CII Promoting The Use AWP
CII Promoting The Use AWP
CII Promoting The Use AWP
Phase 1
Phase 1
March 2020
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In order to achieve its goal, the team conducted a survey and a series of interviews
to accomplish the following tasks:
1. Identify companies that are implementing AWP.
2. Analyze the main barriers these companies face during AWP
3. Recommend potential solutions to overcome these barriers.
4. Find out why some companies choose not to implement AWP.
5. Uncover opportunity areas where additional research could positively affect
the use of AWP at the industry level.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
The team identified potential solutions to the main AWP implementation barriers
and also compiled its suggestions on how to promote the use of AWP. The research
findings made clear that there are ways to positively promote AWP implementation at
the industry level. The team isolated two topics that need more attention now:
1. Improving the integration of engineering and AWP implementation
2. Providing easier access to AWP case studies and implementation
A second phase of this research will focus on these areas that were identified by the
team’s first phase.
Chapter 1
Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) is a CII Best Practice that promotes a disciplined
process for project planning and execution. It aims to systematically align the engineering,
procurement, and construction disciplines across the project life cycle. The AWP
methodology shifts the planning focus to the early stages and is based on three main
1. Construction work packages (CWPs)
2. Engineering work packages (EWPs)
3. Installation work packages (IWPs)
The logical and iterative breakdown of a project into these three deliverables provides
a framework for effective and consistent planning throughout project duration.
AWP has the potential to improve the project delivery process. Early evidence
from CII’s Research Team 272 (RT-272) indicated the following benefits of AWP
implementation, compared to traditional planning and execution processes (CII/COAA
• Up to 25% increase in construction productivity
• Up to 10% decreases in total installed cost (TIC), with increased savings for
owners and increased profitability for contractors
• Improved schedule performance, with projects delivered on schedule
• Improved safety performance, with zero lost time accident records
• Increased quality, with reduced construction rework
• Increased predictability, in terms of cost and schedule estimates
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Research Objectives
RT-DCC-04’s main goal was to promote AWP use in the downstream and chemical
sectors. To that end, the team established the following objectives:
• Identify which Downstream and Chemicals Sector Committee (DCC) member
organizations are implementing AWP.
• Identify the barriers that DCC member organizations face during their
implementation of AWP.
• Pinpoint the strategies that DCC member organizations are adopting to
overcome these barriers to successful implementation of AWP.
• Discover why some DCC member organizations choose not to implement AWP.
• Uncover opportunities related to “people,” “process,” and “technology” aspects
that can be leveraged to improve the utilization of AWP.
Chapter 2
Research Methodology
This chapter presents the methodology RT-DCC-04 followed to achieve its research
objectives. The team’s approach is illustrated in Figure 1.
Data • Survey
Collection • Interviews
Background Review
RT-DCC-04 conducted a background review to gather relevant findings from
previous studies. The team aimed to incorporate knowledge from related AWP studies
and to align with existing AWP implementation efforts. The team’s search leveraged
resources and/or findings from the following organizations:
• CII’s Downstream and Chemicals Sector Committee (DCC)
• CII’s Advanced Work Packaging Community for Business Advancement
• CII’s Technology Committee
• Construction Owners Association of Alberta (COAA)
• Organizations that support the implementation of AWP (e.g., Construct-X,
Autodesk, ExxonMobil, Eastman, Bechtel, Worley, Group ASI)
• Universities that are conducting AWP-related research (e.g., University of
Alberta and The University of Texas at Austin)
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Data Collection
The team’s approach to data collection involved a survey and interviews with
subject matter experts.
The team conducted a survey by issuing it through CII to all members of the DCC.
The survey was a self-assessment tool that an average participant took an estimated
20 minutes to complete. Created by using Qualtrics software, this survey addressed
topics that were relevant to achieving RT-DCC-04’s research objectives.
The survey was composed of four primary blocks of questions. Each block had
a different focus and gained a different perspective on the AWP program at the
respondent’s company. (The complete survey questions are presented in Appendix A.)
2. Maturity level
This section assessed the responding company’s maturity in AWP implementation.
Its questions were based on the maturity model matrix presented by RT-272 (CII/
COAA 2013a). It assessed the company’s AWP maturity in terms of the following five
• View of AWP
• AWP implementation strategy
• Work processes and deliverables
• Culture and performance metrics
• Training and support
2. Research Methodology
For each dimension, the survey asked the respondent to rate the company’s maturity
by assigning it to one of five levels (offering half-step levels to increase the flexibility
of possible responses):
Level 1 – The maturity of the organization is low.
Level 1.5 – The maturity of the organization is between Level 1 (above) and
Level 2 (below).
Level 2 – The maturity of the organization is median.
Level 2.5 – The maturity of the organization is between Level 2 (above) and
Level 3 (below).
Level 3 – The maturity of the organization is high.
Next, this section presented multiple-choice questions. The survey offered a list of
barriers (shown in Table 1 on the following page) and asked the respondent to assign
a level of severity to each barrier:
• Major
• Moderate
• Minor
• None
• Not Applicable
If the respondent marked “major” beside a given barrier, the questionnaire would
provide a box where the respondent could write which potential solution the company
had used to overcome that specific barrier. To avoid survey fatigue, respondents were
only asked to supply these additional details for major barriers. (The number in front
of each barrier in Table 1 is a reference number; in no way does it rank the barrier.)
After this section, the survey offered two questions to support the other CII research
teams contemporaneously working on AWP topics, Research Teams 364 and 365.
These questions addressed barriers related to the integration of AWP with procurement
and supply chain management, and to its integration with commissioning and startup.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
2. Research Methodology
The survey was distributed through an anonymous link via Qualtrics, sent by email to
CII member companies. Research team members, CII staff, and DCC members helped
disseminate the link and ensured that companies were participating in the survey. The
survey was not directed to any specific group of respondents (i.e., it was not intended
only to reach only individuals representing engineering or construction). Any qualified
representative in a company could respond, and each company could complete more
than one survey. The team felt that this approach could show different perspectives of
AWP implementation. In cases where a company submitted more than one response,
the separate implementation maturity results were averaged.
4 Service
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Appendix B lists the companies that participated in the survey. The survey captured
whether a respondent was from the home office (13 respondents) or a field office (54
respondents). Additionally, the survey gathered information about each respondent’s
extent of industry experience and AWP experience (see Figure 3).
40% 35%
35% 34%
30% 28% 25% 23%
21% 20%
20% 15%
6% 5%
5% 5% 3%
0% 0%
0–10 10–20 20–30 30–40 >40 0–3 3–5 5–10 10–15 15–20 >20
Respondent’s years of industry experience Respondent’s years of AWP experience
As a way to expand on the survey results, the researchers also carried out semi-
structured interviews that provided opportunities to better understand a company’s
AWP procedures and efforts and, thereby, to clarify any questions that may have
arisen from the survey responses. Along with each interview invitation, the team sent
a document that contained the interview guidelines. Each semi-structured interview
lasted 30 minutes and was conducted by members of RT-DCC-04. The team selected
which participants to interview by considering their survey responses and interview
2. Research Methodology
2. Top barriers that the company faced during its implementation efforts –
The second section dealt with which barriers the company was facing.
Each interviewee listed the main barriers and commented on them from a
personal point of view. This section focused on understanding the details of
each barrier and how it affected the AWP process.
3. Detailed potential solutions that the company is implementing (or plans
to implement) to overcome these barriers – The next section concerned
potential solutions the company had taken (or contemplated taking) to
overcome the main barriers in the previous section, and discovering how
the company used AWP to best fit its needs. This section allowed the
researchers to gain a better understanding of each company’s solution
to implement AWP more successfully. It also gave RT-DCC-04 a better
understanding of the barriers that still needed solutions.
4. Industry-level recommendations, information, or actions to further promote
the use of AWP and areas of opportunity – This final section of the interview
was intended to collect participants’ recommendations for what CII could do
to promote AWP at the industry level and to uncover opportunity areas that
could be improved. The answers from this section showed the team that it
would need to continue this research effort into a second phase.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Data Analysis
The team’s data analysis fell into two segments:
1. The quantitative analysis was crucial to identify and rank each barrier, and
to define potential solutions to the barriers.
2. The qualitative analysis validated the quantitative analysis and also
provided more details with regard to the findings.
Report Preparation
RT-DCC-04 prepared a report based on its research findings and recommendations.
The report accomplished several objectives:
• It characterized the status of AWP implementation across DCC members.
• It identified barriers to the successful implementation of AWP.
• It uncovered strategies for overcoming these barriers.
• It made recommendations on how to promote the use of AWP.
Scope Limitations
The data obtained through the survey and interviews were based on the respondents’
experiences with and perspectives on AWP implementation. RT-DCC-04 assumed
that the data collected from the survey and interviews were representative of most
members of DCC. However, because the research captured viewpoints from a relatively
small number of companies (n = 36), the team cautions that the results may not be
representative of the whole industry.
Chapter 3
Background Review Findings
The potential of the implementation of AWP AWP is seen as part of the business solution -
strategy is not understood and has few champions. being both an opportunity and a challenge.
AWP is not a priority within the corporate vision.
AWP is developed on an ad hoc basis - most often Integration of AWP strategies are routinely
Project AWP
Some training standards are in place based on job Training to fully support a successful AWP imple- Training is continuous and the organization is
descriptions to support AWP. Team members may mentation is fully available, valued and supported considered an industry leader.
Training &
take the training but are still not supported within within the organization.
their organization to implement what they have
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
After RT-272 completed its work, CII commissioned RT-319 to validate AWP as a
best practice. RT-319 developed its own AWP maturity model and applied it to rate a
set of industrial projects. Although RT-319’s maturity model assessment was inspired
by the RT-272 model discussed above, RT-319’s maturity dimensions and maturity
levels were different. The maturity levels were calculated by measuring the diligence
of AWP adoption according to three maturity dimensions:
1. Adherence to prescribed procedures
2. Alignment between execution plans and associated discipline-specific work
packaging deliverables
3. Inclusion of AWP guidelines into key participants’ contracts
To assess maturity, the RT-319 researchers used the following six indicators – two
for each maturity dimension – and calculated the AWP maturity level as the geometric
average of these six indicators’ scores (O’Brien and Ponticelli 2016).
Process Adherence
• In the early planning stage, project execution planning documents included
construction sequences, phases, and boundaries to support AWP.
• Major equipment and procurement data were identified and integrated with
work-packaging schedule.
Organization Alignment
• The work-packaging process was aligned with project procedures.
• The work breakdown structure was aligned with the AWP execution plan and
associated work packages (e.g., CWP, EWP, IWP).
Contract Integration
• Roles and responsibilities were defined in accordance with AWP guidelines.
• Work-packaging requirements and deliverables were integrated within key
project participants’ contracts.
3. Background Review Findings
Table 2. Indicators and Scales for Project Performance (O’Brien and Ponticelli 2016)
Performance Score
dimension (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
In line or Improvements Improvements Improvements Improvements
worse than between 0% between 10% between 20% higher than
Productivity estimates (or and 10% and 20% and 30% 30%
previous similar
The project The project The project The project The project
was delivered finished within finished under finished under finished under
with cost the planned planned budget planned budget planned budget
Cost overrun budget (between 0% (between 5% (more than
including and 5% TIC) and 10% TIC) 10% TIC)
scope changes
TRIR in line TRIR was TRIR was less TRIR was TRIR was 0
or worse than slightly less than previous greatly less
company than previous similar projects than previous
average similar projects or company’s similar projects
Safety or company’s average or company’s
average (between average (more
(between 10% and 20% than 20%
0% and 10% reduction) reduction)
The project The project The project The project The project
was delivered was delivered finished within was delivered was delivered
Schedule with major with minor the planned with minor with major
schedule delay delay schedule advance of advance of
time time
Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of
issued IWPs issued IWPs issued IWPs issued IWPs issued IWPs
that have an that have an that have an that have an that have an
RFI resulting in RFI resulting in RFI resulting in RFI resulting in RFI resulting in
Quality a construction a construction a construction a construction a construction
change order change order is change order is change order is change order is
is higher than between 60% between 40% between 20% lower than 20%
80% and 80% and 60% and 40%
Major Major sporadic Small Small sporadic IWP estimates
continuous changes to continuous changes to were
changes to IWP estimates changes to IWP estimates consistently
Predictability IWP estimates IWP estimates met, reflecting
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Barriers Presented at the 2012 COAA Best Practices Conference in Edmonton, Canada
During the 2012 COAA Best Practices Conference, RT-272 researchers presented
the results of a survey that highlighted which barriers the industry had been facing as
it implemented AWP. Some examples of the AWP implementation barriers presented
included lack of clear implementation strategy, inconsistent terminology, need for
standardization of work packaging, and lack of guidelines around AWP implementation.
3. Background Review Findings
Chapter 4
AWP Implementation Plans and Maturity Levels
30 23 20 20
12 10
10 8 8 7
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
After obtaining a maturity score for each company relative to the RT-272 model,
the researchers analyzed each maturity level by considering the role that the company
took on projects (i.e., contractor or owner). The team calculated a score for each group
through the weighted average of the frequency of responses for that group. Unlike with
each company’s maturity analysis, the team calculated a separate group score for each
dimension, instead of combining the five into one total score. Hence, each group had a
different score for each of the five proposed dimensions. Table 4 gives an example of
the group maturity calculation for one dimension (View of AWP Potential and Benefits).
Note that the numbers in the second column reflect the number of responses at each
level. For example, five respondents to the survey marked Level 1 for “View of AWP
Potential and Benefits (Frequency).”
2 (Median) 7
3 (High) 7
The team analyzed the maturity of the companies in three ways (shown in Tables 5–7):
• Overall maturity included responses from owners and contractors.
• Contractors’ maturity only accounted for companies that took the role of
• Owners’ maturity only accounted for companies that took the role of owner.
4. AWP Implementation Plans and Maturity Levels
1.5 2 3 5 3 7
2 3 3 3 3 2
2.5 3 2 3 3 1
3 4 2 2 1 1
2.18 1.82 2.00 1.79 1.64
1.5 2 5 3 4 3
2 4 1 2 2 3
2.5 1 1 2 2 1
3 2 1 1 0 0
1.95 1.64 1.77 1.64 1.55
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
By displaying the results in these three ways, the research team was able to analyze
differences in maturity between the contractors and the owners in the five dimensions:
• Both owners and contractors showed a higher maturity level on “View of
AWP Potential and Benefits” and a lower maturity level on “Training and AWP
• Both owners and contractors had a higher maturity in terms of AWP potential
and benefits, and a lower maturity in terms of AWP training and support. That
meant that the companies tended to have knowledge about AWP, understood
its benefits, and knew the concepts behind AWP. However, they tended to lack
an understanding of how to apply and put into practice all of the AWP concepts.
• The maturity model scores also gave the research team an idea of the areas
where companies were struggling most. This information could help to identify
which areas represent opportunities for improvement. Finding opportunity areas
is going to help this research to continue its task of promoting the use of AWP at
the industry level. According to the maturity model scores, the main areas where
the companies were struggling were training, metrics, and company culture.
These findings from the maturity model reflect what the RT-DCC-04 research found
in the sections that follow. The areas where the maturity level was lower were directly
related to the AWP implementation barriers that respondents ranked as “major.”
Chapter 5
Analysis of AWP Implementation Barriers
This chapter will explain how these quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted
and present their findings related to the barriers.
Table 9 gives an example of how the same data delivered four barrier scores.
In this example, 19 respondents considered Barrier 1 to have a major impact on the
AWP implementation, 19 thought it had a moderate impact, 10 said it had a minor
impact, 3 felt it had no impact, and 5 judged that the barrier was not applicable to their
procedures. Once RT-DCC-04 had identified that Score 1 was most relevant to the
research objectives, the team ranked the top barriers by Score 1.
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
To give different perspectives of the chief barriers, the team analyzed the data in
the following ways:
• Overall top barriers
• Top barriers divided by owners and contractors’ responses
• Top barriers divided by home office and field office personnel’s responses
• Top barriers considered by three levels of AWP implementation maturity
(i.e., high, median, and low)
After analyzing the data and identifying the top barriers, RT-DCC-04 created
categories to classify the barriers. Through this classification, the researchers
aimed to provide a more streamlined view of areas to improve, and thereby to get a
better understanding of which areas needed more support from CII to facilitate AWP
implementation. Table 10 gives the categories of barriers that the team developed.
Table 11 shows the top barriers according to Score 1, with barrier categories
indicated where appropriate. The overall main barriers were mostly related to the
following topics:
• The maturity level of AWP implementation
• The availability of resources to implement AWP
• The companies’ understanding of AWP
• The integration of AWP with engineering
• The integration of AWP into existing company processes and systems
However, as Table 11 shows, the top overall barriers were related to only the first two
barrier categories.
Table 11. Overall Top Barriers in the Survey
Barriers in the Survey Major Moderate Minor None N/A Score 1
Categories of Barriers
? AWP maturity level, resource availability, and AWP understanding
⚙ Integration of AWP with engineering
X Company unconvinced of AWP benefits or not interested in implementing AWP
|| Alignment and integration of AWP with existing company processes and systems
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Table 12 depicts the top barriers from the data, divided to isolate contractors and
Categories of Barriers
? AWP maturity level, resource availability, and AWP understanding
⚙ Integration of AWP with engineering
X Company unconvinced of AWP benefits or not interested in implementing AWP
|| Alignment and integration of AWP with existing company processes and systems
The main barriers for combined contractors and owners were mostly related to
AWP awareness, integration with engineering, and integration between AWP and
existing procedures. For owners alone, the top three barriers were related to AWP
maturity, resource availability, and AWP awareness. For contractors, integrating AWP
with engineering was a more prevalent barrier.
5. Analysis of AWP Implementation Barriers
Field Office
Barriers Score
⚙ 22. Construction company not available to provide timely path of construction input 2.33
23. Too many unknowns to effectively sequence CWPs well in advance 2.29
|| 11. Lack of alignment between AWP and front end planning 2.25
54. AWP program is not owner-driven 2.25
⚙ 26. Engineering design sequence not able to match construction sequence 2.22
|| 40. Lack of inter-organizational coordination following a scope change 2.20
|| 52. Manual or paper-based IWP management system is inefficient for the project
12. Contractor does not buy in early enough 2.13
⚙ 39. Design engineering organization not supportive of AWP 2.13
Categories of Barriers
? AWP maturity level, resource availability, and AWP understanding
⚙ Integration of AWP with engineering
X Company unconvinced of AWP benefits or not interested in implementing AWP
|| Alignment and integration of AWP with existing company processes and systems
The top barriers from survey respondents working in the home office were more
focused on AWP awareness, while the top barriers from those working in the field office
were more focused on integrating AWP with engineering. This difference shows that
the field office was struggling more with the execution of AWP procedures, while the
home office was struggling more with understanding AWP.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
|| 10. Lack of alignment between AWP implementation strategy and field execution 2.08
12. Contractor does not buy in early enough 2.00
⚙ 22. Construction company not available to provide timely path of construction input 2.00
54. AWP program is not owner-driven 2.00
57h. External push-back from suppliers 1.92
57a. External push-back from owner 1.90
Median Maturity
Barriers Score
? 49. Low level of AWP maturity among contractors 2.46
? 18. Not enough qualified resources for implementing AWP 2.19
|| 50. Poor integration of AWP information system with other corporate systems 2.12
⚙ 57b. External push-back from engineering design contractor 2.06
? 3. Lack of clear understanding of AWP methodology and processes 2.00
|| 11. Lack of alignment between AWP and front end planning 2.00
⚙ 57c. External push-back from engineering design/procurement contractor 2.00
55. Lack of financial incentives to improve execution efficiency 1.95
56c. Internal push-back from project managers 1.94
⚙ 26. Engineering design sequence not able to match construction sequence 1.92
Low Maturity
Barriers Score
X 4. Expectation of limited (or no) benefits to company from AWP 2.50
56o. Internal push-back from cost estimators 2.50
X 6. Company not interested in implementing AWP 2.43
X 7. Awaiting more industry AWP project results before implementing 2.38
X 46. Do not need AWP because current project performance/results are good enough 2.38
12. Contractor does not buy in early enough 2.36
? 29. Need (or perceived need) for additional project team members for AWP 2.30
⚙ 39. Design engineering organization not supportive of AWP 2.22
56k. Internal push-back from general foremen 2.21
56m. Internal push-back from field crews 2.21
Categories of Barriers
? AWP maturity level, resource availability, and AWP understanding
⚙ Integration of AWP with engineering
X Company unconvinced of AWP benefits or not interested in implementing AWP
|| Alignment and integration of AWP with existing company processes and systems
5. Analysis of AWP Implementation Barriers
A company’s AWP implementation maturity level often aligned with the barriers it
was prepared to address:
• The high-maturity companies faced barriers more closely connected with
integrating AWP with engineering. This shows that the high-maturity companies
have recognized the benefits of AWP and are now focused on resolving issues
connected with implementing AWP.
