7 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

3 3/12 4 16/2

When’s your birthday? When’s your birthday?

It’s on 3 December. It’s on 16 January.

It’s on 3 November. It’s on 16 February.

6 Now I can talk about ways to help the world around us.
Look and tick (4).

1 2 3


paper paper can

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bottle can bottle

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8 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

1 Now I can identify and talk about clothes. Look and tick (4).

I’m wearing a coat She’s wearing a dress

and trainers. and a jacket.
1 2
I’m wearing a dress She’s wearing a dress
and trainers. and a hat.

They’re wearing jeans

I’m wearing a T-shirt,
and trainers.
jeans and trainers.
They’re wearing trousers 4 I’m wearing a shirt,
and trainers.
jeans and shoes.

2 Now I can ask and answer questions about activities happening

at the moment of speaking. Look and tick (4).

Is she swimming? Is he playing the guitar?

Yes, she is. Yes, he is.

No, she isn’t. No, he isn’t.

1 2

Are they taking photos? Is it climbing the tree?

Yes, they are. Yes, it is.

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No, they aren’t. No, it isn’t.

3 4

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8 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

3 Now I can talk about the weather. Say and tick (4).

What’s the weather like? What’s the weather like?

1 It’s hot. 2 It’s cold.

What’s the weather like? What’s the weather like?

3 4
It’s snowing. It’s raining.

4 Now I can ask and answer questions about possession.

Look and tick (4).

1 2

Tom Jane

1. Whose shirt is this? 4. Whose dress is this?

It’s Tom’s. It’s Tom’s.

It’s Jane’s. It’s Jane’s.

2. Whose shoes are these? 5. Whose handbag is this?

They’re Tom’s. It’s Tom’s.

They're Jane’s. It’s Jane’s.

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3. Whose trousers are these? 6. Whose trainers are these?

They’re Tom’s. They're Tom’s.

They're Jane’s. They're Jane’s.

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8 Self-eva l u a t i o n s h e e

5 Now I can talk about clothes around the world. Look and tick (4).

1 2

Is he wearing black trousers? Is she wearing trainers?

Yes, he is. Yes, she is.

No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t.

Is he wearing a jacket? Is she wearing a hat?

Yes, he is. Yes, she is.

No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t.

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a lu a t io n s h e e t s
Key to Self-ev
Activity 2
Module 1
1. happy
Activity 1 2. sad
1. book
2. pen Activity 3
3. rubber 1. It can jump.
4. pencil 2. She can draw.
3. They can sing.
Activity 2
1. chair Activity 4
2. board 1. It can’t fly.
3. bookcase 2. I can’t spell 'rubber'.
4. laptop 3. We can’t dance.
4. He can’t run.
Activity 3
1. No, it isn’t. Activity 5
2. Yes, it is. 1. violin
3. No, it isn’t. 2. guitar
3. piano
Activity 4 4. trumpet
1. This is a computer.
2. That is an umbrella. Module 4
3. These are notebooks.
4. Those are rulers. Activity 1
no key
Activity 5
1. eighteen bags Activity 2
2. eleven pens no key
3. twenty books
4. fifteen computers Activity 3
1. She has got long hair.
2. They have got one eye.
Module 2
3. It has got two ears.
Activity 1 4. It hasn’t got feet.
1. It’s my brother.
2. It’s my mother/mum. Activity 4
3. It’s my friend. 1. She has got a car.
2. He has got a belt.
Activity 2 3. They have got drums.
no key
Activity 5
Activity 3 no key
1. He's a student.
2. She's a doctor. Module 5
3. He's a pilot.
4. She's a teacher. Activity 1
1. rice
Activity 4 2. carrots
1. table 3. onions
2. sofa 4. lemons
3. TV 5. milk
4. bed 6. fish
7. chips
Activity 5 8. soup
1. On the bed.
2. Under the sofa. Activity 2
3. In the box. A. no key
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B. 1. Yes, I do.
2. Yes, I do.
Module 3
3. No, I don’t.
Activity 1
1. Yes, he is. Activity 3
2. No, she isn’t. 1. It’s eleven o’clock.
3. No, it isn’t. 2. It’s twelve o’clock.
4. No, it isn’t. 3. It’s three o’clock.
a lu a t io n s h e e t s
Key to Self-ev

Activity 4 Activity 2
1 It’s time for breakfast. 1. Yes, they do.
2. It’s time for lunch. 2. No, I don’t.
3. It’s time for dinner. 3. Yes, he does.

Activity 5 Activity 3
1. Good morning! no key
2. Good evening!
3. Good night! Activity 4
4. Good afternoon! 1. June
2. May
Activity 6 3. January
1. Twenty-five fish. 4. September
2. A hundred carrots.
3. Eighty potatoes. Activity 5
4. Ninety bananas. 1. It's on 25 April.
2. It's on 10 August.
Module 6 3. It's on 3 December.
4. It's on 16 February.
Activity 1
no key Activity 6
1. bottle
Activity 2 2. paper
1. Let’s go to the park. 3. can
2. Let’s go to the cinema.
3. Let’s go to the zoo.
Module 8
Activity 3 Activity 1
1. playground 1. I’m wearing a coat and trainers.
2. museum 2. She’s wearing a dress and a hat.
3. hospital 3. They’re wearing jeans and trainers.
4. hotel 4. I’m wearing a T-shirt, jeans and trainers.
5. shopping centre
Activity 2
Activity 4 1. Yes, she is.
1. There is a toy shop between the hotel and the zoo. 2. No, he isn’t.
2. There is a supermarket next to the museum. 3. No, they aren’t.
3. There isn’t a pet shop between the toy shop and the 4. Yes, it is.
4. There aren’t three schools next to the zoo. Activity 3
no key
Activity 5
1. No, there isn’t. Activity 4
2. Yes, there are. 1. It’s Tom’s.
3. No, there aren't. 2. They’re Jane’s.
4. Yes, there is. 3. They’re Tom’s.
4. It’s Jane’s.
Module 7 5. It’s Jane’s.
6. They’re Tom’s.
Activity 1
1. We brush our teeth every day. Activity 5
2. I get home at six o’clock. 1. Yes, he is.
3. They go to school at eight o’clock. No, he isn’t.
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4. She drinks juice every day. 2. No, she isn’t.

5. He gets up at seven o’clock. Yes, she is.

Enter the Portal Starter
Self-evaluation sheets
H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

Published by: MM Publications

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Copyright © 2021 MM Publications

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Part of Enter the Portal Starter Teacher’s Digital Resources ( 978-618-05-5488-5)

equips English language learners
with the skills and knowledge they need
to excel in an increasingly connected
and ever-changing world.

Part of
Teacher’s Digital Resources

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