• The median maturity companies presented a mix of barriers related to
awareness and barriers related to integration with engineering. These
companies are still in the process of implementing AWP. Only part of a company
has an established awareness of AWP and understands the barriers. And,
because these companies have commenced implementing AWP, they also
recognize some barriers related to AWP procedures.
• The low-maturity companies are encountering more barriers that come with
being unconvinced of AWP’s benefits or of being uninterested in implementing
AWP – another interesting finding. If a company fails to recognize the value of
implementing AWP, it will not invest in the resources necessary to implement it.
These tables only examined the top barriers for each category. The full lists of
ranked barriers for all of these analyses are presented in Appendices C through J.
Note that just because a barrier was mentioned with higher frequency, that does not
necessarily mean that this barrier has a greater impact on AWP implementation than
another barrier that was mentioned less frequently. Instead, more frequent mentions
mean that this company is more aware of this barrier than the others. Thus, the frequency
of mentions is unrelated to severity, but it is related to awareness.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
The survey contained two open-ended questions about a) integration of AWP with
commissioning and startup and b) integration of AWP with the procurement and supply
chain management process. The team used a coding system to analyze the data.
Table 16 shows the results for integration of AWP with commissioning and startup.
Table 17 shows the results for integration of AWP with procurement and supply chain
management processes.
5. Analysis of AWP Implementation Barriers
Lack of alignment 3
How to align material items between and purchase order and a CWP 1
Structure of the POs, deliverable, requisitions to the suppliers, vendors, and
Need better data requirements and integration 1
The concept of needing to cut POs by CWP 1
Resistance to change 1
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
The interviews also revealed some deeper causes for the identified barriers to
implementing AWP:
• One of the main barriers mentioned in interviews was the poor integration
of engineering and AWP. Sometimes, when designing AWP, engineering did
not follow the path of construction. This led to the late delivery of information
needed for construction to proceed. Some interviewees mentioned that, on the
engineering side, there was a resistance to change. They reported that some
engineers were reluctant to change the way that design was performed, giving
rise to a misalignment between engineering and construction.
It is important to emphasize that the issues related to this barrier are more
complex than just noting engineering’s resistance to change and identifying
that the design of AWP does not respect construction sequencing. Engineers
also struggled to obtain information from vendors and subcontractors in a
timely manner, and this problem also contributed to misalignment between
engineering and construction. For example, before it can design a slab,
engineering needs the specification of the equipment that will be located on that
slab. Thus, supplying that slab design depends upon the supplier’s providing
the equipment’s specification. And thereby, if the supplier fails to do its part in
a timely manner, engineering must delay the delivery of the AWP.
5. Analysis of AWP Implementation Barriers
Chapter 6
Potential Solutions for the Main Barriers
RT-DCC-04 analyzed potential solutions for the main AWP implementation barriers,
considering the responses from the survey and the interviews. The team used its open
coding system to categorize the results and to provide a more efficient data analysis
of the potential solutions companies used to overcome the barriers.
Table 18 shows some top barriers. Each is followed by a list of the potential
solutions that survey respondents proposed to overcome that barrier, and a count of
how frequently each solution came up.
Table 18. Potential Solutions for Some Top Barriers to AWP Implementation
Potential Solutions for Top Barriers to AWP Implementation Frequency
49. Low level of AWP maturity among contractors
Perform training 2
Drive adoption (owner-driven) 1
Increase contractor’s maturity 1
Set up program with clear expectations 1
Support contractors on AWP implementation 2
Increase education on AWP 4
Hire consultants 1
Push for functional assistance 1
Acquire senior management buy-in 1
Engage early on AWP implementation 1
Assess AWP implementation maturity level 1
3. Lack of clear understanding of AWP methodology and processes
Plan for engagement with the contractors on AWP implementation 1
Use lessons learned from projects to understand AWP 1
Perform training 4
General 2
Building internal training program 1
Formalize role-based training 1
Hire consultants 1
Increase education on AWP 1
Organize/participate in workshops 1
Document the capital process 1
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Table 18. Potential Solutions for Some Top Barriers to AWP Implementation
Potential Solutions for Top Barriers to AWP Implementation Frequency
18. Not enough qualified resources for implementing AWP
Perform training 7
General 5
Train project team 1
Develop in-house training 1
Intervene early in AWP implementation 1
Use digital AWP playbooks 1
Acquire company buy-in 1
Discuss AWP matters during FEED 1
Value the workface planner position 1
Increase education based on first project 1
Conduct early talks with the established, cohesive, mutually aligned PM group 1
Develop AWP best practices 1
Acquire senior management buy-in 1
Support how to implement AWP 1
Analyze results from implementation and lessons learned 2
12. Contractor does not buy in early enough
Require AWP from contractor (owner) 1
Perform training 2
Hire consultants 1
Develop commercial terms and conditions that include AWP 1
Engage early in AWP implementation 2
General 1
Contractor 1
Assess gaps in project lifecycle 1
14. Owner does not include clear AWP requirements in the contract
Increase education on AWP 2
Perform training 1
Pay fabricators for complete PWPs, only when the last piece is shipped 1
Negotiate contract conditions with the owner 1
Hire consultants 1
Develop commercial terms and conditions that include AWP 1
6. Potential Solutions for the Main Barriers
Table 18. Potential Solutions for Some Top Barriers to AWP Implementation
Potential Solutions for Top Barriers to AWP Implementation Frequency
39. Design engineering organization is not supportive of AWP
Increase education of design engineering on AWP 1
Perform training 2
Hire consulting 1
Develop commercial terms and conditions that include AWP 1
Define champions and leaders on the AWP implementation 1
Conduct assessment 1
Conduct workshops 1
Engage AWP specialists early 1
Establish an overall PM group that is tied to a mutually agreed contract 1
57. External push-back from owner, engineering design contractor, engineering design/
procurement contractor, engineering design/procurement/construction contractor
Increase education on AWP 2
General 1
Industry 1
Drive adoption (owner-driven) 1
Perform training 3
Hire consultants 1
Develop commercial terms and conditions that include AWP 1
Increase contractor’s commitment to AWP 1
Engage early on AWP implementation 1
Acquire buy-in from engineering 1
Subcontract to comply with path of construction 1
Implement a 3D model procedure defining minimum requirements for model 1
Include AWP requirements in project contracts 1
Support contractors as a team approach in AWP efforts 1
Be more explicit in AWP expectations in contracts 1
Change project delivery models from design-bid-build 1
Engage collaborators that are capable of providing relevant content for IWPs 1
Plan for engagement and Joint Industry Program with contractors and consultant 1
50. Poor integration of AWP information system with other corporate systems
Need a software consultant to tie all of the information together 1
Use a single, integrated IT solution for the data streams for all elements of AWP 1
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Table 18. Potential Solutions for Some Top Barriers to AWP Implementation
Potential Solutions for Top Barriers to AWP Implementation Frequency
44. Current company culture does not fully support AWP
Align points within the organization at the executive, department, project, and worker
Transform ongoing program to fit company processes to AWP 1
Top-down initiative from leaders and awareness that best results can be achieved with
AWP implementation process
10. Lack of alignment between AWP implementation strategy and field execution
Prove AWP implementation benefits 1
Require AWP from contractor (owner) 1
Develop commercial terms and conditions that include AWP 1
Engage contractor early 1
54. AWP program is not owner-driven
Give financial authority to AWP manager 1
Discuss with owners to realize the cost benefits of implementing AWP 1
General potential solutions with regard to the top barriers
Perform training 5
Support contractors on AWP implementation 1
Acquire senior management buy-in 1
Support of center of excellence for AWP 1
Expand organization understanding of AWP 1
Quantify safety, quality, cost, and schedule improvements 1
Quantify maturity of AWP in project 1
Clearly state AWP requirements on contract 1
Plan for engagement with the contractors on AWP implementation 1
Share data when AWP has been applied 1
Provide subject matter expertise 1
Provide periodic feedback during project’s life cycle 1
Increase education on AWP 1
Ongoing transformation program to fit company processes to AWP 1
6. Potential Solutions for the Main Barriers
Many potential solutions dealt with AWP training and education, which means that
companies see the importance of investing in AWP education to have successful AWP
implementation. Companies that presented a higher AWP implementation maturity
claimed that training and AWP education were key to obtaining the necessary knowledge
to incorporate AWP in their normal procedures. AWP education also helps companies
overcome other major barriers, such as lack of buy-in, resistance to changing old
procedures, and lack of recognition of AWP benefits.
It is also important to identify solutions for the barriers that relate to the integration
of engineering with AWP implementation. One action to overcome this type of barrier
would be to educate engineering staff. When engineering realizes the benefits of AWP
and learns how to design AWP more efficiently, engineering and construction become
better aligned, thereby making AWP implementation run more smoothly. Another
suggestion was to make explicit the AWP requirements in the contract, meaning that
the owner should drive implementation.
Chapter 7
How to Promote the Use of AWP
Chapter 6 addressed the promotion of AWP at the industry level. The team used
an open coding approach to analyze the open-ended questions about barriers and
actions. It also used this approach to analyze this next section of the research. This
chapter presents the actions respondents proposed to promote AWP. The results in
this section are aligned with the findings from the interviews and from the maturity
level assessment.
During the interviews, respondents mentioned the need for AWP training and
education. In fact, most of the respondents’ recommendations (shown in Table 19 over
the following pages) were related to AWP training and education. The most frequent
recommendations fell into three topics:
1. Provide case studies, key metrics, and benchmarks
2. Increase AWP understanding
3. Promote AWP education and training
However, as was true for the maturity level assessment, the lowest score referred to
“Training and AWP Support.”
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
7. How to Promote the Use of AWP
One of the most effective ways to promote the use of AWP is to increase education
and access to implementation resources. Indeed, the key to increasing management
buy-in and incentivizing companies to implement AWP is to disseminate the benefits
and case studies of AWP concepts. Education is also very important to increase the
maturity level of the company. Teaching a company how to implement AWP will improve
its AWP procedure and guide the company to a more successful implementation.
Chapter 8
In this study, RT-DCC-04 aimed to recommend strategies that can promote the use
of AWP in the downstream and chemicals sector of the capital projects industry. In order
to achieve this goal, the team identified companies that are implementing AWP. Data
collected from these companies through survey and interviews allowed the researchers
to analyze challenges and success factors associated with AWP implementation. The
team was able to identify the focus of the companies’ AWP implementation efforts
and assess their maturity levels. The findings provided a deeper understanding of the
companies’ AWP implementation journeys, including the main barriers that they are
facing and their potential actions to overcome these barriers.
The research findings indicated that AWP is being utilized globally in a wide range
of project sizes, from those below $100 million to those above $1 billion. Among the
companies that participated in this study, the average AWP implementation maturity
level (based on the five dimensions of the RT-272 maturity model) was 1.8 on a range
from 1.0 to 3.0. The average maturity level was 1.9 for the contractors and 1.7 for the
owners. This analysis showed that there was greater AWP implementation maturity in
the dimensions that deal with understanding AWP benefits, while the maturity was lower
in those dimensions that deal with AWP implementation strategy, training, and support.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
RT-DCC-04 identified potential solutions for the main AWP implementation barriers
from the responses to its survey and interviews. The team used an open coding system
to categorize potential solutions and provide a more efficient data analysis of how
they can overcome the barriers. The researchers also compiled survey and interview
participants’ suggestions on how to promote the use of AWP.
The research findings made clear that there are ways to positively affect AWP
implementation at the industry level. The team’s results showed that two topics need
more attention at this point:
1. Improving the integration of engineering and AWP implementation
2. Providing easier access to AWP case studies and implementation
The next phase of RT-DCC-04 research will focus on these two areas.
CII/COAA (2015a). Making the Case for Advanced Work Packaging as a Standard (Best)
Practice. Research Summary 319-1. Austin, TX: Construction Industry Institute.
COAA (2013). Advanced Work Packaging & Workface Planning Scorecard. COP-WFP-
TMP-18-2013-v1. Edmonton, AB: Construction Owners Association of Alberta.
O’Brien, W. J., and Ponticelli, S. (2016). Transforming the Industry: Advanced Work
Packaging as a Standard (Best) Practice. Research Report 319-11. Austin, TX:
Construction Industry Institute.
Appendix A
Survey Questions
CII has formed Research Team DCC-04, Promoting the Use of Advanced Work
Packaging, to achieve the following objectives:
1. Identify the organizations that are implementing AWP.
2. Identify the barriers that the organizations implementing AWP are facing for
its successful implementation.
3. Pinpoint the strategies being adopted by organizations to overcome the
barriers for successful implementation of AWP.
4. Discover the reasons why some organizations are not implementing AWP.
5. Uncover opportunities related to “people,” “process,” and “technology”
aspects that can be leveraged to improve the utilization of AWP.
This survey has been developed to help the research team achieve these goals.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Q1 – General Information
Company: _______________________________________________________
Your work location: _________________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________________________
Position: _________________________________________________________
Years of experience: ________________________________________________
Years of AWP experience: ____________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________
Owner construction
Construction contractor
Note: “N/A” indicates that your company does not take any role on that type of project
Appendix A: Survey Questions
☐ Yes ☐ No
** If the response is “Yes” – Survey skips to Q6.
** If the response is “No” – Survey skips to Q5.
** The survey skips to the end after the respondent answers this question.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
CII RT-272 developed a Maturity Matrix Model to assess the maturity of AWP
implementation in organizations. The RT-272 model has five maturity dimensions:
1. View of AWP
2. AWP Implementation Strategy
3. Work Processes and Deliverables
4. Culture and Performance Metrics
5. Training and Support
The questions below are intended to assess your company’s maturity with regard to these
🔘 Level 1.5: The maturity of the organization is between Level 1 (above) and
Level 2 (below).
🔘 Level 2.5: The maturity of the organization is between Level 2 (above) and
Level 3 (below).
🔘 Level 3: AWP is fully integrated with the business strategy and seen as
invaluable. It enables true differentiation between you and the competition.
Appendix A: Survey Questions
🔘 Level 1.5: The maturity of the organization is between Level 1 (above) and
Level 2 (below).
🔘 Level 2.5: The maturity of the organization is between Level 2 (above) and
Level 3 (below).
Q10 – Select the statement that best describes the maturity of AWP
implementation in your organization with regard to Work Processes
and Deliverables.
🔘 Level 1: Work processes and deliverables are in the development stage. They
are not well defined and are not structured for implementation across business
units (silos). Inputs and outputs required of stakeholders to support the
strategy are not defined and no discipline is involved. Most processes support
individuals or isolated work groups and are not fully integrated.
🔘 Level 1.5: The maturity of the organization is between Level 1 (above) and
Level 2 (below).
🔘 Level 2.5: The maturity of the organization is between Level 2 (above) and
Level 3 (below).
🔘 Level 3: Work processes and deliverables are fully integrated across functional
units. Each stakeholder understands their responsibilities to provide accurate
and timely deliverables to support the strategy. This allows more time for
productive analysis of deliverables and supports flexible, adaptable integrated
work processes. Work processes represent best-in-class use of corporate
knowledge and AWP practices.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Q11 – Select the statement that best describes the maturity of AWP
implementation in your organization with regard to Culture and
Performance Metrics.
🔘 Level 1: Most work occurs inside functional units with minimal collaboration
or integration. “Over the wall” approaches are common. The culture embraces
silos. Performance metrics are silo oriented. For example, engineering
performance is based on percentage of hours “burned” vs. budget and
not focused on the deliverables (EWPs) delivered to meet the Path of
🔘 Level 1.5: The maturity of the organization is between Level 1 (above) and
Level 2 (below).
🔘 Level 2.5: The maturity of the organization is between Level 2 (above) and
Level 3 (below).
Q12 – Select the statement that best describes the maturity of AWP
implementation in your organization with regard to Training and
🔘 Level 1.5: The maturity of the organization is between Level 1 (above) and
Level 2 (below).
🔘 Level 2.5: The maturity of the organization is between Level 2 (above) and
Level 3 (below).
Appendix A: Survey Questions
Q13 – Describe the most important barriers that your company is facing in its
efforts to implement AWP.
The following questions aim to further identify and assess the barriers that your organization
is facing for the successful implementation of AWP.
Q14 – Rate the impact of the following barriers when implementing AWP in
your company
Note: “None” indicates the barrier does not affect the implementation of AWP.
“N/A” indicates the barrier is not relevant to your company.
Impact of Barrier
Major Moderate Minor None N/A
1. Lack of buy-in
Q14.1 – Please, describe the actions being taken to overcome the barriers
that you have marked as a major barrier. These are:
**This question appears if any barrier is marked as major
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Q15 – Rate the impact of the following barriers when implementing AWP in
your company
Note: “None” indicates the barrier does not affect the implementation of AWP.
“N/A” indicates the barrier is not relevant to your company.
Impact of Barrier
Major Moderate Minor None N/A
13. Lack of alignment between AWP
implementation strategy and contract type
14. Owner does not include clear AWP
requirements in the contract
15. Contract size does not support AWP
16. Lack of alignment between AWP
implementation strategy and field strategy
17. Lack of alignment between AWP
implementation strategy and project scope
18. Not enough qualified resources for
implementing AWP
19. Owner engages contractors too late to
effectively implement AWP
Q15.1 – Please describe the actions being taken to overcome the barriers that
you have marked as a major barrier. These are:
**This question appears if any barrier is marked
Appendix A: Survey Questions
Q16 – Rate the impact of the following barriers when implementing AWP in
your company
Note: “None” indicates the barrier does not affect the implementation of AWP.
“N/A” indicates the barrier is not relevant to your company.
Impact of Barrier
Major Moderate Minor None N/A
25. Procurement personnel not available to provide
timely path of construction input
26. Engineering design sequence not able to match
construction sequence
Q16.1 – Please describe the actions being taken to overcome the barriers that
you have marked as a major barrier. These are:
**This question appears if any barrier is marked.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Q17 – Rate the impact of the following barriers when implementing AWP in
your company
Note: “None” indicates the barrier does not affect the implementation of AWP.
“N/A” indicates the barrier is not relevant to your company.
Impact of Barrier
Major Moderate Minor None N/A
37. Changes to roles of individuals when
implementing AWP
38. Difficulty in making AWP fit-for-purpose on
various sizes of projects
39. Design engineering organization not supportive
of AWP
40. Lack of inter-organizational coordination
following a scope change
Q17.1 – Please describe the actions being taken to overcome the barriers that
you have marked as a major barrier. These are:
**This question appears if any barrier is marked.
Appendix A: Survey Questions
Q18 – Rate the impact of the following barriers when implementing AWP in
your company
Note: “None” indicates the barrier does not affect the implementation of AWP.
“N/A” indicates the barrier is not relevant to your company.
Impact of Barrier
Major Moderate Minor None N/A
Q18.1 – Please describe the actions being taken to overcome the barriers that
you have marked as a major barrier. These are:
**This question appears if any barrier is marked
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Q19 – Rate the impact of the following barriers when implementing AWP in
your company
Note: “None” indicates the barrier does not affect the implementation of AWP.
“N/A” indicates the barrier is not relevant to your company.
Impact of Barrier
56. INTERNAL lack of support from: Major Moderate Minor None N/A
56g. Procurement
56j. Superintendents
56l. Foremen
56n. Schedulers
**This question appears if any barrier is marked
Appendix A: Survey Questions
Q20 – Rate the impact of the following barriers when implementing AWP in
your company
Note: “None” indicates the barrier does not affect the implementation of AWP.
“N/A” indicates the barrier is not relevant to your company.
Impact of Barrier
57. EXTERNAL lack of support from: Major Moderate Minor None N/A
57a. Owner
57g. Subcontractor
57h. Suppliers
**This question appears if any barrier is marked
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Q23 – Please provide your recommendations for actions that can be taken by
Construction Industry Institute now to further promote the use of AWP
☐ Yes ☐ Maybe ☐ No
If you would like to make any changes, this is your last opportunity.
Just press “Back” to edit the survey.
Appendix B
Companies that Participated on the Survey
GlaxoSmithKline WorleyParsons
Appendix C
Top Barriers Identified in the Survey in Rank Order
Score Calculation
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4
3×a + 2×b + 1×c a 3×a + 2×b + 1×c a
a+b+c a+b+c a + b + c +d + e a + b + c +d + e
Where a (Major) = 3; b (Moderate) = 2; c (Minor) = 1
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Overall)
49. Low level of AWP maturity 18 19 10 3 5 2.17 38% 1.85 33%
among contractors
18. Not enough qualified resources 20 21 12 5 1 2.15 38% 1.93 34%
for implementing AWP
57c. External push-back from 13 14 9 6 10 2.11 36% 1.46 25%
engineering design/procurement
57b. External push-back from 13 16 10 6 7 2.08 33% 1.56 25%
engineering design contractor
39. Design engineering organization 14 18 12 9 3 2.05 32% 1.61 25%
not supportive of AWP
57d. External push-back from 12 10 11 7 13 2.03 36% 1.26 23%
engineering design/procurement/
construction contractor
3. Lack of clear understanding of AWP 15 25 14 4 1 2.02 28% 1.85 25%
methodology and processes
57a. External push-back from owner 10 9 10 14 10 2.00 34% 1.09 19%
12. Contractor does not buy in early 17 10 18 7 7 1.98 38% 1.51 29%
54. AWP program is not owner- 10 13 11 14 7 1.97 29% 1.22 18%
50. Poor integration of AWP 10 28 12 2 3 1.96 20% 1.78 18%
information system with other
corporate systems
10. Lack of alignment between AWP 13 16 15 13 3 1.95 30% 1.43 22%
implementation strategy and field
11. Lack of alignment between AWP 11 23 14 8 3 1.94 23% 1.58 19%
and front end planning
55. Lack of financial incentives to 10 15 13 14 3 1.92 26% 1.33 18%
improve execution efficiency
26. Engineering design sequence 14 17 18 5 4 1.92 29% 1.62 24%
not able to match construction
56c. Internal push-back from 8 19 12 12 3 1.90 21% 1.37 15%
project managers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Overall)
14. Owner does not include clear 15 10 20 8 6 1.89 33% 1.44 25%
AWP requirements in the contract
22. Construction company not 6 20 10 16 7 1.89 17% 1.15 10%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
21. Progress payments not linked to 12 13 17 11 6 1.88 29% 1.34 20%
AWP deliverables
30. “Silos” among project team 10 23 16 7 2 1.88 20% 1.59 17%
groups limit integration
9. Lack of ongoing alignment among 10 22 16 8 3 1.88 21% 1.53 17%
owner, contractors, suppliers, and
44. Current company culture does 11 11 16 16 2 1.87 29% 1.27 20%
not fully support AWP
2. Lack of AWP champion/leadership 11 15 17 14 2 1.86 26% 1.36 19%
51. Lack of attributes in the design 9 18 15 7 6 1.86 21% 1.42 16%
48. Lack of training 9 26 17 2 2 1.85 17% 1.71 16%
56e. Internal push-back from 7 19 13 10 5 1.85 18% 1.33 13%
design engineering management
19. Owner engages contractors too 12 11 20 11 5 1.81 28% 1.32 20%
late to effectively implement AWP
45. Misperception that company 10 10 17 13 6 1.81 27% 1.20 18%
already performs AWP (no change
56b. Internal push-back from 2 25 9 15 3 1.81 6% 1.20 4%
middle management
1. Lack of buy-in 10 20 21 7 1 1.78 20% 1.54 17%
5. Cost to implement 11 18 22 7 1 1.78 22% 1.54 19%
41. Project controls not aligned with 6 21 16 12 1 1.77 14% 1.36 11%
57e. External push-back from 7 9 14 4 19 1.77 23% 1.00 13%
construction management
27. Late AWP implementation 9 20 21 6 4 1.76 18% 1.47 15%
57h. External push-back from 8 15 18 6 6 1.76 20% 1.36 15%
28. Inconsistency in AWP 5 29 18 4 2 1.75 10% 1.57 9%
implementation due to lack of
structured process
36. Current company processes 7 18 18 11 3 1.74 16% 1.32 12%
would have to be revised to include
42. Materials management/logistics 9 14 20 10 3 1.74 21% 1.34 16%
issues (materials to the work face)
Appendix C: Top Barriers Identified in the Survey in Rank Order
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Overall)
13. Lack of alignment between 8 20 22 6 3 1.72 16% 1.46 14%
AWP implementation strategy and
contract type
47. Weaknesses in overall AWP 4 25 17 7 3 1.72 9% 1.41 7%
29. Need (or perceived need) for 10 17 25 4 2 1.71 19% 1.53 17%
additional project team members for
38. Difficulty in making AWP fit-for- 6 21 20 7 2 1.70 13% 1.43 11%
purpose on various sizes of projects
56j. Internal push-back from 4 13 13 12 12 1.70 13% 0.94 7%
56a. Internal push-back from 4 15 14 17 4 1.70 12% 1.04 7%
upper management
56i. Internal push-back from 5 13 15 18 2 1.70 15% 1.06 9%
construction managers
56f. Internal push-back from design 5 17 17 10 5 1.69 13% 1.22 9%
35. Belief that experienced field 7 17 21 7 6 1.69 16% 1.31 12%
leadership and crews can construct
without IWPs
20. Owner late in furnishing items or 7 19 22 8 4 1.69 15% 1.35 12%
57g. External push-back from 7 14 20 6 6 1.68 17% 1.30 13%
16. Lack of alignment between AWP 3 24 18 13 1 1.67 7% 1.27 5%
implementation strategy and field
56g. Internal push-back from 7 13 21 10 3 1.66 17% 1.26 13%
52. Manual or paper-based IWP 4 17 17 6 11 1.66 11% 1.15 7%
management system is inefficient
for the project size
40. Lack of inter-organizational 3 20 17 11 3 1.65 8% 1.22 6%
coordination following a scope
56d. Internal push-back from 5 12 17 18 2 1.65 15% 1.04 9%
information management/
34. Difficulty with ongoing tracking/ 4 19 19 9 7 1.64 10% 1.19 7%
closing of IWPs
23. Too many unknowns to 5 18 22 10 4 1.62 11% 1.24 8%
effectively sequence CWPs well in
4. Expectation of limited (or no) 5 19 23 9 3 1.62 11% 1.29 8%
benefits to company from AWP
24. Turnover/startup personnel not 3 21 20 11 4 1.61 7% 1.20 5%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Overall)
57f. External push-back from 4 14 18 8 9 1.61 11% 1.09 8%
construction contractor
7. Awaiting more industry AWP project 3 9 13 26 8 1.60 12% 0.68 5%
results before implementing
53. Transition from construction by 5 14 23 7 6 1.57 12% 1.20 9%
area to commissioning by system
25. Procurement personnel not 4 17 23 9 4 1.57 9% 1.21 7%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
56h. Internal push-back from 3 15 19 15 2 1.57 8% 1.07 6%
project controls
8. Previous attempt to implement AWP 3 7 13 20 16 1.57 13% 0.61 5%
was considered unsuccessful
33. Maintaining a constraint-free 5 15 28 4 6 1.52 10% 1.26 9%
backlog of IWPs throughout the
56l. Internal push-back from foremen 2 9 14 18 11 1.52 8% 0.70 4%
56k. Internal push-back from 2 11 16 14 12 1.52 7% 0.80 4%
general foremen
31. Too many unknowns to 4 16 27 6 5 1.51 9% 1.22 7%
effectively sequence IWPs well in
46. Do not need AWP because 3 11 20 18 4 1.50 9% 0.91 5%
current project performance/results
are good enough
37. Changes to roles of individuals 3 16 26 7 4 1.49 7% 1.20 5%
when implementing AWP
43. Lack of efficient/on-time 3 12 23 13 5 1.47 8% 1.00 5%
scaffolding management
17. Lack of alignment between AWP 2 15 26 15 2 1.44 5% 1.03 3%
implementation strategy and project
56n. Internal push-back from 2 11 21 15 2 1.44 6% 0.96 4%
15. Contract size does not support 3 11 26 15 4 1.43 8% 0.97 5%
AWP implementation
32. Difficulty in scoping/sizing IWPs 2 13 30 8 5 1.38 4% 1.07 3%
56m. Internal push-back from field crews 1 6 15 19 13 1.36 5% 0.56 2%
6. Company not interested in 0 7 16 26 10 1.30 0% 0.51 0%
implementing AWP
56o. Internal push-back from 1 8 24 13 5 1.30 3% 0.84 2%
cost estimators
Appendix D
Contractors’ Ranking of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score Calculation
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4
3×a + 2×b + 1×c a 3×a + 2×b + 1×c a
a+b+c a+b+c a + b + c +d + e a + b + c +d + e
Where a (Major) = 3; b (Moderate) = 2; c (Minor) = 1
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Contractors)
9. Lack of ongoing alignment among 6 4 3 5 1 2.23 46% 1.53 32%
owner, contractors, suppliers, and
10. Lack of alignment between AWP 7 3 4 4 1 2.21 50% 1.63 37%
implementation strategy and field
18. Not enough qualified resources 5 9 2 3 0 2.19 31% 1.84 26%
for implementing AWP
57a. External push-back from owner 5 4 3 6 1 2.17 42% 1.37 26%
57c. External push-back from 4 6 2 2 6 2.17 33% 1.30 20%
engineering design/procurement
22. Construction company not 3 6 2 4 4 2.09 27% 1.21 16%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
57b. External push-back from 4 5 3 2 4 2.08 33% 1.39 22%
engineering design contractor
39. Design engineering organization 5 5 4 4 1 2.07 36% 1.53 26%
not supportive of AWP
54. AWP program is not owner- 5 6 4 4 0 2.07 33% 1.63 26%
14. Owner does not include clear 7 3 6 3 0 2.06 44% 1.74 37%
AWP requirements in the contract
21. Progress payments not linked to 5 4 5 5 0 2.00 36% 1.47 26%
AWP deliverables
49. Low level of AWP maturity 4 6 4 3 2 2.00 29% 1.47 21%
among contractors
5. Cost to implement 6 5 7 1 0 1.94 33% 1.84 32%
19. Owner engages contractors too 5 5 6 3 0 1.94 31% 1.63 26%
late to effectively implement AWP
11. Lack of alignment between AWP 3 8 4 3 1 1.93 20% 1.53 16%
and front end planning
36. Current company processes 2 9 3 5 0 1.93 14% 1.42 11%
would have to be revised to include
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Contractors)
44. Current company culture does 4 5 5 5 0 1.93 29% 1.42 21%
not fully support AWP
56b. Internal push-back from 1 11 2 5 0 1.93 7% 1.42 5%
middle management
56c. Internal push-back from 3 7 4 5 0 1.93 21% 1.42 16%
project managers
12. Contractor does not buy in early 5 2 6 3 3 1.92 38% 1.32 26%
55. Lack of financial incentives to 4 4 5 6 0 1.92 31% 1.32 21%
improve execution efficiency
56j. Internal push-back from 2 7 3 5 2 1.92 17% 1.21 11%
57d. External push-back from 3 3 4 2 7 1.90 30% 1.00 16%
engineering design/procurement/
construction contractor
3. Lack of clear understanding of AWP 3 10 5 1 0 1.89 17% 1.79 16%
methodology and processes
20. Owner late in furnishing items or 4 8 6 1 0 1.89 22% 1.79 21%
29. Need (or perceived need) for 6 3 8 2 0 1.88 35% 1.68 32%
additional project team members for
50. Poor integration of AWP 2 11 4 2 0 1.88 12% 1.68 11%
information system with other
corporate systems
51. Lack of attributes in the design 5 3 7 2 2 1.87 33% 1.47 26%
2. Lack of AWP champion/leadership 3 6 5 4 1 1.86 21% 1.37 16%
42. Materials management/logistics 3 5 5 6 0 1.85 23% 1.26 16%
issues (materials to the work face)
41. Project controls not aligned with 1 7 3 8 0 1.82 9% 1.05 5%
56e. Internal push-back from 2 9 5 2 1 1.81 13% 1.53 11%
design engineering management
43. Lack of efficient/on-time 2 11 6 0 0 1.79 11% 1.79 11%
scaffolding management
38. Difficulty in making AWP fit-for- 3 8 7 1 0 1.78 17% 1.68 16%
purpose on various sizes of projects
30. “Silos” among project team 3 7 7 2 0 1.76 18% 1.58 16%
groups limit integration
1. Lack of buy-in 3 6 7 3 0 1.75 19% 1.47 16%
28. Inconsistency in AWP 2 7 6 4 0 1.73 13% 1.37 11%
implementation due to lack of
structured process
48. Lack of training 2 9 7 1 0 1.72 11% 1.63 11%
17. Lack of alignment between AWP 1 8 5 5 0 1.71 7% 1.26 5%
implementation strategy and project
Appendix D: Contractors’ Ranking of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Contractors)
13. Lack of alignment between 2 8 7 2 0 1.71 12% 1.53 11%
AWP implementation strategy and
contract type
56l. Internal push-back from foremen 1 5 4 7 2 1.70 10% 0.89 5%
57h. External push-back from 2 7 7 1 2 1.69 13% 1.42 11%
57e. External push-back from 2 2 5 1 9 1.67 22% 0.79 11%
construction management
16. Lack of alignment between AWP 0 9 5 5 0 1.64 0% 1.21 0%
implementation strategy and field
40. Lack of inter-organizational 1 7 6 4 1 1.64 7% 1.21 5%
coordination following a scope
45. Misperception that company 2 3 6 6 2 1.64 18% 0.95 11%
already performs AWP (no change
56k. Internal push-back from 1 5 5 6 2 1.64 9% 0.95 5%
general foremen
35. Belief that experienced field 2 6 8 3 0 1.63 13% 1.37 11%
leadership and crews can construct
without IWPs
56m. Internal push-back from field crews 1 3 4 8 3 1.63 13% 0.68 5%
25. Procurement personnel not 2 4 7 5 1 1.62 15% 1.11 11%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
4. Expectation of limited (or no) 2 7 9 1 0 1.61 11% 1.53 11%
benefits to company from AWP
27. Late AWP implementation 3 5 10 1 0 1.61 17% 1.53 16%
26. Engineering design sequence 2 5 8 3 1 1.60 13% 1.26 11%
not able to match construction
47. Weaknesses in overall AWP 1 7 7 3 1 1.60 7% 1.26 5%
56a. Internal push-back from 0 7 5 7 0 1.58 0% 1.00 0%
upper management
56i. Internal push-back from 1 4 6 7 0 1.55 9% 0.94 6%
construction managers
56d. Internal push-back from 1 5 7 6 0 1.54 8% 1.05 5%
information management/
34. Difficulty with ongoing tracking/ 1 6 8 4 0 1.53 7% 1.21 5%
closing of IWPs
52. Manual or paper-based IWP 2 4 9 1 3 1.53 13% 1.21 11%
management system is inefficient
for the project size
56f. Internal push-back from design 2 5 10 1 1 1.53 12% 1.37 11%
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Contractors)
24. Turnover/startup personnel not 1 4 7 5 2 1.50 8% 0.95 5%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
32. Difficulty in scoping/sizing IWPs 2 4 10 3 0 1.50 13% 1.26 11%
56g. Internal push-back from 2 3 9 5 0 1.50 14% 1.11 11%
31. Too many unknowns to 2 4 11 2 0 1.47 12% 1.32 11%
effectively sequence IWPs well in
33. Maintaining a constraint-free 2 4 11 2 0 1.47 12% 1.32 11%
backlog of IWPs throughout the
53. Transition from construction by 2 4 11 3 0 1.47 12% 1.25 10%
area to commissioning by system
23. Too many unknowns to 2 3 10 3 1 1.47 13% 1.16 11%
effectively sequence CWPs well in
56h. Internal push-back from 0 5 6 8 0 1.45 0% 0.84 0%
project controls
15. Contract size does not support 3 2 13 1 0 1.44 17% 1.37 16%
AWP implementation
37. Changes to roles of individuals 1 6 11 1 0 1.44 6% 1.37 5%
when implementing AWP
7. Awaiting more industry AWP project 0 3 4 10 2 1.43 0% 0.53 0%
results before implementing
46. Do not need AWP because 1 3 8 6 1 1.42 8% 0.89 5%
current project performance/results
are good enough
57f. External push-back from 0 5 7 2 5 1.42 0% 0.89 0%
construction contractor
8. Previous attempt to implement AWP 0 2 3 8 6 1.40 0% 0.37 0%
was considered unsuccessful
6. Company not interested in 0 3 6 9 1 1.33 0% 0.63 0%
implementing AWP
57g. External push-back from 0 5 10 3 1 1.33 0% 1.05 0%
56n. Internal push-back from 0 2 9 7 0 1.18 0% 0.72 0%
56o. Internal push-back from 0 1 12 5 0 1.08 0% 0.78 0%
cost estimators
Appendix E
Owners’ Ranking of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score Calculation
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4
3×a + 2×b + 1×c a 3×a + 2×b + 1×c a
a+b+c a+b+c a + b + c +d + e a + b + c +d + e
Where a (Major) = 3; b (Moderate) = 2; c (Minor) = 1
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Owners)
49. Low level of AWP maturity 12 8 2 0 3 2.45 55% 2.16 48%
among contractors
18. Not enough qualified resources 12 8 6 2 1 2.23 46% 2.00 41%
for implementing AWP
3. Lack of clear understanding of AWP 9 12 6 1 1 2.11 33% 1.97 31%
methodology and processes
57g. External push-back from 5 7 4 3 5 2.06 31% 1.38 21%
57c. External push-back from 6 6 5 3 4 2.06 35% 1.46 25%
engineering design/procurement
50. Poor integration of AWP 5 12 5 0 3 2.00 23% 1.76 20%
information system with other
corporate systems
57b. External push-back from 5 6 5 4 3 2.00 31% 1.39 22%
engineering design contractor
57d. External push-back from 5 6 5 3 5 2.00 31% 1.33 21%
engineering design/procurement/
construction contractor
48. Lack of training 6 10 7 1 2 1.96 26% 1.73 23%
39. Design engineering organization 5 8 6 5 2 1.95 26% 1.42 19%
not supportive of AWP
56c. Internal push-back from 3 8 4 7 2 1.93 20% 1.21 13%
project managers
26. Engineering design sequence 6 10 8 2 2 1.92 25% 1.64 21%
not able to match construction
56b. Internal push-back from 1 9 2 10 2 1.92 8% 0.96 4%
middle management
12. Contractor does not buy in early 7 7 10 3 2 1.88 29% 1.55 24%
55. Lack of financial incentives to 3 8 5 7 2 1.88 19% 1.20 12%
improve execution efficiency
56e. Internal push-back from 2 7 4 8 3 1.85 15% 1.00 8%
design engineering management
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Owners)
1. Lack of buy-in 5 11 9 3 1 1.84 20% 1.59 17%
11. Lack of alignment between AWP 3 13 7 4 2 1.83 13% 1.45 10%
and front end planning
51. Lack of attributes in the design 2 10 5 4 4 1.82 12% 1.24 8%
27. Late AWP implementation 4 10 8 4 2 1.82 18% 1.43 14%
30. “Silos” among project team 3 12 7 4 2 1.82 14% 1.43 11%
groups limit integration
22. Construction company not 2 11 6 8 2 1.79 11% 1.17 7%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
56d. Internal push-back from 2 7 5 9 1 1.79 14% 1.04 8%
information management/
56f. Internal push-back from design 1 9 4 7 3 1.79 7% 1.04 4%
7. Awaiting more industry AWP project 3 3 6 13 4 1.75 25% 0.72 10%
results before implementing
9. Lack of ongoing alignment among 2 14 8 3 2 1.75 8% 1.45 7%
owner, contractors, suppliers, and
57h. External push-back from 4 4 8 4 4 1.75 25% 1.17 17%
10. Lack of alignment between AWP 2 10 7 8 2 1.74 11% 1.14 7%
implementation strategy and field
36. Current company processes 3 8 8 5 3 1.74 16% 1.22 11%
would have to be revised to include
43. Lack of efficient/on-time 1 9 5 6 5 1.73 7% 1.00 4%
scaffolding management
28. Inconsistency in AWP 2 15 9 0 2 1.73 8% 1.61 7%
implementation due to lack of
structured process
4. Expectation of limited (or no) 3 10 9 6 1 1.73 14% 1.31 10%
benefits to company from AWP
35. Belief that experienced field 2 9 7 4 6 1.72 11% 1.11 7%
leadership and crews can construct
without IWPs
5. Cost to implement 4 10 11 3 1 1.72 16% 1.48 14%
47. Weaknesses in overall AWP 1 13 7 3 2 1.71 5% 1.38 4%
57e. External push-back from 2 6 6 2 8 1.71 14% 1.00 8%
construction management
14. Owner does not include clear 4 4 9 6 6 1.71 24% 1.00 14%
AWP requirements in the contract
Appendix E: Owners’ Ranking of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Owners)
56g. Internal push-back from 2 8 7 4 3 1.71 12% 1.21 8%
44. Current company culture does 3 5 8 8 2 1.69 19% 1.04 12%
not fully support AWP
42. Materials management/logistics 4 5 10 4 3 1.68 21% 1.23 15%
issues (materials to the work face)
21. Progress payments not linked to 3 6 9 5 6 1.67 17% 1.03 10%
AWP deliverables
56i. Internal push-back from 1 6 5 11 1 1.67 8% 0.83 4%
construction managers
56j. Internal push-back from 1 4 4 6 9 1.67 11% 0.63 4%
57a. External push-back from owner 1 2 3 8 10 1.67 17% 0.42 4%
13. Lack of alignment between 3 9 11 3 3 1.65 13% 1.31 10%
AWP implementation strategy and
contract type
2. Lack of AWP champion/leadership 2 9 9 8 1 1.65 10% 1.14 7%
34. Difficulty with ongoing tracking/ 2 7 8 4 7 1.65 12% 1.00 7%
closing of IWPs
45. Misperception that company 4 3 10 6 3 1.65 24% 1.08 15%
already performs AWP (no change
57f. External push-back from 1 9 7 4 3 1.65 6% 1.17 4%
construction contractor
16. Lack of alignment between AWP 2 10 10 6 1 1.64 9% 1.24 7%
implementation strategy and field
38. Difficulty in making AWP fit-for- 2 9 10 3 2 1.62 10% 1.31 8%
purpose on various sizes of projects
41. Project controls not aligned with 2 9 10 4 1 1.62 10% 1.31 8%
23. Too many unknowns to 2 10 11 4 2 1.61 9% 1.28 7%
effectively sequence CWPs well in
56a. Internal push-back from 1 5 6 10 2 1.58 8% 0.79 4%
upper management
52. Manual or paper-based IWP 0 8 6 4 7 1.57 0% 0.88 0%
management system is inefficient
for the project size
53. Transition from construction by 2 5 9 3 6 1.56 13% 1.00 8%
area to commissioning by system
29. Need (or perceived need) for 2 10 13 1 2 1.56 8% 1.39 7%
additional project team members for
54. AWP program is not owner- 1 3 5 9 7 1.56 11% 0.56 4%
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Owners)
19. Owner engages contractors too 2 6 11 5 5 1.53 11% 1.00 7%
late to effectively implement AWP
24. Turnover/startup personnel not 1 10 12 4 2 1.52 4% 1.21 3%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
8. Previous attempt to implement AWP 2 3 9 8 7 1.50 14% 0.72 7%
was considered unsuccessful
56h. Internal push-back from 1 6 9 7 1 1.50 6% 1.00 4%
project controls
40. Lack of inter-organizational 1 6 10 6 2 1.47 6% 1.00 4%
coordination following a scope
46. Do not need AWP because 1 5 9 8 3 1.47 7% 0.85 4%
current project performance/results
are good enough
56n. Internal push-back from 0 7 8 8 1 1.47 0% 0.92 0%
33. Maintaining a constraint-free 1 7 12 2 6 1.45 5% 1.04 4%
backlog of IWPs throughout the
56k. Internal push-back from 0 4 5 6 9 1.44 0% 0.54 0%
general foremen
15. Contract size does not support 0 6 8 12 3 1.43 0% 0.69 0%
AWP implementation
25. Procurement personnel not 0 9 13 3 2 1.41 0% 1.15 0%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
6. Company not interested in 0 4 6 13 6 1.40 0% 0.48 0%
implementing AWP
20. Owner late in furnishing items or 1 5 12 7 4 1.39 6% 0.86 3%
56o. Internal push-back from 0 5 8 8 3 1.38 0% 0.75 0%
cost estimators
31. Too many unknowns to 0 8 13 2 5 1.38 0% 1.04 0%
effectively sequence IWPs well in
37. Changes to roles of individuals 0 6 12 5 3 1.33 0% 0.92 0%
when implementing AWP
56l. Internal push-back from foremen 0 3 6 6 9 1.33 0% 0.50 0%
17. Lack of alignment between AWP 0 5 13 9 2 1.28 0% 0.79 0%
implementation strategy and project
32. Difficulty in scoping/sizing IWPs 0 5 14 4 5 1.26 0% 0.86 0%
56m. Internal push-back from field crews 0 2 6 7 9 1.25 0% 0.42 0%
Appendix F
Field Office’s Ranking
of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score Calculation
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4
3×a + 2×b + 1×c a 3×a + 2×b + 1×c a
a+b+c a+b+c a + b + c +d + e a + b + c +d + e
Where a (Major) = 3; b (Moderate) = 2; c (Minor) = 1
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Contractors)
22. Construction company not 2 4 0 3 0 2.33 33% 1.56 22%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
23. Too many unknowns to 2 5 0 2 0 2.29 29% 1.78 22%
effectively sequence CWPs well in
57d. External push-back from 3 3 1 1 1 2.29 43% 1.78 33%
engineering design/procurement/
construction contractor
11. Lack of alignment between AWP 3 4 1 1 0 2.25 38% 2.00 33%
and front end planning
54. AWP program is not owner- 2 1 1 3 2 2.25 50% 1.00 22%
26. Engineering design sequence 4 3 2 0 0 2.22 44% 2.22 44%
not able to match construction
40. Lack of inter-organizational 2 2 1 4 0 2.20 40% 1.22 22%
coordination following a scope
52. Manual or paper-based IWP 3 2 2 2 2 2.14 43% 1.36 27%
management system is inefficient
for the project size
12. Contractor does not buy in early 4 1 3 1 0 2.13 50% 1.89 44%
39. Design engineering organization 3 3 2 1 0 2.13 38% 1.89 33%
not supportive of AWP
57b. External push-back from 3 3 2 0 1 2.13 38% 1.89 33%
engineering design contractor
57c. External push-back from 3 3 2 0 1 2.13 38% 1.89 33%
engineering design/procurement
57g. External push-back from 3 3 2 0 1 2.13 38% 1.89 33%
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Contractors)
9. Lack of ongoing alignment among 2 4 2 1 0 2.00 25% 1.78 22%
owner, contractors, suppliers, and
10. Lack of alignment between AWP 2 3 2 2 0 2.00 29% 1.56 22%
implementation strategy and field
16. Lack of alignment between AWP 2 3 2 2 0 2.00 29% 1.56 22%
implementation strategy and field
18. Not enough qualified resources 3 3 3 0 0 2.00 33% 2.00 33%
for implementing AWP
27. Late AWP implementation 1 4 1 3 0 2.00 17% 1.33 11%
36. Current company processes 2 2 2 2 1 2.00 33% 1.33 22%
would have to be revised to include
44. Current company culture does 3 0 3 3 0 2.00 50% 1.33 33%
not fully support AWP
49. Low level of AWP maturity 3 3 3 0 0 2.00 33% 2.00 33%
among contractors
56c. Internal push-back from 2 1 2 3 1 2.00 40% 1.11 22%
project managers
56d. Internal push-back from 1 2 1 4 1 2.00 25% 0.89 11%
information management/
57a. External push-back from owner 2 1 2 2 2 2.00 40% 1.11 22%
28. Inconsistency in AWP 3 2 4 0 0 1.89 33% 1.89 33%
implementation due to lack of
structured process
50. Poor integration of AWP 2 4 3 0 0 1.89 22% 1.89 22%
information system with other
corporate systems
21. Progress payments not linked to 3 1 4 1 0 1.88 38% 1.67 33%
AWP deliverables
45. Misperception that company 3 1 4 1 0 1.88 38% 1.67 33%
already performs AWP (no change
3. Lack of clear understanding of AWP 1 4 2 2 0 1.86 14% 1.44 11%
methodology and processes
13. Lack of alignment between 2 2 3 2 0 1.86 29% 1.44 22%
AWP implementation strategy and
contract type
14. Owner does not include clear 3 0 4 1 1 1.86 43% 1.44 33%
AWP requirements in the contract
56g. Internal push-back from 2 2 3 1 1 1.86 29% 1.44 22%
30. “Silos” among project team 2 1 3 3 0 1.83 33% 1.22 22%
groups limit integration
Appendix F: Field Office’s Ranking of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Contractors)
51. Lack of attributes in the design 1 3 2 2 1 1.83 17% 1.22 11%
56f. Internal push-back from design 0 5 1 2 1 1.83 0% 1.22 0%
57e. External push-back from 2 1 3 0 3 1.83 33% 1.22 22%
construction management
2. Lack of AWP champion/leadership 1 2 2 4 0 1.80 20% 1.00 11%
8. Previous attempt to implement AWP 1 2 2 2 2 1.80 20% 1.00 11%
was considered unsuccessful
56a. Internal push-back from 1 2 2 3 1 1.80 20% 1.00 11%
upper management
56b. Internal push-back from 0 4 1 3 1 1.80 0% 1.00 0%
middle management
56h. Internal push-back from 1 2 2 3 1 1.80 20% 1.00 11%
project controls
56i. Internal push-back from 2 0 3 3 1 1.80 40% 1.00 22%
construction managers
24. Turnover/startup personnel not 2 2 4 1 0 1.75 25% 1.56 22%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
29. Need (or perceived need) for 1 4 3 1 0 1.75 13% 1.56 11%
additional project team members for
37. Changes to roles of individuals 0 3 1 4 1 1.75 0% 0.78 0%
when implementing AWP
48. Lack of training 1 4 3 1 0 1.75 13% 1.56 11%
57f. External push-back from 2 2 4 0 1 1.75 25% 1.56 22%
construction contractor
1. Lack of buy-in 1 3 3 2 0 1.71 14% 1.33 11%
5. Cost to implement 2 1 4 2 0 1.71 29% 1.33 22%
31. Too many unknowns to 1 3 3 1 1 1.71 14% 1.33 11%
effectively sequence IWPs well in
33. Maintaining a constraint-free 1 3 3 1 1 1.71 14% 1.33 11%
backlog of IWPs throughout the
55. Lack of financial incentives to 0 5 2 2 0 1.71 0% 1.33 0%
improve execution efficiency
4. Expectation of limited (or no) 1 2 3 3 0 1.67 17% 1.11 11%
benefits to company from AWP
6. Company not interested in 0 2 1 5 1 1.67 0% 0.56 0%
implementing AWP
17. Lack of alignment between AWP 1 2 3 3 0 1.67 17% 1.11 11%
implementation strategy and project
32. Difficulty in scoping/sizing IWPs 0 4 2 2 1 1.67 0% 1.11 0%
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Contractors)
43. Lack of efficient/on-time 1 2 3 2 1 1.67 17% 1.11 11%
scaffolding management
53. Transition from construction by 1 2 3 2 1 1.67 17% 1.11 11%
area to commissioning by system
56e. Internal push-back from 1 2 3 2 1 1.67 17% 1.11 11%
design engineering management
57h. External push-back from 3 0 6 0 0 1.67 33% 1.67 33%
42. Materials management/logistics 2 1 5 1 0 1.63 25% 1.44 22%
issues (materials to the work face)
34. Difficulty with ongoing tracking/ 1 1 3 2 2 1.60 20% 0.89 11%
closing of IWPs
46. Do not need AWP because 1 1 3 3 1 1.60 20% 0.89 11%
current project performance/results
are good enough
35. Belief that experienced field 1 2 4 1 1 1.57 14% 1.22 11%
leadership and crews can construct
without IWPs
7. Awaiting more industry AWP project 1 1 4 3 0 1.50 17% 1.00 11%
results before implementing
19. Owner engages contractors too 1 1 4 3 0 1.50 17% 1.00 11%
late to effectively implement AWP
41. Project controls not aligned with 1 2 5 1 0 1.50 13% 1.33 11%
47. Weaknesses in overall AWP 0 4 4 1 0 1.50 0% 1.33 0%
20. Owner late in furnishing items or 1 1 5 2 0 1.43 14% 1.11 11%
25. Procurement personnel not 1 1 5 1 0 1.43 14% 1.25 13%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
15. Contract size does not support 0 2 3 4 0 1.40 0% 0.78 0%
AWP implementation
56n. Internal push-back from 1 0 4 3 1 1.40 20% 0.78 11%
56o. Internal push-back from 1 0 4 3 1 1.40 20% 0.78 11%
cost estimators
38. Difficulty in making AWP fit-for- 0 2 4 2 1 1.33 0% 0.89 0%
purpose on various sizes of projects
56j. Internal push-back from 0 1 3 2 3 1.25 0% 0.56 0%
56k. Internal push-back from 0 1 3 2 3 1.25 0% 0.56 0%
general foremen
56l. Internal push-back from foremen 0 1 3 2 3 1.25 0% 0.56 0%
56m. Internal push-back from field crews 0 1 3 2 3 1.25 0% 0.56 0%
Appendix G
Home Office’s Ranking
of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score Calculation
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4
3×a + 2×b + 1×c a 3×a + 2×b + 1×c a
a+b+c a+b+c a + b + c +d + e a + b + c +d + e
Where a (Major) = 3; b (Moderate) = 2; c (Minor) = 1
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Home Office)
49. Low level of AWP maturity 15 16 7 3 5 2.21 39% 1.83 33%
among contractors
18. Not enough qualified resources 17 18 9 5 1 2.18 39% 1.92 34%
for implementing AWP
57c. External push-back from 10 11 7 6 9 2.11 36% 1.37 23%
engineering design/procurement
57b. External push-back from 10 13 8 6 6 2.06 32% 1.49 23%
engineering design contractor
3. Lack of clear understanding of AWP 14 21 12 2 1 2.04 30% 1.92 28%
methodology and processes
39. Design engineering organization 11 15 10 8 3 2.03 31% 1.55 23%
not supportive of AWP
57a. External push-back from owner 8 8 8 12 8 2.00 33% 1.09 18%
50. Poor integration of AWP 8 24 9 2 3 1.98 20% 1.76 17%
information system with other
corporate systems
55. Lack of financial incentives to 10 10 11 12 3 1.97 32% 1.33 22%
improve execution efficiency
57d. External push-back from 9 7 10 6 12 1.96 35% 1.16 20%
engineering design/procurement/
construction contractor
10. Lack of alignment between AWP 11 13 13 11 3 1.95 30% 1.41 22%
implementation strategy and field
12. Contractor does not buy in early 13 9 15 6 7 1.95 35% 1.44 26%
54. AWP program is not owner- 8 12 10 11 5 1.93 27% 1.26 17%
14. Owner does not include clear 12 10 16 7 5 1.89 32% 1.44 24%
AWP requirements in the contract
30. “Silos” among project team 8 22 13 4 2 1.88 19% 1.65 16%
groups limit integration
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Home Office)
21. Progress payments not linked to 9 12 13 10 6 1.88 26% 1.28 18%
AWP deliverables
56c. Internal push-back from 6 18 10 9 2 1.88 18% 1.42 13%
project managers
56e. Internal push-back from 6 17 10 8 4 1.88 18% 1.38 13%
design engineering management
11. Lack of alignment between AWP 8 19 13 7 3 1.88 20% 1.50 16%
and front end planning
2. Lack of AWP champion/leadership 10 13 15 10 2 1.87 26% 1.42 20%
19. Owner engages contractors too 11 10 16 8 5 1.86 30% 1.38 22%
late to effectively implement AWP
48. Lack of training 8 22 14 1 2 1.86 18% 1.74 17%
51. Lack of attributes in the design 8 15 13 5 5 1.86 22% 1.46 17%
9. Lack of ongoing alignment among 8 18 14 7 3 1.85 20% 1.48 16%
owner, contractors, suppliers, and
26. Engineering design sequence 10 14 16 5 4 1.85 25% 1.51 20%
not able to match construction
44. Current company culture does 8 11 13 13 2 1.84 25% 1.26 17%
not fully support AWP
41. Project controls not aligned with 5 19 11 11 1 1.83 14% 1.36 11%
56b. Internal push-back from 2 21 8 12 2 1.81 6% 1.24 4%
middle management
22. Construction company not 4 16 10 13 7 1.80 13% 1.08 8%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
1. Lack of buy-in 9 17 18 5 1 1.80 20% 1.58 18%
5. Cost to implement 9 17 18 5 1 1.80 20% 1.58 18%
45. Misperception that company 7 9 13 12 6 1.79 24% 1.11 15%
already performs AWP (no change
57h. External push-back from 5 15 12 6 6 1.78 16% 1.30 11%
42. Materials management/logistics 7 13 15 9 3 1.77 20% 1.32 15%
issues (materials to the work face)
56j. Internal push-back from 4 12 10 10 9 1.77 15% 1.02 9%
47. Weaknesses in overall AWP 4 21 13 6 3 1.76 11% 1.43 9%
38. Difficulty in making AWP fit-for- 6 19 16 5 1 1.76 15% 1.53 13%
purpose on various sizes of projects
57e. External push-back from 5 8 11 4 16 1.75 21% 0.95 11%
construction management
Appendix G: Home Office’s Ranking of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Home Office)
20. Owner late in furnishing items or 6 18 17 6 4 1.73 15% 1.39 12%
27. Late AWP implementation 8 16 20 3 4 1.73 18% 1.49 16%
28. Inconsistency in AWP 2 27 14 4 2 1.72 5% 1.51 4%
implementation due to lack of
structured process
35. Belief that experienced field 6 15 17 6 5 1.71 16% 1.33 12%
leadership and crews can construct
without IWPs
29. Need (or perceived need) for 9 13 22 3 2 1.70 20% 1.53 18%
additional project team members for
36. Current company processes 5 16 16 9 2 1.70 14% 1.31 10%
would have to be revised to include
13. Lack of alignment between 6 18 19 4 3 1.70 14% 1.46 12%
AWP implementation strategy and
contract type
56a. Internal push-back from 3 13 12 14 3 1.68 11% 1.04 7%
upper management
56i. Internal push-back from 3 13 12 15 1 1.68 11% 1.07 7%
construction managers
56f. Internal push-back from design 5 12 16 8 4 1.67 15% 1.22 11%
34. Difficulty with ongoing tracking/ 3 18 16 7 5 1.65 8% 1.24 6%
closing of IWPs
7. Awaiting more industry AWP project 2 8 9 23 8 1.63 11% 0.62 4%
results before implementing
56g. Internal push-back from 5 11 18 9 2 1.62 15% 1.22 11%
4. Expectation of limited (or no) 4 17 20 6 3 1.61 10% 1.32 8%
benefits to company from AWP
16. Lack of alignment between AWP 1 21 16 11 1 1.61 3% 1.22 2%
implementation strategy and field
56d. Internal push-back from 4 10 16 14 1 1.60 13% 1.07 9%
information management/
25. Procurement personnel not 3 16 18 8 4 1.59 8% 1.20 6%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
24. Turnover/startup personnel not 1 19 16 10 4 1.58 3% 1.14 2%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
57g. External push-back from 4 11 18 6 5 1.58 12% 1.18 9%
40. Lack of inter-organizational 1 18 16 7 3 1.57 3% 1.22 2%
coordination following a scope
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Home Office)
56l. Internal push-back from foremen 2 8 11 16 8 1.57 10% 0.73 4%
57f. External push-back from 2 12 14 8 8 1.57 7% 1.00 5%
construction contractor
56k. Internal push-back from 2 10 13 12 9 1.56 8% 0.85 4%
general foremen
53. Transition from construction by 4 12 20 5 5 1.56 11% 1.22 9%
area to commissioning by system
52. Manual or paper-based IWP 1 15 15 4 9 1.55 3% 1.09 2%
management system is inefficient
for the project size
56h. Internal push-back from 2 13 17 12 1 1.53 6% 1.09 4%
project controls
8. Previous attempt to implement AWP 2 5 11 18 14 1.50 11% 0.54 4%
was considered unsuccessful
23. Too many unknowns to 3 13 22 8 4 1.50 8% 1.14 6%
effectively sequence CWPs well in
33. Maintaining a constraint-free 4 12 25 3 5 1.49 10% 1.24 8%
backlog of IWPs throughout the
46. Do not need AWP because 2 10 17 15 3 1.48 7% 0.91 4%
current project performance/results
are good enough
31. Too many unknowns to 3 13 24 5 4 1.48 8% 1.20 6%
effectively sequence IWPs well in
37. Changes to roles of individuals 3 13 25 3 3 1.46 7% 1.28 6%
when implementing AWP
56n. Internal push-back from 1 11 17 12 1 1.45 3% 1.00 2%
43. Lack of efficient/on-time 2 10 20 11 4 1.44 6% 0.98 4%
scaffolding management
15. Contract size does not support 3 9 23 11 4 1.43 9% 1.00 6%
AWP implementation
17. Lack of alignment between AWP 1 13 23 12 2 1.41 3% 1.02 2%
implementation strategy and project
56m. Internal push-back from field crews 1 5 12 17 10 1.39 6% 0.56 2%
32. Difficulty in scoping/sizing IWPs 2 9 28 6 4 1.33 5% 1.06 4%
56o. Internal push-back from 0 8 20 10 4 1.29 0% 0.86 0%
cost estimators
6. Company not interested in 0 5 15 21 9 1.25 0% 0.50 0%
implementing AWP
Appendix H
High-maturity Companies’ Ranking
of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score Calculation
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4
3×a + 2×b + 1×c a 3×a + 2×b + 1×c a
a+b+c a+b+c a + b + c +d + e a + b + c +d + e
Where a (Major) = 3; b (Moderate) = 2; c (Minor) = 1
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Home Office)
39. Design engineering organization 5 5 0 5 0 2.50 50% 1.67 33%
not supportive of AWP
57b. External push-back from 4 4 3 1 3 2.09 36% 1.53 27%
engineering design contractor
57c. External push-back from 4 4 3 1 3 2.09 36% 1.53 27%
engineering design/procurement
57d. External push-back from 4 4 3 1 3 2.09 36% 1.53 27%
engineering design/procurement/
construction contractor
10. Lack of alignment between AWP 5 3 4 4 0 2.08 42% 1.56 31%
implementation strategy and field
12. Contractor does not buy in early 5 2 5 2 2 2.00 42% 1.50 31%
22. Construction company not 2 2 2 7 3 2.00 33% 0.75 13%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
54. AWP program is not owner- 4 2 4 5 0 2.00 40% 1.33 27%
57h. External push-back from 4 3 5 2 1 1.92 33% 1.53 27%
57a. External push-back from owner 4 1 5 4 1 1.90 40% 1.27 27%
55. Lack of financial incentives to 3 2 4 6 0 1.89 33% 1.13 20%
improve execution efficiency
14. Owner does not include clear 4 4 6 1 1 1.86 29% 1.63 25%
AWP requirements in the contract
3. Lack of clear understanding of AWP 3 5 5 3 0 1.85 23% 1.50 19%
methodology and processes
18. Not enough qualified resources 4 3 6 3 0 1.85 31% 1.50 25%
for implementing AWP
21. Progress payments not linked to 5 1 7 2 1 1.85 38% 1.50 31%
AWP deliverables
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Home Office)
26. Engineering design sequence 5 1 7 2 1 1.85 38% 1.50 31%
not able to match construction
30. “Silos” among project team 4 3 6 3 0 1.85 31% 1.50 25%
groups limit integration
19. Owner engages contractors too 4 2 6 4 0 1.83 33% 1.38 25%
late to effectively implement AWP
49. Low level of AWP maturity 2 5 4 1 3 1.82 18% 1.33 13%
among contractors
57e. External push-back from 4 1 6 1 3 1.82 36% 1.33 27%
construction management
42. Materials management/logistics 2 4 4 5 0 1.80 20% 1.20 13%
issues (materials to the work face)
45. Misperception that company 3 2 5 3 2 1.80 30% 1.20 20%
already performs AWP (no change
51. Lack of attributes in the design 3 2 5 4 1 1.80 30% 1.20 20%
9. Lack of ongoing alignment among 3 5 6 2 0 1.79 21% 1.56 19%
owner, contractors, suppliers, and
11. Lack of alignment between AWP 4 3 7 2 0 1.79 29% 1.56 25%
and front end planning
44. Current company culture does 3 1 5 6 0 1.78 33% 1.07 20%
not fully support AWP
56g. Internal push-back from 3 1 5 5 1 1.78 33% 1.07 20%
29. Need (or perceived need) for 3 4 6 3 0 1.77 23% 1.44 19%
additional project team members for
37. Changes to roles of individuals 2 6 5 2 0 1.77 15% 1.53 13%
when implementing AWP
41. Project controls not aligned with 1 4 3 7 0 1.75 13% 0.93 7%
57g. External push-back from 3 3 6 2 1 1.75 25% 1.40 20%
24. Turnover/startup personnel not 2 4 5 5 0 1.73 18% 1.19 13%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
56e. Internal push-back from 3 2 6 3 1 1.73 27% 1.27 20%
design engineering management
20. Owner late in furnishing items or 2 6 6 2 0 1.71 14% 1.50 13%
40. Lack of inter-organizational 2 3 5 4 0 1.70 20% 1.21 14%
coordination following a scope
Appendix H: High-maturity Companies’ Ranking of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Home Office)
56f. Internal push-back from design 2 3 5 4 1 1.70 20% 1.13 13%
28. Inconsistency in AWP 1 7 5 3 0 1.69 8% 1.38 6%
implementation due to lack of
structured process
8. Previous attempt to implement AWP 1 2 3 6 4 1.67 17% 0.63 6%
was considered unsuccessful
50. Poor integration of AWP 1 6 5 2 1 1.67 8% 1.33 7%
information system with other
corporate systems
48. Lack of training 2 5 7 1 0 1.64 14% 1.53 13%
31. Too many unknowns to 2 3 6 5 0 1.64 18% 1.13 13%
effectively sequence IWPs well in
56c. Internal push-back from 2 3 6 2 2 1.64 18% 1.20 13%
project managers
57f. External push-back from 3 1 7 1 3 1.64 27% 1.20 20%
construction contractor
47. Weaknesses in overall AWP 1 3 4 6 1 1.63 13% 0.87 7%
56i. Internal push-back from 2 1 5 6 1 1.63 25% 0.87 13%
construction managers
56k. Internal push-back from 1 3 4 5 2 1.63 13% 0.87 7%
general foremen
56l. Internal push-back from foremen 1 3 4 5 2 1.63 13% 0.87 7%
13. Lack of alignment between 2 4 7 3 0 1.62 15% 1.31 13%
AWP implementation strategy and
contract type
25. Procurement personnel not 2 2 6 5 1 1.60 20% 1.00 13%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
36. Current company processes 2 2 6 6 0 1.60 20% 1.00 13%
would have to be revised to include
27. Late AWP implementation 2 4 8 2 0 1.57 14% 1.38 13%
33. Maintaining a constraint-free 2 4 8 2 0 1.57 14% 1.38 13%
backlog of IWPs throughout the
46. Do not need AWP because 1 2 4 6 2 1.57 14% 0.73 7%
current project performance/results
are good enough
5. Cost to implement 1 4 6 5 0 1.55 9% 1.06 6%
23. Too many unknowns to 2 2 7 5 0 1.55 18% 1.06 13%
effectively sequence CWPs well in
35. Belief that experienced field 2 3 8 2 1 1.54 15% 1.25 13%
leadership and crews can construct
without IWPs
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Home Office)
16. Lack of alignment between AWP 1 4 7 4 0 1.50 8% 1.13 6%
implementation strategy and field
34. Difficulty with ongoing tracking/ 1 3 6 6 0 1.50 10% 0.94 6%
closing of IWPs
38. Difficulty in making AWP fit-for- 1 4 7 3 0 1.50 8% 1.20 7%
purpose on various sizes of projects
56a. Internal push-back from 2 0 6 5 2 1.50 25% 0.80 13%
upper management
56h. Internal push-back from 1 2 5 6 1 1.50 13% 0.80 7%
project controls
17. Lack of alignment between AWP 2 1 8 5 0 1.45 18% 1.00 13%
implementation strategy and project
2. Lack of AWP champion/leadership 2 0 7 7 0 1.44 22% 0.81 13%
56b. Internal push-back from 0 4 5 4 2 1.44 0% 0.87 0%
middle management
56d. Internal push-back from 2 0 7 5 1 1.44 22% 0.87 13%
information management/
56j. Internal push-back from 1 2 6 4 2 1.44 11% 0.87 7%
43. Lack of efficient/on-time 1 2 7 5 0 1.40 10% 0.93 7%
scaffolding management
4. Expectation of limited (or no) 0 3 6 6 1 1.33 0% 0.75 0%
benefits to company from AWP
6. Company not interested in 0 1 2 9 4 1.33 0% 0.25 0%
implementing AWP
7. Awaiting more industry AWP project 0 2 4 8 2 1.33 0% 0.50 0%
results before implementing
56n. Internal push-back from 1 1 7 5 1 1.33 11% 0.80 7%
1. Lack of buy-in 1 2 10 3 0 1.31 8% 1.06 6%
15. Contract size does not support 0 3 7 4 2 1.30 0% 0.81 0%
AWP implementation
52. Manual or paper-based IWP 0 3 7 3 2 1.30 0% 0.87 0%
management system is inefficient
for the project size
53. Transition from construction by 1 1 8 5 0 1.30 10% 0.87 7%
area to commissioning by system
56o. Internal push-back from 1 0 7 4 3 1.25 13% 0.67 7%
cost estimators
32. Difficulty in scoping/sizing IWPs 0 2 8 5 0 1.20 0% 0.80 0%
56m. Internal push-back from field crews 0 1 6 5 3 1.14 0% 0.53 0%
Appendix I
Median-maturity Companies’ Ranking
of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score Calculation
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4
3×a + 2×b + 1×c a 3×a + 2×b + 1×c a
a+b+c a+b+c a + b + c +d + e a + b + c +d + e
Where a (Major) = 3; b (Moderate) = 2; c (Minor) = 1
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Median Maturity)
49. Low level of AWP maturity 14 7 3 2 1 2.46 58% 2.19 52%
among contractors
18. Not enough qualified resources 10 11 5 2 1 2.19 38% 1.97 34%
for implementing AWP
50. Poor integration of AWP 7 15 4 0 1 2.12 27% 2.04 26%
information system with other
corporate systems
57b. External push-back from 5 7 4 5 4 2.06 31% 1.32 20%
engineering design contractor
3. Lack of clear understanding of AWP 7 13 7 1 1 2.00 26% 1.86 24%
methodology and processes
11. Lack of alignment between AWP 4 15 4 5 1 2.00 17% 1.59 14%
and front end planning
57c. External push-back from 5 7 5 4 5 2.00 29% 1.31 19%
engineering design/procurement
55. Lack of financial incentives to 5 9 6 6 1 1.95 25% 1.44 19%
improve execution efficiency
56c. Internal push-back from 3 9 4 9 1 1.94 19% 1.19 12%
project managers
26. Engineering design sequence 6 12 8 2 1 1.92 23% 1.72 21%
not able to match construction
9. Lack of ongoing alignment among 4 13 6 5 1 1.91 17% 1.52 14%
owner, contractors, suppliers, and
42. Materials management/logistics 7 6 9 4 2 1.91 32% 1.50 25%
issues (materials to the work face)
10. Lack of alignment between AWP 4 9 6 8 2 1.89 21% 1.24 14%
implementation strategy and field
14. Owner does not include clear 7 3 9 7 3 1.89 37% 1.24 24%
AWP requirements in the contract
56e. Internal push-back from 3 9 5 7 2 1.88 18% 1.23 12%
design engineering management
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Median Maturity)
12. Contractor does not buy in early 7 7 10 4 1 1.88 29% 1.55 24%
39. Design engineering organization 7 5 10 4 2 1.86 32% 1.46 25%
not supportive of AWP
51. Lack of attributes in the design 4 11 7 3 2 1.86 18% 1.52 15%
54. AWP program is not owner- 3 6 5 9 4 1.86 21% 0.96 11%
56b. Internal push-back from 0 12 2 11 1 1.86 0% 1.00 0%
middle management
21. Progress payments not linked to 6 5 9 6 3 1.85 30% 1.28 21%
AWP deliverables
48. Lack of training 4 14 8 1 1 1.85 15% 1.71 14%
45. Misperception that company 5 6 8 8 1 1.84 26% 1.25 18%
already performs AWP (no change
27. Late AWP implementation 5 10 9 4 1 1.83 21% 1.52 17%
36. Current company processes 4 11 8 5 0 1.83 17% 1.50 14%
would have to be revised to include
41. Project controls not aligned with 4 11 8 4 1 1.83 17% 1.50 14%
57a. External push-back from owner 2 5 4 10 5 1.82 18% 0.77 8%
57d. External push-back from 4 5 7 3 7 1.81 25% 1.12 15%
engineering design/procurement/
construction contractor
22. Construction company not 2 13 6 7 1 1.81 10% 1.31 7%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
1. Lack of buy-in 4 11 9 4 1 1.79 17% 1.48 14%
30. “Silos” among project team 3 13 8 4 1 1.79 13% 1.48 10%
groups limit integration
56j. Internal push-back from 2 7 5 7 5 1.79 14% 0.96 8%
34. Difficulty with ongoing tracking/ 3 11 8 3 4 1.77 14% 1.34 10%
closing of IWPs
5. Cost to implement 6 8 12 1 1 1.77 23% 1.64 21%
19. Owner engages contractors too 5 6 11 5 2 1.73 23% 1.31 17%
late to effectively implement AWP
35. Belief that experienced field 3 10 9 5 2 1.73 14% 1.31 10%
leadership and crews can construct
without IWPs
56h. Internal push-back from 2 9 7 7 1 1.72 11% 1.19 8%
project controls
52. Manual or paper-based IWP 2 11 8 3 3 1.71 10% 1.33 7%
management system is inefficient
for the project size
Appendix I: Median-maturity Companies’ Ranking of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Median Maturity)
28. Inconsistency in AWP 1 17 9 1 1 1.70 4% 1.59 3%
implementation due to lack of
structured process
47. Weaknesses in overall AWP 2 14 10 1 1 1.69 8% 1.57 7%
44. Current company culture does 3 7 9 8 1 1.68 16% 1.14 11%
not fully support AWP
57g. External push-back from 3 7 9 4 3 1.68 16% 1.23 12%
57h. External push-back from 3 6 9 4 4 1.67 17% 1.15 12%
2. Lack of AWP champion/leadership 3 7 10 7 2 1.65 15% 1.14 10%
56g. Internal push-back from 4 5 11 4 2 1.65 20% 1.27 15%
56d. Internal push-back from 2 7 8 8 1 1.65 12% 1.08 8%
information management/
13. Lack of alignment between 2 11 11 3 2 1.63 8% 1.34 7%
AWP implementation strategy and
contract type
38. Difficulty in making AWP fit-for- 2 11 11 2 2 1.63 8% 1.39 7%
purpose on various sizes of projects
4. Expectation of limited (or no) 2 11 12 3 1 1.60 8% 1.38 7%
benefits to company from AWP
43. Lack of efficient/on-time 2 8 10 5 3 1.60 10% 1.14 7%
scaffolding management
40. Lack of inter-organizational 1 9 9 6 2 1.58 5% 1.11 4%
coordination following a scope
56f. Internal push-back from design 2 7 10 5 2 1.58 11% 1.15 8%
16. Lack of alignment between AWP 1 10 10 7 1 1.57 5% 1.14 3%
implementation strategy and field
56n. Internal push-back from 1 6 7 10 1 1.57 7% 0.88 4%
24. Turnover/startup personnel not 1 11 11 5 1 1.57 4% 1.24 3%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
29. Need (or perceived need) for 2 11 14 1 1 1.56 7% 1.45 7%
additional project team members for
20. Owner late in furnishing items or 3 6 13 6 1 1.55 14% 1.17 10%
25. Procurement personnel not 1 11 12 3 1 1.54 4% 1.32 4%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Median Maturity)
57e. External push-back from 1 6 8 2 9 1.53 7% 0.88 4%
construction management
53. Transition from construction by 3 5 13 2 4 1.52 14% 1.19 11%
area to commissioning by system
7. Awaiting more industry AWP project 1 4 7 15 2 1.50 8% 0.62 3%
results before implementing
23. Too many unknowns to 1 10 13 4 1 1.50 4% 1.24 3%
effectively sequence CWPs well in
33. Maintaining a constraint-free 1 10 13 2 3 1.50 4% 1.24 3%
backlog of IWPs throughout the
56i. Internal push-back from 0 6 6 12 1 1.50 0% 0.72 0%
construction managers
57f. External push-back from 0 9 9 5 3 1.50 0% 1.04 0%
construction contractor
56a. Internal push-back from 0 6 7 12 1 1.46 0% 0.73 0%
upper management
15. Contract size does not support 2 4 12 10 1 1.44 11% 0.90 7%
AWP implementation
32. Difficulty in scoping/sizing IWPs 1 8 15 3 2 1.42 4% 1.17 3%
46. Do not need AWP because 1 5 11 9 2 1.41 6% 0.86 4%
current project performance/results
are good enough
8. Previous attempt to implement AWP 0 5 8 11 5 1.38 0% 0.62 0%
was considered unsuccessful
31. Too many unknowns to 0 10 16 1 2 1.38 0% 1.24 0%
effectively sequence IWPs well in
56k. Internal push-back from 0 5 8 8 5 1.38 0% 0.69 0%
general foremen
37. Changes to roles of individuals 1 6 15 4 2 1.36 5% 1.07 4%
when implementing AWP
17. Lack of alignment between AWP 0 7 13 8 1 1.35 0% 0.93 0%
implementation strategy and project
56o. Internal push-back from 0 4 10 9 2 1.29 0% 0.72 0%
cost estimators
56l. Internal push-back from foremen 0 3 8 10 5 1.27 0% 0.54 0%
56m. Internal push-back from field crews 0 2 7 12 5 1.22 0% 0.42 0%
6. Company not interested in 0 2 8 16 3 1.20 0% 0.41 0%
implementing AWP
Appendix J
Low-maturity Companies’ Ranking
of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score Calculation
Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4
3×a + 2×b + 1×c a 3×a + 2×b + 1×c a
a+b+c a+b+c a + b + c +d + e a + b + c +d + e
Where a (Major) = 3; b (Moderate) = 2; c (Minor) = 1
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Low Maturity)
4. Expectation of limited (or no) 2 2 0 1 7 2.50 50% 0.83 17%
benefits to company from AWP
56o. Internal push-back from 4 1 1 3 3 2.50 67% 1.25 33%
cost estimators
6. Company not interested in 6 8 0 0 0 2.43 43% 2.43 43%
implementing AWP
7. Awaiting more industry AWP project 4 3 1 0 4 2.38 50% 1.58 33%
results before implementing
46. Do not need AWP because 4 3 1 1 2 2.38 50% 1.73 36%
current project performance/results
are good enough
12. Contractor does not buy in early 6 7 1 0 0 2.36 43% 2.36 43%
29. Need (or perceived need) for 5 3 2 2 1 2.30 50% 1.77 38%
additional project team members for
39. Design engineering organization 5 1 3 1 4 2.22 56% 1.43 36%
not supportive of AWP
56k. Internal push-back from 5 7 2 0 0 2.21 36% 2.21 36%
general foremen
56m. Internal push-back from field crews 5 7 2 0 0 2.21 36% 2.21 36%
23. Too many unknowns to 3 5 2 0 3 2.10 30% 1.62 23%
effectively sequence CWPs well in
56b. Internal push-back from 3 6 2 2 0 2.09 27% 1.77 23%
middle management
17. Lack of alignment between AWP 4 5 3 0 0 2.08 33% 2.08 33%
implementation strategy and project
27. Late AWP implementation 2 9 1 0 1 2.08 17% 1.92 15%
36. Current company processes 3 7 2 0 1 2.08 25% 1.92 23%
would have to be revised to include
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Low Maturity)
41. Project controls not aligned with 3 7 2 1 0 2.08 25% 1.92 23%
56l. Internal push-back from foremen 3 7 2 0 1 2.08 25% 1.92 23%
13. Lack of alignment between 2 9 2 0 0 2.00 15% 2.00 15%
AWP implementation strategy and
contract type
18. Not enough qualified resources 1 10 1 2 0 2.00 8% 1.71 7%
for implementing AWP
30. “Silos” among project team 3 3 3 2 3 2.00 33% 1.29 21%
groups limit integration
42. Materials management/logistics 2 3 2 0 6 2.00 29% 1.08 15%
issues (materials to the work face)
49. Low level of AWP maturity 5 2 5 0 1 2.00 42% 1.85 38%
among contractors
50. Poor integration of AWP 2 5 2 2 3 2.00 22% 1.29 14%
information system with other
corporate systems
51. Lack of attributes in the design 2 8 2 0 1 2.00 17% 1.85 15%
54. AWP program is not owner- 2 0 2 3 7 2.00 50% 0.57 14%
55. Lack of financial incentives to 2 6 2 1 3 2.00 20% 1.43 14%
improve execution efficiency
56c. Internal push-back from 4 5 4 0 1 2.00 31% 1.86 29%
project managers
56i. Internal push-back from 3 4 3 1 2 2.00 30% 1.54 23%
construction managers
57a. External push-back from owner 3 5 3 1 2 2.00 27% 1.57 21%
57b. External push-back from 2 3 2 3 4 2.00 29% 1.00 14%
engineering design contractor
57c. External push-back from 4 6 4 1 0 2.00 29% 1.87 27%
engineering design/procurement
57h. External push-back from 1 7 1 3 2 2.00 11% 1.29 7%
5. Cost to implement 3 6 4 0 0 1.92 23% 1.92 23%
8. Previous attempt to implement AWP 4 4 5 1 1 1.92 31% 1.67 27%
was considered unsuccessful
2. Lack of AWP champion/leadership 2 7 3 0 1 1.92 17% 1.77 15%
3. Lack of clear understanding of AWP 2 7 3 0 1 1.92 17% 1.77 15%
methodology and processes
10. Lack of alignment between AWP 3 5 4 0 1 1.92 25% 1.77 23%
implementation strategy and field
56f. Internal push-back from design 2 7 3 0 3 1.92 17% 1.53 13%
Appendix J: Low-maturity Companies’ Ranking of Top Barriers Identified in the Survey
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Low Maturity)
57f. External push-back from 4 3 5 0 2 1.92 33% 1.64 29%
construction contractor
28. Inconsistency in AWP 1 8 2 0 2 1.91 9% 1.62 8%
implementation due to lack of
structured process
53. Transition from construction by 1 8 2 0 2 1.91 9% 1.62 8%
area to commissioning by system
57e. External push-back from 3 4 4 1 2 1.91 27% 1.50 21%
construction management
11. Lack of alignment between AWP 2 5 3 0 3 1.90 20% 1.46 15%
and front end planning
33. Maintaining a constraint-free 1 7 2 1 2 1.90 10% 1.46 8%
backlog of IWPs throughout the
35. Belief that experienced field 2 4 3 2 2 1.89 22% 1.31 15%
leadership and crews can construct
without IWPs
37. Changes to roles of individuals 1 5 2 5 0 1.88 13% 1.15 8%
when implementing AWP
16. Lack of alignment between AWP 1 4 2 1 5 1.86 14% 1.00 8%
implementation strategy and field
32. Difficulty in scoping/sizing IWPs 1 4 2 2 3 1.86 14% 1.08 8%
57d. External push-back from 3 5 5 0 1 1.85 23% 1.71 21%
engineering design/procurement/
construction contractor
1. Lack of buy-in 1 3 2 2 5 1.83 17% 0.85 8%
9. Lack of ongoing alignment among 1 8 3 0 1 1.83 8% 1.69 8%
owner, contractors, suppliers, and
25. Procurement personnel not 1 3 2 3 4 1.83 17% 0.85 8%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
56a. Internal push-back from 2 6 4 0 3 1.83 17% 1.47 13%
upper management
48. Lack of training 2 4 4 0 3 1.80 20% 1.38 15%
14. Owner does not include clear 2 2 4 2 3 1.75 25% 1.08 15%
AWP requirements in the contract
15. Contract size does not support 1 6 4 0 1 1.73 9% 1.58 8%
AWP implementation
21. Progress payments not linked to 0 8 3 1 1 1.73 0% 1.46 0%
AWP deliverables
40. Lack of inter-organizational 2 3 5 0 3 1.70 20% 1.31 15%
coordination following a scope
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Score 1
Score 2
Score 3
Score 4
Barriers in the Survey (Low Maturity)
57g. External push-back from 1 5 4 0 3 1.70 10% 1.31 8%
20. Owner late in furnishing items or 1 6 5 1 0 1.67 8% 1.54 8%
56h. Internal push-back from 1 3 4 1 5 1.63 13% 0.93 7%
project controls
26. Engineering design sequence 1 4 5 1 2 1.60 10% 1.23 8%
not able to match construction
38. Difficulty in making AWP fit-for- 1 4 5 3 0 1.60 10% 1.23 8%
purpose on various sizes of projects
43. Lack of efficient/on-time 1 4 5 0 2 1.60 10% 1.33 8%
scaffolding management
45. Misperception that company 0 6 4 1 3 1.60 0% 1.14 0%
already performs AWP (no change
22. Construction company not 0 7 5 2 1 1.58 0% 1.27 0%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
31. Too many unknowns to 0 7 5 1 0 1.58 0% 1.46 0%
effectively sequence IWPs well in
19. Owner engages contractors too 2 1 7 0 3 1.50 20% 1.15 15%
late to effectively implement AWP
52. Manual or paper-based IWP 0 5 5 0 3 1.50 0% 1.15 0%
management system is inefficient
for the project size
56d. Internal push-back from 1 4 7 1 1 1.50 8% 1.29 7%
information management/
47. Weaknesses in overall AWP 1 3 7 0 3 1.45 9% 1.14 7%
44. Current company culture does 0 4 6 1 3 1.40 0% 1.00 0%
not fully support AWP
56e. Internal push-back from 0 4 6 1 2 1.40 0% 1.08 0%
design engineering management
24. Turnover/startup personnel not 0 4 7 0 0 1.36 0% 1.36 0%
available to provide timely path of
construction input
34. Difficulty with ongoing tracking/ 0 4 7 2 0 1.36 0% 1.15 0%
closing of IWPs
56j. Internal push-back from 0 4 7 1 1 1.36 0% 1.15 0%
56n. Internal push-back from 0 4 7 0 0 1.36 0% 1.36 0%
56g. Internal push-back from 0 2 6 3 2 1.25 0% 0.77 0%
Appendix K
Summary of Interviews
Company A (owner)
Company A uses AWP in two major divisions: Oil & Gas and Energy. Since these are
two different departments, they have slightly different AWP procedures. The interviewee
was in the Oil & Gas division, so all of the information provided refers to that sector.
The company started implementing AWP three years ago, focusing primarily on
EPC projects, and has completed The first project where AWP was implemented.
Currently the company is working on documenting the AWP process, finding an IT
solution that fits the company’s needs, and developing an in-house training program.
Barriers to Implementation
• The first barrier the interviewee mentioned was how to determine AWP
scalability. Implementing AWP in different project sizes is a challenge, mainly
with smaller projects.
• The company struggled to find the best software to support AWP process;
the interviewee saw this as a barrier.
• The interviewee also mentioned finding qualified resources to execute AWP,
especially developing IWPs.
• Another barrier was identifying value in allocating resources for AWP
implementation, which means that one challenge involves determining the
number of staff members to dedicate to AWP to keep the project competitive.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Company B (owner)
Company B started its AWP efforts in 2016. The company applied AWP in pilot
projects and now is implementing AWP on its usual projects. The company does not
require the use of AWP in its projects, but lets the manager decide whether or not
to implement it. An in-house training program promotes AWP procedures within the
Barriers to Implementation
• The main barrier the interviewee mentioned was the perceived cost
associated with implementing AWP. This means that the company is fully
aware of the initial cost to implement AWP but is unaware of the savings that
AWP will create by the end of the project.
• Another problem was the lack of AWP education understanding, which leads
to a buy-in resistance.
• The interviewee also mentioned a lack of AWP standardization as a barrier.
The interviewee focused on standards AWP process flow, nomenclature, and
data processes.
Appendix K: Summary of Interviews
Company C (contractor)
Company C began implementing AWP in pilot projects. Its first fully AWP project
should be completed in 2022. Once that project is complete, the company intends to
assess the benefits of AWP. The company intends to apply AWP on all sizes of projects,
and currently is working on defining its scalability.
Barriers to Implementation
The interviewee mentioned the following main barriers:
• A lack of understanding regarding AWP practices, especially by some
• The interviewee linked this lack of understanding to a resistance to change
former procedures.
• The interviewee stated that the company did not see the benefits of
investing in implementing AWP and did not have buy-in regarding AWP
• From the owner’s perspective, there was a feeling that AWP did not fit in
lump sum contacts.
• The interviewee listed another barrier as major—the lack of alignment
between procurement and AWP procedures.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Company D (contractor)
Company D has implemented AWP on pilot projects and has completed one fully
AWP project. Currently, it is working with a consultant to develop AWP in-house training.
The company is actively looking for IT solutions to support the AWP program.
Barriers to Implementation
• Lack of recognition of AWP benefits is considered a major barrier. The
company needs education to highlight the potential profits from AWP. Not
understanding the benefits of AWP implementation interferes in the company’s
support for implementing AWP on projects.
• Lack of alignment with the subcontractor was mentioned as a barrier.
• The interviewee stated that there was a need to define AWP scalability and
how to implement it in smaller projects. The company is not sure how to
make AWP cost effective for smaller projects.
Appendix K: Summary of Interviews
Company E (owner)
Company E works internationally with upstream lump sum contracts. It began its
AWP journey in 2014, when the company started implementing AWP in pilot projects,
using an AWP procedure it had developed based on the work CII Research Team 272.
Currently the company’s first fully AWP project is in progress, and it should finish in 2023.
The company has used AWP on all sizes of projects and in all locations, demonstrating
that it has already defined AWP scalability. The company has also created its own
Center of Excellence for AWP, which supports every project that implements AWP.
Barriers to Implementation
• When working internationally, contractors use the principle of AWP, although it
does not follow any standards. Therefore, the interviewee considers the lack
of standardization for international contractors a barrier.
• Another barrier, from an owner’s perspective, is implementing AWP in a lump
sum contract. The owner does not have access to man-hour data, so it is hard
to measure accurately the benefits of AWP in man-hours.
• Defining metrics for the owner when working in a lump sum contract was
seen as a barrier.
• Another barrier mentioned was the lack of alignment between AWP and
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Company F (owner)
The interview focused on integrating AWP with materials management. At that
time, the company was working on building a team to interface with the engineering,
construction, and purchasing functions. The main goal was to tie all parties involved
in construction to the AWP program.
Barriers to Implementation
• Contracts do not specify enough data-reporting requirements. The
interviewee saw this as a barrier, since information may not be received for
timely AWP implementation.
• Other barriers mentioned included the silos among project teams. The
different levels of AWP implementation across functions make it a challenge
to obtain alignment for successful AWP implementation.
• The company presented a resistance to changing its procedures in order
to implement AWP. This, too, was related to the company’s culture.
• The contractor’s low AWP maturity was also listed as a barrier. The
subcontractor did not have the same AWP maturity as the contractor; hence,
data management was inefficient. Data were not provided in a timely manner,
which harmed construction.
• Another barrier was the lack of standardization of AWP definitions. The
interviewee claimed that each company used its own terms and standards,
which interfered in alignment among the companies.
Appendix K: Summary of Interviews
Company G (contractor)
Company G had an established AWP process. The AWP program was developed
and contained documents like an AWP playbook, AWP implementation plan, and AWP
architecture plan. The company had already fully implemented AWP on projects and
the AWP program was in an operational phase.
Barriers to Implementation
• The interviewee mentioned that some owners do not fully understand AWP,
which and can lead to misalignment between the parties.
• Some owners are cost- and schedule-driven. As AWP requires more
investment in the earlier phases of a project, sometimes owners reject AWP
implementation due to the perceived implementation cost.
• Defining AWP scalability was also mentioned as a barrier. Applying AWP to
smaller projects can be a challenge, considering implementation cost are high.
• Acquiring an efficient data management program for large projects is also
a challenge. The company needs robust IT solution to manage large amounts
of data.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Company H (owner)
Company H has been in contact with AWP for several years and it is familiar with
CII’s AWP studies. The company has already implemented AWP on pilot projects and
its first fully AWP project will be completed on 2022.
Barriers to Implementation
• Considering that Company H has a large staff, the interviewee mentioned
that one challenge was performing AWP training for large numbers of
employees. It is simply hard to manage a large number of people.
• Alignment between EWP and construction sequencing was an issue. The
company struggled to design AWPs that matched CWP and IWP.
• Lack of alignment between procurement and AWP led the interviewee to
see the transition from an area focus to a system focus as a barrier.
• The contractor’s low AWP maturity was also mentioned. This was due to
the lack of AWP understanding from the contractor’s side.
Appendix K: Summary of Interviews
Company I (contractor)
Company I had more than five years of experience with AWP. At the time of the
interview, senior management was focused on maturing the AWP program. As an
example of management efforts, Company I was digitally formalizing AWP integration
across engineering, procurement, and construction. AWP was applied in all business
lines of the company and it was part of the required process. AWP was supported and
promoted at the corporate level.
Barriers to Implementation
• One of the barriers the interviewee pointed to was the fact that the owner did
not explicitly state AWP requirements in the contract.
• The lack of oversight from the owner on AWP procedures was linked
with previous barriers and also mentioned as a challenge for the AWP
• Lack of alignment between engineering, procurement, and construction
was seen as one of the main barriers faced during the company’s implementation
of AWP.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
Company J (owner)
Most of the work was performed in projects with total installed costs up to $100
million dollars. Traditional workface planner is part of the company’s procedures. In
order to develop an AWP program, the company has been working with consultants for
three years. The company is formalizing procedures and practices and is developing
an AWP protocol. The company is applying AWP in pilot projects.
Barriers to Implementation
• Resistance to change was seen as one of the major barriers. Staff agreed
with AWP concepts, but were not willing to go through the changes required to
have a successful implementation.
• This barrier was also connected to a lack of understanding on how to
implement it efficiently.
• Another barrier was that the construction strategy was not aligned with
AWP implementation.
Research Team DCC-04,
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging
Rob Bailey, Day & Zimmermann
Santiago Barrera Ramirez, Worley
Jim Blevins, Pathfinder, LLC
Adam Bozick, Victaulic
* Carlos Caldas, The University of Texas at Austin
John Coombs, Union Carbide Corporation
Kim Crovetto, Hargrove Engineers + Constructors
Kirt Currie, LyondellBasell
Daniel De Marco, thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (USA), Inc.
Kevin Ellis, Autodesk, Inc.
Kasey Faust, The University of Texas at Austin
Jamie Gerbrecht, ExxonMobil Corporation
Kirk Harris, Black & Veatch
Chehade Kassouf, Consolidated Contractors Company
Mike King, Black & Veatch
Mark Lambert, Eastman Chemical Company, Vice Chair
Silvana Lara, Fluor Corporation
Chuck Mies, Autodesk, Inc.
Robin Mikaelsson, Construct-X, LLC, Chair
Neil Nunez, Bechtel Group, Inc.
Tony Oda, Jacobs
Jason Owens, Motiva Enterprises, LLC
Jack Parent, ExxonMobil Corporation
Jake Perry, ExxonMobil Corporation
Todd Pfennig, APTIM
Levi Quelland, Albemarle Corporation
* Neuton Rebeiro Neto, The University of Texas at Austin
* Principal authors
Phase 2
Phase 2
October 2020
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The objective of RT-365 was to promote the use of AWP at the industry level.
To meet this objective, it was necessary for the team to understand the industry’s
challenges and needs. The team’s approach to promoting the use of AWP was twofold:
• First, it aimed to identify AWP implementation barriers and provide solutions to
overcome them.
• Second, it aimed to facilitate access to AWP implementation resources, such as
reports, case studies, and presentations.
To address the 78 AWP implementation barriers it had identified and analyzed, the
team recommended more than 500 potential solutions. It grouped the most significant
barriers into four categories:
The team’s deliverable, the AWP Concierge (SP365-1), included solutions to the
identified AWP implementation barriers. It classified the barriers by phase, starting
with the pre-implementation phase and proceeding to commissioning and startup.
The AWP Concierge also included links to more than 50 supporting documents that
provided additional details on the potential solutions, directly addressing each AWP
implementation barrier and providing opportunities to mitigate it.
Chapter 1
According to CII Research Team 272 (RT-272), Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
is a construction-driven process that follows the philosophy of beginning a project with
the end in mind. AWP promotes a disciplined approach to project execution planning. It
holds the promise of improving the capital project delivery process. AWP is the outcome
of research CII started in 2009 to develop a project lifecycle execution method based
on workface planning and work packaging concepts. In 2015, following the publication
of reports by RT-272 and RT-319, CII recognized AWP as a CII Best Practice.
CII Research Teams 272 and 319 demonstrated a strong relationship between AWP
implementation and higher project performance. Their publications reported numerous
benefits from implementing AWP:
• Improved safety awareness and performance
• Reduced cost through improved labor productivity and reduced rework
• Improved overall project predictability for cost and schedule
• Better alignment among stakeholders from planning through construction
• Improved overall project quality
Even though AWP became a CII Best Practice in 2015 and subsequent case
studies have verified that it improves construction efficiency, its use is still limited
among owners and contractors. In fact, only a few companies use AWP from front
end planning to startup. Clearly, there is a need for measures that promote the use of
AWP at the industry level.
CII commissioned several research teams to study how the construction industry
has adopted AWP and to provide recommendations on how to promote the use of
AWP. One of these teams dedicated to AWP was RT-DCC-04, whose aim was to
promote the use of AWP at the industry level. RT-DCC-04 identified implementation
barriers that prevented companies from commencing their own AWP journeys and
from experiencing the many improvements that AWP brings to project performance.
The findings of RT-DCC-04 were highly relevant to efforts to promote AWP at the
industry level.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Research Objectives
The purpose of this RT-365 research was to support owners and contractors as
they try to implement AWP throughout a project’s lifecycle. The research goals were
connected to promoting the use of AWP at the industry level. The team aimed to
develop valuable content that addressed the improvement opportunities identified in
FR-DCC-04 (CII 2020). The main research objectives were as follow:
• Identify solutions and strategies to overcome the barriers for successful AWP
• Provide recommendations to enhance integration between engineering and AWP.
• Help uncover opportunities related to the “people,” “process,” and “technology”
aspects of AWP implementation that can be leveraged to improve the utilization
of AWP.
The findings from this research should help companies in the early phases of the
AWP journey, as well as those at a higher AWP maturity level.
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the methods RT-365 used to develop recommendations
for overcoming barriers to implementing AWP, including barriers related to enhancing
the integration between AWP and engineering. This chapter also explains the team’s
efforts to catalog AWP resources that led to developing the AWP Concierge. Figure 1
illustrates the research methods for this research.
Preparation Phase
During the Preparation phase, RT-365 defined the work objectives and scope. The
researchers aligned these objectives with efforts already made by RT-DCC-04. They
divided the research methodology into four phases:
1. Preparation 3. Qualitative Analysis
2. Data Collection 4. Research Findings and Implementation Resource
They also identified the specific tasks required to accomplish their objectives:
1. Gathering and analyzing interview data from experts
2. Cataloging relevant AWP resources
3. Providing solutions to potential AWP implementation barriers
4. Developing a set of recommendations on how to enhance integration
between engineering and AWP
5. Developing an AWP Concierge
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Owners Contractors
ExxonMobil Corporation Bechtel Group, Inc.
Shell Global Solutions US Inc. Black & Veatch
Eastman Chemical Company Day and Zimmermann
Ford, Bacon & Davis
Hargrove Engineers + Constructors
Matrix Service Company
2. Methods
The interviews were structured so as to capture the barriers that influenced the
integration of AWP and engineering, and to identify possible solutions to these barriers.
The interviews addressed the following main topics:
All interviews were conducted using The University of Texas at Austin’s phone
conference system. As part of a non-disclosure agreement, the interviewers omitted
any information that could identify the interviewee. The interviews were recorded to
facilitate the qualitative analysis of topics addressed by the expert, and a transcription
software converted each recording into a text document.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Using the general QA process discussed, the RT-365 researchers analyzed the
interview data and then either mapped implementation barriers to AWP-relevant
resources or identified potential solutions to overcome AWP implementation barriers.
(Chapter 5 details the data analysis process.) Table 2 gives an example of mapping a
barrier to an example of an excerpt.
2. Methods
The research team used the QA process rigorously and objectively to identify
relevant barriers in the data:
• In Step 1, the team selected the resource, in this case an expert interview from
Phase 1 of this research.
• In Step 2, the team read the transcription, so its content was fully analyzed and
comprehended. This step confirmed that the document contained information
relevant to the research.
• In Step 3, the team defined succinct codes that were aligned with the QA goals.
Excerpts were tagged to these codes.
• In Step 4, the team categorized the codes according to relevant barriers.
• By using subject matter experts to ensure that the findings were coherent and
consistent, in Step 5 the researchers validated the reliability of the codes and
barriers they had developed.
Chapter 3
Background Information
Developing the RT-365 research was facilitated by a literature review that focused
on five relevant topics:
1. AWP maturity model
2. AWP practices and components
3. Potential AWP implementation barriers
4. Opportunity areas to promote the use of AWP at the industry level
5. Qualitative analysis
Dimensions Levels
1. View of AWP Level 1: AWP Early Stages
2. Project AWP Strategy Level 2: AWP Effectiveness
3. Work Processes and Deliverables
Level 3: AWP Business
4. Organizational Culture and Transformation
Performance Metrics
5. Training and Support
CII then commissioned RT-319 to validate AWP as a CII Best Practice. The team
developed and applied an AWP maturity model to rate a set of industrial projects.
Although it was inspired by RT-272’s model, RT-319’s maturity model differed in its
maturity dimensions and maturity levels. RT-319 calculated its maturity levels by
measuring the diligence of AWP adoption according to three maturity dimensions:
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
To assess maturity, the RT-319 researchers used six indicators – two per maturity
dimension. RT-319’s maturity model calculated the AWP maturity level as the geometric
average of the scores of these six indicators.
RT-DCC-04 found that the AWP maturity level of a company influenced the types
of barriers that the company could face during the AWP implementation journey.
Therefore, an understanding of the AWP maturity model was necessary in order to
develop potential solutions that fit all AWP maturity levels.
3. Background Information
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
In this way, RT-DCC-04 was able to analyze the relationship between the barrier
categories and a company’s maturity level. The results indicated that two topics needed
more attention:
Chapter 4
Enhancing Integration between Engineering and AWP
RT-365 aimed to better understand the factors that jeopardize alignment between
AWP and engineering, and to know how to overcome these issues. To do so, it conducted
interviews with industry experts. The team used the findings from the qualitative data
analysis of semi-structured expert interviews to develop its recommendations to
enhance integration between AWP and engineering. The results also contributed to
finding potential solutions.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
To drive cultural change in a company, one must obtain senior management buy-in.
The most efficient way to convey the value of implementing AWP is to wholly grasp
and clearly present its benefits. To better understand AWP benefits, the prospective
engineering contractor’s employees should collect publications, read case studies,
and attend presentations. The first step in overcoming cultural resistance to change
is to convince the company that project performance is going to improve if AWP is
properly implemented.
4. Enhancing Integration between Engineering and AWP
existing process to assess which aspects fail to support AWP implementation. After
successfully identifying potential improvement areas, the company can modify its
existing processes and incorporate new ones to align itself with AWP best practices.
To avoid a situation where the engineering company fails to meet the expected
AWP requirements, the owner company should conduct a contractor prequalification
assessment. The main objective here is to verify that the engineering contractor is
capable of meeting the expected AWP requirements. This assessment is performed by
reviewing and analyzing the engineering company’s processes and making sure they
properly includes AWP aspects. The contracting strategy can be used to certify that the
engineering contractor is responsible for implementing AWP accordingly. Regardless of
the contract type, the owner should clearly state the AWP requirements and expectations
in the contract, so the engineering company is aware of its responsibilities.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
to educating engineers about AWP, the company should also train them. A company
can overcome resistance to changing the work sequence by making engineers familiar
with AWP processes and the benefits that ensue.
To efficiently execute the new work sequence, engineers must help develop an AWP
implementation plan. In that way, engineers can fully comprehend the constructability
plan and develop an engineering schedule that supports the construction sequence.
Developing a transparent process jointly with a robust change management process
ensures that engineering deliverables follow the construction path. Engineering can
only implement AWP effectively if the company’s technology system supports AWP.
Thus, it is essential to have software that properly endorses AWP implementation.
Such software should, for example, enable linking the engineering schedule with the
construction sequence.
A variety of scenarios depend upon the contracting strategy. This issue has a greater
impact on projects that have one contractor for engineering and procurement and a
different contractor performing construction (EP and C). Less affected are projects
where one contractor is responsible for engineering, procurement, and construction
(EPC). In an EPC project, information collaboration is more efficient, making it easier
to obtain construction input and develop a path of construction. In EP and C projects,
the company sometimes awards the project to an EP contractor before selecting the
construction contractor. When this happens, it can be a challenge getting the two
stakeholders aligned.
With EPC projects, communication can be done internally. After all, engineering,
procurement, and construction are being performed by the same company. Therefore,
construction should be engaged early to ensure proper development of the path
of construction. Defining the path of construction enables engineering to align its
deliverables and schedule with the construction sequence.
4. Enhancing Integration between Engineering and AWP
In an EP and C project, the owner should ensure that engineering has the support
to develop its schedule and deliverables based on the construction sequence. One
way the owner can make certain that engineering has the information to properly
implement AWP is to conduct a practice instruction and constructability workshop with
different construction contractors. This activity has the objective of understanding how
each contractor structures its constructability plan and which key elements support
the engineering phase. Thus, the owner can provide clear guidance and expectations
on how to develop the path of construction. To develop the path of construction, the
EP contractor can rely on internal or external construction expertise to provide the
needed input. Relying on internal expertise is an option when the company has a
construction department; when it does not, the EP contractor should rely on external
construction expertise.
This enables engineering to develop its schedule based on the construction sequence.
The schedule should tie engineering deliverables to AWP deliverables, which means
that the deliverables should be progressed by engineering work packages (EWPs).
To ensure that engineering deliverables align with the construction sequence through
the whole project lifecycle, it is key that a company measure engineering deliverables
based on how complete EWPs are in percentage terms.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
To develop a schedule effectively, adopt tools that support integrating the AWP
process into the schedule. The most common formal definition of a schedule is a sequence
of construction activities, though a traditional tool cannot include some AWP supporting
information. For example, it would be impossible to provide a graphical demonstration
of the construction sequence that pointed out the CWAs and CWPs, which would help
engineering understand the path of construction. It would also be impossible to show
the link between engineering and the path of construction. Therefore, the tool should
be able to handle the proper linking between the engineering deliverables and the
construction sequence.
Once this mapping has been done, progress can be measured by how complete
EWPs are in percentage terms. At the same time, the discipline leads should provide a
complete estimate for each EWP. Tracking engineering deliverables by EWP completion
enables the prioritization of critical work. Such tracking enables an assessment of which
deliverables are supposed to be complete soon and links engineering deliverables with
the expected construction date. Other important information that can be extracted by
tracking progress on the deliverables by completion percentage of EWPs includes
data on how engineering is affecting the construction sequence.
The engineering contractor should also have a well-structured process for measuring
EWP readiness. To properly measure EWP readiness, it is important to consider the
construction sequence and not only the quantity of work completed. CII and COAA
have created templates that should be adjusted and implemented by the company to
better fit its processes.
4. Enhancing Integration between Engineering and AWP
numbering of EWPs, but that the owner and the contractor have different systems
with different numbering standards. In that situation, the data flow is constrained by
inefficient information exchange. Occasionally, an owner defines a standard numbering
system that is not consistent with the engineering company’s automated system. From
the engineering perspective, that makes the numbering process less efficient, since
the automated system is incompatible and will not be used for its intended purpose.
Throughout the project, stakeholders review and consult about a great deal of
information, such as vendor data and EWP completion percentages. Managing large
quantities of data from different project stakeholders is a challenge when there is no
standard on the planning process program. Not having the tools to support and apply
the standards can also affect a company’s productivity. Therefore, it is important to
define data standards, but it is helpful to adopt technology systems that are aligned
with the standards defined for the project.
The integrity of the data is also essential. To ensure efficient data collaboration, the
3D model should follow the standards defined for the project. During the construction
phase, field planners can utilize the 3D model for several purposes. For example, they
can select which material will be installed in one to two weeks of work on the installation
work package (IWP) and make it constraint-free.
It is crucial to define the model attributes to make the engineering model construction-
friendly and to support the field planner. The 3D engineering model, containing all
attributes, should be recognized as a deliverable to support construction.
Chapter 5
Identifying Potential Solutions
to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
By combining the findings from its analysis of expert interviews with its analysis
of AWP-relevant resources, RT-365 identified potential solutions to overcome AWP
implementation barriers. This chapter presents the methods used and the findings that
emerged from that process.
The team also used these four steps to develop a table that sorted solutions by topic.
The large number of documents requiring analysis necessitated the use of software
that could manage and code the relevant resources. After the team had identified
potential solutions to overcome each AWP implementation barrier, it integrated the
findings into the AWP Concierge.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Since the External References encompassed a large number of resources, the team
broke that section into subcategories according to source and publication year.
CII References
• CII/COAA (Construction Owners Association of Alberta) (2013). Advanced Work
Packaging: Design through Workface Execution, Volume III: Implementation Case Format: Author (Year),
Studies and Expert Interviews. Implementation Resource 272-2. Austin, TX: Publication Title, Reference
Construction Industry Institute. ID, Location, Publisher
To map relevant resources to each barrier entailed mapping each block of information
from a resource to a barrier, where a block of information was a delimited section of a
resource (e.g., a chapter from a publication). Different types of resources are structured
in different ways: reports and publications are made up of chapters and subchapters,
for example, while presentations are made up of sections and slides. Therefore, blocks
of information from a publication could be defined at several different levels that ranged
from a chapter to even a specific sentence. The level at which an information block is
defined depends upon the objectives of the QA. For the RT-365 research, the basic
block of information for publications and reports was the subchapter level, while the
basic block of information for presentations was a slide.
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Team members checked the codes and linked barriers to ensure that findings were
reliable and consistent. The codes aimed to communicate two types of information: the
location of each information block, and the topic each block addressed. The coding
system worked differently for CII and External References. Figure 3 presents the code-
naming standards for the relevant resources.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
RT-365 members performed the validation process, then documented their validated
findings. Table 6 shows how QA was conducted on AWP-relevant resources.
Step 3. Coding the Data Potential Solution Code from Step 2 Excerpt:
Develop a set of AWP piping model best practices
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Belief that experienced field leadership and crews can construct without
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Cost to implement
• Review case studies that include implementation costs and monetize AWP
• Identify specific components of AWP-related cost for the project scope.
• Estimate payback potential relative to the estimated cost.
• Identify where the company lies on the AWP maturity model and estimate the
expected benefits relative to the project scope.
• Understand AWP scalability potential.
• Identify project position responsibilities that can potentially be upgraded for
performance of AWP versus needing to add certain new positions to the team.
• Start by implementing on pilot projects to demonstrate actual cost along with
• Determine fit-for-purpose AWP application for a project scope and provide training
on cost-effective implementation.
• Carefully evaluate the possibility of using fit-for-purpose software/automation
tools to improve data management efficiency for a project.
• Deploy AWP in phases throughout the company, such as selecting smaller
projects to begin the AWP journey and then scaling up slowly.
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
• Include 3D screen shots in the IWPs, since these depictions are beneficial to
field crew in orienting the work and in better visualizing the full work scope of
the IWP to be completed.
• Put in place a feedback loop between the field leadership and the workface
planners to identify any barriers that are hampering effective closure of IWPs.
• Have an effective process for dealing with any punch items that need to remain
open when considering closing an IWP, such as the following:
– Transfer the open items into the scope of an upcoming IWP.
– Transfer the open items onto a well-managed punch list that is being actively
and regularly cleared.
– Make a well-informed decision to let the original IWP remain open for a short
time until fully completing the remaining items.
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Lack of buy-in
• Demonstrate the potential benefits of AWP and the return on investment that have
been demonstrated to align well with expected results based upon CII research.
• Identify and review case studies similar to the company’s projects.
• Understand the value drivers to implement AWP.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
• Ensure broad understanding across the company that implementing AWP well
can improve numerous project performance dimensions, including:
– Safety – Quality – Operability – Issues resolution
– Cost – Predictability – Communication – Among others
– Schedule – Productivity – Collaboration
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Need (or perceived need) for additional project team members for AWP
• Perform an impact analysis of stakeholder organizations to determine which
positions have potential major changes to their job descriptions.
• Analyze the benefits of incorporating new resources to the team.
• Check similar companies’ organizational structures to support AWP.
• Develop job and role descriptions that address any changes to traditional jobs
that become necessary with the AWP implementation.
• Implement a program approach to a portfolio of projects instead of assigning
resources to each individual project.
• Train new AWP champions as needed.
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
5. Identifying Potential Solutions to Overcome AWP Implementation Barriers
Presenting the solutions by topic in a table enabled users to locate solutions that
could optimize and improve AWP implementation during a specific project phase.
Therefore, each column of the table presented the greatest variety of topics that could
be present at the same time during that phase. Hence, each project phase was broken
down into relevant sub-topics. Table 7 (on the next page) presents the phases and
topics, while Appendix A offers the complete table containing topics and sub-topics.
To use the table, first select a project phase from the headings. The column below
each heading presents relevant topics for that specific phase. In the complete table,
after choosing a specific topic, the reader can find a series of potential solutions to
improve AWP implementation.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Antecedents Implementation
Pre-implementation Planning Engineering Procurement Construction CSU
The AWP Concierge allows a user to navigate through AWP implementation barriers
according to project phases of interest. To ensure that these sections were navigable,
the team implemented clickable links and a navigation bar. The AWP Concierge is
divided into the following six sections:
1. Introduction
2. Integrated AWP Flowchart
3. List of Barriers by Implementation Step
4. Barrier Cards
5. Potential Solutions by Topic
6. List of References
This section provides an overview of the AWP Concierge. It also provides a table
of contents, navigation instructions, and directions on how to find the appropriate
references from the supporting documents
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
The AWP flowchart contains the following project stages and process steps:
• Stage 0 – Pre-implementation
• Stage I – Preliminary Planning and Design
– Project Definition
– Construction, Commissioning, and Engineering Planning
– L2 Schedule Refinement and WBS Development
– CWP, EWP, and SWP Boundary Development
– Path of Construction
• Stage II – Detailed Engineering
– L3 Schedule Development
– EWP-based Controls
– L4 Detailed Construction Schedule
• Stage III – Construction Execution, Testing, and Completions
– IWP-based Controls
– Test Packages
– IWP-SWP Transition Management
• Stage IV – Energization and Commissioning
– SWP-based Controls
– Turnover to Startup
6. Developing the AWP Concierge
Barrier Cards
This is the main section of the AWP Concierge. RT-365 developed its content by
compiling the solutions from Chapters 4 and 5 of this report. The barrier cards contain
the following three sections:
Each subcategory points to AWP resources that are relevant to the barrier.
List of References
This section gives users access to all of the resources used to develop the barrier
cards. The reference list is drawn from the AWP-relevant resources that the team used
to identify potential solutions to overcome AWP implementation barriers.
Chapter 7
Advanced Work Packaging has proven to have a positive impact on safety, cost,
schedule, productivity, and quality performance. Currently, a significant number of
companies are implementing AWP, and some owners are adopting AWP as a standard
process for their projects. Despite all of the benefits, many companies have yet to
implement AWP and many others still have low AWP-implementation maturity levels.
RT-365 set an objective of promoting the use of AWP at the industry level. It was
necessary to first understand the industry’s challenges and needs. The research team’s
approach for promoting the use of AWP followed two steps:
The team recommended more than 500 solutions that can address the 78 AWP
implementation barriers it identified and analyzed. The team grouped the most significant
barriers into the following four categories:
For companies that are not convinced of AWP’s benefits and therefore not advancing
the implementation of this practice, RT-365 recommends the following actions:
• Employees should review available case studies and presentations that highlight
the benefits of AWP.
• These companies should review their execution performance to see how AWP
could improve them.
• They should also consider how AWP might be implemented as part of their
continuous improvement programs.
• In addition, it is important to realize that AWP can be scaled down for small
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
7. Conclusions
The research team’s deliverable, the AWP Concierge (SP365-1), includes solutions
to the AWP implementation barriers it identified:
• The AWP Concierge classifies barriers by phase, starting from the pre-
implementation phase and proceeding through commissioning and startup.
• For each barrier, the AWP Concierge includes potential solutions that can come
together to help companies promote the use of advanced work packaging.
• Another goal of the AWP Concierge was to facilitate access to AWP implementation
resources, such as reports, case studies, and presentations. The AWP Concierge
links to more than 50 supporting documents that directly address the barriers to
AWP implementation. The documents also offer ways to mitigate these barriers,
while providing details on potential solutions.
• Currently, the AWP Concierge mainly focuses on providing recommended
solutions to AWP implementation barriers. To shift from a passive approach to a
proactive approach, researchers could seek ways to apply artificial intelligence
and machine-learning concepts. These additions would enable companies to
identify and mitigate potential barriers before they affect project performance.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
CII (2020a). AWP Concierge. Special Publication 365-1. Austin, TX: Construction
Industry Institute.
CII (2020b). Expanding AWP through Commissioning. Final Report 364. Austin, TX:
Construction Industry Institute.
CII and COAA (Construction Owners Association of Alberta) (2013). Advanced Work
Packaging: Design through Workface Execution. Volume I: Implementation Resource
272-2, Version 3.1. Austin, TX: Construction Industry Institute.
CII/COAA (2013a). Advanced Work Packaging: Implementation Guidance. Volume II:
Implementation Resource 272-2, Version 3.1. Austin, TX: Construction Industry
CII/COAA (2013b). Advanced Work Packaging: Implementation Case Studies and
Expert Interviews. Volume III: Implementation Resource 272-2, Version 3.1. Austin,
TX: Construction Industry Institute.
CII/COAA (2015). Validating Advanced Work Packaging as a Best Practice: A Game
Changer. Implementation Resource 319-2. Austin, TX: Construction Industry Institute.
CII/COAA (2015a). Making the Case for Advanced Work Packaging as a Standard (Best)
Practice. Research Summary 319-1. Austin, TX: Construction Industry Institute.
Clarke, V., and Braun, V. (2013). “Teaching thematic analysis: Overcoming challenges
and developing strategies for effective learning.” Psychologist, 26(2), 120-123.
COAA (2012). “Best Practices Conference 2012” (Online). Available at: https://www.coaa. (Accessed: October 16, 2020).
COAA (2017a). “AWP Scalability: AWP Steering Committee.” AWP Conference 2017,
Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
COAA (2017b). “Mindfulness in AWP Execution.” AWP Conference 2017, Houston, TX.
Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
COAA (2017c). “Tips for Success and Traps to Avoid: Questions.” AWP Conference
2017, Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
COAA (2017d). “Tips for Success and Traps to Avoid: Responses.” AWP Conference
2017, Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
COAA (2018). “AWP Resource Readiness.” AWP Conference 2018, Houston, TX.
Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
COAA (2018a). “COAA AWP Scalability Project: Release of the Report.” AWP
Conference 2018, Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
COAA (2018b). “COAA AWP Scalability Project: Breakout Session.” AWP Conference
2018, Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
COAA (2018c). “Familiarity-Complexity Screening Tool (v3.1).” AWP Conference 2018,
Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
COAA (2018d). Scalable Advanced Work Packaging. COP-AWP-PBP-XX-2018-v1.
Edmonton, AB: Construction Owners Association of Alberta.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Group ASI (2019c). “Construction’s Digital Transformation: The Current State of BIM
and Digital Construction in the UK.” AWP Conference 2019, London, UK. Retrieved
on April 23, 2020.
Group ASI (2019d). “Global Adoption of AWP.” AWP Conference 2019, London, UK.
Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
Group ASI (2019e). “Using Data And Metrics To Track AWP Project Lifecycle
Performance.” AWP Conference 2019, London, UK. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
Insight-AWP (2019). “If You Build the Cloud, They Will Come.” AWP Conference 2019,
Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
King, M., and Hoog, R. (2018). “The Path to Our AWP Playbook.” AWP Conference
2018, Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
Maher, C., Hadfield, M., Hutchings, M., and de Eyto, A. (2018). “Ensuring Rigor in
Qualitative Data Analysis: A Design Research Approach to Coding Combining NVivo
With Traditional Material Methods.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
17: 1–13. Sage Publication Ltd.
O’Brien, W. J., and Ponticelli, S (2016). Transforming the Industry: Advanced Work
Packaging as a Standard (Best) Practice. Research Report 319-11. Austin, TX:
Construction Industry Institute.
O3 Solution (2017). “Providing Oversight & Accountability to Drive AWP Program
Success.” AWP Conference 2017, Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
O3 Solution (2018). “Delivering Scalable AWP in Operating Facilities.” AWP Conference
2018, Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
O3 Solutions (2019). “Maximising of Advanced Work Packaging.” AWP Conference
2019, Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
Richard, J., and Klick, D. (2018). “Tiger (A04) AWP Implementation.” AWP Conference
2018, Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
Southern Company. (2017). “Southern Company’s AWP Implementation – 24 Months
and Counting.” AWP Conference 2017, Houston, TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
Swaine, M. (2019). “Tiger (A04) AWP Implementation.” AWP Conference 2019, Houston,
TX. Retrieved on April 23, 2020.
Appendix A
Potential Solutions by Topic
Antecedents Implementation
Pre-implementation Planning Engineering Procurement Construction CSU
Obtaining Buy-in:
• Recognize potential benefits of AWP.
• Look for case studies similar to company’s projects.
• Understand the value drivers to implement AWP.
• Educate stakeholders on AWP.
• Understand potential ROI.
• Ensure broad understanding across company that implementing AWP well can
improve numerous project performance dimensions.
• Reward early AWP adopters within the company.
• Analyze AWP impact to project safety, cost, schedule, quality, operability, and so
• Ensure buy-in at all levels.
• Network further with other companies regarding actual AWP implementation
AWP Education:
• Study the foundational AWP publications and resources.
• Understand the basic AWP knowledge areas, including the following:
– AWP concepts
– Implementation benefits
– Alignment between AWP and contract strategy
– Dedicated staff to AWP
– Processes
– Benchmarking (metrics)
– Among others
• Assess company AWP maturity level and corresponding expected benefits from
AWP implementation.
• Review case studies and expert interviews that provide an overview of how
companies implement AWP.
• Create a role-based (e.g., owner, EPC, contractor) AWP playbook.
• Maintain up-to-date AWP best practices.
• Educate and train via an AWP playbook.
• Audit against AWP playbook requirements and responsibilities.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Pre-implementation (continued)
Process Adherence:
• Assess AWP maturity assessment level.
• Understand and define AWP project integration flowcharts.
• Develop a functional role or job description.
• Assign AWP champions.
• Conduct a contractor prequalification assessment.
• Define AWP expectations in contract language.
Organizational Alignment:
• Identify company sector that lacks AWP knowledge.
• Assign appropriate resources to support AWP implementation.
• Create and communicate a vision to all stakeholders.
• Establish and publish an AWP framework specific for the project.
• Assign AWP champions from engineering, procurement, construction, and startup.
• Embed AWP expectations into contracting strategy.
• Define an AWP workflow.
• Formally establish an AWP delivery excellence program based on best practice.
• Develop an effective information management strategy.
• Provide systematic training.
• Establish a change management process.
• Establish a lesson learned documentation process.
Contract Integration:
• Select compensation selection.
• Select contract structure and compensation basis selection.
• Define major AWP contractual deliverables by stage assessments.
• Define what aspects of AWP could improve project performance considering
contract size.
• Identify AWP scalability potential.
• Implement scalable AWP to fit contract size.
• Review cases studies of projects with similar size.
• Consider deploying in phases.
• Align payment structure with completion of AWP deliverables.
• Determine AWP scalability according to companies’ maturity level and
• Consider implementing AWP on pilot projects first.
• Scale framework based on project size, duration, and complexity.
Appendix A: Potential Solutions by Topic
Implementation Plan:
• Create an AWP framework.
• Define information flowchart.
• Ensure input from participants to develop plan.
• Define engagement period for all the participants.
• Consider deploying in phases.
• Define proper metrics and KPIs.
• Develop organizational chart to support AWP.
• Create an overall AWP framework or plan for the project with input from all
organizations involved (basis for alignment).
• Listen to concern and questions related to AWP implementation.
• Develop a contract that clearly explain the AWP requirements.
• Define the AWP process standards to be followed.
• Clearly state AWP requirements.
• Define progress reporting periods.
• Define AWP champions and responsibilities.
• Link payments to AWP deliverables.
• Include owner playbook in contract.
• Ensure contract includes engineering, procurement, construction, and
commissioning and startup requirements.
• Create clear timeline with expected deliverables.
• Enforce proper engagement time in contract.
• Require data and model attributes specifications in contract.
• Define proper metrics to support AWP implementation.
• Adopt organizational structure to support implementation.
• Identify or establish dedicated resources to support implementation.
• Ensure operations commits resources early.
• Involve competent personnel early on project.
• Provide role-oriented training.
• Create workshops based on the best practices.
• Identify proper technology to support AWP.
Path of Construction:
• Adopt “end-in-mind” thinking when developing the path of construction (PoC).
• Ensure participation from engineering, construction, procurement, and
commissioning and startup.
• Make PoC visible to all.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Planning (continued)
• Create an AWP-based information management plan.
• Develop a process to stay ahead of field construction.
• Consider effective AWP staff and champions to help transition from design to field
execution; look at contract basis to ensure continuity from the office to the field.
• Establish project work breakdown structure (WBS) so that progress through
preliminary planning and design and the detailed design phases can be adequately
• Ensure that field strategy is based on AWP elements (i.e., CWAs, CWPs, and
• Obtain buy-in from top management all the way to field crews (i.e., superintendent,
general foreman, foreman, and field crew).
• Obtain input from engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning and
startup teams on integrating AWP strategy in project scope.
• Ensure AWP training is reaching field supervision and crews to the proper extent
and at a proper time.
• Set expectations between construction and commissioning teams for when and
how the transition will occur.
Engagement in Project:
• Engage engineering to develop a collaborative contract.
• Ensure engineering input in developing the path of construction.
• Assign AWP champions specifically to engineering.
• Develop a training program.
• Develop onboarding training.
• Provide training to ease transition to new tools and reduce growing pains for
producing deliverables.
Model Attribute:
• Identify AWP requirements during front end planning to ensure engineering
understands expectations.
• Develop an AWP model attribute best practice.
• Define CWA, EWP, and CWP attributes that should be included in the model.
• Include AWP-related model attributes requirements in contract.
• Define standards in the 3D model development.
• Include 3D model as an engineering contractual deliverable.
• Determine organizational attributes during early stage of the AWP process.
• Conduct training through technology provider.
• Measure progress in the field and then update the model with construction
progress based on AWP deliverables.
Appendix A: Potential Solutions by Topic
Engineering (continued)
Vendor input:
• Obtain vendor data early.
• Engage vendor during front end planning to participate in developing the path of
• Use best practices to determine EWP content.
• Use EWP readiness.
• Measure engineering progress according to AWP deliverables.
• Conduct a “backward pass” planning session to communicate engineering
deliverable need dates.
Engagement in Project:
• Engage commissioning and startup in front end planning to support developing the
path of construction.
• Assign AWP champions specifically to engineering.
• Develop a training program.
• Develop onboarding training.
• Develop ad hoc procedures to each participant to support AWP.
Technology solution:
• Create a central database to provide a unique and ever-updated source of data,
from any vendor and any offsite location.
• Identify long lead items early (FEED).
• Conduct procurement based on AWP deliverables.
• Tie procurement deliverables to AWP deliverables.
• Integrate AWP with vendors of long-lead materials and equipment.
• Detail material releases according to EWP specifications.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Procurement (continued)
Materials Management:
• Include a section for materials management in each IWP.
• Tie materials management to design model, budgets, and implementation plan.
• Check required materials for IWP in advance.
• Engage vendors early.
• Ensure efficient information exchange among vendor, contractor, and
• Set inventory backlog in advance.
• Develop detailed bill of materials.
• Analyze delivery lead time.
• Identify long lead items early (FEED) and decide whether to insource or outsource
each item.
• Include a section for materials management in each IWP.
• Include a section for materials management in each EWP.
• Tie materials management to design model, budgets, and implementation plan.
• Check required materials for IWP in advance.
• Adopt a proactive approach on issue resolution (identify and fix issues before they
• Apply technology early in the project to support AWP implementation throughout
project lifecycle.
• Automate data collected through the use of auto-ID technology (e.g., passive tag
and sensors).
• Implement a traceability system to give the various project participants full
materials visibility.
Engagement in Project:
• Engage construction expertise during front end planning to support developing the
path of construction.
• Assign AWP champions specifically to engineering.
• Develop a training program.
• Develop onboarding training.
• Provide training specifically to superintendent level and similar roles.
Appendix A: Potential Solutions by Topic
Construction (continued)
• Use best practices to develop CWPs.
• Establish formal CWP release process.
• Conduct a constraint analysis on the project scope and project execution plan.
• Consider unknowns when developing the CWAs and CWPs’ boundaries.
• Consider a schedule contingency process to mitigate unknowns on overall project
Soft Crafts:
• Align scaffolding management plan with AWP implementation plan.
• Engage soft crafts early on the project.
• Include scaffolding management in IWPs’ content.
• Implement software that efficiently supports integration between soft crafts and
AWP implementation.
Change Management:
• Review company’s change management procedures.
• Incorporate best practices into change management procedures.
• Provide training to change management staff.
• Conduct a constraint analysis on project execution plan and project scope.
• Provide systematic training and change management process.
• Improve communication channels within company.
• Create efficient data and information flowcharts.
• Ensure proper technology solution is being used.
Sequencing IWPs:
• Implement a robust change management process.
• Perform a full constraint analysis on IWPs prior to IWP release.
• Use path of construction definition (e.g., IWPs are linked to CWPs, which are linked
to CWAs) to minimize the impact of the unknowns on the IWPs sequencing.
• Create a backlog of constraint-free IWPs that will enable a seamless change
• Conduct meeting between planner and superintendent during IWP issuance to
align scope of work and quality requirements.
• Create a look-ahead plan.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Construction (continued)
Developing IWPs:
• Review company’s IWP development procedures.
• Adopt best practices while scoping and sizing IWPs.
• Discuss IWP development with the responsible safety, quality, superintendent, and
craft personnel in a preparatory meeting.
• Use best practices to scope and size IWPs.
• Size IWP according to scope of work.
• Define standards to IWP scoping and sizing.
• Analyze AWP scalability to project.
• Utilize proper technology solution to ensure efficient IWP creation.
• Perform a full constraint analysis on IWPs prior to IWP release.
• Create WFP template per IWP type.
• Train WFP team how to scope and size IWPs.
• Sign each IWP before the beginning of field activities to increase accountability.
• Conduct IWP quality check.
• Structure IWPs by discipline to identify clear interdependencies and to improve
sequencing between the different crews.
• Do not overload the IWP with irrelevant information.
Tracking IWPs:
• Track non-compliance in IWPs.
• Manage IWP in conjunction with field supervisors.
• Develop an intelligent IWP numbering system.
• Provide feedback to planner on progress and issues arising in the field to plan
Engagement in Project:
• Engage commissioning and startup during front end planning to support developing
the path of construction.
• Initiate startup-driven design early (in FEED).
• Ensure early involvement and proactive engagement by operations for smooth and
efficient handover of the facility.
• Assign AWP champions specifically to engineering.
• Develop a training program.
• Develop onboarding training.
• Ensure effective transition from construction by area to commissioning by system.
• Create a fully integrated construction-commissioning schedule with system-based
• Align and monitor mechanical completions with commissioning and startup plan.
Appendix B
Integrated AWP Flowchart
Start AWP
Preliminary Planning and Design
CWA Level
Definition Schedule
Detailed Engineering
Appendix C: Mapping AWP Implementation Barriers across Project Phases
Project Definition
Boundary Development
Path of Construction
L3 Schedule Development
EWP-based Controls
L4 Detailed Construction
IWP-based Controls
Test Packages
IWP-SWP Transition
SWP-based Controls
Turnover to Startup
Barriers in the Survey (Overall)
Belief that experienced field leadership and crews can construct without IWPs X X X X
Cost to implement X X X
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Project Definition
Boundary Development
Path of Construction
L3 Schedule Development
EWP-based Controls
L4 Detailed Construction
IWP-based Controls
Test Packages
IWP-SWP Transition
SWP-based Controls
Turnover to Startup
Barriers in the Survey (Overall)
External push-back X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Project Definition
Boundary Development
Path of Construction
L3 Schedule Development
EWP-based Controls
L4 Detailed Construction
IWP-based Controls
Test Packages
IWP-SWP Transition
SWP-based Controls
Turnover to Startup
Internal push-back X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Lack of buy-in X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Project Definition
Boundary Development
Path of Construction
L3 Schedule Development
EWP-based Controls
L4 Detailed Construction
IWP-based Controls
Test Packages
IWP-SWP Transition
SWP-based Controls
Turnover to Startup
Barriers in the Survey (Overall)
Lack of training X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Need (or perceived need) for additional project team members for AWP X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Project Definition
Boundary Development
Path of Construction
L3 Schedule Development
EWP-based Controls
L4 Detailed Construction
IWP-based Controls
Test Packages
IWP-SWP Transition
SWP-based Controls
Turnover to Startup
Appendix E
Summary of Interviews
Expert Interview A
Company A is striving to establish AWP as the standard process for the company.
Expert A sees AWP as being scalable to all project sizes when the company has a
structured program. The company currently applies AWP in all EPC projects, even if
the projects are smaller.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
The engineering firms should consult relevant references that point to AWP’s
return on investment, showing that executing AWP is prone to reduce the total
installed cost, improve safety, and reduce schedule. Once the company has
developed an efficient AWP program, trained its engineers, and is using the
proper technology, the cost to implement AWP is not going to be relevant given
all of the benefits brought about by its implementation.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
The integrity of the data is also essential, creating standards and consistently
presenting data in the model. A field planner should utilize the 3D model to select
the material that is going to be installed in one to two weeks of work in IWP and
make it constraint-free.
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
The engineering firm should understand the basic core principles of AWP, and
the owner should ensure that these principles are being followed. But to have an
efficient process, the engineering firm should be able to select the tools.
Expert Interview B
The company can achieve the expected benefits from AWP if it will invest in education
and training on how to implement AWP. This approach enables the company to introduce
best practices to its processes, obtain lessons learned from previous projects, and
thereby establish continuous improvement in the AWP program.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Another issue that can influence the alignment between engineering deliverables
and the path of construction is obtaining vendor data in a timely manner. Once
a team has started to develop the path of construction, it may face constraints
regarding equipment that does not permit the execution of the path of construction
previously developed.
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
Expert Interview C
Company C does not use the AWP terms and definitions for FPSO projects because
the fabrication yards have their own operating system, and Company C does not have
the flexibility to dictate how the yards are going to operate. Therefore, for FPSO projects,
Company C relies on external expertise.
The owner is responsible for ensuring that contractors meet the requirements laid
down for them. To make sure that the contractor is capable of fulfilling the expectation,
Company C conducts a prequalification analysis. Currently, the company is trying to
reduce its specific requirements, since it has not been able to meet all the stipulated
requirements. The revision of the prequalification requirements is changing the process
toward industry standards instead of company-specific norms.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
One of the most significant barriers facing the company is the contracting strategy.
The contract for engineering is separate from the fabrication contract – separate
not only in terms of documentation, but also in timeframes. This is the leading
cause of misalignment between engineering and fabrication.
Before the fabrication bid, engineering designs for more than one situation
depending on the discipline, considering that fabrication cannot be part of the
project to establish the construction sequence. This is an attempt to predict the
possible execution methods. For example, when designing floating structures
on the top sides, one way is to design for a jacking system and another is to
design for the contractor to lift the modules. In this situation, the company would
develop two different designs. Even though there is an extra cost, the company
chooses to keep the options open for the fabrication bidding. For other disciplines
(say, piping and electrical), Company C is more flexible on how the contractor
approaches the design phase.
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
Expert Interview D
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Engineering contractor does not have a clear vision of AWP expectations and
goals to properly define the work sequence
To properly define what the engineering deliverables are and when they should
be issued to the construction team, engineering needs to visualize the project’s
goals and expectations. To be able to align their work with the construction
expectations, engineers should understand the end goal of the project. This is
not, though, always the case. Often, early on in the project, engineering has no
clear vision of AWP expectations. That compromises the AWP implementation
and engineering deliverables alignment.
Another factor that blurs the engineering vision on the AWP expectations are
changes made by construction. Engineering defines the WBS very early in the
project and uses it to sequence and plan its work. If there are major changes to
construction WBS, engineering work sequence no longer supports the construction
It is essential for construction to join the project during FEED, to support engineering
on a detailed level. Examples of information that should account with construction
participation include:
– Defining the numbering system
– Developing the WBS
– Defining the model attributes
– Ensuring that the construction sequence is well-defined and clear.
By getting construction involved early on, constraints could be pointed out and
communicated to all stakeholders, which already significantly decreases the
impact of issues and unexpected problems.
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
Expert Interview E
Expert E believes that, once Company E has adopted efficient AWP practices,
AWP will bring the benefits identified in literature by RT-272 and RT-319.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Resistance to change
Engineering teams are occasionally unwilling to change their traditional approaches
in order to make progress in their engineering activities. Changing existing processes
can be a challenge. Therefore, instead of changing the processes companies
have in place so as to support AWP, some companies only include aspects of
AWP in the existing processes. That does mask the companies’ processes, but
it is not enough to obtain the expected results from the implementation.
One tangible example of this situation may occur during the engineering schedule
development, specifically when using a traditional scheduling software. The level 3
schedule should be developed by EWPs and CWPs, but some companies develop
the schedule based on the traditional deliverables and tag the activity to an EWP
and CWP. The tagging process can be done externally, using a spreadsheet.
Even though engineering deliverables are mapped to an EWP, according to AWP
principles, this is not the proper way to develop the schedule. Not creating the
schedule based on EWP can have a negative influence during the construction
phase, making it difficult to measure and track engineering performance and
impact on the project.
This situation is illustrated by one real project. The engineering team was
struggling to develop the schedule using Primavera P6. The team decided to
use the defined-fields function to tag the activities to packages. However, one
activity supported three EWPs, but the defined field only allowed the activity to
be tagged to one EWP. Once the team entered that phase of the project, the
solutions to that issue could have required extensive rework and it would have
been very disruptive to move backwards in the process to figure out the right
way of developing the schedule.
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
The same relationship between AWP and contract type serves the contractor
and subcontractor. In a cost-reimbursable contract, the general contractor has
more freedom to interfere in the processes, but in a lump-sum contract, the
subcontractor is more independent to dive into its own AWP implementation.
It is essential that all stakeholders are aware and fully comprehend the path
of construction. A graphical representation of the path of solution may be a
good solution to ensure a practical and efficient understanding of the path of
construction. One suggested method was to use the plot plan to delineate the
CWAs. After that, the CWAs are broken down into CWPs. The CWPs can be
graphically presented to the stakeholder in a chronological order, highlighting the
construction sequence. This simple method may help engineering understand
the path of construction and define the deliverables properly.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Expert Interview F
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
Expert Interview G
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Expert G observed that AWP will be refined further when Company G has found
the applicability of its implementation. Since the company is still in the beginning
phase of implementing AWP, it is trying to figure out which components of AWP
are scalable. The focus has been on which principles and components of AWP
would work great on a project as a trial. Company G might not be in a position
to fully implement AWP and purchase AWP software, but it is trying to do some
component packaging and construction-driven engineering. The goal is to start
small, make it fit the purpose, try to do something achievable, and move forward
to get some value out of AWP.
The company is trying to use what it has for now and work around these obstacles.
There could be some lessons learned while it does this, and Expert G can present
the results to executives to get Company G further along with AWP.
Cost to implement
In the beginning phases, when Company G was trying to get people on board with
AWP implementation, one barrier was the perceived initial cost. The company is
struggling with fundamental things that need to be taken care of internally, and
it is trying all kinds of things to improve project execution.
Instead of fully implementing AWP, which could add cost and burden, Company G
is beginning with simple steps, such as bringing on board an AWP champion. As
the champion drives AWP implementation, establishes procedures and policy,
figures out a structure for the projects, and estimates the costs, Company G will
try to figure out whether it is ready to buy in and use everything AWP has.
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
Expert Interview H
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
On the other hand, some clients had neither an interest nor a clue how to do
AWP. In these cases, Expert H, having more experience with AWP, would make a
decision and just inform the owner. Since the owner did not have any knowledge
about AWP and was not involved in the process, it would simply rely on Expert H
and Company H’s decisions.
Expert H believes CII’s efforts to hold symposiums and workshops about AWP
will help owners better understand what AWP is and help them realize that it is
necessary for any project to be carried out efficiently.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Expert Interview I
Unlike other companies, Company I finishes its FEED process at the end of the
concept stage and hands over the project to regional project directors. Therefore,
Expert I does not get involved in the detailed design moving through to delivery. Up
until last year, however, Expert I had experienced that part of the process while working
as a regional project director. During the FEED process, the expert tried to understand
what the project might look like at a high level, what business benefits it would deliver,
and how the company was going to deliver it.
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Expert Interview J
Expert J believes that AWP is scalable and any type of contract is suitable for AWP.
What matters more is that the deliverables (e.g., EWP, CWP) should be clearly integrated
with the contract. Expert J thinks that the key for successful AWP implementation is
that the contract language has to be written to facilitate the use of AWP.
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
Expert Interview K
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
In both cases, the contract strategy determines who has the burden of making
sure that AWP implementation is happening. In an EPC contract, it can be efficient to
give that one contractor an incentive to implement AWP all the way through; whereas,
when EP and C are separate, there is no incentive for engineering and procurement to
implement AWP, especially if it is a fixed-bid contract. The owner has to be in charge
of having engineering and procurement add the AWP attributes through contract
requirements, even if this might incur extra costs.
To solve this problem, Company K’s AWP team has done a lot of training with
its onsite team and engineering teams. Since the design engineers are not the
ones who see the direct benefit from implementing AWP, they often doubt the
gains that are made in the construction process. Therefore, it is important to give
them the overall picture and case studies of successful AWP implementations
so they can understand the true benefits of AWP.
Appendix E: Summary of Interviews
Having the contractor on board early can be more challenging when EP and C
are separate. In this case, Company K brings in a constructability expert to
define the path of construction. When the company goes out for a bid with
contractors, it submits the request for proposal and asks the contractors about
their constructability experience. Company K expects a contractor to have a
detailed path to construction and to agree to follow the path that is laid out by
the constructability expert and the EP company.
Expert Interview L
As the company moves on to work on mid-sized or large projects, where AWP can
be a bigger factor, it is starting to have discussions with clients about implementing
AWP from an early phase. Moreover, as the engineering model needs to add more
components and becomes more detailed, Company L has realized how important IT
becomes. Therefore, Company L is working with the software company to develop a
model for implementing AWP and integrating it with other systems, such as procurement
and project controls.
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) – Phase 2
Research Team 365,
Promoting the Use of Advanced Work Packaging – Phase 2
Rob Bailey, Day & Zimmermann
Santiago Barrera Ramirez, Worley
* Carlos Caldas, The University of Texas at Austin
* In Bae Chung, The University of Texas at Austin
Kim Crovetto, Hargrove Engineers + Constructors
Kirt Currie, LyondellBasell
Daniel De Marco, thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (USA), Inc.
* Kasey Faust, The University of Texas at Austin
Jamie Gerbrecht, ExxonMobil Corporation
Kirk Harris, Black & Veatch
Mike King, Black & Veatch
Mark Lambert, Eastman Chemical Company, Vice Chair
Silvana Lara, Fluor Corporation
Chuck Mies, Autodesk, Inc.
Robin Mikaelsson, Construct-X, LLC, Chair
Neil Nunez, Bechtel Group, Inc.
Tony Oda, Jacobs
Jason Owens, Motiva Enterprises, LLC
Todd Pfennig, APTIM
Levi Quelland, Albemarle Corporation
* Neuton Rebeiro Neto, The University of Texas at Austin
* Principal authors